Lesson Plan Subject: Mathematics/Science


Lesson Plan Subject: Mathematics/Science
Lesson Plan
Subject: Mathematics/Science
(8th-12th grades)
Lesson Focus: Technical Presentations
Time: 10-15 minutes (preparation) Allow more time, if requiring visual aids.
3-5 minutes (presentation)
View detailed Tennessee Curriculum Standards:
Course Level Expectations (Algebra I and II):
CLE 3102.1.3, CLE 3102.1.4, CLE 3102.1.5, CLE 3102.1.7, CLE 3103.1.4, CLE 3103.1.5
Course Level Expectations (Geometry): CLE 3108.1.4, CLE 3108.1.5
Course Level Expectations (Physical Science): CLE 3202.Inq.6
Teaching the Lesson:
Today’s careers require working with teams and making presentations.
Discuss with students the parts of a good technical presentation. (Visual aids are optional.)
1. Introduction (Names of team members and topic of discussion or agenda)
2. Problem Statement (What?)
3. Methodology (How?)
4. Results (What Happened?)
5. Discussion/Conclusions (What you learned or what you might do differently?)
6. Take questions from the audience.
7. Acknowledgements (Thank all contributors.)
Allow students time to prepare a presentation, based on a group activity that they have
Assessment: Use a rubric style assessment to help students identify strengths and
weaknesses. This activity may or may not be graded.
This activity was developed through support from the Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis
through the Girls Experiencing Engineering program.
Lesson Plan
Subject: Geometry/Physical Science
Lesson Focus: 3D Visualization and Communication
(6th-12th grades)
Time: 30-40 minutes
Essential or Guiding Question: How important is having an “eye for detail” and
communicating effectively?
View detailed Tennessee Curriculum Standards:
Course Level Expectations (Algebra I and II):
CLE 3102.1.3, CLE 3102.1.5, CLE 3102.1.7, CLE 3103.1.4, CLE 3103.1.5
Course Level Expectations (Geometry): CLE 3108.1.4, CLE 3108.1.5, CLE 3108.4.4,
CLE 3108.4.7
Course Level Expectations (Physical Science): CLE 3202. Inq.2; CLE 3202.T/E.2;
Materials: Lego-Duplo Blocks (or other similar manipulatives)
Preparing the lesson:
1. Prior to class, the teacher will build a structure using 12-15 Duplo blocks. This structure
is to be hidden from the students. It may be placed in the hallway, closet, or behind a
partition. Make the structure interesting by using a variety of colors and orientations.
2. Divide students into small groups. (3-4 students)
3. Provide Duplo blocks for each group.
Teaching the Lesson:
1. Explain to the students the importance of noticing details and communicating those
details effectively. Describe situations where lack of these skills could have catastrophic
2. Have the students make a list of examples of situations where not noticing details or not
communicating effectively can cause the wrong result.
3. Begin the Lego challenge, by informing students of the following guidelines:
One member, at a time, will leave the group to view the structure. Upon returning, he
or she will describe the structure to the other team members and attempt to build a
replica of the structure.
Each member must return to their seat before another member may leave to go look.
No use of cameras, pencil, or paper are allowed.
4. After a designated period of time, have each group bring their building to the front of the
room. Unveil the original structure and make a side-by-side comparison.
Assessment: Award 1 team point for each correctly placed block.
Closing Activity: Have students reflect on their method(s) of problem solving and
communicating. What could they have done differently to improve accuracy and efficiency?
Extension: After reflection, repeat the activity using a more complex structure.
This activity was developed through support from the Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis through the Girls
Experiencing Engineering program.
Lesson Plan
Subjects: Algebra/Geometry/Physical Science (8th-12th grades)
Lesson Focus: Incline Plane Activity
Time: 30-45 minutes
View detailed Tennessee Curriculum Standards:
Course Level Expectations (Algebra I and II):
CLE 3102.1.2, CLE 3102.1.5, CLE 3102.1.7, CLE 3102.3.4, CLE 3102.3.7, CLE 3102.3.9,
CLE 3102.4.2, CLE 3103.1.2, CLE3103.1.5, CLE 3103.1.7, CLE 3103.2.3, CLE 3103.3.4,
CLE 3103.3.5
Course Level Expectations (Geometry): CLE 3108.1.2, CLE 3108.1.5, CLE 3108.1.7,
CLE 3108.2.3, CLE 3108.4.4, CLE 3108.4.7, CLE 3108.4.8
Course Level Expectations (Physical Science): CLE 3202. Inq.2, 3,4,5,6; CLE
3202.T/E.2; CLE 3202.Math.1; CLE 3202.Math.2; CLE 3202.3.1; CLE 3202.3.2; CLE
3202.3.3; CLE 3202.4.1; CLE 3202.4.2; CLE 3202.4.3
Materials (per group):
Materials from 1 K’NEX Education Roller Coaster Physics Set
Building instructions CD-ROM –File: Incline Plane II (for a ball) model
1 Golf ball
Meter Stick or Metric/Standard Tape Measure
Science/Mathematics Journal
Preparing the lesson:
1. Divide students into small groups. (4-5 students)
2. Provide 1 K’NEX set and other materials for each group.
Teaching the Lesson:
1. Students will open their K’NEX set and familiarize themselves with the parts.
2. Students will open the “Inclined Plane II (for a ball) file” on the CD-ROM (Note: The
colors on the CD-ROM do not match the colors in the set. Students will have to determine
which parts correspond with the parts shown in the diagram.)
3. Students will work with their groups to build the ramp shown in the diagram.
4. Discuss the slope of the ramp (rise/run) and it’s relationship to acceleration (F=ma) and
the distance the ball will travel on the floor beyond the ramp.
5. Students will experiment with varying slopes of their ramps and then record their data in
an x-y table. (X represents slope(cm), Y represents distance(cm)) Record at least 5 trials.
6. The teacher will determine a distance in cm between 4 and 7 meters.
7. Students will use their data to determine a slope that will make the ball travel the
designated distance.
8. Each group will adjust the height of their tower to the measure they think will result in the
required distance.
9. Each group will compete to determine the group that can achieve the specified distance.
Assessment: Award team points based on most accurate distance. 1st place - 10 points
2nd place – 8 points, 3rd place – 6 points, all other – 4 points
Closing Activity: Journal writing- Have students reflect on their method(s) of problem
solving and communicating. What could they have done differently to improve accuracy and
Extension: Combine data from all groups and graph a line of best fit.
Enrichment: Continue this activity with the “Ski Jump 1” Challenge.
This activity was developed through support from the Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis through the Girls
Experiencing Engineering program.
Lesson Plan
Subjects: Algebra/Geometry/Physical Science (8th-12th grades)
Lesson Focus: Ski Jump 1 -Potential and Kinetic Energy continued Time: 30-45 minutes
View detailed Tennessee Curriculum Standards:
Course Level Expectations (Algebra I and II):
CLE 3102.1.7, CLE 3102.3.7, CLE 3102.3.9, CLE 3103.1.7, CLE 3103.3.4, CLE 3103.3.5
Course Level Expectations (Geometry): CLE 3108.1.7, CLE 3108.2.3, CLE 3108.4.4,
CLE 3108.4.7, CLE 3108.4.8
Course Level Expectations (Physical Science): CLE 3202. Inq.2, 3,4,5,6; CLE
3202.T/E.2; CLE 3202.Math.2; CLE 3202.3.1; CLE 3202.3.2; CLE 3202.3.3; CLE 3202.4.1;
CLE 3202.4.2; CLE 3202.4.3
Materials (per group):
Completed ramp from “Incline Plane” Activity
Materials from 1 K’NEX Education Roller Coaster Physics Set
Building instructions CD-ROM –File: Inclined Plane II (for a ball) model
2 Golf Balls
Meter Stick or Metric/Standard Tape Measure
Science/Mathematics Journal
Materials(testing area): Table
2 cardboard boxes
Preparing the lesson:
1. Have students complete the “Incline Plane” challenge prior to this activity.
2. Set up the staging area.
3. Divide students into small groups. (3-4 students)
4. Provide K’NEX set and other materials for each group.
Teaching the Lesson:
1. Extend the “Incline Plane” activity by challenging the students to modify their structure
in order to send a projectile (ball) over one box and then land in a second box.
2. Allow students to test their structure and make modifications prior to the official
3. Time each group for 3 minutes and record the number of successful attempts.
Assessment: Award team points based on the number of balls successfully launched into
the second box in 3 minutes. 1st place - 10 points, 2nd place – 8 points, 3rd place – 6 points,
all other – 4 points
Closing Activity: Journal Entry: Have students reflect on their method(s) of problem
solving and communicating. What could they have done differently to improve accuracy and
Extension: Continue experimentation with “Ski Jump 2” or “Half-Pipe Loop” Activities.
This activity was developed through support from the Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis through the Girls
Experiencing Engineering program.
Lesson Plan
Subjects: Algebra/Geometry/Physical Science (8th-12th grades)
Lesson Focus: Half-Pipe Loop System
Time: 30-45 minutes
View detailed Tennessee Curriculum Standards:
Course Level Expectations (Algebra I and II):
CLE 3102.1.7, CLE 3102.3.7, CLE 3102.3.9, CLE 3103.1.7, CLE 3103.3.4, CLE 3103.3.5
Course Level Expectations (Geometry): CLE 3108.1.7, CLE 3108.2.3, CLE 3108.4.4,
CLE 3108.4.7, CLE 3108.4.8
Course Level Expectations (Physical Science): CLE 3202. Inq.2, 3,4,5,6; CLE
3202.T/E.2; CLE 3202.Math.2; CLE 3202.3.1; CLE 3202.3.2; CLE 3202.3.3; CLE 3202.4.1;
CLE 3202.4.2; CLE 3202.4.3
Materials (per group):
K’NEX Incline Plane from Ski Jump 1 or Ski Jump 2 activities
Materials from 1 K’NEX Education Roller Coaster Physics Set
Building instructions CD-ROM –File: Half-Pipe Loop (for a ball) model
1 Golf ball
Science/Mathematics Journal
Preparing the lesson:
1. Have the students complete the “Ski Jump 1” challenge prior to this activity.
2. Divide students into small groups. (4-5 students)
2. Provide 1 K’NEX set and other materials for each group.
Teaching the Lesson:
1. Extend the “Ski Jump 1” activity by challenging the students to add a half-pipe loop to
their ramp.
2. Students will open the “Half-Pipe Loop (for ball)” on the CD-ROM and follow the
schematics to build the loop. (Note: The colors on the CD-ROM do not match the colors in
the set. Students will have to determine which parts correspond with the parts shown in the
3. Allow students to discover the forces required to successfully launch the golf ball
through the loop.
Assessment: Award team points based on fastest successful completion. 1st place - 10
points 2nd place – 8 points, 3rd place – 6 points, all other – 4 points
Closing Activity: Journal writing- Have students reflect on their method(s) of problem
solving and communicating. What could they have done differently to improve accuracy and
Extension: Provide a “Parts List” to each group with prices for K’NEX pieces. Have
students determine the cost of their structure and make changes to lower the cost, but still
maintain accuracy of functions.
This activity was developed through support from the Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis through the Girls
Experiencing Engineering program.
Lesson Plan
Subjects: Algebra/Geometry/Physical Science (8th-12th grades)
Lesson Focus: Ski Jump 2 -Potential and Kinetic Energy
Time: 30-45 minutes
View detailed Tennessee Curriculum Standards:
Course Level Expectations (Algebra I and II):
CLE 3102.1.7, CLE 3102.3.7, CLE 3102.3.9, CLE 3103.1.7, CLE 3103.3.4, CLE 3103.3.5
Course Level Expectations (Geometry): CLE 3108.1.7, CLE 3108.2.3, CLE 3108.4.4,
CLE 3108.4.7, CLE 3108.4.8
Course Level Expectations (Physical Science): CLE 3202. Inq.2, 3,4,5,6; CLE
3202.T/E.2; CLE 3202.Math.2; CLE 3202.3.1; CLE 3202.3.2; CLE 3202.3.3; CLE 3202.4.1;
CLE 3202.4.2; CLE 3202.4.3
Materials (per group):
Completed Incline Plane from “Ski Jump 1” Activity
Materials from 1 K’NEX Education Roller Coaster Physics Set
Building instructions CD-ROM –File: Inclined Plane II (for a ball) model
3 Golf Balls
Science/Mathematics Journal
Materials(testing area): Table
4 cardboard boxes
Preparing the lesson:
1. Have students complete the “Ski Jump 1” challenge prior to the activity.
2. Set up a staging area with a table and 4 cardboard boxes arranged as shown.
2. Divide students into small groups. (3-4 students)
3. Provide K’NEX set and other materials for each group.
Teaching the Lesson:
1. Extend the “Ski Jump 1” activity by challenging the students to modify their structure
in order to send a projectile (ball) into the 4 boxes, attempting to score as many points
as possible. Explain that the K’NEX ramp must not extend past the edge of the table.
The box closest to the table is worth 1 point, the next box is worth 2 points, and then
3 and 4, consecutively.
2. Allow students to test their structure and make modifications prior to the official
3. Time each group for 3 minutes and record the number of points earned from
successful launches into the 4 boxes.
Assessment: Award team points based on the most points scored by each team. 1st place
- 10 points, 2nd place – 8 points, 3rd place – 6 points, all other – 4 points
Closing Activity: Journal entry: Have students reflect on their method(s) of problem
solving and communicating. What could they have done differently to improve accuracy and
Extension: Continue experimentation with “Half-Pipe Loop” and “Package Delivery”
This activity was developed through support from the Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis through the Girls
Experiencing Engineering program.
Lesson Plan
Subjects: Algebra/Geometry/Physical Science (8th-12th grades)
Lesson Focus: Package Delivery -Potential and Kinetic Energy
Time: 45 minutes (modify structure and perform trials)
30 minutes (competition)
15 minutes (technical presentations)
View detailed Tennessee Curriculum Standards:
Course Level Expectations (Algebra I and II):
CLE 3102.1.7, CLE 3102.3.7, CLE 3102.3.9, CLE 3103.1.7, CLE 3103.3.4, CLE 3103.3.5
Course Level Expectations (Geometry): CLE 3108.1.7, CLE 3108.2.3, CLE 3108.4.4,
CLE 3108.4.7, CLE 3108.4.8
Course Level Expectations (Physical Science): CLE 3202. Inq.2, 3,4,5,6; CLE
3202.T/E.2; CLE 3202.Math.2; CLE 3202.3.1; CLE 3202.3.2; CLE 3202.3.3; CLE 3202.4.1;
CLE 3202.4.2; CLE 3202.4.3
Materials(per group): Completed Incline Plane from “Ski Jump 2” Activity
Materials from 1 K’NEX Education Roller Coaster Physics Set
3 Golf Balls
Science/Mathematics Journal
Materials(testing area): Table
8 cardboard boxes
Preparing the lesson:
1. Set up a staging area with a table and 8 boxes on the floor at the end of the table. Boxes
should be arranged as pictured.
2. Divide students into small groups. (3-4 students)
3. Provide K’NEX set for each group.
Teaching the Lesson:
1. Lead the activity by discussing the role that Federal Express plays in our community.
2. “Delivering 20 Packages (balls)----On Time” is the challenge.
3. Using the ramp from the Ski Jump 2 activity, the students will determine from what
location on the ramp the ball will have enough energy to “be delivered” to each of the
boxes. Students may modify the structure and mark ramp locations to prepare for the task.
They will need to develop a way to “control” which box the ball will go into.
4. Competition: Provide each team with a randomly generated list of 20 box numbers (1-5).
5. One member of the team will call out the box number and the other team members will
work together to use the ramp to “deliver” the ball into the designated box. If the ball is
supposed to go into box 3 and it fails, the team must continue until the ball successfully
goes into box 3, before they may proceed to the next number on the list.
6. Time how long it takes for each team to successfully deliver all 20 packages (balls) into
the designated boxes.
Assessment: Award team points based on fastest time. 1st place - 10 points, 2nd place – 8
points, 3rd place – 6 points, all other – 4 points
Closing Activity: Journal entry: Have students reflect on their method(s) of problem
solving and communicating. What could they have done differently to improve accuracy and
Extension: Each team will present their experiences and outcomes, using the “Technical
Presentation” guidelines.
This activity was developed through support from the Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis through the Girls
Experiencing Engineering program.