Valuation Report `Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties`
Valuation Report `Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties`
Valuation Report ‘Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties’ prepared for Brack Capital Properties N.V. January 2014 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 Contents 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5 Brief & Scope of Instruction ................................................................................................................................. 3 Instruction ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Fee Basis ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Valuer Status ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Purpose of Valuation................................................................................................................................................ 4 Basis of Valuation .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Liability ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Sources of Information ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Date of Valuation ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Inspections............................................................................................................................................................... 5 Portfolio Analysis .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Distribution of Area Category and Rental Income .................................................................................................... 6 Distribution by Tenants ............................................................................................................................................ 7 Market Considerations .......................................................................................................................................... 8 German Economy .................................................................................................................................................... 8 German Investment Market: Summary and Current Developments ...................................................................... 10 Supply and Demand: Key Players in the German Real Estate Market .................................................................. 12 Retail Investment Market ....................................................................................................................................... 13 German Retail Warehouses and Retail Parks ....................................................................................................... 15 Transaction Evidence ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Valuation ............................................................................................................................................................... 20 Valuation Methodology .......................................................................................................................................... 20 Valuation Assumptions .......................................................................................................................................... 20 Valuation Results ................................................................................................................................................... 24 Sensitivity Matrix .................................................................................................................................................... 25 Market Value Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................ 27 Confidentiality & Publication .............................................................................................................................. 28 Appendix I – Property Reports ...................................................................................................................................... 29 Appendix II – Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 30 Appendix III – General Principles for Valuation ........................................................................................................... 31 Valuation for accounting purposes only 1 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 Contents cont’d Figure 1: Development of gross domestic product (Q1/2011 –Q1/2013) – Seasonally and calendar adjusted .................. 8 Figure 2: Ifo – Business Climate Index January 2012 - May 2013 ...................................................................................... 9 Figure 3: Development of inflation rate / consumer price index “original values” (Jan 2012-May 2013) ........................... 10 Figure 4: Retail Transaction Volume Germany ................................................................................................................. 13 Figure 5: Transaction Volume Germany divided by Retail Asset Class ............................................................................ 14 Figure 6: Development of Prime Yields ............................................................................................................................. 15 Table 1: Portfolio Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Table 2: Distribution of Area and Rental Income................................................................................................................. 7 Table 3: Distribution by Tenants ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Table 4: Transaction volume in Germany ......................................................................................................................... 11 Table 5: Transaction volume in Big 7 ................................................................................................................................ 11 Table 6: Transaction Evidence .......................................................................................................................................... 19 Table 7: Inflation forecast Germany .................................................................................................................................. 23 Valuation for accounting purposes only 2 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 1 Brief & Scope of Instruction 1.1 Instruction We refer to your instruction, dated 22 January 2014, instructing us to carry out a valuation of the Matrix Portfolio consisting of 13 properties. The portfolio comprises retail parks and self-service department stores. The instruction was ordered by Fred Ganea, Head of Financial Department of Brack Capital Properties N.V. (BCP) 1.2 Fee Basis JLL confirms that the agreed fee structure for this mandate (Update valuation of the Matrix portfolio) is a fixed fee and no fee which is linked in any way to the reported market value (% of value fee). Furthermore, JLL would like to point out that the instruction letter (stating the fee level) referring to this mandate has been signed and agreed by both parties prior to the start of the valuation process, on 22 January 2014. 1.3 Valuer Status We confirm that the valuation has been carried out by us as external valuers, qualified for the purposes of providing valuations in accordance with the Appraisal and Valuation Manual published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). We also confirm that we have no conflict of interest relating to the property and that we have valued portfolios of a similar scope as well as larger scope in the course of other mandates. The project team consists of the following members: Andrew Groom Since August 2001 Mr. Groom is head of the Valuation Advisory department in Germany with additional responsibility for valuation business in Austria and Switzerland. As International Director, Mr. Groom leads the overall direction of the Bank, Portfolio, Transaction, Residential and Retail Valuation business lines as well as mortgage lending valuations for German mortgage banks (Team of 80+ consultants). He is also responsible for providing client management within the scope of major German and international mandates, comprehensive advisory services for real estate portfolios in terms of acquisition and disposal strategies and advising leading banks with regard to risk classification in property financing. Prior to that he gained management experience leading international advisory departments for CEI Investment London and Drivers Jonas London as well as Berlin. Here he was not only responsible for the valuation department, but also for the investment sector. Andrew Groom holds a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Estate Management and is also a member of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS) and a member of the RICS Valuation Faculty Board, Germany. He has over 21 years development, valuation and international investment experience as well as over 18 years management experience leading international advisory departments. Frank Rambow Since 2007 Frank Rambow is team leader of the Bank Valuation Advisory team of Jones Lang LaSalle’s Valuation Department. Here he heads a team of 6 professionals. He currently holds the position of a National Director. Frank Rambow has lead several buy-side advices and real estate appraisals for single assets as well as portfolios for various clients. All the valuations are conducted according to the IFRS standards. He is a graduated economist and has over 15 years’ experience in real estate sector, thereof nine years at JLL. Frank Rambow is a member of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS). Valuation for accounting purposes only 3 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 Norbert Schultek In February 2012, Norbert Schultek joined Jones Lang LaSalle Germany, focusing mainly on the valuation of retail and office portfolios/properties. He holds the position of Senior Consultant. Norbert Schultek holds a Diploma of Real Estate Management. He possesses more than 6 years of consulting experience on the German real estate market. 1.4 Purpose of Valuation We understand that the valuation is required for financial statement reporting and that the valuation reports will be included in the financial statement of Brack Capital Properties N.V. 1.5 Basis of Valuation Our valuation has been prepared in accordance with the RICS Valuation – Professional Standards (9th Edition) published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors as well as the standards contained within the European Valuation Standards (EVS, 2012) and in accordance with IVSC International Valuation Standard 1 (IVS 1, 2011) on the basis of Market Value. According to the RICS Valuation – Professional Standards, Market Value is defined as: “The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm's-length transaction after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion.” Furthermore, the properties are considered as if free and clear of all encumbrances, i.e. easements, pre-emption clauses, liens or any other restrictions on title. We have not taken into account any liability of the property / portfolio owner regarding taxes, single or recurring public or private charges, local community taxes and costs. However, our valuations are net of purchaser’s costs standard to the German property market. 1.6 Liability Jones Lang LaSalle GmbH’s liability for any loss or damage caused by simple or gross negligence on our part, irrespective of the legal reason, in relation to the valuation services provided is limited to a maximum of 10% of the respective and reported Market Value per property, and may not exceed an aggregate maximum liability cap of € 7.5 million (euros) for any case. A single case of damages is defined as the total sum of the damage claims of all persons entitled to claim, which arise from one and the same professional error (offence). In the case of damages suffered from several offences brought about by the same technical error within the scope of several coherent services of a similar nature, the Advisor can similarly only be held liable for the foregoing maximum liability amount. 1.7 Sources of Information In preparing this valuation report, we have predominantly relied upon information provided by Brack Capital Properties N.V. We received the documents listed below, which form the basis for our valuation: Tenancy Schedule, dated 27 January 2014; Current Land Register excerpts for all properties, dated 14 and 15 January 2014 In the event that this information proves to be incorrect or additional information is made available to us, the accuracy of the valuation could be affected. In such case, we reserve the right to amend our opinion of value accordingly. 1.8 Date of Valuation As specified in your instruction, we have set the valuation date to be 31 December 2013. Valuation for accounting purposes only 4 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 1.9 Inspections For the current valuation, we did not conduct inspections. However, the properties were inspected by us in the scope of the valuation in February 2011. Valuation for accounting purposes only 5 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 2 Portfolio Analysis 2.1 Overview The valued portfolio consists of 13 retail properties with a total net lettable area of 147,160 m². The properties are spread throughout Germany and located in the federal states of Baden-Wurttemberg (4), Bavaria (4), Brandenburg (2), North Rhine-Westphalia (1), Saxony (1) and Saxony-Anhalt (1). Table 1: Portfolio Overview No Location Address Property Type Lettable Area 1 06449 Aschersleben Hoymer Chaussee 108 Retail Park 14,522 m² 2 86199 Augsburg Gögginger Straße 119 Retail Park 13,770 m² 3 83043 Bad Aibling Grassingerstraße 16 Retail Park 7,053 m² 4 88400 Biberach Obere Stegwiesen 10 Retail Park 10,769 m² 5 46325 Borken Heidenerstraße 32 Retail Park 9,524 m² 6 91054 Erlangen Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Retail Park 13,398 m² 7 73312 Geislingen Gartenstraße 30 Retail Park 9,390 m² 8 08371 Glauchau Waldenburger Straße F175 Retail Park 12,767 m² 9 71638 Ludwigsburg Friedrichstraße 124 Retail Park 14,144 m² 10 14974 Ludwigsfelde Potsdamer Straße 51 Retail Park 12,632 m² 11 74172 Neckarsulm Hohenloher Straße 2 Retail Park 10,270 m² 12 94474 Vilshofen Hösamer Feld 7 Retail Park 10,230 m² 13 19322 Wittenberge Wahrenberger Straße 69 Retail Park 8,691 m² 147,160 m² Source: Jones Lang LaSalle analysis, based on the provided detailed rent roll dated January 2014 2.2 Distribution of Area Category and Rental Income The lettable area of the portfolio is predominantly used as retail (94%) followed by office (4%) and petrol station (5%). Valuation for accounting purposes only 6 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 Table 2: Distribution of Area and Rental Income Area Category Rental Income (per month) Lettable Area Office 5,273 m² 4% 28,631 € 2% Retail 138,443 m² 94% 1,003,725 € 87% Commercial 0 m² 0% 0€ 0% Residential 1,571 m² 1% 9,657 € 1% Storage 1,873 m² 1% 5,594 € 0% Sub total 147,160 m² 1,047,607 € 91% Petrol Station 7,262 units 5% 26,893 € 2% Internal Parking 1,795 units 1% 40,146 € 3% Other Units 1,552 units 1% 33,903 € 3% Total 147,160 m² 1,148,549 € 100% Source: Jones Lang LaSalle analysis, based on the provided detailed rent roll dated January 2014 The distribution of the rental income is quite similar to the lettable area. The rental income of the portfolio is predominantly achieved by retail (87%) followed by offie (2%) and residential (1%). 2.3 Distribution by Tenants The tenants Kaufland and Marktkauf are individually the most important tenants in the portfolio. The covenant strength of the two major tenants (Kaufland and Marktkauf) can be estimated as good to very good. The main lease contracts (by income) of the main tenants generate approx. 42% (€ 5,840,444 p.a.) of the annual rental income (€ 13,782,592/year). Table 3: Distribution by Tenants Rental Income (per anno) Tenant Lettable Area Kaufland 75,826 m² 52% 4,866,535 € 35% Marktkauf 9,031 m² 6% 973,908 € 7% AWG 5,574 m² 4% 646,656 € 5% Adler Modemärkte 4,961 m² 3% 593,600 € 4% dm-drogerie markt 2,171 m² 1% 292,122 € 2% Deichmann 2,753 m² 2% 445,975 € 3% Others 46,844 m² 32% 5,963,795 € 43% 147,160 m² 100% 13,782,592 € 100% Source: Jones Lang LaSalle analysis, based on the provided detailed rent roll dated January 2014 Valuation for accounting purposes only 7 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 3 Market Considerations 3.1 German Economy Gross domestic product Overall, economic growth has been slow over the past two quarters. The price-adjusted GDP for Q1 2013 was just 0.1% higher than for Q4 2012. However, economic activity declined sharply in Q4 2012 (-0.7%) and the long winters usually limit economic growth at the beginning of each year. These factors present the growth in Q1 2013 in a very positive light. Compared to Q1 2013, stimulus in Q2 2013 was mainly provided by increased private expenses (+0.8%). Investment continues to fall with a decrease of 2% in equipment investment compared to the previous quarter. Despite decreasing exports of goods and services (-1.8%) and decreasing imports (-2.1%), net exports had no influence on economic activity in the first quarter of 2013. According to the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), German industry is recovering from the previous year’s low and shows evidence of growing economic strength. The institute’s economic barometer shows a plus of 0.5% for Q2 2013. Industry has been expanding production since February and strong growth is expected from the construction sector after loss caused by the long winter. According to the DIW, employment has strengthened and increased wages are expected to boost private consumer spending, which continues to support economic activity. Figure 1: Development of gross domestic product (Q1/2011 –Q1/2013) – Seasonally and calendar adjusted Source: Federal Statistical Office, June 2013 Business Climate The Ifo business climate index rose from 104.4 in April to 105.7 in May 2013. This reflects the positive change in how businesses viewed the current situation as well as future development. An improved business climate in manufacturing led to positive assessments of the current business situation. Despite a slight decrease in export demand, future expectations are still optimistic. Business confidence in the wholesale sector has improved in comparison to the previous month, characterising the current climate a well as future expectations. Valuation for accounting purposes only 8 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 The climate in the retail sector improved for the fourth time in a row, reflecting positive future expectations. Business expectations in the construction industry were not as positive in May, despite the optimism in previous months. The Ifo business climate index for the service sector rose significantly in May and expectations for the upcoming months are optimistic. Figure 2: Ifo – Business Climate Index January 2012 - May 2013 Source: Ifo-Institute, June 2013 Price development According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the consumer price index for Germany in May 2013 increased by 0.4% compared to the previous month and 1.5% compared to a year earlier (May 2012). Food prices have been above the total consumer price index since January 2012 and were the main driver of the price increase in May 2013 (+5.4%). Electricity prices rose by 12.4% and energy by 1.6%. Mineral oil products decreased by -4.3% compared to May 2012. From January 2012 to May 2013, food prices rose by 5.4% and continue to exceed the overall rate increase. Within a year, vegetable prices went up by 12.1%, fruit by 9.2%, meat and fish by 5.6%, dairy products and eggs by 4.3% and bread and cereal products by 2.3%. Valuation for accounting purposes only 9 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 Figure 3: Development of inflation rate / consumer price index “original values” (Jan 2012-May 2013) Source: Federal Statistical Office, June 2013 3.2 German Investment Market: Summary and Current Developments Investment market achieves best year since 2007 – lettings market stabilises considerably with a positive outlook for 2014 In retrospect, 2013 performed better in economic terms than many had expected. Germany has already compensated for its stagnant development in 2009, and its absolute economic output has now exceeded precrisis levels for three years. The forecast for 2014 is GDP growth of 1.7% after 0.7% last year. This provides the basis for a sustainable recovery with correspondingly positive business prospects and an improved jobs market. In spite of the rather subdued economic recovery, Germany again registered a new employment record in 2013. On average around 41.8 million men and women were in paid employment last year – more than ever before. This means that the number of those in paid employment reached a new peak for the seventh year in succession. Service providers again provided most of the new jobs, creating 227,000 posts and accounting for around three quarters of all workers. The euro crisis is still very much present, but was put into more perspective over the year so that the worst of the recession in the Eurozone appears to be over for the time being. The stabilisation of the economy as a whole was admittedly bought at a high price - with “cheap” capital available by virtue of the very low interest rates. The prospect of higher interest rates will hang like the sword of Damocles over all first-world economies in the short and medium-term. While the borrowing of funds at low interest rates seems attractive on one hand, on the other hand it is regarded as increasingly problematic with regard to return on investments. In particular, institutional investors such as insurance companies and pension funds are coming under increasing pressure to achieve their targeted rates of return. The era of “cheap money” will continue into 2014 and further increase investment pressure. The real estate industry will initially benefit from this. Property gained further importance as an asset class in 2013 and will also remain at a high level in 2014. This is because the global investment requirements of institutional investors remains high and there is a lack of attractive alternatives due to the low interest rates. However, since there is no let-up in investor interest in Core products the lack of suitable products in the property sector limits the investment volume in this asset class. Although we Valuation for accounting purposes only 10 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 have noticed a greater willingness to accept risks beyond the Core segment, the largest volumes will nonetheless still be invested within the Core segment. Even if the completions volume for new office properties increases again in the Big 7, it will not come close to resolving this product bottleneck. The German investment market could gain further momentum, but this will only be poorly documented by the bare market statistics. The buyer’s market is much better than the figures from contract signings suggest. Strong demand for commercially used investment property drives the transaction volume On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. Table 4: Transaction volume in Germany Transaction volume Germany (million Euro) Single assets Portfolio Total 2012 2013 %* 18,980 23,050 21% 6,320 7,650 21% 25,300 30,700 21% *% is defined as percentage change between 2012 and 2013 Source: Jones Lang LaSalle analysis Table 5: Transaction volume in Big 7 Transaction volume Big 7 (million Euro) 2012 2013 %* 3,950 3,530 -11% Düsseldorf 740 2,180 195% Frankfurt/M 3,250 4,100 26% Hamburg 2,000 2,950 48% 830 1,190 43% Munich 3,860 4,680 21% Stuttgart 1,020 860 -16% 15,650 19,490 25% Berlin Cologne Total *% is defined as percentage change between 2012 and 2013 Source: Jones Lang LaSalle analysis The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with Valuation for accounting purposes only 11 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. 3.3 Supply and Demand: Key Players in the German Real Estate Market Asset/fund managers and special funds formed the strongest buyer group in 2013. These two groups invested a combined € 10.5 billion in commercial property and therefore accounted for a third of the total investment volume noted for 2013. One fundamental difference was that while most foreign fund management companies sold more properties last year and therefore on balance reduced their overall property holdings in Germany, special funds are clearly net buyers (with a balance of € 4.2 billion). Insurers, pension funds property companies and REITs also bought more than they sold, as did private investors including family offices. Open public funds were ranked in third place among the buyers. That this type of investor is also currently a net seller comes as no surprise. The division of the sector into active and cash-rich funds on one side and funds in the liquidation phase and therefore obliged to sell on the other is becoming increasingly obvious. When open funds do buy, they mainly buy office properties. Closed funds also acted with more caution over the year, but in contrast to the open funds they sold far fewer properties and therefore built up their property holdings on balance with a focus on retail property. The sales activities of banks also make for an interesting analysis. Due to some large portfolio sales (e.g. Max Bahr Immobilien by RBS), banks have increased their current share of the sales volume to 6%. Also in 2014 we do not expect to see a big sell-off of distressed property assets by banks. There will be isolated instances of such properties or portfolios coming onto the market, but for the most part these should be liquidated relatively quietly and in small steps. The pressure to sell has been reduced through amortisation, rental increases, the overall positive market development and the low interest rates. Domestic investors increased their share of the total transaction volume (all commercial property asset classes) to 67% from 58% in 2012, while the share of foreign capital fell slightly as a result. However, this in no way signifies that interest from foreign capital is waning. Foreign investors make an appearance in almost all major transactions, but do not always close a deal. Worth noting is the interest of foreign investors in portfolios: the share of foreign capital in such transactions reaches around 45%. In addition, in absolute terms foreign investors acquired properties worth around € 10.1 billion in 2013, and this is only marginally less than in 2012 (€ 10.5 billion). Office property remains the strongest asset class The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. Forecast 2014 For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Financing options for Core investments also remain in force in 2014. Traditional lenders as well as increasingly insurance companies and pension funds are still providing loans. For both groups, the debt-financing business is an attractive area of activity in the light of Solvency II. Rising competition among lenders will increase the pressure on margins in 2014, and this is in combination with a slight increase in loan maturities against the background of a moderate rise in risk appetite. A further adjustment of the book values among today’s property Valuation for accounting purposes only 12 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 owners as well as risk-neutral banks, which are also providing more financing for property other than Core products, could create an even stronger impetus on the German investment market in 2014. 3.4 Retail Investment Market Retail Investment Market: Review of 2012 and 2013 In 2012, the German economy experienced a period of growth that slowed in 2013. Since then, growth has remained stable at a low level. This situation has greatly contributed to demand from international real estate investors for property in Germany. Following a recovery in 2010, the economy, employment rates and income grew significantly, but growth slowed in 2011. This caused a ripple effect in the retail sector. In 2012, retail investments totalled € 7.9 billion compared to € 10.7 billion in 2011. Hence, retail investments accounted for 45% (2011) and 31% (2012), of total real estate investment. In 2013, a total of € 8.1 billion was invested, reflecting 26% of total real estate investment. Retail investment reached its highest level in 2011, slowing in 2012 through Q1 2013; since then, growth has remained stable. Figure 4: Retail Transaction Volume Germany Source: Jones Lang LaSalle, January 2014 In the retail investment market, the shares of some of the asset classes shifted between 2012 and 2013. The share of shopping centres remained relatively stable at 34% in 2013 (2012: 39%). High street properties/department stores dropped from 38% (2012) to 30% (2013) and represented the second largest share of the retail transaction volume. Retail warehousing solus units had the third largest share with 16% (2012: 5%). Retail park investment represented 12% (2012: 15%) and supermarkets/ discounters 8% (2012: 2%). In 2011, large transactions drove up total investment in shopping centres, high street properties and department stores. In 2012, large transactions included the sale of KaDeWe and 17 Karstadt properties from Highstreet (Whitehall, RREEF and others) to Signa Holding, Europa Galerie in Saarbrücken from Credit Suisse to Union Investment (CS Eureal) for approximately € 170 million, 45% of the Europa Passage in Hamburg for € 184 million, shares of five shopping centres from Perella Weinberg to Unibail-Rodamco for approximately € 500 million and 78% of the Milaneo shopping centre in Stuttgart for approx. € 400 million. Furthermore, the RathausCenter in Monheim was sold at an unpublished price by Vald and ZIAG to Phoenix. Sahle-Gruppe bought Karstadt on Zeil in Frankfurt (€ 115 million). Morgan Stanley, in a joint venture with Redos Real Estate, bought 11 Valuation for accounting purposes only 13 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 Toom DIYs for approximately € 100 million. The Saturn store in Hamburg was bought in a joint venture of Matrix and Munich investors for an estimated € 80-90 million. Large transactions in 2013 include the purchase of 30 retail properties for approximately € 150 million by Catalyst Capital, the sale of a specialist store portfolio comprising 80 properties for € 135 million, the purchase of Kaiserplatz-Galerie in Aachen by KG Farmsen for approx. € 290 million, the purchase of Kö-Bogen in Düsseldorf by Art-Invest for approx. € 400 million, the purchase of Hallen am Borsigturm by ECE for approx. € 170 million, the sale of the Deikon portfolio (84 stores for approx. € 170 million), the sale of Leine Center for € 117 million to CBRE investors, the sale of the Monsoon portfolio for approx. € 220 million to Cerberus, the purchase of Kröpcke-Center in Hannover for € 180 million by Union Investment, the purchase of Neumarkt-Galerie in Cologne by Deka Immobilien for € 300 million from Signature Capital the sale of the Redefine portfolio for € 190 million. Figure 5: Transaction Volume Germany divided by Retail Asset Class Source: Jones Lang LaSalle, January 2014 Yields in the Retail Market decrease As mentioned above, shares of retail assets in the real estate investment market went down from 31% in 2012 to 26% in 2013. Furthermore, in most retail property classes, the gap between sellers and buyers has decreased, but a clear lack of product remains. The gap between buyers and sellers is most clearly seen in core properties. Yield compression could be observed, particularly in the core asset class, from 2009 until H1 2011 and again in H2 2012 with respect to retail parks, shopping centres and high street shops/department stores. Prime yields for shopping centres were close to 5% in 2012, but went down in Q4 2012 and remained at 4.75% since then. Recently, prime yields have shown a tendency to drop to 4.7% Prime yields for shopping centres are now equal to prime yields for prime offices. Net initial yields for prime retail parks went down to approximately 6% at the end of 2011, remained stable until Q3 2012 and then decreased to just below 5.75%. By the end of 2013, net initial yields dropped to 5.65%. Prime yields for high street properties were at approximately 4.15% during 2012, decreasing slightly in 2013 to 4.05%. Valuation for accounting purposes only 14 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 Figure 6: Development of Prime Yields Source: Jones Lang LaSalle, January 2014 Retail Investment Market: Outlook Because Germany’s economy has been very stable in the past several years, showing signs of growth, we observe retail among the largest of asset classes in 2013. Investors seeking a core investment with upward potential will find the best fit in retail. Alternative options beyond core investments such as value-added assets, assets with shorter rental contracts or vacancies are increasingly considered. As a result, the investment focus has broadened to include secondary locations. An increase in transaction volume of distressed properties and non-performing loans can be expected in the course of 2014. With respect to retail properties, we expect a progressively stable trend with the highest investment share anticipated for shopping centres and high street properties. Furthermore, we predict that the German real estate market will remain the focus of foreign investors. In 2013, asset/fund managers and developers were by far the most active sellers of retail properties. At the same time, banks/insurances/pension funds, asset/fund managers as well as special funds were the most active buyers. We expect this situation to continue into 2014. 3.5 German Retail Warehouses and Retail Parks The following section presents a more detailed overview of retail warehouses with a specific focus on “Do-ItYourself” (DIY) stores, furniture stores, electronic goods stores, hypermarkets and cash & carry markets as well as retail parks and retail agglomerations. The subject matter will concentrate on the classification of these types of retail establishments, providing information on the special characteristics, the most well-known tenants, the deciding regional factors and information regarding the present situation in the German real estate market in view of the current rental level and the investment market. Retail Warehouses Definition Retail warehouses are large-scale forms of retailers. They offer a broad and often very deep range of different products for different requirements and for specific target groups. Retail warehouses usually operate using a selfservice format with a self-explanatory product selection, which is clearly presented to the customer. The need for Valuation for accounting purposes only 15 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 good presentation and the broad and deep product range contribute to large sales areas. On the other hand, fewer sales staff is needed due to the self-service character. In combination with a good area performance and efficient stock keeping, the costs for retail warehouses are easily managed. Additionally, the majority of retail warehouses are chain stores with a basic concept. The construction of such concepts entails economic advantages, with products that can be and mostly are offered at lower to medium price levels. Among retail warehouses, different types and branches can be distinguished. Retail warehouses can differ in service orientation and price level. There are more service-oriented warehouses (higher prices, more services) and more discount-oriented warehouses (lower price, less services). Plus, even though retail warehouses are usually large-scale, they can be distinguished based on their size and location. Small retail warehouses have an area of approx. 200 to 1,200 m² and are located within a suburban location with good traffic connections. Tenants are usually hardware stores, office supply stores or drugstores. Medium retail warehouses comprise stores with an area of up to 3,500 m² and are located both in suburban areas and in the outskirts of towns and cities. Typical tenants include sporting goods stores, toy stores, electronic goods stores, large shoe stores, large hardware stores and auto supply stores. Large retail warehouses have an area of more than 3,500 m² up to 18,000 m² and are usually located in peripheral locations. However, these stores are increasingly being developed in more integrated locations. Typical tenants are large fashion retailers, toy stores, electronic goods stores and DIY stores. The biggest retail warehouses reach a size of up to 30,000 m². Due to their size, these stores are normally found exclusively in peripheral locations or on Greenfield sites. This size is usually only occupied by furniture stores. The branches and tenants for retail warehouses are diverse and depend on the strategy and orientation of the subject property. Locational Factors Since the time they originated in the mid-1980s, retail warehouses are typically situated in peripheral locations in cities (e.g. commercial areas). This distinguishes a retail warehouse from conventional specialist stores, which traditionally prefer city centre locations. The motivation to move to Greenfield sites results mainly from the lower rental rates compared to the city centre, the fact that expansion is easier in the periphery (especially for largescale retail warehouses), as well as the possibility to use simple building methods to affordably construct on a large scale (with regard to sales area and parking spaces). Together with more efficient organisation, this allowed products to be offered at lower prices than in traditional retail formats. Retail warehouses and their concepts are thus posing an ever greater threat of competition for the city centres. This means that continuous adjustment and development of concepts is necessary to remain competitive for both city centres and retail areas in the periphery. Location factors can be differentiated by the macro-location and micro-location. The most important factor on a macro-level is the population and all factors directly and indirectly associated therewith. The first is the population of the locality and the number of people living in the catchment area of the respective property. In this context, future population development is another important factor given the long-term use of such real estate. Another factor concerning the population is the purchasing power. The more specialized retail warehouses are, the more purchasing power matters. This is because the costs associated with food, for example, do not depend on purchasing power as much as the costs associated with electronics or DIY-store goods. Factors like tourism potential and commuter balance play a less significant role. Given the increasing difference concerning the mentioned macro-location factors in Germany, these factors are continually gaining importance in the valuation of real estate. On a micro-location level an important factor is the traffic infrastructure. As retail warehouses mostly rely on customers travelling by car, sufficient parking spaces as well as a good traffic infrastructure are very important. Thus, retail warehouses are often found along major arterial roads in commercial or industrial zones. Public transportation plays a less significant role but is important as well. Another important factor is the development in the vicinity. Further retailers in the vicinity can produce benefits from synergy effects or if retailers have a similar Valuation for accounting purposes only 16 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 product range they can form competition. A residential population in the vicinity can also be beneficial, as people living in the surrounding area of a retail warehouse can significantly increase the customer frequency. Rental Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail warehouses throughout Germany. Nevertheless, the spread between the rental levels is not as big as in high street locations. The maximum rents are determined by a percentage of the turnover expectancy as is common in the retail sector. The turnover again is most dependent on the above-mentioned macro- and micro-location factors of the retail warehouses plus the characteristics of the property like quality and concept of the store, architecture and visibility from the adjacent streets. The economic difference throughout Germany has led to differences in rental levels throughout the country. Rents in Bavaria, Baden Wuerttemberg and the metropolitan regions around Hamburg, Frankfurt or Berlin, lie above the average rent in Germany due to the high population density, the positive population forecast and the strong economy. Rental levels in eastern German towns are generally slightly lower than their western counterparts, as these areas have a lower purchasing power, higher unemployment rates, most often a negative population development and therefore generate on average lower revenues. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenant, rents for retail warehouses in Germany usually range from € 5.00 and € 14.00/m²/month. However, there are exceptions in both directions. The highest rents are not paid in peripheral locations but in locations in or near the city centre of larger cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. Usually these prime rents are paid by well-known and attractive tenants, which occupy buildings in very good conditions. The rents for retail warehouses in general in Germany have been relatively stable in the past 10 years. However, the future rental development of retail warehouse will be mainly determined by the growing regional differences. The rental levels will remain stable in sustainable locations and in absolute top locations there is the probability of small increases. But, locations in economically weak regions with negative population development were and are going through difficult development. Therefore, less sales area is needed there due to the migrating population. This leads to an oversupply of rental areas, which again leads to falling rental levels. Retail Parks Definition Retail parks are planned retail warehouse agglomerations. A retail park generally consists of at least three largescale retailers with a combined retail area of at least 3,000 m². Similar to large retail warehouses, they usually are situated in locations reachable by car, close to traffic arteries or federal highways. In contrast to unplanned retail warehouse agglomerations, retail parks are built in order to effectively benefit from synergy effects and cultivate a collective corporate identity as well as a visual and spatial appearance. They usually have a shared, central car park and advertise their tenants through traffic cones at the access points. Although distinguished by their plain and functional architecture, retail parks have many similarities to shopping centres. One similarity is the central planning and management of the retail park. Instead of letting random tenants into the property, it is the retail park manager’s task to optimise the tenant mix in order to maximise synergy effects. The manager is further responsible for organising the retail park’s external appearance through shared marketing measures and also functions as a contact for clients, tenants and the landlord. Retail Agglomerations In comparison to retail parks, agglomerations of retail warehouses have also often been developed in order to take advantage of synergy effects with other retailers. However, these developments are not strategically planned. Agglomerations are created with the successive settlement of retail warehouses. This usually develops over an extended period of time without central planning, management or operation. Similar to retail parks, the joint usage of infrastructural components and joint marketing are synergy effects arising from such an agglomeration, resulting in an extension of the catchment area and an increase of the competitiveness relative to other retail agglomerations. Two common forms can be distinguished: retail warehouse strips and clusters. While Valuation for accounting purposes only 17 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 retail warehouse strips develop through the successive construction of retail warehouses on a linear axis along a single road, clusters develop through the construction of further retail warehouses around a centrally situated store. Often such developments evolve chaotically and seldom benefit from shared parking lots. The concept of “one-stop shopping”, which is offered by retail parks and retail agglomerations, will play an increasingly important role in the future when shopping for provisions, because time is becoming more and more important to individuals. As a result, individual or sparsely clustered discounters and supermarkets will become increasingly unappealing. Rental Market and Tenant Mix The tenant mix of a retail agglomeration or retail park is very important for the overall quality and success of the property. The rental rate for such properties – as is common in the retail sector – is tied to the turnover expectancy (normally as a percentage). A good tenant mix and combination of brands and offers is able to satisfy several consumer requirements and guarantees a good customer flow. In order to increase the overall quality of a retail park or retail agglomeration, tenants selling daily convenience goods and tenants with a periodic or leisure component should be combined within the property. The combination of goods and services supports the consumers’ time management and therefore, appeals to the customer and offers an advantage compared to a stand-alone supermarket, for example. The opportunity to link purchases with different store characters (periodic and irregular, impulse and target purchases, etc.) varies depending on the main range of goods. In particular, branches with a very high leisure character are easily linked to each other, for example fashion and shoes, leatherwear, toys and jewellery. Purely supply-orientated tenants (for example supermarkets, discounters, bakeries and drugstores) have similar linkage potential. Target-oriented purchases like furniture purchases or DIY-purchases have a lower potential for linkage as they are very sporadic and usually require higher investment. Therefore, the information and the time requirement are higher and these purchases are normally not combined with other purchases. If in the case of a retail park, the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which increases the customer frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher. As a consequence, their overall rental level can be higher as well. Therefore, some anchor tenants are able to negotiate lower rents, because their existence in a property increases the rental level of the others, thereby compensating for the higher rents. Thus, the rental level of a large anchor store within retail parks, like a supermarket or hypermarket, tends to be lower than if it was a stand-alone store. In contrast, smaller retail warehouses within retail parks, which benefit from large anchor tenants, tend to pay higher rents than if they were stand-alone stores. Overall, retail parks have the potential to generate higher rents than stand-alone retail warehouses due to the higher customer frequency. The discrepancy between the average and prime rents is usually between € 5.00 and € 6.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 15.00/m²/month. However, there are exceptions in both directions. The current prime rent for retail warehouses ranges from € 10.50 to € 18.50/m²/month. The prime rent of € 18.50/m²/month is usually not paid in peripheral locations but in locations in or near the city centre of larger metropolitan areas (> 100,000 inhabitants) by well-known and attractive tenants occupying buildings in very good condition. The prime rent for retail warehouses in Germany has been virtually stable in the past 10 years. In the first quarter of 2002, the prime rent ranged from € 9.79 from 18.60/m²/month. The overall potential for rental growth of retail warehouses in Germany is best summed up as mediocre. Depending on the tenant branch, rental rates for discounters, department stores and DIY stores remain stable due to the high competition in the market, but the rents for fashion stores have uplift potential simply due to the fact that these stores are increasing their presence in retail parks and are prepared to pay high rents. 3.6 Transaction Evidence Please find some transactions from 2010 until 2013 in the table below. Valuation for accounting purposes only 18 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 Table 6: Transaction Evidence Property Type Location Federal State Lettable Area m² Sales Price (EUR) WALT Multiplier Date of Transaction Supermarket/ Discounter Portfolio throughout Germany n.a. 39,465 approx. € 35m 6.7 8.3-fold Q3 2013 Supermarket Portfolio throughout Germany n.a. 148,644 approx. € 190m 7.7 11.0-fold Q4 2013 Discounter Portfolio throughout Germany n.a. n.a. n.a. 6.5 approx. 7.5-8.0-fold Under negotiation Retail Portfolio throughout Germany n.a. 41,049 approx. € 29m 5.1 7.1-fold Q4 2010 Furniture Store Jever Lower Saxony 13,000 n.a. 9.3 13.8-fold Q2 2012 NIY approx. 6.4%, single tenant Supermarket Düren North RhineWestphalia 2,080 2,000,000 9.7 9.4-fold Q1 2012 Located in Düren, purchasing power index of 87.5; built in 2008 Discounter Wuppertal North RhineWestphalia 1,000 3,250,000 8.5 11.5-fold Asking price Discounter occupied by Netto, built in 2007, current rent € 282,600 p.a. Retail Park Gera Thuringia 5,282 4,795,000 6.1 8.75-fold Q2 2012 Retail Park, main tenant Rewe, built in 2006 Retail Park Kirchberg Saxony 3,403 3,135,000 4.4 7.75-fold Q3 2012 Supermarket / Discounter Eberswalde Brandenburg 930 1,301,256 9.9 11.0-fold Q1 2012 Supermarket / Discounter Brieselang Brandenburg 1,087 1,569,414 8.8 10.75-fold Q1 2012 Comments 21 properties; NIY approx. 9.510%; construction dates 20002004; approx. € 887/m² 90 properties; NIY approx. 7.75%; good macro and micro locations; approx. € 1,282/m² 50% of the properties located in eastern Germany; construction dates 2002-2005 26 properties; construction dates mainly in the 1990s; approx. € 700/m² Retail Park, main tenant Rewe, constructed in 2004, vacancy rate of approx. 3% NIY 7.82%. Located in Eastern Germany with weak economic and demographic background (decreasing population). Built in 2006. The unemployment rate is 12.5%, which is above the federal average. NIY 8.11%. Located in Eastern Germany. The unemployment rate is 12.5%, which is above the federal average. Built in 2006 * Multipliers are gross multipliers if not mentioned otherwise. Source: Jones Lang LaSalle research Valuation for accounting purposes only 19 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 4 Valuation 4.1 Valuation Methodology Our valuation provides an estimate of Market Value. The definition by the ‘Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors’ outlined below applies to the underlying values quoted in the valuation. The Market Value of the property has been assessed using the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) calculation method. This takes into account the agreed rent for the signed leases, the market rent for currently vacant space and estimated rents for re-letting of the space after lease term expiry. Cash flows for the relevant year are calculated as follows: the Rental Income at full occupancy (Base Rental Revenue) is reduced by the loss of rent due to rent–free periods (Base Rent Abatements) and vacancy (Absorption and Turnover Vacancy). Besides income from indexation clauses (CPI and Other Adjustment Revenues) and step rents (Base Rental Step Revenue), reimbursable expenses (Vacancy Costs) have been added to obtain the Total Potential Gross Revenue. While rents are calculated according their particular adjustment clause, costs have been adjusted according to the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) on a yearly basis. After deduction of the non-recoverable costs (i.e. Management and Maintenance Costs) and reimbursable expenses (Vacancy Costs), the Net Operating Income (NOI) is determined. In case of vacancy, the reimbursable costs the landlord receives are lower than the amount he has to pay, so that only in this event do Vacancy Costs have an influence on the NOI. Subtracting the non-operating costs (such as Leasing Commissions, Tenant Improvements and Capital Expenditures) from the NOI results in the Cash Flow before Tax and Debt Service. After the DCF period of 10 years, we have considered a stabilised rental income in year 11. The capitalised value after year 10 takes this stabilised rental income and subtracts the stabilised expenses, resulting in the Stabilised Net Operating Income. This result is capitalised into perpetuity applying an equated (growth implicit) yield and produces the Terminal Value Indication. The resulting value is then discounted to the valuation date using the discount rate from term year 1-10. Discounting the remaining Cash Flows for years 1 to 10 and the Terminal Value for year 11 to the valuation date (i.e. the Net Present Value) produces the Gross Capital Value. We have assessed monthly rents as this conforms to the timing of rental payments. Subsequently, the Cash Flows calculated across the valuation period are discounted to the valuation date monthly in advance using the market derived discount rate. The discount rate adopted considers the probability of default as well as the security of the forecast for the Cash Flow. Therefore, factors which influence the discount rate include existing terms and conditions of lease contracts, the individual location quality, the building structure and building stock, the strengths of tenant covenants, the prevailing overor under rent and the resale value calculated. After deductions for Purchaser’s Costs, the Market Value is obtained. 4.2 Valuation Assumptions Definition Market Value Our valuation has been prepared in accordance with the RICS Valuation – Professional Standards (9th Edition) published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors as well as the standards contained within the European Valuation Standards (EVS, 2012) and in accordance with IVSC International Valuation Standard 1 (IVS 1, 2011) on the basis of Market Value. Valuation for accounting purposes only 20 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 According to the RICS Valuation – Professional Standards, Market Value is defined as: “The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm's-length transaction after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion.” No allowances have been made for any expenses of realisation or for taxation (including VAT), which might arise in the event of a disposal. We do not take into account any liability of the portfolio owner regarding taxes, single or recurring public or private contributions, charges, local community taxes and costs. However, our valuations are net of purchaser’s costs standard to the German property market. Rental Income The current rental income for the portfolio amounts to € 13,782,592/year, which equals a rent of € 7.80/m²/month on occupied areas. Property No Town Rental Income Contractual Rental Income Contract Rent € p.a. €/m²/month 1 Aschersleben 1,520,129 8.72 2 Augsburg 1,203,705 7.28 3 Bad Aibling 636,025 7.52 4 Biberach 1,262,394 9.77 5 Borken 996,674 8.72 6 Erlangen 1,164,606 7.24 7 Geislingen 640,469 5.68 8 Glauchau 1,264,953 8.26 9 Ludwigsburg 1,013,225 5.97 10 Ludwigsfelde 1,208,820 7.97 11 Neckarsulm 1,381,692 11.21 12 Vilshofen 869,192 7.08 13 Wittenberge 620,708 5.95 13,782,592 7.80 Estimated Market Rental Value In the scope of the valuation, an achievable market rent was derived for each rental unit of the buildings within the portfolio. The estimate of market rents is made on the basis of comprehensive research and our turnover analysis. As a result, the Estimated Rental Value for the portfolio amounts to € 15,101,395/year. This represents € 8.55/m²/month. Valuation for accounting purposes only 21 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 Property No Town Rental Income Market Rental Value Market Rent € p.a. €/m²/month 1 Aschersleben 1,595,689 9.16 2 Augsburg 1,487,432 9.00 3 Bad Aibling 695,930 8.22 4 Biberach 1,282,235 9.92 5 Borken 1,226,337 10.73 6 Erlangen 1,625,168 10.11 7 Geislingen 835,732 7.42 8 Glauchau 1,197,680 7.82 9 Ludwigsburg 1,332,505 7.85 10 Ludwigsfelde 1,085,152 7.16 11 Neckarsulm 1,276,200 10.36 12 Vilshofen 869,452 7.08 13 Wittenberge 591,881 5.68 15,101,395 8.55 Costs For the purpose of the valuation on 31 December 2013, the non-recoverable costs (e.g. insurance costs as well as ground tax) remained unchanged and have been applied according to information received during the previous valuation cycle. Management costs and maintenance costs have been applied according to internal benchmarks. The previous owner did not recover all costs, which could be recovered according to the lease contracts. We understand that the lawyers of BCP see that in the future these costs will be reduced and a higher portion will be recovered. We assumed that if the tenants would be provided with an accurate cost schedule they will pay these (recoverable) costs. Vacancy Costs In periods of vacancy, all fixed ancillary costs are borne by the owner. This fact has been taken into account within the valuation and in the case of projected vacancy during re-letting or successive rental; furthermore, we have applied a non-recoverable surcharge for vacant space. The vacancy costs are assessed to amount to € 10/m²/year. Renewal Probability Following the lease contract periods, we have considered assumptions appropriate to the local market environment regarding use type, location, quality of rental areas and property condition. Rent-free periods were not assumed for the re-letting/initial letting of any units. Void periods have been applied for re-lettings/initial lettings and leasing commissions were taken into account to secure new tenants. Depending on the respective area, we have incorporated tenant improvements after lease term expiry. We have predominantly assumed that the existing leases will be extended with a renewal probability of 75% (at market rental level) and leases will be agreed with new tenants with a corresponding probability of 25% (also at market level). Therefore, costs in the cash flow related to re-letting and the void period are weighted with the aforementioned likelihood of 25%. Valuation for accounting purposes only 22 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 Void Periods The period of vacancy before re-letting depends on the location, building quality and demand. For the rental units, a specific vacancy period between 3 and 24 months was assumed. Given that marketing to identify new tenants can commence as soon as an existing tenant has submitted notice, the usual notice period for the tenant is taken into account (i.e. deducted) when determining the void period. However, the period of vacancy may not amount to less than three months due to renovation and refurbishment that may be required within the rental area. Please refer to the individual property templates in Appendix 1 for further information. Tenant Improvements For initial letting as well as for re-letting, we assumed tenant improvements (TI’s). Tenant improvements are costs for fixtures and building works incurred when a new rental contract is signed. In the valuation, these costs were fixed for each individual rental area according to the exterior and interior appearance. We considered tenant improvement costs between € 25/m² and € 100/m². We consider our assumptions to be appropriate for current market terms. For the new rented retail unit of KiK (200 m²) in Vilshofen, we have considered TI’s of € 350/m² due to the fact that the unit was in shell condition. These costs are assumed by the landlord in the process of contractual negotiations. Please refer to the individual property templates in Appendix 1 for further information. Agent’s Fees Letting fees usually include agent’s fees borne by the owner and are incorporated into the estimated cash flow. For the Matrix Portfolio we assumed three monthly rental payments for commercial units. Contractual Terms Rental terms are estimated by drawing upon standard rental contracts, giving consideration to building use and the current real estate market. A contractual period of 10 years is assumed for large units and 5 years for smaller units. Contract extension options in the new lease contracts are disregarded. The rent for new lease contracts reflects the market rent for the building. The contractual rent used in the calculation of future cash flows is shown in the individual valuation templates in the Appendix 1 of this report. Investment Yields The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. In the current investment market, covenant strength and lease term play a major role in the purchase of such properties. The cap and discount rates used for each property to calculate Market Value are disclosed in the individual valuation reports. Rental Growth Forecasts For rents we assume a rental growth in line with the development of the inflation. Table 7: Inflation forecast Germany Year Inflation 2014 1.6% 2015 1.8% 2016 1.8% 2017 1.6% 2018 1.6% 2019 1.6% 2020 1.6% 2021 1.6% 2022 1.5% 2023 1.5% after 2023 1.5% Source: Global Insight 2013 Valuation for accounting purposes only 23 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 4.3 Valuation Results Market Value The valuation is carried out on the basis of Market Value as defined in the ‘Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors' (RICS) Appraisal and Valuation Manual. This is incorporated into the Jones Lang LaSalle “General Principles for Valuations and Standard Terms of Business”, which is attached as Appendix 2. The “Market Value” is an appraisal of the price for which a property transaction would take place on the appointed valuation date and may be defined as: “The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm's-length transaction after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion.” We are of the opinion that the Market Value of the subject portfolio is as at 31 December 2013: € 176,100,000 (net) (ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SIX MILLION, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND EUROS) reflecting € 1,197 /m² of lettable area The above valuation figure represents a net figure, i.e. a deduction has been made for land transfer tax and legal costs and agent’s fees normally incurred by the purchaser. No allowance has been made for any expenses of realisation or for taxation, which might arise in the event of a disposal. The properties are considered as if free and clear of all mortgages or other charges, which may be secured thereon. Valuation for accounting purposes only 24 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 4.4 Sensitivity Matrix Below we present a matrix per property showing the Market Value sensitivity to changes of the Discount Rate. 4.4.1 Aschersleben - 50 bp € 20,700,000 Sensitivity Matrix as at 31 December 2013 Discount Rate Variation - 25 bp 7.65% + 25 bp € 20,400,000 € 20,000,000 € 19,700,000 + 50 bp € 19,400,000 Sensitivity Matrix as at 31 December 2013 Discount Rate Variation - 25 bp 7.05% + 25 bp € 16,800,000 € 16,500,000 € 16,200,000 + 50 bp € 15,900,000 Sensitivity Matrix as at 31 December 2013 Discount Rate Variation - 25 bp 7.50% + 25 bp € 8,300,000 € 8,100,000 € 8,000,000 + 50 bp € 7,800,000 Sensitivity Matrix as at 31 December 2013 Discount Rate Variation - 25 bp 7.10% + 25 bp € 16,100,000 € 15,800,000 € 15,500,000 + 50 bp € 15,300,000 Sensitivity Matrix as at 31 December 2013 Discount Rate Variation - 25 bp 7.15% + 25 bp € 15,000,000 € 14,800,000 € 14,500,000 + 50 bp € 14,300,000 Sensitivity Matrix as at 31 December 2013 Discount Rate Variation - 25 bp 7.00% + 25 bp € 12,900,000 € 12,700,000 € 12,400,000 + 50 bp € 12,200,000 4.4.2 Augsburg - 50 bp € 17,100,000 4.4.3 Bad Aibling - 50 bp € 8,400,000 4.4.4 Biberach - 50 bp € 16,300,000 4.4.5 Borken - 50 bp € 15,300,000 4.4.6 Erlangen - 50 bp € 13,100,000 Valuation for accounting purposes only 25 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 4.4.7 Geislingen - 50 bp € 9,300,000 Sensitivity Matrix as at 31 December 2013 Discount Rate Variation - 25 bp 7.45% + 25 bp € 9,200,000 € 9,000,000 € 8,800,000 + 50 bp € 8,700,000 Sensitivity Matrix as at 31 December 2013 Discount Rate Variation - 25 bp 7.25% + 25 bp € 15,800,000 € 15,600,000 € 15,300,000 + 50 bp € 15,100,000 Sensitivity Matrix as at 31 December 2013 Discount Rate Variation - 25 bp 6.50% + 25 bp € 13,900,000 € 13,600,000 € 13,400,000 + 50 bp € 13,100,000 Sensitivity Matrix as at 31 December 2013 Discount Rate Variation - 25 bp 7.10% + 25 bp € 15,000,000 € 14,700,000 € 14,500,000 + 50 bp € 14,200,000 Sensitivity Matrix as at 31 December 2013 Discount Rate Variation - 25 bp 7.50% + 25 bp € 17,000,000 € 16,800,000 € 16,500,000 + 50 bp € 16,200,000 Sensitivity Matrix as at 31 December 2013 Discount Rate Variation - 25 bp 6.75% + 25 bp € 11,300,000 € 11,100,000 € 10,900,000 + 50 bp € 10,700,000 Sensitivity Matrix as at 31 December 2013 Discount Rate Variation - 25 bp 7.50% + 25 bp € 7,600,000 € 7,400,000 € 7,300,000 + 50 bp € 7,200,000 4.4.8 Glauchau - 50 bp € 16,100,000 4.4.9 Ludwigsburg - 50 bp € 14,100,000 4.4.10 Ludwigsfelde - 50 bp € 15,200,000 4.4.11 Neckarsulm - 50 bp € 17,300,000 4.4.12 Vilshofen - 50 bp € 11,500,000 4.4.13 Wittenburg - 50 bp € 7,700,000 Valuation for accounting purposes only 26 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 4.5 Market Value Disclaimer Our valuations are carried out on the basis of market value as defined in the ‘Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors' (RICS) Appraisal and Valuation Manual. The “Market Value” according to the RICS Appraisal and Valuation manual contains an appraisal of the price at which a property transaction would take place at the appointed valuation date and may be defined as: “The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm's-length transaction after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion.” According to information given by Brack Capital Properties N.V., we understand that the Matrix portfolio was offered in a distressed loan situation. Thus, the subject transaction can be considered a forced sale, so that the underlying purchase price (of whom we are not aware of) is not necessarily comparable to the above-mentioned market value definition. Furthermore, our valuation is based on market parameters, in particular concerning service charges, which potentially deviate from the actual situation of the portfolio on the purchase date. After discussions with Brack Capital Properties N.V. we now understand that the purchase price is lower than the estimated market value. However, we are not in the position to comment on this deviance as we are not aware of the exact conditions of the final purchase contract, nor of any side letters or supplementary agreements that potentially deviate from the valuation basis. We assume that the distressed vendor might have accepted Brack Capital Properties N.V.’s lower bid in order to quickly close a deal with a trusted, recognised purchaser with a proven track record. In this regard, our calculated market value could be above the agreed purchase price; nonetheless, we are comfortable with this level and consider it to reflect the market value (according to the above RICS definition) for the portfolio at the respective valuation date. Prior to this valuation round, we have conducted a valuation in March 2013 for the financial statements of Brack Capital Properties N.V. Compared to the previous valuation in March 2013, the market value of the portfolio in December 2013 has decreased by approx. 0.4%. This is mainly due to the increased vacancy rate of 19% in Augsburg, to the shortened lease contract of Kaufland by 5 years to 2022 and to the fact that the surplus land of the parcel 3002/1 of the Biberach property had been sold. For further details please refer to the individual property reports. Please find below the results (Market Values) of our prior valuation: No. Property 03/2013 12/2013 1 Aschersleben 20,000,000 € 20,000,000 € 2 Augsburg 17,100,000 € 16,500,000 € 3 Bad Aibling 8,500,000 € 8,100,000 € 4 Biberach 16,200,000 € 15,800,000 € 5 Borken 15,000,000 € 14,800,000 € 6 Erlangen 12,700,000 € 12,700,000 € 7 Geislingen 9,100,000 € 9,000,000 € 8 Glauchau 16,300,000 € 15,600,000 € 9 Ludwigsburg 12,700,000 € 13,600,000 € 10 Ludwigsfelde 14,200,000 € 14,700,000 € 11 Neckarsulm 17,200,000 € 16,800,000 € 12 Vilshofen 10,100,000 € 11,100,000 € 13 Wittenberge 7,700,000 € 7,400,000 € 176,800,000 € 176,100,000 € Total Valuation for accounting purposes only 27 Matrix Portfolio, Valuation of 13 properties – January 2014 5 Confidentiality & Publication In preparing this valuation report, we have relied upon information provided by you and your representatives relating to tenure, tenancies, building and site areas, and building description. If this information proves to be incorrect or additional information is made available to us, the accuracy of the valuation could be affected. In such case, we reserve the right to amend our opinion of value accordingly. In accordance with our standard practice, we must state that the content of this report, including the valuation, has been prepared exclusively for Brack Capital Properties N.V. (BCP) for the purposes of assisting BCP to value its assets as at 31 December 2013 for its financial statement reporting and for no other purpose. In addition, the results of the work executed by Jones Lang LaSalle shall remain confidential and are intended exclusively for BCP and only for the purposes specified in the contract. Any other use and, in particular, disclosure to third parties or other publications (disclosure to third parties) – including extracts – without the express prior written consent of Jones Lang shall be prohibited. We consent to the disclosure of the valuation report to a third party only within the scope of the publication of the financial statement reporting. However, BCP agrees to notify the respective third parties in writing and to underline that Jones Lang LaSalle generally assumes no liability towards third parties for the work and services provided and that third parties may make no claims whatsoever against Jones Lang LaSalle on the basis of the work and services provided. BCP also agrees to indemnify Jones Lang LaSalle against any third party claims and associated costs asserted by third parties against Jones Lang LaSalle as a result of unauthorized disclosure or publication of the results of the work and services provided. Jones Lang LaSalle GmbH’s liability for any loss or damage caused by negligence on our part, irrespective of the legal reason, in relation to the valuation services provided is limited to a maximum of 10% of the respective and reported Market Value per property, and may not exceed a maximum liability cap of € 7.5 million (euros) for any case. Finally, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility or liability in respect of the whole or any part of the report or valuation for any other purpose than stated above nor to any other person or entity to whom the report or valuation is shown or disclosed or into whose hands it may come, whether published with our consent or otherwise, except where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing. ppa. Andrew M. Groom MRICS International Director Head of Valuation & Transaction Advisory Frank Rambow MRICS National Director Valuation & Transaction Advisory Norbert Schultek Senior Consultant Valuation & Transaction Advisory Appendix Valuation for accounting purposes only 28 Appendix I – Property Reports Appendix I – Property Reports Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hoymer Chaussee 108 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 06449 Aschersleben Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 1 Property Summary Key Figures Property type Main tenant Retail Park toom Baumarkt Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG (Marktkauf) Total lettable area Total parking units 14,522 m² 700 units Current vacancy rate Weighted average lease term 8.8% 7.9 years 1993 n.a. Year of construction Year of refurbishment Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,520,129 € 8.72 Total non-recoverable expenses (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 122,157 € 0.70 Net operating income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,397,972 € 8.02 total p.a. € 1,595,689 4.5% Market rental value Over-/Underrent based on occupied areas SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Sufficient parking areas on site Good accessibility by car Risk diversification due to multi-tenant structure (good tenant mix) Synergies due to adjacent furniture store Located on a main road, in a special zone Located on the outskirts of Aschersleben Slight under-rent of Kaufland premises Difficulty to let former Quelle unit due to its location within the property Low purchasing power and centrality index 0 Opportunities Threats Prolongation of lease contracts after expiry Reletting of the former areas of dm and Quelle 0 0 0 Re-letting or prolongation of existing contracts may result in worse conditions Significant negative population growth Below-average purchasing power Limited investor focus on properties in eastern Germany 0 Property Rating (1 = very negative, 5 = very positive) Building Location Building age Lettable Area Property condition General impression 2 4 2 2 16 to 25 years Between 12,500 and 15,000 m² Below average building condition Below average general impression Macrolocation Microlocation Commercial activity Competition 4 WALT seven to ten years 3 Rack rented (-5% to 5%) 4 Tenants with very good credit rating Investment market Investment volume Saleability Liquidity 2 3 4 3 Below average location and catchment area Average micro location Average commercial activity nearby Average competition level Investment Quality WALT Over- / underrent Quality of tenants 2 Under developed property market 4 Good lot size 4 Good saleability within 6 months Property Description The site encompasses the subject retail park, a petrol station as well as some food stalls located in front of the main entrance. The property was constructed in 1993 and contains a self-service department store (Kaufland) and a DIY discount store (B1) as large-scale retail units as well as some mid-sized and small-sized retail units. The building has a rectangular shape and for the most part is a single storey structure, with a small second storey located over the main entrance area in the south serving as an administrative area. The property is constructed of concrete columns, precast concrete beams and concrete floor slabs. The flat roof has trapezoid metal panels as bearing structure and several skylights integrated. The facade is made from multilayer concrete panels. Main entrance, office windows and shop displays have coated aluminium frames and the entrance is equipped with automatic sliding doors. The walls within the public areas are plastered and painted. The ceiling inside the mall is suspended with a grid system still allowing the technical installations above to be seen. The smaller shop units usually have a suspended ceiling while the large retail units of B1 and Kaufland do not have a suspended ceiling with all technical installations viewable. The floor is mainly covered with ceramic tiles, while the fit out of the smaller shop units depends on the tenant’s preferences. In terms of HVAC, the property does not offer air conditioning, only oil-fueled heating and ventilation. The parking area is made of asphalt on driveways and paving stones in the parking areas. Valuation Results Market Value € 20,000,000 equals to Market Rental Value € 1,377 per m² € 1,595,689 p.a. Discount Rate 7.65% Net Initial Yield 6.56% Capitalisation Rate 7.10% Net Reversionary Yield 6.91% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. excluding capital expenditures Page 1 of 12 € 9.16 / m² / p.m. equals to 6.56% Multiplier (initial) 13.16 6.91% Multiplier (based on MRV) 12.53 abc Property address Property no. 1 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hoymer Chaussee 108 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 06449 Aschersleben Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Location Germany Macroeconomic Indicators (Source: GfK, BBE, BBSR/Inkar 2012/2013) Saxony-Anhalt Salzlandkreis (Rural District) Aschersleben 06449 Federal State District City Postcode Population Population Population Number of Households Population Density Population Density Population Forecast (2009 - 2025) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Federal State District City City District City District Federal State District Federal State District absolute absolute absolute absolute per km² per km² in % in % in % in % in % Structual Data Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Index Retail Purchasing Power Index Retail Centrality Index Aschersleben 2,313,280 206,784 28,706 14,699 145 184 -20.0% -5.5% -7.6% 10.7% 12.7% (Source: GfK and BBE 2012/2013) District City Federal State District District in m € in m € index index index 3,320 465 82.30 78.52 94.07 Macro Location The city of Aschersleben is located in the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt. Aschersleben is situated between the region of the Harz Mountains and the Magdeburger Boerde. Aschersleben is rich in many cultural and leisure activities, and has a healthy small- and medium-sized business structure. There are many historic churches and other buildings, which are worth visiting. The cultural activities of the town are well known in the whole region and attract many visitors. The closest larger cities are Magdeburg, (approx. 50 km to the north), Halle (Saale) (approx. 67 km to the south-west) and Braunschweig (approx. 107 km to the north-west). The transport connections from Aschersleben to the German motorway system as well as to the major roads are quite good. Aschersleben is located close to the motorway A14. The main federal roads, which run through Aschersleben are B6, B180 and B185. There are also connections to the public transport network via the local bus system within the city and the train, regional or national bus network for out-of-town travel. The train station of Aschersleben offers service to Halle (Saale), Dessau and Magdeburg. The closest international airports are located in Magdeburg (approx. 49 km) and Leipzig-Halle (approx. 80 km). The economy traditionally has been based on the printing industry, machine tool building and vehicle construction. Highly specialised machines and printing products have been produced in Aschersleben since the 19th century. The production of non-woven cotton has been firmly established in Aschersleben since the 1990s. Also medical equipment companies, which have established their operations in the city in recent years, are economically important. Micro Location Micro Location The property is located at Hoymer Chaussee, approx. 3 km west from Aschersleben's historic city centre on the outskirts of the city by an arterial road, connecting to the major federal road (B6). The property shares its parking lot with a furniture discount store to the east. To the south, there is the aforementioned arterial road with plots on the other side of the road. Similarly, to the north of the property more plots can be found. The land to the west of the property is used for agricultural purposes. The property has its own bus stop on Hoymer Chaussee called "Aschersleben Kaufland", which connects the premises with the remainder of Aschersleben including its train station. The property offers good visibility and can be accessed directly from the arterial road by which it is located. It benefits from the adjacent discount furniture store and the petrol station on its plot. 0 Local Tax Information Real Estate Tax Rate (Typ B) Land Transfer Tax This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 2 of 12 City City in % in % abc 388 5.0 Property address Property no. 1 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hoymer Chaussee 108 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 06449 Aschersleben Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Site Plan Source: Cadastral plan on a 1 to 2,000 scale, dated 28.12.2010 Site Information Site area thereof surplus land 36,735 m² 0 m² Ground lease No n.a. Ground lease expiry Surplus land value (net) n.a. €0 Site servicing Fully serviced Irregular Site layout Soil contamination No Suspicion Building encumbrances Yes Comment The site consists of two plots: 174 and 19/2. The site has an even topography and an irregular shape. The site is not listed in the register of contaminated land ("Altlastenkataster"). There is an encumbrances registered on plot 19/2. However, since it containes an obligation in case a property is built on the plot we assume that this obligation has been fulfilled by the owner. Furthermore, there are a couple of easements registered on the plots. However, we do not regard these to have an impact on the market value. For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the subject property is free of any soil or building contamination. Town Planning Use class SO (special zone) Site coverage ratio (GRZ) n.a. Plot ratio (GFZ) n.a. Cubic index (BMZ) n.a. Comment According to information from the local planning authority's website, a legally binding development plan exists, entitled "Hoymer Chaussee Nr. 1" with the following regulations: the subject site is located in a special retail zone (Sondergebiet Einkaufszentrum). It sets the following restrictions, among others: a maximum of 16,600 m² of retail space is permissible, of which non-food retail space is not permitted to exceed 4,300 m² and DIY may not exceed 3,600 m² (we assume that an additional agreement is in place for B1 to operate a larger scheme). Tenure Land Register Owner TPL Aschersleben Local Court of S.á.r.l., Luxembourg Achersleben, land register of Aschersleben Sheet 8878 Plot 19 Parcel 19/2 174 Section 2 (Restrictions) Section 3 (Loans) Several limited personal easements and personal Land charges in the total amount of € 105,000,000 in easements: right-of-way and parking for the favour of Corealcredit Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main; respective owner of the parcels 171, 172 and 173 entered on 26.05.2011 (plot 19); the right to freshwater, wastewater, energy and water for firefighting for the respective owner of the parcels; respective owner of the plot registered on sheet 8879 no. 1, 2, 3 prohibited to operate furniture stores, casinos, sex-shops, peep-shows, etc.; right to operate a self-service department store including essential adjacent areas, parking areas, etc. for Kaufland Dienstleistungs GmbH & Co. KG, Neckarsulm; the right to build, operate and maintain a transformer station with cable, equipment, service and information lines for Stadtwerke Aschersleben GmbH. Source: Land register extract, dated 14 January 2014 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 3 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 1 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hoymer Chaussee 108 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 06449 Aschersleben Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Competitor Map Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Research Competitor Overview Name E-center 0 0 Type Hypermarket 0 Address 06449 Aschersleben, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. Sales area 3,585 m² m² m² Distance 1.20 km Potential Medium 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Competiton Indicators Inhabitants in primary catchment area (Radius 5 km) 24,188 Purchasing power in Mio. € (District) Inhabitants in secondary catchment area (Radius 10 km) 20,957 Purchasing power per Capita in € (Radius 5 km) 16,191 Number of households (Radius 5 km) 12,361 Unemployment Rate (District) 12.7% Number of households (Radius 10 km) 10,619 Population forecast for the district (2009 - 2025) Retail Purchasing Power Index (District) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. 78.52 Retail Centrality Index (District) Page 4 of 12 3,320 -20.0% 94.07 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hoymer Chaussee 108 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 06449 Aschersleben Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 1 Main competitors This retail park is located close to the city centre of Aschersleben and comprises an E-Center (Edeka), medimax (consumer electronics), and a Zoo & Co (pet shop) as well as some smaller tenants such as a bakery. Furthermore, a discounter is located in the vicinity. This competitor is approx. 1.8 km away from the subject property. This competitor is a Hellweg DIY store at the other end of town, next to toom DIY. The Hellweg DIY store is larger than B1 in the subject property and comprises a garden centre as opposed to the B1. Due to the different market positioning of Hellweg and B1, these two are not direct competitors. The Hellweg is approx. 3.2 km away from the subject property. Competition Comment Concerning food competitors, the aforementioned E-Center as the only larger scale food retailing scheme and some smaller supermarkets. Nevertheless, Kaufland has by far the largest sales area, so that at least supermarkets can be considered to be only indirect competitors. Kaufland offers a very deep and broad product range with more than 50,000 products, while discounters and supermarkets offer a limited product range with only 7,000 to 11,000 (supermarkets) or 400-2,500 (discounters) articles. Therefore, these retailing forms address different customers or customer needs. While supermarkets and discounters cater to the daily needs of customers, Kaufland offers a larger variety for products that are bought on a non-daily basis. Based on this, the primary and secondary catchment area of the Kaufland is sufficient to operate successfully in this location. The strongest competitor for Kaufland is the small retail park anchored by E-Center located at Seegraben 5 close to the city centre. The E-Center is somewhat smaller than the Kaufland, has a significantly lower share of non-food items and focuses on a good presentation of the goods sold. Thus, Edeka-branded stores are usually perceived as quality-focused rather than cut-price focused as Kaufland usually is. Additionally, the tenant mix in the retail park with consumer electronics and a pet shop differs from the subject property; thus, we do not see direct competition. Hence, we assess the competition level to be medium. In terms of DIY competition, there are two other DIY stores in Aschersleben. These two are located next to each other at an arterial road in the north-eastern outskirts of the city. Among these two, Hellweg is clearly in the better position in terms of visibility, accessibility, as well as size. In terms of level of competition, the catchment area, for the most part shared by two competitors, is quite small. However, toom as well as Hellweg target customers not driven solely by price but rather by quality of goods and customer service. This is quite contrary to the discount strategy used by B1. Therefore, we assess the level of competition to be moderate. Turnover analysis The rents in functional retail agglomeration are linked to turnover. The percentage rate that a retail tenant can use for rental payments depends on the margins achievable in the various market sectors. This rate normally ranges between 2% and 15% depending on the respective industry. The productivity varies between approx. € 1,000/m² up to more than € 10,000/m². Taking into consideration the tenant mix in the subject property, the space productivity should be in the range of € 2,250 and € 6,000/m². Generally most tenants have a below average space productivity, i.e. turnover, compared to similar retail parks. For Kaufland, we have also been provided with turnover figures. We have analysed the figures and have found the area productivity of Kaufland to be in a healthy range. With a turnover-to-rent ratio of less than 2% it lies below the range of 2% to 4%, which is acceptable for a self-service department store. Hence, we believe that a higher market rent is achievable after the end of the lease contract. Please also refer to the rent/turnover analysis on page 8. We have not been provided with turnover figures of B1. The rent of B1 would result in a productivity of approx. € 1,800/m². However, toom (incl. B1) has an average productivity of only € 1,000/m². Additionally, the lease comparable for DIY in Aschersleben indicate that the market rent and turnover expectations of DIY tenants are lower than € 1,800/m². Thus, we reduced the market rent accordingly. Nevertheless, apart from B1, the lower turnover is already reflected in below average contractual rents and in the market rents used in the valuation. Thus, we assess the rents paid all in all to be sustainable on the current level. Conclusion The subject property is a retail park located in the outskirts of Aschersleben at an arterial road. It offers good visibility and accessibility by car. The property is anchored by a B1 DIY discount store and a Kaufland selfservice department store. Additionally, smaller units are let to Deichmann, AWG, among others. Furthermore, a petrol station advertising low petrol prices is situated on site as well. The retail park predominantly focuses on price-conscious customers with a discount DIY store and Kaufland with plenty of non-food bargains and a wide range of own brand food products. Tenants such as AWG and Deichmann fit into this strategy; thus, the tenant mix within the subject property is assessed to be good. Moreover, a discount furniture store shares the parking area with the subject property, which is a combination fitting combination. Therefore, it is likely that the retail park is able to attract a number of customers who usually would not be in this catchment area. Due to this positioning of the property in the market, the level of competition is assessed to be only medium though there is a better located smaller retail park in Aschersleben's city centre. The tenants within the property, apart from the food stands, suffer from below-average turnover, likely because of the low purchasing power in the region. Nevertheless, based on the turnover data made available to us, we believe that the total rental income is sustainable. The smaller tenants benefit from the fact that all customers of Kaufland pass by their premises with the exception of one shop unit. The vacancy rate within the property is low (8.8%) with only three units being unoccupied. The unoccupied unit is not part of the mall, but has a separate entrance close to the main entrance. Nonetheless, the entrance situation is quite problematic not catching the attention of customers. Therefore, we believe this unit to be difficult to let. The average rent paid is € 8.72/m²/month and the weighted average lease term is 7.9 years. The non-recoverable costs of the property are above average due to the fact that Kaufland agreed in its lease to not pay for costs such as ground tax, insurance fees or management costs. All in all, the property offers an attractive tenant mix with regards to the economic situation of the region with two strong anchor tenants. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 5 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 1 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hoymer Chaussee 108 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 06449 Aschersleben Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Rent Roll Tenant Name 1 Kaufland Warenhandel Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG Area Category Letting Status Area m² / unit Rent / month Rent / m² / month Tenant pays VAT Lease Start Lease End Renewal Probability Tenant pays * Retail Let 5,533 € 30,296 5.48 Yes 01.10.2007 30.09.2026 2 Allg. Warenvertriebs GmbH Retail Let 1,345 € 15,000 11.16 Yes 01.03.2002 28.02.2022 75% PM 3 BRL Center GmbH Retail Let 151 € 4,179 27.68 Yes 01.08.2008 31.07.2028 75% 75% GT I PM 4 BRL Center GmbH GT I PM Storage Let 4 € 177 42.03 Yes 01.08.2013 31.07.2028 0% 5 Metzgerei Carsten Kneusel Retail Let 124 € 6,604 53.26 Yes 01.10.2004 30.09.2016 75% GT I PM 6 Metzgerei Carsten Kneusel Other Units Let 2 € 700 350.00 01.01.2011 28.02.2017 75% M GT I PM Retail Let 70 € 1,540 22.00 Yes 01.09.2007 31.08.2017 75% GT I PM Retail Let 73 € 5,510 75.48 Yes 01.09.2007 31.08.2019 75% GT I PM 9 Hang Bui Other Units Let 8 € 1,000 125.00 Yes 01.01.1996 31.03.2015 75% PM 10 Thurländer Hähnchen Grill GmbH Other Units Let 8 € 938 117.19 Yes 01.12.2002 31.12.2015 75% PM 11 Blochwitz Other Units Let 8 € 680 85.00 Yes 01.04.2006 31.03.2015 75% PM Retail Let 313 € 3,253 10.38 Yes 15.09.2010 31.08.2014 75% GT I PM 62 € 1,419 22.92 7 Lucas, Dagmar 8 Ihr Bäcker GmbH & Co. KG 12 NKD Vertriebs GmbH 13 Reiseland GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let Yes 09.08.1993 30.09.2017 75% GT I PM 14 Vacant Retail Vacant 54 €0 0.00 15 Frisör Klier GmbH Retail Let 72 € 2,335 32.42 Yes 04.08.1993 28.02.2018 75% GT I PM 16 Convenience Concept GmbH Retail Let 40 € 1,346 33.64 Yes 01.09.2007 31.08.2024 75% GT I PM 17 Marktkauf Autonom BM Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 4,880 € 38,399 7.87 Yes 01.07.1999 30.06.2019 75% 18 Vacant Retail Vacant 478 €0 0.00 Retail € 9,353 19 Deichmann SE GT I Let 443 21.10 Yes 02.08.1993 31.10.2024 75% GT I PM 20 Allg. Warenvertriebs GmbH Storage Let 129 €0 0.00 Yes 01.03.2002 28.02.2022 75% PM 21 KSK Aschersleben-Straßfurt Other Units Let 1 € 273 273.18 Yes 01.09.1993 31.03.2015 75% 22 Schwarz Außenwerbung GmbH Other Units Let 1 € 433 433.33 Yes 01.01.2010 31.12.2015 75% 23 Marktkauf Autonom BM Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG Other Units Let 1 € 424 424.00 Yes 01.07.1999 30.06.2019 75% PM Yes 24 TOTAL Deutschland GmbH Petrol Station Let 1,200 € 1,570 1.31 01.04.2003 31.03.2018 75% M GT I PM 25 Warenautomaten H. Bögershausen Other Units Let 1 € 10 10.00 01.06.2007 31.03.2015 75% M GT I PM 26 Aaldering Other Units Let 1 € 333 333.33 01.01.2010 31.03.2015 75% M GT I PM Retail Vacant 750 €0 0.00 28 Kurzzeitmieter Other Units Let 1 € 866 866.00 01.10.2007 30.09.2026 100% 29 Mall Income Other Units Let 1 € 39 39.25 00.01.1900 30.09.2026 0% External parking Let 700 €0 0.00 00.01.1900 30.09.2026 0% 15,722 m² € 126,677 27 Vacant 30 Parking Total Yes No 0% * M = Maintenance, GT = Ground Tax, I = Insurance Costs, PM = Property Management This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 6 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 1 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hoymer Chaussee 108 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 06449 Aschersleben Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Valuation Assumptions Area Category Area sqm/unit 1 Kaufland Warenhandel Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG Retail 5,533 € 6.50 € 35,967 € 50 0 6 2 Allg. Warenvertriebs GmbH Retail 1,345 € 10.00 € 13,446 € 50 0 15 3 BRL Center GmbH Retail 151 € 30.00 € 4,530 € 100 0 6 4 BRL Center GmbH Storage 4 € 30.00 € 126 € 100 0 6 5 Metzgerei Carsten Kneusel Retail 124 € 65.00 € 8,060 € 100 0 6 Metzgerei Carsten Kneusel Other Units 2 € 125.00 € 250 €0 0 7 Lucas, Dagmar Retail 70 € 17.50 € 1,225 € 100 8 Ihr Bäcker GmbH & Co. KG Retail 73 € 65.00 € 4,745 € 100 9 Hang Bui Other Units 8 € 125.00 € 1,000 €0 10 Thurländer Hähnchen Grill GmbH Other Units 8 € 125.00 € 1,000 11 Blochwitz Other Units 8 € 100.00 € 800 12 NKD Vertriebs GmbH Retail 313 € 10.00 13 Reiseland GmbH & Co. KG Tenant Name Market Rent Agency Fees* Lease Term** Renewal Probability 0 3 10 75% 0 3 5 75% 0 3 5 75% 0 3 5 75% 6 0 3 5 75% 6 0 3 5 75% 0 9 0 3 5 0 6 0 3 5 75% 0 6 0 3 5 75% €0 0 6 0 3 5 75% €0 0 6 0 3 5 75% € 3,133 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 75% 5 75% Market Rent /month Re-letting Re-letting Initial Tis Void VPV* Void* 9 Rent Abatem.* 0 3 75% Retail 62 € 20.00 € 1,238 € 100 0 14 Vacant Retail 54 € 22.50 € 1,224 € 100 9 9 0 3 5 0% 15 Frisör Klier GmbH Retail 72 € 30.00 € 2,160 € 100 0 9 0 3 5 75% 16 Convenience Concept GmbH Retail 40 € 30.00 € 1,200 € 100 0 9 0 3 5 75% 17 Marktkauf Autonom BM Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG Retail 4,880 € 6.50 € 31,720 € 50 0 6 0 3 10 75% 12 15 3 5 18 Vacant 19 Deichmann SE 20 Allg. Warenvertriebs GmbH 21 KSK Aschersleben-Straßfurt 22 Schwarz Außenwerbung GmbH 23 Marktkauf Autonom BM Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG 24 TOTAL Deutschland GmbH Retail 478 € 11.00 € 5,258 € 100 Retail 443 € 15.00 € 6,650 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 75% Storage 129 € 8.00 € 1,032 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 75% Other Units 1 € 250.00 € 250 €0 0 3 0 3 5 100% Other Units 1 € 450.00 € 450 €0 0 0 0 3 5 75% Other Units 1 € 400.00 € 400 €0 0 0 0 3 5 75% Petrol Station 1,200 € 1.54 € 1,850 3 10 100% 25 Warenautomaten H. Bögershausen Other Units 1 € 10.00 € 10 €0 0 0 0 3 5 75% Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 5 75% Retail 750 € 7.00 € 5,250 € 100 15 15 0 3 5 0% Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 10 75% Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 10 75% External parking 700 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 0 75% 28 Kurzzeitmieter 29 Mall Income 30 Parking Total * months 15,722 sqm ** years 0 0 0 0% 26 Aaldering 27 Vacant €0 0 € 132,974 ***structural vacancy This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 7 of 12 . abc Property address Property no. 1 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hoymer Chaussee 108 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 06449 Aschersleben Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property Analysis Area Analysis Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Total area Petrol Station Other Units Internal parking External parking Total parking Lettable Area m² 0 14,389 0 0 0 0 133 14,522 1,200 33 0 700 1,933 Area Vacant m² 0 1,282 0 0 0 0 0 1,282 0 0 0 0 0 Area Let m² 0 13,107 0 0 0 0 133 13,240 1,200 33 0 700 700 Vacancy Rate % 0.00% 8.91% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 8.83% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Income Analysis Contractual Rent €/m²/month 0.00 9.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.33 1.31 172.63 9.57 0.00 0.00 Contractual Rent €/month 0 119,234 0 0 0 0 177 1,570 5,697 126,677 0 0 Contractual Rent €/year 0 1,430,811 0 0 0 0 2,118 18,840 68,360 1,520,129 0 0 Potential Rent €/year 0 1,565,360 0 0 0 0 2,118 18,840 68,360 1,654,677 0 0 Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Petrol Station Other Units Total area Internal parking External parking Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Market Rent €/m²/month 0.00 8.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.69 1.54 126.06 9.16 0.00 0.00 Market Rent €/year 0 1,509,674 0 0 0 0 13,896 22,200 49,920 1,595,689 0 0 Market Rent €/month 0 125,806 0 0 0 0 1,158 1,850 4,160 132,974 0 0 Over-/ UnderRented 0.0% 4.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -84.8% -15.1% 36.9% 4.5% 0.0% 0.0% Assessment of Kaufland market rent Turnover to rent ratio Space productivity 7,000 12.00 6,500 11.00 Explanation Usual market % - levels 11.08 Market rent 10.00 6,000 Contractual Rent 9.00 Rent / m² / month 5,500 5,000 4,500 Rents 8.31 8.00 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.54 5.48 5.00 4,000 2.0% 5.48 Market 2.3% 6.50 4% of turnover 11.08 3% of turnover 8.31 Turnover potential 4,015 2.00 1.0% in € / m² p.a. 18,397,517 € (net) 3.00 3,000 5.54 2% of turnover 4.00 3,500 € / m² % Contractual Sales Area 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% based on sales area 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% Total Area ~ 4,582 m² 5,533 m² Turnover-rent-ratio Self-service department stores usually can afford to pay a rent in the range of 2% to 4% of their net turnover (economically sustainable rent burden) and have a space productivity of about € 4,000 to € 6,000 per m² sales area. The two graphics above indicate, how the contract rent of the main tenant Kaufland as well as the assumed market rental level, can be assessed on the basis of usual market ranges. This analysis is based on the turnover potential figures prepared by Trade Dimension. D&B Rating of Main Tenant Main tenant Tenant name Rent p.a. Share of total income WALT Payment Index Capital indicator Risk indicator Score Credit limit Comment toom Baumarkt Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG (Marktkauf) € 363,558 24% 12.7 years 80 HH 2 2 52 € 15,000 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. The main tenant toom baumarkt (Marktkauf Autonom BM Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG) is a corporation belonging ultimately to Rewe Group, which purchased Marktkauf in 2007. Marktkauf operates self-service department stores and used to operate DIY stores until 2007, when they sold off about 133 stores to Rewe (toom DIY) and closed the remaining ones. The Rewe Group is a large German supermarket corporation, currently holding a market share of 15.7% in food retailing. According to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Rating as of 28.01.2014 toom Baumarkt has a low credit risk. The risk of insolvency (D&B Score) within the next 12 months compared with other German companies is assessed to be quite low, i.e. 52% of businesses on the German database have the same or higher risk of failure. In Sep. 2013 the company name changed to toom baumarkt Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG. Page 8 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hoymer Chaussee 108 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 06449 Aschersleben Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. Assumptions 1 Market Value Lease Contract Commentary The main tenant, Marktkauf Autonom BM Vermietungs, has a lease expiring in 2019 with the option to prolong its lease by five years two times. The rent is indexed and will be adapted by 60% of the CPI change whenever the change exceeds 10 percent in relation to CPI basis. The tenant does not contribute to costs concerning maintenance work for the roof and structure of the property. Furthermore, the tenant does not pay for management costs. However, the share of ground tax and insurance fees are borne by the tenant. The second largest tenant, Kaufland, has a lease expiring in 2026 with the option to prolong its lease by five years three times. The rent is indexed and will be adapted by 50% of the CPI change whenever the change exceeds 10 percent in relation to CPI basis. Kaufland does not contribute to any costs in association with maintenance costs for roof and the building structure, ground tax, insurance fees, and management costs. The remaining tenants usually do not pay for maintenance costs for roof and building structure and pay a fixed amount each month for management costs (usually around € 100). However, insurance fees and ground tax are paid by these tenants. The rent is mostly indexed with 100% adjustment of the rent whenever the German CPI changes by 10% or more. The WALT amounts to 7.9 years. There have been some changes in the tenancy schedule. The tenant BRL Center GmbH extended the lettable area (4.2 m²). The following tenants have prolonged their lease contracts: Reiseland GmbH & Co. KG (09/2017), Convenience Concept GmbH (08/2024), Deichmann SE (10/2024) and Ihr Bäcker GmbH & Co. KG (08/2019). The tenant Erdmann/ Focke with 54.4 m² extracted. General Property Assumptions Discount Rate Comment Discount rate 7.65% Capitalisation rate 7.10% Capital expenditures* The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. We derive the discount rate from market transactions. The discount rate reflects the rate of return expected by investors and is determined based on the risk associated with a property. As reinsurance, the initial yield profile is aligned with the market/other transactions. We have taken into account such facts as the remaining lease term with the well-known anchor tenant, the tenant mix the vacancy rate as well as the location within the federal state Saxony-Anhalt. €0 Vacancy costs € 10.00 /m²/p.a. * on the basis of cost estimates provided by Brack Capital Real Estate, dated April 2013 Breakdown of Non-Recoverable Costs Contract** (month 1 x 12) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses ** JLL analysis Market (assuming full occupancy) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.57 /m² € 1.01 /m² € 0.33 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 8.41 /m² € 79,872 € 22,802 € 14,621 € 4,862 €0 € 122,157 per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.65 /m² € 1.01 /m² € 0.33 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 8.49 /m² € 79,872 € 23,935 € 14,621 € 4,862 €0 € 123,290 Inflation % of Gross Contract Rent 5.25% 1.50% 0.96% 0.32% 0.00% 8.04% Year Inflation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% Market Rental Growth Year Rental Growth % of Gross Market Rent 5.01% 1.50% 0.92% 0.30% 0.00% 7.73% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% Market Contract Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total Non-recoverable Costs Maintanance Costs € 79,945 € 81,139 € 82,573 € 84,027 € 85,398 € 86,750 € 88,137 € 89,563 € 90,981 € 92,335 € 93,685 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Management Costs € 22,525 € 25,027 € 25,317 € 25,781 € 26,158 € 24,580 € 24,749 € 25,842 € 24,735 € 25,938 € 25,926 Insurance Costs € 4,867 € 4,939 € 5,027 € 5,115 € 5,199 € 5,281 € 5,365 € 5,452 € 5,539 € 5,621 € 5,703 Ground Tax € 14,634 € 14,853 € 15,115 € 15,382 € 15,633 € 15,880 € 16,134 € 16,395 € 16,655 € 16,902 € 17,150 Other Nonrecoverable Costs 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ Total per year € 135,455 € 127,855 € 128,246 € 130,537 € 132,516 € 141,567 € 139,762 € 137,252 € 143,813 € 141,120 € 143,101 Vacancy Costs € 13,484 € 1,897 € 214 € 232 € 128 € 9,076 € 5,377 €0 € 5,903 € 324 € 637 % of Total Gross Revenue 9.0% 7.7% 7.6% 7.6% 7.6% 8.6% 8.5% 8.0% 8.7% 8.2% 8.3% Non-Recoverable Costs as a percentage of Total Gross Revenue 10.0% 9.0% 8.6% 9.0% 8.0% 7.7% 7.6% 7.6% 7.6% 8.7% 8.5% 8.0% 8.2% 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 9 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 1 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hoymer Chaussee 108 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 06449 Aschersleben Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Cash Flow Market Value Rental Revenue € 1,649,262 € 1,688,172 € 1,706,804 € 1,724,495 € 1,748,537 € 1,721,390 € 1,710,852 € 1,725,051 € 1,735,671 € 1,738,510 € 1,746,237 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Turnover Vacancy -€ 147,594 -€ 19,681 -€ 18,994 -€ 5,783 -€ 4,640 -€ 82,718 -€ 60,938 -€ 2,253 -€ 86,697 -€ 9,308 -€ 17,847 Rent Abatements €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 Total Gross Revenue € 1,501,668 € 1,668,491 € 1,687,810 € 1,718,712 € 1,743,897 € 1,638,672 € 1,649,914 € 1,722,798 € 1,648,974 € 1,729,202 € 1,728,390 Nonrecoverable Costs -€ 135,455 -€ 127,855 -€ 128,246 -€ 130,537 -€ 132,516 -€ 141,567 -€ 139,762 -€ 137,252 -€ 143,813 -€ 141,120 -€ 143,101 Net Operating Income € 1,366,213 € 1,540,636 € 1,559,564 € 1,588,175 € 1,611,381 € 1,497,105 € 1,510,152 € 1,585,546 € 1,505,161 € 1,588,082 € 1,585,289 TIs and Leasing Capital Commissions Cash Flow Expenditures -€ 5,440 -€ 3,715 € 1,357,058 -€ 130,640 -€ 35,862 € 1,374,134 €0 -€ 779 € 1,558,785 € 1,575,582 -€ 5,054 -€ 7,539 -€ 3,558 € 1,605,087 -€ 2,736 -€ 31,082 -€ 69,803 € 1,396,220 -€ 12,870 € 1,454,707 -€ 42,575 € 1,584,699 €0 -€ 847 -€ 19,594 -€ 26,384 € 1,459,183 -€ 5,901 -€ 4,028 € 1,578,153 € 22,559,303 -€ 1,070 -€ 1,174 Total Cashflow (incl. Terminal Value @ 7.10 %) Gross Value of Surplus Land Gross Capital Value incl. Surplus Land Present Value @ 7.65% € 1,312,393 € 1,230,079 € 1,301,034 € 1,221,096 € 1,155,659 € 936,654 € 903,081 € 914,571 € 781,972 € 785,910 € 10,794,073 € 21,336,522 €0 € 21,336,522 Total Gross Revenue versus Net Operating Income € 2000000.0 7.2% € 1800000.0 7.3% 7.4% 8.0% 7.6% 7.4% 7.4% 7.1% 7.0% 7.1% 6.4% 7.0% € 1600000.0 6.0% 5.0% € 1200000.0 4.0% € 1000000.0 € 800000.0 Running yield Rental income € 1400000.0 3.0% € 600000.0 2.0% € 400000.0 1.0% € 200000.0 € .0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Valuation Results Year 6 Year 7 Year 9 0.0% Year 10 Market Value Rent Overview Gross Capital Value (rounded) Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m²/month € 1,520,129 € 8.72 Market rental value total p.a. per m²/month € 1,595,689 € 9.16 4.48% Over-/Underrent Year 8 Total € 21,300,000 per m² € 1,467 Purchaser's costs 6.50% Yield Overview Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield 6.56% 6.91% Gross Initial Yield Gross Reversionary Yield 7.60% 7.98% Market Value (rounded) Total € 20,000,000 per m² € 1,377 Valuation Comment For our risk evaluation, we primarily considered the covenant strength as well as the lease duration of the existing contracts. The main tenant, Marktkauf Autonom BM Vermietungs GmbH, has good covenant strength and is a subsidiary of Edeka Group. However, the premises are occupied by a subsidiary of REWE (B1). It could not be clearified whether the premises are sublet with consent of the landlord or were taken over by REWE. For the purpose of this valuation, we assumed that the lease with Marktkauf is still in place and was sublet to REWE with consent of the landlord. We consider the covenant strength all in all to be adequate to ensure the income stream at least until the lease expiry in 2019. The same applies for the tenant Kaufland, which has very good covenant strength; thus, we consider the cash flow until lease expiry in 2026 to be secured. In terms of a resale, we took into account such facts as visibility, demographic factors, appearance, condition and building age, third-party usability, competition situation and location. For the purpose of the valuation on 31 December 2013, the non-recoverable costs (e.g. insurance costs as well as ground tax) remained unchanged and have been applied according to information received during the previous valuation cycle. Management costs and maintenance costs have been applied according to internal benchmarks. We have not been provided with updated information regarding necessary capital expenditures (CapEx). According to information received no CapEx are required. For the purpose of our valuation we have assumed that all capital expenditures for repairs in the first year as well as in the periods of year 2 to 5 and year 6 to 10 are considered to be covered by the maintenance costs of € 5.50/m² per annum as sinking fund. In terms of the market rent of Kaufland, our analysis shows that Kaufland could afford to pay a higher rent of approx. € 6.90/m²/month. However, we took the highly negative population growth forecast for the coming years into account, so that we decreased the market rent accordingly to € 6.50/m²/month, which still represents an increase from the contractual rent of Kaufland. Regarding comparable rents we have had recourse to evidence of similar areas situated in the comparable regions and The following changes occurred in comparison to previous valuation: The lease of the tenants Deichmann (443 m²) and Convenience Concept GmbH (40 m²) were prolonged by 10 years. The tenant Reiseland GmbH & Co. KG (62 m²) and Ihr Bäcker GmbH & Co. KG (73 m²) have extended their leases for a further 5 years. Some other small retail tenants have extended their leases for a further 1 year. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 10 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 1 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hoymer Chaussee 108 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 06449 Aschersleben Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Photos Sales area of Kaufland View of the mall area Indoor view of the main entrance and butcher and bakery shops View of the delivery zone View of the petrol station on site View of discount furniture store next to the subject property This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 11 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 1 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hoymer Chaussee 108 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 06449 Aschersleben Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Leasing and Investment Market Development of prime yields Retail transaction volume in Germany Leasing Market Investment Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail space in retail warehouses or retail parks throughout Germany. For the determination of the rents, the quality of location in terms of accessibility and competition is crucial. The rents within the different branches vary. This is due to the diverging location assessment and turnover expectancy of the different tenants. If in the case of a retail park the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which guarantee a high visitor frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher and as a consequence, their overall rental level will be higher as well. Besides the rent level, another determining factor for investors is the building costs. Properties with the highest rents usually also have the highest building costs and land acquisition cost. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the retail format of the store, rents for supermarkets/ hypermarkets are generally slightly higher than the rents for discounters. Such rents in cities with more the 30,000 inhabitants in western German locations generally range between € 7.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Rents for discounters in western Germany generally range between € 6.00 and € 12.00/m²/month, while discounters eastern Germany generally achieve slightly lower rental rates. Drugstores, textile, shoe and electronics branches generally achieve rental rates ranging from € 7.50 to € 12.00/m²/month. DIY stores need extensive space due to their broad product range. In urban centres, these stores sometimes even offer their products on two levels. DIY also fall at the lower end of the scale in terms of rents, with prices ranging between € 6.00 and € 10.00/m²/month. On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. As DIY stores have a supra-regional catchment area, there are not as independent as other branches in the area and can relocate to more affordable attractive and easily accessible industrial zones. In such areas, lower investments for realisation and lower building costs induce lower rents. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. The office prime yields were still on a slight downward trend in individual cities. Each of the Big 7 cities now has a net initial yield of below 5%. Aggregated across all cities, the prime yield in the office segment fell to an average value of around 4.67%. Shopping centre yields are at a similar rate of 4.70%. For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Leasing Comparables Tenant Kaufland Kaufland Kaufland real OBI AG Praktiker Hellweg toom City Crimmitschau Staßfurt Maulburg Nordhorn Rödermark Magdeburg Halberstadt Staßfurt Property Type Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store DIY DIY DIY DIY Area 4,661 m² 5,430 m² 4,435 m² 3,141 m² 11,566 m² 9,441 m² 5,434 m² 5,430 m² Total Rent p.m. € 21,441 € 32,526 € 27,408 € 20,888 € 64,654 € 61,367 € 36,408 € 32,526 Rent p. sqm € 4.60 /m² € 5.99 /m² € 6.18 /m² € 6.65 /m² € 5.59 /m² € 6.50 /m² € 6.70 /m² € 5.99 /m² Comment Worse purchasing power Same federal state; similar purchasing power Significantly better purchasing power Slightly better purchasing power Other federal state ,better purchasing power Slightly better purchasing power Slightly better purchasing power Slightly worse purchasing power Investment Comparables Property Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Year of Construction n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Area 8,520 m² 13,000 m² 22,926 m² 13,000 m² 2,269 m² 13,000 m² 10,031 m² 0 m² Gross Multiplier 14.1-fold 13.8-fold 8.0-fold 15.3-fold 14.7-fold 13.8-fold 10.1-fold 0.0-fold Date of Transaction Q3 2013 Q2 2012 2012 2012 2012 Q2 2012 2012 0 Comment Medium to long WALT, located in North Rhine-Westphalia Medium to long WALT, located in Lower Saxony Anchor tenant Kaufland & Toom, WALT below 5 years, portfolio transaction Anchor tenant Marktkauf, WALT 17.5 years, very strong location in southern Germany WALT 15.7 years, good location, main tenant Kaufland, partly leasehold Anchor tenant Famila, WALT 9.2 years, strong location in northern Germany Anchor tenant real, WALT 15 years, portfolio transaction 0 Page 12 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gögginger Straße 119 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 86199 Augsburg Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 2 Property Summary Key Figures Property type Main tenant Retail Park Kaufland Vertrieb GAMMA GmbH & Co. KG Total lettable area Total parking units 13,770 m² 550 units Current vacancy rate Weighted average lease term 19.4% 6.2 years 1969 1995 Year of construction Year of refurbishment Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,203,705 € 7.28 Total non-recoverable expenses (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 158,727 € 0.96 Net operating income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,044,978 € 6.32 total p.a. € 1,487,432 -8.8% Market rental value Over-/Underrent based on occupied areas SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Sufficient parking spaces Good accessibility by car & public transport Good tenant mix Good location within the city district 0 The retail unit let to Kaufland is strongly underrented Medium to high level of competition Limited third party use of space let to Kaufland Approx. 19.4% vacancy 0 Opportunities Threats Synergies from other wholesalers in the vicinity Prolognation of the lease contracts after expiry Re-letting of the vacant units 0 0 Re-letting or negotiations concerning the prolongation of existing contracts may result in worse Difficult relettability of the fitness studio on 2nd floor 0 0 0 Property Rating (1 = very negative, 5 = very positive) Building Location Building age Lettable Area Property condition General impression 2 4 3 3 16 to 25 years Between 12,500 and 15,000 m² Average building condition Average general impression Macrolocation Microlocation Commercial activity Competition Liquidity 4 4 4 3 Good location and catchment area Good micro location Average commercial activity nearby Average competition level Investment Quality WALT Over- / underrent Quality of tenants 3 WALT three to seven years 4 Slightly underrented (-5% to -15%) 4 Tenants with very good credit rating Investment market Investment volume Saleability 4 Well developed property market 4 Good lot size 4 Good saleability within 6 months Property Description The site is L-shaped and comprises a three-storey split levelled main building (in addition to a lettable basement level), an adjacent three-storey car park, offering approx. 550 parking spaces, as well as a petrol station and a car wash. The construction of the main building started in 1969 along with the petrol station and the car park. A major modification took place in 1995 and the building in its existing form was finally completed in 1997. The building structure is made of concrete columns, pre-cast concrete beams and concrete slab ceilings. It has a flat roof. There are two main entrances; one from Gögginger Straße and one from Peter-Dörfler-Straße with access from the parking lot. The fitness centre has an additional separate entrance used after 8 p.m from PeterDörfler-Straße. Kaufland comprises the basement and the ground floor. Other smaller retailers, such as a bakery, pharmacy, hairdresser, and discount clothier, occupy the remaining area along the mall on the ground floor. Two escalators provide access to the basement, where produce can be found. This area could be divided into three parts with separate entrances. A fitness centre occupies the second floor. The third floor is a mezzanine floor with plant rooms. The upper floors can be reached via escalators and lifts. The petrol station is located on Peter-Dörfler-Straße with two levels of parking overhead. Next to the petrol station is a waiting zone for trucks. Valuation Results Market Value € 16,500,000 equals to Market Rental Value € 1,198 per m² € 1,487,432 p.a. Discount Rate 7.05% Net Initial Yield 6.04% Capitalisation Rate 6.75% Net Reversionary Yield 7.66% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. excluding capital expenditures Page 1 of 12 € 9.00 / m² / p.m. equals to 6.04% Multiplier (initial) 13.71 7.66% Multiplier (based on MRV) 11.09 abc Property address Property no. 2 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gögginger Straße 119 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 86199 Augsburg Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Location Germany Macroeconomic Indicators (Source: GfK, BBE, BBSR/Inkar 2012/2013) Bavaria Augsburg (Urban District) Augsburg 86199 Federal State District City Postcode Population Population Population Number of Households Population Density Population Density Population Forecast (2009 - 2025) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Federal State District City City District City District Federal State District Federal State District absolute absolute absolute absolute per km² per km² in % in % in % in % in % Structual Data Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Index Retail Purchasing Power Index Retail Centrality Index Augsburg 12,595,891 266,647 266,647 140,347 1,816 1816 1.1% 0.5% 1.2% 3.7% 2.6% (Source: GfK and BBE 2012/2013) District City Federal State District District in m € in m € index index index 5,469 5,469 109.20 99.47 132.15 Macro Location Augsburg is one of the oldest German cities, along with Trier and Kempten. Today it is the third largest city in the federal state of Bavaria, following Munich and Nuremberg. It lies in the south west part of Bavaria within the metropolitan area of Munich and is home to approx. 265,000 inhabitants. Due to its affordability, Augsburg has become a sought-after residence for commuters working in Munich, which is a little more than an hour away by car. The number of commuters and housing rent have been increasing. Augsburg lies on the Lech and Wertach rivers and is situated near the motorway A8, connecting Munich and Stuttgart. The federal roads through Augsburg are the B2, B10, B17 and B300. The main train station offers regional connections as well as Intercity Express (ICE) connections to cities such as von Munich, Berlin, Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg und Stuttgart. Direct express trains (EC) are also offered to Vienna, Amsterdam, and Paris. Augsburg is a university town, as well as one of the most significant industrial locations in southern Germany. It is home to the University of Augsburg and two “Hochschulen”, as well as major research institutes. The service sector has been growing in the past years and accounts for approx. 20% of employment. Many well-known companies are located in the city, e.g. MAN Diesel, Walter Bau, Osram, Fujitsu Siemens Computers, EADS and MT Aerospace. Micro Location Micro Location The property is located within the city district of Augsburg on the corner of Gögginger Straße, a major arterial road, and Peter-Dörfler-Straße, approx. 4 km south of the city centre. Major roadways B17 and B300 intersect with Gögginger Straße, just south of the property. The retail building is easily accessible from city by car in approx. 15 minutes. Sufficient parking at the property is provided by a multi-storey car park. The retail park is also easily accessible via public transport, as bus and tram stops are located directly in front of the building. The surrounding area is mostly residential and commercial area. Other large retail warehouses are located in close vicinity, such as Promarkt (electronics), Media Markt (electronics), Lidl and Aldi (discount supermarkets), and a Netto Marken Discount (discount store). A hagebaumarkt (DIY store) can be found just 5 minutes in the direction of the city centre. A high school is also located at just a 5 minutes walk to the south on Gögginger Straße. Local Tax Information Real Estate Tax Rate (Typ B) Land Transfer Tax This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 2 of 12 City City in % in % abc 485 3.5 Property address Property no. 2 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gögginger Straße 119 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 86199 Augsburg Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Site Plan Source: Cadastral plan dated 30.06.2008 Site Information Site area thereof surplus land 20,862 m² 0 m² Ground lease No n.a. Ground lease expiry Surplus land value (net) n.a. €0 Site servicing Fully serviced Irregular Site layout Soil contamination No Suspicion Building encumbrances Yes Comment The site consists of six plots: 421/10, 415/28, 415/29, 415/30, 415/31, 421. The site has an even topography and an irregular shape. It is surrounded by a road to the west and to the north and a small paved road to the east. According to the environmental due diligence dated July 2007, the site is not registered in the “Altlastenkataster” (contaminated land cadastre). The general risk of subsoil contamination at the Kaufland site without petrol station and car wash is considered to be low to moderate. This risk is moderate to high for the site with the petrol station and car wash. For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the subject property is free of any soil or building contamination. Town Planning Use class SO (special zone) Site coverage ratio (GRZ) n.a. Plot ratio (GFZ) n.a. Cubic index (BMZ) n.a. Comment According to information from the local planning authority, no legally binding development plan exists. Town planning issues are governed by § 34 of the German Federal Building Code. This paragraph stipulates that new developments and their designated uses are required to blend in with their immediate surroundings, so as to show consideration of nearby types of uses. According to the local planning authority, the site could be characterized as (SO) special zone with mixed-use including commercial. Tenure Owner Land Register TPL Biberach S.á.r.l., Local Court of Augsburg, land register Luxembourg of Göggingen Sheet 10640 Plot 0 Parcel 421/10 415/28 415/29 415/30 415/31 421 Section 3 (Loans) Section 2 (Restrictions) There are several limited personal easement: Land charges in the total amount of € 105,000,000 in Right of fuel service station in favour of CONOCO favour of COREAL CREDIT BANK Aktiengesellschaft Mineraloel GmbH, plot 421; Right of transformer Frankfurt, 11th May 2011. station and pipeline in favour of Lech Elektrizitätwerke, plot 421; Right of way on sidewalk in favour of the municipality of Augsburg, plots 415/28, 415/29, 415/31; Right of noise barrier in favour of the municipality of Augsburg, plots 415/29, 415/31; Right of gas & water pipeline in favour of the municipality of Augsburg; plots 415/28, 415/29, 415/30, 415/31; Right to hold and operate a self-service department store in favour of Kaufland Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG, plots 421/10, 415/28, 415/29, 415/30, 415/31, 421. Easement (right of access) in favour of the owner of plot 421/24. Source: Land register extract, dated 14 January 2014 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 3 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 2 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gögginger Straße 119 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 86199 Augsburg Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Competitor Map Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Research Competitor Overview Name Marktkauf Rewe E-center Rewe E-center Hüdaverdi Süpermarket Marktkauf Rewe Rewe Real Edeka Rewe Type Self-service dep. store Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Self-service dep. store Hypermarket Hypermarket Address 86199 Augsburg, Bergiusstr. 1 86150 Augsburg, Viktoriastr. 3 86153 Augsburg, Willy-Brandt-Platz 1 86153 Augsburg, Jakoberwallstr. 9 86161 Augsburg, Wilhelm-Hauff-Str. 34 86153 Augsburg, Böheimstr. 6A 86391 Stadtbergen, Hagenmähderstr. 47 86179 Augsburg, Haunstetter Str. 239-241 86391 Stadtbergen, Benzstr. 7 86161 Augsburg, Reichenberger Str. 59 86391 Stadtbergen, Benzstr. 12 86154 Augsburg, Donauwörther Str. 64 Sales area 6,144 m² 2,807 m² 2,300 m² 2,300 m² 2,259 m² 2,000 m² 3,475 m² 1,600 m² 1,650 m² 7,500 m² 1,800 m² 1,800 m² Distance 0.70 km 2.20 km 2.80 km 3.30 km 3.40 km 3.50 km 3.80 km 3.90 km 4.00 km 4.00 km 4.10 km 4.10 km Potential High Medium Low Low Low Low Medium Low Low Medium Low Low Competiton Indicators Inhabitants in primary catchment area (Radius 5 km) 230,672 Purchasing power in Mio. € (District) Inhabitants in secondary catchment area (Radius 10 km) 174,315 Purchasing power per Capita in € (Radius 5 km) Number of households (Radius 5 km) 122,215 Unemployment Rate (District) Number of households (Radius 10 km) 84,761 Retail Purchasing Power Index (District) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. 99.47 5,469 21,097 2.6% Population forecast for the district (2009 - 2025) Retail Centrality Index (District) Page 4 of 12 1.1% 132.15 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gögginger Straße 119 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 86199 Augsburg Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 2 Main competitors This competitor is a Marktkauf (self-service department store), located less than 1km from the subject property. It is similar in size and condition and offers a similar product assortment. It is laid out in a retail park with a shared open parking lot. There is also a petrol station on the site. This is a direct competitor. This competitor is a real,- (self-service department store). It is located approx. 4km from the subject off of the main road B2 in a commercial area east of the city centre. It is somewhat larger in size and comprised of only one floor with high ceilings. A bakery, flower shop, delicatessen and beverage store are on the site, as well as an open parking lot and a parking garage. This competitor poses a medium level of competition. Competition Comment Catchment area is divided into 2 categories: primary (5 km radius) and secondary (10 km radius). Approximately 231,000 inhabitants live in the primary catchment area and fifteen self-service department stores are present. This correlates to approx. 15,400 inhabitants, i.e. potential customers, per store. Within the broader secondary catchment area there are 174,000 inhabitants and a total of seventeen self-service department stores, equalling about 10,300 potential customers per store. We consider there to be 3 main competitors for the subject property: a Marktkauf, a real,- and another Kaufland. The most direct competitor is a Marktkauf, located less than 1km away. Situated directly off the main arterial roads B17 and B300, it has very good accessibility and visibility. It is laid out in a retail park with a shared open parking lot, different to that of Kaufland. The neighbouring stores, as well as a petrol station and car wash, offer a wide variety of options to the consumer and are mostly well-known retailers. This is a strong competitor due to its close proximity and the similar tenant mix. A real,- is located about 4km from the subject off of the federal road B2 in a commercial area east of the city centre. There is an OBI (DIY store) and a Norma (discount supermarket) nearby. It is laid out over only floor, which is preferable, and the building itself is newer, but since it will draw mainly residents from the eastern part of Augsburg, we believe it poses only a medium-level of competition. Another Kaufland can be found north-east of the city centre in the district of Lechhausen. It is somewhat larger with retail spread out over two floors (ground floor and 1st floor).This Kaufland offers a similar shopping experience to the consumer, yet based on the distance from the subject property, we consider it to pose only a medium-level of competition, as it mostly draws customers living north-east of the city centre. There are a substantial number of competitors within the primary and secondary catchment areas; however, when considering the number of potential consumers, the market cannot be described as oversaturated. Furthermore, the population growth for the county (“Landkreis”) is forecasted to grow by 1.1% between years 2009 and 2025; and according to the “Wirtschaftsförderung” of Augsburg, there are currently no selfservice department stores in planning. Accordingly, the overall competitive environment can be described as medium to high. Turnover analysis For the purpose of this valuation, we have used the average turnover rents for the years 2008 and 2009 until the end of the respective lease agreement. The rents in functional retail agglomerations are linked to turnover. The percentage that a retail tenant can use for rental payments depends on the margins achievable in the various market sectors. This rate normally ranges between 2% and 15% depending on the respective branch. Kaufland is a strong anchor, we believe that there will continue to be demand for such ancillary tenants. For Kaufland, we have also been provided with turnover figures. We have analysed the figures and have found the area productivity of Kaufland to be in a healthy range. With a turnover-to-rent ratio of less than 2% it lies below the range of 2% to 4%, which is acceptable for a self-service department store. Hence, we believe that a higher market rent is achievable after the end of the lease contract. Please also refer to the rent/turnover analysis on page 8. 0 Conclusion The property is currently used as a self-service department store (Kaufland), making up 56% of lettable area, a fitness centre (McFit) also takes up close to 16% of the total lettable area, and the rest is divided between smaller retailers with the indoor mall area. A car park offers plentiful parking, and a petrol station and car wash are also located on the property. The micro-location is good for it is easily accessible by car and public transport. Despite a high level of competition, the property should compete strongly due its good location and the synergies effects created through other large retailers (Media Markt and Hagebau) in the immediate area. The catchment area should suffice, despite the significant number of competitors. Furthermore, the population growth for the district (“Landkreis”) is forecasted to grow by 1.1% between years 2009 and 2025 and there is no evidence of self-service department stores in planning according to the “Wirtschaftsförderung” of the city of Augsburg. Kaufland splits its retail area between the ground floor and the basement, which is less preferable to a one-floor building, making it difficult to let if Kaufland were to leave. It would be difficult to envision another use; the best use would remain to be a self-service department store. Therefore, if Kaufland were to leave, a major competitor, such as real,- Marktkauf or Edeka would be a likely replacement. The fitness centre on the 2nd floor may be difficult to re-let in the future if McFit were to leave. Foreseeable future use of the upper floors could be a furniture store or electronics store. It is highly probable that the fitness centre will continue to let the space on the 2nd floor, due to the good micro-location close to a large residential area. Kaufland’s lease does not expire until 2022 and it has options to extend until 2037. On the basis of our projection of likely productivity per m² and turnover, we have calculated the market rent at € 7.60 /m²/month. The tenant currently pays a contractual rent of € 5.50/m²/month. Hence, we expect Kaufland to stay until 2037 (based on its below-market rental level), as long as it continues to generate adequate turnover. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 5 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 2 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gögginger Straße 119 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 86199 Augsburg Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Rent Roll Tenant Name 1 Kaufland Vertrieb GAMMA GmbH & Co. KG Area Category Letting Status Area m² / unit Rent / month Rent / m² / month Tenant pays VAT Lease Start Lease End Renewal Probability Tenant pays * Retail Let 7,775 € 42,763 5.50 Yes 01.10.2007 30.09.2022 2 Frisör Thonet GmbH Retail Let 72 € 1,618 22.59 Yes 25.10.2005 24.10.2020 75% GT I PM 3 Solak Retail Let 18 € 702 38.15 Yes 01.04.2011 31.03.2016 75% 90% GT I PM 4 KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH Retail Let 461 € 4,075 8.84 Yes 01.04.2003 21.03.2023 75% GT I PM 5 Friedberger Landbrot Brez´n Baur GmbH Retail Let 39 € 1,327 34.03 Yes 01.11.2013 31.10.2018 75% GT I PM 6 BRL Center GmbH Retail Let 144 € 4,057 28.27 Yes 01.08.2008 31.07.2028 75% GT I PM GT I PM 7 Vacant Retail Vacant 41 €0 0.00 8 Vincent Murr Vertriebs GmbH Retail Let 80 € 3,372 42.15 Yes 31.03.2006 30.03.2016 75% 9 McFit GmbH Retail Let 2,220 € 11,105 5.00 Yes 17.10.2002 16.10.2014 75% GT I PM 10 Landbäckerei Ihle GmbH Retail Let 107 € 5,448 50.92 Yes 01.11.2006 30.04.2016 75% GT I PM 11 Neckermann Urlaubswelten GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 55 € 1,327 24.13 Yes 01.10.2010 15.05.2016 75% GT I PM 12 SO-Tel Service GmbH u. Co. KG Retail Let 34 € 600 17.65 Yes 01.09.2013 30.11.2018 75% GT I PM Yes 02.01.2004 24.10.2015 75% GT I PM 13 Glanzer Retail Let 26 € 1,076 41.21 14 Vacant Retail Vacant 27 €0 0.00 15 Thi Dung Retail Let 39 € 1,058 26.86 Yes 17.05.2006 31.07.2016 75% GT I PM 16 Thi Dung Storage Let 28 € 108 3.85 Yes 01.10.2006 15.05.2016 75% GT I PM Other Units Let 1 €0 0.00 Yes 01.06.2007 30.11.2014 100% € 486 485.83 17 FOTOFIX Schnellphotoautomaten GmbH Other Units Let 02.08.2014 100% 19 ConocoPhillips Germany GmbH Petrol Station Let 200 € 3,593 17.96 Yes 01.03.1978 31.12.2015 100% 20 ConocoPhillips Germany GmbH Petrol Station Let 200 € 6,739 33.70 Yes 01.03.1978 31.12.2015 100% 21 Kiosk Other Units Let 1 € 123 123.00 Yes 00.01.1900 31.12.2014 100% 22 Turnover rent Other Units Let 1 € 410 410.00 n.a. 00.01.1900 31.12.2014 100% Retail Vacant 2,604 €0 0.00 Let 18 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG 23 Vacant 1 Yes 03.08.2009 M GT I PM 11 € 88 8.03 31.03.2013 31.12.2014 100% 25 Hosokawa Alpnie Aktiengesellschaft Other Units Let 1 € 1,750 1750.00 n.a. 16.01.2012 31.12.2014 100% M GT I PM 26 transact Elektronische Zahlungssysteme GmbH Other Units Let 1 € 51 51.13 n.a. 01.01.2007 31.12.2014 100% M GT I PM Internal parking Let 550 € 8,333 15.15 No 01.10.2007 30.09.2022 100% Other Units Let 1 € 100 100.00 n.a. 01.08.2013 31.12.2014 100% 14,170 m² € 100,309 24 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG 27 Internal Parking 28 Stadtwerke Augsburg Verkehrs GmbH Other Units Total Yes M GT I PM * M = Maintenance, GT = Ground Tax, I = Insurance Costs, PM = Property Management This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 6 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 2 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gögginger Straße 119 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 86199 Augsburg Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Valuation Assumptions Area Category Area sqm/unit Market Rent Market Rent /month 1 Kaufland Vertrieb GAMMA GmbH & Co. KG Retail 7,775 2 Frisör Thonet GmbH Retail 72 3 Solak Retail 18 € 25.00 € 7.60 € 59,091 € 50 0 € 15.00 € 1,074 € 100 0 € 460 € 100 0 12 4 KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH Retail 461 € 7.00 € 3,227 € 100 0 5 Friedberger Landbrot Brez´n Baur GmbH Retail 39 € 30.00 € 1,170 € 100 6 BRL Center GmbH Retail 144 € 25.00 € 3,588 7 Vacant Retail 41 € 25.00 8 Vincent Murr Vertriebs GmbH Retail 80 € 22.00 9 McFit GmbH Retail 2,220 € 4.50 10 Landbäckerei Ihle GmbH Retail 107 11 Neckermann Urlaubswelten GmbH & Co. KG Retail 55 12 SO-Tel Service GmbH u. Co. KG Retail 34 13 Glanzer Tenant Name Re-letting Re-letting Initial Tis Void VPV* Void* Rent Abatem.* Agency Fees* Lease Term** Renewal Probability 12 0 3 10 10% 12 0 3 5 25% 0 3 5 25% 12 0 3 5 25% 0 12 0 3 5 25% € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% € 1,025 € 100 6 12 0 3 5 100% € 1,760 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% € 9,990 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% € 40.00 € 4,280 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% € 22.00 € 1,210 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% € 25.00 € 850 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% Retail 26 € 25.00 € 653 € 100 0 5 25% 14 Vacant Retail 27 € 22.00 € 594 € 100 6 12 0 3 5 100% 15 Thi Dung Retail 39 € 25.00 € 985 € 100 0 12 12 0 0 3 3 5 25% 16 Thi Dung Storage 28 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 5 25% 17 FOTOFIX Schnellphotoautomaten GmbH Other Units 1 € 43.90 € 44 €0 0 0 0 0 5 0% 18 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG Other Units 1 € 485.83 € 486 €0 0 0 0 0 5 0% 19 ConocoPhillips Germany GmbH Petrol Station 200 € 17.96 € 3,593 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 0% 20 ConocoPhillips Germany GmbH Petrol Station 200 € 33.70 € 6,739 € 100 0 18 0 3 5 0% 0% 21 Kiosk Other Units 1 € 10.25 € 10 €0 0 0 0 0 5 22 Turnover rent Other Units 1 € 34.17 € 34 €0 0 0 0 0 5 0% Retail 2,604 € 4.75 € 12,370 € 100 15 12 0 3 5 100% Other Units 23 Vacant 11 € 44.17 € 486 25 Hosokawa Alpnie Aktiengesellschaft Other Units 1 € 1750.00 € 1,750 €0 0 0 0 0 5 0% 26 transact Elektronische Zahlungssysteme GmbH 24 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG Other Units 1 € 51.13 € 51 €0 0 0 0 0 5 0% Internal parking 550 € 15.15 € 8,333 €0 0 0 0 0 5 0% Other Units 1 € 100.00 € 100 €0 0 0 0 0 5 0% 27 Internal Parking 28 Stadtwerke Augsburg Verkehrs GmbH Total * months 14,170 sqm ** years €0 0 0 0 0 5 0% € 123,953 ***structural vacancy This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 7 of 12 . abc Property address Property no. 2 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gögginger Straße 119 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 86199 Augsburg Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property Analysis Area Analysis Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Total area Petrol Station Other Units Internal parking External parking Total parking Lettable Area m² 0 13,742 0 0 0 0 28 13,770 400 18 550 0 968 Area Vacant m² 0 2,672 0 0 0 0 0 2,672 0 0 0 0 0 Area Let m² 0 11,070 0 0 0 0 28 11,098 400 18 550 0 550 Vacancy Rate % 0.00% 19.45% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 19.41% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Income Analysis Contractual Rent €/m²/month 0.00 7.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.85 25.83 167.13 8.29 15.15 0.00 Contractual Rent €/month 0 78,527 0 0 0 0 108 10,332 3,008 91,975 8,333 0 Contractual Rent €/year 0 942,329 0 0 0 0 1,294 123,983 36,099 1,103,705 100,000 0 Potential Rent €/year 0 1,181,098 0 0 0 0 1,294 123,983 36,099 1,342,474 100,000 0 Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Petrol Station Other Units Total area Internal parking External parking Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Market Rent €/m²/month 0.00 7.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.83 164.51 8.40 15.15 0.00 Market Rent €/year 0 1,227,916 0 0 0 0 0 123,983 35,534 1,387,432 100,000 0 Market Rent €/month 0 102,326 0 0 0 0 0 10,332 2,961 115,619 8,333 0 Over-/ UnderRented 0.0% -4.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.6% -1.3% 0.0% 0.0% Assessment of Kaufland market rent Turnover to rent ratio Space productivity 7,000 10.00 6,500 9.00 Explanation Usual market % - levels 9.38 6,000 Market rent Contractual Rent 8.00 7.60 Rent / m² / month 5,500 5,000 4,500 Rents 7.04 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 4,394 3,500 2.3% 5.50 Market 3.2% 7.60 5.50 4.69 4,000 4% of turnover 9.38 3% of turnover 7.04 in € / m² p.a. 21,884,417 € (net) Sales Area 2.00 1.0% 4.69 2% of turnover Turnover potential 3.00 3,000 € / m² % Contractual 1.5% 2.0% based on sales area 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% Total Area ~ 4,980 m² 7,775 m² Turnover-rent-ratio Self-service department stores usually can afford to pay a rent in the range of 2% to 4% of their net turnover (economically sustainable rent burden) and have a space productivity of about € 4,000 to € 6,000 per m² sales area. The two graphics above indicate, how the contract rent of the main tenant Kaufland as well as the assumed market rental level, can be assessed on the basis of usual market ranges. This analysis is based on the turnover potential figures prepared by Trade Dimension. D&B Rating of Main Tenant Main tenant Tenant name Rent p.a. Share of total income WALT Payment Index Capital indicator Risk indicator Score Credit limit Comment Kaufland Vertrieb GAMMA GmbH & Co. KG € 513,155 43% 8.7 years 73 O2 2 70 € 25,000 (single) € 165,000 (total) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. The main tenant is a corporation belonging to the Kaufland Group, which in turn belongs to the Lidl & Schwarz Group, one of the biggest grocer groups in Europe. Kaufland is the self-service department store division of Lidl & Schwarz with more than 500 locations across Europe. Kaufland’s core business area is food retailing with branded goods and own-brands specially produced for Kaufland. The risk of insolvency (D&B Score) is low, i.e. 70% of businesses on the German database have the same or higher risk. According to section 19 of the main lease agreement entered into by the landlord and Kaufland Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG (Rating = 2AA 1), an assignment of the main lease agreement by the tenant to another entity of the Kaufland group requires that the landlord's credit risk rating may not deteriorate due to such assignment of the lease. Page 8 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gögginger Straße 119 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 86199 Augsburg Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. Assumptions 2 Market Value Lease Contract Commentary The property is let to twelve retail tenants, a fitness studio, a petrol station and car wash. Approximately 2,672 m² are vacant at the moment. The WALT amounts to 6.2 years. The main tenant is Kaufland with a share of approx. 43% of the rental income. The property is currently strongly under-rented mainly due to the low rental level of Kaufland. The lease is valid until 2022 with options until 2037; therefore, we do not believe that the rental level will be adjusted before 2037. Kaufland’s rent is indexed and is adapted by 50% of the CPI change, when the change exceeds 10% in relation to the CPI basis. Indexation started on 01.04.2009. Ground tax, maintenance costs for structural repairs, management and insurance costs are not borne by Kaufland. The rest can be apportioned to the tenant in accordance with the German Regulation on Operating Costs. The following tenants have extended their lease contracts: Friedberger Landbrot Brez´n Baur GmbH until 10/18, FOTOFIX until 11/2014 and transact Elektronische Zahlungssysteme GmbH until 12/14. General Property Assumptions Discount Rate Comment Discount rate 7.05% Capitalisation rate 6.75% Capital expenditures* The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. We derive the discount rate from market transactions. The discount rate reflects the rate of return expected by investors and is determined based on the risk associated with a property. As reinsurance, the initial yields profile is aligned with the market/other transactions. We have taken into account such facts as the remaining lease term with the well-known anchor tenant, the tenant mix the vacancy rate as well as the location within the federal state Bavaria. €0 Vacancy costs € 10.00 /m²/p.a. * on the basis of cost estimates provided by Brack Capital Real Estate, dated April 2013 Breakdown of Non-Recoverable Costs Contract** (month 1 x 12) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses ** JLL analysis Market (assuming full occupancy) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.31 /m² € 4.41 /m² € 0.31 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 11.53 /m² € 75,737 € 18,056 € 60,716 € 4,219 €0 € 158,727 per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.62 /m² € 4.41 /m² € 0.31 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 11.84 /m² € 75,737 € 22,311 € 60,716 € 4,219 €0 € 162,983 Inflation % of Gross Contract Rent 6.29% 1.50% 5.04% 0.35% 0.00% 13.19% Year Inflation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% Market Rental Growth Year Rental Growth % of Gross Market Rent 5.09% 1.50% 4.08% 0.28% 0.00% 10.96% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% Market Contract Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total Non-recoverable Costs Maintanance Costs € 75,737 € 76,948 € 78,318 € 79,697 € 80,988 € 82,267 € 83,584 € 84,938 € 86,280 € 87,557 € 88,835 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Management Costs € 17,910 € 19,998 € 20,075 € 20,359 € 20,311 € 20,300 € 19,681 € 20,695 € 20,735 € 21,463 € 21,427 Insurance Costs € 4,219 € 4,286 € 4,363 € 4,439 € 4,511 € 4,583 € 4,656 € 4,731 € 4,806 € 4,877 € 4,948 Ground Tax € 60,716 € 61,687 € 62,785 € 63,891 € 64,926 € 65,951 € 67,007 € 68,092 € 69,168 € 70,192 € 71,216 Other Nonrecoverable Costs 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ Total per year € 188,664 € 171,457 € 166,339 € 168,386 € 170,836 € 173,383 € 188,370 € 179,400 € 188,408 € 185,422 € 186,840 Vacancy Costs € 30,082 € 8,538 € 798 €0 € 100 € 282 € 13,442 € 944 € 7,419 € 1,333 € 414 % of Total Gross Revenue 15.8% 12.9% 12.4% 12.4% 12.6% 12.8% 14.4% 13.0% 13.6% 13.0% 13.1% Non-Recoverable Costs as a percentage of Total Gross Revenue 18.0% 16.0% 15.8% 14.4% 14.0% 12.9% 12.4% 12.4% 12.6% 12.8% 13.0% 13.6% 13.0% 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 9 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 2 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gögginger Straße 119 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 86199 Augsburg Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Cash Flow Market Value Rental Revenue € 1,373,511 € 1,382,439 € 1,366,200 € 1,357,265 € 1,357,543 € 1,361,783 € 1,388,801 € 1,411,535 € 1,451,498 € 1,442,146 € 1,441,395 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Turnover Vacancy -€ 179,530 -€ 49,256 -€ 27,855 €0 -€ 3,459 -€ 8,444 -€ 76,743 -€ 31,853 -€ 69,184 -€ 11,246 -€ 12,897 Rent Abatements €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 Total Gross Revenue € 1,193,981 € 1,333,183 € 1,338,345 € 1,357,265 € 1,354,084 € 1,353,339 € 1,312,058 € 1,379,682 € 1,382,314 € 1,430,900 € 1,428,498 Nonrecoverable Costs -€ 188,664 -€ 171,457 -€ 166,339 -€ 168,386 -€ 170,836 -€ 173,383 -€ 188,370 -€ 179,400 -€ 188,408 -€ 185,422 -€ 186,840 Net Operating Income € 1,005,317 € 1,161,726 € 1,172,006 € 1,188,879 € 1,183,248 € 1,179,956 € 1,123,688 € 1,200,282 € 1,193,906 € 1,245,478 € 1,241,658 TIs and Leasing Capital Commissions Cash Flow Expenditures -€ 6,800 -€ 4,896 € 993,621 -€ 316,808 -€ 45,494 € 799,424 -€ 8,426 -€ 7,321 € 1,156,259 € 1,188,879 €0 €0 €0 € 1,183,248 €0 -€ 2,983 -€ 3,828 € 1,173,145 -€ 18,634 € 971,954 -€ 133,100 € 1,182,217 -€ 10,040 -€ 8,025 -€ 15,624 -€ 45,409 € 1,132,873 -€ 13,324 -€ 2,818 € 1,229,336 € 18,569,161 -€ 1,786 -€ 2,141 Total Cashflow (incl. Terminal Value @ 6.75 %) Gross Value of Surplus Land Gross Capital Value incl. Surplus Land Present Value @ 7.05% € 963,793 € 717,165 € 978,378 € 939,507 € 873,549 € 808,914 € 625,106 € 711,591 € 638,142 € 645,538 € 9,395,623 € 17,297,306 €0 € 17,297,306 Total Gross Revenue versus Net Operating Income 8.0% € 1600000.0 7.2% € 1400000.0 6.7% 6.8% 6.9% 6.8% 6.9% 6.8% 6.9% 7.0% 6.5% 6.0% € 1000000.0 5.0% € 800000.0 4.0% € 600000.0 3.0% € 400000.0 2.0% € 200000.0 1.0% € .0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Valuation Results Year 6 Year 7 Year 9 0.0% Year 10 Market Value Rent Overview Gross Capital Value (rounded) Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m²/month € 1,203,705 € 7.28 Market rental value total p.a. per m²/month € 1,487,432 € 9.00 -8.78% Over-/Underrent Year 8 Running yield Rental income 5.8% € 1200000.0 Total € 17,300,000 per m² € 1,256 Purchaser's costs 5.00% Yield Overview Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield 6.04% 7.66% Gross Initial Yield Gross Reversionary Yield 7.30% 9.01% Market Value (rounded) Total € 16,500,000 per m² € 1,198 Valuation Comment In terms of risk, we considered the covenant strength as well as the lease duration for the existing contracts. As at 28.01.2014, the main tenant Kaufland Vertrieb GAMMA GmbH & Co. KG has above average covenant strength and a low credit risk. According to section 19 of the main lease agreement entered into by the landlord and Kaufland Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG (D&B Rating = 2AA 1), an assignment of the main lease agreement by the tenant to another entity of the Kaufland group requires that the landlord's credit risk rating may not deteriorate due to such assignment of the lease. Section 1 of the first amendment to the main lease agreement provides for the assignment of the main lease agreement to Kaufland Vertrieb GAMMA GmbH & Co. KG, which has a worse D&B Rating (O3). Accordingly, pursuant to section 2 of the first amendment to the main lease agreement, the former tenant remains jointly and severally liable for the landlord's payment claims. Hence, the former tenant is a guarantor for the lease payments of the current tenant. Upon resale we took into account visibility, demographic factors, appearance, condition and building age, third party usability, competition and location. For the purpose of the valuation on 31.12.2013, we have not been provided with a new non-recoverable costs schedule by the asset manager.Therefore we have remained all non-recoverable service charges unchanged and have been applied according to information received during the previous valuation cycle. For management costs, we have applied 1.5% of the effective gross rent. Regarding comparable rents, we have evidence of similar areas situated in comparable regions and locations. Furthermore, we have analysed comparable transactions. Please refer to the section "Investment Comparables". We have not been provided with updated information regarding necessary capital expenditures. However, we assume these costs are covered by the sinking fund budget of € 5.50/m² p.a. for on-going maintenance measures. For some tenants, we have been provided with the turnover figures and have applied there figures in our valuation. Based on provided information from Brack Capital, we have additionally considered parking income of approx. € 100,000 p.a. The following changes have taken place compared with 31. March 2013: The gross rental income decreased approx. € 125,000 due to the new vacancy of 2,700 m² (19.4%). The remaining lease term is nine month shorter (6.2 yrs). Therefore the discount rate has been adjusted by 15 bps upwards to 7.05. The cap rate remained unchainged. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 10 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 2 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gögginger Straße 119 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 86199 Augsburg Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Photos Main entrance to Kaufland View of the mall Internal view of sales area of Kaufland View of retail area Internal view of McFit fitness studio (2nd floor) View of the car park and petrol station This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 11 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 2 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gögginger Straße 119 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 86199 Augsburg Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Leasing and Investment Market Development of prime yields Retail transaction volume in Germany Leasing Market Investment Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail space in retail warehouses or retail parks throughout Germany. For the determination of the rents, the quality of location in terms of accessibility and competition is crucial. The rents within the different branches vary. This is due to the diverging location assessment and turnover expectancy of the different tenants. If in the case of a retail park the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which guarantee a high visitor frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher and as a consequence, their overall rental level will be higher as well. Besides the rent level, another determining factor for investors is the building costs. Properties with the highest rents usually also have the highest building costs and land acquisition cost. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the retail format of the store, rents for supermarkets/ hypermarkets are generally slightly higher than the rents for discounters. Such rents in cities with more the 30,000 inhabitants in western German locations generally range between € 7.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Rents for discounters in western Germany generally range between € 6.00 and € 12.00/m²/month, while discounters eastern Germany generally achieve slightly lower rental rates. Drugstores, textile, shoe and electronics branches generally achieve rental rates ranging from € 7.50 to € 12.00/m²/month. DIY stores need extensive space due to their broad product range. In urban centres, these stores sometimes even offer their products on two levels. DIY also fall at the lower end of the scale in terms of rents, with prices ranging between € 6.00 and € 10.00/m²/month. On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. As DIY stores have a supra-regional catchment area, there are not as independent as other branches in the area and can relocate to more affordable attractive and easily accessible industrial zones. In such areas, lower investments for realisation and lower building costs induce lower rents. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. The office prime yields were still on a slight downward trend in individual cities. Each of the Big 7 cities now has a net initial yield of below 5%. Aggregated across all cities, the prime yield in the office segment fell to an average value of around 4.67%. Shopping centre yields are at a similar rate of 4.70%. For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Leasing Comparables Tenant Marktkauf Kaufland McFit KiK KiK Pharmacy Deichmann 0 City Lübbenau Geldern Bochum Straubing Heilsbronn Nürnberg Karlstadt 0 Property Type Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Fitness Studio Discount Fashion Discount Fashion Pharmacy Shoe store 0 Area 5,479 m² 8,478 m² 1,600 m² 657 m² 500 m² 140 m² 467 m² 0 m² Total Rent p.m. € 42,353 € 65,705 € 7,840 € 4,901 € 4,090 € 3,885 € 4,553 €0 Rent p. sqm € 7.73 /m² € 7.75 /m² € 4.90 /m² € 7.46 /m² € 8.18 /m² € 27.75 /m² € 9.75 /m² € 0.00 /m² Comment Other federal state Other federal state; similar purchasing power Other federal state; slightly lower purchasing power Similar purchasing power Similar purchasing power Similar purchasing power Similar purchasing power 0 Investment Comparables Property Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Year of Construction n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Area 8,520 m² 13,000 m² 22,926 m² 13,000 m² 2,269 m² 13,000 m² 10,031 m² 0 m² Gross Multiplier 14.1-fold 13.8-fold 8.0-fold 15.3-fold 14.7-fold 13.8-fold 10.1-fold 0.0-fold Date of Transaction Q3 2013 Q2 2012 2012 2012 2012 Q2 2012 2012 0 Comment Medium to long WALT, located in North Rhine-Westphalia Medium to long WALT, located in Lower Saxony Anchor tenant Kaufland & Toom, WALT below 5 years, portfolio transaction Anchor tenant Marktkauf, WALT 17.5 years, very strong location in southern Germany WALT 15.7 years, good location, main tenant Kaufland, partly leasehold Anchor tenant Famila, WALT 9.2 years, strong location in northern Germany Anchor tenant real, WALT 15 years, portfolio transaction 0 Page 12 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Grassingerstraße 16 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 83043 Bad Aibling Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 3 Property Summary Key Figures Property type Main tenant Retail Park Kaufland Vertrieb 84 GmbH & Co. KG Total lettable area Total parking units 7,053 m² 300 units Current vacancy rate Weighted average lease term 0.0% 4.1 years 2000 n.a. Year of construction Year of refurbishment Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 636,025 € 7.52 Total non-recoverable expenses (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 73,647 € 0.87 Net operating income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 562,378 € 6.64 total p.a. € 695,930 -8.6% Market rental value Over-/Underrent based on occupied areas SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Sufficient parking Good building condition Long remaining lease term of the anchor tenant 0 0 The retail unit let to Kaufland is strongly underrented Low visibility from the main road 0 0 0 Opportunities Threats Prolongation of lease contracts after expiry Positive population growth forecast for the district (Rosenheim) Low unemployment rate 0 0 Re-letting or negotiations concerning the prolongation of existing contracts may result in worse Termination of short term lease contracts with subsequent void periods 0 0 0 Property Rating (1 = very negative, 5 = very positive) Building Location Building age Lettable Area Property condition General impression 3 1 3 3 11 to 15 years Smaller than 7,500 m² Average building condition Average general impression Macrolocation Microlocation Commercial activity Competition Liquidity 3 3 3 3 Average location and catchment area Average micro location Limited commercial activity nearby Average competition level Investment Quality WALT Over- / underrent Quality of tenants 3 WALT three to seven years 4 Slightly underrented (-5% to -15%) 4 Tenants with very good credit rating Investment market Investment volume Saleability 3 Average property market 3 Reasonable lot size 4 Good saleability within 6 months Property Description The site comprises a single storey U-shaped retail park, separated into 3 wings which are called the west, east and north wing. The north wing is a 2-storey building (main building) with no basement. An open parking lot with approx. 300 parking spaces is provided to the front of the main building and on the left- and right-hand side of the U-shaped building. Construction of the property began in 1999 and was completed in 2000. The buildings are rectangular in shape and constructed with concrete columns, pre-cast concrete beams and concrete slab ceilings. The building has a flat roof covered by folio. Kaufland is the anchor tenant occupying retail space on the ground floor of the main building. Office space and some storage and personnel rooms are located on the 1st floor. The entrance to the north wing is in the front of the building facing the parking lot. The other retail units, which include a drugstore, textile stores, shoe store, etc., have separate entries from the parking lot. The property includes space to the backside of the northern building for delivery and removal. Valuation Results Market Value € 8,100,000 equals to Market Rental Value € 1,148 per m² € 695,930 p.a. Discount Rate 7.50% Net Initial Yield 6.62% Capitalisation Rate 6.75% Net Reversionary Yield 7.31% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. excluding capital expenditures Page 1 of 12 € 8.22 / m² / p.m. equals to 6.62% Multiplier (initial) 12.74 7.31% Multiplier (based on MRV) 11.64 abc Property address Property no. 3 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Grassingerstraße 16 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 83043 Bad Aibling Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Location Germany Macroeconomic Indicators (Source: GfK, BBE, BBSR/Inkar 2012/2013) Bavaria Rosenheim (Rural District) Bad Aibling 83043 Federal State District City Postcode Population Population Population Number of Households Population Density Population Density Population Forecast (2009 - 2025) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Federal State District City City District City District Federal State District Federal State District absolute absolute absolute absolute per km² per km² in % in % in % in % in % Structual Data Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Index Retail Purchasing Power Index Retail Centrality Index Bad Aibling 12,595,891 251,105 18,405 8,536 174 444 7.5% 0.5% 1.5% 3.7% 2.7% (Source: GfK and BBE 2012/2013) District City Federal State District District in m € in m € index index index 5,545 398 109.20 104.75 75.52 Macro Location Bad Aibling is a spa town in the south of the federal state Bavaria with approx. 18,000 inhabitants. It lies on the river Mangfall, in the administrative district of Rosenheim, approx. 50 km southeast of Munich. It has become a sought-after residence for commuters working in Munich. Bad Aibling has good accessibility through federal motorways and major roads. It is located near the motorway A8 (Munich-Salzburg). The major road which runs through the city is the state road St 2078 (Munich-Rosenheim). The city is considering building another bypass (bypass road north), to lead the traffic flowing north, towards Großkarolinenfeld and Tuntenhausen around the city. The train station offers regional connections. The economic focus of Bad Aibling is on the health care and wellness sector. There are several cure hospitals and rehabilitation centres. Companies in the pharmaceutical sector, textiles, electronic industry, and milk processing industry can be found in the city. The unemployment rate for the district lies at 3.8%, well below the national average (7.9%). Micro Location Micro Location The property is located in a small commercial area at the city’s western periphery, on Grassingerstraße. Accessibility is good as Grassingerstraße is just off the main arterial road Münchenerstraße. However, the property cannot be seen from the main road and therefore has poor visibility. A bus stop is located at about 2 minutes walking distance. The property is approx. 5 minutes by car and 10 minutes walking distance from the city centre. The surrounding area is mostly residential and undeveloped land. A police station, car dealership, a sporting goods store, as well as an Aldi (discount supermarket) can be found in close vicinity. 0 Local Tax Information Real Estate Tax Rate (Typ B) Land Transfer Tax This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 2 of 12 City City in % in % abc 330 3.5 Property address Property no. 3 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Grassingerstraße 16 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 83043 Bad Aibling Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Site Plan Source: Cadastral plan on a 1 to 1000 scale, dated 27.12.2010 Site Information Site area thereof surplus land 19,222 m² 0 m² Ground lease No n.a. Ground lease expiry Surplus land value (net) n.a. €0 Site servicing Fully serviced Irregular Site layout Soil contamination No Suspicion Building encumbrances Comment The site consists of plots 1131 and 1072. It has an even topography and an irregular shape. It is surrounded by a road to the east and a small paved delivery access road around the site to the south, west and north. According to the environmental due diligence dated July 2007, plots 1072 and 1131 are not registered in the “Altlastenkataster” (contaminated land cadastre). For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the subject property is free of any soil or building contamination. Yes Town Planning Use class SO (special zone) Site coverage ratio (GRZ) 0.6 Plot ratio (GFZ) n.a. Cubic index (BMZ) n.a. Comment According to the local planning authority, a legally binding development plan exists, entitled "Bebauungsplan 51 Nördlich der Grassingerstraße", dated 3 August 1992, date of last amendment 23 May 2003, with the following regulations: subject site is located in a special zone retail (SO). The plot ratio (GFZ) is 0.6 and the site coverage ratio (GRZ) is not specified. Tenure Land Register Local Court of Rosenheim, land register of Bad Aibling Owner TPL Biberach S.á.r.l., Luxembourg Sheet 7174 7630 Plot 0 Parcel 1131 1072 Section 2 (Restrictions) Section 3 (Loans) Limited personal easement (right to operate a self- Land charges in the total amount of € 105,000,000 in service department store) in favour of Kaufland favour of COREAL CREDIT BANK Aktiengesellschaft Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG, Neckarsulm. Frankfurt, 11th May 2011. Source: Land register extract, dated 14 January 2014 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 3 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 3 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Grassingerstraße 16 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 83043 Bad Aibling Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Competitor Map Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Research Competitor Overview Name Edeka Wendelstein Frischecen Rewe E-center van Dungen E-center Kaufland Rewe Real 0 Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Self-service dep. store Hypermarket Self-service dep. store Address 83043 Bad Aibling, Ebersberger Str. 1 83059 Kolbermoor, An der Alten Spinnerei 4 83059 Kolbermoor, Carl-Jordan-Str. 18 83026 Rosenheim, Grubholzer Str. 2a 83026 Rosenheim, Äußere Münchener Str. 100 83024 Rosenheim, Hofmillerstr. 1 83026 Rosenheim, Kufsteiner Str. 124 Sales area 2,305 m² 2,000 m² 2,699 m² 3,507 m² 5,200 m² 1,500 m² 6,500 m² m² Distance 0.30 km 5.10 km 5.80 km 7.40 km 7.40 km 9.20 km 9.80 km Potential High Medium Medium Low Low Low Low 0 0 0 0 0 Competiton Indicators Inhabitants in primary catchment area (Radius 5 km) 37,614 Purchasing power in Mio. € (District) Inhabitants in secondary catchment area (Radius 10 km) 98,485 Purchasing power per Capita in € (Radius 5 km) Number of households (Radius 5 km) 17,340 Unemployment Rate (District) Number of households (Radius 10 km) 48,888 Population forecast for the district (2009 - 2025) 7.5% Retail Purchasing Power Index (District) 104.75 Retail Centrality Index (District) 75.52 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 4 of 12 5,545 21,825 2.7% abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Grassingerstraße 16 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 83043 Bad Aibling Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 3 Main competitors This competitor is an Edeka Frischemarkt. It is much smaller in size and offers a more limited product assortment than the anchor tenant of the subject property. It has, however, greater visibility as it lies on the main road and needs to be passed in order to reach the subject property, which is just around the corner. The building is newer. Furthermore, a Müller (drugstore) is located on the site. This competitor poses a medium level of competition. This competitor is an Edeka E-Center. It is similar in size and is located approx. 6km east of the subject property in the town of Kolbermoor. The E-Center has retail on the ground floor and a fitness studio on the 1st floor. It is located in a retail park surrounded by smaller retail shops, such as a shoe store, optician, jewellery shop, dry cleaner, and two discount fashion stores, among others. This competitor poses a medium level of competition. Competition Comment Catchment area is divided into 2 categories: primary (5 km radius) and secondary (10 km radius). Approximately 37,600 inhabitants live in the primary catchment area. There are two self-service department stores/hypermarkets, including the subject property, present in this area, which is approx. 18,800 inhabitants per store. Within the broader secondary catchment area of approx. 98,500 inhabitants, there are 6 main competitors: an Edeka Frischemarkt, an Edeka E-Center, two Rewe, a Kaufland and a Real. The Edeka Frischemarkt is about 1,000 m² smaller and offers a more limited product assortment than Kaufland. It does have, however, greater visibility as it lies on the main road and needs to be passed in order to reach the subject property, just around the corner. The building is significantly newer. Furthermore, a Müller (drugstore) is located on the site, which is comparable to the dm-markt (drugstore) next to the subject property. Despite its smaller size, we consider it to be a strong competitor based on its close proximity and preferred location.A bit farther away, approx. 6 km, in the town of Kolbermoor, an Edeka E-Center and a Rewe can be found. They are surrounded by a mostly residential area and located off of the state road St 2078 between Bad Aibling and the city of Rosenheim. Both hypermarkets are set within retail parks with outdoor parking. They will mainly draw inhabitants of Kolbermoor and possibly those from the eastern part of Bad Aibling and those who commute to Rosenheim for work. Therefore, they pose a medium level of competition. According to the local planning authority, because of a change in the traffic routes within the city centre of Bad Aibling, residents from the west have to bypass the city centre and drive through southern Bad Aibling to get to Kaufland. Accordingly, a new supermarket has been discussed. Given the relatively few competitors within the catchment area and the forecasted population growth for the county (“Landkreis”) of 7.5% between years 2009 and 2025, we rate the overall current competitive environment as medium. Turnover analysis For the purpose of this valuation, we have used the average turnover rents for the years 2008 and 2009 until the end of the respective lease agreement. The rents in functional retail agglomerations are linked to turnover. The percentage that a retail tenant can use for rental payments depends on the margins achievable in the various market sectors. This rate normally ranges between 2% and 15% depending on the respective branch. Kaufland is a very strong anchor, we believe that there will continue to be demand for ancillary tenants. For Kaufland, we have been provided with turnover figures. We have analysed the figures and have found the area productivity of Kaufland to be in a healthy range. With a turnover-to-rent ratio of less than 2% it lies below the range of 2% to 4%, which is acceptable for a self-service department store. Hence, we believe that a higher market rent is achievable after the end of the lease contract. Please also refer to the rent/turnover analysis on page 8.” Conclusion The property is currently mainly used as a self-service department store (Kaufland), which makes up 52% of lettable area. AWG (discount fashion) makes up 14% of the total lettable area, a dm-markt (drugstore) makes up close to 10% and the rest is divided between smaller retailers within the retail park. An outside parking lot offers sufficient parking. The property is also easily accessible via public transport. Despite the relatively small primary catchment area, because there are few direct competitors and the population growth for the county (“Landkreis”) is forecasted to grow by 7.5% between years 2009 and 2025, we anticipate that there will be enough customers to sustain the property. At the time, there is no vacancy. Kaufland, being a consumer magnet, provides a healthy retail environment for the remaining tenants. The lease of the anchor tenant (Kaufland) does not expire until 2022 and it has options to extend until 2037. On the basis of our projection of likely productivity per m² and turnovers, we have calculated the market rent at a level of € 6.50 /m²/month. The tenant currently pays a contractual rent of € 5.25 /m²/month. Therefore, we expect that Kaufland will stay until 2037 (based on its below-market rental level), as long as it continues to generate adequate turnover. Potential future uses for the property would be difficult to envision. The best use for the property is its current use as a self-service department store. The next self-service department store is located in the next town, approx. 6km away. If Kaufland were to leave, another self-service department store, such as a real,- or Marktkauf, would be likely to take its place. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 5 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 3 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Grassingerstraße 16 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 83043 Bad Aibling Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Rent Roll Tenant Name 1 AWG Allgemeine Warenvertriebs-GmbH Area Category Letting Status Area m² / unit Rent / month Rent / m² / month Tenant pays VAT Lease Start Lease End Renewal Probability Tenant pays * Retail Let 998 € 10,558 10.57 Yes 24.02.2000 30.06.2015 2 Telko GmbH Retail Let 77 € 1,208 15.78 Yes 15.03.2005 30.03.2016 75% 3 Pham Retail Let 84 € 1,000 11.96 Yes 01.07.2011 30.06.2016 75% 75% GT I PM 4 Reno Sportswear GmbH Retail Let 224 € 1,141 5.10 n.a. 01.01.2012 31.12.2016 75% M GT I PM 5 dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG Retail Let 709 € 6,979 9.84 Yes 10.02.2000 31.12.2014 75% 6 Heinrich Deichmann Schuhe GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 498 € 5,158 10.35 Yes 21.02.2000 20.02.2015 75% 75% GT I PM 7 Fressnapf Immobilien-Vermögensverwaltung GmbH Retail Let 346 € 2,164 6.25 Yes 11.02.2000 10.02.2015 8 KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH Retail Let 404 € 4,168 10.30 Yes 01.03.2000 28.02.2015 75% 9 Handelshof SB Warenhaus GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 3,634 € 19,086 5.25 Yes 01.10.2007 30.09.2022 75% 10 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG Other Units Let 6 € 265 44.17 Yes 03.08.2009 02.08.2014 100% Retail Let 78 € 604 7.71 n.a. 01.12.2011 30.11.2016 75% M GT I PM Other Units Let 1 € 672 672.00 00.01.1900 31.12.2023 100% M GT I PM External parking Let 300 €0 0.00 01.10.2007 31.12.2023 100% 7,053 m² € 53,002 11 Fechtel 12 Kiosk 13 External Parking Total No * M = Maintenance, GT = Ground Tax, I = Insurance Costs, PM = Property Management This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 6 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 3 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Grassingerstraße 16 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 83043 Bad Aibling Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Valuation Assumptions Area Category Area sqm/unit 1 AWG Allgemeine Warenvertriebs-GmbH Retail 998 2 Telko GmbH Retail 77 3 Pham Retail 84 € 11.00 4 Reno Sportswear GmbH Retail 224 € 11.00 Tenant Name Market Rent Market Rent /month Re-letting Re-letting Initial Tis Void VPV* Void* Agency Fees* Lease Term** Renewal Probability € 10.00 € 9,984 € 50 0 12 € 11.00 € 842 € 100 0 12 € 919 € 100 0 12 0 2 5 25% 0 2 5 25% 0 2 5 € 2,460 € 100 0 25% 12 0 2 5 25% Rent Abatem.* 5 dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG Retail 709 € 10.00 € 7,090 € 100 0 12 0 2 5 25% 6 Heinrich Deichmann Schuhe GmbH & Co. KG Retail 498 € 10.00 € 4,981 € 100 0 12 0 2 5 25% 7 Fressnapf Immobilien-Vermögensverwaltung GmbH Retail 2 346 € 6.50 € 2,252 € 100 0 12 0 8 KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH Retail 404 € 10.00 € 4,045 € 100 0 12 0 2 5 25% 9 Handelshof SB Warenhaus GmbH & Co. KG Retail 3,634 € 6.50 € 23,622 € 50 0 12 0 2 10 25% 10 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG Other Units 6 € 265.00 € 1,590 €0 0 0 0 0 5 0% Retail 78 € 11.00 € 861 € 100 0 12 0 2 5 25% Other Units 1 € 672.00 € 672 €0 0 0 0 0 10 0% External parking 300 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 11 Fechtel 12 Kiosk 13 External Parking Total * months 7,053 sqm ** years 5 25% € 59,319 ***structural vacancy This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 7 of 12 . abc Property address Property no. 3 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Grassingerstraße 16 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 83043 Bad Aibling Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property Analysis Area Analysis Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Total area Petrol Station Other Units Internal parking External parking Total parking Lettable Area m² 0 7,053 0 0 0 0 0 7,053 0 7 0 300 307 Area Vacant m² 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Let m² 0 7,053 0 0 0 0 0 7,053 0 7 0 300 300 Vacancy Rate % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Income Analysis Contractual Rent €/m²/month 0.00 7.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 133.86 7.52 0.00 0.00 Contractual Rent €/month 0 52,065 0 0 0 0 0 0 937 53,002 0 0 Contractual Rent €/year 0 624,781 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,244 636,025 0 0 Potential Rent €/year 0 624,781 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,244 636,025 0 0 Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Petrol Station Other Units Total area Internal parking External parking Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Market Rent €/m²/month 0.00 8.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 133.86 8.22 0.00 0.00 Market Rent €/year 0 684,686 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,244 695,930 0 0 Market Rent €/month 0 57,057 0 0 0 0 0 0 937 57,994 0 0 Over-/ UnderRented 0.0% -8.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -8.6% 0.0% 0.0% Assessment of Kaufland market rent Turnover to rent ratio Space productivity 7,000 Explanation 8.00 Usual market % - levels 7.45 6,500 Market rent 7.00 6,000 Contractual Rent 6.50 6.00 Rent / m² / month 5,500 5,000 4,500 Rents 5.58 5.25 5.00 4.00 3.72 4,000 % € / m² Contractual 2.8% 5.25 Market 3.5% 6.50 4% of turnover 7.45 3% of turnover 5.58 3.72 2% of turnover 3.00 3,500 Turnover potential 8,118,378 € (net) Sales Area 3,000 3,247 2.00 1.0% in € / m² p.a. 1.5% based on sales area 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% Total Area ~ 2,500 m² 3,634 m² Turnover-rent-ratio Self-service department stores usually can afford to pay a rent in the range of 2% to 4% of their net turnover (economically sustainable rent burden) and have a space productivity of about € 4,000 to € 6,000 per m² sales area. The two graphics above indicate, how the contract rent of the main tenant Kaufland as well as the assumed market rental level, can be assessed on the basis of usual market ranges. This analysis is based on the turnover potential figures prepared by Trade Dimension. D&B Rating of Main Tenant Main tenant Tenant name Rent p.a. Share of total income WALT Payment Index Capital indicator Risk indicator Score Credit limit Comment Kaufland Vertrieb 84 GmbH & Co. KG € 229,028 36% 8.7 years n.a. 1AA 2 2 76 € 560,000 (single) € 39,000,000 (total) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. The main tenant is a corporation belonging to the Kaufland Group, which in turn belongs to the Lidl & Schwarz Group, one of the biggest grocer groups in Europe. Kaufland is the self-service department store division of Lidl & Schwarz with more than 500 locations across Europe. Kaufland’s core business area is food retailing with branded goods and own-brands specially produced for Kaufland. According to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) rating as at 28.01.2014 Kaufland Vertrieb 84 GmbH & Co. KG (Handelshof SBWarenhaus GmbH & Co. KG) has a below-average credit risk. The risk of insolvency (D&B Score) within the next 12 months compared with other German companies is assessed to be low, i.e. 76% of businesses on the German database have the same or higher risk of failure. Page 8 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Grassingerstraße 16 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 83043 Bad Aibling Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. Assumptions 3 Market Value Lease Contract Commentary The property is let to ten retail tenants. There is no vacancy at the moment. The WALT amounts to 4.1 years. The main tenant is Kaufland with a share of approx. 36% of the rental income. The property is currently under-rented mainly due to a very low rental level of the main tenant Kaufland. As the lease contract is valid until 2022 and the tenant has extention options until 2037, we do not believe that the rental level can be adjusted before 2037. The rent of Kaufland is indexed and will be adapted by 50% of the CPI change, whenever the change exceeds 10 % in relation to the CPI basis. Indexation started on 01.08.2008. Ground tax, maintenance costs for structural repairs, management and insurance costs are not borne by Kaufland. The rest can be apportioned to the tenant in accordance with the German Regulation on Operating Costs. According to the provided documents the main tenant Kaufland shortened its lease contract by 5 years from 2027 to 2022. We are not aware of any other tenants planning to terminate their leases in the subject property, nor have we received any information regarding a prolongation of their leases. General Property Assumptions Discount Rate Comment Discount rate 7.50% Capitalisation rate 6.75% Capital expenditures* The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. We derive the discount rate from market transactions. The discount rate reflects the rate of return expected by investors and is determined based on the risk associated with a property. As reinsurance, the initial yields profile is aligned with the market/other transactions. We have taken into account such facts as the remaining lease term with the well-known anchor tenant, the tenant mix the vacancy rate as well as the location within the federal state Bavaria. €0 Vacancy costs € 10.00 /m²/p.a. * on the basis of cost estimates provided by Brack Capital Real Estate, dated April 2013 Breakdown of Non-Recoverable Costs Contract** (month 1 x 12) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses ** JLL analysis Market (assuming full occupancy) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.35 /m² € 3.30 /m² € 0.28 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 10.44 /m² € 38,790 € 9,540 € 23,307 € 2,010 €0 € 73,647 per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.48 /m² € 3.30 /m² € 0.28 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 10.57 /m² € 38,790 € 10,439 € 23,307 € 2,010 €0 € 74,546 Inflation % of Gross Contract Rent 6.10% 1.50% 3.66% 0.32% 0.00% 11.58% Year Inflation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% Market Rental Growth Year Rental Growth % of Gross Market Rent 5.57% 1.50% 3.35% 0.29% 0.00% 10.71% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% Market Contract Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total Non-recoverable Costs Maintanance Costs € 38,790 € 39,410 € 40,112 € 40,818 € 41,479 € 42,135 € 42,809 € 43,502 € 44,190 € 44,844 € 45,498 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Management Costs € 9,627 € 8,483 € 9,614 € 9,861 € 10,005 € 10,005 € 8,912 € 10,620 € 9,633 € 11,046 € 11,046 Insurance Costs € 2,010 € 2,042 € 2,078 € 2,115 € 2,149 € 2,183 € 2,218 € 2,254 € 2,290 € 2,324 € 2,358 Ground Tax € 23,307 € 23,680 € 24,101 € 24,526 € 24,923 € 25,317 € 25,722 € 26,138 € 26,551 € 26,944 € 27,338 Other Nonrecoverable Costs 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ Total per year € 73,734 € 81,124 € 76,387 € 78,045 € 78,556 € 79,640 € 87,818 € 82,963 € 93,874 € 85,158 € 86,240 Vacancy Costs €0 € 7,509 € 482 € 725 €0 €0 € 8,157 € 449 € 11,210 €0 €0 % of Total Gross Revenue 11.5% 14.3% 11.9% 11.9% 11.8% 11.9% 14.8% 11.7% 14.6% 11.6% 11.7% Non-Recoverable Costs as a percentage of Total Gross Revenue 16.0% 14.8% 14.3% 14.6% 14.0% 12.0% 11.5% 11.9% 11.9% 11.8% 11.9% 11.7% 11.6% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 9 of 12 abc Property address Property no. Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Grassingerstraße 16 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 83043 Bad Aibling Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Cash Flow 3 Market Value Rental Revenue € 641,816 € 652,478 € 647,333 € 666,974 € 666,999 € 666,999 € 688,897 € 713,961 € 735,318 € 736,375 € 736,375 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Turnover Vacancy €0 -€ 86,916 -€ 6,414 -€ 9,590 €0 €0 -€ 94,743 -€ 5,993 -€ 93,129 €0 €0 Rent Abatements €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 Total Gross Revenue € 641,816 € 565,562 € 640,919 € 657,384 € 666,999 € 666,999 € 594,154 € 707,968 € 642,189 € 736,375 € 736,375 Nonrecoverable Costs -€ 73,734 -€ 81,124 -€ 76,387 -€ 78,045 -€ 78,556 -€ 79,640 -€ 87,818 -€ 82,963 -€ 93,874 -€ 85,158 -€ 86,240 Net Operating Income € 568,082 € 484,438 € 564,532 € 579,339 € 588,443 € 587,359 € 506,336 € 625,005 € 548,315 € 651,217 € 650,135 TIs and Leasing Capital Commissions Cash Flow Expenditures €0 €0 € 568,082 -€ 62,415 -€ 14,522 € 407,501 -€ 4,140 -€ 920 € 559,472 € 569,643 -€ 7,943 -€ 1,753 €0 € 588,443 €0 €0 €0 € 587,359 -€ 10,229 € 442,083 -€ 54,024 € 602,788 -€ 16,143 -€ 6,074 -€ 2,427 -€ 10,979 € 534,909 -€ 52,516 -€ 11,456 € 587,245 € 9,631,644 €0 €0 Total Cashflow (incl. Terminal Value @ 6.75 %) Gross Value of Surplus Land Gross Capital Value incl. Surplus Land Present Value @ 7.50% € 549,544 € 365,993 € 468,546 € 443,340 € 426,353 € 395,876 € 277,928 € 351,273 € 291,163 € 295,294 € 4,673,215 € 8,538,525 €0 € 8,538,525 Total Gross Revenue versus Net Operating Income 9.0% € 800000.0 7.6% € 700000.0 6.6% € 600000.0 6.8% 6.9% 6.9% 7.0% 6.4% 5.9% 6.0% 5.7% € 500000.0 5.0% € 400000.0 4.0% Running yield Rental income 8.0% 7.3% 6.7% € 300000.0 3.0% € 200000.0 2.0% € 100000.0 € .0 Year 1 1.0% Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Valuation Results Year 6 Year 7 Year 9 0.0% Year 10 Market Value Rent Overview Gross Capital Value (rounded) Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m²/month € 636,025 € 7.52 Market rental value total p.a. per m²/month € 695,930 € 8.22 -8.61% Over-/Underrent Year 8 Total € 8,500,000 per m² € 1,205 Purchaser's costs 5.25% Yield Overview Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield 6.62% 7.31% Gross Initial Yield Gross Reversionary Yield 7.85% 8.59% Market Value (rounded) Total € 8,100,000 per m² € 1,148 Valuation Comment In terms of risk, we considered the covenant strength as well as the lease duration for the existing contracts. As at 28.01.2014, the main tenant Handelshof SB-Warenhaus GmbH & Co. KG has good covenant strength, which ensures a secure cash flow for the remainder of the lease term until at least 2022. Upon resale we took into account such facts as visibility, demographic factors, appearance, condition and building age, third party usability, competition and location. For the purpose of the valuation on 31.12.2013, we have not been provided with a new non-recoverable costs schedule by the asset manager.Therefore we have remained all non-recoverable service charges unchanged and have been applied according to information received during the previous valuation cycle. For management costs, we have applied 1.5% of the effective gross rent. Regarding comparable rents, we have evidence of similar areas situated in comparable regions and locations. Furthermore, we have analysed comparable transactions. Please refer to the section "Investment Comparables". We have been provided with updated information regarding necessary capital expenditures. Upon resale we took into account such facts as visibility, demographic factors, appearance, condition and building age, third party usability, competition and location. The following changes have taken place compared with 31. March 2013: Kaufland has shortened its lease contract by 5 years to 2022 and therefore the remaining lease term is 2.4 years shorter (4.1). In addition no material changes took place. Due to the above mentioned facts, the discount rate has been raised by 60 bps. As a result, the Market Value is decreased by 4.7%. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 10 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 3 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Grassingerstraße 16 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 83043 Bad Aibling Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Photos Internal view of entrance area of Kaufland Internal view of sales area of Kaufland Internal view of sales area of Kaufland View of bakery in entrance area to Kaufland View of vacant area View of parking lot and retail park This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 11 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 3 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Grassingerstraße 16 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 83043 Bad Aibling Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Leasing and Investment Market Development of prime yields Retail transaction volume in Germany Leasing Market Investment Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail space in retail warehouses or retail parks throughout Germany. For the determination of the rents, the quality of location in terms of accessibility and competition is crucial. The rents within the different branches vary. This is due to the diverging location assessment and turnover expectancy of the different tenants. If in the case of a retail park the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which guarantee a high visitor frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher and as a consequence, their overall rental level will be higher as well. Besides the rent level, another determining factor for investors is the building costs. Properties with the highest rents usually also have the highest building costs and land acquisition cost. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the retail format of the store, rents for supermarkets/ hypermarkets are generally slightly higher than the rents for discounters. Such rents in cities with more the 30,000 inhabitants in western German locations generally range between € 7.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Rents for discounters in western Germany generally range between € 6.00 and € 12.00/m²/month, while discounters eastern Germany generally achieve slightly lower rental rates. Drugstores, textile, shoe and electronics branches generally achieve rental rates ranging from € 7.50 to € 12.00/m²/month. DIY stores need extensive space due to their broad product range. In urban centres, these stores sometimes even offer their products on two levels. DIY also fall at the lower end of the scale in terms of rents, with prices ranging between € 6.00 and € 10.00/m²/month. On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. As DIY stores have a supra-regional catchment area, there are not as independent as other branches in the area and can relocate to more affordable attractive and easily accessible industrial zones. In such areas, lower investments for realisation and lower building costs induce lower rents. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. The office prime yields were still on a slight downward trend in individual cities. Each of the Big 7 cities now has a net initial yield of below 5%. Aggregated across all cities, the prime yield in the office segment fell to an average value of around 4.67%. Shopping centre yields are at a similar rate of 4.70%. For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Leasing Comparables Tenant Real Real Kaufland dm-drogerie markt Rossmann Deichmann KiK 0 City Amberg Zschornewitz Freital Landsberg am Lech Treuchtlingen Karlstadt Bad Kissingen 0 Property Type Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Drugstore Drugstore Shoe store Discount Fashion 0 Area 10,824 m² 1,000 m² 8,000 m² 831 m² 531 m² 467 m² 525 m² 0 m² Total Rent p.m. € 71,114 € 7,410 € 62,000 € 6,440 € 5,193 € 4,651 € 5,119 €0 Rent p. sqm € 6.57 /m² € 7.41 /m² € 7.75 /m² € 7.75 /m² € 9.78 /m² € 9.96 /m² € 9.75 /m² € 0.00 /m² Comment Slightly lower purchasing power Other federal state Other federal state; slightly lower purchasing power Similar purchasing power Similar purchasing power Similar purchasing power Similar purchasing power 0 Investment Comparables Property Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Year of Construction n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Area 8,520 m² 13,000 m² 22,926 m² 13,000 m² 2,269 m² 13,000 m² 10,031 m² 0 m² Gross Multiplier 14.1-fold 13.8-fold 8.0-fold 15.3-fold 14.7-fold 13.8-fold 10.1-fold 0.0-fold Date of Transaction Q3 2013 Q2 2012 2012 2012 2012 Q2 2012 2012 0 Comment Medium to long WALT, located in North Rhine-Westphalia Medium to long WALT, located in Lower Saxony Anchor tenant Kaufland & Toom, WALT below 5 years, portfolio transaction Anchor tenant Marktkauf, WALT 17.5 years, very strong location in southern Germany WALT 15.7 years, good location, main tenant Kaufland, partly leasehold Anchor tenant Famila, WALT 9.2 years, strong location in northern Germany Anchor tenant real, WALT 15 years, portfolio transaction 0 Page 12 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Obere Stegwiesen 10 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 88400 Biberach Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 4 Property Summary Key Figures Property type Main tenant Retail Park & Co. KG (Marktkauf Autonom BM Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG) Total lettable area Total parking units 10,769 m² 606 units Current vacancy rate Weighted average lease term 0.0% 7.2 years 1994 n.a. Year of construction Year of refurbishment Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,262,394 € 9.77 Total non-recoverable expenses (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 82,109 € 0.64 Net operating income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,180,286 € 9.13 total p.a. € 1,282,235 -1.5% Market rental value Over-/Underrent based on occupied areas SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Good tenant mix Long remaining lease term of the anchor tenant Sufficient parking spaces Good connections to the major roads B 465 and L 267 0 Limited third party usability of the large-scale retail area without refurbishment Building almost 20 years old 0 0 0 Opportunities Threats Extension of the lease contracts of the smaller tenants Finding new strong and attractive tenants Prolognation of the lease contract after expiry Development of the surplus-land 0 Increasing maintenance required due to the building age Drop out of tenants before expiry of the contracts 0 0 0 Property Rating (1 = very negative, 5 = very positive) Building Location Building age Lettable Area Property condition General impression 2 3 3 3 16 to 25 years Between 10,000 and 12,500 m² Average building condition Average general impression Macrolocation Microlocation Commercial activity Competition Liquidity 3 3 3 3 Average location and catchment area Average micro location Limited commercial activity nearby Average competition level Investment Quality WALT Over- / underrent Quality of tenants 4 WALT seven to ten years 3 Rack rented (-5% to 5%) 4 Tenants with very good credit rating Investment market Investment volume Saleability 3 Average property market 4 Good lot size 4 Good saleability within 6 months Property Description The property is a one-storey retail building with parking facilities on the roof. The petrol station and some undeveloped areas are located on separate plots. The ground level of the retail building is occupied by several retail tenants.The main tenant is Handelshof. The main entrances are accessible from the parking areas and located on the south side of the building. Another entrance to the retail areas is on the roof beside the parking facilities. Access to the parking areas on the roof is made possible via a ramp along the west facade. The property can be easily reached from Obere Stegwiesen. Structurally, the building consists of a steel-beton construction. The main entrance is equipped with glazed elements and the entrance is provided by automatic sliding doors. Valuation Results Market Value € 15,800,000 equals to Market Rental Value € 1,449 per m² € 1,282,235 p.a. Discount Rate 7.10% Net Initial Yield 7.11% Capitalisation Rate 6.75% Net Reversionary Yield 7.23% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. excluding capital expenditures Page 1 of 12 € 9.92 / m² / p.m. equals to 7.01% Multiplier (initial) 12.36 7.13% Multiplier (based on MRV) 12.17 abc Property address Property no. 4 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Obere Stegwiesen 10 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 88400 Biberach Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Location Germany Macroeconomic Indicators (Source: GfK, BBE, BBSR/Inkar 2012/2013) Baden-Wurttemberg Biberach (Rural District) Biberach 88400 Federal State District City Postcode Population Population Population Number of Households Population Density Population Density Population Forecast (2009 - 2025) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Federal State District City City District City District Federal State District Federal State District absolute absolute absolute absolute per km² per km² in % in % in % in % in % Structual Data Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Index Retail Purchasing Power Index Retail Centrality Index Biberach 10,786,227 189,523 32,360 15,040 134 448 2.5% 0.3% 0.8% 3.9% 2.6% (Source: GfK and BBE 2012/2013) District City Federal State District District in m € in m € index index index 4,164 784 107.20 117.43 77.03 Macro Location Biberach an der Riß is located in the south-east of the federal state Baden-Wurttemberg. The closest major cities are Memmingen (approx. 43 km south-east; 41,085 inhabitants) and Ulm (approx. 47 km north-east; 122,000 inhabitants). The closest motorway is the A7, connecting to Flensburg (near the Danish border) in the north and to Füssen (close to the Austrian border) in the south, can be reached in a distance of approx. 33 km. Furthermore, the A8, connecting to Munich and farther on, Austria in the south-east and to Perl near the French border in the north-west, can be reached in a distance of approx. 47 km. Biberach has a train station, which connects Biberach to the cities of Stuttgart and Munich via regional trains. The nearest airport offering connections to national and international destinations is Friedrichshafen, located approx. 67 km from the city centre of Biberach an der Riß. Furthermore, the Stuttgart Airport is located approx. 136 km away and the Munich Airport is situated approx. 151 km away. Biberach an der Riß is a strong business location. The city has both known and globally-operated large corporations, as well as many mid-size industrial and trading companies. Well-known companies in Biberach an der Riß are Liebherr, Boehringer Ingelheim, Handtmann, EnBW and KaVo. Furthermore, Biberach is also known for its university, Biberach University of Applied Sciences. Micro Location Micro Location The property is located in the north-east of the city and is less than 4 km from Biberach city centre. The property itself is located on a side road near the B 465, L 251 and L 267; it is bordered by industrial and trading companies. 0 Local Tax Information Real Estate Tax Rate (Typ B) Land Transfer Tax This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 2 of 12 City City in % in % abc 300 5.0 Property address Property no. 4 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Obere Stegwiesen 10 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 88400 Biberach Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Site Plan Source: Cadastral plan on a 1 to 2500 scale, dated 29.12.2010 Site Information Site area thereof surplus land 26,342 m² 2,298 m² Ground lease No n.a. Ground lease expiry Surplus land value (net) € 100 /sqm € 229,800 Site servicing Site layout Fully serviced 3003/2: trapezoidal, 3002: trinagular, 3002/1: square Soil contamination No Suspicion Building encumbrances Yes Comment The site consists of three separate pl. 3003/2 and 3002 : all have an even topogr. It can be accessed fr. the western side by foot or fr. the eastern side by car. According to the Environmental Due Diligence report, dated July 2007, the site is not registered in the register of contaminated sites. According to the land charges register of Biberach (page 2500 nr.1) one building encumbrance exists reg. t. limited sales areas (max. 9,500m²) a. t. product ranges. Furthermore, areas for admin. a. parking spaces must be built. For purposes of this valuation, we assume that the building encumbrances have no effect on the valuation. For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the subject property is free of any soil or building conta. For purpose of this valuation, we assumed the land value pursuant to the committee of experts of Biberach. Town Planning Use class SO (special zone) Site coverage ratio (GRZ) 0,8 Plot ratio (GFZ) 2.4 Cubic index (BMZ) n.a. Comment According to information from the local planning authority, a development plan exists, entitled "Obere Stegwiese 332" and dated 11.11.1995, with the following regulations: the subject site is located in special zone ("Sondergebiet"). The plot ratio (Geschossflächenzahl, GFZ) is 2.4 and the site coverage ratio (Grundflächenzahl, GRZ) is 0.8. Tenure Land Register Owner Local Court of Biberach TPL Biberach S.á.r.l., an der Riß, land register Luxembourg of Biberach an der Riß Sheet 12876 Plot SO 3849, SO 3849 (VN 2008/71) Parcel 3003/2, 3002 Section 2 (Restrictions) Section 3 (Loans) 2 easements. 1. for t. owner o. t. prop. parc. 49 Land charges in the total amount of € 105,000,000 in Bahnhofstr. 2 a. parc. 55 Bahnhofstr. 1 with favour of COREAL CREDIT BANK Aktiengesellschaft 49,50a (reg. t. rig. o. water pipe). 2. i. favr. o. t. Frankfurt, 11th May 2011. owner o. t. parc. 775, Eisenbahn EB 1 a. parcel 2997, 2998, 2999, 3000, 3001, 3025, 3026, 3027, 3028 a. 3029 (reg. t. rig. o. wayleave). Limited personal easements. 1. (reg. o. t. clamping station, power line a. access) in favr. o. t. EnergieVersorgung Schwaben AG, 2. (reg. o. t. retain a. operate o. a hypermar.) i. favr. o. Kaufland Dienstl. GmbH Co. KG Neckarsulm. Rig. o. acquisition i. favr. o. alb-elektric OHG located i. Biberach. Restrictive covenant, 1.i. favour of t. particular owner for t. parcel 3003/2, 2. favour o. Kaufland Dienstl. GmbH Co. KG Neckarsulm (reg. t. durable omission reg. operate o. f. exa. discoun., supermar. o. eating house) Source: Extract from the land register dated 14.01.2014 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 3 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 4 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Obere Stegwiesen 10 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 88400 Biberach Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Competitor Map Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Research Competitor Overview Name Marktkauf Obi Type Hypermarket DIY Address 88400 Biberach, Sandgrabenstr. 52 88400 Biberach, Hubertus Liebrecht-Str. 44 Sales area 2,965 m² n.a. Distance 2.00 km 1.50km Potential Medium Medium 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Competiton Indicators Inhabitants in primary catchment area (Radius 5 km) 30,469 Purchasing power in Mio. € (District) Inhabitants in secondary catchment area (Radius 10 km) 33,668 Purchasing power per Capita in € (Radius 5 km) Number of households (Radius 5 km) 13,998 Unemployment Rate (District) Number of households (Radius 10 km) 14,677 Population forecast for the district (2009 - 2025) 2.5% Retail Purchasing Power Index (District) 117.43 Retail Centrality Index (District) 77.03 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 4 of 12 4,164 24,048 2.6% abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Obere Stegwiesen 10 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 88400 Biberach Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 4 Main competitors This competitor is a retail park located in the north-east of Biberach. The main tenant is OBI. Other tenants for example are Lidl, a drinks cash-and-carry and Euronics. The retail park "Biber Center" is well located directly on the main road L 267. The property is a serious competitor. This competitor is a medium-sized Marktkauf. The location of Marktkauf is very good. It is located between the main road, L 267, and a residential area. The Marktkauf is a serious competitor. Competition Comment Catchment area is divided into 2 categories: primary (5 km radius) and secondary (10 km radius). Approximately 30,500 inhabitants live in the primary catchment area. While the density of hypermarkets is relatively high in the primary catchment area, the competition eases in the secondary catchment area. Even though there are several discounters and small-sized supermarkets located in Biberach, it can be said that these present only indirect competition to the property. Kaufland offers a very deep and broad product range with more than 50,000 products, while discounter and supermarkets offer a limited product range with only 7,000 to 11,000 (supermarkets) or 400-2,500 (discounters) articles. Therefore, these retailing forms address different customers or customer needs. While supermarkets and discounters cater to the daily needs of customers, Kaufland offers a larger variety of products that are bought on a non-daily basis. There are two direct competitors within 2 km. The first competitor, a retail park called “Biber Center” is located in a distance of 1.5 km directly on the main road L 267. The location of this centre compared to our centre is better, as it is can be accessed directly from the L 267 and is therefore very visible. The Biber Center seems to be newer and has a good mix of tenants. The main tenant is an OBI market; other tenants include Lidl, a drinks cash-and-carry, Burger King and Euronics. The Biber Center has no supermarket, just a Lidl discounter, which offers another product range. In addition, the significant difference in size and product range also differentiates the properties, especially the DIY stores. The OBI market offers a wider range and is more upscale than the discount DIY at the subject property. Therefore, it can be said that the Biber Center represents only medium competition. Another direct competitor is Marktkauf, which is 2.0 km away. The Marktkauf is directly located on the main road L 267 and is very visible. However, it can not be directly accessed from the main road; instead, it is necessary to drive first through a residential area to reach the store. While the Kaufland is primarily reachable by car, the competitor can also be reached by foot from the adjacent residential area. The Marktkauf probably has similar construction date as the valued property and offers a similar assortment. The competitor does not offer as many parking facilities as the valued property. The valuation property offers a wide range of products due to the various tenants, while the competitor has just some minor tenants like a bakery and a hairdresser. Even though the properties may attract different customers and have slightly different primary catchment areas, the catchment areas strongly overlap and two hypermarket stores for a city of only 32,000 inhabitants can be problematic. Overall, it can be said that the competition level in Biberach is medium to high, especially due to the existence of a similar Marktkauf nearby. Turnover analysis The rents in functional retail agglomerations are linked to turnover. The percentage rate that a retail tenant can use for rental payments depends on the margins achievable in the various market sectors. This rate normally ranges between 2% and 15% depending on the respective branch. The productivity varies between approx. € 1,000/m² and up to more than € 10,000/m². Kaufland is represents a very strong anchor, we believe that there will always be demand for such ancillary tenants. We have not been provided with any turnover figures for Kaufland. For Kaufland, we have also been provided with turnover figures. We have analysed the figures and have found the area productivity of Kaufland to be in a healthy range. With a turnover-to-rent ratio of less than 2% it lies below the range of 2% to 4%, which is acceptable for a self-service department store. Hence, we believe that a higher market rent is achievable after the end of the lease contract. Please also refer to the rent/turnover analysis on page 8. 0 Conclusion The property in Biberach is located in the direct vicinity of several serious competitors. The property is currently used for retail use; regarding third-party use, retail is the best option, because of the structural conditions like the very good parking facilities, the allocation and the equipment of the areas of the value property. The strengths of the property include that it is fully let, the well-known status of the main tenant, the length of the lease contract of the main tenant and the very good parking facilities. In contrast, some weaknesses include the limited third-party usability, the limited visibility and the secluded location as a whole. The leasing capacity is for this property medium because of the building age and the existing density of competitors. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 5 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 4 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Obere Stegwiesen 10 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 88400 Biberach Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Rent Roll Tenant Name Area Category Letting Status Area m² / unit Rent / month Rent / m² / month Tenant pays VAT Lease Start Lease End Renewal Probability 75% Tenant pays * 1 AWG Allgemeine Warenvertriebs GmbH Retail Let 1,144 € 10,863 9.50 Yes 03.11.1994 03.11.2019 2 Marktkauf Autonom BM Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 4,150 € 42,337 10.20 Yes 01.07.1999 30.06.2019 75% 3 Turgay Akkaya Retail Let 42 € 509 12.04 n.a. 19.07.2013 19.07.2018 75% GT I PM I 4 Walser + Schwaderer GmbH Retail Let 47 € 2,637 56.10 Yes 01.11.2004 31.10.2014 75% GT I PM 5 Yilmaz Retail Let 44 € 1,387 31.90 Yes 06.04.2005 05.04.2015 75% GT I PM 6 Bäckerei Mäschle OHG Retail Let 53 € 7,032 131.69 Yes 01.10.2004 30.09.2019 75% GT I PM GT I 7 Cetin Retail Let 42 € 1,176 28.00 n.a. 01.07.2007 30.06.2015 75% M GT I PM 8 Essanelle Hair Group AG Retail Let 31 € 1,837 58.95 Yes 06.11.2006 05.11.2016 75% GT I PM 9 Handelshof SB Warenhaus GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 5,216 € 28,688 5.50 Yes 01.10.2007 30.09.2027 90% 10 FOTOFIX Schnellphotoautomaten GmbH Other Units Let 1 €0 0.00 Yes 01.06.2007 30.11.2014 100% M GT I PM 11 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG Other Units Let 3 € 133 44.17 Yes 03.08.2009 02.08.2014 100% M GT I PM 12 Schussenrieder Brauerei Other Units Let 1 € 30 30.00 00.01.1900 31.07.2017 100% Petrol Station Let 2,103 € 7,941 3.78 Yes 01.09.2005 31.08.2015 0% 14 Kiosk 13 HPV Hanseatic Petrol Vertriebs GmbH Other Units Let 1 € 472 472.33 Yes 00.01.1900 31.12.2023 100% 15 Turnover rent Other Units Let 1 € 157 157.42 n.a. 00.01.1900 31.12.2023 100% M GT I PM External parking Let 606 €0 0.00 n.a. 00.01.1900 00.01.1900 0% M GT I PM 12,872 m² € 105,200 16 Parkplätze Total M GT I * M = Maintenance, GT = Ground Tax, I = Insurance Costs, PM = Property Management This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 6 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 4 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Obere Stegwiesen 10 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 88400 Biberach Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Valuation Assumptions Area Category Tenant Name Area sqm/unit Market Rent Market Rent /month Re-letting Re-letting Initial Tis Void VPV* Void* Rent Abatem.* Agency Fees* Lease Term** Renewal Probability 1 AWG Allgemeine Warenvertriebs GmbH Retail 1,144 € 9.50 € 10,863 € 50 0 12 0 3 10 25% 2 Marktkauf Autonom BM Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG Retail 4,150 € 9.50 € 39,425 € 50 0 12 0 3 10 25% 3 Turgay Akkaya Retail 42 € 25.00 € 1,057 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 4 Walser + Schwaderer GmbH Retail 47 € 50.00 € 2,350 € 100 0 15 0 3 10 25% 5 Yilmaz Retail 44 € 25.00 € 1,088 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 6 Bäckerei Mäschle OHG Retail 53 € 130.00 € 6,942 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 7 Cetin Retail 42 € 25.00 € 1,050 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 8 Essanelle Hair Group AG Retail 31 € 50.00 € 1,559 € 100 0 15 0 3 10 25% 9 Handelshof SB Warenhaus GmbH & Co. KG Retail 5,216 € 8.00 € 41,727 € 50 0 12 0 3 10 10% 10 FOTOFIX Schnellphotoautomaten GmbH Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 10 0% 11 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG Other Units 3 € 44.17 € 133 €0 0 0 0 0 10 0% 12 Schussenrieder Brauerei Other Units 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 0 0 0 10 0% Petrol Station 2,103 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 0 0% Other Units 1 € 472.33 € 472 €0 0 0 0 0 10 0% Other Units 1 € 157.42 € 157 €0 0 0 0 0 10 0% External parking 606 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 13 HPV Hanseatic Petrol Vertriebs GmbH 14 Kiosk 15 Turnover rent 16 Parkplätze Total * months 12,872 sqm ** years 25% € 106,853 ***structural vacancy This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 7 of 12 . abc Property address Property no. 4 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Obere Stegwiesen 10 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 88400 Biberach Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property Analysis Area Analysis Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Total area Petrol Station Other Units Internal parking External parking Total parking Lettable Area m² 0 10,769 0 0 0 0 0 10,769 2,103 7 0 606 2,716 Area Vacant m² 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Let m² 0 10,769 0 0 0 0 0 10,769 2,103 7 0 606 606 Vacancy Rate % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Income Analysis Contractual Rent €/m²/month 0.00 8.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.78 113.18 9.77 0.00 0.00 Contractual Rent €/month 0 96,466 0 0 0 0 0 7,941 792 105,200 0 0 Contractual Rent €/year 0 1,157,595 0 0 0 0 0 95,292 9,507 1,262,394 0 0 Potential Rent €/year 0 1,157,595 0 0 0 0 0 95,292 9,507 1,262,394 0 0 Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Petrol Station Other Units Total area Internal parking External parking Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Market Rent €/m²/month 0.00 9.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 113.18 9.92 0.00 0.00 Market Rent €/year 0 1,272,728 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,507 1,282,235 0 0 Market Rent €/month 0 106,061 0 0 0 0 0 0 792 106,853 0 0 Over-/ UnderRented 0.0% -9.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -1.5% 0.0% 0.0% Assessment of Kaufland market rent Turnover to rent ratio Space productivity 7,000 Explanation 14.00 13.00 6,500 6,000 12.00 Market rent 11.00 Contractual Rent 10.00 Rent / m² / month 5,500 5,000 5,287 4,500 Usual market % - levels 12.84 Rents 9.63 9.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 6.42 6.00 5.50 4,000 5.00 2.00 1.0% in € / m² p.a. based on sales area 5.50 Market 2.5% 8.00 4% of turnover 12.84 3% of turnover 9.63 Turnover potential 6.42 20,089,294 € (net) 3.00 3,000 1.7% 2% of turnover 4.00 3,500 € / m² % Contractual Sales Area 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% Total Area ~ 3,800 m² 5,216 m² Turnover-rent-ratio Self-service department stores usually can afford to pay a rent in the range of 2% to 4% of their net turnover (economically sustainable rent burden) and have a space productivity of about € 4,000 to € 6,000 per m² sales area. The two graphics above indicate, how the contract rent of the main tenant Kaufland as well as the assumed market rental level, can be assessed on the basis of usual market ranges. This analysis is based on the turnover potential figures prepared by Trade Dimension. D&B Rating of Main Tenant Main tenant Tenant name Rent p.a. Share of total income WALT Payment Index Capital indicator Risk indicator Score Credit limit Comment toom Baumarkt Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG (Marktkauf Auton € 344,251 27% 13.7 years 80 HH 2 2 52 € 15,000 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. The main tenant toom baumarkt is a corporation belonging ultimately to Rewe Group, which purchased Marktkauf in 2007. Marktkauf operates self-service department stores and used to operate DIY stores until 2007, when they sold off about 133 stores to Rewe (toom DIY) and closed the remaining ones. The Rewe Group is a large German supermarket corporation, currently holding a market share of 15.7% in food retailing. According to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Rating as of 28.01.2014 toom Baumarkt has a low credit risk. The risk of insolvency (D&B Score) within the next 12 months compared with other German companies is assessed to be quite low, i.e. 52% of businesses on the German database have the same or higher risk of failure. In Sep. 2013 the company name changed to toom baumarkt Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG. Page 8 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Obere Stegwiesen 10 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 88400 Biberach Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. Assumptions 4 Market Value Lease Contract Commentary The property is let to nine retail tenants and a petrol station. At the moment the subject property is fully let. The WALT of the property amounts to 7.2 years. The property is almost rack-rented. This figure includes the turnover rents of the tenants Bäckerei Mäschle, Cetin, HPV Hanseatic, Walser and Yilmaz, which we belive to be sustainable until the end of the respective lease contracts. The property is nearly let at market rental level. The lease contract of the main tenant expires in 2027. Kaufland’s rent is indexed and will be adapted by 50% of the CPI change, whenever the change exceeds 10 percent in relation to the CPI basis. Indexation started on 01.04.2009. The majority of the tenants pay all costs (including ground tax, insurance costs and management costs) except for maintenance costs for structural repairs. The rest can be apportioned to the tenants in accordance with the German Regulation on Operating Costs. Furthermore, some rental increases due to indexations have taken place. According to the provided information Kaufland has extended its lease contract until September 2027. General Property Assumptions Discount Rate Comment Discount rate 7.10% Capitalisation rate 6.75% Capital expenditures* The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. We derive the discount rate from market transactions. The discount rate reflects the rate of return expected by investors and is determined based on the risk associated with a property. As reinsurance, the initial yields profile is aligned with the market/other transactions. We have taken into account such facts as the short remaining lease term and the lasting condition of the subject property. €0 Vacancy costs € 10.00 /m²/p.a. * on the basis of cost estimates provided by Brack Capital Real Estate, dated April 2013 Breakdown of Non-Recoverable Costs Contract** (month 1 x 12) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses ** JLL analysis Market (assuming full occupancy) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses per year per year € 4.50 /m² € 1.76 /m² € 1.01 /m² € 0.36 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 7.62 /m² € 48,460 € 18,936 € 10,849 € 3,864 €0 € 82,109 per year per year € 4.50 /m² € 1.79 /m² € 1.01 /m² € 0.36 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 7.65 /m² € 48,460 € 19,234 € 10,849 € 3,864 €0 € 82,406 Inflation % of Gross Contract Rent 3.84% 1.50% 0.86% 0.31% 0.00% 6.50% Year Inflation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% Market Rental Growth Year Rental Growth % of Gross Market Rent 3.78% 1.50% 0.85% 0.30% 0.00% 6.43% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% Market Contract Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total Non-recoverable Costs Maintanance Costs € 48,460 € 49,235 € 50,111 € 50,993 € 51,819 € 52,638 € 53,480 € 54,347 € 55,205 € 56,022 € 56,840 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Management Costs € 18,857 € 18,332 € 17,854 € 18,129 € 18,336 € 15,858 € 17,766 € 18,482 € 18,600 € 18,618 € 18,632 Insurance Costs € 3,864 € 3,926 € 3,996 € 4,066 € 4,132 € 4,197 € 4,265 € 4,334 € 4,402 € 4,467 € 4,532 Ground Tax € 10,849 € 11,023 € 11,219 € 11,416 € 11,601 € 11,784 € 11,973 € 12,167 € 12,359 € 12,542 € 12,725 Other Nonrecoverable Costs 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ Total per year € 82,109 € 82,885 € 83,207 € 84,686 € 86,039 € 96,926 € 89,636 € 89,330 € 90,566 € 91,649 € 92,729 Vacancy Costs € 79 € 369 € 27 € 82 € 151 € 12,449 € 2,152 €0 €0 €0 €0 % of Total Gross Revenue 6.5% 6.8% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 9.2% 7.6% 7.2% 7.3% 7.4% 7.5% Non-Recoverable Costs as a percentage of Total Gross Revenue 10.0% 9.2% 9.0% 7.6% 8.0% 7.0% 6.5% 6.8% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% 7.2% 7.3% 7.4% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 9 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 4 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Obere Stegwiesen 10 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 88400 Biberach Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Cash Flow Market Value Rental Revenue € 1,261,883 € 1,235,713 € 1,191,884 € 1,213,503 € 1,226,946 € 1,221,770 € 1,216,044 € 1,232,145 € 1,240,013 € 1,241,172 € 1,242,108 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Turnover Vacancy -€ 4,766 -€ 13,549 -€ 1,638 -€ 4,927 -€ 4,572 -€ 164,565 -€ 31,655 €0 €0 €0 €0 Rent Abatements €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 Total Gross Revenue € 1,257,117 € 1,222,164 € 1,190,246 € 1,208,576 € 1,222,374 € 1,057,205 € 1,184,389 € 1,232,145 € 1,240,013 € 1,241,172 € 1,242,108 Nonrecoverable Costs -€ 82,109 -€ 82,885 -€ 83,207 -€ 84,686 -€ 86,039 -€ 96,926 -€ 89,636 -€ 89,330 -€ 90,566 -€ 91,649 -€ 92,729 Net Operating Income € 1,175,008 € 1,139,279 € 1,107,039 € 1,123,890 € 1,136,335 € 960,279 € 1,094,753 € 1,142,815 € 1,149,447 € 1,149,523 € 1,149,379 TIs and Leasing Capital Commissions Cash Flow Expenditures €0 €0 € 1,175,008 -€ 3,366 -€ 3,446 € 1,132,467 €0 €0 € 1,107,039 € 1,121,835 -€ 820 -€ 1,235 -€ 1,130 € 1,134,345 -€ 860 -€ 32,503 -€ 56,348 € 871,428 -€ 14,770 € 1,062,735 -€ 17,248 € 1,142,815 €0 €0 €0 €0 € 1,149,447 €0 €0 € 1,149,523 € 17,027,822 €0 €0 Total Cashflow (incl. Terminal Value @ 6.75 %) Gross Value of Surplus Land Gross Capital Value incl. Surplus Land Present Value @ 7.10% € 1,139,009 € 1,025,330 € 935,424 € 884,792 € 835,697 € 602,237 € 681,455 € 685,206 € 643,583 € 600,948 € 8,575,598 € 16,609,279 € 244,737 € 16,854,016 Total Gross Revenue versus Net Operating Income 8.0% € 1400000.0 7.0% € 1200000.0 6.8% 6.6% 6.7% 6.8% 6.7% 6.8% 6.8% 7.0% 6.5% 6.0% 5.7% 5.0% € 800000.0 4.0% € 600000.0 Running yield Rental income € 1000000.0 3.0% € 400000.0 2.0% € 200000.0 € .0 Year 1 1.0% Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Valuation Results Year 6 Year 7 Year 9 0.0% Year 10 Market Value Rent Overview Gross Capital Value (rounded) Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m²/month € 1,262,394 € 9.77 Market rental value total p.a. per m²/month € 1,282,235 € 9.92 -1.55% Over-/Underrent Year 8 Total € 16,900,000 per m² € 1,541 Purchaser's costs 6.50% Yield Overview Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield 7.11% 7.23% Gross Initial Yield Gross Reversionary Yield 8.09% 8.22% Market Value (rounded) Total € 15,800,000 per m² € 1,449 Valuation Comment In terms of risk, we considered the covenant strength of the tenants as well as the lease duration of the existing contracts. As at 28.01.2014 the main tenant Marktkauf Autonom BM Vermietungs GmbH & Co. KG has good covenant strength, which ensures a secure cash flow for the remainder of the lease term until at least 2027. In terms of a resale, we took into account such facts as visibility, demographic factors, appearance, condition and building age, third-party usability, competition situation and location. For the purpose of the valuation on 31.12.2013, we have not been provided with a new non-recoverable costs schedule by the asset manager.Therefore we have remained all non-recoverable service charges unchanged and have been applied according to information received during the previous valuation cycle. For management costs, we have applied 1.5% of the effective gross rent. The main tenant, Marktkauf Holding GmbH, has good covenant strength and is a subsidiary of Edeka Group. However, the premises are occupied by a subsidiary of REWE (B1). It could not be clearified whether the premises are sublet with consent of the landlord or were taken over by REWE. For the purpose of this valuation, we assumed that the lease with Marktkauf is still in place and was sublet to REWE with consent of the landlord. The restrictions of Division II, have no effect on the value of the property. Furthermore, for the purpose of this valuation, we assumed the land value pursuant to the committee of experts in Biberach. Regarding comparable rents we have had recourse to evidence of similar areas situated in the comparable regions and locations. Furthermore, we have analysed comparable transactions. Please refer to the section "Investment Comparables". The following changes have taken place compared with 31. March 2013: Kaufland has extended its lease contract by 5 years to 2027 and therefore the remaining lease term is 0.6 years longer (7.2). The gross rental income and the market rental income remained unchanged. According to the provided documents the surplus-land is 3,290m² smaller. Therefore the MV including the surplus Land decreased by € 83,512. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 10 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 4 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Obere Stegwiesen 10 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 88400 Biberach Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Photos Western front view of the property Access to the parking areas on the roof View of the petrol station View of the DIY market Internal view of the mall Internal view of the Kaufland This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 11 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 4 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Obere Stegwiesen 10 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 88400 Biberach Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Leasing and Investment Market Development of prime yields Retail transaction volume in Germany Leasing Market Investment Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail space in retail warehouses or retail parks throughout Germany. For the determination of the rents, the quality of location in terms of accessibility and competition is crucial. The rents within the different branches vary. This is due to the diverging location assessment and turnover expectancy of the different tenants. If in the case of a retail park the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which guarantee a high visitor frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher and as a consequence, their overall rental level will be higher as well. Besides the rent level, another determining factor for investors is the building costs. Properties with the highest rents usually also have the highest building costs and land acquisition cost. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the retail format of the store, rents for supermarkets/ hypermarkets are generally slightly higher than the rents for discounters. Such rents in cities with more the 30,000 inhabitants in western German locations generally range between € 7.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Rents for discounters in western Germany generally range between € 6.00 and € 12.00/m²/month, while discounters eastern Germany generally achieve slightly lower rental rates. Drugstores, textile, shoe and electronics branches generally achieve rental rates ranging from € 7.50 to € 12.00/m²/month. DIY stores need extensive space due to their broad product range. In urban centres, these stores sometimes even offer their products on two levels. DIY also fall at the lower end of the scale in terms of rents, with prices ranging between € 6.00 and € 10.00/m²/month. On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. As DIY stores have a supra-regional catchment area, there are not as independent as other branches in the area and can relocate to more affordable attractive and easily accessible industrial zones. In such areas, lower investments for realisation and lower building costs induce lower rents. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. The office prime yields were still on a slight downward trend in individual cities. Each of the Big 7 cities now has a net initial yield of below 5%. Aggregated across all cities, the prime yield in the office segment fell to an average value of around 4.67%. Shopping centre yields are at a similar rate of 4.70%. For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Leasing Comparables Tenant OBI AG OBI AG Praktiker Kaufland Kaufland Kaufland Kaufland 0 City Rudolstadt Ottendorf-Ottkrilla Hillesheim Moosburg Freital Hameln Schwäbisch Hall 0 Property Type DIY DIY DIY Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store 0 Area 5,358 m² 6,000 m² 5,278 m² 4,165 m² 8,000 m² 4,425 m² 5,850 m² 0 m² Total Rent p.m. € 31,023 € 28,320 € 26,284 € 42,067 € 62,000 € 29,692 € 55,283 €0 Rent p. sqm € 5.79 /m² € 4.72 /m² € 4.98 /m² € 10.10 /m² € 7.75 /m² € 6.71 /m² € 9.45 /m² € 0.00 /m² Comment Other federal state, slightly lower purchasing power Other federal state Worse purchasing power Better purchasing power Other federal state; slightly lower purchasing power Worse purchasing power Similar purchasing power 0 Investment Comparables Property Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Year of Construction n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Area 8,520 m² 13,000 m² 22,926 m² 13,000 m² 2,269 m² 13,000 m² 10,031 m² 0 m² Gross Multiplier 14.1-fold 13.8-fold 8.0-fold 15.3-fold 14.7-fold 13.8-fold 10.1-fold 0.0-fold Date of Transaction Q3 2013 Q2 2012 2012 2012 2012 Q2 2012 2012 0 Comment Medium to long WALT, located in North Rhine-Westphalia Medium to long WALT, located in Lower Saxony Anchor tenant Kaufland & Toom, WALT below 5 years, portfolio transaction Anchor tenant Marktkauf, WALT 17.5 years, very strong location in southern Germany WALT 15.7 years, good location, main tenant Kaufland, partly leasehold Anchor tenant Famila, WALT 9.2 years, strong location in northern Germany Anchor tenant real, WALT 15 years, portfolio transaction 0 Page 12 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Heidenerstraße 32 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 46325 Borken Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 5 Property Summary Key Figures Property type Main tenant Retail Park ALPHA Warenhandel GmbH & Co. KG Total lettable area Total parking units 9,524 m² 400 units Current vacancy rate Weighted average lease term 0.8% 6.7 years 2003 n.a. Year of construction Year of refurbishment Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 996,674 € 8.72 Total non-recoverable expenses (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 87,991 € 0.77 Net operating income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 908,683 € 7.95 total p.a. € 1,226,337 -13.3% Market rental value Over-/Underrent based on occupied areas SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses City centre location All retail areas on ground floor level Very good accessibility - sufficient parking spaces Modern retail park with good tenant mix Strong anchor tenant Kaufland with long term lease contract No further extension possible 0 0 0 0 Opportunities Threats Limited number of competitors in Borken Positive future population growth prospects for Borken Low unemployment rate Extension of lease contracts with short remaining term Underrent of Kaufland lease, however, difficult to realise potential as extension options are in place Termination of short term lease contracts with subsequent void periods 0 0 0 0 Property Rating (1 = very negative, 5 = very positive) Building Location Building age Lettable Area Property condition General impression 3 2 4 4 11 to 15 years Between 7,500 and 10,000 m² Good building condition Good general impression Macrolocation Microlocation Commercial activity Competition Liquidity 3 4 4 4 Average location and catchment area Good micro location Average commercial activity nearby Low competition level Investment Quality WALT Over- / underrent Quality of tenants 3 WALT three to seven years 4 Slightly underrented (-5% to -15%) 4 Tenants with very good credit rating Investment market Investment volume Saleability 3 Average property market 4 Good lot size 4 Good saleability within 6 months Property Description The property (completion date 2003) consists of a single-storey L-shaped retail building; on its ground floor, it has several retail units as well as parking areas and substructures on the roof. Main access is provided from the south side of the building alongside a roofed passageway in front of the building. Approximately 400 parking spaces (470 spaces acc. to the building permit) are located on the inner courtyard to the south of the building as well as on the roof. Access to the parking facilities on the roof is provided via a ramp along the west facade. The delivery zone is located at the northern side of the building complex. The main entrance provides access to the large Kaufland unit (approx. 5,500 m²), two medium sized units (Kramer Schuhe 675m² and C&A 350 m²) and a shopping mall with small shops (between 20 - 80 m²). Three additional shopping units can directly be accessed from outside the building. An escalator connects the ground floor with the parking deck on the roof. The structure of the building consists of concrete columns in regular grids, pre-cast concrete beams and concrete floor slab. Staircases are of pre-cast concrete elements. The flat roof is constructed as a parking area with prefabricated slabs on layer insulation. The facades to the east and to the south are constructed as rear ventilated facades with a facing of exposed brickwork. The upper half of the porch is equipped with a cover of industrial glass. Partitions within the administration and staff areas are from plasterboard. Corridors are equipped with PVC flooring, painted walls and grid ceilings with external lights. The standard office shows carpet flooring, painted walls and a suspended grid ceiling with external lights. The complex has a gas-powered heating system with ventilation systems, air heaters and standard heaters. Valuation Results Market Value € 14,800,000 equals to Market Rental Value € 1,554 per m² € 1,226,337 p.a. Discount Rate 7.15% Net Initial Yield 5.79% Capitalisation Rate 6.50% Net Reversionary Yield 7.23% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. excluding capital expenditures Page 1 of 12 € 10.73 / m² / p.m. equals to 5.79% Multiplier (initial) 14.85 7.23% Multiplier (based on MRV) 12.07 abc Property address Property no. 5 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Heidenerstraße 32 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 46325 Borken Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Location Germany Macroeconomic Indicators (Source: GfK, BBE, BBSR/Inkar 2012/2013) North Rhine-Westphalia Borken (Rural District) Borken 46325 Federal State District City Postcode Population Population Population Number of Households Population Density Population Density Population Forecast (2009 - 2025) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Federal State District City City District City District Federal State District Federal State District absolute absolute absolute absolute per km² per km² in % in % in % in % in % Structual Data Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Index Retail Purchasing Power Index Retail Centrality Index Borken 17,841,956 369,107 40,968 17,293 260 268 1.9% -1.1% 0.6% 8.1% 4.2% (Source: GfK and BBE 2012/2013) District City Federal State District District in m € in m € index index index 7,091 823 100.30 97.37 94.42 Macro Location Borken is situated in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia in the region of Münsterland close to the Dutch border and has a population (city) of approx. 41,000. It is located about 30 km north of the large agglomeration area 'Ruhrgebiet', which has approx. 10 million inhabitants (nearby cities include Duisburg, Oberhausen, Essen Gelsenkirchen and Dortmund). The A3 and A31 federal motorways can be accessed within a distance of 5 - 10 km from Borken. Immediate access is possible to the B67 and B70 federal roads. The city’s train station is linked to the regional railway network. The nearest station connected to the ICE high-speed train network is located in, for example, Duisburg about 40 km away. The closest passenger airport, Düsseldorf International, can be reached in a distance of approx. 80 km south or Münster-Osnabrück International in 80 km north. The economy of Borken (within the rural region Münsterland) is primarily characterised by small- and medium-sized companies active in various sectors, as well as handcraft sector. Historically, the textile industry was – and still is – an important factor in the region. Borken also somewhat benefits from the strategic location between the Netherlands, Münster and the Ruhrgebiet. Thus, the region is also attractive for logistics companies and related service providers. Micro Location Micro Location The property is located on the boundary of the city centre of Borken on a highly frequented throughroad, Heidener Strasse, and can directly be accessed from a traffic circle. The surrounding area is characterised by a mixture of retail, office, industrial and residential buildings. To the east, the building adjoins Heidener Strasse; to the north, an access road for fire fighting vehicles can be found; and to the west, the complex is bordered by a public walkway open for pedestrians and bicycles. 0 Local Tax Information Real Estate Tax Rate (Typ B) Land Transfer Tax This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 2 of 12 City City in % in % abc 441 5.0 Property address Property no. 5 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Heidenerstraße 32 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 46325 Borken Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Site Plan Source: Cadastral plan on a 1 to 1,000 scale, dated 27.12.2010 Site Information Site area thereof surplus land 17,337 m² 0 m² Ground lease No n.a. Ground lease expiry Surplus land value (net) n.a. €0 Site servicing Fully serviced Irregular Site layout Soil contamination Suspicion of contamination Building encumbrances No Comment The site has an even topography and is accessible from the east, south and west (pedestrians only). According to the Environmental DD Report from Mace GmbH, dated July 2007, the risk of subsoil / ground water contamination is considered moderate to high. Land use risk for present use of the site, however, is low, if good operation practices can be observed. Furthermore, it is stated that the environmental setting risk is low to moderate with regards the surroundings of the site and high with regards to the aquifer and the brook. Overall, Mace estimates the environmental risk to e moderate to high. No cost estimates for potential decontamination measures were provided to us. For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the subject property is free of any soil or building contamination. Town Planning Use class MK (core zone) Site coverage ratio (GRZ) 1.0 Plot ratio (GFZ) n.a. Cubic index (BMZ) n.a. Comment According to information from the local planning authority, a legally binding development plan exists, entitled "Am Kuhn - No. BO58,2" and dated 31.05.1976, with the following regulations: the subject site is designated as core area - "MK - Kerngebiet". The maximum height of the buildings is limited to two full storeys - 60m above sea level. The permissible site coverage ratio amounts to 1.0. Tenure Land Register Local Court of Borken, land register of Borken Owner TPL Borken S.a.r.l., Luxemburg Sheet 15495 Plot 007 Parcel 472 Section 2 (Restrictions) Section 3 (Loans) Several limited personal easements (regarding Land charges in the total amount of € 105,000,000 in wayleave and pipeline easements, use of parking favour of COREAL CREDIT BANK Aktiengesellschaft areas, commercial limitation) in favour of the city Frankfurt, 11th May 2011. of Borken Several limited personal easements (regarding pipeline easements and operation of a electrical substation) in favour of the Stadtwerke Borken/Westf. GmbH, Borken Limited personal easement to operate a hypermarket / self-service department store on the plot, including right of use for all technical installations and pipelines in favour of Kaufland Dienstleistungs GmbH & Co. KG, Neckarsulm. Source: Extract from the land register dated 14.01.2014 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 3 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 5 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Heidenerstraße 32 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 46325 Borken Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Competitor Map Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Research Competitor Overview Name K+K Markt E-center Wilger E-center Wilger 0 Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Address 46325 Borken, Nordring 70-74 46325 Borken, Otto-Hahn-Str. 8 46325 Borken, Boumannstr. 6 0 Sales area 1,819 m² 2,200 m² 3,000 m² m² Distance 0.80 km 1.10 km 1.20 km 0.00 km Potential Medium to low Medium to low Medium to low 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Competiton Indicators Inhabitants in primary catchment area (Radius 5 km) 30,177 Purchasing power in Mio. € (District) Inhabitants in secondary catchment area (Radius 10 km) 35,830 Purchasing power per Capita in € (Radius 5 km) Number of households (Radius 5 km) 12,737 Unemployment Rate (District) Number of households (Radius 10 km) 14,742 Population forecast for the district (2009 - 2025) 1.9% Retail Centrality Index (District) 94.42 Retail Purchasing Power Index (District) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. 97.37 Page 4 of 12 7,091 20,074 4.2% abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Heidenerstraße 32 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 46325 Borken Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 5 Main competitors This competitor is a K+K hypermarket with a sales area of 1,990 m² and some additional small ancillary shops, e.g. Ernsting's family (textile) or Ebbing (bakery). The building is situated approximately 800 m north-west of the Kaufland asset. Although the asset is highly visible and located on the main road, Nordring, this property appeared to be less frequented during the inspection. This competitor is an E-center Wilger hypermarket with a sales area of 3,000 m² and some additional small ancillary shops. The building is situated approximately 1.2 km to the north-west of the Kaufland asset. Upon inspection, this property was highly frequented. The property is slightly set back from the main road Nordring and accessible via Burloer/ Boumannstrasse, but has a modern, attractive appearance. Competition Comment Catchment area is divided into 2 categories: primary (5 km radius) and secondary (10 km radius). Approximately 30,200 inhabitants live in the primary catchment area. This results in approx. 7,600 inhabitants per large-scale hypermarket in the primary catchment area. The total catchment area (10 km radius) amounts to approx. 35,800 inhabitants (i.e. 9,000 per large scale hypermarket). Even though there are several discounters and small-scale supermarkets located nearby (4 in primary catchment area), it can be said that these represent only indirect competition for the property. Kaufland offers a very deep and broad product range with more than 50,000 products, while supermarkets and discounters generally offer a limited product range with only 7,000 to 11,000 (supermarkets) or 400-2,500 (discounters) items. Therefore, these retailing forms address different customers or customer needs. While supermarkets and discounters cater to the daily needs of customers, Kaufland offers a larger variety of products that are bought on a non-daily basis. The main competitors for the Kaufland store in Borken are the K+K Markt as well as two E-center Wilger hypermarkets, all within the primary catchment area. However, due to the smaller size, retail concept and partly weaker micro-location, the competition potential of these markets is fairly limited. No other large scale hypermarket is situated in a 15 minute driving distance. For the other retailers in the subject retail park such as textile and shoe shops, the retail area in the city centre of Borken (only in walking distance) can be regarded as the main competitor. Turnover analysis The rents in functional retail agglomerations are linked to turnover. The percentage rate that a retail tenant can use for rental payments depends on the margins achievable in the various market sectors. This rate normally ranges between 2% and 15% depending on the respective industry. The productivity varies between approx. € 1,000/m² up to more than € 10,000/m². For the shoe and clothing segment, the rent amounts to approx. 6.0 to 12.0% of the respective turnover – a substantial amount. For Kaufland, we have been provided with turnover figures. We have analysed the figures and have found the area productivity of Kaufland to be in a healthy range. With a turnover-to-rent ratio of less than 2% it lies below the range of 2% to 4%, which is acceptable for a self-service department store. Hence, we believe that a higher market rent is achievable after the end of the lease contract. Please also refer to the rent/turnover analysis on page 8. 0 Conclusion The subject property is a modern self-service department store with a small mall and some additional medium sized tenant units. As Kaufland is a strong customer magnet, we believe that it is possible to re-let the small retail units on the ground floor without longer void periods. The tenant mix shows a reasonable structure. Furthermore, the property offers sufficient parking spaces in a city centre location. The rental area of Kaufland itself can be regarded as relatively unproblematic. First of all, the location is suitable for the tenant. It can be reached by foot from the surrounding residential area as well as by car or public transport. The density of self-service department stores in the primary catchment area is low and there are no other direct competitors within 5 to 15 minutes distance. We believe that Kaufland will be able to compete with these other hypermarkets, especially because it can operate on a very low contractual rent for a long time. The anchor tenant, Kaufland, has a lease contract until 2022 with three options each for five years, bringing the earliest possible termination date for the landlord to 2037. On the basis of our projection of likely productivity per m² and turnovers, we have calculated the market rent at a level of € 7.75/m²/month (please refer to page 8). The tenant currently pays a contractual rent of € 5.47/m²/ month. Therefore, the retail unit is currently heavily under-rented. Due to the margins realizable and under the assumption of good turnover figures, we believe that Kaufland will remain in the property until 2037. In the unlikely case that Kaufland should vacate the premises, the property could be relet to other self-service department stores, which are currently not present in the Borken real estate market, such as real or Marktkauf. Reletting the unit as a DIY store would be difficult, because of the relatively small size of the lettable area and the parking spaces not being on ground level. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 5 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 5 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Heidenerstraße 32 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 46325 Borken Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Rent Roll Tenant Name 1 Vacant Area Category Letting Status Area m² / unit Rent / month Rent / m² / month Tenant pays VAT Lease Start Lease End Renewal Probability Tenant pays * Retail Vacant 80 €0 2 ALPHA Warenhandel GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 5,495 € 30,068 5.47 Yes 01.10.2007 30.09.2022 90% 3 Kramer Schuhe GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 676 € 8,725 12.92 0.00 Yes 25.09.2003 31.12.2018 75% GT I PM 4 PM Service GmbH Retail Let 30 € 744 24.86 Yes 01.03.2004 31.08.2014 75% GT I PM 5 Nguyen - Asian Food Retail Let 63 € 1,930 30.62 Yes 01.08.2010 30.06.2014 75% GT I PM 6 Reisecenter alltours GmbH Retail Let 49 € 653 13.22 Yes 01.11.2004 21.10.2015 75% GT I PM 7 Sparkasse Westmünsterland Retail Let 28 € 771 27.99 Yes 01.10.2003 30.09.2014 75% GT I PM 8 Takko Holding GmbH Retail Let 621 € 7,803 12.57 Yes 23.09.2003 22.09.2023 75% GT I PM 9 Bott Retail Let 31 € 630 20.13 Yes 01.03.2011 28.02.2014 75% GT I PM 10 Nyguen - Nail Studio Retail Let 36 € 690 19.17 Yes 01.11.2011 30.10.2014 75% GT I PM 11 Adler Mode GmbH Retail Let 1,602 € 13,735 8.57 Yes 01.12.2011 30.11.2021 75% GT I PM 12 C&A Mode KG Retail Let 359 € 4,645 12.92 Yes 28.10.2003 15.08.2015 75% Other Units Let 1 € 88 88.33 Yes 03.08.2009 02.08.2014 100% 14 Friseur Klier GmbH Retail Let 81 € 2,738 33.63 Yes 01.02.2012 31.01.2022 75% GT I PM 15 Convenience Concept GmbH Retail Let 36 € 1,070 29.72 Yes 08.10.2003 07.10.2015 75% GT I PM 16 Dogan Retail Let 50 € 1,151 23.01 Yes 01.11.2005 31.10.2014 75% GT I PM 17 Dogan Retail Let 46 € 1,006 22.07 Yes 27.02.2004 31.07.2014 75% GT I PM 18 Ernsting´s family GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 144 € 2,860 19.84 Yes 25.09.2003 31.12.2017 75% GT I PM GT I PM 13 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG 19 Ernsting´s family GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 35 € 400 11.42 Yes 15.09.2004 31.12.2017 75% 20 FOTOFIX Schnellphotoautomaten GmbH Other Units Let 1 €0 0.00 Yes 01.06.2007 30.11.2014 100% 21 Le Thahn Ha Other Units Let 1 € 500 500.00 Yes 01.04.2011 31.03.2014 100% Retail Let 62 € 1,148 18.52 Yes 01.03.2013 28.02.2015 75% Other Units Let 1 € 1,171 1171.00 Yes 01.11.2008 31.12.2023 90% 00.01.1900 31.12.2023 90% No 01.02.2010 31.12.2023 100% 22 Almaz Mode & Mehr 23 Kiosk 24 Turnover Rent 25 External Parking Other Units Let 1 € 532 532.00 External parking Let 400 €0 0.00 9,524 m² € 83,056 Total GT I PM M GT I PM * M = Maintenance, GT = Ground Tax, I = Insurance Costs, PM = Property Management This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 6 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 5 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Heidenerstraße 32 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 46325 Borken Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Valuation Assumptions Area Category Tenant Name 1 Vacant Area sqm/unit Market Rent Market Rent /month Re-letting Re-letting Initial Tis Void VPV* Void* Rent Abatem.* Agency Fees* Lease Term** Renewal Probability Retail 80 € 80.00 € 6,437 € 100 6 12 0 3 5 100% 2 ALPHA Warenhandel GmbH & Co. KG Retail 5,495 € 7.75 € 42,585 € 50 0 12 0 3 10 10% 3 Kramer Schuhe GmbH & Co. KG Retail 676 € 13.00 € 8,782 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 4 PM Service GmbH Retail 30 € 25.00 € 748 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 5 Nguyen - Asian Food Retail 63 € 25.00 € 1,575 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 6 Reisecenter alltours GmbH Retail 49 € 13.00 € 642 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 7 Sparkasse Westmünsterland Retail 28 € 25.00 € 688 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 8 Takko Holding GmbH Retail 621 € 13.00 € 8,067 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 9 Bott Retail 31 € 25.00 € 783 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 10 Nyguen - Nail Studio Retail 36 € 25.00 € 900 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 11 Adler Mode GmbH Retail 1,602 € 9.25 € 14,820 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 12 C&A Mode KG Retail 359 € 13.00 € 4,672 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 13 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG Other Units 1 € 88.33 € 88 €0 14 Friseur Klier GmbH Retail 81 € 25.00 € 2,035 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 15 Convenience Concept GmbH Retail 36 € 25.00 € 900 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 16 Dogan Retail 50 € 25.00 € 1,250 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 17 Dogan Retail 46 € 25.00 € 1,140 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 0 0 0 0 0% Retail 144 € 13.00 € 1,874 € 100 0 12 5 25% Retail 35 € 13.00 € 455 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 20 FOTOFIX Schnellphotoautomaten GmbH Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 5 0% 21 Le Thahn Ha Other Units 1 € 500.00 € 500 €0 0 0 0 0 5 0% Retail 62 € 25.00 € 1,550 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% Other Units 1 € 1171.00 € 1,171 €0 0 12 0 0 10 10% Other Units 1 € 532.00 € 532 €0 0 12 0 0 10 10% External parking 400 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 5 100% 18 Ernsting´s family GmbH & Co. KG 19 Ernsting´s family GmbH & Co. KG 22 Almaz Mode & Mehr 23 Kiosk 24 Turnover Rent 25 External Parking Total * months 9,524 sqm ** years 0 3 5 25% € 102,195 ***structural vacancy This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 7 of 12 . abc Property address Property no. 5 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Heidenerstraße 32 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 46325 Borken Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property Analysis Area Analysis Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Total area Petrol Station Other Units Internal parking External parking Total parking Lettable Area m² 0 9,524 0 0 0 0 0 9,524 0 5 0 400 405 Area Vacant m² 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 Area Let m² 0 9,444 0 0 0 0 0 9,444 0 5 0 400 400 Vacancy Rate % 0.00% 0.84% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.84% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Income Analysis Contractual Rent €/m²/month 0.00 8.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 458.27 8.79 0.00 0.00 Contractual Rent €/month 0 80,765 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,291 83,056 0 0 Contractual Rent €/year 0 969,178 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,496 996,674 0 0 Potential Rent €/year 0 979,306 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,496 1,006,802 0 0 Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Petrol Station Other Units Total area Internal parking External parking Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Market Rent €/m²/month 0.00 10.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 458.27 10.73 0.00 0.00 Market Rent €/year 0 1,198,841 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,496 1,226,337 0 0 Market Rent €/month 0 99,903 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,291 102,195 0 0 Over-/ UnderRented 0.0% -18.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -18.0% 0.0% 0.0% Assessment of Kaufland market rent Turnover to rent ratio Space productivity 7,000 11.00 6,500 10.00 Explanation 10.41 Usual market % - levels Market rent 9.00 6,000 Contractual Rent 8.00 Rent / m² / month 5,500 5,000 4,500 7.81 7.75 Rents 7.00 6.00 5.47 5.20 5.00 € / m² % Contractual 2.1% 5.47 Market 3.0% 7.75 4% of turnover 10.41 3% of turnover 7.81 4,000 Turnover potential 3,990 3.00 2.00 1.0% in € / m² p.a. 17,156,874 € (net) Sales Area 3,000 5.20 2% of turnover 4.00 3,500 1.5% based on sales area 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% Total Area ~ 4,300 m² 5,495 m² Turnover-rent-ratio Self-service department stores usually can afford to pay a rent in the range of 2% to 4% of their net turnover (economically sustainable rent burden) and have a space productivity of about € 4,000 to € 6,000 per m² sales area. The two graphics above indicate, how the contract rent of the main tenant Kaufland as well as the assumed market rental level, can be assessed on the basis of usual market ranges. This analysis is based on the turnover potential figures prepared by Trade Dimension. D&B Rating of Main Tenant Main tenant Tenant name Rent p.a. Share of total income WALT Payment Index Capital indicator Risk indicator Score Credit limit Comment ALPHA Warenhandel GmbH & Co. KG € 360,815 36% 8.7 years 80 3AA 1 1 96 € 9,400 (single) € 42,000 (total) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. The main tenant is a corporation belonging to the ALPHA Warenhandel GmbH & Co. KG, which in turn belongs to the Lidl & Schwarz Group, one of the biggest grocer groups in Europe. According to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) rating as at 28.01.2014 ALPHA Warenhandel GmbH & Co. KG has a very low credit risk. The risk of insolvency (D&B Score) within the next 12 months compared with other German companies is assessed to be low, i.e. 96% of businesses on the German database have the same or higher risk of failure. According to section 19 of the main lease agreement entered into by the landlord and Kaufland Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG (D&B Rating = 2AA 1), an assignment of the main lease agreement by the tenant to another entity of the Kaufland group requires that the landlord's credit risk rating may not deteriorate due to such assignment of the lease. Page 8 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Heidenerstraße 32 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 46325 Borken Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. Assumptions 5 Market Value Lease Contract Commentary The property is almost fully let to sixteen retail tenants. The WALT of the property amounts to 6.7 years. The main tenant is Kaufland with a share of approx. 36% of the rental income. The property is currently 12% under-rented, due to a very low rental level of the main tenant Kaufland. As the lease contract is valid until 2022 and the tenant has options until 2037, we do not believe that the rental level can be adjusted before 2037. The rent of Kaufland is indexed and will be adapted by 50% of the CPI change, whenever the change exceeds 10 percent in relation to the CPI basis. Indexation started on 01.04.2009. The majority of the tenants pay all costs (including ground tax, insurance costs and management costs) except for maintenance costs for structural repairs. Ground tax, maintenance costs for structural repairs, management and insurance costs will not be borne by Kaufland, C&A and some smaller other units. The rest can be apportioned to the tenants in accordance with the German Regulation on Operating Costs. The following tenants have extended their lease contracts: Nguyen - Asian Food until 6/14, Sparkasse Westmünsterland until 9/14, Bott until 2/15, Dogan until 7/14 and 10/14 and FOTOFIX Schnellphotoautomaten GmbH until 11/14. General Property Assumptions Discount Rate Comment Discount rate 7.15% Capitalisation rate 6.50% Capital expenditures* The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. We derive the discount rate from market transactions. The discount rate reflects the rate of return expected by investors and is determined based on the risk associated with a property. As reinsurance, the initial yields profile is aligned with the market/other transactions. We have taken into account such facts as the stable Cash Flow, the long lease contract with the tenant Kaufland, the good location, full occupancy and the good condition of the subject property. €0 Vacancy costs € 10.00 /m²/p.a. * on the basis of cost estimates provided by Brack Capital Real Estate, dated April 2013 Breakdown of Non-Recoverable Costs Contract** (month 1 x 12) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses ** JLL analysis Market (assuming full occupancy) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.57 /m² € 1.73 /m² € 0.43 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 9.24 /m² € 52,384 € 14,950 € 16,519 € 4,138 €0 € 87,991 per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.93 /m² € 1.73 /m² € 0.43 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 9.60 /m² € 52,384 € 18,395 € 16,519 € 4,138 €0 € 91,436 Inflation % of Gross Contract Rent 5.26% 1.50% 1.66% 0.42% 0.00% 8.83% Year Inflation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% Market Rental Growth Year Rental Growth % of Gross Market Rent 4.27% 1.50% 1.35% 0.34% 0.00% 7.46% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% Market Contract Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total Non-recoverable Costs Maintanance Costs € 52,383 € 53,221 € 54,168 € 55,121 € 56,014 € 56,899 € 57,810 € 58,746 € 59,675 € 60,558 € 61,442 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Management Costs € 15,414 € 16,308 € 16,771 € 16,890 € 16,688 € 16,037 € 16,799 € 16,877 € 16,953 € 17,694 € 17,568 Insurance Costs € 4,138 € 4,205 € 4,280 € 4,355 € 4,425 € 4,495 € 4,567 € 4,641 € 4,715 € 4,784 € 4,854 Ground Tax € 16,519 € 16,783 € 17,082 € 17,383 € 17,664 € 17,943 € 18,230 € 18,526 € 18,819 € 19,097 € 19,376 Other Nonrecoverable Costs 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ Total per year € 89,415 € 91,884 € 92,374 € 93,749 € 95,270 € 97,707 € 98,404 € 101,426 € 108,420 € 104,445 € 105,456 Vacancy Costs € 961 € 1,367 € 73 €0 € 479 € 2,333 € 998 € 2,636 € 8,258 € 2,312 € 2,216 % of Total Gross Revenue 8.7% 8.5% 8.3% 8.3% 8.6% 9.1% 8.8% 9.0% 9.6% 8.9% 9.0% Non-Recoverable Costs as a percentage of Total Gross Revenue 12.0% 9.6% 10.0% 8.7% 9.1% 8.5% 8.3% 8.3% 8.6% 8.8% 9.0% 8.9% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 9 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 5 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Heidenerstraße 32 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 46325 Borken Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Cash Flow Market Value Rental Revenue € 1,083,316 € 1,114,111 € 1,119,690 € 1,126,018 € 1,119,995 € 1,127,527 € 1,145,252 € 1,164,515 € 1,213,057 € 1,216,058 € 1,225,220 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Turnover Vacancy -€ 55,697 -€ 26,927 -€ 1,590 €0 -€ 7,483 -€ 58,364 -€ 25,348 -€ 39,396 -€ 82,837 -€ 36,438 -€ 53,992 Rent Abatements €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 Total Gross Revenue € 1,027,619 € 1,087,184 € 1,118,100 € 1,126,018 € 1,112,512 € 1,069,163 € 1,119,904 € 1,125,119 € 1,130,220 € 1,179,620 € 1,171,228 Nonrecoverable Costs -€ 89,415 -€ 91,884 -€ 92,374 -€ 93,749 -€ 95,270 -€ 97,707 -€ 98,404 -€ 101,426 -€ 108,420 -€ 104,445 -€ 105,456 Net Operating Income € 938,204 € 995,300 € 1,025,726 € 1,032,269 € 1,017,242 € 971,456 € 1,021,500 € 1,023,693 € 1,021,800 € 1,075,175 € 1,065,772 TIs and Leasing Capital Commissions Cash Flow Expenditures -€ 9,497 -€ 22,095 € 906,612 -€ 14,382 -€ 7,574 € 973,344 -€ 2,202 -€ 1,193 € 1,022,331 € 1,032,269 €0 €0 -€ 4,791 € 1,010,576 -€ 1,875 -€ 12,490 -€ 20,530 € 938,436 -€ 7,183 € 1,004,788 -€ 9,529 € 1,001,986 -€ 14,747 -€ 6,960 -€ 23,122 -€ 76,928 € 921,750 -€ 5,179 -€ 2,034 € 1,067,962 € 17,120,244 -€ 14,881 -€ 38,006 Total Cashflow (incl. Terminal Value @ 6.50 %) Gross Value of Surplus Land Gross Capital Value incl. Surplus Land Present Value @ 7.15% € 878,259 € 880,550 € 862,752 € 813,038 € 742,695 € 643,387 € 643,126 € 598,442 € 513,792 € 556,211 € 8,581,994 € 15,714,246 €0 € 15,714,246 Total Gross Revenue versus Net Operating Income 8.0% € 1400000.0 6.8% € 1200000.0 6.0% 6.3% 6.5% 6.6% 6.5% 6.5% 6.5% 7.0% 6.5% 6.2% 6.0% 5.0% € 800000.0 4.0% € 600000.0 Running yield Rental income € 1000000.0 3.0% € 400000.0 2.0% € 200000.0 € .0 Year 1 1.0% Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Valuation Results Year 6 Year 7 Year 9 0.0% Year 10 Market Value Rent Overview Gross Capital Value (rounded) Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m²/month € 996,674 € 8.72 Market rental value total p.a. per m²/month € 1,226,337 € 10.73 -13.26% Over-/Underrent Year 8 Total € 15,700,000 per m² € 1,648 Purchaser's costs 6.50% Yield Overview Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield 5.79% 7.23% Gross Initial Yield Gross Reversionary Yield 6.73% 8.29% Market Value (rounded) Total € 14,800,000 per m² € 1,554 Valuation Comment In terms of risk, we considered the covenant strength as well as the lease duration for the existing contracts. As at 28.01.2014, the main tenant, ALPHA Warenhandel GmbH & Co. KG, has good covenant strength, which ensures a secure cash flow for the remainder of the lease term until at least 2022. Furthermore, according to section 19 of the main lease agreement entered into by the landlord and Kaufland Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG (D&B Rating = 2AA 1), an assignment of the main lease agreement by the tenant to another entity of the Kaufland group requires that the landlord's credit risk rating will not deteriorate due to such an assignment of the lease. Section 1 of the first amendment to the main lease agreement provides for the assignment of the main lease agreement to ALPHA Warenhandel GmbH & Co. KG, which has a worse D&B Rating (DD 2). Pursuant to section 2 of the first amendment to the main lease agreement, the former tenant remains jointly and severally liable for the landlord's payment claims. Hence, the former tenant is a guarantor for the lease payments of the current tenant. In terms of a resale, we considered such facts as visibility, condition and building age, competition situation and location. For the purpose of the valuation on 31.12.2013, we have not been provided with a new non-recoverable costs schedule by the asset manager.Therefore we have remained all non-recoverable service charges unchanged and have been applied according to information received during the previous valuation cycle. For management costs, we have applied 1.5% of the effective gross rent. Regarding comparable rents, we have had recourse to evidence of similar areas situated in the comparable regions and locations. Furthermore, we have analysed comparable transactions. Please refer to the section "Investment Comparables". The turnover and space productivity analysis shows that the main tenant Kaufland has a very low rental level. We have assumed that it is relatively unlikely to adjust the contract rent to the higher market rent after 2022 (as 3x5-year extension options are in place), which on the other hand further improves the cash-flow security and stability. We have not been provided with updated information regarding necessary capital expenditures. The following changes have taken place compared with 31. March 2013: The gross rental income decreased approx. € 90,000 due to the new vacancy of the former Büsch area and due to the decreased income of Almaz Mode & Mehr. The remaining lease term remained unchanged (6.7 yrs) due to six prolongations of lease contracts. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 10 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 5 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Heidenerstraße 32 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 46325 Borken Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Photos View towards main Kaufland entrance View from Heidener Strasse towards rear side of the complex Delivery zone to the north side of the building Escalator from the park deck on top of the building to the ground floor level External porch - facade to the south Internal shopping mall This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 11 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 5 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Heidenerstraße 32 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 46325 Borken Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Leasing and Investment Market Development of prime yields Retail transaction volume in Germany Leasing Market Investment Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail space in retail warehouses or retail parks throughout Germany. For the determination of the rents, the quality of location in terms of accessibility and competition is crucial. The rents within the different branches vary. This is due to the diverging location assessment and turnover expectancy of the different tenants. If in the case of a retail park the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which guarantee a high visitor frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher and as a consequence, their overall rental level will be higher as well. Besides the rent level, another determining factor for investors is the building costs. Properties with the highest rents usually also have the highest building costs and land acquisition cost. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the retail format of the store, rents for supermarkets/ hypermarkets are generally slightly higher than the rents for discounters. Such rents in cities with more the 30,000 inhabitants in western German locations generally range between € 7.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Rents for discounters in western Germany generally range between € 6.00 and € 12.00/m²/month, while discounters eastern Germany generally achieve slightly lower rental rates. Drugstores, textile, shoe and electronics branches generally achieve rental rates ranging from € 7.50 to € 12.00/m²/month. DIY stores need extensive space due to their broad product range. In urban centres, these stores sometimes even offer their products on two levels. DIY also fall at the lower end of the scale in terms of rents, with prices ranging between € 6.00 and € 10.00/m²/month. On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. As DIY stores have a supra-regional catchment area, there are not as independent as other branches in the area and can relocate to more affordable attractive and easily accessible industrial zones. In such areas, lower investments for realisation and lower building costs induce lower rents. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. The office prime yields were still on a slight downward trend in individual cities. Each of the Big 7 cities now has a net initial yield of below 5%. Aggregated across all cities, the prime yield in the office segment fell to an average value of around 4.67%. Shopping centre yields are at a similar rate of 4.70%. For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Leasing Comparables Tenant Kaufland Kaufland Kaufland Kaufland real,Marktkauf Wehmeyer Strauss Innovation City Freital Geldern Lübbenau Bochum Rhede Lübbenau Herne Recklinghausen Property Type Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Fashion Store Fashion Store Area 8,000 m² 8,749 m² 7,887 m² 6,388 m² 8,170 m² 5,479 m² 1,622 m² 1,085 m² Total Rent p.m. € 62,000 € 67,805 € 71,298 € 56,214 € 57,925 € 42,353 € 13,382 € 10,329 Rent p. sqm € 7.75 /m² € 7.75 /m² € 9.04 /m² € 8.80 /m² € 7.09 /m² € 7.73 /m² € 8.25 /m² € 9.52 /m² Comment Other federal state; slightly lower purchasing power Comparable location < 50 km distance Comparable location < 50 km distance Comparable location < 50 km distance Comparable purchasing power - distance 9.0 km Comparable purchasing power - distance 24.0 km Comparable location < 50 km distance Comparable location < 50 km distance Investment Comparables Property Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Year of Construction n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Area 8,520 m² 13,000 m² 22,926 m² 13,000 m² 2,269 m² 13,000 m² 10,031 m² 0 m² Gross Multiplier 14.1-fold 13.8-fold 8.0-fold 15.3-fold 14.7-fold 13.8-fold 10.1-fold 0.0-fold Date of Transaction Q3 2013 Q2 2012 2012 2012 2012 Q2 2012 2012 0 Comment Medium to long WALT, located in North Rhine-Westphalia Medium to long WALT, located in Lower Saxony Anchor tenant Kaufland & Toom, WALT below 5 years, portfolio transaction Anchor tenant Marktkauf, WALT 17.5 years, very strong location in southern Germany WALT 15.7 years, good location, main tenant Kaufland, partly leasehold Anchor tenant Famila, WALT 9.2 years, strong location in northern Germany Anchor tenant real, WALT 15 years, portfolio transaction 0 Page 12 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 91054 Erlangen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 6 Property Summary Key Figures Property type Main tenant Retail Park Kaufland Vertrieb SIGMA GmbH & Co. KG Total lettable area Total parking units 13,398 m² 498 units Current vacancy rate Weighted average lease term 7.2% 5.8 years 1975 2004 Year of construction Year of refurbishment Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,164,606 € 7.24 Total non-recoverable expenses (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 372,900 € 2.32 Net operating income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 791,707 € 4.92 total p.a. € 1,625,168 -23.2% Market rental value Over-/Underrent based on occupied areas SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Sufficient parking spaces Very good accessibility from Fuchsengarten to the parking area Good branch and tenant mix Established location, pedestrian zone of Erlangen in immediate vicinity 0 Multi-storey self-service department store Leasehold on car park Confusing route marking through the parking area to the sales area Low visibility from "Altstadtmarkt-Passage" and Hauptstraße Vacancy rate of approx. 7% Opportunities Threats Property is currently let below market rental level (under-rented) Prolongation of the main lease contract, Kaufland exercises its options until 2037 Re-letting of the vacant units 0 0 Strong dependancy from the main tenant Kaufland Other tenants along pedestrain passage could also terminate their contracts Long-term vacancies possible Potential increase of maintenance costs due to building age (1975) 0 Property Rating (1 = very negative, 5 = very positive) Building Location Building age Lettable Area Property condition General impression 4 4 3 2 6 to 10 years Between 12,500 and 15,000 m² Average building condition Below average general impression Macrolocation Microlocation Commercial activity Competition Liquidity 4 4 4 3 Good location and catchment area Good micro location Average commercial activity nearby Average competition level Investment Quality WALT Over- / underrent Quality of tenants 3 WALT three to seven years 5 Significantly underrented (more than -15%) 4 Tenants with very good credit rating Investment market Investment volume Saleability 4 Well developed property market 4 Good lot size 4 Good saleability within 6 months Property Description The property has 4 buildings: a car park, a self-service department store, some units along an uncovered pedestrian passage and a commercial building. The 4-storey car park, accessible via Fuchsengraben, was completed in 1993. The upper parking area is roofless, and accessible via a staircase and 2 elevators. It is built as an open steel construction with reinforced concrete floor slabs. The outer boundaries have steel railings. The three-storey self-service department store was completed in 1975 and refurbished in 2004. The drinks cash-and-carry is on the ground floor. The store access is adjacent to the parking area or internally via escalators. Kaufland’s sales area, the cash area as well as several smaller shops are on the first floor. The main entrance to Kaufland is from the pedestrian passage “Altstadtmarktpassage”. The second floor is connected by escalators. The delivery zone is located south of the subject site. The delivery area for the drinks cash-and-carry and other goods are separate. However, access to both zones is via Fuchsengraben. The self-service department store is a frame construction. The façade mostly has plastered prefabricated concrete panels, with some sandwich panels. The single-storey related units are built on the first floor level of the tenant “Kaufland”. The units were built at the same time as the self-service department store. Both buildings have a flat roof. The pedestrian passage entrance is from “Kaufland” as well as from Hauptstraße. The 3-storey commercial building is located on Hauptstraße and was completed in 1975. The pedestrian passage is on the ground floor level. The façade of the commercial building is listed. The building is made of brickwork and has a gable roof. Valuation Results Market Value € 12,700,000 equals to Market Rental Value € 948 per m² € 1,625,168 p.a. Discount Rate 7.00% Net Initial Yield 5.95% Capitalisation Rate 6.50% Net Reversionary Yield 9.36% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. excluding capital expenditures Page 1 of 12 € 10.11 / m² / p.m. equals to 5.95% Multiplier (initial) 9.36% Multiplier (based on MRV) 10.90 7.81 abc Property address Property no. 6 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 91054 Erlangen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Location Germany Macroeconomic Indicators (Source: GfK, BBE, BBSR/Inkar 2012/2013) Bavaria Erlangen (Urban District) Erlangen 91054 Federal State District City Postcode Population Population Population Number of Households Population Density Population Density Population Forecast (2009 - 2025) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Federal State District City City District City District Federal State District Federal State District absolute absolute absolute absolute per km² per km² in % in % in % in % in % Structual Data Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Index Retail Purchasing Power Index Retail Centrality Index Erlangen 12,595,891 106,326 106,326 53,081 1,382 1382 0.5% 0.5% 2.9% 3.7% 2.3% (Source: GfK and BBE 2012/2013) District City Federal State District District in m € in m € index index index 2,744 2,744 109.20 125.15 123.52 Macro Location Erlangen is located in the Middle Franconia region in the federal state of Bavaria, approx. 25 km north of Nuremberg. With the cities of Nuremberg and Fuerth, approx. 18 km south of Erlangen, it forms the metropolitan region Nuremberg. The city has approx. 105,000 inhabitants. The economic structure is predominantly affected by Siemens AG. The city of Erlangen is the second largest Siemens AG location worldwide. Different divisions of Siemens AG are operated from Erlangen. Furthermore, some faculties of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg are located in Erlangen. The university is the second largest in the state of Bavaria. Erlangen is well connected to the German railway network. The city is directly connected to the A73 federal motorway and to the A3 federal motorway. The A9 federal motorway is located about 20 km away and can be reached in less than 20 minutes. It runs from Berlin to Munich. The city’s traffic network is further supplemented by the B4 federal road. Erlangen Central Station is a stopping point for ICE trains. The nearest airport is Nuremberg Airport approx. 15 km from Erlangen. It can be reached in less than 12 minutes. Micro Location Micro Location The self-service department store is located along Westliche Stadtmauerstraße, whereas the building parts at the Altstadtmarktpassage extend to the east along Hauptstraße. The high street of Erlangen is located south of the property just 200 m away. The subject property is accessible via Fuchsengraben by car and from Hauptstraße by foot. A bus stop is located directly in front of the three-storey commercial building along Hauptstraße. Due to the city centre location of the property, the surrounding is characterised by a relatively high density of retail and residential use. The central station is located approximately 250 m south of the property. The B4 federal road can be accessed in about 3.2 km. The A74 federal motorway is located around 850 m away. Local Tax Information Real Estate Tax Rate (Typ B) Land Transfer Tax This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 2 of 12 City City in % in % abc 460 3.5 Property address Property no. 6 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 91054 Erlangen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Site Plan Source: Cadastral plan on a 1 to 2000 scale, dated 28.12.2010 Site Information Site area thereof surplus land 17,609 m² 0 m² Ground lease Ground lease expiry Surplus land value (net) n.a. Yes 30.06.2017, but 30 years options €0 Site servicing Fully serviced Irregular Site layout Soil contamination No Suspicion Building encumbrances No Comment The site is built on different levels. The parking area and the drinks cash-and-carry are constructed at the same level as Fuchsengraben, whereas the main entrance of the self-service-department store and the pedestrian passage is constructed at the same level of Hauptstraße. The part of the site with the car park is bordered by the railway line to the west. To the east, Fuchsengraben runs in an S-curve along Westliche Stadtmauerstraße, where it is tangent to the street along the railway line. The S-curve is the western border of the part of the site with the pedestrian passage. This part of the site is bordered by Hauptstraße to the east. For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the subject property is free of any soil or building contamination. Town Planning Use class MK (core zone) Site coverage ratio (GRZ) n.a. Plot ratio (GFZ) n.a. Cubic index (BMZ) n.a. Comment According to information from the local authority in Erlangen, a legally binding development plan exists, entitled no. 253 “Fuchsenwiese” and dated 31.03.1994. The non-food sales area is maximized to 5,000m². The maximum number of full storeys is limited to two, with some areas permitted only to have one storey. Tenure Owner Land Register Local Court of Erlangen, TPL Erlangen S.à.r.l., land register of Erlangen Luxembourg Sheet 13012 16991 27710 (leasehold) 28698 Plot 0 Parcel Sheet 13012 972, 972/1, 1587/1, 1587/2 Sheet 16991 14 (75/100 coownership) Sheet 27710 1583/7 Section 2 (Restrictions) [Sheet 13012 / 16691 / 27710] 1.) Limited personal easement (right to operate a self-service department store) in favour of Kaufland Dienstleistungs GmbH & Co. KG. 2.) Two building restrictions (parcel 1587) concerning the respective owner and Stadt Erlangen. 3.) A funnel acceptance right (parcel 1587) in favour of the respective owner. 4.) A cabel ritght in favour of Erlanger Stadtwerke AG [Sheet 27710] 1.) Leasehold of DM 350,000 per year in favour of the landlord of parcel 1583/7, registered until 30.06.2037, currently in Sheet 28698. 2.) A rigth of way as well as a supply and removal right in favour of the respective owner. 3.) A pre-emption right in favour of the respective owner. 4.) A cabel rigth in favour of Erlanger Stadtwerke AG, Stadt Erlangen and Energievers. Section 3 (Loans) Sheet 13012 / 16991 Land charges in the total amount of € 105,000,000 in favour of Corealcredit Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main; entered on 13 May 2011 Source: Land register extract, dated 15 January 2014 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 3 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 6 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 91054 Erlangen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Competitor Map Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Research Competitor Overview Name E-center Rewe Kaufland E-center Bächmann Rewe Rewe Edeka Neugebauer Edeka Neumeister Rewe Rewe Kaufland Rewe Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Self-service dep. store Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Address 91052 Erlangen, Michael-Vogel-Str. 1a 91052 Erlangen, Karl-Zucker-Str. 10 91052 Erlangen, Carl-Thiersch-Str. 4 91056 Erlangen, Neumühle 4 91056 Erlangen, Rudeltplatz 2 91058 Erlangen, Cumianastr. 4 91088 Bubenreuth, Frankenstr. 75 91058 Erlangen, Weidenweg 1-3 91096 Möhrendorf, Kleinseebacher Str. 8 91083 Baiersdorf, Forchheimer Str. 49 91074 Herzogenaurach, Ohmstr. 12 91077 Neunkirchen, Zum Neuntagwerk 9 Sales area 2,427 m² 1,773 m² 5,353 m² 2,600 m² 1,900 m² 2,374 m² 1,600 m² 1,650 m² 1,700 m² 1,650 m² 1,716 m² 2,300 m² Distance 1.10 km 1.80 km 1.80 km 2.20 km 2.60 km 2.60 km 3.30 km 4.20 km 4.60 km 7.60 km 8.60 km 8.90 km Potential High Low Medium Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Competiton Indicators Inhabitants in primary catchment area (Radius 5 km) 105,175 Purchasing power in Mio. € (District) Inhabitants in secondary catchment area (Radius 10 km) 95,663 Purchasing power per Capita in € (Radius 5 km) Number of households (Radius 5 km) 52,290 Unemployment Rate (District) Number of households (Radius 10 km) 43,939 Population forecast for the district (2009 - 2025) Retail Purchasing Power Index (District) 125.15 Retail Centrality Index (District) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 4 of 12 2,744 25,742 2.3% 0.5% 123.52 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 91054 Erlangen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 6 Main competitors A self-service department store, Kaufland, is located in a distance of approximately 1.9 km southeast of the subject property. It comprises 5,350m² of sales area. Parking facilities are available directly in front of the competitor as well as in an adjacent car park. The surrounding area is characterised by modern office use, medical services and residential use. The competitor is built on former military areas. A supermarket “E-Center” is located in close proximity to the railway tracks. It comprises 2,500 m² of sales area. The supermarket is located approx. 1.3 km south of the subject property. Parking facilities are available in front of the competitor as well as in the underground car park. Some smaller rather regional retailers are located near the Edeka. Competition Comment The catchment area can be differentiated into primary (Radius 5 km) and secondary (Radius 10 km) catchment areas. More than 100,000 inhabitants live in the primary catchment area. The competitor Kaufland is located in the primary catchment area approx. 1.9 km away or less than 10 min driving distance. Thus, the vicinity to the city centre is attractive for the customers. The competing property is a one-storey structure. As both properties offer a full product range, the branch related assortment is generally problematic. In the current valuation, we assumed that the significantly larger sales area of the subject property is combined with a larger depth of product range. Furthermore, the subject location is in close proximity to Erlangen’s pedestrian zone. As one-storey self-service department stores generally enjoy a higher degree of acceptance than multi-storey departments, we assumed that there is no immediate competition for the purchasing power of the customer. There is no direct competition between a city centre self-service department store and a location close to the city centre. Hence, we are of the opinion that both department stores can co-exist in the long term. The second competitor E-Center is located in the primary catchment area. However, with a sales area of approx. 2,500 m², the store offers a lower depth and breadth of product range. The assortment is not branch related. The second competitor is therefore also not a direct competitor of the subject property. An important advantage of the subject property over other competitors is that the close proximity of Erlangen’s pedestrian zone holds additional benefits. Thus, the parking area of the subject property is also used for shopping in the high street of Erlangen. Afterwards, the weekly shopping for every day commodities can be done. The multi-storey sales area of the subject property is no disadvantage. Generally, development within the city centre has a higher density and is characterised by higher land use type. However, further smaller shopping facilities for everyday commodities are located within the city centre. Considering all mentioned factors, the competition level can be described as medium. Turnover analysis The rents in functional a retail agglomeration are linked to turnover. The percentage rate that a retail tenant can use for rental payments (turnover-to-rent ratio) depends on the margins achievable in the various market sectors. This rate normally ranges between 2% and 15% depending on the respective branch. The productivity varies between approx. € 1,000/m² and up to more than € 10,000/m². For Kaufland, we have also been provided with turnover figures. We have analysed the figures and have found the area productivity of Kaufland to be in a healthy range. With a turnover-to-rent ratio of less than 2% it lies below the range of 2% to 4%, which is acceptable for a self-service department store. Considering the location factors and the competition level within Erlangen, we assumed that a higher turnover-to-rent ratio regarding a similar branch and turnover is realistic. Hence, a higher market rent is achievable after the end of the lease contract. Please also refer to the rent/turnover analysis on page 8. 0 Conclusion The subject property is a self-service department store situated in a very good location within Erlangen. The depth and breadth of the product range is very good. However, the property is not easily accessible by foot due to the confusing route marked from the parking area to the tenant Kaufland. The property is also less visible from the street Fuchsengraben and Hauptstraße. Furthermore, we are of the opinion that the tenant and branch mix within the one-storey units along the pedestrian passage are critical. Currently, there are five vacant units. We assumed that access from the parking area is used more frequently by customers as opposed to the access road from Hauptstraße. As the pedestrian passage can be defined as a secondary location, the frequency of passersby is rather low. Furthermore, the tenant and branch mix is not comparable with that of the pedestrian zone. The profit of the tenants within the passage is very dependent on Kaufland. The rental area of Kaufland can be regarded as relatively unproblematic. In the unlikely case that Kaufland vacates the premises, the property could be re-let to other self-service department stores as real, Marktkauf or E-Center. However, the third-party usability of the area is limited. The lettable area is not suitable for large-scale retail purposes such as a DIY store or furniture store. Both branches are not as strong as a self-service department store. The numbers of passersby also cannot be increased in the long term. According to the turnover analysis, the turnover rent is at the lower end of the range and a higher turnoverto-rent-ratio is achievable. Therefore, the retail unit is currently heavily under-rented. We assumed that the tenant Kaufland will exercise its three options, each for five years, by 2037. During this time, there will be steady demand for ancillary lettable spaces within the property. The main competitors of the subject property is E-Center, which is located approx. 1.1 km away. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 5 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 6 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 91054 Erlangen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Rent Roll Tenant Name 1 Kraus Area Category Retail Letting Status Area m² / unit Rent / month Rent / m² / month Tenant pays VAT Lease Start Lease End Renewal Probability Tenant pays * GT I PM Let 73 € 950 13.01 Yes 30.06.2007 30.05.2017 75% 2 Kaufland Vertrieb SIGMA GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 10,737 € 56,598 5.27 No 01.10.2007 30.09.2022 100% 3 Vacant (Tran Thi) Retail Vacant 160 €0 0.00 Yes 01.10.2010 30.09.2014 75% GT I PM 4 Vacant (Frisör Klier GmbH) Retail Vacant 116 €0 0.00 5 Amorim-Kneisl Retail Let 88 € 926 10.52 6 Vacant Retail Vacant 85 €0 0.00 7 Deutscher Hausfrauen-Bund e.V. Office Let 280 € 1,718 6.13 Yes 06.12.2006 05.12.2016 75% GT I PM 8 Hauswirtschaftliches Serviceteam GmbH Retail Let 80 € 494 6.18 Yes 01.01.2008 30.11.2017 75% GT I PM 9 Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Erlangen Retail Let 34 € 490 14.30 No 06.02.2007 31.07.2014 75% 10 Stadt Erlangen Retail Let 161 € 845 5.25 Yes 15.09.2011 30.09.2014 75% GT I PM 11 Schmidl Retail Let 37 € 521 13.92 Yes 01.04.2007 31.03.2014 75% GT I PM 12 Topuz Retail Let 41 € 1,042 25.68 Yes 01.09.2004 31.08.2014 75% GT I PM GT I PM GT I 13 Endres Retail Let 47 € 2,277 48.45 Yes 02.07.2007 01.07.2017 75% 14 Orientteppich-Galerie Retail Let 137 € 1,047 7.65 Yes 01.12.2010 30.11.2014 75% GT I PM 15 Apotheke Bernd Nürmberger Retail Let 87 € 2,741 31.50 Yes 01.01.2001 31.12.2015 75% GT I PM Retail Let 112 € 1,368 12.22 Yes 01.10.2010 30.09.2014 75% GT I PM 17 Linus Schade + Julian Wening 16 Rüffer Residential Let 102 € 746 7.33 Yes 01.08.2007 31.12.2014 75% GT I PM 18 Müller Residential Let 139 € 734 5.28 Yes 01.10.2009 31.12.2014 75% GT I PM No 03.08.2009 02.08.2014 100% 75% 19 Vacant (Tran Thi) Storage Vacant 60 €0 0.00 Other Units Let 12 € 530 44.17 21 Hauswirtschaftliches Serviceteam GmbH Internal Parking Let 1 € 79 79.41 Yes 01.07.2008 31.12.2014 22 Schmidl Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.07.2008 31.12.2014 75% 23 Bätz Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.10.2010 31.12.2014 75% 20 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG 24 Metzgerei Ludwig Walk GmbH Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.08.2008 31.12.2014 75% 25 Metzgerei Ludwig Walk GmbH Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.08.2008 31.12.2014 75% 26 Metzgerei Ludwig Walk GmbH Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.08.2008 31.12.2014 75% 27 Vacant Internal Parking Vacant 1 €0 0.00 28 Vacant Internal Parking Vacant 1 €0 0.00 29 Oberbank Erlangen Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.06.2009 31.12.2014 30 Oberbank Erlangen Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.06.2009 31.12.2014 75% 31 Oberbank Erlangen Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.06.2009 31.12.2014 75% 32 Fuchs Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 18.06.2009 31.12.2014 75% 33 Gottschling Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 11.11.2010 31.12.2014 75% 34 Meyer Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.04.2010 31.12.2014 75% 35 Denslinger Richardson Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 15.08.2009 31.12.2014 75% 36 Haas-Eberhard Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.08.2010 31.12.2014 75% 37 Haas-Eberhard Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.08.2010 31.12.2014 75% 38 Haas-Eberhard Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.08.2010 31.12.2014 75% 39 Rüffer Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.10.2010 31.12.2014 75% Other Units Let 1 €0 0.00 Yes 01.01.2007 31.12.2014 75% GT I Internal Parking Let 470 € 20,000 42.55 Yes 01.11.2008 unlimited 75% GT I 42 Vacant Retail Vacant 366 €0 0.00 43 Stadt Erlangen Office Let 144 € 490 3.41 Yes 01.06.2011 31.05.2016 75% GT I 44 Stadt Erlangen Office Let 92 € 463 5.03 Yes 01.06.2011 31.05.2016 75% GT I 45 Orientteppich-Galerie Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.02.2011 31.12.2014 75% 0% 46 Orientteppich-Galerie Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.02.2011 31.12.2014 75% 0% 47 Mönius Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 15.02.2011 31.12.2014 75% 0% 48 Knauer Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 15.04.2011 30.06.2014 75% 0% 49 Thiem-Hofmann Internal Parking Let 1 €0 0.00 Yes 10.03.2011 31.12.2014 75% 0% 50 Stadt Erlangen Internal Parking Let 1 € 35 35.00 Yes 01.06.2011 31.05.2016 75% 0% 51 Stadt Erlangen Internal Parking Let 1 € 35 35.00 Yes 01.06.2011 31.05.2016 75% 0% 52 Stadt Erlangen Internal Parking Let 1 € 35 35.00 Yes 01.06.2011 31.05.2016 75% 0% 53 Stadt Erlangen Internal Parking Let 1 € 35 35.00 Yes 01.06.2011 31.05.2016 75% 0% 54 Vacant (Kolasinac GbR, Thiem-Hofmann) Retail Vacant 90 €0 0.00 55 Vacant Retail Vacant 81 €0 0.00 Yes 01.10.2012 30.09.2017 75% GT I PM 00.01.1900 30.09.2022 90% 0% 00.01.1900 30.09.2022 90% 0% 40 Gemeinnützige Wohnungsbaugesellschaft 41 Parking Garage 56 Deminer Imbiss Retail Let 50 € 530 10.60 57 Mall Income Other Units Let 1 €0 0.00 58 Kiosk Other Units Let 1 € 1,733 1733.00 13,398 m² € 97,051 Total Yes 75% * M = Maintenance, GT = Ground Tax, I = Insurance Costs, PM = Property Management This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 6 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 6 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 91054 Erlangen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Valuation Assumptions Area Category Tenant Name 1 Kraus Area sqm/unit Market Rent Market Rent /month Re-letting Re-letting Initial Tis Void VPV* Void* € 100 Rent Abatem.* Agency Fees* Lease Term** Renewal Probability Retail 73 € 11.50 € 840 0 15 0 3 5 2 Kaufland Vertrieb SIGMA GmbH & Co. KG Retail 10,737 € 8.20 € 88,040 € 50 0 12 0 3 10 0% 3 Vacant (Tran Thi) Retail 160 € 10.00 € 1,600 € 100 15 15 0 3 5 100% 4 Vacant (Frisör Klier GmbH) Retail 116 € 11.50 € 1,334 € 100 15 15 0 3 5 100% 5 Amorim-Kneisl Retail 88 € 11.50 € 1,012 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 6 Vacant Retail 85 € 10.00 € 850 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 100% 7 Deutscher Hausfrauen-Bund e.V. Office 0 25% 280 € 6.00 € 1,680 15 0 3 5 8 Hauswirtschaftliches Serviceteam GmbH Retail 80 € 10.00 € 800 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 9 Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Erlangen Retail 34 € 12.00 € 411 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 10 Stadt Erlangen Retail 161 € 10.00 € 1,610 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 11 Schmidl Retail 37 € 12.00 € 450 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 12 Topuz Retail 41 € 12.00 € 487 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 13 Endres 5 25% € 100 Retail 47 € 15.00 € 705 € 100 14 Orientteppich-Galerie Retail 137 € 9.00 € 1,233 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 15 Apotheke Bernd Nürmberger Retail 87 € 11.50 € 1,001 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 16 Rüffer 17 Linus Schade + Julian Wening 18 Müller 19 Vacant (Tran Thi) 20 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG 21 Hauswirtschaftliches Serviceteam GmbH 0 15 0 3 25% Retail 112 € 11.50 € 1,287 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% Residential 102 € 6.50 € 661 € 380 0 6 0 3 5 25% Residential 139 € 904 € 380 0 6 0 3 5 25% Storage 60 € 0.00 €0 € 100 15 15 0 3 5 100% Other Units 12 € 44.17 € 6.50 € 530 €0 0 0 0 0 5 0% Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 22 Schmidl Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 23 Bätz Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 24 Metzgerei Ludwig Walk GmbH Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 25 Metzgerei Ludwig Walk GmbH Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 26 Metzgerei Ludwig Walk GmbH Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 27 Vacant Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 6 6 0 0 5 100% 28 Vacant Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 6 6 0 0 5 100% 29 Oberbank Erlangen Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 30 Oberbank Erlangen Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 31 Oberbank Erlangen Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 32 Fuchs Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 33 Gottschling Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 34 Meyer Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 35 Denslinger Richardson Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 36 Haas-Eberhard Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 37 Haas-Eberhard Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 38 Haas-Eberhard Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 39 Rüffer Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 6 0 0 5 25% 25% 40 Gemeinnützige Wohnungsbaugesellschaft 41 Parking Garage Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 5 Internal Parking 470 € 42.55 € 20,000 €0 0 0 0 0 5 25% 42 Vacant Retail 366 € 9.00 € 3,294 € 100 15 15 0 3 5 100% 43 Stadt Erlangen Office 144 € 6.00 € 862 € 100 0 15 3 3 5 25% 44 Stadt Erlangen Office 92 € 6.00 € 552 € 100 0 15 3 3 5 25% 45 Orientteppich-Galerie Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 0 0 0 5 25% 46 Orientteppich-Galerie Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 0 0 0 5 25% 0 5 25% 47 Mönius 0 0 48 Knauer Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 0 0 0 5 49 Thiem-Hofmann Internal Parking Internal Parking 1 1 € 30.00 € 30.00 € 30 € 30 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 0 5 25% 50 Stadt Erlangen Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 0 0 0 5 25% 25% 51 Stadt Erlangen Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 0 0 0 5 25% 52 Stadt Erlangen Internal Parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 0 0 0 5 25% 53 Stadt Erlangen Internal Parking € 30.00 € 30 €0 0 0 0 0 5 25% 54 Vacant (Kolasinac GbR, Thiem-Hofmann) Retail 90 € 11.50 € 1,035 € 100 15 15 0 3 5 100% 55 Vacant Retail 81 € 11.50 € 932 € 100 15 15 0 3 5 100% 25% 56 Deminer Imbiss 1 Retail 50 € 15.00 € 750 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 57 Mall Income Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 5 10% 58 Kiosk Other Units 1 € 1733.00 € 1,733 €0 0 0 0 0 5 10% Total * months 13,398 sqm ** years € 135,431 ***structural vacancy This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 7 of 12 . abc Property address Property no. 6 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 91054 Erlangen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property Analysis Area Analysis Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Total area Petrol Station Other Units Internal parking External parking Total parking Lettable Area m² 516 12,582 0 0 0 241 60 13,398 0 15 498 0 513 Area Vacant m² 0 898 0 0 0 0 60 958 0 0 2 0 2 Area Let m² 516 11,684 0 0 0 241 0 12,440 0 15 496 0 496 Vacancy Rate % 0.00% 7.14% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 7.15% 0.00% 0.00% 0.40% 0.00% 0.39% Income Analysis Contractual Rent €/m²/month 5.18 5.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.15 0.00 0.00 150.87 6.13 41.95 0.00 Contractual Rent €/month 2,670 69,830 0 0 0 1,480 0 0 2,263 76,243 20,808 0 Contractual Rent €/year 32,040 837,961 0 0 0 17,758 0 0 27,156 914,915 249,691 0 Potential Rent €/year 32,040 930,177 0 0 0 17,758 0 0 27,156 1,007,131 250,696 0 Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Petrol Station Other Units Total area Internal parking External parking Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Market Rent €/m²/month 6.00 8.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.50 0.00 0.00 150.87 8.55 41.85 0.00 Market Rent €/year 37,128 1,292,025 0 0 0 18,779 0 0 27,156 1,375,088 250,080 0 Market Rent €/month 3,094 107,669 0 0 0 1,565 0 0 2,263 114,591 20,840 0 Over-/ UnderRented -13.7% -30.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -5.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -28.3% 0.2% 0.0% Assessment of Kaufland market rent Turnover to rent ratio Space productivity 7,000 12.00 6,500 11.00 Explanation 11.36 Usual market % - levels Market rent 10.00 6,000 Contractual Rent 9.00 8.52 8.20 Rent / m² / month 5,500 5,000 4,500 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.68 5.27 5.00 4,000 Rents 1.9% 5.27 Market 2.9% 8.20 4% of turnover 11.36 3% of turnover 8.52 4.00 Turnover potential in € / m² p.a. 36,582,177 € (net) 3.00 2.00 1.0% 5.68 2% of turnover 4,335 3,500 3,000 € / m² % Contractual 1.5% based on sales area 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% Sales Area ~ 8,439 m² Total Area 10,737 m² Turnover-rent-ratio Self-service department stores usually can afford to pay a rent in the range of 2% to 4% of their net turnover (economically sustainable rent burden) and have a space productivity of about € 4,000 to € 6,000 per m² sales area. The two graphics above indicate, how the contract rent of the main tenant Kaufland as well as the assumed market rental level, can be assessed on the basis of usual market ranges. This analysis is based on the turnover potential figures prepared by Trade Dimension. D&B Rating of Main Tenant Main tenant Tenant name Rent p.a. Share of total income WALT Payment Index Capital indicator Risk indicator Score Credit limit Comment Kaufland Vertrieb SIGMA GmbH & Co. KG € 679,176 58% 8.7 years n.a. O n.a. n.a. n.a. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. According to section 19 of the main lease agreement entered into by the landlord and Kaufland Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG (D&B Rating = 2AA 1), an assignment of the main lease agreement by the tenant to another entity of the Kaufland group requires that the landlord's credit risk rating may not deteriorate due to such assignment of the lease. Section 1 of the first amendment to the main lease agreement provides for the assignment of the main lease agreement to Kaufland Vertrieb SIGMA GmbH & Co. KG. For this tenant, no financial information was available. Accordingly, pursuant to section 2 of the first amendment to the main lease agreement, the former tenant remains jointly and severally liable for the landlord's payment claims. Hence, the former tenant is a guarantor for the lease payments of the current tenant. Page 8 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 91054 Erlangen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. Assumptions 6 Market Value Lease Contract Commentary The property is let to 18 tenants, retail, office and residential tenants. Furthermore, 26 parking spaces are let for permanent use. Currently, six retail units are vacant. The WALT amounts to 7.2 years. The main tenant is Kaufland with a share of more than 55% of the rental income. The property is currently significantly under-rented due to the very low rental level of the main tenant, Kaufland. As the lease contract is valid until 2022 and the tenant has options until 2037, we do not believe that the rental level can be adjusted before 2037. Kaufland’s rent is indexed and will be adapted by 50% of the CPI change, whenever the change exceeds 10 percent in relation to the CPI basis. Indexation started on 01.10.2009. The majority of the tenants pay all costs (including ground tax, insurance costs and management costs) except for maintenance costs for structural repairs. Ground tax, maintenance costs for structural repairs, management and insurance costs will not be borne by Kaufland. The following tenants have extended their lease contracts: AmorimKneisl until 09/2014, Kreissparkasse until 07/2014, Stadt Erlangen (unit 161 m²) until 9/2014, Schmiedl until 04/2014, Rüffer until 09/2014, Deminer Imbiss until 09/2017, Linus Schade + Julian Wen and Müller until 12/2014. The following tenants vacated the property: Frisör Klier, Tran Thi, Kolasinac. General Property Assumptions Discount Rate Comment Discount rate 7.00% Capitalisation rate 6.50% Capital expenditures* The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. We derive the discount rate from market transactions. The discount rate reflects the rate of return expected by investors and is determined based on the risk associated with a property. As reinsurance, the initial yields profile is aligned with the market/other transactions. We have taken into account such facts as the stable Cash Flow, the long lease contract with the tenant Kaufland, the good location, the low vacancy rate and the good condition of the subject property. €0 Vacancy costs € 10.00 /m²/p.a. * on the basis of cost estimates provided by Brack Capital Real Estate, dated April 2013 Breakdown of Non-Recoverable Costs Contract** (month 1 x 12) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses ** JLL analysis Market (assuming full occupancy) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses per year per year € 6.50 /m² € 1.30 /m² € 4.59 /m² € 0.28 /m² € 15.17 /m² € 27.83 /m² € 87,088 € 17,469 € 61,457 € 3,686 € 203,200 € 372,900 per year per year € 6.50 /m² € 1.82 /m² € 4.59 /m² € 0.28 /m² € 15.17 /m² € 28.35 /m² € 87,088 € 24,378 € 61,457 € 3,686 € 203,200 € 379,808 Inflation % of Gross Contract Rent 7.48% 1.50% 5.28% 0.32% 17.45% 32.02% Year Inflation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% Market Rental Growth Year Rental Growth % of Gross Market Rent 5.36% 1.50% 3.78% 0.23% 12.50% 23.37% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% Market Contract Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total Non-recoverable Costs Maintanance Costs € 87,089 € 88,483 € 90,058 € 91,643 € 93,128 € 94,599 € 96,113 € 97,670 € 99,213 € 100,681 € 102,151 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Management Costs € 17,194 € 18,845 € 19,320 € 19,164 € 19,321 € 19,335 € 18,543 € 19,813 € 20,032 € 20,137 € 20,297 Insurance Costs € 3,686 € 3,745 € 3,811 € 3,878 € 3,941 € 4,004 € 4,068 € 4,133 € 4,199 € 4,261 € 4,323 Ground Tax € 61,457 € 62,440 € 63,552 € 64,670 € 65,718 € 66,756 € 67,824 € 68,923 € 70,012 € 71,048 € 72,086 Other Nonrecoverable Costs 203,200 € 206,451 € 210,126 € 213,824 € 217,288 € 220,721 € 224,253 € 227,886 € 231,486 € 234,912 € 238,342 € Total per year € 383,599 € 383,461 € 387,982 € 394,786 € 399,656 € 405,584 € 416,625 € 419,413 € 426,484 € 431,748 € 437,201 Vacancy Costs € 10,973 € 3,497 € 1,115 € 1,607 € 260 € 169 € 5,824 € 988 € 1,542 € 709 €2 % of Total Gross Revenue 33.5% 30.5% 30.1% 30.9% 31.0% 31.5% 33.7% 31.8% 31.9% 32.2% 32.3% Non-Recoverable Costs as a percentage of Total Gross Revenue 40.0% 35.0% 33.7% 33.5% 30.5% 30.1% 30.9% 31.0% 31.5% 31.8% 31.9% 32.2% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 9 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 6 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 91054 Erlangen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Cash Flow Market Value Rental Revenue € 1,274,627 € 1,296,092 € 1,299,429 € 1,295,865 € 1,291,434 € 1,291,692 € 1,307,457 € 1,330,509 € 1,351,162 € 1,353,075 € 1,353,425 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Turnover Vacancy -€ 128,393 -€ 39,746 -€ 10,303 -€ 16,905 -€ 3,372 -€ 2,695 -€ 71,260 -€ 9,613 -€ 13,036 -€ 10,618 -€ 284 Rent Abatements €0 €0 -€ 1,111 -€ 1,333 €0 €0 €0 €0 -€ 2,659 €0 €0 Total Gross Revenue € 1,146,234 € 1,256,346 € 1,288,015 € 1,277,627 € 1,288,062 € 1,288,997 € 1,236,197 € 1,320,896 € 1,335,467 € 1,342,457 € 1,353,141 Nonrecoverable Costs -€ 383,599 -€ 383,461 -€ 387,982 -€ 394,786 -€ 399,656 -€ 405,584 -€ 416,625 -€ 419,413 -€ 426,484 -€ 431,748 -€ 437,201 Net Operating Income € 762,635 € 872,885 € 900,033 € 882,841 € 888,406 € 883,413 € 819,572 € 901,483 € 908,983 € 910,709 € 915,940 TIs and Leasing Capital Commissions Cash Flow Expenditures -€ 1,794 -€ 700 € 760,141 -€ 103,671 -€ 33,643 € 735,571 -€ 8,341 -€ 1,987 € 889,705 € 869,750 -€ 10,522 -€ 2,569 -€ 3,476 € 883,684 -€ 1,246 -€ 100 €0 € 883,313 -€ 14,765 € 762,985 -€ 41,822 € 898,090 -€ 2,439 -€ 954 -€ 2,659 -€ 14,686 € 891,638 -€ 7,225 -€ 2,696 € 900,788 € 14,095,416 -€ 54 €0 Total Cashflow (incl. Terminal Value @ 6.50 %) Gross Value of Surplus Land Gross Capital Value incl. Surplus Land Present Value @ 7.00% € 737,537 € 663,410 € 753,541 € 688,530 € 653,561 € 610,718 € 492,554 € 542,233 € 503,169 € 474,957 € 7,165,395 € 13,285,605 €0 € 13,285,605 Total Gross Revenue versus Net Operating Income 8.0% € 1600000.0 6.6% 6.8% 6.6% 6.7% 6.8% 6.6% 6.9% 7.0% 6.2% 5.7% Rental income 6.8% € 1200000.0 6.0% € 1000000.0 5.0% € 800000.0 4.0% € 600000.0 3.0% € 400000.0 2.0% € 200000.0 1.0% € .0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Valuation Results Year 6 Year 7 Year 9 0.0% Year 10 Market Value Rent Overview Gross Capital Value (rounded) Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m²/month € 1,164,606 € 7.24 Market rental value total p.a. per m²/month € 1,625,168 € 10.11 -23.17% Over-/Underrent Year 8 Running yield € 1400000.0 Total € 13,300,000 per m² € 993 Purchaser's costs 5.00% Yield Overview Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield Gross Initial Yield Gross Reversionary Yield 5.95% 9.36% 9.17% 12.80% Market Value (rounded) Total € 12,700,000 per m² € 948 Valuation Comment In terms of risk, we considered the covenant strength as well as the lease duration for the existing contracts. The tenant Kaufland has good covenant strength. According to the second amendment of the lease contract, the former tenant remains jointly and severally liable for the landlord's payment claims. However, the lease contract ensures a secure cash flow for the remainder of the lease term until at least 2022. In terms of a resale, we took into account such facts as visibility, demographic factors, appearance, condition and building age, third-party usability, competition situation and location. According to the land register, the leaseholder exercised its leasehold options for in total another 30 years (until 06/37). This is due to the fact that the leasehold is on the car park site, which is in our opinion essential for the operation of the selfservice department store. Otherwise, there are insufficient parking spaces available. The right to prolong the leasehold is registered in Sheet 28698 in the land register of Erlangen. For the purpose of the valuation on 31.12.2013, we have been provided with an updated rent roll. The contractual rental income decreased, other costs have remained unchanged and have been applied according to information received during the previous valuation cycle. For management costs, we have applied 1.5% of the effective gross rent. We have not been provided with updated information regarding necessary capital expenditures, therefore we applied that all capital expenditures for repairs in the first year as well as in the periods of year 2 to 5 and year 6 to 10 are considered to be covered by the maintenance costs of € 6.50/m² per annum. Regarding comparable rents we have had recourse to evidence of similar areas situated in the comparable regions and locations. Furthermore, we have analysed comparable transactions. Please refer to the section "Investment Comparables". 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 10 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 6 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 91054 Erlangen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Photos View of the car park (leasehold) View of the Kaufland and the adjacent parking level from the car park View towards the pedestrian passage ("Altstadtmarktpassage") View of the commercial building from Hauptstraße View of a vacant retail unit at the pedestrian passage View of the entrance to the car park This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 11 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 6 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 91054 Erlangen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Leasing and Investment Market Development of prime yields Retail transaction volume in Germany Leasing Market Investment Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail space in retail warehouses or retail parks throughout Germany. For the determination of the rents, the quality of location in terms of accessibility and competition is crucial. The rents within the different branches vary. This is due to the diverging location assessment and turnover expectancy of the different tenants. If in the case of a retail park the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which guarantee a high visitor frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher and as a consequence, their overall rental level will be higher as well. Besides the rent level, another determining factor for investors is the building costs. Properties with the highest rents usually also have the highest building costs and land acquisition cost. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the retail format of the store, rents for supermarkets/ hypermarkets are generally slightly higher than the rents for discounters. Such rents in cities with more the 30,000 inhabitants in western German locations generally range between € 7.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Rents for discounters in western Germany generally range between € 6.00 and € 12.00/m²/month, while discounters eastern Germany generally achieve slightly lower rental rates. Drugstores, textile, shoe and electronics branches generally achieve rental rates ranging from € 7.50 to € 12.00/m²/month. DIY stores need extensive space due to their broad product range. In urban centres, these stores sometimes even offer their products on two levels. DIY also fall at the lower end of the scale in terms of rents, with prices ranging between € 6.00 and € 10.00/m²/month. On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. As DIY stores have a supra-regional catchment area, there are not as independent as other branches in the area and can relocate to more affordable attractive and easily accessible industrial zones. In such areas, lower investments for realisation and lower building costs induce lower rents. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. The office prime yields were still on a slight downward trend in individual cities. Each of the Big 7 cities now has a net initial yield of below 5%. Aggregated across all cities, the prime yield in the office segment fell to an average value of around 4.67%. Shopping centre yields are at a similar rate of 4.70%. For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Leasing Comparables Tenant Kaufland Kaufland Kaufland Real Hairdresser Pharmacy Pharmacy 0 City Straubing Freital Geldern Würzburg Landshut Langgöns Halle 0 Property Type Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Hairdresser Pharmacy Pharmacy 0 Area 7,315 m² 8,000 m² 8,478 m² 8,450 m² 124 m² 128 m² 80 m² 0 m² Total Rent p.m. € 76,808 € 62,000 € 65,705 € 61,685 € 1,672 € 1,453 € 720 €0 Rent p. sqm € 10.50 /m² € 7.75 /m² € 7.75 /m² € 7.30 /m² € 13.48 /m² € 11.35 /m² € 9.00 /m² € 0.00 /m² Comment Similar purchasing power Other federal state; slightly lower purchasing power Other federal state; slightly lower purchasing power Location is farther away from the city centre; lower purchasin Slightly lower purchasing power 0 Other federal state 0 Investment Comparables Property Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Year of Construction n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Area 8,520 m² 13,000 m² 22,926 m² 13,000 m² 2,269 m² 13,000 m² 10,031 m² 0 m² Gross Multiplier 14.1-fold 13.8-fold 8.0-fold 15.3-fold 14.7-fold 13.8-fold 10.1-fold 0.0-fold Date of Transaction Q3 2013 Q2 2012 2012 2012 2012 Q2 2012 2012 0 Comment Medium to long WALT, located in North Rhine-Westphalia Medium to long WALT, located in Lower Saxony Anchor tenant Kaufland & Toom, WALT below 5 years, portfolio transaction Anchor tenant Marktkauf, WALT 17.5 years, very strong location in southern Germany WALT 15.7 years, good location, main tenant Kaufland, partly leasehold Anchor tenant Famila, WALT 9.2 years, strong location in northern Germany Anchor tenant real, WALT 15 years, portfolio transaction 0 Page 12 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gartenstraße 30 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 73312 Geislingen Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 7 Property Summary Key Figures Property type Main tenant Retail Park Kaufland Warenhandel Südwest GmbH & Co. KG Total lettable area Total parking units 9,390 m² 451 units Current vacancy rate Weighted average lease term 0.7% 7.0 years 2002 n.a. Year of construction Year of refurbishment Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 640,469 € 5.68 Total non-recoverable expenses (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 88,526 € 0.79 Net operating income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 551,943 € 4.90 total p.a. € 835,732 -21.0% Market rental value Over-/Underrent based on occupied areas SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Located near the city center adjacent to the pedestrian area Sufficient parking spaces Strong and well-known anchor tenant Long remaining lease term of the anchor tenant 0 High level of competition (another Kaufland nearby) Limited third party usability of the large-scale retail area without refurbishment The retail unit let to Kaufland is strongly underrented Two vacant retail areas 0 Opportunities Threats Extension of the lease contracts of the smaller tenants Reletting of the main retail area on market level Kaufland exercises its options until 2037 0 0 Difficult relettability of the fitness studio Increased vacancy of ancilliary areas due to low turnovers of these tenants 0 0 0 Property Rating (1 = very negative, 5 = very positive) Building Location Building age Lettable Area Property condition General impression 3 2 4 4 11 to 15 years Between 7,500 and 10,000 m² Good building condition Good general impression Macrolocation Microlocation Commercial activity Competition Liquidity 3 4 3 2 Average location and catchment area Good micro location Limited commercial activity nearby High competition level Investment Quality WALT Over- / underrent Quality of tenants 4 WALT seven to ten years 5 Significantly underrented (more than -15%) 4 Tenants with very good credit rating Investment market Investment volume Saleability 3 Average property market 4 Good lot size 4 Good saleability within 6 months Property Description The property has four storeys. The ground level is occupied by several retail tenants, the largest being Kaufland. The first floor is a parking level, while the second floor is partly used for parking and accommodates part of the fitness studio. The third floor is used by the fitness studio as well as a playground. The property has an elongated shape, with the long side facing the B10 federal road ("Gartenstraße"). The property is a steel-reinforced concrete construction with precast elements. The facade is partly made of brick facing and partly of galvanised steel sheets. In the entrance areas, there are curtain walls with metal frames. The roof is flat with hard covering. The property can be accessed on the ground floor from Gartenstraße as well as from the parking levels via several elevators. Valuation Results Market Value € 9,000,000 equals to Market Rental Value € 958 per m² € 835,732 p.a. Discount Rate 7.45% Net Initial Yield 5.75% Capitalisation Rate 6.50% Net Reversionary Yield 7.75% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. excluding capital expenditures Page 1 of 12 € 7.42 / m² / p.m. equals to 5.75% Multiplier (initial) 14.05 7.75% Multiplier (based on MRV) 10.77 abc Property address Property no. 7 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gartenstraße 30 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 73312 Geislingen Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Location Germany Macroeconomic Indicators (Source: GfK, BBE, BBSR/Inkar 2012/2013) Baden-Wurttemberg Göppingen (Rural District) Geislingen 73312 Federal State District City Postcode Population Population Population Number of Households Population Density Population Density Population Forecast (2009 - 2025) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Federal State District City City District City District Federal State District Federal State District absolute absolute absolute absolute per km² per km² in % in % in % in % in % Structual Data Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Index Retail Purchasing Power Index Retail Centrality Index Geislingen 10,786,227 252,002 26,823 11,532 392 354 -2.2% 0.3% -1.9% 3.9% 4.0% (Source: GfK and BBE 2012/2013) District City Federal State District District in m € in m € index index index 5,473 522 107.20 94.45 103.42 Macro Location Geislingen an der Steige is located in the east of Baden-Wuerttemberg, approx. 25 km from the border to the federal state Bavaria. The city is a minor secondary centre with approx. 27,000 inhabitants. The closest major cities are Ulm (approx. 25 km south-east; 122,000 inhabitants) and Stuttgart (approx. 50 km west; 602,000 inhabitants). The closest motorways are the A8 (Perl - Bad Reichenhall), connecting to Salzburg (Austria) in the south-east, and the A7 (Flensburg - Füssen), leading to Denmark in the north and Austria in the south. The motorways can be reached within 18 km and 25 km, respectively. Geislingen has a train station, which connects Geislingen to the cities of Stuttgart and Ulm via regional trains. The closest train station offering connections to the high-speed ICE train network is Ulm in a distance of approx. 25 km. The nearest airport offering connections to national and international destinations is Stuttgart Airport, located in a distance of approx. 56 km from the city centre of Geislingen an der Steige. Geislingen an der Steige is characterized by an industry that has evolved over time. The economy is mainly based on the processing of steel and metal as well as the automotive supply industry and traditional beer brewing. Furthermore, Geislingen is also known for its university "Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen", offering business and real estate courses. Well-known companies based in Geislingen include Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik (WMF), ULO Fahrzeugleuchten (Odelo GmbH), Adlerbrauerei Karl Götz and Schlötter Galvanotechnik. Micro Location Micro Location The self-service department store is located in the southern part of Geislingen an der Steige, near the city centre. The subject property is situated adjacent to the pedestrian zone of Geislingen along a highly frequented traffic axis (federal road B10 "Gartenstraße"). The property is bordered by Römerstraße to the south, Bleichstraße to the west and Bismarckstraße to the north. The surrounding area is characterized by residential housing with some commercial usage. 0 Local Tax Information Real Estate Tax Rate (Typ B) Land Transfer Tax This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 2 of 12 City City in % in % abc 395 5.0 Property address Property no. 7 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gartenstraße 30 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 73312 Geislingen Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Site Plan Source: Cadastral plan on a 1 to 1000 scale, dated 27.12.2010 Site Information Site area thereof surplus land 10,909 m² 0 m² Ground lease No n.a. Ground lease expiry Surplus land value (net) n.a. Site servicing €0 Fully serviced Irregular Site layout Soil contamination Suspicion of contamination Building encumbrances No Comment According to the Environmental Due Diligence Report, dated July 2007, the site has been industrially used since 1850 by "Maschinenfabrik Geislingen (MAG)", whose activities included chemical and mechanical metal working and foundries. From this use stems severe subsoil and ground water contamination caused by petrol, oil, lubricants and further chemicals. The site has been gradually remediated from 1989 until 1999 and the soil remediation is considered as finished according to the Landratsamt Göppingen. However, other sources suggest that there is still contaminated soil beneath the property and it is likely that the site is listed in the contaminated land cadastre as remediated with residual contamination. For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the subject property is free of any soil or building contamination. Town Planning Use class MK (core zone) Site coverage ratio (GRZ) 1.0 Plot ratio (GFZ) 2.0 Cubic index (BMZ) n.a. Comment According to information from the local planning authority, a legally binding project and development plan exists, entitled "20/1/2 Marktgalerie" and dated 01.04.1999, with the following regulations: the subject site is located in core zone (limitations regarding the use) - "Kerngebiet mit Einschränkung". The plot ratio (Geschossflächenzahl, GFZ) is 2.0 and the site coverage ratio (Grundflächenzahl, GRZ) is 1.0. Tenure Land Register Local Court of Geislingen an der Steige, land register of Geislingen an der Steige Owner TPL Geislingen S.á.r.l., Luxembourg Sheet 10534 Plot NO 1051 Parcel 341 Section 2 (Restrictions) Section 3 (Loans) Two land charges concerning the payment of a Land charges in the total amount of € 105,000,000 in money amount payable to the respective owner of favour of Corealcredit Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main; entered on 09.06.2011 parcel no 489/11 and several limited personal easements, among other things regarding the construction, operation and maintenance of a transformer station, pipline easement, wayleave in favor of the city Geislingen an der Steige and Albwerk GmbH & Co. KG, Geislingen. Furthermore, there is a limited personal easement (the right to operate and maintain a hypermarket) in favor of Kaufland Dienstleistungs GmbH & Co. KG, Neckarsulm. Source: Land register extract, dated 14 January 2014 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 3 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 7 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gartenstraße 30 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 73312 Geislingen Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Competitor Map Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Research Competitor Overview Name E-aktiv Markt Kaufland Rewe E-aktiv Markt 0 Type Hypermarket Self-service dep. store Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Address 73312 Geislingen, Heidenheimer Str. 139 73312 Geislingen, Neuwiesenstr. 25 73072 Donzdorf, Mozartstr. 35 73079 Süßen, Bühlstr. 23 Sales area 2,900 m² 7,250 m² 1,850 m² 1,900 m² m² Distance 2.10 km 2.60 km 8.80 km 9.50 km Potential Medium High Low Low 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Competiton Indicators Inhabitants in primary catchment area (Radius 5 km) 34,173 Purchasing power in Mio. € (District) Inhabitants in secondary catchment area (Radius 10 km) 42,438 Purchasing power per Capita in € (Radius 5 km) Number of households (Radius 5 km) 14,920 Unemployment Rate (District) Number of households (Radius 10 km) 18,659 Population forecast for the district (2009 - 2025) Retail Purchasing Power Index (District) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. 94.45 Retail Centrality Index (District) Page 4 of 12 5,473 20,319 4.0% -2.2% 103.42 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gartenstraße 30 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 73312 Geislingen Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 7 Main competitors This competitor is a smaller-sized Edeka hypermarket. Furthermore, Dänisches Bettenlager and Fressnapf are also located on the site. It is built as a retail warehouse agglomeration instead of a retail park with a mall and offers a different product and service variety than the subject property and therefore caters to different needs. It represents medium competition. This competitor is a small retail park located on the south-western outskirts of Geislingen. The main tenant is a Kaufland. Other tenants include a Kik, Tedi and Quickschuh. This building is well-located in a small industrial zone. Nearby retailers include Obi, Aldi and Lidl. The property is a serious competitor. Competition Comment The catchment area can be differentiated into primary (Radius 5 km) and secondary (Radius 10 km) catchment areas. Approximately 34,173 inhabitants live in the primary catchment area. While the density of hypermarkets is relatively high in the primary catchment area, the competition eases in the secondary catchment area. Even though there are several discounters and small-size supermarkets located nearby, it can be said that these present only indirect competition to the property. Kaufland offers a very deep and broad product range with more than 50,000 products, while supermarkets and discounters generally offer a limited product range with only 7,000 to 11,000 (supermarkets) or 400-2,500 (discounters) articles. Therefore, these retailing forms address different customers or customer needs. While supermarkets and discounters cater to the daily needs of customers, Kaufland offers more variety for products that are bought on a non-daily basis. The first competitor is a small retail warehouse agglomeration located on Heidenheimer Straße in a distance of approx. 1.7 km. The main tenant is a Edeka hypermarket. The location of the property within a commercial agglomeration is inferior to the location of the subject property near the city centre along a highly frequented street. While the competitor is solely reachable by car, the subject property can also be reached by foot from the adjacent residential area. Furthermore, the tenant mix is different. While both offer the typical service providers, the Edeka-Center also has Fressnapf and a Dänisches Bettenlager, both tenants that are prone to returning customers, whereas Kaufland is bound to receive more impulse buyers due to its location in the city centre. In addition, the large difference in size and product range also differentiates both properties. Therefore, it can be said that the Edeka market only represents medium competition. A second Kaufland was opened in January 2010 after the take-over of the former Schlekkerland (self-service department store) is in an industrial zone on the south-western outskirts of Geislingen. Other tenants in the property include a Kik, Tedi, Klier, Quickschuh, a tobacco shop and IMO (carwash). Nearby retailers in the commercial zone are OBI, Aldi and Lidl. The tenant mix within the property is very similar to the tenant mix in the subject property and therefore the property presents high competition potential. Even though the properties may attract different customers and have slightly different primary catchment areas, the catchment areas strongly overlap; two Kaufland self-service department stores can be problematic. Another potential competitor is the small retail park with 13,000 m², that is currently being build in the city centre on the former sports field. Part of the area is let to REWE and Lidl. However, it remains to be seen whether it will have an effect on the turnover of Kaufland, because they usually address different customers. Turnover analysis The rents in a functional retail agglomeration are linked to turnover. The percentage rate that a retail tenant can use for rental payments (turnover-to-rent ratio) depends on the margins achievable in the various market sectors. This rate normally ranges between 2% and 15% depending on the respective branch. The productivity varies between approx. € 1,000/m² and up to more than € 10,000/m². Kaufland is represents a very strong anchor, we believe that there will always be demand for such ancillary tenants. For Kaufland, we have also been provided with turnover figures. We have analysed the figures and have found the area productivity of Kaufland to be in a healthy range. With a turnover-to-rent ratio of less than 2% it lies below the range of 2% to 4%, which is acceptable for a self-service department store. Considering the location factors and the competition level within Geislingen, we assume that a higher turnover-to-rent ratio regarding a similar branch and turnover is realistic. Hence, the market rent after the termination of the current rental contract has been chosen in a range of 2.2%. Please also refer to the rent/turnover analysis on page 8. Even though turnover rents have been negotiated with some of the tenants, the necessary turnovers for the turnover rents to become effective have not been reached in the past few years. The tenants only pay the minimum rent. We therefore haven't included any additional turnover rents. Conclusion The subject property is a modern self-service department store with a small mall accommodating additional businesses, such as a hair dresser, locksmith and newspaper kiosk. The property has sufficient parking spaces and is highly visible and easily accessible by foot and by car. The location of the property close to the city centre entails additional benefits. As Kaufland is a strong customer magnet, we believe that there will always be sufficient demand for the minor retail areas in the mall. The letting of the current fitness studio, however, is assessed to be more difficult. Even though the location of the property near the city centre and near a residential area is very good for the current use, the third-party usability of the areas is limited. One alternative use would be the letting of the space as office space. However, this would involve extensive refurbishment and restructuring measures. Furthermore, the location is not a traditional office location and the demand for such an area is limited. However, we believe that it is very probable that the fitness studio will remain within the property on an adequate market rental level. The rental area of Kaufland can be regarded as relatively unproblematic. First of all, the location is very good for such a tenant, as it can be reached both by foot and by car. Furthermore, the property is highly visible and easily accessible. Even though the competition is quite strong and the density of self-service department store is very high for a town this size, we have not been informed of severe turnover decreases after the second Kaufland on Neuwiesenstraße was launched. We believe that the tenant will be able to compete with this property, especially because it can operate on a very low contractual rent for a long time. The anchor tenant Kaufland has a lease contract until 2022 with three options, each for five years, bringing the earliest possible termination date for the landlord to 2037. On the basis of our projection of likely productivity per m² and turnovers, we have calculated the market rent at € 8.25/m²/month. The tenant currently pays a contractual rent of € 5.47/m²/p.m. Therefore, the retail unit is currently strongly underrented. Due to the margins realizable and under the assumption of good turnover figures, we believe that Kaufland will remain in the property until 2037. In the unlikely case that Kaufland should vacate the premises, the property could be relet to other selfservice department stores which are currently not present in Geislingen an der Steige such as real or Marktkauf. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 5 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 7 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gartenstraße 30 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 73312 Geislingen Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Rent Roll Tenant Name 1 ROFU Kinderland Spielhandels GmbH Area Category Letting Status Area m² / unit Rent / month Rent / m² / month Tenant pays VAT Lease Start Lease End Renewal Probability Tenant pays * Retail Let 1,107 € 6,000 5.42 Yes 15.08.2012 31.08.2022 75% GT I PM 2 Bäckerei Staib GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 60 € 2,585 43.08 Yes 03.04.2002 30.04.2014 75% GT I PM 3 In Shape-Sports Club GmbH Retail Let 2,487 € 4,100 1.65 Yes 03.09.2008 02.09.2018 75% GT I PM 4 Metzgerei Chiacci/Reinhard Retail Let 57 € 800 14.02 Yes 15.10.2012 31.08.2014 75% GT I PM Yes 01.10.2007 30.09.2022 90% 5 Kaufland Warenhandel Südwest GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 5,065 € 27,687 5.47 6 Vacant (Mutlu) Retail Vacant 12 €0 0.00 7 Vacant Retail vacant 50 €0 0.00 8 Deichmann SE Retail Let 479 € 5,899 12.33 Yes 03.04.2002 02.04.2017 75% GT I PM 9 Frisör Klier GmbH Retail Let 73 € 1,869 25.52 Yes 03.04.2002 28.02.2017 75% GT I PM Other Units Let 6 € 265 44.17 Yes 03.08.2009 02.08.2014 75% GT I PM External parking Vacant 1 €0 0.00 Yes 00.01.1900 30.09.2022 100% GT I PM 30.09.2022 100% 10 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG 11 Vacant 12 Vacant External parking Vacant 1 13 Vacant External parking Vacant 1 €0 0.00 Other Units Let 1 € 168 168.00 Internal Parking Let 448 € 4,000 8.93 9,390 m² € 53,372 14 Kiosk 15 Parking Total €0 0.00 * M = Maintenance, GT = Ground Tax, I = Insurance Costs, PM = Property Management This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 6 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 7 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gartenstraße 30 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 73312 Geislingen Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Valuation Assumptions Area Category Area sqm/unit 1 ROFU Kinderland Spielhandels GmbH Retail 1,107 € 7.25 € 8,026 € 50 0 12 2 Bäckerei Staib GmbH & Co. KG Retail 60 € 65.00 € 3,900 € 100 0 6 3 In Shape-Sports Club GmbH Retail 2,487 € 1.75 € 4,353 € 100 0 15 4 Metzgerei Chiacci/Reinhard Retail 57 € 25.00 € 1,427 € 100 0 5 Kaufland Warenhandel Südwest GmbH & Co. KG Retail 5,065 € 8.25 € 41,786 € 50 6 Vacant (Mutlu) Retail 12 € 40.00 € 487 € 100 Tenant Name Market Rent Market Rent /month Re-letting Re-letting Initial Tis Void VPV* Void* Agency Fees* Lease Term** Renewal Probability 0 3 10 25% 0 3 10 25% 0 3 10 25% 9 0 3 10 25% 0 12 0 3 10 10% 9 9 0 3 10 100% 0 3 10 100% Rent Abatem.* 7 Vacant Retail 50 € 30.00 € 1,500 € 100 6 6 8 Deichmann SE Retail 479 € 12.50 € 5,981 € 100 0 12 0 3 10 25% 9 Frisör Klier GmbH Retail 73 € 25.00 € 1,831 € 100 0 9 0 3 10 25% Other Units 6 € 44.17 € 265 €0 0 0 0 0 10 75% 11 Vacant External parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 12 12 0 0 3 100% 12 Vacant External parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 12 12 0 0 3 100% 13 Vacant External parking 1 € 30.00 € 30 €0 12 12 0 0 3 100% Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 10 0% Internal Parking 448 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 10 0% 10 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG 14 Kiosk 15 Parking Total * months 9,390 sqm ** years € 69,644 ***structural vacancy This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 7 of 12 . abc Property address Property no. 7 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gartenstraße 30 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 73312 Geislingen Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property Analysis Area Analysis Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Total area Petrol Station Other Units Internal parking External parking Total parking Lettable Area m² 0 9,390 0 0 0 0 0 9,390 0 7 448 3 458 Area Vacant m² 0 62 0 0 0 0 0 62 0 0 0 3 3 Area Let m² 0 9,328 0 0 0 0 0 9,328 0 7 448 0 448 Vacancy Rate % 0.00% 0.66% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.66% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.66% Income Analysis Contractual Rent €/m²/month 0.00 5.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.86 5.29 8.93 0.00 Contractual Rent €/month 0 48,939 0 0 0 0 0 0 433 49,372 4,000 0 Contractual Rent €/year 0 587,273 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,196 592,469 48,000 0 Potential Rent €/year 0 592,777 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,196 597,973 48,000 1,080 Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Petrol Station Other Units Total area Internal parking External parking Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Market Rent €/m²/month 0.00 7.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.86 7.41 0.00 30.00 Market Rent €/year 0 831,472 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,180 834,652 0 1,080 Market Rent €/month 0 69,289 0 0 0 0 0 0 265 69,554 0 90 Over-/ UnderRented 0.0% -28.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 63.4% -28.5% 0.0% -100.0% Assessment of Kaufland market rent Turnover to rent ratio Space productivity 7,000 Explanation 15.00 14.00 6,000 Usual market % - levels 13.90 6,500 13.00 Market rent 12.00 Contractual Rent 11.00 Rent / m² / month 5,500 5,000 5,028 4,500 10.42 10.00 Rents 9.00 8.25 8.00 7.00 6.95 6.00 4,000 1.6% 5.47 Market 2.4% 8.25 4% of turnover 13.90 3% of turnover 10.42 5.47 5.00 6.95 2% of turnover 4.00 3,500 € / m² % Contractual Turnover potential 21,116,431 € (net) 3.00 3,000 2.00 1.0% in € / m² p.a. Sales Area 1.5% 2.0% based on sales area 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% Total Area ~ 4,200 m² 5,065 m² Turnover-rent-ratio Self-service department stores usually can afford to pay a rent in the range of 2% to 4% of their net turnover (economically sustainable rent burden) and have a space productivity of about € 4,000 to € 6,000 per m² sales area. The two graphics above indicate, how the contract rent of the main tenant Kaufland as well as the assumed market rental level, can be assessed on the basis of usual market ranges. This analysis is based on the turnover potential figures prepared by Trade Dimension. D&B Rating of Main Tenant Main tenant Tenant name Rent p.a. Share of total income WALT Payment Index Capital indicator Risk indicator Score Credit limit Comment Kaufland Warenhandel Südwest GmbH & Co. KG € 332,244 52% 8.7 years 80 2AA 1 1 95 n.a. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. The main tenant is a corporation belonging to the Kaufland Group, which in turn belongs to the Lidl & Schwarz Group, one of the biggest grocer groups in Europe. Kaufland is the self-service department store division of Lidl & Schwarz with more than 500 locations across Europe. Kaufland’s core business area is food retailing with branded goods and own-brands specially produced for Kaufland. According to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Rating as at 09.01.20114 Kaufland Warenhandel Südwest GmbH & Co. KG has an below-average credit risk. The risk of insolvency (D&B Score) within the next 12 months compared with other German companies is assessed to be low, i.e. 84% of businesses on the German database have the same or higher risk of failure. Page 8 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gartenstraße 30 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 73312 Geislingen Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. Assumptions 7 Market Value Lease Contract Commentary The property is let to seven retail tenants and a fitness studio. The WALT of the property amounts to 7 years. The main tenant is Kaufland with a share of approx. 52% of the rental income. The property is currently heavily underrented due to the very low rental level of the main tenant, Kaufland. As the lease contract is valid until 2022 and the tenant has options until 2037, we do not believe that the rental level can be adjusted before 2037. Kaufland’s rent is indexed and will be adapted by 50% of the CPI change, whenever the change exceeds 10 percent in relation to the CPI basis. Indexation started on 01.04.2009. The majority of the tenants pay all costs (including ground tax, insurance costs and management costs) except for maintenance costs for structural repairs. Ground tax, maintenance costs for structural repairs, management and insurance costs will not be borne by Kaufland. The rest can be apportioned to the tenant in accordance with the German Regulation on Operating Costs. The tenant Bäckerei Staib has extended the lease contract until 09/2014. The tenant Mutul vacated the property. General Property Assumptions Discount Rate Comment Discount rate 7.45% Capitalisation rate 6.50% Capital expenditures* The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. We derive the discount rate from market transactions. The discount rate reflects the rate of return expected by investors and is determined based on the risk associated with a property. As reinsurance, the initial yields profile is aligned with the market/other transactions. We have taken into account such facts as the stable Cash Flow, the long lease contract with the tenant Kaufland, the new contract with ROFU, the increase in vacancy, the reported turnover figures, the good location and the good condition of the subject property. €0 Vacancy costs € 10.00 /m²/p.a. * on the basis of cost estimates provided by Brack Capital Real Estate, dated April 2013 Breakdown of Non-Recoverable Costs Contract** (month 1 x 12) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses ** JLL analysis Market (assuming full occupancy) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses per year per year € 4.50 /m² € 1.02 /m² € 3.49 /m² € 0.41 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 9.43 /m² € 42,256 € 9,607 € 32,799 € 3,864 €0 € 88,526 per year per year € 4.50 /m² € 1.34 /m² € 3.49 /m² € 0.41 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 9.74 /m² € 42,256 € 12,536 € 32,799 € 3,864 €0 € 91,455 Inflation % of Gross Contract Rent 6.60% 1.50% 5.12% 0.60% 0.00% 13.82% Year Inflation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% Market Rental Growth Year Rental Growth % of Gross Market Rent 5.06% 1.50% 3.92% 0.46% 0.00% 10.94% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% Market Contract Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total Non-recoverable Costs Maintanance Costs € 42,256 € 42,932 € 43,696 € 44,465 € 45,185 € 45,899 € 46,634 € 47,389 € 48,138 € 48,850 € 49,564 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Management Costs € 9,935 € 10,606 € 10,709 € 10,348 € 10,435 € 10,708 € 10,882 € 11,096 € 10,563 € 12,136 € 12,029 Insurance Costs € 3,864 € 3,926 € 3,996 € 4,066 € 4,132 € 4,197 € 4,264 € 4,333 € 4,402 € 4,467 € 4,532 Ground Tax € 32,799 € 33,324 € 33,917 € 34,514 € 35,073 € 35,627 € 36,197 € 36,784 € 37,365 € 37,918 € 38,471 Other Nonrecoverable Costs 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ Total per year € 89,391 € 90,788 € 92,318 € 94,780 € 103,691 € 96,521 € 97,977 € 99,602 € 108,429 € 103,371 € 104,848 Vacancy Costs € 537 €0 €0 € 1,387 € 8,866 € 90 €0 €0 € 7,961 €0 € 252 % of Total Gross Revenue 13.5% 12.8% 12.9% 13.7% 14.9% 13.5% 13.5% 13.5% 15.4% 12.8% 13.1% Non-Recoverable Costs as a percentage of Total Gross Revenue 18.0% 16.0% 14.0% 15.4% 14.9% 13.5% 13.7% 12.8% 13.5% 12.9% 13.5% 13.5% 12.8% 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 9 of 12 abc Property address Property no. Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gartenstraße 30 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 73312 Geislingen Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Cash Flow 7 Market Value Rental Revenue € 687,573 € 707,037 € 713,960 € 712,730 € 714,809 € 720,696 € 725,454 € 740,028 € 780,049 € 809,045 € 816,025 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Turnover Vacancy -€ 25,253 €0 €0 -€ 22,848 -€ 19,138 -€ 3,286 €0 -€ 303 -€ 75,863 €0 -€ 14,089 Rent Abatements €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 -€ 3,546 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 Total Gross Revenue € 662,320 € 707,037 € 713,960 € 689,882 € 695,671 € 713,864 € 725,454 € 739,725 € 704,186 € 809,045 € 801,936 Nonrecoverable Costs -€ 89,391 -€ 90,788 -€ 92,318 -€ 94,780 -€ 103,691 -€ 96,521 -€ 97,977 -€ 99,602 -€ 108,429 -€ 103,371 -€ 104,848 Net Operating Income € 572,929 € 616,249 € 621,642 € 595,102 € 591,980 € 617,343 € 627,477 € 640,123 € 595,757 € 705,674 € 697,088 TIs and Leasing Capital Commissions Cash Flow Expenditures -€ 9,143 -€ 10,045 € 553,741 €0 €0 € 616,249 €0 €0 € 621,642 € 574,377 -€ 14,514 -€ 6,211 €0 € 591,980 €0 -€ 4,781 -€ 68,900 € 543,662 €0 € 627,477 €0 € 640,123 €0 €0 -€ 16,642 -€ 44,614 € 534,501 €0 €0 € 705,674 € 10,921,065 -€ 3,899 -€ 2,116 Total Cashflow (incl. Terminal Value @ 6.50 %) Gross Value of Surplus Land Gross Capital Value incl. Surplus Land Present Value @ 7.45% € 535,724 € 554,931 € 521,095 € 447,931 € 430,233 € 365,710 € 394,559 € 374,551 € 292,619 € 357,684 € 5,323,543 € 9,598,580 €0 € 9,598,580 Total Gross Revenue versus Net Operating Income 8.0% € 900000.0 7.4% € 800000.0 6.0% 6.4% 6.5% € 700000.0 7.0% 6.7% 6.5% 6.4% 6.2% 6.2% 6.2% 6.0% 5.0% € 500000.0 4.0% € 400000.0 Running yield Rental income € 600000.0 3.0% € 300000.0 2.0% € 200000.0 1.0% € 100000.0 € .0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Valuation Results Year 6 Year 7 Year 9 0.0% Year 10 Market Value Rent Overview Gross Capital Value (rounded) Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m²/month € 640,469 € 5.68 Market rental value total p.a. per m²/month € 835,732 € 7.42 -21.01% Over-/Underrent Year 8 Total € 9,600,000 per m² € 1,022 Purchaser's costs 6.75% Yield Overview Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield 5.75% 7.75% Gross Initial Yield Gross Reversionary Yield 7.12% 9.29% Market Value (rounded) Total € 9,000,000 per m² € 958 Valuation Comment In terms of risk, we considered the covenant strength as well as the lease duration for the existing contracts. The main tenant, Kaufland Warenhandel Südwest GmbH & Co. KG, has good covenant strength, which ensures a secure cash flow for the remainder of the lease term until at least 2022. In terms of a resale, we took into account such facts as visibility, demographic factors, appearance, condition and building age, third-party usability, competition situation and location. For the purpose of the valuation on 31 December 2013, the non-recoverable costs (e.g. insurance costs as well as ground tax) remained unchanged and have been applied according to information received during the previous valuation cycle. Management costs and maintenance costs have been applied according to internal benchmarks. We have not been provided with updated information regarding necessary capital expenditures (CapEx). According to information received no CapEx are required. For the purpose of our valuation we have assumed that all capital expenditures for repairs in the first year as well as in the periods of year 2 to 5 and year 6 to 10 are considered to be covered by the maintenance costs of € 4.50/m² per annum as sinking fund. Regarding comparable rents we have had recourse to evidence of similar areas situated in the comparable regions and locations. Furthermore, we have analysed comparable transactions. Please refer to the section "Investment Comparables". No significant changes occurred in comparison to previous valuation. Only the tenant Bäckerei Staib has extended the lease contract until 09/2014 and the tenant Mutul (12 m²) vacated the property. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 10 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 7 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gartenstraße 30 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 73312 Geislingen Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Photos Front view of the property Internal view of the sales areas of the tenant Kaufland View of the mall Internal view of the sales area of the tenant Deichmann Entrance to the fitness studio from parking level 2 View of the parking level This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 11 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 7 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Gartenstraße 30 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 73312 Geislingen Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Leasing and Investment Market Development of prime yields Retail transaction volume in Germany Leasing Market Investment Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail space in retail warehouses or retail parks throughout Germany. For the determination of the rents, the quality of location in terms of accessibility and competition is crucial. The rents within the different branches vary. This is due to the diverging location assessment and turnover expectancy of the different tenants. If in the case of a retail park the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which guarantee a high visitor frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher and as a consequence, their overall rental level will be higher as well. Besides the rent level, another determining factor for investors is the building costs. Properties with the highest rents usually also have the highest building costs and land acquisition cost. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the retail format of the store, rents for supermarkets/ hypermarkets are generally slightly higher than the rents for discounters. Such rents in cities with more the 30,000 inhabitants in western German locations generally range between € 7.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Rents for discounters in western Germany generally range between € 6.00 and € 12.00/m²/month, while discounters eastern Germany generally achieve slightly lower rental rates. Drugstores, textile, shoe and electronics branches generally achieve rental rates ranging from € 7.50 to € 12.00/m²/month. DIY stores need extensive space due to their broad product range. In urban centres, these stores sometimes even offer their products on two levels. DIY also fall at the lower end of the scale in terms of rents, with prices ranging between € 6.00 and € 10.00/m²/month. On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. As DIY stores have a supra-regional catchment area, there are not as independent as other branches in the area and can relocate to more affordable attractive and easily accessible industrial zones. In such areas, lower investments for realisation and lower building costs induce lower rents. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. The office prime yields were still on a slight downward trend in individual cities. Each of the Big 7 cities now has a net initial yield of below 5%. Aggregated across all cities, the prime yield in the office segment fell to an average value of around 4.67%. Shopping centre yields are at a similar rate of 4.70%. For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Leasing Comparables Tenant Kaufland Kaufland Kaufland Deichmann Deichmann Bäckerei Bäckerei Fitness Company City Freital Lüneburg Bergkamen Wiesbaden Rödermark Aschaffenburg Berlin Bremen Property Type Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Shoe Store Shoe Store Bakery Bakery Fitness Studio Area 8,000 m² 4,611 m² 5,956 m² 449 m² 495 m² 66 m² 50 m² 2,430 m² Total Rent p.m. € 62,000 € 35,732 € 44,730 € 5,972 € 5,361 € 3,854 € 3,000 € 3,013 Rent p. sqm € 7.75 /m² € 7.75 /m² € 7.51 /m² € 13.31 /m² € 10.83 /m² € 58.40 /m² € 60.00 /m² € 1.24 /m² Comment Other federal state; slightly lower purchasing power Lower purchasing power; worse location Bigger retail area; lower purchasing power Higher purchasing power; smaller retail area Other federal state Comparable purchasing power; worse location Lower purchasing power Worse location Investment Comparables Property Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Year of Construction n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Area 8,520 m² 13,000 m² 22,926 m² 13,000 m² 2,269 m² 13,000 m² 10,031 m² 0 m² Gross Multiplier 14.1-fold 13.8-fold 8.0-fold 15.3-fold 14.7-fold 13.8-fold 10.1-fold 0.0-fold Date of Transaction Q3 2013 Q2 2012 2012 2012 2012 Q2 2012 2012 0 Comment Medium to long WALT, located in North Rhine-Westphalia Medium to long WALT, located in Lower Saxony Anchor tenant Kaufland & Toom, WALT below 5 years, portfolio transaction Anchor tenant Marktkauf, WALT 17.5 years, very strong location in southern Germany WALT 15.7 years, good location, main tenant Kaufland, partly leasehold Anchor tenant Famila, WALT 9.2 years, strong location in northern Germany Anchor tenant real, WALT 15 years, portfolio transaction 0 Page 12 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Waldenburger Straße F175 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 08371 Glauchau Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 8 Property Summary Key Figures Property type Main tenant Retail Park Kaufland Warenhandel Mittel-Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG Total lettable area Total parking units 12,767 m² 450 units Current vacancy rate Weighted average lease term 0.1% 7.9 years 1992 n.a. Year of construction Year of refurbishment Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,264,953 € 8.26 Total non-recoverable expenses (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 115,288 € 0.75 Net operating income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,149,664 € 7.50 total p.a. € 1,197,680 5.7% Market rental value Over-/Underrent based on occupied areas SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Sufficient parking Good accessibility by car Risk diversification due to multi-tenant structure Long remaining lease term of the anchor tenant Located next to a motorway exit and a federal road High level of competition (another Kaufland nearby) Limited third party usability of the large-scale retail area without refurbishment Building almost 22 years old 0 0 Opportunities Threats Prolongation of lease contracts after expiry 0 0 0 0 Re-letting/negotiations concerning the prolongation of existing contracts may result in worse conditions Significant negative population growth Below-average purchasing power Limited investor focus on properties in eastern Germany Property is currently let sligthly over market rental level (over-rented) Property Rating (1 = very negative, 5 = very positive) Building Location Building age Lettable Area Property condition General impression 2 4 2 3 16 to 25 years Between 12,500 and 15,000 m² Below average building condition Average general impression Macrolocation Microlocation Commercial activity Competition 4 WALT seven to ten years 2 Slightly overrented (5% to 15%) 4 Tenants with very good credit rating Investment market Investment volume Saleability Liquidity 2 3 3 2 Below average location and catchment area Average micro location Limited commercial activity nearby High competition level Investment Quality WALT Over- / underrent Quality of tenants 2 Under developed property market 4 Good lot size 4 Good saleability within 6 months Property Description The site encompasses the subject retail park, a petrol station as well as some food stalls located in front of the main entrance. The property was constructed in 1992 and encompasses a self-service department store (Kaufland), an Aldi food discounter, a medimax (consumer electronics) and various smaller retailers. The property is rectangular-shaped with the north-western corner being cut out. The property mostly has a single storey; however, on the eastern side, there is second storey accommodating offices of the main tenant. The unit let by the tenant Aldi has its own entrance located at the south-east of the subject property with no access to the mall. The property is built out of prefabricated columns and beams on a reinforced concrete slab. The supporting structure of the flat roof consists of trapezoidal metal panels. The facade of the property is made from multi-layer concrete panels. Main entrance, office windows and shop displays have coated aluminium frames. The walls within the public areas are plastered and painted. The ceiling inside the mall is suspended with a grid system still allowing the technical installations above to be seen. The smaller shop units usually have a suspended ceiling while the large retail unit of Kaufland all technical installations are viewable. The floor is mainly covered with ceramic tiles, while the fit out of the smaller shop units depends on the tenant’s preferences. In terms of HVAC, the property offers gas-operated heating and ventilation, but only partial air conditioning. The parking area is made of asphalt in the driveways and paving stones for the parking areas. Valuation Results Market Value € 15,600,000 equals to Market Rental Value € 1,222 per m² € 1,197,680 p.a. Discount Rate 7.25% Net Initial Yield 7.01% Capitalisation Rate 7.25% Net Reversionary Yield 6.61% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. excluding capital expenditures Page 1 of 12 € 7.82 / m² / p.m. equals to 7.01% Multiplier (initial) 12.33 6.61% Multiplier (based on MRV) 13.03 abc Property address Property no. 8 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Waldenburger Straße F175 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 08371 Glauchau Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Location Germany Macroeconomic Indicators (Source: GfK, BBE, BBSR/Inkar 2012/2013) Saxony Zwickau (Rural District) Glauchau 08371 Federal State District City Postcode Population Population Population Number of Households Population Density Population Density Population Forecast (2009 - 2025) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Federal State District City City District City District Federal State District Federal State District absolute absolute absolute absolute per km² per km² in % in % in % in % in % Structual Data Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Index Retail Purchasing Power Index Retail Centrality Index Glauchau 4,137,051 338,272 24,234 12,631 356 471 -15.5% -3.0% -5.3% 9.1% 7.9% (Source: GfK and BBE 2012/2013) District City Federal State District District in m € in m € index index index 5,738 399 83.30 79.82 98.78 Macro Location The city of Glauchau is located in the federal state of Saxony. Glauchau is situated between the cities Gera to the west (approx. 35 km) and Chemnitz to the east (approx. 30 km). Glauchau is located next to the motorway A4, which runs from the east of Hesse to the Polish border, passing by cities such as Erfurt, Chemnitz and Dresden. Furthermore, the federal roads B175 and B93 cross Glauchau, connecting the city from north and south. Glauchau has a railway station with service to Dresden, Hof, Nuremberg and Zwickau, connecting the city to the long-distance network of Deutsche Bahn. The closest airport is Leipzig-Altenburg, which is situated 20 km north of Glachau. Destinations to be reached from Leipzig airport are nationally, larger German cities in the west and south of Germany and internationally, Brussels, Prague, Paris and Vienna. Furthermore, Leipzig offers service to plenty of tourist destinations, such as Spain, Greece and North Africa. Glauchau is home to several manufacturing companies in the field of textiles and car parts. Particularly the latter sector benefits from the manufacturing site of Volkswagen in Zwickau-Mosel only a couple of kilometres away. Additionally, Glauchau benefits from its location next to a motorway. Micro Location Micro Location The property is situated approx. 2.5 km north of the city centre of Glauchau in the sub-district of Jerisau. The property is located very close to a motorway exit (A4) and the federal road B175, connecting the city in all directions. The property is visible from both roads. It can be accessed from Ludwig-Erhard-Straße in the north and Waldenburger Straße in the east, surrounding the property to the west, north, and east. To the south of the property, there is a Greenfield site. The neighbourhood of the property is predominantly characterised by commercial buildings, such as car dealerships, a fast food restaurant, and fields. Furthermore, there is a petrol station on the site. There is a bus stop in front of the site with frequent service from Glauchau to a couple of villages and town to the north and east of the property. Local Tax Information Real Estate Tax Rate (Typ B) Land Transfer Tax This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 2 of 12 City City in % in % abc 490 3.5 Property address Property no. 8 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Waldenburger Straße F175 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 08371 Glauchau Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Site Plan Source: Cadastral plan on a 1 to 1,500 scale, dated 30.12.2010 Site Information Site area thereof surplus land 47,878 m² 0 m² Ground lease No n.a. Ground lease expiry Surplus land value (net) n.a. €0 Site servicing Fully serviced Irregular Site layout Soil contamination No Suspicion Building encumbrances No Comment The site consists of ten different plots and encompasses a total of 47,878 m². The site is not listed in the register of contaminated land ("Altlastenkataster") and the environmental DD, dated 2nd May 1991 prepared by Institut Fresenius GmbH, did not identify any contamination of the site. In terms of easements, all plots have an easement registered in favour of Kaufland to operate its store. This represents a common practice so that we do not attribute any effect on value to it. Furthermore, three other easements secure the right to build an underground water pipe on some of the plots. Again, we do not believe that this will influence the market value of the property. For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the subject property is free of any soil or building contamination. Town Planning Use class SO (special zone) Site coverage ratio (GRZ) n.a. Plot ratio (GFZ) n.a. Cubic index (BMZ) n.a. Comment According to information from the local planning authority's website, a legally binding development plan exists, entitled "Einkaufszentrum Glauchau Waldenburgerstr." with the following regulations: the subject site is located in a special retail zone (Sondergebiet Einkaufszentrum). It imposes the following restrictions, among others: approx. 13,000 m² of retail space is permissible, of which a maximum of 5,500 m² can be used for food retailing, 6,400 m² for non-food retailing, and 3,200 m² for ancillary rooms. Additionally, up to 2,000 m² of office space is permissible. Tenure Land Register Local Court of Hohenstein-Ernstthal, land register of Glauchau Owner TPL Glauchau S.á.r.l, Luxembourg Sheet 5177 8599 4303 Plot n.a. n.a. n.a. Parcel Sheet 5177: 220/3, 217/4, 213/3, 213/4, 232/9, 220/5, 220/6, 219/11; Sheet 8599: 219/6; Sheet 4303: 219/7 Section 3 (Loans) Section 2 (Restrictions) Sheet 5177: Land charges in the total amount of € 105,000,000 in Easement (pipeline installation and use as favour of Corealcredit Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main; storage space) for the respective owner of the entered on 21.02.2012 parcels 220, 219/4 and 219/5 (Jerisau district); Comprehensive right of use to operate a supermarket/self-service department for Kaufland Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG, Neckarsulm; Freshwater pipeline easement for Regionaler Zweckverband Wasserversorgung Bereich LugauGlauchau, Glauchau; Sheet 8599 and 4303: Comprehensive right to operate a supermarket/self-service department for Kaufland Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG, Neckarsulm Source: Land register extract, dated 14 January 2014 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 3 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 8 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Waldenburger Straße F175 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 08371 Glauchau Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Competitor Map Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Research Competitor Overview Name Simmel Kaufland Simmel Kaufland Kaufland Simmel 0 Address 8371 Glauchau, Rudolf-Breitscheid-Str. 10 8393 Meerane, Seiferitzer Allee 1 8393 Meerane, August-Bebel-Str. 65 8371 Glauchau, Grenayer Str. 10 8451 Crimmitschau, Harthauer Weg 1 9350 Lichtenstein, Platanenstr. 4 Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Sales area 2,300 m² 4,847 m² 1,600 m² 4,200 m² 3,525 m² 2,000 m² m² Distance 1.80 km 6.30 km 5.30 km 2.40 km 9.10 km 9.00 km Potential Medium High Low Low Low Low 0 0 0 0 0 0 Competiton Indicators Inhabitants in primary catchment area (Radius 5 km) 28,504 Purchasing power in Mio. € (District) Inhabitants in secondary catchment area (Radius 10 km) 45,410 Purchasing power per Capita in € (Radius 5 km) Number of households (Radius 5 km) 14,800 Unemployment Rate (District) Number of households (Radius 10 km) 22,998 Population forecast for the district (2009 - 2025) Retail Purchasing Power Index (District) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. 79.82 Retail Centrality Index (District) Page 4 of 12 5,738 16,486 7.9% -15.5% 98.78 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Waldenburger Straße F175 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 08371 Glauchau Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 8 Main competitors This competitor is a retail park located at the western outskirts of Glauchau, only 3 km away from the subject property. It comprises a Kaufland, a toom DIY, a large-scale drinks cash-and-carry, a Reno shoe market, a tedi, a petrol station and various smaller retailers. Due to the proximity and similarity of the tenant mix, we assess the competition level to be high. This medium-sized Edeka store is located within a small retail park with several small retailers such as NKD, a local shoe store and Pfennigpfeiffer (a discount store for non-food items, for example stationery and houseware). Competition Comment Concerning food competitors, there is the aforementioned retail park anchored by Kaufland (named Kaufland II in the following) and toom DIY at the western outskirts of Glauchau and the E-Center Simmel located within Glauchau. Of these two and the Kaufland in the subject property, the latter one has the largest sales area with more than 7,000 m². Its competitors only have approx. 4,200 m² (Kaufland II) and 2,300 m² (ECenter) of space. On the other hand, the Kaufland II is part of a larger retail agglomeration with a toom DIY, a large-scale drinks cash-and-carry, a Reno shoe market, a tedi, a petrol station and various smaller retailers. Furthermore, a petrol station is next to the agglomeration. The E-Center is part of a smaller retail agglomeration with a couple of smaller retailers, predominantly from the region. Generally, shop units are smaller within this agglomeration compared to the properties in which the Kauflands are located in. However, the E-Center is only an indirect competitor to Kaufland, since the sales area is significantly smaller. Furthermore, Kaufland offers a very deep and broad product range with more than 50,000 products, while discounters and supermarkets offer a limited product range with only 7,000 to 11,000 (supermarkets) or 400-2,500 (discounters) articles. Therefore, these retailing forms address different customers or customer needs. While supermarkets and discounters cater to the daily needs of customers, Kaufland offers a larger variety of products that are bought on a non-daily basis. Thus, the only very strong competitor is Kaufland II. In terms of location, Kaufland II benefits from its location next to the B175, which leads out of Glauchau to Zwickau and to the Volkswagen manufacturing site close by. However, the accessibility of the site is below average and the visibility from the road from a distance is below average. Additionally, the different larger shops are not connected to each other via a mall as in the subject property. This means that customers have to walk through the parking lot to get to the next shop. Moreover, Kaufland II does not have a food discounter, which usually attracts many customers who go shopping in hypermarkets for the goods they cannot buy in food discounters. Furthermore, when considering the inner and outer appearance of the shops, they are both almost on the same level as the subject property. Particularly to the north of the property, there are no competitors and this area is connected via a major federal road. Therefore, we believe that there is enough customer potential for Kaufland. Turnover analysis The rents in a functional retail agglomeration are linked to turnover. The percentage rate that a retail tenant can use for rental payments depends on the margins achievable in the various market sectors. This rate normally ranges between 2% and 15% depending on the respective industry. The productivity varies between approx. € 1,000/m² and up to more than € 10,000/m². For the previous valuation we have been provided with turnover figures from the tenant Kaufland. We have analysed the figures and have found the area productivity of Kaufland to be in a healthy range. With a turnover-to-rent ratio of less than 2% it lies below the range of 2% to 4%, which is acceptable for a self-service department store. Hence, we believe that a higher market rent is achievable after the end of the lease contract. Though turnover is low, the turnover-rent ratio is in an acceptable range. Nevertheless, we consider the rents paid in the property to be at the upper end of the range of acceptable ratios. On the other hand, the rents paid are considered to be generally sustainable. With regards to the turnover rents, apart from some exceptions, we believe that there will be no significant and sustainable increases in turnover. Thus, in the valuation we considered only turnover rents when the level of turnover was sustainable over a long period of time. Conclusion The subject property is a retail park located in the northern outskirts of Glauchau at an arterial road, close to a motorway exit. It offers good visibility and accessibility by car. The property is anchored by a Kaufland and comprises other nation-wide operating retailers such as Aldi, medimax, Deichmann, Apollo Optik, AWG, mister+lady and some local retailers. The tenant mix within the property predominantly focuses on price-conscious customers and offers products ranging from daily needs to fashion and services, such as a dry cleaner, a locksmith, and jeweller. This tenant mix fits into the general economic environment of the region. On the other hand, the tenant mix is quite similar to that of the strongest competitor (Kaufland II). Nevertheless, the subject property benefits from the villages to the north, which act as additional customer potential and help sustain the market. Furthermore, the subject property benefits of the presence of Aldi within the property since food discounters usually attract a large number of people who could be potential customers at the other shops as well. The tenants within the property, apart from the food stalls, suffer from below average turnover, likely because of the low purchasing power in the region. Nevertheless, based on the turnover data made available to us, we believe that the total rental income is sustainable. The property is nearly fully let and achieves an average contractual rent of € 8.68/m² for the retail areas. Furthermore, the weighted average lease term is 8.1 years with the anchor tenant having a remaining lease term of more than 10 years. All in all, the property has an adequate tenant mix and is let on a sustainable level. Nevertheless, the strong competition and economic situation in the region does not leave much room for rental growth potential. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 5 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 8 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Waldenburger Straße F175 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 08371 Glauchau Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Rent Roll Tenant Name 1 BRL Center GmbH Area Category Letting Status Area m² / unit 175 Rent / month Rent / m² / month Tenant pays VAT Lease Start Lease End Renewal Probability Tenant pays * Retail Let € 4,788 27.36 Yes 01.08.2008 31.07.2028 75% GT I PM 2 Friedrich Retail Let 13 € 577 43.06 Yes 06.09.2007 30.09.2017 75% GT I PM 3 mister*lady GmbH Retail Let 336 € 2,136 6.36 Yes 25.07.2000 31.07.2016 75% GT I PM 4 Frisör Klier GmbH Retail Let 78 € 2,440 31.21 Yes 01.03.2009 28.02.2024 75% GT I PM 5 Röhner Retail Let 73 € 991 13.67 Yes 01.04.2005 31.03.2015 75% GT I PM 6 Valora Retail Kiosk GmbH Retail Let 29 € 799 27.61 Yes 01.12.2010 31.12.2016 75% GT I PM 7 Reiseland GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 67 € 1,635 24.50 Yes 15.12.2012 31.12.2017 75% GT I PM 8 Deichmann SE Retail Let 435 € 7,786 17.90 Yes 13.10.1992 31.10.2014 75% GT I PM 9 Fleischerei Richter GmbH Retail Let 82 € 3,300 40.34 Yes 21.06.2008 30.06.2022 75% GT I PM 10 Apollo Optik GmbH Retail Let 125 € 1,558 12.47 Yes 02.11.2005 01.11.2015 75% GT I PM 11 Dänisches Bettenlager GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 978 € 4,980 5.09 No 11.12.2013 11.12.2018 75% 12 Flora Passionata Retail Let 58 € 1,428 24.62 Yes 01.04.2009 31.03.2015 75% GT I PM 13 Kaufland Warenhandel Mittel-Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 7,140 € 39,268 5.50 Yes 01.10.2007 30.09.2026 75% 14 Wiener Feinbäckerei Heberer GmbH Weimar Retail Let 79 € 4,419 56.29 Yes 01.06.2001 31.05.2016 75% 15 AWG Allgemeine Warenvertriebs-GmbH Retail Let 890 € 8,277 9.30 Yes 01.03.2002 28.02.2017 75% 16 MediMax Zentrale Electronic GmbH Retail Let 1,546 € 10,027 6.49 Yes 01.12.2004 07.05.2019 75% 17 Kaufland Warenhandel Mittel-Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG Storage Let 442 € 2,210 5.00 Yes 01.10.2007 30.09.2026 75% 18 Kaufland Warenhandel Mittel-Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG Office Let 55 € 275 5.00 Yes 01.10.2007 30.09.2026 19 Sparkasse Chemnitz Abt. Verwaltung Other Units Let 4 € 273 68.22 Yes 26.04.1993 31.03.2015 75% 20 Schwarz Außenwerbung GmbH Other Units Let 1 € 433 433.33 Yes 01.01.2010 31.12.2014 100% 21 Cakir Other Units Let 24 € 607 25.31 Yes 01.04.2006 31.03.2016 75% 22 Dung Tran Other Units Let 24 € 750 31.25 Yes 01.11.2005 30.06.2014 75% Petrol Station Let 1,139 € 2,073 1.82 Yes 01.04.2003 31.03.2018 100% M GT I PM Yes 15.03.2011 14.03.2016 75% GT I PM Yes 01.10.2007 30.09.2026 75% 00.01.1900 30.09.2026 75% 00.01.1900 00.01.1900 0% 23 TOTAL Deutschland GmbH 24 Apache-Jeans Retail Let 150 € 2,027 13.50 25 Vacant Retail Vacant 17 €0 0.00 Other Units Let 1 € 880 880.00 Other Units Let 1 € 144 144.00 External parking Let 450 €0 0.00 Let 8 26 Kiosk 27 Mall Income 28 Parking Yes GT I PM GT I GT I PM 75% 0% 29 Fleischerei Richter GmbH Other Units € 1,000 133.33 n.a. 01.01.2009 31.01.2017 75% M GT I PM 30 Tobaco Other Units Let 1 € 15 300.00 #NV 01.09.2013 31.08.2016 100% M GT I PM 31 Gottmann Kay Other Units Let 1 € 15 15.00 75 01.10.2009 30.04.2014 75% M GT I PM 32 Geiser Roland GmbH Other Units Let 1 € 300 300.00 n.a. 01.08.2011 31.07.2016 75% M GT I PM 13,906 m² € 105,413 Total * M = Maintenance, GT = Ground Tax, I = Insurance Costs, PM = Property Management This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 6 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 8 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Waldenburger Straße F175 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 08371 Glauchau Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Valuation Assumptions Area Category Tenant Name Area sqm/unit Market Rent Market Rent /month € 4,375 Re-letting Re-letting Initial Tis Void VPV* Void* Rent Abatem.* Agency Fees* Lease Term** Renewal Probability 1 BRL Center GmbH Retail 175 € 25.00 € 100 0 6 0 3 5 25% 2 Friedrich Retail 13 € 30.00 € 402 € 100 0 6 0 3 5 25% 3 mister*lady GmbH Retail 336 € 7.00 € 2,352 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 4 Frisör Klier GmbH Retail 78 € 25.00 € 1,955 € 100 0 6 0 3 5 25% 5 Röhner Retail 73 € 17.50 € 1,269 € 100 0 9 0 3 5 25% 6 Valora Retail Kiosk GmbH Retail 29 € 30.00 € 869 € 100 0 6 0 3 5 25% 7 Reiseland GmbH & Co. KG Retail 67 € 30.00 € 2,003 € 100 0 6 0 3 5 8 Deichmann SE Retail 435 € 12.50 € 5,438 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 9 Fleischerei Richter GmbH Retail 82 € 30.00 € 2,454 € 100 0 6 0 3 5 25% 10 Apollo Optik GmbH Retail 125 € 12.50 € 1,562 € 100 0 9 0 3 5 25% 11 Dänisches Bettenlager GmbH & Co. KG Retail 978 € 7.50 € 7,335 € 100 0 12 0 3 10 25% 12 Flora Passionata Retail 58 € 30.00 € 1,740 € 100 0 6 0 3 5 25% 13 Kaufland Warenhandel Mittel-Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG Retail 5 25% 7,140 € 5.50 € 39,268 € 50 0 14 Wiener Feinbäckerei Heberer GmbH Weimar Retail 79 € 30.00 € 2,355 € 100 0 6 0 3 5 25% 15 AWG Allgemeine Warenvertriebs-GmbH Retail 890 € 8.50 € 7,569 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 16 MediMax Zentrale Electronic GmbH 17 Kaufland Warenhandel Mittel-Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG 6 0 3 25% Retail 1,546 € 6.00 € 9,274 € 50 0 6 0 3 10 25% Storage 442 € 5.00 € 2,210 € 100 0 6 0 3 5 25% € 100 Office 55 € 5.00 € 275 5 25% 19 Sparkasse Chemnitz Abt. Verwaltung Other Units 4 € 68.22 € 273 €0 0 3 0 3 5 25% 20 Schwarz Außenwerbung GmbH Other Units 1 € 433.33 € 433 €0 0 6 0 3 5 0% 21 Cakir Other Units 24 € 30.00 € 720 €0 0 6 0 3 5 25% 25% 18 Kaufland Warenhandel Mittel-Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG 0 6 0 3 Other Units 24 € 30.00 € 720 €0 0 6 0 3 5 Petrol Station 1,139 € 1.82 € 2,073 €0 0 0 0 3 10 24 Apache-Jeans Retail 150 € 15.00 € 2,252 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 25 Vacant Retail 17 € 5.50 € 94 €0 0 0 0 3 5 75% 22 Dung Tran 23 TOTAL Deutschland GmbH 0% 26 Kiosk Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 5 25% 27 Mall Income Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 5 25% External parking 450 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 0 0% Other Units 8 € 30.00 € 225 €0 0 6 0 3 5 25% 28 Parking 29 Fleischerei Richter GmbH € 15 €0 0 0 0 3 31 Gottmann Kay Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 3 0 0 5 25% 32 Geiser Roland GmbH 30 Tobaco Other Units Other Units 1 € 300.00 € 300 €0 0 0 0 3 5 25% Total * months 1 € 15.00 13,906 sqm ** years 0 0% € 99,807 ***structural vacancy This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 7 of 12 . abc Property address Property no. 8 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Waldenburger Straße F175 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 08371 Glauchau Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property Analysis Area Analysis Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Total area Petrol Station Other Units Internal parking External parking Total parking Lettable Area m² 55 12,270 0 0 0 0 442 12,767 1,139 66 0 450 1,655 Area Vacant m² 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 Area Let m² 55 12,253 0 0 0 0 442 12,750 1,139 66 0 450 450 Vacancy Rate % 0.00% 0.14% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.13% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Income Analysis Contractual Rent €/m²/month 5.00 7.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 1.82 67.44 8.27 0.00 0.00 Contractual Rent €/month 275 96,437 0 0 0 0 2,210 2,073 4,418 105,413 0 0 Contractual Rent €/year 3,300 1,157,244 0 0 0 0 26,520 24,877 53,011 1,264,953 0 0 Potential Rent €/year 3,300 1,158,783 0 0 0 0 26,520 24,877 53,011 1,266,491 0 0 Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Petrol Station Other Units Total area Internal parking External parking Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Market Rent €/m²/month 5.00 7.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 1.82 41.01 7.82 0.00 0.00 Market Rent €/year 3,300 1,110,748 0 0 0 0 26,520 24,877 32,234 1,197,680 0 0 Market Rent €/month 275 92,562 0 0 0 0 2,210 2,073 2,686 99,807 0 0 Over-/ UnderRented 0.0% 4.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 64.5% 5.8% 0.0% 0.0% Assessment of Kaufland market rent Turnover to rent ratio Space productivity 7,000 Explanation 13.00 Usual market % - levels 12.00 6,500 11.84 Market rent 11.00 6,000 Contractual Rent 10.00 Rent / m² / month 5,500 5,000 4,500 9.00 Rents 8.88 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.92 5.50 € / m² % Contractual 1.9% 5.50 Market 1.9% 5.50 4% of turnover 11.84 3% of turnover 8.88 5.00 4,000 5.92 2% of turnover 4,227 4.00 3,500 Turnover potential (net) 3.00 3,000 2.00 1.0% in € / m² p.a. 25,359,998 € Sales Area 1.5% 2.0% based on sales area 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% Total Area ~ 6,000 m² 7,140 m² Turnover-rent-ratio Self-service department stores usually can afford to pay a rent in the range of 2% to 4% of their net turnover (economically sustainable rent burden) and have a space productivity of about € 4,000 to € 6,000 per m² sales area. The two graphics above indicate, how the contract rent of the main tenant Kaufland as well as the assumed market rental level, can be assessed on the basis of usual market ranges. This analysis is based on the turnover potential figures prepared by Trade Dimension. D&B Rating of Main Tenant Main tenant Tenant name Rent p.a. Share of total income WALT Payment Index Capital indicator Risk indicator Score Credit limit Comment Kaufland Warenhandel Mittel-Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG € 501,036 40% 12.7 years 80 O1 1 92 € 8,000 (single) € 38,000 (total) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. The main tenant is a corporation belonging to the Kaufland Group, which in turn belongs to the Lidl & Schwarz Group, one of the biggest grocer groups in Europe. Kaufland is the self-service department store division of Lidl & Schwarz with more than 500 locations across Europe. Kaufland’s core business area is food retailing with branded goods and own-brands specially produced for Kaufland. According to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Rating as of 29.01.2014 Kaufland Warenhandel Mittel-Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG has a very low credit risk. The risk of insolvency (D&B Score) within the next 12 months compared with other German companies is assessed to be low. Page 8 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Waldenburger Straße F175 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 08371 Glauchau Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. Assumptions 8 Market Value Lease Contract Commentary The main tenant, Kaufland, has a lease expiring in 2026 with the option to prolong its lease. The rent is indexed and will be adapted by 50% of the CPI change, whenever the change exceeds 10 percent in relation to CPI basis. Kaufland does not contribute to any costs in association with maintenance costs for roof and the building structure, ground tax, insurance fees, and management costs. The remaining tenants usually do not pay for maintenance costs for roof and building structure and pay a fixed amount each month for management costs (usually around € 100). However, most tenants pay for ground tax and insurance fees. The rent is mostly indexed with 75% to 100% adjustment of the rent whenever the German CPI changes by 10% or more. Some of the tenants have an option to prolong their leases by five years. The spaces of Aldi and Ziesche has been relet to Dänisches Bettenlager until 12/2018. Further the tenant Dänisches Bettenlager has taken 60 m² from adajcent tenants "Deichmann" and "AWG" in exchange for 2 vacant units of 30 m² each. General Property Assumptions Discount Rate Comment Discount rate 7.25% Capitalisation rate 7.25% Capital expenditures* The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. We derive the discount rate from market transactions. The discount rate reflects the rate of return expected by investors and is determined based on the risk associated with a property. As reinsurance, the initial yields profile is aligned with the market/other transactions. We have taken into account such facts as the stable Cash Flow, the long lease contract with the tenant Kaufland, the average location within the federal state Saxony and the low vacancy rate. €0 Vacancy costs € 10.00 /m²/p.a. * on the basis of cost estimates provided by Brack Capital Real Estate, dated April 2013 Breakdown of Non-Recoverable Costs Contract** (month 1 x 12) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses ** JLL analysis Market (assuming full occupancy) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.49 /m² € 1.75 /m² € 0.29 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 9.03 /m² € 70,218 € 18,974 € 22,351 € 3,746 €0 € 115,288 per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.41 /m² € 1.75 /m² € 0.29 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 8.95 /m² € 70,218 € 17,965 € 22,351 € 3,746 €0 € 114,279 Inflation % of Gross Contract Rent 5.55% 1.50% 1.77% 0.30% 0.00% 9.11% Year Inflation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% Market Rental Growth Year Rental Growth % of Gross Market Rent 5.86% 1.50% 1.87% 0.31% 0.00% 9.54% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% Market Contract Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total Non-recoverable Costs Maintanance Costs € 70,244 € 71,368 € 72,638 € 73,916 € 75,114 € 76,301 € 77,521 € 78,777 € 80,022 € 81,206 € 82,392 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Management Costs € 18,797 € 18,541 € 18,665 € 18,255 € 18,629 € 18,893 € 19,166 € 19,575 € 19,682 € 20,180 € 20,113 Insurance Costs € 3,746 € 3,805 € 3,873 € 3,941 € 4,005 € 4,068 € 4,134 € 4,201 € 4,267 € 4,330 € 4,393 Ground Tax € 22,351 € 22,709 € 23,113 € 23,520 € 23,901 € 24,278 € 24,667 € 25,066 € 25,462 € 25,839 € 26,216 Other Nonrecoverable Costs 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ Total per year € 115,996 € 119,783 € 119,838 € 122,098 € 121,819 € 126,278 € 126,981 € 129,101 € 132,565 € 131,752 € 133,322 Vacancy Costs € 858 € 3,360 € 1,549 € 2,466 € 170 € 2,738 € 1,493 € 1,482 € 3,132 € 197 € 208 % of Total Gross Revenue 9.3% 9.7% 9.6% 10.0% 9.8% 10.0% 9.9% 9.9% 10.1% 9.8% 9.9% Non-Recoverable Costs as a percentage of Total Gross Revenue 12.0% 10.0% 9.3% 9.7% 9.6% 10.0% 9.8% 10.0% 9.9% 9.9% 10.1% 9.8% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 9 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 8 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Waldenburger Straße F175 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 08371 Glauchau Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Cash Flow Market Value Rental Revenue € 1,266,162 € 1,268,440 € 1,266,738 € 1,244,154 € 1,246,231 € 1,285,247 € 1,302,464 € 1,328,484 € 1,349,488 € 1,350,475 € 1,347,145 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Turnover Vacancy -€ 13,042 -€ 32,393 -€ 22,431 -€ 27,149 -€ 4,285 -€ 25,721 -€ 24,741 -€ 23,465 -€ 37,336 -€ 5,109 -€ 6,310 Rent Abatements €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 Total Gross Revenue € 1,253,120 € 1,236,047 € 1,244,307 € 1,217,005 € 1,241,946 € 1,259,526 € 1,277,723 € 1,305,019 € 1,312,152 € 1,345,366 € 1,340,835 Nonrecoverable Costs -€ 115,996 -€ 119,783 -€ 119,838 -€ 122,098 -€ 121,819 -€ 126,278 -€ 126,981 -€ 129,101 -€ 132,565 -€ 131,752 -€ 133,322 Net Operating Income € 1,137,124 € 1,116,264 € 1,124,469 € 1,094,907 € 1,120,127 € 1,133,248 € 1,150,742 € 1,175,918 € 1,179,587 € 1,213,614 € 1,207,513 TIs and Leasing Capital Commissions Cash Flow Expenditures €0 -€ 546 € 1,136,578 -€ 33,994 -€ 13,641 € 1,068,629 -€ 17,826 -€ 7,233 € 1,099,410 € 1,063,168 -€ 24,539 -€ 7,200 -€ 1,784 € 1,116,733 -€ 1,610 -€ 6,670 -€ 26,789 € 1,099,789 -€ 7,039 € 1,128,101 -€ 15,602 € 1,160,154 -€ 9,913 -€ 5,851 -€ 11,598 -€ 38,082 € 1,129,907 -€ 2,316 -€ 2,094 € 1,209,204 € 16,732,041 -€ 1,728 -€ 2,293 Total Cashflow (incl. Terminal Value @ 7.25 %) Gross Value of Surplus Land Gross Capital Value incl. Surplus Land Present Value @ 7.25% € 1,101,329 € 965,577 € 926,114 € 834,435 € 817,409 € 749,926 € 717,660 € 688,513 € 625,325 € 623,767 € 8,309,520 € 16,359,575 €0 € 16,359,575 Total Gross Revenue versus Net Operating Income 8.0% € 1600000.0 7.4% 7.0% 6.8% 6.9% 6.7% 7.0% 6.9% 6.8% 7.2% 7.0% € 1200000.0 6.0% € 1000000.0 5.0% € 800000.0 4.0% € 600000.0 3.0% € 400000.0 2.0% € 200000.0 1.0% € .0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Valuation Results Year 6 Year 7 Year 9 0.0% Year 10 Market Value Rent Overview Gross Capital Value (rounded) Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m²/month € 1,264,953 € 8.26 Market rental value total p.a. per m²/month € 1,197,680 € 7.82 5.72% Over-/Underrent Year 8 Running yield Rental income € 1400000.0 7.2% Total € 16,400,000 per m² € 1,285 Purchaser's costs 5.00% Yield Overview Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield 7.01% 6.61% Gross Initial Yield Gross Reversionary Yield 8.11% 7.68% Market Value (rounded) Total € 15,600,000 per m² € 1,222 Valuation Comment In terms of risk, we considered the covenant strength as well as the lease duration for the existing contracts. The main tenant, Kaufland Warenhandel Mittel-Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG, has good covenant strength, which ensures a secure cash flow for the remainder of the lease term until at least 2026. In terms of a resale, we took into account such facts as visibility, demographic factors, appearance, condition and building age, third-party usability, competition situation and location. In terms of the market rent of Kaufland, our analysis shows that Kaufland could afford to pay a higher rent of approx. € 6.40/m²/month. However, taking the highly negative population growth forecast for the coming years into account as well as the strong competition, we decreased the market rent accordingly to € 5.50/m²/month. For the purpose of the valuation on 31.12.2013, we have been provided with an updated rent roll and applied it in our valuation. The contractual rental income decreased, other costs have remained unchanged and have been applied according to the information received during the previous valuation cycle. For management costs, we have applied 1.5% of the effective gross rent. We have not been provided with updated information regarding necessary capital expenditures, therefore we applied that all capital expenditures for repairs in the first year as well as in the periods of year 2 to 5 and year 6 to 10 are considered to be covered by the our maintenance cost approach of € 5.50/m² p.a. Regarding comparable rents, we have had recourse to evidence of similar areas situated in the comparable regions and locations. Furthermore, we have analysed comparable transactions. Please refer to the section "Investment Comparables". Compared to our last valuation, some changes in the rent roll have been made as well as an adjustment of the nonrecoverable costs. The following changes occurred in comparison to previous valuation: The areas of the tenants Aldi and Ziesche has been relet to Dänisches Bettenlager (978 m²). The lease stated in December 2013 with a rent of € 5.09/m² and will remain until December 2018. Further the tenant Dänisches Bettenlager has taken 60 m² from adajcent tenants Deichmann and AWG in exchange for 2 vacant units of 30 m² each. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 10 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 8 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Waldenburger Straße F175 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 08371 Glauchau Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Photos View from main entrance to the mall Sales area of Kaufland View of the mall View of the former Aldi with separate entrance View of the petrol station on site View of the delivery zone This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 11 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 8 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Waldenburger Straße F175 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 08371 Glauchau Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Leasing and Investment Market Development of prime yields Retail transaction volume in Germany Leasing Market Investment Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail space in retail warehouses or retail parks throughout Germany. For the determination of the rents, the quality of location in terms of accessibility and competition is crucial. The rents within the different branches vary. This is due to the diverging location assessment and turnover expectancy of the different tenants. If in the case of a retail park the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which guarantee a high visitor frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher and as a consequence, their overall rental level will be higher as well. Besides the rent level, another determining factor for investors is the building costs. Properties with the highest rents usually also have the highest building costs and land acquisition cost. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the retail format of the store, rents for supermarkets/ hypermarkets are generally slightly higher than the rents for discounters. Such rents in cities with more the 30,000 inhabitants in western German locations generally range between € 7.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Rents for discounters in western Germany generally range between € 6.00 and € 12.00/m²/month, while discounters eastern Germany generally achieve slightly lower rental rates. Drugstores, textile, shoe and electronics branches generally achieve rental rates ranging from € 7.50 to € 12.00/m²/month. DIY stores need extensive space due to their broad product range. In urban centres, these stores sometimes even offer their products on two levels. DIY also fall at the lower end of the scale in terms of rents, with prices ranging between € 6.00 and € 10.00/m²/month. On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. As DIY stores have a supra-regional catchment area, there are not as independent as other branches in the area and can relocate to more affordable attractive and easily accessible industrial zones. In such areas, lower investments for realisation and lower building costs induce lower rents. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. The office prime yields were still on a slight downward trend in individual cities. Each of the Big 7 cities now has a net initial yield of below 5%. Aggregated across all cities, the prime yield in the office segment fell to an average value of around 4.67%. Shopping centre yields are at a similar rate of 4.70%. For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Leasing Comparables Tenant Marktkauf Real Wal Mart Real Deichmann AWG Frisör Klier 0 City Mühlhausen Braunschweig Salzgitter Bitterfeld Görlitz Großpösna Großpösna 0 Property Type Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Shoes Fashion Haircutter 0 Area 1,800 m² 19,688 m² 6,250 m² 16,866 m² 504 m² 1,435 m² 88 m² 0 m² Total Rent p.m. € 8,136 € 104,150 € 38,750 € 115,532 € 5,670 € 16,373 € 2,236 €0 Rent p. sqm € 4.52 /m² € 5.29 /m² € 6.20 /m² € 6.85 /m² € 11.25 /m² € 11.41 /m² € 25.41 /m² € 0.00 /m² Comment Other federal state Significantly better purchasing power Better purchasing power Rental income includes sub tenants with higher rents Slightly worse purchasing power Slightly better purchasing power Slightly better purchasing power 0 Investment Comparables Property Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Year of Construction n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Area 8,520 m² 13,000 m² 22,926 m² 13,000 m² 2,269 m² 13,000 m² 10,031 m² 0 m² Gross Multiplier 14.1-fold 13.8-fold 8.0-fold 15.3-fold 14.7-fold 13.8-fold 10.1-fold 0.0-fold Date of Transaction Q3 2013 Q2 2012 2012 2012 2012 Q2 2012 2012 0 Comment Medium to long WALT, located in North Rhine-Westphalia Medium to long WALT, located in Lower Saxony Anchor tenant Kaufland & Toom, WALT below 5 years, portfolio transaction Anchor tenant Marktkauf, WALT 17.5 years, very strong location in southern Germany WALT 15.7 years, good location, main tenant Kaufland, partly leasehold Anchor tenant Famila, WALT 9.2 years, strong location in northern Germany Anchor tenant real, WALT 15 years, portfolio transaction 0 Page 12 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Friedrichstraße 124 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 71638 Ludwigsburg Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 9 Property Summary Key Figures Property type Main tenant Retail Park Kaufland Vertrieb ALPHA GmbH & Co. KG Total lettable area Total parking units 14,144 m² 299 units Current vacancy rate Weighted average lease term 0.0% 7.9 years 1997 n.a. Year of construction Year of refurbishment Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,013,225 € 5.97 Total non-recoverable expenses (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 133,838 € 0.79 Net operating income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 879,386 € 5.18 total p.a. € 1,332,505 -24.0% Market rental value Over-/Underrent based on occupied areas SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Located along a major through road Sufficient parking spaces Strong and well-known anchor tenant with long remaining lease term Good tenant mix Fully let Limited third party usability of the large-scale retail area without refurbishment The retail unit let to Kaufland is strongly underrented High level of competition (another Kaufland nearby) 0 0 Opportunities Threats Reletting of the main retail area on market level Extension of the lease contracts of the smaller tenants 0 0 0 Difficult relettability of the fitness studio/health center 0 0 0 0 Property Rating (1 = very negative, 5 = very positive) Building Location Building age Lettable Area Property condition General impression 2 4 3 3 16 to 25 years Between 12,500 and 15,000 m² Average building condition Average general impression Macrolocation Microlocation Commercial activity Competition Liquidity 3 3 2 3 Average location and catchment area Average micro location No commercial activity nearby Average competition level Investment Quality WALT Over- / underrent Quality of tenants 4 WALT seven to ten years 5 Significantly underrented (more than -15%) 4 Tenants with very good credit rating Investment market Investment volume Saleability 3 Average property market 4 Good lot size 4 Good saleability within 6 months Property Description The property consists of two buildings. The main building was built in 1997 and is a multifunctional building complex with two underground levels and one to five storeys. The main tenant, Kaufland, is located in the main building, as is the health centre and some minor office areas. The building comprises four connected building parts, which extend from west to east: Part A is a five-storey building with one basement, which has a triangular shape and is the location of the main entrance to the mall. This building part is mainly let to medical practices. Part B is an L-shaped one- to two-storey building with a basement level and in parts, a second basement level. The main part of the mall is located here. Building part C has two storeys, one basement level and a rectangular shape. The ground level is occupied by the shopping mall, while the first floor is let to the fitness studio. Building part D is rectangular, has four-storeys and comprises residential units. The main building is a skeleton construction with columns and beams in varying grids. On the upper floors, there are reinforced concrete slabs and a ripped ceiling over the basement. The inner and outer walls are made of reinforced brickwork or concrete, and are partly constructed as a multi-layer construction or covered with plaster. The annex was completed in 2007. It has three storeys and a rectangular shape. The annex is let to medical practices and office tenants on the first floor. There are three retail units on the ground floor and several residential units on the other floors. There are two parking levels under the main building accessible from Friedrichstraße. Some additional parking is provided in front of the annex and is accessible from Danziger Straße. Valuation Results Market Value € 13,600,000 equals to Market Rental Value € 962 per m² € 1,332,505 p.a. Discount Rate 6.50% Net Initial Yield 6.06% Capitalisation Rate 6.25% Net Reversionary Yield 8.23% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. excluding capital expenditures Page 1 of 12 € 7.85 / m² / p.m. equals to 6.06% Multiplier (initial) 13.42 8.23% Multiplier (based on MRV) 10.21 abc Property address Property no. 9 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Friedrichstraße 124 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 71638 Ludwigsburg Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Location Germany Macroeconomic Indicators (Source: GfK, BBE, BBSR/Inkar 2012/2013) Baden-Wurttemberg Ludwigsburg (Rural District) Ludwigsburg 71638 Federal State District City Postcode Population Population Population Number of Households Population Density Population Density Population Forecast (2009 - 2025) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Federal State District City City District City District Federal State District Federal State District absolute absolute absolute absolute per km² per km² in % in % in % in % in % Structual Data Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Index Retail Purchasing Power Index Retail Centrality Index Ludwigsburg 10,786,227 521,014 88,673 40,594 759 2046 4.3% 0.3% 1.0% 3.9% 3.8% (Source: GfK and BBE 2012/2013) District City Federal State District District in m € in m € index index index 12,725 2,044 107.20 111.80 81.20 Macro Location Ludwigsburg is located in the centre of Baden-Wuerttemberg, only 12 km north from the state capital, Stuttgart (602,000 inhabitants). It is the district capital of the Ludwigsburg District and the second biggest secondary centre in the federal state. The closest motorways are the A81 (Würzburg - Gottmadingen) and A8 (Perl - Bad Reichenhall), which connect the region to Salzburg, Austria to the south-east. The motorways can be reached within 5 km and 20 km, respectively. Ludwigsburg has a railway station, which is located approx. 2 km from the subject property and offers connections to regional destinations such as Stuttgart. The closest railway station offering connections to the high-speed ICE train network is in Stuttgart, approx. 13 km away. The nearest airport offering connections to national and international destinations is the Stuttgart Airport, located approx. 22 km from the subject property. The economy of Ludwigsburg is based on five sectors: automotive suppliers, mechanical engineering, financial services, software development, and communication media. Additionally, a new field is currently establishing itself in Ludwigsburg, namely companies with future-oriented businesses such as energy efficiency, eco-design and green industry. Well-known companies based in Ludwigsburg include Beru Ag, Gleason-Pfauter GmbH, Wüstenrot Bausparkasse AG and Mann+Hummel GmbH. Micro Location Micro Location The property is less than 2 km from Ludwigburg's city centre. It is located at the intersection of Danziger Straße and Friedrichstraße (L1140), a well-frequented east-west axis. The property is highly visible from both Friedrichstraße and Danziger Straße due to its corner location. The surrounding are is characterized by residential use with minor commercial use on the ground floor level. 0 Local Tax Information Real Estate Tax Rate (Typ B) Land Transfer Tax This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 2 of 12 City City in % in % abc 360 5.0 Property address Property no. 9 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Friedrichstraße 124 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 71638 Ludwigsburg Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Site Plan Source: Cadastral plan on a 1 to 1,000 scale, dated 28.12.2010 Site Information Site area thereof surplus land 10,911 m² 0 m² Ground lease No n.a. Ground lease expiry Surplus land value (net) n.a. €0 Site servicing Fully serviced Irregular Site layout Soil contamination Suspicion of contamination Building encumbrances Yes Comment According to the Environmental Due Diligence Report, dated July 2007, both sites are listed in the contaminated land register, "Atlas altlastverdächtiger Flächen des Landratsamtes Ludwigsburg". The sites were formerly used by the US military as a military base. It is not clear whether the grounds were contaminated, as neither subsoil investigation reports nor remediation reports were available. Kaufland has stated that there is no subsoil contamination up to 10 m below ground level; however, it is not clear whether there is contamination below this point. For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the subject property is free of any soil or building contamination. Town Planning Use class SO (special zone) Site coverage ratio (GRZ) 0,9 Plot ratio (GFZ) n.a. Cubic index (BMZ) n.a. Comment According to information from the local planning authority, a legally binding development plan exists, entitled "048/01" and dated 30.09.1995, with the following regulations: the subject site is listed as a special area (SO-Sondergebiet "Einkaufszentrum"), which permits large-scale retail trade. The site coverage ratio (Grundflächenzahl, GRZ) is 0.9. The maximum height of the buildings is limited to 27.5 m for the corner building and 17.5 m for the middle part of the building and 15 m for the annex. Tenure Land Register Owner Local Court of TPL Ludwigsburg Ludwigsburg, land S.á.r.l., Luxembourg register of Ludwigsburg Sheet 25568 Plot NO 3611 (VN 1998/2) NO 3611 (VN 1993/71) Parcel 1330/2 1330/89 Section 2 (Restrictions) Section 3 (Loans) Several limited personal easements (regarding Land charges in the total amount of € 105,000,000 in temporary restrictive covenant, right of wayleave, favour of Corealcredit Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main; restrictive covenant, pipeline easement, building entered on 29.06.2011 restrictions concerning antennas and combustion installations, right to maintain a sidewalk on part of the property, right to operate and maintain a central heating system) in favor of the city of Ludwigsburg. Further limited personal easements (regarding the installation/operation of a transformer station, pipeline easement, the installation and operation of a distribution plant) are in favour of Neckarwerke Elektrizitätsversorgungs-AG, Esslingen and Deutsche Telekom AG, Stuttgart. One limited personal easement (the right to operate and maintain a hypermarket) in favor of Kaufland Dienstleistungs GmbH&Co. KG, Neckarsulm. Source: Land register extract, dated 14 January 2014 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 3 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 9 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Friedrichstraße 124 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 71638 Ludwigsburg Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Competitor Map Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Research Competitor Overview Name Rewe Rewe Kaufland Rewe E-center Marktkauf E-center Rewe Kaufland Rewe E-center Kaufland Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Self-service dep. store Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Address 70806 Kornwestheim, Arkansasstr. 2 71638 Ludwigsburg, Wilhelmstr. 24 71636 Ludwigsburg, Schwieberdinger Str. 94 70806 Kornwestheim, Neckarstr. 1 70806 Kornwestheim, Bahnhofsplatz 2-4 71679 Asperg, Ruhrstr. 6 71686 Remseck, Neckaraue 2 71679 Asperg, Eglosheimer Str. 72 70378 Stuttgart, Aldinger Str. 70 70736 Fellbach, Daimlerstr. 18 70435 Stuttgart, Stammheimer Str. 10 71672 Marbach, Rielingshäuser Str. 15 Sales area 1,500 m² 1,500 m² 7,620 m² 1,600 m² 2,026 m² 2,746 m² 3,400 m² 1,500 m² 4,800 m² 2,800 m² 3,800 m² 2,300 m² Distance 1.50 km 1.70 km 2.90 km 2.90 km 3.50 km 4.50 km 4.50 km 5.00 km 5.60 km 6.40 km 6.80 km 7.30 km Potential Low Low High Low Low Medium Medium Low Medium Low Low Low Competiton Indicators Inhabitants in primary catchment area (Radius 5 km) 148,314 Purchasing power in Mio. € (District) 12,725 Inhabitants in secondary catchment area (Radius 10 km) 402,904 Purchasing power per Capita in € (Radius 5 km) 23,612 Number of households (Radius 5 km) 67,909 Number of households (Radius 10 km) 191,962 Retail Purchasing Power Index (District) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. 111.80 Unemployment Rate (District) 3.8% Population forecast for the district (2009 - 2025) 4.3% Retail Centrality Index (District) 81.20 Page 4 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Friedrichstraße 124 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 71638 Ludwigsburg Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 9 Main competitors This competitor is a large-scale retail property let to the tenant Kaufland. The property is located in a commercial area at the western periphery of Ludwigsburg. A Küchenstudio and an Aral petrol station are located next to the property. The location of the property is very good and it benefits from being next to a highly-frequented road leading to the A81 motorway. The property is comparable to the subject property and therefore, has a high competition potential. Competition Comment The catchment area can be differentiated into primary (Radius 5 km) and secondary (Radius 10 km) catchment areas. Approximately 148,314 inhabitants live in the primary catchment area. Even though there are several discounters and small-scale supermarkets located nearby, it can be said that these present only indirect competition to the property. Kaufland offers a very deep and broad product range with more than 50,000 products, while supermarkets and discounters generally offer a limited product range with only 7,000 to 11,000 (supermarkets) or 400-2,500 (discounters) articles. Therefore, these retailing forms address different customers or customer needs. While supermarkets and discounters cater to the daily needs of customers, Kaufland offers more variety for products that are bought on a non-daily basis. The main competitor in Ludwigsburg is another Kaufland self-service department store located along Schwieberdinger Straße in the district Pflugfelden. It is located in a commercial area approx. 3 km west of the The mix of the ancillary tenants is comparable to the sublets of Kaufland in the subject property. The property was refurbished in 2009/2010. The split of the retail area over two storeys is a bit problematic, as it forces consumers to walk longer distances. Other than that, the proximity of this competitor to the subject property and the superior location along a commuter road make this retail property a serious competitor with high competition potential. There are three more Rewe hypermarkets in a radius of 3 km. However, as these have barely half the sales area of the subject property and offer a different product mix, they only represent indirect competition. 0 Turnover analysis The rents in a functional retail agglomeration are linked to turnover. The percentage rate that a retail tenant can use for rental payments depends on the margins achievable in the various market sectors. This rate normally ranges between 2% and 15% depending on the respective branch. The productivity varies between approx. € 1,000/m² up to more than € 10,000/m². In the subject property, there are only four retail areas: the retail areas of Kaufland, Corongiu, Sardovino and Aro Heimtextilien GmbH. No turnover rents have been agreed with the tenants Corongiu and Sardovino; we have therefore not been provided with any turnover figures. For Kaufland, we have been provided with turnover figures. We have analysed the figures and have found the area productivity of Kaufland to be in a healthy range. With a turnover-to-rent ratio of less than 2% it lies below the range of 2% to 4%, which is acceptable for a self-service department store. Considering the location factors and the competition level within Ludwigsburg, we have assumed that a higher turnover-torent ratio regarding a similar branch and turnover is realistic. Hence, the market rent after the termination of the current rental contract has been chosen in a range of 3%. Please also refer to the rent/turnover analysis on page 8. Conclusion The subject property is a modern self-service department store with a small mall in the basement as well as some additional tenants on the ground floor. The tenant mix of the sublet areas is service oriented and includes a hairdresser, pharmacy, newspaper kiosk, bakery, butcher’s shop, deli and drycleaner. The property offers sufficient parking spaces on two levels and is easily accessible as well as highly visible from both Danziger Straße and Friedrichstraße. As Kaufland is a strong customer magnet, we believe that it will have no trouble letting the small retail units in the basement and on the ground floor. The retail units in the annex, however, are difficult to let. This is partly due to the fact that in the location of the subject property, there is no demand for additional retail space. The current use as a restaurant/wine store are fine, however, they do not benefit greatly from their location next to the Kaufland and therefore, it will be difficult to find new tenants if the current tenants do not prolong their lease terms. In contrast to this, the location has established itself as a medical centre: several of the office units in both the main building and annex have been let to medical practices and a health centre complements this offer. The letting of the office units assuming an adequate rental level can therefore be rated as relatively unproblematic.The rental area of Kaufland can be regarded as relatively unproblematic. The location is suitable for the tenant and can be reached by foot from the surrounding residential area as well as by car. Even though the competition from the Kaufland located nearby is strong, the density of selfservice department stores is moderate for a city this size. We believe that the tenant will be able to compete, especially because it can operate on a very low contractual rent for a long time. The anchor tenant, Kaufland, has a lease contract until 2022 with three options each for five years, bringing the earliest possible termination date for the landlord to 2037. On the basis of our projection of likely productivity per m² and turnovers, we have calculated the market rent at a level of € 8.50/m²/month. The tenant currently pays a contractual rent of € 4.91/m²/p.m. Therefore, the retail unit is currently heavily underrented. Due to the margins realizable and under the assumption of good turnover figures, we believe that Kaufland will remain in the property until 2037. In the unlikely case that Kaufland should vacate the premises, the property could be relet to other self-service department stores, which are currently not present in the Ludwigsburg real estate market. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 5 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 9 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Friedrichstraße 124 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 71638 Ludwigsburg Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Rent Roll Tenant Name 1 Kaufland Vertrieb ALPHA GmbH & Co. KG Area Category Letting Status Area m² / unit Rent / month Rent / m² / month Tenant pays VAT Lease Start Lease End Renewal Probability 100% Tenant pays * Retail Let 7,491 € 36,743 4.91 No 01.10.2007 30.09.2027 2 SardoVino GmbH Alexander & Carolin Corongiu Retail Let 90 € 1,001 11.13 Yes 14.09.2007 13.09.2017 75% GT I PM 3 Corongiu Retail Let 260 € 2,878 11.07 Yes 14.09.2007 13.09.2017 75% GT I PM 4 Land BW vertr. Landesbetrieb Vermögen BW Office Let 165 € 1,479 8.96 Yes 26.09.2007 30.10.2017 75% GT I PM 5 Life GmbH Office Let 2,161 € 10,041 4.65 Yes 16.05.2006 15.05.2016 75% GT I 6 Life GmbH Office Let 595 €0 0.00 Yes 16.05.2006 15.05.2016 75% GT I 7 Jacobi-Haumer Office 240 € 1,199 5.00 Yes 31.10.2007 30.10.2017 75% GT I PM 8 Beyer Office Let 252 € 2,728 10.82 Yes 01.04.2007 30.09.2014 75% GT I PM 9 Praxisgem. Office Let 457 € 4,296 9.40 Yes 01.04.2007 31.03.2017 75% GT I PM 10 Schwarzenberger Office Let 177 € 1,847 10.43 Yes 01.09.2010 31.08.2014 75% GT I PM Office Let 205 € 2,034 9.92 No 01.04.2007 31.03.2015 75% GT I PM Residential Let 65 € 470 7.23 Yes 01.07.2011 31.07.2014 75% GT I GT I 11 Praxisgemeinschaft 12 Thomas Corongiu Let 13 Izmaku Residential Let 75 € 575 7.67 Yes 01.12.2007 31.07.2014 75% 14 Monika Keinath Residential Let 65 € 450 6.92 Yes 26.06.2006 31.07.2014 75% GT I 15 Ekaterina und Alexander Erik Residential Let 65 € 432 6.65 Yes 01.02.2003 31.07.2014 75% GT I 16 Fam Wisag Residential Let 65 €0 0.00 Yes 01.02.2010 31.07.2014 75% GT I 17 Meder Residential Let 63 € 450 7.14 Yes 01.12.2006 31.07.2014 75% GT I 18 Modnikov Residential Let 82 € 500 6.10 Yes 26.11.2007 31.07.2014 75% GT I 19 Jaqueline + Brian Skowais Residential Let 65 € 450 6.92 Yes 01.04.2010 31.07.2014 75% GT I 20 Izmaku Residential Let 65 € 450 6.92 Yes 01.02.2007 31.07.2014 75% GT I 21 Roth Residential Let 65 € 432 6.65 Yes 01.09.1997 31.07.2014 75% GT I 22 PROPERTY MANAGER Residential Let 87 €0 0.00 Yes 01.07.2011 30.06.2014 75% GT I 23 Tahiri Residential Let 87 € 602 6.92 Yes 01.02.2010 31.07.2014 75% GT I 24 Jacobi-Haumer Residential Let 83 € 600 7.23 Yes 01.08.2009 31.07.2014 75% GT I 25 Pump Schmelzer Residential Let 85 € 600 7.06 Yes 01.04.2010 31.07.2014 75% GT I 26 Tarasov Residential Let 87 € 616 7.08 Yes 01.02.2010 31.07.2014 75% GT I 27 Török Residential Let 86 € 602 7.00 Yes 01.02.2010 31.07.2014 75% GT I 28 Schneider Residential Let 65 € 408 6.28 Yes 01.02.2010 31.07.2014 75% 29 Deutsche Post Real Estate Germany GmbH Other Units Let 7 € 125 17.86 Yes 27.07.2007 31.07.2014 75% GT I GT I PM Internal Parking Let 1 €0 0.00 Yes 01.07.2011 30.06.2014 75% 31 Jacobi-Haumer Internal Parking Let 1 € 35 35.00 Yes 31.10.2007 30.10.2017 75% 32 Jacobi-Haumer Internal Parking Let 1 € 35 35.00 Yes 31.10.2007 30.10.2017 75% 33 Tittes Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.08.2009 31.07.2014 75% 34 Modnikov Internal Parking Let 1 € 35 35.00 Yes 26.11.2007 31.07.2014 75% 35 Török Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.02.2010 31.07.2014 75% 36 Roth, Doris Internal Parking Let 1 €0 0.00 Yes 01.04.2010 31.07.2014 75% 37 Pump schmelzer Internal Parking Let 1 €0 0.00 Yes 01.04.2010 31.07.2014 75% 38 Török Internal Parking Let 1 € 29 29.41 Yes 01.05.2010 31.07.2014 75% 39 Tahiri Internal Parking Let 1 €0 0.00 Yes 01.09.2010 31.07.2014 75% 40 Modnikov Internal Parking Let 1 € 35 35.00 Yes 01.05.2010 31.07.2014 75% 41 Izmaku Internal Parking Let 1 € 35 35.00 Yes 01.12.2007 31.07.2014 42 Bondar Internal Parking Let 1 € 35 35.00 75 01.08.2010 31.07.2014 75% 43 Gregor Warsow Internal Parking Let 1 € 40 40.00 Yes 01.08.2010 31.07.2014 75% 44 Aro Heimtextilien GmbH Retail Let 460 € 3,680 8.00 Yes 01.09.2011 31.08.2021 75% GT I PM 45 Yamadi Yamadi Yoga Zentrum Office Let 262 € 1,202 4.59 Yes 01.02.2013 31.01.2018 75% GT I PM 46 Internal Parking Internal Parking Let 285 € 6,667 23.39 No 00.01.1900 30.09.2022 100% 47 Gregor Warsow Residential Let 75 € 540 7.20 Yes 01.01.2013 31.07.2014 75% 14,144 m² € 84,435 30 PROPERTY MANAGER Total 75% M GT I PM GT I * M = Maintenance, GT = Ground Tax, I = Insurance Costs, PM = Property Management This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 6 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 9 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Friedrichstraße 124 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 71638 Ludwigsburg Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Valuation Assumptions Tenant Name 1 Kaufland Vertrieb ALPHA GmbH & Co. KG Area Category Area sqm/unit Market Rent Market Rent /month Retail 7,491 € 8.50 € 63,670 Re-letting Re-letting Initial Tis Void VPV* Void* Rent Abatem.* Agency Fees* Lease Term** Renewal Probability € 50 0 12 0 3 10 0% 2 SardoVino GmbH Alexander & Carolin Corongiu Retail 90 € 9.00 € 810 € 100 0 12 0 3 10 25% 3 Corongiu Retail 260 € 8.50 € 2,210 € 100 0 9 0 3 10 25% 4 Land BW vertr. Landesbetrieb Vermögen BW Office 165 € 9.00 € 1,485 € 100 0 9 3 3 10 25% 5 Life GmbH Office 2,161 € 3.25 € 7,023 € 100 0 15 3 3 10 25% 6 Life GmbH Office 595 € 3.25 € 1,934 € 100 0 15 3 3 10 25% 7 Jacobi-Haumer Office 240 € 8.75 € 2,097 € 100 0 9 3 3 10 25% 8 Beyer Office 252 € 8.75 € 2,205 € 100 0 9 3 3 10 25% 9 Praxisgem. Office 457 € 8.50 € 3,885 € 100 0 12 3 3 10 25% 10 Schwarzenberger Office 177 € 9.00 € 1,593 € 100 0 9 3 3 10 25% 11 Praxisgemeinschaft Office 205 € 8.75 € 1,794 € 100 0 9 3 3 10 25% 12 Thomas Corongiu Residential 65 € 7.00 € 455 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 13 Izmaku Residential 75 € 7.00 € 525 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 14 Monika Keinath Residential 65 € 6.75 € 439 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 15 Ekaterina und Alexander Erik Residential 65 € 6.75 € 439 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 16 Fam Wisag Residential 65 € 6.75 € 439 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 17 Meder Residential 63 € 6.75 € 425 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 18 Modnikov Residential € 7.00 € 574 € 25 0 6 19 Jaqueline + Brian Skowais Residential 65 € 6.75 € 439 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 20 Izmaku Residential 65 € 6.75 € 439 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 21 Roth Residential 65 € 6.75 € 439 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 22 PROPERTY MANAGER Residential 87 € 7.00 € 609 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 23 Tahiri Residential 87 € 7.00 € 609 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 82 0 3 5 25% 24 Jacobi-Haumer Residential 83 € 7.00 € 581 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 25 Pump Schmelzer Residential 85 € 7.00 € 595 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 26 Tarasov Residential 87 € 7.00 € 609 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 27 Török Residential 86 € 7.00 € 602 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 28 Schneider Residential 65 € 6.75 € 439 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% 29 Deutsche Post Real Estate Germany GmbH Other Units 7 € 17.86 € 125 €0 0 0 0 3 10 25% 12 0 0 31 Jacobi-Haumer Internal Parking 1 € 32.50 € 33 €0 0 12 0 0 5 25% 32 Jacobi-Haumer 30 PROPERTY MANAGER Internal Parking Internal Parking 1 1 € 32.50 € 32.50 € 33 € 33 €0 €0 0 0 12 0 0 5 5 25% 25% 33 Tittes Internal Parking 1 € 32.50 € 33 €0 0 12 0 0 5 25% 34 Modnikov Internal Parking 1 € 32.50 € 33 €0 0 12 0 0 5 25% 35 Török Internal Parking 1 € 32.50 € 33 €0 0 12 0 0 5 25% 36 Roth, Doris Internal Parking 1 € 32.50 € 33 €0 0 12 0 0 5 25% 37 Pump schmelzer Internal Parking 1 € 32.50 € 33 €0 0 12 0 0 5 25% 38 Török Internal Parking 1 € 32.50 € 33 €0 0 12 0 0 5 25% 39 Tahiri Internal Parking 1 € 32.50 € 33 €0 0 12 0 0 5 25% 40 Modnikov Internal Parking 1 € 32.50 € 33 €0 0 12 0 0 5 25% 41 Izmaku Internal Parking 1 € 32.50 € 33 €0 0 12 0 0 5 42 Bondar Internal Parking 1 € 32.50 € 33 €0 0 12 0 0 5 25% 43 Gregor Warsow Internal Parking 1 € 32.50 € 33 €0 0 12 0 0 5 25% Retail 460 € 7.00 € 3,220 € 100 0 12 0 3 10 25% 25% 44 Aro Heimtextilien GmbH 45 Yamadi Yamadi Yoga Zentrum 25% Office 262 € 8.75 € 2,293 € 100 0 9 0 3 10 46 Internal Parking Internal Parking 285 € 24.85 € 7,082 €0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 47 Gregor Warsow Residential 75 € 6.75 € 506 € 25 0 6 0 3 5 25% Total * months 14,144 sqm ** years € 111,042 ***structural vacancy This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 7 of 12 . abc Property address Property no. 9 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Friedrichstraße 124 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 71638 Ludwigsburg Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property Analysis Area Analysis Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Total area Petrol Station Other Units Internal parking External parking Total parking Lettable Area m² 4,514 8,301 0 0 0 1,330 0 14,144 0 7 299 0 306 Area Vacant m² 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Let m² 4,514 8,301 0 0 0 1,330 0 14,144 0 7 299 0 299 Vacancy Rate % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Income Analysis Contractual Rent €/m²/month 5.50 5.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.15 0.00 0.00 17.86 5.47 23.43 0.00 Contractual Rent €/month 24,824 44,303 0 0 0 8,178 0 0 125 77,430 7,006 0 Contractual Rent €/year 297,892 531,636 0 0 0 98,130 0 0 1,500 929,158 84,066 0 Potential Rent €/year 297,892 531,636 0 0 0 98,130 0 0 1,500 929,158 84,066 0 Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Petrol Station Other Units Total area Internal parking External parking Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Market Rent €/m²/month 5.39 8.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.89 0.00 0.00 17.86 7.32 25.21 0.00 Market Rent €/year 291,696 838,921 0 0 0 109,941 0 0 1,500 1,242,058 90,447 0 Market Rent €/month 24,308 69,910 0 0 0 9,162 0 0 125 103,505 7,537 0 Over-/ UnderRented 2.1% -36.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -10.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -25.2% -7.1% 0.0% Assessment of Kaufland market rent Turnover to rent ratio Space productivity 7,000 11.00 6,500 10.00 Explanation Usual market % - levels 10.33 Market rent 9.00 6,000 Contractual Rent 8.50 8.00 Rent / m² / month 5,500 5,000 4,500 Rents 7.75 7.00 6.00 5.17 4.91 5.00 € / m² % Contractual 1.9% 4.91 Market 3.3% 8.50 4% of turnover 10.33 3% of turnover 7.75 4,000 5.17 2% of turnover 4.00 4,132 3,500 Turnover potential 3.00 (net) Sales Area 3,000 2.00 1.0% in € / m² p.a. 23,216,057 € 1.5% 2.0% based on sales area 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% Total Area ~ 5,618 m² 7,491 m² Turnover-rent-ratio Self-service department stores usually can afford to pay a rent in the range of 2% to 4% of their net turnover (economically sustainable rent burden) and have a space productivity of about € 4,000 to € 6,000 per m² sales area. The two graphics above indicate, how the contract rent of the main tenant Kaufland as well as the assumed market rental level, can be assessed on the basis of usual market ranges. This analysis is based on the turnover potential figures prepared by Trade Dimension. D&B Rating of Main Tenant Main tenant Tenant name Rent p.a. Share of total income WALT Payment Index Capital indicator Risk indicator Score Credit limit Comment Kaufland Vertrieb ALPHA GmbH & Co. KG € 440,916 44% 13.7 years 80 3AA 1 1 86 n.a. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. The main tenant is a corporation belonging to the Kaufland Group, which in turn belongs to the Lidl & Schwarz Group, one of the biggest grocer groups in Europe. According to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Rating as at 29.01.2014 Kaufland Vertrieb ALPHA GmbH & Co. KG has a very low credit risk. The risk of insolvency (D&B Score) within the next 12 months compared with other German companies is assessed to be low. According to section 19 of the main lease agreement entered into by the landlord and Kaufland Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG (D&B Rating = 3 AA 1), an assignment of the main lease agreement by the tenant to another entity of the Kaufland group requires that the landlord's credit risk rating may not deteriorate due to such assignment of the lease. Page 8 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Friedrichstraße 124 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 71638 Ludwigsburg Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. Assumptions 9 Market Value Lease Contract Commentary The property is fully let to four retail tenants, one health centre, 5 office tenants and several residential tenants. The WALT of the property amounts to 7.9 years. The main tenant is Kaufland with a share of approx. 44% of the rental income. The property is currently strongly under-rented, due to a very low rental level of the main tenant Kaufland. As the lease contract is valid until 2027 and the tenant has options until 2037, we do not believe that the rental level can be adjusted before 2037. The rent of Kaufland is indexed and will be adapted by 50% of the CPI change, whenever the change exceeds 10 percent in relation to the CPI basis. Indexation started on 01.04.2009. The majority of the tenants pay all costs (including ground tax, insurance costs and management costs) except for maintenance costs for structural repairs. The residential tenants and the tenant Life GmbH (health centre) do not pay management costs. Ground tax, maintenance costs for structural repairs, management and insurance costs will not be borne by Kaufland. The rest can be apportioned to the tenants in accordance with the German Regulation on Operating Costs. Compared to the previous valuation, some residential units have been newly let. Furthermore, some leases have been subject to an indexation adjustment. General Property Assumptions Discount Rate Comment Discount rate 6.50% Capitalisation rate 6.25% Capital expenditures* The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. We derive the discount rate from market transactions. The discount rate reflects the rate of return expected by investors and is determined based on the risk associated with a property. As reinsurance, the initial yields profile is aligned with the market/other transactions. We have taken into account such facts as the remaining lease term with the well-known anchor tenant, the reduction of vacancy and consequently low vacancy rate, the good turnover figures, the good location within the federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg and the good condition of the subject property. €0 Vacancy costs € 10.00 /m²/p.a. * on the basis of cost estimates provided by Brack Capital Real Estate, dated April 2013 Breakdown of Non-Recoverable Costs Contract** (month 1 x 12) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses ** JLL analysis Market (assuming full occupancy) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses per year per year € 4.75 /m² € 1.07 /m² € 3.26 /m² € 0.37 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 9.46 /m² € 67,185 € 15,198 € 46,179 € 5,276 €0 € 133,838 per year per year € 4.75 /m² € 1.41 /m² € 3.26 /m² € 0.37 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 9.80 /m² € 67,185 € 19,988 € 46,179 € 5,276 €0 € 138,628 Inflation % of Gross Contract Rent 6.63% 1.50% 4.56% 0.52% 0.00% 13.21% Year Inflation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% Market Rental Growth Year Rental Growth % of Gross Market Rent 5.04% 1.50% 3.47% 0.40% 0.00% 10.40% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% Market Contract Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total Non-recoverable Costs Maintanance Costs € 67,218 € 68,294 € 69,510 € 70,733 € 71,879 € 73,015 € 74,183 € 75,385 € 76,576 € 77,709 € 78,843 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Management Costs € 14,892 € 15,141 € 14,444 € 14,764 € 15,289 € 15,579 € 15,929 € 16,062 € 16,342 € 16,463 € 16,394 Insurance Costs € 5,276 € 5,360 € 5,456 € 5,552 € 5,642 € 5,731 € 5,822 € 5,917 € 6,010 € 6,099 € 6,188 Ground Tax € 46,179 € 46,918 € 47,753 € 48,593 € 49,381 € 50,161 € 50,963 € 51,789 € 52,607 € 53,386 € 54,165 Other Nonrecoverable Costs 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ Total per year € 135,247 € 136,060 € 146,663 € 142,247 € 142,658 € 146,309 € 146,897 € 150,442 € 151,535 € 153,657 € 158,111 Vacancy Costs € 1,682 € 347 € 9,500 € 2,605 € 467 € 1,823 €0 € 1,289 €0 €0 € 2,521 % of Total Gross Revenue 13.6% 13.5% 15.2% 14.5% 14.0% 14.1% 13.8% 14.0% 13.9% 14.0% 14.5% Non-Recoverable Costs as a percentage of Total Gross Revenue 16.0% 15.2% 14.5% 14.0% 13.6% 13.5% 14.0% 14.1% 13.8% 14.0% 13.9% 14.0% 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 9 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 9 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Friedrichstraße 124 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 71638 Ludwigsburg Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Cash Flow Market Value Rental Revenue € 1,015,267 € 1,024,645 € 1,028,511 € 1,024,068 € 1,043,100 € 1,054,898 € 1,062,303 € 1,081,769 € 1,089,465 € 1,097,782 € 1,115,805 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Turnover Vacancy -€ 16,976 -€ 3,664 -€ 37,400 -€ 27,417 -€ 4,983 -€ 16,322 -€ 360 -€ 10,962 €0 -€ 226 -€ 22,875 Rent Abatements -€ 5,465 -€ 11,597 -€ 28,153 -€ 12,362 -€ 18,875 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 Total Gross Revenue € 992,826 € 1,009,384 € 962,958 € 984,289 € 1,019,242 € 1,038,576 € 1,061,943 € 1,070,807 € 1,089,465 € 1,097,556 € 1,092,930 Nonrecoverable Costs -€ 135,247 -€ 136,060 -€ 146,663 -€ 142,247 -€ 142,658 -€ 146,309 -€ 146,897 -€ 150,442 -€ 151,535 -€ 153,657 -€ 158,111 Net Operating Income € 857,579 € 873,324 € 816,295 € 842,042 € 876,584 € 892,267 € 915,046 € 920,365 € 937,930 € 943,899 € 934,819 TIs and Leasing Capital Commissions Cash Flow Expenditures -€ 14,351 -€ 7,462 € 835,766 -€ 5,207 -€ 1,721 € 866,396 -€ 71,248 -€ 8,798 € 736,249 € 796,585 -€ 39,381 -€ 6,076 -€ 27,447 € 842,426 -€ 6,711 -€ 6,561 -€ 6,259 € 879,447 -€ 616 € 913,844 -€ 586 € 865,343 -€ 51,588 -€ 3,434 €0 €0 € 937,930 €0 €0 € 943,899 € 15,289,904 -€ 5,284 -€ 5,025 Total Cashflow (incl. Terminal Value @ 6.25 %) Gross Value of Surplus Land Gross Capital Value incl. Surplus Land Present Value @ 6.50% € 813,007 € 790,174 € 632,839 € 641,820 € 635,314 € 623,789 € 608,522 € 542,126 € 550,673 € 520,352 € 8,145,330 € 14,503,946 €0 € 14,503,946 Total Gross Revenue versus Net Operating Income 7.0% € 1200000.0 5.9% 5.6% € 1000000.0 6.2% 6.0% 6.0% 6.3% 6.3% 6.5% 5.8% 6.5% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% € 600000.0 3.0% Running yield Rental income € 800000.0 € 400000.0 2.0% € 200000.0 € .0 Year 1 1.0% Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Valuation Results Year 6 Year 7 Year 9 0.0% Year 10 Market Value Rent Overview Gross Capital Value (rounded) Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m²/month € 1,013,225 € 5.97 Market rental value total p.a. per m²/month € 1,332,505 € 7.85 -23.96% Over-/Underrent Year 8 Total € 14,500,000 per m² € 1,025 Purchaser's costs 6.50% Yield Overview Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield 6.06% 8.23% Gross Initial Yield Gross Reversionary Yield 7.45% 9.80% Market Value (rounded) Total € 13,600,000 per m² € 962 Valuation Comment In terms of risk, we have considered the covenant strength as well as the lease duration for the existing contracts. The main tenant, Kaufland Vertrieb ALPHA GmbH & Co. KG has good covenant strength, which ensures a secure cash flow for the remainder of the lease term until at least 2027. Section 1 of the first amendment to the main lease agreement provides for the assignment of the main lease agreement to ALPHA Warenhandel GmbH & Co. KG, which has a worse D&B Rating (O 1). Pursuant to section 2 of the first amendment to the main lease agreement, the former tenant remains jointly and severally liable for the landlord's payment claims. Hence, the former tenant is a guarantor for the lease payments of the current tenant. In terms of a resale, we considered such facts as visibility, appearance, condition, third-party usability and location. For the purpose of the valuation on 31.12.2013, we have been provided with an updated rent roll and applied it in our valuation. The contractual rental income slightly decreased, other costs have remained unchanged and have been applied according to information received during the previous valuation cycle. For management costs, we have applied 1.5% of the effective gross rent. We have not been provided with updated information regarding necessary capital expenditures, therefore we applied that all capital expenditures for repairs in the first year as well as in the periods of year 2 to 5 and year 6 to 10 are considered to be covered by the the maintenance costs of € 4.50/m² per annum. The encumbrances and the public easements are considered to be common practice and do not affect the Market Value of the property. For comparable rents we have had recourse to evidence of similar areas situated in the comparable regions and locations. Furthermore, we have analysed comparable transactions. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 10 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 9 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Friedrichstraße 124 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 71638 Ludwigsburg Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Photos Southern facade of Kaufland View of the annex building from Danziger Straße Internal view of the sales areas of the tenant Kaufland View of the mall View of the vacant retail unit in the annex building View of the parking garage This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 11 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 9 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Friedrichstraße 124 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 71638 Ludwigsburg Inspection date: 03.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Leasing and Investment Market Development of prime yields Retail transaction volume in Germany Leasing Market Investment Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail space in retail warehouses or retail parks throughout Germany. For the determination of the rents, the quality of location in terms of accessibility and competition is crucial. The rents within the different branches vary. This is due to the diverging location assessment and turnover expectancy of the different tenants. If in the case of a retail park the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which guarantee a high visitor frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher and as a consequence, their overall rental level will be higher as well. Besides the rent level, another determining factor for investors is the building costs. Properties with the highest rents usually also have the highest building costs and land acquisition cost. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the retail format of the store, rents for supermarkets/ hypermarkets are generally slightly higher than the rents for discounters. Such rents in cities with more the 30,000 inhabitants in western German locations generally range between € 7.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Rents for discounters in western Germany generally range between € 6.00 and € 12.00/m²/month, while discounters eastern Germany generally achieve slightly lower rental rates. Drugstores, textile, shoe and electronics branches generally achieve rental rates ranging from € 7.50 to € 12.00/m²/month. DIY stores need extensive space due to their broad product range. In urban centres, these stores sometimes even offer their products on two levels. DIY also fall at the lower end of the scale in terms of rents, with prices ranging between € 6.00 and € 10.00/m²/month. On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. As DIY stores have a supra-regional catchment area, there are not as independent as other branches in the area and can relocate to more affordable attractive and easily accessible industrial zones. In such areas, lower investments for realisation and lower building costs induce lower rents. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. The office prime yields were still on a slight downward trend in individual cities. Each of the Big 7 cities now has a net initial yield of below 5%. Aggregated across all cities, the prime yield in the office segment fell to an average value of around 4.67%. Shopping centre yields are at a similar rate of 4.70%. For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Leasing Comparables Tenant Marktkauf Kaufland Kaufland Marktkauf Kaufland Residential Office Office City Ulm Lüneburg Freital Lauchhammer Bochum Ludwigsburg Ludwigsburg Ludwigsburg Property Type Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Appartment Office Office Area 6,233 m² 4,611 m² 7,940 m² 9,506 m² 6,388 m² 85 m² 333 m² 452 m² Total Rent p.m. € 56,032 € 35,732 € 61,538 € 74,052 € 56,214 € 655 € 2,832 € 3,842 Rent p. sqm € 8.99 /m² € 7.75 /m² € 7.75 /m² € 7.79 /m² € 8.80 /m² € 7.70 /m² € 8.50 /m² € 8.50 /m² Comment Comparable purchasing power, better location Lower purchasing power; worse location Bigger retail area; lower purchasing power Bigger retail area; lower purchasing power Smaller retail area, slightly lower purchasing power Offer Offer Offer Investment Comparables Property Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Year of Construction n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Area 8,520 m² 13,000 m² 22,926 m² 13,000 m² 2,269 m² 13,000 m² 10,031 m² 0 m² Gross Multiplier 14.1-fold 13.8-fold 8.0-fold 15.3-fold 14.7-fold 13.8-fold 10.1-fold 0.0-fold Date of Transaction Q3 2013 Q2 2012 2012 2012 2012 Q2 2012 2012 0 Comment Medium to long WALT, located in North Rhine-Westphalia Medium to long WALT, located in Lower Saxony Anchor tenant Kaufland & Toom, WALT below 5 years, portfolio transaction Anchor tenant Marktkauf, WALT 17.5 years, very strong location in southern Germany WALT 15.7 years, good location, main tenant Kaufland, partly leasehold Anchor tenant Famila, WALT 9.2 years, strong location in northern Germany Anchor tenant real, WALT 15 years, portfolio transaction 0 Page 12 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Potsdamer Straße 51 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 14974 Ludwigsfelde Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 10 Property Summary Key Figures Property type Main tenant Retail Park Kaufland Warenhandel Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG Total lettable area Total parking units 12,632 m² 0 units Current vacancy rate Weighted average lease term 0.0% 7.6 years 1997 n.a. Year of construction Year of refurbishment Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,208,820 € 7.97 Total non-recoverable expenses (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 110,417 € 0.73 Net operating income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,098,403 € 7.25 total p.a. € 1,085,152 11.4% Market rental value Over-/Underrent based on occupied areas SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Located in city centre location Located close to other retailers on an arterial road Well maintained Good tenant mix Long remaining lease term of the anchor tenant Sufficient parking spaces but located underground Sales area spread over several floors 0 0 0 Opportunities Threats Extension of the lease contracts of smaller tenants 0 0 0 0 Strong dependency on the main tenant Kaufland Difficult relettability of the fitness studio Potential new developments will increase competition Potential increase of maintenance costs due to building age (1997) 0 Property Rating (1 = very negative, 5 = very positive) Building Location Building age Lettable Area Property condition General impression 2 4 3 3 16 to 25 years Between 12,500 and 15,000 m² Average building condition Average general impression Macrolocation Microlocation Commercial activity Competition Liquidity 3 4 4 4 Average location and catchment area Good micro location Average commercial activity nearby Low competition level Investment Quality WALT Over- / underrent Quality of tenants 4 WALT seven to ten years 2 Slightly overrented (5% to 15%) 4 Tenants with very good credit rating Investment market Investment volume Saleability 3 Average property market 4 Good lot size 4 Good saleability within 6 months Property Description The subject property is a three storey department store complex, furnished with escalators. The property was built in 1997 and is situated at Potsdamer Straße, Karl-Liebknecht-Straße and Bruno-Taut-Straße. The property has one main entrance from Potsdamer Straße and can also be accessed from the underground parking garage. The buildings have an irregular shape and are made of a steel reinforced concrete construction. The facade consists in parts of plastered or with facing bricks and in the entrance area of glass. It has a flat roof with hard covering. Valuation Results Market Value € 14,700,000 equals to Market Rental Value € 1,164 per m² € 1,085,152 p.a. Discount Rate 7.10% Net Initial Yield 7.00% Capitalisation Rate 7.00% Net Reversionary Yield 6.22% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. excluding capital expenditures Page 1 of 12 € 7.16 / m² / p.m. equals to 7.00% Multiplier (initial) 12.16 6.22% Multiplier (based on MRV) 13.55 abc Property address Property no. 10 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Potsdamer Straße 51 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 14974 Ludwigsfelde Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Location Germany Macroeconomic Indicators (Source: GfK, BBE, BBSR/Inkar 2012/2013) Brandenburg Teltow-Fläming (Rural District) Ludwigsfelde 14974 Federal State District City Postcode Population Population Population Number of Households Population Density Population Density Population Forecast (2009 - 2025) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Federal State District City City District City District Federal State District Federal State District absolute absolute absolute absolute per km² per km² in % in % in % in % in % Structual Data Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Index Retail Purchasing Power Index Retail Centrality Index Ludwigsfelde 2,495,635 161,546 24,150 11,310 77 221 3.3% -2.2% 0.2% 9.6% 7.4% (Source: GfK and BBE 2012/2013) District City Federal State District District in m € in m € index index index 3,019 459 88.50 92.27 80.33 Macro Location Ludwigsfelde is situated in the federal state of Brandenburg in the administrative region of TeltowFläming. The city covers an area of 109.3 sq km. Nearby cities include Berlin (30 km) and Potsdam (20 km). The A10 federal motorway is located directly next to Ludwigsfelde, offering a direct connection to the motorway network. Thus, Ludwigsfelde is an interesting logistics location. The city’s railway station is linked to the regional railway network, offering connections to Berlin and Potsdam. The closest passenger airport is located in Berlin, which can be reached within 30 km. The economy of Ludwigsfelde is primarily focussed on logistics and production facilities. Ludwigsfelde has an industrial park with an area of over 256 ha, where more than 70 companies operate. Additionally, there are three commercial parks with over 618 ha, where more than 900 companies are located. The district Teltow-Fläming is economically one of the strongest districts in the former East German states. Micro Location Micro Location The property is located at the residential and office street, Potsdamer Straße, close to the A10 motorway and the city centre in the western part of the city. The town hall is located only 500 m from the property. The property is highly visible and dominates the area to some extent. The property is surrounded by residential buildings, but there are also retail warehouses, for example operated by Rossmann, directly next to Potsdamer Straße. Thanks to the underground garage, many visitors of the local market located in front of the town hall, use the property for parking purposes, increasing the footfall of the property. However, the market takes place only twice a week. 0 Local Tax Information Real Estate Tax Rate (Typ B) Land Transfer Tax This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 2 of 12 City City in % in % abc 380 5.0 Property address Property no. 10 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Potsdamer Straße 51 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 14974 Ludwigsfelde Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Site Plan Source: Cadastral plan on a 1 to 1,500 scale, dated 27th December 2010 Site Information Site area thereof surplus land 10,340 m² 0 m² Ground lease No n.a. Ground lease expiry Surplus land value (net) n.a. €0 Site servicing Fully serviced Irregular Site layout Soil contamination No Suspicion Building encumbrances Comment The property has an even topography and irregular shape. It is accessible from the north-east, southeast and north-west. According to information provided by the city of Ludwigsfelde, the site is not registered in the register of contaminated sites. In Brandenburg, there are no building encumbrances. Instead the muncipalities obtain personal easments, which are registered in the land register in divison 2. Thus, we assumed the subject property to be free of any building encumbrances. No Town Planning Use class SO (special zone) Site coverage ratio (GRZ) 1.0 Plot ratio (GFZ) n.a. Cubic index (BMZ) n.a. Comment According to information from the local planning authority, a legally binding development plan exists, entitled "Nr. 2 Sport- und Einkaufszentrum Ludwigsfelde" and dated 10.10.1994, with the following regulations: the subject site is located in a special zone (SO). The site coverage ratio is limited to 1.0. Tenure Land Register Local Court of Zossen, land register of Ludwigsfelde Owner TPL Ludwigsfelde S.á.r.l., Luxemburg Sheet 4807 Plot 3 a/b Parcel 150, 152 159, 161 15/130, 15/132 15/133, 41 154, 155 157 Section 3 (Loans) Section 2 (Restrictions) Limited personal easement in favour of the city of Land charges in the total amount of € 105,000,000 in Ludwigsfelde prohibiting that certain parts of the favour of COREAL CREDIT BANK Aktiengesellschaft property may be built on. Frankfurt, 6 June 2011. Limited personal easement right of way in favour the owner of the plot 15/132. Limited personal easement to operate a selfservice department store on the plot in favour of Kaufland Stiftung & Co. KG, Neckarsulm. Source: Land register extract, dated 14 January 2014 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 3 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 10 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Potsdamer Straße 51 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 14974 Ludwigsfelde Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Competitor Map Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Research Competitor Overview Name Type Address 0 0 0 0 Sales area m² m² m² 0 Distance Potential 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Competiton Indicators Inhabitants in primary catchment area (Radius 5 km) 14,472 Purchasing power in Mio. € (District) Inhabitants in secondary catchment area (Radius 10 km) 43,244 Purchasing power per Capita in € (Radius 5 km) Number of households (Radius 5 km) 6,748 Number of households (Radius 10 km) 19,622 Retail Purchasing Power Index (District) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. 92.27 3,019 19,429 Unemployment Rate (District) 7.4% Population forecast for the district (2009 - 2025) 3.3% Retail Centrality Index (District) 80.33 Page 4 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Potsdamer Straße 51 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 14974 Ludwigsfelde Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 10 Main competitors There is no direct competitor within Ludwigsfelde or the primary or secondary catchment area. The neighbouring property next door has a bank and a retail use on the ground floor, but is not considered to be real competition. However, the property is considering incorporating the same product range as the subject property. The property, which can be considered a largest competitor within Ludwigsfelde, is shown above. It comprises six retail units including a Penny discounter and a large drugstore operated by Rossmann. The overall size is however significantly smaller than the subject property. Competition Comment Approximately 15,000 inhabitants live in the secondary catchment area. This area is dominated by the subject property as there is no other self-service department store. Within the broader tertiary catchment area, there are 59,000 inhabitants and still only one competitor, which increases the customer potential to 24,500 potential customers per self-service department store. However, we think that the property will mainly attract customers from the primary and secondary catchment area, but this is sufficient for this property. Thus, there are no direct competitors. Only small supermarkets or discounters compete for the non-food customers. Consequently, we assess the level of competition to be below average and that the customer potential is sufficient. 0 Turnover analysis The rents in retail agglomerations are linked to the achievable turnover. The percentage rate that a retail tenant can use for rental payments depends on the margins achievable in the various market sectors. This rate normally ranges between 2% and 15% depending on the respective industry. The productivity varies between approx. € 1,000/m² up to more than € 10,000/m². We have been provided with turnover figures from tenants such as s.m.s. (shopping macht Spaß GmbH), Deichmann, Floristik´99, among others. For Kaufland, we have also been provided with turnover figures. We have analysed the figures and have found the area productivity of Kaufland to be in a healthy range. With a turnover-to-rent ratio of less than 2% it lies below the range of 2% to 4%, which is acceptable for a self-service department store. Hence, we are of the opinion that a market rent on contractual level is achievable after the end of the lease contract. Please also refer to the rent/turnover analysis on page 8. With regards to turnover rents, we considered the current turnover rents to be sustainable in the long run for the property’s income. Conclusion The subject property is a self-service department store situated in a city centre location of Ludwigsfelde. The depth and breadth of the product range is very good. The property dominates the primary and secondary catchment areas, which should be sufficient for operating a self-service department store. Thus, the rental area of Kaufland can be regarded as relatively unproblematic. In the unlikely case that Kaufland should vacate the site, the property could be re-let to other self-service department store chains such as real or Marktkauf. We assumed that the tenant Kaufland will exercise its three options, each for five years, until 2037 due to the low contractual rental level. We therefore think that this location should be sustainable. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 5 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 10 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Potsdamer Straße 51 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 14974 Ludwigsfelde Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Rent Roll Tenant Name Area Category Letting Status Area m² / unit 64 Rent / month Rent / m² / month Tenant pays VAT Lease Start Lease End Renewal Probability Tenant pays * 1 Frisör Klier GmbH Retail Let € 1,950 30.57 n.a. 01.10.2007 30.09.2017 75% M GT I PM 2 Deutsche Bank Retail Let 196 € 3,082 15.72 n.a. 30.08.2012 30.06.2017 75% M GT I PM 3 Kaufland Warenhandel Retail Let 5,940 € 32,586 5.49 n.a. 01.10.2007 30.09.2027 75% M GT I PM 4 Zebra two GmbH i.Gr. Retail Let 51 € 992 19.45 n.a. 01.10.2013 30.09.2023 75% M GT I PM 5 iFitness GmbH i. G.r Retail Let 995 € 5,624 5.65 n.a. 01.07.2013 30.09.2023 75% M GT I PM 6 Heiderich, Karsten Manfred Retail Let 51 € 635 12.50 n.a. 15.04.2013 14.04.2023 75% M GT I PM 7 Ms. + Mr. Cetinkaya & Mr. Özyurt Retail Let 36 22.91 n.a. 01.04.2012 31.03.2022 75% M GT I PM 8 HAARMEX.DE Retail Let 125 € 1,181 9.45 n.a. 10.01.2005 09.01.2020 75% M GT I PM 9 Johae Fleischprodukte GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 67 € 2,687 39.89 n.a. 01.08.2008 31.07.2019 75% M GT I PM 10 Deichmann SE Retail Let 407 € 4,412 10.83 n.a. 14.06.2004 13.06.2019 75% M GT I PM 11 Deichmann SE M GT I PM € 825 Storage Let 39 € 137 3.50 n.a. 14.06.2004 13.06.2019 75% 12 Apollo-Optik Holding GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 117 € 2,617 22.40 n.a. 01.06.2004 31.05.2019 75% M GT I PM 13 Ulus Filiz und Melki Retail Let 44 € 1,135 25.54 n.a. 01.10.2013 30.09.2018 75% M GT I PM 14 Zebra Gastronomie und Automaten GmbH Retail Let 167 € 1,539 9.21 n.a. 01.09.2003 14.10.2017 75% M GT I PM 15 Wohnungsgesellschaft Ludwigsfelde mbH Office Let 131 € 551 4.22 n.a. 13.10.1997 12.10.2017 75% M GT I PM 16 AWG Allgemeine Warenvertriebs-GmbH Retail Let 536 € 4,393 8.20 n.a. 01.10.1997 30.09.2017 75% M GT I PM 17 s.m.s. shopping macht Spaß GmbH Retail Let 131 € 1,414 10.76 n.a. 01.10.2007 30.09.2017 75% M GT I PM 18 Floristik´99 Retail Let 63 € 1,510 24.11 n.a. 01.10.2007 30.09.2017 75% M GT I PM 19 Schwarz Außenwerbung GmbH Other Units Let 1 € 596 595.83 n.a. 01.01.2010 30.09.2017 100% 20 FOTOFIX Schnellphotoautomaten GmbH Other Units Let 1 €0 0.00 n.a. 01.01.2011 30.09.2017 100% M GT I PM 21 Anh Nguyet Tran Retail Let 55 € 651 11.76 n.a. 14.09.2012 30.09.2017 75% M GT I PM 22 Stadt Ludwigsfelde Retail Let 2,031 € 3,731 1.84 n.a. 22.09.1997 21.09.2017 100% M GT I PM 23 Wendorff Retail Let 173 € 5,434 31.37 n.a. 08.09.1997 07.09.2017 75% M GT I PM 24 Steinecke´s Heidebrot Backstube GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 72 € 5,652 78.10 n.a. 01.10.2007 30.06.2017 75% M GT I PM 25 Döbelin Retail Let 78 € 1,499 19.21 n.a. 01.04.2012 30.11.2016 75% M GT I PM 26 Valaora Retail Kiosk GmbH Retail Let 45 € 1,293 28.69 n.a. 10.10.2006 09.10.2016 75% M GT I PM 27 Vodafone D2 GmbH Retail Let 52 € 1,402 27.14 n.a. 02.04.2009 31.12.2015 75% M GT I PM 28 Naser Retail Let 65 € 1,069 16.55 n.a. 13.10.2007 12.10.2015 75% M GT I PM 29 TEDI GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 266 € 2,452 9.22 n.a. 21.04.2004 20.04.2015 75% M GT I PM M GT I PM 30 AWG Allgemeine Warenvertriebs-GmbH Retail Let 533 € 4,796 9.00 n.a. 01.10.1997 31.12.2014 75% M GT I PM 31 Kaufmann Retail Let 102 € 1,374 13.49 n.a. 19.10.2005 18.10.2014 75% M GT I PM 32 transact Elektronische Zahlungssysteme GmbH Other Units Let 2 € 56 34.10 n.a. 01.01.2007 31.12.2013 100% M GT I PM 33 KZM (kiosk) Other Units Let 1 € 370 370.00 n.a. 01.10.2007 30.09.2027 100% M GT I PM 34 Mall Income (automats) Other Units Let 1 €0 0.00 n.a. 01.10.2007 30.09.2027 100% M GT I PM 35 Turnover Rent Other Units Let 1 € 3,089 3089.00 01.10.2007 30.09.2027 100% M GT I PM 12,632 m² € 100,735 Total * M = Maintenance, GT = Ground Tax, I = Insurance Costs, PM = Property Management This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 6 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 10 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Potsdamer Straße 51 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 14974 Ludwigsfelde Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Valuation Assumptions Area Category Tenant Name 1 Frisör Klier GmbH Retail Area sqm/unit Market Rent Market Rent /month Re-letting Re-letting Initial Tis Void VPV* Void* Rent Abatem.* Agency Fees* Lease Term** Renewal Probability 64 € 25.00 € 1,595 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 2 Deutsche Bank Retail 196 € 10.00 € 1,960 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 3 Kaufland Warenhandel Retail 5,940 € 5.50 € 32,669 € 50 0 12 0 3 10 25% 4 Zebra two GmbH i.Gr. Retail 51 € 15.00 € 765 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 5 iFitness GmbH i. G.r Retail 995 € 3.50 € 3,483 € 75 0 18 0 3 5 25% 6 Heiderich, Karsten Manfred Retail 51 € 10.00 € 508 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 7 Ms. + Mr. Cetinkaya & Mr. Özyurt Retail 36 € 20.00 € 720 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 8 HAARMEX.DE Retail 125 € 9.00 € 1,125 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 9 Johae Fleischprodukte GmbH & Co. KG Retail 67 € 37.50 € 2,526 € 100 0 3 0 3 5 25% 10 Deichmann SE Retail 407 € 10.00 € 4,073 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 11 Deichmann SE Storage 39 € 3.50 € 137 €0 0 12 0 3 5 25% Retail 117 € 27.50 € 3,213 € 100 0 6 0 3 5 25% 5 25% 12 Apollo-Optik Holding GmbH & Co. KG 13 Ulus Filiz und Melki Retail 44 € 25.00 € 1,111 € 100 0 14 Zebra Gastronomie und Automaten GmbH Retail 167 € 8.00 € 1,337 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 15 Wohnungsgesellschaft Ludwigsfelde mbH Office 131 € 5.00 € 653 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 16 AWG Allgemeine Warenvertriebs-GmbH Retail 536 € 8.00 € 4,284 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 17 s.m.s. shopping macht Spaß GmbH Retail 131 € 10.00 € 1,314 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% Retail € 100 5 25% 3 63 € 27.50 € 1,723 19 Schwarz Außenwerbung GmbH Other Units 1 € 595.83 € 596 €0 0 0 0 0 5 Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 5 0% 21 Anh Nguyet Tran Retail 55 € 9.00 € 498 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 22 Stadt Ludwigsfelde Retail 2,031 € 1.84 € 3,731 €0 0 0 0 3 5 0% 23 Wendorff Retail 173 € 30.00 € 5,197 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 24 Steinecke´s Heidebrot Backstube GmbH & Co. KG Retail 72 € 60.00 € 4,342 € 100 6 0 20 FOTOFIX Schnellphotoautomaten GmbH 18 Floristik´99 0 6 25% 0 0 3 3 5 0% 0 3 25 Döbelin Retail 78 € 15.00 € 1,170 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 26 Valaora Retail Kiosk GmbH Retail 45 € 25.00 € 1,127 € 100 0 6 0 3 5 25% 25% 25% 27 Vodafone D2 GmbH Retail 52 € 25.00 € 1,291 € 100 0 6 0 3 5 28 Naser Retail 65 € 10.00 € 646 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 29 TEDI GmbH & Co. KG Retail 266 € 9.00 € 2,395 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% Retail 533 € 9.00 € 4,796 € 100 0 12 5 25% Retail 102 € 10.00 € 1,019 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 32 transact Elektronische Zahlungssysteme GmbH 30 AWG Allgemeine Warenvertriebs-GmbH Other Units 2 € 34.10 € 56 €0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 33 KZM (kiosk) Other Units 1 € 370.00 € 370 €0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 34 Mall Income (automats) Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 35 Turnover Rent Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 31 Kaufmann Total * months 12,632 sqm ** years 0 3 € 90,429 ***structural vacancy This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 7 of 12 . abc Property address Property no. 10 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Potsdamer Straße 51 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 14974 Ludwigsfelde Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property Analysis Area Analysis Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Total area Petrol Station Other Units Internal parking External parking Total parking Lettable Area m² 131 12,462 0 0 0 0 39 12,632 0 7 0 0 7 Area Vacant m² 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Let m² 131 12,462 0 0 0 0 39 12,632 0 7 0 0 0 Vacancy Rate % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Income Analysis Contractual Rent €/m²/month 4.22 7.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.50 0.00 618.21 7.97 0.00 0.00 Contractual Rent €/month 551 95,936 0 0 0 0 137 0 4,111 100,735 0 0 Contractual Rent €/year 6,614 1,151,231 0 0 0 0 1,642 0 49,333 1,208,820 0 0 Potential Rent €/year 6,614 1,151,231 0 0 0 0 1,642 0 49,333 1,208,820 0 0 Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Petrol Station Other Units Total area Internal parking External parking Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Market Rent €/m²/month 5.00 7.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.50 0.00 153.70 7.16 0.00 0.00 Market Rent €/year 7,840 1,063,405 0 0 0 0 1,642 0 12,265 1,085,152 0 0 Market Rent €/month 653 88,617 0 0 0 0 137 0 1,022 90,429 0 0 Over-/ UnderRented -15.6% 8.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 302.2% 11.4% 0.0% 0.0% Assessment of Kaufland market rent Turnover to rent ratio Space productivity 7,000 10.00 6,500 9.00 Explanation Usual market % - levels 8.00 5,500 7.00 Rent / m² / month 6,000 5,000 4,500 8.87 Market rent Contractual Rent Rents 6.65 6.00 5.00 4.00 3,500 2.5% 5.49 Market 2.5% 5.50 5.50 5.49 4.43 4,000 4% of turnover 8.87 3% of turnover 6.65 3.00 in € / m² p.a. 15,796,730 € (net) Sales Area 2.00 1.0% 4.43 2% of turnover Turnover potential 3,761 3,000 € / m² % Contractual 1.5% 2.0% based on sales area 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% Total Area ~ 4,200 m² 5,940 m² Turnover-rent-ratio Self-service department stores usually can afford to pay a rent in the range of 2% to 4% of their net turnover (economically sustainable rent burden) and have a space productivity of about € 4,000 to € 6,000 per m² sales area. The two graphics above indicate, how the contract rent of the main tenant Kaufland as well as the assumed market rental level, can be assessed on the basis of usual market ranges. This analysis is based on the turnover potential figures prepared by Trade Dimension. D&B Rating of Main Tenant Main tenant Tenant name Rent p.a. Share of total income WALT Payment Index Capital indicator Risk indicator Score Credit limit Comment Kaufland Warenhandel Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG € 391,032 32% 13.7 years 80 3AA 2 2 83 € 66,000 (single) € 840,000 (total) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. The main tenant is a corporation belonging to SBG Kaufland GmbH & Co. KG, which in turn belongs to Schwarz Beteiligungs-KG, one of the biggest grocer groups in Europe. Kaufland is the self-service department store division of Lidl & Schwarz with more than 500 locations across Europe. Kaufland’s core business area is food retailing with branded goods and own-brands specially produced for Kaufland. According to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Rating as at 29 January 2014 Kaufland Warenhandel Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG has a low credit risk. The risk of insolvency (D&B Score) within the next 12 months compared with other German companies is assessed to be low, i.e. 83% of businesses on the German database have the same or higher risk of failure. Page 8 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Potsdamer Straße 51 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 14974 Ludwigsfelde Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. Assumptions 10 Market Value Lease Contract Commentary The property is fully let to 27 retail tenants with Kaufland as the anchor tenant. The WALT of the property amounts to 7.6 years. The main tenant Kaufland has a share of approx. 34% of the rental income. The rent of Kaufland is indexed and will be adapted by 50% of the CPI change, whenever the change exceeds 10 percent in relation to the CPI basis. Kaufland does not pay ground tax, insurance costs, maintenance or property management. Smaller tenants usually cover these costs with the exception of maintenance costs. Some smaller tenants also do not pay property management but these are the minority. The following tenant's has just extended the lease contract: until 01/2020, Johae Fleischprodukte GmbH until 7/2019. Furthermore, there are three new tenants: iFitness GmbH, Zebra two GmbH and Heiderich, Karten and Manfred. 0 General Property Assumptions Discount Rate Comment Discount rate 7.10% Capitalisation rate 7.00% Capital expenditures* The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. We derive the discount rate from market transactions. The discount rate reflects the rate of return expected by investors and is determined based on the risk associated with a property. As reinsurance, the initial yields profile is aligned with the market/other transactions. We have taken into account such facts as the remaining lease term with the well-known anchor tenant, the good location, the low vacancy rate and the good condition of the subject property in Ludwigsfelde. €0 Vacancy costs € 10.00 /m²/p.a. * on the basis of cost estimates provided by Brack Capital Real Estate, dated April 2013 Breakdown of Non-Recoverable Costs Contract** (month 1 x 12) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses ** JLL analysis Market (assuming full occupancy) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.44 /m² € 1.40 /m² € 0.40 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 8.74 /m² € 69,476 € 18,132 € 17,743 € 5,066 €0 € 110,417 per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.29 /m² € 1.40 /m² € 0.40 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 8.59 /m² € 69,476 € 16,277 € 17,743 € 5,066 €0 € 108,562 Inflation % of Gross Contract Rent 5.75% 1.50% 1.47% 0.42% 0.00% 9.13% Year Inflation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% Market Rental Growth Year Rental Growth % of Gross Market Rent 6.40% 1.50% 1.64% 0.47% 0.00% 10.00% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% Market Contract Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total Non-recoverable Costs Maintanance Costs € 69,478 € 70,590 € 71,847 € 73,111 € 74,296 € 75,469 € 76,677 € 77,919 € 79,150 € 80,322 € 81,494 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Management Costs € 18,156 € 17,708 € 18,019 € 16,981 € 17,702 € 17,665 € 18,222 € 18,677 € 18,477 € 17,953 € 18,260 Insurance Costs € 5,066 € 5,147 € 5,239 € 5,331 € 5,417 € 5,503 € 5,591 € 5,682 € 5,771 € 5,857 € 5,942 Ground Tax € 17,743 € 18,027 € 18,348 € 18,671 € 18,973 € 19,273 € 19,581 € 19,899 € 20,213 € 20,512 € 20,812 Other Nonrecoverable Costs 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ Total per year € 110,626 € 113,710 € 113,755 € 117,978 € 116,746 € 119,408 € 122,916 € 122,469 € 124,719 € 131,565 € 130,114 Vacancy Costs € 183 € 2,238 € 302 € 3,884 € 358 € 1,498 € 2,845 € 292 € 1,108 € 6,921 € 3,606 % of Total Gross Revenue 9.1% 9.6% 9.5% 10.4% 9.9% 10.1% 10.1% 9.8% 10.1% 11.0% 10.7% Non-Recoverable Costs as a percentage of Total Gross Revenue 12.0% 11.0% 10.4% 10.0% 9.6% 9.1% 9.5% 9.9% 10.1% 10.1% 9.8% 10.1% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 9 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 10 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Potsdamer Straße 51 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 14974 Ludwigsfelde Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Cash Flow Market Value Rental Revenue € 1,212,440 € 1,204,812 € 1,208,159 € 1,193,786 € 1,184,647 € 1,201,114 € 1,245,709 € 1,250,220 € 1,254,360 € 1,268,233 € 1,252,102 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Turnover Vacancy -€ 2,038 -€ 24,266 -€ 6,872 -€ 61,706 -€ 4,505 -€ 23,443 -€ 30,906 -€ 5,069 -€ 22,586 -€ 71,373 -€ 34,787 Rent Abatements €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 Total Gross Revenue € 1,210,402 € 1,180,546 € 1,201,287 € 1,132,080 € 1,180,142 € 1,177,671 € 1,214,803 € 1,245,151 € 1,231,774 € 1,196,860 € 1,217,315 Nonrecoverable Costs -€ 110,626 -€ 113,710 -€ 113,755 -€ 117,978 -€ 116,746 -€ 119,408 -€ 122,916 -€ 122,469 -€ 124,719 -€ 131,565 -€ 130,114 Net Operating Income € 1,099,776 € 1,066,836 € 1,087,532 € 1,014,102 € 1,063,396 € 1,058,263 € 1,091,887 € 1,122,682 € 1,107,055 € 1,065,295 € 1,087,201 TIs and Leasing Capital Commissions Cash Flow Expenditures €0 €0 € 1,099,776 -€ 22,883 -€ 6,256 € 1,037,697 -€ 3,005 -€ 1,502 € 1,083,025 € 994,027 -€ 11,934 -€ 8,141 -€ 34,796 € 1,015,776 -€ 12,824 -€ 8,105 -€ 16,062 € 1,034,096 -€ 7,726 € 1,055,856 -€ 28,305 € 1,117,794 -€ 3,259 -€ 1,629 -€ 6,276 -€ 6,568 € 1,094,211 -€ 45,278 -€ 16,535 € 1,003,482 € 15,953,768 -€ 9,763 -€ 30,082 Total Cashflow (incl. Terminal Value @ 7.00 %) Gross Value of Surplus Land Gross Capital Value incl. Surplus Land Present Value @ 7.10% € 1,066,025 € 938,504 € 915,016 € 785,574 € 747,305 € 711,449 € 678,108 € 670,208 € 612,720 € 523,717 € 8,034,680 € 15,683,306 €0 € 15,683,306 Total Gross Revenue versus Net Operating Income 8.0% € 1400000.0 7.0% € 1200000.0 6.8% 6.9% 6.8% 7.2% 7.0% 6.7% 7.1% 6.8% 7.0% 6.5% 6.0% 5.0% € 800000.0 4.0% € 600000.0 Running yield Rental income € 1000000.0 3.0% € 400000.0 2.0% € 200000.0 € .0 Year 1 1.0% Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Valuation Results Year 6 Year 7 Year 9 0.0% Year 10 Market Value Rent Overview Gross Capital Value (rounded) Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m²/month € 1,208,820 € 7.97 Market rental value total p.a. per m²/month € 1,085,152 € 7.16 11.40% Over-/Underrent Year 8 Total € 15,700,000 per m² € 1,243 Purchaser's costs 6.50% Yield Overview Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield 7.00% 6.22% Gross Initial Yield Gross Reversionary Yield 8.22% 7.38% Market Value (rounded) Total € 14,700,000 per m² € 1,164 Valuation Comment In terms of risk, we considered the covenant strength as well as the lease duration for the existing contracts. As at 29 January 2014, the main tenant, Kaufland Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG, has good covenant strength, which ensures a secure cash flow for the remainder of the lease term until at least 2027. In terms of a resale, we took into account such facts as visibility, demographic factors, appearance, condition and building age, third-party usability, competition situation and location. For the purpose of the valuation on 31 December 2013, the non-recoverable costs (e.g. insurance costs as well as ground tax) remained unchanged and have been applied according to information received during the previous valuation cycle. Management costs and maintenance costs have been applied according to internal benchmarks. We have not been provided with updated information regarding necessary capital expenditures (CapEx). According to information received no CapEx are required. For the purpose of our valuation we have assumed that all capital expenditures for repairs in the first year as well as in the periods of year 2 to 5 and year 6 to 10 are considered to be covered by the maintenance costs of € 5.50/m² per annum. Regarding comparable rents, we have had recourse to evidence of similar areas situated in the comparable regions and locations. Furthermore, we have analysed comparable transactions. Please refer to the section "Investment Comparables". Taking into account the very good micro-location in a small city in eastern Germany but still close to Berlin, we have the opinion that this property should be transacted at a multiplier slightly lower than the middle of the range of the observed comparables. The following changes occurred in comparison to previous valuation: The WALT remained almost unchanged. According to the information provided to us 995 m² of leisure area are let to the new tenant iFitness GmbH (former Takke). The lease started in April 2013 with a rent of € 5.65/m². The lease with fitness centre was concluded until April 2023. Two new leases are concluded for each 51 m² for Zebra two GmbH and for Heiderich until September 2023 and April 2023 respectively. The lease of the tenants (125 m²) and Johae Fleischprodukte GmbH & Co. KG (67 m²) were prolonged by 5 years. The tenant AWG has reduced the rent by € 427/month to € 4,393/month. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 10 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 10 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Potsdamer Straße 51 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 14974 Ludwigsfelde Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Photos View of the main entrance External view External view Internal view of the mall Internal view of the mall View of the underground garage This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 11 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 10 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Potsdamer Straße 51 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 14974 Ludwigsfelde Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Leasing and Investment Market Development of prime yields Retail transaction volume in Germany Leasing Market Investment Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail space in retail warehouses or retail parks throughout Germany. For the determination of the rents, the quality of location in terms of accessibility and competition is crucial. The rents within the different branches vary. This is due to the diverging location assessment and turnover expectancy of the different tenants. If in the case of a retail park the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which guarantee a high visitor frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher and as a consequence, their overall rental level will be higher as well. Besides the rent level, another determining factor for investors is the building costs. Properties with the highest rents usually also have the highest building costs and land acquisition cost. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the retail format of the store, rents for supermarkets/ hypermarkets are generally slightly higher than the rents for discounters. Such rents in cities with more the 30,000 inhabitants in western German locations generally range between € 7.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Rents for discounters in western Germany generally range between € 6.00 and € 12.00/m²/month, while discounters eastern Germany generally achieve slightly lower rental rates. Drugstores, textile, shoe and electronics branches generally achieve rental rates ranging from € 7.50 to € 12.00/m²/month. DIY stores need extensive space due to their broad product range. In urban centres, these stores sometimes even offer their products on two levels. DIY also fall at the lower end of the scale in terms of rents, with prices ranging between € 6.00 and € 10.00/m²/month. On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. As DIY stores have a supra-regional catchment area, there are not as independent as other branches in the area and can relocate to more affordable attractive and easily accessible industrial zones. In such areas, lower investments for realisation and lower building costs induce lower rents. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. The office prime yields were still on a slight downward trend in individual cities. Each of the Big 7 cities now has a net initial yield of below 5%. Aggregated across all cities, the prime yield in the office segment fell to an average value of around 4.67%. Shopping centre yields are at a similar rate of 4.70%. For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Leasing Comparables Tenant Kaufland Real Wal Mart Real Floristik '99 Local chain Frisör Klier 0 City Crimmitschau Braunschweig Salzgitter Bitterfeld Schönebeck (Elbe) Freital Halle 0 Property Type Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Flower store Optician Haircutter 0 Area 1,800 m² 19,688 m² 6,250 m² 16,866 m² 62 m² 123 m² 74 m² 0 m² Total Rent p.m. € 8,136 € 104,150 € 38,750 € 115,532 € 1,406 € 2,743 € 2,211 €0 Rent p. sqm € 4.52 /m² € 5.29 /m² € 6.20 /m² € 6.85 /m² € 22.67 /m² € 22.30 /m² € 29.88 /m² € 0.00 /m² Comment Similar purchasing power, other federal state Purchasing power of 105.5 Purchasing power of 93.5 Rental income includes sub tenants with higher rents Purchasing power of 75.8 Purchasing power of 83.6, located in a retail park Similar purchasing power, smalll lettable area 0 Investment Comparables Property Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Year of Construction n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Area 8,520 m² 13,000 m² 22,926 m² 13,000 m² 2,269 m² 13,000 m² 10,031 m² 0 m² Gross Multiplier 14.1-fold 13.8-fold 8.0-fold 15.3-fold 14.7-fold 13.8-fold 10.1-fold 0.0-fold Date of Transaction Q3 2013 Q2 2012 2012 2012 2012 Q2 2012 2012 0 Comment Medium to long WALT, located in North Rhine-Westphalia Medium to long WALT, located in Lower Saxony Anchor tenant Kaufland & Toom, WALT below 5 years, portfolio transaction Anchor tenant Marktkauf, WALT 17.5 years, very strong location in southern Germany WALT 15.7 years, good location, main tenant Kaufland, partly leasehold Anchor tenant Famila, WALT 9.2 years, strong location in northern Germany Anchor tenant real, WALT 15 years, portfolio transaction 0 Page 12 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hohenloher Straße 2 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 74172 Neckarsulm Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 11 Property Summary Key Figures Property type Main tenant Retail Park Adler Modemärkte AG Total lettable area Total parking units 10,270 m² 550 units Current vacancy rate Weighted average lease term 12.3% 3.8 years 1974 2001 Year of construction Year of refurbishment Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,381,692 € 11.21 Total non-recoverable expenses (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 109,957 € 0.89 Net operating income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 1,271,734 € 10.32 total p.a. € 1,276,200 14.1% Market rental value Over-/Underrent based on occupied areas SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Good tenant mix Sufficient parking spaces Well-known anchor tenant Good connections to the motorway network via the A 6 0 High level of competition (Rewe, Aldi and Kaufland nearby) Limited third party usability of the large-scale retail area without refurbishment Building almost 40years old (without refurbishment) Vacancy rate of approx. 12% Basement area in the Adler unit Opportunities Threats Extension of the lease contracts of the smaller tenants Prolognation of the lease contract after expiry Growing importance of the area 0 0 Potential increase of maintenance costs due to building age (1974) Drop out of tenants before expiry of the contracts 0 0 0 Property Rating (1 = very negative, 5 = very positive) Building Location Building age Lettable Area Property condition General impression 3 3 2 2 11 to 15 years Between 10,000 and 12,500 m² Below average building condition Below average general impression Macrolocation Microlocation Commercial activity Competition Liquidity 3 3 3 2 Average location and catchment area Average micro location Limited commercial activity nearby High competition level Investment Quality WALT Over- / underrent Quality of tenants 3 WALT three to seven years 2 Slightly overrented (5% to 15%) 3 Tenants with good credit rating Investment market Investment volume Saleability 3 Average property market 4 Good lot size 4 Good saleability within 6 months Property Description The property, which consists of three parts, was built in 1973 and was completed in 1974. In the west of the property, there is a 1 to 2-storey building with a basement level. Retail stores and shops are located in the first floor. In the ground level are administration and stockrooms. Furthermore there are some vacant areas in this property. This main building has two entrances: one is located near the parking area and another one is located by the street corner "Hohenloher Straße" and "Heilbronner Straße". Adjacent to this building, a small 1-storey building is located with some small retail stores. These small retail stores have their own entrances. In the east, there is another small 1-storey building with the use carwash and offices. This is currently rented by TÜV and Ümit Ebem. The external area offers a large parking area. The property is open to all sides and includes a ramp to the basement level for deliveries. The roofs are mainly flat. The panels consist of prefabricated multi-layer concrete panels with thermal insulation. The carwash and TÜV building is designed with simple brickwork walls. The main tenants are Adler and Lidl. Valuation Results Market Value € 16,800,000 equals to Market Rental Value € 1,597 per m² € 1,276,200 p.a. Discount Rate 7.50% Net Initial Yield 7.31% Capitalisation Rate 7.00% Net Reversionary Yield 6.71% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. excluding capital expenditures Page 1 of 12 € 10.36 / m² / p.m. equals to 7.13% Multiplier (initial) 11.87 6.55% Multiplier (based on MRV) 12.85 abc Property address Property no. 11 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hohenloher Straße 2 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 74172 Neckarsulm Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Location Germany Macroeconomic Indicators (Source: GfK, BBE, BBSR/Inkar 2012/2013) Baden-Wurttemberg Heilbronn (Rural District) Neckarsulm 74172 Federal State District City Postcode Population Population Population Number of Households Population Density Population Density Population Forecast (2009 - 2025) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Federal State District City City District City District Federal State District Federal State District absolute absolute absolute absolute per km² per km² in % in % in % in % in % Structual Data Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Index Retail Purchasing Power Index Retail Centrality Index Neckarsulm 10,786,227 328,731 26,598 12,410 299 1066 2.8% 0.3% 0.1% 3.9% 3.6% (Source: GfK and BBE 2012/2013) District City Federal State District District in m € in m € index index index 7,381 561 107.20 102.28 78.00 Macro Location Neckarsulm is located in the north-east of the federal state Baden-Wurttemberg. The state capital, Stuttgart (population 602,000), is only 59 km away and Mannheim (population 311,969) is only 77 km away. The closest motorway is the A6, connecting to Amberg in the federal state Bavaria to the east and to Saarbrücken near the French border to the west. The motorway can be accessed in less than 2 km. Furthermore, the A81, connecting to Würzburg to the north-east to Singen (close to the Swiss border) to the south-west, can be reached within a 7 km distance. Neckarsulm has a train station, which connects Neckarsulm to the cities of Stuttgart and Munich via regional trains. The nearest airport offering connections to national and international destinations is Stuttgart, about 59 km away. Furthermore, the Karlsurhe airport is located in a distance of approx. 91 km. Efficient industrial companies, innovative service providers and medium-sized companies are located in Neckarsulm and are known internationally. Well-known companies located in Neckarsulm include Audi, Lidl and Kolbenschmidt-Pierburg. Furthermore, Neckarsulm is also recognized as very good site for the IT branch. Micro Location Micro Location The property is located in the south of Neckarsulm near the motorway A 6. The surrounding area is characterised by discounters like Aldi, Rewe and Zeeman. The property is located along the Hohenloher Straße and is very good visible. A small bus station is situated next to the western side of the property. The property itself is located beside a residential area. 0 Local Tax Information Real Estate Tax Rate (Typ B) Land Transfer Tax This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 2 of 12 City City in % in % abc 280 5.0 Property address Property no. 11 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hohenloher Straße 2 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 74172 Neckarsulm Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Site Plan Source: Cadastral plan on a 1 to 1,000 scale, dated 28.12.2010 Site Information Site area thereof surplus land 32,520 m² 4,800 m² Ground lease No n.a. Ground lease expiry Surplus land value (net) € 92 /sqm € 441,600 Site servicing Fully serviced Almost square Site layout Soil contamination Suspicion of contamination Building encumbrances No Comment The site consists of one plot 1900: The site has an even topography. The site is accessible from the north by car and the east by foot. The site has a trapezoidal shape. According to the Environmental Due Diligence Report, dated July 2007, a filling station was installed east of the mall in 1974. Because of this use, a suspicion of contamination exists. Operation of the filling station ceased in 1995. Later, this location was used as vacuum cleaner area, car repair shop and carwash. At the moment, a part of this space is rented by the TÜV and Ümit Ebem For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the subject property is free of any soil or building contamination. Furthermore, for purpose of this valuation, we assumed the land value pursuant to the committee of experts of Neckarsulm. Town Planning Use class SO (special zone) Site coverage ratio (GRZ) 0.8 Plot ratio (GFZ) n.a. Cubic index (BMZ) 4.0 Comment According to information from the local planning authority, a development plan exists, entitled "Südstadt Nr. 14.01/5" and dated 30.07.2004, with the following regulations: the subject site is located in special zone ("Sondergebiet"). The cubic density (Baumassenzahl, BMZ) is 4.0 and the site coverage ratio (Grundflächenzahl, GRZ) is 0.8. Tenure Land Register Owner TPL Neckarsulm S.á.r.l. Local Court of Heilbronn, land register (Reg. Nr.: B 128.750), Luxembourg of Neckarsulm Sheet 4771 Plot NO 6512 Parcel 1900 Section 2 (Restrictions) Limited personal easements (regarding the omission of the food offer on an area of more than 1200sqm sales area) in favour of Kaufland Stiftung & Co. KG, Neckarsulm. Section 3 (Loans) Land charges in the total amount of € 105,000,000 in favour of COREAL CREDIT BANK Aktiengesellschaft Frankfurt, 6 June 2011. Source: Land register extract, dated 14 January 2014 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 3 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 11 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hohenloher Straße 2 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 74172 Neckarsulm Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Competitor Map Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Research Competitor Overview Name Rewe Kaufland Kaufland Kaufland Rewe Kaufland Kaufland E-aktiv Markt E-neukauf 0 0 0 Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 0 0 Address 74076 Heilbronn, Etzelstr. 38-44 74080 Heilbronn, Neckargartacher Str. 111 74177 Bad Friedrichshall, Industriestr. 12 74072 Heilbronn, Olgastr. 57-77 74074 Heilbronn, Schmollerstr. 42 74189 Weinsberg, Haller Str. 59 74074 Heilbronn, Stuttgarter Str. 85 74081 Heilbronn, Mauerstr. 78-90 74248 Ellhofen, Bahnhofstr. 44 0 0 Sales area 1,991 m² 3,700 m² 3,000 m² 4,400 m² 1,900 m² 3,000 m² 4,150 m² 2,400 m² 2,500 m² m² m² m² Distance 3.40 km 4.30 km 5.30 km 5.40 km 5.90 km 6.50 km 6.50 km 7.10 km 7.20 km 0.00 km 0.00 km Potential Medium Medium low low low low low low low 0 0 0 Competiton Indicators Inhabitants in primary catchment area (Radius 5 km) Inhabitants in secondary catchment area (Radius 10 km) 92,908 148,048 Purchasing power in Mio. € (District) Purchasing power per Capita in € (Radius 5 km) 7,381 20,771 Number of households (Radius 5 km) 43,797 Number of households (Radius 10 km) 69,259 Population forecast for the district (2009 - 2025) 2.8% Retail Purchasing Power Index (District) 102.28 Retail Centrality Index (District) 78.00 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Unemployment Rate (District) Page 4 of 12 3.6% abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hohenloher Straße 2 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 74172 Neckarsulm Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 11 Main competitors This competitor is a hypermarket located east of the subject property. The main tenant is REWE. The This competitor is an small retail park located east of the subject property. The property is a serious property is a serious competitor. competitor. Competition Comment The catchment area can be differentiated into primary (0 – 5 min driving distance); secondary (5 – 10 min) and tertiary (10 – 15 min) catchment areas. Approximately 35,230 inhabitants live in the primary catchment area. The density of hypermarkets is relatively high in the primary and secondary areas, the competition eases in the tertiary catchment areas. In a spatial environment of less than 1.5 km, there are three competitors. There are two competitors in the vicinity. As the main tenants of the valued property include Adler, Takko Fashion and Lidl, the neighbouring discounters, such as Aldi, Rewe and Kik pose as direct competitors. The discounter Rewe and the small retail park are apparently newer than the valued shopping centre. They also target the same customer segment with the specific range of products. In contrast to its competitors, 1.3 km away. This is a big retail park with the main tenant Kaufland. A shopping mall connects directly to this property, with tenants such as Saturn, C & A, Toom, Deichmann, Walmart and various other restaurants and shops. The competing property has signposts on the motorway, and offers very good and ample parking. It is clearly also in very good condition. The valued property has a much smaller size and appeals to a slightly different audience, because there are some shops from the low-price segment. Even though the properties may attract different customers and have slightly different primary catchment areas, the catchment areas strongly overlap, resulting in a high number of retail hypermarkets for a city with only 27,000 inhabitants, which can be problematic. Overall, it can be said that the competition level in Neckarsulm is high, especially due to the existence of an relative hight retail density. 0 Turnover analysis The rents in a functional retail agglomeration are linked to turnover. The percentage rate that a retail tenant can use for rental payments depends on the margins achievable in the various market sectors. This rate normally ranges between 2% and 15% depending on the respective branch. The productivity varies between approx. 1,000 €/m² up to more than 10,000 €/m². For the evaluation object there are turnover rents for several tenants. We have been provided with the turnover rents for the tenants dm Drogerie and Härdtner. For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the turnover rent are sustainable and have included until the end of the respective lease agreement. We have not been provided with any turnover figures for Adler. For the purpose of this valuation, we have assumed that the area productivity of Adler is in a healthy range and that the rent-to-turnover ratio is in the region of 12.3%, which is slightly above the range of 6-12% for fashion stores. Due to the rent-to turnover ratio above the general range and the internal layout of the Adler unit with a share of rather substandard areas in the lower storey, we have aplied a market rental value which is lower that the contractual rent. (The precisely figures regarding the productivity and rent-to-turnover ration an page 8) Conclusion The property in Neckarsulm is located in the direct vicinity of several serious competitors. The subject property currently has a retail use. Advantageous for this property are the high number of parking spaces and the centrality of the tenant mix. The problems, however, are the age of the property, the vacant space and the high density of competitors. Regarding the third-party use, the current use is considered the best option. The leasing capacity is for this property medium because of the building age and the high density of competitors. Excluding the area of the Adler. The leasing capacity for this area is not very good. Because this area extends over two floors and one of them is the enlarged basement area. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 5 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 11 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hohenloher Straße 2 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 74172 Neckarsulm Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Rent Roll Tenant Name 1 Frau Monika Poschmann Area Category Letting Status Area m² / unit Rent / month Rent / m² / month Tenant pays VAT Lease Start Lease End Renewal Probability Tenant pays * Retail Let 99 € 2,286 23.08 Yes 01.04.2014 31.03.2024 75% GT I PM 2 Lidl Vertriebs-GmbH & Co.KG Retail Let 1,200 € 10,341 8.61 Yes 24.03.1997 23.03.2023 75% GT I PM 3 Lidl Vertriebs-GmbH & Co.KG Storage Let 294 €0 0.00 Yes 24.03.1997 23.03.2023 75% GT I PM 4 Ümit Ebem Storage Let 291 € 1,557 5.36 n.a. 01.01.2011 31.12.2020 75% M GT I PM 5 Ümit Ebem Other Units Let 480 € 504 1.05 Yes 01.01.2011 31.12.2020 75% GT I PM 6 Ümit Ebem Office Let 58 € 311 5.35 Yes 01.01.2011 31.12.2020 75% GT I PM 7 TÜV SÜD Auto Service GmbH Retail Let 197 € 906 4.61 Yes 15.10.2010 14.10.2020 75% GT I PM 8 Serbetcioglu Retail Let 50 € 1,117 22.25 Yes 31.05.2013 31.05.2018 75% GT I PM 9 Takko Holding GmbH Retail Let 1,282 € 11,598 9.04 Yes 01.10.2002 30.09.2017 75% GT I PM 10 Schwäbische Wurst Spezialität. Retail Let 119 € 2,250 18.94 Yes 21.09.2007 22.09.2017 75% 11 Härdtner GmbH Retail Let 116 € 5,600 48.38 Yes 21.09.2007 20.09.2017 75% 12 Essanelle Hair Group AG Retail Let 61 € 2,084 34.11 Yes 21.09.2007 20.09.2017 75% GT I PM GT I PM 13 mister*lady GmbH Storage Let 24 € 64 2.68 Yes 15.06.2007 14.06.2017 75% 14 mister*lady GmbH Retail Let 500 € 5,621 11.25 Yes 15.06.2007 14.06.2017 75% 15 Adler Modemärkte AG Retail Let 3,359 € 35,732 10.64 Yes 27.03.1997 31.03.2017 75% 16 Reno Schuhcentrum GmbH Retail Let 708 € 8,501 12.00 Yes 24.03.2007 23.03.2017 75% 17 Reno Schuhcentrum GmbH GT I PM GT I PM Storage Let 121 € 477 3.95 Yes 24.03.2007 23.03.2017 75% 18 Kreisparkasse Heilbronn Retail Let 5 € 315 69.98 Yes 10.12.2006 31.12.2016 75% 19 Ernsting's family Gmbh & Co. KG Retail Let 164 € 2,123 12.97 Yes 06.09.2007 31.12.2016 75% 20 Meister Rapid e.K. Inh. Geviye Taber Retail Let 23 € 833 35.79 Yes 01.10.2006 30.09.2016 75% GT I PM 21 dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG Retail Let 712 € 9,548 13.41 Yes 28.04.2007 27.04.2016 75% GT I PM 22 dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG Storage Let 46 € 136 2.99 Yes 28.04.2007 27.04.2016 75% GT I PM Retail Let 73 € 1,226 16.70 Yes 01.12.2010 30.11.2015 75% 23 Mustafa Kabayel (ehem.Dilek) GT I PM GT I PM GT I PM Retail Let 64 € 851 13.35 Yes 01.04.2011 31.03.2015 75% GT I PM 25 Siemens Building Technologiers Storage Let 68 € 510 7.53 Yes 01.12.2002 30.11.2014 75% GT I PM 26 Siemens Building Technologiers Storage Let 45 €0 0.00 Yes 01.12.2002 30.11.2014 75% GT I PM 24 Serbetcioglu 27 Siemens Building Technologiers Storage Let 21 €0 0.00 Yes 01.12.2002 30.11.2014 75% GT I PM Other Units Let 1 €0 0.00 Yes 01.06.2007 30.11.2014 100% GT I PM 29 Stuck Storage Let 47 € 162 3.47 Yes 27.06.2005 30.09.2014 75% GT I PM 30 Pura GmbH Storage Let 11 € 56 5.01 Yes 01.03.2003 30.09.2014 75% Retail Let 54 € 1,210 22.46 Yes 31.08.2007 30.08.2014 75% GT I PM Other Units Let 1 € 221 220.83 Yes 03.08.2009 02.08.2014 100% GT I PM 33 Gabriel Retail Let 59 € 1,685 28.36 Yes 25.08.2007 24.07.2014 75% GT I PM 34 Stadt Neckarsulm Liegenschaftsabt. Retail Let 10 €1 0.09 Yes 01.07.1987 30.06.2014 75% 100% GT I PM 27.03.1997 31.03.2017 100% GT I PM 03.08.2009 02.08.2014 100% 00.01.1900 27.04.2016 100% 0% 27.03.1997 31.03.2017 100% GT I PM 28 FOTOFIX Schnellphotoautomaten GmbH 31 Convenience Concept GmbH 32 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG 35 LEERSTAND (ex. PM Trends) Storage Vacant 15 €0 0.00 36 LEERSTAND (ex. PM Trends) Storage Vacant 42 €0 0.00 37 LEERSTAND (ex.Schwaderer) Storage Vacant 38 €0 0.00 38 LEERSTAND (Schmidt) Other Units Vacant 572 €0 0.00 39 LEERSTAND (Schmidt) Other Units Vacant 307 €0 0.00 Retail Vacant 186 €0 0.00 41 LEERSTAND Storage Vacant 26 €0 0.00 42 LEERSTAND Storage Vacant 29 €0 0.00 43 LEERSTAND Storage Vacant 35 €0 0.00 44 LEERSTAND Storage Vacant 18 €0 0.00 45 KZM (kiosk) Other Units Let 1 € 185 185.00 Yes 46 Mall Income (automats) Other Units Let 1 €0 0.00 Yes 47 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG Other Units Let 1 € 46 46.00 Other Units Let 1 € 7,084 7084.00 External parking Let 550 €0 0.00 10,270 m² € 115,141 40 LEERSTAND (ex. PM Trends) 48 Turnover Rent 49 Parking Spaces Total Yes GT I PM 0% * M = Maintenance, GT = Ground Tax, I = Insurance Costs, PM = Property Management This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 6 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 11 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hohenloher Straße 2 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 74172 Neckarsulm Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Valuation Assumptions Area Category Tenant Name 1 Frau Monika Poschmann Area sqm/unit Market Rent Market Rent /month Re-letting Re-letting Initial Tis Void VPV* Void* Rent Abatem.* Agency Fees* Lease Term** Renewal Probability Retail 99 € 20.00 € 1,981 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 2 Lidl Vertriebs-GmbH & Co.KG Retail 1,200 € 10.00 € 12,004 € 50 0 12 0 3 10 25% 3 Lidl Vertriebs-GmbH & Co.KG Storage 294 € 2.25 € 662 € 50 0 12 0 3 10 25% 4 Ümit Ebem Storage 291 € 4.25 € 1,236 € 25 0 18 0 3 10 25% 5 Ümit Ebem Other Units 480 € 1.00 € 480 €0 0 18 0 3 10 25% 6 Ümit Ebem Office 58 € 4.25 € 247 € 25 0 18 0 3 10 25% 7 TÜV SÜD Auto Service GmbH Retail 197 € 4.25 € 836 € 25 0 18 0 3 10 8 Serbetcioglu Retail 50 € 20.00 € 1,004 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 9 Takko Holding GmbH Retail 1,282 € 9.50 € 12,183 € 50 0 12 0 3 5 25% 10 Schwäbische Wurst Spezialität. Retail 119 € 20.00 € 2,375 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 11 Härdtner GmbH Retail 116 € 50.00 € 5,787 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 12 Essanelle Hair Group AG Retail 61 € 27.50 € 1,681 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 0 5 25% 13 mister*lady GmbH Storage 24 € 2.25 € 54 €0 14 mister*lady GmbH Retail 500 € 12.00 € 5,995 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 15 Adler Modemärkte AG Retail 3,359 € 8.50 € 28,548 € 50 0 12 0 3 10 25% 16 Reno Schuhcentrum GmbH Retail 708 € 12.00 € 8,501 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 17 Reno Schuhcentrum GmbH Storage 121 € 2.25 € 272 €0 0 12 0 3 5 25% 0 3 0 0 18 Kreisparkasse Heilbronn Retail 5 € 69.98 € 315 3 5 19 Ernsting's family Gmbh & Co. KG Retail 164 € 12.50 € 2,046 € 100 0 15 0 3 10 25% 20 Meister Rapid e.K. Inh. Geviye Taber Retail 23 € 27.50 € 640 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 21 dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG Retail 712 € 12.00 € 8,544 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% 22 dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG Storage 46 € 2.25 € 102 €0 0 12 0 3 5 25% Retail 73 € 20.00 € 1,468 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% Retail 64 € 12.50 23 Mustafa Kabayel (ehem.Dilek) 24 Serbetcioglu € 797 €0 €0 0 12 25% 0 12 0 3 5 25% 25% 25 Siemens Building Technologiers Storage 68 € 2.25 € 152 €0 0 12 0 3 5 25% 26 Siemens Building Technologiers Storage 45 € 2.25 € 102 €0 0 12 0 3 5 25% 25% 27 Siemens Building Technologiers 28 FOTOFIX Schnellphotoautomaten GmbH 29 Stuck 30 Pura GmbH 31 Convenience Concept GmbH 32 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG 33 Gabriel 34 Stadt Neckarsulm Liegenschaftsabt. 35 LEERSTAND (ex. PM Trends) 36 LEERSTAND (ex. PM Trends) Storage 21 € 2.25 € 48 €0 0 12 0 3 5 Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 3 5 0% Storage 47 € 2.25 € 105 €0 0 12 0 3 5 25% Storage 11 € 2.25 € 25 €0 0 12 5 25% Retail 54 € 20.00 € 1,078 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% Other Units 1 € 220.83 € 221 €0 0 0 0 3 5 0% Retail 59 € 20.00 € 1,188 € 100 0 15 0 3 5 25% Retail 10 € 0.09 €1 €0 0 0 0 3 5 25% Storage 15 € 1.80 € 26 €0 15 0 0 3 5 100% 3 € 95 €0 15 0 100% 42 € 2.25 0 3 5 Storage 38 € 2.25 € 86 €0 15 0 0 3 5 100% 38 LEERSTAND (Schmidt) Other Units 572 € 1.50 € 858 €0 15 0 0 3 5 100% 39 LEERSTAND (Schmidt) Other Units 307 € 1.50 € 461 €0 15 0 0 3 5 100% Retail 186 € 20.00 € 3,720 €0 15 0 0 3 5 100% 37 LEERSTAND (ex.Schwaderer) 40 LEERSTAND (ex. PM Trends) 41 LEERSTAND Storage 0 Storage 26 € 1.80 €0 21 0 0 3 5 100% 42 LEERSTAND Storage 29 € 1.80 € 52 €0 15 0 0 3 5 100% 43 LEERSTAND Storage 35 € 1.80 € 63 €0 12 0 0 3 5 100% 44 LEERSTAND Storage 18 € 1.80 € 32 €0 12 0 0 3 5 100% 45 KZM (kiosk) Other Units 1 € 185.00 € 185 €0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 46 Mall Income (automats) Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 1 € 46.00 47 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG 48 Turnover Rent 49 Parking Spaces Total * months Other Units € 47 € 46 €0 0 0 5 0% Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 0 0% External parking 550 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 0 10 0% 10,270 sqm ** years 0 3 € 106,350 ***structural vacancy This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 7 of 12 . abc Property address Property no. 11 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hohenloher Straße 2 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 74172 Neckarsulm Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property Analysis Area Analysis Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Total area Petrol Station Other Units Internal parking External parking Total parking Lettable Area m² 58 9,041 0 0 0 0 1,170 10,270 0 1,365 0 550 1,915 Area Vacant m² 0 186 0 0 0 0 203 389 0 879 0 0 0 Area Let m² 58 8,855 0 0 0 0 968 9,881 0 486 0 550 550 Vacancy Rate % 0.00% 2.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 17.33% 3.79% 0.00% 64.40% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Income Analysis Contractual Rent €/m²/month 5.35 11.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.06 0.00 16.54 11.65 0.00 0.00 Contractual Rent €/month 311 103,828 0 0 0 0 2,963 0 8,040 115,141 0 0 Contractual Rent €/year 3,728 1,245,936 0 0 0 0 35,550 0 96,478 1,381,692 0 0 Potential Rent €/year 3,728 1,270,794 0 0 0 0 42,122 0 113,873 1,430,517 0 0 Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Petrol Station Other Units Total area Internal parking External parking Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Market Rent €/m²/month 4.25 11.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.70 0.00 1.65 10.36 0.00 0.00 Market Rent €/month 247 100,693 0 0 0 0 3,160 0 2,251 106,350 0 0 Market Rent €/year 2,959 1,208,311 0 0 0 0 37,921 0 27,009 1,276,200 0 0 Over-/ UnderRented 26.0% 5.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 13.4% 0.0% 903.5% 12.5% 0.0% 0.0% Assessment of Adler market rent Turnover to rent ratio Space productivity 2,000 12.00 1,800 11.00 Explanation Usual market % - levels Market rent 10.00 9.65 1,600 Contractual Rent 9.00 8.50 Rent / m² / month 1,400 1,200 1,200 1,000 800 % € / m² Contractual 13.2% 10.64 Market 10.6% 8.50 Rents 8.00 7.24 7.00 6.00 4% of turnover 9.65 5.00 3% of turnover 7.24 4.82 Turnover potential 2.00 1.0% in € / m² p.a. 3,240,000 € (net) 3.00 400 4.82 2% of turnover 4.00 600 Sales Area 3.0% based on sales area 5.0% 7.0% 9.0% 11.0% 13.0% Total Area ~ 2,700 m² 3,359 m² Turnover-rent-ratio Textile stores usually can afford to pay a rent in the range of 6-12% of their net turnover (economically sustainable rent burden) and have a space productivity of about € 800 to € 1,600 (in shopping centers up to € 3,000) per m² sales area. The graphic above indicates, how the contract rent of the main tenant 'Adler' and the assumed market rental level can be assessed on usual market ranges and an assumed average space productivity of € 1,200 (net). D&B Rating of Main Tenant Main tenant Tenant name Rent p.a. Share of total income WALT Payment Index Capital indicator Risk indicator Score Credit limit Comment Adler Modemärkte AG € 428,783 31% 3.2 years 79 5A 2 2 84 € 1,850,000 (single) € 154,000,000 (total) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. The main tenant is Adler Modemärkte AG. The Adler fashion stores carry a broad assortment, adaptable fashion for the whole family. Adler is one of the major textile retailers in Germany. According to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Rating as at 29 January 2014. Adler Modemärkte AG has an small credit risk. The risk of insolvency (D&B Score) within the next 12 months compared with other German companies is assessed to be low, i.e. 84% of businesses on the German database have the same or higher risk of failure. Page 8 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hohenloher Straße 2 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 74172 Neckarsulm Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. Assumptions 11 Market Value Lease Contract Commentary The property has a vacancy rate of approx. 12%, the remaining area is let to 32 tenants. The WALT of the property amounts to 3.8 years. The main tenant is Adler with a share of approx. 30% of the rental income. The property is currently over-rented. This figure included the turnover rents of the tenants dm Drogerie, Takko Fashion, mister Lady, Reno and Härdtner, which we are of the opinion that is to be sustainable until the end of the respective lease contracts. Without these turnover rents the property is nearly let at market level. The majority of the tenants pay all costs (including ground tax, insurance costs and management costs) except for maintenance costs for structural repairs. The rest can be apportioned to the tenant in accordance with the German Regulation on Operating Costs. Furthermore, some rental increases due to indexations have taken place. 0 General Property Assumptions Discount Rate Comment Discount rate 7.50% Capitalisation rate 7.00% Capital expenditures* The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. We derive the discount rate from market transactions. The discount rate reflects the rate of return expected by investors and is determined based on the risk associated with a property. As reinsurance, the initial yields profile is aligned with the market/other transactions. We have taken into account such facts as the uncertainty of the main tenant Adler and the period of his lease contract, the worse condition and location (referring to the competitor situation), and the short WALT. €0 Vacancy costs € 10.00 /m²/p.a. * on the basis of cost estimates provided by Brack Capital Real Estate, dated April 2013 Breakdown of Non-Recoverable Costs Contract** (month 1 x 12) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses ** JLL analysis Market (assuming full occupancy) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses per year per year € 6.50 /m² € 2.02 /m² € 1.78 /m² € 0.41 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 10.71 /m² € 66,752 € 20,725 € 18,273 € 4,207 €0 € 109,957 per year per year € 6.50 /m² € 1.86 /m² € 1.78 /m² € 0.41 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 10.55 /m² € 66,752 € 19,143 € 18,273 € 4,207 €0 € 108,375 Inflation % of Gross Contract Rent 4.83% 1.50% 1.32% 0.30% 0.00% 7.96% Year Inflation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% Market Rental Growth Year Rental Growth % of Gross Market Rent 5.23% 1.50% 1.43% 0.33% 0.00% 8.49% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% Market Contract Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total Non-recoverable Costs Maintanance Costs € 66,752 € 67,820 € 69,027 € 70,242 € 71,380 € 72,508 € 73,668 € 74,861 € 76,044 € 77,170 € 78,296 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Management Costs € 20,222 € 21,473 € 20,527 € 16,331 € 19,603 € 19,756 € 19,499 € 19,120 € 19,297 € 19,641 € 21,597 Insurance Costs € 4,207 € 4,274 € 4,350 € 4,427 € 4,499 € 4,570 € 4,643 € 4,718 € 4,793 € 4,864 € 4,935 Ground Tax € 18,273 € 18,565 € 18,896 € 19,228 € 19,540 € 19,849 € 20,166 € 20,493 € 20,817 € 21,125 € 21,433 Other Nonrecoverable Costs 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ Total per year € 114,227 € 113,057 € 115,622 € 128,428 € 115,463 € 116,736 € 120,755 € 124,462 € 125,712 € 129,366 € 126,697 Vacancy Costs € 4,773 € 925 € 2,822 € 18,200 € 441 € 53 € 2,779 € 5,270 € 4,761 € 6,566 € 436 % of Total Gross Revenue 8.5% 7.9% 8.4% 11.8% 8.8% 8.9% 9.3% 9.8% 9.8% 9.9% 8.8% Non-Recoverable Costs as a percentage of Total Gross Revenue 14.0% 11.8% 12.0% 10.0% 8.5% 8.4% 8.8% 8.9% 9.3% 9.8% 9.8% 9.9% 7.9% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 9 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 11 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hohenloher Straße 2 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 74172 Neckarsulm Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Cash Flow Market Value Rental Revenue € 1,437,624 € 1,437,833 € 1,410,981 € 1,321,637 € 1,321,677 € 1,322,703 € 1,333,391 € 1,334,362 € 1,352,909 € 1,416,544 € 1,454,977 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Turnover Vacancy -€ 63,661 -€ 6,304 -€ 42,520 -€ 232,903 -€ 14,839 -€ 5,631 -€ 33,467 -€ 59,681 -€ 66,415 -€ 107,176 -€ 15,197 Rent Abatements -€ 25,834 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 Total Gross Revenue € 1,348,129 € 1,431,529 € 1,368,461 € 1,088,734 € 1,306,838 € 1,317,072 € 1,299,924 € 1,274,681 € 1,286,494 € 1,309,368 € 1,439,780 Nonrecoverable Costs -€ 114,227 -€ 113,057 -€ 115,622 -€ 128,428 -€ 115,463 -€ 116,736 -€ 120,755 -€ 124,462 -€ 125,712 -€ 129,366 -€ 126,697 Net Operating Income € 1,233,902 € 1,318,472 € 1,252,839 € 960,306 € 1,191,375 € 1,200,336 € 1,179,169 € 1,150,219 € 1,160,782 € 1,180,002 € 1,313,083 TIs and Leasing Capital Commissions Cash Flow Expenditures -€ 1,486 -€ 904 € 1,231,512 -€ 16,939 -€ 14,334 € 1,287,199 -€ 20,304 -€ 7,927 € 1,224,608 € 842,763 -€ 80,876 -€ 36,667 -€ 26,382 € 1,146,506 -€ 18,487 -€ 1,084 €0 € 1,199,252 -€ 6,262 € 1,162,890 -€ 10,017 € 1,140,554 -€ 5,882 -€ 3,783 -€ 17,212 -€ 45,778 € 1,097,792 -€ 40,330 -€ 24,906 € 1,114,766 € 18,952,052 -€ 3,811 -€ 4,369 Total Cashflow (incl. Terminal Value @ 7.00 %) Gross Value of Surplus Land Gross Capital Value incl. Surplus Land Present Value @ 7.50% € 1,191,418 € 1,157,755 € 1,026,058 € 658,134 € 829,525 € 808,287 € 728,691 € 665,492 € 596,160 € 561,346 € 9,195,421 € 17,418,287 € 470,304 € 17,888,591 Total Gross Revenue versus Net Operating Income 8.0% € 1600000.0 6.9% 7.4% 7.0% € 1400000.0 6.7% 6.7% 6.6% 6.4% 6.5% 6.6% 7.0% 6.0% € 1200000.0 € 1000000.0 5.0% € 800000.0 4.0% € 600000.0 3.0% € 400000.0 2.0% € 200000.0 1.0% € .0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Valuation Results Year 6 Year 7 Year 9 0.0% Year 10 Market Value Rent Overview Gross Capital Value (rounded) Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m²/month € 1,381,692 € 11.21 Market rental value total p.a. per m²/month € 1,276,200 € 10.36 14.10% Over-/Underrent Year 8 Running yield Rental income 5.4% Total € 17,900,000 per m² € 1,694 Purchaser's costs 6.50% Yield Overview Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield 7.31% 6.71% Gross Initial Yield Gross Reversionary Yield 8.42% 7.78% Market Value (rounded) Total € 16,800,000 per m² € 1,597 Valuation Comment In terms of risk, we considered the covenant strength of the tenants as well as the lease duration for the existing contracts. As at 29 January 2014 the main tenant Adler Modemärkte GmbH has good covenant strength, which ensures a secure cash flow. In terms of a resale, we took into account such facts as visibility, demographic factors, appearance, condition and building age, third-party usability, competition and location. For the purpose of the valuation on 31 December 2013, the non-recoverable costs (e.g. insurance costs as well as ground tax) remained unchanged and have been applied according to information received during the previous valuation cycle. Management costs and maintenance costs have been applied according to internal benchmarks. We have not been provided with updated information regarding necessary capital expenditures (CapEx). According to information received no CapEx are required. For the purpose of our valuation we have assumed that all capital expenditures for repairs in the first year as well as in the periods of year 2 to 5 and year 6 to 10 are considered to be covered by the maintenance costs of € 6.50/m² per annum. Regarding comparable rents we have had recourse to evidence of similar areas situated in the comparable regions and locations. Furthermore, we have analysed comparable transactions. Please refer to the section "Investment Comparables". Furthermore, we have taken into account surplus land in the amount of 4,800m² and have considered the standard land value of € 92/m² for this space. The following changes occurred in comparison to previous valuation: The WALT slightly decreased to 3.8 years. According to the information provided to us the vacancy rate increased by 11% to 12.3%. The tenants P&M Trends, Schmidt and Schwaderer have canceled their leases. The rent of the tenant Mister Lady GmbH and Kreissparkasse Heilbronn has slightly increased due to the indexation. 99 m² of the retail area are let to the new tenant Monika Poschman. The lease starts in April 2014, has granted 3 months rent free after handover and a lease term of 10 years. A further 50 m² of retail area are let to the new tenant Serbetcioglu. The lease stated in May 2013 with a rent of € 21.29/m² and will remain until May 2018. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 10 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 11 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hohenloher Straße 2 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 74172 Neckarsulm Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Photos Front view of the western property part External view of the TÜV Front view of the eastern property part View of bakery in main building Internal view of the mall Internal view of the mall This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 11 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 11 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hohenloher Straße 2 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 74172 Neckarsulm Inspection date: 28.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Leasing and Investment Market Development of prime yields Retail transaction volume in Germany Leasing Market Investment Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail space in retail warehouses or retail parks throughout Germany. For the determination of the rents, the quality of location in terms of accessibility and competition is crucial. The rents within the different branches vary. This is due to the diverging location assessment and turnover expectancy of the different tenants. If in the case of a retail park the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which guarantee a high visitor frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher and as a consequence, their overall rental level will be higher as well. Besides the rent level, another determining factor for investors is the building costs. Properties with the highest rents usually also have the highest building costs and land acquisition cost. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the retail format of the store, rents for supermarkets/ hypermarkets are generally slightly higher than the rents for discounters. Such rents in cities with more the 30,000 inhabitants in western German locations generally range between € 7.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Rents for discounters in western Germany generally range between € 6.00 and € 12.00/m²/month, while discounters eastern Germany generally achieve slightly lower rental rates. Drugstores, textile, shoe and electronics branches generally achieve rental rates ranging from € 7.50 to € 12.00/m²/month. DIY stores need extensive space due to their broad product range. In urban centres, these stores sometimes even offer their products on two levels. DIY also fall at the lower end of the scale in terms of rents, with prices ranging between € 6.00 and € 10.00/m²/month. On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. As DIY stores have a supra-regional catchment area, there are not as independent as other branches in the area and can relocate to more affordable attractive and easily accessible industrial zones. In such areas, lower investments for realisation and lower building costs induce lower rents. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. The office prime yields were still on a slight downward trend in individual cities. Each of the Big 7 cities now has a net initial yield of below 5%. Aggregated across all cities, the prime yield in the office segment fell to an average value of around 4.67%. Shopping centre yields are at a similar rate of 4.70%. For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Leasing Comparables Tenant Lidl Lidl Lidl Lidl Adler Adler AWG Textil 0 City Renchen Braunschweig Kerken Wurzen Nürnberg Krefeld Volkach 0 Property Type Discounter Discounter Discounter Discounter Fashion Fashion Fashion 0 Area 1,320 m² 994 m² 1,103 m² 1,099 m² 2,862 m² 2,807 m² 1,000 m² 0 m² Total Rent p.m. € 10,798 € 11,183 € 12,354 € 9,671 € 34,344 € 24,533 € 8,900 €0 Rent p. sqm € 8.18 /m² € 11.25 /m² € 11.20 /m² € 8.80 /m² € 12.00 /m² € 8.74 /m² € 8.90 /m² € 0.00 /m² Comment Worse purchasing power Better purchasing power Better purchasing power Worse purchasing power Better purchasing power Other federal state, worse purchasing power Worse purchasing power 0 Investment Comparables Property Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Year of Construction n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Area 8,520 m² 13,000 m² 22,926 m² 13,000 m² 2,269 m² 13,000 m² 10,031 m² 0 m² Gross Multiplier 14.1-fold 13.8-fold 8.0-fold 15.3-fold 14.7-fold 13.8-fold 10.1-fold 0.0-fold Date of Transaction Q3 2013 Q2 2012 2012 2012 2012 Q2 2012 2012 0 Comment Medium to long WALT, located in North Rhine-Westphalia Medium to long WALT, located in Lower Saxony Anchor tenant Kaufland & Toom, WALT below 5 years, portfolio transaction Anchor tenant Marktkauf, WALT 17.5 years, very strong location in southern Germany WALT 15.7 years, good location, main tenant Kaufland, partly leasehold Anchor tenant Famila, WALT 9.2 years, strong location in northern Germany Anchor tenant real, WALT 15 years, portfolio transaction 0 Page 12 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hösamer Feld 7 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 94474 Vilshofen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 12 Property Summary Key Figures Property type Main tenant Retail Park Kaufland Warenhandel GmbH & Co. KG Total lettable area Total parking units 10,230 m² 500 units Current vacancy rate Weighted average lease term 0.8% 9.5 years 1999 2007 Year of construction Year of refurbishment Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 869,192 € 7.08 Total non-recoverable expenses (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 89,600 € 0.73 Net operating income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 779,592 € 6.35 total p.a. € 869,452 1.1% Market rental value Over-/Underrent based on occupied areas SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Very good visibility from Aidenbacher Straße Sufficient parking spaces on site Very good accessibility to the parking area Good branch and tenant mix Established location, no further self-service department stores in immediate vicinity Since completion one small retail unit (84m²) is still in shell condition Limted third party usability of the large-scale retail area without refurbishment 0 0 0 Opportunities Threats Location could be strengthened by further completions in the surrounding area Extension of the lease contract after expiration date 0 0 0 Strong dependency on the main tenant Kaufland Long-term vacancy if Kaufland vacates the property 0 0 0 Property Rating (1 = very negative, 5 = very positive) Building Location Building age Lettable Area Property condition General impression 4 3 3 3 6 to 10 years Between 10,000 and 12,500 m² Average building condition Average general impression Macrolocation Microlocation Commercial activity Competition Liquidity 3 3 3 3 Average location and catchment area Average micro location Limited commercial activity nearby Average competition level Investment Quality WALT Over- / underrent Quality of tenants 4 WALT seven to ten years 3 Rack rented (-5% to 5%) 4 Tenants with very good credit rating Investment market Investment volume Saleability 3 Average property market 4 Good lot size 4 Good saleability within 6 months Property Description The property consists of two buildings on two parcels of land, which are separated by an access road. The buildings were constructed in 1999. On the south-western side of the property (land parcel 1552), a predominately one-storey self-service department store can be found, which has an L-shaped layout. The sales areas are situated in the longer section of the building on the ground floor; in the shorter section of the building, the warehouse as well as the receiving department can be found. The social rooms on the first floor can be reached through the entrance hall. The goods delivery area can be accessed via a loading ramp. The building itself is a reinforced concrete construction with a flat roof. The façade has sandwich elements made from prefabricated concrete components. The façade and the roof of the social rooms are clad with trapezoidal sheet metal. The parking facilities are situated in front of the covered entrance area of the self-service department store and extend up to the access road. A U-shaped building can be found on the north-western section of the property (parcel 1552/7). The building is a single-storey construction. Parking areas can be found in front of the structure. The rental units are each accessible from the parking areas. The goods delivery zones are situated in the rear building section and stretch around the building. The building is equipped with a flat roof. The façade is clad with aluminium elements in the form of trapezoidal sheet metal. An awning covering the entrance areas optically connects the individual rental units with one another. A petrol station is located on the western end of the property (parcel 1552/7). This section of the property is leased to the petrol station operator. Valuation Results Market Value € 11,100,000 equals to Market Rental Value € 1,085 per m² € 869,452 p.a. Discount Rate 6.75% Net Initial Yield 6.66% Capitalisation Rate 6.50% Net Reversionary Yield 6.67% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. excluding capital expenditures Page 1 of 12 € 7.08 / m² / p.m. equals to 6.66% Multiplier (initial) 12.77 6.67% Multiplier (based on MRV) 12.77 abc Property address Property no. 12 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hösamer Feld 7 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 94474 Vilshofen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Location Germany Macroeconomic Indicators (Source: GfK, BBE, BBSR/Inkar 2012/2013) Bavaria Passau (Rural District) Vilshofen 94474 Federal State District City Postcode Population Population Population Number of Households Population Density Population Density Population Forecast (2009 - 2025) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Federal State District City City District City District Federal State District Federal State District absolute absolute absolute absolute per km² per km² in % in % in % in % in % Structual Data Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Index Retail Purchasing Power Index Retail Centrality Index Vilshofen 12,595,891 187,610 16,179 7,290 123 187 -1.4% 0.5% -0.7% 3.7% 3.8% (Source: GfK and BBE 2012/2013) District City Federal State District District in m € in m € index index index 3,544 316 109.20 94.62 90.22 Macro Location Vilshofen an der Donau is a secondary centre in the Passau administrative district and the largest city in the respective district. The city borders the southern Bavarian forest and is located approx. 20 km west from Passau and around 30 km west from Austria. The regional centre, Regensburg, is situated about 100 km north-west of Vilshofen. As a secondary centre, Vilshofen functions as an economic hub for the surrounding communities and supplies the area with periodic services. Small and medium-sized businesses are predominantly established in the city, with the majority operating in the service sector as well as the retail sector. The establishment of larger retail chains in the city makes Vilshofen a key shopping location for the surrounding sub-centres. Having the largest number of schools in the Passau administrative district, the education sector is equally economically important for the city. The connection to the national motorway network can be described as good. The motorway A3 can be accessed in approx. 15 minutes via the junction 113. The federal road B8 runs from Passau to Straubing and connects Vilshofen with a variety of communities, including Künzing, Windor and the regional centre Plattling in the Danube-Forest (Donau-Wald) region. Furthermore, the railway station connects Vilshofen with the cities Regenburg, Passau and Munich. The closest railway station offering long-distance services can be found in Passau and Plattling. The nearest airports are located in Munich (approx. 140 km distance) as well as in Linz, Austria (approx. 130 km distance). Micro Location Micro Location The subject property is located in Hösamer Feld in the Linda commercial zone, in the southern periphery of Vilsohofen. It can be accessed via the arterial road, Aidenbacher Straße. The city centre is around 3 km north-east of the property and can be reached via Aidenbacher Straße. A Huber, a building materials store which offers a wide range of building materials, tools, piping and metal sheeting, borders the subject property to the north-east. To the south, the site is adjacent to the fashion and shoe retail warehouse, Lipp. The wider surrounding area is characterised by agricultural use. According to information from the City of Vilshofen, there are still around 27,000 m² of land available in the commercial zone for development. This land is located south-west of a self-service department and south-east of the retail warehouse assessed in the present valuation. Furthermore, a bus stop is located by the subject property. The railway station is located approx. 2.4 km away. The junction “Garham-Vilshofen”, which connects the city with the federal motorway A3, is about 12.5 km north of the property. The federal road B8 is almost 4.6 km away. Local Tax Information Real Estate Tax Rate (Typ B) Land Transfer Tax This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 2 of 12 City City in % in % abc 330 3.5 Property address Property no. 12 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hösamer Feld 7 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 94474 Vilshofen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Site Plan Source: Cadastral plan on a 1 to 1000 scale, dated 27.12.2010 Site Information Site area thereof surplus land 37,515 m² 0 m² Ground lease No n.a. Ground lease expiry Surplus land value (net) n.a. €0 Site servicing Fully serviced Rectangular Site layout Soil contamination No Suspicion Building encumbrances No Comment The property is constructed on a slight slope. Thus, the retail warehouses on parcel 1552/7 are on a higher level than the self-service department store on the parcel 1552. The parcels are bordered by Aidenbacher Straße on the north-west and Hösamer Feld on the south-east. The building materials store, Huber, neighbours the parcel 1552/7 on the north-east; developable land is situated south-west of the parcel 1552. Both parcels are separated by an access road. There is no suspicion of contamination due to previous uses on the site. However, a section of parcel 1552/7 is currently leased to a petrol station. For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the subject property is free of any soil or building contamination. Town Planning Use class SO (special zone) Site coverage ratio (GRZ) 0.8 Plot ratio (GFZ) 1.6 Cubic index (BMZ) n.a. Comment According to information from the building authority of Vilshofen, a legally binding land-use plan, called “Gewerbegebiet Linda II”, dated 25 October 1993, has been determined for the subject property. The site is zoned as special zone (SO) and the use must have an open coverage type. The total sales area is limited to 7,300 m², with non-city centre relevant product ranges being restricted to a maximum of 300 m². Other designations include a sales area for groceries for a maximum of 1,700 m², textile goods from 1,400 m² and for electronic goods of max 700 m². Tenure Land Register Local Court of Passau, land register of Aunkirchen Owner TPL Vilshofen S.à.r.l. Luxembourg Sheet 2007 Plot 0 Parcel 1552 1552/7 Section 2 (Restrictions) Section 3 (Loans) Limited personal easement in favour of Conoco Land charges in the total amount of € 105,000,000 in Mineralöl GmbH, Hamburg, registered until favour of COREAL CREDIT BANK Aktiengesellschaft 30.09.2023 (right to sell fuel and vehicle lubricant, Frankfurt, 6 June 2011. right to operate a petrol station) Limited personal easement (right to operate a selfservice department store) in favour of Kaufland Dienstleistungs GmbH & Co. KG, registered on 22.08.2007 Source: Land register extract, dated 15 January 2014 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 3 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 12 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hösamer Feld 7 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 94474 Vilshofen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Competitor Map Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Research Competitor Overview Name Rewe 0 0 Type Hypermarket Address 94474 Vilshofen, Passauer Str. 29 Sales area 1,600 m² m² m² Distance 3.20 km Potential Medium 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Competiton Indicators Inhabitants in primary catchment area (Radius 5 km) 15,398 Purchasing power in Mio. € (District) Inhabitants in secondary catchment area (Radius 10 km) 24,462 Purchasing power per Capita in € (Radius 5 km) Number of households (Radius 5 km) 6,847 Number of households (Radius 10 km) 10,379 Retail Purchasing Power Index (District) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. 94.62 3,544 19,333 Unemployment Rate (District) 3.8% Population forecast for the district (2009 - 2025) -1.4% Retail Centrality Index (District) 90.22 Page 4 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hösamer Feld 7 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 94474 Vilshofen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 12 Main competitors A retail agglomeration with the tenants such as consumer electronics retailer (Expert), a drug store (Rossmann), a fashion retailer Takko, two food discounters (Aldi and Penny), a beverage store and a sport fashion store is located along the Aidenbacher Straße in a distance of approx. 1 km north to the subject property. A DIY store (hagebaumarkt) is situated opposite the retail agglomeration. A supermarket Rewe with a sales area of approx. 1,900 m² is located shortly behind the federal road B8. The supermarket is located in a distance of approx. 3 km away within the secondary catchment area. The Passauer Straße runs along the railway line until the Aidenbacher Straße begins. The competitor is standalone. Competition Comment The retail warehouse agglomeration is situated in close proximity, within a 1 km distance from the valued property. The location of this competitor is however closer to the city centre. With a drugstore, two discounters, a drinks cash-and-carry, a sporting goods store as well as a DIY store, the agglomeration overall offers a similar product range as the subject property. The majority of tenants are well-known retail chains. The competing site is additionally strengthened by an electronics superstore. As a whole, the competing property offers also a different range of goods. While both the discounters offer lower-priced goods for daily use, the Kaufland at the subject property in contrast presents a full range of goods. The retail warehouses at the valued site therefore strengthens the attractiveness level of the property. Additionally, the fashion and shoe retail warehouse, which borders the subject site, indirectly benefits the subject property. Thus, it can be assumed that despite the generally similar tenant mix, direct competition for the purchasing power of the consumers does not exist. The second competitor, Rewe, is also unable to pose as direct competition to the subject property. For one, the city centre with smaller shopping facilities is situated between the subject site and the second competitor, Rewe. For another, the Rewe only offers a fraction of the full range of goods available at Kaufland, thereby indicating a significant difference in the product ranges. Furthermore, no other retail establishments adjoin or border the Rewe, which could boost the quality of the competing property over the subject property. Thus, the competition level as a whole can be described as medium. 0 Turnover analysis The rents in functional retail agglomerations are linked to the achievable turnover. The percentage rate that a retail tenant can use for rental payments depends on the margins achievable in the various market sectors. This rate normally ranges between 2% and 15% depending on the respective industry. The productivity varies between approx. € 1,000/m² and up to more than € 10,000/m². For Kaufland, we have also been provided with turnover figures for the previous valuation. We have analysed the figures and have found the area productivity of Kaufland to be in a healthy range. With a turnoverto-rent ratio of less than 2% it lies below the range of 2% to 4%, which is acceptable for a self-service department store. Taking into consideration location features and the competition situation within Vilshofen, a higher rental level and turnovers for similar sectors is certainly realistic. Thus, we assume in the valuation that higher market rents for the self-service department store can be achieved after the expiry of lease agreements. Conclusion The tenant and market sector mix is very good for the current type of use. The size of the property is sufficient to meet the needs of the community of Vilshofen and its catchment area. The accessibility and visibility of both building sections can also be described as being very good. The only feature of the property that could be looked at critically is the small rental unit (84 m² in size), which is still in shell condition and has remained vacant since being constructed. The other 200 m² of vacant area are now let to the existing tenant KiK a fashion retailer. Overall, the property can be expanded with the available building areas bordering the site. A tenant mix with an electronics retail warehouse could further boost the subject site above the competition. The establishment of a similar type self-service department store is however considered problematic. Protection against competition is currently not available. Furthermore, the property is highly dependent on the self-service department store, Kaufland, and also on the tenant, Vögele, who is the main tenant in the retail warehouse centre. If the tenant Kaufland were to vacate the unit, the self-service department store could be let in the future to other tenants, such as real, Marktkauf or an E-Center. However, a subsequent use of the unit as a DIY store or furniture store would not be suitable. Huber (building materials store) as well as hagebaumarkt (DIY store) are already established in the vicinity and more than sufficiently meet the needs of the catchment area. Furthermore, a furniture retailer also is not a strong enough anchor tenant and lacks the drawing power for consumers. According to the turnover analysis, the turnover rent stands on the lower end of the range; in fact, a higher turnover-to-rent ratio is achievable in the market. Therefore, we assume that the tenant, Kaufland, will exercise its lease agreement extension options and will remain in the property until 2037. Thereby, it can be assumed that over this period of time, demand for the other units will also exist. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 5 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 12 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hösamer Feld 7 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 94474 Vilshofen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Rent Roll Tenant Name 1 Handelshof SB Warenhaus GmbH & Co. KG Area Category Letting Status Area m² / unit Rent / month Rent / m² / month Tenant pays VAT Lease Start Lease End Renewal Probability Retail Let 5,187 € 27,069 5.22 Yes 01.10.2007 30.09.2027 2 KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH Retail Let 200 € 2,000 10.00 Yes 01.10.2013 26.07.2025 75% 3 KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH Retail Let 785 € 7,934 10.11 Yes 27.07.2005 26.07.2025 75% 4 Charles Vögele Deutschland Retail Let 1,008 € 10,729 10.64 Yes 01.03.1999 28.02.2024 75% 5 TEDI GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 348 € 3,777 10.85 Yes 05.03.1999 04.03.2019 75% Petrol Station Let 1,400 € 2,813 2.01 Yes 13.01.1999 30.09.2018 100% 75% 6 ConocoPhillips Germany GmbH Tenant pays * 75% GT I PM 7 dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG Retail Let 704 € 7,680 10.91 Yes 01.03.1999 28.02.2018 8 Deichmann SE Retail Let 452 € 4,419 9.78 Yes 01.03.1999 28.02.2018 75% 9 Fressnapf Immobilien-Vermögensverwaltung GmbH Retail Let 309 € 2,057 6.66 Yes 11.03.1999 10.02.2018 75% 10 Dänisches Bettenlager GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 335 €0 0.00 Yes 04.12.2000 31.12.2014 75% GT I PM 11 Dänisches Bettenlager GmbH & Co. KG Retail Let 818 € 3,690 4.51 Yes 04.12.2000 31.12.2014 75% GT I PM Other Units Let 6 € 265 44.17 Yes 03.08.2009 02.08.2014 75% GT I PM Retail Vacant 84 €0 0.00 External parking Let 500 €0 0.00 No 01.10.2007 30.09.2027 100% 11,630 m² € 72,433 12 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG 13 VACANT 14 External Parking Total * M = Maintenance, GT = Ground Tax, I = Insurance Costs, PM = Property Management This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 6 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 12 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hösamer Feld 7 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 94474 Vilshofen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Valuation Assumptions Area Category Area sqm/unit 1 Handelshof SB Warenhaus GmbH & Co. KG Retail 5,187 € 100 0 2 KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH Retail 200 € 9.00 € 1,800 € 350 0 3 KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH Retail 785 € 9.00 € 7,065 € 100 0 12 4 Charles Vögele Deutschland Retail 1,008 € 9.00 € 9,072 € 100 0 12 Tenant Name Market Rent Market Rent /month € 6.00 € 31,119 Re-letting Re-letting Initial Tis Void VPV* Void* Rent Abatem.* Agency Fees* Lease Term** Renewal Probability 15 0 3 10 25% 12 0 3 5 25% 0 3 5 25% 0 3 5 25% 25% Retail 348 € 9.00 € 3,132 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 Petrol Station 1,400 € 2.01 € 2,813 € 10 0 24 0 3 10 7 dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG Retail 704 € 9.00 € 6,336 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 8 Deichmann SE Retail 452 € 9.00 € 4,068 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 9 Fressnapf Immobilien-Vermögensverwaltung GmbH Retail 309 € 6.00 € 1,854 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% 10 Dänisches Bettenlager GmbH & Co. KG Retail 335 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 0 0 3 5 25% 11 Dänisches Bettenlager GmbH & Co. KG Retail 818 € 5.00 € 4,090 € 100 0 12 0 3 5 25% Other Units 6 € 44.17 € 265 €0 0 0 0 3 5 0% Retail 84 € 10.00 € 840 € 100 12 12 0 3 5 100% External parking 500 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 15 0 0 10 100% 5 TEDI GmbH & Co. KG 6 ConocoPhillips Germany GmbH 12 Deutsche Plakat-Werbung GmbH & Co. KG 13 VACANT 14 External Parking Total * months 11,630 sqm ** years 0% € 72,454 ***structural vacancy This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 7 of 12 . abc Property address Property no. 12 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hösamer Feld 7 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 94474 Vilshofen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property Analysis Area Analysis Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Total area Petrol Station Other Units Internal parking External parking Total parking Lettable Area m² 0 10,230 0 0 0 0 0 10,230 1,400 6 0 500 1,906 Area Vacant m² 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 Area Let m² 0 10,146 0 0 0 0 0 10,146 1,400 6 0 500 500 Vacancy Rate % 0.00% 0.82% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.82% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Income Analysis Contractual Rent €/m²/month 0.00 6.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.01 44.17 7.14 0.00 0.00 Contractual Rent €/month 0 69,355 0 0 0 0 0 2,813 265 72,433 0 0 Contractual Rent €/year 0 832,256 0 0 0 0 0 33,756 3,180 869,192 0 0 Potential Rent €/year 0 839,092 0 0 0 0 0 33,756 3,180 876,028 0 0 Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Petrol Station Other Units Total area Internal parking External parking Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Market Rent €/m²/month 0.00 6.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.01 44.17 7.08 0.00 0.00 Market Rent €/year 0 832,516 0 0 0 0 0 33,756 3,180 869,452 0 0 Market Rent €/month 0 69,376 0 0 0 0 0 2,813 265 72,454 0 0 Over-/ UnderRented 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% Assessment of Kaufland market rent Turnover to rent ratio Space productivity 7,000 10.00 6,500 9.00 Explanation Usual market % - levels 8.00 5,500 7.00 Rent / m² / month 6,000 5,000 4,500 9.03 Market rent Contractual Rent Rents 6.00 6.00 5.22 5.00 4.51 4,000 4.00 3,500 Contractual 2.3% 5.22 Market 2.7% 6.00 4% of turnover 9.03 3% of turnover 6.77 3.00 in € / m² p.a. 14,050,009 € (net) Sales Area 2.00 1.0% 4.51 2% of turnover Turnover potential 3,639 3,000 € / m² % 6.77 1.5% based on sales area 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% Total Area ~ 3,861 m² 5,187 m² Turnover-rent-ratio Self-service department stores usually can afford to pay a rent in the range of 2% to 4% of their net turnover (economically sustainable rent burden) and have a space productivity of about € 4,000 to € 6,000 per m² sales area. The two graphics above indicate, how the contract rent of the main tenant Kaufland as well as the assumed market rental level, can be assessed on the basis of usual market ranges. This analysis is based on the turnover potential figures prepared by Trade Dimension. D&B Rating of Main Tenant Main tenant Tenant name Rent p.a. Share of total income WALT Payment Index Capital indicator Risk indicator Score Credit limit Comment Kaufland Warenhandel GmbH & Co. KG € 324,823 37% 13.7 years 65 4A 2 2 78 € 320,000 (single) € 18,600,000 (total) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. The main tenant is a corporation belonging to SBG Kaufland GmbH & Co. KG, which in turn belongs to the Schwarz Beteiligungs-KG, one of the biggest grocer groups in Europe. Kaufland is the self-service department store division of Lidl & Schwarz with more than 500 locations across Europe. Kaufland’s core business area is food retailing with branded goods and own-brands specially produced for Kaufland. According to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Rating as at 29 January 2014 Kaufland Warenhandel GmbH & Co. KG has an below-average credit risk. The risk of insolvency (D&B Score) within the next 12 months compared with other German companies is assessed to be low, i.e. 78% of businesses on the German database have the same or higher risk of failure. Page 8 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hösamer Feld 7 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 94474 Vilshofen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. Assumptions 12 Market Value Lease Contract Commentary The property is let to eight retail units and a petrol station. Currently, one small retail unit (84m²) is vacant. The WALT of the property amounts to 9.5 years. The main tenant is Kaufland with a share of approx. 40% of the rental income. The property is currently almost let at market rental level. The main tenant Kaufland is almost let at market rental level. As the lease contract is valid until 2027 and the tenant has options until 2037. However, we are not of the opinion that the rental level can be adjusted before 2037. Kaufland’s rent is indexed and will be adapted by 50% of the CPI change, whenever the change exceeds 10 percent in relation to the CPI basis. The majority of the tenants does not pay costs for ground tax, insurance and for management. Except of the tenant KiK and the petrol station these costs will not be borne by the tenants. Maintenance costs for structural repairs are borne by the landlord. The lease of Deichmann, Fressnapf and a petrol station have been prolonged by further 4 and 5 years respectively. The existing area of the fashion retailer KiK were extended by 200 m². The lease for the new area started in October 2013, with a net rent of € 10/m² and tenant improvements of € 70,000 (€ 350/m²). In this context, the general lease with KiK was prolonged by 12 years, until July 2025. General Property Assumptions Discount Rate Comment Discount rate 6.75% Capitalisation rate 6.50% Capital expenditures* The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. We derive the discount rate from market transactions. The discount rate reflects the rate of return expected by investors and is determined based on the risk associated with a property. As reinsurance, the initial yields profile is aligned with the market/other transactions. We have taken into account such facts as the stable Cash Flow, the good location, the short WALT, the low vacancy rate and the good condition of the subject property in Vilshofen. €0 Vacancy costs € 10.00 /m²/p.a. * on the basis of cost estimates provided by Brack Capital Real Estate, dated April 2013 Breakdown of Non-Recoverable Costs Contract** (month 1 x 12) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses ** JLL analysis Market (assuming full occupancy) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses per year per year € 4.50 /m² € 1.27 /m² € 2.71 /m² € 0.28 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 8.76 /m² € 46,033 € 13,038 € 27,671 € 2,858 €0 € 89,600 per year per year € 4.50 /m² € 1.27 /m² € 2.71 /m² € 0.28 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 8.76 /m² € 46,033 € 13,042 € 27,671 € 2,858 €0 € 89,604 Inflation % of Gross Contract Rent 5.30% 1.50% 3.18% 0.33% 0.00% 10.31% Year Inflation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% Market Rental Growth Year Rental Growth % of Gross Market Rent 5.29% 1.50% 3.18% 0.33% 0.00% 10.31% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% Market Contract Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total Non-recoverable Costs Maintanance Costs € 46,035 € 46,772 € 47,604 € 48,442 € 49,227 € 50,005 € 50,805 € 51,628 € 52,443 € 53,220 € 53,997 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Management Costs € 12,495 € 12,996 € 13,189 € 13,223 € 12,354 € 12,327 € 13,004 € 13,223 € 13,223 € 12,697 € 12,842 Insurance Costs € 2,858 € 2,904 € 2,956 € 3,008 € 3,056 € 3,105 € 3,154 € 3,205 € 3,256 € 3,304 € 3,353 Ground Tax € 27,671 € 28,114 € 28,614 € 29,118 € 29,589 € 30,057 € 30,538 € 31,033 € 31,523 € 31,989 € 32,457 Other Nonrecoverable Costs 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ Total per year € 92,419 € 92,864 € 92,363 € 93,791 € 98,144 € 99,176 € 99,758 € 99,089 € 100,445 € 105,446 € 106,625 Vacancy Costs € 3,360 € 2,078 €0 €0 € 3,918 € 3,682 € 2,257 €0 €0 € 4,236 € 3,976 % of Total Gross Revenue 11.1% 10.7% 10.5% 10.6% 11.9% 12.1% 11.5% 11.2% 11.4% 12.5% 12.5% Non-Recoverable Costs as a percentage of Total Gross Revenue 14.0% 11.9% 12.0% 11.1% 10.7% 10.5% 12.5% 12.1% 11.5% 11.2% 11.4% 10.6% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 9 of 12 abc Property address Property no. Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hösamer Feld 7 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 94474 Vilshofen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Cash Flow 12 Market Value Rental Revenue € 870,317 € 878,879 € 879,282 € 881,543 € 862,919 € 861,566 € 880,451 € 881,527 € 881,527 € 888,970 € 899,065 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Turnover Vacancy -€ 37,295 -€ 12,467 €0 €0 -€ 39,332 -€ 39,770 -€ 13,542 €0 €0 -€ 42,522 -€ 42,945 Rent Abatements €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 Total Gross Revenue € 833,022 € 866,412 € 879,282 € 881,543 € 823,587 € 821,796 € 866,909 € 881,527 € 881,527 € 846,448 € 856,120 Nonrecoverable Costs -€ 92,419 -€ 92,864 -€ 92,363 -€ 93,791 -€ 98,144 -€ 99,176 -€ 99,758 -€ 99,089 -€ 100,445 -€ 105,446 -€ 106,625 Net Operating Income € 740,603 € 773,548 € 786,919 € 787,752 € 725,443 € 722,620 € 767,151 € 782,438 € 781,082 € 741,002 € 749,495 TIs and Leasing Capital Commissions Cash Flow Expenditures -€ 95,199 -€ 6,804 € 638,600 -€ 20,779 -€ 5,677 € 747,092 €0 €0 € 786,919 € 787,752 €0 €0 -€ 39,176 € 676,434 -€ 9,833 -€ 9,942 -€ 36,824 € 675,854 -€ 3,386 € 741,194 -€ 22,571 € 782,438 €0 €0 €0 €0 € 781,082 -€ 42,353 -€ 10,630 € 688,019 € 12,097,955 -€ 10,736 -€ 39,764 Total Cashflow (incl. Terminal Value @ 6.50 %) Gross Value of Surplus Land Gross Capital Value incl. Surplus Land Present Value @ 6.75% € 617,325 € 678,636 € 670,299 € 628,561 € 505,180 € 473,537 € 486,132 € 480,784 € 449,602 € 371,401 € 6,295,542 € 11,656,999 €0 € 11,656,999 Total Gross Revenue versus Net Operating Income 8.0% € 1000000.0 € 900000.0 6.4% 6.6% 6.8% 6.8% € 800000.0 6.7% 6.6% 6.2% 7.0% 6.7% 6.4% 6.2% 6.0% 5.0% € 600000.0 4.0% € 500000.0 € 400000.0 Running yield Rental income € 700000.0 3.0% € 300000.0 2.0% € 200000.0 1.0% € 100000.0 € .0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Valuation Results Year 6 Year 7 Year 9 0.0% Year 10 Market Value Rent Overview Gross Capital Value (rounded) Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m²/month € 869,192 € 7.08 Market rental value total p.a. per m²/month € 869,452 € 7.08 1.14% Over-/Underrent Year 8 Total € 11,700,000 per m² € 1,144 Purchaser's costs 5.00% Yield Overview Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield 6.66% 6.67% Gross Initial Yield Gross Reversionary Yield 7.83% 7.83% Market Value (rounded) Total € 11,100,000 per m² € 1,085 Valuation Comment In terms of risk, we considered the covenant strength as well as the lease duration for the existing contracts. As at 29 January 2014, the main tenant, Handelshof SB Warenhaus GmbH & Co. KG, has good covenant strength, which ensures a secure cash flow for the remainder of the lease term until at least 2027. In terms of a resale, we took into account such facts as visibility, demographic factors, appearance, condition and building age, third-party usability, competition situation and location. For the purpose of the valuation on 31 December 2013, the non-recoverable costs (e.g. insurance costs as well as ground tax) remained unchanged and have been applied according to information received during the previous valuation cycle. Management costs and maintenance costs have been applied according to internal benchmarks. We have not been provided with updated information regarding necessary capital expenditures (CapEx). According to information received no CapEx are required. For the purpose of our valuation we have assumed that all capital expenditures for repairs in the first year as well as in the periods of year 2 to 5 and year 6 to 10 are considered to be covered by the maintenance costs of € 4.50/m² per annum. Regarding comparable rents, we have had recourse to evidence of similar areas situated in the comparable regions and locations. Furthermore, we have analysed comparable transactions. Please refer to the section "Investment Comparables". The following changes occurred in comparison to previous valuation: The WALT increased to 9.5 years. According to the information provided to us the vacancy rate decreased by 2% to 0.8%. The existing area of the fashion retailer KiK were extended by 200 m² (former vacant). The lease for the new area started in October 2013, with a net rent of € 10/m² and tenant improvements of € 70,000 (€ 350/m²). In this context, the general lease with KiK was prolonged by 12 years, until July 2025. The lease of the tenants Deichmann, Fressnapf and a petrol station have been prolonged by further 4 and 5 years respectively. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 10 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 12 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hösamer Feld 7 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 94474 Vilshofen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Photos View of the retail warehouses View of the petrol station Internal view of the tenant Kaufland Internal view of the tenant Charles Vögele Internal view of the vacant unit View of the delivery zone This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 11 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 12 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Hösamer Feld 7 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 94474 Vilshofen Inspection date: 01.02.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Leasing and Investment Market Development of prime yields Retail transaction volume in Germany Leasing Market Investment Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail space in retail warehouses or retail parks throughout Germany. For the determination of the rents, the quality of location in terms of accessibility and competition is crucial. The rents within the different branches vary. This is due to the diverging location assessment and turnover expectancy of the different tenants. If in the case of a retail park the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which guarantee a high visitor frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher and as a consequence, their overall rental level will be higher as well. Besides the rent level, another determining factor for investors is the building costs. Properties with the highest rents usually also have the highest building costs and land acquisition cost. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the retail format of the store, rents for supermarkets/ hypermarkets are generally slightly higher than the rents for discounters. Such rents in cities with more the 30,000 inhabitants in western German locations generally range between € 7.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Rents for discounters in western Germany generally range between € 6.00 and € 12.00/m²/month, while discounters eastern Germany generally achieve slightly lower rental rates. Drugstores, textile, shoe and electronics branches generally achieve rental rates ranging from € 7.50 to € 12.00/m²/month. DIY stores need extensive space due to their broad product range. In urban centres, these stores sometimes even offer their products on two levels. DIY also fall at the lower end of the scale in terms of rents, with prices ranging between € 6.00 and € 10.00/m²/month. On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. As DIY stores have a supra-regional catchment area, there are not as independent as other branches in the area and can relocate to more affordable attractive and easily accessible industrial zones. In such areas, lower investments for realisation and lower building costs induce lower rents. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. The office prime yields were still on a slight downward trend in individual cities. Each of the Big 7 cities now has a net initial yield of below 5%. Aggregated across all cities, the prime yield in the office segment fell to an average value of around 4.67%. Shopping centre yields are at a similar rate of 4.70%. For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Leasing Comparables Tenant Real Kaufland Real dm-drogerie markt Charles Vögele AWG Mode Deichmann 0 City Amberg Hameln Würzburg Bentwisch Traunreut Volkach Karlstadt 0 Property Type Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Drugstore Fashion Fashion Shoe store 0 Area 10,824 m² 4,426 m² 8,450 m² 790 m² 910 m² 1,000 m² 467 m² 0 m² Total Rent p.m. € 71,114 € 29,698 € 61,685 € 7,592 € 7,680 € 8,900 € 4,651 €0 Rent p. sqm € 6.57 /m² € 6.71 /m² € 7.30 /m² € 9.61 /m² € 8.44 /m² € 8.90 /m² € 9.96 /m² € 0.00 /m² Comment Higher purchasing power Similar out-of-town location, similar purchasing power Better location, similar purchasing power Similar purchasing power, other federal state Similar purchasing power Similar purchasing power Similar purchasing power 0 Investment Comparables Property Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Year of Construction n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Area 8,520 m² 13,000 m² 22,926 m² 13,000 m² 2,269 m² 13,000 m² 10,031 m² 0 m² Gross Multiplier 14.1-fold 13.8-fold 8.0-fold 15.3-fold 14.7-fold 13.8-fold 10.1-fold 0.0-fold Date of Transaction Q3 2013 Q2 2012 2012 2012 2012 Q2 2012 2012 0 Comment Medium to long WALT, located in North Rhine-Westphalia Medium to long WALT, located in Lower Saxony Anchor tenant Kaufland & Toom, WALT below 5 years, portfolio transaction Anchor tenant Marktkauf, WALT 17.5 years, very strong location in southern Germany WALT 15.7 years, good location, main tenant Kaufland, partly leasehold Anchor tenant Famila, WALT 9.2 years, strong location in northern Germany Anchor tenant real, WALT 15 years, portfolio transaction 0 Page 12 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Wahrenberger Straße 69 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 19322 Wittenberge Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 13 Property Summary Key Figures Property type Main tenant Retail Park Kaufland Warenhandel Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG Total lettable area Total parking units 8,691 m² 400 units Current vacancy rate Weighted average lease term 0.0% 9.9 years 1996 n.a. Year of construction Year of refurbishment Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 620,708 € 5.95 Total non-recoverable expenses (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 75,704 € 0.73 Net operating income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m² / month € 545,004 € 5.23 total p.a. € 591,881 4.9% Market rental value Over-/Underrent based on occupied areas SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Good visibility and accessibility Located close to a DIY store generating synergies Petrol station on site Long term lease contract of the main tenant Kaufland Sufficient parking spaces Outdated architectural design Strong competition 0 0 0 Opportunities Threats Extension of the lease contract after expiration date Growing importance of the commercial area 0 0 0 Strong dependency on the main tenant Kaufland Long-term vacancy if Kaufland vacates the property Potential increase of maintenance costs due to building age (1996) 0 0 Property Rating (1 = very negative, 5 = very positive) Building Location Building age Lettable Area Property condition General impression 2 2 3 3 16 to 25 years Between 7,500 and 10,000 m² Average building condition Average general impression Macrolocation Microlocation Commercial activity Competition Liquidity 2 2 3 2 Below average location and catchment area Below average micro location Limited commercial activity nearby High competition level Investment Quality WALT Over- / underrent Quality of tenants 4 WALT seven to ten years 3 Rack rented (-5% to 5%) 4 Tenants with very good credit rating Investment market Investment volume Saleability 2 Under developed property market 3 Reasonable lot size 4 Good saleability within 6 months Property Description The subject property is a one- to two-storey department store. The property was built in 1996 and faces Wahrenberger Straße and Cumloser Straße. The property has one main entrance from the parking space in front of the building and a separate entrance to the unit rented by the tenant Hammer, as well as from the parking area. The building has an L-shape and is made of a steel reinforced concrete construction with precast parts. The property has got a flat roof with galvanised steel sheets. Valuation Results Market Value € 7,400,000 equals to Market Rental Value € 851 per m² € 591,881 p.a. Discount Rate 7.50% Net Initial Yield 6.90% Capitalisation Rate 7.00% Net Reversionary Yield 6.54% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. excluding capital expenditures Page 1 of 12 € 5.68 / m² / p.m. equals to 6.90% Multiplier (initial) 11.92 6.54% Multiplier (based on MRV) 12.50 abc Property address Property no. 13 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Wahrenberger Straße 69 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 19322 Wittenberge Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Location Germany Macroeconomic Indicators (Source: GfK, BBE, BBSR/Inkar 2012/2013) Brandenburg Prignitz (Rural District) Wittenberge 19322 Federal State District City Postcode Population Population Population Number of Households Population Density Population Density Population Forecast (2009 - 2025) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Population Growth (2004 - 2009) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Unemployment Rate (12/2013) Federal State District City City District City District Federal State District Federal State District absolute absolute absolute absolute per km² per km² in % in % in % in % in % Structual Data Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Purchasing Power Index Retail Purchasing Power Index Retail Centrality Index Wittenberge 2,495,635 80,872 18,278 10,526 38 362 -19.9% -2.2% -7.5% 9.6% 12.4% (Source: GfK and BBE 2012/2013) District City Federal State District District in m € in m € index index index 1,351 291 88.50 77.09 95.30 Macro Location Wittenberge is situated in the federal state of Brandenburg in the administrative region of Prignitz. The city covers an area of 50.44 km². Nearby cities include Berlin (120 km), Potsdam (100 km) and Lüneburg (80 km). The A24 federal motorway is located 35 km to the north and the B89 offers a direct connection to the motorway. The city’s train station is linked to the ICE network. Wittenberge is a stop on the route from Hamburg to Berlin. International connections to Prague and Kopenhagen are also available. The closest passenger airport is located in Berlin, which can be reached within 120 km. The economy of Wittenberge is primarily characterised by small- and mid-sized companies. Moreover, agriculture is a major part of Wittenberge’s economy. Micro Location Micro Location The property is located slightly outside of the western outskirts of Wittenberge, very close to the federal road B189, which connects Wittenberege with the motorway system. The property is located along an aterial road connecting western Wittenberge with the B189. Next to the subject property, there is a DIY store operated by OBI and apart from that, there are only few residential dwellings to the north-east as well as agricultural land in the surrounding area. 0 Local Tax Information Real Estate Tax Rate (Typ B) Land Transfer Tax This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 2 of 12 City City in % in % abc 400 5.0 Property address Property no. 13 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Wahrenberger Straße 69 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 19322 Wittenberge Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Site Plan Source: Cadastral plan on a 1 to 1,000 scale, dated 29th December 2010 Site Information Site area thereof surplus land 39,690 m² 0 m² Ground lease No n.a. Ground lease expiry Surplus land value (net) n.a. €0 Site servicing Fully serviced Irregular Site layout Soil contamination No Suspicion Building encumbrances No Comment The property has an even topography and irregular shape. It is accessible from the east. According to information provided by the city of Wittenberge, the site is not registered in the register of contaminated sites. In Brandenburg, there are no building encumbrances. Instead the muncipalities obtain personal easments, which are registered in the land register in divison II. Thus, we assumed the subject property to be free of any building encumbrances. For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the subject property is free of any soil or building contamination. Town Planning Use class SO (special zone) Site coverage ratio (GRZ) 0.8 Plot ratio (GFZ) 0.5 Cubic index (BMZ) n.a. Comment According to information from the local planning authority, a legally binding development plan exists, entitled "Nr. 2 Geschäftshauskomplex Wahrenberger Straße / B 189" and dated 04.03.1993, with the following regulations: the subject site is located in a special zone (SO). The site coverage ratio is limited to 0.8 and the plot ratio to 0.5. Tenure Land Register Owner TPL Wittenberge Local Court of Perleberg, land register S.á.r.l., Luxembourg of Wittenberge Sheet 5509 Plot 28 Parcel 155/4 159/9 Section 2 (Restrictions) Limited personal easement to operate a selfservice department store on the plot in favour of Kaufland Stiftung & Co. KG, Neckarsulm. Section 3 (Loans) Land charges in the total amount of € 105,000,000 in favour of COREAL CREDIT BANK Aktiengesellschaft Frankfurt, 6 June 2011. Source: Land register extract, dated 14 January 2014 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 3 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 13 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Wahrenberger Straße 69 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 19322 Wittenberge Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Competitor Map Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Research Competitor Overview Name E-Center 0 0 Type Hypermarket Address 19322 Wittenberge, Lenzener Chaussee 21 Sales area 3,255 m² m² m² Distance 1.00 km Potential High 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Competiton Indicators Inhabitants in primary catchment area (Radius 5 km) 16,357 Purchasing power in Mio. € (District) 1,351 Inhabitants in secondary catchment area (Radius 10 km) 7,309 Purchasing power per Capita in € (Radius 5 km) 16,261 Number of households (Radius 5 km) 9,196 Unemployment Rate (District) 12.4% Number of households (Radius 10 km) 3,975 Population forecast for the district (2009 - 2025) Retail Purchasing Power Index (District) 77.09 Retail Centrality Index (District) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 4 of 12 -19.9% 95.30 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Wahrenberger Straße 69 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 19322 Wittenberge Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. 13 Main competitors This competitor is a new retail park with a large EDEKA centre as anchor tenant. The sales area of Edeka is about 3,500 m². Within this retail park, there are several well-known tenants such as ALDI, Charles Vögele, and even a toom DIY store, which is another anchor tenant. This centre is newer and has a slightly better location also near the B189. Charles Vögele contributes to the tenant mix surrounding the EDEKA centre. This is the only large competitor, which has a similar tenant mix and size compared to the subject property, and is considered superior when compared to the subject site. Competition Comment Approximately 19,000 inhabitants live in the secondary catchment area. Two self-service department stores are present within this area, which correlates to approx. 9,500 inhabitants (i.e. potential customers per self-service department store). Within the broader tertiary catchment area, there is still only one competitor for the 27,000 inhabitants, which increases the customer potential in this rural area to 13,500 potential customers per self-service department store. We consider the EDEKA centre located close by in a retail park to be the main competitor and superior to the subject property. Located only 1.2 km from the subject property also at the B189, they share almost exactly the same catchment area. As both properties need to be accessed by car, we think that most customers will prefer the retail park to the subject property due to its newer construction date and good tenant mix. Apart from the EDEKA centre, only small supermarkets or discounters compete for the non-food customers. However, we still assess the level of competition to be rather high and that the EDEKA centre will draw more than average customer potential from the subject property. 0 Turnover analysis The rents in functional retail agglomerations are linked to the achievable turnover. The percentage rate that a retail tenant can use for rental payments depends on the margins achievable in the various market sectors. This rate normally ranges between 2% and 15% depending on the respective industry. The productivity varies between approx. € 1,000/m² and up to more than € 10,000/m². For Kaufland, we have also been provided with turnover figures for the previous valuation. We have analysed the figures and have found the area productivity of Kaufland to be in a healthy range. With a turnoverto-rent ratio of less than 2% it lies below the range of 2% to 4%, which is acceptable for a self-service department store. However, we believe that a slightly lower market rent is achievable after the end of the lease contract. According to Trade Dimension, the turnover potential of the Kaufland is € 16,200,000 p.a. (net basis) . This results in a space productivity of approx. € 4,050 m². The rents hypermarkets usually pay are in the range of 2% to 4%, depending on location and quality of the building. Kaufland’s turnover-rent ratio generally lies above the threshold of 2% but below 4%. Therefore, we consider the rent paid to be sustainable in the long run. Conclusion The subject property is a self-service department store situated in an average location within Wittenberge. The depth and breadth of the product range is very good. However, the property faces tough competition from a newer retail park with EDEKA as anchor tenant. The rental area of Kaufland can be regarded as relatively unproblematic. In the unlikely case that Kaufland should vacate the premises, the property could be re-let to an other self-service department stores as real or Marktkauf. We assumed that the tenant Kaufland will prolong the contract until 2037 due to the low contractual rental level. However, the market rental level is similar. More problematic would be Hammer vacating the property, as there are only few potential tenants for such rental unit. The most probable alternative use tenant for this unit would be a furniture store. Although this property will face some problems due to the competition, we are of the opinion that the location to be sustainable on the low rental level, which is currently paid at the property. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 5 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 13 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Wahrenberger Straße 69 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 19322 Wittenberge Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Rent Roll Tenant Name 1 Kaufland Warenhandel Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG 2 Hammer Fachmärkte für Heimausstattung GmbH & Co. KG 3 Schwarz Außenwerbung GmbH 4 Kurzzeitmieter 5 Parking Spaces 6 TOTAL Deutschland GmbH Area Category Letting Status Area m² / unit Rent / month Rent / m² / month Tenant pays VAT Lease Start Lease End Renewal Probability Retail Let 6,117 € 32,208 5.27 Yes 01.10.2007 30.09.2026 Retail Let 2,574 € 15,830 6.15 Yes 01.06.2007 28.02.2019 75% Other Units Let 9 € 488 54.17 No 01.01.2010 31.12.2014 100% 100% 75% Other Units Let 1 € 1,035 1035.00 Yes 01.10.2007 30.09.2026 External parking Let 400 €0 0.00 No 01.10.2007 30.09.2026 100% Petrol Station Let 1,020 € 2,164 2.12 Yes 07.04.2003 06.04.2018 100% 9,711 m² € 51,726 Total Tenant pays * M GT I * M = Maintenance, GT = Ground Tax, I = Insurance Costs, PM = Property Management This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 6 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 13 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Wahrenberger Straße 69 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 19322 Wittenberge Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Valuation Assumptions Tenant Name 1 Kaufland Warenhandel Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG Area Category Area sqm/unit Retail 6,117 Market Rent Market Rent /month Re-letting Re-letting Initial Tis Void VPV* Void* Rent Abatem.* Agency Fees* Lease Term** 3 Renewal Probability € 5.00 € 30,585 € 50 0 12 0 10 25% Retail 2,574 € 6.25 € 16,086 € 50 0 18 0 3 10 25% 3 Schwarz Außenwerbung GmbH Other Units 9 € 54.17 € 488 €0 0 6 0 3 10 0% 4 Kurzzeitmieter Other Units 1 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 6 0 0 10 0% External parking 400 € 0.00 €0 €0 0 12 0 0 10 0% Petrol Station 1,020 € 2.12 € 2,164 €0 0 6 0 3 10 0% 2 Hammer Fachmärkte für Heimausstattung GmbH & Co. KG 5 Parking Spaces 6 TOTAL Deutschland GmbH Total * months 9,711 sqm ** years € 49,323 ***structural vacancy This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 7 of 12 . abc Property address Property no. 13 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Wahrenberger Straße 69 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 19322 Wittenberge Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property Analysis Area Analysis Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Total area Petrol Station Other Units Internal parking External parking Total parking Lettable Area m² 0 8,691 0 0 0 0 0 8,691 1,020 10 0 400 1,430 Area Vacant m² 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area Let m² 0 8,691 0 0 0 0 0 8,691 1,020 10 0 400 400 Vacancy Rate % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Income Analysis Contractual Rent €/m²/month 0.00 5.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.12 152.25 5.95 0.00 0.00 Contractual Rent €/month 0 48,039 0 0 0 0 0 2,164 1,523 51,726 0 0 Contractual Rent €/year 0 576,466 0 0 0 0 0 25,972 18,270 620,708 0 0 Potential Rent €/year 0 576,466 0 0 0 0 0 25,972 18,270 620,708 0 0 Use Category Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Petrol Station Other Units Total area Internal parking External parking Office Retail DIY Warehouse Commercial Residential Storage Market Rent €/m²/month 0.00 5.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.12 48.75 5.68 0.00 0.00 Market Rent €/year 0 560,059 0 0 0 0 0 25,972 5,850 591,881 0 0 Market Rent €/month 0 46,672 0 0 0 0 0 2,164 488 49,323 0 0 Over-/ UnderRented 0.0% 2.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 212.3% 4.9% 0.0% 0.0% Assessment of Kaufland market rent Turnover to rent ratio Space productivity 7,000 10.00 6,500 9.00 Explanation Usual market % - levels 8.00 5,500 7.00 Rent / m² / month 6,000 5,000 4,500 8.80 Market rent Contractual Rent Rents 6.60 6.00 5.27 5.00 5.00 4.40 4,000 4.00 2.4% 5.27 Market 2.3% 5.00 4% of turnover 8.80 3% of turnover 6.60 Turnover potential 3.00 2.00 1.0% in € / m² p.a. 16,157,982 € (net) Sales Area 3,000 4.40 2% of turnover 4,053 3,500 € / m² % Contractual 1.5% 2.0% based on sales area 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% Total Area ~ 3,987 m² 6,117 m² Turnover-rent-ratio Self-service department stores usually can afford to pay a rent in the range of 2% to 4% of their net turnover (economically sustainable rent burden) and have a space productivity of about € 4,000 to € 6,000 per m² sales area. The two graphics above indicate, how the contract rent of the main tenant Kaufland as well as the assumed market rental level, can be assessed on the basis of usual market ranges. This analysis is based on the turnover potential figures prepared by Trade Dimension. D&B Rating of Main Tenant Main tenant Tenant name Rent p.a. Share of total income WALT Payment Index Capital indicator Risk indicator Score Credit limit Comment Kaufland Warenhandel Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG € 386,501 62% 12.7 years 80 3AA 2 2 83 € 66,000 (single) € 840,000 (total) This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. The main tenant is a corporation belonging to SBG Kaufland GmbH & Co. KG, which in turn belongs to Schwarz Beteiligungs-KG, one of the biggest grocer groups in Europe. Kaufland is the self-service department store division of Lidl & Schwarz with more than 500 locations across Europe. Kaufland’s core business area is food retailing with branded goods and own-brands specially produced for Kaufland. According to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Rating as at 29 January 2014 Kaufland Warenhandel Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG has a low credit risk. The risk of insolvency (D&B Score) within the next 12 months compared with other German companies is assessed to be low, i.e. 83% of businesses on the German database have the same or higher risk of failure. Page 8 of 12 abc Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Wahrenberger Straße 69 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 19322 Wittenberge Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Property address Property no. Assumptions 13 Market Value Lease Contract Commentary The property is fully let to two retail tenants and a petrol station. The WALT of the property amounts to 9.9 years. The main tenant is Kaufland with a share of approx. 63% of the rental income. The property is currently slightly overrented due to the property age and location. The rent of Kaufland is indexed and will be adapted by 50% of the CPI change, whenever the change exceeds 10 percent in relation to the CPI basis. The tenants do not pay ground tax, insurance costs, maintenance, or property management with the exception of the petrol station, where the tenant pays everything with the exception of property management. 0 General Property Assumptions Discount Rate Comment Discount rate 7.50% Capitalisation rate 7.00% Capital expenditures* The yields applied reflect the individual location quality (macro- and micro-location) of the properties, building structure, letting situation, covenant strength and the relationship between contractual and market rent. We derive the discount rate from market transactions. The discount rate reflects the rate of return expected by investors and is determined based on the risk associated with a property. As reinsurance, the initial yields profile is aligned with the market/other transactions. We have taken into account such facts as the stable Cash Flow, the long lease contract with the tenant Kaufland, the full occupancy and the good condition of the subject property in Wittenberge. €0 Vacancy costs € 10.00 /m²/p.a. * on the basis of cost estimates provided by Brack Capital Real Estate, dated April 2013 Breakdown of Non-Recoverable Costs Contract** (month 1 x 12) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses ** JLL analysis Market (assuming full occupancy) Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total non-recoverable expenses per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.07 /m² € 1.85 /m² € 0.29 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 8.71 /m² € 47,800 € 9,311 € 16,064 € 2,530 €0 € 75,704 per year per year € 5.50 /m² € 1.02 /m² € 1.85 /m² € 0.29 /m² € 0.00 /m² € 8.66 /m² € 47,800 € 8,878 € 16,064 € 2,530 €0 € 75,272 Inflation % of Gross Contract Rent 7.70% 1.50% 2.59% 0.41% 0.00% 12.20% Year Inflation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% 2021 1.4% 2022 1.4% after 2022 1.6% Market Rental Growth Year Rental Growth % of Gross Market Rent 8.08% 1.50% 2.71% 0.43% 0.00% 12.72% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% Market Contract Maintenance costs Management costs Ground tax Insurance costs Other non-recoverable costs Total Non-recoverable Costs Maintanance Costs € 47,800 € 48,565 € 49,429 € 50,299 € 51,114 € 51,921 € 52,752 € 53,607 € 54,454 € 55,260 € 56,066 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Management Costs € 9,362 € 9,362 € 9,600 € 9,648 € 9,648 € 8,395 € 9,951 € 9,959 € 9,959 € 9,959 € 9,977 Insurance Costs € 2,530 € 2,570 € 2,616 € 2,662 € 2,705 € 2,748 € 2,792 € 2,837 € 2,882 € 2,925 € 2,967 Ground Tax € 16,064 € 16,321 € 16,612 € 16,904 € 17,178 € 17,449 € 17,728 € 18,016 € 18,300 € 18,571 € 18,842 Other Nonrecoverable Costs 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ Total per year € 75,756 € 76,818 € 78,257 € 79,513 € 80,645 € 92,162 € 83,223 € 84,419 € 85,595 € 86,715 € 87,852 Vacancy Costs €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 € 11,649 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 % of Total Gross Revenue 12.1% 12.3% 12.2% 12.4% 12.5% 16.5% 12.5% 12.7% 12.9% 13.1% 13.2% Non-Recoverable Costs as a percentage of Total Gross Revenue 18.0% 16.5% 16.0% 14.0% 12.1% 12.3% 12.2% 12.4% 12.5% 12.5% 12.7% 12.9% 13.1% 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 9 of 12 abc Property address Property no. Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Wahrenberger Straße 69 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 19322 Wittenberge Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Cash Flow 13 Market Value Rental Revenue € 624,158 € 624,158 € 640,030 € 643,204 € 643,204 € 647,002 € 663,417 € 663,907 € 663,907 € 663,907 € 665,141 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Turnover Vacancy €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 -€ 87,367 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 Rent Abatements €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 Total Gross Revenue € 624,158 € 624,158 € 640,030 € 643,204 € 643,204 € 559,635 € 663,417 € 663,907 € 663,907 € 663,907 € 665,141 Nonrecoverable Costs -€ 75,756 -€ 76,818 -€ 78,257 -€ 79,513 -€ 80,645 -€ 92,162 -€ 83,223 -€ 84,419 -€ 85,595 -€ 86,715 -€ 87,852 Net Operating Income € 548,402 € 547,340 € 561,773 € 563,691 € 562,559 € 467,473 € 580,194 € 579,488 € 578,312 € 577,192 € 577,289 TIs and Leasing Capital Commissions Cash Flow Expenditures €0 €0 € 548,402 €0 €0 € 547,340 €0 €0 € 561,773 € 563,691 €0 €0 €0 € 562,559 €0 -€ 13,105 -€ 34,947 € 419,421 €0 € 580,194 €0 € 579,488 €0 €0 €0 €0 € 578,312 €0 €0 € 577,192 € 8,246,971 €0 €0 Total Cashflow (incl. Terminal Value @ 7.00 %) Gross Value of Surplus Land Gross Capital Value incl. Surplus Land Present Value @ 7.50% € 530,637 € 492,660 € 470,293 € 439,050 € 407,599 € 282,333 € 363,763 € 337,975 € 313,756 € 291,302 € 4,001,380 € 7,930,748 €0 € 7,930,748 Total Gross Revenue versus Net Operating Income 8.0% € 700000.0 6.9% 6.9% 7.1% 7.1% 7.3% 7.1% 7.3% 7.3% 7.3% 7.0% € 600000.0 5.9% 6.0% 5.0% € 400000.0 4.0% € 300000.0 Running yield Rental income € 500000.0 3.0% € 200000.0 2.0% € 100000.0 € .0 Year 1 1.0% Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Valuation Results Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 0.0% Year 10 Market Value Rent Overview Gross Capital Value (rounded) Contractual gross rental income (month 1 x 12) total p.a. per m²/month € 620,708 € 5.95 Market rental value total p.a. per m²/month € 591,881 € 5.68 4.87% Over-/Underrent Total € 7,900,000 per m² € 909 Purchaser's costs 6.75% Yield Overview Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield 6.90% 6.54% Gross Initial Yield Gross Reversionary Yield 8.39% 8.00% Market Value (rounded) Total € 7,400,000 per m² € 851 Valuation Comment In terms of risk, we considered the covenant strength as well as the lease duration for the existing contracts. As at 29 January 2014, the main tenant, Kaufland Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG, has good covenant strength, which ensures a secure cash flow for the remainder of the lease term. The rent of the petrol station tenant has slightly increased, due to higher revenues of the last period on which the rent is based. In terms of a resale, we took into account such facts as visibility, demographic factors, appearance, condition and building age, third-party usability, competition situation and location. For the purpose of the valuation on 31 December 2013, the non-recoverable costs (e.g. insurance costs as well as ground tax) remained unchanged and have been applied according to information received during the previous valuation cycle. Management costs and maintenance costs have been applied according to internal benchmarks. We have not been provided with updated information regarding necessary capital expenditures (CapEx). According to information received no CapEx are required. For the purpose of our valuation we have assumed that all capital expenditures for repairs in the first year as well as in the periods of year 2 to 5 and year 6 to 10 are considered to be covered by the maintenance costs of € 5.50/m² per annum as sinking fund. Regarding comparable rents, we have had recourse to evidence of similar areas situated in the comparable regions and locations. Furthermore, we have analysed comparable transactions. Please refer to the section "Investment Comparables". No significant changes occurred in comparison to previous valuation. This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 10 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 13 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Wahrenberger Straße 69 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 19322 Wittenberge Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Photos View of the main entrance of Kaufland View of the main entrance of Hammer View of the parking space Internal view of Kaufland Internal view of the mall View of the petrol station This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Page 11 of 12 abc Property address Property no. 13 Portfolio: Matrix Portfolio Wahrenberger Straße 69 Valuation date: 31.12.2013 19322 Wittenberge Inspection date: 31.01.2011 Germany Prepared for: Brack Capital Properties N.V. Leasing and Investment Market Development of prime yields Retail transaction volume in Germany Leasing Market Investment Market There is no homogeneous rental level for retail space in retail warehouses or retail parks throughout Germany. For the determination of the rents, the quality of location in terms of accessibility and competition is crucial. The rents within the different branches vary. This is due to the diverging location assessment and turnover expectancy of the different tenants. If in the case of a retail park the management succeeds in establishing good anchor tenants, which guarantee a high visitor frequency, then the turnover expectancy of secondary tenants tends to be higher and as a consequence, their overall rental level will be higher as well. Besides the rent level, another determining factor for investors is the building costs. Properties with the highest rents usually also have the highest building costs and land acquisition cost. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the branch of the tenants, rents in retail parks in western German locations generally range between € 5.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Depending on the size of the retail unit and the retail format of the store, rents for supermarkets/ hypermarkets are generally slightly higher than the rents for discounters. Such rents in cities with more the 30,000 inhabitants in western German locations generally range between € 7.00 and € 13.00/m²/month. Rents for discounters in western Germany generally range between € 6.00 and € 12.00/m²/month, while discounters eastern Germany generally achieve slightly lower rental rates. Drugstores, textile, shoe and electronics branches generally achieve rental rates ranging from € 7.50 to € 12.00/m²/month. DIY stores need extensive space due to their broad product range. In urban centres, these stores sometimes even offer their products on two levels. DIY also fall at the lower end of the scale in terms of rents, with prices ranging between € 6.00 and € 10.00/m²/month. On the investment market in 2013, total capital amounting to € 30.7 billion was invested in German commercial property – an increase of about 21% compared to the previous year. This means that 2013 was the strongest year for property transactions since the boom year of 2007. As was already seen in the previous year, the final quarter of the year proved to be the strongest in terms of transactions. Property worth around € 11.5 billion changed hands in the months from October to December, and this volume was also € 1.5 billion higher than in the fourth quarter of the previous year. Not all transactions that were initiated could be notarised in the last days of December, so that we expect to see a very lively start to 2014. As DIY stores have a supra-regional catchment area, there are not as independent as other branches in the area and can relocate to more affordable attractive and easily accessible industrial zones. In such areas, lower investments for realisation and lower building costs induce lower rents. The good economic outlook on the domestic market also provides a basis of trust for property market participants and attests to the attractiveness of Germany as a property investment destination. At the same time this interest is equally supported by foreign and domestic investors. The relation between the investment volume in the Big 7 and investments outside these established markets has not changed from 2012. As before, around 60% (€ 19.5 billion) was invested in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Retail property was of primary interest in other cities. High purchasing power and centrality indicators in densely populated and economically strong catchment areas combined with strong demand from tenants such as national and international retail chains means that second-tier cities are also of interest to investors. The analysis of the different asset classes reveals no fundamental differences from 2012. Office properties again accounted for the highest share of the transaction volume at 46%. Retail properties accounted for a 26% share, followed by mix-used properties with 11% and warehouse and logistics properties with at least 7%. The office prime yields were still on a slight downward trend in individual cities. Each of the Big 7 cities now has a net initial yield of below 5%. Aggregated across all cities, the prime yield in the office segment fell to an average value of around 4.67%. Shopping centre yields are at a similar rate of 4.70%. For 2014 we expect a stable development overall for yields. Based on the continuing strong demand for prime properties the prime yields could even fall slightly again. At the same time, it will also depend on how the capital market environment develops during the year. The interest rates will probably stay low and therefore offer an attractive environment for companies and debt-oriented investors. A reduction in the risk premium (on the basis of 10-year government bonds and the prime yield for office properties) from almost 300 basis points at present to around 260 by the end of 2014 will also not restrict investments in German commercial property. Leasing Comparables Tenant Real Real Real Kaufland EDEKA Sport Store Local chain 0 City Lübbenau Verden (Aller) Braunschweig Crimmitschau Zwickau Leipzig Leipzig 0 Property Type Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Self-Service Department Store Large scale sport store Furniture Store 0 Area 1,800 m² 2,750 m² 19,688 m² 4,661 m² 1,300 m² 2,600 m² 3,800 m² 0 m² Total Rent p.m. € 8,136 € 13,118 € 104,150 € 21,441 € 7,956 € 17,004 € 21,546 €0 Rent p. sqm € 4.52 /m² € 4.77 /m² € 5.29 /m² € 4.60 /m² € 6.12 /m² € 6.54 /m² € 5.67 /m² € 0.00 /m² Comment Same federal state; similar purchasing power Purchasing power of 103.5 Purchasing power of 105.5 Purchasing power of 77.1 Purchasing power of 84.9 Purchasing power of 84.6 Other federal state; similar purchasing power 0 Investment Comparables Property Type Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket Hypermarket 0 Year of Construction n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0 This report is only to be read in conjunction with the valuation report provided. Area 8,520 m² 13,000 m² 22,926 m² 13,000 m² 2,269 m² 13,000 m² 10,031 m² 0 m² Gross Multiplier 14.1-fold 13.8-fold 8.0-fold 15.3-fold 14.7-fold 13.8-fold 10.1-fold 0.0-fold Date of Transaction Q3 2013 Q2 2012 2012 2012 2012 Q2 2012 2012 0 Comment Medium to long WALT, located in North Rhine-Westphalia Medium to long WALT, located in Lower Saxony Anchor tenant Kaufland & Toom, WALT below 5 years, portfolio transaction Anchor tenant Marktkauf, WALT 17.5 years, very strong location in southern Germany WALT 15.7 years, good location, main tenant Kaufland, partly leasehold Anchor tenant Famila, WALT 9.2 years, strong location in northern Germany Anchor tenant real, WALT 15 years, portfolio transaction 0 Page 12 of 12 abc Appendix II – Overview Appendix II – Overview abc Matrix Portfolio Valuation Overview Property Information No Town Address General Data Use Year of Construction / Modernisation Plot Size Lettable Area Vacancy Rate Rental Income Weigted Average Lease Term Contractual Rental Income Contract Rent Net Operating Income Yields / Multiplier Non-recoverable Costs Market Rental Value Market Rent Over/under-rent Maintenance Costs Management Costs Ground Tax Insurance Costs Other Costs* Total nonrecs Total nonrecs Total nonrecs Surplus Land Value Capital Expenditures (year 1) Capitalisation Rate Discount Rate Multiplier Multiplier Values Gross Initial Yield Net Initial Yield Net Reversionary Yield Gross Capital Value Purchaser's Costs Market Value after Capex Market Value (MARKET) relative m² m² % years € p.a. €/m²/month € p.a. € p.a. €/m²/month % €/m² % €/m² €/m² €/m² €/year €/m²/year % of income € € % % 1 1 Aschersleben Hoymer Chaussee 108 Retail Park 1993 / n.a. 36,735 14,522 8.83% 7.9 1,520,129 8.72 1,397,972 1,595,689 9.16 4.48% 5.50 1.50 1.01 0.33 0.00 122,157 8.41 8% 0 0 7.10 7.65 % % % € % € €/m² 13.16 12.53 7.60% 6.56% 6.91% 21,300,000 6.50% 20,000,000 1,377 2 2 Augsburg Gögginger Straße 119 Retail Park 1969 / 1995 20,862 13,770 19.41% 6.2 1,203,705 7.28 1,044,978 1,487,432 9.00 -8.78% 5.50 1.50 4.41 0.31 0.00 158,727 11.53 13% 0 0 6.75 3 3 Bad Aibling Grassingerstraße 16 Retail Park 2000 / n.a. 19,222 7,053 0.00% 4.1 636,025 7.52 562,378 695,930 8.22 -8.61% 5.50 1.50 3.30 0.28 0.00 73,647 10.44 12% 0 0 6.75 7.05 13.71 11.09 7.30% 6.04% 7.66% 17,300,000 5.00% 16,500,000 1,198 7.50 12.74 11.64 7.85% 6.62% 7.31% 8,500,000 5.25% 8,100,000 1,148 4 4 Biberach Obere Stegwiesen 10 Retail Park 1994 / n.a. 26,342 10,769 0.00% 7.2 1,262,394 9.77 1,180,286 1,282,235 9.92 -1.55% 4.50 1.50 1.01 0.36 0.00 82,109 7.62 7% 229,800 0 6.75 7.10 12.36 5 5 Borken Heidenerstraße 32 Retail Park 2003 / n.a. 17,337 9,524 0.84% 6.7 996,674 8.72 908,683 1,226,337 10.73 -13.26% 5.50 1.50 1.73 0.43 0.00 87,991 9.24 9% 0 0 6.50 7.15 14.85 12.17 8.09% 7.11% 7.23% 16,900,000 6.50% 15,800,000 1,449 12.07 6.73% 5.79% 7.23% 15,700,000 6.50% 14,800,000 6 6 Erlangen Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 27 Retail Park 1975 / 2004 17,609 13,398 7.15% 5.8 1,164,606 7.24 791,707 1,625,168 10.11 -23.17% 6.50 1.50 4.59 0.28 15.17 372,900 27.83 32% 0 0 6.50 7.00 10.90 1,554 7.81 9.17% 5.95% 9.36% 13,300,000 5.00% 12,700,000 7 7 Geislingen Gartenstraße 30 Retail Park 2002 / n.a. 10,909 9,390 0.66% 7.0 640,469 5.68 551,943 835,732 7.42 -21.01% 4.50 1.50 3.49 0.41 0.00 88,526 9.43 14% 0 0 6.50 7.45 948 14.05 10.77 7.12% 5.75% 7.75% 9,600,000 6.75% 9,000,000 8 8 Glauchau Waldenburger Straße F175 Retail Park 1992 / n.a. 47,878 12,767 0.13% 7.9 1,264,953 8.26 1,149,664 1,197,680 7.82 5.72% 5.50 1.50 1.75 0.29 0.00 115,288 9.03 9% 0 0 7.25 958 7.25 12.33 13.03 8.11% 7.01% 6.61% 16,400,000 5.00% 15,600,000 1,222 9 9 Ludwigsburg Friedrichstraße 124 Retail Park 1997 / n.a. 10,911 14,144 0.00% 7.9 1,013,225 5.97 879,386 1,332,505 7.85 -23.96% 4.75 1.50 3.26 0.37 0.00 133,838 9.46 13% 0 0 6.25 6.50 13.42 10.21 7.45% 6.06% 8.23% 14,500,000 6.50% 13,600,000 962 10 10 Ludwigsfelde Potsdamer Straße 51 Retail Park 1997 / n.a. 10,340 12,632 0.00% 7.6 1,208,820 7.97 1,098,403 1,085,152 7.16 11.40% 5.50 1.50 1.40 0.40 0.00 110,417 8.74 9% 0 0 7.00 7.10 12.16 13.55 8.22% 7.00% 6.22% 15,700,000 6.50% 14,700,000 1,164 11 11 Neckarsulm Hohenloher Straße 2 Retail Park 1974 / 2001 32,520 10,270 12.35% 3.8 1,381,692 11.21 1,271,734 1,276,200 10.36 14.10% 6.50 1.50 1.78 0.41 0.00 109,957 10.71 8% 441,600 0 7.00 7.50 11.87 12.85 8.42% 7.31% 6.71% 17,900,000 6.50% 16,800,000 1,597 12 12 Vilshofen Hösamer Feld 7 Retail Park 1999 / 2007 37,515 10,230 0.82% 9.5 869,192 7.08 779,592 869,452 7.08 1.14% 4.50 1.50 2.71 0.28 0.00 89,600 8.76 10% 0 0 6.50 6.75 12.77 12.77 7.83% 6.66% 6.67% 11,700,000 5.00% 11,100,000 1,085 13 13 Wittenberge Wahrenberger Straße 69 Retail Park 1996 / n.a. 39,690 8,691 0.00% 9.9 620,708 5.95 545,004 591,881 5.68 4.87% 5.50 1.50 1.85 0.29 0.00 75,704 8.71 12% 0 0 7.00 7.50 11.92 12.50 8.39% 6.90% 6.54% 7,900,000 6.75% 7,400,000 851 4.37% 7.0 13,782,592 7.80 12,161,729 15,101,395 8.55 1.31 5.38 1.50 2.50 0.34 1.38 1,620,862 11.01 12% 12.78 11.66 7.8% 6.51% 7.22% 186,700,000 6.00% 176,100,000 1,197 *based upon market benchmarks Valuation Date 31.12.2013 05.02.2014 327,870 147,160 0 abc Appendix III – General Principles for Valuation Appendix III –General Principles for Valuation General Principles Adopted in the Preparation of Valuations and Reports These are the general principles upon which our Valuations and Reports are normally prepared; they apply unless we have specifically mentioned otherwise in the body of the report. Where appropriate, we will be pleased to discuss variations to suit any particular circumstances, or to arrange for the execution of structural or site surveys, or any other more detailed enquiries. 1 a) Guidelines RICS Appraisal and Valuation Manual All work is carried out in accordance with the Practice Statements contained in the RICS Appraisal and Valuation Manual published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, by valuers who conform to the requirements thereof. b) International Valuation Standards (IVS) The standards of the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) are in accordance with the definition and interpretation of the Market Value as defined by the RICS and consistent with the concept of Fair Value as defined in the International Financial Reporting Standards. c) Directive for Derivation of Market Value (German Immobilienwertermittlungsverordnung, “ImmoWertV“) Appraisals of German Market Value (“Verkehrswert”) are prepared on the basis of the current version of the ImmoWertV. They are conducted by RICS-approved personnel. d) Directive for Derivation of Mortgage Lending Value (German Beleihungswertermittlungsverordnung, “BelWertV“) Appraisals of German Mortgage Lending Value (“Beleihungswert”) are prepared on the basis of the current version of the BelWertV. They are conducted by personnel approved by the HypZert GmbH. 2 Valuation Basis Our reports state the purpose of the valuation and the basis adopted. The following definitions are usually the basis of our valuation: a) Market Value (MV, RICS) The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm's-length transaction after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion. b) Market Rent (RICS) The estimated amount for which an interest in real property should be leased on the valuation date between a willing lessor and willing lessee on appropriate lease terms in an arm’s length transaction, after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion. c) Depreciated replacement cost (DRC, RICS) The current cost of replacing an asset with its modern equivalent asset, less deductions for physical deterioration and all relevant forms of obsolescence and optimisation. d) Fair Value (RICS) The estimated price for the transfer of an asset or liability between identified knowledgeable and willing parties that reflects the respective interests of those parties. (IVS 2013). This does not apply to valuations for financial reporting – see IVS 300. The price that would be received to sell an asset, or paid to transfer a liability, in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. (IFRS 13) e) German Market Value (“Verkehrswert“ according to § 194 BauGB) The Market Value (Verkehrswert) is determined by the price which could be achieved at the date of valuation in an arm’s length transaction reflecting the legal and physical situation, location and other character of the property or other subject of valuation, without consideration of unusual or personal interest. f) Mortgage Lending Value (“Beleihungswert” according to § 16 PfandBG) The mortgage lending value (Beleihungswert) must not exceed the value resulting from a prudent assessment of the future marketability of a property by taking into account the long-term sustainable aspects of the property, the normal regional market condition as well as the current and possible alternative uses. Speculative elements must not be taken into consideration. The mortgage lending value must not exceed a market value calculated in a transparent manner and in accordance with a recognized valuation method. g) Plant & Machinery An opinion of the price at which an interest in the Plant & Machinery utilized in a business would have been transferred at the date of valuation assuming: fa) fb) fc) h) that the Plant & Machinery will continue in its present use in the business; adequate potential profitability of the business, or continuing viability of the undertaking, both having due regard to the value of the total assets employed and the nature of the operation; that the transfer is part of an arm’s length sale of the business wherein both parties acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion. Financial Statements Valuations for Financial Statements shall be in accordance with the IVSC International Valuation Application 1 (IVA 1). i) Lending Valuations for lending purposes shall be in accordance with IVSC International Valuation Application 2 (IVA 2). 3 Source of Information We have relied upon the information provided to us by yourselves as to details of tenure, tenancies, planning consents, site area, accommodation, documents of title, cadastral plans, restrictions on title, and other relevant matters, as summarised in our report. We do not accept any liability for either the accuracy or the completeness of this information. We are neither obliged to confirm the completeness and correctness of the information provided nor to examine any original documentation for the same purpose. 4 Documentation a) We do not normally read leases or documents of title and, where these have been provided to us, we recommend that reliance should not be placed on our interpretation thereof without verification by your lawyers. b) We assume, unless informed to the contrary, that each property has a good and marketable title, that all documentation is satisfactorily drawn and that there are no encumbrances, restrictions, easements or other outgoings of an onerous nature, which would have an effect on the value of the interest under consideration, nor material litigation pending. 5 Tenants Although we reflect our general understanding of a tenant's status in our valuations, enquiries as to the financial standing of actual or prospective tenants are not normally made unless specifically requested. Where properties are valued with the benefit of lettings, it is therefore assumed, unless we are informed otherwise, that the tenants are capable of meeting their financial obligations under the lease and that there are no arrears of rent or undisclosed breaches of covenant. 6 Town Planning and Other Statutory Regulations a) Unless informed to the contrary, our valuations are prepared on the basis that the premises (and any works thereto) comply with all relevant statutory regulations, including enactments relating to fire regulations. b) Information on Town Planning is often obtained verbally from the Local Planning Authority and, if reassurance is required, we recommend that legally binding written confirmation of the same is obtained. 7 Other Defects and Damages a) We normally assume that: b) aa) the building and its technical facilities are free of damages and other defects. bb) the building was constructed or altered without using deleterious materials or techniques (including, by way of example, high alumina cement concrete, wood wool as permanent shuttering, calcium chloride or asbestos). cc) the ground conditions are suitable and that, where development is contemplated, no extraordinary expenses or delays will be incurred during the construction period due to these, or to archaeological or ecological matters. dd) the land is not contaminated. Unless expressly instructed, we do not carry out a structural survey, nor do we test the services. Whilst any readily apparent defects or items of disrepair, which we note during the course of our inspection, will be reflected in our valuations, we are not able to give any assurance that any property is free from defect. We recommend the necessary surveys to be taken out in order to confirm our assumptions in this respect. c) Unless expressly instructed we do not carry out technical surveys to ascertain whether those defects and damages exist, or have occurred in the past. We are therefore not able to give any assurance that any property is free from damages or other defects. Any readily apparent defects or items of disrepair, which we note during the course of our inspection, will be reflected in our valuation. d) Provided that we are informed about: other defects and damages of the building and its technical facilities the application of any such materials, as listed in lit. ab) above unsuitable ground conditions as set out in lit. ac) above any contamination of land as listed in lit. ad) above by the client or any other party involved, such information will be reflected in our valuation, only if we are provided with reliable estimates of costs for their replacement or compensation. 8 Value Added Tax (VAT) Valuations are prepared and expressed exclusive of VAT payments, unless otherwise stated. 9 Outstanding Debts In the case of buildings where works are in hand or have recently been completed, we do not normally make allowance for any liability already incurred, but not yet discharged, in respect of completed works, or obligations in favour of contractors, subcontractors or any members of the professional or design team. Standard Terms of Business for Advisory Services 1 Scope a) These Standard Terms of Business are applicable for contracts regarding general advisory, valuation and/or market research services between Jones Lang LaSalle GmbH (hereinafter also referred to as "Jones Lang LaSalle" or the "Advisor") and the client (hereinafter also referred to as the "Client"). b) The results of the work of the Advisor on the basis of this Agreement are intended exclusively for the Client and may only be used for the purpose specified in the Agreement. The disclosure of the results of this work to third parties is generally prohibited. 2 Limitation and Execution of Contract a) Jones Lang LaSalle shall provide the agreed services, but shall not guarantee a particular economic result. Jones Lang LaSalle’s services will be deemed as complete once the agreed analyses and the corresponding conclusions and, where applicable, recommendations have been produced and presented to the Client or, in the event of an agreed expert-report or an agreed other written statement, these have been handed over to the Client. Jones Lang LaSalle’s services shall not include any legal or tax-related advice. The written report on the agreed services shall be deemed applicable. Verbal statements and information provided by Jones Lang LaSalle staff outside the terms of the agreed contract should be deemed non-binding, unless confirmed in writing. b) Jones Lang LaSalle will fulfil the contract to the best of their knowledge and skill with due care and diligence, and in the case of a valuation, in accordance with the principles of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), an extract of which has been supplied to the Client. c) Jones Lang LaSalle has the right to instruct specialist third parties (i.e. vicarious agents, or “Erfüllungsgehilfen”) to fulfil its contractual obligations. d) Jones Lang LaSalle will only verify the information, especially numbers, provided by the Client for obvious inconsistencies and faults. In all other cases, Jones Lang LaSalle will assume the information provided by the Client is correct and complete. Furthermore, Jones Lang LaSalle accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the documents and information provided by the client, whether it is in verbal, written or electronic format. e) The Client does not have the right to demand that the contract be carried out by a specific employee of Jones Lang LaSalle. f) Jones Lang LaSalle is under no obligation to inform the Client about any alterations or their implications resulting from a change in the conditions underlying the conclusions and recommendations of the contract specified above after the execution of the contract. g) All changes and extensions to the contract must be made in writing. The same holds true for the waiver of this written contract agreement. Jones Lang LaSalle shall perform additional services required by the Client that are not specified in the original contract only on the basis of a separate agreement with a separate remuneration and liability. Should Jones Lang LaSalle render these services without both parties being able to agree to an appropriate remuneration for such additional services, the Advisor’s fee will increase according to the additional time and money required by the Advisor. Otherwise, the provisions and conditions of this Agreement remain applicable. 3 Deadline for Delivering Services Any agreed deadline for delivering services shall be reasonably extended in case of force majeure or any reason for which the Advisor is not responsible but which may temporarily impair them from carrying out their work. Jones Lang LaSalle shall notify the Client without undue delay of any impediment to the performance of these services and the expected duration of the delay. 4 Information and Documentation supplied by the Client a) The Client is obliged to assist Jones Lang LaSalle in the execution of the agreed contract as required, especially by supplying the necessary information and documentation properly, fully and on time. This also applies to documentation and information, which only become known or available during the course of the instruction of Jones Lang LaSalle. Should the Client fail to meet any of the aforementioned obligations to support Jones Lang LaSalle, Jones Lang LaSalle, notwithstanding their claims for compensation for additional expenses and damages, reserves the right to extraordinarily terminate the contract without notice. b) Upon Jones Lang LaSalle's request, the Client shall confirm in writing the accuracy and completeness of all written documentation and information supplied as well as all verbal statements, if such a confirmation is possible through a necessary factual review without incurring additional costs or effort. 5 Guarantee a) The Client has the right to demand that any deficiencies be corrected by Jones Lang LaSalle, to the extent that this is possible and reasonable for Jones Lang LaSalle. Should Jones Lang LaSalle not be able to or fail to correct the deficiency, the Client reserves the right to cancel the contract or reduce the fees. If the contract has been awarded by a merchant within the scope of its commercial activities, by a public-law legal entity or by a public-law fund, the Client can only cancel the contract if Jones Lang LaSalle’s work is of no further interest to the Client, because of the failure of Jones Lang LaSalle to correct the deficiency. All further damage claims are governed by section 6 below. b) The Client is required to report any obvious shortcomings in writing within two weeks of the completion of services. Should the Client be a merchant, patent defects shall be notified without undue delay and latent defects shall be notified without undue delay and in writing upon discovery. In any case, claims because of defects must be notified no later than six months after completion of services. If the Client fails to report errors in due time, any claim for correction of these deficiencies and all other claims because of the defect is excluded. c) Obvious errors, such as typing and arithmetical errors and deficiencies of form may be corrected by Jones Lang LaSalle at any time also with effect against third parties. Errors which are apt to question the results contained in Jones Lang LaSalle’s written report entitle Jones Lang LaSalle to withdraw such statements also with effect against any third party. In such cases Jones Lang LaSalle will first give the Client an opportunity to comment. 6 Liability and Disclosure of Information to Third Parties a) Jones Lang LaSalle only assumes unlimited liability – irrespective of the legal reason – for damage resulting from wilful misconduct or grossly negligent conduct caused by a legal representative, employee or vicarious agent (“Erfüllungsgehilfe”) of Jones Lang LaSalle. Otherwise, Jones Lang LaSalle’s liability for damage caused by Jones Lang LaSalle, its legal representatives, employees and vicarious agents – irrespective of the legal reason – shall be limited to a maximum total amount of € 7.5 million (in words: seven point five million euros), unless agreed otherwise by the Advisor and the Client. b) Any liability for lost profits shall be excluded. c) The aforementioned maximum liability amount shall also apply if the damage is based on various or several similar professional errors or an error that has resulted in different types of damage and/or if there is more than one claimant. d) If compensatory damage claims against Jones Lang LaSalle are excluded or limited, this shall also apply with regard to the personal liability of Jones Lang LaSalle's legal representatives and employees. e) The aforementioned exclusions and limitations of liability shall not apply to damages arising from injury to life, limb or health. f) The contractual remuneration has been determined on the basis of the performance and obligations specified in this Agreement. Jones Lang LaSalle's responsibilities under this Agreement and its performance shall be towards the Client exclusively. The results of the work executed by Jones Lang LaSalle shall remain confidential and are intended exclusively for the Client and only for the purposes specified in this Agreement. Any other use and, in particular, disclosure to third parties or other publications (disclosure to third parties) – including extracts – without Jones Lang LaSalle's prior written consent shall be prohibited. In the event of consent to disclosure to a third party, the Client agrees to notify the respective third parties in writing and to underline that Jones Lang LaSalle generally assumes no liability towards third parties for the work and services provided and that third parties may make no claims whatsoever against Jones Lang LaSalle on the basis of the work and services provided. The Client also agrees to indemnify Jones Lang LaSalle against any third party claims and associated costs asserted by third parties against Jones Lang LaSalle as a result of unauthorised disclosure or publication of the results of the work and services provided. "Third parties" in this context shall also include the Client's Affiliates. g) Jones Lang LaSalle may assume liability towards third parties for its valuation only if the relevant third party has accepted the limitation of liability set forth in section 6 and has accounted for the respective additional remuneration for the joint and several liability. h) Should Jones Lang LaSalle have assumed liability as against third parties for its valuation pursuant to section 6f) and 6g), this shall be done only on the basis of the following minimum fee rates per contract volume: Market value resp. Fair Value First party Second and subsequent parties For the first ten million euros 0.05% 0.02% per party For the following ninety million euros 0.025% 0.01% per party Thereafter 0.0125% 0.005% per party The percentage rates set forth above shall be applied to the determined market value respectively fair value of the real estate, which is defined in § 2 of Jones Lang LaSalle's "General Principles for Preparing Valuations and Reports". The above-mentioned rates do not include value added tax and shall be no less than € 500 per designated additional party. 7 Restriction on Use and Copyright Protection a) The Client guarantees that the valuations, reports, plans, drafts, sketches, tables and calculations prepared by Jones Lang LaSalle as part of the contract shall be used only for the contractually agreed purposes and may not be published in individual cases without Jones Lang LaSalle's express consent. b) Should the work produced qualify for copyright protection, Jones Lang LaSalle shall remain the author. In such cases, the Client shall be granted a limited, irrevocable, exclusive and non-transferable licence to use the work produced. 8 Return of Documents After settlement of all conditions agreed in the advisory, valuation or market research contract, Jones Lang LaSalle, on request of the Client, shall return all documents obtained from the Client in order to carry out the instruction. This does not apply to correspondence between the contractual parties and for copies made of the valuations, reports, plans, drafts, sketches, tables and calculations prepared as part of the contract as well as other documents, which Jones Lang LaSalle is legally bound to store or entitled to. The Advisor also has the right to make copies of these released documents for its files. 9 Confidentiality Jones Lang LaSalle will treat all business and operational secrets of which it becomes aware in the context of the contract and that are recognisable as such and all information indicated to be confidential as confidential, as long as this information is not required by law or public authority. The Advisor will only divulge reports, valuations and other results containing such information to third parties with the consent of the Client, unless required by law or public authority. 10 Payment Conditions a) The agreed remuneration will be payable immediately upon issue of invoice without any deductions. b) If there is more than one client, they shall be jointly and severally liable. c) A set-off of claims of the Advisor for fees and payment of costs is only possible with an uncontested and legally recognised claim. 11 Miscellaneous a) Rights under the contractual relationship with the Advisor may be only assigned subject to its prior consent. b) The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to the execution of all contracts relating to general advisory, valuation and/or market research services and all claims resulting thereof. c) If the contract has been awarded by a registered trader (“Vollkaufmann”), public-law legal entity or public-law fund, the place of jurisdiction is Frankfurt am Main. d) Should any individual clause of these Standard Terms of Business be deemed void, this will not affect the validity of any other parts of these Standard Terms of Business. The invalid provisions shall be replaced by that which lawfully most closely reflects the desired purpose. e) All amounts mentioned above are in euros and shall be subject to the legally valid Value Added Tax at the time of the work was executed, unless explicitly excluded. f) A copy of the internal complaints handling procedure can be made available on request. Andrew m. Groom MRICS International Director Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 78 60329 Frankfurt/M. Frank Rambow MRICS National Director Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 78 60329 Frankfurt/M. Norbert Schultek Senior Consultant Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 78 60329 Frankfurt/M. + 49 (0) 69 2003 1241 + 49 (0) 69 2003 1186 + 49 (0) 69 2003 1346