8 pages of Eglin news, information and advertising
Friday, january 2, 2015 Inside Consistent fitness is the key to PT test success. See story Page 2 index Briefs.............................. Page 3 Classifieds...................... Page 7 Philpott........................... Page 6 contactus Mon.-Fri.:............8 a.m. to 5 p.m. News Phone:........863-1111, Ext. 1472 News Fax:...........863-7834 E-mail: news@eglindispatch.com Address: 2 Eglin Parkway NE Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 A walk through 2014 FREE 8 pages of Eglin news, information and advertising published weekly. Read it online at www.eglindispatch.com January 2, 2015 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, January 2, 2015 Tracey Steele Editor 315-4472 tsteele@nwfdailynews.com Susan Fabozzi News Assistant 315-4450 sfabozzi@nwfdailynews.com News (850) 315-4450 Fax: (850) 863-7834 E-mail: news@eglindispatch.com Advertising 863-1111 Ext. 1341 Mail 2 Eglin Parkway NE, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 The Eglin Dispatch is published by the Northwest Florida Daily News, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. This publication’s content is not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or Eglin Air Force Base. The official news source for Eglin Air Force Base is www.eglin.af.mil. The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, Eglin Air Force Base or the Northwest Florida Daily News for products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Northwest Florida Daily News. Year No. 9 Edition No. 1 Consistent fitness key to PT test success By Tech. Sgt. Jasmin Taylor From staff reports Accompanist needed 919th Special Operations Wing Public Affairs DUKE FIELD — Fitness has always been a cornerstone of my Air Force career development. My first physical assessment was in basic training. At the initial assessment, I was able to perform the sit-ups, but I was told the one pushup and 18-minute mile and a half were a problem. With persistent training, I was able to pass the final assessment. I was recently informed a passing fit-to-fight score has more leverage in career advancement than ever before. Not only does it appear on an enlisted progress report, but it also plays a part in selection for temporary duty assignments, awards and retention. With four failed fitness assessments in a 24-month period it forces the commander to recommend discharge. As Airmen, it is imperative to maintain capabilities and endurance and strive to be at peak performance. I have found quality exercise, nutrition, mental status, and routine for physical fitness are supported by mentorship. Find someone able to surpass these standards and seek their help in mentoring toward success. A running partner or pacer is an example for motivation and competition. Look for proven exercise routines, nutrition plans, and take advantage of helpful technology. There are many apps available with quick total body workouts anyone can perform. If one works, share it with others. A colleague recently shared a seven-minute workout app that works great for core conditioning. A healthy diet is just as important as fitness is. I don’t mean the newest myth of a magic pill or shake either. Talk to a nutritionist, some are even available on base. Find ways to properly incorporate healthy meals high in protein and low in carbohydrates accompanied by colorful fruits and vegetables. As I continue to experience, exercise alone is not enough to get the desired waist measurement or anticipated run time. I recently incorporated a raw diet of radishes, pecans, kale, almond butter and coconut milk. I noticed quick and healthy results in my waistline and mental acuity. Fitness is not just physical either. Stressful days are plentiful and incorporating a workout provides one’s body stress release. Exercises can also provide something else to stay focused on rather than being distracted by ailments and life’s trials. Once I get into a routine with an exercise program and see results my enthusiasm to exercise is revitalized. The problem is keeping the enthusiasm year round. The Air Force Instruction 36-2905 recommendation consists of 90 minutes intervals at three to five times a week. For me, adding another 90 minutes to my schedule can become tricky. eglin Briefs The Eglin Chapel CAMP (Chapel Arts and Music Program) is seeking a volunteer to accompany from 3 to 4 p.m. each Thursday starting Jan. 8. If interested or for information, contact Audrey Bonanno at 863-9559. 6-Week Weight Loss Challenge Registration and the initial weigh-in for a 6-Week Weight Loss Challenge kicks off Jan. 5 at the Eglin Fitness Annex, and continues through Jan. 16, every weekday from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Weight loss incentive prizes will be awarded throughout the competition, with 1st and 2nd place male and female prizes awarded after the close of the competition. Cost for participating is $10 paid at registration time. Participants are invited to kick-off their challenge at the Resolution Run/Walk For information, call 883-9127. line is at the CE pavilion on Cypress Road. Top three male and female finishers will be awarded prizes. Wear appropriate gear for cool weather. Participation is free for all personnel, no registration required. Bayview’s First Friday Eglin’s Bayview Club members and their families are invited to enjoy a special social hour event from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Jan. 9. Featuring a free buffet for Bayview Club members, immediate family members, and all children age 5 and under. Admission is $5 for all others. ITT will have information on upcoming tours for 2015 and beyond. There will be Club Membership drawings throughout the evening. For information, call the Club, 651-1010. Family Movie Saturdays The Integrated Learning Center is hosting free family fun days at 12:30 p.m. on Jan. 10 and 24, with games and crafts, movie, free popcorn and prizes. All ages are invited. Movies showing in January are How to Train Your Dragon 2 and Maleficent. Hangar 3 is located next to Legends Sports Grill. For information, call 882-9308. 5th Annual Polar Bear Plunge Ready for a genuinely “chilling” experience? Eglin Outdoor Recreation will present its 5th annual Polar Bear Plunge at 7 a.m. Jan. 9 at Post’l Point Beach. Take a quick early morning dip - if you so dare - into the winter waters of Weekly Bayou, then warm up and toast your bravery with some complimentary hot cocoa or coffee. The event is free to all. Donations of non-perishable snacks and microwavable foods items (not requiring refrigeration) will be accepted during the event to help support the USO Resolution Run Tech. Sgt. Jasmin Taylor | USAF 1st Lt. Bobbiejean Johnson, of the 919th Special Operations Wing, scales the monkey bars before the finish of the Emerald Coast MudRun for Orphans in Niceville, May 17. Consistent activity and an established fitness plans are keys to a successful PT score. The Eglin Fitness Center invites everyone to celebrate the New Year and hit the ground running with Eglin’s annual Resolution 3-Mile Run/Walk at 1:30 p.m. Jan. 16. Starting FAITH INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH 1309 Valparaiso Blvd. • Niceville I’ve often been guilty of being one of the many Airmen who train just prior to their fitness assessment. Excuses are plentiful and life manages to continue to put up obstacles. However, if I want something bad enough, I figure out a way to make it happen. Set the excuses and hurdles such as “I don’t have time, or my foot hurts” out of your path to physical fitness. Some Airmen have medical issues that prevent them from performing certain exercises. If this happens, there are a variety of other exercises and programs available provided by the base health and wellness center or the force support squadron. There is no excuse for not doing something to stay in shape. Maintaining year-round fitness prevents injuries, keeps your body functioning better and leads to healthier Air Force lifestyles. Make fitness a permanent lifestyle and your body and the Air Force will escalate your Air Force career endeavors. 678-4387 LEV HUMPHRIES, PASTOR • Nursery • Bus • Junior Church • Near Eglin AFB Sunday School.............10 a.m. Preaching.....................11a.m. Sunday...........................6p.m. Wednesday Night...........7 p.m. 2110114 Freedom Lounge at your local airport. The squadron that is best represented in the Plunge will get one free party package rental. For information, contact ODR, 882-5058. Fishing Charters Outdoor Recreation now offers offshore and inshore charter fishing trips with captains licensed to operate offshore and inshore charter fishing trips. Length of trip, number of passengers and prices vary. For information, contact Outdoor Recreation at Post’l Point, 882-5058. Mardi Gras Day Trips Join Eglin ITT on day trips to New Orleans Mardi Gras. Cost is $55 per person. Parade schedule for Feb. 15 is: Krewe of Okeanos, 11 a.m.; Krewe of Mid-City, 11:45 a.m.; Krewe of Thoth, noon; and Krewe of Bacchus, 5:15 p.m. Fat Tuesday parade schedule is: Krewe of Rex, 10 a.m. with Krewe of elks Orleans and Krew of Crescent City following. For information, call ITT, 882-5930. Historic Savannah Orientation Flights Enjoy tour three exciting over the Emerald days in historic Savannah – one of the most beautiCoast ful cities in America with Get a birds-eye-view of our beautiful Emerald Coast on an Aero Club orientation flight Jan. 19. It’s a 20-minute flight you’ll thoroughly enjoy. Cost is $25 per person. Flight time must be booked in advance by calling the Aero Club, 882-5148. gorgeous Southern-style homes, beautiful parks, and tree-lined walks and streets. This fully escorted trip, Jan. 21-23, includes transportation and features two nights at Inn at Ellis Square, two breakfasts, two dinners, Ghost Tour, Foodie Tour with lunch, Movie Tour, time to explore downtown Savannah, and light snacks on the bus. Cost is $389 per person for double occupancy accommodations. Call for single, triple and quad rates. $75 per person is due at time of registration with balance due Jan. 5, 2015. ERAU Don’t wait for the New Year… Make your resolution NOW…register today for the January Term. Term dates are Jan. 12 – Feb. 15. Embry-Riddle offers Associate, Bachelor and Master Degrees in Aeronautics, Business, Emergency Services, Project Management, and Engineering inresidence and online. Mrs. Hitt, ERAU Eglin Campus, 678-313. To submit an item for the briefs, e-mail us at news@ eglindispatch.com. Deadline for Friday’s edition is noon Monday. Wellness & Weightloss • Low energy or hot flflashes? ashes? • Weight gain? • Diminished sex drive? • Do you have night sweats? • Depression, irritable or unmotivated? Get a Free Invisalign Scan! Try Our Invisalign Simulator! FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION with Dr. Stubbs BLUEWATER BAY 4633 E. Hwy. 20 DESTIN 4484 Legendary Dr. 850-678-8338 www.StubbsOrtho.com Most insurance accepted including United Concordia and MetLife 2112078 ContactUs 50% OFF * NEW HORMONE OR NEW WEIGHTLOSS 1st Office Visit | $75.00 Value EXTENDED THRU 1/31/15 DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND Board Certified OB/GYN Physician, Clinical Pharmacist, and Registered Nurse available for all your bio identical hormone needs. * Does not include lab work (usually covered by insurance) or medications. WELLNESS & WEIGHTLOSS OF FWB 1013-B MAR WALT DRIVE | FORT WALTON BEACH, FL 32547 of Fort Walton YOU MAY NEED HORMONE REPLACEMENT! No messy creams or expensive saliva testing. Call today for details! Registered Nurse available to answer questions 850-863-2222 January 2, 2015 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, January 2, 2015 Memories of 2014 All three U.S. service variants of the F-35 Lightning II participate in a training sortie together May 21 near Eglin Air Force Base. The F-35s at Eglin AFB surpassed 5,000 combined training sorties May 28. Staff Sgt. Katerina Slivinske | USAF Sara Vidoni | USAF Participants get colorful during the Color Me Aware fun run April 4, at Eglin Air Force Base. Approximately 30 volunteers helped more than 450 participants get colorful during three color zones of the three-mile run. The event highlighted the start of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. CHRISSy CuTTITA | USAF Special guest Derek Vincent, 6, shows his father Jeff Vincent, the 40th Flight Squadron patch he received from a pilot while on tour with the 96th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron June 27. Vincent was diagnosed with a brain tumor in January and recently battled six weeks of radiation unsuccessfully so the squadron provided a tour for the family from Memphis, Tenn. Samuel King Jr. | USAF Maintainers from the 355th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, secure an AGM-65 to an A-10 Thunderbolt II prior to a morning Weapon System Evaluation Program sortie at Eglin Feb. 19. Tech. Sgt. Samuel King Jr. | USAF Army Ranger students return to their camp after collecting water during some down time in the woods of the Eglin Air Force Base range. Students complete the final phase of the Army Ranger course with the 6th Ranger Training Battalion. Instructors expose the students to an 18-day field training that includes airborne and helicopter assaults, small boat operations, river and swamp crossings. Samuel King Jr. | USAF Above, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III speaks to an Airman in the audience during an All Call at Eglin Air Force Base, Jan. 27. Welsh, along with his wife, Betty, spent two days meeting Eglin Airmen and their families and learning about the missions of the various units at the base. At top, Audrey Baker, 3, hugs a flag given to her to honor the memory of her father Sgt. 1st Class Jeffrey Baker on May 3 during the Explosive Ordnance Disposal 45th Annual Memorial Service at the Kauffman EOD Training Complex on Eglin Air Force Base. Baker was killed in action May 14, 2013 while serving with an EOD unit in Afghanistan. Samuel King Jr. | USAF Airman 1st Class Nanci Hause secures her safety glasses during a disease containment exercise at Eglin Oct. 22. January 2, 2015 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, January 2, 2015 Try Our New Char Grill Entrees “Home of the Mother Tom Omelette” Breakfast Specials Starting at 3.99 $ Friday Special Fresh Fried Mullet with 2 Sides 7.69 $ 400 N Eglin Pkwy, FWB, FL • (850) 243 0733 EXICAN E S TAU R A N T Fresh not Frozen Authentic Mexican Food 2 FOR 1 2112067 LosM Rancheros R MARGARITAS & DRAFT BEER EVERY DAY! Bring this ad and get $5 OFF purchase of $25 or more! Exp 1/30/15 NEW YEAR’S SPECIAL! Buy 1 Combo Platter Dinner #A-L, Get 1 FREE (WITH PURCHASE OF 2 DRINKS) Cannot be combined with any other offer, discount, coupon, etc. Exp. 1-30-15 Mon-Thur 11am-10pm | Fri-Sat 11am-10pm | Sun 11am-9pm Car, Truck & SUV Accessories Hard & Soft Bed Covers Bed Liners & Mats Toolboxes-Hitches Toppers & Lids Since 1988 Window Visors Step Bars-Running Boards-Seat Covers www.AccentTops.com Accent Tops & Trailers 657 BEAL PARKWAY 850-862-2400 find 2015 BAH rates online at: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/bahCalc.cfm. Also taking effect Jan. 1 are new basic allowance for subsistence (BAS) rates which will increase by 2.9 percent. The new rates are $367.92 per month for enlisted members and $253.38 per month for officers. BAS adjustments are linked to changes in food prices as measured by the annual change in the U.S. Department of Agriculture cost of food at home index. The Defense Department also released its 2015 contiguous United States (CONUS) cost of living allowance (COLA) rates. About 12,000 members will see a decrease in CONUS COLA payments and 7,000 will see an increase or no change. Roughly 4,000 members no longer will draw CONUS COLA payments, a taxable supplemental allowance to help offset higher prices in high-cost locations. CONUS COLA rates vary based on location, pay grade, years of service and dependent status. New CONUS COLA rates can be calculated at: http://www.defensetravel. dod.mil/site/conusCalc.cfm. The BAH budget for 2015 is about $20 billion. The president’s 2016 budget request in February is expected to call for more dampening of BAH payments. Congress would have to approve them. When BAH rates first were set more a decade ago, initial rates covered only 80 percent of members’ actual rental costs. During recent wars, Congress adopted a phased program to close that BAH gap with rental costs gradually, and finally achieved that goal in 2005. In 2015 that trend begins to reverse course. Service members living off base overseas get an Overseas Housing Allowance instead of BAH. OHA is not adjusted with BAH. OHA is based on what members actually pay in rent and so gets adjusted periodically based on shifts in the dollar’s value against local foreign currency. Tom Philpott is a syndicated columnist. You may write to him at Military Update, P.O. Box 231111, Centreville, VA 20120-1111; or at milupdate@ aol.com. 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship 6:00 pm Evening Service Wednesday 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study, Children and Youth Programs Home of the Calvary Christian Academy K3-12th Grade A Place to Call Home Mark Stevens, Pastor Call 850-864-0320 OR Bring this form in person to: N orthw estFlorida Daily N ew s 2 Eglin Pkw y N E Ft.W alton Beach,FL EG LIN DISPA TCH Classified Request Form Logistics/Transport EARN EXTRA INCOME NEEDED IMMEDIATELY!!!! NEEDED IMMEDIATELY!!!! 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Classified Ad Copy: Open routes available in the early morning Great opportunity to own your own BUSINESS Deliver your newspaper in your community Independent Contractors Must have: zA reliable vehicle zProof of Auto Insurance zA valid driver’s license zBe 18 yrs or older Stop by: 638 N Ferdon Blvd, Crestview or Call Dale Robinson before 11am 850-682-6524 Web ID#:34309731 Turn to classified! You can bank on our bargains! Duty Phone • Free classified ads are for the one tim e sale ofpersonalproperty by m ilitary m em bers and im m ediate fam ily,and m ilitary retirees. • N on-m ilitary individuals and allbusinesses should contact the Eglin D ispatch’s publisher, the N orthw est Florida D aily N ew s by calling 850-864-0320. • Ads m ustnotexceed 25 w ords and m ust list a hom e or cellphone num ber. • D uty telephones are used by the D ispatch stafffor verification purposes only.The Eglin D ispatch staffreserves the right to edit or refuse classified ads due to inappropriate content, space considerations or for other reasons. • O nly one ad m ay be subm itted per w eek, unless PC Sing. A copy ofPC S orders m ust be presented in person at: N orthw estFlorida Daily N ew s 2 Eglin Parkw ay N E Ft.W alton Beach,FL The subm ission deadline for classified ads is Tuesday at noon prior to publication. Training/Education Want to be a CNA/Phlebotomist? Spot Advertising works! Don’t want to wait? Express Training Services now offering our nursing asst. exam prep classes in DESTIN Class for 1 week. 850-502-5521 Military Spouses We Are mycaa certified expresstrainingservices.com Next class starts: : 01/12/2015 8am - 4pm ***Attention Veterans*** WANTED Quality Hi-Fi Stereo Equip, Guitars, Amps, Vacuum Tubes & Testers, Record Collection, Antique Radios. Old/ New 850-314-0321 543-7025 Logistics/Transport EARN EXTRA INCOME FREE CLA SSIFIED A D RU LES: Sunday 529 Clifford Street • Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 850.862.5369 • www.cbcfwb.org It’s easy to place an in-colum n classified ad in the Eglin Dispatch. 20538611 300 Eglin Pkwy, Ft. Walton Beach | 862-2007 added, and “ensures that members who have made long-term commitments in the form of a lease or contract are not penalized if the area’s housing costs decrease.” The Pentagon eliminated renters’ insurance coverage from BAH through “procedural changes,” Defense officials said. For BAH recipients, it means a rate drop of $200 to $300 a year. The other dampening of rates, so they cover 99 percent of average rental costs and utilities, required a change in law. Senior defense officials and military leaders proposed earlier this year that BAH rates be capped through 2017 until rates cover 95 percent of rental costs and utilities. Congress decided to limit the impact to one percent, in 2015. House-Senate conferees on the defense bill warned that Congress will reconsider the heftier compensation curbs sought by the Joint Chiefs after the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commissions delivers its recommendations in February. Service members can 2110864 Tom Philpott Act with its automatic “sequestration” enforcement tool. BAH rates in January will climb an average of $17 per recipient. But individual rate adjustments will vary by pay grade, dependency status and assignment area. For example, rates will climb an average of 8 percent in San Diego and 7 percent near Travis Air Force Bas, Calif. But BAH will fall an average of 11 percent near Fort Huachuca, Ariz., and 8 percent in Ogden, Utah, two areas that will see the sharpest rates declines. The good news for current BAH recipients is individual rate protection remains in effect. No service members will see BAH drop unless they change assignment areas “and as long as they do not have a reduction in pay grade or a change in dependency status,” said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, a spokesman for the office of assistant secretary of defense for personnel and force readiness. Rate protection is an “integral part of the BAH program,” Christensen 2110861 2096211 99 percent rather than 100 percent of average rental costs for stateside service members. Both steps are intended to free up about a billion housing allowance dollars over the next five years so the services can divert them to other readiness needs as defense budgets continue to be squeezed by the 2011 Budget Control 2110557 Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) paid to a million service members living off base in the United States will rise by an average half percentage point in January as two slimming changes to rate calculations take hold. The 2015 BAH rates no longer will include added dollars for renters insurance, a move that dampens rates an average of one percent. Also, the fiscal 2015 Defense Authorization Act that President Obama signed Dec. 19 slows BAH growth so new rates cover C LA S S IF IE D S � Average stateside housing allowance rises only .5 percent TMC TRANSPORTATION WANTS YOU IN CDL TRAINING! Job-ready in 15 Days Earning $800 per week! Positions Open Nationwide ***Approved for VA*** Call Today 1-800-709-7364 Web ID#: 34307191 Destin/Santa Rosa Beach/ Miramar Beach Open routes available in the early morning Great opportunity to own your own BUSINESS Deliver your newspaper in your community Independent Contractors Must have: zA reliable vehicle zProof of Auto Insurance zA valid driver’s license zBe 18 yrs or older Stop by the Daily News at 2 Eglin Pkwy NE, FWB, or Call Kent 850-315-4496 Web ID: 34309732 Manager’s Special 2 Br, 1 Bath Starting at $699 Pay no rent until 2015 January Special 1/2 Off Rent Westwood Apts 850-581-2324 FWB - 3 br, 2 bath in Crosswinds Landing. Between Eglin & Hurlburt $1,295 mo. Call 318-550-7450 Text FL09737 to 56654 Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on a equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. 3br/3ba Townhouse, approx. 1800sq, 2 CG, 2 decks, completely fenced, extra parking, no association fee, great neighborhood, conveniently located, near shopping malls, schools, beaches, & bases. Move in ready with 1 yr home warranty. Cash Deal! $156,900. Please Call 1-254-383-5597 Text FL09768 to 56654 Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, January 2, 2015 SANTA FOUND THIS YEAR’S PERFECT GIFT OKALOOSA COUNTY MEMORIES: CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION UNIQUE T I M E L ES S • Hardcover, 144 pages, archival quality. • Hundreds of stunning historic images. • Monumental newspaper front pages. C O L L E CTOR ’ S I T E M • Community memories. • Articles of 10 history makers/turning points. • Available for pickup or online now. ABOUT THE BOOK: The Northwest Florida Daily News is proud to present the hardbound, coffee table book, “Okaloosa County Memories.” We have worked with area libraries, archives, historical partners and you, our readers, to produce this unique, heirloom-quality book capturing 100 years of our county’s history in photographs. Order your commemorative book now at $44.95 (plus tax/shipping) while supplies last. Pick up your copy at one of the locations listed below or order online today! Hurry, this book is in limited supply! Order one of two ways: Pick up your copies at one of these locations: • NW Florida Daily News - 2 Eglin Parkway NE, Fort Walton Beach • The Destin Log - 35008 Emerald Coast Pkwy Suite 501, Destin • Crestview News Bulletin - 638 N. Ferdon Blvd, Crestview Have your books shipped by ordering online at OkaloosaCo.PictorialBook.com Free shipping available for online orders of two or more copies Pre-orders for pick up are available now GOLD SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS City of Fort Walton Beach Destin Fishing Rodeo Dr. Dennis Lichorwic Fort Walton Beach Medical Center Joe & Eddies Restaurant Magnolia Grill Okaloosa Board of County Commission 1136780 PRESENTED BY
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