December 14, 2005 - Minooka Community High School District #111


December 14, 2005 - Minooka Community High School District #111
Peace Pipe
December 14, 2005
Vol. 91, Edition 7
Minooka Community High School
PDA in
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First semester ending
Finals on students’ minds
Brittany Pendry
PPC News Editor
Twice a year students everywhere
dread this time, where they have
to rack their brains and remember
everything they have learned in
the past 90 school days. There is
one test for every subject where
you have to remember hundreds of
pages of information and numerous
amounts of homework. This is how
some school days are, where you
just don’t know when it’s going
to end. So how do you learn all
of this information and expect to
keep it in the week before finals?
According to, they offer
the top ten study tips to getting ready
for tests and doing well on them.
First of all, you can not
concentrate when you are reciting
all of the lines to “Family Guy?”
Shut off the TV and focus on what
needs to be done. When trying
to find a place to work, it usually
helps when there’s enough room to
spread out all the information, like
at the kitchen table. If you sprawl
yourself out across your bed, you it comes to studying I usually
will be more tempted to sleep. wait until the last minute,”
Also, do not study in the morning said
Everyone always wants to save
when you just got up or at night
before bed when you are totally the hard stuff for last. But, when
wiped out. Study more towards you’re brain is on overload and you
the evening when you are sure can’t think clearly, then that’s not
to be awake and well energized. when you want to try and obtain the
Being organized is some of hardest information for the test. Get
teenager’s biggest issues.. Thebest the hard stuff out of the way first.
Studying a simple vocabulary
way to stay organized is to keep a
“homework box” and keep all of word is easy, but studying for
the homework supplies one might
need (anything helpful to
study out of) and you will
not waste time looking
for the information that
you should be studying.
people will never grow
out of it. If you are
dreading studying at the
last minute, then you are
dreading procrastination,
so do not suffer from this.
“I’m really busy so
I usually wait until two Students in guitar I class study for their
nights before the test. performance final which consists of 12 difI’m organized, but when fernt songs. Photo taken by Toni Bryant.
“This year has absolutely been
Krystal Moya
a blast. I am so surprised I did not
PPC Features Editor
die like I thought I would, coming
When in the midst of the holiday into a new school with so many
season, among the Christmas, people. It was possibly the most
Hanukah amazing experience in my school
celebrations, one holiday stands career to enter a world where
people shouted their opinions
alone in bringing people of
“This year was rugged. I mean,
it’s my senior year and that does a
lot to your emotions—especially
around the holidays. Everyone
thinks it is the end of the year
when you realize the whole time
you were here has blown by, but
the holidays show that image just
and everyone was looking for
friends. Freshman year really
couldn’t get any better; I don’t
see how next year can top it. My
resolution is to basically keep
everything flowing and continue
to broaden my horizons,” said
as vividly. I wish I could say I’m
doing the best I can this year, but
everyone knows that senioritis has
set in: I guess it’s early for me. My
resolution is basically to become
the best person I can and really
smack one out of the park for my
final year. I want to go out with a
every nation together equally
with the hope of starting over,
New Year’s Eve. New Year’s
is often the most forgotten
holiday of the holiday break
students receive, but it is possibly
one of the most fulfilling holidays
to celebrate. Students at Minooka
were given the chance to reflect
on their year and state their new
resolutions for 2006. Here is a
collection of what matters to
you: Minooka’s Resolutions.
Bringing in 2006
an entire chapter is a bit more
difficult. The best way to deal with
long-term projects is to break them
“I don’t have that much time to
study since I’m really busy outside
of school. It takes too much time
so I’m really last minute,” said
Maddie Capodice sophomore.
The best way to deal with this
is to break down the vocabulary
words and group them together
in categories, it helps the brain to
remember them easier and puts
them in long-term memory and
not short-term. Also, the only
way to obtain this information
permanently is to review the
material regularly. The repetition
of words and objects will be able
to stick better in your mind when
they are regularly seen. Being
independent is great, but we all
know that everyone needs a little
help once in a while. That is where
continued on page 10
bang,” said senior Quentin Capista.
“If you imagine what is like
to be an ant you can feel how I
feel about this year. I have busted
my buns trying to accomplish so
much this year. In student council
I have taken charge and taken
orders and they say it is only going
to get more hectic the closer
prom gets. I don’t even want
to think about my junior year
here. My resolution is to
relax and make time for me.
You don’t realize how important
it is to lay back until you have
been worked like a dog,” said
Kelsey Cerovac, sophomore.
So amidst the presents, and
feasts, and party hats and noisemakers, make room for what
matters to you. Make a resolution.
Peace Pipe Chatter
School News
Step Right Up
Talent show highlights some impressive acts
Mike Speek
PPC Photo Editor
Another year of the MCHS Talent Show kicked
off with a bang. On Tuesday, November 29, fans
roared loudly in applause as talented young musicians expressed their emotions through the beauty of
song. From jazz to hip hop, the 2005 MCHS Talent
Show had it all.
“From what I saw when they were trying out [for
the show], I thought everyone did very well,” stated
Vanessa Lukesh, sophomore.
“It had a lot of spirit to it,” mentioned Justin
Alexander, junior. “I liked it all.”
“The talent show was awesome!” exclaimed
senior Keith Tomany. “It was great seeing everyone
The MCHS Jazz
Band opened up the
performance with
three tunes, immediately adding flavor to
the night. Their first
song, “Riff Rap,” a
moderately fast rock
tune, brought out the
best in the saxophones and drummer
Justin Alexander.
The song even had a
few solos in the saxophone line, particularly the baritone and
Claudia Elsouson, junior and
Terence Morris, senior preform tenor saxes. The next
a rap together about diversity song, “Just Because,”
and acceptance. Photo taken by was a slow, smooth
PPC Photo Editor Minke Speek.
ballad formed around
lead alto saxophone
Brian Samek’s solo, which ran throughout the entire
piece. Finally, the last song, “Super Sized,” was a
fast paced heavy rock piece revolving around the
drums of freshman beatmaster Chris Creemens. As
if the pure joy of music was not enough for the band,
the audience loudly applauded as they left the stage.
“I’m glad that jazz band gets to perform because
they really get to showcase their talent,” commented
Adam Martinet, senior.
Hosts Robbie Bersano and Mickey Sanchez
joined Blake Hudson and Keith Tomany in a light
piece entitled “Prayer of the Children.” Prior to the
song, Tomany, Hudson, Bersano and Sanchez had
explained to the audience what the song was about.
It was in the time of the Bosnian War, and a man was
sent on a mission to help take care of children in an
orphanage. By the time his mission was complete,
the man visited the orphanage one last time, only to
find that it had been completely destroyed and was
collateral damage from the War. The composer of
the piece, Kurt Bestor, was so moved by this that he
decided to write the beautiful song. The four seniors
that performed this tune wished to keep the story’s
memory alive and shared their song with the audience.
Hip hop was also featured in this night full of
diversity. Senior Terrence Morris and junior Claudia
Elsousou performed a rap that brought down the
house while sending a good message at the same
time. “Diversity” asked of the audience to accept one
another for who they are and not judge under any
circumstance. Elsousou also made her debut performance with this song as well.
me, it
to see a
at this
age,” During the talent show the four senior, from
alleged right to left: Robbie Bersano, Keith Tomany,
Blake Hudson, and Mickey Sanchez sang
“Prayer of the Children”. Photo taken by PPC
Photo Editor Mike Speek.
O’Brien, junior.
There was even a hint of Christmas spirit in Lauren Zugel’s graceful vocal performance of “White
Christmas.” Her singing voiced the dreams of the
perfect, snowy Christmas, the type of Christmas that
one wishes for every year.
The talent show was full of inspiration, Christmas
joy, jazz, hip hop, and, in general, diversity. If there
were any way to describe the perfection of the night,
it could only be heard through the magic of song.
December 14, 2005
Peace Pipe Chatter
Minooka Community High School
301 S. Wabena Avenue
Minooka, IL 60447
(815) 467-2140 Voicemail: ext. 264
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Copy Editors:
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Photo Editors:
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Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/KRT
Peace Pipe Chatter
December 14, 2005
The happiest time for the media:
Eric Reynolds
PPC A&E Editor
What would the holiday
season be without the catchy
commercials, memorable movies,
and traditional television specials
that draw us in every year?
Imagine how different it would
be if Christmas Day didn’t come
along with The Christmas Story
being broadcast on TBS for the
entire 24 hour duration of the day.
The season itself lightens up the
moods of many; however, it surely
helps that someone can walk by
their television and see Christmas,
Hanukah, and Kwanza being sung
about all in the same commercial.
Which of these holiday fads will
we remember for a long time, and
which of them will we wish that
we had already forgotten?
When it comes to ordinary
commercials, many will change
their channel instead of wasting
their time. However, commercials
that are played during the holidays,
usually enhanced with cheery
music and people, are much easier
to sit through. Many clothing
retailers, such as The Gap and Old
Navy, have field days around this
time of year. During Nov. 2002,
The Gap decided to improve their
then struggling ad campaigns
with their “Crazy Stripes” line
of clothing. Joyful young men
and women advertised the bare
essentials for colder weather,
like hats, scarves, and sweaters.
Whether they were the ones
actually singing or not, the models
brought back the popular tune
”Love Train” and almost instantly,
The Gap became popular again.
Another that has kept eyes
open during commercial breaks
would be none other than the
that premiered last year and
has continued this year. Even
though few seem to realize that
it is actually endorsing Verizon
Wireless, it was common to find
people wishing each other a
“Happy Christmahanukwanzika”
before they left for Winter Break.
jolly commercials & specials
As ridiculous as it may sound,
it does cover all the bases when
you want to wish someone Happy
Holidays. Not everyone likes
all of these festive commercials,
“I really hate the Coke
commercials during the holiday
season,” said Nadia Paramo,
sophomore. “Coke has the best
commercials about love and
peace, for example, the ‘I’d
Like to Buy the World a Coke’
commercial, is one of, if not, the
best commercial ever. However,
during the holidays, they have
stupid penguins giving polar bears
Coke. It’s pointless! I expected
something better from Coke.”
No matter how you look at
it, most holiday commercials are
going to end up surpassing the
regular ads.
Another, more common,
holiday pastime is to watch many
different holiday-themed movies.
From the classic, The Christmas
Story, to the more common, The
Santa Clause films, many will
find that all holiday movies work
diligently to get viewers into the
holiday spirit.
The Christmas Story, now
rendered by many as a cult classic,
is probably the most watched
around this time of year. Its
popularity has gotten it as far as an
entire marathon on TBS, usually
every Christmas Day. It has also
gotten people to recite numerous
quotes, such as “you’ll shoot your
eye out.” Even though these can
be more of an annoyance than
anything else, it still shows how
far the film has come.
Other films worth watching are
Scrooged, an up-to-date version of
The Christmas Carol starring Bill
Murray, and National Lampoon’s
Christmas Vacation, a hilarious
take on Christmas starring Saturday
Night Live veteran Chevy Chase.
And who could forget the Home
Alone movies with little Macaulay
Culkin? However, with every good
holiday flick, there comes a bad
one. Surviving Christmas, which
has been deemed one of the worst
holiday films of all time, featured
less than appealing plot line, and
also, less than appealing acting.
Also, Christmas with the Cranks,
which looked promising, wasn’t.
Even though many do not like
the more recent holiday films,
it is nice to know that there will
always be the classics to watch
and enjoy.
Holiday television specials
have been around for a pretty long
time. CBS and ABC have never
dropped their tradition of playing
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
or A Charlie Brown Christmas,
much to our enjoyment. However,
even though there are countless
specials to be seen, there are still
those who spend their Christmas’
viewing other things.
As strange as it may sound,
Sci-Fi makes some changes in
their schedule to please viewers,
like the Twilight Zone Marathon,
which plays the select holidayrelated episodes of the show.
Many other television networks
do this as well.
“Holidays” continued on
page 10
Out of the classrooms and into the hallways
Kristen Neville
PPC Staff Writer
You sit anxiously as the clock’s
hand slowly moves minuteby-minute. Finally, after what
seemed like an eternity, the bell
rings. Everyone rushes out the
door into the halls greeted by
mobs of people. Friends, enemies,
teachers, boyfriends, girlfriends,
and strangers alike gather for
six minutes. Some are standing,
some walking, some at lockers,
some blocking lockers, and some
talking all in the halls for the same
Hallways are a place to hang
out, chat with friends, catch up on
the latest gossip, and maybe even
make out with your boyfriend or
girlfriend. Sometimes though,
A student’s encounters with PDA
People, please, if you want
they can be gross…I’m not talking prohibited on school property.
about the kid who puked in the Violators will receive disciplinary to make-out or grope someone,
school is not the place. Plus people
hallway, I’m talking about the action.”
do not want to see it,
PDA. Public displays of
honestly, I really
affection, or PDA, are
do not care who
all around the school.
you are going out
Do I have a vision
with…so you do
problem, or did you
not need to show
really just do that? I’m
me (or anyone).
referring to the groping,
As someone who
grabbing, and gross,
has a boyfriend, I
sloppy make-outs that
I see nearly everyday.
somehow manage
to contain myself
I believe the handbook
from groping him
says, “School is not the
in the hallways. At
place for public displays
least wait until you
of affection. Students are
get home, it is not
to refrain from displays
that hard.
of affection on school
When walking
grounds. Other than
down the hallways,
holding hands, all other
you hear hundreds
displays of affection, Students affectionately hold hands while walking down the
hall. Picture by PPC Photo Editor Toni Bryant.
of people holding,
including kissing, are
conversations. Who hooked up
with whom, someone who wet their
pants in Wal-Mart, and everyone’s
favorite; trash talking, are some of
the many topics people talk about
daily. It is not like they talk about
these things quietly, either. Many
people feel that they have to yell,
even though the person is next
to them. Or perhaps my personal
favorite, the people who stop in
the middle of the hallway, holding
up the entire flow of traffic to tell
their friend how “stupid” they got
last weekend.
Basically, all I am asking is that
the people who want to talk in the
hallways do it in a classy manner,
and do not disrupt other people
because you cannot wait to talk to
friends after school.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Stacy Kelley
PPC Secretary
Ahhh what is that wonderful
smell, is that JLO or Britney?
These days it seems more common
that perfumes are endorsed by celebrities instead of actual perfume
companies. Today it is apparent
that in order to reach full celebrity
status it is a must to have one’s own
perfume. Is this cheap perfume?
No, celebrities are not cheap and
neither are their perfumes that attain their name and fame.
The original “perfume goddess”
of the 21st century is the one and
only booty babe, Jennifer Lopez.
Miss Lopez started her perfume
emporium with Jlo Glow and
since them she has expanded her
horizions to feature four vivacious
perfumes: Glow, Miami Glow,
Live, and Still. These fragrances
come in spray, lotion, body wash,
etc. There are also gift sets available in all four scents. Along with
fragrance, JLO has an official
make up line including eye liners
and bronzers for all of the JLO admirers.
Beyonce is bootylicious with
her fresh smelling fragrance called,
True Star by Tommy Hilfiger.
Beyonce’s trade mark fragrance
is the newest of the Hilfiger line.
The scent is both clean and fresh,
resembling crisp mornings. The
ingredients include; Illuminating
Brightness Accord, Bright Watery
Notes, Fluid Floral Accord, Sweet
Pea, Syringa, Honeysuckle, Caressing Comfort Accord, Creamy
Rice Pudding, Kashi Cereal, and
Chandell Pet
PPC Front Page Editor
“I usually stand
with my friends in
the carpeted hallway
by the social studies
hallway,” said Hina
“Besides, it’s close
see my friends during school.”
to my class.”
Some students sit in the orTime is crucial
ange room that has been over
in life. Sometimes
thrown by lockers. The lockers
a few minutes with
create many different sections
friends can actually
for students to hangout in, beget students through
fore the morning bell.
the day.
“I hang out in the orange room
“I hang out in the
with my bros. I usually go there
hallway at the beto find out The Art of Sacrifice
ginning of the math
and Beneath the Hallow concert
hallway with all my
information, but most imporfriends,” said Mietantly what time they are pracsha Kelsey, junior.
ticing,” said Zach Amos, senior.
“I go there as soon
“I think we hang out there beas I am done at my Students lounge in the Orange Floor lockers in anticipa- cause it is not a far walk to the
locker because it’s tion for the bell. Photo taken by Toni Bryant, PPC Photo vending machines.”
the only time I can Editor.
At MCHS, it seems as if there
is a pattern, a routine if you will,
that every student here follows. At
7:30 a.m., students are allowed to
go to their lockers, but it is what
happens after.
MCHS has many different
“cliques” all around the school.
Every hallway has at least two
groups flocking to it’s territory.
So, what is it about the hallways
that students like to claim it as
their own?
“I stand by the hallway in front
of the cybrary with my friends.
There isn’t any particular reason
why we stand there. I guess because when we were freshmen, it
was the only place left to stand,”
said senior Emily Helin.
Others stand in the morning for
The freshly launched Baby
Phat Goddess is already a giant
hit among teenagers. This line,
created by Kimora Lee Simmons
has taken afire. The pink perfume,
which lures inside a glass bottle,
is both bold and seductive. The
fragrance fills the nostrils with
Black Pepper, Seringa, Musk, and
Exotic Woods.
Britney Spears now has an
amazing career, numberless hits,
a baby, and yes two perfumes to
call her own. Britney’s Outrageous scents include both Curious
and Fantasy. Curious has a musty,
Celebrities reveal their new
soothing Scent-Sations
Toasted Wheat Grains.
Gardenia, White Rosebuds, Ce- alluring, chic aroma as opposed to
Paris Hilton, the drama queen, drat Flower, Blue Lily, Hyacinth, Fantasy that is fruity and uplifting.
has dramatized her own
Both are featured in
scent by launching her
cute bottles that every
fragrance, Paris Hilton,
girl just has to have
last year. Parlux fraShania Twain sure
grances manufactured
feels like a woman
the scent which is made
with her new fraup of frozen apple, peach
grance, Shania by
nectar, freesia, skin
Stetson. The rugged
musk, sandlewood, jaslook of country is
mine, and other little add
made chick as Shania
ins. Due to the success
poses for advertiseof the first pefume, Paris
ment after advertisenow has another fabument in a white butlous fragrance called,
ton down shirt and
Just Me. This fruitfull
a cowboy hat. The
addition to her collection
citrus scent contains
mandaviolet, lily of the valley,
rin, nectarine, dewy
Junior Lauren Budzinski freshens up with a new celebrity
white rose, and other
greens, red berries,
scent. Photo taken by Toni Bryant, PPC Photo Editor
fresh ingredients.
star fruit, red current,
Hanging out in the
December 14, 2005
and pomegrant. The scent is very
Donald Trump has even started his own fragrance line. That’s
right, if you want to be rich someday, go ahead and pick up Donald
Trump the Fragrance. The company wishes to keep most of the ingredients secret, part of the allure
of the fragrance, but there is a definite woody scent to it, designed to
make the men go loco!
Don’t worry boys, there are celebrity fragrances for men as well.
Paris Hilton has extended her line
to include, Paris Hilton for Men.
Also, Carlos Santana has a hot
fragrance in a signature enhanced
red bottle. Michael Jordan has two
scents for men to choose from as
So the question is why? Why
celebrity perfumes as opposed to
the classics such as Calvin Klein
and Victoria’s Secret? Image is everything today, especially among
young people. Teens idolize celebrities more than they idolize anyone else. If a girl wants to be hot
like Beyonce, then she obviously
needs to smell like her too right?
Marketers are swooning the market with these perfumes, knowing
they will sell. The Christmas rush
is in, and celebrity perfumes will
be more apparent than ever.
Some students wander the hallways with no true destination in
“I don’t really hang out in a
hallway. I walk around the school
with my friends,” said freshman
Zach Richards.
“I can’t stand in one place for a
long period of time, and five minutes is way to long!” said junior
Nikki Decristofaro.
Finally there are the select few
who make just in time for the bell
and are lucky to make to class on
“I usually get to school as soon
as the bell rings. There’s no time
to chit-chat,” said senior Karla
All in all, it is not clear why students actually hangout where they
do, but a main reason is just so that
they can be with their friends.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Gift ideas that lighten your mood...
Jessica Dumas
PPC Managing Editor
Every year right after Thanksgiving the shopping begins for all
those Christmas gifts for friends,
family, teachers, and even for pets.
And that means that it becomes
harder to decide what to actually
get for the people close to you.
Some gifts can be made or bought,
but either way the person will feel
very appreciated.
To start, teachers can be rather
difficult to buy for. So here is a short
b e
t o
items for teacher’s gifts. A lot of
teachers like coffee, (Mr. Gummerson) so it would not be a bad
idea to purchase a coffee mug for
not your wallet.
them. But being seen with a
mug that says
#1 Teacher on
it is kind of out,
so go for a nice travel mug that can
run from $2 and up. Always add a
little coffee along with it.
With the season getting really
cold, Kleenex is another great
gift for teachers so students can
stay healthy and the teachers will
not miss school! Lotion for some
teachers is a good gift in which
a variety of scents are available.
Pens, pencils, and dry-erase markers are a teachers dream. With the
markers running out or drying out
they need them to have students do
work on the board. If all else fails,
the good old gift card works.
Pets are pretty easy, unless you
have some exotic pets. In that case,
all I have to say is get them food. If
you are a dog owner, then collars,
dishes, leashes, little doggie shirts,
doggie bones, and doggie beds are
just a few things that little doggies
may want for Christmas this year.
Now cats are very picky with
everything. Anything with cat-
Teenagers discuss faith
Cassie Carlson
PPC Front Page Editor
It is apparent when a student is
an athlete when they wear their
jerseys on game day, it is easy to
detect one’s band preference from
the music coming from their computer during class, but what about
the students that base their lives
around their religion? What is it
that sets them apart?
Religion is not often something
students know about someone
when walking down the halls of
MCHS. Religion is not a part of
the academics, the school does not
sponsor a club for it, and the teachers are not permitted to preach to
students about personal views. But
nip may just
about do it
it is one of the few things that surround people’s lives that are not
taught to people at school.
Throughout MCHS alone there
are several views on who people
view as God or even if there is one
at all. Even in a single religion,
people’s opinions are clearly different.
“I go to a Lutheran church because my parents liked the pastors. I like going to church because afterwards I always have a
feeling of relief, and less stressed
about everything that has been on
my mind,” said sophomore Julia
“I’ve grown up Catholic with
my family, and I’m probably always going to be,” said Brian
Baltz, sophomore.
December 14, 2005
For older brothers, if they are
in love with their car, anything for
the car is a great idea. Puma
something with feathers. For fish,
maybe a little fish castle, a scuba
man, or some really bright and
shiny stones.
Gifts for family members is a
very broad topic. Gifts for mom
and dad could be grouped together.
Like a nice DVD player, or if you
need to really go on the cheap side,
coffee and espresso beans are the
perfect gift for the early rising parents. XM (satellite) radios are very
popular and start at $50 and up, but
don’t forget to mention that you
have to pay each month.
Mothers love to stay comfy
and warm so slippers or soft
fuzzy socks are really nice
gifts to open. Now most of
us do not really want to buy
our annoying siblings gifts,
but in light of the holidays
we bow down and give in.
“I never buy my brother
a gift, my mom does for
me,” said Katie Satterlee,
shoes are
becoming really
but are
also expensive. For any sibling, Visa gift
cards are the best because you can
use them for anything! Scarves
that are soft and fuzzy, lip-gloss,
nail polish, and purses are easy
choices for the girly girl sibling.
But if they are more of a tomboy,
then outdoor/sport stuff is great.
Just remember
to get things
they like, not
things that you
and may take
Last are
some gifts for
some of the
most important people in
Sophomore Victor Alberico said, “I was Catholic, but in 2002 I converted
[to Judism] and had my
Bar mitzvah.”
It is not too out of the ordinary for teenagers to attend
church based around busy schedules, when it fits into the weekend
plans, or on special occasions.
“I really only go to church on
special holidays like Christmas
and Easter,” said Lizz Celmer,
Without parents making it a part
of how life is around the house, or
looking for answers themselves,
many believe what they think
seems to make sense, to them or at
least help them sleep at night.
“I can’t really put my finger on
what it is I believe. I think there is
something after you die, whether
it’s God, or something like reincarnation...I’m not sure,” said
sophomore Taylor Hiller.
Sophomore Sammy Menne
said, “I don’t believe in God because there’s no proof for me, and
there’s a lot of judgment that come
along with Christianity.”
When a teenager does attend
church, one does notnecessarily
run up and preach to every person they come into contact with.
However, to fellow students and
friends, it is not hard to see that
there is something different about
“I live my life a lot different
then I would if I didn’t have my
Christianity, with the influences I
have in my life and the society we
live in, I know I would have some
bad habits that I do not,”
“FAITH” continued
page 10
your life. Your friends! Now girls
know exactly what to get their
girl friends because most of them
spend a lot of time together and
know what each other
like. But in case you
are a little stumped,
here is a few ideas.
Since it is cold,
scarves and warm
socks work really well
because you can get
some really colorful
ones. Or if you are a
little strapped for cash,
making bracelets or necklaces are
great ideas. If you are really talented, knitting a scarf, purse, or
little make-up bag is great, too.
For the technology teens, mixed
CDs of your friends favorite songs
are always great to receive. It lets
your friends know that you really
took the time to remember their
favorite songs. Guys and a lot of
girls like hoodies. Their warm,
cozy, you can hide in them, and
can be cheap depending on were
you go.
If you got a little money to
spend, see if your guy’s favorite
band is coming to town or close
enough to drive to and get them
some concert tickets. They may
even ask you to join them. Hats
are really easy to find and can
be pretty cheap. Guys love some
with funky colors or band signs
on them. And now polos are getting quite popular and many guys
really like wearing them. They
can be easily found at Aeropostle
or Hollister.
Christmas is a really fun holiday to celebrate and give gifts.
But many of us can be a little on
the shy side of having a lot of
cash. And your friends and family
will understand that you still love
them if you just make them a little
card or anything. They will know
you still care and will be glad that
you still remembered them. In
the end, have fun choosing gifts
for your friends, family, pets, and
Great gift ideas for all the holidays.
Clockwise: Gift bags, CDs, and
purses. Photos by Toni Bryant,
PPC Photo Editor.
Arts & Entertainment
In my opinon: The Ten Best Songs You Probably Haven’t Heard
Peace Pipe Chatter
Jessica Pieszchala
PPC A&E Editor
Upon walking into a music or
electronics store where you could
purchase CDs, you probably walk
to the a.) stuff you know you want
because you made a list, b.) sale
section, or c.) section that says
“New Artists,” or however this
store would word it.
However, there’s that once in
a while that the store just doesn’t
have what you’re looking for.
Perhaps you don’t exactly know
what you’re looking for. I’ve been
there. There’s got to be something
there that’s a little out of your style
that you’ll still like, but with band
names these days, how are you
supposed to guess what the band
sounds like other than the one
sentence description on the sticker
on the front? Well, in my opinion,
here are some of the best songs that
most people don’t know about. If
you’ve heard them before, or at
least the artist in general, here’s
another opinion on a song from
First, I have to say a Death
Cab for Cutie song. This is an
older one, and in my opinion, one
of the best songs they’ve ever
done is “Tomorrow” from the CD
“You Can Play These Songs with
Chords.” Tomorrow’s fast paced
beat and fun lyrics make this song
a joy to listen to.
“I think it’s upbeat and it’s
different from the rest of their
songs,” said freshman Kaela
If you’re really into upbeat
music, such as dance music, I
suggest “Geisha Dreams” by
Rollergirl. Her pretty vocals
combining with a somewhat
Oriental beat create an illusion of
being in Japan.
“It has an authentic Oriental
aura layered with a modern
European beat,” said Molly
Anderson, junior.
Sometimes people just love
female vocals. Seem like you? You
might like a song that I happen to
love. “My Lovely” by Eisley is a
song filled with their vocalist’s
well written lyrics and harmonious
voice, also accompanied by some
guitar and a steady drum beat.
There’s another fantastic song
with a steady drum beat and some
great dance music. British band,
Kaiser Chiefs, has a great song
called “Everyday I Love You
Less and Less.” The song’s rather
repetitive chorus, but fun lyrics,
are catchy and will keep you
singing all day long.
If you’re into British bands,
you might want to check out
Bloc Party. Some people already
know who they are, but they have
an amazing song called “She’s
Hearing Voices.” This song has
some fun guitar riffs and a song
that many might find themselves
dancing to.
Of course, a lot of people can
generalize rap as something you’d
dance to, and so can I. If a really
dancy rap song seems pleasing to
you, I think you’d like “Shake” by
Trina. This song makes me find
myself wanting to do exactly what
the title says, shake.
However, if you’re more of
a mellow kid, you might like a
certain Slipknot song. Yes, I did
say Slipknot and mellow in the
same sentence. “Vermilion Pt. 2”
is a fantastic song to find yourself
strumming to on an acoustic
guitar. The lyrics show the band’s
vocalist, Corey Taylor’s, actual
singing talent and emotions.
Although many bands have
singing talent, once in a while one
comes across a truly unique voice,
such as the singer from Placebo.
In their song, “Protect Me From
What I Want,” his vocals show
a difference from many other
“They have a very distinct sound
and his voice is amazing,” said
Brittany Sowacke, sophomore.
However, some people don’t
like it and find it annoying, as I’ve
been told.
There are many bands with
powerful vocals, good enough
to make you dance and sing
December 14, 2005
One of them is a Chicago local,
Lovehammers. After a recent
concert with Jessica Simpson in
Chicago, and they’re singer, Marty
Casey, taking second place on
Rockstar: INXS, his vocals have
proven their worth. They’re song
“Eyes Can’t See” is a fantastic
song off the album “Murder On
My Mind.” It’s gentle riff in the
beginning followed by the moving
refrain make this song really fun to
listen to driving, at home, or doing
anything at all.
And for my tenth song, I have
to say something by Swedish
metal band, In Flames. I’d have to
choose “Only for the Weak.” The
keyboard adds an eerie melodic
taste to it, and the good metal riffs
accompany the screaming and
great vocals.
So altogether, if you find
yourself wanting to expand your
music taste, I highly suggest these
songs because they are my personal
favorites; I hope you enjoy them. Contrary to popular belief: Aeon Flux, not as bad as some say
Zach Pisut
PPC Co-Editor-in-Chief
Aeon Flux began little longer
than a decade ago as a cartoon
on MTV. Its highly suggestive
themes and sci-fi plot line gained
the series a considerably large
fanbase, which ultimately led
to the production of the movie
adaption, starring Charlize
Theron. The movie is set 400
years into the future, during the
time of a psuedo-utopian city
known as Bregna. Few people
know the truths of Bregna’s
totalitarian government, or how
lives within the city disappear
without pretense. This enigma
begins the rebellion group
known as the Monicans, in
which Aeon Flux, the title
character, is a part of. Aeon’s
mission is to eliminate
the head of Bregna’s
government, but as the
plot unfolds, nothing is
what it seems and Aeon’s
shifts. Will Aeon choose
pre-determined destiny
over truth?
I suppose negative
professional reviewers
is to be expected, due to
the fact that almost every
film with a female action
hero lead receives much
woman as the lead, and
the lead is always sexy,
leads to people missing
major plot points while A photo of the Aeon Flux theatrical poster may
they ogle. And what are seem appealing to some viewers. Photo taken by
movie critics, usually? PPC Photo Editor Mike Speek.
Men,” commented senior
Dan Romashko.
Despite harsh
reviews submitted by
critics, I found this to be
quite an enjoyable movie.
The action sequences
were lively and crisp, and
sometimes tastefully gory.
Charlize Theron looks
Her lovely,
matted black hair looks
superb; the producers did
a great job of adapting
the cartoon into a stylistic
future fashion. Theron’s
athletic body is generated
which also adds to the
fighting dynamics. She
performed chic moves,
such as stealth kills and
lots of martial artistinfluenced legwork.
As far as the story line goes,
I give no complaints. It was
so much more than anything
viewers could expect from
a run-of-the-mill action/scifi film. The movie seemed
sporadic at times, especially
at the beginning, but this was
done to give the plot an extra
twist. If this had not happened,
too much of the plot would have
been exposed, thus resulting
in a predictable end. The
special effects and costumes
were nothing extraordinary,
as all action films of today
contain heavy special effects
and intricate costumes, but
with Aeon Flux, the action
“Aeon Flux” continued
on page 10.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Arts & Entertainment
December 14, 2005
The Hype of Celebrity Relationships
Erin Engel
PPC News Editor
The pressure to smile, to
kiss, to hug, and to hold hands
seems to take its toll on some
celebrity couples, while some are
seemingly living in the limelight
and tabloids. Looking at Tom
Cruise and his fiancée Katie
Holmes, many claim that this
couple is a little on the “crazy”
side of life. With Cruise buying
Holmes a sonogram machine,
according to, many
are beginning to speculate about
their relationship and its meaning.
“I think that Tom may have
feelings for her and is excited
about the pregnancy, but he’s
ultimately blowing it way out
Amber Chapman, sophomore,
works out her moves in Minooka’s
4A dance class. The class is a new
favorite for the physical education
curriculum. Photo taken by Mike
Taylor Bowen
PPC Copy Editor
“Dance is not just about moving
around and making up a dance.
Dance is about feeling the music
and letting yourself get lost in the
feeling. It is about putting your
emotions into motions; expressing
yourself through the movement of
dance,” said Brittani Boness, sophomore. And that is what MCHS’s
dance class lets students do.
“Today we watched the movie
Save the Last Dance and it made
me have a whole new respect for
dancers, and the class,” said Jacky
Moriarty, sophomore.
The dance class is very informal. The students do not even have
to wear shoes! The students do not
just go into the class and learn a
dance from the teacher (Mrs. Amy
Lyons). They apply themselves
and learn jazz, ballet, modern,
and all sorts of dance. They also
have to make up their own dances
using the moves they learn- for
a grade. Yes, dance is not just a
blow-off class where students can
sit around. They actually learn
things and see dance from a new
“I love teaching dance class.
The students are a lot of fun and
very energetic,” said Mrs. Lyons,
The class has much to offer.
“We start off with Classical Ballet, then Jazz and Choreography,
Yoga, Pilates, and finish with Hip
Hop and Swing.”
The class is for anyone, and
many think it is fun.
“The people in the class become close, because the class is
different than any other class, because the we are more together,
and work more as a group. It is
fun and healthy...and you lose
weight!” said Gabby Vallejo.
“In dance we learn a lot of different types of dance, the history
of it [and practice the different
types], like Yoga and Pilates. It is
fun and easy for a P.E. class, but
not too easy. I enjoy it because I
like to dance,” said Sarah Kruse,
of proportion,” said Jessica
Chestnut, a senior.
Whether you agree with her
or not, a couple like “TomKat”
certainly has not been around in
a long time and it appears the
record will not be broken soon.
Nevertheless, even with Cruise
and Holmes, there are other
relationships that have faced their
share of troubles in their test
of time. For example, Britney
Spears and Kevin Federline have
denied trouble from what seems
like the very beginning of their
marriage that was almost one
year ago. According to imdb.
com, they posed with their new
son, Sean Preston, in their home
for a Thanksgiving spread that
appeared in PEOPLE magazine’s
Dec. 2 issue. Even with the
reassurance from the couple that
nothing is wrong in paradise,
students are still speaking their
minds about this celebrity couple.
In spite of couples denying
every rumor directed at them,
why do some of the couples act as
a couple until the very end and the
release of a statement?
“Celebrities” continued on
page 10
GotWinter Blues?
Taylor Bowen
PPC Copy Editor
the most realistic. There are endless possibilities.
“My favorite part about winter
is going snowboarding. I love it,”
said Tanner Hanson, sophomore.
Winter is a time to spend time
Snowball fights are a given in
winter, but make it original. Get
a lot of friends, make two teams,
make walls on either side of a
Do you dread the winter because
yard, and fight away! Maybe you
you think that it will be boring and
could have hide-and-seek snowyou will be stuck inside evball fighting, snowball tag,
ery day? Well don’t! Winter
is just an opportunity to try
“In winter you get to
new or fun things, as well as
throw snowballs at random
enjoy family and friends.
people,” said Michael Boys,
The first thing that you
should try is sledding.
Another fun thing to do on
Yes, you may think that
a cold day is to make ice. Go
it is childish and “so first
into your backyard (or pretty
grade,” but it doesn’t have
much anywhere else but the
to be only about finding
street) and get buckets of
a hill and sliding down it
water and spread it all over.
on a sled. Grab a bunch
You can’t use your hose befriends, find some sleds,
cause it will be frozen. You
find a huge hill, and let the
can have a lot of fun with
fun begin! Have races, go in
ice. Ice skate in your own
groups down the hill, pack
backyard, and have your
the snow and make it fastfriends, too.
er, have contests, and use
“I think the best thing to
your imagination. You can
do in winter is to play outsurely make up a game to
side in the snow, and after go
play with friends, sleds, and
inside and drink hot chocoA beautiful snowy evening can create many
snow. McKinley Woods has
late and watch movies,” said
memories to cherish for the rest of your life.
Jennifer Rees, Junior.
an amazingly huge hill that
Photo taken by PPC Photo Editor Mike Speek
Winter can be very romangets great packed snow, and a
tic also. Take a walk in the
lot of speed, if you are looking for a good, scary hill.
with your family. Take your little snow with your girlfriend or boyYou can also make snowmen. brother or sister snowboarding for friend, and enjoy how pretty winDon’t just make the typical Frosty the first time. Teach them how and ter can be. Spend some time with
snowman, spice it up a bit! Try laugh as they fall over and over. your love by the fire, watching a
making a snowman that looks like Make snow ramps and get your movie or listening to music.
Winter is not the end of summer
your friend, have contests to see friends to get their snowboards or
who can make the best snowman, sleds and see who can get the high- fun, but the beginning of endless
or the weirdest, or the funniest, or est.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Continuing the Chatter
“Celebrities” cont. from page 9
“Faith” cont. from page 7
Presumably, couples deny
anything that would cause further hurt and havoc in an already
broken relationship, as would
any couple in trouble. Meaning,
anyone in a relationship wants
to keep the heartache to an absolute minimum. Living their lives
under the unforgiving public microscope can strain already broken relationships. Though why
are people thinking they wait
so long to release something?
“(I think) it actually (might)
hurt their career and they wait until the right time for their career,”
said freshman China Oughton.
It has been said that for Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey,
the reason for their separation
was due to the stress of the public
eye. According to,
Simpson has even had to receive
therapy for the public focus on
her relationship. Also, with Simpson’s success on the rise, some
speculate that her husband was
just living in her shadow. Since
Lachey’s solo album SoulO’s debuted, it has only sold 105,000
copies, adding to the stress of
being married to a superstar.
Though with Hollywood’s dream
couple separated for now, what
are their fans saying about this?
“Jessica Simpson is hot.
So I can move in now,”
junior Angela Martin.
With the lack of knowledge
of each other’s faith, one might
wonder if teens just do not like to
bring up such a topic that causes
so much controversy, or if religious teenagers are embarrassed
to speak out about their beliefs.
Senior Katie Kuzma said, “I
am not afraid to talk about my
Christianity, and I have never
been ridiculed when I have.”
Sophomore Chris Pansa said, “A
lot of people know I go to church,
I’m not embarrassed by it.”
One of the reasons why people find themselves looking
for answers is the fear, or curiosity of what will happen to
them once they leave this earth.
“I think there is a heaven
and a hell, depending on how
you lived your life will decide which one you’ll be going
to,” said junior Amanda Dew.
“When I die, I think that
is just the end...but I mean, I
hope there’s more,” said Menne
With so many high school
students having such strong beliefs, from Christianity to atheism, it is important to stand for
something, share one’s faith,
and be proud of one’s beliefs.
siblings, or friends come in.
Sitting down with your parents
and discussing with them
your homework plans and
expectations. Setting a “contract”
with them will help keep you
focused on the things that need
to be done and will allow you to
achieve the goals that you want.
Also, do not cram. Do not have
a “crunch time” where there is a
lot of pressure and expectations
to finish multiple chapters in one
night. The best way to study is
to schedule how you plan to use
your time when you are doing
homework. Spend twenty minutes
going over formulas, and then
spend another fifteen minutes
applying those formulas. As long
as there is organization and a long
period of time to study, finals
should be a breeze, or at least not
as painful.
“Finals” cont. from page 1
December 14, 2005
“Holidays” cont.
from page 3
As nauseating as this channel is,
ABC Family does their best to
show some holiday spirit with their
25 Days of Christmas, over 150
hours of ABC affiliated holiday
movies and specials crammed
into their primetime schedule. As
a forewarning, count on over half
of those hours being the dreaded
ABC Family Original Movies.
Everything else played, however,
does deserve to be mentioned.
“I like to watch the classics like
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
and Rudolph’s Shiny New Year,”
said sophomore Colleen Urbanski.
The next time you settle down
to watch some holiday movies,
television, or even commercials,
consider the good and the bad. The
holidays, and their specials come
but once a year, and that time of
year is something to cherish and
enjoy, not waste.
Peace Pipe Chatter
December 14, 2005
College or Pro...take your pick
Jeff Beguin
PPC Sports Editor
Everyday people are faced with
simple questions where they must
decide between two different
things. Here…. or to go, paper….
or plastic, or one of the biggest
dilemmas that sports fans face,
college sports…. or professional.
Though the NBA, MLB, and
the NFL are the limelights of
their sports, NCAA sports have
become very popular in the eyes
of sports fans as those athletes
will soon become the new stars of
professional sports.
“I like college sports,
everyone tries harder and plays Most professional fans
Other people enjoy the
harder,” said sophomore Aaron enjoy it because they feel the love professional level more than
for their team. Take Chicago Cubs collegiate because the players
Because most people fans; they are all diehard fans. are the absolute best. Only the
enjoy college sports for its
top athletes can make it to
spirit and passion, the things
the professional level, and
Lately, the NBA has
like school fight songs, crazy
that is where the fame and
fallen off dramatically
mascots, and state rivalries
fortune of sports comes from.
have become a huge part
Athletes in the pros play for
since the glory days of
of the collegiate level. The
multimillion-dollar contracts
Michael Jordan, David and bonuses according to the
athletes all have the never
say die attitude because they
that they achieve.
Robinson, Karl Malone, success
don’t get paid to play, their
“I like the NFL, but
and others...
playing for the excitement of
in basketball I like how
winning for their school.
the college level has more
“I watch the NBA
intensity,” said sophomore
because the players are so They love their team so much that Jake Salazar.
amazing, and so are the Pistons,” they stay with their team through This opinion is very
said sophomore Doug Davidson.
common. Lately, the NBA has
the thick and thin.
fallen off dramatically since the
glory days of Michael Jordan,
David Robinson, Karl Malone,
and others, which has allowed
NCAA basketball to crawl up
towards the main attention of the
sport of basketball. Now that the
NBA has made a rule that every
NBA entree must have finished
one year in college means that the
NCAA will have even more prime
Some people enjoy
the intensity of collegiate
sports, others like the talent of
professional, but there is no doubt
that people will argue between the
two levels further into the future
for anyone to be able to predict.
Video gaming sweeps nation
Kelly Hernandez
PPC Editor-In-Chief
Students and adults across
the world can be linked by
a single competition, video
gaming. One can easily
detect a video game addict
and more often than not it
can be assumed that that
specific person may have
a lot of time on their hands
because their obsession is
different. However, while
more traditional athletes
such as basketball stars
and football gods work at
improving their game, so do
thousands of video gamers.
As weird as it may be
to consider playing video
games an actual sport, it
can be classified as that.
According to
a sport can be considered a
recreational activity or an
active pastime, a category
which video gaming can be
placed in.
MTV played a True
Life episode titled “I’m a
Professional Gamer” and
the show highlighted a
group of top female gamers
and two boys trying to make
it big in the gaming world.
What some may not know is
that there can be big money
in professional gaming. The
competitions allow kids and
adults to turn their hobby into
fast cash. The competitions
can be individual or they can
be performed in a group.
According to MTV.
com, the True Life episode,
including Alice and her clan
of female gamers, traveled
to compete in one of the
biggest female competitions
to date. They ultimately
enemy and walked away
with $10,000.
Now to be more specific,
there are more than two
ways to be a gamer. Some
people play online games
and others can play popular
games such as Halo. A
popular computer game
called Counter-Strike is an
online shooter game that
has accumulated over 2.8
million players. According
Kyle Miller, an international
celebrity of the “e-sports”
world, has competed in
tournaments with cash
prizes up to $500.000.
Since most teenagers do
not have the opportunity to
travel as far as Korea does
not mean that teenagers are
not playing tournaments
right in the comfort of their
own homes.
“I pretty much play Halo
when I’m bored, I’m not good
enough to be a professional,
but I know people who are
good enough,” stated Matt
Bannon, sophomore.
So, even though one may
question the authenticity
of gaming as a sport, big
money is there to be had
and people across the world
are making an effort to win
money and do what they
love, video gaming. Photo
taken by PPC Photo Editor
Mike Speek.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Super Bowl Hopes
Julie Schenck
PPC Sports Editor
Thanksgiving has passed and
the one thing on every sports
fan’s mind is football, but more
importantly the Super Bowl.
Following your favorite team
and their season thus far can
be the most exciting and
anticipating obsession a fan can
have. Waiting until Sunday to
see what the team’s new record
will be, if there’s going to be
another “w” for their stats, or
that one player who has been
mediocre all season shines for
that one perfect play. Right
now no one knows who will
get the privilege to participate
in the event to end all events,
but some MCHS students
have already made their own
predictions, or maybe just
hopes, for the last two remaining
teams to battle it out.
“Colts and Bears!” shouted
seniors Joe Alexander and Bob
Boers. “The Bears are going to
win the Super Bowl this year.
They have the best defense, and
that wins championships. If you
can’t score on a team you can’t
beat them.”
As the two seniors spouted their
hopes for yet another Chicago
team to make it to its respective
“The Bears are going
to win the Super
Bowl this year.
They have the best
defense, and that wins
championships. If you
can’t score on a team
you can’t beat them.”
final round, another senior chimed
in to shut down their dreams.
“Colts and Bears? How about
Colts and Cowboys, they’re
amazing! Roy Williams dominates.
It’s going to be Colts 30, Cowboys
31. Terry Glenn’s a playmaker,
and they’ll make it all the way,”
said Chad Davenport.
As the three argued back and
forth, nothing was said about the
team that all three had predicted to
be in the Super Bowl, the Colts.
The Colts have played other
successful NFL teams like the
Patriots and the Bengals, yet
have contained a 12-0 winning
streak (the last time the NFL has
seen a perfect season was from
the 1972 Miami Dolphins). The
Colt’s 230-pound quarterback
Peyton Manning has a total
of 2,966 passing yards, while
Marvin Harrison, the Colt’s
175-pound wide receiver, has
had a total of 855 receiving
yards since the beginning of
the season.
Whether you think it’s the
Colts, hope it’s the Bears, or
just want the Texans to win it
all and freak you out, one way or
the other on February 5, 2006, two
of the best teams in the league will
be competing to be the ultimate.
The question is, will it be your
Chicago Sports on Fire
The success keeps coming
Nicholas Condotti
PPC Staff Writer
It has finally happened. It
is either the end of the world, or
Chicago is really taking over. No
one saw it coming, but here it is...
a variety of three Chicago sports
dominating over the competition.
The Bulls, the Bears, and of
course the White Sox are proving
that Chicago can be known for
more then just hot dogs and a
neighboring lake.
Seven years ago in 1998, the
Chicago Bulls won their sixth
Championship in history. In the
spring of 2005 the Bulls once
again went to the playoffs. Now
with five new players the Bulls are
charging at all opponents. One of
the NBA’s fifty greatest players,
a six time world champion, and
seven time NBA All-Star, number
33 Scottie Pippen will now be
retired. His jersey was retired on
the December 9 game at half time,
against the L.A. Lakers. Among
the people that were on hand for
his jersey retirement was Michael
Jordan and Phil Jackson, and his
college and high school coaches.
The Bulls are also on track, just
coming off a 6 game road trip,
winning against some of the NBA’s
best teams, the LA Lakers and the
2005 NBA Championship team,
the San Antonino Spurs.
The summer of 2005 brought
what Chicago has been waiting for,
the Chicago White Sox dominating
the World Series. The Chicago
White Sox haven’t won the World
Series since 1917. On December
5, the Sox hosted a DVD premier,
entitled Sox Pride: The Story of the
2005 World Champion Chicago
MCHS Scoreboard
December 14, 2005
Score as of December 7th
Stat Box
Varsity Boys Basketball
December 2 @Glenbard South
Minooka 43
Glenbard South 40
Varsity Boys Basketball
Junior Kevin Cain had 19 points
including five three pointers.
Varsity Girls Basketball (4-4)
December 6 vs. Lincoln Way
Lincoln Way
Varsity Girls Basketball
Senior Lauren Zembruski led
scoring with 12 points.
Varsity Boys Bowling (2-2)
December 1 vs. Romeoville
Varsity Boys Bowling
Sophomore Robert Krumlinde
bowled a total of 586 with a 230
Varsity Wrestling
December 4 @ Joliet Township
Minooka 45 Joliet 24
Minooka 39 Yorkville 18
Varsity Wrestling
Minooka recieved pins from
Brian Bokoski, Nick Bain,
Steve Olin, Kenny Zable, and
Eric Loomis.
Junior Austin Hanohano added
eight points and three assists.
Congratulations to the five Minooka athletes who signed thier colleg
letters of intent.
Ashley Jones has accepted a swimming scholarship to Indian University.
Tom Cerven is headed to Southern Illinois University for baseball.
Stacy Heap has earned a scholarship to St. Francis for Softball.
Cole Tyrell agreed to a scholarship to the University of Dayton for
Lauren Zembruski has accepted a scholarship to southern Illinois
University for softball.
White Sox. Also on Wednesday
November 30, Paul Konerko
resigned with the White Sox in a
5 year, 60 million-dollar contract.
Konerko had a batting average of
.283 this past season.
The last among the three
amazing Chicago teams are the
Chicago Bears. The team has
now won a record high of eight
consecutive games. The Bears
also won 19-17 against the rival
Green Bay Packers, which hasen’t
happened in Solider Field since
1992. The Bears managed to win
this game without one touchdown
on offense. The team seems to be
leading the league with their almost
unstoppable defense. Since the
beginning of the season, the Bears
have dominated with 37 sacks and
571 solo tackles. They are now 6
to 1 at home and currently lead the
NFC North division.
No matter the sport, the area,
or the fan-base, there is no denying
the domination of Chicago teams
over the world of sports. The 2005
season has been good to Chicago,
hopefully this city-wide winning
streak will continue into 2006.

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