Algeria - Ambassade du Royaume des Pays


Algeria - Ambassade du Royaume des Pays
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Algiers (Algeria)
Trade & Investment
Dear readers,
Our Embassy has the pleasure to inform you
that the new Ambassador of the Kingdom of
the Netherlands, Mrs. Willemijn-van van
Haaften, presented her credentials to the
President of the People's Democratic Republic
of Algeria on 16 November 2014, accrediting
her as Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands to Algeria.
Economic Section
The Embassy present at major up-coming
exhibitions (Agrofood, Water, Energy)
In 2015, several major trade fairs are planned.
The Netherlands Embassy in Algiers aims to
be present with a stand at:
- DJAZAGRO Algiers 20-23 April 2015,
the crossroad for agrofood industries;
- POLLUTEC 25-28 May 2015, Oran
The international exhibition of water
equipment, technology,
waste management and services.
- Oil & Gas Exhibition, 03 - 06 March
2015 Algiers, Algeria: 5th Edition Oil &
Gas Products and Services.
For other major exhibitions in Algeria see the
bottom of the newsletter.
Holland pavilion at Djazagro 2015
NCH (Netherlands Council for Trade
Promotion) is pleased to invite you to
participate in DJAZAGRO international trade
Fair, which will be held from 20th to 23rd April
2015, in Algiers, Algeria.
The exhibition is dedicated to all issues of the
agricultural and food industries, for detailed
information go to:
For more information and registration, please
contact Ms. Caroline Cramer via +31 70 344
1521 or
No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
Algeria: Sanitary safety of packaging and
material in contact with food and prevention of
packaging waste, see:
(, Sep 26th 2014,
Algeria: Support to the National Organization
for Technical Control of Public Works in the
enhancement of planning and certification
system for road and aviation transport, see:
(, Sep 23rd 2014,
Algeria: Support to the National Organization
for Technical Control of Public Works in the
field of road management, see:
(, Sep 23rd 2014,
EU initiative to launch call for transnational
research projects on energy and water, see:
ERANETMED, an EU initiative aiming at
coordinating research activities, has preannounced the first joint call for transnational
research projects. The objective is to develop
joint research and to enhance new innovative
approaches and technologies in the
Mediterranean region.
The scope of the call includes renewable
energies and energy efficiency, management of
water resources, or a combination of water and
energy issues in the same project. The call is
co-funded by Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France,
Jordan, Greece, Germany, Italy, Lebanon,
Malta, Portugal, Tunisia, Turkey and Spain.
Project consortia must comprise project
partners from at least three different countries,
of which at least one from an EU Member
State/Associated Country and one from a
Mediterranean Partner Country.
Four groups of activities can be supported:
collaborative research, innovation, capacity
building and mobility.
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
The Secretariat of the Union for the
Mediterranean (UfM) is a member of the
steering committee of ERANETMED, which is
funded by the European Commission’s 7th
Framework Programme. ERANETMED’s
objective is to strengthen collaboration and
common capacity of research programme
owners from the above countries to address
some of the major challenges that the
Mediterranean is facing and to strengthen
Euro-Mediterranean research co-operation.
The ERANETMED 1st joint call will be
launched on 1 November 2014 with a deadline
for submission of proposals on 31 January
2015. (EU Neighborhood Info Centre)
(INPE-info, Aug 29th 2014,
EU Cooperation instruments with Algeria in
which Dutch enterprises can participate via
Dutch instruments for private sector
Algeria macroeconomic forecasts
(Source : Africamonitor, August 2014)
National consumer price index for
september 2014:
The industrial producer price index for 3 rd
and 4th Quarter 2014:
2015 Finance Law adopted by MPs
The National People's Assembly (Lower
House- APN) adopted the Finance Bill 2015 at
a plenary session chaired by Speaker Larbi
Ould Khelifa, on 29th October, in the presence
of Finance Minister Mohamed Djellab.
Adopted by the majority, this bill provides for
budget revenues of 4,684.6 billion DZD and
public expenditure of 8,858.1 billion DZD,
representing a budgetary deficit of 4,173.3
billion DZD, or 22.1% of GDP. This bill
foresees an economic growth of 3.42% and of
4.25% out hydrocarbons, and variation of the
consumer price index of 3% against 3.5% in
(APS, Oct 29th 2014,
Economic Analysis - 2015 Budget Shows
Little Change in Fiscal Policy - NOV 2014
Algeria's fiscal policy will remain
expansionary in 2015, with social spending
and public investment providing support to
domestic demand. While we forecast the
budget deficit to widen to 3.3% of GDP, the
government will have no trouble financing that
gap. However, the latest budget does little to
correct the structural vulnerabilities in
Algeria's fiscal position.
(Africamonitor, Sept 2014,
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
Algeria’s 2015-2019 big investment push
Algeria is hoping to revive a flagging economy
with a new US$262 billion investment
programme over five years to develop and
diversify the economy. The injection of new
funds is a welcome relief for the economy that
has underperformed in recent years. Despite
relatively high oil prices, Algeria’s economy
grew 2.7% last year. It can expect to post a
more respectable 4.3% growth this year and
4.1% in 2015 but the gains are expected to be
lower than its regional oil-exporting peers,
according to the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) estimates. The new investment outlay is
lower than the US$286 billion earmarked
during 2010 to 2014, but vital to offset falling
oil and gas export revenues. “Thanks to the
major infrastructure projects carried out as part
of the five-year 2010-2014 public investment
programme (programme d’investissements
publics), construction and public works grew
by 8.2% in 2012 (up from 5.2% in 2011),
providing 9.6% of GDP,” according to the
African Development Bank.
The new investment programme is reportedly
looking to engage the private sector more
actively. Analysts believe the government
needs to initiate economic reforms that would
facilitate the growth of various
underperforming industries. Algeria’s GDP per
capita of US$5,347 is lower than other upper
middle-income economies and belies its status
as one of the world’s largest oil exporters and a
key natural gas supplier to Europe.
(Zawya, Sep 16th 2014,
IMF Staff Concludes 2014 Article IV
Mission to Algeria
Economic activity has picked up in 2014, with
real GDP growth projected to reach 4.0 percent
following 2.8 percent growth in 2013. The
hydrocarbon sector is expected to expand for
the first time in eight years, while
nonhydrocarbon growth remains supportive—
particularly the construction and services
sectors. Inflation has decelerated sharply to
below 2.0 percent, thanks in part to tighter
monetary policy, but bears watching closely
given the potential for new inflationary
pressures to emerge. “Algeria is in the enviable
position of having built up substantial external
and fiscal buffers over the years thanks to its
hydrocarbon wealth, but threats to
macroeconomic stability are growing. For the
first time in nearly 15 years, the current
account is expected to record a deficit.
Slumping hydrocarbon production, strong
domestic hydrocarbon consumption, and lower
oil prices are weighing on exports, while
imports continue to grow. Reversing these
trends will require more investment in the
hydrocarbon sector, higher domestic energy
prices, a more competitive exchange rate, and
a significant increase and diversification of
nonhydrocarbon exports.
(IMF, Oct 1st 2014,
Algeria amendments regarding the
verification of conformity of some imported
Algeria amendments as regards the verification
of conformity, pharmaceuticals and related
goods, chemicals and pesticides as well as
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have
been brought to the import documentation for
The following changes have been made:
Verification of Conformity
A number of products to be imported into
Algeria are to be accompanied by a Certificate
of Quality and Conformity issued in the
country of export, which may, in turn, facilitate
the issue of a Conformity Inspection
Certificate by the Algerian Ministry of
Commerce. In the course of this update, a
separate chapter on the Verification of
Conformity has been created, including the
names of the companies providing the
inspection services.
Pharmaceuticals and Related Goods as well as
Chemicals and Pesticides
The sections on Pharmaceuticals and Related
Goods as well as on Chemicals and Pesticides
have been fully revised.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
The importation of Genetically Modified
Organisms (GMOs) is governed by the
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. The chapter
on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
has been amplified by adding the contact
details of the Cartagena Protocol National
Focal Point in Algeria. Please go to the
corresponding paragraph on: for details.
(, Oct 24th 2014,
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
Towards restoring import authorizations
Trade Minister Amara Benyounes said in
September that the next revision of the law on
import and export provides for reintroducing
import authorization to protect certain strategic
products. As part of the revision of the law on
the import and export the project of which
should be submitted soon to the government,
"we will introduce automatic and nonautomatic import licenses," he said during a
press conference on the sidelines of a review
meeting. According to Benyounes, these
licenses will constitute a legislative tool to
protect certain strategic products. The move
comes in accordance with the objectives of the
government to reduce the level of imports and
transfers of currency abroad. These will not be
in contradiction with the commitments made
by Algeria with foreign partners, particularly
in the context of negotiations for its accession
to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
(Letempsdz, Sep 16th 2014,
Rule 51/49% will be readjusted but not
totally removed
Rule 51/49%, governing foreign investment in
Algeria, will be removed from the next
investment code to make it more attractive but
shall in no case be totally suppressed, said the
Minister of Industry and Mines Mr.
Abdessalam Bouchouareb, during a press
briefing at the end of the conference on the
economic and social development held in
Algiers. In the new investment code, he said, ''
we will remove all items that could hinder
(investment) and keep only the facilitations
and support of projects ranging from
conception to realization.
(Letempsdz, Nov 7th 2014,
Authorities seek to boost performance of
The Algerian government is moving forward
with plans to rationalize the state-controlled
industrial sector, with the creation of 12 new
state companies to replace 23 existing public
firms. Although details of the changes are
scant, they point to a growing awareness that
overstaffed and ineffective state-owned
enterprises (SOEs) are a burden on the
economy. However, despite some modest steps
to improve their performance, the authorities'
continued emphasis on economic nationalism
means that they will remain major employers
and a central part of the economy. The move
was approved by the state investment council,
Conseil des participations de l'état (CPE), in
early September, and will be finalized by the
end of 2014—subject to further approval from
the CPE—according to a statement by the
industry and mines minister, Abdesselam
Bouchouareb. The plans involve the
reorganization of 18 state investment
companies—sociétés de gestion des
participations de l'état (SGPs)—and five public
companies—entreprises publiques
économiques (EPEs)—into 12 new companies.
Although details of the reorganization are
scant, the aim of the move is to streamline
decision-making processes and reinforce the
competitiveness of the groups, as well as
enable specialization in certain products, the
sharing of resources and a reduction in costs,
particularly of input supplies and research and
development activities, according to Mr.
Bouchouareb. Key elements for this move:
sluggish performance in the industrial sector,
job creation, strong leadership not encouraged,
more wholesale changes required.
(EIU, Sep 26th 2014,
World Economic Forum follows with
interest economic reforms launched by
On the sidelines of his participation in the
Regional Summit (Europe, MENA and Eurasia
region) of the WEF, Bouchouareb met Schwab
and Philippe Rosler, Executive Director and
Board Member of the forum, the ministry said
in a statement. During these meetings, Schwab
welcomed the return of Algeria on the
international economic scene, adding that the
WEF "follows with interest all economic
reforms launched by Algeria." He also
expressed "the readiness of the WEF to help
popularize the image of Algeria by bringing to
the attention of the international public and the
business community the progress made in this
field." For his part, Rosler was satisfied with
the improved ranking of Algeria (79th) in the
latest report of the Forum on competitiveness.
(APS, Sep 29th 2014,
Industrialization and Economic Policy in
Algeria: a Synthesis over half a Century
Algeria is at the heart of the debate on the
success or failure of development strategies
that have been pursued since the independence
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
of former European colonies. The use of nonrenewable natural resources as a vector for
development begs the question of the
sustainability of the choices made. The
challenges Algeria has to deal with are rooted
in the construction of the nation, the way the
ruling elite is selected, and how the revenues
from non-renewable energy sources are used
(Lowi, 2004). As the economy is financed by
oil revenues, observers have called it a ‘rentier’
state (Beblawi, 1990), or a patrimonial state
(Lowi, 2004), with general consensus over the
term “authoritarian state” (Addi, 2012),
underscoring the extent of corruption and
patronage that affects the whole political
administrative mechanism. Field studies
(Cheriet, 2013) have shown the massive scale
of corruption and fraud (both commercial and
fiscal), as well as the institutionalization of
illegal behavior. “These fraudulent practices
appear to be the way firms have adapted to a
complex administrative context, an unstable
economic environment and an afflux of public
moneys earmarked to commission major
(IPAG, 2014,
Algeria a sleeping giant for manufacturing
The development of Algeria’s downstream
manufacturing sector has been a key objective
for Algiers for several years, and the country is
blessed with an almost perfect set of features
on which to develop its industrial base:
abundant raw metals and minerals, large gas
reserves and close proximity to the giant
consumer market of Western Europe.
However, the expansion of downstream
manufacturing in Algeria has been
frustratingly slow and the economy remains
overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas.
MEED estimates that the combined value of
investments in major industrial projects
planned or under way is about $9.5bn, less
than 4 per cent of a total project sector
estimated at about $251bn of work planned or
under way. The country has attracted
investment in downstream metals production,
primarily steel and aluminum, and has seen a
significant expansion of cement production to
support its infrastructure programme. But a
combination of domestic politics, protectionist
legislation, bureaucracy and the global
economic downturn have combined to stunt the
development of higher-value industries, such
as automotive and pharmaceuticals, over the
past five years, despite significant international
interest. Yet there is good reason for optimism
as the government seeks to stimulate
investment through the development of 12
investment zones.
(HSBC, Jul 14th 2014,
EU support to Algeria focused on economic,
employment reforms
The European Union’s support to Algeria,
under the European Neighborhood Instrument,
focused on the reform and the economic
governance and employment (notably of
women and youth) for a total of €340 million
between 2007 and 2013, according to a
European report. A total of €64 million was
allocated for the continuing of the program
aimed at supporting the implementation of the
Association Agreement in various fields,
mainly through twining instruments, says the
EU neighborhood Information Centre.
Concerning the twining instrument that puts
the expertise of the EU’s public sector for the
strengthening of the capacities of the Algerian
administrations and institutions, more than
fifteen activities were launched between
Algerian and the European Union since 2008,
added the same source. This instrument will
promote the cooperation in various sectors
among which trade and industry, agriculture
and environment, health, energy and
(Bedigest, Oct 20th 2014,
Capacity building and training in next five
years program
A framework agreement for the development
of professional qualifications and upgrade
workers' skills have been concluded now
between the Ministry of Vocational Training
and Education, 14 ministerial departments,
employers' organizations and the national trade
union for Algerian workers (UGTA). The
agreement developed in anticipation of the
next tripartite. It aims to meet the needs in
training and enhancing the skills of workers,
which is necessary to achieve the next fiveyear development program 2015-2019.
(Lesoir, Sep15th. 2014,
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
Shell signs a contract with Sonatrach
An agreement was concluded between Shell
and Sonatrach in Algiers on 29 October in the
presence of HE the Ambassador of the
Kingdom of the Netherlands to Algeria, Mrs.
Willemijn van Haaften. This agreement came
as a result of the outcome of the 4th
international invitation to tender for the
exploration and exploitation of conventional
and non-conventional hydrocarbons launched
by the the National Agency for Exploiting
Hydrocarbon Resources (ALNAFT). Shell
signed for two perimeters, the first in
association with Statoil for the exploration of
Timssit perimeter located in the east of the
country; the second in partnership with Repsol
for the exploration of Boughezoul situated in
the north of the country.
(Econostrum, Oct 29th 2014,
Statoil, Shell to Assess Algerian Shale
Statoil and Shell awarded the Timissit Permit
License in the Illizi-Ghadames Basin onshore
Algeria. “The award represents an opportunity
to test a potentially large shale resource play,”
Statoil said in a statement. The license is
located in southeastern Algeria and covers an
area of 2730 square kilometers. The
Norwegian firm will be the operator with 30%
equity, Shell will hold 19% equity and the
remaining 51% will be held by Sonatrach.
“Statoil is entering this shale play to test the
prospectivity and commerciality through a
step-wise approach. The first exploration phase
is expected to last up to 2017 and include the
drilling of two wells and seismic acquisition,”
said Nick Maden, senior vice president for
Statoil's exploration activities in the Western
Hemisphere. The award is part of the Algerian
Ministry of Energy and Mines, National
Agency for Hydrocarbon Resources
Valorization’s (ALNAFT) Fourth International
Bid Round, which was launched in January
2014. At estimated 700 trillion cubic feet
(TCF), Algeria hold world’s third largest
technically recoverable shale gas reserves in its
seven shale basin, according the International
Energy Agency (IEA).
(NGA, Sep 30th, 2014,
Algeria awards 4 out of 31 oil, gas blocks on
Algeria awarded four of 31 oil and gas field
blocks on offer to foreign consortiums on
Tuesday in its first attempt since a
disappointing 2011 bid to draw investors to
help offset its stagnate production. Spain's
Repsol in partnership with Royal Dutch Shell
won the Boughezoul area in the north of the
country, while Shell and Norway's Statoil won
the Timissit area in the east. A consortium of
Enel and Dragon Oil won the Tinrhert and
Msari Akabli areas. Algerian energy officials
described the result as acceptable, but analysts
said the North African OPEC member needed
to do more to improve conditions and draw
more foreign oil operators to the energy sector.
Algeria supplies a fifth of Europe's gas needs,
but it relies on mature fields for most of its
energy output and looks to foreign explorers to
help develop new reserves and increase
flagging production.
Foreign oil executives have in the past
complained about Algeria's tough contract
terms, often difficult business environment and
security worries, especially after a 2013 attack
on the Amenas gas plant killed 39 foreign
contractors. Officials were optimistic before
the bids, having delayed the auction twice after
foreign players asked for more time to study
the fields. They reported initial interest from
50 companies and cited incentives under a new
oil law, improvements in security and the
potential of the fields on offer.
The 2011 auction secured bids for just two
fields out of 10, one from Spain's Cepsa and
the other from Algerian state energy company
Sonatrach. But the new hydrocarbons law
passed in 2013 offers tax and contractual
incentives and benefits for unconventional
energy investments. Three of the fields
auctioned were crude oil areas, while Msari
Akabli is a mainly a gas block.
Stagnating production
An increase in output is vital for a government
that relies heavily on energy exports for state
income and to pay for social programs,
including food and fuel subsidies that have
helped keep it stable amid turbulent times in
North Africa. Some of the 2014 gas blocks
offered were from Algeria's unconventional
shale reserves, which are among the world's
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
largest and are largely unexplored. None was
awarded in this round.
Algeria also has no experience of developing
shale gas, which involves technologies such as
hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling.
Some analysts have questioned how the
country will develop the infrastructure needed
for shale. Statoil this month said the Amenas
plant, which produced 11.5 percent of
Algeria's gas output before the attack, was due
to return to full production soon after
improvements in security. "Security for
employees is our top priority," said Statoil's
Bjorn Kare Viken, a senior vice president for
development and production. "Ensuring
security is the job of the Algerian authorities."
(Reuters, Sep 30th, 2014,
Algeria to launch a new oil and gas licensing
round within weeks
On the heels of just announcing the winners of
its latest licensing round, North Africa’s
Algeria is planning its next round. Despite only
awarding four out of 31 blocks, Algeria is still
hopeful it can increase investment which has
been lackluster for a number of years.
Algeria’s first attempt at luring investors
through a licensing round since 2011 was
described as acceptable by officials in the
country, but industry analysts say the
government will need to do more to improve
conditions to attract that investment. “We are
preparing a new bidding round. It will be
launched within weeks,” Sid Ali Beta, head of
hydrocarbons agency ALNAFT, which
oversaw the bidding, told reporters at the
signing of contracts with the winners of the
September 30 auction.
(Reuters, Oct 29th 2014,,
SONATRACH to spend $3.5 billion to build
new gas pipelines over 2015-2019
Interim CEO of Sonatrach, Saïd Sahnoun,
announced that Sonatrach plans to invest
$3.480 billion for the construction of new gas
pipelines to improve the capacity of those
already existing. In a statement he delivered at
the opening of the international conference of
gas industry in Algeria, Saïd Sahnoun said that
this investment falls as part of the five-year
plan 2015-2019, recalling the existence of four
main gas pipelines near the deposits: the basins
of Berkine, Illizi, Reggane and Timimoun. As
a reminder, Algeria possesses 87 platforms
managed by Sonatrach and 16 others managed
in joint-venture, while the fracturing units are
(APS, Oct 12th, 2014,
Algeria rises per barrel price
Algeria raised the price of its Saharan Blend
crude after adding fellow OPEC member
Venezuela to its list of customers. The North
African country added a premium of $0.70 per
barrel to Dated Brent, for November. The price
tagged for November is the highest level since
June and an increase of $0.20 on October’s
price. The first supertanker of Algerian crude
arrived in Venezuela on Oct. 25, according to
ship tracking data. Nigeria is the only other
OPEC member to also raise official selling
prices of crude amid higher seasonal demand
from oil refiners in Europe.
(Petro.Africa, Oct 30th 2014,
Sonatrach to probe offshore energy
Algerian energy company Sonatrach
announced plans to carry out its first ever
offshore drilling campaign by the end of next
year. Interim Chief Executive Officer Said
Sahnoun announced the plans during the
signing ceremony for contracts awarded during
the latest licensing round. State-owned
Sonatrach "intends to drill its first offshore
well by the end of 2015," he said. Exploration
will take place off the coast of Algerian
provinces Oran and Bajaia after the conclusion
of a seismic survey campaign to get a better
understanding of the reserve potential. Initial
survey data show a probability for reserves in
waters more than 1 mile deep. Algeria has the
tenth-largest natural gas deposits in the world
and is the third-largest gas supplier to Europe.
With Europe looking to diversify an energy
sector dependent on Russia, the companies
said any shale from Algeria could be an
important part of energy security ambitions.
Most of the reserve interest in Algeria has been
(UPI, Oct 30th 2014,
Algerian gas flows back on the rise
Algeria has seen its natural gas production
grow for the first time in just under two years.
The country’s gas production took a hit in
January 2013 when Islamist gunmen took the
BP/Statoil In Amenas gas plant and its workers
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
hostage. Following the incident not only did
Algeria’s production take a dive but so did
investor confidence in the government’s ability
to keep oil and gas facilities secure. The recent
growth in production is just the start, according
to the country’s oil minister Yousef Yousfi
who said Algeria’s gas production would
increase by 40% within five years “and will
double within a decade”.
(, Oct 14th 2014,
Algeria plans Shale Gas production by 2022
Algeria plans to begin shale gas production by
2022, according to interim CEO of Sonatrach,
Said Sahnoune. "Algeria may start producing
shale gas in 2022, if the drawn plan would be
executed under the right conditions,” Sahnoune
told reporters on Sunday in Oran, reported
Algeria Press Service. He was speaking on the
sidelines of the International Conference on
Gas industry in Algeria. At estimated 700
trillion cubic feet (TCF), Algeria holds world’s
third largest technically recoverable shale gas
reserves in its seven shale basin, according the
International Energy Agency (IEA).
Last month, Statoil and Shell said they would
test shale potential at Timissit Permit License
in the Illizi-Ghadames Basin onshore Algeria.
The award was part of the Algerian Ministry of
Energy and Mines, National Agency for
Hydrocarbon Resources Valorization’s
(ALNAFT) Fourth International Bid Round,
which was launched in January 2014.“The
award represents an opportunity to test a
potentially large shale resource play,” Statoil
said in a statement. The license is located in
southeastern Algeria and covers an area of
2730 square kilometers. The Norwegian firm
will be the operator with 30% equity, Shell
will hold 19% equity and the remaining 51%
will be held by Sonatrach. The first exploration
phase is expected to last up to 2017 and
include the drilling of two wells and seismic
acquisition, Statoil said.
(Naturalgazasia, Oct12th2014,
Shale Gas market is expected to reach
$104.1 billion, globally, by 2020
According to a new market research by Allied
Market Research titled, “Global Shale Gas
Market (Technology, Application and
Geography) – Industry Analysis, Trends,
Share, Opportunities and Forecast, 2013 2020″ the global shale gas market is forecast to
reach $104.1 billion by 2020, registering a
CAGR of 9.3% during the forecast period
(2014 – 2020). The corresponding volume
consumption will reach 19,619.4 bcf in the
same year. The advent of hydraulic fracturing
and horizontal drilling techniques has nearly
doubled the efficiency of shale gas retrieval
from plays, revolutionizing the shale gas
market. China is a major country to propel the
demand aided by insatiable energy needs and
increasing dependence on natural gas.
(Shale-World, Sep3rd2014,
Sonatrach, Gazprom make new oil, gas
discovery in Algeria
Algerian Sonatrach has made a new oil and gas
find with Russia's Gazprom following a
successful drilling in the desert Berkin basin,
bringing to three the number of joint
discoveries there, it said on Wednesday.
Last week, Algeria awarded just four out of 31
oil and gas fields on offer in its latest energy
bidding round as the North African OPEC
producer looks to bolster stagnant oil and gas
output. All four were won by foreign
consortiums. The new discovery was made in
the El Assel area at block 236b after drilling
reached a final depth of 4,120 meters, the
Algerian firm said in a statement. Gazprom
and Sonatrach had made two discoveries in the
same perimeter following the drilling of RSH2 and ZERN-1 exploration wells. Sonatrach
holds a 51 percent stake in the project while
the remaining 49 percent is owned by
Gazprom. Sonatrach has made 18 oil and gas
discoveries for the first eight months of this
year. Algeria made 32 hydrocarbon finds,
including 29 by Sonatrach alone, in 2013.
(Reuters, Oct 8th 2014,,
Statoil starts normal operations at In
Amenas gas facility in Algeria
Statoil has started operations at In Amenas gas
production facility in Algeria. “The corporate
executive committee has decided that ordinary
rotation is to be resumed at the plant as all
defined security measures have been
implemented,” the Norwegian firm said in a
statement early September. Statoil, in June,
approved the return of temporary manning to
the plant to finalize the implementation of the
outstanding security requirements.
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
In Amenas is a wet gas field operated through
a joint venture between Sonatrach, BP and
Statoil. It accounts for little over 10 percent of
Algeria's gas production. “The decision to
resume ordinary operations also at In Amenas
is the result of a thorough and stepwise process
of identifying necessary security measures,
implementing them and validating that they are
in place and operational,” said Lars Christian
Bacher, executive vice president for
Development & Production International
(Naturalgasasia, Sep 8th 2014,
Statoil readies full In Amenas return
Statoil is ready to resume ordinary operations
at the In Amenas gas plant in Algeria
following a deadly terrorist attack early last
year that left dozens of people dead. The
Norwegian state-owned company said “all
defined security measures have been
implemented” at the plant in the south of the
country, paving the way for a full-scale return
of staff following the 16 January, 2013 assault.
Statoil had in June approved the temporary
manning of the facility, having between the
autumn of 2013 and early this year resumed
ordinary operations at other facilities in
Algeria. That involved sending a contingent of
10 personnel on a temporary rotation –
including both foreign nationals and
Norwegians – to ensure the security of the
facility about 18 months after the attack.
The security improvements at In Amenas are
based on recommendations of the investigation
conducted after the attack.
(Upstreamonline, Sep 1st 2014,
Dragon Oil, Enel awarded two oil, gas
exploration blocks in Algeria
Dragon Oil, in partnership with Italy's Enel has
been awarded two exploration blocks, Tinrhert
Nord Perimeter and Msari Akabli Perimeter, in
Tinrhert Nord Perimeter
The Tinrhert Nord Perimeter in which Dragon
Oil will hold a 70% participating interest and
be the operator with Enel holding the
remaining 30% is in the Illizi Basin in Eastern
Algeria and near a number of producing oil
and gas fields. The total area of the perimeter
is 2,907 km2. Four wells are expected to be
drilled during the exploration period.
Msari Akabli Perimeter
The Msari Akabli Perimeter in which Dragon
Oil will hold a 30% participating interest with
Enel holding the remaining 70% and serving as
the operator is in the Ahnet Basin in Southwestern Algeria. The total area of the perimeter
is 8,096 km2. A number of undeveloped
discoveries have been previously identified on
the perimeter. Three wells are expected to be
drilled during the exploration period. Dragon
Oil and Enel jointly participated in the 4th Bid
Round to Award Hydrocarbons Exploration
and Exploitation Contracts conducted by
l'Agence Nationale pour la Valorisation des
Ressources en Hydrocarbures of Algeria.
(NGA, Oct 1st 2014,
Suhail Bahwan - Algeria Fertilizer JV
Suhail Bahwan Group (Holding) LLC (SBGH)
has entered into a joint venture with Sonatrach
for a world scale fertilizer plant in Algeria. The
shareholding in the Joint Venture Company is
51% with SBGH and 49% with
SONATRACH. Sonatrach is the Algerian state
owned oil and gas company with 2007
Revenues of $ 62 Billion and is the 2nd largest
exporter of LNG and LPG and the 3rd largest
Natural gas exporter in the world. It is amongst
the largest oil & gas companies in the world.
The JV Company is called Sharkia El Djazairia
El Omani lil Asmida (AOA) and was
incorporated on March 09, 2008, in Algiers, in
the presence of Dr. Chakib Khelil, Minister for
Energy and the Mines of Algeria, with the
signature of the statutes by Mr. Abdelhafid
Feghouli, Deputy-Head of the Downstream
Activity on the side of Sonatrach and by Mr.
Saad SUHAIL BAHWAN, Director of SBGH
and Chairman of the JV Company. The JV will
establish a state of the art plant with world
scale capacities of 4000 tons per day Ammonia
and 7000 tons per day urea along with the
associated Utilities & Offsite facilities
including Sea Water Intake and Outfall,
Captive Power Generation, Urea Storage,
Ammonia Storage. The site for the project is
located on the coastline in the industrial area of
Arzew, in western Algeria. Natural gas for the
project is already committed by Sonatrach
under a long term arrangement. Work on
construction of the project has already
commenced under an EPC ( Engineering,
procurement & Construction) Contract with a
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
consortium of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd
(MHI) of Japan and Daewoo Engineering &
Construction Company(DEC)of Korea. The
plants will adopt process technologies from
Haldor Topsøe A/S of Denmark, Snamprogetti
S.p.A. of Italy, and Uhde Fertilizer Technology
B.V. of the Netherlands. The project will
create significant employment opportunities
besides value-added exports at a global scale
including to key markets in Europe and
Algiers. The development of LNG as marine
fuel may enable Algeria to become an
important player in this field, he said.
Samir Houghlaouen, an official at Naftal, a
Sonatrach subsidiary, noted that even if the
current conditions did not allow the expansion
of the marine LNG, its future, however,
remains promising due to the growing use of
natural gas in the global maritime transport,
Algeria Press Service reported.
(Naturalgasasia, Nov 1st2014,
(SBG, Sep 8 2014,
Enel sees North Africa as key natural gas
supplier to Europe
North African countries including Algeria and
Libya can provide Europe with half the natural
gas currently supplied by Russia, according to
Enel SpA, Italy’s largest utility. Algeria can
ship 60 billion cubic meters (2.1 trillion cubic
feet) of gas to Europe a year, while Libya and
Egypt are able to provide 10 billion each,
Marco Arcelli, the executive vice president of
Enel’s upstream gas division, said in London.
Russia supplied about 162 billion cubic meters
of gas to Europe and Turkey last year, OAO
Gazprom data show. Enel signed contracts in
October for two exploration blocks in Algeria
on top of the Isarene and South East Illizi gas
projects it’s already developing. Europe is
seeking to reduce its dependence on Russian
gas after the country’s conflicts with Ukraine
cut transit to Europe in 2006 and 2009. Enel
wants to develop Algeria’s resources “to avoid
any potential decrease in exports as there will
be a significant increase in local demand,”
Arcelli said in an interview. “What we are
doing really is to make sure that they at least
maintain their current production.”
(Bloomberg, Oct 30th 2014,
Algeria seeks to develop its LNG bunkering
Algeria is looking to develop LNG bunkering
industry as the sector holds considerable
growth prospect, Secretary General of the
Ministry of Energy, Ahmed Messili said
during a seminar. According to Algeria Press
Service, Messili said that LNG bunkering is an
emerging field and given that Algeria is a large
LNG producer, growth prospects are
promising. Messili was peaking at an
international seminar on development of LNG
as marine fuel held last week of October in
Contract let for Algeria’s Ain Tsila gas field
Groupement Isarene—a joint venture of
Sonatrach, Petroceltic International PLC, and
Enel Trade SPA—has let a contract to CB&I
for frontend engineering and design (FEED)
services for the Ain Tsila gas field
development in Algeria. The project scope
includes FEED development for a grassroots
420-MMcfd gas plant, plus three associated
pipelines and well collection. The facility will
include a gas processing plant with water
separation, condensate and liquefied petroleum
gas recovery equipment, gas compression,
export pumps, and metering facilities.
Groupement Isarene declared the field
commercial in 2012, estimating it to hold a
gross resource of 2.1 tcf of sales gas, 67
million bbl of condensate, and 108 million bbl
of LPG.
(Houston, Sep 30th 2014,
Wind Power: 21 potential areas in Algeria
The CEO of the state-owned Power and
Renewables Company (SKTM), a subsidiary
of Sonelgaz Group, announced in September
that some 21 areas have recently been
identified as representing a high potential for
the development of wind energy in several
parts of the country. “These areas will have a
hundred sites spread over different parts of the
country, for the development of this promising
segment included in the government's program
and objective to reach a rate of 40% of power
production out of clean energy by 2030, "said
M Boulakhras to APS at a workshop on"
renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency ".
(CDER, Sep 23rd 2014,
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
Readjustment of the national program for
renewable energy
The Minister of Energy, Youssef Yousfi,
announced that a new program, that will
modify and develop the national program for
electricity production from clean energy, with
the use of latest technologies in the field, will
be released within two months.
(CDER, Oct 1 2014,
Sonatrach goes green
Sonatrach will invest 91 billion DA in the
medium term in the prevention, safety and
environmental protection, Energy Minister
Youcef Yousfi announced.
(CDER, Oct 2nd 2014,
Sonatrach: environmental monitoring
center in Skikda under examination
The director of the industrial zone of Skikda,
Abdelhafid Djemai, said that Sonatrach will
launch, as early as the beginning of next year,
a study for the implementation of the first
Algerian environmental observation center.
This center will control gas emissions from the
production units and reduce the effects of
pollution in the industrial area, adding that the
necessary financial means for the realization of
this project were mobilized.
(CDER, Oct 4th 2014,
Renewables are real asset for Algeria
Renewable energy is a safe opportunity for
Algeria, said Paul Van Son, CEO of the
Desertec Industrial Initiative consortium (Dii)
in an interview with He said that
during 5th Desertec conference held in Rome, it
was decided that, from 2015 on, Desertec
Industrial and Initiative (DII) will function as a
service provider to facilitate concrete projects
in renewable energies.
(CDER, Oct 21st 2014,
200 megawatts of electric power to be
produced from solar energy by end 2014
The CEO of Sonelgaz, Noureddine Bouterfa,
reaffirmed that the question of the revision of
the electricity tariff is not on the agenda as far
as Sonelgaz group supports, through its own
financial means, the deficit induced by current
prices. However, the CEO of Sonelgaz argues
that the issue of pricing of electricity prices
"return to the table in one way or another,"
citing, among others, other tariffs updating
formulas. The CEO of Sonelgaz affirmed that
as part of the national program for developing
renewable energies, 200 megawatts (MW) of
solar energy will be produced by the end of the
year 2014.
(CDER, Sep 29th 2014,
Algeria renewables interactive map
Please visit:
EU initiative to launch call for transnational
research projects on energy and water, see:
ERANETMED, an EU initiative aiming at
coordinating research activities, has preannounced the first joint call for transnational
research projects. The objective is to develop
joint research and to enhance new innovative
approaches and technologies in the
Mediterranean region.
The scope of the call includes renewable
energies and energy efficiency, management of
water resources, or a combination of water and
energy issues in the same project. The call is
co-funded by Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France,
Jordan, Greece, Germany, Italy, Lebanon,
Malta, Portugal, Tunisia, Turkey and Spain.
Project consortia must comprise project
partners from at least three different countries,
of which at least one from an EU Member
State/Associated Country and one from a
Mediterranean Partner Country.
Four groups of activities can be supported:
collaborative research, innovation, capacity
building and mobility.
The Secretariat of the Union for the
Mediterranean (UfM) is a member of the
steering committee of ERANETMED, which is
funded by the European Commission’s 7th
Framework Programme. ERANETMED’s
objective is to strengthen collaboration and
common capacity of research programme
owners from the above countries to address
some of the major challenges that the
Mediterranean is facing and to strengthen
Euro-Mediterranean research co-operation.
The ERANETMED 1st joint call was to be
launched on 1 November 2014 with a deadline
for submission of proposals on 31 January
2015. (EU Neighborhood Info Centre)
(INPE-info, Aug 29th 2014,
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
Relevant links for renewables development
in Algeria
Please see:
Construction in Algeria - Key Trends and
Opportunities to 2018
The Algerian construction industry increased
at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
9.89% during the review period (2009-2013),
in nominal terms. This growth was supported
by private and public investment in
infrastructure, residential, commercial and
institutional construction projects in an effort
to diversify the country's economy and reduce
its dependence on oil. Under the Five-Year
Plan (2010-2014), the government is investing
heavily in infrastructure construction in order
to enhance transport across Algeria.
Consequently, the industry is expected to
continue to progress at a healthy pace over the
forecast period (2014-2018), registering a
CAGR of 8.15%.
(FastmarketR,Oct 31st2014,
Launch of 620 km of the 1,200 km
Highlands Highway
the Minister announced the launch of 620 km
from 1,200 km of Highlands Highway before
the end of 2014, indicating that the studies on
this section of the highway is finished, and
work will be launched before the end of
(MTP, Oct 12th2014,
Import of building materials up 7% in first
eight months of 2014
The bill of Algeria’s import of building
materials increased by 7% hitting $2.25 billion
during the first eight months of 2014, against
nearly $2.11 billion in the same period of last
year, the Customs’ National Centre for Data
Processing and Statistics told APS. The
imported quantities of the main building
materials (cement, concrete reinforcing bars
and wood) increased by 13.7%, reaching 7.1
million tons between January and August
2014 against 6.3 million tones over the same
period 2013. By category of the products, the
value of cement imports soared 31% with a bill
of $373.5 million against $285.3 million in the
same period last year, said CNIS provisional
data. The quantities of imported cement
increased by nearly 28%, from 3.2 million
tones up to 4 million tones. CNIS said that the
imports of wood increased by 20.4%, as the
value of imports grew from $488.3 million to
$588 million. The imported quantities have
totaled, during the first eight months of 2014 a
volume of 1.03 million tons against 0.96
million tons in the same period of 2013, up by
7.8%. Moreover and despite a 3% decline, the
import bill of the reinforcing bars is the highest
since it reached $1.29 billion $ against $1.33
billion in the same period in 2013, while the
imported quantities have remained unchanged
at 2.01 million tones.
(APS, Sep 29th 2014,
Housing strategy aims at creating balance
between supply and demand
The strategy for the modernization of the
housing sector aims at increasing the national
building capacity and creating a balance
between housing demand and supply, said
Minister of Housing, Town Planning and the
City Abdelmadjid Tebboune. "In order to meet
the growing demand and to eradicate the crisis,
the sector of housing aims at increasing the
national building capacity to 120,000 housing
units per year during the next five-year
development plan, against 80,000 currently,"
said the minister in his address at a seminar on
(APS, Sep 30th 2014,
Several development projects launched
The construction of an extension of the
Houari-Boumediene International Airport, with
a capacity of 10 million passengers per year,
was officially launched by Prime Minister
Abdelmalek Sellal, who inspected several
development projects in the capital. Part of
Algiers Airport's development leading plan,
the new terminal is located between Terminal
1 (International) and the new VIP lounge. It
will be built over an area of 73 hectares, with a
budget of DZD 90.299 billion, according to the
specifications of the project. The construction
work was entrusted to a Chinese company,
which pledged to deliver the project within 40
months, in 2018. During the working visit,
Sellal has also inspected the site of the
Airport's new control tower, which is expected
to be delivered by December 2015.
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
Several projects to modernize Algiers airport
were also presented to the Prime Minister,
including a linkage to the rail network and a
connection to the Algiers metro. Regarding the
Oued El Harrach, which development progress
rate reached 50% over 18km, Sellal requested
the "immediate" inclusion of a project of a
marina at downtown and the creation of a
public company for the management of
recreation sites.
(Allafrica, Oct 30th 2014,
Oran Metro tender in Q1 2015
Algeria’s Enterprise Metro d’Alger (EMA) is
planning Oran Metro tender contracts for the
first quarter of 2015. “The design has been
done by Sener from Spain; the only decision
we now have is whether we go turnkey or
separate out the system and rolling stock,” said
Aomar Hadbi, director-general at EMA, and
CEO of the Algerian Subway Authority, at
MEED’s Mena Rail & Metro Summit in Dubai
on 20 October. Oran, on Algeria’s northwest
coast, is the second-largest city in the country.
The public company for the metro of Algeria,
Entreprise Métro d’Alger (EMA), in charge of
urban transportation in the country and
dependent on the Ministry of Transportation
has awarded in 2011 the spanish consultancy
company SENER, in international public
tender, the contract for carrying out the studies
of Metro Oran and concluded in the design
(Menarailpost, Oct 27th2014,
Algeria Ends Highway Construction
Contract with Group of Japanese Firms
The Algerian government announced that it
has ended its contract with a group of Japanese
companies formed to build a lengthy section of
the Algerian east-west motorway. The
Japanese consortium is known in Algeria as
Cojaal (Consortium Japonais pour l’Autoroute
Algérienne), which a senior Algerian official
accused of not respecting the terms of its
contract. The consortium is comprised of
Taisei, Nishimatsu, Hazama, Maeda, Itochu
and the lead contractor Kajima Corporation.
The breaking up of the contract was not a
surprise ever since the Algerian highway
authorities (Agence Nationale des Autoroutes
– ANA) on June 12, 2014 issued its second
formal warning to Cojaal about the growing
delays plaguing the project, affecting 399
kilometers. The first warning was send on June
4. Sources in Algeria say Cojaal stopped
working due to a disagreement over payment.
Additional payments were demanded by
Cojaal, which the Algerian government
(NAJ, Sep 16th 2014,
Jan-Aug cement import volumes up 28% Yto-Y
The value of cement imports to Algeria in the
first eight months of 2014 soared 31 per cent
with a bill of US$373.5m against US$285.3m
in the same period of last year, the Customs'
National Centre for Data Processing and
Statistics told the Algeria Presse Service
(Algiers). Cement import volumes increased
by nearly 28 per cent from 3.2Mt to 4Mt,
CNIS provisional data revealed. The overall
bill for the import of building materials
increased by seven per cent hitting US$2.25bn
during the Jan-August 2014 period, versus
nearly US$2.11bn in the same period of last
(Cemnet, Oct 3rd 2014,
Algeria, EU launch three twinning projects
Three agricultural twinning projects between
Algeria and the European Union (EU) have
been launched on Sunday here in order to
upgrade the regulation and facilitate the access
of the Algerian agricultural products to the
European markets. The projects’ launch
ceremony was attended by Minister of
Agriculture and Rural Development,
Abdelouahab Nouri, Trade Minister, Amara
Benyounes, Ambassadors respectively of the
EU, France and Italy to Algiers as well as
Algerian and European experts.
The projects are funded by EU at €6 million.
So, the first project concerns the human
capacity building in the areas of food safety,
and this by upgrading the laboratories of the
National Institute of Veterinary Medicine
(INMV), while the second one covers the
modernization of Algerian veterinary services
at the central and local level.
These two twinning projects will enable
Algeria to have an information system and a
veterinary control similar to that recommended
by the World Organization for Animal Health
(OIE). This partnership will also hoist the
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
INMV and seven regional laboratories to
international standards that will be placed
under the quality management system (QMS)
and the management system of biological
The objective sought from of these two
twinning projects "is to improve the safety of
food products of animal origin in order to
ensure their marketing in the local market and
facilitate their export to the EU and other
foreign destinations," Nouri said.
As for the third project, it concerns
guaranteeing a technical support to the
administration in the application of a specific
quality system through the designations of
origin and geographical indications (IGAO).
This initiative is part of the support programme
to the implementation of the Association
Agreement signed between Algeria and the EU
in 2005, which provides for the establishment
of a free trade zone by 2020.
(APS, Oct 12th 2014,
Irrigation expansion to support Algeria’s
agricultural output
External pressures in 2014 have left Algeria’s
agricultural sector more exposed than usual,
which presents a perennial challenge given the
size of the country’s import bill. But measures
to strengthen long-term performance such as
expanding the use of irrigation are beginning
to yield benefits. Since late July, the cattle
industry has been dealing with an outbreak of
foot-and-mouth disease that began in Sétif and
has spread to 19 provinces. The number of
animals affected remains small thanks in part
to a stepped-up vaccination campaign
following an outbreak of the disease in
neighboring Tunisia in May. More worryingly,
this year has also seen a comparatively poor
cereal harvest. According to provisional
figures released in late July, cereal production
for the 2013/14 harvest fell by more than third
to about 3m tones and a five-year low. The
early onset of hot, dry conditions in April had a
particularly dramatic impact on the eastern
provinces, which represent a large portion of
national production, with 12ha of cereal
acreage destroyed by more than 20 crop fires
in the Sétif region alone. The decline in output
highlighted the variability of Algerian cereal
production given the sector’s heavy reliance on
rainfall. Only 3% of local production is based
on irrigation. Given local consumption of
around 8m tons of cereals per annum, the
reduced harvest is set to substantially push up
an already-high wheat import bill, which
averages around €4bn a year. This has helped
make Algeria one of the largest overall wheat
importers – and the biggest importer on a per
capita basis – in the world.
(OGB, Sep 18th 2014,
Algeria to rise spending on cereal imports
Algeria is expected to import large amounts of
wheat and other cereals. Although the final
figure of the nation’s expected harvest this
year is not official yet, the minister of
agriculture spoke of a harvest of 3 million tons.
If that figure is confirmed, that would mean a
near 27% reduction from last year output of
4.1 million. Algeria’s cereal production has
had a rocky profile over the past five years and
with the exception of a recovery of +20.8% in
2011, production has been on the down slop.
To make matters worse, Algerians are big
consumers of cereal, with national
consumption estimated at 8 million tons. And
so for the remaining 5 million tons, Algeria is
expected to tap into import to satisfy national
demand, in particular for soft wheat and to a
lesser extent hard wheat. A series of factors
conspire to make Algeria’s productivity one of
the lowest in the world, including natural
climate, farming techniques used and untrained
farmers. While some agriculture officials are
betting that the country will be self-sufficient
by 2020, independent Analysts forecast
Algeria will continue to depend on imports for
70% of its soft wheat in 2020.
(NAJ, Oct 22nd 2014,,
Algeria Agribusiness Report Q1 2015
With wheat and dairy production falling
consistently short of consumption, Algeria is a
major importer of food products. However, the
government's new emphasis on improving food
self-sufficiency is helping the grains and dairy
sectors to rebound. Increases in government
support will be positive for productivity and
product quality in the medium term. However,
the country will remain a key importer of
wheat and dairy products in the coming years.
Algeria is increasingly expanding trading links
with countries such as Brazil and India,
especially for dairy and beef products, and
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
away from its traditional suppliers such as
Key Forecasts
 Wheat consumption growth to 2018:
12.3% to 10.6mn tons. Wheat
consumption will be mainly supported
by population growth.
 Milk production growth to 2017/18:
14.4% to 3.9mn tons tons. Our
projections are based on the
government's support for the sector
and its plan to develop it by improving
breeding methods as well as
restructuring and further privatizing
segments of the agriculture industry.
 Barley production growth to 2017/18:
3.8% to 1.6mn tons. Our forecast errs
on the side of caution. Significant
changes to the size of the harvested
area from one year to the next are a
fairly regular occurrence in Algeria,
reflecting the limited availability of
water and irrigation.
 BMI universe agribusiness market
value: USD19.9bn in 2014 (growth to
average 2.1% annually between 2014
and 2018).
 2015 real GDP growth: 3.4% (up from
3.2% expected in 2014; predicted to
average 3.5% over 2015-2018).
 2015 Consumer price inflation: 4.0%
(up from 2.5% expected in 2014;
predicted to average 4.5% over 20152018).
Key Revisions To Forecast :
 Wheat and barley 2014/15 production
revised down to 2.8mn tons and 1.2mn
tons respectively (compared with
previous forecasts at 3.6mn tons and
1.7mn tons...
(Fastmrkt, Nov 5th 2014,
Sports Nutrition in Algeria
Sales of sports nutrition remain largely limited
to high-income consumers and bodybuilders.
These products are regarded as prohibitively
expensive by most consumers, while consumer
awareness also remains low. Most consumers
do not view these products as helpful for a
wide range of sports and associate sports
nutrition solely with bodybuilding. This
limited consumer base resulted in sales
remaining low at the end of the review period
at just DZD0.5 billion.
Competitive Landscape
Ultimate Nutrition was the leading player in
sports nutrition throughout the review period
and accounted for close to 40% value share in
2013. This company benefits from representing
Universal Nutrition's range in Algeria,
including strong global brands such as Massive
Whey Gainer and Amino Gold. The company
represented four of the top 10 brands in overall
sports nutrition in 2013. Those with access to
the internet are often attracted to high profile
global brands in sports nutrition due to reading
about these on forums or review websites.
Industry Prospects
Sports nutrition is expected to benefit from the
emergence of more specialist retailers offering
these products in the forecast period. The
success of the MyBestForm chain is expected
to encourage other entrants to this channel,
while this chain is also expected to continue to
expand. These outlets offer a considerably
wider range of products in comparison to
chemists/pharmacies. These outlets also offer
expert advice, with more consumers thus
becoming likely to buy a wider range of sports
nutrition. Thanks to these trends, sports
nutrition is expected to see a stronger 5% value
CAGR at constant 2013 prices in the forecast
period, up from less than 1% CAGR in the
review period.
(FastmarketR, Sep 9th 2014,
Herbal/Traditional Products in Algeria
Herbal/traditional products benefited strongly
from domestic player Saidal increasing its
production capacity towards the end of the
review period. This company represents
Bristol-Myers Squibb's Carbophos brand,
which dominates digestive remedies, and
suffered from product shortages in 2012 as it
struggled to meet demand. Digestive remedies
thus saw 3% volume decline in 2012 before
returning to half a percentage point growth in
2013. Similarly, PGT increased imports of
Vicks in 2013 following shortages in 2012,
with this being the dominant brand in
herbal/traditional cough, cold and allergy (hay
fever) remedies. Herbal/traditional cough, cold
and allergy (hay fever) remedies saw 2%
volume decline in 2012 before returning to 1%
growth in 2013.
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
Industry Prospects
Herbal/traditional products are expected to
remain an area of limited interest in Algeria
among consumers, retailers and producers.
Consumers are expected to continue to largely
prefer standard OTC or Rx products or will opt
for lower-priced home-made or unpackaged
herbal remedies. Retailers will thus remain
unwilling to stock a wide range of these
products. Producers are also expected to invest
little in new product development or promotion
for herbal/traditional products in the forecast
period. The Algerian government is meanwhile
set to encourage a stronger focus on standard
OTC and Rx generics and vitamins and dietary
supplements among domestic producers, rather
than focusing on herbal/traditional products.
(Fastmarket, Sep 9th2014,
Cigars in Algeria
There is no tradition for cigar and cigarillo
smoking in Algeria, with smokers preferring
cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. The
presence of cigars is limited to the domestic
production of two brands, Targui and Rumel,
from state-owned company SNTA, whose
production declined over the review period. It
is present mainly in the Kabylie region, with
production usually carried out to order only.
The few consumers who enjoy cigars tend to
buy them abroad and choose good quality
offerings as domestic production is of a low
(Fastmarket, Oct 24th 2014,
Algeria plans $17.8bn investments in 20152019 water projects
Algeria plans to invest $ 17.8 billion (1.5
trillion dinars) in water projects during its next
2015-2019 development plan, according to a
media report. “The plan focuses on large
projects to boost water resources and bolster
the country's water supply," said Hussein
Naseeb, Minister of Water Resources. The
government has approved the budget for
projects involving irrigation and the
construction of new dams, water desalination
plants and sewage networks, said the Arabic
daily Al Fajr. One of the irrigation projects
involves building of irrigation networks for a
new cultivated land with an area of about one
million hectares (10,000 square kilometers),
said Naseeb. Other projects include the
construction of 12 new dams; eight dams
would be completed in 2015, he added.
The new dams will boost Algeria's total water
dams to 84 with a storage capacity of 8.5
billion cubic meters (bcm) compared to 7.5
bcm currently.
(Zawya, Oct 6th 2014,
EU initiative to launch call for transnational
research projects on energy and water, see:
ERANETMED, an EU initiative aiming at
coordinating research activities, has preannounced the first joint call for transnational
research projects. The objective is to develop
joint research and to enhance new innovative
approaches and technologies in the
Mediterranean region. The scope of the call
includes renewable energies and energy
efficiency, management of water resources, or
a combination of water and energy issues in
the same project. The call is co-funded by
Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Jordan,
Greece, Germany, Italy, Lebanon, Malta,
Portugal, Tunisia, Turkey and Spain. Project
consortia must comprise project partners from
at least three different countries, of which at
least one from an EU Member State
/Associated Country and one from a
Mediterranean Partner Country. Four groups of
activities can be supported: collaborative
research, innovation, capacity building and
mobility. The Secretariat of the Union for the
Mediterranean (UfM) is a member of the
steering committee of ERANETMED, which is
funded by the European Commission’s 7th
Framework Programme. ERANETMED’s
objective is to strengthen collaboration and
common capacity of research programme
owners from the above countries to address
some of the major challenges that the
Mediterranean is facing and to strengthen
Euro-Mediterranean research co-operation.
The ERANETMED 1st joint call was to be
launched on 1 November 2014 with a deadline
for submission of proposals on 31 January
2015. (EU Neighborhood Info Centre)
(INPE-info, Aug 29th 2014,
Launch of a hydrological study to improve
provision of drinking water in Tindouf
The Minister of Water Resources, Hocine
Necib, announced in Tindouf, the upcoming
launch of an in-depth knowledge study of
hydrological reserves and improvement the
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
supply of drinking water in the province of
Tindouf. The minister said this study will help
address the problem of the salinity of the
water, the development of agricultural
activities in the region and exploit Djebilet
Ghar deposit.
(APS, Oct 16th 2014,
A system of sludge treatment of wastewater
treatment plants from 2015 on
The Ministry of Water Resources will
implement, from 2015, a master plan for the
recovery of purification sludge so as to exploit
them in other sectors such as agriculture, said
the Minister of water resources. According to a
survey by 4 South-Korean consultings, this
system is, first, to reduce the volume of sludge
that has a dangerous impact on people and the
environment. It will also process and enhance
the sludge by transforming them into fertilizers
for agricultural use, said the Director of
sanitation and protection of the environment at
the Ministry of water resources, Mr. Hocine
Ait Amara. The study examines the treatment
of sludge coming out of the different
wastewater treatment plants through the
establishment of seven (7) regional recycling
centers, each of which oversee several
provinces. Several sites are proposed to
implement these centers: Algiers, Oran,
Annaba, Setif, Tiaret, Tlemcen and Batna,
while small recycling centers specific to each
treatment plant are planned in the provinces of
the South.
(APS, Nov 2nd 2014,
Examination of the means for strengthening
partnership between Algeria and the ADB
The Minister of Water Resources, Hocine
Necib, reviewed, in September, with the
representative of the African Development
Bank (ADB), Boubacar Seddiki, the means of
strengthening the partnership between Algeria
and the financial institution, in particular as
regards the financing of projects in the sector
of water resources.
(APS, Oct 3rd 2014,
Bullish outlook for Algerian insurance
The insurance sector in Algeria had an
encouraging start to the year, with turnover
increasing by 7.2% to US$33.7 billion from
January to March, according to data from the
National Council of Insurance. The industry’s
improved performance was due in part to a
rebound in life insurance as a result of the
introduction of significant reforms and the
initial public offering of a state-owned
insurance company, said Oxford Business
Group (OBG) in a report. Non-life insurance
accounted for more than 90% of the total
Algerian insurance market, which grew by
15% last year to DZD113.9 billion (US$1.4
billion) in overall premiums. However, it was
the life segment which grew the strongest in
2013, reaching DZD8.03 billion in premiums
to represent 7% of the insurance market in
2013. Premiums surged by 22% from
DZD6.59 billion, or 6.6% of total premiums in
2012. Motor insurance, which accounts for
around 60% of total premiums, remains the
most dominant business line. Premiums grew
by 17% to DZD61.3 billion last year.
(OGB, Zawya, Sep 2014,,
Ericsson wins network contract in Algeria
Ericsson is selected by Algeria Telecom for
network transformation and expansion for
residential and enterprise services. Ericsson
says will consolidate existing network
functions using Ericson ssr 8000's provider
edge (pe) and bng applications. Further
company coverage.
(Reuters, Oct 27th 2014,
Algeria Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare
Report Q1 2015
Against a backdrop of economic growth, the
Algerian government commitment to expand
and upgrade medical coverage and healthcare
services in Algeria will translate in growing
commercial opportunities for pharmaceutical
and healthcare industries over the medium
term. Also, the government's new five-year
investment plan to be implemented in 20152019 will focus on diversifying the economy
through the promotion of industrial
development, including the pharmaceutical
industry. In line with such broader investment
plan, the Algerian government recently signed
an agreement with US multinational firm
General Electric to support the modernization
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
of the health system, and will continue
promoting investment opportunities and
conducting meetings with potential business
partners from different countries. However,
Algeria's weak intellectual property protection,
approval delays for patented and imported
products and restrictions on foreign
investments will continue to weigh on the
market attractiveness.
Expenditure Projections
Pharmaceuticals: DZD276.79bn
(USD3.48bn) in 2013 to
DZD303.96bn (USD3.75bn) in 2014;
+9.6% in local currency and +7.8% in
US dollar terms. Forecasts revised
slightly upwards from Q414 due to
macroeconomic modifications.
 Healthcare: DZD806.03bn
(USD10.12bn) in 2013 to
DZD850.06bn (USD10.49bn) in 2014;
+5.5% in local currency and +3.7% in
US dollar terms. These figures were
revised downwards due to
macroeconomic factors and new
historic data.
Risk/Reward Indices: Algeria is ranked 9th out
of 31 markets in Business Monitor
International's Middle East & Africa
Risk/Reward Indices (RRIs) matrix for Q1
2015, with a composite score of 49.3 out of the
maximum 100 points. The overall score was
revised downwards from the previous quarter
due to industry rewards' components revision.
However, Algeria continues to post a favorable
longer-term profile in terms of its
pharmaceutical market development.
(Marketsearch, Nov 12th 2014,
Biopharm Algerie Spa in Consumer Health
Biopharm Algerie is expected to benefit
strongly from the opening of an additional
production facility in 2014 in partnership with
AstraZeneca. This will further expand the
company's production capacity and range,
albeit within Rx medicines. However, the
company is also expected to see a good
performance in consumer health in the forecast
period, as it plans to further expand its
distribution reach with the opening of
additional sales offices. The company could
well also further expand.
(FastmarketR, Sep 9th 2014,
Dermatologicals in Algeria
Consumers are often more likely to seek a
doctor's advice for dermatological disorders,
thus typically opting for Rx medicines. This is
mainly due to the taboo nature of many
dermatological ailments. Many consumers are
unwilling to discuss issues such as fungal
infections, lice infestation or hemorrhoids with
pharmacists, due to the public nature of
Industry Prospects
Dermatologicals is expected to continue to
benefit from the ongoing lessening of taboos
surrounding many dermatological ailments
during the forecast period. With rising
urbanization, growing literacy rates and
increased internet access among mid- to highincome consumers, consumers are expected to
become more willing to discuss dermatological
problems and more confident in selfmedication. This trend is expected to support
good growth in areas such as hemorrhoid
treatments and vaginal antifungals, with the
latter notably set to see above-average growth
at 3% value CAGR at constant 2013 prices in
the forecast period.
(FastmarketR, Sep 9th 2014,
Algeria’s solid waste treatment issue
The Algerian waste sector is facing a difficult
environment, where politics intersects with
environmental concerns. Politicians remain
divided as to whether a foreign company
should be in charge of waste management.
Among those arguing in favor of foreign
expertise is former environment minister
Amara Benyounes, who was actively seeking a
foreign company to handle the waste
management site of Hamici. Benyounes used
the disastrous handling of waste by the stateowned collection company Netcom as a reason
to outsource to a foreign firm. But the
Provincial authorities of Algiers vetoed the
decision and decided on the creation of another
company called Gecetal, which would operate
under its supervision. A report from a waste
collection agency (Agence nationale de
balayage des décharges des déchets spéciaux)
reveals that in 2013 some 2.5 million tons of
solid waste were inventoried, with about half
concentrated in eastern Algeria. Some 15,000
tons come from the pharmaceutical sector. The
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
minister of the environment has been insisting
on the need to tackle the industrial waste that
has been piling up over the years. She
mentioned in a radio interview that some 1,200
types of pesticides have been stocked in
facilities located in Laghouat. This figure,
experts say, is a drop in the bucket. Industrial
waste in Algiers, Annaba, Skikda, Tlemcen,
Bejaia, Bordj Bou Arreridj and Oran has been
piling up at the annual volume of 282,800 tons.
French Suez Environnement is currently
seeking fresh opportunities to enter the Algeria
solid waste treatment market.
(NAJ, Sep 16th 2014,
Algerian firm buys Bürkle finishing line for
thin panels
The Algerian city of Blida, or the “City of the
Roses”, with a population of approx. 300,000
inhabitants and located about 30 km from the
Mediterranean coast, is home to the Algerian
supplier. This medium-sized company
upgrades wood-based material panels for
supplying to the domestic furniture industry.
The centerpiece of the production system is the
new finishing and printing line from Bürkle
which has a working width of 1,300 mm.
Upgrading work revolves around particleboard
and thin MDF with standard dimensions of
1,220 x 2,440 mm. With a panel feed rate
ranging from five to 25 m/min, a multilayer
coating is applied to the panels which can also
be printed with single colors by indirect
gravure printing (direct printing). The
unfinished panels are loaded manually and fed
on a belt conveyor to the CBM brushing
machine for surface cleaning. After that it is
possible to have water-based filler applied by
in Chicago. These meetings will culminate in
the signing of partnership agreements in
several sectors, according to Oumellal. The
joint venture concluded between CIALFARM
(subsidiary of Algerian group ETRHB) and the
American firm Varian Medical Systems, leader
in the radiotherapy systems, is the first
concrete outcome of this meeting.
(Allafrica, Oct 29th 2014,
Weight Management in Algeria
Weight management benefited from widening
distribution towards the end of the review
period, with a growing number of outlets
offering these products. This was partly due to
expansion in the number of
chemists/pharmacies, alongside more of these
outlets offering weight management. In
addition, a growing number of supermarkets
and healthfood shops also began to offer
weight management towards the end of the
review period. Supermarkets thus gained a
percentage point in value share in 2013 over
the previous year, while healthfood shops
gained half a percentage point, rising to 5%
and 3% value share respectively.
Industry Prospects
The majority of consumers in Algeria are
expected to remain unaware of weight
management or uninterested in these products.
This will be linked to widespread poverty and
limited distribution in rural areas. Many
consumers will continue to regard these
products as expensive and ineffective,
preferring to focus on eating more healthily if
they are seeking to lose weight.
(Fastmarket, Sep 9th 2014,
(Buerkle, Oct 27 2014,
Several American Businessmen Buy
Investment Potential in Algeria
Bilateral meetings to identify business
opportunities between Algeria and the United
States of America were marked, in Chicago, by
a strong presence of American businessmen on
the occasion of the holding of the Algerian
Week of investments. "Several American
operators have shown strong interest in the
Algerian market and the plan of reviving the
industrial sector," said director of public
market sector at Industry and Mining Ministry,
Ali Oumellal, on the sidelines of this meeting
Dutch Afterlight illuminates La Grande
Poste d’Alger with a Projection Mapping
On the 1st of November 2014 Afterlight turned
the fantastic building La Grande Poste d’Alger
in a vivid and spectacular light show to
celebrate the Algerian War for Independence
60 years ago.
(Afterlight, Nov 6th 2014,
Holland launches global alliance for greater
food security
The Netherlands used the UN Climate Summit
in New York on 23 September 2014 to launch
a global alliance for greater food security
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
through climate-smart agriculture. Dutch
Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Minister for
Agriculture Sharon Dijksma joined forces to
launch the alliance, which is now backed by 75
countries and organizations such as the World
Bank. World leaders including President
Obama and UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon also support this initiative.
Netherlands 4th-richest land in Global
Wealth Report
The Netherlands is the fourth-richest country
in the world, according to the Global Wealth
Report 2014 published recently by insurance
firm Allianz, and based on net wealth per head
of population. In the Netherlands that figure
was, on average, 71,430 euros, some 3.8 per
cent higher than in 2013. More than 50
countries were surveyed and Switzerland came
out in top position, followed by USA and
Sheraton Club Des Pins Resort | Algiers
Boite Postale 62 · Staoueli · Algiers · ALGERIA
Phone: +213 (0) 21 377 777 · Fax: +213 (0) 21 377 700
T: +44 (0) 20 7384 8013
F: +44 (0) 20 7384 8007
7 th – 9 th Dec 2014
9th edition of the North Africa Oil & Gas Summit,
Algiers 7- 9 December 2014
15th – 19 th Dec 2014
International trade fair for SME, Partnerships, and
Technologies, 15 - 19 Déc. 2014 - Alger)
(Hollandtrade, Sep24th 2014,
Dutch water approach to be used in the Red
River Delta
The Netherlands is making its expertise
available to help solve the problems in the Red
River Delta. During the 4th bilateral
consultation held in the Mauritshuis, the Dutch
Minister of Infrastructure Melanie Shultz
signed a Declaration of Intent to expand the
Dutch sphere of activity in Vietnam to include
the Red River Delta. This was an explicit wish
of the Vietnamese government because the
water problems associated with the Red River
are extensive.
Monsieur OURAK Abdellah
Gérant MANAHO International
00 213 664 31 19 32
3 – 5 th Feb 2015
SIPHAL - Salon International De La Pharmacie Et De La
Parapharmacie – 03 au 05 février 2015, Palais des
Expositions Pins Maritimes - Alger
(Hollandtrade, Sep25th.2014,
Palais des Expositions d'Alger
Pins Maritimes
Alger, 16000
+213 21 386727
+213 387058
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
21 – 24th Feb 2015
Salon International du médicament générique
ALGENERIC, 21- 24 Feb Algiers
Palais des Expositions d'Alger
Pins Maritimes
Alger, 16000
+213 21 386727
+213 387058
23rd – 25 th Feb 2015
Algeria infrastructure, 23-25 february 2015 Oran
3rd – 6 th Mar 2015
5th Edition Oil & Gas Products and Services
Suppliers International trade show, 03 - 06 March 2015
Petroleum Industry Communication
06 Route de Sidi Youcef Beni Messous, Alger-Algérie.
Site Web :
Tel : + 213 770 61 08 61 & + 213 550 46 88 98 & + 213
550 49 60 61
Fax : + 213 23 23 67 74
E-mail 1 :
E-mail 2 :
E-mail 3 :
20th – 23 rd Apr 2015
Symbiose Communication Environnement
1, rue Bachir Attar, Maison de la Presse, Alger
Courrier : BP 72 Hassiba Ben-Bouali, Alger
Tél. : + 213 (0) 21 67 57 50
Fax : + 213 (0) 2166 99 89
E-mail :
Site Web
Adel Kaoula
Directeur Général
Amina Ould Ali
Chef de projet / AI
1 – 4 th Mar 2015
DJAZAGRO 2015 Agriculture and Agrofood Trade Fair,
20-23 April 2015, Algiers
Palais des Expositions d'Alger
Pins Maritimes
Alger, 16000
+213 21 386727
+213 387058
3 – 7th May 2015
Salon International des Mines. 1-4 March 2015 Algiers
BATIMATEC- Salon international du bâtiment et des
matériaux de construction "Batimatec" (3-7 mai, Alger)
Palais des Expositions d'Alger
Pins Maritimes
Alger, 16000
+213 21 386727
+213 387058
ADRESSE : 107, Rue des Aveugles Draria ALGER.
TEL: +213 20 34 77 03 /04
FAX: +213 21 35 51 01 / +213 21 35 34 18 / 213 23 26 60
11 / +213 23 26 59 88
Société Algérienne des Foires et Exportations
Palais des expositions-Pins Maritimes Mohammadia-BP
366 - Alger
Tél : 213-21-21-01-25 à 30
Fax : 213-21-21-05-40/ 213-21-01-01
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
14 – 17th May 2015
SITEV - Salon International Du Tourisme Et Voyages,
14-17 May Algiers
Palais des expositions-Pins Maritimes Mohammadia-BP
366 - Alger
Tél : 213-21-21-01-25 à 30
Fax : 213-21-21-05-40/ 213-21-01-01
27th May– 1 st Jun 2015
Société Algérienne des Foires et Exportations
Palais des expositions-Pins Maritimes Mohammadia-BP
366 - Alger
Tél : 213-21-21-01-25 à 30
Fax : 213-21-21-05-40/ 213-21-01-01
14 – 17th May 2015
SIPSA- Agrofood Algeria, 14-17 May 2015 Algiers
Palais des Expositions d'Alger
Pins Maritimes
Alger, 16000
+213 21 386727
+213 387058
5 – 8 Oct 2015
Palais des Expositions d'Alger
Pins Maritimes
Alger, 16000
+213 21 386727
+213 387058
25 – 28th May 2015
11th International trade show for water services,
technology and equipment, 25 – 28th May Oran
convention center
Salon « Djazair OIL & GAS » Palais des Expositions –
Alger (05 – 08 Octobre 2015)
Contact :
MANAHO International
Monsieur OURAK Abdellah
Gérant MANAHO International
00 213 664 31 19 32
Official agenda of Algerian participation in
international trade fairs abroad for 2015
For the official agenda of the participation of Algeria in
international trade fairs abroad for year 2015 see :,cntnt01,deta
Siège social
1, rue Bachir Attar, Maison de la Presse, Alger
Courrier : BP 72 Hassiba Ben-Bouali, Alger
May– 2015
SIHEM-Hospital equipment Algeria 2015
Société Algérienne des Foires et Exportations
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
-Frequetly Asked Questions by investors:
- Ministère du Commerce:
- Ministère de l’Energie et des Mines:
- Ministère des Ressources en eau:
- Ministère de l’Industrie, de la PME et de
- Ministère de l’Agriculture et du
Développement rural:
- Direction Générale des impôts: et
- Direction Générale des Douanes:
- Agence Nationale de Développement de
- Chambre algérienne de commerce et
- Office Nationale des Statistiques:
- Office National du Tourisme:
- Portail du tourisme algérien:
- Air Algérie:
- Algérie Ferries:
- Transport maritime (SNTM/CNAN):
- Société Algérienne des Foires et Exportations
- Foires et salons:
- Portail algérien des énergies renouvelables:
Sites B2B:
- Made in Algeria:
- Réseau des entreprises algériennes:
Sites d’appels d’offres:
- Algeria Tenders:
- Santé:
- Netherlands Enterprise Agency RVO (former
NL Agency/Agentschap NL): (NL) or (EN)
- Port de Rotterdam:
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 45/Sep-Oct.2014
The Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers is
open from Sunday to Wednesday from 08:00
to 16:30 and on Thursday from 08:00 to 14:00
throughout the year, excluding the Algerian
and Dutch public holidays. The consular
section is open from Sunday to Thursday from
9h00 to 12h00. The Embassy is closed every
Friday and Saturday (weekend).
Adress: 23, Chemin Cheikh Bachir ElIbrahimi, 16030 El-Biar ou BP 72, 6030 ElBiar (Alger)
T: +213 21 92 28 29
F: +213 21 92 29 47
Linkedin group for Dutch-Algerian trade:
For your suggestions and/or comments please
contact our economic section:
-Rene Spitz
Deputy Head of mission in charge of economic
- Djilali Tahar-Belkacem
Trade officer
- Khaled Benchaalal
Agricultural advisor
AVERTISSEMENT: le contenu de cette
lettre d’information ne reflète en aucun cas
la position de l'Ambassade des Pays-Bas à
Alger. Elle se compose d’une sélection
d'articles publiés dans la presse nationale et
internationale et dont la source est
clairement indiquée.

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