(201)833-9225 E-Mail: tccs@tccsnj.org Website: www.tccsnj.org
(201)833-9225 E-Mail: tccs@tccsnj.org Website: www.tccsnj.org
563 Chestnut Avenue Phone: (201)833-9600 E-Mail: tccs@tccsnj.org Teaneck, NJ 07666 Fax: (201)833-9225 Website: www.tccsnj.org BACKPACK NOTICE – May 6, 2011 Dear TCCS Family, It was great to see so many of you at the Dinner Dance last night. TCSCO did a fantastic job of organizing this event and the positive atmosphere was appreciated as we laughed and danced the night away. Events like this are great reminders of who we are and where we came from. Honoring Doug Kupfer was needed and well deserved, and once again we want to THANK Doug for his dedication to TCCS and securing our new building. Please take note of the following important reminders: Announcements/Reminders • IMPORTANT: Please fill out the attached “Letter of Intent” and return it by Friday, May 13. This document is very important, as it will allow us to plan appropriately for the 2011-2012 school year. Thanks for your cooperation! • The next TCCS Board of Trustees Meeting is Monday, May 9th at 7:30pm. All community members are invited to attend. • At the Monday, April 25 TCCS Board of Trustees Meeting, our candidates for the 2011 Board election were announced. Please read the attached position papers from our candidates, Mr. Edward Pierce, Mr. Yoel Piney, and Dr. Kate Zatz. Please note that Mr. Piney’s position paper has been revised. • NJASK Testing for grades 3-5 will take place May 9-13. Please make sure that your student is well-rested during these dates. • Our Annual Hispanic Diversity program will be held on Friday, May 27. Please see the attached letter from Sra. Torres and visit http://tinyurl.com/hispanicprogramform to let her know what you can bring to the buffet. • Attached, please find some important documents from TCSCO regarding Family Disco Night, and the Lower School Dance Party. • Registration for Camp TCCS 2011 is open! Please visit the following link to register online: http://tinyurl.com/CampTCCS-Registration For staffing purposes, we need a definite number of campers, so please register as soon as possible! • REMINDER: June lunch menus are due on Wednesday, May 11. Have a great weekend… HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! -Mr. D- April 29, 2011 Dear Parents, We have decided to change the date for our annual “Cinco de Mayo”, Hispanic Diversity program at TCCS, because of testing! The program has been changed to May 27th 2011. The program will start at 9:30am and we will call it “Ven Bailalo” which means “Come and Dance!” Students have been working very hard and are very excited to perform for you! Even though this is a half-day we will still have our buffet style Spanish lunch! Please bring your dish by 10:30am for all grade levels. Please let me know what you can bring for the buffet by filling out the following form and submitting it via the web, or printing it and sending it in with your child. Suggestions: quesadillas, empanadas, arroz, diferentes carnes, etc. http://tinyurl.com/hispanicprogramform Each grade level will have certain colors to wear. Formal attire is preferred: Girls in dresses or skirts and boys with button down shirts and dress shoes or black tennis shoes are ok. Ks pink top and black bottom 1-2s orange top, black bottom 3-4s purple top, black bottom 5-6s white dress or white top black bottoms 7-8s red top black bottom 7-8-2 @ 7-8-4 boys need to wear suit jackets Feel free to e-mail me with any questions, Sra. Torres stores@tccsnj.org
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tccs@tccsnj.org Website: www.tccsnj.org
563 Chestnut Avenue
Phone: (201)833-9600
E-Mail: tccs@tccsnj.org