Market Data - Borsa Istanbul
Market Data - Borsa Istanbul
The Transformation to Borsa İstanbul The transformation of İstanbul Stock Exchange into Borsa İstanbul and into a for-profit company constituted a revolution by late 2012 and started its operations in April of 2013. The works conducted in the past two years made up the future of the infrastructure of the Turkish capital markets. Borsa İstanbul gained a hybrid structure becoming more powerful with the union of forces by İstanbul Stock Exchange, İstanbul Gold Exchange and Turkish Derivatives Exchage. Borsa İstanbul has an important role in making İstanbul more global among the international financial markets. The main objective of this new initative suits with İstanbul International Financial Center project’s aim which depends on power of Turkey and the potential of the region. Market Data Borsa İstanbul is the only securities exchange in Turkey, being a trading platform for a wide range of financial instruments.Turkey, with its booming economy and stable macroeconomic indicators, constitutes an attractive venue for investment in capital markets instruments. Turkey now has a new Capital Markets Law, designed in line with European Union standards. In terms of equities market development, Turkey is in the advanced emerging category, according to FTSE. Foreign institutional investors hold USD 66 billion 65% which is of all listed stocks in Turkey. Local institutional investor base is expanding rapidly, due to the initiation of direct government contribution to private pension system. Equities Market daily average trade volume is USD 1.7 billion which makes Borsa İstanbul one of the most liquid markets in the region. Borsa İstanbul also operates a Debt Securities Market with a daily volume of USD 800 million USD 700 million and a Derivatives Market with a daily volume of Trading in these markets require having access to Borsa İstanbul market data, therefore Borsa İstanbul market data is valuable. Borsa İstanbul market data is used by many institutional and retail investors, local and foreign. Market data is delivered by 33 distributors 200 sub-distributors and These distributors have customers (users of data) from all over the world. For a list of distributors, please have a look at the website, under the heading “data”. What Data We Deliver • Bonds • Bills • Indices • Equities • Certificates • Sukuks • Warrants • ETF’s • Futures • Options • Commodities • Historical Data • Public disclosures and financial statements Borsa İstanbul has initiated the “Regional Data Center” approach to supply the market data of multiple stock exchanges feeding various data in the most efficient way for the customers. As part of its vision to become a regional data center, Borsa İstanbul made the first step by a contract it signed with the Sarajevo Stock Exchange (SASE) on July 22, 2013. Within the framework of the data dissemination contract, Borsa İstanbul will start to disseminate the Sarajevo Stock Exchange’s data on January 1, 2014. The contract entitles Borsa İstanbul to sell and disseminate SASE data in and out of Turkey. All market data of the Sarajevo Stock Exchange will be offered to investors on a real time basis. As part of its target to become a data dissemination center, Borsa İstanbul will continue to contact and work with its counterparts. Contact Information Borsa İstanbul Marketing and Sales Unit Market Data Sales Team +90212 298 27 52 November 2013 /borsaistanbul /borsaistanbul /borsaistanbulEN