May - PALS - Pocono Action Lambda Society


May - PALS - Pocono Action Lambda Society
In So Many Words
2 0 1 5
• Recap of our
• Save the Date
2 0 1 5
This Month in Our History
May 1998 -- while in the midst of the sex scandal that would consume his presidency,
President Bill Clinton authored Executive Order 13087 - banning the federal government
from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation in employment.
for Upcoming
• This Month in
Another Gala Come and Gone
Our History
• PALS’ Owned
Summer Just 'Round the Corner
• Local Events
It must be Sum-
PALS Events
Book of The
Your Board
Notes from
the Geek
Looks like
mer! Our Annual
purple is a
Gala has come and
gone and our snow
color. Every-
birds are back home
one was be-
again. Welcome back everyone. You have
decked in sparkles and dazzling purple. I
been missed. For those of you who couldn't
am particularly impressed with the purple
make it this year, the food was fantastic and
beard. Still don't know how that's done.
unlike the snow and ice last year, the
weather was beautiful.
An interesting assortment of items were
We gave out two awards this year.
PALS Member of the Year was presented
to Vivian for her continued efforts at keep-
auctioned off. Thank you everyone for par-
ing PALS going and active. The PALS
ticipating. It was a lot of fun although I still
Community Service Award was given to
think the deck was stacked in favor of Rob
EqualityPA for their tireless efforts to ob-
who seemed to have put every winning
tain equal rights for
ticket in the buckets. Good for you Rob!
the LGBT population
of Pennsylvania.
Maureen Gray received the award on
behalf of the organization.
Upcoming PALS Events—Save the Date
May Gathering
Saturday, May 16, 7p
Pot Luck Dinner
Down Low Lounge-Rainbow Mt
Mt. Nebo Road
East Stroudsburg, PA
Trivia Anyone?
Location to be announced
1. Q: What was the punishment for
sodomy and buggery in the
Plymouth Colony in 1636?
Karaoke Contest Night
in the Down Low Lounge if you're
2. Q: When is National Coming Out
staying for the fun
Appetizer - C R X Y Z
Veggie/Salad - F P Q S
Entrée - B J M U V W
Starch - D
Dessert/Fruit - E G H I K
Soft Drink - A L N O T
There you have it - when you think
you know it all…
July Gathering - By Request
Saturday, July 18 Wine Tasting at a Local Winery
Details To Be Announced
August Gathering
Saturday, August 15, 7p
Venue To Be Announced
Answers: 1. Death
2. October 11
Food Matrix
First Letter of Last Name
June Gathering
Sunday, June 21, 1p
Picnic/BBQ in the Park and Hike
Subliminal Message - PALS needs more members … bring your friends ….
Directions to Rainbow
Is there anyone who doesn't know how to get their in their sleep by now?
Link to a Multitude of Directions:
From Route 80, heading East or West:
THE BACK WAY - Take exit 309 (Marshalls Creek); merge onto Route 209 North; continue straight on Route 209 North for 1
mile; at traffic light, turn right on to Buttermilk Falls Road; drive 1/2 mile up a small hill and a blue Rainbow Mountain Resort
directional sign indicates where you should turn left on to Mount Nebo Road; carefully drive 3 and 1/2 winding miles (through
one stop sign) and the Lobby is on the left.
THE FRONT WAY THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF MARSHALLS CREEK - Take exit 309 (Marshalls Creek); merge onto Route
209 North; continue straight on Route 209 North. At circle bear right toward Milford. You will pass Wendy's. Make a right at the
next road (Mt Nebo Rd); drive 1 and 1/2 miles up the hill and the Lobby is on the right
Housekeeping from the PALS Board
We really must get serious here. It's time for memberships to be
re-upped. All this stuff we do - believe it or not, it costs money.
Please - I will not beg - it's beneath me - well, not completely but,
that's another story. Let's get on the ball here - it's less than $2 a
month for cripes sakes!
Memberships are $20/year renewed January through March
(payable by cash, check, PayPal, or credit card). Dues can be brought
to meetings, mailed in or paid on line. PALS realizes that some
people don’t want to join, but would still like to attend occasionally.
Non-member guests are asked for a $5.00 donation to help with
expenses. Membership forms are available at meetings and on the
website (
The Chiropractic Office of Dr. Lorraine Alexis –
"Healthy Backs Without The Cracks"
75 Crystal St, E. Stroudsburg, 570 420 8221,
Josephine’s Fleur-de-lis
601 Main Street, Stroudsburg
Josephine Mero and Martha Loomis – offering a wide array
of gifts, home accents, women’s accessories and more. A
unique alternative to big box stores, adding a touch of class
to your home and life, without traveling to NYC or Philly
Matrick Counseling Center
Route 390, Mountainhome, PA 570-595-0943
Debra Matrick offers counseling for individuals, couples,
families. Most insurance plans accepted. Office hours by
Marty's Home Kitchen
Pocono Lake, PA –
Marty Pizzuti - Maker of All Natural Handcrafted Artisan
Fruit Spreads and Marmalades
Did you know…
The planet Mercury is a symbol used by the transgendered
PHOENIX – Route 209 N, Dingmans Ferry
Open Every Day 10 – 5 –(570-828-7952)
PHOENIX EAST - 322 Broad St., Milford
(570 296-2585) -
Jewelry From The Great Southwest And Other Exotic Places
Unique & Unusual Gifts & Accessories
For The Home
Scenic Creations Landscaping - Stroudsburg, PA
Todd J. Molitor
Property Management, Landscape Design, Lawn Maintenance,
Christmas Décor
(570-982-0118) -
Wedding Officient - Rev. Ellyn Kravette
Open Door Ministries
Serving the Rainbow Community for 24 years. Discount to
PALS members
Don't see your info here? As a member, you are entitled to
have free ads on the website for your business and/or avocations. Take advantage! Send information for the Newsletter
to and for the Website to To be fair, varying members will
be highlighted in each newsletter.
community. The sign for Mercury is a crescent shape and a
cross, which represents the male and female principles in har-
Links of Interest have been moved to the PALS
mony in an individual. Additionally, the god Mercury fathered
Website - If you are looking for links, you probably
have access to the website ….
Hermaphroditus, who had both male and female sex organs.
Select Happenings in the Area
Rainbow Mountain, Mt. Nebo Road, Marshalls Creek, PA
Who's the Mama? - May 9
TGCD Weekend - May 1414-17
Memorial Day Weekend - Pool Opens - May 2222-25
Uniform Weekend - May 2929-31
Anything Goes - Touring Performance May 11-3, Scranton Cultural Center,
Scranton, PA
Indigo Girls - May 9,
9 Webster
Hall, NYC / July 24,
24 Bergen
Performing Arts Center, Englewood, NJ
Muses in the Vineyard - May 1616-17th,
Four Sisters Winery, Belvidere NJ - A
festival of music, by women for everyone.
Lewis Black, May 17,
17 7:30pm - Santander Performing Arts Center, Reading
The Who Hits 50 Tour - May 17, 2015 7:30p - Wells Fargo Center Philadelphia, PA; October 23, 2015, 7:30p - CONSOL Energy Center Pittsburgh,
PA; October 25, 2015, 7:30p - Prudential Center Newark, NJ; October 27,
2015 7:30p - Madison Square Garden New York City, NY
Mayfair Festival of the Arts, May 2222-25 - Allentown Fairgrounds, featuring
many genres of music and performing arts on stages both indoors and out Artist Markets include glass, painting, sculpture, jewelry, photography, pottery
and so much more.
Shawnee Celtic Festival - May 2323-24 - 11am-6pm
Ann Hampton Callaway - May 30th at 6:00 pm Performance held
at Buck Hill Falls Tennis Tea
Train in Concert - June 11 Hersey Park , June 14 Susquehanna Bank Center
Camden NJ / June 27, PNC Arts Center, Holmdel NJ,
Melissa Etheridge - June 12 Caesar's Atlantic City / June 13 Sherman
Summer Stage, Mt. Pocono
Arts & Crafts Fair in Bingham Park - June 13,
13 9-4pm - The Chamber of the
Northern Poconos - Bingham Park - Route 6, Main Ave, Hawley, PA
Barry Manilow One Last Time! Tour - June 13, 7:30PM /Wells Fargo Center Philadelphia, PA; June 14, 2015 /Prudential Center Newark, NJ; June 17,
2015 7:30PM / Barclays Center Brooklyn, NY
Kathleen Madigan - September 18 7p - NJ Performing Arts Center Newark, NJ
20th Annual Chili Pepper Festival - September 1111-12,
12 9a-6p
- Bowers PA
Billy Joel In Concert - Madison Square Garden - Monthly Check Available
It's Market Time - Local Farmer's Markets
Train: Picasso at the Wheel, Summer Tour 2015 - June 14 Susquehanna Bank
Center, Camden, New Jersey/June
June 27 PNC Bank Arts Center, Holmdel, New Easton Farmers Market - Saturdays - 9-12 - Center Square, Easton PA
Free Tastings at Mill Market - Saturdays 1111-1 - Hawley Silk Mill, 8 Silk Mill
Drive, Hawley, PA
Bette Milder Divine Intervention,
Intervention June 16,
16 Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia; June 26,
26 Madison Square Garden, NYC; June 29 Barclays
Monroe Farmers MarketMarket- Saturdays - 8-12 - Courthouse Square, 610 Monroe
Center, Brooklyn, NY
Street, Stroudsburg, PA
John Mellencamp / Jun 16,
16 2015 7:30PM Merriam Theatre Philadelphia, PA
Milford Farmers Market - Sundays - 1010-2 - The Grotto, 508 Harford Street,
Milford, PA
Honesdale Roots & Rhythm Music & Arts Festival - June 20 - Main &
Church Streets, Honesdale, PA
Shawnee Farmers Market - Tuesdays - 5-8 - The Shawnee Inn, Grand Front
Milford Music Festival - June 2626-28 - Harford and Broad Streets, Milford, PA Lawn, 100 Shawnee Inn Drive, Shawnee on Delaware, PA
Two Snaps for Good Reads
Herb Ritts: L.A. Style by Herb Ritts and Paul Martineau (J. Paul Getty Trust Publications, $59.95 hb)
Paul Martineau is associate curator in the Department of Photographs at the J. Paul Getty Museum. He is
the author of Paul Outerbridge: Command Performance (Getty Publications, 2009) and Still Life in
Photography (Getty Publications, 2010). James Crump is chief curator and curator of photography at the
Cincinnati Art Museum. In 2007, Crump wrote, produced, and directed the documentary film Black White
+ Gray, featuring the influential curator and collector Sam Wagstaff and artist Robert Mapplethorpe
At the Theater
Did you know… We’re on
Meetup and FaceBook. Get
Did You Know?
the conversation going and
Alfred Hitchcock's Rope was
post some events. Both sites
are open to all.
advertised as the "most excitement
-filled love story ever told" and
focused on the dubious deeds of
two gay men. The two gay men
were played by Farley Granger
and John Dall.
PALS Executive Board
Vivian – President (Re-elected)
Ray – Vice President (Re-elected)
Pocono Action Lambda Society
PMB# 241
Greg Nulle – Treasurer (Newly Elected)
Steve – Secretary (Re-elected)
221 Skyline Dr. - Ste. 208
Skip - Member
East Stroudsburg, PA 1830 1
Pat – Member
Linda – Member
Al - Member
Committed to creating a welcome and
open gathering place for our
community. Meeting the 3rd Saturday
of each month (unless otherwise noted).
Bruce – Member Database Admin (Re-elected)
Marlene - Newsletter Geek (Re-elected)
Jen - Webmaster (Newly Elected)
We’re on the Web!
Update on State Legislative Actions
EqualityPA is working to advance LGBT rights in Pennsylvania this year. We are working to educate the public on the
current state of legal discrimination against LGBT people in PA in the areas of housing, employment and public services.
While marriage equality was allowed last year, we have seen the ugly head of discrimination rear up against same-sex couples who want to have a wedding. This is wrong and we need to fix it! EqualityPA meets every Tuesday at 6pm at the Loder
Center (62 Analomink Street, East Stroudsburg) to contact people in NEPA to educate them and encourage them to take
action by contacting their state legislators to voice support for equal civil rights under the law. The time is right for us to get a
law passed. Our new governor, Gov. Wolf, has pledged he will sign into law anything that advances LGBT rights in our state
that comes to his desk. He has nominated 2 LGBT people to cabinet positions. If we work together, we can make Pennsylvania a safe and inclusive state. Please join us!
Handout from Equality PA shares highlights from the full report "A Broken Bargain: Discrimination, Fewer Benefits and
More Taxes for LGBT Worker" The full report can be found at
Note from the Geek:
Life has been throwing your Geek into a bit of a spin lately. Navigating even known pitfalls has been a
challenge. I've heard it said that Everything Is Temporary. I'm sure this is true. What is the definition of
temporary? On what scale is it measured? Does the idea of temporary only circle us back to the principle that
reality is subjective perception? If this is true, then are my perceived challenges only because of my own
understanding of reality and to be resolved in the same manner they are created -- within the self?
The Hummingbirds are back. I wonder what they think of temporary or reality for that matter. They most
likely think we are slow moving creatures with no clue about the World and how to navigate it properly.

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