The Sheridan Press E-Edition C


The Sheridan Press E-Edition C
’ve been a collector of leaf,
lettuce and cabbage ware
for many years. There is
something neat about
serving a cold gazpacho in a
cabbage leaf bowl.
A beautiful salad looks
correctly “done-up” on a
salad plate of green vines
and leaves. And who could
resist a beautiful plate of
pasta primavera
served on
a dinner
plate that
the leaves
of the
lowly geranium. Not
Added to
the dinner
ware are a
of whimsical salt and pepper shakers that resemble
vegetables. Fat red tomatoes, skinny carrots and
bunches of broccoli finish
off a meal with personality.
Most of what I’ve collected
over the years came from
spur-of-the-moment purchases. You have to buy leaf
ware when you see it
because you don’t find it
often. I found several cornon-the-cob plates in the
shape of ears of corn several years ago at a thrift shop.
I was in tall cotton.
I don’t own a “formal” set
of expensive dishes. Instead
I have a dozen or so different sets of dishes that I mix
up and match when the
mood strikes or the thought
of serving Mexican food on
a beautiful blue and white
dish seems correct.
Pottery and porcelain
table wares in naturalistic
forms such as fruits and
vegetables were widely produced in England and
Europe throughout the 18th
and 19th centuries. A lot of
leaf ware that is now out
there comes stamped from
Portugal. There was an
American company, now
defunct, called Wannopee
Pottery, which produced lettuce ware in the late 1800s
and a more costly version
that was produced out of
Palm Beach, Fla., from the
‘60s through the ‘80s. Those
from Florida were a line
much prised by the C.Z.
Guests and Jackie Os of the
Completely out of my
reach, I remain thoroughly
satisfied with my outlet,
thrift store and tag sale sets
that continue to make me
smile and friends happy
when they are invited to
dinner, lunch or the occasional breakfast.
Susan Woody has been a home and garden writer
for more than 20 years and is an advanced master
Drive up your home's garage
appeal by giving it a complete overhaul
Manufacturers are
rolling out new garage
organizing options that can
transform it from a
catchall to a cleared car
park, as it was intended,
and much, much more.
"The garage can become
a neglected space in the
house," says Marc Shuman,
president of GarageTek, a
proprietary garage organizational company, based in
Melville, N.Y. "And it doesn't take long to load
garages with junk, to the
point where it can be hard
to park the car inside."
This means that keeping
the garage a clean environment can become a safety
issue, especially with children and seniors.
"You don't want paint
thinner, antifreeze and
sharp tools on the floor
where people or pets can
get hurt," Shuman says.
"The more you can get
things off the floor, the easier it is to organize the
GarageTek has been in
business for more than a
decade and has 60 domestic
territories with four international franchises.
Shuman implements
strategies he learned in a
previous job as a designer
of department store interiors, and applied those
same concepts to garage
Although GarageTek
sells individual organizational pieces, an entire
GarageTek personalized
system — as deemed by a
professional consultant —
can be completed in days.
This home's garage is so cluttered that access to the tool bench is completely blocked. Getting
organized will help all family members use the space efficiently.
For those homeowners
who know how they want
their garage organized,
home-improvement warehouses now have expanded
garage sections, with
choices of modular workbenches and cabinets on
wheels. And local hardware stores can still be an
excellent resource, selling
pegboards and vinyl-covered utility hooks, which
can be used to hang bicycles, support shelving or
large tools.
No matter the level of
your garage upgrade,
Shuman says the first step
to any home organizational
project is to clear away the
clutter. That means donating outgrown sporting
gear, disposing of unused
hazardous chemicals and
discarding broken items
that will never be fixed.
"One reason a garage
can get cluttered quickly
is that it can have many
uses -- a gardening shed,
sporting goods center,
workshop with tool bench
and storage unit," he says.
"Figure out how you want
the space to work and
divide it into zones to
organize like items together."
Working zones in the
garage can include:
— Tools — Start with a
tool bench to anchor the
space and add tool chests,
incorporating heavy-duty
tools safely into the space.
Mount most-used tools
onto the wall or into easily
accessible, clearly labeled
drawers or cabinets.
— Automotive — Store
motor oil, coolant and filters together in a cabinet
that's out of the reach of
children or pets.
— Sports Center — Ballhandling skills are easily
practiced when bins are
affixed to the wall. Hang
up everything from baseball bats to golf bags and
— Lawn and Garden —
Rolling bins can store potting soil, mulch and fertilizer. For the homeowner
with a green thumb, a potting station can anchor the
space with gardening tools
mounted on the wall.
— Storage — You only
have to look up to create
even more storage opportunities. Garage ceilings can
vault up to 14 feet, which
means a permanent platform, storage track system
and hooks can be installed
to keep items off the floor
for good.
— Trash/Recycling —
This zone should be close
to the garage door, since
these items will be brought
curbside at least once a
A garage can be an open
door into the family that
occupies the home, says
Shuman. "No organizational system can be successful
if it is overloaded with useless items.
Prevention, treatment of cedar-apple rust
edar-apple rust diseases can be very harmful
to the thriftiness of apple trees. If severe
infections of cedar-apple rust continue for
several seasons, apple tree death can be the
result. Damage to apple is brought about chiefly
by premature defoliation. Affected fruit are smaller, deformed, and undesirable for marketing.
On red cedar and ornamental cedar, Juniper
species cedar-apple rust can be harmful. Under
some backyard conditions where both hosts
(cedar and apple) are located close together,
both trees have been killed by this disease.
There is no repeating spore stage for either
host; therefore, the cedar-apple rust fungus can
persist only where both hosts are present.
On apple trees, the disease first appears on
the leaves as small greenish yellow spots which
gradually enlarge, changing to orange-yellow
and becoming surrounded at the border by concentric red bands. On the upper leaf surface,
the spots become stippled with black specialized fruiting structures. On the underside of
the leaf, lesions are formed and hair like projections can be observed. The leaf thickens
around these projections, causing the cuplike
appearance. These cuplike lesions can also
appear on immature fruit of apples, causing
dwarfing and malformation.
Cedar leaves are infected
during summer months, and
by June the following summer, small greenish brown
swellings appear on the upper
or inner foliage surface.
These swellings enlarge and
by autumn appear as chocoSCOTT
late-brown, somewhat kidneyHININGER
shaped galls. Each gall is covered with small circular
depressions. The somewhat
kidney-shaped galls vary
from one-sixteenth of an inch to over two inches across. The next spring, in moist weather,
the pocket like depressions in the galls put
forth orange horns. These horns are a gelatinous material that swells immensely and may
reach the size of a small orange
Control is most readily accomplished by
removing either host from the vicinity of the
other. The prevailing winds will affect the distance the hosts need to be kept apart to prevent
disease development. From one-quarter of a
mile to more than a mile distance is required.
In a backyard situation, it is possible in late
winter to remove all cedar-apple rust galls by
pruning them out of the cedar trees. To break
the disease cycle, galls have to be removed
before horns are formed. No benefit will be
received from this method if your neighborís
tree has cedar apple rust galls.
Apple trees can be protected from cedar-apple
rust by following a fungicide spray schedule
starting at blossom time and continuing at
seven-day intervals until the cedar galls have
stopped spreading spores. Control on cedars
can be obtained with a fungicide spray schedule from June through September at two-week
intervals. Many flowering crabapple varieties
are very susceptible to cedar-apple rust
Some apple trees are more resistant to cedar
apple rust than others, however if there is wet
weather in the spring the junipers and cedars
can be affected with the orange gelatinous
horns that seem to appear overnight. Now is
the time to be spraying these evergreens to prevent the cedar apple rust next spring. Next
spring is the time to start spraying to prevent
cedar apple rust on apples or crab apples.
Scott Hininger is with the Sheridan County Extension office.
One can make a
Senior Center recognized for veterans’ tribute wall
SHERIDAN — Lynn House, chair of the Wyoming State
Historical Society awards committee announced that the
Sheridan Senior Center received an Honorable Mention by
the society in its Education Project Category for the center’s project the “Sheridan Senior Center’s Salute to
Each November, the center’s salute to veterans displays a
brief interview and photograph from veterans in the lobby
of the Senior Center at 211 Smith St. The salute displays
written recorded interviews from area veterans who served
in World War II, the Korean Conflict and Vietnam.
Begun in 2005 or 2006, the salute to veterans’ service start-
ed with 20 interviews. By 2007, the tribute wall had grown
to 60 interviews and by 2012, 111 interviews were on display
at the Senior Center.
The tribute wall was the brainchild of Activities Director
Jane Perkins, who approached fellow staff member Shelly
Araas with the idea. Later, community volunteer Margaret
Pilch, PhD, joined to interview veterans each year.
“It’s turned into something very meaningful to a wide
audience of veterans and non-veterans,” Perkins said.
Senior Center representatives have been invited to attend
an awards luncheon on Septe. 7 in Torrington to receive
their award.
The society’s mission is to educate, support and foster the
study of Wyoming history.
Up With People
visits Sheridan
Senior Center
Delegates from Up With People
visited the Senior Center over the
lunch hour Tuesday. The ensemble visited organizations around
Sheridan while in town for their
performance at the WYO Theater.
Seniors find connections with family, community
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Relationships
with friends and family outweigh financial concerns among older Americans
seeking fulfillment in their senior
years, according to the second annual
United States of Aging Survey. When
asked what is most important to maintaining a high quality of life in their
senior years, staying connected to
friends and family was the top choice of
4 in 10 seniors, ahead of having financial means (30 percent).
For the 2013 edition of The United
States of Aging Survey, the National
Council on Aging (NCOA),
UnitedHealthcare, and USA TODAY
surveyed 4,000 U.S. adults including a
nationally representative sample of
seniors ages 60 and older. This year, for
the first time, the survey also included
a nationally representative sample of
adults ages 18-59 to provide contrasting
perspectives on aging and explore how
the country could better prepare for a
booming senior population.
Sunday — Roast turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy,
Caribbean vegetables, California fruit, raspberry bar
Monday — Meat and veggie pizza, three bean salad,
Mandarin spinach salad, mixed fruit, carrot cake
Tuesday — Chicken enchilada, seasoned black beans,
creamy green pepper salad, tropical fruit cup, Mexican
Wednesday — Parmesan fish, creamy parmesan risotto,
roasted asparagus, garlic roll, banana split dessert
Thursday — Barbecue beef sandwich, potato salad, crunchy
calico salad, fruit parfait
Friday — Garlic chicken, country vegetables, Italian pasta
salad, cantaloupe and honeydew, oatmeal spice cake
Saturday — Spaghetti with meat sauce, French style green
beans, focaccia, tossed green salad, grapes, peanut butter
The importance of
The survey finds
that seniors are driven by a desire for connectedness. More
than half of seniors
(53 percent) nationally indicate that being
close to friends and
family is important
and only 15 percent
report occasional
feelings of isolation.
Eighty-four percent
of seniors nationally
cite technology as
important to their
ability to connect
with the world
around them.
Seniors who report
experiencing feelings
of isolation and
depression express
less optimism regarding their future
health and quality of
life compared with
seniors nationally: 37
percent of isolated
seniors believe their
overall quality of life
will get worse in the next five to 10
years (compared with 24 percent of all
seniors), and 32 percent of isolated seniors believe their health will get worse,
compared with 23 percent of all seniors.
Low-income seniors also face challenges. While they cite technology as
important to staying in touch with family and friends (81 percent), issues of
technology access persist, with 47 percent of low-income seniors reporting
cost as a barrier to using more technology, and 48 percent indicating they have
trouble understanding how to use technology.
Getting the most from more golden
With life expectancies on the rise and
the centenarian population set to boom,
the survey reveals what seniors are
most looking forward to in their “bonus
years”—the years they may live beyond
the average U.S. life expectancy of 78.
More than 4 in 10 (41 percent) say seeing their children and grandchildren
grow up is the most exciting prospect of
living a longer life. One-fifth say spending time with friends and family will be
the best part of their bonus years, and
18 percent say they are excited to have
more time to do the things they enjoy.
The survey finds that seniors themselves are casting doubt on the famous
adage, “The older you get, the wiser
you become.” While 19 percent of
adults ages 18-59 believe aging means
becoming wiser, only 9 percent of those
ages 60 and older agree.
Perhaps that’s because both seniors
and younger adults share the belief
that “there’s no such thing as getting
old” because “age is a state of mind,”
statements with which 28 percent of
seniors and 27 percent of adults aged
18-59 agree.
For complete survey results, visit
ecently I circulated ad flyers that said “You
are 1 person, but YOU can MAKE A DIFFERENCE” for an upcoming garage sale
fundraiser to benefit our Alzheimer’s
Memory Walk this September.
It was no surprise to me to get the tremendous
support we got from people donating items for
the sale, making purchases at the sale, helping
set up, clean up and running the garage sale.
This is what the Sheridan community does —
we offer support where support is needed.
At the Senior Center I often
visit with people needing support in one way or another.
They may need a hospital bed
or leaky roof fixed, or they are
not making ends meet and cannot afford their medications.
We strive to know about
resources that meet the needs
of the people who come to us
for support.
On Sept. 19, 2013, at the
Third Thursday Street Festival
we will have our fourth annual
Community Resource Expo
where you can come for answers to questions
about an array of resources. You may need
information on adaptive equipment like
installing grab bars in your bathroom, or where
to get a ramp for your home, or where to get
rehabilitation after a serious illness. Maybe you
cannot drive to the library but love to read. Did
you know our library has a service that will
make home visits and bring books to you?
This Resource Expo is only once a year, so
what about other times that you need resources
and don’t know where to get them? Stop by the
Senior Center and if we do not have what you
need, chances are we can point you in the right
If you’re not connected with the Senior Center,
I’d like to take the opportunity to share a few of
the services we provide. I’ll start with the program I am most familiar with: The Family
Caregiver Program.
If you are someone who cares for another person — whether a family member or a friend —
you can find support in this program. We offer
intermittent respite and two caregiver support
groups each week. We have a resource library
for caregivers with books, videos and other support material.
Our loan closet has walkers, wheelchairs,
shower chairs and many other items that you
may borrow.
The In- Home Services program can help people remain independent in their home. We have
certified nursing assistants, overseen by a registered nurse, who provide care services in the
Our meals program serves delicious and
healthy meals 365 days a year in our dining
room at 211 Smith St. with a choice of the soup,
sandwich and salad bar Monday through Friday.
Wonderful volunteers deliver meals each day
to people who cannot come to eat at the Senior
Our activities program proudly states “We
Don’t ‘Do’ Activities…We Offer Experiences.”
Come check out all the activities we have to
Our Adult Day Break is open Monday through
Friday and offers care to your loved one while
the caregiver takes a much needed break or is at
Our mini buses get you where you need to go.
Buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts and
are accessible to anyone using a mobility device
or are unable to climb the stairs.
Staying active can help people stay healthy
and volunteering at the Senior Center is one
way to stay active. Our volunteer program offers
a variety of volunteer opportunities for anyone
at any age.
Keep us in mind when you are looking for
resources for yourself or someone else. Many of
our programs are available to people of all ages
— some are limited to people 60 years of age and
older. Call us or stop by for a cup of coffee or a
delicious lunch and if you hit the right day of
the week, you can even play BINGO!
We have the best Senior Center in the country!
STELLA MONTANO is the director of family caregiver support services at the
Sheridan Senior Center. She can be reached by calling 672-2240. “Center Stage is
written by friends of the Senior Center for the Sheridan Community. It is a collection of
insights and stories related to living well at every age.”
• The Senior Theater Players present
“The Creepy Corpse of Cal Capone” under
the direction of Erin Butler at the
Sheridan Senior Center, Aug. 22-24. All are
matinee performances in the Senior Center
dining room at 1:30 p.m. Free and open to
the public.
• The Iron Brotherhood is hosting its
Second Annual Poker Run to benefit the
Sheridan Senior Center’s Meal Program on
Aug. 31. Registration will be from 9:30-10:00
a.m. at Little Goose Liquors on Coffeen
Avenue. Cost is $10 a hand or $15 for two
hands. The route includes Little Goose
Liquors, the Mountain Inn in Dayton,
Parkman, Kirby and Trails End. The ride
ends at Little Goose Liquors with a barbe-
cue hamburger lunch for participants.
There will be raffle items including a pair
of tickets to a Broncos football game.
• Scholarships available for the Senior
Center’s Day Break service. Contact Barb
Blue at 672-2240 for information.
• The Wyoming Room’s “Tell Us” Oral
History project is scheduling interviews
with Sheridan County residents on past
everyday life activities, memorable events
or history from the individual participants’
involvement. If you have a story to tell —
or know of someone — call Lois Bell at the
Senior Center 672-2240 for more information. Stories will become part of the
Wyoming Room’s archives on Sheridan
County history.
Up With People
While time in the community is short, impact long lasting
SHERIDAN — Though the Up With People visit to Sheridan ends
tonight with a second and final performance of their show, the group’s
impact on Sheridan will be felt for a long time.
During the past week, the 100 cast members divided up projects for
local charitable organizations. Collectively, the group donated hundreds of volunteer hours to a half dozen local organizations.
“In Sheridan, the community impact aspect of the program is one of
the main reasons the sponsors, the Homer and Mildred Scott
Foundation, First Interstate Bank, Tandem Productions and the
extended Scott Family, brought the organization here,” said Misael
Oliver, a promotion representative with UWP. “Volunteering and a
commitment to the value of social responsibility have been core elements of the Up with People program for decades. UWP students have
performed an estimated three million volunteer hours worldwide.”
Local groups that benefited from the group’s donation of time
include Habitat for Humanity, Rehabilitation Enterprises of North
Eastern Wyoming, Children and Horses in PartnerShip, the Wyoming
Girls School, the Sheridan Dog and Cat Shelter and the Tongue River
Valley Community Center. UWP participants also spent time with seniors at the Senior Center and local nursing homes.
In addition, the group hosted a culture fair at Kendrick Park on
Thursday to introduce local residents to their cultures and traditions.
“We are excited because these are older youth volunteers than we
usually get and thus able to do a more complex project,” Sheridan Dog
and Cat Shelter Director Cel Hope said about the benefits the shelter
received from the volunteers. “We've been wanting to make elevated
beds for our cat cages for perhaps three years, but it is a big project
and requires carefully precise cutting and gluing. They also enjoyed
walking the dogs and interacting with the cats.”
“It’s very unique and it is really impressive,” added Matt Davis, executive director of Habitat for Humanity of the Eastern Bighorns, whose
organization had approximately 60 volunteers this week. “It is just
amazing. And the fact that Up With People not only entertains but also
integrates into our community is such a great, great thing for
Sheridan and all the communities they touch.”
The volunteers painted the interior of one house and the exterior of
another house under construction, helping the Habitat group achieve
their goal of providing four homes in the community this year.
As the group continues their world tour this fall, they will volunteer
at every community where they perform.
“Time's our greatest asset in life,” UWP member Tono Gonzalez of
Mexico said about what he enjoys about the volunteer aspect of the
“I really appreciate to have the opportunity to spend time with hundreds of people around the world and share with them what UWP is
about,” he said. “Almost always people appreciate what we are doing
and want to be part of it somehow.”
Up with People volunteers Apolline Mourlon Beernaert, left, of Belgium and
Ling Yue Li of China trace out cut lines on pieces of fabric for making elevated
cat beds Tuesday at the Sheridan Dog and Cat Shelter.
Film producing new passion
for ‘Twilight’ author
NEW YORK (AP) — When Stephenie Meyer’s name is
mentioned, most people think of her “Twilight Saga”
vampire books and films. But the author wants a new
audience as a film producer.
Meyer produced “Austenland,” starring Keri Russell
and based on the novel by Meyer’s friend Shannon Hale.
The film, directed by Jerusha Hess, opens in limited
release Friday.
Although Meyer was a producer for “The Twilight
Saga-Breaking Dawn” films and the movie adaptation of
her novel “The Host,” this is the first time she’s produced someone else’s work. She said in a recent interview that she got to be “a little bit more hands-on, a little more dirty” with producing duties.
“Austenland” is a romantic comedy about a single 30something woman (Russell) obsessed with Jane Austen
novels who spends her life savings to visit a British
Jane Austen theme park.
“We made a lot of mistakes and we learned a lot more
because we are allowed to make mistakes,” Meyer said
of her “Austenland” crew, adding that she was “surprised that it all worked out so well.”
Meyer said she enjoyed the “collaboration” and
“socialization” of producing and found a “different
kind of creative outlet.”
She described writing as “a very solitary thing you do
in a quiet room,” while producing is “something you do
in a room full of people shouting all the time.”
Up with People volunteer Miles Justice of Denver chips away Tuesday at the
Soldier Ridge Trail at the end of West Fifth Street. Justice and a crew of volunteers from Up with People worked with the Sheridan County Land Trust to dig a
series of rolling dips in the trail for water erosion control.
Kids help scoop up invasive snails
BELT, Mont. (AP) — Children in central Montana are helping to make a
dent in an invasive snail species while
trying to win prizes.
The Department of Agriculture’s
Pest Management Program is offering
two $1,000 gift certificates and two $500
gift certificates to a Great Falls bicycle
shop to the Belt-area kids who bring in
the most eastern Heath snails this
week. Grand prizes also include an
iPad mini.
Ian Foley with the pest management
program tells the Great Falls Tribune
the weeklong program won’t eradicate
the snails, which can be found in the
grass and in trees as well as the sides
of houses and garages. But he says it
will cut into the population and make
people aware of the invasive species
so any new infestations are reported
The snails are trouble because they
can take over an area and contaminate
agriculture commodities such as peas
and lentils, Foley said.
The snails mostly eat decaying plant
material, which makes them less of a
threat than pests such as grasshoppers
that will feed on crops, said Gary
Adams with the USDA’s Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service.
“The bigger concern is they are contaminants and when they reach high
populations they can clog up machinery,” Adams said.
The kids received a brief tutorial
about the snails Monday afternoon
and were reminded not to leave their
bags of snails out in the heat, or they
would stink.
Mature snails are about the size of a
dime and they have a brown stripe following the curve on their shells.
Brothers Hunter and Bridger Vogl
brought in a bag with 12.5 pounds of
snails on Monday, while 9-year-old
Gavin Olson brought in a pound. The
contest runs through Friday.
The snails collected during the
roundup will be taken to a steam sterilizer at the Great Falls International
Airport, where they will be killed and
then thrown away.
The U.S. Department of Plant
Protection and Quarantine gave the
state a grant to hold the roundup,
Foley said.
inspires army
of mini-mes
NEW YORK (AP) — A little
girl growing up today has no
shortage of strong female
role models — senators and
presidential candidates,
CEOs and astronauts, governors and secretaries of state.
And now, a female Wiggle.
Emma Watkins, the first
woman to join The Wiggles —
a sort of Australian fab four
of the preschool set — is
making her U.S. debut, kicking off a nationwide tour in
Philadelphia on Saturday and
starring in new episodes of
“Ready, Steady, Wiggle!” on
Sprout on Aug. 19.
In the Crayola-coded
Wiggles world, Emma is the
Yellow Wiggle, and on early
portions of the tour in
Australia and Canada, she
attracted enough tiny yellow
clones with enormous bows
on their heads that they
called it the Mini-Emma
“We’ve seen so many children arrive at the show
dressed like me, head to toe
with the big yellow bow, but
they’re not changing the size
of the bow so it’s bigger than
their heads,” Watkins said by
phone from Australia.
Watkins is joined in the
new version of the group by
original Blue Wiggle Anthony
Field and two fellow newbies:
Red Wiggle Simon Pryce and
Purple Wiggle Lachlan
Gillespie. But she’s clearly a
fan favorite: Tiny groupies
have given her so many bows
— yellow and pink, made
from pipe cleaners and cardboard — that she quips she’ll
need an extra room on her
house to hold them.
“Essentially we’re all role
models for boys AND girls,
but it’s really nice that girls
have a choice, I guess,” she
With their peppy dancing,
waggling fingers, exaggerated facial expressions and
maniacally catchy songs like
“Hot Potato” and “Fruit
Salad,” The Wiggles emerged
22 years ago and seemed scientifically engineered to
make a toddler, well, wiggle.
The new members were
announced last year and
joined the retiring original
Wiggles — Greg Page, Jeff
Fatt and Murray Cook — on a
farewell tour as “Wiggles in
Watkins, 23, grew up with
The Wiggles and sharing the
stage with Page, the original
Yellow Wiggle, she says, “I
just felt like I was 6 years old
again.” The first time
Gillespie sang “Twinkle,
Twinkle Little Star” with
Page, he cried.
Each new member came
from the touring cast of backup dancers and understudies,
but there was much Wiggly
wisdom to impart — Wiggly
fingers, Wiggly dancing,
Wiggly songs and instruments. And there was the
mentoring offstage, where
the new Wiggles hosted meetand-greets with children with
special needs.
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Sheridan, Wyoming
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Concrete Pumps • Local Charges will apply
307-673-1200 • 307-359-1550
Also - New Location in Buffalo!
Home Improvement Division
Kitchen & Bath Remodels, Landscaping, Garages,
Window Replacement, Flooring, Additions, Decks,
Patios, Siding, Insulation & Dirt-work.
“Immediate Response” services for Realtors!
Excalibur Construction, Inc. - Sheridan, WY - Since 1979
Hando’s Service Center
2275 Dry Ranch Road
Sheridan, WY 82801
CBM Operators • CBM Rig Hands
Since 1993
With spring quickly approaching,
be sure to call for your FREE tree evaluation .
Certified Arborist
Bonded & Insured
• Pruning
• Structural
• Hazard Tree • New Tree
• Dead Wooding • Diagnostics • Consulting
• Removals
All phases of landscaping
672-2842 • • 751-0388
Open to the Public 24 Hours a Day!
Automatic Car Wash
Soft Gloss Touch Technology
Behind Fremont Motors on Coffeen
Serving Sheridan
for 27 years
12 Big Horn Meadows Dr. • Sheridan, WY
Reliable & Friendly Service for Sheridan & Johnson Counties
• Asphalt Seal Coating
• Asphalt Crack Sealing
• Asphalt Patching
We are your trusted local contractor!
CALL BILL @ 752-6224
708 Carrington St
• Sheridan, Wy