12 pages of eglin news, information and advertising
12 pages of eglin news, information and advertising
Friday, September 11, 2015 Inside AFMC promotes Mental Fitness Awareness campaign. See story Page 3 Pet Welfare’s kennels are deteriorating and dangerous. See story Page 4 Wing promotes 16 Citizen Commandos in September. See story Page 5 From Eagles to the Stars Security forces demonstrates UAS capabilities See story Page 6 index Briefs.............................. Page 10 Classifieds...................... Page 12 Philpott........................... Page 8 contactus Mon.-Fri.:............8 a.m. to 5 p.m. News Phone:........863-1111, Ext. 1472 News Fax:...........863-7834 E-mail: news@eglindispatch.com Address: 2 Eglin Parkway NE Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 page 2 SAMUEL KING JR. | USAF FREE 12 pages of Eglin news, information and advertising published weekly. Read it online at www.eglindispatch.com Friday, September 11, 2015 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, September 11, 2015 News Coordinator 315-4450 sfabozzi@nwfdailynews.com Tracey Steele Designer 315-4472 tsteele@nwfdailynews.com News (850) 315-4450 Fax: (850) 863-7834 E-mail: news@eglindispatch.com Advertising 863-1111 Ext. 1341 Mail 2 Eglin Parkway NE, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 The Eglin Dispatch is published by the Northwest Florida Daily News, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. This publication’s content is not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or Eglin Air Force Base. The official news source for Eglin Air Force Base is www.eglin.af.mil. The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, Eglin Air Force Base or the Northwest Florida Daily News for products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Northwest Florida Daily News. Year No. 9 Edition No. 37 From Eagles to the Stars Wing commander becomes a general By SAMUEL KING JR. Team Eglin Public Affairs On the afternoon of Sept. 2, surrounded by his family and flanked by friends, Christopher Azzano had his Eagle ranks removed and replaced with Stars. The symbolic gesture of the stars pin on by his family members signified the 96th Test Wing commander’s promotion to the rank of brigadier general. “This is the result of a lot of hard work and a true team effort,” said the Michigan native and 24-year veteran. “For all the Airmen and communities I’ve been able to serve, this is a shared accomplishment.” Former 96th TW commander, Maj. Gen. David Harris returned here to preside over the promotion ceremony. “This wing is very fortunate to have a leadership team like the Azzanos,” said Harris, who also officiated Azzano’s previous promotion to colonel. “You’ve got one great commander here. I couldn’t recommend him more.” After his new stars were pinned on, Azzano recited the oath of office and was presented with his new one-star flag. “Any promotion in the military fulfills a need,” said Azzano. “The reason I’m standing here is the Air Force had a need. I was deemed available and qualified, but this promotion is not about me.” The new general received his commission in 1991. Before taking command of the 96th Test Wing in June, he was the 72nd Air Base Wing commander at Tinker Air Force Base, Okla. During the fall months, Air Force Materiel Command will promote its Mental Fitness Awareness Campaign. According to Comprehensive Airman Fitness (AFI 90-506), mental fitness is defined as the ability to effectively cope with unique mental stressors and challenges. One way to keep on top of your mental fitness is to understand anxiety. Anxiety can be a motivator or response to the anticipation of an event, with symptoms like butterflies in your stomach, rapid breathing or a pounding heart. All of us worry about issues like relationships, health or money and have experienced brief anxiety caused by stressful events such as public speaking or a job furlough. But some people may experience anxiety that is Unit #1120 Unit #1130 Partially Furnished Brig. Gen. Christopher Azzano, the 96th Test Wing commander, presents a boutique of flowers to his mother, Judy, during his promotion ceremony Sept. 2 at Eglin Air Force Base. Senior Airman Adam Nop holds the Florida state flag during the playing of the National Anthem. persistent, uncontrollable and overwhelming. If it is an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations, it can be disabling. When anxiety interferes with daily activities, you may have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, signs and symptoms of GAD include: • Persistent worry about everyday things • Inability to concentrate • Insomnia • Difficulty relaxing • Headaches, muscle aches, stomach aches or unexplained pains • Irritability, excessive sweating, feeling lightheaded or out of breath • Having to go to the bathroom a lot If you are experiencing some of these symptoms consistently, for at least two weeks, you may be interested in an anxiety screening. An anonymous and confidential mental health screening is offered on our website, AFMCwellness.com. Screening results are educational, not diagnostic, but are provided so participants may quickly and easily find out if a Team Eglin Public Affairs Congratulations to the following parents who welcomed new arrivals: It’s a boy l Joseph Anthony, born Aug. 10 to Maj. Jason and professional consultation information, call (800) would be helpful. 342-9647 or visit militaryo- Maj. Jessica Ortolano l Edward Georgios, “Mental fitness asnesource.mil. Active duty born Aug. 15 to Staff Sgt. sistance programs and may also contact their services are available to local mental health clinic Eddy and Michelle Cazerez members of the AFMC for services. It’s a girl workforce and their famiCivilian employees can l Khloe Marie Kay, lies who are dealing with contact the Employee born July 31 to Senior Airanxiety issues” said Lt. Assistance Program for man Dakota and Kristin Col. William Hubbard, free, confidential counMizell AFMC Chief of Behavioral seling services at (800) l Hannah Belle, born Health. “This includes 222-0364 or via the EAP Aug. 1 to Capt. Joshua and professional counselors, website at FOH4You.com. Sara Goldfarb clergy and health care For more information l Aaliyah, born Aug. providers.” about anxiety education 2 to Roderick and 2nd Lt. Military OneSource materials, visit AFMCShawna Houston is an option for military wellness.com or contact l Kynzlee Ann, born members, spouses and your local Civilian Health Aug. 15 to Staff Sgt. Kurtis dependents. For more Promotion Services team. and Ashley Harris AVAILABLE FOR LEASE SAMUEL KING JR. | USAF Brig. Gen. Christopher Azzano, the 96th Test Wing commander, stands at attention as his new one-star flag is unfurled during his promotion ceremony Sept. 2 at Eglin Air Force Base. Civilian employees can contact the Employee Assistance Program for free, confidential counseling services at (800) 222-0364 or via the EAP website at FOH4You.com. Air Force Materiel Command tots in Blue MEIGS EXECUTIVE PARK • First Time Ever Available • Class A Office Space • 5500-13,000 Sq.Ft. Available • Located in Shalimar, Florida • Eglin Parkway Frontage • 2.7 Miles from Eglin AFB (Approx. 6 Min.) • Traffic Count Estimate: 36,000+/Day First Floor: • 17 Offices • Conference Room • Kitchen/Break Room Minutes from Eglin AFB ON TIME REPAIRS! Second Floor: • 18 Offices • 32x22 Conference Room • Kitchen/Break Room www.BonezziDevelopment.com Tina Carlino-Peake: 850-650-4725 LIFETIME WARRANTY Regardless of where you are stationed! 435 Green Acres Road | Fort Walton, FL 32547 Phone: 850-863-0216 | www.jhcc.biz 1145962 Susan Fabozzi AFMC promotes Mental Fitness Awareness campaign 2120596 ContactUs Friday, September 11, 2015 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, September 11, 2015 Pet Welfare’s kennels are deteriorating, dangerous By KELLY HUMPHREY Northwest Florida Daily News When the volunteers at Pet Welfare moved into their current location more than 30 years ago, the kennel was already old. “It was the original site for the military working dogs back in the old days,” said Carla Engeldinger, the chairwoman of the animal rescue organization’s all-volunteer board of directors. “Over time, the conditions of the kennels have just gotten worse, and we haven’t had the funds to keep them up. It’s gotten to the point where it’s just really dangerous for the dogs.” Because it is an in- Wing promotes 16 Citizen Commandos in September 919th Special Operations Wing Public Affairs Aida Solis Tim Wells DUKE FIELD — Congratulations to the following 919th Special Operations Wing enlisted Reservists promoted in September to the ranks indicated: Master sergeant Barry Bailey David Dean Michael Heppner Tommy Miller Jr. Senior master sergeant Nicholas Barlotta III The bottom of the gate in one of the kennels at Pet Welfare has almost completely rusted through. Technical sergeant Amaury Diaz Steven Hunter James Hutter Gary Stines Daniel Towns Staff sergeant Nicole Batiste Jiayun Feng Airman 1st class David Hand Airman Sierra Mobley To help A SENIOR-LEVEL “I FOUND POSITION IN THE FEDERAL ANOTHER WAY TO SERVE. GOVERNMENT. THAT WAS MY MOMENT.” Eugene Sizemore 25-Year Army Veteran Bachelor of Science, Management Studies THAT WAS MY MOMENT.” Scott Green Undergraduate Cybersecurity Student TRANSITION TO A SUCCESSFUL POST-MILITARY CAREER For more information on how you can help Pet Welfare, visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/petwelfare dependent organization that receives no govern- “SECURING ment funds, Pet Welfare has always operated on a WINGSDAY WEDNESDAY WINGSDAY WEDNESDAY WEWINGSDAY LOVE OUR MILITARY WEDNESDAY Eugene’s UMUC education gave him the confidence to apply for a senior-level position in the federal government after he retired from the military. Learning KELLY HUMPHREY | Daily News Carla Engeldinger, the chairperson of the board of directors at Pet Welfare, points out areas where the kennel’s chain link fencing is deteriorating. online with coursework featuring real-time projects prepared him with the skills shoe-string budget with no paid staff. Volunteers have managed to hold things together for three decades, but the conditions of the kennels have reached the point where At UMUC, you can small fundraisers like bake sales and car washes aren’t going to suffice. “We need to replace this chain link fencing that is deteriorating,” Engeldinger said, pointing to get the job. Now he leads teams in today’s digital business environment. to the rusted-out, sharp edges near the bottom of the kennel’s gates. “We’ve had incidences where the animals have actually bro- • Discover 90+ programs and specializations, including business, cybersecurity, IT, public safety, and more • Complete your bachelor’s degree in two years or less with up to 90 credits for prior education, military experience, and training See pet page 5 • Take advantage of 140+ classroom and service locations, including military installations throughout the world 20% OFF MILITARY CHECKS UMUC has been recognized as the No. 1 university for veterans.* EX CLUDE S SP E C I ALS 22 HD FLAT SCREEN TVS • PPV FIGHTS FREE FRIED PICKLE Not vaild With Any Other Discounts Or Coupons | Expires 9/30/2015 CAR SHOW FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH 5 PM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY LUNCH SPECIALS 11 - 3 180 Cracker Barrel Road (Off Interstate 10 & State Road 85) (850) 423-1333 HAPPY HOUR 3PM - 6PM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 6523755 Let us help you find a carpool convenient for you - and if you carpool three days a week - you may be eligible for our free emergency ride home program! “your carpool connection” • free carpool ridematching • emergency ride home program for qualified commuters KELLY HUMPHREY | Daily News The chain link fencing in Pet Welfare’s isolation section is held together with twist ties to keep it from falling apart. pet From page 4 For more information, call 1-800-342-5557 or visit www.wfrpc.org/rideOn. rideOn is funded by the Florida Department of Transportation and managed by the West Florida Regional Planning Council. *Military Times ranked UMUC No. 1 in its Best for Vets: Colleges 2015 annual survey of online and nontraditional colleges and universities. ken off pieces of the metal. That’s really dangerous.” While volunteers from several base squadrons have painted the pens repeatedly, years of washing them with bleach have taken a toll on the metal fencing. The board has solicited estimates to replace the deteriorat- ing materials, and were dismayed when the price came in at around $10,000 to replace the kennel fencing, and $5,000 to replace the fencing in the facility’s isolation area. The shelter has started a GoFundMe page to try to raise as much funds as possible by Sep. 14. A corporate sponsor has offered to match up to $7,500 of what they have collected by that date. “We are grateful for whatever donations we can get, no matter how small,” said Kaye James, the shelter’s fundraising chair. Creating Moments, Building Your Future. Copyright © 2015 University of Maryland University College 1144407 WINGSDAY WEDNESDAY $7.99 (10 BONELESS W/FRIES) rideOn is your free carpool connection in northwest Florida! 2117677 BIKE NIGHT FIRST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH AT 730PM TRIVIA EVERY FRIDAY 7:30 PM KARAOKE EVERY WEDNESDAY 7 PM Call 850-882-1321 or visit military.umuc.edu/eglinbiz to learn more. Friday, September 11, 2015 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, September 11, 2015 Massage Therapy, Skin Care, and Nail Specialist Accepting Post 911, Montgomery GI Bill & MyCAA Soothing Arts Healing Therapies School of Massage, Skincare & Nails Visit SoothingArts.com for more information. 3038576 Security forces demonstrates UAS capabilities By TECH. SGT. SAM KING 919th Special Operations Wing Public Affairs C AMP GUERNSEY, Wyo. — A four-by-four foot unmanned aerial system soars almost noiselessly through the deep blue Purchase 2 Beverages w/2 Lunches for $2 off Not to be combined with any other offers Expires 10/11/15 Chinese, Grill, Sushi & Seafood Include w. Buffet Eat In Take Out & Catering Beer, Wine & Bubble Tea Available Tel: (850) 833-3026 Fax: (850) 833-3028 Purchase 2 Beverages w/2 Dinner's for $4 off Not to be combined with any other offers Expires 10/11/15 309 SW Miracle Strip Pkwy., FT. WALTON BEACH, FL 32548 Praise, Power and Compassion Ministries Elder Darrell Coleman, Pastor 2188 W. James Lee Blvd. (P.O. Box 2044) Crestview, FL 32536 682-3069 6522907 Preparing God’s people NOW for the Kingdom that is to COME Worship Services Sunday School 9:30 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Wed. Intercessory Prayer 6:00 PM Wed. Bible Study 7:00 PM 3539305 Pastor & First Lady Coleman and white skies of Wyoming. To anyone on the ground, it looks like a soaring bird or, if high enough, just a dark speck in the Western sky. That bird or unnoticed spot is being controlled by an Airman on the ground, and has the ability to take photos, video in day or night, and even designate locations via an infrared laser. It also provides coordinates, magnetic azimuths, and distances creating a birds-eye view to topographical map. That UAS is called RAVEN-B and the person controlling it is Staff Sgt. Leland Hastings, 919th Special Operations Security Forces Squadron, one of only three reservists qualified to operate it. The 919th SOSFS brought this relatively new technology to the August Reserve security forces field training exercise to demonstrate its capabilities and inform other units of the potential benefits of UASs. “(With the UAS), the team on the ground can have realtime intelligence as opposed to information from a week or a month past,” said Hastings, a five-year reservist. “It allows them to see and assess the objective without ever putting them in harm’s way.” For the exercise, the 919th not only demonstrated the capability of the Air Force Special Operations Command-owned UAS, but also used it to their advantage in their role as the opposition force against other Reserve units. They could monitor patrols and movements without leaving a secure hiding place. Usually a two-person operation, Hastings controlled both pieces during this exercise. “It is more difficult, but it can be done. Basically, it requires me to keep it within COMMAND CENTER awaits... BestRide is your car search Command Center. From BestRide.com you can browse over 6 million new and pre-owned vehicles, create shopping lists of your potential purchases, track price changes and keep up to date with new listings. We know you are busy, so let BestRide.com speed your car shopping process by providing you customized research tools that you can access at home on your computer or on the go via your tablet or smartphone. When you are ready to purchase, BestRide.com connects you with trusted automotive dealers in your hometown. Hastings launches Raven-B, a four-by-four foot unmanned aerial system, into the skies above Camp Guernsey, Wyo. TECH. SGT. SAM KING | USAF Above, Staff Sgt. Leland Hastings launches Raven-B, a four-by-four foot unmanned aerial system, into the skies above Camp Guernsey, Wyo., Aug. 4. coordinates, magnetic azimuths, and linear distances creating a birds-eye view to topographical map. Below, Hastings controls the Raven-B, a four-by-four foot unmanned aerial system, via remote control. my line of sight,” said the civilian firefighter and Mobile, Alabama native. Control of the UAS is comprised of a laptop that tracks the speed, location altitude and data received and the operation controller. The controller looks similar to a Wii U control and manages all of the movements, cameras and other moving parts on the UAS. Hastings and the other reservists, along with 1st SOSFS active-duty Airmen, attended the small unmanned aerial system course through the 371st Special Operations Command Training Squadron at Hurlburt Field Florida. Just like pilots, the controller must have a specific number of flights each year to remain qualified on the RAVEN-B. “This was a great opportunity to put more tools in our tool kit,” said the Maj. Michael McGee, the 919th SOSFS commander about having his Airmen trained to control a UAS. “I remain insistent the 919th SOSFS remains relevant, viable, and on the cutting edge of doing security work in austere environments. I think it this is the future of AFSOC security forces.” Hastings said he enjoys this unique aspect of special operations security forces and hopes other units recognize the benefits of the new technology available to them. “Having this capability in your hip pocket,” he said. “It ensures none of our Airmen ever have to walk into the unknown.” We make it simple for you to find your BestRide. Above, Hastings prepares to launch the Raven-B. Below, Hastings monitors the Raven-B, a four-by-four foot unmanned aerial system, through a laptop computer. THE SMARTEST, EASIEST WAY TO FIND A CAR. 2120632 Now Enrolling for Fall Classes Your Car Search Friday, September 11, 2015 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, September 11, 2015 initiatives to be presented to Carter soon. Brad Carson, acting under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness, who led the months-long effort to shape the Force of the Future package, decided to remove references to the digital services office being housed in an “innovation bunker in the heart of the Pentagon” as perhaps a bit too dramatic. But the digital services team is to be located both deep inside the Pentagon and in a separate office in Silicon Valley, nickname Tom Philpott for an area south of San Francisco that is home to the world’s largest hightech firms. Carter, a physicist who at one time served as under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, and later on boards of directors for large technology companies, is keenly aware of the army of technical experts working in Silicon Valley and at other technology hubs. “I’m trying to build bridges to those folks,” Carter explained Tuesday while hosting a worldwide “troop talk” over the internet and social media from Fort Meade, Md. “Some of them don’t know us because, remember, only a small slice of our society these days serves. And so I’m trying to connect us to them so we have their best ideas and their best technology.” A few days earlier Carter showed his interest in partnering with Silicon Valley by announcing funding of an industry innovation institute that will propel development of hybrid electronics, an emerging technology that will enhance war fighting through use of lightweight and shapeable sensors. Carter described science fiction-like scenarios in which sensors are built into the shape of ships and aircraft to give instant feedback on damage, ground troops wear flexible sensors in clothing to lighten loads and enhance battlefield awareness, and wounded warriors “benefit from smart prosthetics that have the full flexibility of human skin.” “The reality [is] we don’t know all the applications this new technology will make possible. That’s the remarkable thing about innovation,” he said, “and it’s another reason why America and [our] military must get there first.” Hybrid electronics is just one field of digital technology, Carter said. He alluded to advances possible in many others during a speech Tuesday to The American Legion national convention in Baltimore. “It’s not just about the best technology. You know we need the best people, too. So we’re drilling tun- nels through the wall that sometimes seems to separate government from the innovative private sector – so more of America’s brightest minds can contribute to our mission, even if for a time.” Force of the Future background papers describing the proposed Defense Digital Services office finds fault with the department’s current “internal capacity and talent to deliver digital services” that can meet public expectations or long-term national security requirements. “Over the past three decades, federal agencies have increasingly outsourced their ‘tech brain’ — at the same time See future page 9 to digital services,” which are “standard in the private sector technology startups but mostly foreign to DoD.” Standing up “a team of this sort…with a charge to disrupt will likely face some challenges,” the papers warn. “Existing departments and agencies may resist change.” And while autonomy “from bureaucratic impediments are vital to success” the “hierarchical structure” of a large organization like DoD “is often a limiting factor in fostering experimentation and innovation.” Defense Digital Services will need department leaders to give it “a ‘safe space’ to experiment, test, potentially fail and iterate, as necessary.” The estimated cost of establishing the office is $175 million over five years. Measured against an annual DoD information technology budget of $35 billion, this “should be viewed as an investment in a technology startup that will have a positive return.” In its first year, the office could return five to 10 times its startup costs as savings on digital services, proponents argue. Success would be achieved in year one if the team can build a “digital innovation brand” and recruitment strategy for DoD, improve its hightech hiring process and have in place a team of 50 to 100 digital innovators. This and five other Force-of-the-Future ideas would impact both military and civilian personnel. Another 12 target military personnel policies only, and have been described in our last three Military Update columns. Eleven proposals still to be described would modernize the civilian workforce. Personnel chiefs of the services “non-concurred” with most of the package, citing the impact on personnel costs as budget sequestration is squeezing out more critical defense EVERYTHING MUST GO!! when you are talking about these good ideas,” this official said. Tom Philpott is a syndicated columnist. You may write to him at Military Update, P.O. Box 231111, Centreville, VA 20120-1111; or at milupdate@ aol.com. Listen live to TERENCE A. GROSS, Personal Injury Lawyer WEEKLY RADIO SHOWS Monday: 12 12noon noon••1450 1450AM AM(Sports (SportsTalk) Talk) Monday: 4:308:30 pm .a.m. 1490 AM (Sports Talk)Talk) Wednesday: • 1260 AM (Legal Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. • 1260 AM (Legal Talk) 10 a.m. • 1370 AM (Legal Talk) 10 a.m. • 1370 AM (Legal Talk) 10:30 a.m.••1620 1620AM AM (Legal (LegalTalk) Talk) 10:30 a.m. 4-6p.m. p.m.••1330 1330AM AM(Open (Openmic micPolitical PoliticalTalk) Talk) 4-6 GR OS S Friday: 11 a.m. • 1330 Talk)FM (Sports Talk) 8:30 a.m. • 97.1AM FM(Legal /100.3 12 a.m. noon••1330 1450AM AM(Legal (Sports Talk) 11 Talk) 3:30 p.m.••1450 97.1AM FM(Sports /100.3Talk) FM (Sports Talk) 12 noon Terence A. Gross GrossandSchuster.com FWB, Destin 850-244-7191 803 N. Palafox St. Pensacola, FL 32501 850.434.3333 Crestview 850-682-3000 MARSH HARBOR EXECUTIVE PARK CLASS A OFFICE SPACE OVER $250,000 of Inventory & Guns We have 22 ammo and clearing out the store to bring in the OWNERS PERSONAL COLLECTION FOR SALE. Up to 30% Off Everything Are you a transitioning service member thinking about business ownership as a post-service vocation? August 1st - September 19th Closing Day Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-6pm Boots to Business is a worldwide program. The standardized curriculum enhanced by the experience, expertise and tailored approach of the SBA (Small Business Administration) partner network ensures that every transitioning Service member has access to training and the resources they need in their local communities to start and operate small businesses, achieve post-service career success and strengthen the Nation’s economy. Learn more about Introduction to Entrepreneurship, two-day course: • Unit # 2175 • Mary Esther, Florida • Highway 98 Frontage • 5500 Sq.Ft. 850-269-0450 WWW.SBA.GOV/BOOTSTOBUSINESS 30-SEAT CLASS LIMIT Winn Dixie Big Kahuna’s Destin Commons 3038373 Drive Bridge X Gulf Shore Destin Target 981 Hwy 98 Ste. 2 Destin, FL In the Winn-Dixie Shopping Center 1146128 Courses offered at Tyndall, Eglin and Hurlburt Bases Contact your Family Readiness Center for more information tary or civilian, 18 weeks of paternity leave, is viewed as commendable. It is also seen, by some military branches, as unaffordable given current budget constraints. “The services are saying [to Carson] not to ignore the cost impacts AVAILABLE FOR LEASE GUNGOING STORE LIQUIDATION OUT OF BUSINESS FOR REAL Are you active duty or recently retired? priorities and forcing deep staff cuts. “The services are viewing this [exercise] as the ‘political good idea factory’,” said a senior Defense official. For example, a proposal to extend to every new parent employed by the department, mili- • Free Standing Building • 2.1 Miles (5 min. West of Hurlburt Field) • Traffic Count Estimate: 47,000+/Day • Traffic Light Access to Office Park www.BonezziDevelopment.com Tina Carlino-Peake: 850-650-4725 2120588 Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s “Force of the Future” initiative is expected to include a unique Defense Digital Services office that, within a year, would hire up to 100 top designers, developers and engineers from government and Silicon Valley to launch a new era of digital innovation across the Department of Defense, internal documents explain. Defense Digital Services will “recruit top talent from the private sector, coordinate technical innovation activities” department-wide and “rapidly deliver new tools and practices that are reusable, cut costs and improve user experience,” according to Reform Proposal 1 of the near-final packet of 29 personnel relying on antiquated digital development techniques and procurement processes to meet rapidly challenging user expectations and marketing conditions,” the papers explain. “These conditions led to the recent Healthcare. gov fiasco” during implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act “and the Office of Personnel Management security breach” that allowed millions of U.S. government personnel records to be stolen, most likely by China. “Compared to an industry that redefines itself every 18 months, existing DoD approaches are neither agile nor competitive with respect to cost, speed and quality,” the background papers contend. In arguing for a new “hub” of experts with new authorities, the proposal says the “rapidly changing technology environment demands user-centered approaches 2117655 Digital innovation team to help shape ‘Force of the future’ future From page 8 Friday, September 11, 2015 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page 11 eglin Briefs In recognition of National POW/MIA Day, Eglin Air Force Base hosts a ceremony to honor America’s former prisoners of war and those missing in action at 9 a.m. Sept. 18 at the Air call (850)882-1006. a T&E master plan, coverage of T&E requirements in government contracts, and the role of modeling and simulation in T&E. For details and registration, go to RED HORSE (RH) and http://www.itea.org/ Prime BEEF (PB) 50th Anniversary Celebration: Attention all USAF, USAFR, and ANG RH & PB members past and present. Reunion is Oct.12-16, 2015 in Ft Walton Everyone with base acBeach, Fla. Contact Dick cess is invited to shop or sell Aldinger at (407) 859-7436 or at Eglin’s basewide Parking e-mail famdinger@aol.com. Lot Sale, held on Georgia Website is www.rhassn.us Avenue. Look for the event at the two large parking lots across the street from the Eglin Conference Center and Exchange Mini Mall. The International Test Sellers may park in either and Evaluation Associa- lot and use adjacent parktion (ITEA) Emerald Coast ing spaces to display their Chapter is hosting a short wares. Space for sellers is course on the “Fundamen- free. Advance reservations tals of the T&E Process” in are not required. And if the Shalimar GTRI office you’re a shopper, you won’t Sept. 22 – 24. The course ad- want to miss this event. Sellers must be in place dresses the role of T&E in and ready to sell at 8:30 systems development, the determination of effective a.m. sharp, when the event test requirements, integrat- will be officially opened to ing developmental and op- shoppers. This is a perfect erational T&E, preparing opportunity to raise some extra cash for your family, 50th Anniversary of RED HORSE Fall Parking Lot Sale Oct. 3 Magnolia Grill Viva Rancheros M E X I C A N R E S TAU R A N T Fresh not Frozen Authentic Mexican Food Tailgating Party The Eglin Chapel Gospel service will host a free Tailgating Party at noon Sept. 27 in the Chapel Center parking lot immediately following the 9:30 a.m. Gospel Worship Service. Anyone with base access is welcome to attend the service at 9:30 a.m. but it is not required to attend the party. Wear flip flops and your favorite team attire and bring lawn chairs. There will be free food, games, music and fun for all. For information, contact Ch Thomas at 882-0851. DOZ Anniversary The Eglin Chapel Daughters of Zion choir will celebrate their 18th anniversary magnoliagrillfwb.com Bienvenidos Amigos If you enjoy music and want to be a part of something challenging and fun, please consider checking us out. Rehearsals are on Monday nights, 6:30-8pm in the Eglin West Gate Chapel sanctuary. You don’t have to be a musician to volunteer and play handbells with the Eglin Handbell choir. Ability to read music is a plus, but not immediately necessary. For information, or if you have questions, call Michael Stoy, Handbell Choir director, at 678-8917. Single Airmen Trip to Busch Gardens The Eglin Chapel will See briefs page 11 The Exchange Club of Niceville will host the second annual “Field of Valor” at the Niceville Mullet Festival grounds on Sept. 11 through 19. The Field of Valor will pay tribute to all fallen heroes since 9/11/01 from the state of Florida who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and paid the ultimate price in our continued war on terrorism. The 3-foot by 5-foot American flags, posted atop 8-foot poles, will be displayed in perfect rows and columns in the grassy field at the north end of the Mullet Festival grounds. Each flag will bear the name of the serviceman or woman who gave their life in the current conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. The flags will be arranged alphabetically by last name. Attendees and visitors will be able to pay their respects and honor these heroes from the state of Florida. The event is free to the public. Individuals or businesses can sponsor a flag for $100. Fifty percent of funds raised will benefit the Fisher House of the Emerald Coast. A special ceremony will take place on Saturday at 10 a.m., with guest speakers state Sen. Don Gaetz and Col. Robert Kirila, commander of the Army 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne), and retired Maj. Gen. Robert Chedister. For more information, call 678-8680. Emerald Coast Martial Arts Academy www.ecma.us 850-664-KICK (5425) Self-Defense Training Techniques All Levels • Military & Civilian briefs From page 10 sponsor a Resiliency Trip Sept. 18 - 20 to Busch Gardens in Tampa for Single Airmen. The chapel will provide transportation and lodging with free breakfasts. Meet at the Chapel Center at 7:30 a.m. on Sept. 18. Only 20 slots available so call now for team building and fun at Busch Gardens! Contact the chapel NLT Sept. 11 at micah. baker.1@us.af.mil; jillian. baez@us.af.mil or phone: 882-2111. Celebrate the Air Force Birthday Bistro, will receive the following free daily specials: Monday, free Fries; Tuesday, free Soda; Wednesday, free Cobbler and Coffee; Thursday, free Root Beer Float; and, Friday, a free piece of Air Force Birthday Cake and the chance to win drawings at 11:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. for FSS Gift Cards. For information, call 850-651-1010. Parents Day Out The Eglin Child Development Center and School Age Program will offer Saturday childcare from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sept. 12. Children ages six week to 12 years old are safely supervised in a fun and exciting environment for $25 per child. The event offers games, movies and art activities. To make 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship 6:00 pm Evening Service Wednesday 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study, Children and Youth Programs 1146375 25% MILITARY DISCOUNT in uniform (Offers not valid w/other discounts, coupons, offers, etc.) Tom & Peggy Rice • Proprietors 850-302-0266 2121058 Mon-Sat 11am-10pm | Sun 11am-9pm Handbell Choir seeks new members Exchange Club to host ‘Field of Valor’ Sunday 2 FOR 1 Draft Beer & Margaritas EVERYDAY 300 Eglin Pkwy, Ft. Walton Beach | 862-2007 www.vivarancheros.com at 5 p.m. Sept. 19 at the Chapel Center. Everyone with base access is welcome to join the celebration. For information, call Linda James Moore at 678-1938 or Sandy West at 279-4403. Join the Club during the week of Sept. 14-18 and get three months free dues. During that week, Bayview members, with the purchase of an entrée in the 2117574 2120945 ITEA Emerald Coast Chapter group, or organization—or to get some thrifty Christmas shopping done early. Restrooms will be available at the Mini Mall. (Please Note: Sellers are asked not to offer live animals or guns for sale.)For more information, call 882-1482. 157 Brooks St. SE, Fort Walton Beach, FL Steaks - Seafood - Italian Home of the Calvary Christian Academy K3-12th Grade A Place to Call Home 529 Clifford Street • Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 850.862.5369 • www.cbcfwb.org Mark Stevens, Pastor 1137459 National POW/ MIA Recognition Day Force Armament Museum. Robert Puskar, National Commander of The Military Order of the Purple Heart and U.S. Air Force Ret. Col. Howard J. Hill will be the guest speakers. The event will also feature a rifle volley and a flyover. All community members are invited to attend. The Air Force Armament Museum is located outside of Eglin’s main gate of on Highway 85 and State Road 180. For information, 2117862 From staff reports 2117600 Page 10 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, September 11, 2015 Page 12 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, September 11, 2015 For Sale by Retired owner. (850) 864-0320 NORTH FLORIDA FAIRGROUNDS Quality Hi-Fi Stereo Equip, Guitars, Amps, Vacuum Tubes & Testers, Record Collection, Antique Radios. Old/ New 850-314-0321 543-7025 Sept 12th & Sept 13th SAT. 9-5 & SUN. 10-4 FREE PARKING Info. (407) 275-7233 northfloridagun shows.com Text FL28353 to 56654 Classifieds work! GUN SHOW Santa Rosa County Auditorium: Milton, FL Sept 26th & 27th Will buy sealed, unexpired boxes (850)710-0189 9:00 am - 5:00 pm General Admission $6 850-957-4952 or 850-261-8407 Concealed Weapons Classes 10am & 2pm Daily Need a Volunteer Either a vet or other for handyman assistance for an elderly couple in wheelchair. 835-2163 Spot Advertising works! Food Svs/Hospitality Sales Medical/Health CNA’s 3pm-11pm $3500 Sign-on Bonus Paid Over 6 Months Full Time RN 3pm-11pm Part Time LPN All Shifts The Manor at Blue Water Bay, Northwest FL’s premier nursing & rehabilitation center is seeking new team members. Come see the difference! Apply Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00, 1500 N White Point Rd. Niceville. EOE Monster.com Web ID#: 34330283 ★★★★★★★ Canine Discovery Center 850-243-5080 90 Mary Esther Blvd Mary Esther, FL 32569 Mon-Fri, 7am-6pm Sat, 8am-3pm We offer dogging daycare, boarding, grooming, bathing, & training classes. Contact for further information. To Advertise in the EGLIN DISPATCH Call 850-864-0320 ★★★★★★★ Multi-Media Advertising Sales Exciting Opportunity!! Find out why our team loves their job. Is it the exciting environment, the revenue rewards, the great benefits, or all of the above? The Crestview News Bulletin is adding talented & motivated multi-media sales professionals to our advertising team. This position includes developing, presenting and closing sales for new and existing customers; providing advertising solutions to include print and digital to meet business customer needs that span all categories of small to medium local businesses. Presentations are made via in-person sales calls in the respective territories located in Crestview We are seeking strong sales minded individuals who are able to manage multiple tasks, prospect for new business & offer excellent customer service. Requires valid driver’s license. We offer base salary + commission and benefits, paid vacation, medical insurance, dental insurance, vision/hearing insurance, group life insurance, flexible spending accounts, 401K and more! Qualified applicants can apply by e-mailing resume & cover letter to ehypes@pchn.com The Crestview News Bulletin encourages applications from those with diverse backgrounds. The Crestview News Bulletin is a drug free environment Web ID#: 34316999 Bud & Alley’s Pizza Bar Now Hiring Servers & Bussers Rated one of Florida’s Top 20 Restaurants and Golden Spoon award winner. Located on the Gulf of Mexico, with a premium clientele and some of the best gratuities on the Gulf Coast! zFun friendly and professional atmosphere zGreat pay, benefits, & good hours We are located 25 minutes from PCB & Destin on Hwy 30A, Seaside. Apply in person 11:30a-5pm Ask for a Manager Monster.com Web ID#: 34329579 Okaloosa Island: 1 br beachside apartment. $900/mo. Includes water/cable/wifi. 850-226-8223 Medical/Health Gulf Coast Treatment Center is NOW Hiring for locations in Crestview and DeFuniak Springs Full Time RN Licensed Clinical Director Part Time Certified Behavioral Analyst Recreational Therapists Aide Licensed Clinical Director Master Level Therapist Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. Excellent benefits & competitive pay Apply in person: 1015 MarWalt Dr FWB Call 863-4160 ex 288 or E-mail resumes to jerry.norris@uhsinc.com Monster.com Web ID#: 34324069 This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on a equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Classifieds work! 1-4 BR’s Come rent with us! $450 - $1,000, Great Specials! We’ve got it all! 850-862-7900 www.rentinokaloosa.com Text FL96355 to 56654 NicevilleImmaculate 4BR/3.5BA $369,000 2747 sqft w/bonus room, pool, fenced backyard, 9’ ft ceil, crownmold, granite counters, central vac, smart panel, lots of storage, many extras! MLS 733531 Call/text Mike Werner, Keller Williams at 850.814.6266 Shalimar-1, 2, 3 & 4 Br $649-$899 Water Incl. Pool, Laundry CH/A No Dogs Mon-Sat651-8267 Text FL11610 to 56654 Attention AFSOC Warfighters The ACEs AFSOC SETA V Team (ACEs, MacAulay-Brown, DCAPS) has over 20 years experience supporting AFSOC operations. Like New Fatboy for Sale! We are accepting resumes from AFSOC experienced personnel for future SETA V opportunities. Contingency opportunities for: Harley Davidson Fatboy 2008 Like New with only 1663 miles. Garage kept. One owner. $15,995. Call 850-217-9861. txt FL30555 to 56654 Current Operations Schedulers Range Schedulers Training Managers Unit Control Center Duty Officers Unit Deployment Managers Unit Program Coordinators C-IED Trainers FCF Qualified Pilots and Flight Engineers (CV-22) Comm/Computer Admin Logistics and Supply Managers Health and Wellness Admin MPF DEERS and RAPIDS Support Full job description available at www.ur-aces.com > “Careers” Our Team offers competitive salary and benefits, and are Equal Opportunity Employers. Submit resumes by email or fax. Advanced Concepts Enterprises, Inc. Email: Careers@ur-aces.com Fax: 850-613-6774 | Phone: 850-613-6170 1146282 GUN SHOW WANTED DIABETIC TEST STRIPS NEEDED Gulf front condo at Navarre Beach Regency, near fishing pier. 2/2, 1520sf, all amenities. Spectacular views, huge balcony, handicapped accesissble, jetted tub, large living room, dinning room & kitchen. Laundry room w/washer & dryer. Locked owners closet, linen closets, storage. Ice maker, 9ft ceilings. Huge pool, walk over to beach. Plenty of parking past guard house. Energy efficient. Wood & tile floors. Weather resistant tile balcony. Fully furnished down to linens and dishes. $355k. Principles only. Thank you. Email WhiteSandsOfGulf@ Gmail.com If you didn’t advertise here, you’re missing out on potential customers.
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