July - PALS - Pocono Action Lambda Society
POCONO ACTION LAMBDA SOCIETY MEMBER GATHERING IS THE THIRD SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH, EXCEPT WHEN NOTED. PALS In So Many Words 2 0 1 6 POINTS OF INTEREST: / I S S U E 7 J U L Y 2 0 1 6 Welcome Summer and All Those Hot Sticky Bodies... • Recap of our Gathering • Save the Date Making Our History for Upcoming Events • This Month in Our History June 24, 2016 - First national monument to LGBT rights named - The White House designated the Stonewall National Monument as the latest addition to America's national park system. The monument encompasses Christopher Park, the Stonewall Inn, and the surrounding streets and sidewalks that were the site of the 1969 Stonewall uprising. • PALS’ Owned Businesses Thanks to our President, Vivian for our • Local Events Gathering Update! We had beautiful weather, it was a gor- INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Upcoming 4 PALS Events Business Directory 5 Local Happenings and Stuff 6 Your Board, Book of The Month andNotes from the Geek 7 Member Renewal Form Not MeetUp Group can post gatherings ideas. According to our Vivian , it was just a really nice event. geous day in the mountains. The PALS Congratulations to our youngest mem- Board provided all manner of burgers, ber, Jacob, who turns a year old this month. dogs, and all the trimmings. Greg and Al Thanks to Al, we have a card for you. You tended the grill, and kept us all well fed. and your mums will be missed at the July There was a good turnout. Great food, as well as music and games provided by Pat Gathering. Don't forget, the July Gathering is on and Greta. They also donated some books, Sunday the 17th at 1pm. Pool Party and several racy ones among them, which we lunch at Rainbow Mountain. It will proba- raffled off, along with a gift certificate to bly still be 64 and raining here in England. Siamsa Irish Pub that was left from the Ball. That seems to be "Summer." Have a good Lots of fun and excitement over the prizes. time. You are missed. Welcome back to old faces, recent members, and two new people who learned about PALS from MeetUp. We are glad to say one joined on the spot and has since made a suggestion about a new gathering idea. Would our members would like to do the Tree Tops Adventure at Skytop, combined with a picnic? Remember that all members who have joined the PALS PAGE 4 Upcoming PALS Events—Save the Date Yay! We will meet at 1pm on the porch order off the menu, and Rich will give free pool passes to everyone who has lunch. Such a good guy! July Gathering Sunday, July 17th at 1pm Start looking forward to the eye candy! Pool Party and Lunch at Rainbow Mountain August Gathering Saturday, August 20th at 7pm White Party at Skip & Michael's Congratulations are in order for Skip & Michael's 30th Wedding Anniversary Directions to Rainbow Mt. - 210 Mt. Nebo Road, East Stroudsburg, PA From Route 80, heading East or West: THE BACK WAY - Take exit 309 (Marshalls Creek); merge onto Route 209 North; continue straight on Route 209 North for 1 mile; at traffic light, turn right on to Buttermilk Falls Road; drive 1/2 mile up a small hill and make the first left onto Mt. Nebo Road. Carefully drive 3 and 1/2 winding miles (through one stop sign) and the Lobby is on the left. THE FRONT WAY THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF MARSHALLS CREEK - Take exit 309 (Marshalls Creek); merge onto Route 209 North; continue straight on Route 209 North. At circle bear right toward Milford. You will pass Wendy's. Make a right at the next road (Mt Nebo Rd); drive 1 and 1/2 miles up the hill and the Lobby is on the right. Subliminal Message - PALS needs more members … bring your friends …. LOCAL ATTORNEY Many of you have reached out for a attorney recommendation/referral. The Geek (and Skip & Michael, too) highly recommend Jim Riech and Carolyn Frisoli for all your business and personal legal needs. If your needs are serious and fraught with peril, these are also the folks to call before you do anything else. The Geek hopes that all of your needs are positive and proactively protective. Please let them know you were referred by the PALS Newsletter Geek. michele@reichandfurst.com PALS IN SO MANY WORDS PAGE 5 PALS BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEUR SUPPORT NETWORK The Chiropractic Office of Dr. Lorraine Alexis – "Healthy Backs Without The Cracks" 75 Crystal St, E. Stroudsburg, 570 420 8221, www.DrAlexisChiro.com DrLorraineAlexis@gmail.com Josephine’s Fleur-de-lis 601 Main Street, Stroudsburg www.josephinesonmain.com Josephine Mero and Martha Loomis – Fine jewelry, unique gifts, elegant home decor, eclectic, sophisticated, something for everyone Matrick Counseling Center Route 390, Mountainhome, PA 570-595-0943 Debra Matrick offers counseling for individuals, couples, families. Most insurance plans accepted. Office hours by appointment. Marty's Home Kitchen Pocono Lake, PA – www.martyshomekitchen.com Marty Pizzuti - Maker of All Natural Handcrafted Artisan Fruit Spreads and Marmalades PHOENIX – Route 209 N, Dingmans Ferry Open Every Day 10 – 5 –(570-828-7952) PHOENIX EAST - 322 Broad St., Milford (570 296-2585) - www.Ukanoe.com Jewelry From The Great Southwest And Other Exotic Places Unique & Unusual Gifts & Accessories For The Home Scenic Creations Landscaping - Stroudsburg, PA Todd J. Molitor Property Management, Landscape Design, Lawn Maintenance, Christmas Décor (570-982-0118) - poconolandscaper@gmail.com Wedding Officiant - Rev. Ellyn Kravette Open Door Ministries 570-764-4706 Serving the Rainbow Community for 24 years. Discount to PALS members Josephine Mero, MSW, LMSW 1056 Route 390, Mountainhome 570-595-9590 – http://bit.do/nyLb Don't see your info here? As a member, you are entitled to have Individuals, Children, Teenagers Families, Couples, Groups free ads on the website for your business and/or avocations. Take Most insurance plans accepted / Office hours by appointment advantage! Send any questions you have or information for the Newsletter to PALSNewsletterGeek@gmail.com Links of Interest see the PALS Website - If you are looking for links, you probably have access to the website …. www.palsnepa.org Tracy of T and R Photo says to "Ask about the PALS Discount!" Thanks Tracy! PALS IN SO MANY WORDS Select Happenings in the Area Rainbow Mountain, Mt. Nebo Road, E. Stroudsburg, PA July 2-4 - July 4th Weekend - Raise the Flag! July 8-10 - TGCD Weekend July 15-17 - Blackout Weekend Party July 22-24 - Christmas in July July 23 - Live Performance by Days Gone By July 30 - Midnight Underwear Dance August 5-7 - Illumination Weekend August 12-14 - Bear Blast III August 19-21 - Mountain Weekend August 27 Nerd and Geek Party September 2-5 - Labor Day Weekend Regina Sayles July 7 - 10:30p - Floods on Main Street, Stroudsburg July 8th - 9th Porter & Sayles in Chesapeake City, MD July 12 - 9:30p - Sarah Street Grill, Stroudsburg, PA July 15 - 5:00p The Boat House, Hawley PA July 16 - 7:00p - Pub 447, East Stroudsburg, PA July 22 - 7:00p - Stone Bar Inn, Stroudsburg, PA July 23 - 8:00p - Porter & Sayles - The Sherman Theater July 27 - 6:00p - Stone Bar Inn, Stroudsburg, PA to help defray out of pocket expenses. Please bring a dish to share, for example typical outdoor BBQ fare meatballs, barbecue chicken contribute to the common meal (meal at 3 p). Traditionally, everyone wears a red shirt to the event and a couple times during the afternoon, participants will descend en masse on a selected ride to show our presence to other park visitors. Arrive early, traffic gets worse in the afternoon. More info on Facebook.com/PridePicnic for a gallery of past pictures. Attendance 300-400 people. Pets allowed. www.knoebels.com LGBT & GLBT - Gay Camping PA http://www.oneidaresort.com/about-oneida Phone: 570-465-7011 Since 1980, Oneida Campground & Lodge has been proud to provide LGBT accommodations in New Milford, Pennsylvania. Our exclusive gay campground is available to campers 21 years old and up and open to singles, couples and small and large groups. HOUSE FOR SALE: Kris and Cary of the Upper Delaware Group are selling their Milford, PA home http://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/285Oneida-Way_Milford_PA_18337_M37938-80902 Pocono Community Calendar - The Pocono Community calendar is an online literary community service that allows non-profits to share, review and promote their events free of charge. For further information, visit www.poconocommunitycalendar.com. Trivia Anyone? ~???????~ 1. Q: This actress played Nancy, a featured recurring lesbian character in the 1994 season of the sitcom Roseanne? 2. Q: In what year did Showtime's Queer as Folk premier August 13, 11a to approx 9p - 21st Annual Gay Day at in the U.S.? Knoebel's -391 Knoebels Blvd, Elysburg, PA 17824 (About an hour and a half from Stroudsburg). According There you have it when you think you know it all… to the sponsors, the group is renting Pavilion P10 near the parking lot (look for the gay flags) and will supply all the tablecloths, utensils, and paper plates. There is no charge. They ask that everyone buys water and participate in raffles 2...2000 (December) Answers: 1. Sandra Bernhard Housekeeping from the PALS Board Remember - Memberships are $20/year per person renewed January through March (payable by cash, check, PayPal, or credit card). Dues can be brought to meetings, mailed in or paid online. PALS realizes that some people don’t want to join, but would still like to attend occasionally. Non-member guests are asked for a $5.00 donation to help with expenses. Membership forms are available at meetings and on the website (www.palsnepa.org). 2016 / ISSUE 7 PAGE 6 PALS Executive Board PALS Vivian – President Ray – Vice President Pocono Action Lambda Society Greg – Treasurer PMB # 241 Steve – Secretary 221 Skyline Dr. - Ste. 208 Skip - Member East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Al – Member Email: pals@palsnepa.org Bruce – Member Database Admin Marlene - Newsletter Geek Committed to creating a welcome and open gathering place for our community. Meeting the 3rd Saturday of each month (unless otherwise noted). Ray - Webmaster April - Member Joann – Member We’re on the Web! www.palsnepa.org Two Snaps for A Good Read The Last Nude, by Ellis Avery, (Riverhead, $16 pb) Inspired by real events in Art Deco painter Tamara de Lempicka's history, "The Last Nude" is a tour de force of historical imagination. Avery gives the reader a tantalizing window into a lost Paris, an age already vanishing as the inexorable forces of history close in on two tangled lives. Note from the Geek: July again, is it? It must be; it's 64 and raining. This past year has gone by so quickly, some would say it's only been two weeks. In this beautiful weather, in this beautiful scenery, with a waterfall literally outside my front door. Here I sit... contemplating the motivation behind acting on bitterness and anger. Let's look first at anger between two people -- when one person is not doing what the other wants them to do. Now bitterness, simply put, is anger with history. So then what is the motivation for acting on destructive emotions? To lash out, to hurt the person believed to be the cause, and not just to hurt but to harm as much as possible. What do you do when you are watching this play out to the detriment of someone you love? 2016 / ISSUE 7 PAGE 7
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