October 10, 2007 - Minooka Community High School District #111


October 10, 2007 - Minooka Community High School District #111
Peace Pipe Chatter
Rilo Kiley
Rocks Chicago
p. 10
Upcoming Concerts
The Starting Line, Fall Out
Boy, Against Me! and more
p. 10
October 10, 2007
Vol. 93, Edition 2
MCHS Superfan
7 games, 5 days
p. 15
Homecoming p. 8 Recap
Teenage Drivers
too reckless?
p. 7
Simpsons vs.
Family Guy
Who is funnier?
Peter or Homer?
p. 3
Check out
sudoku on page
Peace Pipe Chatter Issue 1
Issue 2 Editors’
On Page 9, Article Student Experiences Lady
of the House Auditions was written by PPC
Features Editor Christa Jenkins
Hello everyone, thank you for continuing to read the Peace
Pipe Chatter. Issue one received some great responses, and
we hope to hear back from even more of you. Remember
if you have any comments or concerns feel free to drop off
a letter to room 197, or email our advisor at mthomas@mchs.
net. Also keep in mind that you can check out all of the
articles online at www.peacepipechatter.com. Thanks for
reading, we hope you enjoy it.
Cover Page Photo
Singer Jenny Lewis belts her
heart out to adoring fans at a
show at the Rivera on Sept. 18.
Photo taken by PPC Photographer Sam Menne.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Minooka Community High School
301 S. Wabena Avenue
Minooka, IL 60447
(815) 467-2140 Voicemail: ext. 264
Jessica Pieszchala
Brittany Pendry
Jeff Beguin
School News:
D.J. Valera
Front Page Editors:
Jessica Pieszchala
Advertising Manager:
Eric Reynolds
2 Designed by Jeff Beguin
Arts & Entertainment Editors:
Kristi Lawrence
Iman Bradley
Zach Nabor
Photo Editors:
Sam Menne
Jacki Kaluzny
Amanda Alexander
Lauren Keers
Angela Mateo
Ryan Miller
Christa Jenkins
Sarah Silverman
Sam Kelley
Sports Editors:
Tommy Stokke
Mike Noe
News Editors:
Brittany Pendry
Best Wishes
Brittany Pendry
Jessica Pieszchala
and Jeff Beguin
PPC Chatter Room
Managing Editors: Sam Kelley,
Lauren Keers
Opinions: Megan McEvilly
News: Amanda Alexander
School News: Sam Menne
Features: Ryan Miller
Arts & Entertainment: Ryan Kelley
Sports: Carissa Weyer
Mr. Matt Thomas,
Ms. Laura Erion
Copy Editors:
Eric Reynolds
Megan McEvilly
Sarah Silverman
Carissa Weyer
Journalism 1:
Susan Bahret
Kaitlynn Barker
Sarah Delaney
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Morgan McMurtry
Cassie O’Malley
Chris Rolnicki
Taylor Roop
Jackie Schmidt
Sarah Stropus
David Tibble
Sydney Trepel
Submission Policy:
The Peace Pipe Chatter strongly encourages suggestions and/or
responses to material printed on its pages. Letters to the Editor
should be submitted to Mr. Thomas’s mailbox or to a Peace Pipe
Chatter editor.
While submission does not guarantee publication, PPC staff
members will do their best to respond to all admissions. Submissions will not be returned. All submissions are subject to editing
and will not be printed if they are considered to be inappropriate. They must be signed but may be printed anonymously upon
C r i m e : P a n t s Too Low
For those who don’t know, in the
summer, and now currently, some
U.S. cities and towns started to
pass a law that actually bans the
saggy pants look. I, myself, am
very opposed to this law. I really
do not like how the government
is actually telling me how to wear
my clothes. Now, I personally do
not wear my pants that low, but
I do like my pants to be a little
saggy. I find this way of wearing
them much more comfortable than
wearing the tight jeans I often see
people wear these days.
“I think that’s going a little too
far for just pants,” said Danny
Szutenbach, sophomore. “Jailing
people isn’t needed.”
Some of the students, surprisingly, agree with this law.
“I agree with it,” said an anonymous student, “we shouldn’t see
what it [saggy pants] shows.”
Ryan Miller /
Chatter Room
Features Editor
has better animation by far,” said
F.G. fan Justin Balderas, sophomore. However, it was nominat-
Two of the most popular
TV shows around, but one
must wonder, which one
is better? For me, Family Guy takes it all. In fact,
out of a vote of 30 people,
21 watched Family Guy,
seven people watched The
Simpsons, and two people
said neither.
Now don’t get me wrong,
The Simpsons is a funny
show, but the fact is that
it is running out of material. “The only reason it
still runs is because of the
fans who still find it funny,” said
F.G. fan Sean Kenny, sophomore.
The episodes usually start by Bart,
Homer, ect getting into trouble
and by the end of the episode, the
problem is solved.
The Simpsons has been running
since 1989 and has just come out
with a movie this past year. Also,
the animation hasn’t gotten that
much better either. “Family Guy
ed for a Golden Globe, which is
something to be proud of.
Family Guy however has been
out since 1999 and has come a
long way in animation since its
first release. “ My favorite episode
of Family Guy is the one with the
leafers and Louis learns karate,”
said F.G. fan Josh Brinzo, sophomore. The series has won two
Emmys, another four wins and 20
nominations, although it hasn’t
been on as long as The Simpsons,
so only time can tell what is in
store for the show
Now, believe it or
not, the two shows
have a lot in common. The husbands
are idiots who are
usually getting into
trouble. The wives
are smarter than
the husbands, and
are the ones who
solve the problems
that the husbands
create. There’s a
family dog. They
both have a baby
(although one is a dangerous mastermind who
can talk with an accent). A son
who takes after his father, and the
sister who is the ignored child in
the family.
My favorite two characters from
Family Guy are, of course, Brian,
the alcoholic dog, and Stewie, the
baby who is bent on taking over
the world and killing his mom. “
D.J. Valera /
PPC School News
In Atlanta, punishments for
breaking a ban on a “saggy pants”
law include small fines or community work. In another city, Delcambre, La., punishments include
a $500 fine and even jail time of up
to six months for the same law.
As a student, and like most who
are reading this, we’ve been told
how to dress by a set of rules
called the dress code. No hats in
the building! Tuck in your shirt!
Now, you’d think we would be
free out in public, to wear whatever we want. Nope, you’re wrong.
U.S. cities and
towns started
to pass a law
that actually
bans the saggy
pants look.
Of course, there are those that
want the main concern to be of
what the younger population’s influences are.
“It’s inappropriate and indecent,
it sets a bad example for younger
children.” said Tori Feeney, freshman.
Now, I’m not saying that the influences on today’s youth are not
important. Having a little brother
myself, I worry about what he’ll
be exposed to. But how he sees
people wear their pants is not my
biggest concern.
According to dumblaws.com,
I found an unusual law that resides in Chicago. The law states
you could LEGALLY protest in
front of city hall naked, as long
as you’re under 17-years-old and
have legal permits. Now I ask you,
is banning saggy pants more important than taking care of naked
Family Guy VS. The Simpsons
10 . 10 . 07
My favorite character is Stewie
because he’s an evil genius baby,”
said F.G. fan Sara McIntyre, soph-
omore. My least favorite character
is Meg, because of the stuff that’s
done to her, that’s hilarious, but
the way she is always trying to fit
in with the popular kids gets annoying.
Favorite characters from The
Simpsons are, obviously, Bart, the
kid always getting in trouble, and
Homer, the dumb dad who usually is the cause for all the problems. My least favorite character
is Maggie because she doesn’t do
anything. “The character I like
the most would have to be Crusty
the Clown because he’s only concerned about his Crusty Burger
and himself,” said Simpsons fan
David Minarick, sophomore.
Family Guy I think is better. It’s
funnier because it is a blend of stupid comedy and regular comedy.
It’s also random, the characters all
play hilarious roles, except Meg,
and it has better animation because
people have actual skin colors.
Although both shows are hilarious, I stand by my choice. A lot of
people born in The Simpsons era,
even adults, have stayed loyal fans,
but how much longer can it go on?
The Simpsons are nearing the end
of their rope, that’s probably the
main reason they made a movie, so
it could attract a new audience and
stay popular with the old. Family
Guy, in my opinion, has another
good ten to fifteen years left before
people start getting tired of it.
Designed by Angela Mateo
still experiences
racial discrimination
Christa Jenkins /
PPC Features Editor
On Sept. 20, the Jena Six
protests took place. The Jena
Six refers to six young students
from small town Jena, La.,
who were charged with various
crimes stemming from a racially
charged episode at the local high
It started in early August of
2006, where black students had
asked a teacher if they could sit
under a tree considered to be
only for white students. Later,
white students had hung nooses
over the tree branches and from
here, animosity and rage began.
The white students were suspended for their actions, but the
racist feeling did not disappear.
There were six black high school
students that jumped a white student because of the actions previously made. The white student
was found unconscious, swollen
and bloody. The black students
were charged with attempted
murder. Later only one student
charged as a juvenile, and then
all but one student’s charges
were dropped to battery.
Senior Cara Esters said, “It’s
ridiculous punishment and pure
racism. In this day in age of
2007; it’s just sad these things
are still going on.”
Mayor Douglas H. Palmer
spoke on the situation and said,
“The point that some seem to
miss is that the students were
given jail time for being involved
in a simple high school fistfight.
I am not advocating violence,
but we should not miss this opportunity to teach children how
to properly resolve conflicts and
the importance of understanding
cultural differences. The longterm implications of allowing the
justice system to punish youthful
indiscretions hurt us all and deny
these young men an opportunity
to positively contribute to society,” according to earthtimes.org
The case that took place has
many activists and protesters
fighting for what they believe.
This situation is bringing many
people across the world together
in the small town of Louisiana.
It is said to be like a modern-day
action of what took place during
the Civil Rights movement. Because of this the spotlight of the
nation has been placed on Jena.
The King’s family, Al Sharpton,
Secretary Jesse Jackson, and
many other activists became involved with the protests.
Senior Jackie Kelly said, “ It’s
the south, there are still a lot of
racist people. People will always
have their opinion, whether they
are right or wrong.”
“What this case tells us is that
unequal justice is clearly alive
and thriving in the United States.
The small town of Jena has been
thrust into the national spotlight
reminding the entire world of
the deplorable days when African Americans had limited civil
rights and were subjected to random acts of violence without
provocation,” said Mayor Palmer, according to earthtimes.org
From the tens of thousands of
people in the rally, Tina Jones, a
protestor, said, “The black people get the harshest extent of the
law, whereas the white people
will get, you know, a slap on the
wrist per se, it’s not equal.”
As for the tree where the
controversy began, it’s been cut
Designed by Brittany Pendry
Alligator Attack
claims man’s arm
Carissa Weyer /
PPC Copy Editor
On Sept. 17, 59-year-old Bill
Hedden was snorkeling in the
Short Stay Naval Recreational Park in South
Carolina when his arm
got chewed off by a 12foot, 550-pound alligator.
The man stumbled ashore
into the picnic area bleeding profusely, with his arm
detached from the socket,
shouting at the picnickers to
call his wife. Among those
local picnickers were five nurses,
which helped Hedden by keeping
his blood flow up while waiting
for the ambulance to rush him to
the hospital.
“That is terrible. Why would
the man be close enough to an alligator for it to be able to chew his
arm off?” said Britny Tidd, junior.
After Hedden was rushed to the
airlifted it to the hospital where it
was re-attached to Hedden’s socket. According to www.comcast.
net, captain Bill Salisbury said,
“The arm, surprisingly, was not
chewed up like you would
Hedden is still in the
hospital in critical condition, and it will be several
days before doctors know
if the surgery was a success.
“That is terrible, but at
least he will still survive,”
said junior Brandon Johnson.
Local South Carolina officials
say that what happened on Sunday
was the worst alligator attack that
has ever happened in the state.
A policeman shot the
massive alligator and cut
its stomach open to find
that the limb was still in
one piece
hospital, policeman shot the massive alligator and cut its stomach
open to find that the limb was still
in one piece. They immediately
put the arm in a picnic ice box, and
O.J. Simpson
Arrested Again
Megan McEvilly /
PPC Copy Editor
Not again. O.J. Simpson, former football star, was arrested
again and held without bail, on
Sept. 17, for allegedly stealing
thousands of dollars worth of
sports memorabilia from a Las Vegas hotel room.
Las Vegas police arrested Simpson in his hotel room, claiming
that he was part of an armed group
that busted into a different room,
at another hotel, to steal thousands
of dollars worth of collectibles.
“Why would you steal your
own stuff? That’s so stupid,” stated junior Megan Bersano.
“O.J. Simpson is a disgrace to
humanity,” stated junior Allison
Sept. 19 he was scheduled for
a bond hearing. According to Nation Public Radio, Simpson’s golfing companion, Walter Alexander,
was also charged.
According to Lt. Clint Nichols,
on npr.org, “It was a lot of sports
memorabilia and most of it had
been signed by Mr. Simpson himself, along with some other property. I believe there were some Joe
Montana cleats and signed baseballs and other stuff.”
“He apparently thinks he’s
more famous then we do,” said junior Randi Rezutka.
Simpson also claimed that he
was part of a “sting operation” to
regain items that he owned. He allegedly has wanted those items for
a long time.
“He’s very stupid, he already
got away with something once,”
stated junior Drake Roketa.
However, Simpson was released from jail after posting bail
at $125,000. In court, Simpson
answered in a hoarse voice and
nodded as Justice of the Peace Joe
Bonaventure Jr. informed Simpson on restrictions for his release.
Some of these restrictions consist
of giving up his passport and having no contact with co-defendants
or possible witnesses.
School News PPC
Belden, students publish book
Kristi Lawrence / PPC A&E Editor
“In 1673 Louis Joliet and Fr. Jacques Marquette were
the first Europeans to explore the Mississippi River and the
Illinois Valleys…” the back of the book describes.
Mr. Dave Belden, Social Studies, and a group of 10 students from MCHS came up with the idea of publishing a
postcard book that includes between 180 and 200 pictures
of Grundy County during the late 1800s. Students used all
sorts of computer equipment, scanners, and any other resources to preserve the history in Belden’s Local History
Arcadia Publishing published the book, and will be made
available to the public. Postcard History Series of Grundy
County can be purchased online as well, at Amazon.com,
for $19.99, plus tax.
“We began digitizing a lot of their old historical documents and many of the documents that we did last year were
postcard and old photographs and maps,” Belden stated.
“There was enough photographs in that collection to give
us the idea this year to actually make a postcard book.”
The students used the Minooka Branch of the Three
Rivers Public Library District, books, and local history societies to gather information they needed, but that’s not all.
They have gone as far as actually making their way through
towns across the county to make an attempt at collecting
The postcards include a picture on the front with a title
indicating what the picture is about, and on the back is a
brief message from an individual. Some of the postcards
have been sent from different people living all throughout
the county.
“It’s just interesting how you see old buildings, how they
were back then, and you still see them standing today,” said
junior Laura Taylor, who helped create the book.
“It is nice because the students will be able to see all the
work they have done published,” said Belden.
Belden is planning on teaching large projects like this in
year-long classes that will be offered for the students next
With what started out as a brilliant idea, will be turned
into a work of art. And will help other people learn the ancient history of our community.
Corn Festival queen crowned
by Amanda Alexander /
Chatter Room News Editor
Rochelle, a junior at Morris Comm u n i t y High School received the
to be named
of the
Morr i s
good experience,” stated Danielle Kenney.
Samantha Tippy, 16, likes to do the
basic stuff and hangout with friends.
“ I thought this would look good on
my college application plus I knew a
bunch of people from Morris, it was a
goodtime,” said Tippy.
Last but not least,
A l e x
“I did
I was t really kn
kind o
f nerv what to e
d Poc
Three students at here at
Pictured are the three Junior girls from
MCHS that participated in the Corn
Festival. On the top left is Danielle
Kenney, top right is Samantha Tippy,
and bottom right is Alex Pocta. All
taken by Chatter Room News Editor
Amanda Alexander.
MCHS, Danielle Kenney, Alexandra
Pocta, and Samantha Tippy, on Fri.,
Sept. 28, competed for the crown at the
Morris Corn Festival.
The girls gave a brief summary of
who they are and why they wanted to
be in the festival.
Danielle Kenny, 16, enjoys local volunteer work and is full of school spirit,
attending all football games she can.
“I’ve never done something like this
before so I looked forward to it, it was a
t h e
speech team, student council, in the
school play and choir. “I didn’t really
know what to expect, I was kind of nervous.”
With a great group of girls, unfortunely, not everyone could go home
with a crown, but congratulations to
Designed by D.J. Valera
Mr. Strakeljahn
New Teachers
By Iman Bradley / A & E Editor
Ms. Binotti
COLLEGE: Northern Illinois University (Go Huskies!)
and minored in
Tinley Park High
MOMENT: My senior year of high school I couldn’t partici-
pate in any of my usual sports due to a knee injury that
resulted in multiple surgeries However, I also couldn’t sit
on the side and not take part in school activities. Therefore,
I decided to be TPHS’s mascot for the football games. So,
every Varsity game, I dressed up as Timmy the Titan and
went out onto the field and did a little dance and then hung
out in the crowd in full costume for the games. It was a
Ms. Punke
(the University of
Illinois at UrbanaChampaign) MAJOR: Spanish with a
minor in Computer
Illinois Math & Science Academy (in Aurora)
HOBBIES: Swing dancing, writing, biking, reading
have to say it was for a blind date dance, when my
date and I had to identify ourselves by standing up
and singing “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid very loudly in the cafeteria while holding giant
stuffed fishes.
Ms. Taulbert
COLLEGE: Millikin
Education Social Studies
HIGHSCHOOL: Normal Community High
Gossip Magazines, Shoe
Shopping & Designing New Torturous Assignments
For My Students
to Normal Community High School from a high
school in Wisconsin during the middle of my freshman year. On my first day at the new school I went
to my English class and told my teacher that I was
new. She looked right at me and asked, “Where are
you from”, I told her Wisconsin. By that time the
entire class was watching me, the teacher stared at
me and said “oh I thought you were from another
country because you look so different from all the
students here.” The entire class laughed.
Designed by Zach Nabor
Ms. Webb
COLLEGE: Illinois
State University
MAJOR: Secondary
English Education
Minooka Community
HOBBIES: Reading,
and spending time
with my husband and
my dogs
freshman and almost getting beat up by the meanest
senior girl in the school. She started a fight with me
in a really crowded hallway and a lot of people saw!
A teacher had to break it up, and then I got sent to
the dean’s office for the first and only time of my
high school career. Needless to say, if that teacher
had come when she did, that girl would have wiped
the floor with my face!
Ms. Spicer
COLLEGE: Illinois
State University
MAJOR: Business
Teacher Education
Seneca High School
Mr. Minich
COLLEGE: Eastern
Illinois University
MAJOR: Bachelors
degree in Biological
Sciences and Master’s in Educational
Leadership from University of St. Francis
Victor J Andrew High School.
HOBBIES: Running, lifting weights, working on my
house, playing beanbags, and all sports.
MOST EMBARRASING MOMENT: My most embarrassing moment in high school was getting the
wind knocked out of me while sledding down a hill
after school was over.
Mr. Allen
COLLEGE: University of St. Francis
High School
HOBBIES: Bowling
and Photography
On my first day at Plainfield Central, I walked in the
girl’s bathroom.
COLLEGE: Eastern
Illinois University
MAJOR: Technology
Education with a Minor in Computer Information Systems.
HOBBIES: running,
camping, hunting, and fishing.
wear a T-shirt to school my freshman year that said,
Ms. Standard
State University
MAJOR: Nutrition and
Athletic Training
HOBBIES: Running
and working out
this crush on this boy
in high school. My friend decided to write it on the
board in class. When the teacher pulled the map up
everyone saw it. The messed up thing about it is that
Mr. Lindo
MAJOR: Physical Education
HIGH SCHOOL: Oswego High School
sports and playing
games on PS2
get somewhere I was in a taxicab. I had to go to the
bathroom really, really bad. I told the taxi driver that
I had to go to the bathroom but he wouldn’t let me go
because he thought I was trying to run off with out
Ms. Franz
COLLEGE: Eastern Illinois University
MAJOR: Biology
HIGH SCHOOL: Lockport Township High
HOBBIES: Breeding 35
MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: In my freshman year of high school
I walked in the wrong classroom. I was in there for
about 15 minutes because I was scare to leave the
classroom because I was so embarrassed.
Ms. Fosdick
COLLEGE: Eastern Illinois University
Central High School
HOBBIES: Running and
Scrap Booking
I locked my keys in the house. I was embarrassed
when I had to climb through my window to get back
Ms. Hawrysio
COLLEGE: St. Xavier
MAJOR: Math and a minor in Education
HIGH SCHOOL: Andrew High School
HOBBIES: Shopping,
hanging out with friends,
and going to the gym
with a basketball while cheering on the sideline. I
was so embarrassed.
Ms . O’Brien
State University
MAJOR: English
HIGH SCHOOL: Lincoln-Way East High
shopping, and spending
time with my family
grade I went to school with a hole in the upper thy
of my pant leg. Of course I was the last one to know
about the tear. Everyone in my class was laughing
and whispering about it until one of my friends finally told me. I was so embarrassed; I had to wear a
sweater around my waste for the rest of the day.
Mr. Swierez
COLLEGE: Illinois State
MAJOR: World History/
World Cultures
HIGH SCHOOL: LincolnWay Central High School
HOBBIES: Running Decathlons, Exercising
Mr. Matheson
COLLEGE: Millikin University
MAJOR: Chemistry
HIGH SCHOOL: Richwoods
High School
HOBBIES: Running Marathons
Mr. Kemock
COLLEGE: Illinois State
MAJOR: English
North High School
MOMENT: I forgot to zip my fly first day teaching.
Ms. Kwasny
COLLEGE: Millikin University
MAJOR: Physical Education,
Health, and Driver’s Ed Endorsement
High School
HOBBIES: Reading, Basketball and Softball, Playing guitar
a girl half my size runs into me. She knocked the
wind out of me and I had to wear a whiplash collar
to school.
Features PC
Past Halloween Costumes
Problem #1. Weather.
Halloween is in the very end of
October; therefore, it tends to be
rather cold. The majority of students,
though, do not think about that when
brainstorming about their costumes.
“Last year, all of the girls that
I was trick-or-treating with were
dressed up as school-girls. They had
short skirts and tank tops on and it
was freezing. We all walked around
for about four hours, and by the time
we were about half an hour into it
they we complaining about how they
couldn’t feel any part of their bodies. It’s amazing they didn’t all catch
pneumonia,” said Kevin Vershay, junior.
Problem #2. Walking.
Trick-or-treaters don’t always
think about how far they will be
walking. Depending on their age,
most trick-or-treaters cover at least
one entire subdivision, if not more.
However, proper foot attire is not always followed.
“When we went trick-or-treating
last year, one of my friends and I
wore really, really high heels. We
walked around two entire subdivions
without taking a break and we were
in serious pain. We took our shoes off
and had indentations in our feet. We
probably should have changed into
flip-flops but we were determained
to go the whole night in heels,” said
junior Amanda Cappel.
the stop sign,” won’t cut it when the
person is slamming into the car at the
Ruthless. Reckless. Careless. UnIt could possibly be blamed on not
focused. Teenage driving.
paying attention. Or maybe there’s a
Car accidents are the No.1 cause lot going on in the student’s head and
of death for teenagers. Recently, concentrating on the road is too
there have been no fatal car accidents of anyone that goes to MCHS.
“I accidently put
However, last year an accident devmy car into drive
astated Oswego when an intoxicated
23-year-old woman crashed into a
and hit the barrier
pole and took the lives of four local
in front of me.”
-- Jon VanAsdlen
Even though Minooka hasn’t experienced any situation as heartbreaking as this, many students that at- difficult a task to accomplish at the
tend Minooka and have their license moment. At least teenagers are not
still don’t know how to drive. Isn’t alone. Parking, speeding, and racthere a class and a test that has to be ing are all problems that students at
taken? Somehow “oops, I didn’t see MCHS have had while driving. It
could very possibly be one of their
biggest head-slapping moments.
One of the first things students
learn in driver’s education is how to
park. Parallel parking, parking up
a hill, paring down a hill, etc. But,
what about the actual gear park?
That’s important, right?
“I was getting into my car at the
park in ride. I accidentally put my car
into drive and hit the barrier in front
of me. So, I put my car in reverse,
but it seemed like it was stuck. I got
out with the intention of pushing it,
but when I looked up I was shocked
to see my car was rolling back with
no one in the driver’s seat. I started
to chase after it, but the car a few
feet behind mine stopped it before I
could,” said senior Jon VanAsdlen.
Ready? Okay, slap your head be-
by Sarah Silverman /
PPC Features Editor
It’s that time of the year again,
Halloween. Costumes are out in
stores and everyone is having sales
on candy. Many are eagerly anticipating this holiday; however, lets focus on years past.
According to The National Retail Federation’s 2006 Halloween
Consumer Intentions and Actions
Survey, the top Halloween costumes
for children in 2006 were as follows:
princess, pirate, witch, Spider-Man,
Superman, Power Ranger, pumpkin,
cat, and vampire. According to the
same survey, the top adult costumes
of 2006 were a witch, a pirate, a vampire, a cat, a clown, a fairy, a gypsy, a
superhero, and a ghost/ghoul.
Since teenagers our age are not often seen as trick-or-treaters, there are
not a lot of costumes geared towards
our age group. Because of that, students find it their task to come up
with creative costumes. However, in
doing so, they tend to forget some of
the aspects of Halloween that they
should consider in choosing a costume.
There was cotton everywhere! When
we went out trick-or-treating there
was a trail of cotton following me
everywhere I went. We’d be walking somewhere and a couple hours
later we’d be in the same place and
there would be cotton there, and all
“It’s amazing they my friends would be like ‘oh we’ve
been here before, there’s Shannon’s
didn’t all catch fur.’ The costume did come in handy,
though, because we were able to folpneumonia.”
low the cotton home so we didn’t get
-- Kevin Vershay
lost, and when my friends needed
more bags for candy they took the
Problem #3. Wear and Tear.
pillow cases off the pillows that I
With the weather problems and was stuffed with,” said Shannon
the intense walking, homemade cos- Calus, junior.
tumes tend to have some wear and
This year maybe some students
tear. When they are exposed to the will consider these dilemmas when
elements they have a tendency to be- choosing a costume. However, being
gin to fall apart.
that we’re teenagers and our parents
“A couple years ago my friends will probably tell us that we are gohelped me make a sheep costume. ing to freeze, or our feet are going to
We hot glued cotton to gray sweat be killing us, we will want to prove
pants and a sweatshirt and stuffed them wrong, so we say we’ll be fine.
my clothes full of pillows. The cos- Of course, later we suffer, but we
tume turned out looking amazing, but never show our parents our discomfrom the very beginning, it was mal- fort, because we know that we will
functioning. I put it on in my friend’s never hear the end of it.
bedroom and when I walked out it
looked like it had snowed in there.
Terrors of Teenage Driving
by Brittany Pendry /
PPC Editor-In-Chief
cause VanAsdlen just helped contribute to the $19 billion of the total costs of motor vehicle injuries
among males.
Among males that are involved in
fatal car accidents, 38 percent were
speeding. However, Zach Wieder,
senior, did not contribute to this percentage.
“So, I was cruising down Ingolsby probably listening to some ‘50s.
I thought it would be fun to play a
game of ‘how fast can I go on Ingolsby.’ So, I took the first turn at 65,
and that one turned out pretty well.
So, I decided to bump it up to 95.
Well, you see the road was a little
wet, and on that second turn I kind
of slid. And by slid I mean my car
Driving jumped to
Page 13
Designed by Sarah Silverman
Dance! Dance!
Immediately succeeding
their act, a random selection of
questions was asked. Based on the way each
contestant presented his and herself, lead
said, “The first to the ultimate decision of who would be
Minooka proclaimed winner. Greg Alexander, junior,
Homecoming Week is the only night I said, “I definitely believe in love after life
get to spend here being a JTHS student, but thanks to Emily!”
I make the most out of a night filled of fun
Juniors Mike Burns and Lacey
with my brothers in Aux Sable
Embers at the Battle of the
were named
By Angela Mateo / PPC Photo Editor
Bands.” After talking to
Schuck, Aux Sable Embers
Mr. and Mrs.
Homecoming Week is the most eventful was announced as winner
of the year. As students filed in Monday of the night.
“I thought
morning the school was decorated to the
Although only one band
theme “Soundtrack of Our Lives.” The main was chosen winner, all
played some
halls each had their own
the bands had outstanding
theme: country, jazz,
Lacey’s dance
Trisha Chaplin,
pop. “I think
sophomore, said,
the halls are
“All the bands
junior Chloe
Every time
Mr. and
The girls
I go down
Mrs. Indian
them I just
was held
puff showed
want to
on Tuesday
break out
night. The
We d n e s d a y
said junior
performed a
--Stephanie Pierce, junior
choreographed dance to start powder puff games are always fun to go
off the show. Each contestant to. Nobody wants the juniors to win!”
It was obvious
then revealed his or her talent to the said sophomore Stefanie Stout. The
that student council put
audience. Junoir Kaela Morrison said, “I final score was seniors, 49 to juniors,
a tremendous amount of effort
believe in life after love. And, also, I liked 21.
into the decorations. “I love the moon man Mitch’s pecs provided by Gregory. Nadia is
Junior Alicia Riley said, “I didn’t
by the career center,” said Hannah Kirk, awesome.”
know what to expect, I was a little
nervous, but
Battle of the
once the game
Bands started
started it was
off the week
fun. I can’t wait
with a bang.
until next year. It
was fun to knock
some people around
seven bands:
and not get called a
foul. Next year will
be great!”
“Powder puff
was so much fun
because of all the
The New Urban
rivalry and the fact
Sprawl, Aux
that the juniors
Sable Embers,
thought they were
The Car Ride
going to win,”
Home, Poetry
said senior Tabitha
The annual pep
rally was Thursday
A a r o n
night. Everyone
Top left: A splendid firework display followed the victory after the homecoming game on Friday.
Schuck of Aux Bottom: Students show Indian Pride at the game. Top right: Juniors Mike Burns and Lacey Bersano from the varsity
Sable Embers
pose as Mr. and Ms. Indian 2007. Photos taken by PPC photo editor Angela Mateo.
the faculty was out on the field. The tugof-war turned out to be a disappointment
for the seniors since they suffered a loss to
the juniors. The tug-of-war wasn’t the only
disappointment that night. “The pep rally
was ridiculous. According to the Internet
pep rallies are held before sporting events to
boost school spirit for their team. Looks like
“ I loved getting
dressed up and loved
being with friends, but I hated the music and the fact that
the lights were on.”
Designed by Sam Kelley and Christa Jenkins
whoever is in charge of pep rally didn’t get
the idea. I’m very disappointed in everything
this year,” said senior CJ Kelly.
Senior Lauren Terzick said, “I think that
the pep rally was a complete waste of time.
Usually the football team goes on the field
but they didn’t, and that was ridiculous. The
school’s changed a lot, and I don’t like it.”
Despite lack of support for the football
team, they played an astonishing game
Friday night against the Romeoville
To finish the week, the Homecoming
Dance was held in the cafetorium Saturday
night. “I loved getting dressed up and loved
being with friends, but I hated the music
and the fact that the lights were on,” said
Stephanie Pierce, junior.
It had its ups and downs, as does everything
else in life, but in the end everyone enjoyed
Homecoming Week 2007.
Arts & Entertainment PPC
Packed with Controversy, Comedy, and Censorship
2007 Emmy Awards
by Sam Kelley /
PPC Features Editor
Controversy? At the Emmy’s?
It may be hard to believe, but between skin-bearing dresses that
left little to the imagination and
acceptance speeches cursing war,
the 2007 Emmy Awards were deserving of a mature rating.
Besides the records set with
the Sopranos winning Best Drama Series in the final season, the
dresses of the stars were a hot
topic. Strapless dresses were
common, with sexy stars such as
Debra Messing and Heidi Klum
by Lauren Keers /
PPC Photographer
Jill Lagerstrom, senior.
Romano, on the other hand,
made a reference to sex. His
comedic act, early in the show,
involved his ex co-star Patricia
Heaton from Everybody Loves
Raymond. He joked that she was
“sleeping” with her new co-star,
and Fox edited his act. Katherine
Heigl also received the audit during her acceptance speech.
Drama almost halted the critics from talking about the awards
and their winners themselves.
Such actresses as America Ferrera, Helen Mirren, Judy Davis,
Jaime Pressly, and the aforemen-
Wednesday at 8 p.m.
Also, if you had read the Gossip
Girl bestseller novels by Cicily
von Ziegesar, then this would be a
good show.
“Gossip Girl is definitely
something I will look into
watching, because as much as I
hate drama, I love watching T.V.
shows about it. That’s what makes
them great, because I am always
wondering what might happen in
the next episode,” said Amanda
June, junior.
Gossip Girl focuses on
a privileged prep school in
Manhattan, whose lives revolve
around a blog written by a
secretive Gossip Girl who knows
all the juicy details and scandals
about everyone. This show was
filled with tons of drama in just the
first episode. I am already looking
forward to the next show. This
show is one I recommend without
a doubt.
Every Monday at 7:30 p.m. the
new program Aliens In America
will be on, which started Oct. 1.
It’s about the life of a 16-year
old high school teenager who
forms an unusual friendship
with his family’s Pakistani
Muslim exchange student.
It’s a show that is definitely
recommended to tune into the
premier if you are looking for a
good laugh.
“I think Aliens In America
is going to be funny because
people are taking racism/
terrorism way too seriously
these days, and a show like this
will help everyone realize they
just need to lighten up,” said
junior Sam Biesack.
Looking for a good familyfriendly drama that is on Sunday
nights? In a Life Is Wild, a New
York household moves to a
Friends and families gather around at night to watch the shows that enjoy
game reserve in South Africa
the most. Photo taken by PPC Photographer Lauren Keers.
for a year, while their father serves
as a veterinarian.
things every night of the week, put a little variety throughout your
Instead of watching the same tune into some of these shows to week.
New Fall Shows
Tired of the same old boring
shows that are on every single
year? The CW has four new shows
coming out this season that might
catch your interest: Reaper, Gossip
Girl, Aliens In America, and Life
Is Wild.
The new show Reaper, is a
drama about a 21-year old slacker
named Sam, who finds out his
parents sold his soul to the devil
before he was born. After his fate
was rejected, Sam realized that he
shouldn’t cross his new boss and
becomes Satan’s bounty hunter
tracking down escaped souls.
The Reaper’s season premiere
was on September 25 at 8 p.m. and
is on every Tuesday night.
Do you like shows filled with
teenage drama, because you can’t
get enough of it throughout high
school? Gossip Girl would be
a good show to tune into every
tioned Katherine Heigl and Sally
Field brought home the gold.
Winning actors included James
Spader, Ricky Geravis, Robert
Duvall, Thomas Haden Church,
Terry O’Quinn, and Jeremy Piven.
Winning directors included Richard Shephard, Alan Taylor, Philip
Martin, and Rob Marshall, while
award-winning writers consisted
of Greg Daniels, David Chase,
Frank Deasy, and the writers of
Late Night With Conan O’Brien.
“It was really great to see
younger faces take home awards.
It was also cool to see good variety in nominations. I loved seeing
younger actresses like Katherine
Heigl and America Ferrera win,”
said junior Alyssa Caron.
The dramatic Emmy Awards
did not fall short of Hollywood’s
expectations in any way, shape
of form. As always, visible flesh,
obscene language, and crude comedy got the attention of the media
in the days following the awards,
even though the award winners
are much more deserving of the
attention. But, hey, controversy
sells in America, and Hollywood
is the center of the United States.
Or, at least, the center of its attention.
sporting gowns with no straps.
The hot weather and hot stars
were not the main issue, however.
Sally Field, Ray Romano, and
Katherine Heigl were the victims
of Fox Network’s censorship.
Field, winning the best actress
award in drama for her role in
Brothers and Sisters, made a reference to war and used a swear
word related to God. The word
was cut out, and raised much anger and disbelief after the awards.
“I cannot believe that she
would say that on national television. She had to know how the
media would attack this!” stated
Designed by Kristi Lawrence
Arts & Entertainment
Upcoming Concerts !
10/29 Chicago
Ryan Kelly /
Chatter Room A&E
10/20 Rosemont
10/21 Champaign
Cute Is What We Aim For, Plain
White T’s, Gym Class Heroes,
and Fall Out Boy.
Fall Out Boy headlines “The
Young Wild Things Tour”, and
plays two dates in Illinois, where
they are originally from. Their
last album released was “Infinity
On High”, which was an album
that was very different from the
rest of their previous albums.
Dashboard Confessional plays
with Augustana in Chicago at
the House of Blues. They will
be playing many songs from
their previous album “Dusk and
10/30 Chicago
Set Your Goals, The Starting
Line, and Paramore.
Paramore headlines a tour with
the bands listed above as they
have just released their new album
“RIOT!” Also, The Starting has
recently released their new album
called “Direction”, with songs
such as “Island,” “21,” and more.
Set Your Goals is a punk band
from San Francisco that is very
catchy, and worth checking it on
this tour, which has a great line
11/22 Chicago
Against Me!
Against Me! plays a special
acoustic show and also a benefit
for Harvest of Hope at the Metro
in Chicago.
11/24 Chicago
The Academy Is, Armor For
Sleep, The Rocket Summer, and
The Academy Is headlines the
tour, playing with Armor For
Sleep, The Rocket Summer, and
Sherwood, three great bands. The
Rocket Summer recently released
their new album “Do You Feel”,
which is filled with catchy songs.
This is another tour with a great
line up that is worth checking
11/29 Chicago
Bayside plays in Chicago again
after playing at Warped Tour over
the summer. They have gotten
very famous throughout this last
year, after releasing their new
album “Duality”. When they
played at Warped Tour, they were
voted to play for ten minutes
12/16 Chicago
Mae, Anberlin, and Motion City
Motion City Soundtrack headlines
the tour with special guests
Mae and Anberlin. Motion City
released their new album “Even If
It Kills Me,” on Sept. 18, which
features the single “This is For
Real.” Motion City Soundtrack is
a great band to see live, and it will
be a night to remember.
Tickets for these upcoming
concerts can be purchased at
Rilo Kiley’s First Debut
Sam Menne /
A band that almost no one has
heard of, or has heard of
but never heard, is Rilo
But all this is about
to change. These indie
darlings dropped their first
major label debut “Under
the Black Light” in June
2007, which marked a
turning point in their
musical career.
Rilo Kiley’s sound varies from
album to album. Their older cds
have an almost folky cuteness,
with a rockabilly hint to them,
but the new record has a stronger,
more poppy sound, with less
of the folk twang of their older
This contrast has caused a
division of their new fans, and
old fans, as happens with most
bands that move to a major label.
Rilo headlined a show at the
Riviera on September 15th, and
the turnout proved that their fan
base is growing. Grand Ole Party,
and Jonathan Rice, both, opened
their show, providing entertaining
sets before Rilo Kiley
took the stage. When Rilo
Kiley played their song
“The Moneymaker,” huge
balloons were tossed
into the crowd. Once
the balloons popped,
tons and tons of golden
confetti was spilled onto
the audience.
Rilo Kiley is a band
that never disappoints, so you
should go out and buy their new
cd. I mean, who couldn’t love a
band that throws balloons with
confetti in them?
Their older cds have
an almost folksy
Designed by Iman Bradley
However, this change is not
necessarily a bad thing. Bands
need to grow to survive through
the years, and lead singer Jenny
Lewis’s voice is still as amazing
as ever.
Singer Jenny Lewis belts her heart out to adoring fans at her show
at the Reviera on Sept. 15. Photo by Sam Menne
Washed-up stars
By Eric Reynolds / Copy Editor
Britney or Christina? Christina
or Jessica? Those three vs. Justin?
Do you remember the debates? It
really wasn’t so long ago when those
names and all they encompassed –
talent, looks, personality, piercings
– could actually be argued. Today,
though, it seems like a lifetime
ago, and there really isn’t much
debate going on, even though
a year ago Aguilera released a
double-CD while Spears got ready
to C-section another bad PR move
into this world. What happened?
And which of the four “pop stars”
are still deserving of their title?
Christina Aguilera
She started out at only 18-yearsold, and became known as one of
the best singers in the U.S. after
recording the song “Reflection”
for Disney’s Mulan. She then
bested Spears by taking home the
Best New Artist Award at the 2000
Grammy Awards. At the peak of
her career, her single “Beautiful”
went to No. 1 in Canada and
earned Aguilera the award for Best
Female Pop Vocal Performance at
the 2004 Grammy Awards. Unlike
Spears, Aguilera was respected
for her talent, so when she went
from teeny-bopper duds to leather
chaps in her 2002 “Dirrty” video,
the world was shocked. However,
in 2005, the pop diva settled down
with music executive Jordan
Bratman and did away with her
trashy ways. I personally believe
that of all of the “pop stars” listed
above, Christina Aguilera takes the
award for most talented. Let’s face
it: the woman can sing. Her voice
is powerful, and she does not have
to lip-synch in order for people to
believe that she is talented.
Britney Spears.
In 1999, after the release of her
first album Baby One More Time,
Spears told a German magazine:
“I don’t believe in sex before
marriage and I don’t believe in
drugs or smoking.” Coincidence?
The turning point in Spears’
successful career came to a
screeching halt when it was widely
rumored her relationship with
Justin Timberlake ended due to her
infidelity. But it was her quickie
marriage in Vegas that sealed her
fate. In January 2004, she made a
55-hour commitment to childhood
friend Jason Alexander while
purportedly intoxicated in Sin
City. In perhaps another alcoholinduced blur later that year, she said
‘I do’ to back-up-dancer/ wannabe
rapper Kevin Federline. Since
Arts & Entertainment PC
then, she can’t seem to leave the
house without killing her newborn,
she’s pregnant, again, and a new
“Save Britney” campaign aimed
at getting the pop diva to dump
her equally trashy hubby has been
launched. Although Spears and
K-Fed have since split, there has
been little hope for her future with
a career in the music industry.
Spears’“comeback,” “performance
of the century,” as ridiculously
over-promoted by MTV for their
2007 Video Music Awards, was a
complete and utter disaster. Career
suicide, if you will. She was lipsynching to her new hit “Gimme
More,” which by the way had a
non-physically demanding dance
routine. At least on her behalf,
Lord knows she tried.
Jessica Simpson
She broke onto the scene in
2000 as a virgin with a powerful
voice. Sound familiar? Despite
her somewhat notorious string of
hits, her career really kicked off
with the premiere of her hit show,
MTV’s Newlyweds. The show
chronicled the lives of Simpson
and husband Nick Lachey, and the
world soon learned how much of
an imbecile Jessica really was. We
were also introduced to the far less
talented, yet far more marketable
younger sister, Ashlee. MTV soon
rewarded her, with a show as well,
cleverly titled The Ashlee Simpson
Show. She also was caught in a
lip-synching scandal on Saturday
Night Live, which really put a
dent in her plans for continuing
on as a respected artist. Soon after
the other Simpson began filming
for Dukes of Hazzard, rumours
began to circulate of problems
with husband Nick Lachey. Then,
it happened. Simpson and Lachey
filed for divorce, and now, each of
them have remained fairly quiet
over the past year. My opinion of
the two Simpson sisters is, and
has been, set in stone for a while.
After Newlyweds premiered, we
were introduced to Ashlee and
Jessica’s father, i.e. the man in
charge of Ashlee and Jessica’s
careers. This man was a moneyhungry person who exploited
his daughters’ “talent,” rather it
existed or not. Although it is hard
to be completely against Jessica,
who arguably has a good voice, it
is too easy to be critical of Ashlee.
We’ve heard her sing live before,
and if we weren’t inclined to keep
listening just to hear the proof,
we would indefinitely turn the
television off altogether.
Justin Timberlake
He joined *NSYNC when he
was 14 years old and became a
mop-top teenage heartthrob. After
parting with the mega-successful
boy band, Timberlake cut his golden
locks and released his hugely
successful solo album Justified in
2002. However successful his solo
career was going, all was put on
hold when Timberlake ripped Janet
Jackson’s clothes off at the Super
Bowl. Apology after apology was
delivered, but nothing seemed to
erase the fact that what he did was
wrong. Until he released FutureSex/
LoveSounds and the world re-fell
in love with him. Timberlake truly
is a talented singer, dancer, and
overall entertainer. He surpasses
the others who have tried to break
away from boy bands for a solo
career, in every aspect. So until he
offends another nation, everything
Justin touched will continue to
turn to gold.
Will the pop star vs. pop star
debate ever come to an end? After
all, each of the artists mentioned
above have such die-hard fans that
hypnotizing them into thinking
their favorite pop star is untalented
may just kill them. One thing is for
sure: Christina Aguilera is better
than all of them. Period.
A Natural Death- New Horse the Band Album
By Zach Nabor / A & E Editor
I had always known of Horse
the Band, but I was never a fan
of them. After hearing the song
“New York City,” the single of
their new album, I changed my
mind about them. Further listening online extended this decision.
On Aug. 28 Horse the Band
released their newest album A
Natural Death, which was another
album in which showcased their
unique and peculiar sound. Horse
the Band is he foremost “Nintendo Core” band. Nintendo core is
a metal-esque music that includes
keyboards; that mimic the 8-bit
sounds of the NES/SNES.
A Natural Death is no
exception to the list of
Horse the Band’s classics, including 2005’s
Hand and the 2006
EP Pizza. It is one
of the most unique
metal albums I have
listened to, and that
is actually a good
A Natural Death is a
very complex album; it includes high-energy instrumen-
tation, amazing keyboard work,
and clever lyrics that range
from subjects such as Native Americans to bears
going into hibernation. Although, like
most albums, A
Natural Death has
one or two sub-par
songs, many of
the tracks on this
album are catchy
energetic classics.
In my opinion, A
Natural Death has got
to be the best album of the
year, and Horse the Band is
“Horse the Band
is going to be amazing
- Matt Leatherwood
in the top 10 bands to release an
album this year. Sophomore Ryna
Jerrick said, “It is the most amazing album they have released
Luckily, Horse the Band is currently touring in support of this
landmark. Matt Leatherwood,
sophomore said ”Horse the Band
is going to be amazing live.” If
you are interested in seeing them
perform, they are playing at Logan Square on October 23, in Chicago. They are playing in support
of Between the Buried and Me,
tickets are $15-$20.
Designed by Zach Nabor 11
C Interactive
Word Of The Week- Truncate
To shorten by cutting off.
Suduko Puzzle:
Fa ct s
In Baltimore, Maryland, it is not illegal to take a lion
to the movies.
It’s illegal to slurp soup in New Jersey.
No president of the United States was an only child.
A desert snail can sleep for 3 years.
100 Americans choke to death on ballpoint pens per
An Electric eel can produce a shock up to 650 volts.
All facts by http://www.randomfacts.org
A woman has 7 children
and half of them are
boys. How is this possible?
-All of them are boys,
so therefore 1/2 of the
kids are boys.
In the NBA, how many
men are on the basketball court for each team?
- Five. If you said
ten don’t feel bad as
most people do. “Each
team” is the key word.
Is this statement True or
-It’s True. The Roman Numeral FOUR (IV)
is in the middle of the
word Five: F(IV)E
What is the next 3 letters
in this riddle?
-e n t
They represent the first
letter when writing the
numbers one through
12 Designed by Lauren Keers
Check Your Answers
When You’re Done!
I cannot be felt, seen or
Yet I can be found in
My existence is always
in debate;
Yet I have my own style
of music.
What Am I?
-I’m a Soul.
Style of music: soul
All riddles by http://
Jump PC
2007 B DAY
continued from
page 14
Juniors: PRE-ACT Test
7:00 – 7:43 Block 1 B Day
7:48 – 8:30 Block 2 B Day
8:35 – 8:45 Attendance
8:50 – 9:35
9:45 - 10:45
10:45 – 11:00
11:00 - 11:35
11:45 - 12:20
12:20 – 12:25
Naturally, the infamous queen
of cheating, Tonya Harding sent in
a goon to club Nancy Kerrigan’s
knee cap so she would be unable
to compete in the 1994 Olympics.
In a related occurrence, Kerrigan
would later go on to receive sliver
at the 1994 Olympics. Harding
finished out of the running.
Carmouche, won a race at
Louisiana Delta Downs on a foggy
day in 1990 when he cut through
the middle of the track and met
back up with the horses on the other
side. Carmouche later blamed the
horse for the scandal.
Last but certainly not least, one
of the most intriguing cheaters of
all time has to be high jumper,
Dora Ratjen. For those of you
MATH 2 - 60 MIN.
MATH 4 - 35 MIN.
Sophomore, Freshman: EXPLORE/PLAN Test
9:45 – 10:55
11:00 – 11:25
11:30 - 11:55
12:00 – 12:25
12:30 -12:35
12:35 -1:30
1:30 – 3:43
Block 3 B DAY
Block 4 B DAY, A Lunch
B Lunch
C Lunch
ATTENDANCE (circle those absent)
Boys Soccer”
from page 16
“Teenage Driving”
continued from page 2
spun around...twice. And, I
may or may not have ended up in
the ditch.”
How does a person explain
that one to his or her parents?
“I told my mom that a deer
ran out in front of me, and I had
to swerve out of the way because
I had recently become an animal
rights activist,” said Wieder. “She
actually bought it. And then she
paid to have my car fixed.”
Fortunately for Wieder, he
walked away from his car accident without a scratch; as opposed
to the 3,600 teenagers that die in
car accidents each year, two out of
three being males.
And, finally, “the race.” Many
teenagers apparently find it exhilarating to beat each other home.
Which is ironic because that is
usually the last place teenagers
like to go.
“I still remember when some
of my friends were racing each
other home,” said senior Danny
Jacobs. “They were just goofing
around when one of my friend’s
car skidded around a turn and he
crashed into a light pole.”
Everyday students hear adults
telling them to “make good choices,” and “don’t act stupid.” But,
every teenager thinks that it can’t
happen to him or her, that they’re
However, each year those
3,600 teenagers don’t come home.
unfamiliar with Dora, “she” placed
fourth in the womenís high jump
in the 1936 Olympics. The only
problem was that Dora’s real name
was Hermann, and Hermann was
not so much a “she.”
Frankly, that is incredible. He
dressed up in womenís clothing,
lied to everyone about his gender,
and changed his name to Dora. I
wonder if it was worth the medal,
or what does the fourth place
finisher get again?
Anyway, it seems that cheating
is always going to be apart of
sports. Apparently itís just one of
those things the fans will have to
learn to live with. Let’s just hope
no one cheats to break the homerun
record or anything.
Those 3,600 families had to live
with the pain of losing a loved
one. And, those 7,200 adults had
to bury their children.
Those 7,200 adults had to
watch their children’s name turn
into a number, become a statistic.
It can happen to anyone. And the
sooner teens figure that out, the
less likely they have the chance of
becoming just another statistic.
“Our biggest strength is that
weíre all really good looking,” said
However, no matter how much
they win, the soccer team would
like to see something else past
a victory against Lincoln-Way
Central: fans.
Cabrera said, “We would just like
to see more people at our games.”
Designed by Jeff Beguin 13
Sports Editorial: A History of Corruption
The Biggest Cheaters in Sports
Jeff Beguin / PPC Editor-in-Chief
From Little League to the big leagues, cheating has
always been a consistency in sports. The fact is, cheaters
are everywhere, and they have been plaguing the sports
nation since Ed Walsh threw his first spitball for the Chicago
White Sox in 1906. So while teams like the New England
Patriots currently disgrace their respected sports, look back
at the other famous charlatans who have made some of the
most memorable of all deceptions.
Remember Danny Almonte? He was the fourteen year
old pitching phenomenon who owned twelve year old hitters
in the 2001 Little League World Series. After his season
of complete mastery, the league owner found out about his
age and his team had to forfeit all of their losses. I can’t
really blame him though, sometimes I wish I could go back
and play Little League, I would be way better than before.
However, even worse than Almonte is possibly the most
extravagant trickster to ever con the world into believing
she was an actual winner. The cheater: Rosie Ruiz. Ruiz is
well known for her “victory” in the 1980 Boston Marathon
without even breaking a sweat. Ruiz jumped into the race
with less than half mile to go, and took first with the third
best women’s time in the marathon’s history. News later
came out that she had begun the race, dropped out, and then
caught a bus to a street intersectionnear the finish where she
jumped in the race and stole first place. April 21 marks the
28th anniversary of Greyhound’s only victory in the history
of the Boston Marathon.
As far as team motto’s go, “If you’re not cheating, you’re
not trying,” right? Well at least no one tries harder than
the good old Patriots. Their video taping scandal has been
the route of NFL duscussion for the last month. As Bill
Belichick and his gang of misfits are deprecating the NFL,
it raises the question: who disgraces football more, Mike
Vick or the Patriots? Hard to say, if dog fighting had more
surveillance access, Belichick might have been as highly
involved in the scandal as Vick was.
In baseball relevancy, cheaters like Rafael Palmeiro,
Jose Canseco, Jason Giambi, and Neifi Perez have all
been proven to have used illegal performance enhancers.
But come on, is it really cheating if you are as bad as Neifi
Perez? Technically, I’m not sure his performances received
any noteworthy enhancing. That’s like finding out Michigan
was stealing signs from the Appalachian State offense. Or
that Duke football is illegally recruiting players. First rule
of cheating, make sure you at least gain an advantage.
I could list Jeff Gordon illegally rigging his car during
the Daytona 500 into this article, but I wanted to keep the
list relevant to real sports.
Of course, the most notorious of all swindlers, the 1919
Chicago White Sox have forever burned their name into the
Cheater’s Hall of Shame. Not so much did they cheat to
win, but as far as the gambling population is concerned, the
members of the 1919 Chicago “Black” Sox had an unfair
advantage over baseball betting bookies. Come on, it’s
called gambling etiquette. When betting on baseball you
can’t play in the game too, that’s just unfair to the bookies.
Of course, there have been plenty of other disgraceful
cheaters who can also be included by dishonorable mention.
“Cheaters” Continued p. 13
HGH Scandals Add to Sports Drama
MIke Noe / PPC Sports Editor
Palmerio’s career basically ended because of the scandal
and Giambi’s wasn’t too far away from the same result.
Giambi won the American League Comeback Player of the
Year following the scandal. There were questions around
Sammy Sosa, but that was never proven. NFL’s Rodney
Harrison, New England Patriots Safety, was suspended for
the first four regular season games because he disobeyed the
NFL’s policy on PED.
Harrison admitted to commissioner
Roger Goodwell that he used Human
Growth Hormones (HGH) to speed up
his healing process, and that he was sorry.
When asked if he believed his apology,
Cory Hammerstein, junior, said, “No not
at all, he knew what he was doing.”
Harrison has only played 13 games over
the past two years due to his injuries.
“It was a stupid decision on his part,”
said freshman Christian Cogdal.
During this investigation, Wade Wilson
admitted to receiving HGH from 2004 to
2006, while working with the Chicago
Bears as their quarterback coach.
George Mitchell, who is leading the
investigation in MLB steroid use, sent his
commission representatives to a meeting.
The representatives said that Mitchell
is not planning on releasing any more
information on the situation.
The world of sports has had its share of problems in this
era. With Major League Baseball (MLB) having big problems
with steroids, and the National Football League (NFL)
having recent issues with Michael Vick, sports has
actually turned into a giant soap opera. The National
Basketball Association (NBA) has also had a topic of
concern with two referees over this past summer.
Most people would agree that the biggest problem
in sports is Performance Enhancing Drugs, also
known as PED. Out of all sports, MLB has had the
biggest problem with this subject. Many big names
that play or have played for MLB have been caught
using PED. The most recent and shocking player to
have been caught doing this is Toronto Blue Jays
third basemen and former All-Star Troy Glaus. A
source told MLB that Glaus had received multiple
shipments of testosterone and nandrolone between
September 2003 and May 2004.
“Its not right because they are breaking all these
old records and now its easy to set higher standards,”
said, Joey Rossmiller, junior.
Big names like Barry Bonds, who recently broke
the career homerun record, have also been accused
of taking steroids. Jason Giambi, Gary Sheffield, Steroids can be used to build muscles and strength very quickly. Photo taken
and Rafael Palmerio have all been caught using PED. by PPC Photographer Lauren Keers.
Designed by Mike Noe
1 0 . 1 0 . 0 7
Sports PC
The diary of an MCHS Superfan
by Tommy Stokke /
PPC Sports Editor
Fans are there for their team
through thick and thin. No matter
if they are winning or losing they
will be there to support their team.
With that in mind, I began my five
day adventure to attend as many
MCHS sporting events as possible.
From Tuesday to Saturday I would
attend sports ranging from the
football game to the cross-country
meet. I wanted to get a better look
at some of the teams that might
go under the radar and experience
some firsts along the way. As the
gun went off to start the crosscountry meet so did my week as
a super fan.
Tues. Sept. 25
5:07 p.m.
I arrive at Oswego high school.
It only took me about four wrong
turns through construction to find
the parking lot. Figuring out where
to go from there was a challenge.
Luckily I found some Minooka
girls running and followed them to
the line where I saw the rest of the
team. I get to the start finish line
to see the Minooka boys’ cross
country team starting to warm up
for the race against Oswego East
and Plainfield South. As the race
starts I find myself in a jog to get
in position to catch a good photo
of the runners. This was the point
that I realized I was probably more
tired then the actual runners. As
the team began to start the second
lap, Minooka’s No. 1 runner, Josh
Keck, junior, came across with no
one in sight behind him. While the
other runners followed I cheered
them on as they came around for
the final lap.
5:30 p.m.
Keck crosses the finish line,
winning the race. Minooka took
first overall. However, with another
stop on my schedule I couldn’t
see the trophy presentation or the
champagne celebration. Minooka
won with a score of 16 compared
was more nervous than the girls
playing. Trailing by as much as
21-9, the volleyball team battled
back to a 24-19 score, but the
Indians’ comeback fell just short.
Central won 25-23, 21-25, 25-19.
Fri. Sept. 28
Homecoming football game.
Packed house. Screaming fans.
This is the event where the fans
show. A Standing room only crowd
awaiting for the kickoff against
the Romeoville Spartans. While
we know one thing was for sure
from the opening kickoff, Jordan
Bodenlos was going to make sure
there was no Herald News curse.
Bodenlos returned the opening
kick and set the tone for the rout
of the Spartans 47-14. This was
the ultimate showing of Minooka
fans. The body paint was out. Fans
were screaming at the top of their
lungs. It was like Wrigley Field
during a playoff game. Speaking
of which, I was unable to catch the
end of the football rout. Although
US Cellular field with open seats
wherever I wanted, until I looked
at the scoreboard and realized the
home team was winning. The only
time the ball was on our own side
of the field was during the kickoff
after a Minooka goal. Minooka
dominated and I was very pleased
with my first soccer game also.
Soccer isn’t my strong subject, but
I can tell these guys have a pretty
good thing going.
All in all, I came across many
things in my week of sporting
events. After 60 miles of driving
and 12 and half hours of high
school sports I have a have a new
outlook. I saw the empty stands
to the packed house to the open
field. It made me realize one
thing. If only the bleachers were
Junior Alex Hill gets ready to serve in a game vs Oswego East. Photo
as over crowded as the hallways.
taken by sports editor Tommy Stokke
If only the students realized the
importance of fans at a sporting
to South’s 57 and East’s 96.
decision to Nequa Valley. The fan
event. As an athlete myself, there
5:40 p.m.
support had remained the same
is nothing better than playing in
I begin my drive back to with plenty of parents and a few of
front of a packed house. As Joeie
Minooka to watch the varsity the Minooka student faithful.
Ruettiger, junior, puts it, “The
volleyball game. This is after I Nequa came away with a the
fans make you play for a purpose.
realized it took me longer to get victory 27-25 25-14.
You are more motivated to do
to the cross-country meet than the
Thurs. Sept. 27
your best.” Sophomore Natalie
actual duration of my stay.
5 p.m.
Nurkowski says, “There’s
6:10 p.m.
This marked the start of
nothing like walking in a gym
Volleyball starts off with the my first tennis match. Fellow
and seeing all your classmates
starting lineups announced. At this Minooka fan and Editor in
cheering you on. It gets my
event I see a few more familiar Chief Jeff Beguin, senior, and
adrenaline going and boosts
faces. While I wasn’t lucky enough I walked up to witness the
my want to win.” While it may
to catch a bag of candy from the JV tennis team take on rival
not seem like much, having the
team, I did get chosen to go on the Morris. It seemed to be a tune
extra pair of clapping hands
court between games and try my up, as I didn’t see many points
in the stands could make a
luck at serving. If I could serve the going Morris’ way. Minooka Juniors Mike Goodale and Marcus Rangel
difference. While sitting in the
run in a meet at Oswego
volleyball into the ring I win a free came away victorious.
crowd seeing the post-game
pizza. Let’s just say I need a little
6 p.m.
reactions can hopefully affect
bit of work. (I’m open if anyone
Three volleyball games
I serve as a Minooka super fan by you in some way. Either the earwants to give me lessons anytime.) in three days. I should be pro by day, I am a Chicago Cubs super to-ear smile after a big win or the
At the conclusion of the game the now. I also got to play diaper- fan by night. I left the game to expressionless face after defeat,
Indians came away victorious in a bag-watcher as the search for a catch the clinching of the National you feel for the athlete. So next
thriller with a 24-26 28-26 and 25- camera continued, and failed. League Central Division.
time you’re sitting on your couch
17 win. Being two for two on day In an eventful game, there were
Sat. Sept. 29
at home deciding whether to
one isn’t so bad. Maybe I’m just a free t-shirts flying, pizza’s being
10:00 a.m.
watch a White Sox game or paint
good luck charm.
given away to better servers than
The grand finale. My last dry, think about stopping in to see
Wed. Sept. 26
me and a tight match. For me not game of my super fan adventure. the boys soccer team or the girls
The good luck charm might being a volleyball expertise, I was The home soccer game Vs. volleyball team. Your presence
not be in effect anymore. The on the edge of my seat throughout Romeoville. As I walked into could make all the difference.
volleyball team dropped a the match. At some points I felt I the stadium I thought I was at
Designed by Tommy Stokke 15
Ready for Revenge
Soccer seeks rematch
against Lincoln-Way Central
Jessica Pieszchala /
Whether it is for the revenge or
just the love of the game, these
boys have it. They have the
determination and the passion
to play and practice for days and
hours on end, everyday of the week
but Sunday. They do this all with
one common
want to beat
the sectional
to [LincolnWay Central] last year in the
regional championship,” said Nick
Mancini, senior. “We want to play
them again because we’ve been
saying all year ‘we could have beat
’em,’ ‘We could have won,’ so we
want another chance.”
Senior Mark Phillips is hoping for
a victory too. “I think in sectional
championships, we’ll beat Lincolnway Central because we need our
revenge from last year’s regional
This year, as of press time, the
team is 4-0 in their conference, in
first place.
“We hope to be at least conference
champs,” said Mike Ornelas,
With all this hard work and
practice, the boys are optimistic
about the future. They view their
team as a solid group with a lot of
“This year we’re pretty solid. We
could improve a little bit, but for
the most part, I think we’re the
strongest team in our conference,”
said O’Rourke.
Mancini attributes it to talent.
“Our biggest strength is definitely
how much talent we have.
Everyone in the starting lineup is
a really solid player, and even on
the bench we have solid players to
back us up.”
Sophomore Andy Harvey said,
“We have lots of leadership on
with tons of
S e n i o r
J o r d a n
finds that the
seniors are
the strongest
part of the
team. “Our
strength is pretty much our starting
eleven. Ten of the eleven are
Freddy Lopez, senior, finds the
team to be solid with few faults.
“If we could eliminate dumb little
mistakes, we could win a lot more
Of course, there are a few faults,
as there are with every team.
Although this team is full of
great players, they find trouble in
unifying when they need it most.
“With that much talent, everyone
thinks they’re the greatest player in
the world,” said Mancini. “We’re
constantly bickering at each other
whenever we start losing.”
“We kind of yell at each other a
lot,” said senior Jordan Cabrera.
Andy Harvey jokes about another
teammate, his brother. “Will
Harvey is definitely a weakness.”
When it comes down to it, the
strengths outweigh the weaknesses.
They do this all with
one common goal: “We
want to beat LincolnWay Central in the
sectional finals,” said
“Soccer” Continued p.
Designed by Tommy Stokke
MCHS Scoreboard
Varsity results as of Oct. 1
Boys Cross Country
Sept. 29 Loyola Lakefront
10th -293
Sept. 25 Oswego
1st -16
Sept. 22 Turtlehead Lake
11th -264
Highlights: Josh Keck
ran great at the Loyola Invitational with a
time of 16:11, finishing
Compiled ByTaylor
Boys Soccer
Sept. 18 Vs.Geneva
Loss, 1-4
Sept.20 Oswego East
Win, 2-0
Sept.25 Plainfield Central
Lose, 2-3
Sept.27 Oswego
Win, 4-2
Sept.29 Providence Catholic
Tie, 2-2
Highlights: Jim Kelly
scored two goals to
help Minooka slaughter
Plainfield south.
Compiled by Eric Klank
& Sarah Delaney
Girls Cross Country
Record: 5-0
Sept. 22 Tinley Park Invitational
5th - 140 points
Sept. 25 Dual at Oswego
1st - 15 points
Sept. 29 Lakefront Invitational
4th - 141 points
Highlights: At the
Lakefront Invitational six girls placed
in the top 55 with a 54
second top five split.
Compiled By: Breanne Downey and David
Girls Volleyball
Overall Record: 6-12
Sept. 20 Vs. Oswego
Minooka: 25-25
Oswego: 12-18
Sept. 25 Vs. Oswego East
Minooka: 24-28-25
Oswego East: 26-26-17
Sept. 26 Vs. Neuqua Valley
Minooka: 25-14
Neuqua Valley: 27-25
Sept. 27 Vs. Plainfield Central
Minooka: 23-25-19
Plainfield Central: 25-21-25
Highlights from Sept. 20
Game: Lyndsay Kooi: 20
assists, 1 kill, 1 block,
4 aces
Jacki Kaluzny: 7 kills
Alex Hill and Brooke
Van Asdlen: 5 kills
Lauren Keers: 2 aces
Compiled By
Sarah Stropus and
Amanda James
Boys Golf
Sept. 22 TF Invitational
10th Place
360 points
Compiled By
Jackie Schmidt
Sept. 21 Vs. Plainfield
Win, 37-29
Sept. 28 Vs. Romeoville
Win, 47-19
Highlights: Junior
Brian martin took
over as starting
quarterback. He impressively accumulated 267 yards and
four early touchdowns against plainfield.
Compiled By kaitlynn barker & susan
Girls Tennis
Sept. 25 vs. Plainfield
Loss, 4-3
Sept. 27 vs. Morris
Win, 5-2
Sept. vs. Rich South
Win, 3-2
Compiled By chris rolnicki
Cassie O’Malley
Varsity Girls Golf
Sept. 20 hosted by Naperville Central
Loss, 212-199
Compiled By Sydney
and Micheal Horath