The reverse side is available here.
The reverse side is available here.
Clusters – Innovation of Expo 2015 Participants and Areas – Alphabetical order Clusters Clusters are one of the innovations of Expo Milano 2015: Countries are grouped in collective pavilions based on thematic identities and food chains. This way, the theme Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life is addressed making the spirit of these spaces concrete, which is precisely aimed at sharing, dialogue and interaction. Clusters are characterized by common areas that develop through functional spaces (market, exhibition, events, and tastings) of the food chain. Countries present in the Clusters have an individual exhibition space, where they develop their own interpretation of the theme of Expo Milano 2015. Arid Zones 121 Bio-Mediterraneum 97 Cocoa and Chocolate 45 Coffee 58 Cereals and Tubers 120 Fruits and Legumes 61 Islands, Sea and Food 108 Rice 37 Spices 64 Spices Fruits and Legumes Rice Cocoa and Chocolate D 23 D 21 H 12 H 14 H 22 G 15 D 22 H 10 G 16 Bio-Mediterraneum Island, Sea and Food Arid Zones Cereals and Tubers Coffee The Cardo – Italian Pavilion A Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Argentina Austria Azerbaijan • • • B Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belgium Belarus Belize Benin Bolivia Brazil Brunei Darussalam Burundi • • • • • • • 64 97 97 19 60 106 65 G 16 D 21 D 21 G 8 G 15 H 21 H 16 18 37 108 31 42 108 61 120 26 64 58 G 8 H 10 D 22 H 9 G 12 D 22 G 15 H 22 G 9 G 16 H 14 C Cambodia • 37 H 10 Cameroon • 45 H 12 Chile 118 H 22 China s. People’s Rep. of China Colombia 57 G 14 Comoros • 108 D 22 Congo • 120 H 22 Côte d'Ivoire • 45 H 12 Cuba • 45 H 12 Holy See Hungary Czech Republic 7 G 7 D Dem. Rep. of Congo • 61 G 15 Djibouti • 121 D 23 Dominica • 108 D 22 E F East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia • • • • • • France 58 115 97 58 61 121 145 58 I H 14 G 22 D 21 H 14 G 15 D 23 G 25 H 14 J H Haiti Holland • • • • • • • • • 45 61 116 45 97 108 58 61 108 108 Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy 150 119 11 90 91 Japan Jordan H 12 G 15 G 22 H 12 D 21 D 22 H 14 G 15 D 22 D 22 L 68 • 58 • 64 117 • 61 H 16 H 14 G 16 G 22 G 15 Lao People’s Democratic Republic • 37 H 10 Lebanon • 97 D 21 Liberia • 121 D 23 Libya • 97 D 21 Lithuania 41 G 11 M Madagascar Malaysia Maldives Mali • 120 H 22 see Netherlands H 26 H 22 H 7 G 18 G 19 133 G 24 • 121 D 23 K Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan 83 G 18 G Gabon Gambia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea Bissau Guyana 82 G 18 85 H 18 • 108 43 • 108 • 121 D 22 G 12 D 22 D 23 Service Areas and food services Malta Mauritania Marshall Islands Mexico Moldova Monaco Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar N Nauru Nepal Netherlands Niue North Korea • 97 D 21 • 121 D 23 • 64 G 16 92 H 19 39 G 11 132 G 24 • 97 D 21 135 H 24 • 120 H 22 • 37 H 10 • 64 20 81 • 64 • 108 S G 16 H 8 G 18 G 16 D 22 O Oman 149 G 26 P Palestine • Papua New Guinea • People’s Rep. of China Poland 121 64 56 80 Q Qatar 137 H 24 R Rep. of Korea Romania Rwanda Russia D 23 G 16 G 14 G 18 see South Korea 87 H 18 • 58 H 14 T 144 G 25 Turkmenistan Tuvalu Saint Lucia • 108 D 22 Salomon Islands • 64 G 16 Samoa • 64 G 16 San Marino • 97 D 21 Sao Tome & Principe • 45 H 12 Senegal • 121 D 23 Serbia • 97 D 21 Sierra Leone • 37 H 10 Slovakia 134 G 24 Slovenia 105 H 21 Somalia • 121 D 23 South Korea 29 G 9 Spain 86 H 18 Sri Lanka • 61 G 15 St Vincent and the Grenadines • 108 D 22 Sudan 21 H 8 Suriname • 108 D 22 Switzerland 102 G 21 • 147 H 25 64 G 16 U Uganda • 58 United Arab Emirates 66 United Kingdom 84 United Republic of Tanzania • 64 United States 123 Uruguay 50 Uzbekistan • 61 H 14 H 16 H 18 G 16 G 23 G 13 G 15 V Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam • 64 G 16 • 120 H 22 33 H 9 Y Yemen • Z Zambia Zimbabwe • 61 G 15 • 120 H 22 58 H 14 International Organizations European Union 95 E 20 United Nations 9 H 7 Tanzania see Un. Rep. of Tanzania Thailand 49 G 13 The Gambia • 61 G 15 Togo • 120 H 22 Tonga • 64 G 16 Tunisia • 97 D 21 Turkey 131 G 24 Expo Partner 2 Federalimentare Franciacorta Illy Intesa Sanpaolo Kinder + Sport Lindt McDonald’s New Holland Agricolture Perugina Technogym TIM Civil Society Amity Università 37 Ass. Mond. Agronomi 142 Caritas Internationalis 10 Cascina Triulza 38 Don Bosco Network 103 Kip - International School 8 Save the Children 27 Veneranda Fabbr. del Duomo 11 World Expo Museum 97 H 10 E 25 H 7 F 11 G 21 H 7 G 9 H 7 D 21 USA – Food Truck Nation Vanke 127 128 67 76 73 74 46 146 99 40 36 3 127 122 98 E 24 E 24 H 16 I 17 G 17 H 17 H 12 H 25 E 21 G 11 G 10 H 6 E 24 E 23 E 21 Events Area Events Area Italian Pavilion 78 Auditorium 89 Conference Centre 71 Expo Centre 1 Open Air Theatre 107 Companies Alessandro Rosso - Joomoo 122 Alitalia Etihad 111 Birra Moretti 136 Casa Algida 6 China Corporate United Pavil. 113 Coca-Cola 110 Corriere della Sera 55 Distretti Cioccolato 47 Eataly 62 Enel 28 Expo Partner 1 112 Thematic Areas E 23 E 22 H 24 G 7 E 22 E 22 G 14 H 12 H 15 G 9 E 22 Arts & Foods v. Triennale di Milano Biodiversity Park Bologna Fiere 109 D 22 Children Park 51 C 14 Future Food District Coop 93 I 19 Lake Arena 94 D 20 Pavilion Zero 0 J 7 Biodiversity Square Slow Food 152 H 26 E 18 I 18 I 16 H 5 J 21 Piazzette Piazza Algida Piazza Azerbaijan Piazza Belgio Piazza Beretta Piazza Coca-Cola Piazza Events Expo 1 Piazza Events Expo 2 Piazza Events Expo 3 Piazza Expo Piazza Francia Piazza Irlanda Piazza MSC Piazza Qatar 100 70 34 48 88 69 129 143 114 79 14 139 138 H 21 H 16 H 9 H 13 H 18 H 16 F 24 F 25 G 22 G 18 I 7 H 24 H 24 Official Products Cruciani Excelsior Milano OVS Swatch 130 5 4 53 F 24 G 7 G 7 G 14 A trip around the world in the architecture of Expo Service Areas Self-service There are ten throughout the Expo area and you will find an extensive food service offer. For further details, refer to the icons on the map. Tracce Via Vai Area A Area B2 Area C1 Area D-E Area F2 Area G1 Area G2 Area H1 Area H2 Bars & Cafés 3 32 44 62 75 101 104 124 125 H 6 H 9 G 12 H 15 H 17 G 21 H 21 G 23 H 23 Kiosks Caffarel 1826: ciocc. e gel. Davide Oldani Dispensa Emilia Grom Illy Juice Bar Restaurants Aromatica Casa Ferrarini Eataly Identità Expo ITALY Area F2 77 D 18 Area D-E Area C1 La Piada e Le Bolle Maria Marinoni Orio al Serio A9 A8 Como Varese Lake Arena European Union q r h Piazza Italia DECUMANO DECUMANO s t j u 42 G12 31 H9 18 G8 CHILE 118 H22 BRAZIL 26 G9 1 A4 Linate A51 2 ECUADOR 115 G22 ESTONIA EUROPEAN UNION 145 G25 95 E2 FRANCE HOLY SEE GERMANY 83 G18 82 G18 116 G22 HUNGARY 85 H18 INDONESIA IRAN 119 H22 150 H26 IRELAND ISRAEL 12 H7 ITALY 91 G19 90 G19 A7 A1 Genova 1 JAPAN 133 G24 KUWAIT KAZAKHSTAN LITHUANIA 117 G22 58 H16 MALAYSIA 41 G11 MEXICO 43 G12 92 H19 MOLDOVA 39 G11 MONACO MOROCCO 132 G24 NEPAL 135 H24 81 G18 By car Parking Arese A8 OMAN 149 G26 NETHERLANDS 20 H8 Bologna –M ila no -L ARESE ag The Triennale di Milano hosts the Arts & Foods Pavilion, which traces and analyzes the relationship between the arts and food. Open every day, 10 - 23 hi Cars must be left at one of the parking areas around Expo Then take the shuttle bus to the entrance (Roserio East or Merlata South). Book on-line: POLAND ROMANIA QATAR 137 H24 80 G18 SLOVAKIA RUSSIA 144 G25 87 H81 SLOVENIA 134 G24 105 H21 SOUTH KOREA 29 G9 SPAIN 86 H18 SUDAN THAILAND SWITZERLAND 21 H8 TURKEY 49 G13 102 G21 S Pa h u t rki t l e ng B u Ar s f es r o e m 131 G2 With lines 5, 6, 11 and 14 of the Suburban Network, or by High-Speed train from Turin. Access to Fiorenza West entrance. BOLLATE A8 20 Expo Centre Expo Museum Intesa Sanpaolo Branch Wheelchair Rental Stroller Rental Tablet Rental Lost & Found H 5 37 I 10 2G 6 38 F 11 J 4 3H 6 127 H 6 32 I 9 TURKMENISTAN 147 H2 >Lost & Found 100 Rho Fiera Railway Station First Aid 32 75 124 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM 66 H16 84 H18 UNITED NATIONS 9 H7 URUGUAY UNITED STATES VIETNAM 50 G1 123 G23 33 H9 ARID ZONES 121 D23 BIO-MEDITERRANEUM COCOA AND CHOCOLATE 97 D21 45 H12 COFFEE 61 G15 ISLANDS, SEA AND FOODS ASS. MOND. AGRONOMI SPICES RICE 37 H10 108 D22 142 E25 64 G16 CARITAS 10 H7 CASCINA TRIULZA 38 F11 DON BOSCO NETWORK 103 G21 KIP - INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 8 H7 SAVE THE CHILDREN 27 G9 n 58 H14 VEN. FABBRICA DEL DUOMO 10 H7 33 M1 RHO FIERA Parking Fiera Milano ALESSANDRO ROSSO - JOOMOO 126 E24 A4 FS RHO FIERA PERO BOTTEGA BIRRA MORETTI CASA ALGIDA 136 H24 6 G7 CHINA CORP. UNITED PAVILION 113 E22 COCA COLA CORRIERE DELLA SERA 110 E22 55 G14 EATALY 62 H15 ENEL 28 G9 - OVS 5 - 6 G7 EXCELSIOR MILANO EXPO PARTNER 1 112 E22 EXPO PARTNER 2 127 E24 Expo Parking Merlata M1 PERO 111 E22 6 120 H22 At the info points, tickets can be purchased for the shows of the Open Air Theatre and guided tours can be booked. ALITALIA ETIHAD S P4 A50 SS FRUITS AND LEGUMES mi CEREALS AND TUBERS H 21 H 21 H 9 H 17 G 23 Emergency Telephone Number: 112 Information: 020 2015 With the M1 red line of the Metro. Past the walkway to access Fiorenza West Entrance. 3 Choose the day of your visit on to guarantee access the same day. By metro By train z Useful Services Do you have an open date ticket? Entrance to Expo will be allowed up to the maximum daily capacity of the Expo site. Triennale di Milano Cadorna F.N. Station Information and Services At Expo there will be no luggage storage. Limited and paid storage space will be available at Fiera Milano in Rho. Arts & Foods Venezia A52 Milan 7 G7 57 G14 RHO At the entrance of Expo, security checks will be performed according to the standards required at international airports. A4 CZECH REPUBLIC COLOMBIA CHINA 56 G14 2 23 v F 15 J 7 E 10 F 16 I 17 J 8 I 25 J 7 E 9 SS k l m CARDO i BIELORUSSIA BELGIUM BAHRAIN 65 H16 A50 a La Casa dell’Identità Italiana Peck a Palazzo Italia b Citterio c Women for Expo d Croce Rossa Italiana e Calabria Emilia Romagna f Irpinia Trentino g Spaces on rotation h Ecco Pizza & Pasta i Lombardia j Granarolo k Lavazza l Coppini Arte Olearia m Coldiretti n Copagri o Wine Pavilion p Piacenza q Sicilia r Alto Adige - Südtirol s Martini & Rossi t Birrificio Angelo Poretti u Acqua S. Pellegrino v Fab Food – Confindustria z Gelateria Rigoletto o p CARDO e f g AZERBAIJAN 106 H21 60 G15 Torino Italian Pavilion a b c d AUSTRIA ARGENTINA It includes Palazzo Italia, the four building on the Cardo and the Lake Arena, for a total of 14.000 square metres. n Palazzo Italia Expo 19 G8 59 16 35 63 76 23 148 15 24 A4 A8 ANGOLA 13 H 7 FrieNfuie Grom 17 F 8 FrieNfuie Popi Zen Express 22 H 8 Ape Pizza FrieNfuie 25 G 9 FrieNfuie Gluten Free Fest 52 F 14 Ape Fritto & Frutta FrieNfuie Toast & Zuppe Unico Milano The Rolling Star Zini Gourmet 54 G 14 Los Granos de mi Tierra Street Burger Zen Express Zini Gourmet 72 J 16 Miss Mama Sweeting 140 I 24 FrieNfuie Gluten Free Fest Grom Sharky 141 I 24 BBQ Hooligans Los Granos de mi Tierra Milano and the Expo The Nursery of Italy Tree of Life Areas A, G1, G2, H1 Areas B2, F2, G1, H2 Areas B2, F2, H1 Chicco Tosto Let’s Toast Areas F2, G1, H1, H2 101 G 21 Vip Lounge Malpensa The Italian Pavilion exhibits Italian excellences: culture and national traditions connected with food and nutrition, characterized by the high quality of raw materials and final products. Street Food M1 MOLINO DORINO FEDERALIMENTARE 128 E24 MILAN A50 FRANCIACORTA 67 H16 BRANCH INTESA SANPAOLO 2 G6 INTESA SANPAOLO 73 G17 KINDER + SPORT 74 H17 LINDT - DISTRETTI CIOCCOLATO 46-47 H12 MCDONALD’S 146 H25 NEW HOLLAND 99 E21 PERUGINA 40 G11 TECHNOGYM 36 G10 USA - FOOD TRUCK NATION 122 E23 VANKE 98 E21 Parking Trenno PAVILION ZERO 0 J7 Expo Entrances Triulza West Entrance Fiorenza West Entrance Roserio East Entrance Merlata South Entrance © 2015 Expo 2015 SpA April 2015 Direzione Visitor Experience and Exhibition Design Edition I, May 2015 For reprinting and rights: Map & Wayfinding Design Luigi Farrauto (100km Studio), Team Manager; Andrea Novali. Marco Palermo, Edoardo Nardella. Valentina Marchionni (Illustrations)