TO BECOME A - Minooka Community High School District #111


TO BECOME A - Minooka Community High School District #111
Peace Pipe Chatter
Volume 96
Edition 8
January 22, 2011
The Return of
Dibble vs. Tibble
Pg. 3
Due Date vs.
The Hangover
Pg. 10
Worst Sequels
Ever Made
Pg. 9
2 Welcome
Blast from the Past
Looking back on previous PPC
Katie Jostes and
Baylee Dibble /
Features Editor
5 Years Ago
“Boo! Best of the best: Urban Legends”
February 8, 2006
Throughout the years, urban myths and legends
have inspired television shows and even movies.
Some are funny and some are scary, but the point
is, legends and myths come from all over the
country and even the world. From little girls mysteriously smashed onto car grills, to boys chatting with mysterious friends online who actually
turn out to be prisoners about to be released, who
knows what stories could come up next? The only
question being asked here is, do you believe?
20 Years Ago
“Turnabout time is here again”
February 1990
February is the time for the annual MCHS
turnabout dance. That means girls ask the guys
for this one. The theme this year is going to
be “Looking to the Future.” It will be a casual
dance, because it is so close to prom. We know
girls cannot afford that many dresses. Student
council is sponsoring this dance. And girls, if
you aren’t sure who to ask, we will be having
our MCHS online dating, with the results coming in on Valentines Day.
25 Years Ago
“A day in the life of Mr. Mass”
February 14, 1986
First hour Mr. Maas helps out in the math lab. He
says it is tough because there are so many students who
need help in math. Second hour he teaches Honors Algebra I and he claims he is blessed with that class. Third
and fourth hour he teaches pre-calculus. Mr. Maas says
he loves that class and it is enjoyable. 4c is his lunch period. Fifth and sixth hour he has regular Algebra 1 and it
is his problem class. Finally, seventh hour is his rest and
recreation hour. During that time, he makes great tests.
Overall, he loves school, but sometimes he has bad days.
50 Years Ago
“Music teacher arrives”
January 26, 1961
On Monday, Arthur Jaun will be coming to
MCHS. Band and choir have been waiting to
get a director since before Christmas time. So,
singers warm up your voices, and band members get your instruments ready, because it is
time. And girls, just a head’s up, he is single.
Jaun is graduating from Illinois State Normal
University this week.
Board takes action
David Tibble /
A & E Editor/Copy
On the cover:
How to become a millionaire, students Danielle Burne and Jesus
Valazquez see page 7
At the MCHS school board
meeting on January 20, 2011, the Summer Driver’s Ed fee was approved to
be $265, the same amount as last year.
An important part of the meeting was an update of the process of
MCHS’s strategic plan. The strategic
plan is a set of goals to improve the
learning experience that was made last
Designed by Melissa Magnus
Peace Pipe Chatter
year. At the meeting, it was shown that
the level of students with college readiness scores on the ACT has risen over
the past few years and is above both
the state and national level. Tardies
have gone down drastically over the
past few years. Overall, the strategic
continued on page 13
plan has gone very well.
January 22, 2011
Pipe Chatter
Minooka Community High School
301 S. Wabena Avenue
Minooka, IL 60447
(815) 467-2140 Voicemail: ext 264
Soozie Bahret
A&E Editor
Cover Design
Hayley Younce
David Tibble
Liz Purcell
Aubrey Aspan
Elaina Bartoli
Editorial Editor
News Editor
Alexa Bowen
Elaina Bartoli
School News Editor
Extra Designer
Eric Klank
Taylor Roop
Design Czar
Interactive Editors
Melissa Magnus
Aubrey Aspan
Shannon Lawlor
Mallory Keck
A&E Photographer
Copy Editors
Danielle Luttrell
Danielle Luttrell
Taylor Roop
David Tibble
Shannon Lawlor
Liz Purcell
Eric Klank
Hayley Younce
South Photographers
Dutch Nave
Brandon Fierke
Sports Editors
Elliot Johnson
Chris Evans
John Walsh
Sports Photographer
Elliot Johnson
Chris Evans
Features Photographer
Dutch Nave
Features Editors
Baylee Dibble
Katie Jostes
Journalism I:
Alyssa Aspan, Ali Bagley, Victoria Bavaro, Diana Harkey, Aaron
Ladzinski, Jacob Lopez, David Magnus, Lindsay Miller, Ryan
Nelli, Sylvia Pokolenczuk, Cori Salamon, Sarah Schimanski, Allyssa Smith, Graham Taylor, Crystal Uribe,Caleigh Beverly
Submission Policy:
The Peace Pipe Chatter strongly encourages suggestions and/
or responses to material printed on its pages.
Letters to the Editor should be submitted to Mr. Thomas’s mailbox or to a Peace Pipe Chatter editor.
While submission does not guarantee publication, PPC staff
members will do their best to respond to all
admissions. Submissions will not be returned. All submissions
are subject to editing and will not be printed if they are
considered to be inappropriate. They must be signed but may be
printed anonymous upon request.
Violent society?
Baylee Dibble / Features Editor
Sixty ears ago, all children had
to worry about was getting their
homework done on time. Walking
around at night was not a big deal,
and people felt free to leave their
doors unlocked all day, but society has
According to www.disastercenter.
com, the United States crime rates
from 1960 to 2007 have increased
greatly. Per each 100,000 inhabitants,
in 1960, some sort of crime directly
affected 1,887.2 people total. In 2007,
that number jumped to 3,730.4. For
violence alone, the number was raised
from 160.9 to 466.9. The statistics
speak for themselves. It is quite
obvious that society in the U.S. has
become much more violent.
Some people feel like nothing has
changed, and that society is the same
as it has always been, but that is simply
not true. Just by looking at these stats,
it is clear that violence is on the rise.
So, instead of children enjoying
their youth and focusing on their
innocence, they are living in fear.
Even school does not feel so safe in
many places any more. At some high
schools it is rare to go an entire day
with out without witnessing a fight.
In 1960, it would not have even been
considered to search student’s things,
force them to have clear backpacks, or
to put metal detectors near the entrance.
Now, in many places it is absolutely
essential for the safety of everyone in
the school.
The neighborhoods that are
considered “safe” are still subject to
plenty of crimes. Anywhere in the U.S.,
one will find people talking about the
latest crime near their home, or how
they found out there is a drug dealer
just down the street. It is scary to think
that in this society; there is no way to
escape the risk of violence.
Just when it seems like there should
be no threat of violence inside the
David Tibble / A&E editor
The recent shooting in Tucson and
other tragedies over the past few years
have seemingly enforced the idea
that American society is becoming
increasingly violent. I believe that
is not the case. Though there have
been quite a few massacres in recent
years like the one in Tucson, it is
media sensationalism that has led
people to believe that our society is
more violent, and sources that have
supposedly made our society more
violent have not actually done so.
The media is always searching
for the next big story. How many
times have you seen a preview for the
news that warns you of the danger of
Designed by Alexa Bowen
Editorial cartoon depicting a metal detector at MCHS. Cartoon
drawn by Alexa Bowen.
totally random? The media loves fear
mongering because that is what gets
big ratings. They also have shown
videos and photos that shooters send
in to them, like Jared Loughner, the
Tucson shooter. When they do that,
they give those shooters exactly what
they wanted: attention. A photo of
Loughner after the shooting showed
him with a sadistic smile on his face.
According to his friends, the smile
meant that Loughner was getting the
comfort of one’s home, there is.
From children getting kidnapped,
and murdered, to getting sexually
and physically abused, many of these
crimes are committed where they
feel they are the safest. Though it has
become a joke among teens, the story
of an intruder breaking into Antoine
Dodson’s sister’s room in Lincoln Park
and attempting to rape her, is a serious
situation that has affected many people
across the country. Not just with rape,
but with many other crimes as well.
Who would have thought that we would
get to the point where home is not even
safe anymore?
There are plenty of reasons for
people all over the country to be fearful
of the world around them. Is it fair that
children are being forced to question
the motives of everyone, when they
themselves have done no wrong? No,
it is not. Society is changing, and
in my opinion it is not for the better.
Something needs to be done about this
that still does not justify his actions.
The media’s spotlight on killers has
prompted others to act out, not to be
violent, but for attention. Our society
is not obsessed with violence, but
with attention. People like the cast of
Jersey Shore are famous because they
will do just about anything for a little
notoriety. This has to stop.
Although the media wants you to
think that our society is more violent
than say, 40 years ago, that is not
true. According to a survey of the
rate of violent crime since 1960 on, the rate of violent
crime has actually gone down since
its peak in the1990s. Violent crimes
attention he wanted.
Our society is not one obsessed
with violence but one obsessed with
attention. Loughner was mentally
ill and likely had schizophrenia.
Many people he came in contact
with, including one of his professors,
avoided him out of fear instead of
reaching out to help him. His act for
attention may
have been out of “Violent society?”
desperation, but
Peace Pipe Chatter
continued on page 13
January 22, 2011
Wild owls scaring many
across the globe
by Brandon Fierke/
lot of water. The bird will
School News Photogragpher be released when it sobers
up, and they think, that the
Owls have been going
wild across the globe, and
according to weirduniverse.
net a brown owl in Germany
was found on the side of
a road with absolutely no
concern for passing cars and
trucks, and was found with
two bottles of schnapps next
to him. Police had picked
up the bird and brought it to
a local bird expert, and he owl should be named Otis.
had detoxed the bird with a
In Crystal Lake, Ill.,
Chico the Chihuahua was
saved from a horrific death,
by his winter jacket, and
his brave owner. A great
horned owl had swooped
down and tried to steal the
little dog for dinner. But
because of his bad grip on
the jacket and the owner
chasing the owl, the owl
had finally let go. And
Chico’s owner had carried
her to safety. They think
this owl should be named
Carlina White reunites
with family
Hayley Younce/
Copy Editor
In 1987, a woman
disguised as a nurse
Carlina White from a New
York hospital. Twenty-three
years later, White has been
reunited with her family.
According to,
White had always suspected
she was adopted, having
no resemblance to her
“family.” When the woman
who raised her could not
provide Carlina with a birth
certificate for her driver’s
license, she began to suspect
that something was wrong.
White began checking
the website for the National
Center for Missing and
Exploited Children, first
looking through photos
of missing children from
Connecticut, where she
Designed by Elaina Bartoli
lived. But on January 4,
she decided to look through
children and found a baby
photo nearly identical to
hers. She immediately
contacted the site, which
On January 19, a
DNAtest confirmed her true
identity. When asked about
the reunion, Carlina White
said, “I'm so happy. At
the same time, it's a funny
feeling because everything's
brand-new. It's like being
born again.”
local, national,
by Dutch Nave/
Features Photographer
The recent cold wave
over Minooka has taken
its toll on MCHS. The
temperature on Friday
was only a measly 1°F
and the wind chill is
a freezing -18°F. The
highest it was expected
to reach was 9°F.
Ice is a hidden
attacker on the sidewalks
for the unwary. Outside
the back entrance at South
Campus, there was an ice
patch where many students
have fallen victim to its
harsh, icy surface. The
ice has also affected the
roadways as well, making
some drivers “fish-tail” on
the road. Also, the wind
made it feel like it was
According to yahoo.
com, an arctic wind was
responsible for the frigid
weather. This wind has
only made it colder, and
can possibly cause frostbite
to exposed skin within 30
minutes. This is a definitely
dangerous warning for the
For those keeping track,
there are about 59 days
until spring arrives. Until
then, bundle up and stay as
warm as possible, because
winter has just begun.
South Korean jewlery
ship captured
Mallory Keck/
Interactive Page
In a matter of five hours
on Thursday, January 20, 21
hostages had been rescued,
eight Somali pirates killed,
and five more captured in
the Arabian Sea. According
to, the
South Korean’s Samho
Jewelry ship was captured
last week. South Korean
soldiers snuck aboard the
ship full of armed pirates
while a helicopter flew
Peace Pipe Chatter
covering fire for back
up. South Korean president
Lee Myung-bak called
this a “perfect operation,”
having battled with these
pirates for quite some
time now. The captain of
the South Korean military
ship was shot, but is not
in critical condition. Lee
was glad to have this
victory because the country
faced harsh criticism last
November when their
military was called weak
for losing to pirates several
times, risking the lives of
their own civilians. Pirates
continue to be a threat
and ongoing problem
throughout the world.
January 22, 2011
School News
What MCHS has to offer:
Melisa Magnus/
Features Editor
Best Classes To Take
It might seem like the school year is dragging
on, and that summer break couldn’t come any
sooner, but the 2011-2012 school year is right
around the corner that calls for planning and major
decisions on the classes juniors will be taking to
wind up their senior year next year.
Politics and War
This course focuses on current events and issues involving the United States. The course enhances students’
experiences with the media and critical thinking skills. The
class is taught by Mr. Matt Thomas, and is a semester long.
Television Production allows students to enhance their
modern media, and communication skills. Aspects such
as filming, reporting, directing, sound/lighting, and camera use are all skills focused on in the class. “MCTV is a
really fun class, you meet a lot of new people” said junior
John Walsh. The class is taught by Mr. Paige Schoolman
and is a full year.
Photography I or II
This course emphasizes on basic photography skills.
The class really allows students to use their creativity, and
imagination. “I loved photo, being in the dark room and
learning to develop film was super interesting and I recommend taking it” said senior Erin Kelly. It is taught by Ms. Dana Becker and is a semester long class. Intro to Art is a
required course in order to enroll in Photo I or II.
Psychology I or II
Psychology is the study of human and animal behaviors and mental process.
“Psychology is a really interesting class, its hilarious
too” said senior, Kacy Rogers. The class is taught by
Mr. Matt Marino, or Mr. Mark Brown and lasts for one
semester and counts as one credit.
Dance II
This course builds on the fundamental dance skills, and
choreography principles used in the art of Dance. The class
will be new to the physical education programs next year,
and is more advanced and engaging than Dance I. The class
is taught by Ms. Melissa Warning, and Ms. Amy Lyons.
“I’m really excited to take Dance II next year, I’m interested
to see how different it is compared to Dance I” said junior
Paige Gliwa. It is a semester long.
This course assists students in receiving their Red
Cross certification. The students will study emergency situation s and understand the techniques used in
health and safety. The class lasts one semester.
Video Editing
Video editing techniques are focused on for students
who have strong interests in video production and creation.
Students make music videos, commercials and other projects. Mr. Trent Bontrager and is a year-long class. “I love
video editing, I just made a So You Think You Can Dance
opening video and it was super fun to make” said senior
Michelle Targonski.
Designed by Eric Klank
Senior Alyssa Rak enjoys a day of Video Editing in
Bono’s class. Photo by Design Czar Melissa Magnus.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Black &
Shannon Lawlor/
Copy Editor
Girls are searching for the perfect
dresses, while the boys are searching for
a date. On Saturday, February 12, for the
first time ever, Minooka will be holding
a Winter Formal with the theme of Black
and White.
The idea of the black and white dance
came from the freshman and sophomores
in student council. To raise money for
the dance, the freshman and sophomore
student council sold airheads around the
school to students and teachers.
“I think the dance is a great idea, but
I’m not sure if a lot of people will attend
because it was such a late notice and not
a lot of students have heard about it,”
said junior Kelsey Kunz.
Everyone had such an enjoyable time
at homecoming, so why wait a whole
year for another dance? The black and
white dance is giving students a chance
to have a little fun before Valentine’s
“I think since it’s the first year we’re
having a Winter Formal, a lot of people
will go to check it out,” said junior Ashley McWilliams.
The dance will be held in the Cafeteria
from 7-10 p.m. at South Campus. Tickets
are $5 online, and $8 at the door.
“I just wish they would have told
everyone earlier. Then there would have
been time to build it up,” said senior
Derek Gorga.
The dance is open to all MCHS students, and any approved outside guests.
There will be a DJ at the dance to keep it
lively and dynamic.
January 22, 2011
Prom Preparation:
Libby Guldenbecker /
South Editor
There was a time when prom was a dance
where a senior guy asked a senior girl, the
girl would race to the local department
store to buy a $100 dress, and the two
would hop in the guy’s possibly borrowed
car and arrive at the cheaply decorated
gym. But wait…flashback over. Modern
day prom is a very expensive, glamorous
night where all upperclassmen and the
invited lowerclassmen feel like absolute
movie stars.
Prom may not be until April, but the
Internet stalking for the perfect dress begins
as soon as the new year starts, and purchases
of tanning packages follow shortly after. At
Starting already?
our age, a prom dress feels just as important
as a wedding dress and everything about it
has to be flawless.
“This is my third year going to prom,
and I’ve spent lots and lots of money for
it,” said Jordan King, senior, “I’m probably
wearing my sophomore dress again this
year, which would help out a lot on cost.”
Many parents give their daughters a
budget, but most of the time the price ends
up being whatever is marked on the dress
that makes them say, “This is it!” After
hair, nails, shoes, and accessories, the total
cost adds up to hundreds and hundreds
of dollars, which most people think is
absolutely outrageous.
“I haven’t been to prom
yet but people tell me its like homecoming
but fancier, and it’s just way too much
(money),” said Michelle Pansa, junior.
For the guys, it may seem easier, but the
price adds up just as quick.
“People spend way to much money
on prom junior year. If you’re a guy you
should only go to prom senior year, and
sophomores shouldn’t go at all. You should
have only one memory of prom,” said Chris
Wrench, junior.
After renting a tux, tickets for two can
add up to almost $200.
Add on the stretch hummer limo fee,
dinner and after party festivities there will
be nothing left in his wallet.
“For me and I’m sure for many other
girls spending money on prom is definitely
worth it, but really only for your senior year.
Prom is one of the most important nights of
high school, and it should be special,” said
Kaylee Schneider, junior.
Prom this year is on Saturday, April 16,
2011 at the Bolingbrook Country Club. So
guys, start thinking about what girl you
are going to ask and girls start claiming
that perfect dress by uploading it on to
Facebook. Most importantly, start saving
those pennies, prom is right around the
Unexplained Mysteries:
By Soozie Bahret/
When truth is stranger than fiction
Curious Fates
-->In the fall of 1974, A Minnesota
farmer came upon a dead cow in his
fields and found that the udder, the
sexual organs, and the ear were missing.
The mystery was never solved.
-->An old soldier climbed up into a hayloft in Colchester,
England in February of 1888 to sleep off his drunkenness.
He was found, completely burned and dead by fire, while the
flammable hay around him was not even scorched.
Throughout the world’s long
history, there have been an infinite
amount of bizarre occurrences that
just cannot be explained. The following story holds only a few of
the many strange occurences put together by Reader’s Digest in a book
called Mysteries of the Unexplained.
The large magazine-style book holds
accounts of hundreds of experiences
that have boggled minds for years.
-->Two children appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, emerging from a cave in Spain in
1887. Their skin was a green tinted color and their eyes appeared oriental. They could
not speak Spanish. The boy died after he refused to eat, but the little girl lived and
learned enough Spanish to explain that a windstorm had swept them there. She died in
1892, her origins still unknown.
Designed by Baylee Dibble
Peace Pipe Chatter
Things Falling from the Sky
-->Tiny frogs fell by the hundreds on Towbridge, Wiltshire, England, in 1939. There
was no given explanation.
-->In November of 1958, on a clear day, rain fell for over 2½
hours onto a 10-foot square area, and only this small area.
The small area was the location of a woman in Louisiana and
the nearby weather bureau could not explain the phenomenon.
-->A rain of living snakes fell over the southern part of Memphis,
Tennesse, in 1877. They measured from a foot to 18 inches in
length and were presumed to have been swept into the air by a
hurricane. But the fact that they fell in thousands, is a mystery.
-->In August 1869, flesh and blood fell from the sky in Los Nietos, California. Short fine hairs were also reported. Two months earlier, blood
and flesh was also reported falling from the sky in Santa Clara County,
California. The DNA was not linked to any ne. The occurrence remains
January 22, 2011
7 ways to become a
Eric Klank/
School News Editor
Do you want cash? Do you want a lot
of it? Well here are some questionable
ways to make a million dollars.
Exploiting your children.
Do you want to live all your childhood
dreams through your kids, and make
money? There is an easy solution to your
dilemma, exploit your children! The gross
sales from the Olsen twins before ever
turning 18 was $1.4 billion. The profits
from these sales were through the roof, in
which the parents of the Olsen twins got
a good amount of that money, well over a
million dollars. And for what the parents did
to reach this wealth, it sounds like a pretty
good gig.
House Flipping.
Virtual farming.
Everyone knows that World of
Warcraft players and Runescape players
are the most dedicated gamers in the
world, some of them slaving over 10
hours a day in front of a computer
playing a game. Well, over a half a
million “virtual farmers” in China have
taken their time to make the game easier
for casual gamers. Virtual farmers get
money, items, or even level up characters
on these games and sell these online
possessions for real world money.
On websites like,
Runescape accounts are being sold for
over one thousand dollars. The profit to
becoming a millionaire may lie in online
video games!
Do you have a taste for interior design, while
being creative, and being quite the handy man?
Well then, you should look into a career of house
flipping. House flipping is the act of buying a
busted down house, and fixing it up to it’s full
potential and selling it for a profit. Most of the
houses bought are houses that were sold at a
foreclosed auction for an extremely cheap price.
This process is tough and risky, but it yields high
rewards. The average profit margin for a flipped
house is anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000. You
can be a millionaire in no time with this process.
Designed by Katie Jostes
Selling butterflies.
Butterflies are beautiful little
creatures, but are they capable of being
profitable? Well, Jose Muniz became a
self-made millionaire because of these
magnificently winged angels! Charging
prices like $95 for a dozen Monarchs
has been found to be very profitable.
These butterflies are used for anything,
from weddings to being on the T.V. for
shows on Nickelodeon. But, how many
butterflies would you need to sell to
become a millionaire? You would need to
sell exactly 126,324 butterflies to become
a millionaire! But it won’t be that bad,
Jose Muniz did it in less than 10 years.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Marry someone famous.
If you’re pretty good looking, this
is quite easily the quickest
and best way to get a lot of
money, fast. Twenty-fouryear-old Crystal Harris
married legend Hugh
Hefner, whose current
worth is $43 million. When
Hugh Hefner passes away,
she is inline to get all of
his worth, talk about get
rich, fast. Or if you cannot
wait for your spouse to bite
the dust, you can divorce
them. When Beatles legend
Donating your body.
You have your body, use it! You want to make easy
money, so use your body; it’s free, so pure profit! You
can start your process to becoming a millionaire by
donating plasma twice a week, getting $55 dollars a
session. That’s $440 a month! You can donate your
bodily fluids as well, and some clinics offer $200 a
weekly visit for this, therefore adding up to $800 a
month! So, how long will this process take you to
reach your goal of a million? At a monthly income of
$1,240, it will only take you 807 months to reach your
goal, if I were to start now, I could be a millionaire by
the time I am 83!
Judge others.
Critiquing others work and talents brings in a
reasonably well income. Especially if you are trying to
become a millionaire. Famous movie critic Roger Ebert
has a net worth of $9 million dollars just for watching
movies and telling what he thinks of them. Or you could
be like Simon Cowell, judge of Britain’s Got talent,
creator of show The X-Factor, and ex-judge of American
Idol. Cowell has a worth of $200 million, all for
shattering peoples dreams and making them cry.
January 22, 2011
Gone fishing
Liz Purcell/ A&E Editor
The MCHS Scholastic Bowl team is
doing quite well overall. The JV team is
on their way to defend the title of SPC
Champions, and they currently stand at
11-1 in the dual matches.
“We have exerted some serious skill
and flexed our mental muscles,” said JV
Scholastic coach, Mr. Matt Marino. “The
other teams flinch when they see us flex
our mental muscles.”
Both the JV and varsity teams will
attend the conference tournament on
January 29, and their coach is extremely
confident in their skills.
The varsity team is trucking through the
matches as well. On January 21, the varsity
by Aaron Ladzinski /
team won all three dual matches, and they
Journalism I
usually win in most of them. Their current
Everyone has seen the sign “gone
record is 8-4.
fishing” at someone’s house one time or
“We did good. We won most of our
another. Fishing is probably the one thing
every son or daughter has done with their
dad at one point in their life. The girl would
usually have a pink little pole and the boy
would have the tackle box in hand that his
dad had him carry.
People say fishing builds character. I
consider catching the big one, casting out
in the open water, and waking up before the
crack of dawn the best parts of fishing.
Other people think fishing is dumb.
matches. I think we will be in the top
They say it takes to long and it’s too hot
three in the tournament,” said junior Colin
or too cold. A common question I hear is,
Armstrong, history specialist on the team.
“Why would you wake up before dawn to
“We have a good winning record,
catch fish when you could buy them at a
usually winning two out of three every
week,” stated junior Luke Roberts, math
Most of the time I go fishing in the
specialist. “I think we will come close to
summer, but usually it doesn’t turn out as
winning [in the tournament], but we lost
well as I hoped.
to the same team twice, so I would assume
For instance, when my family went
that they will be higher up.”
to Ottertail, Minnesota, the entire trip
Both teams are doing great, and
was bad. We weren’t catching anything
MCHS wishes them the best of luck at the
all week, but we finally found a more
conference tournament.
“The other teams flinch
when they see
us flex our mental
muscles.” -Mr. Marino,
JV Scholastic Coach
Designed by Libby Guldenbecker
appeasing lake called Walker Lake. Being
out there made the trip so much better and
brought our enthusiasm back. We were
catching fish left and right. But the good
luck didn’t last long. Suddenly we saw
huge, dark, black, storm clouds coming
toward us.
My grandpa said in a raspy voice “Now,
if I see lightning we’re going in!”
We were praying that the storm would
go the other way and that my grandpa
wouldn’t see any lighting. For some reason
the boat kept turning. I turned around to
see my dad turning the boat in all different
directions, away from the huge lightning
bolts so my grandpa wouldn’t see.
“Why do you keep turning the boat?”
My grandpa asked.
Our immediate response was to tell him
it was the wind.
But our little white lie didn’t help much
when a boom of thunder shocked the boat.
“Was that thunder?” My grandpa asked.
“No grandpa, are you hearing things?”
said my brother.
After that it started to rain and the wind
quicly picked up. Since it was pretty windy,
the waves began crashing in to the boat.
There sat my grandpa just getting hit by
wave after wave. When we finally got back
to the dock, my grandpa was soaked head
to toe.
The next time I went fishing with my
grandpa was in northern Wisconsin during
July. We had no idea what to expect, but
we knew if it ended like our last one, we
weren’t going to be happy. The lake was
beautiful, and we were all excited to take
our first trip out.
“Tim, could you drop the anchor?” said
my grandpa to my dad.
My dad grabs a hold of the rope and
hulls the anchor over the side of the boat.
Then we hear,“Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
zzzzz plop!”
The rope unraveled itself until the end of
it flew over the boat right after the anchor.
It was tied to the boat and the anchor sunk
Peace Pipe Chatter
all the way to the bottom. Starting the trip
off without an anchor wasn’t a good thing,
and we ended up leaving a couple days
early because once again we had no luck
getting any fish.
Most dads or grandpas have huge tackle
boxes. Well, my grandpa had this tackle
box for over 40 years. If I want a jig or
a hook, he’s got it along with any other
fishing accesory you could possibly want.
So when I lost my hook, I wasn’t
worried because I knew there were
hundreds more. I picked up the tackle box
and every single thing fell to the bottom of
the boat. Let’s just say my grandpa didnt
have anything good to say after that and
wasn’t very happy with me.
Although I’ve has some pretty
unsuccessful fishing trips, I consider these
stories some of the best memories of my
life. Yeah, I had to wake up before dawn
and had some frusturating hurdles to
overcome, but looking back I can laugh
at it now. I gained patience, respect, and
memories that I will never forget.
January 22, 2010
& Entertainment
Worst sequels ever made
Liz Purcell/
A&E Editor/ Copy Editor
There are hundreds of fantastic films
that have earned loads of credit over the
years, but all it takes is one simple sixletter word to ruin everything: sequel.
Sequels seem like they would be a good
idea. If a lot of money was made on the
first movie, why not prolong the success? Unfortunately, some of these ideas are
as bad as having Rose from Titanic come
back to life and find out that Jack had a
long-lost brother. To put it simply, sequels
must be made with caution, in which the
following, there was none taken.
Grease 2
Grease, released in 1978, remains as
one of the most popular musical films of
the century. This huge accomplishment of
popularity was put to shame with the awful
sequel, Grease 2. With weird musical numbers about growing up that immediately
scratch this as a movie to watch with your
parents, and not even featuring John Travolta or Olivia Newton-John, this sequel
seems like a high school’s sad attempt to
keep a good thing going.
because of the all-famous Jaws movie. Unfortunately, Jaws: The Revenge scared any
marine biologist or third grader reading the
Beginners Guide to the Ocean away from
logic and sanity. According to Jabootu’s
Bad Movie Dimension, the only two famous points of the movie include:
1. It’s the movie with the Roaring Shark.
2. It’s the one where the Shark is out for
well, revenge.
The Mummy: Tomb
of the Dragon
The movie poster says it all: a killer
face in a dust storm chases after the random archaeologist guy that kills with his
awesome swords and fights the man with
the long ponytail. Have I lost you already?
The first Mummy was a big hit, but it
seems the third sequel put fans to sleep.
While the acting did not get worse, the
story line definitely did not get any more
exciting. Pretending as if this movie never
came out seems like a good idea.
Jaws: The Revenge
Designed by Liz Purcell
Man, was that a bad idea. Take a
brilliant comedy film and remove the
good plot, gut-splitting humor and
quality actors, and you therefore end up
with a pizza without cheese, sauce and
pepperoni. Caddyshack II is this empty
pizza that you ordered with high hopes,
but then were let down miserably. Earning the title of probably one of the worst
movies ever made in general, the best
decision at this point is to destroy the
evidence before you find yourself eating
nothing but dry crust.
Jim Carrey’s successful movie, The
Mask, was a hilarious classic in his ongoing career. The sequel, however, was an
utter failure compared to its prequel. Featuring a joke of an actor, Jamie Kennedy, to
replace the comedic Jim Carrey, Son of the
Mask combined terrible digital effects and
a plot seemingly written by a science-nerd
Ace Ventura: When Nature
Rush Hour 2
Rambo: First Blood Part II
New Moon
The Spy Who Shagged Me
Indiana Jones:the
Kingdom of the
Crystal Skull
Son of the Mask
Beaches worldwide were full of people
that were afraid of going into the water
Caddyshack II
Indiana Jones finds the crystal skull. Picture
Son of the Mask is nothing compared to its
prequel. Photo from
The unrealistic Jaws takes its revenge.
Photo from
living in his parents’ basement.
Everyone is fully aware that Indiana
Jones is kind of a big deal. But Kingdom
of the Crystal Skull took our favorite
archaeologist professor and put him into
a collaboration of World War II nuclear
bombs and the Wizard of Oz’s monkeys.
Okay, we get it-Indiana Jones is kind
of like Chuck Norris’s little brother.
But somehow climbing into a fridge
to survive a nuclear bomb is not very
realistic or plausible, nor are the aliens
and computer-generated gophers and
the….seriously, what? The best advice
would be to put this sequel in the “space
between spaces”.
Peace Pipe Chatter
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets
American Pie II
Die Hard 2: Die Harder
Lethal Weapon 2
The Lord of the Rings:
The Return of the King
Evil Dead 2
Pirates of the Carribean:
Dead Man’s Chest
January 22, 2011
10 Arts
Battle of the giggles:
& Entertainment
Due Date vs The Hangover
more does and he must travel with a bizarre
aspiring actor played by Galifianakis.
“Due Date was hilarious. I have not
In 2009, The Hangover took the U.S. by laughed that hard since The Hangover,”
storm, creating fests of laughter in movie said senior Allison Baker.
theaters across the nation. It was nominatThe professional critics were not quite
ed for a list of awards and even
as impressed by the film. Rotten Tomawon a Golden Globe for
toes said, “Shamelessly derivabest motion picturetive and only sporadically
musical or comedy.
funny, Due Date doesn’t
The sequel to “The thing about The Hang- live up to the possithis box-office
suggested by
over is that it brought a new bilities
hit began filmits talented director
standard for comedies.”
ing in October
and marvelously mis2010 and is to
stars.” That
-Danny Bahret, senior
be released in late
is, however, only one
opinion. But does Due
Director Todd PhilDate surpass The Hangover
lips did not hesitate to direct
in comedic excellence?
yet another hilarious film: Due Date, star“The thing about The Hangover is that
ring Robert Downey Jr. and The Hang- it brought a new standard for comedies.
over’s Zach Galifianakis. The film follows It was a new sense of humor that people
the insane journey of businessman Peter had not seen before in films,” said senior
Highman (Robert Downey Jr.) trying to get Danny Bahret. “Due Date had that same
home to his wife who is about to give birth. sense of humor, but this time people were
Everything that can possibly go wrong and not as surprised.”
Soozie Bahret /
I actually disagree with that statement.
Due Date is far more enjoyable than The
Hangover. The problem with The Hangover is that it was overrated. Right after
it hit the theaters, every one was talking
about it. Everyone saw it, and everyone
was screaming about how great it was.
Due Date did not have as much talk surrounding it after it was released. No doubt
the writing in both is similar and brilliant,
but when a film is built up as The Hangover
was, it actually causes disappointment.
If I had walked into the theater without
knowing anything about it, I would have
thought it was amazing, but instead I already placed it on a pedestal, that in reality,
it could not quite live up to.
“Before I saw Due Date, I hadn’t heard
anything about it. I was really surprised
that it was so good,” said senior Joe
Mcasey. “With The Hangover, I already
had heard that it was going to be amazing,
so it sort of fell short.”
The best part of Due Date is its shock
factor. I said at least eight times, “Did that
really just happen?” It was one of those
movies where you think you know what
is going to happen, but you turn out to be
completely wrong.
“I have one word for that movie,” said
junior Tom Dearduff, “ridiculous.”
Currently, Due Date is showing at the
cheap seats, Movies 10, in Joliet. I would
prefer not to tell you any more about the
film because it may ruin it for you. I will
leave you with the film’s tagline: You better
check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Verizon taps into the iPhone
Alexa Bowen /
Opinion Editor
Oh, so you’ve heard? Possibly the only
thing people have been talking about for
2011. If you haven’t, Verizon Wireless is
releasing maybe one of the most popular
phones that ever existed. The iPhone 4
comes out on Feb. 10 for Verizon, and people everywhere are psyched. The iPhone is
not only an iPod, but there’s multitasking, a
high-resolution camera, and apps.
Say you want to run the Safari application. With the iPhone 4, you can also
run two other apps with that, and switch
between them without exiting from your
other two apps. It’s now easier and more
Designed by David Tibble
The iphone will hit Veizon on February 10. Photo taken from
Peace Pipe Chatter
efficient to get work
done and still have
time to check your
Facebook and listen to your favorite
songs on iTunes.
The iPhone has a
five-megapixel camera. The unique thing
about this camera is
that the new frontfacing camera option makes it simple
to take self-portrait
With the iPhone
4, you have a form of
Skype at your fingertips, and it’s called
FaceTime. With a tap of the finger, you can
share a smile with any of your friends- and
a conversation. Now you can see friends,
family members, or anyone you want no
matter where you are- as long as you have
Wi-Fi. There are also some popular applications like Angry Birds, Doodle Jump,
and Pandora.
Although people that use AT&T might
be a little mad, those who would like to
switch to Verizon can’t unless their contract is over or they pay a large fee.
The iPhone coming to Verizon could
change Verizon forever. It seems that computers could possibly be old technology by
the next few years.
January 22, 2011
& Entertainment
American Idol
New season, new look, new surprises
Aubrey Aspan /
Cover Design
Season 10 of American Idol premiered
on Wednesday the 19th with new judges,
new rules and new personalities.
The first stop of the newest season was
in no other than New Jersey. The producers
must have figured that the rest of Jersey
was like the guys of the Jersey Shore. They
Jennifer Lopez, the “new Paula”, is the
female judge that adds the sympathy vote
to the contestants. The problem is she can
never give her opinion towards the singer.
Like Paula, she always manages to avoid
the question, are they going to Hollywood
or not? Don’t get me wrong. I love J Lo,
but I just imagine her as more of an actress
and less of a singer, so the fact that she’s
now judging people on their singing is a
little bizarre. This also reminds me when
they unsuccessfully tried to make Ellen
Degeneres a judge in the previous season.
Steven Tyler, the lead singer from
Aerosmith, is the male judge that had
replaced Simon. Like the famous music
producer, he definitely makes his opinions
known. But unlike Simon, he finds the need
to sing along with the most obnoxious and
terrible singers that come into the judging
room. After the singing is done, however,
he has no problem with telling them to get
The new panel of judges have a totally
different way at looking at the contestants.
Overall, there were a lot more tickets
handed out to the next round, including a
15-year-old from New Orleans. Apparently,
new judges means new rules. A total of 51
tickets were handed out in New Jersey and
21 in New Orleans, way more than average.
Despite the new judges, the people that
tried out for the show fail to disappoint.
The crazy outfits and obviously terrible
singers have been one of the biggest points
of the show and will never end. One man
who tried out during their visit to New
Orleans promised to take his shirt off for
Jennifer if he were to make it to the next
round. He made it, and yes, he did take his
shirt off. But the twist on this story is that
Randy and Steven thought it was necessary
to follow his example. Needless to say, the
guy who tried out was much better looking
than the two judges.
You, Me, and Everyone We Know
by Danielle Luttrell /
Copy Editor and A&E Editor
The band You Me and Everyone We Know first begin their
music career in 2006 with their EP hitting iTunes, Party for
the Grown and Sexy. The band originated in
Washington, DC by Ben Liebsch, the lead
singer. They have played in tons of states and
venues, including Warped Tour.
They have a charismatic stage presence
when they perform, keeping the fans going
by constantly dancing and belting out lyrics.
They are fun in live performances, giving
it everything they’ve got and even when
they’re exhausted, they keep it going, even in
Their first full-length CD, Some Things
Don’t Wash Out, was released in October 2010
and holds an impressive variety of music and
“I like that there is a song for everyone on this CD,” said
Danielle Burne, junior.
Designed by Hayley Younce
The opening song “Shock and Awe” has an upbeat rhythm and
lyrics that will be stuck in your head for days, the next track, “I’m
Losing Weight for You” keeps you laughing and entertained, but
has meaning.
“While the years are still on my side, my back is strong my
eyes are wide, I want the work I do to be a
bigger point of pride,” are lyrics from the song,
“A Bigger Point of Pride,” talking about how
they want their careers to keep getting bigger
and better. Like every other band most of the
songs on their CD relate to their careers and
how it has evolved over the years. But what
makes them stand out as artists, are the comedic
twists in their lyrics.
They also recreate songs from the ’60s
and ’70s and incorporate their rhythm into
their music. The song “James Brown is Dead,”
is supposed to be a modern version of “It’s
Raining Men.”
I would strongly recommend this album to everyone. There are
relatable, dealing with heartbreak, rejection, and being who you
are. It deserves a solid 5 out of 5 stars.
Peace Pipe Chatter
The Dark
Knight rises
for a sequel
by Katie Jostes /
Features Editor
Worldwide, rumors have been spreading
about the new Batman movie. The question
is, are the rumors true?
The title of the movie has a nice ring
to it: The Dark Knight Rises. Christopher
Nolan, director of Batman Begins and The
Dark Knight, is returning to direct his last
Batman film.
The irreplaceable Christian Bale will
play Bruce Wayne. Wayne will be facing a
new enemy, Catwoman, to be played by the
gorgeous Anne Hathway. There will also
be another new villain in the movie played
by Tom Hardy, famous for his role in
Inception. Other than those new characters,
the rest are predicted to be the same. They
include Morgan Freeman (Lucius Fox),
Gary Oldman (Lt. James Gordon), and
Michael Caine (Alfred).
Christopher Nolan’s brother, Jonathan
Nolan, wrote the script. The only news that
has leaked out on the plot of the new movie
is that it is the last of the Batman saga with
a big budget.
Through all the hype about the addition
to the Batman series, the question is,
one may wonder, will it be more popular
than The Dark Knight? Because of Heath
Ledger’s death and the hype around The
Dark Knight, the sequel will have to turn
heads to top the estimated $155.3 million
on opening weekend. For those who are
excited to see it, the movie comes out on
July 20, 2012.
January 22, 2011
Guess these
Check your answers
on page 13!
Designed by Shannon Lawlor and Mallory Keck
Peace Pipe Chatter
January 22, 2011
“School Board”
continued from
page 5
“Violent Society-No”
continued from
page 3
only rose since 1960 because the
United States’ population drastically
increased. The influence of media is supposedly blamed for the “rise” of violent
crime. According to scientific studies,
video games do not increase aggression
in people, nor does violence on television. Video games are only blamed for
being violent because they have not been
around as long as television, so they are
not as widely accepted by adults yet.
Besides, video games can be an outlet for
aggression. There simply is not enough
evidence to support a rise of aggressive
tendencies in people.
In short, the amount of violence in our
society is blown drastically out of proportion. The media has done a good job of
that, but there is not enough evidence to
support these claims. There always have
been a much larger number of levelheaded people in our society. Think about it
this way: In Tunisia right now, the people
violently overthrew their last president
and are still being violent towards their
new government. Do people in America
violently revolt whenever
a new political party obtains the office of President?
No they do not. So if you think we are
violent country, just remember how good
we have it.
A “Champion of the Children” award was given out to
Pro-motion Physical Therapy
for sponsoring the golf booster
event last fall. Rick Hofer,
Athletic Booster President,
presented the award.
An odd request was made
to the building and grounds
committee of the board. The requestor wanted a birthday party
in the career center at Central
Campus. Concerns of the board
included cost and food making
a mess in the career center. The
request is still under review by
the board. In other actions, the board
approved an open bid for a new
food vendor and the sale of
surplus old band uniforms to
benefit the band boosters.
from page
A. Ryan Seacrest
B. Usher
C. Angelina Jolie
D. Leonardo Dicaprio
E. Miley Cyrus
F. Zac Efron
G. Raven Symone
H. Ashton Kutcher
I. Jake Gyllenhal
J. Tom Cruise
Designed by Soozie Bahret
Peace Pipe Chatter
January 22, 2011
Chris Evans/
Sports Editor
The NFL season isn’t quite over but there’s
no doubt that there a lot of stories to cover.
From the best moments to the not so great
ones these are the top 10 that kept our
undivided attention all season.
1. The Resurgence of Michael Vick- during the Eagles Week
1 matchup against the packers Eagles
starter Kevin Kolb suffered a concussion
and Michael Vick took the reigns ion the
following weeks coach Andy Reid would
promote Vick as the permanent starter, he
was voted to the pro bowl and at one point
considered a front runner for league MVP
Favre streak ends – Favre
injured his shoulder week 13 against the
Bills and was ruled inactive for a Monday
nighter against the New York Giants. The
streak ended at 297 games and ended the
most impressive streak in sports history.
S t o r y l i n e s o f t h e Ye a r
3. NFL cracks down on big
hits- the league wide safety scare took a
toll on many players’ pockets this season.
Questionable and confusing fines were put
on players around the league and many had
outspoken opinions including offensive
players who thought the NFL was taking it
too far.
Impending Lockout- the
NFL lockout scare is still not over with and
has many people talking. Incoming rookies and players that had contracts expire
are the ones who are left with the most
5. Miracle in the Meadowlands 2- in Week 15 the Eagles
played the New York Giants. They faced
a 21-point fourth quarter deficit and came
back to tie the game, with the clock winding down the Giants punt team took the
field the punt that was supposed to go out
of bounds was bobbled and then scooped
up by DeSean Jackson who dashed for a
65-yard touchdown to win the game.
6. Bears vs. Packers NFC
Championship- The Chicago Bears
and Green Bay Packers split the regular
season series, both winning at home so the
Packers will take on the division winner
Bears at Soldier Field for the right to go to
the Super bowl. This is the first post-season
meeting between the two in since 1941.
7. 7-9 Seahawks make
playoffs- the Seattle Seahawks were
the first team with a losing record to make
the playoffs ever, they beat the Rams in
week 17 to clinch the NFC west and upset
the former Super bowl champion saints in
the first round.
8. Haynesworth, McNabb
and Mike Shannahan- Mike
Shannahan was the new hire for the struggling Washington Redskins and he made
headlines early by failing Albert Haynesworth in his conditioning test despite
showing up 30 pounds lighter than he had
ever been Haynesworth was also removed
from the starting lineup. Shannahan also
benched Donavan McNabb in favor of Rex
Grossman towards the end of the season,
which sparked a lot of controversy.
9.Gone Too Young Titans
coach Jeff Fisher had made it clear that it
was either him or Vince Young after the
two had feuded on whether or not Young
could play after a thumb injury. owner Bud
Adams made the tough decision to release
his favorite player in favor of coach Fisher
despite Young’s impressive winning record
as a starter.
The New York Jets- The
Jets brought in a lot of star power to push
them over the hump and get them back
to the AFC title game and eventually win
the Super bowl. The team was featured on
the HBO series Hard Knocks and brought
them a lot of attention. Their lovable coach
Rex Ryan has also brought a lot of attention to the team whop will have its second
shot at trying to make a Super bowl.
B e a rs V s . Pack ers; One Fo r T h e A g e s
John Walsh/
Sports Editor
For as long as there has been football,
there have been the Bears– Packers rivalry.
The rivalry means more than football
though. The success that comes from
the rivalry is the fact that Green Bay and
Chicago are stereotyped as rough, tough
towns. The hard working, blue-collar
citizens of both cities are shadowed in that
of the 50+ men that suits up on Sunday to
play for their town.
The rivalry began in 1921, with the
Chicago Staleys (who would, one year
Designed by Chris Evans
later, become the Chicago Bears) beating
the Packers 20-0 in Chicago. From there on
out, a rivalry was born. In 1924, in the 6-3
Bears win, Bears player Frank Hanny and
Packers player Walter Voss were credited
with the first ejection in an NFL game
after verbal exchanges and punches being
thrown. That moment changed the way the
rivalry would be played forever.
Both teams have had their ups and
downs dring the course of 90 years, but all
that is thrown out the window when the
Bears and Packers meet twice a year. No
matter what the record of the teams, the
Bears and Packers meeting is a big event
for Chicago and Green Bay.
“I think the game I look forward to the
most is the Bears and Packers game,” said
Alex Henze, senior.
More tickets are sold than any other
week, excluding playoff games, and fans
from around Illinois and Wisconsin come
together to watch two great teams battle it
out over the course of 60 minutes.
This rivalry is the best in the NFL not
because it’s been around for so long, but
because the Bears and Packers are rich in
history. Both teams have had legendary
players and coaches. Both teams are very
successful, having won more champion-
Peace Pipe Chatter
ships than any other team going back
before the Super Bowl (12 for Green Bay,
and 9 for Chicago). The Chicago Bears and
Green Bay Packers are two of the most storied franchises in football, and that makes
their rivalry special.
The Bears and Packers are the most
storied rivalry in the NFL. Two teams who
have been around since the beginning of
the league, battling it out every year for
bragging rights.
“If it wasn’t for the Bears and Packers
game, I would give up on the NFL,” said
Alex Adamic, senior.
Janurary 22, 2011
Brandon Firke /
Sports Editor
parents, watching them.
“I pinned my kid and felt
really accomplished and hope to
place at conference,” said Chris Lara,
Senior Kevin Akers said,
“With my last home meet as a senior,
I pinned my kid and I hope going into
the rest of the season that I do well.”
Before the meet started, each
r ric
of the seniors walked into the main gym
with their parents, and they all had their
picture taken.
“I pinned my kid yesterday so that gives
me motivation for conference,” said Kevin
Dornkaper senior.
“I also pinned my kid last night, I hope
to do well at conference then I’m done,”
said Logan Claybaugh, senior. Other varsity
wrestlers, who were not seniors, also
For the last home meet at Minooka, the
wrestling team hosted senior night last night.
The seniors include: Logan Claybaugh, Leo
Ruettiger, Chris Lara, Kevin Akers, Joe Lukas,
Kyle Caldwell, Kevin Dormkaper, Francisco
Herrera, and Scott Procyck. With almost all of
them winning their senior matches, it was a very
successful night. The seniors especially had a lot
of pressure with everyone, including their
Elliott Johnson /
Sports Editor
With all the talk about the Bears and their
playoff run, the Chicago Bulls seem to get lost
in the mix. They are currently in first place in
the Central Division and fifth place in the entire
league. They are not far from first place, only
being 7 ½ games behind the leader, the San
Antonio Spurs. The Bulls record is a solid 29-14.
This year in their division they have been
men amongst boys. The second place team in
their division only has a total of 16 wins, which
means the Bulls have 13 more wins under their
belt. From the start of the season, critics said that
the Bulls wouldn’t be the team that everyone
wants them to be, but they have completely shut
everyone up and made a believer out of everyone
as well.
Over their off season, they made some huge
changes that benefitted the team greatly. For example,
they acquired veteran Carlos Boozer, which was a
fantastic move. He is currently averaging 20 points and
did extremely well at the meet. Those
wrestlers include Matt Kelly, Jake
Residori, and Kalvin Hill who all won
by pins. Robert Jones from Romeoville
was the only one to stop Minooka’s win
streak. Mitch Morris and Jordan Brod also
had pins, K.J. Minor won by forfeit, and
Corbett Oughton had a 3-1 decision win.
The Indians won the meet with a 62-15
Designed by Elliott Johnson
ten rebounds per game. He was injured in the beginning
of the season. The first few games back he was extremely
rusty. It took some time for him to develop his game
Peace Pipe Chatter
again, but he continues to light up the scoreboard
every time he is told to.
Another quality addition was Ronnie Brewer.
He is a sixth man, but a great player to have
coming off of the bench. He is very consistent
with his scoring ability and rebounds as well. He
helps to fill the void of the absent Joakim Noah,
who is out with an arm injury.
With every great team comes a great leader
and Derrick Rose is one of the greatest leaders
that the Chicago Bulls has ever had. This guy
moves all around the court and plays like a
veteran, even though he only has a shocking
two years of experience. He consistently amazes
thousands of screaming fans by the spectacular
things that he does every time he laces up his
Adidas. He averages 24 points and eight assists a
game and it seems as if he performs better than that each
night. He plays like an MVP every game and deserves to
call himself that.
January 22 , 2010
Bears Packers
Page 14
Page 14
Minooka Wrestling
Page 15
Chicago Bulls
Page 15
JV and Varsity cheer win Conference
Beating their arch-rivals Plainfield Central,
Minooka Varsity went home with the conference plaque, followed by Plainfield South, and
The Minooka JV and Varsity cheerleadthe former conference champions, Plainfield
ers swept the SPC Cheerleading Conference
Central, placing third.
Competition Thursday night at Oswego East.
“Winning conference wasn’t just about beatThis was the
ing Plainfield Central to
varsity squad’s
me. It was about proving
first conference
to everyone how good
championship in
we are and how hard we
eight years, and
work,” said senior Taylor
the junior varTippy.
sity’s first time in
In the junior varsity
division, following MiThroughout
nooka, Plainfield Central
their 10-month
got second, and Plainfield
season, the varSouth got third place.
sity cheerleaders’
“The Minooka JV and
main goal was to
Varsity cheerleaders did an
win conference.
amazing job and brought
The Indians won
home two conference first
their first two
place titles. It is an honor
competitions at
The Varsity and JV cheerleaders place first in conference at conference at Oswego East High School on
to coach such talented and
Wilmington High
January 20th. Photo Courtesy of Elaina Bartoli.
determined young women.
School and at the
I look forward to watching
University of Saint Francis Spiritline Invitateams from Oswego East High School, Oswego
this program grow so we can continue to bring
tional. They also placed first in the competition
High School, Romeoville High School, Plainthe title home to MCHS. I thank all of the girls
at Oak Forest High School.
field Central High School, Plainfield North High and Coach Jenna Ponio for making my first year
“All of our practices and hard work paid off
School, Plainfield South High School, Plainfield coaching at Minooka an outstanding experitonight when we hit the routine and all did our
East High School, and Minooka.
ence,” said JV coach Leigh Cosgrove.
by Elaina Bartoli /
News Editor
jobs,” said junior Lindsey Binzen.
The junior varsity squad placed first at the
Wilmington High School Competition, first at
the University of Saint Francis Spiritline Competition, and first at the Oak Forest Competition.
The SPC conference competition consisted of
Varsity nets trouble against Oswego East
by Elliott Johnson /
Sports Editor
Friday’s basketball
game against the Oswego
East Wolves was a nail-biter up until the third quarter.
The Indians were
working hard in the paint
and getting most of their
opportunities there, as well.
The ball movement was
fantastic as it did not seem
to stay in one place for
more than a few seconds.
However, the Wolves
quickly showed the Indians
why they were their current
match up with almost a
two-minute scoring drive,
which was unanswered up
until 4:21 in the second
quarter. From that point on
the game appeared to be all
It seemed as if the
Designed by John Walsh
Wolves were scoring at
will. They would drive
down into the paint and
score, or they would kick it
out to the three-point shot
that was available and beat
them there. They rarely
missed a shot.
Junior Adam Reynolds
would not be silenced
though, continuously
showing his presence in the
Peace Pipe Chatter
In the third quarter,
Minooka came off as the
aggressor, but with the
aggressive attitude came
a few costly and careless
mistakes. The Indians were
leaving the three-point shot
open. The Wolves did not
cease fire either, continuing
to pile on points from the
three-point range.
The final score was 6958 in favor of the Wolves.
Junior Adam Reynolds
drives to the hoop against
Oswego East Friday night.
January 22, 2011