September 28, 2005 - Minooka Community High School District #111


September 28, 2005 - Minooka Community High School District #111
Peace Pipe
Ways to Get
Truth behind
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Homecoming nearing
A night of all knights
(Fr: yellow, So: green, Jr: white,
SR: orange). The mixer/bonfire
will take place afterwards where
the top three winners from Battle
October is almost here, and of the Bands will play till ten.
Thursday, or concert T-shirt
for MCHS, this time of year is
always exciting. Not only are the day, will sport horse racing during
school colors represented by one lunch and an outdoor movie at
of the best holidays ever, but the 7:30 p.m. on the practice football
first week of October is also the field. The movie will be A Knight’s
beloved week of homecoming.
The end of the school week
Battle of the Bands kicks off the
week as a night activity on Sept. will bring about orange-and-black
30. The two-dollar event starts at day with an outdoor assembly
6 p.m. and ends
at 9 p.m., giving
to victims of
c o u r t
Monday, Friday Sept. 30 Battle of the Bands ments, and
Oct. 3, features
of fall sports.
Monday Oct. 3 Dodge Ball
Of course the
main event
lunch Tuesday Oct. 4 Mr. & Ms. Indian will be the
and a dodge ball
tournament at
Wednesday Oct. 5 Powderpuff
game against
six o’clock at
the Oswego
the Channahon
Thursday Oct. 6 Outdoor Movie
Field House. A
$100 prize will
Friday Oct. 7 Homecoming Game game at 5:15
p.m., varsity
to the winning
game at 7:30
Tuesday’s Saturday Oct. 8 Homecoming Dance p.m.).
Finally the
spirit day is
themed mismatch, and a surprise homecoming dance, or the Night
food will be served up in an eating of all Knights will be held in the
contest during lunch. Mr. and Mrs. cafetorium from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Indian will end the day in the Admission of ten dollars can be
performing arts center from 7 p.m. purchased during all lunches from
Oct. 3 through Oct. 7.
to 9 p.m.
Homecoming has changed a bit
The amazing game of
Powderpuff will be the main event since last year, so come out and
on Wed., Oct. 5 at the football show your school spirit the first
stadium from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., week of October by wearing the
while those who aren’t in the event theme of the day or attending the
wearing the colors of their class event of the night.
September 28, 2005
Vol. 91, Edition 2
Minooka Community High School
Julie Schenck
PPC Sports Editor
Ryan Kelsey, junior, works on homecoming signups during lunch. Kelsey
is an active part of Student Council, who is sponsoring the event. Photo
by: PPC Photo editor Toni Bryant.
Hot Hot Heat
Zach Pisut
The recent heat uprising has
proved quite troublesome to
the entire community. Through
these temperatures, some MCHS
students have felt that the school
lacks much-needed technological
advances. Many students believe
the misconception that the entire
building lacks air conditioning. Minooka Community High
School principal Bob Williams
verified that although the entire
building is not air conditioned,
many areas are.
Nevertheless, the scorching
temperatures of early Septem-
ber have made some areas of the
school rather uncomfortable. In
addition to regular students, the
heat can be detrimental to the
health of students with specific
health problems, like asthma.
Therefore, MCHS classes have
been cut short on a few of these
high temperature days to clear
the hottest spaces in the building
in the afternoon, when heat can
be most fatal.
“[Getting out of school early]
rocks and gives me more time for
myself,” said senior Sean Hume.
All students enjoy having a little
extra time in the day, but what
ultimately determines these
“HEAT” Continued
on page 2
Peace Pipe Chatter
cont. from page 1
dismissals? Both
Williams and superintendent
David Middleton
review the daily
predictions to determine
which days students should leave
“We use a number of factors in
the daily forecast,
such as the high
the day, humidity, and dew point.
The overnight low
is very important
as well. Years ago
wasnʼt available to
us,” explained Williams.
also noted that past
experiences are utilized in making the
decision. According to Williams,
there has not been a
large concern from
Beside the students of MCHS,
teachers at the
school also feel that
Williamsʼ and Middletonsʼ decision on
the day lengths to
be reasonable.
“I think it was
the right decision,”
mentioned video
editing instructor
Trent Bontrager.
In short, the
shortened days have
proved beneficial to
both the students
and staff at MCHS.
Both the school and
community appreciated the leaders
of MCHS for such
wise decisions.
September 28, 2005
Peace Pipe Chatter
Minooka Community High School
301 S. Wabena Avenue
Minooka, IL 60447
(815) 467-2140 Voicemail: ext. 264
During one of many grueling hot days without air conditioning at Minooka, Ms.
Sharon Stanfordʼs U.S. history class gathers around the classroom fan to cool down.
Photo by PPC Photo Editor Toni Bryant
Zach Pisut and Kelly Hernandez
Managing Editor:
Jessica Dumas
Front Page Editors:
Chandell Pet and Cassie Carlson
Features Editors:
28Krystal Moya and Angie Wiatrowski
Sports Editors:
Jeff Beguin and Julie Schenck
News Editors:
Brittany Pendry and Erin Engel
Arts & Entertainment Editors:
Eric Reynolds and Jessica Pieszchala
Copy Editors:
Chandell Pet and Taylor Bowen
Photo Editors:
Toni Bryant and Mike Speek
Secretary/Business Manager:
Stacy Kelley
Mr. Matt Thomas and Mrs. Julia Riedmaier
Staff Writers:
Nick Condotti
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Journalism I
Amanda Alexander
Angela Mateo
Ashlee Barnett
Megan McEvilly
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Tommy Fincher
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Brandon Johnson
Allison Papp
Michael Kashuda
Mark Photakis
Lauren Keers
Sarah Silverman
Ryan Kelley
Michelle Speckman
Samantha Kelley
Samantha Surges
Ryan Kelsey
Carissa Weyer
Kristi Lawrence
Colin Whittle
Submission Policy:
The Peace Pipe Chatter strongly encourages suggestions and/
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While submission does not guarantee publication, PPC staff
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Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/KRT
Campus High School Newspaper Sevice.
Stereotyped student unveils her true feelings
Peace Pipe Chatter
Toni Bryant
PPC Photo Editor
“Wow, look at her, she
is so weird. I would never be
seen talking to her, she is way too
weird. Look at all that metal in her
face and ears. You can basically
see through her ear the hole is so
big. Eh, she has tattoos too, who
in their right mind would do that.
It is not like they come off or anything.”
That statement is a general stereotypical statement one may say
or at least think when they see me.
If you do not know who I am, I am
a junior here and I have 22 piercings and four tattoos. I get stereotyped all the time for my piercings
and tattoos but a lot of people donʼt
give me the chance to show that I
donʼt fit into the generalities I get
put into.
The stereotype of people with
piercings and tattoos is basically
that they are bad kids, bad influences, do a lot of drugs and drink-
ing, donʼt care about anything or and I am far from being suicidal ample why people shouldnʼt be
anyone. They are said to be very and depressed. But I still am ste- stereotyped, because he is basicalantisocial and suicidal, and yes, reotyped as being who I am not.
ly two different people. When he
this could be
goes to work,
true for some
he is like evpeople,
ery other noronly because
mal person, he
they choose to
looks normal,
do that themacts normal ,he
isnʼt treated
I am the toany different
tal opposite. I
or looked at
am not a bad
any different,
person or influbut when he
ence. I donʼt
gets home he
get in trouble
is a different
with the law or
person. When
in trouble at all
he is at home
for that mathe
ter. I donʼt do
his piercings
drugs or drink.
and tattoos.
My dad has
I do care about
a lot of things
pierced, which
in my life like
is the middle
my 40 pets,
Toni Bryant, junior, exposes 20 of her 22 piercings. Photo Taken by PPC
of your nose
and my family
Photo Editor Toni Bryant
like a bull,
and friends. I
and his tongue
get A and Bs in
school, I am not antisocial at all,
My own father is a prime ex- and a few other piercings here and
September 28, 2005
there. When he goes to work, he
puts his ring up in his nose and
doesnʼt show his tongue ring. He
also has a lot of tattoos: his whole
back is done with one big scenery
tattoo, but none of that is seen at
work either.
When I am at work at Subway,
I have to take my piercings out
and everyone treats me the same.
I have left my piercings in to see
what people would think, and their
reaction is a lot different: I did receive weird looks and a few whispers.
The real reason I have piercings
and tattoos is to express myself. I
like being different from the norm,
but I donʼt like being judged for
being different. My body modifications make me an individual and
if I appreciate one thing it would
be individualism, but I donʼt appreciate that I get stereotyped as a
horrible person because I am not.
Just because I want to be different doesnʼt mean I need to be
treated different.
Indecent exposure and the disciplinary action:
Where to draw the line?
Steven Kelley
PPC Staff Writer
Rules. That nasty little word
has followed us around all of our
lives. In first grade, the most
shocking rule hit: NO TALKING.
That was pretty hard for kids who
did nothing but talk in the grade
prior to this. It is completely
understandable why we have them,
they are really just so we can be
safe and learn. A school without
rules would be complete anarchy
and out of control. However, there
such a thing as taking the rules too
far, and some teachers at MCHS
have been doing exactly that.
The dress code has always
been an issue here at MCHS, and
still is strongly enforced. It is
understandable that people don’t
want to see others half naked, but
when raising the hand, it is very
easy to show skin, even wearing a
shirt that fits normal.
While sitting in class, I had raised
my hand and my teacher noticed
very little skin, and threatened to
send me to the deans for my middrift being shown. However, this
shirt was an XL and fit perfectly
fine. Since it was one of the first
days, I was just being “warned.”
“That is ridiculous… and yet
quite funny,” laughed junior Nikki
Another time I was sitting in
class minding my own business,
simply talking to a fellow student
and I said, “I really have to go
pee.” Well, the teacher did not take
it that lightly and began ranting
about it. While
that is not the best
phrase to use, I
still find it quite
pathetic that such
a scene could be
made out of one
little incident. I
mean we all make
mistakes, some
more than others.
While teachers
stated that being
in high school
means that more
comes into play
and that how as
the age increases,
so should our
choices. However, it seems a
little childish to be saying that to
a 16-year-old.
“I get yelled at for the stupidest
things sometimes,” stated Junior
Christina Flamm.
With the real world approaching
fast, it is sad to see that, still, we
have to face certain teachers
who overreact about everything.
Being a junior is a stepping-stone
and with teachers taking us back
to nap time world, it feels like
they are just holding us back and
making things more difficult for
us students who just want to be
treated like adults.
Steven Kelley, junior, is showing
off his “mid-drift” proudly. This
is his stand against overreacting
teachers. Photo taken by PPC
Photo Editor Toni Bryant.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Live 8: Effective Or For Show?
Erin Engel
PPC News Editor
Live 8 and the G8. Numbers
and letter that have the same
meaning: to stop starvation in Africa. Remember way back when
in July of ʼ05, there was a series
of concerts that consumed both
MTV and VH1; 10 concerts, 10
cities, 8 countries, 3 continents,
1 purpose. Their purpose was to
raise awareness of the devastating
condition that the countries of Africa are in. The reason for this gigantic media showing was to show
the G8 that people of the world
cared about this topic. The G8 is a
meeting of the worldʼs wealthiest
and most influential countries that
come together and discuss how to
solve many of the worldʼs issues.
In reality, did all of the publicity
and hype over the concert and the
meetings do anything to change the
situations in Africa? According to (which is linked
through much of what
is scheduled to occur has yet to.
“The aid increase is too little,
too late, condemning 50 million
children to death over the next
five years. And the G8 will do
little to improve the effectiveness of their aid,” stated the site.
They also continued to say,
“The debt deal offers only
10% of what is needed and
comes with harmful conditions.
“The aid announced is insufficient to meet the G8ʼs
“What we have is only promises,
on past record is far from certain how
much will actually be determined.
Photo Tak
en By PP
C Photo
Edito M
ike Speek
“No programs on trade, a disaster for a continent where 60
percent of employment comes
from small scale farming.”
They may be right, considering it has been almost two
months since the meeting and
still we have not heard of relief
being sent over. Some students
think that when people tuned in
to the concert or even attended,
they only did so to see the stars.
“Some people probably just
went for a good time and didnʼt
care about the people in Africa,” stated junior Jen Herbert.
“Some of the people went
for noble reason, but a lot of
them went for a good time,”
senior Stephanie Clark said.
While there seems to be so much
negativity against this type of situation, not all effects from the Live
8 concert and the G8 meetings
ended with scandal. Whitehouse.
gov reported many other concerns
that were in the leaderʼs minds as
they met on July 6. Along with
starvation in Africa, the G8 had to
discuss the global economy, energy, oil, trade, intellectual property
right, regional issues, post-tsunami recovery, counter-terrorism,
safety, non-proliferation, and reform in the Broader Middle East.
As a result, many positive things
came from the meeting. For example, according to,
millions of people became aware of
the situation in Africa. They started wearing white bracelets, sent
personal messages to their government leaders, and people joined in
the largest march ever in Scotland.
The G8 cancelled much of the
poorer countries debt and gave a
little financial aid to get them back
up and thinking for themselves.
The United Kingdom even
responded by putting the starvation problem at the top
of their worldwide agenda.
The prolem has become too apparent to ignore.
Due to the Live 8 Concerts,
people are noticing more and
asking, when will we see the
relief that was promised and
guaranteed finally take action?
September 28, 2005
Are Vacations Safe? Myth or Fact?
Brittany Pendry
PPC News Editor
When people vacation, itʼs usually to a beautiful tropical area
with palm trees, drinks with little
umbrellas, and a gorgeous beach
with a view overlooking the ocean.
Whenever turning on the radio
there seems to be songs about the
famous Beach Boys song, Kokomo, where “thatʼs where you
wanna go to get away from it all”.
Everyone has this mental image of
a perfect vacation. No problems,
no stress, just fun and relaxation,
but sometimes people arenʼt looking for what can happen.
With Hurricane Katrina and
many personal problems, people
start to forget about what they see
on the news. Many have heard of
the story of Natalee Holloway, the
girl who disappeared in Aruba.
She had just recently graduated
from high school and went down
to Aruba with 124 fellow graduates on an unofficial senior class
trip. She went to a popular tourist
bar and grill, and left with three
boys she had just met, Joran van
der Sloot, and two brothers, Satish
Kalpoe and Deepak Kalpoe.
Natalee Holloway disappeared
after that night. She didnʼt appear for her flight home, and
she never returned to her hotel.
Her parents then flew down to
search for Natalee. They went to
the Aruba police and they then
went looking for the three boys.
Brittany Pendry
PPC News Editor
No matter where you go thereʼs
always something newly designed.
Bread machines that are designed
to take the “guessing out of cooking”. But what about designer
kidnappings? Brock Enright has
his own personalized kidnapping
service. For a couple thousand
dollars someone can sign himself or herself up and stage their
own kidnapping. You list your
greatest fears and Enright looks
through your questionnaire and
They all had the same story, that
they dropped Holloway off at
her hotel around 2 a.m. The three
boys were arrested for “reasonable
suspicion of murder, manslaughter
or intentional containment with the
dead as consequence.” However,
they were released and are now
not in the custody of the court because according to van der Slootʼs
father, “no body, no case”. There is
still no new information to Hollowayʼs whereabouts, alive or dead.
How could something so
easy as just taking a vacation
be turned into something as disastrous as deceit and murder?
Kidnappings happen all over
the world. Only 66 percent of
captives are freed through negotiation. Twenty percent are
rescued, 5 percent escape, and
9percent are murdered. 60 percent of all hostages are not released after their ransom is paid.
During rescue attempts for the
kidnapped, 79 percent are killed.
In 1999 more than 6,000
people were kidnapped in Latin
America with 4,000 in Colombia
alone. Latin America includes
Mexico, Belize, Panama, Costa
Rica, Ecuador, Chile, Venezuela,
Peru, and Guatemala. These are
all some of the greatest tourism
spots in the world. And here, only
3 percent of kidnappers are convicted, as opposed to the United
States where 95 percent are convicted. Looking at the statistics,
these arenʼt such great odds.
makes your greatest fears come
true. Think spaghetti is disgusting? List it, and he and his friends
will put a funny twist to it, like
rubbing it all over your body while
adding syrup and sugar. In the past
ten years, Enright has conducted a
minimum of forty abductions. He
videotapes all of the staged kidnappings and exhibits them in small
galleries. People are usually taken
off of the street in midday or are abducted right from their own home.
Either way, people make their own
worse nightmares come true for
just a couple thousand of dollars.
Peace Pipe Chatter
September 28, 2005
Help is on the Way
Krystal Moya
Features Editor
Senior Allison Coleman helps out
at the spaghetti dinner. Picture by
Krystal Moya, PPC Features Editor
Seniors Dan Fajman and Cassie
Walker serve food at the spaghetti
dinner to help raise money for
Hurricane Katrina survivors. Picture by Krystal Moya, PPC Features Editor
On August 24, the world paused.
Birds stopped flying in the skies and
people sat silently in front of their television screens. CNN and other local news
stations were
displaying a
devastation of
epic proportions,
visually similar
to the legendary
Mt. Vesuvius
disaster. Viewers
sat in bewilderment, puzzled
as this image
of somewhere
that resembled
Nagasaki after
Little Boy had
rested on its soil.
To their dismay,
viewers learned
that this barren
land was once
the great cities of New Orleans or Biloxi.
Still, viewers sat glued to the screens
watching poverty stricken victims shriek
for help from their roofs as the cameras
panned past, and no help came.
However, MCHS did not just
sit by the television and
watch as the victims
of Hurricane Katrina
begged for food, shelter,
and water. The first to
react was MCHSʼs own
FFA. The organization
has worked together to
create a donation fund
here at the school in
which all proceeds will
go to the Hurricane
Relief Fund by the Red
Cross. The “Donate a
Dollar” fund was put on
over the third week of
school during all lunch
hours. Kids walked past
the donation jar and dropped in their
spare change.
But that is not the only thing
MCHS students have been involved
with to better the lives of the hurricane
victims. The schoolʼs National Honors
Society organized a scrumptious spaghet-
ti dinner that is buy pre-ticket purchase
only. The event, which took place on
Sunday, August
18, was a benefit
dinner where all
ticket proceeds
were donated to
the Hurricane Relief Fund as well.
The organization
collected over four
thousand dollars
on their selling of
$6 and $4 tickets.
Other clubs got involved as well. The
Thespians club,
the Senior Class,
and the Math
Team all donated
an abundance of
desserts for the
occasion. It was not just the students who
were involved with this dinner; it was the
whole community. Lone Star Restaurant
donated fifty pounds of spaghetti and
McDonalds donated cream, sugar, and
cups. Cassie Walker, NHS president, has
her entire family in on the act.
“My mother is heading the food
committee, my father is coming to the
dinner, and my whole family has donated
money. Itʼs just such a wonderful thing
we are doing,” said Walker.
The left over amounts
of pasta was enormous because
of the large donations, and
therefore they were sent to the
Morning Star Mission, Grundy
County Food Bank, and the
Varsity Football Team. The
enitire sophomore football
team showed up to the event
and had their spaghetti there.
“My dad purchased all
of the tickets and gave them to
whatever football team wanted
to go and it just so happened
the sophomore team got the
dibs,” said senior and NHS
member Dustin Heap.
Unfortunately, the victims of the hurricane could still use help. There are
many companies around town offering to
deliver donations to the Red Cross, like
Caseyʼs General Store in Minooka. These
peopleʼs lives were destroyed, and help is
on the way.
The sophomore boyʼs football
team satisifies their appetite while
helping survivors of Hurricane
Katrina at the spaghetti dinner.
Picture by Krystal Moya, PPC
Features Editor
Senior Morgan Bucciferro
gives her time to help aid in
the Hurricane Katrina relief.
Picture by Krystal Moya,
PPC Features Editor
Peace Pipe Chatter
Diva or Devil?
Halloween is creeping up. YES!!!!
CANDY!!!! Not
only candy is at
stake, but also Halloween is a great
excuse to bust out
the witchesʼ hats
What age is the
Walmart has a smorgasbord of costume ideas. Phomagic number that
to by Toni Bryant, PPC Photo Editor.
is too old to go trick
or treating? Every
Stacy Kelley
opinion varies, but if you consider
PPC Business Manager
yourself too mature to go out and
Although it is still September, grab some free candy, dress up, and
Jessica Pieszchala
PPC A&E Editor
For some it seems an impossible
task. Thirty-five dollars or less?
Many squander that on just one
belt. For the kids without that kind
of cash: this is a guide for you.
Hopefully you know by now
that Minooka is near Joliet. A
train station is located simply in
Joliet, and do you know where
that train station goes? That’s
right. Chicago. For a simple $5
on a weekend(a weekend pass) or
$4.80 round trip on a weekday for
students with ID, it’s easy to just
go there.
So, say it’s a weekend. The
funds are down to $30. So you get
there, and what are you going to
do now? This is definitely what
not to do:
1. Do not head to Michigan Ave.,
State St., or Water Tower and
September 28, 2005
proceed to spend all your money.
For obvious reasons. This will
leave you with nothing to do
because you will be flat broke.
2. Do not go alone. Well, you can
if you want to, but cheap things
are more fun with a friend. Plus,
some places suggested are not
great ideas to go to by yourself.
P.S. $35 is probably NOT going
to cover BOTH of you.
3. Do not buy a one way ticket to
Chicago. Why? Because if you
spend all your money, you have
no way to get home.
Ideas on what to do, because
1. Hit the dollar menu. There are
McDonald’s everywhere. Two
bucks is cheaper than nine at
Corner Bakery or elsewhere.
“One of the only things I do
in Chicago is eat, which isn’t
really cheap,” Krystal Hernandez,
sophomore, said.
Apparently, eating is a favorite
“My friends and I like to go
to the Cheesecake Factory to sit
outside and chillax!” said Aurora
greet the young kids that visit your
doorstep that night. Too cool to
stay home? Dress up and participate in a contest or a party.
The point of the matter is that
itʼs almost Halloween and itʼs time
to get festive. So now that it is
decided that a costume is indeed a
great idea, what kind of costumes
are the best?
There are so many options these
days. Go to Google and search
Halloween costumes and you will
be bombarded with options. Go to
the Louis Joliet Mall and there is
an actual Halloween shop located
there for the festive shoppersʼ en-
Witches are ever so popular
for girls and the vampire look for
guys never gets old. Want something original? Be a tootsie roll or
a bowling ball! The possibilities
are endless! The more creative,
the more fun. Have you ever seen
a band-aid walking around getting
Donʼt want to do the whole costume thing? Throw some spray
color in your hair, put on some
crazy makeup, just make sure you
get into the spirit of things and enjoy the creepy and satisfying Halloween!
Stacy’s top
1. Spongebob
2. The Grinch
3. Pirate
4. Willy Wonka
5. Darth Vadar
6. Austin Powers
7. Harry Potter
8. Shrek
9 Marylin Monroe
10. Corpse Bride
or less
Tilghman, senior.
2. Go cheap places (obviously).
Ideas include:
• Belmont. Belmont is a street/
area up north. They have great
stores, cool kids, and awesome
things to do.
• Art Institute. Donation based.
Read your signs. Give them a
dollar, then get ready to enjoy the
“We usually go to the art
museums and places like that. We
don’t go very often,”
said Freshman Nate Fobert.
• Museum of Contemporary
College. FREE! Plus, pretty
awesome stuff.
• Millennium Park. See the bean
and fountains. Enjoy some nice
weather. Hopefully, it’s nice
• If you’re good at self control:
Marshall Fields. Go try on clothes.
They have some of
the hottest Chicago styles. You
won’t be able to buy them on this
budget, though.
• Lakeshore. Definitely hit the
lakeshore for some beachy, sandy
fun. Free, too!
• Public parks/attractions. Some
may be pricey, but others are
“I go to the Lincoln Park Zoo
if I want to do something cheap,”
said Amanda Shear, sophomore.
• Gold Coast (need more
information here,.,)
• Gene Siskel Film Center (In the
Art Institute). See some foreign or
local films. $7 for students!
• Burnham Plaza Movie Theater.
It’s the cheapest place for movies
Others just go to band shows.
However, that’s not necessarily
always cheap.
“Circa Survive is coming to
Chicago soon. So I’m gonna be
up there. $15,” said Alec Jones,
• Make sure you plan things
carefully if you take the “El.”
If you go somewhere on it, and
you get back on to go back in
two hours, it’s only $0.25 rather
than the $1.75. So $2 rather than
$3.50. This is often referred to as
a “transfer.”
Many people love the city, and
hopefully it can be experienced
more often, cheaper!
Peace Pipe Chatter
You are
what you
Kristen Kneville
PPC staff writer
you ever
heard the
phrase; “You
are what you
eat”? Many high
school students don’t
care or pay attention
to what they eat. Did you
know that 14% of teenagers
(ages 12-19) are overweight,
“I have been
inspired to be a chef. All I do
is watch the food network!
Cooking is a big part of my
life, and it seems to bring me
together with my dear friends.
And besides, everyone needs to
eat!” exclaimed Jeremy Sladetz,
It’s graduation day, right after
you get your diploma. Everyone
is smiling and happy. Hats fly
into the air. After, you and your
friends go to your house. Then,
you stop and think. What are
you going to do now?! You have
so many options and so many
decisions to make! Will you stay
home and relax for a year? Will
you go to college and major in
something? Will you get a job
and then go to college? Will you
live with your parents or move
with a friend? Where will you go
has nearly
tripled over
the last two
decades? And
300,000 people die
everyday from obesity
or related diseases. “It’s
like everyone complains
about being fat, but if you
look at what they eat, it’s like I
wonder why,” said Tori Hausser,
One factor in teenagers
being overweight could be,
believe it or not, their schools.
The tendency toward obesity is
due to our environment, such
as lack of physical activity in
combination with high-calorie,
low-cost foods. The school
cafeteria sells food such as
pizza, pop, fries, cookies, chips,
and candy. There are deli subs
and salads, but they are really
The crispy
chicken salad is
$3.25, and a six-inch deli
sub for 60 cents per inch is
$3.60. Where as a slice of pizza
goes for $1.90 and a small fry
is only a dollar. “The healthy
food in the cafetorium should
be sold for less money then the
bad food because it promotes
healthy eating,” said Laura Taylor,
Many MCHS students
eat fries or pizza because it is
cheap, although they may be
unaware of the harmful health
risks. Coronary heart disease,
hypertension, obesity, type II
diabetes, high blood cholesterol,
and even early death can result
in unhealthy eating. The caloric
intake for women is about 1,600
calories, for teenage boys, the
caloric intake is about 2,800. To
put this into perspective, a large
slice of cheese pizza is about 480
calories, and a small fry is about
230 calories.
Too many people believe
they can eat whatever they want,
unfortunately that’s not how it
works…this applies to you too,
from here?
“After I graduate high school
I want to go to U of I. I’m going
to get a truck. Woo woo!! Uh…I
don’t really know what else. I do
want to get a job in construction,
though,” said Mike Neubauer,
Many of the students here,
about 85-90%, want and plan
to go to college. Many will do
anything to get there.
“I don’t have any money
set aside for college yet, but no
matter what, I’m going. There
are so many ways [students] can
get into college even if they don’t
have a lot of money. There’s
loans, scholarships, and a lot
more, too,” said Michelle Boys,
Students are serious about their
future here at MCHS
“Since I’m graduating as a
next year my
plans are to attend
JJC for a year and
then move on to a fouryear college like Iowa,” said
Jennifer Reis, junior.
Some of the students here have
no clue what they are going to do
after high school. “I’m gonna play
it by ear. Whatever comes comes,
and when it does I’ll be like,
sweet. Bring-It-On!” said Jacy
Moriarty, sophomore.
Some people have big dreams
of what they think their future will
hold. “I want to go to the NBA!”
said Matt Wurtz, sophomore.
Tiffany Garland, sophomore,
said, “I’m gunna meet some
famous model guy and marry him
and become rich and famous and
have rich, famous babies!”
“After high school I plan on
September 28, 2005
It seems
like these days
the whole food
pyramid deal just
went out the window.
You need veggies and
fruit and a balanced diet.
White Castle every night just
won’t cut it. If you are a frequent
fast food junkie, or you have
serious cases of the munchies,
your heart and health urge you to
All facts collected from United
States Department of Health and
Human Services. Http://www.
Senior Kristen Bonlow enjoys a
healthy snack.
Photo taken by PPC photo editor Toni Bryant
Dreams of the
University of
Illinois then over to
the US Marine Corps. In
the Marines I plan on flying
an attack helicopter called the
AH-IW Supercobra. After the
Marines will go and fly police
of ambulance helicopters. That’s
my future,” said Paul Coriell,
What are your dreams of the
Taylor Bowen
PPC Copy Editor
Peace Pipe Chatter
Arts & Entertainment
The funniest ways to get arrested
Kelly Hernandez
PPC Co-Editor-in-Chief
Everyone in their lifetime will
break a law or rule, whether they
want to or not. It is impossible to
drive the speed limit at all times
and it is cruel to ever ask students
to be on time. So I have formulated
some of the easiest ways to get arrested or break a rule, without the
intension to do so.
According to,
in Joliet, it is against the law for
a woman to try on more than six
dresses in one store. So ladies
if you are considering getting a
homecoming dress in the Joliet
area, keep in mind that six dresses
is your limit, good luck.
Also, it is unlawful to skateboard on any property other than
your driveway or a designated
skate park. In an attempt to do so,
you will most likely be arrested,
especially if skateboarding in the
Shorewood vicinity.
In addition, if you are a person who loves to hum on Sunday,
please reconsider your actions
if visiting Ciciero. According to
laws_weird.txt, it is an ordinance
in Cicero that prohibits humming
on the streets on Sunday.
Flying kites are cool right? So
donʼt try to do this offensive task
in Schaumburg because it can be
considered an obstruction of view
or passage.
After talking extensively to the
schoolʼs finest authorities, it was
concluded that there are no wacky
rules in this school. However, dating back to as far as 1970, some of
the school rules can be deemed ridiculous. According to the library
staff Mrs. Kinsella and Mrs. Fryant, their MCHS experience was
full of wacky rules. These regulations varied from girls only being
allowed to wear dresses and boys
only could wear buttoned down
shirts and dress slacks. In the
handbook it also called for boys
to have hair above the shirt collar,
the hems of girlsʼ skirts could only
be a few inches above the knee,
and married or pregnant girls were
not allowed to attend school at all.
These are only some of the decrees
imposed on high school students
in the 1970s, and it is apparent that
times have changed and so have
the handbooks.
With all things considered, such
as no humming and no kite flying,
students can have a little bit more
of an idea of laws they have broken
or will break with out intentions.
Wacky Laws according to You
May Not Tie an Alligator to a Fire
In Utah, first cousins can marry,
but only after they are 65 years
In Tennessee, children may not
play games on Sunday without a
In Pacific Grove, California, it is
illegal to molest butterflies.
In the Jupiter Colony Inlet, Florida, you may not launch missiles
at birds.
In Oregon, it is illegal to pump
your own gas unless you own the
dispensing device and are properly
Celebrity Arrests boost publicity...
Cassie Carlson
PPC Front Page Editor
Thereʼs nothing like being
filthy rich then cheating people
out of a bunch of money, eventually getting caught and thrown
into jail...only to come out and be
more rich and famous then ever!
Most think that life comes a
little easier to the famous. Rules
always seem to slightly, if not
completely bend for them. Many
thought that maybe, just maybe,
this one time the rules would actually abide for the famous Martha Stewart. Stewart sold a stock
market that she knew was falling
apart, right before it did, letting
herself make all kinds of money while others lost everything.
On, Amy Henry
from The Apprentice said, “My
...And offer New shows!
role model is Martha Stewart...You gotta love a woman
who knows when to buy, when
to sell and when to bake.”
One might think that this embarrassing prison time for the women who was known for making a
house into a “home sweet home”
would put a bit of a damper on
their career, but Martha Stewart
proved them completely wrong.
Julia Moauro, sophomore said,
“She always seemed like such a
sweet women, I guess floral designs and home decorations arenʼt
all thatʼs on the womanʼs mind!”
As soon as the scandal came to the
surface, news and talk shows were
counting down the days to be able
to hear what really was on Marthaʼs mind and how jail changed
the woman. Everyone from Barbra
Walters to Late Night wanted a
chance to hear what she had to say.
“I never heard anything about
Martha Stewart until every comedian used any chance they could
to rip on her, I found it hilarious,” said Carlos Martinez, junior.
Martha Stewart spent time
in jail, followed by being kept
in house arrest for a good five
months, but was still is allowed
to spend 48 hours at her office every week, and is now beginning a
new Apprentice show of her own.
Through it all, Martha Stewart
has a lot more up her sleeve then
everybody may have guessed...
but what was also learned from
Martha Stewart was that no
matter what you do, and how
much trouble you get yourself
in, you can still end up on top.
The Apprentice: Martha Stewart,
appeared on television on Wednesday, September 21 at 8/7c on NBC.
September 28, 2005
The New Couch Potatoes Era
Jessica Larkin
PPC Staff Writer
Attention to all of you couch
potatoes who spent the summer
flipping through channels; your
days of glory are about to begin.
The fall schedule is jam-packed
with new series and old favorites.
The fall schedule is the best
thing of returning to the long hours
of the teachers voice, and you
doodling on your paper of things
you yourself donʼt understand.
This year holds promise to all of
us couch taters, with a packed
schedule of new original shows
that at least one is bound to grab
our attentions and make us leave
the imprint of our backs on the
coach to sit a little straighter, to
listen more carefully than in class.
FOX has come out with a
pulsating new fall schedule, one
for every kind of person. Emily
Deschanel and David Boreanaz,
the former star of Angel, star in
Bones, a mix of drama, crime, and
mystery. Foreordained to catch
attention with its plot of death.
Bones may demonstrate to be the
new 24. Another drama to FOX is
Reunion, it has already premiered,
and showed a well twisted plot
of mystery and drama, a very
intriguing new series that deserves
attention. Although mysteries for a
series are more difficult to follow
because the new show most likely
is based off the one before it.
Comedy T.V. shows are almost
always the bigger hits, and FOX
has a list of new upcoming series
that show promise. Head Cases
is a comedy, it seems similar to
Law & Order but with stupid
humor. Two lawyers, one has an
anger management problem and
trouble keeping his cool. While
the other one suffers from a
nervous breakdown and is trying
to keep his life together and his
job. Accepting the most unwanted
cases, will the contradictory twosome survive the court room?
The War at Home is a new
comedy that follows the life of a
family, more so the parents and
how they deal with their teenagers.
Reminding us of Roseanne, the hit
T.V. show from the early ʻ90s.
Kitchen Confidential is also a
new show to invade the fall season.
Itʼs based on a top chef who hits
rock bottom and is given one last
chance to climb the ladder once
again. The catch is he must staff
the new top restaurant within 48
hours, and his new staff might not
be as… friendly as should be.
FOX has been lucky in the
past years with hit shows that are
now gone, such as Seinfeld, and
That 70ʼs Show, with many more
favorites. But who could forget
the main events of FOX? The
new seasons of the hit shows from
last year are coming back. The
OC started off the season with
a slamming premier that makes
you wish you could fast forward
in time. True to its roots, The OC
should prove to be the “big hit” of
the season once again.
For the viewers more interested
in comedy, Family Guy and
American Dad are going to be
your best friends on Sunday nights.
Family Guy, returned earlier in
the year, after being quiet for
almost two years, shocking fans.
The creator of both shows, Seth
MacFarlane, has still got his magic
of stupid humor and inappropriate
things that we thrive on.
Other networks seem to be
having a good year as well with
their taste of new shows. Such as
Twins from the WB. Starring Sara
Gilbert who played the always
smart alike Darlene in Roseanne,
and her “twin” Melanie Griffith.
A comedy of sisterly love should
prove to be worth its while. The
WB also returned with some more
of our favorites, One Tree Hill, a
teen fad that brought the rating of
the WB up steadily.
Starring the famous Chad Michael
Murray, “Well, personally, I love
reality shows, but Iʼm a sucker
for those new series coming out.
Especially One Tree Hill, because
of Chad. Not only is he hot, but
he is a good actor too. Honestly
though, I think that everyone only
truly watches the show because...”
“Television” continued on
page 10.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Arts & Entertainment
September 28, 2005
Just a few unexpected bumps across the road
Angie Wiatrowski
PPC Features Editor
Taking an ordinary family trip
to the middle of nowhere, down
some lonesome back-road can
put anyone to sleep. However,
traveling down the right roads
can land you in front of some
interesting attractions. Illinois isnʼt
as boring as it may seem.
Ever imagine your favorite
condiment or every day things
giant sized?
How about the
worldʼs largest catsup bottle or the
worldʼs largest frying pan? Sounds
unimaginable, right? But it is all
too real. www.roadsideamerican.
com has the inside scoop on all of
these crazy attractions.
The worldʼs largest catsup bottle
stands next to Route 159 south of
downtown Collinsville, Ill. This
gigantic condiment has been made
___________________________ .
Eric Reynolds
PPC A&E Editor
You canʼt help but root for a
blossoming horror film such as “The
Exorcism of Emily Rose.” Until,
that is, you just grow tired of it.
“Based on a true story,” as the
saying goes; itʼs a fictionalized
courtroom drama involving an
exorcism-related death. In the
movie, Laura Linney plays the
smart, careerist defense attorney
Erin Bruner, whose client, Father
Richard Moore (Tom Wilkinson),
is charged with letting the title
college girl (Jennifer Carpenter)
die of negligence during an
extended de-possession effort.
The problem with the movie
is that all of the scary stuff is
presented in flashback during
extensive trial scenes. You see
somebodyʼs description of what
went on, which tends to undercut
the possibility of any fear factor,
and itʼs broken up in a way that
kills the terror momentum every
of water. This catsup bottle is so
big it has itʼs own website and fan
Ever think
you would
see a cow
made out
of butter?
600 pounds
w e r e
formed into
a cow in
The giant
butter cow
has been a
The worldʼs largest catsup bottle, now a water tower for
tradition to
Collinsville, IL. Photo courtesy of Jen Thomas.
the Illinois
state fair
since 1922
hold more than 640,000 bottles of and even a little rain and humidity
regular catsup or 100,000 gallons could not melt the cow this year.
into a water tower and stands 170
feet tall and has been standing
since 1949. This giant bottle can
Need a little rest stop on your
road trip? How about a two-story
outhouse? The worldʼs only twostory outhouse stands in Gays, Ill
and was built in the 1880ʼs for a
two-story apartment above the
S.F. Gammil general store. The
store has been torn down but the
outhouse still stands. Travelers
can see it along Illinois Highway
165 between Shelbyville and
Think it could get stranger?
How about a miniature golf course
in a funeral home? In Palatine, Ill
stands the most haunted miniature
golf course in Illinois. The ninehole course “Ahlgrim Acres”
in suburban Chicago includes
obstacles such as headstones and
coffins, screams and spooky music
throughout. A round of miniature
golf is included in a funeral
package and many take this twisted
Still not weird enough? Head
on to the bank in Kewanee, Ill and
take a peek at some live sea otters
swimming in the lobby. They live
in a concrete, water-filled pit in the
center of Union Federal Savings
and Loan. The otters are named
Oscar and Andy and have been
living in this bank since 1991.
The owner of the bank brought in
the otters, and his logic was that
they would create a more relaxing
atmosphere inside the bank.
Last but definitely not least,
pay a visit to King Neptuneʼs pig
cemetery. Neptune was a 700pound pig who helped raise over
$19 million in war bonds during
WWII by being auctioned off.
This rather large pig lays at rest
in Mount Pleasant, Ill. Clearly,
things arenʼt what they seem and
once you get past all of the corn,
Illinois can be a rather weird place
to live.
The Emily Rose stories
time it starts to build. Whether or
not demonic forces are out to get
Bruner for defending the priest is
rendered pretty ambiguously as
well. Plus, almost surprisingly,
the scene was not done in a very
frightening way either. Director
and co-writer Scott Derrickson
more interested in exploring the
question of faith versus hardevidence of the law and modern
medicine. Though his sympathies
are with the supernatural approach,
Derrickson does not play this
out in any obvious manner.
However, he misses an
opportunity to bring the debate
to a more personal and dramatic
level. Well aware that prosecuting
a priest is going to inflame the
religious fringe, the D.A.ʼs office
assigns the peopleʼs case to a
devout churchgoer, Campbell
Scottʼs Ethan Thomas. Rather
than show this man wrestling with
his own beliefs in such a clearly
conflicted position, Thomas is
quickly reduced to a standard
Meanwhile, Father Moore always
seems reasonable, despite his
convictions that demons need to be
fought, while the ever intelligent
Linney brings persuasiveness to
a shrewd rationalist who accepts
that thereʼs a lot she needs to
learn about the spiritual and moral
dimensions religion addresses.
Carpenter overdoses the possessed
hysterics and contortions at times,
but her performance does make for
most of the filmʼs potent scares.
Intriguing as far as it goes,
“Emily” either needs to be more
psychologically and intellectually
probing or flat-out horrific. A
devilʼs bargain was cut between
the two, and it left the movie in a
kind of limbo.
Steven Kelly
PPC Staff Writer
The Exorcism of Emily Rose,
which made its debut September
9th, is making in good money
in the box office. For being
based on a true story, the movie
actually strays far away from the
real plot.
Anneliese Michel. Ring
a bell? For those who have
witnessed this horror movie, it
should. Anneliese Michel is the
actual name of Emily Rose that
walked among us almost 53 years
ago. Anneliese was your average
American girl, until one day in
1968, she found herself shaking
After being
checked out, a neurologist at
the Psychiatric Clinic Wurzburg
diagnosed her with “Grand
Mal” epilepsy. She then began
to receive treatment from the
hospital, for her fits were severe
and she slipped into a world of
depression and demons.
As years passed, Michel saw
demonic hallucegens during her
biblical prayers, and also said
that she was being told orders
from the supposed “demons”
inhabiting her body. In the
summer of 1974, things escalated
too a much worst pattern of
behavior. Drinking urine, eating
spiders, breaking crucifixes, selfmutilation, and destroying all
religious related items began to
be normal routines for the 20year-old.
After many tries to get an
Stangl assigned Father Arnold
Renz and Pastor Ernst Alt to
perform what was called, “The
Great Exorcism” on Michel.
One or two exorcisms a week
were performed from September
of ʼ75 to June ʼ76. Her body
possessed so much strength and
rage that at times
“Truth” continued on
page 10.
Peace Pipe Chatter
because his sexy self is in it, that
is including myself too, “
Continuing the Chatter
cont. from page 8
said Jacqueline Ashley,
cont. from page 9
After many tries to get an
exorcism performed, Josef Stangl
assigned Father Arnold Renz and
Pastor Ernst Alt to perform what
was called, “The Great Exorcism”
on Michel. One or two exorcisms
a week were performed from
September of ʼ75 to June ʼ76. Her
body possessed so much strength
and rage that at times it took up to
three men or a set of chains, to hold
the young girl. Shortly after these
“attacks” began, Michel began to
find herself somewhat normal, yet
the attacks didnʼt stop.
June 30, 1976, the day that
Michel was possibly hoping for
through all those years, was the day
of her death. This was said to be
one of her worst attacks as she was
also suffering from pneumonia and
traumatic outburst. As her parents
stood and held their suffering
daughter through the exorcisms,
Michelʼs mother was recording
the session. “Beg for absolution,”
the last thing she spoke to the
priests who were performing the
Two years after her death, the
case was taken to court. The judge
charged the parents with attempted
manslaughter, for starvation was
part of what contributed to her
However, the Michel
family said it was her who didnʼt
want to eat. Both parents served
six months in prison.
September 28, 2005
Peace Pipe Chatter
September 28, 2005
The good, the bad, and the unpredictable Events
Jeff Beguin
PPC Sports Editor
Overtime games, fight songs,
school mascots, and spirited state
rivalries are just a few of the
things that make college football
such an amazing experience.
Although most fans are use to the
typical domination of schools like
Michigan, Oklahoma, Ohio State,
and Miami, the start of the 2005
college football season has been
anything but typical. Five pinnacle
teams have been knocked off their
top spots, and four of these teams
were beaten by a lower seed. The
question now is: which school, if
any, will be the team that hovers
above all others and finishes their
season unbeaten?
The Ohio State Buckeyes have
had an impressive recent history;
three bowls in three years, one
national championship, and one
undefeated season… but in 2005
they have started with a 1-1 record.
How could the dominating Ohio
State Buckeyes that many fans
watched take down Miami in 2002
in the national championship,
already have a loss? Number two
ranked Texas beat Ohio State in a
25-22 thriller.
“It was awesome, I hate Ohio
State, they are overrated and they
deserved a loss,” said sophomore
Doug Davidson.
“That was crazy,” said
sophomore Mike Redican, “there
is nothing else to say.” Ohio State
has dropped to the tenth ranked
seed and plays Big Ten team
Michigan State.
Speaking of Big Ten, the
Iowa Hawkeyes, who have been
successful the last four years, were
also taken down by their nonconference rivals, Iowa State.
loss, but the University of Illinois
winning their first two games. The
University of Illinois Fighting Illini
football team has not been very
successful since 2001. (Illinois
has not even won a bowl game
since 1999). Two wins to start
off the season against the Rutgers
and San Jose State has been a very
good sign, but after the loss against
California Illinois looks to be back
to their usual form.
“I don’t want to talk about that,
Michigan is not supposed to lose,”
said Doug Davidson, sophomore.
“Those Cyclones are tough,”
said junior Tim Norman as he
mourned for the fallen Hawkeyes.
Even the consistent Michigan
Wolverines were beat last week as
the Notre Dame Fighting Irish beat
the Wolverines 17-10. Michigan
has been first or second in the
Big Ten standings for the last five
years, though last week’s loss to
Notre Dame was a non conference
game, it is not a good start for the
2005 Wolverines.
“I don’t want to talk about that,
Michigan is not supposed to lose,”
said Davidson.
However, the biggest surprise
of the Big Ten may not have been a
While the University of Illinois
is not what would be called a
“football powerhouse,” a typically
successful team like the University
of Oklahoma is.
has been top ranked for the last
four years and lost to Louisiana
State University in the National
Championship in 2003. However,
this year Oklahoma began their
season with an unexpected loss
to Texas Christian University
followed by a week three loss to
UCLA. A loss to TCU is what
football fans call an upset. “I
can’t believe some of these teams
that are losing,” said Redican.
Oklahoma still remains ranked,
but the loss to TCU will hang with
them all year long and possibly
hurt their chances getting into one
of the elite bowl games.
Even the Miami Hurricanes
have hurt their chances for one of
the big four bowl games. Miami
lost to the Florida State Seminoles
10-7 in an exhilarating game
where the Florida State Defense
absolutely dominated the Miami
Hurricanes. The Hurricanes lost in
the national championship to Ohio
State in 2002, won the Orange
Bowl in 2003, they went 9-3 in
2004 with a Peach Bowl victory
over Florida, and then started their
2005 season with a loss.
“Good, I hope all these teams
lose so Michigan can take the
National Championship,” said
Perhaps the only thing that was
not a surprise so far this season
was the University of Southern
California 63-17 win over Hawaii.
USC came into the season ranked
number one overall after two
straight national championships.
So will USC take a third straight
national championship, or will one
of these other teams pick up the
slack and catch up? One surprise
after another has made college
football what it is today. All any
fan can hope for is that the rest of
the season stays as exciting as the
first three weeks have been.
Jessica Dumas
PPC Managing Editor
Now a days, NASCAR
is like baseball, a favorite pastime
people follow. So naturally people
need their information. Most people do not know what NASCAR is
all about. First those stickers with
different companies on the side are
quite important, they identify the
sponsors who help fund the teams.
Also, take the name Daytona 500.
The 500 stands for how many miles Dale Earnheartʼs accident because
they must travafter that the NASel. The stock Top Five Finishers CAR
cars race every
tightened up a lot on
Tony Stewart
the safety of all the
Greg Biffle
Now car acdrivers.
cidents happen
There is even a
Rusty Wallace
all the time, but
NASCAR track in
Jimmie Johnson
when they are
Joliet. ChicagoLand
going over 200
Speedway is a 1.5Kurt Busch
miles an hour,
mile tri-oval with
it is going to
18-degree turns. The
grandstand can hold
damage. Everyone knows about 70,000 spectators. The grandstand
is 15 stories high, and is the same
height as the Navy Pier Ferris
Wheel. The most recent race on
the track was over the summer on
July 10th the Chicagoland 400.
As of September 14, the
stats for the Nextel cup stand for
the top five; Tony Stewart, Greg
Biffle, Rusty Wallace, Jimmie
Johnson, and Kurt Busch. The
next race will take place on Sunday September 25, at the Dover
International Speedway, MBNA
September 28 through 30
Sept. 28
Boyʼs V. Golf TBA
SPC Inv. @ Plainfield
Girlʼs JV Golf
4 p.m vs. Providence
Sept. 29
Boyʼs Soph. Soccer
4:45 vs. Oswego E.
Varsity 6:30
Girlʼs Fr.Volleyball
5:00 @Oswego East
Sophomore 5:00
Varsity 6:15
Sept. 30
S/V Cheerleading
5:15 @Morris
Boyʼs Football
@ Morris
Sophomore 5:15
Varsity 7:30
Peace Pipe Chatter
Truth behind
the tradition
Chandell Pet
PPC Front Page Editor
Peterson, driver’s education.
It is unclear if the girl asked the
guy or if the guy asked the girl.
“I think it started when guys
As you walk through the doors went out with a girl,” said Tischer.
of Minooka Community High “The guys wanted their girls to
School on a Friday morning, you wear it.”
will see tons of orange and black.
“But it originally was [in high
Not only is it Friday, but it also school] the mom’s wore the jerseys.
means a football game.
When the girlfriends started
It is tradition at MCHS for girls wearing them, it didn’t settle well,”
to wear a guy’s jersey, but it wasn’t said William MacFarlane, special
always like that.
“You had to earn your jersey
Coming back to present time,
each week,” said Mr. Stan things have stayed somewhat the
Tischer, guidance,
same. The only thing
really different is
that a girl wearing a
guy’s jersey doesn’t
“They were issued
the night of the
they are in love.
game. We didn’t
“Either they ask to
even bring them
wear it or I give it to
home. We had to
someone,” said Eric
return them right
Loomis, junior. “You
after the game.”
don’t have be going
This tradition
out with the girl.”
started in colleges
Some girls can
when girls stopped
ask, but some like to
a fraternity pin or
be asked.
the class ring of a Senior Stephanie Clark poses
“I don’t ask guys.
feel like a
wearing football jersey. Photo
“[Its’s like] the by: PPC Photo Editor Mike
loser if I did. He has
guys giving girls Speek.
ask me!” said Julie
their class ring;
Findlay, junior.
it just started
Some girls wear
happening,” said Ms. Cheryl them for other reasons.
Pillsbury, English.
“My boyfriend smells great, and
Back in the day, if a girl was his jersey smells like Curve!” said
wearing a football player’s jersey, Julie Schenck, senior.
the were “involved.” It was a
Wearing a guy’s jersey or having
symbol for their relationship.
a girl wear your jersey is a huge
“When I was in high school, deal and a long traditional that
it was a love thing, not necessarily is not leaving Minooka anytime
like today’s time,” said Mr. Tom soon.
Nicholas Condotti
PPC Staff Writer
Standing tall this season,
with two new players, the Chicago
Bulls seem ready for anything.
New changes over the off-season
combined with the momentum
of last, make the Bulls one of the
most feared teams in the league.
In the 04-05
season, the Bulls had the
one of the best records in
the eastern conference with
a record of 47-35, lead by
head coach Scott Skiles. Near the
end of the season the Bulls were
ranked in the top 6 NBA teams.
September 28, 2005
Scores as of September 20.
Varsity Football
Senior Cole Tyrell threw 160 passing yards with a
touchdown, and had 110 rushing yards and 2 more
Varsity Football (2-2)
September 16 @ Fenton
Minooka 32 Fenton 20
Varsity Boys Soccer
Sophomore Jim Kelley had three goals
Sophomore Nick Mancini had one goal
Varsity Boys Soccer (1-9)
September 19 @ Oswego East
Minooka 6 Oswego East 0
Varsity Cross Country
September 17 @ Minooka Flight Invite
Minooka Girls took first place with a nearly
perfect score of a nine.
Minooka Boys took a very impressive
third place.
September 13 @ Van Horn Woods in Plainfield.
Both Minooka Boys and Girls Varsity
Cross Country teams took first place over
Plainfield and Morris in a SPC meet.
Minooka Varsity Girls Volleyball (4-6)
September 20 @ Plainfield
Minnoka 19, 25, 25,
Plainfield 25, 21, 23
Minooka Girls Golf (5-4)
September 14 @ Lemont
Minooka 198
Lemont 206
Varsity Girls Tennis (10-2)
September 20 @ Plainfield Central
Minooka 5
Plainfield Central 2
Many of last year’s
players are free agents this year,
Bulls Preview
including on of the NBA’s up and
coming stars Eddie Curry. Even
Curry’s fellow post player, Tyson
Varsity Cross Country
At the Minooka Flight Invite three mile race, Senior
Quentin Capista ran a 16:23
Sophomore Nick Rousonelos ran a 16:34
Freshmen Josh Keck ran a 16:59
Sophomore Andrew Santillo ran a 17:11
At the Girls side of the Minooka Invite Senior Kim
Mason ran a 19:46
Junior Brie Luebchow ran a 19:45
Freshmen Elizabeth Celmer ran a 21:04
Freshmen Rachael Williams ran a 20:50
Varsity Girls Volleyball
Junior Lauren Ruther had 3 kills and 3 aces.
Morgan Buccifero had 29 assists.
Varsity Girls Golf
Mallory Carr shot a 44
Brittany Poole shot a 49
Doris Weil shot a 52
Amanda Lynch shot a 53
Varsity Girls Tennis
Singles Winners: Amanda Gosmire and Corinne
Doubles Winners: Shannon Kenny and Stephanie
Moretti, Megan Geyer and Michelle Pillers, and
Stacy Heap and Jinger Walrath
Chandler, was a free agent, up
until September 1, when the Bulls
announced that the team has
agreed on a long-term contract.
The terms of the contract were
not disclosed.
Also signing over the
off-season was Head Coach Scott
Skiles who agreed on a new
contract though the 08-09 season.
There are a few new
faces on the Bulls team, a 6-10
forward from Villanara, Malik,
Allen and a 6-5 rookie guard from
Charlotte, Eddie Basden.
The first home preseason
game is Saturday October 15 at
7:30p, vs. the Boston Celtics.
For more information long on to

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