September 29, 2010 - Minooka Community High School District #111


September 29, 2010 - Minooka Community High School District #111
Peace Pipe Chatter
Volume 96
Edition 2
September 29, 2010
Powde age 15
to gain in
page 9
page 3
page 6
2 Welcome
mchs students making
Liz Purcell /
A&E Editor
Looking back
301 S. Wabena Avenue
Minooka, IL 60447
(815) 467-2140 Voicemail: ext 264
PPC stories from the past
Taylor Roop / Alexa Bowen
Copy Editor / Opinion Editor
At the Sept. 16 Board of Education Meeting, compelling topics such as Homecoming week and how the students’ score compared to the state and federal standards,
were discussed thoroughly.
The board made a special note to give credit to the
student council that worked particularly hard with the
Homecoming plans, and also discussed the Minooka
website transition. The school will be working over winter break to make the website more user-friendly, and
positive feedback has already been gathered about the
changes that have been made.
The Minooka students’ overall progress scores, as
of this year, are at a steady pace above what the state
has benchmarked as good progress. The average student
AYP (Annual Yearly Progress) for reading is currently at
70, 15 points above the state benchmark, but 7.5 points
below the AYP target benchmark. The AYP for math
scores are at 62, nine points above the state benchmark,
but 13.5 points below the target benchmark.
The ACT goal of Minooka is to improve growth and
achievement of all students. College readiness is measured as 75% of students being able to score a C or higher
in college courses, and 50% able to score a B or higher.
“Our goal is to not only get the average score up, but
to get more students college-ready,” said Dr. David Middleton, superintendant.
Also discussed at the school board meeting was the
new budget for the school year. Most students may not
realize the costs to a district, but MCHS budgeted $41
million for next year. The new budget, which slightly
increased 0.94% from last year, passed with a 4 to 2 vote.
Finally, the long debate of student parking at South is
on the verge of being solved. The village of Channahon
is proposing that only residents can park in the neighborhood across from South.
Residents continue to complain about the students
that park there for school. In turn, Jamie Bowden from
the Village of Channahon will be pursuing the ordinance
prohibiting parking during school hours in that neighborhood.
50 Years Ago- A New Sport?
The school may be in for a new sport in the near future! The athletic
department is very hopeful to add wrestling to the school’s line up.
Mr. Dorick, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Siron have confronted multiple students
about the sport and have been trying to gain some interest around the school.
So far, there are plenty of boys extremely interested in participating. Unfortunately, there are not quite enough people yet to get it added, so if you are
interested please contact Mr. Dorick, Mr. Miller, Mr. Siron.
There could be a big future for Minooka in the sport, you never know!
7 Years Ago- Picture Phones Banned
“Picture Phones” were the new things going around school and everyone had to have them.
Having a camera phone meant being able to take pictures anywhere,
any time. They could be used in classrooms, bathrooms, locker rooms, at
home, etc.
To the teachers and staff at MCHS, there were few good qualities about
having these camera phones at school. Inappropriate pictures could be taken in locker rooms and bathrooms, and could be passed around at school
and on the Internet.
Camera phones were banned from MCHS.
The girls prepare for the powerpuff game which will take
place on September 29th. Photo by Aubrey Aspan.
Peace Pipe Chatter
September 29, 2010
A&E Editors
Soozie Bahret
Jake Hoffman
David Tibble
Liz Purcell
Cover Design
Editorial Editor
Aubrey Aspan
Elaina Bartoli
Alexa Bowen
Elaina Bartoli
Features Editors
Baylee Dibble
Katie Jostes
Melissa Magnus
Sports Editors
Elliott Johnson
Chris Evans
John Walsh
Interactive Editors
Shannon Lawlor
Malory Keck
Design Czars
Melissa Magnus
Aubrey Aspan
Extra Designer
Taylor Roop Advertising Manager
Libby Guldenbecker
Copy Editors
Sports Photographer
Elliott Johnson
Chris Evans
Libby Guldenbecker
Features Photographer
School News Editor
Eric Klank
Danielle Luttrell
Taylor Roop
David Tibble
Shannon Lawlor
Liz Purcell
Eric Klank
News/School News
4 Years Ago- The Split Schedule
To the students at MCHS, overcrowding was definitely and understatement. No matter where you walked, you would either be stuck in or behind
a large accumulation of people.
Not only did this affect the time that students had to get their lockers and
go to class, but it was also a distracting learning environment.
The school board considered adding a building onto the high school
or creating more mobile classrooms, but splitting the school schedule was
ultimately the best option.
On November 8, 2006, the school board determined a split schedule by
process of elimination. It would consist of two different bell schedules; the
freshmen and sophomores would start at 9 a.m., and end sometime between
3 and 4 p.m. The juniors and seniors would start around 7 a.m. and end
school a little after noon.
News Editor
25 Years Ago- Broken Bones and Bruises
Going through the halls, you may wonder how some people broke a
bone or injured themselves when you see them walking through the hall.
What is the story behind them?
Tom Schleckceway was given a black eye during a freshman football
game. He tackled another player and his sports glasses hit him in the left eye,
leaving him bruised for weeks.
David Swiggett received a broken arm during practice when he tackled
by Pat Dagon, he could possibly be out for the rest of the season.
Jim Davidson, a third football player, broke his knee when he accidently
ran into a pole.
On the cover:
Designed by Taylor Roop
Pipe Chatter
Minooka Community High School
A&E Photographer
Danielle Luttrell
South Photographers
Dutch Nave
Brandon Fierke
Dutch Nave
Journalism I:
Alyssa Aspan, Ali Bagley, Victoria Bavaro, Diana Harkey, Aaron
Ladzinski, Jacob Lopez, David Magnus, Lindsay Miller, Ryan
Nelli, Sylvia Pokolenczuk, Cori Salamon, Sarah Schimanski, Allyssa Smith, Graham Taylor, Crystal Uribe,Caleigh Beverly
Submission Policy:
The Peace Pipe Chatter strongly encourages suggestions and/
or responses to material printed on its pages.
Letters to the Editor should be submitted to Mr. Thomas’s mailbox or to a Peace Pipe Chatter editor.
While submission does not guarantee publication, PPC staff
members will do their best to respond to all
admissions. Submissions will not be returned. All submissions
are subject to editing and will not be printed if they are
considered to be inappropriate. They must be signed but may be
printed anonymous upon request.
Should fresh/soph play powderpuff?
Mallory Keck/
Interactive Editor
already filled with a ton of activities, so
it would be near impossible to fit another
game in the schedule.
There would be more rivalry between
upper and lower classmen than ever before,
and cause even more confrontation. The
phrase “freshmen suck” would take on a
whole new meaning.
Finding more coaches and supervisors
would also be a struggle, and Homecoming
Week stresses students and teachers out
enough as it is.
Overall, there are way more cons than
pros when it comes to making a freshmen
sophomore powder puff game. The
underclassmen should just come watch and
cheer us on, and prepare themselves for
future playing time, as it has always been
and always should be.
Elaina Bartoli/
News Editor
Walking down the halls of Central
Powder puff has always been an
Campus throughout these past few weeks,
upperclassmen tradition. Students spend
a lot of talk consists of the upperclassmen
their freshman and sophomore years
Powderpuff“ I think it’d be stupid for
watching the juniors and seniors in
the underclassmen to have a powder puff
anticipation for their time to shine.
game, they wouldn’t know how to handle
If powder puff becomes a freshmanit,” says senior Stephanie McCarthy.
sophomore event, it will kill the whole
game that is taking place tonight. But
tradition and make it seem like less of a big
what about the freshmen and sophomores
at South Campus, who are new to
Some may argue that it will boost school
Minooka, and have yet to gain a sense of
spirit, but the negative effects out weigh that
school spirit? What else would encourage
one minor pro.
them more than their own Powderpuff
This could potentially anger the junior
and senior students because it would take
the attention away from them.
“ I think it’d be stupid for
the underclassmen to have
a powder puff game, they
wouldn’t know how to handle
it,” says senior Stephanie
Freshmen and sophomores
are just beginning to adjust
to high school, and creating
animosity between them
early on could create drama.
They may not be mature
enough to handle the friendly
competition that is created
between the two classes
throughout homecoming week.
Practices are usually early
in the morning, before school,
and since freshmen and
sophomores do not have their
licenses, getting to practices
would create an unnecessary
hassle. How would they get
there without asking mommy
and daddy for a ride?
Homecoming Week is
Cartoon showing an expression that freshmen and sophomores are too young to play powderpuff, and that
it is a junior/senior tradition. Cartoon drawn by Alexa Bowen.
Designed by Alexa Bowen
Peace Pipe Chatter
Some may say that this new game
would break tradition, but maybe it is time
for a new and better tradition that would
encourage more school spirit and student
involvement. Some also may say that
freshmen and sophomores are not ready
to play yet, but this would further prepare
them for their older years. This would also
give more students a chance to play.
Going into high school is a new time in
students’ lives; they are in a new school,
are surrounded by new peers and teachers,
are making new friends. Some have a hard
time making the adjustment, and making
friends does not come easy to them.
Powderpuff would open the opportunity for
new friendships and encourage some to get
involved in a sport or club.
Some may say we lack school spirit,
and you cannot fix this without student
involvement. School spirit is solely made
up of the involvement itself. Students
spend every sporting event either sitting in
the stands, or not going at all. This game
could provide a new experience for many
of these students who choose to avoid
school events.
This may give them a new perspective
on school spirit; it will give them a sense of
belonging in the school. Also, this gives the
players who are always out on the field, a
chance to see the other side as well.
Especially because of the split
campuses, there seems to be few
connections between the juniors
and seniors and the freshman and
sophomores. This could form that
bond, the upperclassmen cheering on
the lowerclassmen, and vice versa. The
underclassmen would coach the main
Powderpuff players, preparing them to
move up to the real game.
Minooka could use a sense of school
spirit, and creating a Powderpuff game for
the underclassmen girls would definitely be
a step in the right direction.
September 29, 2010
Bride gone bad
Alexa Bowen/
Editorial Editor
The story may have seemed like a
fairytale, but something was definitely
Twenty-three year old
Jessica Vega was dying from
Leukemia, but tons of people
and strangers donated money
so that Vega could finally
have her dream wedding last
spring, tells
From the $1,200 wedding
dress, to the expensive Aruban
Honeymoon, everything was paid for.
Bella Couture Dress Bridal Shop even
provided the expensive, exquisite dress
for nothing.
Now, ex-husband Michael O’Connell
tells the Times Herald-Record, a paper in
New York, that he believes his ex-wife
never had the terminal illness and never
had less than a year to live. The paper
reported that when O’Connell call
Dr. Dan Costin’s office, he was
told that Vega was “never a
patient here.”
“I think it’s ridiculous that
someone would stoop that low
just to have a free wedding.
That’s also really disrespectful to
the people that have the illness,”
said Holly Garrett, sophomore.
Not only did she lie to her husband,
but Vega also lied to her family, friends,
and all the strangers from New York
that generously donated hundreds and
thousands of dollars to give Vega her
dream wedding.
Tropical storm Hermine
hits the states
Jake Hoffman/
A&E Editor
Tropical Storm
Hermine slammed into
far northeastern Mexico
on September 7 and then
barreled into U.S. territory,
sparking flash floods on
both sides of the border.
Hermine came
on the heels of Hurricane Earl, which
gained category four status at its height
in the Atlantic Ocean, whipping up
heavy winds along the east coast of the
Designed by Elaina Bartoli
United States and Canada. So far the
storm has claimed four lives
and three are still missing
due to flooding.
However, Hermine has
been reduced to a Tropical
Depression, that is a storm
with less then 39 mph winds
formation courtesy of the
National Hurricane Center.
There have also been
multiple other tropical storms and
hurricanes hiitting the states within the
past few weeks
local, national,
Sprinkles Cupcakes
opens in Chicago
by Shannon Lawlor/
Interactive page editor
When you think of desserts, the first
thing that comes to mind is brownies,
cake, or cookies. But the
cupcake is actually making
its rise to fame in Chicago.
In March, a cupcake bakery
called Sprinkles Cupcakes
was opened in Chicago on
50 E Walton St.
Sprinkles Cupcakes
was first opened in 2005
in Beverly Hills. Other
locations include; Beverly Hills, Newport
Beach, Palo Alto, Dallas, and Scottsdale.
“I’m not a fan of cupcakes, but
Sprinkles Cupcakes was definitely worth
the wait after I had one of their cupcakes,”
said Melissa Magnus, senior.
The cupcakes are baked throughout
the day in a small abundance so that
they are always fresh for the customer.
During holidays, they decorate cupcakes
accordingly and make the flavor
correspond to the holiday.
Each cupcake costs $3.25
each or $36 a dozen.
“I’m in love with the red
velvet cupcakes at Sprinkles.
It is amazing!” said Paige
Gliwa, junior.
Sprinkles Cupcakes has
multiple varieties of cupcakes.
They have a rotating menu of
daily flavors. This way, a customer always
has something new to try.
Sprinkles Cupcakes is very dedicated
to its fan base.
They have their own Facebook and
Twitter website so you can stay updated
on the new flavors everyday.
Ancient City discovered in Egypt
by Dutch Nave/
Features Story Photographer
Egypt is well known for being the
epicenter of famous, ancient cities.
Now a new name has risen from
its sands. According to, about 24 years
ago in Marina, Egypt,
Chinese engineers digging
a foundation for a new
beachfront resort discovered
the ruins of Leukaspis, which
was buried in the sand for
over 2000 years.
Now in 2010, Egyptian
authorities prepare to open its villas,
tombs, and city streets to visitors.
Leukaspis, or Antiphrae, was a GrecoRoman port city in modern Marina,
founded in 200 B.C. It flourished with
Peace Pipe Chatter
its plentiful markets, full of wares from
nations across Ancient Europe and the
Far East and with its exports of grain,
livestock, wine and olives. At its peak it
had up to 15,000 citizens.
This city was not only economically
sound, but sophisticated as
well. Leukaspis had complex
plumbing systems, pillared
courtyards, and a basilica.
It was a hall used for public
events and became a church
after Christianity spread
through Roman Europe. But
in 365 A.D., an earthquake
in the Red Sea triggered a
tsunami that wiped out the expanding
Now it has turned into a growing
tourist attraction for visitors and a historic
site in its entirety.
September 29, 2010
School News
by Melissa Magnus/
Features Editor
Then & Now
Homecoming is quickly approaching,and
as everybody focuses on the excitement of
buying the perfect dress, finding the perfect
date, and planning on what to do after the
dance, many fail to realize the interesting
history and past of Homecoming Week.
As many may not know, Homecoming Week has been a greatly celebrated
tradition since 1972, and before that,
Minooka celebrated many other types
of dances like prom, or spring formal.
On October 8, 1972, Minooka celebrated its very first Homecoming. The exciting
series of events leading up to the Homecoming Dance included a pep-rally, parade,
a snake dance, bonfire, and a football game.
awarded the honor of being Minooka’s
The Homecoming Parade became a
tradition for several years after the very
first homecoming, and was held on the
day of the Homecoming Dance. Each
class of students was assigned the task
of designing, and creating a float to be
used in the parade that usually themed.
The classes would compete against each
other and the floats were judged and award-
School News Editor
A new club has risen, and several female
students from MCHS have already joined. It
is called the Joliet Juniorettes, and although
they are not a school-sponsored club, they are
still worth taking note. The Joliet Juniorettes
are a group of girls from the age 14 to 18 that
are interested in improving their community.
Being a member of the Joliet Juniorettes
allows you to work with local community
leaders and local organizations. It also gives
members an advantage when applying to colleges with the volunteer experience they will
then have under their belts.
Designed by Eric Klank
ed first, second, or third place ribbons.
“I think its really interesting that students got to make their own float for a
Homecoming Parade, I didn’t even know
that Minooka used to do that for Homecoming,” said senior Lindsey Nagel.
The next year, Homecoming became an even bigger event. The dance
was on October 20, 1973 and the
week leading up to it was full of exciting events encouraging school spirit.
During the week the students had
“belt’em, sock’em, tie’em, and orange &
black days” where the students dressed up
according to each theme during the week.
Rachel Reigh and Steve Loskill were
crowned king and queen at the dance.
Along with the exciting events throughout the week, the football team took a victorious win, and the junior class parade float
received first place in the parade contest.
As the years progressed, Homecoming became a tradition that every MCHS
student looked forward to. Each year,
new and interesting activities were
added to the week such as themed
“HC” cont on pg. 13
Kaleidoscope Artwork
For sophomore Megan Chocholek it took
about three hours to make her Egyptian
creation. Her inspiration was her 8th grade
English assignment on how Egyptian mythology. She decided to do her assignment
on the god Anubis who was the patron god
of Embalmers and mummification.
Junior Casmira Damon had gotten
inspiration for her picture titled “From
the Inside Out” because of a song she
had heard at her youth group one time.
That single line of the song had really
gotten to her, so she wanted to depict
it in her drawing.
Joliet Juniorettes
“Joliet Juniorettes Club is a great opportunity to get involved in the community,
whether through organizing fundraisers
or participating in events. Yet, Juniorettes
is more than just volunteer work, it’s a
chance to meet new people and build
friendships. I enjoy working with the group
of girls that are involved in Juniorettes and
I always have fun while partaking in our
club activites,” said senior Emily Vanasek.
The club is an overall great way for any
local girl looking to improve their community while improving their chances of
getting into a good college.
Five reasons to join the Joliet Juniorettes:
1. Make new friends.
2. Develop and sharpen leadership skills
3. Receive national recognition and rewards
4. Fulfill community service requirements for
5. Have fun!!!
Peace Pipe Chatter
September 29, 2010
Meet the foreign exchange students
Baylee Dibble/
Features Editor,
Danielle Luttrell/
Copy Editor and A&E Photogracher
It’s always scary being the new student,
and not knowing anyone. Imagine coming
to a new country where everyone is a
see the world,” said Marty, when asked
why he wanted to be a foreign exchange
School in Norway is very different
than Minooka. In Norway they call their
teachers by their first name, instead of last.
“I thought it was weird,” said Marty
about calling teachers by their last name.
Marty and Gi had a great American time at Buffalo Wild Wings rating wings and
stranger, even the people you are staying
with. Well this is the case for Inge Martin
Seim Tverborgvik (Marty) 18, junior from
Norway, and Giovanna Dahad (Gi) 15,
sophomore from Brazil.
“Why Minooka of all places?” is
something you are probably all asking
yourself. In the foreign exchange student
program, families from Minooka are
the ones picking their exchange student,
but the exchange students are the ones
who decide if they want to stay with that
“I wanted to get out of Europe and
Designed by Baylee Dibble
Also, they get 15-20 minute passing
periods instead of our measly six minutes.
They also get to leave class when they are
finished with their work.
“The thing I miss most about school in
Norway is getting to leave when you’re
finished with your work. I hate having to
sit in class and wait,” said Marty.
We have different types of electives
here in Minooka also, like creative writing.
“Creative writing is my favorite class.
Mr. Torres is hilarious,” said Marty.
Marty is going to be here for the rest of
this school year. He leaves in the end of
“I miss the ocean, and going out
boating with my friends, but I have new
friends here,” said Marty.
“Some things I’m doing while I’m in
Minooka are going to baseball games,
going to a concert, and the demolition
derby,” said Marty.
Gi chose to do a foreign exchange
program because her sister did one a while
ago. She was sent to Florida, and had a
great experience. Bored where she was,
Giovanna decided to try it out as well.
When asked what she missed about
home, she said, “I really miss my family
and friends.”
She is adapting well and has made
many new friends here. When Giovanna
returns home, she said she is really going
to miss the girls on the tennis team.
Brazilian schools are a lot different
from the ones here. They get out around
lunchtime, instead of later in the day.
“We don’t have lockers at my school.
We just stay in the same class, and the
teachers switch out,” Gi explained.
Although she misses how school is
back home, Gi is adapting well to MCHS.
“I really like it here!” she said.
Their weather is a drastically different
in Brazil as well. It is much, much warmer.
Giovanna said she has never gotten to play
in snow before.
“I’m excited to go sledding,” she said.
People are a lot friendlier down there as
well. They typically greet each other with
a kiss on the cheek instead of a handshake
or a wave.
“Pretty much everything is different
here,” said Gi.
A great
American time
In the Minooka area, one of the big
places to hangout is Buffalo Wild Wings,
or better known as Bdubs. So to get
Peace Pipe Chatter
to know the exchange students better,
members of the Journalism class, Danielle
Luttrell, Baylee Dibble, and Aubrey
Aspan, decided to take them out for wings.
This was the first time Marty had tried
hot wings.
“It was great, my favorite thing was
tasting all the different levels of spiciness,”
said Marty. “My favorite flavor was spicy
garlic, we have regular chicken in Norway,
but nothing like that.”
Gi’s favorite flavor was spicy garlic as
Everyone decided to try the hottest
wings they have at Bdubs, the Blazin’
Gi was the bravest of all when she ate
an entire blazin’ wing by herself. Then,
when the spiciness hit her, she downed two
cartons of milk.
We all tried fried pickles as well.
Giovanna thought they were great, but
Marty was not a fan.
“I don’t eat those little green things,”
said Marty.
Marty had also never heard of ranch
dressing. They do not have ranch in
Norway. He tried it with his wings and
thought it was delicious.
Aspan, junior, provided the
transportation to Bdubs.
“I was holding on for dear life! She
would have never passed a driving test in
Norway driving like that,” joked Marty
when asked about Aubrey’s driving.
“Aubrey’s driving didn’t scare me, but I
thought it was weird though that a 16 year
old is driving because in Brazil, you have
to be 18 to drive,” said Gi.
“We’re making this a thing right?”
asked Marty.
They both want us to take them to
Bdubs every weekend. They enjoyed
hanging and seeing what Minooka kids do
for fun, and how it is different from what
they do back home.
September 9, 2010
How to Conquer
By Jacki Kaluzny /Editor-In-Chief
Soozie Bahret/
Homecoming is right around the
corner, and most people already have
their Homecoming date set.
But what if you’re still dateless?
What if you have a date but hardly know
him or her?
Ladies, if this is true for you, let your
date or potential date know that you
want to get to know him and hint that
you would like to go on a date. And
gentlemen, you need to step up your
game. That means it will be time to
conquer the one and only first date.
First dates are a make or break
situation. These first impressions can
decide whether you will be riding solo or
not to the 2010 Candyland. But how does
one defeat the challenge of a first date?
Before anything, find out what your
date likes and dislikes. That will put you
in one of these following categories.
If you want to:
A.) Be simple
and romantic (aka
you’re broke): -->Make her homemade
dinner, and include desert
for brownie points (no pun
P.S. Try not to burn it.
-->Set up a picnic. Maybe
even do it old school and ride
bikes out to this picnic. Make it
somewhere scenic, surrounded
by nature.
P.S. Remember a blanket.
Specks of dirt on pb n j’s are not
very appetizing.
--> Take her to Movies 10. It
is not expensive and is always a
safe choice.
P.S. Don’t be afraid to hold
her hand. Regardless of the
rumors, girls do not have cooties.
No second Date:
Soozie Bahret/
“I had a first date with this guy last year.
We went out for smoothies at Sonic before
going to the movies. So at Sonic, we were
just chatting and such.
“He kept rubbing his teeth with his
finger and looking at me. I just laughed
awkwardly, because I had no idea what he
was doing.
“He suddenly got a phone call and then
said he had to get home. He dropped me
off. As it turns out, I had a huge berry seed
stuck in between my two front teeth. We
never went on a second date.”
–Johannah Caliban, senior.
Designed by Soozie Bahret
B.) Impress:
-->Take a train down to
Chicago. There are endless
possibilities in the Chi:
*Navy Pier
*Millennium Park
*The Lincoln Park Zoo
*Amazing restaurants like Ed Debevics, Dick’s Last Resort, or
The Rainforest Café
*Take her to a sports event
(make sure she would actually
enjoy the sport)
*Simply walk around town or
-->If she’s the artsy type, take
her to a place where you make
pottery and paint it.
P.S. There is one of these
places in Orland Park called
Crackpots and another in New
Lenox called Pots & Paints.
In Joliet, there is The Pottery
Lounge on Essington.
C.) Eat a lot on
a low budget:
D.) Have a
goofy time:
-->Take her to a fast food
place and go to a different
ice cream place for desert.
Talk a lot and avoid silences
that could make a date feel
P.S. After all, it is a first
date. Do not invest if it is not
going to last.
If you do not want to take
your first date to Taco Bell
or the BK, then bump it up a
few notches.
-->Six Flags is always
a fun time and a great way
to get to know someone.
P.S. It is still open, but
only on weekends.
-->Not fast-food, but not
*BD’s Mongolian BBQ
*Olive Garden
-->Take her to Haunted
Trails or Brunswick Zone.
P.S. Mini golf, go-karts
and laser tag never fail.
-->Have some fun iceskating.
P.S. Practice on the
ice before you take a gal.
Otherwise she will be
trying to keep you from
-->Take the gal
P.s. Try and play with
the bumpers down.
Awful First Date Stories
“I was at the bowling alley and met
this real beautiful girl. I got her number
and the following weekend picked her up
for a dinner date. After driving for about
five minutes, she pulled out some chewing
tobacco and asked, ‘do you mind?’ I
laughed because I honestly thought
she was joking. Well she wasn’t. She
chewed until dinner, and then spit it into a
napkin. “My appetite was gone. During dinner,
she ordered an alcoholic beverage. Turns
out she was 23. No second date.”
-Anonymous, senior
“So this guy asked me out and I was
stoked because I had been crushing on him
for a while. He picked me up and took me
to Applebee’s. I had never been there, so I
thought it would be good to try something
new. As soon as we sat down, my date saw
a group of his friends across the room.
“He grabbed my arm and we went over
and joined the table. The entire time, this
guy I was supposed to be on a date with,
chatted obnoxiously with his guy friends,
while I sat there awkwardly. He even hit in
the waitress in front of me. It was awful.”
–Allison Baker, senior.
Peace Pipe Chatter
“I went on a first date with this girl
about a year ago. I picked her up to go see
a movie. All was going well until we sat
down in our seats at the theatre and she
started chewing gum. After 10 minutes
of her chomping, I wished I had chosen a
shorter movie. It was like sitting next to a
“I consistently offered her popcorn,
hoping she would spit the gum out. But
she was content with the flavor I guess.
After that night, I could no longer look at
her without hearing the chomping of gum.”
–Derek Gorga, senior.
September 29, 2010
Bussing debated
between campus
By Lindsay Miller / Journalism I
In the past three years of having the
South Campus, some students have chosen
classes in which they are bussed from South
Campus to Central Campus and then back
to South.
For example, students attending South
that are in band, journalism, or yearbook
must be bussed over for the hour they have
that class.
“I don’t have a problem with being
shuttle-bussed in between schools. What I
have a problem with is being forced into a
resource class. It’s an agonizing 90 minutes
of nothing. If you asked me students should
be shuttled to South because most of the
kids enrolling actually come for that campus,” said Jacob Lopez, freshman.
As Lopez said most of the kids that come
to Central Campus make up the majority of
most of the classes they are bussed over for.
Also some students then take a resource,
even if they did not want one.
Most students get to walk back and forth
to each of their classes, but others have to
get bussed. Vribe is not the only student that
gets frustrated with the separate classes between schools.
“I think the shuttles between schools are
a good idea. They
get you on time,
but it is disappointing when they are
late,” said Logan
Stephanich, freshman.
Although the
busses are meant
to get the students to school on time, it does
not always work.
“Part of the fault comes from the mixed
schedule. The schools schedules are 15
minutes apart. When you come from South
to Central you’re on time for class, but from
Central back to South you are 30 minutes
late. This is why we are forced to take an
extra resource. If Minooka does not get
their act together, I may have to drop my
classes at Central, so I can finish things
more important to me, rather than finishing
homework in resource,” said Lopez.
Obviously the separation of classes can
be extremely frustrating for students who
get shuttled back and forth. For Lopez,it
already has him contemplating whether he
should purposely pick classes that will not
have him bussed over, even if it is something that really interests him.
Students are
pressed for time
Aaron Ladzinski / Journalism I
Some people have been saying the
staircases at South Campus are getting so
crowed that you can’t even move.
Chris Hise, sophomore, said, “ It’s getting pretty ridiculous, I mean if I cant even
move that’s pretty bad.”
even get
to class
on time
and the
are marking them
absent or
also said, “I don’t think the freshmen have
yet to realize the central or main staircase is
barely noticed or even used.”
Hise was referring to the staircase that
is the biggest staircase and also the one that
goes right past the library.
Robby Daniel, sophomore, also agrees:
“People need to learn that there’s more than
just the closest staircase if they don’t figure
it out soon people are going to get hurt.”
Peoples books are getting knocked down
and being kicked down the stairs.
Those are 60 to 100 dollar books if they
get destroyed they have to pay for them.
Teachers coming from lunch are even
having trouble going up and down the
Even the
freshmen are
getting mad
about it. Such
as David
Magus, freshmen, said “ I’m
getting pushed
around or being
called dumb
freshmen to get
out the way and
move faster, but I can’t even move up or to
the side so I don’t know what to do when I
have go up stairs”.
Some people disagree about the entire
thing. They feel that its not to crowed and
its all fine such as Ali Bagley, sophomore,”
Its not even that bad I don’t know what
everyone is complaining about. They are
“People need to learn
that there’s more than
just the closest staircase; if they don’t figure
it out soon people are
going to get hurt.”
Freshman boys playing for sophomore football
Cori Cabelle Salamon / Journalism I
Michael Ivlow, number 53, is freshman on both the sophomore and freshman football teams as a fullback/running
back. Ivlow’s nickname on the football field is ”Tank,” because he is known for running over other players.
When asked what it is like to be a freshman on both
teams, Ivlow said,
“Exciting, Lots of pressure, Gets more practice time, and
a fun experience.”
It was rumored that Ivlow was the only freshman on the
sophomore football team but there is another: Jacob Stytz, a
freshman number 3. Stytz is a kicker.
Coach Jon Monti, head sophomore coach for two years
now he has moved up other freshmen in the past years to
play on the sophomore team.
Designed by Melissa Magnus
A sophomore coach caught Stytz practicing his kicking
on the football field without being told. That’s when the
coaches started to consider moving him up to the sophomore
Monti told Stytz that he would be moved up. Stytz was
nervous and happy when he was told this information. Stytz
was happy because it was a big step, he was nervous because
he didn’t want to mess anything up.
Stytz thinks he is a good kicker but he is still working on
improving his skills by practicing with his parents in his free
time. Stytz had an idea that he might be moved up but it was
still a surprise to him when Monti told him the good news.
When asked for any advice he would offer any freshman’s that wish to move up to the sophomore team he said,
“Keep practicing and working hard.”
Peace Pipe Chatter
September 29, 2010
& Entertainment
Glee promises fans at least another 5 years
By Katie Jostes/
Features Editor
Whether you have heard about it or
actually seen it, Glee is one of the biggest
new shows out there. It appeals to people
who enjoy popular songs or just singing
in general. For the lovers of comedy, the
show mixes some humor in as well.
Glee has already had a whole entire
season and people just want more from
creator Ryan Murphy. He has produced
other shows including Nip/Tuck and
Popular. As of now, Glee seems to be the
biggest of his creations.
In the past, they have had big stars on
the show like Olivia Newton-John, Eve,
and Josh Groban. It has been announced
that this season will have guest stars:
John Stamos, Susan Boyle, and possibly
even Justin Timberlake.
Glee has risen so far up the rank that it
has been nominated for 19 Emmy awards
and won two Emmys, and won “Best TV
Comedy” at the Golden Globes. It has
The cast of Glee flashes their ‘L’ sign. Photo courtesy from
been growing even more since then.
Many different glee products can
be purchased from shirts to CDs.
Fans can even get season one on
DVD as of Sept. 14.
The actors and actresses’ songs
are so popular that iTunes has raised
the price up to $1.29 for people to
buy these renditions. They have
covered popular artists such as Lady
GaGa, KISS, Journey, and even
Rihanna. They will continue to cover
more popular music including an
upcoming episode devoted to music
by Britney Spears.
Murphy predicts the show should
last at least another five years
at the rate it is going. With that
information, Glee fans, or “gleeks”
as they are called, should be very
happy. The new season premiered
Sept. 21 at 7 p.m on Fox.
Eat pray love, better on paper than on film
By Liz Purcell/ A & E Editor/
Copy Editor
Eat Pray Love, a
story about a middleaged woman struggling
in the harsh face of
living the American
dream, was a hit as a
novel and as a movie.
Writer Elizabeth
Gilbert shares her
compelling story about
traveling the world in
need of some serious
soul searching after she
decides that she does
not want children and
she does not want to
Eat Pray Love, the book, was a
huge hit. Photo courtesy of www.
Designed by Liz Purcell
be married. In this tale of love,
delicious gourmet meals, and
spiritual awakenings, Gilbert
captures the hearts of fans all
across the world. However,
differences in the paperback
and on film are evident,
The film began just as
the book did, with Gilbert’s
breakdown and steady rise
from depressed to renewed.
Unfortunately, most of the
important and dramatic
moments seemed to drag on
like a slow moving bus, slow
enough to catch a glimpse of
each person, but fast enough not
to make anyone do a double take.
Julia Roberts plays Elizabeth
Gilbert in the film.
Peace Pipe Chatter
the movie zapped Gilbert’s humor and zest by
showing more tears, and even adding drama that
never took place in the book.
Another issue many would have had with the
book versus the movie is that, most likely to the
blame of Hollywood, a lot of the ‘pray’ part of
the book was left out in the film, from the details
of her relationship with God to her most major
moment of spiritual awakening. Apparently
eating spaghetti while watching a Roman couple
make out was more important than including the
details of her soul’s divine completion.
The book is a page-turner, a story that
captured every feeling and every moment of
Gilbert’s journey. The movie is not the worst
one, but what left most readers flying through the
pages in the book was not present through most
of the movie. Books will always include more
detail, but a movie that leaves out important events
does not earn most ritics’ respect.
September 29, 2010
10 Arts
& Entertainment
Rock Band 3 teaches you how to rock
David Tibble
A & E/ Copy Editor
There have not really been any major
innovations in the music genre since the
original Rock Band. Though it was a great
game, Rock Band 2 featured only modest
improvements over the original. The folks
at Harmonix (Rock Band’s developer)
knew that in order for the music genre to
survive, big changes were in order. That
is why they took a year off from making
a new numbered installment of the series
(and because they were focusing on The
Beatles Rock Band).
The most notable change to Rock Band
3 is the addition of a new instrument,
the keyboard. The keyboard
features 25 keys lined up around the
traditional music game colors of red,
yellow, blue, green, and orange. It
comes with a strap and can be used to
play the keyboard, guitar, and bass parts
in the game. It is also a fully functioning
MIDI keyboard. A stand can be purchased
for the keyboard for $29.99. The keyboard
itself costs $79.99 on its own or in a
bundle with the game for $129.99. There
will be no full band bundle of the game.
The keyboard also plays a big role in
the other major new feature of
Rock Band 3, Pro Mode.
Pro Mode allows
players to learn how
to actually play
the songs in
the game
on a
d c om.
bo o.c
key komb
Ba sy
ck ourte
new Photo
Th ller.
levels just like the regular
mode and can be played alongside
anyone playing the regular note charts.
All that is needed to play pro keys is the
keyboard controller, but pro drums and
guitar are little more complicated.
To play pro drums, a cymbal kit must
be purchased or the new drum kit for Rock
Band 3. Unlike the other instruments,
which only support Pro Mode for the
songs on the disc, players can play pro
drums on every song in their Rock
Band library. For pro guitar, two
new guitar controllers have been
made. One is a guitar controller
modeled after a Fender Mustang
guitar. It features six strings and
102 buttons and will cost $149.99.
The other guitar controller is a Fender
Squire Stratocaster. It plays similar to the
Mustang with one major difference: it can
be used as a real working electric guitar.
Harmonix has not announced a price for
the Squire, but most Squire guitars range
from $150-$350. It will not be available
at the game’s launch but will be available
by the end of the year. The Squire also has
a MIDI port and can be used in programs
such as Garage Band.
Even if few people use Pro Mode,
Rock Band 3 will have plenty of other
great features to fall back on including an
“Rock Band”
Continued on
pg. 13
Hard Knocks hits viewers hard
Chris Evans /
Sports Editor
Hard Knocks is a mini series shown on
HBO every year that follows a certain NFL
team through its training camp. It lets you
into the daily lives of players, coaches,
and front office staff. This years edition
followed one of the most popular teams the
New York Jets, and their lovable coach Rex
The main focus on Hard Knocks is
about players who are trying to make
the team and all the different position
battles. In professional football, there
are only active players on an NFL team
and so cuts need to be made in training
camp. Some of the descisions are made
Designed by David Tibble
easier due to injury, while others its more
complicated than rocket science. Coaches
find themselves saying things like, “This
guy does this better than this other guy, but
he doesn’t do other things as well in a game
like he does in practice.” and other various
things. In the end the coaching staff and
front office must make some very tough
Another highlight is the absence of star
cornerback Darelle Revis. He is arguably
the best defensive player in the league, and
like any other superstar, he wants to be paid
like one. Unhappy with the mere million
dollars he was scheduled to make in 2010.
His camp hold out is one of the main focus’
of the show.
Rex Ryan and his fiery and sometimes
goofy ways of acting are also another huge
hit with fans of the seires, he knows how
to push the right buttons to get his players
to do what he wants, such as when he tells
Bart Scott that he sucks when he is going
through the motions on a drill, thus getting
him motivated to go all out. He is loved and
well respected by all his players because he
can be as nice as he can be harsh.
He was widely criticized for his choice
of language used while on the show and an
ESPN Sports Center anchor was quoted as
saying, “he swore more times per episode
than his defense allowed points per game
last season.” But hey that’s why the show
is on HBO.
It is a very enjoyable program that can
be enjoyed by fans of any team.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Rock Band 3
Here are some of the higlights of the
Rock Band 3 setlist.
• David Bowie- Space Oddity
• The Doors- Break on Through (To the
Other Side)
• The Jimi Hendrix Experience- Crosstown
• The Who- I Can See for Miles
Deep Purple- Smoke on the Water
Golden Earring- Radar Love
John Lennon- Imagine
Lynyrd Skynyrd- Free Bird
Queen- Bohemian Rhapsody
Ramones- I Wanna be Sedated
Steve Miller Band- Fly Like an Eagle
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers- I Need
to Know
• War- Low Rider
Anthrax- Caught in a Mosh
Dio- Rainbow in the Dark
J. Geils Band- Centerfold
Joan Jett and the Blackhearts- I Love Rock
‘N’ Roll
• Ozzy Osbourne- Crazy Train
• The Police- Don’t Stand so Close to Me
• Whitesnake- Here I Go Again
• Jane’s Addiction- Been Caught Stealing
• Stone Temple Pilots- Plush
Avenged Sevenfold- Beast and the Harlot
Paramore- Misery Business
Slipknot- Before I Forget
Them Crooked Vultures- Dead End Friends
The White Stripes- The Hardest Button to
September 29, 2010
& Entertainment
The History of:
By Aubrey Aspan /
Cover Designer
Now, more than ever, animated
movies are becoming more popular for
kids and adults alike. Many of the main
contributors to the cartoon industry
started off in the same ways Disney and
Pixar, even though they started in totally
different time periods they have managed
to create some of the most memorable
films in the U.S. Now that they have
combined forces, they can create films
that have the creative touch of Disney
and the amazing computer graphics of
Pixar Walt Disney has been one of the biggest
influences in the cartoon industry. The
most famous early cartoon Disney created
was Steamboat Willy. This is Walt’s first
introduction of his famous friend Mickey
Mouse and his girlfriend Minnie. This
started an empire; Walt made the first
color cartoon called Flowers and Trees in
1932, winning him an Academy Award.
On December 21, 1937 Disney released
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which
was the first full-length color animated
film ever made. The production cost them
$1.4 million, which was almost unheard
of during The Great Depression, and
brought in almost $8 million total at the
box office worldwide.
Over the decades they have
also created the memorable films such
as Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and
Beauty and the Beast, these princesses
have also become the most memorable
characters at Disney theme parks across
the world.
Even though the technology of computer
animation is relatively new compared
to Disney’s History, Pixar has come
a long way in a short amount of time.
Like Disney, Pixar originally started off
making cartoon shorts. Their short Tin
Toy received an Academy Award in 1988,
and their Computer Animated Production
System, or CAPS, won a joint Academy
Award with Disney in 1992. Their first
full-length film was Toy Story released
in 1995. It was a huge hit and not only
lead to a sequel but a widely popular third
movie that came out this past summer.
They have also come out with wellknown movies like Cars, The Incredibles,
Various Toy Story items created by the production company by Pixar Studios
Photo taken by Danielle Luttrell
and Finding Nemo.
In January of 2006 Disney
bought Pixar for a deal worth $7.4 billion,
which allowed them to collaborate
on even better animated movies. It
allowed for Pixar characters to appear
in the Disney theme parks as rides and
characters. Some of the new DisneyPixar movies coming out in the near
future are Newt, The Bear and the Bow,
and Cars 2. These are all due to release in
2011 and 2012.
Now that Pixar and Disney
are working together they can release
more and more movies that both surprise
us with Disney’s amazing story lines
and wow us with Pixar’s phenomenal
computer animations.
The Social
Facebook hits the Big Screen
By Brandon Fierke /
School News
On October 1, Mark Zuckerberg
(Jesse Eisenburg) will star in a movie
that we can all relate to, The Social
Network. He becomes an accidental
billionaire when he goes to college and
gets an idea. He wants to put the entire
college experience online: to connect
with friends, and talk about assignments
in their classes. He calls the idea
Facebook. But every movie needs a
Designed by Jake Hoffman
conflict. Someone says that Mark stole
their idea for Facebook, and later his best
friend sues him for $600 million. Mark
sees that this is a big problem. He didn’t
get 500 million friends without making a
few enemies.
But there is also a lot of comedy,
because Eisenburg usually has funny
movies. Eisenburg has also been in
movies such as Zombieland, and
Superbad. David Fincher who has also
directed The Curious Case
of Benjamin Button is also
the director of The Social
Network. Other famous actors
include, Justin Timberlake
as Sean Parker, who is
an agent that works with
Zuckerberg. Andrew Garfield
stars as Eduardo Saverin,
Zuckerberg’s best friend
that and partner in creating
Peace Pipe Chatter
September 29, 2010
Guess Your Physical Education
Teachers’ biceps.
find your answers
on page 13!
Designed by Shannon Lawlor and Mallory Keck
Peace Pipe Chatter
September 29, 2010
“Homecoming” continued
from page 5
coming assembly was always fun and tailgating before the game with all of my friends was
a blast,” said Carrescia.
MCHS science
homecomings. In
teacher, Bri Erwin
1987, the theme was
graduated here in
“California Dream2001. She especially
ing,” and in 1995 it
enjoyed the themed
was “Perfection in
dress up days during
Paradise.” homecoming week:
Many students
“I really enjoyed
also may not know,
miss-match day
that several teachbecause some of the
ers at Minooka were
teachers had pretty
former students here
outrageous outfits,”
who also enjoyed and
said Erwin.
looked forward to
The Minooka MCHS Homecoming Court
All in all, the hishomecoming week.
from a 1972-73 yearbook.
tory of Homecoming,
Chris Carrescia a 2004
and the events throughMCHS graduate, and current teacher here reout the years have created what Homecoming
menises on his high school days: “The homeis today.
Designed by Soozie Bahret
Peace Pipe Chatter
“Rockband” continued from page 10
excellent track list (see sidebar). The World Tour mode has
been expanded and features new
road challenges. The three-part
vocal harmony system has been
carried over from the Beatles and
Green Day editions, meaning that
it is possible to have up to seven
players. Song sorting has been
vastly improved. All downloaded
songs will be playable in the game.
After Rock Band 3 is released, all
downloadable songs will only be
available for Rock Band 3 so they
can support the keyboard and the
other new features. For a small fee
players will also be able to import
most of the songs from the original
and all of the songs from the sec-
ond game, Green Day Rock Band,
and the track packs.
Overall, Rock Band 3 is shaping
up to be another great entry in the
popular franchise. Hopefully its
new features will be the shot in the
arm the music genre needs. The
game will be available on October
26 for Xbox 360, Playstation 3,
and Nintendo Wii. A Nintendo DS
version will also be available. It
will feature 25 of the songs from
the console versions and will be
based around the button tapping
gameplay from Rock Band Unplugged.
“I think Rock Band 3 will be
the best music game ever,” said
Jayme Roberts, senior.
September 29, 2010
14 Sports
Boise State BCS Bid
Chris Evans/
Sports Editor
Boise State is starting with its highest ranking ever,
and many feel that this may be the first time ever that a
non-automatic qualifier can have a chance at playing for
the BCS National Championship. A lot of factors go into
determining who will play in the game, but for the Boise
State Broncos it will be much more difficult.
The first thing Boise State will need to do is go
undefeated. This is true for most other schools as well
but is more crucial to this team because they play in the
WAC conference. Needless to say, the WAC doesn’t
have an abundance of talented high-ranking teams unlike
conferences such as the Big Ten, the Big 12, or the SEC.
This fact alone makes any loss Boise suffers even more
crucial than first ranked Alabama, second ranked Ohio
State or any other team.
They started off with an opening weekend win against
then 10th ranked Virginia Tech, however the Hokies have
since lost to James Madison, a Division I-AA team. This
changes many experts opinion about the Boise State win
and hurts their case for strength of schedule even more.
Their next big game is against Oregon State on Sept.
25 and a win will help their case, but then they move
on to conference play, which is a completely different
animal in itself.
In conference play, style points are going to make
all the difference for the Broncos. They will have
to dominate every team they play and win by three
touchdowns at least if not more. The fact that the WAC
is lacking solid football teams could ultimately cripple
BCS title hopes because many say that they simply don’t
One more key factor will play into their BCS
Championship aspirations, and that is Alabama or Ohio
State having one or more losses. No expert will be able
to argue that a two loss Alabama or Ohio State deserves
a BCS title bid more than an undefeated Boise State;
however, if ether team has no losses or Boise State ends
up with one, the Broncos chances virtually go down the
toilet and will more than likely have to settle for a lesser
BCS bowl appearance.
The fact of the matter is Boise State is a small school
that many people would love to see play for a BCS title,
and if all the pieces fall into place they will get their
chance. Arrowettes
Melissa Magnus/
Features Editor
The Minooka Arrowettes have already began a
successful season, and their hard work throughout the
summer paid off greatly upon the return from their
UDA summer camp in Wisconsin in late July. The
girls pulled through with an extremely successful
outcome of their camp, and a bid to the 2011 National
Dance Championships.
Both the varsity and JV teams spent four days of
strenuous work learning several routines, drilling
technique, and practicing their “home routine,” all in
an effort to be qualified for the UDA National Dance
Championships in Orlando, Florida this February.
“UDA camp was very challenging but the hard
work definitely paid off in the end,” said junior
Sammy Boehm.
Designed by Chris Evans
Hard Work Pays Off
The four-day summer camp began with the varsity team
competing with their “home routine” against many other
teams from surrounding states.
“UDA camp was very
challenging but the hard
work definitely paid off in
the end.”
– Sammy Boehm
The “home routine” is a one-minute and thirty second
Peace Pipe Chatter
long hip-hop dance performed and choreographed
completely by the team. The routine is judged the first
day of camp, and the performance, along with other
accomplishments, determines if the team qualifies for
“We worked so hard to even make it to Wisconsin, and
now knowing that we’re going to Nationals in Florida
makes us all realize that even more hard work is in store
for us, but we’re all extremely excited” said senior Lindsey
Along with a bid to nationals, the team took home many
other awards.
“We began preparing for camp in early June, and we’re
excited that our hard work paid off, not only did we earn a
first place trophy but we were also awarded two superior
trophies, a leadership award and a bid to the 2011 UDA/
ESPN National Dance Championships” said head coach
Sabrina Dubik.
September 29, 2010
PowderPuff Game Tonight
Pat O’Neil, senior:
Definitely the seniors. The juniors actually have no chance.
The seniors have power in the
backfield that the juniors can’t
handle. That Wednesday night
will be a night to remember; a
night where the juniors get destroyed.
Players to watch: “Caleigh Hill.
Starting WR/HB. Size over the
juniors, Predicted score: 42-6.”
Elliot Johnson/
Sports Editor/
The ever popular Powder Puff game is tonight.
The football field will once again become a battlefield and the girls of the grid iron will battle for
the title of “Champion.”
The junior class has nothing to lose while the
seniors could quite possibly lose everything. Ashley Dylik and “Jazzy jay” (Jasmine Stewert) are
looking to crush the juniors, but Kelsey Kunz and
Kiley Saunders beg to differ.
Who do you think will win this year?
Designed by PPC Staff
Coach Kenny Creasman, junior: “We will win, of course. We
have a fine coaching staff and will
find a way to get the job done. We
are winners, nuff said.”
Players to watch: “Ki Saunders
Coach Chris Evans,
senior: “Obviously the se-
niors are going to win because
I know everyone on the team
this year was disappointed we
couldn’t pull off the upset last
year as juniors, but this year, we
are going to make those junior
girls look like little freshman.
Player to watch: “Why would
you ask that? Jazzy Jay.”
Peace Pipe Chatter
Coach Luc Carey, junior:
“Us because we spend a lot of time
preparing and we work very hard
over the week to get ready for the
Tori Anians
Jasmine Arboleda
Aubrey Aspan
AnnMarie Backmann
Lindsey Binzen
Rebekah Bogacz
Kayleigh Cimaroli
Ashley Clemmons
Joan Edwards
Taylor Edwards
Jordyn Frieders
Brittany Furjanic
Elizabeth Garcia
Paige Gliwa
Stephanie Greene
Ashley Hadley
Olivia Hollis
Becky Homa
Lakyn Hudziak
Lindsay Jebens
Mallory Keck
Kelsey Kunz
Alissa Larson
Shannon Lawlor
Colleen Lewis
Terry Lopez
Shannon McNab
Emily Milles
Kinsey Minor
Danielle Musgrave
Alexandria Omatto
Sara Ornelas
Shannon Patino
Ashley Philgren
Haley Reichardt
Michel Reteria
Tiana Rodriguez
Stephanie Rodriguez
Steph Sauerbier
Kiley Saunders
Bridget Senkerik
Anna Strle
Haley Thean
Taylar Troutman
Jessica Vath
Rachel Vidano
Haley Wienke
Amanda Wilke
Molly Willeford
Kayla Yates
Aryel Adelmann
Stephanie Barreto
Christina Bessette
Annie Butterbach
Johanna Callban
Kelley Cerovac
Katie Chitkowski
Tiffany Churnovic
Liz Collins
Brooke Deyong
Kylie Dryier
Ashley Dylik
Carie Egan
Katie Erickson
Jessica Fleckenstein
Marilyn Gabriel
Victoria Goodale
Caleigh Hill
Ashley Holbert
Erin Kelly
Jordan King
Jordyn Kohlmeyer
Kristina Kuta
Terra Kolacki
Marissa Kunel
Alexandra Mancini
Charmine March
Breanna Maskel
Brianna Mason
Stephanie McCarthy
Chelsea Mepowell
Lindsay Nagel
Sarah Olin
Morgan Potocnnic
Kim Ransak
Vanessa Reeves
Angelica Reyes
Kate Romberg
Kayla Ruettiger
Danielle Rutz
Krystal Scheidt
Kiara Schmeltzer
Jasmine Stewart
Emily Vanasek
Micha Whykes
April Wilke
Alysse Wortmann
Aly Zembruski
April Zmudka
September 29, 2010
Boys and Girls Cross Country Boys Golf
Record: 2-0 Boys and girls both took first at Joliet Steelman Invite for the first time in school
history; and the boys took first while the girls took fourth at the Minooka Flight Invite.
The upcoming event is the Loyola Invite and coach Kevin Gummerson had this to say, “It’s going
to be a big meet for the girls and the boys teams from 15 different states as well as Canada come to
this meet and we looked really good in our practices and first to meets. We’re looking to turn the
corner here and crack the top three teams for the girls and boys.”
Boise State
could be
Page 14
(9-4 overall)
Big Contributers
this season: Seniors
Mike Naszkiewicz,
Alex Walter, and Dave
Gregory, and freshman
Jason Chobar.
2nd place- Jason
Chobar (Freshman)
4th place- Alex Walter
Notable: Dave
Gregory (Sr), Tom
Uraski (Jr.), Jordan
Smith (Sr.) , Carson
Nueshwander (Jr), Dan
Zych (Jr)
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Page 15
Final record: 5-2
Coach Brian
Petrovic said: “The
From left, sophomore Joey Santillo, junior Ben Boland, senior Danny Bahret, senior Joe McAsey, junior Dan
Popek, Ben Heide, and senior Chris Patterson won the Joliet Steelmen Invitational on Sept. 11.
Girls Volleyball
Record: 9-2-1 Overall, and 5-0 in Conference
Big Upcoming games: @ Romeoville, vs. Plainfield South and vs. Plainfield North. The out look
boys have really been
playing better golf
late in the season.
We definitely started
out quick and played
some really good good
golf, but in the middle
section of our season
we got into a little
for this team seems very good and are very much so in the hunt for a conference championship.
Designed by John Walsh
Peace Pipe Chatter
September 29, 2010