September 19, 2006 - Minooka Community High School District #111


September 19, 2006 - Minooka Community High School District #111
Peace Pipe
Tips for
breaking up
of athletes
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Page 8
Page 12
Page 14
Out-Of-Class Time Tightened
Newly added campus monitors & color-coded bathrooms
Sam Menne
PPC Staff Writer
Here it is, a new school year,
a fresh start, and new school
rules. Color-coded bathrooms and
campus monitors are two of the
most observed changes in school
regulations.As many of the students
have noticed, the color of each
hallway dictates where students
can go from their classrooms. Our
new campus monitors, formerly
known as parapros, have started
up tardy sweeps for students
arriving late to class any class,
not just first and second hour.
Taylor Bowen
PPC Copy Editor
Vol. 92, Edition 1
September 19, 2006
Minooka Community High School
New school
Back in school again. The
good news is, many things
have changed for the better.
Is this another overview of
the split schedule? Another
list of facts about things most
people don’t care about? No.
Here area some opinions about
how students feel about some
changes around the school.
Walking around school,
you hear many upper classmen
talking about the school
schedule. So far, many love it.
“Classes are only 75
minutes. And we are only in
school for like five-ish hours!
I get to go home and sleep
or hang out with people at
12:30. How awesome is that?”
said Jacy Maudrie, junior.
Most of the juniors and
senior love the option of
staying for lunch C. They
also have the option of
driving to school and leaving
if they don’t have a class.
If you’re late to class, then
your teacher should record it,
instead of having to find a campus
monitor and becoming even more
late,” said Sam Ghouleh, junior.
Junior Sean Boyle thinks it’s
a good idea. Boyle said, “I learn
safely knowing that MCHS’s own
campus monitors are on the job.”
“I haven’t used a bathroom
pass since third grade,” said
Jon Shannahan, sophomore.
Caitlyn Oliva, sophomore,
agreed. “ I think it is crazy
that they treat us like we are
in kindergarten,” she said.
Cloie McPhail, senior, said
“I love all the new changes.
It’s very nice. I can stay here
for lunch one day, and go
eat at McDonald’s the next.
And I really like the 10
minute passing period, too,”
said Nick Alexander, junior.
“I just love getting out so
early and having the whole day
to go hang out or do whatever,”
said Cassie Farrell, senior.
Even with color-coded
seem to be a little nicer.
“This year it seems like
teachers are a little more
laid back, and don’t really
yell at us for stupid stuff,”
said Rachel Harms, senior.
here for a shorter time.”
It is still school, and not
many want to be here, but
at least a few things have
changed for the better!
Juniors and seniors walk to their
classes as freshmen and shopomores start their day with a 10
minute passing period.
“There is a bathroom right outside
my art class, maybe 10 steps away,
but we can’t use it because it’s not
in our color. Is that practical?”
Lorette Parker, junior, said,
“We’re in high school, we
don’t need babysitter, high
school should be teaching teens
how to live on their own.”
Other concerns about the passes
have arisen in both the student
populations, and for the teachers.
“I think they are a good idea,”
said Mrs. Nicole Bolek, social
studies, “But I am never going to
touch it! You never know where it
ends up once it is in the bathroom.”
agrees, “They are gross and
unsanitary. I sure don’t want to
touch that after everyone else
has brought it to the bathroom.”
This color-coded system is
supposed to keep students in
the region of where their class
is, and not roaming the halls.
Although these new rules
are supposed to help keep the
students safe and make learning
more enjoyable for students,
there is some uncertainty. Not
only about the effectiveness and
practicality of the new school
rules, but also the cleanliness.
Peace Pipe Chatter
School News
Sept. 19, 2006
Changes in Minooka
Toni Bryant
PPC Editor-in-Chief
As many already know, the
population in Minooka has increased greatly over the past few
years, and due to the growth there
are some well needed changes being made.
One of the biggest and most
obvious changes being made is
Ridge road. Ridge road is going to
be widened to five lanes, which is
two lanes in either direction, along
with turning lanes. There are also
going to be two additional traffic
lights, the first at McEvilly road
and the other at Misty Creek
drive, on ridge road.
“Putting a stop light by Misty
Creek will be beneficial to a lot of
people with all of the traffic and
children crossing the road. It will
make a dramatic change,” stated
Anna Bertrand, junior. There is
also work being done in downtown
Minooka. A few smaller roads,
such as Massasoit will be re-paved
this year also; work on
Mondomin will start in the
spring of 2007. According to Jim
Grabowski, Minooka Administrator, the main thing being done on
Mondomin is planted medians.
Grabowski stated that it is a safety
issue, and that the medians are going to prevent illegal turns at Mondomin and Wabena right over the
railroad tracks, this will also provide a change of scenery. Along
with construction being done on
the roads, they are also putting
new water and sewer.
“No one cares about
the water and sewer
as long as the sink
turns on when they
want and the toliet
flushes, it is no big
deal.” --Grabowski
“No one cares about the water and sewer as long
as the sink turns on
when they want and the
toilet flushes, it is no big
deal,” stated Grabowski.
He stated that the con
struction is well overdue,
but the village has not had
the funds until now. The
town is going to continue to
grow so the changes need to
be made.
“I think it is just going to
make traffic worse during construction, it already takes long
enough to get where I am going,” stated Liz Maren, senior.
On the other hand, Grabowski
stated, “ Yes, it will be inconvient
to travel during construction, but I
hope that everyone is mindful of
the workers.” These changes are
being made to better downtown
Minooka. The traffic flow through
out the town is not going to stop,
these changes are next to mandatory.
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Peace Pipe Chatter
Minooka Community High School
301 S. Wabena Avenue
Minooka, IL 60447
(815) 467-2140 Voicemail: ext. 264
Arts & Entertainment Editors:
Chandell Pet, Toni Bryant
Eric Reynolds, Steven Kelly, Jessica Pieszchala
Managing Editor:
Advertising Manager:
Jessica Pieszchala
Nick Condotti
Front Page Editors:
Photo Editors:
Sarah Silverman, Chandell Pet
Angela Mateo, Lauren Keers, Toni Bryant
Features Editors:
Technical Director:
Samantha Kelley, Lauren Keers
Brandon Johnson, Steven Kelly
Sports Editors:
Carissa Weyer, Jeff Beguin
Mr. Matt Thomas, Ms. Laura Erion
News Editors:
Copy Editors:
Brandon Johnson, Brittany Pendry Sarah Silverman, Allison Papp,
Social Chair:
Taylor Bowen, Eric Reynolds
Taylor Bowen
Staff Writers:
Karla Byrnes, Megan McEvilly,
Ryan Kelley, Amanda Alexander,
Samantha Menne, Mark Photakis
Journalism 1:
Iman Bradley, Shelby Carroll,
Haley Hetfleisch, Sarah Hiscock,
Christa Jenkins, Jacqueline Kaluzny,
Victor Lamas, Caleb Logan,
Crystal Miller, Ryan Miller,
Zachary Nabor, Michael Noe Jr.,
Margaret Raynor, Katelyn Smith,
Thomas Stokke, Amber Thompson,
Genna Unley, Dennis Valera Jr.,
Ericka Zacek
Submission Policy:
The Peace Pipe Chatter strongly
encourages suggestions and/or responses to material printed on its pages.
Letters to the Editor should be submitted to Mr. Thomas’s mailbox or to a
Peace Pipe Chatter editor.
While submission does not guarantee publication, PPC staff members
will do their best to respond to all
admissions. Submissions will not be
returned. All submissions are subject
to editing and will not be printed if
they are considered to be inappropriate.
They must be signed but may be printed
anonymously upon request.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Toni Bryant
PPC Editor-in-chief
When school started I dreaded
getting up when the alarm sounded
at 5:30 a.m. and being at school,
ready to learn, at 7 a.m. Waking
up while the sun is rising was
something I was 100 percent
The first week of school I was
convinced that my brain was not
going to function that early in the
morning. I was convinced I was
going to fall asleep in class and fail.
Now that we have been in school
for almost a month, getting up in
the morning is a breeze. I do not
want to shut the alarm
off and roll
learn.There are even some seniors
that think it is to early when they do
not even come in until second hour.
Being a senior, I get out of
school after third hour on “B” days
and after second hour on “A” days,
this leaves me plenty of time
to hang out
b e able to get used to, but
the truth is, it is not that bad.
On the first day of school, I
walked in like a zombie. The first
class I had was yearbook, and that
is one of my favorite classes and
all I wanted to do is sleep. I could
not listen to the teachers; all I
thought about
was going
h o m e
a n d
back over
until noon anymore.
Actually, for me, it is rather nice
and I AM NOT a morning person.
Walking into school every morning
I hear at least one student say “It is
to early too be here” or “ I am so
tired,” but I am perfectly fine with
walking in to school
7 a.m. and going
t o
grown more
distant with
my sophomore/freshman friends.
Well, I don’t know any of this
year’s freshmen, but I lost a lot of
time to become friends
with them. I’m
n o t
Jessica Pieszchala
PPC A&E editor
Upon hearing about the split
schedule, my biggest concern
was in fact NOT about waking
up at 5:30 a.m. and being here
at 7 a.m. Actually, I didn’t really
care about the morning thing.
I was most concerned with my
friendships, and honestly, all my
worries were a waste of time.
I realize now that the split
schedule has not ruined friendships
I had, but it actually strengthened
them. As a junior with a car, my
friends and I generally leave
around 1 p.m. and can go out for
food or whatever we please until I
have to go to work around 6 p.m.
If we were still getting out at 2:51
p.m., I would have to go home and
do homework and go to work right
However, I must say, I have
with friends
and do homework
before I go to work at 3 p.m.
I am sure that anyone reading this
might think that is it a waste of
space talking about getting up in
the morning, because whether or
not we like it we still have to do
it. But honestly, I thought I was
going to hate coming to school
my senior year, but I was wrong it
turned out that I actually like it, and
I can actually enjoy
year has
is gone. Yet,
juniors and seniors,
it’s easy to walk around
10 minutes while all the
freshmen and sophomores have to
get to their classes. The 10-minute
passing period is looked upon as a
blessing by upperclassmen, and I
think we need more of them.
Not just for social
Seniors Laine Berndt and Colleen Sewing sit in their
first hour class, tired. They stated that it is too early
and they want to go back to bed. Photo by PPC
Editor-in-Chief Toni Bryant.
ules S
as well), but for everyone with a
relationship, take the time you
can get with each other seriously
(obviously) because it’s just been
cut since last year.
I also have to say that getting
home between 1:30 p.m. and
2 p.m. is factors well into my
friendships. I can easily do all my
homework by four and go out for
the night, and by that time I could
hang out with sophomores and
freshmen if I wanted
to. However,
Because once
the school is full, I
come really close to being late
to my fourth hour class.
Hopefully, this ruins no
relationships. Knowing some
sophomore/junior couples that
are doing fine, I realize that it is
possible to make things work.
But the constraint on time as
compared to in the summer makes
going out with someone younger
difficult. I don’t have to worry for
myself (my boyfriend is a junior,
factor comes in. If
they have homework, they
may not get it done until 6 p.m.,
which wastes two of my hours.
Fortunately, the time hasn’t ruined
my friendships with sophomores
I think one of the biggest issues
is transportation. In the past,
going to
lie, that doesn’t
really bother me though.
I just wish I had more time to talk
to the freshmen I knew last year
(now sophomores).
Also, it is kind of unfortunate
for the freshmen and sophomores
this year when it comes to seeing
their friends. Although there is
time before school, few kids will
take advantage of that. I remember
last year hanging out with my
friends for about a half-hour before
the first bell rang, but now that
they only have 10 minutes to just
go to their lockers and class, social
time is cut drastically and time to
laugh and just talk to your friends
Sept. 19, 2006
ing F
upperclassmen could drive their
younger siblings to school, and
sometimes, younger friends. This
year, it is not the same situation
because upperclassmen are already
in school, and if an upperclassman
has to drive their underclassmen
sibling home, they either have to
wait or come back. Sometimes, the
bonds made by siblings and friends
on just the drive to or from school
can be very important, and without
that time, some friendships can be
torn apart.
Whether or not friendships get
ruined, we have to work to make
the best of it. So far, I’m good,
but things can change. All
I know now is
that split
until I’m
gone, so I
guess I have
to get
used to it.
Yes, I do know that at press time
it is only the third week of school.
Peace Pipe Chatter
The Joy of Parking
Brittany Pendry
PPC New Editor
ready know, additions have been
made at the pond to add for more
parking spaces. When the new
school is built, things will still be
the same since juniors and seniors
will be at this current school. There
are however, alternatives trying to
be taken.
“We did talk about doing open
transfer out, we move on to the
next person on the lottery list,”
said Ebel.
The beginning of the year can
For the junior lottery list, it is
be a mess, but somehow things
the luck of the draw that can keep
seem to work themselves out. Get
students relaxed or frantic all year.
up in the morning, get ready, drive
“I felt really lucky when I got a
to school, and then leave when you
parking pass because I drive with
are done. However, as the weeks
one of my friends and none of
start to pass on, parking
them got one,” said junior
passes start to come into
Stephanie Coleman.
play, and this is the main
Trying to find a way to
concern with most of the
get to school should not
junior class.
be so aggravating. Other
Only 100
jualternatives should try
niors out of 535 juniors
and be taken.
received a parking pass.
“We do have another
That leaves 435 juniors
alternative such as sharto find another way to
ing a spot, which is okay
school; for some it can be
as long as we have all of
a struggle everyday.
their information on file,”
One of the main hassaid Ebel. Even though
sles is not being able
the administration is tryto park anywhere. The
ing to find other ways for
Village of Minooka has
students to park, the same
come down hard on not
thing is not happening in
being able to park in the
the Village.
neighborhoods, Lion’s
Many know how hard
Park, or at the end of
it is to find a parking
parking lots near a store.
space, but some just canTherefore, when the day
not seem to look the other
is done and students have
way sometimes, such as
parked at one of these
police officers. Everyone
places, chances are they
knows that they are just
most likely have a lovely
doing their job, but it gets
yellow card tucked their
frustrating when one has
your windshield wipers.
such a hard time trying to
Just their luck too, it is a
get to school, and then to
parking violation.
top it off gets a ticket.
There are many “ No Parking” signs on the streets of
“I think we need to Minooka, to stop Minooka students from parking on the
The best
alterget more parking because streets; this sign is on Wabena, right by the Minooka doc- native for the
moit’s unfair to juniors since tor’s office. Parking tickets have been given out this year, ment is to try and find a
they didn’t get a lot of but many Juniors this year did not get a parking space, ride with someone you
spots,” said senior Nicole and now have no where to park. Photo by Editor-in-chief either know or barely
Toni Bryant.
What can the students
“It really doesn’t matdo? What can the adminter to me, I can just get a
istration do?
parking with permits, but in the ride from my friend,” said junior
“There’s really no plans as of end we decided that assigned park- Sean McEvilly.
right now because there is really ing would be better,” said Ebel. “I
Those with a parking space
no place to go. Unless the Village am still calling students down as probably chuckle at the fact that
of Minooka wants to give up some soon as there are parking spots they have received one, but they
of their parking spaces we’re do- available. As of right now I am could try offering to take a friend
ing the best we can,” said Dean at 259 on the junior lottery list... or someone they know along with
as permits become available, like them. Apparently, at this point, that
Ms. Renee Ebel.
For those who do not al- early graduates and students that is the only option students have.
Sept. 19, 2006
Chandell Pet
PPC Editor-in-Chief
scheduling, and complicated bus
routes will only be endured for
two years. With the referendum
passing, MCHS will finally have
two high schools in the district.
Groundbreaking for MCHS # 2
new high school is currently “just
a bunch of land and a really big
To make sure the project stays
on track, there is now a website
dedicated solely to the progress
of the construction, including
pictures and helpful information
throughout the time span. To get
to the site just got to MCHS’s
Arhcitect illistration of the new Minooka High School. Photo courtesy of
Mr. DiLorenzo
was on Sept. 17.
“It is nice to see this ceremony take place,” stated Mr. Dave
DiLorenzo, director of community relations, “especially for the
people who have been inside the
walls of the high school and actually dealt with the overcrowding
over the years.”
The second high school will
be located on the south side of
Route 6, in-between Hunter’s
Crossing subdivision and the
new COM-Ed station. According
to DiLorenzo, the location of the
homepage, scroll down to the
bottom, and click the link “Construction Web Site.”
“The website is nice for the
people in the community who do
not live in that area so they too
can see what is going on and also
making sure we are saying on
track as well,” said DiLorenzo.
In closing, MCHS does not
need to worry any more on the
subject of the referendum. With
the groundbreaking ceremony in
the past, people can only look to
the future and hope for the best.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Alleged Ramsey murderer innocent
Nick Condotti
PPC Advertising Manager
Over 10 years ago, the 6 yearold beauty queen, Jon Benet
Ramsey, was found brutally
murdered in the basement of
house, the day after Christmas.
First suspicion of her killer
fell onto her parents John and
Patsy Ramsey.
Over months
and months the killer was never
identified, the case went cold and
the story of her death faded away.
Then after a decade a man
known as John Mark Karr was
admitting to Jon Benet’s murder. In
Karr’s press conference in “When
Karr was in the spotlight and said
that he was the killer, I knew that
what he was saying really didn’t
match up with the evidence,”
said freshman Alex Gajcak.
He is not a suspect anymore,
but he will return to California
for child pornography charges.
“It was a terrible crime, and
I hope some resolution to the
case can be obtained,” said
Campus Monitor Mr. Ken Maas.
Since Karr isn’t the killer,
they need a new suspect, and
the Jon Benet Ramsey
murder mystery ever be solved?
So long to the crocodile hunter
Toni Bryant
PPC Editor-In-Chief
Sept 4, a wildlife warrior lost
his life. Steven Irwin died when he
got a fatal stingray barb through
his heart Irwin was filming a
documentary entitled The Ocean’s
Deadliest at the time of his death.
He was filming off the coast of
Australia in the Great Barrier Reef.
According to John Stainton,
Irwin’s Manger, they couldn’t
film earlier that week due to bad
weather, so on Monday they
decided to shoot “a couple of soft
stories for a new TV show we’re
doing,” Stainton said on
“ It shows Steve came over
the top of the ray and the tail
came up and spiked him in the
chest and he pulled it out and
the next minute he was gone,”
stated Stainton on
The film is now in custody
of the police and when asked on
Larry King Live, Sept 5, about
the tape Stainton stated, “ I would
never want the tape to be shown,
it should be destroyed… when
it is released from the police it
will never see the light of day.”
The stingray that killed Irwin
was a Bull Nose ray. A barb an 12 to
15 inches boney spike near the base
of their tail, and contains venom
which there is not an anti-venom
for. Stingrays are known as rather
docile and deaths are rare, so the
death of Irwin is a surprise for all.
He was well known for being
an environmentalist and for his
work with dangerous animals.
People will remember him for his
bubbly personality and warm heart.
He will be greatly missed by many.
Stainton stated on Larry King
Live, “ Steven was a phenomenal
person, I loved him dearly… we have
a relationship made in heaven.”
Also on Larry King Live, Jeff
Corwin, an environmentalist with
“ Steven was
a phenomenal
person, I loved him
dearly… we have a
relationship made in
heaven,” said John
two shows on Animal Planet
stated,” When I think of Steven
Irwin, I think of an Immortal.”
Dave Dinaso who presents
“Traveling World of Reptiles”
throughout the Chicago area,
has been doing reptile shows for
over 10 years. He has performed
at the Channahon and Minooka
Fest for about 10 years, and has
came to the grade schools, this
lose hits him on a different level.
“Coming from a person
who does animal shows on a
local level, I’m shocked and
Dinaso had the chance to meet
Irwin in 2003, “When I met Steve
Irwin, he acted like I was his friend,
although he didn’t know me.”
Dinaso has been around the
world and has worked with the
same animals as Irwin, including
cobras, black mambas, and nile
crocodiles, and he stated that he has
never felt scared and it was a shame
what had happened to him.
“I scuba dived where he was
killed [The Great Barrier Reef],
and I didn’t see one stingray,
but he didn’t do anything stupid
as many may think, it was just a
freak accident,” stated Dinaso.
Dinaso also stated, “ Steve
Irwin single-handedly changed
the views of younger generations
about dangerous animals, he
did this with his warm and
friendly personality and love for
animals, he was a great guy.”
Steven Irwin was a great
person, father, and husband.
He was married to Terry, who
was American born and he
had two children “Bindi Sue,”
8, and “Baby Bob,” almost 3.
“I feel for his family more
than anything,” stated Dinaso.
It was a tragedy and many will
miss Irwin, his bubbly personality
and he great works with
conservation will be missed greatly.
Sept. 19, 2006
A look at aids in
Ryan Kelley
PPC Staff Writer
Unsafe sex. A bad decision that
has triggered
AIDS in Africa for a very long
time. Many people in Africa
are suffering from AIDS, and
they don’t even know. Many
Africans haven’t gotten tested,
and don’t see why they should.
At the end of the year 2005,
about 25 million people were
living with the disease, while
2.7 million new infections
had occurred that year. Julian
Hoshell, sophomore says “It’s
horrible what has been going
on down in Africa. People need
to learn about getting tested
and getting treated so they stop
passing it on to other people,”
According to FindArticles.
com, the AIDS death toll on the
continent will keep on rising
year by year. Barack Obama,
Senator from Illinois, has been
taking recent trips down to
Africa to try and demonstrate
to men that there is nothing
wrong in testing for HIV. “One
of the things I will be doing
in Kenya is probably getting
an AIDS test in front of the
camera,” said Obama at the
headquarters of a group called
Treatment Action Campaign.
Obama’s camp estimated
that thousands of Kenyan men
have decided to get tested for
HIV after hearing his example.
His visits have helped many
people to take time away from
their lives and listen to a caring
person who would like to let
people know what they are in
danger of and reasons why they
need to be getting tested for HIV.
“I think what he is doing
is great. He’s helping a lot of
people know what is going on
and how they can be helped,”
said Brian Papp, junior.
By going down and talking
to people who are at risk, Obama
has been called a hero for his
efforts towards these troubled
people. “This is a great way for
him to get noticed by people and
get a really good reputation,”
said Josh Keck, sophomore.
He is on his way to being
a very famous AIDS activists
as he flees from town to town
in Africa, expressing his feelings to people, letting them
know he believes they can be
helped in the best possible way.
Alligators are one of the animals that Steve Irwin worked with.
He worked more with crocodiles but alligators were also one of
his specialties. Sally, this alligator, is about 6 months old, and will
potentially be 15 foot when she is full grown, but will average out at 8
or 9 feet. Photo taken by: PPC Editor-in- Chief Toni Bryant.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Sept. 19, 2006
Wanted: Attention!
Are students caring too much about being the center of attention all the time?
Amanda Alexander
PPC Staff Writer
“Sometimes it feels like people
put on a show the way they act,”
said sophomore Breanna Rivera.
“They say things extra loud
so everyone can hear them,” said
sophomore Tia Featherston.
“Sometimes yeah, it depends
on if like they are lonely or don’t
have any friends, or maybe it’s
the opposite and they want to be
known as the blonde in the class,”
said freshman Brianna Boseo.
Do you see people acting
certain ways to get attention?
Expressing yourself is one
thing but can you take it too far?
Megan McEvilly
PPC Staff Writer
If we know it is bad for us, then
why do we eat it? Fast food has
been more and more common with
everyone in the world. It is cheap,
tasty, and convenient. Yet there is a
down side to it; fast food is loaded
with saturated fat and calories, and
it is low in fiber and nutrients.
Fast food is changing America
rapidly. Half of America’s adults
and one-quarter of its children
are obese; double the rate it was
a generation ago, with fast food
taking a big part of the blame.
The amount of fast food people
consume will keep increasing, and
more people are at risk of many
different things.
High cholesterol is usually
associated with fast-food meals.
A high-calorie diet can start, and
even different types of cancer can
form, and even lead to death.
“I like enjoy food, like
McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Taco
Whether it’s the way you dress,
talk or act?
“2+2 = 6,” shouts Mary, a
typical attention seeker might
say in the middle of an Algebra 2
The whole class laughs.
But is it worth to get attention
when people think you’re dumb?
People can be loud and
annoying and try to seem like they
don’t know anything. The effects
on this aren’t the greatest.
“It makes me angry just sitting
there listening to people say false
things, acting like they don’t know
anything. Or even when they
complain about tthemselves, when
they know it’s not true. Like when
Hollister is becoming one of the most popular stores for teenage
shoppers. Photo taken by PPC Photo Editor Angela Mateo.
they complain that they are fat
and are as skinny as can be,” said
sophomore Kristi Lawrence
“If you want attention you
should get it in a good way,” said
sophomore Megan Bersano.
Start a good conversation, and
be yourself. You then will get all
the attention you ever wanted, but
people will respect you.
Society cannot really describe
and pinpoint how teens act. We
defiinitely have our own style and
personality. It’s okay though, we
shouldn’t all be the same. Some
people are truly themselves. But
people do think girls and boys act
that way for attention. Everyone
has their own opinion.
Fast Food: Good Or Bad?
Bell. It tastes good and it doesn’t
cost much. But I know it’s not
good for me at all. It’s kind of
addicting,” said sophomore Megan
As much as we hate to admit it,
lets face it. Some of us are regular
fast-food eaters, eating at places
like Wendy’s, Taco Bell, or Burger
King a few times a week. Some
others eat it a few times a month,
while a minority rarely consumes
fast food.
One possible method to make
your diet better is replacing the
junk food with alternatives. You
can have a salad at McDonald’s
with grilled chicken and low fat
dressings on it, rather than a large
Replacing your coke with water
is even a good option. Replacing
fast food with healthier options
can make it alot healthier for most
Most fast food restaurants
post nutritional information about
their food offerings on their web
sites. Visit some of these sites to
decide what healthier choice you
would like. Once your decision
is made and you decide what you
want to order before you arrive,
it will make it easier to avoid the
unhealthy, high calorie options.
Pay attention to changes in the
menu or new offerings. Many
restaurants try new items out
before they add them to the menu
permanently, to make sure that
they are a good choice.
“Instead of going to McDonald’s
all the time, I usually walk to
Quiznos or Subway. It’s more
convenient and it’s a lot healthier
for me,” said sophomore Michelle
“I eat out like three times a
week. I know its bad, but lots of
kids have sports, like me, and it’s
something good and quick to eat
after practice,” said freshman Matt
Whether we like it or not, fast
food makes up a huge part of our
lives. But if people keep on eating
it all the time, they are basically
risking their lives. So next time
you are eating, think to yourself, i
it worth the risk?
McDonald’s is one of the busiest fast food businesses in the world.
Although they are promoting healthier food such as salads and
wraps, there are still the fries and burgers everyone loves. Photo by
PPC Editor-in-Chief Toni Bryant.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Sept. 19, 2006
In The Shoes of a Minooka Police Officer
Brandon Johnson
PPC News Editor
Not too many people are fond
of the police. “I think they [the
police] can be nice, but I think
they are unfair sometimes. Some
of them are just trying to get kids
in trouble, but for the most part, I
haven’t had any trouble with them,
so I really don’t have anything to
complain about,” said Maddie Capodice, junior.
“They are really good and they
are taking care of Minooka,” said
Jason Moates, freshman.
But not everyone realizes that
police are there to protect and
serve. A ride-a-long with Minooka
Police Officer Brett Herzog on
Aug. 28 gave an insight on what
it is like to be a police officer. The
ride-a-long also showed different
aspects of the job, some which are
Since the afternoon was slow
due to the rainy weather ,we had
no other choice but to patrol. During a regular patrol Herzog observed that the tag on someone’s
license plate was expired and that
he had given this person a prior
warning. So at 5:16p.m. Herzog
performed a traffic stop at Ridge
Rd. and Misty Creek Drive.
A Minooka police officer’s shift
starts with a short meeting to brief
the officers on what has happened
the shift before and to alert officers
on pending cases. It also gives the
officers a little time to socialize
before they take it to the streets for
Throughout their shift officers:
patrol, make traffic stops, and also
respond to calls. According to
Herzog, the Minooka Police Department responds to an average
of 12-15 calls a day. To make the
shift go by faster Herzog explained
that you have to have fun.
Herzog said that for excitement
he performs traffic stops. “In this
line of work you got to laugh,”
said Herzog.
The two things that frustrate
Herzog the most are child abusers
and sex offenders.
Officer Herzog is a 14-year police veteran, but he has not always
been with the Minooka Police Department. Herzog was once the police chief for the small town
of Witt, and was also a deputy for
the Cumberland County Sheriff’s
As an officer, Herzog has had
calls that will stick in his mind forever including a bad car crash and
a suicide call. The hardest thing
that Herzog has had to do was take
a child away from their parents.
If Herzog was not a police officer he would be in the line of
agricultural work or a professional
hunter or fishermen.
Herzog said that one of the
most misunderstood thing about a
police officer is that not all officers
eat donuts. Officer Herzog had another important point.
“When we are not in uniform
we are like everyone else,” he
Officer Herzog is one of the police officers that patrols MCHS, He had been
a police officer for about 14 years. Herzog stated that “in this line of work
you have to laugh.” Police officers need to laugh because they have a very
serious job. Photo by PPC Editor-in-chief Toni Bryant.
Illegal iPods:
School banning in ’06-’07
Chandell Pet
PPC Editor-in-Chief
With school back in session,
there are new rules in the handbook. The new rule that students
are having the most trouble with is
the banning of iPods.
“I really don’t understand why
they won’t let us have our iPods.
They let us have them last year!”
said Lindsey Kooi, sophomore.
According to Mr. Rob Wendlick,
dean, students are not to use them
in school. Students were also not
allowed to have them the previous
year either.
“Not having iPods doesn’t really affect me because I usually
don’t use mine during school,”
stated senior Tara Kovel.
If a student gets caught with
an iPod, the teacher has the power
to confiscate the item. This is not
required; it just depends on the
“If a teacher decides to confiscate the iPod, it is sent down to
the deans office,” said Wendlick.
“Students can pick them up after
school. The student will receive a
warning the first time and a detention every time following that.”
The rule is not new, only to the
handbook. The banning of iPods is
to help keep students on track and
focused during the now 75 minute
periods. Teachers have less time to
teach their required “selections,”
this is to help with the aggravation.
All in all, the “new rule” is not
meant to make students mad, it is
to help with the shortened classes.
Students, such as Lorette Parker, junior, will have to use their iPods outside of school this year. Photo by staff writer Sam Menne.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Sept. 19,2006
The Break- Up:
Allison Papp
PPC News Editor
Jessica Simpon and Nick
Lachey. Carmen Electra and Dave
Navarro. Kate Hudson and Chris
Even Paris Hilton
and Paris Latsis. Not only has
breaking up been a trend in the
celebrity world, but many students
at MCHS have been calling it quits
as well. No one likes breaking up
(just ask Jennifer Aniston), but
it‘s something everyone has to
deal with at one point or another.
We are all familiar with certain
“lines“ used to end things, and
perhaps the biggest one of all is
the infamous: “I think we should
just be friends.“
But is that possible?
Can you really be friends, even
after breaking up?
Do’s and Don’ts
Preparing to
Break -Up
The answer is yes, believe it
or not, it is. Take sophomores
Ryan Warzynski and Alex
Gajcak, for example.
After going out for four
months, then breaking
up, they remain great
friends. How’d they
do it? Well for starters,
before even splitting
up, they talked about
what would happen if
they did.
“While we were together,
we talked about being friends if
anything were to happen“, says
They both say that they talk
everyday now if they can, but they
also admit it was a little awkward
the first few days.
Warzynski said this about the day
after the break up: “At first, I didn’t
t o
The Break- Up
One mistake a majority of
ex‘s who aren‘t friends make
is how they go about the
actual break- up. When
you know its time to
end it, do it in an
For the sake of your
partner‘s dignity,
no text message,
e-mail, or Myspace
message break-ups!
One way to look at it
is: if that were you being
broken up with, would you
really want to hear it via
computer? Face to face, or at
least over the phone, is a more
acceptable way of breaking the
bad news.
“The night we broke up,
I called her (Alex) and we
talked about things and decided
it wasn’t working,“ says
His advice for talking it
out and ensuring a smooth
transition from a couple to
just friends? “You cannot pick
fights with eachother or point
fingers. They should not blame
each other or yell at each other
just because.“
“While we
were together, we
talked about being
friends if
anything were to
said Gajcak.
t o
her. I was upset and just didn’t
know what to say.“
He got over it eventually,
because now he says, “We are
close. We are still there for each
the same group of friends, don’t
stop hanging out with them just
because your ex is in that group,“
says Allie Scherer, sophomore.
Sophomore Kelly Minor adds:
“Don’t make it awkward, because
no one likes awkwardness!“
Another big don‘t: “Do not go
around flirting with their friends
just to make them mad or jealous!“
Jordan Martinet, sophomore, said.
There you have it, proof a
relationship after a relationship is
possible. Just because you’re exes
doesn’t mean you can‘t be friends.
Someone should let Brad and Jen
Post Break- up
Many students tend to break up over IM because it’s easy and convenient, but it should be avoided.
Photo taken by PPC Photographer and Feature Editor Lauren Keers.
Still think being friends
would be uncomfortable? Ease
into the whole friendship thing.
Being friends does not mean
hanging out every single day or
calling each other ever night.
“For one thing, don’t be mad
at each other. Talk to each other
like you did before you went
out. Think thoughts of only
being friends and nothing more.
Don’t get mad if they‘re with
someone else. Remember: there’s
a reason why you broke up“, says
Ryan Pittman, junior.
“If you both hang out with
Even before breaking up, couples
should talk about staying close
after they split. Photo taken by
PPC Photographer and Feature
Editor Lauren Keers
Peace Pipe Chatter
Arts & Entertainment
Arts & Entertainment
Sept. 19, 2006
World Trade Center:
Carissa Weyer
PPC Sports Editor
The movie World Trade Center
is about love, courage, strength,
and putting other people’s needs
before your own. For some, this
movie will only bring back sad and
tragic memories, but for others, it
will bring remembrance of those
who died doing everything in their
power to help the people of New
York City on the tragic day of
Sept. 11, 2001.
This movie, directed by Oliver
Stone, is rated PG-13 for intense,
emotional content, disturbing
images, and language. It is based
on a true story about two New
York Port Authority policemen,
Cage) and Will Jimeno (Michael
Pena). (They are caught beneath
the rubble that was once known as
the Twin Towers.) With three other
men beside them, they went on a
inspirationally tragic
trapped citizens in the South Tower.
came to its feet. The next thing
you know, they are
trapped in an elevator
shaft covered in
what used to be the
South Tower. With
thousands of people
missing, the wives
and families of these
two men are hoping
for their safe return
home. They are
thinking of nothing
but good memories
to keep their hope
exceptionally great
movie, considering
it was made to tell
the story of these
two men, and not so
World Trade Center is now playing in theaters. Photo taken by PPC Photo Editor
much to entertain.
Angela Mateo.
It is sad, and brings
back bad memories,
life-threatening mission to rescue As they were walking, the building but is also inspirational to know
that firefighters, police officers,
and countless others were placing
everyone’s lives before their own.
It really did show that we are one
strong nation working together to
help one another.
I did not like the fact that the
movie had some harsh language,
and some disturbing scenes. The
movie showed people jumping
out of buildings, so they did not
have to burn to death, and some
bloody scenes. It was, I could only
imagine, so much worse in real life
than in the movie. The rest of the
movie is very good. I really liked
how some scenes flash back in
My recommendation is that
everyone should see this movie.
There were no political statements
made, or who’s to blame for what.
It was about heroes: American
heroes. It reminds us of that
horrific day when all of America
came together.
Books to read when you’re bored
Taylor Bowen
PPC Copy Editor
Bored after school? Nothing to
do? Well here’s an idea: you can
READ! In the past many books
have caught the eyes and hearts of
many people throughout the world.
Books like Hardball, Titan, The
Catcher in the Rye, have captured
the thrill and compassion books
are suppose to have, and have won
the hearts of many teenagers and
adults around the world.
But when will some from this
century become the famous books
people treasure and keep for years,
and tell their grandchild to read?
Hopefully, some of the new
books that are coming out will be
in the running for fame.
Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
is a greatly talked about book. It is
about a dead girl, talking about her
murder. It is a very good book that
makes you think.
The Perks of being a Wallflower
by Stephen Chbosky is one of the
most talked about books by people
who have read it. It is a book that
deals with real life things like it
deals with drugs, sex, growing up,
death, pain, healing, and just being
a teenager and growing up. This is
one of the books you grow along
with; one that teaches things you
will remember your entire life.
“The Perks of being a
Wallflower was one of my all-time
favorite books. Loved it,” said
Jacy Maudrie, junior.
Many new books have come
out over the summer, and you can
find many of the very good ones at
Barnes and Nobles in the Bestseller
section. Go and check it out.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Arts & Entertainment
Sept. 19, 2006
The Truth Behind Network Television
Eric Reynolds
PPC A&E Editor
like CBS, NBC, and ABC, are
each controlled by dominating
General Electrics, and Disney to
be exact. Since they own these
television networks, they can use
them however they please. And
since both Westinghouse and GE
are electrical companies, electric
power plants and all, it would
commercial revenue. But that’s not
where all the money comes from.
Corporate welfare, or, financial
assistance in the form of subsidies,
is given to large companies like
the aforementioned. Subsidies are
forms of assistance granted by a
government to a person or group in
support of an enterprise regarded as
being in public interest. In theory,
the money
is supposed
to help in
It can also
things, like
PACs and
soft money.
During almost all television
shows, there are commercial
breaks. Most impatient viewers
will proceed to change the channel;
however, there are also those select
few who are too lazy to do so. Most
commercials are
everything from
cuisine. While
average viewer
will not think
of commercials
as the most
important part
of the television
show, but the
educated viewer,
in contrast, will. Sophomore Dan Hayes enjoys a bowl of popcorn while flipping through
instance, channels. Photo taken by PPC Photo Editor Angela Mateo.
if there were
no commercials, what would big make sense for them to profit from Action Committees,
corporations like Westinghouse something that people are given and soft money is
and GE (General Electric) widespread exposure to every day. money contributed to
make serious revenue off of?
It would also make sense to a political candidate or
Viewers are not paying to watch avoid talking about PCB’s. PCB’s party that is not subject
television, but they are paying are toxic chemicals, and when to federal regulations.
for the merchandise advertised exposed to high levels, they are Wouldn’t it make sense
during each show. Where does the known to cause skin diseases, birth for Westinghouse and
consumer’s money go? It’s a little defects, and even cancer. They GE to offer the political
thing called “The Media-Opoly.”
come from electric power plants. candidates soft money if
truly But on network television, nuclear they will support and vote
for weapons programs?
monopolized,” said Dan Abdalla, industries are rarely mentioned.
senior. “I just don’t think many
These corporations own the The weapons, after all,
network television stations for will be made by them,
people know this.”
What most people don’t know is numerous reasons. One of the and that means money.
that all network television stations, most important reasons, though, is
This all goes back
Sept. 12th- Dancing with the Stars
3 Premieres
Sept. 14th- Survivor 13: Cook
Islands Premieres
Sept. 17th- The Amazing
Race 10 Premieres
Sept. 20th- America’s
Next Top Model 7
to the viewer buying products
sponsored on their favorite show.
It doesn’t matter rather the
station is CBS or MTV either.
MTV is a division of Viacom
which owns CBS who is owned by
The fact of the matter is, the
viewer contributes to this chain
every time they buy a product
sponsored on the show. And many
viewers are unaware of this.
“What? Wow,” exclaimed
junior Sarah Bouchard. “I had
absolutely no idea! MTV is all
music and reality shows and such;
I guess I never really realized that
Westinghouse calls the shots.”
“I really never knew any
of that. I don’t think that money
should go towards supporting
weapons programs. We have more
important things to worry about,”
said junior Kattie Saenz.
Don’t count Disney out of the
equation either. Now that Disney
is in charge of ABC, viewers may
notice an influx in the promotion
of Disney World, or perhaps,
the Disney Channel. And most
Saturday nights, ABC viewers are
treated to a presentation of some
sort of Disney film.
Will there ever be a boycott
powerful enough to put an end to
this. Probably not; but, it is nice to
know about the real importance of
television these days.
Westinghouse and GE are not
paying attention to what shows
they broadcast, as long as the
shows generate viewers.
generates monopolization!
Peace Pipe Chatter
Arts & Entertainment
Sept. 19, 2006
Metallica: new producer, high hopes
Steven Kelly
PPC A&E Editor
Either love them or hate them,
Metallica is one of those bands
that never seems to go away. Their
history alone puts them up there
with founding metal icon, Ozzy
Osbourne, as well as previous pop
icons who have changed the way
music is seen.
From the first release Kill ‘Em
All, to metalheads’ favorite Master
of Puppets, to mainstream success
The Black Album, Metallica’s
records are some core albums of
rock and roll’s finest moments.
However, not everything for this
band has gone picture perfect. Cliff
Burton, the band’s original bassist,
died in a horrific bus accident while
the band was touring in Sweden,
band member’s alcoholism, and
St. Anger, all mark bumpy roads
for the multimillion album
selling rockers.
C a m p u s
Alyson Beasley
stated, “I think
Metallica is just
one of those
so many bands
in the metal genre today. A lot
of musicians today look up at
them, and I think Metallica is
their icon to help them strive for
With being off the radar for a
few years, Metallica is ready to
strike again. The band has been
recording their most recent efforts
it should. We’re not rushing too
much. [We’re] taking our time. We
want this to be just really good,”
James Hetfield,
on blabbermouth.
for this album, the
band has strayed
away from usual
Rock, and took
Rick Rubin, who
Slayer’s Reign in
Blood and even Justin Timberlake’s
FutureSex/LoveSounds .
Rock has been the producer
of all Metallica albums that have
come out in the past 15 years.
Drummer Lars Urlich stated
“We had a great time with Bob, but
it seemed that after 15 years it was
time to try some different things and
get a different perspective,”
said drummer Lars Ulrich
in an unknown location. With
about 15 songs already written, the
band is in no hurry to relive last
record’s disappointment to fans all
“It’s coming along exactly as
that the replacement is going well.
“We had a great time with
Bob,” he admits. “But it seemed
that after 15 years it was time to
try some different things and get
a different perspective. As you get
older you get set in your ways and
get very spoilt.
Urlich continues saying, “It
was important for as to not get
stuck. Rick makes everything
— he sees the big picture and has
big ideas. It’s working out great.”
With a producer change, and
quite a few years under their belt,
who knows what these guys have
in store.
“Maybe with a change of a
producer, their album won’t be as
bad as te last one,” stated junior
Lauren Zaffino.
Favorite movie anyone?
Angela Mateo
PPC Photo Editor
it over and over without getting
tired of it. I love it!” Other movies
mentioned by female students
were The Godfather, Crash, and
The Passion of the Christ. These
movies such as The Natural, Black
Hawk Down, and an even more
recent movie, Snakes on a Plane.
It seems that genres for the guys’
Movies are something that
favorite movies are closely linked
everyone can relate to.
to one another.
Whether they are black and
The MCHS staff liked
white classics or the newest
a wide variety of movies.
flick, everyone watches
World History teacher,
movies. There is such a
Mr. Jeff Petrovic, said
wide range in genres, and
his favorite is Tin Cup,
movies themselves, that it is
who could have guessed?
highly unlikely for a person
Ms. Jen Gabel, English,
to find someone with the
prefers to watch the movie
exact same favorite movie
American Beauty. Spanish
as them. When students and Many People in Minooka go to Family Video to rent teacher and T.A.T.U.
staff were asked to name their favorite movies. Photo by PPC Editor-in-Chief sponsor, Ms. Adriana
their favorite movie, there Toni Bryant.
Martinez, said, “I love the
was not one repeated.
movie, The Rock, because
are girls are not all about mushy love there is so much action!” The
supposed to like “chick flicks”, movies.
cafeteria staff had favorite movies
movies about love.
The males lurking around the like, Sleepless in Seattle and While
Sophomore Kate Scholtes said, school were mostly interested in You Were Sleeping.
“Man, my favorite movie is comedy movies. Vince Aguilar,
With the wide range of movies
probably Billy Madison. First of junior, said, “Favorite movie? today it is hard to find someone
all, I love Adam Sandler and Chris Snatch. Well, it’s at least a movie with the same favorite preference.
Farely. There are so many hysterical I can watch more than once every The students and the staff of
quotes that I can honestly watch few days.” Other guys had favorite MCHS prove this to be true.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Crossword Puzzle:
Back To School
1. Bottom of the school
totem pole
4. Local place for games,
live bands, and a lot of food
6. The year of the ACT
8. Used to carry around a lot
of books
9. New name for parapro
11. Girls do this when going
back to school
13. Teachers require this to
write in
14. Fall sport
15. Your final year
18. New schedule this year
Sept. 19, 2006
*How far can you
walk into a forest?
*A student correctly
shows that 1/2 of 12
is seven. How?
*How much
dirt is there
in a hole that
is three feet
wide, four feet
long, and two
feet deep?
All answers to appear in the next issue of the PPC.
2. You can’t write without
3.They give you homework
5. Many want one but few
get one
7. It’s big and yellow
10. Principal
12. Teachers give you this at
the end of class
16. They get their class
17. One is given in almost
every class
19. Assessment given
20. Name for students who
went to a different school
last year
Funny Facts
*Duelling is
legal in
Paraguay as
long as both
parties are registered blood donors.
*Walt Disney was
afraid of mice.
*Marilyn Monroe
had six toes on
one foot.
*The name
Wendy was
made up for the
book Peter Pan.
There was never
a recorded
Wendy before.
All facts received by
Peace Pipe Chatter
Continuing the Chatter
Sept 19, 2006
First day of school: A Memory or Nightmare?
D.J. Valera
Journalism I
“I can’t find my locker!” I
screamed at myself in my head.
“How can you not find your
After mentally yelling and
scolding myself for about a minute
I glanced at the clock and saw it
was almost time for my first class,
Resource. I began to ask random
students if they could help me
find room 198. Fortunately, I got
directions on how to get to class.
Arriving in room 198 I saw
many students look at me as
anyone would when someone
enters room of any sort. I took a
seat near the back as I waited for
the bell to ring, signifying the start
of school. The bell did ring shortly
after I took my seat and my teacher
stood up and introduced himself as
he wrote his name on the board.
“My name is Mr. Rapsky.” He
said in a clear and stern voice,
“Don’t bug me and we’ll be
Mr. Derrick Rapsky then
explained the rules for Resource.
They were simple rules that
anyone could follow. We
were allowed to talk to
each other until the bell
would ring telling us to
go to our 3B class. Sadly,
I didn’t take advantage of
this golden opportunity.
There were two main
reasons, one, I came from
a school where only four
of twenty-eight are going
to MCHS and two, I am
a very, very, very shy guy. Ever
since I was little, I would turn red
and mix up words when meeting
new people, same would happen
when I would have to publicly
speak, even if there was a paper
in front of me that would tell me
what to say!
After sitting there silently
15 minutes, the bell rang and I
got up and raced to the door like
everyone else. Once getting out
of room 198, I once again started
my frantic search for my locker,
old-fashioned hall jam. I honestly
was just about to lose my mind
again! I was stuck and wasting
time for my search. Once I spotted
a chance to get through, I took
it! Free at last, I started the
search again, only to go
insane, again, after a minute
or 2. I spotted a teacher
standing at his door and I
asked him if he could tell me
how to get to my locker. He
told me to go to the carpeted
area near rooms 190 to 199.
I stood there, for a second or
two, mouth wide open.
I mentally screamed in my head.
After regaining myself, I
headed for my locker, which I
found with ease this time. I looked
at my orange schedule for my
combination and started turning
the lock in seconds. After turning
to the last number, I tried to open
“My locker was
right by my first
two classes this
who time?”
number 1693. I knew that my next
class was actually right next door
to my last class since it was room
197. The class was Journalism I,
something I was looking forward
So, with my search starting
again, I went straight and
unfortunately got mixed up in an
my locker, but my fear came true.
It wouldn’t open!!! I again started
to panic as I looked around for
someone to help me open the thing
I frantically searched for. I asked
a male student who seemed to be
older than me and gladly obliged.
When he opened it I was so happy,
he left after I gave my thanks. After
putting my things in my locker, I
headed straight for room 197 and
took a seat by a computer.
The day went by so quickly
after Journalism I for some reason,
maybe because I got my locker to
open, well, technically it wasn’t
me. So, after my last class I headed
to my locker and amazingly got it
to open! I felt so proud of myself
after completing the menial task.
I then headed for my bus outside,
but while searching for my bus, I
realized I wasn’t nervous anymore.
I was actually a bit excited for the
year now. Nervousness gone, I
actually think I can take on high
school now.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Sept. 19, 2006
Baby got backhand
Sarah Silverman
PPC Front Page
Although MCHS is only a few
weeks into school, the girls’ tennis
team has already begun an amazing season. With starting practices
over the summer, the girls were
ready to go when school started.
When asked if beginning practices
over the summer was a pain, sophomore Jill Forgal said, “Practices
were only the last few days of the
summer, so it really wasn’t that big
of a deal.”
The varsity girls’ first game
was an away game on Aug. 22
against Lockport Township High
School. Since then they have
played 11 games. They have only
had three home games so
far, but there next one is
on Thursday, Sept. 21,
at Plainfield South High
School. Their next away
game is today, Sept.19,
at Oswego East High
School. It is scheduled
to start at 4:30 p.m. Even
though this is an away
game, students are still
encouraged to attend.
The girls’ junior
varsity’s first game was
against Lockport Township High School. The
game was played at home
on Aug. 24. Although the
junior varsity team has Sophomore, Kate Scholtes, serves the ball
during her tennis match. Photo taken by
only played seven games PPC Photographer Lauren Keers.
so far, they are still keep-
ing up with the varsity team. The
majority of the junior varsity’s
games are home games, so be
sure to come out and support your
Amy Powell, sophomore, said,
“We could use all the support we
can get at these games.”
Junior varsity player, Kate
Scholtes, agreed. “The more fans
we have cheering us on, the better,” she said.
Today’s JV match is at home at
4:30 p.m. against Oswego.
MCHS also has a girls’ sophomore team. Two out of their three
games were home games so it was
easy to see them in action. Their
next, and final, match is on Oct. 2
against Rich South High School.
There is also a girls’ freshmen
team. Even though their game got
canceled on Aug. 28 due to poor
weather, they are still practicing
hard and getting ready to be great
competitors next year on the sophomore team.
In addition to their games, the
freshmen and sophomores competed at a doubles tournament on
Sept. 16 at Prairie State College.
MCHS is also hosting a freshmen
and sophomore quad on Sept. 23
at 8 a.m.
If students want more information about dates, times, and locations of the girls’ tennis games (or
any sports matches) they can visit and click on sports
Sports Editorial: The Destruction of the American athlete
Jeff Beguin
PPC Sports Editor
You’ve seen it before, flawless
American athletes who have made
their way to the top, only to have
their mistakes of using steroids
drag them back down to earth.
As more American athletes make
steroid driven fools of themselves,
I cannot help but see that the image
of the great American athlete is
slowly eroding away and changing
into something I hope I never have
to see.
You may have heard of Justin
Gatlin receiving an eight-year ban
from the Olympics after being
prosecuted for steroids, but he is
not nearly the first so-called athlete
to test positive for steroids. Floyd
Landis, the American cyclist,
tested for six times the amount
of testosterone of the average
human male, proving once again
the theory that Floyd Landis is not
human. Obviously just a rumor,
but after hearing the defenses that
Landis made for testing positive
for steroids, this excuse doesn’t
seem as farfetched.
I think we may have heard the
last word from Landis though,
as lying to the public usually
completes the last step of what I
call the Performance Enhanced
The first step is pretty simple;
the athlete injects him or herself
with some type of steroid or
enhancement. Step two is the
athlete’s climb to the top by either
winning or breaking a record of
some sort. Step three is the first
accusation of steroids; followed by
step four, denial, and step five, the
proof of steroids.
At this point what else is left,
but to lie and make excuses, which
completes the six-step cycle
to making a complete fool of
The way these convicted
athletes lie to the public, their
fibs have become as common as
Terrell Owens missing practice.
That’s right I’m talking about
practice. Hardworking athletes
of the professional level of sports
must be furious at steroid using
pros like Barry Bonds or Jason
Grimsley. These guys are able to
just walk through sports without
all the fatigue and work that being
an athlete is all about.
Yet at some point in their lives,
these so called athletes are seen
as role models. Imagine that
conversation with an aspiring
young athlete hoping for some
advice from Bonds or Grimsley.
Child: “Barry, how can I become
a star baseball player like you?”
Bonds: “Well, if you eat your
vegetables, stay in school, and take
plenty of human growth hormones,
there isn’t a thing that can stop you
from being a professional superstar
just like me.”
Bonds has taken so many wrong
turns in life, he’s like the puppy
who lost his way, except a grown
man with a dodgy knee and years
of bad decisions to regret. Not
to mention a crowd full people
who wouldn’t hesitate to throw a
syringe at him.
The model athlete for me is no
longer a professional NFL or MLB
star, it’s the hard working high
school athletes you see everyday
in the halls, or the college athletes
still trying to prove themselves to
make it the next level, where they
go from the college limelight to
the burden of being a professional
I realize that not all pro athletes
lockers are filled with enough
enhancements to turn themselves
into a Kodiak Bear (Landis), but
the passion for their sports that
they used to have is no longer
there and that’s why I have no
respect for Gatlin, Landis, Bonds,
or any other athlete who has taken
the easy way to sports stardom.
At the same time, I hate seeing
today’s youth looking up to bigmouthed Dallas wide receivers, or
big time NASCAR drivers as their
main source of sports influence.
In the end what is worse,
arrogance or steroids? I guess
Bonds kills two birds with one
stone, and with him as the front
runner the vision of sports is going
to age like warm milk.
I don’t know what will hurt
more, Bonds as a model athlete
or Jeff Gordon. Either way when
sports are no longer truly about
sports, but about cheaters, loud
mouths, and drivers, I hope the
college and high school sports that
most people have come to know
and love, always stay the same.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Sept. 19,2006
Varsity girls volleyball:
the key to success
Kristi Lawrence
PPC Staff Writer
“We were conference
champs on all three levels last
year, [JV and varsity] said Coach
Hilary Hyland about last years girls
varsity volleyball teams. The 20062007 Girls Varsity, sophomore and
freshman volleyball season has just
started. Out of 65 girls who tried
out for the team, 15 girls made
varsity, and will be competing
against many teams this season.
With four sophomores on varsity,
the team is pumped for the season
to start. They are hoping to do as
well as they did last season.
Their first game was a
loss against JCA, Aug. 30, with an
intense score of 25-11, and 25-13.
“I watched the volleyball
game against JCA. It was pretty
intense and you didn’t know what
to expect.” said Lina Climer,
The JV team played
at Normal Community in a
tournament that weekend and
With practices mostly
“Donʼt ever
give up, and
keep trying.”
-Kristin Plese
everyday from 4 to 6, preparing
really gets tiring. That still does
not stop the girls from trying their
hardest. Monday through Saturday,
the girls warm up with team drills
that they have. Conditioning,
working out their abs, and running
the bleachers are part of their
Saturday routine.
“Last years’ record of 1918 overall was solid,” said Hyland.
“The girls have pre-game cheers
and other things that get them
pumped up right before a game,
along with a team dinner.” As an
outlook for their season Hyland
stated, “I expect we will do well
in conference again, hoping to
repeat as conference champions.
We also aim to do well in our
“I really enjoy playing
volleyball for this team, although
everybody is still fighting for
starting position,” said Kristin
Plese, senior, one of Minooka’s
defensive specialists.
Last year was a good year
for the Minooka varsity team, and
this year the team has high hopes
of making it to conference again.
The varsity girls volleyball team is goofing off in the hallways after practice. Photo by Editor-In-Chief Chandell Pet.
With this motivation in mind the
girls hope to play well and work
hard for their future games.
Although many girls tried
out this year and some of them did
not make the team, “Don’t ever
give up, and keep trying. A lot of
girls got cut one year, and came
back to make the team the next
year.” Plese said.
Minooka football starts off rocky, but shows improvement
Brittany Pendry
PPC News Editor
Baseball is considered to
be America’s pastime, and baseball
to America is football to Minooka.
The only way to see this tradition
would be at a Friday night football
game. It is here that the stands are
packed from shoulder to shoulder,
and girls have their shirts half
up with “Go Minooka” painted
on their stomachs in 40 degree
weather. So, what is the hassle all
As many know, Minooka
has not started out with the best
record for the beginning of the
season, but many hope that will
“We’ve been a little
Buccifferro, a Minooka football
fan. “We’re improving every game
and we can only hope that they’ll
step it up so we can win.”
A positive of the football
team this year is how strong the
offense has been. The Morris Daily
Herald said that the “offense [has]
suddenly come to life.” One of the
main reasons? Open the paper and
you will see
the name of
the leading
senior Tim
His name
is pasted
the sports
racked up 320 yards gained,
46 attempts, an average of 106
rushing yards per game, and three
touchdowns as of the first three
games of the season. For those that
“It’s a good surprise to
open up to on Saturday mornings,”
said Ghilain. “I mean with the
offensive line opening up the holes,
it’s pretty easy to get through.”
it isn’t just
Ghilain that
needs to be
Quarterback Kevin
C a i n ,
back Eric
The Minooka football team lines up for their game against Marist. Photo by Lauren a
would Keers.
back Ryan
have to say
B r a y
the best play this year was when don’t know football jargon, those should receive quite a bit of credit
Ghilain ran for about a 57 yard are good statistics.
as well.
touchdown,” said junior Steven
Printed in The Herald
Cain should be singing
Cerovac, defensive line.
News was praise for Ghilain along to the tune of 272 yards
Ghilain is a running back, “churning out yardage on the passed, 2 touchdowns, and an
and this year alone he has already ground.”
average of 90.7 yards passing per
Loomis has brought in 25
yards gained and 1 touchdown in
only 5 attempts for the previous
three games.
Bray has had only 17
attempts with a total of 57 yards
gained averaging at 19 yards
per game for the previous three
With the offense playing
well, what should we expect from
the team this year?
From running back to
quarterback, you can know nothing
about the game of football and
still go to a Friday night game to
support your team. What’s better
then standing shoulder to shoulder
with a bunch of people, many you
might not even know, screaming
at the top of your lungs? It doesn’t
get much better then that.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Minooka boys golf
a whole in one
Mark Photakis
PPC Staff Writer
Coaching change. Sounds bad,
but not in the case of the MCHS
golf team. The team looks to
head up the season as conference
champs under their new coach.
Former coach Jeff Petrovic
decided to hand the reigns of being
head coach of the golf team to his
younger brother Brian Petrovic.
Petrovic, the new coach, is a
science teacher at MCHS as well.
“I have coached these kids
for the last several years and the
change from assistant coach to
head coach is not a big deal, but I
am thrilled to have the position,”
said coach Petrovic.
“The coaching change doesn’t
seem like it will hurt us in any
way because they are brothers
and coach pretty much the same
way, so we look to have a great
season under coach Petrovic,” said
golf team member, junior, Bryan
Boys Golf:
Girls Golf:
Girls Tennis:
MCHS looks to have a strong
season under the leadership of
seniors Damion King, Eric Vogrin,
and several others. Having a strong
senior class looks like it might help
MCHS have a great season.
“The team is definitely looking
for King and Vogrin to have a
great season and carry us deep
into conference,” said golf team
member, junior, Chris Hugenburg.
The team will look to have
a great season this year with a
strong team. The expectations are
set pretty high by several members
of the golf team to have a great
“The team is very strong this
year and we have a great shot
at finishing in the top three in
conference if not first. Everyone
on the team is very excited and
rearing to go,” said golf team
member, junior, Cody Thompson.
As the MCHS golf team is ready
for a great season, under a new
coach and led by a strong senior
class, the conference championship
is the Indians’ major goal.
MCHS Scorebox
Scores as of Sept. 13
Varsity Boys Golf
Sept. 5 @ Morris
-Damion King (34)
Sept.6 vs. Joliet Township
Joliet Township
Sept. 7 vs. Oswego East
Minooka 153
Oswego East 182
-Zach Zeiter
-Eric Kapinus
Sept. 9 Geneva Inviational
-Damion King Top 30
-Eric Kapinus Top 30
Team Tied 8th (30 Teams)
Upcoming Events
Plainfield North High School
7:00 PM
Romeoville High School
7:00 PM
9/19 Plainfield Central
4:00 PM
Romeoville High School
4:00 PM
Geneva High School
9/21 Naperville Central High School
4:00 PM
9/19 Oswego High School
4:30 PM
Sept. 19, 2006
Sept. 2 @ Plainfield North
Minooka 8
Plainfield North 2
Sept. 8 @ Plainfield South
Plainfield South
Sept. 9 @ JCA
Minooka 2
Varsity Boys Cross
Varisty Girls Golf
Aug. 30 @ Irish
Aug. 21 vs. Joliet Township Conditioner
Minooka-201 JTHS-229
1st place with 13 points.
Aug. 28 vs. Batavia
Minooka-205 Batavia
High 189
Nick Rousonelos and Josh
Keck won the race by a
Sept. 1 @ Plainfield North
Minooka 192
Plainfield North High- 226
Sept. 2 @ Hindsdale Invite
8th Place
Varsity Girls Cross
Sept. 9 @ Joliet Invitational
3rd place
Nick Rousonelas placed
Aug. 30 @ Irish
1st Place, 9 points
Varisty Boys Soccer
Sept. 2 @ Hinsdale Invite
12th place, 300 points
Aug. 26 @ Aurora East
Minooka 1
Aurora East 0
Aug. 29 vs. West Chicago
Minooka 0
West Chicago 3
Aug. 31 @ Lockport
Minooka 0
Lockport 2
Sept. 9 @ Joliet Township
3rd Place, 109 pts.
Varsity Football
Sept. 1 vs. Marist High
Varsity Girls
Aug. 30 vs. JCA
Minooka 0
Sept. 5 vs. Plainfield
Minooka 1
Plainfield Central 2
Sept. 7 @ Romeoville
Minooka 2
Romeoville 0