12 pages of Eglin news, information and advertising
12 pages of Eglin news, information and advertising
Friday, May 30, 2014 Inside Brave Defender to consolidate. See story Page 2 Gate to Gate page 6 ‘Critical Days’ safety campaign begins. See story Page 3 53rd Wing rated effective on latest compliance inspection. See story Page 4 69 selected for promotion to Master. See story Page 5 index Briefs.............................. Page 10 Classifieds...................... Page 12 Philpott........................... Page 8 contactus Mon.-Fri.:............8 a.m. to 5 p.m. News Phone:........863-1111, Ext. 1472 News Fax:...........863-7834 E-mail: news@eglindispatch.com Address: 2 Eglin Parkway NE Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 Samuel King Jr. | USAF FREE 12 pages of Eglin news, information and advertising published weekly. Read it online at www.eglindispatch.com Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, May 30, 2014 ContactUs Tracey Steele Editor 315-4472 tsteele@nwfdailynews.com Susan Fabozzi News Assistant 315-4450 sfabozzi@nwfdailynews.com News (850) 315-4450 Fax: (850) 863-7834 E-mail: news@eglindispatch.com Advertising 863-1111 Ext. 1341 Mail 2 Eglin Parkway NE, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 The Eglin Dispatch is published by the Northwest Florida Daily News, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. This publication’s content is not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or Eglin Air Force Base. The official news source for Eglin Air Force Base is www.eglin.af.mil. The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, Eglin Air Force Base or the Northwest Florida Daily News for products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Northwest Florida Daily News. Year No. 8 Edition No. 22 Brave Defender to consolidate By Lois Walsh Team Eglin Public Affairs The 96th Ground Combat Training Squadron here will deactivate June 6 as the training mission moves to Fort Bliss, Texas. Currently, security forces conducts training at six U.S. regional training locations: Creech AFB, Nev; Ft. Bliss; Ft. Wolters, Texas; Camp Guernsey, Wyo; Joint Base McGuire Dix Lakehurst, NJ; and Eglin. All will consolidate at Fort Bliss this year with the exception of Camp Guernsey which specializes in security forces nuclear training. Consolidating Security Forces Regional Training Centers is part of the Air Force efficiencies initiative. In 2010, the Headquarters, Air Force Security Forces Center, conducted a study to determine a more efficient method of conducting security forces training. The study concluded consolidation of existing training locations would improve quality of training and provide cost savings by reducing manpower and equipment, increasing economies of scale and further improving consistency. “The consolidation is not a reaction to recent budget cuts,” said Maj. James Habeck, GCTS commander. “This is something the career field wanted to do to standardize not just the curriculum, but also the training defenders get before they go downrange,” Habeck said. “They want to put it all under one roof.” GCTS opened its doors to its inaugural class in September 2002. It was a new concept in the early years, putting all the security forces personnel in Air Force Materiel Command through a two-week readiness training program to keep skills current. Other major commands also formed their own training centers. In 2008-09, Security Forces curriculum oversight/development transferred to Headquarters Air Force Security Forces Samuel King Jr. | USAF Staff Sgt.s Matthew Krause and Sterling Wynn, of the 96th Ground Combat Training Squadron, move through the cover of smoke during a high value target capture demonstration at Eglin Air Force Base. The squadron is responsible for “Brave Defender” deployment training for approximately 1,500 Air Force security forces Airmen per year. The squadron is scheduled for deactivation this summer. Center, a field operating agency of Headquarters Air Force. The focus shifted to providing consistent pre-deployment training for one of the most heavily tasked career fields in the AF. GCTS trained approximately 1,500 students each year with a cadre of 30, seven of whom will transfer to Fort Bliss. The others will either retire or take on other assignments within the Air Force. The footprint of GCTS grew from a few tents in 2002 to a realistic Middle East village at Base Tango, located behind the West Gate Shopette. The layout afforded students a realistic exercise environment to prepare them for deployment. Some of the current instructors will be on temporary duty to Bliss next month to smooth the transition. They will export with them some of the best practices GCTS has been recognized for during the last 12 years. One of the instructors, Staff Sgt. Ryan Carpenter, said the general feeling of the cadre making the transition is excitement, even though there are still some unknowns with resources such as manpower and equipment at this time. “This move presents a unique opportunity to really make an impact on the future of security forces pre-deployment training,” said Carpenter. “The biggest difference between training as it is now and how it will be after consolidation is having one centralized location for all training.” Habeck said besides the obvious benefits of cost savings and curriculum standardization, there are other advantages to the move, including a worldclass live fire range. “Students who are deploying at the same time will be in training at the same time; and while perhaps not assigned to the same base down range, going to the same school is a chance to start networking, which can benefit the mission. There’s a lot of training value.” Habeck acknowledged that from a business perspective closing GCTS makes sense. But he admits it’s heartbreaking from the tactical level. “Being the last commander, too, is profoundly an honor, but I wish I wasn’t the last commander,” he said with a smile. Although the official deactivation ceremony is scheduled, the training squadron will host its last Brave Defender class from July 5 to July 24. Friday, May 30, 2014 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page ‘Critical Days’ safety campaign begins Samuel King Jr. | USAF The 101 Critical Days of Summer safety campaign began May 21 at the enlisted hall with safety briefings on drinking and driving, swimming, traffic and boating. Among the topics were the consequences alcohol abuse and driving under the influence can have on an Airman’s career. The ‘0-0-1-3’ concept of zero drinks if underage, zero drinks if driving, one drink per hour and no more than three drinks in an evening, was encouraged. Buy 5 and Get 6th FREE! 850-863-2221 246-A Eglin Pkwy., FWB 32547 (Next to Godfather’s Pizza) lightning is present. He explained how to escape from a rip current. “If you get caught in a rip current, don’t panic,” he said. “Relax and swim parallel to the beach, until you’re clear of it.” When reporting a drowning over the phone to emergency personnel, Cook said it’s important for a caller to give an exact location of the drowning, not a general location. Senior Airman Devyn Skinner, a member of Eglin’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program and Treatment program office, encouraged the ‘0-0-1-3’ concept of zero drinks if underage, zero drinks if driving, one drink per hour and no more than three drinks in an evening. The last speaker was Maj. Barry Wells, the 96th Test Wing chaplain. He asked the audience to be smart and be safe. “Whatever your choice of activity is, all we ask is that you think about what you’re doing, assess and avoid the risks, and make the right decisions while enjoying the summer,” he said. Try Our New Char Grill Entrees “Home of the Mother Tom Omelette” Breakfast Specials Starting at 3.99 $ Friday Special Fresh Fried Mullet with 2 Sides 7.69 $ 400 N Eglin Pkwy, FWB, FL • (850) 243 0733 K3 - 6TH GRADE June 9 - August 8 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Extended care available www.ccafwb.org MILITARY DISCOUNT 15% Zip Line Free Fall 2108987 Designs Designs & Accessories Accessories and they can be steep,” she said. “Okaloosa County has a zero tolerance policy for DUIs and BUIs, and there is no lenience for military personnel. Have a plan in place to avoid drinking and Rock Climbing Wall and MORE! SUMMER DAY CAMP Call 850.218.9820 or Visit Us Today at HarborWalk Village LIKE US ON facebook HarborWalk Adventures 3035034 “As you’re going about your spring and summer activities, think about the risks and plan accordingly, through the ACT concept assess the hazard, consider your options and take appropriate action,” he said. Next, Ashley Bailey, with the Okaloosa County’s sheriff department’s crime prevention unit, offered traffic safety tips, spoke about the dangers of texting and driving, covered some Florida traffic laws and gave a sobering. “The fines for a driving under the influence or boating under the influence conviction are the same, 2101209 The 101 Critical Days of Summer safety campaign began May 21 at the enlisted hall with safety briefings on drinking and driving, swimming, traffic and boating. Col. Monte Cannon, the 96th Test Wing vice commander, gave opening remarks. He said the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is the most dangerous time for safety incidents. “That’s when we have the most vehicle accidents, water sports injuries and fatalities,” he said. “The statistics also tell us many of you Airmen required to be here are among the most at-risk.” Cannon told the packed hall the briefings are held to manage risk and raise awareness. “We want to get you thinking in terms of safety,” he said. “We want you to have fun and stay healthy during spring and summer months. If you’re traveling, we want you to come back safe.” Brad Bien, a member of Eglin’s ground safety office, said the Department of Defense is taking steps to integrate risk management into every aspect of the way all Air Force personnel conducts business, on and off duty. driving, or drinking and boating.” Joseph Reichal, a member of U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Destin - Fort Walton Beach, gave boating safety advice. “If you own a boat, plan on being on a boat, or plan on swimming in the gulf this summer, we don’t want you to become a statistic,” he said. Reichal encouraged attendees who practice boating to attend the auxiliary’s boating safety classes. He also urged them have their boats examined; and insure their boats have the proper identification and documentation and are properly equipped with life jackets, fire extinguishers, flares and other safety equipment. Justin Cook, senior lifeguard with Destin Beach Rescue, warned the audience about drinking alcohol and swimming; stressed observing beach signs and warning flags; and encouraged seeking shelter when 2101477 By Kevin Gaddie Team Eglin Public Affairs Contact the office at 850-862-1414 for more information Calvary Christian Academy 535 Clifford Street Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, May 30, 2014 53rd Wing rated effective on latest compliance inspection By Samuel King Jr. Team Eglin Public Affairs The 53rd Wing completed a major command-directed unit effectiveness inspection April 27- May 3. The results of the inspection reported the wing rated “effective” overall, and “highly effective” in mission accomplishment. The inspection process changed significantly from the last UEI with more emphasis on self-inspections. The ACC inspector general teams evaluated self-assessments, corrective action plans and overall mission effectiveness. The wing was evaluated simultaneously here, and at one of their geographically separated units at Tyndall AFB. “Our major command just confirmed what I knew to be true, when it comes to test and evaluation this wing achieves success. Our Airmen make a difference for our Air Force each and every day,” said Col. Alexus Grynkewich, the 53rd WG commander. “The inspections highlighted our many strengths and also provided great feedback on where we can continue to improve. We will take those findings and use them to make the 53rd WG even more effective as we go forward.” The highlights of ACC’s findings are: Eight of eight personal evaluations passed 15 unit strengths Four superior team performers 24 superior performers Staff Sgt. Charlisa Swain, of the 85th Test and Evaluation Squadron, received an IG coin for her efforts. “I am extremely proud not just of our outstanding performers but the entire 53rd Wing team,” said Grynkewich. “Their dedication and hard work leads to the fielding of combat capabilities that make a difference for the warfighter.” AF helps state university educate teachers By Lois Walsh Team Eglin Public Affairs As the nation’s expert on VA Loans, we specialize in making your American Dream of homeownership a reality through the use of your hard-earned VA Loan benefit. Qualify quickly with this flexible, governmentbacked program Finance 100% and put no money down Save money every month by paying no private mortgage insurance (PMI) Call (850) 863-0096 to pre-qualify for free today. Veterans United Home Loans is a VA-approved lender and is not affiliated with any government agency. NMLS 1907. "Veterans United” is a registered trademark of Mortgage Research Center, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 2101344 EmeraldCoastVU.com | 28 Walter Martin Road, Suite A, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 The 40th Flight Test Squadron, along with the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and STEM-ED, an education collaboration non-profit, recently supported a Florida State University initiative to make state classrooms come alive through virtual technology. The squadron hosted a video team from CPALMS, Florida’s teachers’ platform and the state’s official source for K-12 standards and course descriptions. CPALMS was created by the Florida Center for Research in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (FCR-STEM) at FSU. Through the Perspectives video series filmed here and across Florida, CPALMS is providing educators with resources to help them effectively implement STEM teaching standards. The team spent two days interviewing Eglin Airmen about their jobs to Master Sgt. Justin Sudderth | USAF Dr. Betta Jerome explains to Dr. Adam Santone, CPALMS science specialist,how a sled track works for a video on forces, motion, and energy conversion. highlight real-world examples of applied science and mathematics. Maj. Tucker Hamilton, a pilot with the 40th, and Master Sgt. Justin Suddeth, the squadron’s superintendent, got involved early, setting up interviews with Airmen from life support, radar approach control and the weather squadron, to name a few. The major said he supported the project, which seeks to educate teachers and students by bringing STEM knowledge, ideas, and experiences into the classroom. He believes the video approach is a positive way to go. “I think this tool has a lot of potential to educate teachSee teachers page 5 Friday, May 30, 2014 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page 69 selected for promotion to Master Team Eglin Public Affairs AF Lifecycle Management Jessica White Congratulations to all AF Operations Test and of Team Eglin’s Airmen on their selection for promotion Evaluation Center to master sergeant. John Combs The 4,073 selected (Air Force wide) represent a 17.96 33rd Fighter Wing percent selection rate, with Shawn Anderson an average selectee overall Andre Baskin score of 352.55. Selectees’ Nicholas Bateman average time in grade was Michael Greenlund 4.41 years and time in serJavin Guile vice was 15.16 years. AverDustin Ossman age enlisted performance Lizardo Santiago Otero report score was 133.98; Karl Stenske average decorations score was 11.66 promotion fitness 53rd Wing examination average score James Archer was 69.13 and the average Scott Clark skills knowledge test score Coby Hill was 71.49. Daniel Ippolito Ty Lantta Maurico Lopez Michael Novack Mark Richards Candace Ruth Chrystal Stuckey Jerome Young 96th Test Wing Newton Ace Eduardo Aguilera Peter Antcliff Garrell Armstrong Joshua Baxley Micaela Blain Joanna Blocker Nathan Bradford Joseph Burke Nathan Burks Jeanie Campbell Aaron Chalmers Seung Chong Anthony Conley Matthew Crowell Rachel Dellapietro Lucas Dorosky Heather Fonk Joseph Fournier Monica Gonzales Jennie Gorrell Jessica Guile Rulia Harris Patrick Hunt Morgan Iorio Todd Jobst Raul Lopez Kevin McCaslin Damien Moody Joshua Noel Teodoro Nunez Linda Ochs Deanna Passman Samuel Pruett Ferdinand Ramierez Doreen Sibbald Charles Stratton Lakiesha Toney Eduardo Torres Kenneth Townsend Billy Watkins Andrew Willis 366th Training Squadron Bradley Kline Layne Mayerstein Aurelio Ramirez William Senecal 372nd Training Squadron Joseph Saunders Ramos Alvarado Selectees will be promoted in order of promotion sequence number. Selections are tentative until the data verification process is complete, which is normally within 10 days of the promotion release date. Personnel officials will notify Airmen, via military personnel sections, if their selection is in question. For more information about promotion and other personnel issues, visit the myPers website at https:// mypers.af.mil. JCS MCA (Air Force Element) ers and make them more comfortable talking about STEM,” Hamilton said. “Students want to learn about it, but it can be intimidating because some of the subject matter can be difficult.” Dr. Adam Santone, a science specialist with CPALMS, said the video series will help teachers expand their content knowledge, generate new classroom ideas, and gain exposure to real-world examples from both professionals and enthusiasts. Another interview dealt with kinetic energy when Dr. Betta Jerome, the technical advisor for the AF Test Center, Armament and Weapons Test and Evaluation, explained how a sled track works. “It’s important for students to understand the content and skills contained in the education standards, and these videos put that knowledge in context, such as with forces, motion, and energy conversion with the sled track,” Santone said. Hamilton takes a personal interest in reaching out to students, especially females, because “there’s a misconception on their part that women can’t do STEM subjects.” He recounted a time when his daughter was 6 years old and told him she wanted to be a man. “‘I want to be an astronaut and only men can do that,’ she said, Hamilton remembered. “I have no idea where she got that notion, but I had to convince her that was a misconception, she could do something very science intensive.” Educating teachers to educate students is part of the CPALMS program. “It brings the outside world into the classroom,” Santone said. “Teachers can choose what resources they want in the classroom. The Perspectives video series serves to introduce career paths in many fields, including those with the Air Force.” That’s another plus for Hamilton. “We need to try to bring women STEM professionals into the fold to have an influence on students and young women.” CPALMS is funded through the Florida Department of Education, National Science Foundation, Florida Legislature, and FCR-STEM. 3035254 teachers From page 4 Friday, May 30, 2014 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, May 30, 2014 Gate to Gate honors fallen heroes By TRAVIS MEWHIRTER Discover the perfect community for your BAH. Northwest Florida Daily News Reserve Pointe, Navarre Approx. 16 miles Mid 100s* Keylan Cove, Pensacola Approx. 37 miles Winners Gait, Pace Approx. 26 miles Samuel King Jr. | USAF photos A mother pushes her two children toward the finish line of the 29th annual Gate-to-Gate Run May 24. LaGrange Landing, Freeport Approx. 55 miles High 100s* Autumn Woods, Crestview Approx. 48 miles Brownstone Manor, Crestview Approx. 48 miles Samuel King Jr. | USAF The 29th annual Gate-to-Gate Run begins May 24 at Eglin Air Force Base. More than 1,200 people participated in the 4.4 mile race. Many of the runners paid their respects by dropping off flowers in front of the All Veterans Memorial as they raced by. Samuel King Jr. | USAF Forest on Oriole, Gulf Breeze Approx. 28 miles Liberty Oaks, Crestview Approx. 40 miles Magnolia Village, Navarre Approx. 20 miles Summerset, Gulf Breeze Approx. 22 miles Spencer’s Ridge, Pace Approx. 30 miles Winners Gait, Pace Approx. 27 miles Waterford Sound, Gulf Breeze Approx. 22 miles Abernathy, Pace Approx. 23 miles Mid 200s* Low 200s* Terra Bella, Pace Approx. 27 miles Cottonwood, Milton Approx. 22 miles Habersham, Pace Approx. 28 miles High 200s* 877-786-0329 Samuel King Jr. | USAF Samuel King Jr. | USAF James Taylor covers his heart during the National Anthem. The 96th Test Wing honor guard stands ready to present the colors at the 29th annual Gate-to-Gate Run May 24 at Eglin. Runners ‘gear up’ prior to the 29th annual Gate-to-Gate Run May 24 at Eglin. gate-to-gate on the enormous airbase. And thus was born the Gateto-Gate run. It’s a bit of a misnomer now; the race, a 4.4-mile course which had 1,210 runners this year, is no longer run from gate-to-gate. For simplicity’s sake, the finish line was moved closer to the starting line a few years ago so runners didn’t need to be bussed back to the start where the post-race festivities take place. The remaining traditions have held fast: Runners pick up a carnation at the starting line to drop at the All Veterans Memo- a member of RWB, has been a marine for the past six years. He’s been deployed to Sangin, a town that The Guardian once described as the “deadliest area in Afghanistan.” He doesn’t need a stopwatch to tell him the meaning of races like Gate-to-Gate. rial within the first mile of the run and all benefits still go to the Force Support Squadron. “For me, it’s always just running the race,” Falk, a member of team Red, White, and Blue (RWB), said. “I never go out and intent to win necessarily.” A reserve now, Bennett, also Driftwood Estates, Santa Rosa Beach Approx. 52 miles Hammock Bay, Freeport Approx. 53 miles Ashley Plantation, Pace Approx. 32 miles Runners toss carnations onto the All Veterans Memorial during the 29th annual Gate-to-Gate Run May 24. Low 200s* 2108823 Low 100s* C hris Bennett reached into his back pocket with his free hand, the one not clutching the American flag he had just run 4.4 miles holding high, and pulled out a camo strip of name tape with SHORES stitched in black lettering. It was a poignant reminder of what he was running for during Saturday morning’s Gate-to-Gate run at Eglin Air Force Base, a 5-inch or so embodiment of what the Memorial Day race and holiday represents. “I run for him,” Bennett said of his fallen comrade. “I take his name tape whenever I run. That’s the reason I do this every year or for the past three years.” Times are what runners invariably seek: personal records, new milestones, top finishes. And yet, Vince Molosky and Liane Falk, winners of the men’s and women’s overall running division, respectively, did nothing short of shrug them off. Their first place trophies — a golden eagle clutching an American flag in its talons — will make for fabulous mantle pieces and all, but that’s not what they came for. Falk didn’t even bother to check her time at the finish line; Molosky was indifferent towards his. “I don’t really get too hung up on times,” Molosky said. “I’m way past my PR days. I’ll take it, it’s fine, it’s a great race, it’s always a great race out here. For something like this it’s just about running the race, supporting the causes and obviously the armed forces, we wouldn’t be here without them.” The race was formed 29 years ago by a man named Gordon Fornell. As the story goes, some Airmen were in a tough spot on Memorial Day weekend 1985 and, to keep the minds of those stationed at Eglin off of their comrades’ precarious situation, the general created a race from “Getting to give back to the guys who have given it all because veterans — everybody thanks us on Memorial Day — and it’s not about us,” he said. “It’s about the guys that are buried in Barrancas and Arlington National Cemetery. That’s why I run.” A runner checks his time as he strides toward the finish line. Price effective 04/25/2014. *Home and community information, including pricing, included features, terms, availability and amenities are subject to change and prior sale at any time without notice or obligation. Mileage is approximate and may vary. Note: BAH stands for Basic Allowance for Housing; BAH varies from installation to installation. Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, May 30, 2014 Vets should be wary of CVA pitchforks and torches Veterans for America (CVA). So far one major veterans’ organization, The American Legion, has called on VA Secretary Eric Shinseki to resign, following a CNN report that 40 veterans might have died awaiting VA health care in Phoenix where appointment dates perhaps were fudged to make wait times look shorter. I can’t claim to have covered VA medical appointments and wait times with enough depth or regularity to know if there’s gross mismanagement and deceptive bookkeeping at some or many VA facilities. That will be verified, or not, by independent audits and criminal investigations now underway. Most veterans’ groups continue to support Shinseki. They say they know him well enough to believe he’ll address any abuses uncovered and will work to protect more veterans from harm. And we’ll see. But in my 37 years covering veterans’ issues, I have never seen veteran issues used more cynically or politicized more thoroughly than during the past several years. At times the intent seems to Tom Philpott 2097295 Getaway Package 1 Hour Deep Tissue Massage, Gentlemen’s Facial 1 Hour Couples Massage $130.00 $130.00 1 Hour Swedish Massage Gentlemen’s Facial Exp 6/30/14 $60.00 $60.00 Exp 6/30/14 Exp 6/30/14 COME IN FOR A QUICK BITE 850-683-6866 See vets page 9 GMCapply.com/online Mon.-Fri. 10:30am- 8pm; Sat. 10:30am-6pm; Closed Sunday See our menu at: www.Roccossub.com ITSALLABOUTYOUSPA.COM Remember us for your next function! Order a Party Platter from Rocco’s! 2108829 417 RACETRACK NW, FT WALTON BEACH, FL Lic # MM15298 ic claim backlogs and care delays should rule. Instead, there’s heated rhetoric that stirs dissent and attempts to turns the public against a department the CVA routinely portrays always as too costly and too ineffective. Joseph Violante, national legislative director for Disabled American Veterans, a well-informed and thoughtful advocate for vets over decades, recalls being invited to react to Herseth’s critique of VA on a talk radio program in Wisconsin. He was upset to hear Herseth contend VA budgets continue to climb despite “four million fewer veterans” than a decade ago. “I said, ‘Yea, there are probably four million fewer. But they are not all in VA health care’ ” Violante said. “If you look at health care numbers on unique patients, it hasn’t changed much the past decade [at almost six million be- 119 N. EGLIN PKWY. STE 103 • SHALIMAR 10% Military Discount - “All Day Every Day” Extra Punch on Tuesdays! 850.314.6642 is the use of select facts about VA and its programs to reinforce fears rather than give reliable information. Last week a CVA press release hit a new low in purporting to document “lies” Shinseki told in congressional testimony, dropping any veil of respect for a decorated, combat-disabled soldier with a long and stellar career. It is no coincidence only Republicans, including Rep. Jeff Miller (Fla.) and Sen. Richard Burr (N.C.), participate in CVA events. They should reconsider. Though CVA sponsors an occasional informative forum in Washington D.C., it produces no careful analyses of what ails VA. The goal seems to be to attack, relentlessly, while a Democrat holds the White House. Traditional vet groups are alarmed by the rising profile CVA has on cable news programs and in newspapers where informed opinions on chron- One more thing in common, GMC Online. NOW SERVING HOT AND FRESH PIZZA!! EASY ACCESS TO ROCCO’S Exp 6/30/14 2108998 Gentlemen’s be to shake trust in government generally rather than to address veterans’ needs. In the thick of this is Concerned Veterans for America, posing as a vet advocacy group and being rewarded for it. CVA press releases usually are partisan attacks. Its spokesman, Pete Hegseth, an Iraq war vet and Republican who ran for a U.S. Senate in 2012, is quoted often by major news outlets without mention of press reports associating CVA with the Koch brothers, libertarian billionaires who create public interest groups to oppose big government. That’s fine. That’s protected speech. A CVA spokesman told me last year it don’t reveal donor information. What should upset vets 800-342-0413 GEORGIA MILITARY GMC C O L L E G E Take Command. 2100373 This month marks 20 years of writing Military Update. I’ve used it only three times to editorialize about news events including President Clinton’s sex scandal while commander in chief and President George W. Bush worrisome plan to invade Iraq a month before it happened. This week I do so again to shed light on a disturbing new force that is confusing veterans and darkening attacks on the Department of Veterans Affairs during the current health appointments scandal. I refer to a well-funded group called Concerned Friday, May 30, 2014 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page vets From page 8 Magnolia Grill launched an aggressive outreach to explain to vets potential disabilities. That’s why the typical claim today has a dozen compensable conditions to be reviewed versus three to four in past wars. Congress must be aggressive in its oversight of VA health care delays and abuses. But politicians also need to take a hard look at why VA claims and health care have been overwhelmed, and avoid the bitter sound bite wars that give a group like CVA an equal voice with truly pro-vet advocates. Tom Philpott is a syndicated columnist. You may write to him at Military Update, P.O. Box 231111, Centreville, VA 20120-1111; or at milupdate@ aol.com. 2108387 your medical needs, isn’t it best to get care from the private sector? DAV, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars want the VA preserved for its expertise and resources in caring for vets. They fear bills to supplement the VA care by sending vets into the private sector for care nearer to home is a first step toward watering down VA quality of care. Shinseki concedes his controversial decisions to make ischemic heart disease, Parkinson’s disease and B-cell leukemia service-related conditions for anyone who stepped foot in Vietnam helped to create the tsunami of claims and health care obligations that has overwhelmed VA, even as hundreds of thousands of vets came home from long, recent wars. On his watch VA also simplified the process for filing post-traumatic stress disorder claims from veterans of all wars, made compensable more illnesses for 1990-91 Gulf War veterans exposed to in-theater toxins, and 5221988 ing treated]. Enrollment has gone up to about nine million. “But to throw stuff out like that shows they don’t understand what the hell they are talking about. They mix the claims process with the healthcare process and the backlog and wait lists like they are one thing. Every time I see [CVA on TV or in print] the hair on the back of my neck just stands up.” Long-time advocates like Violante worry that CVA’s arguments, over time, will give politicians cover to cut VA funding severely or even to dismantle much of the VA health care system. “They have these people out there saying, ‘We’re giving VA too much. We’re giving the Defense Department too much.’ Their whole purpose is to give support to anyone who wants to cut government, particularly for veterans.” The theme that VA is too costly and ineffective is critical to a message of doubt in government programs. If the vast VA bureaucracy can’t satisfy magnoliagrillfwb.com 850-302-0266 157 Brooks St. SE, Fort Walton Beach, FL Steaks - Seafood - Italian 1122524 Tom & Peggy Rice • Proprietors Page 10 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, May 30, 2014 Cross Creek Estates eglin Briefs Freeport, FL 32439 From staff reports The Brighton A 1750 Sq. ft. | 2 Beds | 2 Baths Starting at $201,440 Warfare course The USAF Special Operations School will hold the Contemporary Insurgent Warfare Course (CIWC) from June 9-13. Meet experts in the field and discuss the US government’s response to the challenges of irregular warfare. All base personnel are invited to attend. To enroll, contact the USAFSOS Registrar at 850-884-4757. For additional course information, visit http://www. afsoc.af.mil/usafsos/ciwc.asp. The Braxton A 1779 Sq. ft. | 2 Beds | 2 Baths Starting at $204,990 > Freeport’s newest community > From the high $100’s > 4 Move-in ready homes Buy or reserve your new home today! Ultimate Day Camp Building Dreams... One Home at a Time. The Eglin Chapel Protestant Community will sponsor an Ultimate Day Camp June 23 - 27, Monday - Thursday 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Lewis School in Val- visit HomesByHalifax.com > > > > Lynn Haven’s beautiful golf community From the low $300’s 2 homes under construction Move-in ready June 1st paraiso for students having completed 1st- 6th grade. The chapel is offering $100 scholarships for children of active duty and $75 scholarship for non-active duty. Scholarships are limited so call soon. For information and to obtain discount code, call the chapel at 882-2111. Swim lessons Swim Lessons at the Eglin Pool are available throughout the summer for all ages and skill levels. Registration is now open at the Pool from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and will remain open until classes are full. Twoweek sessions begin on June 9, June 23, July 7, July 21, and August 4. Each session consists of 45-minute lessons offered on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for both Praise, Power and Compassion Ministries Elder Darrell Coleman, Pastor Pastor & First Lady Coleman 294 Main Street (P.O. Box 2044) Crestview, FL 32536 682-3069 The Austin A 2383 Sq. ft. | 3 Beds | 2.5 Baths $329,990 6518169 Preparing God’s people NOW for the Kingdom that is to COME Worship Services Sunday School 9:30 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Wed. Intercessory Prayer 6:00 PM Wed. Bible Study 7:00 PM Hard & Soft Bed Covers Bed Liners & Mats Toolboxes-Hitches Toppers & Lids Since 1988 Window Visors Step Bars-Running Boards-Seat Covers 3035059 The Madison A 2184 Sq. ft. | 3 Beds | 2.5 Baths $302,990 (850) 460-2601 Sales@HomesbyHalifax.com 42 Business Centre Dr., Suite 101 Miramar Beach, FL 32550 850-862-2400 Throughout Spring and Summer, Eglin Outdoor Recreation hosts two introductory Stand-Up Paddle Boarding classes at Postl Point on the first Saturday of each month, from 9-11 a.m. and from 1-3 p.m. Skills discussed include various paddling strokes, equipment, and basic safety procedures. This promises to be a great introduction to the pleasures of paddling! Sessions will be conducted by World Paddling Association instructors. Class dates for the 2014 season are June 7, July 5, Aug. 2, and Sept. 6. Dates may be adjusted due to inclement weather. Cost is $20 per person. For more information, contact Eglin Outdoor Recreation at 850-882-5058. Now Enrolling for Summer Classes Soothing Arts Healing Therapies School of Massage & Skincare Visit SoothingArts.com for more information. 3035015 FAITH INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH 1309 Valparaiso Blvd. • Niceville 678-4387 LEV HUMPHRIES, PASTOR • Nursery • Bus • Junior Church • Near Eglin AFB www.AccentTops.com Accent Tops & Trailers 657 BEAL PARKWAY 2100858 2096211 Lynn Haven, FL 32444 Paddle Boarding Massage Therapy, Skin Care, and Nail Specialist Accepting Post 911, Montgomery GI Bill & MyCAA Car, Truck & SUV Accessories The Meadows weeks. Class times will be available at 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 6 p.m., and 7 p.m. Price per session is $60 per person, all ages. For more information, contact the Eglin Pool at 850-882-4959. Sunday School.............10 a.m. Preaching.....................11a.m. Sunday...........................6p.m. Wednesday Night...........7 p.m. 2108691 Friday, May 30, 2014 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page 11 $$ Class A CDL Drivers Needed EARN EXTRA $$MONEY$$ Immediately Fort Walton Beach Area Flexible Hours ∙ Have Insured Vehicle Have Valid Driver's License ∙ Must Be At Least 18 Yrs. Old No Experience Necessary 336-394-2515 Job Ref# FL21 www.sddsdelivery.com Drivers Southern Haulers, LLC 1122796 is looking for Bulk Cement Tanker Drivers. Excellent wage and benefit package. Must be 23 years of age, have at least 1 year tractor/trailer exp, good MVR, CDL Class A. Tanker experience preferred. If interested, call 1-866-411-8250, ask for John. Or go to: www.southernhaulersllc.com EOE Web ID#: 34288130a 2 Years Verifiable Service/Repair Exp. Valid Drivers License. OT or On-Call will be Required. Knowledge of South Walton Area Please Apply at AJ's Plumbing Inc. 998 Bay Drive, Santa Rosa Beach, FL. Web ID# :34289477 1124945 Service Plumber Kilwins Chocolates, Fudge and Ice Cream of Destin Commons is now HIRING! Ages 16+ welcome to apply Associate Director of Resource Development/Grant Writer The primary function of this position will be to research grant opportunities through various mediums and be able to successfully write grants and implement new programs identifying potential public and private funding sources to support institutional priorities. Incumbent will be responsible for coordinating the work of proposal development teams, preparing and submitting proposals, and communicating with funding agencies by the targeted grants. Incumbent must have strong grant writing experience, excellent oral and written communication skills, computer skills, and have the ability to work flexible hours, including coverage demands due to training periods and equipment problems. Incumbent must also be able to demonstrate strong organizational, planning, and budgeting skills, and be able to travel both locally, and out of town on College business and training. Minimum Qualifications: Master’s Degree in related field. Salary Range starts at: $46,818.00 Deadline to apply: Open until filled Applicants may apply in person at GCSC Human Resources, 5230 W. U.S. Highway 98; via fax at (850) 913-3292, or e-mail your application to bcollins2@gulfcoast.edu Additional info: www.gulfcoast.edu/hr Gulf Coast State College does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, age, marital status, or disability in its programs, activities or employment. Roberta Mackey, Executive Director of Human Resources, 850-872-3866, has been designated as the person to handle all inquiries regarding 1124940 For an application and more information go to: www.kilwins.com/destincommons 1124907 Web ID#: 34284631 Deliver Phone Books 1123148 3 years min. driving with Dump Trailer Experience. $500 Sign On Retention Bonus *Local Panhandle Hauling *Home Nights Apply ONLY online www.perdido trucking.com Perdido Trucking Service, LLC Mobile, AL TODAY!!! nondiscrimination policies. 1122188 Want to be a CNA/Phlebotomist? Don’t want to wait? Express Training Services now offering our nursing asst. exam prep classes in DESTIN Class for 1 week. 850-502-5521 Military Spouses. We are mycaa certified expresstrainingservices.com Next class: 05/19/2014 Respiratory Therapy Program Coordinator III The Coordinator of the Respiratory Care program is responsible for all aspects of the program, including the organization, administration, continuous review, planning, development, and general effectiveness of the program. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree required; must be credentialed as a Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) eligible for FL license; 4 years teaching experience in an accredited program; 5 years acute care experience as a Respiratory Therapist. Salary: Commensurate with education and experience Deadline to apply: Open until filled Applicants may apply in person at GCSC Human Resources, 5230 W. U.S. Highway 98; via fax at (850) 913-3292, or e-mail your application to bcollins2@gulfcoast.edu Additional info: www.gulfcoast.edu/hr Gulf Coast State College does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, age, marital status, or disability in its programs, activities or employment. Roberta Mackey, Executive Director of Human Resources, 850-872-3866, has been designated as the person to handle all inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies. 1122189 EMPLOYMENT Page 12 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, May 30, 2014 WANTED Quality Hi-Fi Stereo Equip, Guitars, Amps, Vacuum Tubes & Testers, Record Collection, Antique Radios. Old/ New 850-314-0321 543-7025 C LA S S I F I E D S It’ s ea sy to pl ac e an in- co lum n cl a ssi fied ad in the Eg lin Disp at ch . Call 850- 864- 0320 EG LI N DISPA TCH Classi fi ed Request Form D EA DLIN E TUESD AY A TN O O NPRIO R TO PUBLIC ATIO N ♥ ADOPTION: ♥ Ad Ca teg or y _________________ A Creative Financially Secure Family, Music, LOVE, Laughter awaits 1st baby Trish. If no category is re quested, it w lil a ppear in the M sic ellaneous category. ♥ 1-800-552-0045 ♥ 25 w ord lim it • Please prin t cl earl y or ty pe Nam e H o m e/C el l Phon e ( ) Si gn at ur e N O FORMS AC C EPTED W THO I UT SIG NA TURE � M ilitar y � De pe nd en t � Re tire e Expenses Pd FLBar42311 Are you pregnant? Considering adoption? A childless, caring and loving, married couple seeks to adopt. Will be HANDS-ON mom and devoted dad. Financial security and emotional stability. All expenses paid. Call/Text Diane & Adam 1-800-790-5260. FBN 0150789. Cl a ssi fied Ad Co py : Du ty Phon e BEDROOM SET 4-poster queen size bed,nightstand, dresser w/mirror, chest of drawer w/5 drawers, 32”armoire $1200; living room set w/round, glass top table w/2 matching end tables w/2 lamps $350; dining room set w/70” round glass top table w/4 cushioned chairs $275; small make up table & corner table $150; OBO ALL from Ashley Furniture. NICE! (850)374-1253 GUN SHOW Santa Rosa County Auditorium: Milton, FL June 7th & 8th 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. (Concealed Weapons Classes10am & 2pm Daily Call: 850-602-6572) General Admission $6 850-957-4952 or 850-261-8407 Devil Bliss 5000 W generator, 10 HP engine $300, extra large pet carrier $50, wooden baby high chair $10, portable work light $15 CALL 850-862-5167 FR EE CLASSIFIED A D RULES: • Free classi fie d ads are for th e one ti m esa le of personal property by m ilitar y m em ber s an d im m edi at e fam ily, an d m ilitar y re tir ees . • N o n- m ilitar y ind ivi du al s an d al l bu si ne sse s should contact th e Eglin D ispatch’s publis her, th e N orthwest Florida D ail y N ew sby callin g 850- 864- 0320. • Ad s m ust no t ex ceed 25 w ord s and m ust lis t a hom eor cell phone num ber. • D uty te lephones are used by th e D ispatch staff for veri fic atio n purposes only. The Eglin D ispatch staff reserves th e ri ght to edit or refuse classi fie d ads due to in appropri ate content, space consid eratio ns or for other reasons. • O nly on e ad m ay be su bm itted pe r w eek , unless PC Sing. A copy of PC S orders m ust be presente d in person at: N o rt hw es t Fl or ida Da ily N e w s 2 Eg lin Pa rk w a y N E Ft . W alton Be ac h, FL DIABETIC TEST STRIPS NEEDED Will buy sealed, unexpired boxes (850)710-0189 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY!!!! Niceville/ Navarre The Northwest Florida Daily News is looking for a full-time Receptionist/ Secretary The person in this postion must be organized, efficient, and able to deliver top-notch customer service. This associate works from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, operating the switchboard, answering all incoming calls to the Daily News, assisting callers and directing them to the appropriate destination. The associate also serves as the newsroom secretary, handling obituaries and other content for both the print edition and the website in addition to performing various administrative duties. Additional duties include assisting the circulation department and answering circulation calls. Applicants must be able to type, meet deadlines, and prepare written materials accurately in a fast-paced environment. Computer and information system skills and strong communication skills are required. An associate’s degree or two years of experience in an office environment is preferred. Please email resume to: ehypes@nwfdailynews.com Web ID#: 34286531 Open routes available in the early morning Great opportunity to own your own BUSINESS Deliver your newspaper in your community Independent Contractors CNAs All Shifts Shoal Creek Rehab Center is currently accepting applications for FT CNAs, all shifts. Shoal Creek offers a comparable benefits pkg w/ medical, dental & paid vacation. Apply in person to 500 S Hospital Dr, Crestview, FL Web ID 34289701 Text FL89701 to 56654 Individual wants to buy house for investment. 850-651-0987 Text FL87897 to 56654 Multi-family home 5800 sq ft total Main house 5/4 Guest House 3/1 Pool - irrig - 3 ktchns 2.9 acres - 3 car gar. OPEN HOUSE Sat-Sun Noon-4pm 3690 Hwy 90 E Crestview 32539 Reduced $399,900 850 682-4994 Logistics/Transport EARN EXTRA INCOME NEEDED IMMEDIATELY!!!! Destin/Miramar Beach Open routes available in the early morning Great opportunity to own your own BUSINESS Deliver your newspaper in your community Independent Contractors Must have: A reliable vehicle Proof of Auto Insurance A valid driver’s license Be 18 yrs or older Stop by the Daily News at 2 Eglin Pkwy NE, FWB, or Call Kent 850-315-4496 Web ID: 34289864 Want to be a CNA/ Phlebotomist? PORTABLE A/C UNIT 8500 BTU only used a few times $200, call (850)240-1961 Medical/Health Must have: A reliable vehicle Proof of Auto Insurance A valid driver’s license Be 18 yrs or older Stop by the Daily News at 2 Eglin Pkwy NE, FWB, or email Aimee at: atabb@nwfdailynews.co m Web ID#: 34289864 Training/Education 20538611 The submissi on deadlin e fo r classi fi ed ads is Tuesday at n oon prio r to public atio n. EARN EXTRA INCOME Admin/Clerical � OR Brin g th is fo rm in pers on to : N o rt hw es t Fl or ida Da ily N e w s 2 Eg lin Pk w y N E Ft . W alton Be ac h, FL Logistics/Transport Don’t want to wait? Express Training Services now offering our nursing asst. exam prep classes in DESTIN Class for 1 week. 850-502-5521 Military Spouses We Are mycaa certified expresstrainingservices.com Next class: 05/19/2014 Shalimar-1, 2, 3 & 4 Br $625-$899 Water Incl. Pool, Laundry CH/A No Dog Mon-Sat 651-8267 Text FL87319 to 56654 PRIVATE BATH and BEDROOM, + bonus room; access to kitchen & laundry; large screened porch & nice yard $600/month. Includes all utilities, cable and internet. 850-585-5070 Honda VTX1300R 2007 Like new, 5400 mi, Maroon, w/ 2 Helmets & Quick-Release Windshield. $5900 OBO Tim 850-685-5110 KAWASAKI ZX-10R NINJA 2005 Black, Always Garaged, Never Down, Recent Tune-Up, Includes 2 Joe Rocket Jackets and 2 helmets. $5,500. 850-420-6351
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