Event Summary - AKJ Associates


Event Summary - AKJ Associates
e-Crime Turkey 2012
Thank you for the successful
event which you arranged.
Event Summary
The quality of the speakers was
excellent and impressive. Instead
of a conference with merely
theoretical content, the speakers
were people directly involved in
this business who were passing on
their practical experiences of
information security problems
they had encountered in their
working lives, and the best
solutions to those problems. This
was an unparalleled opportunity
for the participants. It was also
useful for us to have the
opportunity to analyse more
closely the characteristics of the
individuals/groups we are
confronted with, their working
methods and their objectives.
I would recommend all colleagues
who are involved in information
security to participate in the
activities which are going to
be organised.
Manager, Compliance Officer,
Compliance Department, A&T BANK
e-Crime Turkey introduced me
to people with expertise in the
subject, and gave me an
opportunity to hear what they had
to say. It was very successful in
terms of choice of speaker and the
content of their presentations, the
coherence of the topics and the
setup. I really enjoyed it. The
colleagues who were running the
event were very friendly and
attentive. Thanks to all of them.
Assistant Vice President, Card and
Internet Security Department,
ING Global
e-Crime Turkey 2012 attracted over 200 delegates
and welcomed leading experts from global
business and service providers who presented
cutting-edge insights on a range of topics relating
to managing risk in the age of the extended
enterprise at a time when business and technology
paradigms are changing.
Our panel of speakers included Huzeyfe Onal, Bilgi
Güvenliği AKADEMİSİ; Bilal ŞEN, Superintendent,
Director Of International Investigations, Cyber
Crimes Department - TNP; Ünal Tatar, Senior
Researcher, TUBITAK UEKAE; Kaya Kazmirci CISA,
CISM, CISSP, former President ISACA-Istanbul and
telcoms information security professional; Ahu
Guneyli, Attorney-at-Law, Istanbul Patent &
Trademark Consultancy; Orçun Bahadır, Information
Security Officer, A&T Bank; Mohamed Zouine,
Director - Corporate Development, EMEA, Ground
Labs; Jeremy Boorer, Territory Manager, Entrust;
Ray Kafity, Regional Sales Director - Middle East and
Africa (MEA), FireEye; Abdeslam Afras, Regional
Manager Continental Europe, AccessData;
Christophe Bianco, General Manager of EMEA,
Qualys; Khalid Khan, Head of Governance, Risk &
Compliance (UK & MEA), Verizon Business; Franjo
Majstor, Senior Technical Director EMEA, Certes
Networks; Gökhan Hasköylü, Güvenlik Danışmanı,
Checkpoint Software Technologies Ltd; Nathalie
Dahan, International Channel Manager, GMV
and more...
Topics covered in plenary session included cyber
security strategy for the year ahead; recent frauds
and countermeasures: playing cat and mouse; how
to ensure business and IT alignment through best
practices in information security; protecting online
corporate identity: domain name and dispute
resolution strategies for success; a different
approach to combating cyber crimes and Turkey’s
world of hackers and cyber-crime activities.
Speakers from leading vendors described addressing
advanced attacks in today’s changing threat
landscape; PCI DSS: mistakes made, lessons learnt,
best practices; defending against next generation
cyber attacks: tackling APTs and reputation
management: protecting your brand in the age of
the internet.
Education seminars provided hands-on advice on
topics such as how to update your software and
expedite compliance; using cardholder data
discovery to establish your true PCI scope; using
Verizon Business DBIR 2012 to build your security
initiatives and meet the challenges of tomorrow;
ATM cyber security and did you solve all your eCrime problems before moving to cloud?
e-Crime Turkey was a
wonderfully organised, content
rich event. AKJ Associates has
successfully balanced a
knowledgable speaker roster
including a wide variety of private
and public sector experts along
with a supportive vendor
Former President ISACA Istanbul,
Telcoms Information Security
Professional, ISACA
e-Crime Turkey provided an
excellent opportunity for the
participants in building strong
contacts and exchanging
knowledge with the professionals
that have common interests. The
event was managed and directed
in a very professional manner.
I found a wealth of fresh
information that I can use in my
profession and was highly
impressed by the experts that
have contributed.
Thank you very much for organising
e-Crime Turkey and hope to see you
in the next event.
Information Security Officer,
To sponsor future events, please call Robert Walker on +44 (0) 20 7841 2929 or email robert.walker@akjassociates.com
Speakers at the event included:
e-Crime Turkey 2012 Event Sponsors
Abdeslam Afras
Regional Manager Continental Europe
Strategic Sponsors
Orçun Bahadır
Information Security Officer
A&T Bank
Christophe Bianco
General Manager of EMEA
Education Seminar Sponsors
Jeremy Boorer
Territory Manager
a Verizon Company
Nathalie Dahan
International Channel Manager
Networking Sponsors
Lunch sponsor
Event Guide Advertiser
Website sponsor
Supporting organisation
Organisations represented in 2012 include:
3-D Bilisim; -99 Design Studio; A&T BANK; AccessData; AirTies; AKBank; Akifer; Aktif Yatirim
Bankasi; Alcatel-Lucent; Alternatif Bank; Anadolu Signorta; Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi;
Ankara Kacettepe; Assistt; Avea; Bank Asya; Banvit; Bayer AG; Bileşim; BiletBank; Bilgi Guvenligi
AKADEMISI; Bilgi Güvenliği Derneği; Bilgi Üniversitesi; Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Kurumu
(BTK); Bizim Menkul Degerler; BKM; Bonnyfood; Boydak Holding; BRISA Bridgestone Sabanci;
British American Tobacco; BT Risk; Çalık Holding; Çelebi; Certes Networks; Check Point Software
Ltd; Chiara Fashion; CIMTAS; Citigroup; Coca-Cola Icecek; Colakoğlu; CPP Group; Cyber-Ark
Software; D.K Gazetecilik; Denizbank; Deutsche Bank Group; Digiturk; Direct Selling Association;
Durukan Şekerleme; Eczacıbaşı; Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü; En Son Haber; Entrust; Eureko;
Eurobank Tekfen; Finans Emeklilik; Finansbank; FireEye; Garanti Pensions; General Command of
Gendarmerie; General Directorate of Forestry; General Mobile; Gentel Telekomunikasyon; Gitti
Gidiyor; Global Progressive Partners; GMV; Grid Telekom; Ground Labs; Halic Leasing; Halkbank;
HSBC; Hudut ve Sahiller Sağlike Genel Müdürlüğü; Hyundai; IHI Infrastructure Systems; iLab
Ventures; Infonet Technologies; ING Global; Intermed; ISACA; Isbak; Isbank; ISBI; İstanbul
Barosu; İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi; İstanbul Emniyet Müdürlüğü; Istanbul Metropolitan
Municipality; Istanbul Patent & Trademark Consultancy; Istanbul Police Department; Istanbul
Special Provincial Administration; Istanbul Stock Exchange; Istanbul Vadilisi Sosyal Yerdimlasma
Vakfi; Jockey Club of Turkey; Kale Group; KAREL; Kaskaloglu Eye Hospital; Kaysan Kaynak
Makinalari; Koç Holding; KoçSistem; Koçtaş; Komtera; Leroy Merlin; Mapikart; Marmara
Üniversitesi; Mehtap Mutfak Eşy. San. ve Tic.; Mercedes-Benz; Merkezi Kayit Ksurulusur;
Merkezi Kayit Kurulusu; Meyicki; Modavizyon Tekstil San. ve Tic.; Monekül; Nano DRM; Nestle;
NICE Actimize; Nilufer Municipality; Norm Ambalaj San.Tic.; Opet; otoAnaliz; Pegasus Airlines;
Petour; Pfizer; PMI; Prolink; Provus; Qualys; Rixos Hotels & Sembol Construction; Rubbit;
Sabancı Üniversitesi; Sekerbank; Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu; Shaya; SULEYMAN SAH UNİVERSİTY;
Takasbank; Tekfen Construction; TeknoA; Teleperformance; Telpa Telekomünikasyon; TEMA
Magazacilik - LCWaikiki; Terremark; TOBB Etü; Toros Tarim; Trustwave; TSKB; Tubitak; Türk
Ekonomi Bankasi; Türk Hava Kuvvetleri; Turk Telekom; Turk.net; Turkcell; Turker Group; Turkish
Airlines; Turkish National Police Academy; Turkish Navy; Türkiye Finans; Türkiye Garanti Bankasi;
Türkiye Sermaye Piyasası Aracı Kuruluşları Birliği; Turkvas; Tuzla Belediyesi; Tuzla Çelik; Ulker;
Vakifbank; Verizon Business; Vizyon Bilgisayar; Vizyon Deri; Vodafone; Volkswagen; Yamata;
Yapi Kredi Bankasi; Yildiz Holding; Yonca New Media; Zaman; Ziraat Bankasi; ZTE and more...
Ahu Guneyli
Istanbul Patent & Trademark
Gökhan Hasköylü
Güvenlik Danışmanı
Checkpoint Software Technologies Ltd
Ray Kafity
Regional Sales Director – Middle East
and Africa (MEA)
Kaya Kazmirci CISA, CISM, CISSP,
former President ISACA-Istanbul and
telcoms information security
Khalid Khan
Head of Governance, Risk &
Compliance (UK & MEA)
Verizon Business
Franjo Majstor
Senior Technical Director EMEA
Certes Networks
Huzeyfe Onal
Bilgi Güvenliği AKADEMİSİ
Bilal ŞEN
Superintendent, Director of
International Investigations,
Cyber Crimes Department
Ünal Tatar
Senior Researcher
Mohamed Zouine
Director – Corporate Development,
Ground Labs
For further details please click here: www.e-crimecongress.org/turkey
To sponsor future events, please call Robert Walker on +44 (0) 20 7841 2929 or email robert.walker@akjassociates.com