15|16 Workbook snowline english
15|16 Workbook snowline english
all year traction 15 | 16 dealer workbook Europe all year traction Just put snowlines on and enjoy the winter! Doesn‘t matter whether they are used on ice, firm snow or scree, snowline Chainsen spikes offer superior traction. They can be worn with mountaineering boots, insulated winter boots, sneakers or even trail running shoes - perfect for hiking, traversing snow fields, running, Nordic walking or working on ice and snow. The elastomer structure makes snowline spikes easy to put on and take off in seconds! Lightweight, handy stuff case included Attention: Should not be substituted for crampons in steep terrain. All snowline chainsen models in our sales program are CE certified and approved by TÜV Süd. www.facebook.com/snowlineSpikes 2 work outdoors trailrunning on ice and snow winter hiking traversing snowfields / moderate glacier travel pulling sleds hunting and forestry walking on icy paths Front wire keeps boot in place 11 spikes of hardened stainless steel high-tech elastomer remains flexible down to -60°C stable heel plate tab at the heel is easy to grab and pull snowline Spikes Chainsen Pro Perfect for hiking, pulling a sled, running or working on ice and snow. 1 cm long teeth provide secure traction on icy and firm snow Elastomer construction fits different types of footwear, from insulated winter boots to sneakers Put on and taken off in seconds – no straps, no clips Weight: approx. 320 g (size M) Stuff case with handle and clip included Available in 4 sizes Material: Chains + spikes: hardened stainless steel Rubber: high-tech elastomer, tested at temperatures as low as – 60 °C shoe size item# model EUR size shoes EUR size boots weight 3901 snowline Chainsen Pro S (orange) 32 – 36 31 – 34 270 g 3902 snowline Chainsen Pro M (red) 36 – 40 35 – 39 320 g 3903 snowline Chainsen Pro L (blue) 40 – 44 39 – 43 360 g 3904 snowline Chainsen Pro XL (black) 44 – 48 43 – 47 410 g 3900 snowline Chainsen Pro Starter Kit, 20 Pr. in Display Box 3 snowline Spikes Chainsen Light 35 % lighter – just as versatile Perfect for trail-running and expeditions where every gram counts Soft case included Awarded the ISPO Award 2013. shoe size item# model EUR size shoes EUR size boots weight 3907 snowline Chainsen Light M 36 – 40 35 – 39 210 g 3908 snowline Chainsen Light L 40 – 44 39 – 43 240 g 3909 snowline Chainsen Light XL 44 – 48 43 – 47 270 g .verticalup.at snowline spikes are the winners‘ choice for the already legendary „Streif Vertical Up“ race in Kitzbühel. The infamous downhill race course with a maximum inclination of 85 % and a length of 3.3 kms has to be mastered form the bottom to the top. 4 snowline Spikes Chainsen City Snowline chainsen CITY provide perfect traction black ice or snowy paths in flat or moderate terrain. The highly flexible elastomer rubber fits snugly on different kinds of footwear, even on heeled shoes. It can be put on and off in seconds, without any straps and buckles. Extremely lightweight, just 60 g / pr. (size M) Stored in a small stuff-sac with draw-cord closure. item# model shoe size weight 3920 snowline Chainsen City M 36–40 60 g 3921 snowline Chainsen City L 40–44 65 g 3922 snowline Chainsen City XL 44–48 70 g snowline Chainsen CITY spikes - bare your teeth to ice and snow! - perfect traction on snow and ice - lightweight - fits into every pocket - easy to use - put on in seconds - versatile - fits all kinds of footwear 5 snowline eVent Pro Gaiters snowline gaiters are the perfect addition for extended trips in deeper snow. High quality with front hook and wide hook/loop front closure, elastic cord Durable instep strap Stuff bag included Material: waterproof and breathable eVent fabric item# model 391_ snowline eVent Gamasche M / L / XL, navy or black snowline POS Material For the perfect POS presentation, we offer the following materials: snowline Chainsen Pro Starter Kit, 20 Pr. in Display Box 3D-display with mounted snowline spikes slanted A4 counter top display, free of charge with your order counter top display display box for 20 prs 3D display 6 NEW! snowline STEALTH folding poles Brand-new folding sticks offering an ideal combination of maximum strength and minimal weight. Material: DURALUMINIUM 7050 AL, quality foam grips snowline STEALTH item# model fixed length folded length weight/ pr. 3930 snowline STEALTH folding poles, light blue or green 115 cm 45 cm 420 g 3935 snowline STEALTH folding poles, navy or grey 125 cm 45 cm 440 g 3939 Powder basket for snowline stealth snowline STEALTH Slim, ultra-leightweight item# model fixed length folded length weight/ pr. 3940 snowline STEALTH Slim folding poles, orange or blue 115 cm 40 cm 320 g 3945 snowline STEALTH Slim folding poles, orange or blue 120 cm 45 cm 340 g 3939 Powder basket for snowline STEALTH Slim snowline STEALTH Moving, adjustable folding poles in 2 lenghts, innovative lock mechanism folded length weight/ pr. S: 110 – 125 cm 41 cm 496 g 3955 snowline STEALTH Moving folding poles, orange or blue L: 120 – 135 cm 41 cm 514 g 3939 Powder basket for snowline STEALTH Moving snowline STEALTH Moving length range snowline STEALTH Moving folding poles, orange or blue snowline STEALTH Slim model 3950 snowline STEALTH item# 7 European Distributors snowline Spikes AUSTRIA / GERMANY / BENELUX Hansi AS NORWAY Koch alpin GmbH 0805 Oslo Volderer Brücke 9 hoh@hansi.no 6068 Mils / Österreich www.hansi.no Tel. +43 (0)5223 45594-0 office@kochalpin.at ROMANIA www.kochalpin.at Vertical Rock Srl 505800 Zarnesti, BV CZECH REPUBLIC / POLAND schialpinism@yahoo.com 739 58 Trinec / Czech Republic SLOVAK REPUBLIC shawkins@email.cz Tatrasport www.skialpshop.cz 811 06 Bratislava tatrasport@tatrasport.sk www.tatrasport.sk office@kochalpin.at www.kochalpin.at VAT Reg. no.: AT U57542449 commercial register no. FN 242790w commercial court Innsbruck Oy K. Hjorth Ab 3331 Tampere SLOWENIA kalle.pohja@hjorth.fi Iglu Sport d.o.o. www.hjorth.fi 1000 Ljubljana miha.korencan@iglusport.si FRANCE Phone: +43 (0)5223 45594-0 Fax: +43 (0)5223 45594-94 Sam Hawkins s.r.o. FINLAND Koch alpin GmbH Volderer Brücke 9, 6068 Mils, Austria www.iglusport.si ARA Reg. no. 6707 Mon – Thu 8.00 – 12.30 and 13.15 – 17.00 Fri 8.00 – 12.30 and 13.15 – 16.00 from 1. 4. to 31. 10.: Fri 8.00 – 12.15 Nic-Impex 74940 Annecy Le Vieux SPAIN giraudon@nic-impex.com Big Wall www.nicimpex.com 39696 Selaya-Cantabria HUNGARY Austria Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg info@bigwall.es IBAN AT70 1600 0001 0026 2266 www.bigwall.es BIC BTVAAT22 Vilagjarok boltja kft Overland Budapest SWEDEN 1061 Budapest Moxter AB basecamp@overlandbudapest.com 831 48 Östersund www.overlandbudapest.com info@moxter.se ICELAND SWITZERLAND SPORT IS allpedes AG 104 Reykjavík 4153 Reinach skuli@sportis.is info@allpedes.ch www.sportis.is www.allpedes.ch Tiroler Sparkasse IBAN AT63 2050 3013 0000 3777 BIC SPIHAT22 Germany ITALY UNITED KINGDOM Zamberlan SRL First Ascent 36036 Pievebelvicino di Torrebelvicino Matlock DE4 3EJ stefano.abram@zamberlan.com info@firstascent.co.uk www.zamberlan.com www.firstascent.co.uk Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Memmingen IBAN DE14 7201 2300 0222 5557 00 BIC BTVADE61 © 2015 KULTIG Werbeagentur Photos: Michael Pröttel (1), Christoph Höbenreich (1), Michael Werlberger (4), iStockphoto / Brasil2 (5), snowline (1), KULTIG