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Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Algiers (Algeria) Trade & Investment No. 48/Jul-Sep.2015 Introduction (Algeria). Renewable energies an emerging sector in Algeria, in which the Algerian government is investing. Dear readers, The Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( made available a new instrument “Drive” to facilitate investments in infrastructural projects which contribute to private sector development. This budget line is also open for Algeria. For more information see: - Hassi-Messaoud Oil and Gaz Exhibition 17-19 Nov 2015 HassiMessaoud, relative to hadrocarbons related activities where the government decided to invest USD 90 billion over 2015 – 2019. - Holland Pavilion at DJAZAGRO 18 – 21 April 2016, Algiers. The agrifood market in Algeria has a lot to offer for Dutch entrepreneurs. The annual Djazagro features 4 sectors: Bakery, Ingredients, Food Products, Process & Packaging. For registration in the Holland Pavilion on DJAZAGRO, please contact Mrs. Caroline Cramer: Other instruments to support Dutch SMEs doing business in Algeria: Past events: Two Dutch experts participated in a Summer School on Nanostructures and Applications that took place from 07 to 13 September 2015 in Algiers. The event was organized by the Algerian research center in semiconductors technologies (Centre de Recherche En Technologie des Semi Conducteurs Pour l'Energetique). As part of the bilateral cooperation project between Algeria and the Netherlands named “Green Water Credits”, two Dutch experts visited Algeria between 16 and 17th september to provid an extensive training on the use Green Water Credit Model and its use in the case of Algerian river basin. A closing conference was held at the end of the training in presence of Ambassador van Haaften and officials from the Algerian water resources and agriculture departments. Upcoming events: Some important international trade fairs will take place in Algeria where the Embassy plus some Dutch companies will be present: - International Exhibition on Renewable Energies (ERA), 26-28 Oct 2015, Oran For any of these events, should you need more information or have any suggessions please contact:, or see UPCOMING EVENTS below. For any need for info or help or should you have any suggessions please contact: Two CRTSE SSM N two Dutch ex Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 48 Jul-Sep.2015 Economy Algeria macroeconomic forecasts (Source : African Economic Outlook, May 2015) Algeria registers $8 bln trade deficit over Jan-july 2015 Algeria posted a trade deficit of $8.041 billion for the first seven months of 2015, reversing a $3.9 billion surplus a year earlier, due to a sharp fall in energy earnings after the global market crude prices slump, official data showed. That pushed down the coverage of imports by exports to 74% from 111 percent in the January-July period of 2014, according to customs figures. Oil and gas exports fell 42.08% to $21.559 billion in the first seven months of 2015, the data showed. The value of overall exports during the period fell 40.44% year-on-year to $22.924 billion, while imports declined 10.31 percent to $30.965 billion. Algeria has been implementing several measures to counter the oil price drop including trying to restrict imports. (Zawya, Aug 23th 2015, (Source : AtBank, March 2015) Algeria main foreign trade clients and suppliers, 1st Q 2015 Algerian dinar hits record low as central bank seeks to curb imports Algeria's currency has slipped to a record low against the U.S. dollar, a central bank source said, as falling crude prices more than halved vital oil revenues and hit public finances. The central bank, which keeps the dinar in a managed float to major currencies, had allowed the currency to depreciate to curb imports expected to reach $57.3 billion in 2015, exceeding exports by their widest ever margin. The dinar slumped to 105.84 to the dollar and 117.48 to the euro, the central bank source said. The dinar was estimated at 79.6 to the dollar in 2014. (Reuters, Aug 17th 2015, (Source : Algerian customs officers, May 2015) Algeria to cut spending by 9% next year over oil price slump Algeria’s government said in August it will cut spending by 9% next year due to the drastic fall in global oil prices. Algeria still has more than $150 billion in foreign reserves and little foreign debt, but it relies heavily on its oil and gas revenues for a vast welfare programme. The government had already announced a cut of 1.3 percent cut in 2015 budget after it said the fall in world crude prices would slash its energy earnings by 50 percent. Prime Minister Sellal said the 2016 cutbacks would not impact housing, health or education. He said the government still expects an economic growth Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 48 Jul-Sep.2015 at 4.6 percent in 2016, compared with an expected 4 percent for 2015. (Zawya, Aug 29th 2015, Bank of Algeria limits the external commitments of banks and financial institutions In an instruction dated 22 July 2015, the Central Bank set a new permitted level of banks and fincacial insittutions external liabilities. In force as of 1 August 2015, the level of external commitments signed by banks and financial institutions shall not exceed once their regulatory capital requirements as defined by the existing prudential regulations." (Liberte, Aug 3rd 2015, Algeria's Draft Finance Bill 2016 Algeria's Government has published the draft Finance Bill for 2016, which has the overall aims of increasing tax yields and decreasing expenditure. The main proposed tax increase is a rise in the VAT rate from the current 7 percent to 17 percent for certain supplies. This will apply to electricity in cases where the consumption is more than 125kw/hour, to provision of 3G services and to diesel fuel. In an effort to support local producers, import duties on a wide range of goods will be greatly increased, by amounts of up to 60 percent. This will affect certain foodstuffs, electronics and luxury cars. Drivers will see an increase in road tax and a new insurance tax applicable to diesel vehicles. (Memergent, Sep 9th 2015, The draft Finance Act 2016 examined by Council of Government The draft Finance Act 2016 was examined on 9 September before the Government Council. It provides for an overall budget of DZD 7 984 180 243 000 dinars . In 2015, the total state budget was DZD 8 858 036 424 000, which represents a decrease of 9.86%. This budget is allocated as follows: a budget of DZD 4 807 330 000 000 for operating expenses, down by 3.32%, while expenses for equipment (public investment) are equipped with a budget of almost DZD 3 176 850 000 000, down by 18.24%. Almost all ministries have their operating budgets reduced, sometimes significantly. (Qd’algerie, Sep 9th 2015, Algeria Additional Finance Act 2015 The adopted Additional Finance Act (LFC) 2015 contains several tax reform measures aimed at encouraging enterprise, and domestic manufacturing in particular. The original Finance Act 2015 set corporate income tax at 23 percent. The LFC increases the headline rate to 26 percent for most areas of activity, but reduces the rate for manufacturing to 19 percent. For tourism and BTPH construction activities (building, civil works and hydraulic), the rate remains at 23 percent. The tax on professional activities (TAP), currently levied at two percent of turnover, is reduced to one percent for manufacturing and 1.5 percent for construction. Measures aimed at boosting investment include an exemption from VAT for loans to buy real estate and a reduction in the notarial fees paid for business registrations and certain other legal processes. It also includes measures to tackle evasion. (Taxnews, Jul 27th 2015,, The government adopts a new legislation on public procurement The new regulation provides for the abolition the National Public Contracts Committees whose powers were transferred to the Sectoral Commissions at each ministry, but also some regional commissions of some institutions, according to a statement from the presidency quoted by the APS. This measure will be accompanied by the creation of three new institutions for a better management of public procurement: a Regulatory Authority of public procurement, an observatory of public order and national disputes settlement body. The presidential decree provides,also, for the introduction of a "greater responsibility" for those involved in public procurement while respecting the principles of freedom of access to public procurement, equal treatment of bidders and transparency of procedures. (Memergent, Jul 22nd 2015, Imports of used materials in the draft new Investment Code The draft new investment code provides in Article 6 that "are admitted as investments and eligible for benefits, goods, including used equipment in line with current legislation, constituting in kind external contributions relative to the implementation of an investment Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 48 Jul-Sep.2015 project or as part of a business delocalisation from abroad." (Memergent, Sep 30th 2015, Algeria launches tax amnesty to improve battered public finances Algeria launched a tax amnesty early August to boost battered government finances as it grapples with a 50 percent fall in oil revenue. Analysts estimate authorities lose $4 billion annually by tax fraud. The tax amnesty, aimed at ordinary Algerians who should pay income tax at 7 percent, will end in December 2016, the tax department said in a statement. Algeria’s oil and gas revenues are expected to fall this year to $34 billion from the $68 billion earned in 2014, while imports are forecast at $57.3 billion for 2015, exceeding by far exports for the first time. (Zawya, Aug 10th 2014, An agreement between customs officers and consignees to ascertain importers identity In order to identify the real owners of the goods and put an end to corrupt practices consisting of the import and the abandonment of goods in port areas, a Memorandum of Understanding for the exchange of information was signed on 30 July between the Customs Officers Directorate and the Association of Algerian shipping agents (Apama). (Econews, Jul 30th 2015, Capital flight and tax evasion hamper Algeria economy Capital flight was about $16 billion between 2004 and 2014 while tax evasion covers almost 50 billion. An average of $ 1,5milliards "leave" the country each year by illegal means. This repport was based on a US consulting firm specialized in monitoring capital flight, giving an annual average of USD1.5 billion illegally transferred outside Algeria. According to the report, Algeria is ranked 46th among the 151 countries concerned by the phenomenon of capital flight. The country experienced in 2012, a peak of $ 2.7 billion illegally transferred out of the country. The phenomenon of capital flight throw away real opportunities of development for the country. (Memergent, Jul 14th 2015, Algerian Customs and banks reinforce information exchange on foreign trade The main objective of the agreement is to further reduce processing time of foreign trade operations, control of statistical information on this area and to curb the phenomenon of fraud, the Minister of Finance said. (Memergent, Jul 28th 2015, The obligation to incorporate the NIF into the cargo declaration Operators and consignees have until October 15 to be in line with the new procedure, namely incorporate their tax identification number (TIN) in the cargo declaration. (Econews, Sep 3rd 2015, Think-Tank Nabni proposes an emergency plan for the Algerian economy Stoping ineffective and costly policy: 1) Move the programming of some major infrastructure projects and freeze the real expenditure growth until 2018. 2) Put an end to three major impediments to productive investment. 3) Interrupt undue subsidies, tax loopholes and other inefficient transfers to companies. Building the foundation for a transformed public action: 4) Initiate a jump in transparency and give access to public information. 5) Conduct a thorough reform of the governance of state assets and heritage. 6) Create a Public Governance School of world-class position to achieve a leap in modernization for senior management and public administration. Start the toughest reforms: 7) Initiate reform of the welfare systems by setting up a direct cash transfer program to the most needy. 8) Initiate a gradual and differentiated increase in prices of subsidized goods and services. 9) Introducing a new property tax in order to fund local communities, coupled with the removal of the tax on professional activity (TAP). Accelerating pending projects: 10) Operating banking reform. 11) Making a administrative simplification shock for businesses. 12) Changing the context of external trade: customs and trade policy. (ME, Jun 16th 2014, Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 48 Jul-Sep.2015 ENERGY Algeria oil, gas export volumes down 8.9 pct in Q1 –ministry Algeria’s oil and gas export volumes are continuing to decline, dropping 8.9% in the first quarter of 2015 from a year earlier, weakened by stagnant output and a sharp rise in domestic demand, the energy ministry said. Algeria’s government expects energy earnings will drop by 50% to $34 billion this year, mainly due to the slide in global crude prices. Overall oil and gas exports reached 23.4 million tonnes of oil equivalent in the first three months of 2015, a decrease of 8.9 percent from a year earlier, the energy ministry said in the latest edition of its magazine "Algeria Energy". Energy earnings fell by 44 percent to $8.7 billion, it said. Algeria’s National Statistics Bureau said natural gas exports dropped 17% to 27.44 billion cubic metres last year, while crude oil and condensate volumes fell 16% to 28.355 million tonnes in 2014. (Zawya, Aug 19th 2015, Algeria is reforming its laws to attract foreign investment in hydrocarbons Early this year, Sonatrach announced plans to spend $64 billion, or 70% of its total investment program from 2015 to 2018, in upstream activities to reverse the decline in crude oil and natural gas production in Algeria. Sonatrach set a target to increase gross hydrocarbon output from 1,429 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE) in 2014 to 1,649 MMBOE by 2019 (from 535 to 616 MMBOE of oil and from 894 to 1,034 MMBOE of natural gas). (Eia, Aug 4th 2015, Algeria boosts oil output by 32,000 bpd with two new fields Algeria has increased crude oil output by 32,000 barrels per day after starting production at two fields, an energy official said on 2 August 2015. Production increased when the Bir Sebaa field started producing 20,000 bpd in addition to 12,000 bpd from the Bir Msana field in Hassi Messaoud area. Algeria produced an average 1.1 million bpd in July, according to a Reuters survey. State energy firm Sonatrach has said it would stick to a plan to invest $90 billion over the next five years despite a crude oil price slump on global markets. Sonatrach holds 25 percent stake, Thailand's PTTEP 35 percent and Petrovietnam 40 percent in the Bir Sebaa field, where reserves are estimated at 758 million barrels. Sonatrach owns 25 percent stake, Malaysia's Petronas holds 35 percent and Spain's Cepsa 40 percent in the Bir Msana field, whose reserves are at 144 million barrels. (Reuters, Aug 2nd 2015, Algeria plans to raise gas output by 13 pct by 2019 Investment to increase its gas output was estimated at $40 billion, it said in the latest edition of its inhouse magazine Algeria Energy. The article gave few details on how or where it would increase output. "Natural gas production will increase by over 13 percent by 2019 to meet domestic demand and increase exports," the energy ministry said in the article. The government earlier this month said oil and gas export volumes dropped 8.9 percent in the first quarter of 2015.. (Zawya, Aug 31th 2015, Sonatrach diverts Europe gas to Asia Algeria’s Sonatrach expects to continue diverting gas supplies away from Europe towards Asia as it also explores potential new long-term supply deals with South American importers, a top official said. Algeria supplied around a fifth of Europe’s gas needs via pipelines, primarily to Italy, Spain and France, but is also the world’s seventh biggest producer of liquefied natural gas (LNG) which it exports on tankers around the world. But Sonatrach still sees limited opportunities in trading its LNG cargoes on spot markets, focusing instead on its long-term sales model, Sonatrach’s executive vice-president of marketing Mohamed Rafik Demmak said. "The problem in Europe is a lack of demand, so we can continue to play the arbitrage by reducing pipeline flows and increasing LNG exports," he said. Algerian piped gas deliveries to Italy halved several years ago and flows have since not recovered. (Zawya, Jun 2nd 2015, Reinvigorating the EU-Algeria energy cooperation In the aftermath of the 2014 Ukraine crisis the European Union revitalised its quest for Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 48 Jul-Sep.2015 security of natural gas supply. Pushing ahead with this plan, the EU commissioner for climate action and energy Miguel Arias Cañete visited Algiers on 5 May 2015 to launch together with the minister for energy and mines of Algeria Yousef Yousfia new highlevel political dialogue on energy matters. This new initiative aims to enhance the bilateral energy cooperation, in particular through the creation of two groups of experts, dealing respectively with natural gas and with electricity, renewables and energy efficiency. In this blogpost we will argue that, while natural gas currently represents the most important area of energy cooperation, the partners should focus their attention on energy efficiency and renewable energy. (Bruegel, Jun 9th 2015, France, Spain and Portugal look to unlock Algeria gas exports France, Spain and Portugal will seal an elusive political agreement early next week that is intended to increase exports of Algerian gas into Europe and further challenge Russia’s market dominance. The deal has been billed as a resolution to a long-running impasse around one of the EU’s most intractable energy bottlenecks: the Pyrenees. In energy terms, Spain and Portugal are in effect an island because French power companies have historically resisted the threat posed by crossborder flows of electricity and gas. (Ft, Jun 23rd 2015, West Europe's gas market will tempt Algeria The potential to open up Western European markets to Algerian gas will be tempting to Algiers, which is facing a widening trade deficit. Although Algeria has in recent years been reluctant to decrease prices (opting for less take or pay volumes instead), persistently low energy prices may force it to revise its outlook. Nevertheless, owing to its difficult political and business environment, Algeria will likely be slow to ramp up production. (Dailybrief, Jul 924h 2015, Atlas Oil and Gas prospects Algeria offshore oil potential Atlas Oil and Gas should be positioned on the undeveloped discoveries and identify proven petroleum basins in the sea, referring to the coasts of Oran and Béjaia where a hydrocarbon potential is to be prospected. (Reporters, Jun 2nd2015, Sonatrach's negotiates to exploit the Tunisian phosphate fields Algerian government is preparing to enter the oil market and the Tunisian metals soon, and invest in the field of mining. Energy, Industry and Mines Ministries prepare the negotiations with the Tunisian party for the exploitation of phosphate deals, and specifically the "Kef" deal, which is still frozen. Echorouk learned that the government is seeking to develop the exploration capabilities in the field of minerals and hydrocarbons soon, across a number of African countries, and initiated negotiations for some time, with Tunisian officials to obtain the exclusivity of the deal for exploring phosphate in the border area of Kef, which is likely to be realized in partnership between Sonatrach group and a Tunisian company. (Gulfoilandgas, Jun 1st2015, GDF Suez says natural gas discovery made in southeast Algeria French utility GDF Suez said that gas had been discovered in the Illizi basin, where the company holds a 20% licence alongside operator Repsol with 52.5% and Enel with 27.5%. Sonatrach is to participate with a 51% stake in the development and productions phases. GDF Suez said that a successful test produced a gas flow of 175,000 cubic meters per day. "Appraisal work will be conducted later to assess the size of the discovery," the company said in a statement. The Illizi licence is GDF Suez’s second in the country where its Touat project in the southwest is in the development phase and due to enter production in 2017. (Zawya, Apr 20th 2015, RENEWABLE ENERGY Algeria raises renewable energy targets New energy minister Salah Khebri, announced plans to raise the electricity generation from renewables to reach to 37%. Khebri estimates the increased use of renewables and improvement in energy efficiency could lead to savings of up to $42bn over the next 15 years, with $60bn worth of investment planned. Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 48 Jul-Sep.2015 Interest in renewables has been heightened by rapidly growing domestic consumption. Gasfired generators produce 98% of Algeria's electricity. Electricity consumption rose by roughly 10% per annum in the three years to 2012, according to the US Energy Information Administration. (Zawya, Aug 31st 2015, Algerian ENIE to open 25 MW solar panel factory Algerian state-owned electronic components producer Entreprise nationale des industries electroniques (ENIE) will open a 25 MW production site for photovoltaic (PV) cells and panels in several weeks time, the company's CEO Djamel Bekkara said. Controlled by the industry ministry, ENIE has invested DZD 2 billion (USD 20.1m /EUR 18m) to equip the factory with an automated line supplied by US firm Spire Semiconductor. The plant, located at ENIE's site at Sidi Bel Abbes, western Algeria, will initially have an output of 25 MW per year and in a second phase expansion it will add solar wafers to its production. According to national news agency APS, the step-like Hauts Plateaux region in the northern part of the country and the South will welcome twenty-three solar power plants with a combined capacity of 343 MW by the end of 2015. (Seenews, Jul 30th 2015, National Energy Efficiency Program Algeria (2015-2030) Meeting this program with various actions and projects, should enable the emergence of a sustainable market of energy efficiency in Algeria. The economic and social effects from the integration of the energy efficiency in various businesses are multiple. The program focuses on the sectors of consumption which have a significant impact on energy demand. It is mainly about the department of transport and industry. This program applies to bulding , transports and industry. (Cder, Aug 11th 2015, INFRASTRUCTURE Algeria remains committed to housing plans Despite the weight of falling oil and gas prices, Algeria’s government has pledged to continue supporting its social programmes in key areas like housing, even as it unveiled further spending cuts at the end of August. Building new homes is a priority issue for Algeria’s leaders, following several years in which demand regularly outstripped supply. According to the Ministry of Housing, the social housing shortage was last estimated at 720,000 units. Several factors have contributed to the deficit, including an expanding population, which is forecast to reach 40m by the end of the year, according to the national statistics office, up from 25m in 1990. Urbanisation is also gathering pace, particularly in the northern coastal areas. Due to social pressure, the government pledged for ambitious plans to eliminate the housing deficit by 2019. (OBG, Sep 29th 2015, Algeria’s transport sector remains on track The transport sector in Algeria has undergone a strategic reorganisation in recent months, with the appointment of a new head of the Ministry of Transport (MoT) in May and the imminent rollout of the country’s latest fiveyear development plan, to run through to 2019. While lower oil revenues are likely to impact funding for less essential projects, the government remains committed to maintaining capital investment in the sector, with AD832.7bn (€7.7bn) to be earmarked for the MoT under the new five-year plan, according to the new minister of transport, M. Talai. (Aps, Jun 28th 2015,, Algeria new Trade Port project valued at DZD200 billion The Port project is to be carried out between the towns of Cherchell (Tipaza) and Tenes (Chlef), has been estimated at about DZD200 billion, Minister of Transport Boudjema Talai told APS. He added the major facility project, of which the detailed design study is still under way, will be executed in three stages over ten years, and will not be financed by the government, other funding modes are being examined with regard to the economic nature of ports activities. According to forecasts, maritime traffic in this area is expected to reach 35 million tonnes of goods a year and two million 20-foot containers a year. (Aps, Jun 28th 2015, Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 48 Jul-Sep.2015 GEFCO buys out IJS Global, a Dutch flagship of air and sea freight With the acquisition of IJS Global, GEFCO is bolstering its expertise in air and sea freight in order to become a key player in the sector. based in Amsterdam, IJS Global has around 500 employees and is recognised as a specialist in air and sea freight operations. IJS Global boasts a high level of expertise in several key goods transport sectors: pharmaceuticals, hightech products, fashion, the oil and gas industry, aerospace, and humanitarian action. Thus, Gefco is consolidating its positions in China, South-East Asia, and the United States, and expanding its customer portfolio, particularly in the fields of pharmaceutics, high-tech products and humanitarian action. Gefco is present in 150 countries, including Algeria. (Gefco, Sep 23rd 2015, Azerbaijan can use Algerian ports for its gas transport to Europe Azerbaijan can get access to the Trans-African gas pipeline to transit its gas to Europe through Algerian ports, Azerbaijani ambassador to Algeria Mahir Aliyev told Trend. Algeria has two huge ports that transport liquefied and natural gas and Azerbaijan can use them, said the diplomat. Algeria ranks 13th-14th in the world for the production volume of oil and gas. Algeria supplies gas to many African and European countries. A delegation led by Ahmed Messili, Algerian governor for OPEC, secretary general of the country’s Ministry of Energy visited Baku in April 2015. (Gulfoilandgas, Jun 1th2015, ArcelorMittal & IMETAL agree to restructure shareholdings ArcelorMittal and IMETAL, an Algerian stateowned company, have reached an agreement to restructure the shareholding of ArcelorMittal Algeria, ArcelorMittal Pipes and Tubes Algeria and ArcelorMittal Tebessa. The restructuring follows the Algerian government's strategy to ensure the promotion and development of the national steel industry and to promote self-sufficiency in steel. It is also aligned with ArcelorMittal's strategy of asset portfolio optimisation, an official statement said. (Ecotimes, Oct 7th2015, Arab Contractors executing $186.4mn giant projects in Algeria Egyptian leading construction firm, Arab Contractors is currently carrying out a group of giant housing and industrial projects in Algeria, groups chairman said. Arab Contractors is building three new cities which will provide around 4,500 housing units as part of the Algerian government's urban development scheme.The total cost of the Arab Contractors' underway businesses in Algeria is US$186.4 million. (Zawya, Aug 17th2014, AGRICULTURE A national labelling comittee for foodproducts created A national committee for the labeling of Local food products was set up in July 2015, in order to support farmers in the process of guaranteing the origin or the quality of their products. The role of this committee is to work with producer and breeder associations to be able to mark, in light of distinctive signs of quality, the origin of food products. (Memergent, Jul 31st2015, Algeria's last wheat purchase came to about 700,000 tonnes – trade Algeria's state grains agency OAIC bought between 700,000 and 725,000 tonnes of optional-origin milling wheat in a tender last week, more than initially reported, European traders said. Traders had initially cited a volume of at least 400,000 tonnes, with some pointing to 500,000 tonnes or above. As reported unveiled, OAIC paid around $238 a tonne, including cost and freight, for the wheat, traders said. Some traders said the entire volume was for shipment in September, the period specified in the tender, but others said the size of the purchase suggested some of the wheat would be shipped in October. France, Algeria's main wheat supplier, was seen as the most likely origin although some traders also said German wheat could be chosen as well. (Zawya, Jul 7th 2015, Algeria's grain harvest up 14.3 pct from last year –agency Algeria’s grain output reached 4 million tonnes for the 2015 harvest season, up 14.3 percent from last year, the head of the country's Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 48 Jul-Sep.2015 grain agency (OAIC) said, according to APS state news. Algeria has implemented measures to increase output, including boosting storage, providing incentives for farmers to apply more fertilisers and the use of more certified seeds. Its grain imports rose 13.9 percent in the first seven months of 2015 from a year earlier, following last year’s bad harvest. An official said soft wheat production accounted for only 1 percent of total cereal output for 2015, which he described as satisfactory. Algeria is aiming to boost grain production to an average of 6.7 million tonnes in the 2015 to 2019 period. (Zawya, Aug 25th 2015, Algeria through the Eyes of its suppliers With its imports now exceeding the 70 million quintals per year, according to the Algerian statistics office for 2014, Algeria is the second largest wheat importer in Africa and among the top ten largest importers in the world. With so many needs, the Algerian market is naturally eyed with a particular attention by producing countries. (Econews, Aug 3rd 2015, Dairy products, sugar imports drop in first five months The import bill of dairy products (powdered milk, butter and cream) and sugar (beet sugar, cane sugar, lactose syrup and solid lactose) dropped during the first five months of 2015. Dairy product imports amounted to US$ 519.06 million in first five months of 2015 against US$ 840.86 million during the same period in 2014, down by 38.27%, announced the Algerian Customs' National Centre of Data Processing and Statistics (CNIS). Algeria imported 172,940 tonnes between January and May, against 165,567 tonnes during the same period in 2014, up by +4.45%. Sugar import bill totalled US$365.7 million during the first five months of 2015, against US$403.18 million during the same period a year earlier, down by 9.3%. Between January and May 2015, Algeria's food imports, which represent 19.23% of the overall imports, amounted to US$ 4.3 billion against US$ 4.7 billion during the same period of 2014, down by 8.65%, said the CNIS. (Elmoudjahid, Jun 30th2015, Iran, Italy to build date processing unit in Algeria Iran and Italy are to cooperate in building a date processing unit in Algeria. Iran eyes an active presence in world markets through contribution in the project. A document was signed by the Iranian Ambassador to Algeria Reza Ameri and the Algerian Commerce Minister Amara Benyounes. Based on the agreement, Iran is to contribute technical and technological assistance to the project. (IRNA, Jun 20th 2015, National database on animal by April 2016 A national animal database will be developed by April 2016 in the faremwork of a twinning project between Algeria and the European Union in the veterinary field. (Eeas.europa, Jun 14th 2015, Expensive animal feeding causes the loss of 50% of livestock The high cost of animal feed and fodder is an obstacle for the development of cattle breeding and milk production. And the massive loss of the dairy cattle population is one of the serious consequences of the current crisis the farmers face because of rising feed prices. (Econews, Aug 1st 2015, Spain Algeria Reinforce Cooperation on Agriculture and Fisheries The Spanish and Algerian governments have signed two agreements to improve their collaboration over agriculture and fisheries. The programmes were signed under the Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighbourliness and Cooperation between Spain and Algeria, with the aim of contributing to the socio-economic development of both countries. The Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment and Algeria's Minister of Foreign Affairs signed the agreements in a ceremony held in Madrid. (Fishsite, Jul 29th 2015, WATER Algeria water priority themes for 2015-2019 A total budget of DZD 1,500 billion is dedicated for the whole 2015-2019. The water sector plan over this period aims at: Additional water resources for the agricultural sector with the opportunity to use desalinated Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 48 Jul-Sep.2015 sea water. Authorities target two million hectares of irrigated land by 2020. This will be achieved through the mobilization of 1.2 billion m3 more, otherwise 16% of current capacity, in order to meet the needs in drinking water and support for agriculture, as explained by Director of planning at the Ministry of water ressources and environement, Mrs Fadila Hamdaoui. So, it is planned the extension of irrigated areas by up to an area of 2,136,000 hectares. In terms of drinking water supply, it is planned to achieve 2,440 km of pipeline per year and the construction of 17 processing stations; 136 reservoirs and the rehabilitation of 1,680 km / year of water pipe, to improved public water supply and eliminate the frequency distribution of every-second-day. For sanitation, it is expected the realization of 60 STEP and lagoons with a treatment capacity of 4 million Population equivalents, 6,000 km of sewer collection pipes, the protection of 200 localities against floods and Development 300 km of river beds. The rehabilitation and expansion of water supply systems, sanitation and protection of cities against floods to ensure access for water and sanitation to all. The implementation of an asset management for water infrastructure to ensure their sustainability and optimize the performance of water management operators, as well as the consolidation of water governance through institutional, legal and organizational provisions. (El-Moudjahid, Jul 20th 2015, Berrached, CEO of Philips Healthcare for the Maghreb region, explained that Philips offers its modern equipment needed almost all along the treatment process of cancer patients. (Liberte, Oct 12th 2015, AstraZeneca takes its emerging markets push to Algeria with $125M expansion British pharmaceuticals giant AstraZeneca plc signed a deal with private Algerian firms Salhi and Hasnaoui to build a $125 million (112 million euro) plant, the partners announced. The AstraZeneca al-Djazair plant, due to be operational in October, will produce medicines to treat cardiovascular and gastroenterological diseases, as well as cancer and diabetes, a statement added. The two Algerian companies will hold a combined 51 percent of the venture, and AstraZeneca the balance. A total of 141 new production facilities are now being built in Algeria, adding to 75 already in existence, according to the health ministry. Algeria imported 1.9 billion euros worth of pharmaceuticals last year, with local production accounting for 40% of the market. (FiercePharm, Jun 5th 2015, Cipla to establish a JV plant with local Biopharma in Algeria Drug major Cipla has inked a pact with local Biopharma SPA for establishing a joint venture company in Algeria to manufacture and market respiratory products. In February this year, the company had inked a binding term sheet with the company's existing partner, Biopharma. (Ecotimes, Oct 7th 2015, PHARMACEUTICALS SERVICES Philips Healthcare announces its return on the Algerian market In order to equip the many anti cancer centers conceived to accommodate the growing number of patients in Algeria, the world leader for healthcare equipment and services Philips, announced its return back on the Algerian healthcare market with a range of solutions to support the Algerian comprehensive cancer control program (PNC). As such, Philips is back to offer innovative solutions and highquality equipment , that will be of a major contribution to provide better care for the treatment of cancer patents in Algeria. At a press conference hosted 11 ocotober by Nissal Implementation of new incentives for tourism investment in algeria The Ministry of National Planning, Tourism and Craft Industry launched, in September, the implementation of incentive measures for tourism investment projects, approved during the meeting between Prime Minister and walis (governors) in August, an official said. "Strict instructions" were given to tourism provincial directors on the implementation of the incentives, with the mobilization of all the required technical resources to ensure the prompt processing of investment applications," he said. Walis have all the prerogatives and work in coordination with the directors in Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 48 Jul-Sep.2015 charge of investment applications to identify the sites for these projects, especially in the sector of tourism, the same official added. The Ministry has approved 1,000 tourism projects, which will help create over 50,000 jobs. (Bdigest, Sep 28th 2015, MADE IN HOLLAND New Suez Canal project finished with record-breaking dredge production On 6th August 2015, the New Suez Canal was officially opened. Dutch minister of Infrastructure and Environment Mrs. Melanie Schultz van Haegen headed a diverse, senior Dutch delegation to attend the inauguration of the New Suez Canal. The Netherlands is a proud contributor to the project with two Dutch dredging companies, Boskalis and Van Oord, working on site. The Dutch delegation encompasses senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment. Ambassador of the Netherlands to Egypt Mr. Gerard Steeghs also participated in the event. The consortium composed of 4 companies was tasked with dredging a 35 km long New Suez Canal that runs parallel to the existing canal; dredging a record breaking 200 million m3 of sand, clay and rock in less than 9 months. (Dws, Aug 6th 2015, Dutch solutions for solar challenges The Dutch have really made a difference when it comes to shifting boundaries in the solar PV sector. Famous research institutes such as ECN and TNO as well as the Universities of Delft, Eindhoven, Utrecht, Groningen and Nijmegen can take credit for a number of international patents. The high level of knowledge is also due to national and international collaboration, such as with the Solar Energy Application Center and Solliance, as well as collaboration with important R&D institutes in Europe, Asia and the United States. Multinational companies such as Philips and ASML are the origins of startups that focus on the Solar PV sector yet keep, their links to the semi-conductor industry. (Hollandtrade, 2015, Holland's key sectors Get a visual overview of Holland's key sectors with this series of infographics: Agrifood: Horticulture: Hith Tech: Logistics: Water: Life sciences: Energy: Business: Chemicals: (Hollandtrade, 2015, Did you know? Worldwide ranking •1st in production and auctioning of cut flowers and flower bulbs •1st in number of broadband connections per 100 inhabitants •1st in density of road network •2nd largest exporter of agricultural products •2nd in Quality of Water Transportation •4th largest seaport •4th in Logistics performance index •5th most competitive economy in the world: Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013 •5th in overall export of goods •5th in investment abroad •6th most innovative country: Global Innovation Index 2012 •7th largest importer of goods •8th in foreign direct investment in the Netherlands•10th in export of commercial services •10th in import of commercial services (Hollandtrade, 2015, Publications Here's Holland Yearbook: Made in Holland magazine: Holland Compared: Opportunities for Dutch enterpreneurs worldwide: ers/ministerie-buitenlandse-zaken. Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 48 Jul-Sep.2015 UPCOMING EVENTS 26 – 28 Oct 2015 18 – 22 Nov 2015 SITP- Public Works and Construction Machinery International Exihibition, 18-22Nov 2015 Safex, Algiers Renewable Energies International Exhibition, 26-28 Oct, Oran (Algeria) Contact : Algier Myriade Communication Bt A2 Hayel Wafa, Said Hamdine 16400 Alger, Algérie Tel: +213 (0)21 541483 10 – 14 Nov 2015 e-LOGIA 2015 : Salon International de l Immobilier , logements et Maison inteligentes Contacts : Centre des conventions d'Oran - Tél : +213 21 28 29 98 - Fax : +213 555 284 423 17 – 19 Nov 2015 5éme édition Hassi Messaoud Oil and Gas exhibition 17 - 19 NOV 2015 Contact : Palais des expositions, Pins Maritimes, Alger T : +21321210123/30 F: +21321210540 18 – 22 Nov 2015 AGRO EXPO 2015 : Salon International de l Agriculture Contact : Palais des Expositions, Pins Maritimes - AlgerRoute de Bouchaoui, BP16 Ouled Fayet Alger-Algérie Tél : :+213 (0) 70 90 88 88 /+213 (0) 70 91 77 77/+213 (0) 21 38 62 32 - Fax : +213 (0) 21 38 62 29 7 – 10 Dec2015 Salon « Djazair OIL & GAS » For the development of chemical and petrochemical industries, Palais des Expositions – Alger Contact : Centre Commercial Rayen N°14 – 27, Rue le Valois Bouzaréah – Alger Tel: 00 213 664 31 19 32 Fax : 00 213 23 256 083, 1 – 4 Fev 2016 Contact : 06 Route de Sidi Youcef Beni Messous, Alger-Algérie. Site Web : Tél : + 213 770 61 08 61 & +213 770 70 94 89 & + 213 550 46 88 98 Fax : + 213 23 23 67 74 E-mail 1 : E-mail 2 : 18 – 22 Nov 2015 FOODEXPO 2015 : Agrofood, agriculture Pollutec- Water management technologies, 1-4 Fev 2016, Safex Algiers Symbiose Communication Environnement 1, rue Bachir Attar, Maison de la Presse, Alger Courrier : BP 72 Hassiba Ben-Bouali, Alger Tél. : + 213 (0) 21 67 57 50 Fax : + 213 (0) 2166 99 89 15 – 18 Feb 2016 Contact : Palais des Expositions, Pins Maritimes - Alger 38, Rue de la Gaité El Madania - Alger Tél : + 213 (0) 560 924 344 - Fax : + 213 (0) 21 383 414 Algeria Infrastructure and Transports, 15-18 feb 2016, Safex, Algiers Symbiose Communication Environnement 1, rue Bachir Attar, Maison de la Presse, Alger Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 48 Jul-Sep.2015 Courrier : BP 72 Hassiba Ben-Bouali, Alger Tél. : + 213 (0) 21 67 57 50 Fax : + 213 (0) 2166 99 89 18 – 21 Apr 2016 Holland Pavilion at DJAZAGRO 18 – 21 April 2016, Algiers Contact: Mrs. Caroline Cramer: Exhibition website: 23 – 25 May 2016 Ogex 2016- Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals, 23-25 May 2016, Cenvention center Meridien Oran Symbiose Communication Environnement 1, rue Bachir Attar, Maison de la Presse, Alger Courrier : BP 72 Hassiba Ben-Bouali, Alger Tel. : + 213 (0) 21 67 57 50 Fax : + 213 (0) 2166 99 89 Official agenda of Algerian participation in international trade fairs abroad for 2016 For the official agenda of the participation of Algeria in international trade fairs abroad for year 2016 see : USEFUL LINKS ALGERIA Frequetly Asked Questions by investors - Ministère du Commerce: - Ministère de l’Energie: - Ministère des Ressources en Eau et de l’Environnement: - Ministère de l’Industrie et des Mines: - Ministère de l’Agriculture et du Développement Rural: - Direction Générale des impôts: et - Direction Générale des Douanes: - Agence Nationale de Développement de l'Investissement: - Chambre algérienne de commerce et d'industrie: - Office Nationale des Statistiques: - Office National du Tourisme: - Portail du tourisme algérien: - Air Algérie: - Algérie Ferries: - Transport maritime (SNTM/CNAN): - Société Algérienne des Foires et Exportations (SAFEX): - Foires et salons: - Portail algérien des énergies renouvelables: Sites B2B - Made in Algeria: - Réseau des entreprises algériennes: Websites for tenders - - Oil and Gas: - Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 48 Jul-Sep.2015 - Healthcare: s_algeria.htm Algeria market info: invest.html he-world-factbook/geos/ag.html NETHERLANDS - Netherlands Enterprise Agency RVO (former NL Agency/Agentschap NL): (NL) or (EN) - Netherlands Foreign Investments Agency (NFIA) : - Port de Rotterdam: Embassy The Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers is open from Sunday to Wednesday from 08:00 to 16:30 and on Thursday from 08:00 to 14:00 throughout the year, excluding the Algerian and Dutch public holidays. The consular section is open from Sunday to Thursday from 9h00 to 12h00. The Embassy is closed every Friday and Saturday (weekend). Adress: 23, Chemin Cheikh Bachir ElIbrahimi, 16030 El-Biar ou BP 72, 6030 ElBiar (Alger) T: +213 21 92 28 29 F: +213 21 92 29 47 W: Linkedin group for Dutch-Algerian trade: For your suggestions and/or comments please contact our economic section: -Rene Spitz Deputy Head of mission in charge of economic affairs - Djilali Tahar-Belkacem Trade assistant - Abdellah Fekiri Agricultural assistant AVERTISSEMENT: le contenu de cette lettre d’information ne reflète en aucun cas la position de l'Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger. Elle se compose d’une sélection d'articles publiés dans la presse nationale et internationale et dont la source est clairement indiquée.
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