08/15 - MountainBrook Village
www.mbvaz.org THE MESQUITE CENTER Cis Haines The first peek at the newly renovated Mesquite Center took place on July 4th. At 3pm the doors opened and people came to see the results of the long awaited project. First stop was the kitchen. On display were the new stainless steel appliances including a dish washer, microwave, convection oven, a standard range/oven, a pot washing sink and a hand washing sink, an ice maker and a coffee pot system like we have in the Superstition Center. Surprises were: the under counter trash cans and the pull out pantry to hold all the paper and plastic goods. “Wow” was the word of the day. There is a pass thru from the kitchen to the Mesquite Room to be used for beverages, food, etc. This can be closed electronically when not in use. The Mesquite Room now holds eight 42” tables and 32 rolling chairs. Many sat in the new chairs and did not want to get up (that is a good sign). This room can hold a social event or a meeting. The Palo Verde Room, next door, is set up for meetings, but can also become part of a large event by keeping the room divider open. There are now both front and back doors to this room. In general, the room divider will be closed unless the two rooms are requested. All rooms have a new air conditioning system, new lighting, new August/September 2015 plumbing as most items were not up to 2015 code. The Billiard room is next. The refurbished tables, the new carpet, new chairs and the new billiard lamps all look really sharp. Alongside the Billiard Room is the storage closet, built to assist our storage issues. It is currently holding the decorating items for the Village. This room was a necessity as we have taken the old storage room and given it to Marc as maintenance headquarters. The beautiful “all new” bathhouse was completely rebuilt from the slab to all new fixtures, showers, lavatories and tile. Check it out for yourself if you missed the tour. Do not miss the before and after photos on page 17. CELEBRATING THE FOURTH OF JULY! It turned out to be the largest social event of the summer. It was the fourth annual gathering to celebrate the Fourth of July. The social hour was “mix and mingle time” and the face painting lines were moving fast as we had three face painters this year. Patriotic spirit filled the Superstition Center. Not only were the fried chicken and ice cream sundaes a big hit but the entertainment was a smash. The Uptown Angels, three performing sisters sang nostalgic songs as well as all our favorite patriotic ones too. Each branch of the Armed Forces was given a special tribute and at the end of the evening we were happy to give a standing ovation to these Angels. (A big thank you to Sue Wright for all the fabulous pictures) See photos on page 20. MBV LABOR DAY CELEBRATION Monday September 7th, 2015 In the Superstition Center | Happy Hour at 4:00pm | Potluck at 5:00pm Bingo at 6:30pm BYOB • Door Prizes • Free Coffee Contact Joan Archer for Details at 480-288-0891 4 August 2015 Community Corner PRESIDENT’S CORNER Gene Prescott Thank you to those of you were able to attend the Mesquite Center opening July 4th. As you have heard and seen, the remodel is an excellent step forward as we refresh and modernize our campus buildings. There were a few unexpected items and Kitchell is finalizing re-work in the shower areas under our warranty. Once completed, this will wrap up this huge project. We had a Community meeting summarizing the Mesquite Center remodel at the July 28 Board meeting. A second “Grand Opening” is scheduled on the day of the Welcome Back Breakfast, November 3rd. The November Board meeting will repeat the Mesquite project presentation for those of you who were not here during the summer. As always, copies of the BOARD UPDATE Jerry Stevenson Mesquite Center presentation are available at the Office Work is well underway to complete the maintenance and erosion control in our washes and remediation on Crested Saguaro. The Entrance Fountain engineering continues on track and targeted for operation the week of August 10. The flagpole and plaque replacements have been completed. As you can see, your Board, your very active Committee members and FirstService Residential are making excellent progress on clearing the backlog of projects and moving forward with Reserve upgrades in furniture, the pool area, audio-visual and infrastructure. Jennifer McGraw our new Lifestyle Director is actively engaged with our Activities Committee and setting up first class programs and events for the coming season. Thank you for your valuable feedback so we can continue to serve you and update our special MountainBrook Community! I hope you and your families are enjoying your summer travels and adventures. equipment to reduce the direct sunlight and heat build-up around this expensive gear. The Board approved 8 motions: Removal of the boots and repainting the Fitness Center in the existing color . Installation of pool cameras.Replacement of the existing Superstition projector and screen (Reserves $15,100) and an additional projector and screen (Future Development $9900). No camera was included in the motion. A formalized seed money policy for the Band, Follies, Players/Theatre and Village Voices. The website migration ($4,000) from WordPress to Wild Apricot software. Agreement to recommend a Community vote to raise the Future Development Fees for new Owners to the then-current annual dues amount. Standardize on Travertine as the wall color for the Desert Fairway neighborhood. Funding an Architect’s review for the Superstition Center loft storage. The Board meeting was called to order by President Gene Prescott. Six members were present: Paul Kranig, Director; Ron Olm, Director; Rick Peters, Director; Leonard Schroeder, Vice President; Gene Prescott, President; and Jerry Stevenson, Secretary. Rick Peters and Tami Tack kicked off the meeting with a presentation on the Mesquite Remodel project. This executive summary covered the project from end-to-end and outlined the details making up the $661,885 in final costs. At the end of the presentation there was lively discussion about the decision to reduce the Bathroom showers and stalls from three to two. Gene Prescott outlined the plan for Kitchell to retro-fit and reinforce the Mesquite Center shower walls. The Entrance Fountain cement has been poured and that project is on schedule. Planning is beginning on the needs analysis for the Sunset, Activity, Superstition and Ocotillo Centers. This information will feed the Five Year Planning cycle for future Building upgrades. Tami Tack presented the June Treasurer’s report. We are very near budget at mid-year with $1,024,000 in Reserves and $38,000 in the Future Development Fund, Rick Burman introduced our new Lifestyle Director, Jennifer McGraw. She is off to a fast start and quickly getting acquainted with our Community. The upgraded Wi-Fi system is being phased in and the response time exceeds expectations. The erosion control work On Friday July 10th, the Gold Canyon Resort dining room was has started in the culverts and the Crested hopping. The 9am Water Lilies Aerobics summer group, past and Saguaro project. In addition, shades have been installed over critical pool present, met for lunch and laughter. WATER LILLIES DO LUNCH 5 Caring Corner WELCOME NEW RESIDENTS Arlene Pytko, Caring Corner Chairman Illness: Jennie Cross, ER Bill Wood, IWIII In Memory: Sandra Jones, DF If you should hear of someone who has passed away or is ill, please call Arlene @ 288-8011. Thank you. ACTIVITY EVENT TICKET SALES Jennifer McGraw We will be changing the day and time tickets go on sale to better serve the residents. The first day for all event ticket sales will be Monday at 9am and the lead time will be four weeks. This should alleviate a rush for tickets. August 2015 Is there someone new on your street? Don’t forget to welcome them to our friendly village. Invite them to join you for Tuesday Coffee & News, they will appreciate the invitation. Below is a list of the new residents who moved into MBV . Douglas and Deb MacGugan 4642 S. Dusty Coyote Trail From WA Ann Rasar 5499 S. Mohave Sage From WA THANK YOU’S On Saturday, June 27th, I took such a serious fall that, like Humpty Dumpty, I didn’t think they could put me back together again. But, after only 4 weeks, I am so much improved that even I can’t believe it. Most bruises are gone; stitches are out and most fractures are so improved that I am walking and feeling great. No small part of my recovery is due to the wonderful people of MountainBrook. The cards, letters and phone calls have been amazing and so heartfelt. Thank you MountainBrook! We love you all. Glorianna & Ron Heppner A DAY AT THE MUSEUM OF THE WEST VILLAGE VOICES Do you like to sing? Do you want to meet fellow vocalists in a fun, creative setting? New voices are always welcome, come join us! The Village Voices are a group of over sixty folks who love to get together once a week and sing. We perform two concerts a year: the Holiday Show on December 4th & 5th and the Spring Concert in March. We meet Wednesdays at 1pm in the Superstition Center. Our first practice after the summer break will be Wednesday, September 2, at 1pm, when we will begin working on the songs for our Holiday Show. For more information or if you have questions, call Village Voices member David Huffman @ 530-816-0611. Jeanne Bozych We had a wonderful journey on July 23rd with Lewis & Clark through Charles Fritz paintings. He painted them from Lewis' journals and actual sites where the events took place. The whole museum has all of this beautiful art on loan from wealthy art collectors (it will change every 2 years). Many other artists are also represented throughout the museum. It's a very interesting tour of two floors of bronzes and extraordinary art work. Artist of the Month Paula MacDonald For the months of August and September the potters at MountainBrook Village group have been invited to display their creations in the display case in the library. This small group of potters has come together over the years beginning in the mid-1990’s. We have come with little knowledge of potting experience, but we came together with a true desire and interest in this craft we have chosen as our retirement pastime. We have potters that are hand- builders and those who wheel-throw clay, all enjoying this wonderful Fired Arts Building facility. Our numbers swell from the month of November to March and then thin out from April through October with year-round residents holding down the fort. The group meets on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, year round in the Fired Arts Building. We share ideas and materials and the use of equipment including the Village kilns. Come visit us in the Fired Arts Building located just August 2015 6 COMMUNITY FORUM On the second Tuesday of every month, your President holds an open forum during or after the Coffee & News. At this forum residents have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers. Come join us at the Coffee & News and bring your question or simply listen to the Q & A. Here are some examples from April with updated answers. 1. Question: When are bath houses showers going to be in use? Response: We are working with Tim from Kitchell to determine what the best fix will be for installation of the handicap seats and hand rails in the shower stalls. Response: It was felt with the reconfiguration of the cooling systems that they would not be needed. If it is found we do need them it is wired already for installation. 2. Question: What will the seat height be for handicap seats in the showers? Response: they will be the recommended height according to the ADA requirements. 3. Question: What is the cost of the Mesquite Center renovation? Response: There will be a community presentation at the Board meeting in July and again in the fall when people come back. 4. Question: What does the button on the emergency phone do in the bath houses? Response: The phones in each room are hands free phones so when you push the button it goes directly to a 911 operator. We have had people push the button to see what it does and an operator comes on immediately. Please do not push the button unless you have an emergency situation. 5. Question: When will the erosion control work be completed? Response: It is being scheduled as we speak to be completed before heavy rains come Stocks • Mutual funds • Bonds • Government securities Tax-Advantaged bonds • CDs • Money market funds • IRAs ...and much more. Call or stop by today! Abe W. Dye Darnell Grossi Matt Ruppert Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 6021 S. Kings Ranch Rd, Ste #4 Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 Financial Advisor 5301 S. Superstition Mtn. Dr, Ste #A110 Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 6877 S. Kings Ranch Rd, Ste #6 Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 983-7932 983-1333 288-9341 6. Question: Why are there no signs on the men’s and woman’s bath houses? Response: It was a simple oversight by many people working on the project. The signs are ordered. 7. Question: Why didn’t we put overhead fans in the Mesquite Center? Serving individual investors from more than 10,000 offices nationwide. 7 August 2015 August 2015 8 BEFORE YOU LEAVE THIS EARTH write your life story; your family will love it. This is an excerpt from Barb Hofmeister’s memoir, My Rocky Road to the Good Life—-the whole story. Oh Brother! I saw the movie Psycho while we lived on Rioview Ln. I saw it once with Bob in a theater. Then I took my neighbor Lorraine to the drive-in to see it one night when Bob was working the second shift (3:30 to 11 p.m.) at the hospital. When we came home from the movie I decided to watch TV and wait up for Bob to come home. But Bob called and said he would be late because they had an emergency and would be doing surgery (he was a surgical scrub nurse) so I decided to take a shower and get ready for bed. I walked into the bathroom, saw the shower curtain and suddenly panicked. I couldn’t get that shower scene out of my mind and with the house so quiet I was going crazy. I called my brother and asked him to please come over and stay with me until Bob got home. He said he would but while waiting, I made sure the doors were locked. There was a side door to the laundry room and a front door. With both doors locked, I stood looking out the tiny window in the front door watching for my brother. From that position I could see the laundry room door in case he chose to come to that door. My mind was playing tricks on me. I swore I saw people moving around outside and I even thought I saw a car pull up in the driveway, but it was very dark out. There were no street lights and we didn’t even have a light at the front door. It seemed like a very long time and for every second I waited I got more nervous. All of a sudden the side door blew open and in came a man rushing toward me with his hand held high like the knife wielding murderer in Psycho. He was screeching like the music in Psycho. It was my brother. I damn near beat him to death. What a dirty trick. I have never forgiven him for that stunt. The reason he was able to come in the side door was that I had locked the door but it wasn’t shut tight. He had pulled up into the driveway in his little sports car with all the lights out. He planned to scare me and I plan to get him someday too. It is easy to write your story when you do it one little story at a time. That is what Barb Hofmeister teaches. New Life Story Writing Classes will begin Monday, October 26th in the Palo Verde room. The beginning class will meet from 1-3 and the advanced class will meet from 3-5. Please sign up in the office. The classes are fun and easy. RECURRING DAILY ACTIVITIES LET’S DO DINNER FAMOUS DAVE’S 2206 E. Williams Field Rd. ste# 10, Gilbert , 480-722-2781 Sign up in the Activity Office and meet at Daves at 5pm On Wednesday, August 26th. Enjoy the award winning BBQ menu including; Appetizers, Bar-B-Que classics, Combo meals, sandwiches and more… SAN TAN FLAT Wednesday, September 30, 2015 6185 W. Hunt Hwy, Queen Creek, 480-882-2995 Dine on delicious steaks, BBQ selctions and other down home vittles. There is a salad bar and a homemade soup of the day. Meet at the restaurant at 5pm, travel is on your own. Don’t forget to sign up in the Activity Office so we count you in. “ONE RINGY DINGY, TWO RINGY DINGIES” Peggy Malsom and Team Ernestine “A gracious good morning to you. Have I reached the party to whom I am speaking?” Remember Ernestine the Operator on Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In? Lilly Tomlin was hilarious as she rang up customers on her antiquated telephone switchboard and inquired, “When may we expect payment?” The onesided conversation would quickly and predictably deteriorate until Ernestine would inform the hapless customer, “We don’t care. We don’t have to. We’re the phone company,” and then laugh that familiar snort. What a great routine. MountainBrook Village has its own version of Team Ernestine who are trying to verify all residents who wish to be in the 2016 MountainBrook Village Telephone Directory. To date they have used seven (that’s 7) cross references and sorted through 1750 entries. Some, however, have not been verifiable. It is crucial to remember that any time your contact information changes, you must notify First Services through the MountainBrook Village office. Check your listing in the 2015 Phone Directory. If it is incomplete or incorrect, please go to http://www.mountainbrookvillage.org/ administrative/ to complete and submit the form to make corrections. If you have changed: Homeowner information (like a name change or change in ownership because of a death or change in marital status) Phone number (you prefer your cell number listed rather than your home number) If you were listed incorrectly in the 2015 Directory, you must complete a change form If you have sold your home and purchased a new home in MBV. If you own more than one home, you must tell us how do you want to be listed in the phone book? If you prefer, you can go to the Activity Office and get a paper form to fill out by hand. Please take your time and print the information so that it can be clearly read. Then turn it in to Janet or Dori who will see that the master list is updated. If you have already completed a form from the office or on the website, it is unnecessary to repeat it. Some of you may have already been contacted by Team Ernestine by phone. In a time when we must protect our personal information you can avoid a call by completing the form. If we cannot read forms created by hand, be prepared to give the information as requested by phone. Your neighbors will identify themselves and aren’t being nosey, they want to make sure the information published in the next phone book is the way you want it. If we have insufficient information for you and do not get a completed form, we will have to mail letters out requesting this information. This can be costly. Five Year Committee 2nd Monday at 2:00 Palo Verde RM Communications Committee 1st Thursday at 9:00 Palo Verde RM Building and Grounds 2nd Tuesday at 1:00 Palo Verde RM Budget and Finance Committee Thursday Before BOD Meeting at 1:30 Mesquite Center / Palo Verde Architectural Committee Alternate Thursdays at 9:30 Mesquite/Palo Verde Room Activity Committee 2nd Monday at 9:00 Mesquite Center / Palo Verde Board of Directors Meeting Last Tuesday at 9:45 Superstition Center Standing Committee Meeting Schedule: Room Key: (BD) Board Room, (SC) Superstition Center, (SR) Sunset Center, (OC) Ocotillo Center, (MC) Mesquite Center, (PV) Palo Verde Room, (IR) Ironwood Room, (SG) Saguaro Room, (SRA) Sunset Center A (or B, C, D, E) Let’s do Dinner- - Wednesday, Aug 26 at Famous Dave’s and Sept 30th, at San Tan Flat, we will meet at 5pm for dinner. Remember to sign up in the Activity Office. Happy Hour & Jewels Join us in the Mesquite Room on Friday, September 4th for a Special Silpada Jewelry Sale from 4-6pm and a Happy Hour too, BYOB, Monday 9/7.The great Labor Day Pot luck social at 4pm with dining at 5pm followed by Bingo at 6:30pm. Don’t miss it! Labor Day Potluck and Bingo- 9/147 at the Tilted Kilt Men’s Lunch-Men’s Lunch- Monday Wednesday, September 2nd and 16th. Free meditation class at 1pm in the Ocotillo Room. Come and join us for something new. Thursday, September 17th at 10:30 am, If you are interested come and sign up in the Activity Office. This is a wonderful “free” museum of western art. Located at 22402 S. Basha Rd, Chandler. 480895-5230. Bashas Art Museum Tour- Nando’s Mexican Café. Ladies Lunch- Monday, 9/14 @ September 10th, 7-9pm, sign up in the Activity Office. Scottsdale ArtWalk is much like a large, easy-going open house for the Scottsdale Arts District located primarily along Main Street and Marshall Way in Scottsdale Downtown. “America’s Original ArtWalk,” That’s when member galleries belonging to the Scottsdale Gallery Association (SGA) open their doors to the public and show off the work of the Southwest’s outstanding artists. Scottsdale Art Walk- Thursday, Wellness Class- Wellness Class- on meet at 5pm for dinner on Wednesday, August 26th. This time the restaurant is Famous Daves. See article . Remember to sign up in the Activity Office. Let’s do Dinner-In August we will and enjoy Social Hour in the Superstition Center at 5pm. This week Social Hour will have music by Fletcher Music Company. Social Hour-On August 25th, come Come to the Superstition Center for Social Hour with Apples Game Tables starting at 6pm. For fun, make your food have an “apple theme”. This is a free event. Game Night-Tuesday, August 18th - Monthly Events Details Men’s Lunch-Four Peaks Ladies lunch- The Elephant Bar Halloween dance party Flu Shots Wellness class Happy Hour & Jewels Labor Day pot luck & Bingo Scottsdale Art Walk Men’s lunch- Tilted Kilt Ladies lunch-Nando’s Wellness class Bashas Western Art Museum Let’s do Dinner- San Tan Flats Game Night Let’s do DinnerFamous Dave’s BBQ Pool Party Pot Luck Dec 4/5(Fri/Sat) Village Voices Christmas Concert Dec 7(Mon) Men’s Lunch Dec 9(Wed) Tribute Concert – “Abbafab” Dec 14(Mon) Women’s Lunch Dec 31(Thur) New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance Men’s Lunch - San Tan Flats Welcome Back Pancake Breakfast Nov 7(Sat) Business Fair Nov 7(Sat) Fall Garage sale Nov 9(Mon) Ladie’s Lunch - Zappone’s Nov 11(Wed) Veteran’s Day Nov 14(Sat) Art Fair & Vendor Showcase Nov 19(Thurs) Holiday Fashion Show with Chico’s Nov 20(Fri) Turkey Trot Nov 26(Thurs) Thanksgiving dinner Nov 2(Mon) Nov 3(Tues) Oct 5(Mon) Oct 12(Mon) Oct 31(Sat) Sept 1(Tues) Sept 2(Wed) Sept 4(Fri) Sept 7(Mon) Sept 10(Thurs) Sept 7(Mon) Sept 14(Mon) Sept 16,(Wed) Sept 17(Thurs) Sept 30(Wed) Aug 28(Fri) Aug 18(Tues) Aug 26(Wed) 2015 EVENTS Tribute Concert“December ‘63” Volunteer Thank you Lunch Band Concert Dancing with Our Stars Mar 18(Fri) Nov 20(Fri) Dec 11(Fri) Dec. 31(Thurs) Jan 8(Fri) Jan 22(Fri) Feb 5(Fri) Feb 13(Sat) Oct. 31(Sat) Halloween Dance Party The Fairlanes Roadhouse Ranglers Debbie & Double Eagles New Year’s Eve The Big Zephyr Eric the Entertainer Hoe Down Dance with DeeDee GreyWolf Valentines Dinner Dance The Chauffers St. Patricks Day dance All dances are held in the Superstition Center. Tickets are available in the Activity Office DANCES For anyone wanting to go to Fort McDowell Casino, sign up in the Activity Office or call Joan Archer @ 288-0891. Fort McDowell Casino overnight : Aug 20 & 21st and Day trip on Wednesday: 8/26. 2015 CASINO BUS TRIPS March 3(Thurs) Mystery Dinner Theater March 5(Sat) Art Fair Mar 11/12(Fri & Sat) Village Voices (Spring Concert) March 17(Thurs) Tribute Concert“Piano Man” Mar 20(Sun) Band Concert Feb 7(Sun) Superbowl Party Feb 10(Wed) New Resident’s Breakfast Feb 13(Sat) Valentine dinner/dance Feb 25-28(Fri-Sun) MBV Theatre Jan 18(Mon) Jan 24(Sun) Jan 30(Sat) Jan 14(Thurs) 2016 EVENTS Activity Calendar 2015 - 2016 August 2015 BRIDGE WITH MBV 12 GOLF WITH MBV Low Impact Aerobics and More Gladys Opfer This is for all those active MBV residents. Come join us for low impact aerobics, toning and Zumba in the Ocotillo Center from 7-8 am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Classes are all year round and they are free. It is a group of ladies working out to cd’s and learning steps together. For questions call the exercise leader, Gladys Opfer @ 218-1311. LADIES BRIDGE meets every Monday at 1pm in the Sunset Center. Potluck at noon on the first Monday. Sign up one week in advance and walk-ins are welcome. Winners are; Barbara Osborn, Jacquie Italiano and Marlys Platt. Questions? Call Barbara Osborn @ 9829408. MIXED BRIDGE is both couples and singles, no partner necessary. We meet every Thursday at 1pm in the Sunset Center. You can sign up one week in advance and walk-ins are welcome. Come and enjoy a friendly group. Questions? Call Elaine Valenti @ 671-1686. SOCIAL DUPLICATE BRIDGE meets every Tuesday evening at 6:30pm in the Sunset Center. Come play with a friendly group. Duplicate bridge offers an enjoyable and different format. Questions? Call Marie Valburg @ 474-8992. BOWLING Are you looking for an activity where you can get three strikes and NOT be out? If you answered “yes,” then the MountainBrook Monday Bowling League may be the right fit for you. We are a senior league that bowls on Monday afternoons, 3PM at the AMF Lanes (2115 E. Southern in Mesa). The season is 16 weeks long starting in mid-November and ending in early March. It’s a friendly fun-loving recreational league for beginners and experienced bowlers alike and there is room for individuals and couples. If you are interested in joining a team or would like more information, call Bev Ginther at 952237-9528 or email at: myginther@yahoo.com. THE FAMOUS COONEY MEN’S GOLF LEAGUE plays every Monday morning at MountainBrook Golf Club. We have a group rate and occasional contests with prizes. Enjoy golfing with friends or make some new golfing buddies. For sign up information call Chet Haines at 6711066 or email lipsnlaw@aol.com. THE PETER’S MEN’S GOLF GROUP plays on Wednesdays at the MountainBrook Golf Course. Enjoy golfing with a group rate. Call Rick Peters @ 671-1680 for Tee Times and sign-in. LADIES NINE HOLE GOLF Golf on Mondays at 8am at Gold Canyon Sidewinder. Questions? call Marlies @ 983-3122. “All the Single Ladies”…. We are a group of single ladies who get together to laugh, play games, go to the movies and we go out to eat together as well. Join us the first Wednesday of the month at 9:30 am for a breakfast meeting. You can help us plan our activities for the month as well as plan future outings. If you are interested, call Mary Lou Kent @ 671-0024. Texas Hold’em Texas Hold’em is played in the Sunset Room on Monday, Thursday, Friday and the second Sunday at 12:30 pm. Ladies play on Tuesday at the same time, same place. There is a potluck and Texas Hold’em Tournament once a month on the last Sunday of the month. Ladies Bunco Are you feeling lucky? Do you have a little time for fun? Join us on the second and fourth Thursday of each month in the Sunset Center, Room A at 1pm. We promise you will have fun and all you need to know is how to throw those lovely dice to win. 13 WELCOME TO MBV CERAMICS We meet at noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Fired Arts Center. The afternoon is spent glazing poured pieces of bisque and, when completed, firing them fired in our kiln. If you would like to try your hand at ceramics please stop in. We will provide you with a small piece of bisque to glaze using any of the glazes available. Members of the group are willing to allow you temporary use of brushes or other tools you may need. If you decide to join our group the fee is $5.00 per month which pays for use of all the glazes you see on the wall shelves. It also covers other supplies you may need for special tasks. Bisque pieces, specialty glazes and brushes are available for purchase from ceramic shops in the area. Firing is done at no charge to the ceramist. We have several certified ceramics teachers available in our group who have a world of experience and ideas for creating lovely pieces of ceramic ware and they will help you get started in this creative activity. Helping Hands Loretta Milton We are a group of volunteers who give short term support for home bound residents. We try to provide transportation to doctors, dentists, pharmacy and grocery shopping. We also have available some caregiver relief and friendly visits. Our Call Check volunteer arranges for a client to have daily contact by phone. Equipment Loan will lend you medical or infant equipment. Our wonderful residents keep the equipment in their homes until it is needed by their MountainBrook neighbors. Please check with the office or call me, Loretta Milton @ 480 474-9958. When you need further information about Helping Hands, either as a client or volunteer, please call me Loretta Milton 480 474-9958 and leave a message. BOCCE BALL Organized play is open to all MBV residents weekly from November through April on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:30-11:30 am. Rules for use of the equipment and courts is posted nearby. For more information call Bonnie at 480-838-8094. August 2015 PINOCHLE Ron Hofmeister The ladies pinochle group has adjourned for the summer, however, the Thursday night group is continuing with good response. Come join us at 7:00 pm in the Sunset Room. We are a fun group and don’t take the game seriously. Last month we decided to report all winners regardless of their score because we were having a lack of 600 scores. They were Bob Waltke (593, Barb Hofmeister (559), and Jim McCann (581). Just when we were mentioning the lack of 600 games we had two outstanding 700 games when Ed Joyce won with 739 and Jim McCann was surprised to only finish second with 714. On other nights Nellie Moore won with a 612. Yoga Strengthen your mind and body and come join us for Yoga with Deborah. Wednesday: Gentle Yoga (2nd week of each month, Yoga with a chair). Friday: Yoga for Rejuvenation. Both classes are from 8:30 am to 9:50 am in the Sunset Center. For more information, call Elfriede @ 982-2319 or Joyce @ 288-0026. Book Discussion for June Peggy Malsom MountainBrook Village Book Discussion Group meets 1-2 pm the second Wednesday of the month, October through April. Please bring all suggestions for interesting books for the season to the October 14th meeting. This will be a good roundtable discussion. As a group, we will select books for November and December meetings. Stanley York will lead the January discussion. Read any book by author Charles Todd who is considered a great mystery writer set in England. Red Door is a popular book to read and discuss. Melanie Hoffert will be here in February to discuss her book Prairie Silence: A Memoir, which is a creative non-fiction story set in South Dakota and is a 2014 Minnesota Award winner. Suggestions for the remaining months include: To Kill a Mockingbird and/or Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks, The Road to Character by David Brooks, Memory Man by David Baldacci, Ruth’s Journey: The Authorized Novel of Mammy from Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind by Donald McCaig, The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins, Private Down Under by James Patterson, In the Land of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor’s Journey in the Saudi Kingdom by Qanta A. Ahmed, MD Canasta Come join us. We play every Monday from 12:45pm – 4pm in Sunset Center A. We also play every Friday from 1pm – 4pm in the Sunset Center. If you would like to learn we will be happy to teach you. It is easy to learn and everyone has a lot of fun. If you are interested, call Lynette Webber at 288-0623. ARTIST OF THE MONTH Would you like to be the featured artist in the MBV library? Each month we have the work of a different artist, painter, quilter, woodworker, photographer, etc. on display in the locked display case in the Activity Office. The artist of the month also gets a write up in the Mountaineer. If you would like to share your work with your neighbors in MBV, just contact us so we can arrange a time for you. Jan or David Larsen 307-631-8524. August 2015 14 "I Just Came Here to Dance" (song title by Shelley West and David Frizzell 1982) Lynnel Cochrane Thought this title was appropriate, as this month we are sharing themes for next season's dances. Our theme dances have had the highest attendance and often sellouts, so this year each dance will feature a theme which dancers may consider to participate in with 'accessories'. While we will have more specifics prior to the actual dance, providing the themes at this time of the year may help you to think ahead. Monster Mash Bash coincides with Halloween, orange/black or costumes. Turkey Trot, close to Thanksgiving could be western attire or feathers. Dancing around the Christmas Tree brings visions of elves, santas, red/green and novelty wear. In January, Sports brings to mind anything with team colors or logos from any sport. Mardi Gras is back in February so beads in green, gold, purple, masks and hats. St. Patrick's Day in March - anything green. Thrift Shop in April is a mix and match, the crazier the better. Remember, attending any dance does not require dressing up, we just want everyone to come and have a great time. With the lineup of bands and these themes, we hope everyone will leave with "Happy Feet" as sung by Dave Cortez 1962. Chess Club Love the game? Please join us for Chess Club on Sunday at 3pm in the Sunset Center, Room A. We provide mentoring and guaranteed fun. For more information please contact Pam Lane-Garon @ 559-260-3379. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Nancy Bozek If any residents are interested in reading e-mail books at home and for free it is really simple to do. We have been in contact with the Apache Junction Library which is affiliated with the Greater Phoenix Library. Our contact at the AJ Library is John, in the Media Area. It takes two simple steps: 1. Make sure you have a current AJ Library card. 2. Bring your tablet or reader with you. If you don't have a AJ Library card, one can be obtained at the desk at the library. One form of ID may be required. John or one of his colleagues will do the rest to get you started. This is a great way to read current books and the selections are unlimited. PICKLE BALL NEWS Arlene Atterberry Remember the “quiet paddle” requirements that go into effect 10/1/2015. Court times will be the same as last year with 2 courts available on M,W & F and 4 courts available on Tues, Thurs & Sat. In an attempt to get better court utilization, in addition to the normal morning round robin play, we will be allowing for the afternoon far court on the ASC to be reserved for players wishing to challenge play others. This will be from 2- dusk on “4 court days”. The remaining courts will still be available as open play. 15 August 2015 Classifieds Note: One Ad of 20 words or less is free for 30 Days, for a MBV resident. Classified ads are to be submitted to the MountainBrook Office. All ads must be re-submitted to run again. All ads are due by the 25th of the month for publication the following month. Business/Commercial ads for both residents and non-residents are available for purchase through Ray’s Printing, 480982-3087 FOR SALE Rifle 22 Winchester: Single shot Model 67A $150 480-983-8168. Appliances: Like new, clean almond; side by side refrigerator, smooth top range, dishwasher. 480-474-2110 5ft. round glass top coffee table. Oak color. $50 OBO, 480-982-7397 FOR RENT Golf course home – 2 bedroom/2bath. Fireplace, patio with BBQ. No smoking or pets. September, October, November 2015 and April thru Nov 2016- 30 day min. 480-287-3907 or 480-287-3906. MBV: 2 BR/2BA, den, backyard bar-bq, bar, Jacuzzi. Non-smokers only. 206-355-3158 Lyndad1117@gmail.com MBV home for rent: 1700 Sq Ft 2BR/2BA. New throughout inc. paint. Century Link wireless internet/Prism TV. 4 plus months renter desired. 480-8451415. FOR RENT: 2BR/2BA, golf course home. Fireplace, patio with BBQ. No smoking or pets. Sept, Oct, Nov, 2015 and April thru Nov. 2016. 30-day min. 480-287-3907 or 480-287-3906 SERVICE MBV In Home Pet Sitting - year round – schedules 1-4 visits a day including walking. 630-546-4018. MBV In Home Pet Care: Loving care in your home. 1-4 daily visits. Year round - Diana 630-546-4018 We house sit your home. Frequent visits and always after wind and rain storms. Call Diana/Chuck at 630-546-4018 Going on a trip? Need a place for your dogs or cats to stay? 480-983-3122. Medicare questions? Need help? Call 480-686-4653 MBV resident. Are you looking for someone to watch your home while you’re away for the summer? 480-982-2850 -- MBV resident. WANTED Helping Hands is in need of infant and childcare equipment from those willing to loan to their neighbors. A log in the Activity Office holds the information. 474-9958. Helping Hands is in need of volunteers Need computer help? I fix them and can willing to transport clients to the doctors train you. Chris/Conquering Computers or shopping. If available, call 474-9958. 480-474-8037 or 480-577-4309. Please save your wine corks. Be home Need help with caring for a loved one? October 1. 480-215-3995. Cheri CNA. 480-982-8312. 16 August 2015 MountainBrook Village The MountainBrook Village MOUNTAINEER is owned by MBV and is published for the MBV community by Ray's Printing: 386 S. Ironwood Dr. Apache Junction, AZ. To place business/commercial ad in the Mountaineer, please contact: Mountaineer Ray's Printing Mailing address: PO Box 5400 Apache Junction, AZ 85278 (480) 982-3087 • Fax (480) 983-9363 MOUNTAINEER Staff: Cis Haines, Editor; Jan Broz, Marilee Pritchard, Pam Burks, Peggy Malsom and Photographer Sue Wright. Email articles & MBV resident personal ads (for sale, for rent, wanted) may be sent to LipsnLaw@msn.com or left in the MountainBrook office (480) 288-9213 by the 25th of each month prior to publication month. MBV Resident business/ commercial ads must be placed through Ray's Printing. Mountaineer articles & photos may have to be edited or eliminated as space allows. MountainBrook Village is not responsible for reviewing, the endorsement of, approval, controlling any business, service, contactors or products that are advertised in the Mountaineer publications. For Your Convenience www.mbvaz.org (Revised 08/15/15) Board of Directors Gene Prescott, President........................................................431-0095 Len Schroeder, Vice President ..............................................983-1652 Jerry Stevenson, Secretary ............................................206-290-0173 Tami Tack, Treasurer(non-board member)............................982-8299 Rick Peters ............................................................................671-1680 Ron Olm ................................................................................288-0790 Paul Kranig ....................................................................920-539-1240 Mountaineer Editor - Cis Haines ..........................................671-1066 Activity Office ..........................................................................983-5555 Lifestyle Director - Jennifer McGraw ....................................983-5555 Community Manager - Rick Burman ....................................983-5555 Assistant Manager/Covenants Coordinator - Cheri May ....983-5555 Fairway Vista Management - (Jomar Assoc. Services Inc) Manager Rachel Dugall ............................................................288-8335 Pinnacle Vista Management -(Innovative Property Management) Manager Wendy Burton ............................................................983-1010 MountainBrook Golf Course .................................................671-1000 Activities Committee - Claudia Vaughan (Chair)....................983-3425 Architectural Committee - Len Schroeder ............................983-1652 Budget & Finance Committee - Tami Tack............................982-8299 Building & Grounds - Larry England (Chair) ........................474-9180 Caring Corner - Arlene Pytko (Chair) ....................................288-8011 Communications Committee - Peggy Malsom(Chair) ..........474-2344 Activity VIPs (Please contact the office with any changes) (Revised 3/15/15) AOTMonth Aerobics of the Mind Band Bible Study, Ladies Billiards/Pool Bingo Book Discussion Bocce Ball Bowling Bowling (Mon) Boys & Girls Club Volunteers Bridge, Couples Bridge, Duplicate Bridge, Ladies Bridge, Men’s Bunco Canasta Card Bingo Ceramics Chess Computer Class Crocheting Class Darts Democrats Club Fitness Center Game Day Gold Canyon Lions Helping Hands Hiking Knitting (Tues) Ladies Aquacise (8am) Ladies’ Aquacise (9am) Line Dancing David Larsen ........................307-631-8524 Paul Cechovic ..............................288-6976 Donna Read ..................................671-9828 Dianne DeJong..............................671-4692 Denny Kenny ........................313-670-0524 Bob & Joan Archer ......................288-0891 Char Peterson ..............................982-7793 Bonnie Klassen ............................838-8094 Beverly Ginther ....................952-237-9528 Judy Schuyler ..............................671-7995 Manfred Helsper ..........................288-7414 Elaine Valenti................................671-1686 Marie Valburg ..............................474-8992 Barb Osborn ................................982-9408 Rich Huseman ..............................288-5378 Arlene Pytko ................................288-8011 Lynette Webber ............................288-0623 Don Lorenzi ..................................983-6971 Janet Christopherson ..................845-1521 Bill Vallicella ................................288-6727 Chris Bukovac ..............................474-8037 Dorothy Wolter ............................983-1672 John Kloosterman ........................288-2388 Bill Florence ..................................857-8189 Matt Hyatt ....................................983-8143 Joyce Schenck ..............................982-7518 Terry Storbakken ........................983-3420 Loretta Milton ..............................474-9958 Keith Charpentier ........................288-4338 Kathy West....................................983-8432 Ginny Rauguth ............................288-0579 Isolde Weilnhammer ....................671-1439 Linda Rohrbach ....................701-202-6038 Low Impact Aerobics Gladys Opfer ................................218-1311 Mah-Jongg (Mon) Sharon Penrod ......................602-320-2278 Mah-Jongg (Tues) Judy Beiganski..............................671-8363 Mah-Jongg (Wed/Oriental) Geri Leake ....................................474-2126 Mah-Jongg (Thur/Nat’l) Sue Cline ......................................545-4277 Mah-Jongg (Fri) Ginny Rauguth ............................288-0579 Men’s Round Table James Zetting................................983-4889 Photo Editing Len Broz ........................................671-4651 Pickleball Arlene Atterberry ........................246-5398 Pinochle Jim McCann ................................982-5838 Pinochle, Ladies Suzanne Kadlec ............................671-4030 Poker & Straight Poker Ken Amundsen ............................671-1643 Pottery Barbara Dahlstrom ......................288-2523 Quilting/Needlecraft Linda Burch ..................................671-4463 Quilters, Superstition Mt. Alice Watkins ................................671-8663 Republicans (GC) Pam Burks ....................................214-5555 Scrabble Mary Peters ..................................671-1680 Singles Marylou Kent ..............................671-0024 Social Hour Arlene Pytko ................................288-8011 Softball Myles Ginther ..............................298-3761 Supper Club Joan O'Leary ................................474-8960 Tai Chi Chih Lovena Warren ............................671-7444 Tennis Sally Lickar ..................................288-8339 Texas Hold'em Charlene Wenzel ..........................288-7171 Village Players Bob Carnahan ..............................983-2948 Village Voices David Huffman......................530-816-0611 Water Volleyball Kelly Loran............................907-360-8636 Water Volleyball Weekends Don Reinke....................................474-9442 Website Chris Bukovac ..............................474-8037 Wine Club Paul Cechovic ..............................288-6976 Woodcarving Wesley Stevens..............................982-3809 Yoga Elfrieda Rost ................................982-2319 17 August 2015 BEFORE AND AFTER MESQUITE ROOM Before: Ironwood computer center After: Ironwood kitchen Before: Mesquite meeting room After: Mesquite mixed use room Before: Palo Verde Room After: Palo Verde meeting room Before: Saguaro Room After: Saguaro Billiard Room Plan & Design Committee, L to R: Dave Osborne, Dick Powers, Sue Wright-Chair, Bob Campbell, Cis Haines & Dawn Wagner Mountaineer Marketplace Neither the Community nor the publisher has in any way endorsed the advertisements or advertisers in this publication and no such endorsement is implied. The Community is in no way responsible for the advertising portion of this publication. AIRCONDITIONING & HEATING AIRCONDITIONING & HEATING AIRCONDITIONING & HEATING 18 August 2015 CARPET CLEANING PLUMBING ROOFING CHIROPRACTOR SENIOR CARE DENTAL Home Instead Senior Care ........(480) 827-4343 Superstition Mtn Dental ..(480)671-7777 WINDOW CLEANING GARAGE DOOR REPAIR REAL ESTATE Lori Blank ................................(480) 983-8383 INVESTMENTS Edward Jones ....................(480)983-7932 LANDSCAPING JULY 4TH FUN!! Presorted Standard U.S. Postage MountainBrook Village Mountaineer Ray’s Printing PO Box 5400 Apache Jct., AZ 85178 Postal Patron Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 PAID Apache Junction, AZ Permit No. 5400
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