Ambassade du Royaume des Pays-Bas Alger (Algérie) CALL FOR


Ambassade du Royaume des Pays-Bas Alger (Algérie) CALL FOR
Ambassade du Royaume des Pays-Bas
Alger (Algérie)
Commerce & Investissements
New Call for Tender for Industrial Projects
According to figures released by the United
Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD), foreign direct
investment (FDI) in Algeria fell by 42% down
to $ 1.48 billion in 2012 compared with $ 2.57
billion in 2011. Algeria came in 17th place out
of 54 African countries in terms of the amount
of FDI, while in the Arab world, it ranks 13th
out of 21 countries in the region.
These figures can be explained by the rigid
investment measures followed by the country,
plus the ongoing uncertainty regarding oil and
gas prices due to the difficult world economic
conditions and the discoveries of new
(unconventional) fossil hydrocarbon resources,
making the value and volume of hydrocarbon
exports drop compared to the previous years.
In this context, government authorities found
themselves under the need to turn their
attention to the other sectors and, thus, to
reconsider the country’s foreign investment
policy in order to give more incentives and
attract more foreign direct investors into the
To this regard, the Algerian government
adopted new measures and incentives for the
benefit of the private sector and foreign
operators (see:
Moreover, The Ministry of Industry, of Small
and Medium Size Enterprises, and of
Investment Promotion has launched a call for
industrial projects 2013 relating to 18
industrial activities, open to both national and
international operators.
The aim of this call for projects is the
integration of industrial sectors, the increase
and the diversification of local production, job
creation, capturing and legalization of the
added value in the sectors in which Algeria can
become competitive.
The call for proposals is dedicated to any
economic operator (national or international)
or investors (public or private), willing to
No. 37-June 2013
launch in an industrial activity or a project
supporting an industrial chain.
For more information please visit:
Algeria economic growth 2013
The Economic Intelligence Unit lowered
slightly its forecast for real GDP growth in
2013, to 3.3%, as the impact of the attack on
the In Amenas natural gas facility has led to
delays in work on natural gas projects.
Throughout the forecast period, real
GDP growth rates will remain modest despite
the country's large and easily accessible
hydrocarbons resources and the government's
ample financing capabilities. Government
expenditure will continue to account for a large
share of the economy, as the authorities will
remain wary of cutting back on spending too
fast, possibly provoking unrest. High wages for
public-sector workers will support private
consumption, but price pressures and
restrictions on credit will limit their impact.
Private investment growth will be constrained
by a lack of financing (from both the banks
and the capital markets). Infrastructure projects
(expanding the housing stock and road and rail
construction) are under way, but are often
subject to delays, despite the availability of
state funding. The economy will grow by an
annual average of 3.4% in 2014-17.
(EIU, June. 2013, Country Report June 2013 )
Algerian fund ranked among world’s 15
largest sovereign wealth funds
Algeria’s Revenue Regulation Fund (FRR) has
been ranked among the world’s 15 largest
sovereign wealth funds, the Las Vegas-based
Sovereign Wealth Funds Institute (SWF) says.
Of the 67 sovereign wealth funds listed by the
institute, the Revenue Regulation Fund was
ranked 14th with assets of 77.2 billion USD,
according to the latest figures updated this
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
In Africa, Algeria tops the list ahead of Libya
(17th in world ranking) with 65 billion USD in
its sovereign wealth fund, Botswana (38th)
with seven billion dollars, Angola (45th) with
five billions dollars, and Nigeria (50th) with
one billion dollars.
In the Arab world, Algeria’s Revenue
Regulation Fund ranks 5th behind those of
Abu Dhabi (627 billion USD), Saudi Arabia
(533 billion USD), Kuwait (342 billion USD)
and Qatar (115 billion USD).
(Namnewsnetwork, June 11 . 2013. 2013,,
Oil wealth smooth Algeria politics
With its president in a French hospital for over
two months and the surrounding region in
turmoil, Algeria looks to be on course for a
period of unrest.
The reality on the ground is different. The state
has $200 billion in reserves from oil and gas
revenues to spend placating the population
with jobs, subsidies and a powerful security
"It is not going to be a political change that
triggers violence here. People are more
concerned with economic justice in this
society," said one western diplomat in Algiers.
"Algeria is a bit of an enigma and also
profoundly misunderstood by people that
haven’t been there," said Geoff Porter at North
Africa Risk Consulting in New York.
(Reuters, June 6th, 2013,
Algeria foreign exchange reserves stand at
$189.7 billion late March
Algerian exchange reserves stood, by the end
of March 2013, at $189.7 billion against
$190.6 billion late December 2012, weighed
down by a "substantial" decline of balance of
payments, according to the figures provided by
Governor of the Bank of Algeria, Mohamed
Laksaci. Foreign exchange reserves of
Algeria, excluding gold, were affected "a
substantial reduction" in the balance of
payments, whose balances amounted to only
0.846 md dollars in the first quarter of 2013
against a surplus of 4.164 billion during the
same period of 2012, the governor said during
the presentation of the first quarterly report on
the monetary and financial situation.
The prudent management of official foreign
exchange reserves, advocated by the Bank of
Algeria, has enabled Algeria to reach "an
acceptable level of performance" despite the
continuing environment of low global interest
rates, according to Laksaci. At the end of
March 2013, the 10-year government bonds in
the United States showed a yield of 1.9%
against 1.4% for German government bonds of
the same maturity.
(Algeriaenergybusiness, June 10th. 2013,
Algeria to amend Foreign Investment Laws
Algeria is planning to amend its investment
law, government sources recently revealed.
The proposed new law will be presented on
June 26 to the Algerian Governing Council.
The new law, which will be presented by
Cherif Rahmani, Minister of Industry, SMEs
and Investment Promotion, is eagerly awaited
by the business community in Algeria and
foreign investors.
The new law aims to bring greater coherence
to the laws governing investment in Algeria,
according to a source familiar with the matter.
Through this move the Government aims to
reassure foreign investors, who have been
shunning Algeria in recent years. The text
incorporates best practices while maintaining
the competitiveness of our national companies,
and should provide a roadmap to a strategy of
re-industrialization of Algeria.
(Nuqudy, June 24th. 2013,
Algeria’s annual inflation continues
downward trend in May
Algeria’s annual inflation rate hit 6.9% in
May, continuing its downward trend since
February, the National Office of Statistics
(ONS) annouced.
(APS, June 25th. 2013,
Report on business climate in Algeria
presented to Government end of June
The report on the improvement of the business
climate in Algeria will be presented to the
Government in June, said Minister of Industry,
SME and Investment Promotion Cherif
Algeria’s report on the business climate has
been already handed to the World Bank. The
minister said on the sidelines of the Economic
and Social Forum marking the fiftieth
anniversary of Algerian independence.
Rahmani underlined the need for "reforms to
grant further accesss to companies."
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
In addition to the improvement of the
investment environment, the minister talked
about another initiative consisting in the
development of a "new law on investments."
The Ministry of Industry is chairing the
National Committee "Doing Business", in
charge of making proposals to improve the
business climate and investment environment
in Algeria.
(APS, June 18th, 2013,
Sellal insists on the recovery of the
industrial platforms of Algeria and does not
preclude a review of the rule of 49-51%.
Sellal noted that "there are factories that have
been closed for years" in various sectors like
However, he noted that oil remains one of the
levers of the economy by announcing new
discoveries of shale gas.
About the 49/51% relative to foreign
investment regulation, the Prime Minister said
that a revision is not on the current agenda
even if he does not rule out such a possibility
in the future for specific sectors.
The Prime Minister has called for an
improvement of the business climate and the
continuing fight against bureaucracy,
advocating for "proactive initiatives" in these
(APS, 15.6.2013,
The Algerian system of tax benefits
The Swiss-Algeria Chamber of Commerce and
Industry organized in collaboration with the
Directorate General for Taxation and KPMG, a
technical day in Algeria on "the system of tax
benefits" in the presence of experts and
industry professionals.
Speaking on the sidelines of the meeting, Mr.
Alain Rolland, President of the Swiss-Algeria
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCISA),
noted that "this meeting aims, among others, to
inform businesses concerned by this topic. Tax
exemption for a period of 5 or 10 years that is
granted to companies in Algeria is a lot, so it is
an incentive to investment," he said.
(El Moudjahid, 19.6.2013,
Budget deficit: No impact on the projects
planned for 2013
The Finance Minister Karim Djoudi ruled out
any impact of the slight increase in the budget
deficit this year on projects registered by the
government for the rest of 2013.
The budget deficit will reach 20% of GDP in
2013, up 2% compared to 2012, due to higher
expenditures on equipment.
This deficit will be offset by the Treasury and
the Revenue Regulation Fund (FRR), and will
have no impact on the macro-economic
balance of the country and the implementation
of projects planned for the rest of the year,
according to Djoudi.
"There will be no spending cuts for the rest of
2013, and the current five-year program will be
brought to completion in 2014." He said.
However, "there should be a new vision in the
future for the adoption of the operating budget
with a greater role for non-oil production," he
On the Supplementary Budget Law 2013, the
minister said that the first draft of this paper is
currently under discussion by the government,
saying that the law provides no new taxes.
The Finance Act of 2013 expected a GDP of
16,177 billion dinars with a budget deficit of
3,059 billion dinars (18.9% of GDP).
Regarding the decline in foreign exchange
reserves, he attributed it to "changes in the
exchange rate parity."
(La Tribune, 18.6.2013,
Electricity and gas: $ 96 billion investment
planned over the next decade
Sonelgaz Group has finalized a development
plan of the electric and gas infrastructure in
Algeria for 2013-2023 with a total investment
of $ 96 billions of which approximately half at
its own expense according to the group’s
annual report.
The plan concerns the production and transport
of electricity, transport of gas, distribution of
electricity and gas and infrastructure support.
In terms of power production, the capacity at
the end of February 2013 stood at 10,466 MW.
(Baosem, June 18th.2013,
Encouraging energy investment
After a year-long review process, amendments
to Algeria's Hydrocarbons Law were released
in February 2013, offering new incentives to
foreign investors. National authorities hope
that the revisions will stimulate greater
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
international involvement in oil and gas
exploration, particularly for unconventional
The oil and gas sector still accounts for the
majority of foreign direct investment (FDI) in
the country, although overall FDI levels have
fallen, dropping from $2bn to $1.7bn between
2011 and 2012.
The Hydrocarbons Law released in February
makes some significant changes to the 2005
version, including revisions to the fiscal
structure so that taxes are calculated on the
basis of a project's profitability, rather than on
its turnover. While foreign companies will now
be subject to domestic corporate taxes, they
will have the option to pay licencing fees inkind. The new law also guarantees foreign
operators' access to pipelines owned and
operated by Sonatrach for a set tariff. Finally, a
number of special incentives were introduced
to encourage activity related to unconventional
resources and deposits that are small in size or
located in under-explored areas.
(Zawya, May 28th, 2013,
The Norwegian Minister of Oil and Energy
in Algeria
Mr. Ola Borten Moe, Minister of Oil and
Energy of Norway, was received, on 25 June
2013, by Prime Minister, Sellal, for a working
visit in Algeria.The meeting assessed the
bilateral relations between the two countries in
the energy sector and opportunities to expand
them.Both sides expressed a strong desire to
promote and strengthen the partnership in
research and exploitation of hydrocarbons.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Youcef
Yousfi, the Algerian Minister of Energy and
(El Moudjahid, 26.6.2013,
Algeria shale gas ressource estimate jumps
Algeria is ranked the third for shale gas
resources when compared with the 41
countries assessed by the US Energy
Information Administration.
(EIA, June 10th, 2013,
Algeria to build an important petrochemical
industry plant in 2014
Algeria will begin the construction of a "mega
petrochemical industry plant" in the industrial
zone of Skikda, in 2014, with a foreign partner,
said the director of the Skikda industrial area.
In a statement to APS, Abdelhafid Djemaï said
that studies and consultations relative to this
important project will be completed before the
end of 2013.
The complex will employ a thousand workers
and provide many products used by the paper,
the drug and dyeing industries, the official
said, noting that the project implementation in
the industrial zone of Skikda is justified by the
availability of raw materials on-site.
(APS, 17.6.2013,
Sonatrach goes shopping in Mozambique
Sonatrach signed the Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with Empresa Nacional
de Hidrocarbonetos (ENH) on April 30th. The
Algerian company is looking to buy part of the
10% stake owned by ENH in gas blocks
offshore of Mozambique. According to
Algeria's national press agency, a 5% stake
would cost several billion dollars, but would
be consistent with Sonatrach's strategy to
"increase its reserves" in Algeria and overseas.
Officials from Sonatrach and ENH will meet in
Mozambique's capital, Maputo, to assess the
potential for any investment, said Algeria's
energy and mining minister, Youcef Yousfi.
(EIU, May 2nd. 2013,
BP will remain highly committed in Algeria
"I do not believe that a single act could change
our commitment to the United Kingdom, (...)
Algeria is a country that is very stable" said
Lord Risby, representative of the British Prime
(Quotidien d’Oran, 26.5.2013,
Petrofac's In Salah project in Algeria to
restart soon
Petrofac's In Salah gas project, delayed due to
an attack in January on Algerian gas facility,
will restart in a few weeks, the chief financial
officer of the oil services company said on
"We'll be starting activity back on the site
pretty much as soon as we get into the second
half of the year," Tim Weller, Petrofac CFO,
said on a call.
"The expectation is we'll be up to full pace in
terms of construction activity by September or
early October," he added.
(Reuters, June 25th.2013,
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
Sonatrach, Ferphos and Sider together to
explore Gara Djebilet field
The Algerian government has decided to
exploit the large deposit of Gara Djebilet and
Mecheri Abdallah, huge open-pit mines
located 130 km south-east of the province of
Tindouf. The project will be launched in 2014.
A consortium of public enterprises will be
created to carry out the largest public
investment ever since Algerian independence.
It will be formed of the oil company Sonatrach
and the public groups Sider and Ferphos.
"Once the operation starts, extraction of 20
million tons of ore to produce 10 million tons
of iron is expected, of which half will be
devoted to the local market. The deposit has
3.5 billion tons of reserves of which 1.7 billion
can be extracted," says a senior company
This mega project will create 15,000 jobs.
(El-Watan, 9.6.2013,
The state announced a plan to boost
The Regulatory Commission for Electricity
and Gas (CREG) is preparing new measures
relating to the production and distribution of
renewable energy. These provisions will be
underpinned by a presidential decree to be
adopted before the end of the year.
These procedures will allow producers of
electricity from solar energy to "sell" their
energy for "fixed prices according to certain
parameters, explains Vice-Dierctor Atimene
Wasilla, who is responsible for licensing and
concessions at the CREG.
According to Atimene Wasilla, the end
customer will not be affected by these new
provisions. The difference between the cost of
production and prices will be covered by the
The electricity sector has benefited in 2010
from $ 2.13 billion in grants. According to the
CREG, Sonelgaz will not be the only player in
the renewable energies sector. National and
international partnerships will be promoted.
(La Tribune, June 11th.2013,
Exporting renewable energies from
Maghreb to Europe, a long-term objective,
says Boutarfa
On the sidelines of a seminar on the promotion
of renewable energies, Bouterfa, CEO of the
national electricity and gas company
SONELGAZ, who chairs the Maghreb
Committee of Electricity (COMELEC),
underlined that the "Desertec Industrial
Initiative" group expressed four years ago its
ambitions to promote a future where renewable
energies would be very important.
He said, however, that economic crisis in
Europe led to a decrease in energy demand,
making renewable energies more available on
the continent.
(APS, June 29th. 2013,
Schwarzenegger Signs Agreement with
Prime Minister of Algeria
Former US Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
met with Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal
and other Algerian leaders to sign a three year
agreement establishing an R20 office that will
advise Algerian states on solar energy projects,
waste reduction and waste energy projects,
energy-efficient streetlighting, and other
sustainable technologies. The office will serve
as a regional hub for the Mediterranean region,
showcasing “best practices” and hosting
conferences to help other countries in the
region implement low-carbon projects and
create green jobs.
Schwarzenegger then travelled to Oran, the
future site of the R20 office, to participate in a
parade and ceremony with the wali (Governor)
of the province. In a keynote speech given at
the Oran Congress Palace, Schwarzenegger
addressed California’s success in
implementing sustainable initiatives similar to
those being undertaken in Algeria. As
Governor of California, Schwarzenegger
passed some of the most sweeping policies on
climate change, renewable energy, and energy
efficiency in the world.
(USC Schwarzenegger Institute, June 26th. 2013,
Algerian-Japanese programme on solar
An Algerian-Japanese cooperation programme
on the development of solar technologies is
progressing well, said the coordinator of the
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
project, which involves several universities and
research centres of the two countries.
The scientific programme Sahara Solar
Breeder (SSB) aims at carrying out a
feasibility study of a huge project for the
production of electricity from the Sahara,
Yukiko Mbow told APS.The two partners are
Tahar Moulay University of Saida and Adrar’s
Research Unit in Renewable Energy in
Saharan Environment, said Mbow, who
represents the Japanese party, made up of a
consortium of eight universities and research
The SSB programme was launched in 2010 for
five year of scientific activities with the
financial support of US$ 5 million by the Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JSTA)
(APS, June 16th. 2013,
Opportunities for Infrastructure
Developments in Algeria
Rail transport in Algeria is expected to be a
priority area for the government of Algeria.
Plans for infrastructure development, including
road and airport modernisation have been
proposed. However, it is the modernisation and
electrification of the 4,200 kilometres of track
which will offer the greatest opportunities for
economic investment, as Algeria develops a
$200 billion infrastructure development
program leading up to 2030.
Renewable energy projects, including wind
and solar power are also expected to provide
opportunities for global firms. Other areas of
priority include water treatment, dams and
Chinese companies have been quick to take up
opportunities in the region, with up to $1bn
investment over the past decade. Some 30,000
Chinese workers are thought to be employed in
companies in Algeria.
The government of Algeria has approved the
$200 billion public investment programme in
an attempt to diversify the country’s economy
away from the oil sector. $87 billion has been
earmarked to develop a 1,300 km high speed
line that will run east-west from Tunisia to
Morocco, and further works will see the
existing rail network upgraded and
The Algiers light rail system commenced
operations in 2012, although the full network is
still being completed.
(MenaRailNews, June 7th.2013,
Maghreb Infrastructure & Construction
2013 Summit
The Maghreb Infrastructure & Construction
2013 Summit is one of the first summits
looking into the infrastructure investment
opportunities within the Maghreb region. In
the midst of a global economic crisis and
political turbulence in the North African
region, the Maghreb countries have proven to
grow both economically and socially. There
has been an increase in direct foreign
investments as well as national infrastructure
projects. The summit will assess the latest
investment opportunities in Morocco, Algeria,
Tunisia and Mauritania. Taking place in
Casablanca, Morocco, on September 25th –
26th 2013 the summit will offer the
opportunity to hear the latest capital and
infrastructure projects within the main sectors
of Transport, Utilities, Urban Development
and Manufacturing.
(MenaRailNews, June 9th.2013,
Constantine’s tramway to launch before end
of 2013, says the minister
Minister of Transports Amar Tou stated in
Constantine that extension works of the
tramway from Constantine to the Mohamed
Boudiad Airport and the new city of Ali
Mendjel will be launched before the end of
The minister specified that studies for these
two projects have been completed, underlining
that tenders for the works will be published in
newspapers within “one month.”
(APS, June 5th. 2013,
Roads: A national program to open up rural
During his visit to the province of Tebessa, the
Minister of Public Works Amar Ghoul
announced a new national program to open up
rural areas. This program is currently being
developed by senior ministers of Public
Works, Interior Local Government and
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
The Minister recalled the implementation of a
special program for the modernization of
national roads (RN) and paths of the provinces
(CW) across the country.
(Lefinancierdz, 23.6.2013,
Subsidized public housing: The ENPI
launched the first projects
Three projects to build 1,600 subsidized public
housing units (LPP) have been launched
recently in Algiers, Oran and Annaba, said the
Director General of the National Real Estate
Development Company (ENPI), Mr. Amar
Guellati. Other sites will be initiated shortly
including Sidi Abdellah (Algiers) to add 1,400
units to the 3,400 units already provided on
this site.
A large list of sites in different provinces of the
country has been prepared by the ENPI.
Land surveys are ongoing for the rest of the
land allocated to the ENPI which expects to
complete 151,850 units in total including
45,000 in Algiers.
(El Moudjahid, 16.6.2013,
Spanish building contractors are to
construct 50,000 housing units
Under the theme "Algeria: a market of
business opportunities near Spain" Oran
housed an economic business forum attended
by no less than150 economic operators from
both countries representing several sectors.
Organized by the Consulate General of Spain
in Oran in collaboration with the Economic
and Trade Office in Algiers (Casa
Mediterranéo) and Oran, the meeting was
devided into two parts. The first was reserved
for legal and economic frameworks relative to
BTPH (bâtiment, travaux publics et
hydraulique), industry, services and
administrative procedures for the establishment
of companies, while the second was meant for
"B2B" contacts between operators of the two
(Le Quotidien d’Oran, June 19th.2013,
Algeria Agribusiness
With wheat and dairy production consistently
coming in short of consumption, Algeria is a
major importer of food products. However, the
government's new emphasis on the
improvement of food self-sufficiency is
helping the grains and dairy sectors to revive.
Greater government support should be positive
for productivity and product quality in the
medium term. However, the country will
remain a key importer of wheat and dairy
products in the coming years. Algeria is
increasingly expanding trading links with
countries such as Brazil and India, especially
for dairy and beef products, and away from its
traditional suppliers such as France.
Amoung the expected developments in the
sector, Laiterie Soummam, one of the leading
dairies in Algeria, announced it plans to phase
out imported milk powder completely and use
domestically produced liquid milk by 2016.
(BMI, June 10th. 2013,
Algeria praised by FAO
Algeria was hailed at a special event on the
sidelines of the 38th FAO Conference, for
having achieved the number one goal of the
Millennium Development Goal, namely
eradicating extreme poverty and hunger.
The award was presented to the Minister of
Agriculture and Rural Development Rachid
Benaissa by the Director General of FAO,
Graziono da Silva.
Benaissa, who thanked FAO for this
distinction, said that this reflects the
recognition of the international community for
the "great efforts" made by Algeria through
various development programs.
(La Tribune, June 16th.2013,
Richi, a pilot farm in constant expansion
The pilot farm Richi-Abdelmajid, which has an
irrigated agricultural area of 1032 ha, belongs,
since 2010, to the GSPC (groupe semences,
plants et géniteurs) and now carries out an
ambitious departmental program.
Its owner, Boucetta Brahim, an agronomist by
training, aims to produce: cereal crops on 519
ha, forage parcels on 65 ha, vegetables and
industrial crops on 50 hectares, rehabilitate an
orchard of 140-hectare and resume breeding of
dairy cattle, with the assistance of the Ministry.
(Liberté, June 17th.2013,
The beverage industry is constantly evolving
In recent years, the beverage industry in
Algeria has seen an annual growth of 14%,
according to a study presented by the
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
Association of Algerian producers of
The contribution of this sector to the agrofood
industry is estimated at 7% due to the
evolution of the average of annual
consumption from 19 liters/capita in 1995 to
57.4 liters/capita in 2011. The study estimated
that the individual Algerian inhabitant
consumed an average of 23.4 liters of bottled
water, 22.2 liters of soft drinks, 6 liters of juice
and 0.5 liters of other carbonated beverages in
2011. The consumption of soft drinks has
reached a total of 1,871 billion liters with a
turnover exceeding 38 billion dinars.
According to the study, most of the operators
in this sector have a "good financial
independence and a great cash flow." the initial
capital was multiplied by 8.2.
The products marketed nearly number 300
trademarks in local markets.
(Lefinancierdz, June 24 .2013,
Algeria: business opportunities in
agriculture for Italy
Algeria provides good business opportunities
for Italian companies, also in the food sector,
Algerian Agriculture and Rural Development
Minister Rachid Benaissa said in Rome, during
the 38th session of the Conference of the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO).
There is a good margin for Italian companies
because in an ever-changing world like the
agricultural sector ''there is a need for training,
technological development and machinery'',
the minister told ANSAmed.
(Ansamed, June 18th. 2013,
Algeria and WTO to examine agricultural
issues in Geneva on July 3rd
Algeria will answer questions on agriculture
and subsidies raised by some countries of the
Working Group of the WTO.
Algeria had received questions from some
WTO members on 9 June and will report its
results in the shortest possible time, before
staging a new round of multilateral
negotiations at the end of the year.
The Algerian delegation held bilateral
meetings in Geneva with members of the
WTO, from May 21 to 23, as part of the
negotiations process for its accession to the
The official meeting was preceded by a series
of meetings with 10 members of the WTO and
bilateral negotiations were held with the
following countries : the United States, Japan,
Australia, El Salvador, Norway, New Zealand,
Turkey and South Korea.
(APS, June 24th.2013,
Shrimp farming: Korean experts inspect
Ouargla’s future pilot farm
A delegation of Korean experts in shrimp
farming visited Algeria on 17 June to discuss
the new campaign of shrimp production,
announced the office of the Korea International
Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
This visit is part of the medium-term
monitoring of two projects on the shrimp pilot
farm in Skikda and the shrimp pilot farm and
research center of the province of Ouargla.
(El Moudjahid, June 17th.2013,
Aquaculture: the Projects of Madrague,
Kristel and Cap Blanc revived
According to the Directorate of Fisheries and
fishery resources, several projects will be
launched in the province of Oran. These
include two projects Ain El Turck and Kristel.
Kristel focuses on cultivating sea bass and sea
The annual production of the future farm,
called "Aquamar" is estimated between 350
and 600 tonnes. The project, whose cost is
estimated at 543 million dinars, provides for
the creation of 35 direct jobs and 100 indirect
The second project of breeding sea bass and
sea bream "Aquapark fishing", self-financing,
will be built in la Madrague (Ain El Turck) for
a planned production of 650 tonnes per year.
(Quotidien d’Oran, June 16th.2013,
The aquaculture farm of Boukais will start
producing in 2014
Located at 50 km north of Bechar, this farm
will become operational in early 2014, as
reported by the direction of fisheries resources
in Bechar.This project has been subject of
several initiatives including the creation of a
water supply system for the farm and the
installation of a transformer to cover electricity
needs, the source said.
(Lefinancierdz, June 25th.2013,
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
Algeria shares experience in water
management at Cairo gathering
Algeria’s experience in the management of
water resources was presented by Water
Resources Minister, Hocine Necib, at the fifth
session of Arab Water Ministers’ Council.
This includes Algeria’s experience in the major
water-transfer project from In Salah to
Tamanrasset at a length of over 750
Mr. Necib underlined that Algerian strived at
ensuring access to drinking water in the
country’s extreme south regions, where rainfall
does not exceed 100 mm per year.
This major project, financed by the Public
Treasury, aimes at supplying the city of
Tamanrasset (1,970 km south of Algiers) with
drinking water and contributing to the
development of agriculture in the region.
“The Algerian experience can be used as a
model for the transfer of water from regions
rich in this vital resource to poor countries,” he
(BorneoBulltin, June 8th. 2013,
Managing water and expectations in Algeria
The re-tendering of the failed Annaba water
management contract shows that Algerian
authorities are serious about improving the
performance of urban water utilities.
The Algerian government plans to launch a
tender at the end of this month for a 5.5 year
contract to manage the water and wastewater
utility SEATA, which operates in the cities of
Annaba and El Tarf.
This is the second attempt at structuring a
successful management contract for SEATA.
In 2008, Gelsenwasser won a five-year
contract which was subsequently revoked in
April 2011 after an audit found that the utility
was not performing as expected. SEATA has
since been operating under Algerian
management, but after much soul-searching,
the authorities decided to give the management
contract model a second try.
Agbar’s contract in Oran and Eaux de
Marseille’s contract in Constantine are up for
renewal soon (see table), and no decision has
been made yet on their future.
Suez Environnement’s contract to run SEAAL
in Algiers was renewed in 2011 after positive
results, and was simultaneously extended to
the neighbouring province of Tipaza. Mechia
says that the extension was logical because
much of Algiers’ water supply infrastructure is
located in Tipaza. “It didn’t make sense to
have a two-speed management system within
the same perimeter”, he told GWI.
As for rolling out this water management
contracts to other large cities in Algeria such as
Mostaganem, Sétif or Sidi Bel Abbès, Mechia
confirmed that the government will need
greater insight with regard to the success of the
current batch of management contracts before
making a final decision.
(Global Water Intelligence, May 2013,
1.3 million people and 19,000 ha will benefit
from the megaproject of the Koudiat
Acerdoun water transfer system to the
provinces of Bouira, M’Sila and Médéa
Several large projects related to water
management in the three wilayas are under
way through the implementation of a complex
system of water transfer from the second
largest dam in the country, the Koudiat
This system is spread over 400 km through
four provinces. It will produce around 350 m3
per day providing for drinking water to 1.3
million people and the irrigation of 19,000
hectares of Mitidja East and Lower Issers.
As stated by the minister of water resources,
these numbers confirm the strategic
importance of the project.
(El Moudjahid, 19.6.2013,
Algerian-Singaporean cooperation in water
resources on agenda in Algiers
Minister of Water Resources Hocine Necib and
Singapore’s Ambassador to Algeria Zulkifli
Baharudin examined ways and methods to step
up cooperation between the two countries in
water resources, a ministry’s statement said.
(APS, June 19th.2013,
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
Electrical domestic appliances industry:
Four new plants to be carried out in
partnership with the Chinese and the
"This decision follows the implementation of
the development plan of the GSP INDELEC
which includes the sectors of electrical and
electronics industries between 2013 and 2015,"
said the Minister of Industry, of SMEs and
investment Promotion.
He added that "it is important firstly to
increase the volume of production to meet
domestic demand, before exporting to foreign
"4 new plants and a research and development
center in the electronics industry are to be
built." The minister said.
According to the CEO of the GSP INDELEC,
Ahmed Fetouhi, one plant is for manufacturing
flexible integration of the various electronic
products; the second for photovoltaic panels;
the third plant will be oriented to maintenance
and calibration electronics; and the fourth one
will be specialized in the manufacture of
computer equipment.
Estimated investment costs amount to 14
billion algerian dinars.
(El Moudjahid, 18.6.2013,
Italy considers stepping up its
pharmaceutical partnership
Boosting its partnership in pharmaceuticals
and medical and paramedical training sessions
has been at the centre of discussions between
the Minister of health, Population and Hospital
Reform Abdelaziz Ziari and Italy’s
Ambassador to Algeria Michele Giacomelli.
(APS, June 19th. 2013,
U.S Carlson Rezidor to enter the Algerian
The initial plan of the hotel group will focus on
the major cities, namely Algiers, Oran, Setif,
Constantine, Annaba and Ghardaia.
This American hotel group is known by its
two global brands, namely Radisson Blu
(upscale) and Park Inn by Radisson (midrange).
(Liberté, June 6th.2013,
Algeria looks to jump-start tourism
Authorities re-launched the Delphine Plan.
Under this year's security roll-out, officials are
stepping up patrols on 256 beaches, or nearly
three-quarters of beaches where swiming is
permitted. The National Gendarmerie is setting
up 156 surveillance points to safeguard those
beaches and surrounding areas as well as give
holiday makers peace of mind.
The latest mobilisation comes as the tourism
industry grapples with how to bounce back
amid a slump brought on by insecurity in the
In the aftermath of the attack near In Amenas,
Tourism Minister Mohamed Benmeradi
reassured desert tour operators that no tourism
development in southern Algerian would be
cancelled as a result. He stated unequivocally
that "the driving force of Algeria's entire
tourism industry is the Sahara".
Nonetheless, industry insiders and tourism
officials have raised concerns about
diminishing tourist numbers in the desert. In
2012, 706 foreign tourists visited Tamanrasset,
compared with 1,807 in 2011, according to
figures released by the Tamanrasset Province
Tourism Director Abdelmalek Moulay.
The sector's first goal was to develop internal
tourism by attracting the 1.9 million tourists
who currently choose to spend vacation
abroad. The second goal was to increase the
number of foreign tourists who visit the
In 2012, some 250,000 European tourists
visited Algeria. However, the tourism minister
acknowledged the country suffered from a
"lack of quality and capacity in terms of
To achieve these goals, tourism professionals
are implementing a strategy that will continue
until 2025.
(Zawya, June 4th, 2013,
Netherlands ranks 5th in 2013 Global Food
Security Index
The Netherlands is ranked 5th in the recently
published Economist Intelligence Unit's 2013
Global Food Security Index (GFSI). The GFSI
is intended to deepen the dialogue on food
security by examining the core issues of food
affordability, availability, and quality across a
set of 107 developed and developing countries
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
worldwide. The dynamic benchmarking model
evaluates 27 qualitative and quantitative
indicators which collectively, create the
conditions for food security in a country. Highincome countries still dominate the top 25% of
the index, but falling national incomes hurt
food security in many cases, especially in
countries on the periphery of Europe. The US
retained the top ranking in the 2013 GFSI, with
some shifts in the top ten group resulting in
Norway taking the second spot, and France the
third. Developing countries made the greatest
food security gains in the past year. Ethiopia,
Botswana and the Dominican Republic led the
way, rising eight places on average in the
global food security rankings, based largely on
greater food availability and income growth.
More than 870m people globally do not have a
secure source of food.
(Hollandtrade, June 2013,
Boskalis to build new port in St. Petersburg
Dutch maritime engineering firm Boskalis has
been awarded the contract to construct the new
Bronka Port in St. Petersburg. The project
involves the reclamaing of land for the
construction of the new port facility 'Bronka' in
St Petersburg. A total volume of up to 3
million cubic meters sand will be dredged and
reclaimed using trailer suction hopper dredgers
to create approximately 85 hectares of new
terminal area. The project is expected to be
completed in 2013. The contract for the project
was was signed at the St Petersburg
International Economic Forum on 20 June in
attendance of the Russian Deputy Prime
Minister Mr. Arkady Dvorkovich and the
Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mr. Mark
with ALPLA - one of the world's leading
producers of packaging for consumer products.
ALPLA will develop PEF bottles for Personal
Care/ Home Care applications, such as
cosmetics and detergents and for food
applications such as sauces, dressings, babyfoods and edible oils. ALPLA and Avantium
will also develop bottles for beer and other
alcoholic beverages. PEF is a novel generation
of 100% biobased and recyclable polyester
which has the potential to replace conventional
fossil resources based durable materials like
PET. PEF has properties superior to PET such
as a significantly higher barrier to oxygen,
carbon dioxide and water, extending product
shelf life and reducing production costs. An
independent life-cycle-analysis study by the
Copernicus Institute at the University of
Utrecht has demonstrated the carbon footprint
of PEF is 50~70% lower than today’s PET.
(Holland Trade, June 12nd 2013,
O3b launches satellite to connect remote
areas to internet
The Hague based O3b has deployed a
revolutionary new network that combines the
reach of satellite with the speed of fiber,
bringing high speed, low cost connectivity to
billions of people across emerging markets
who have never had access to this level of
connectivity before.
In the early evening of 25 June 2013, O3b’s
first four satellites roared skyward aboard the
Ariane space Soyuz launch vehicle. A few
short hours later, first contact was made with
O3b’s gateway in Hawaii, confirming the birth
of the satellite industry’s newest and most
innovative operator.
(Holland Trade, June 20th. 2013,
(Holland Trade, June 28th. 2013,
Avantium's PEF packaging to replace fossilfuel PET
Brand owners are leading the transition from
fossil resources based packaging materials like
PET (polyethylene terephthalate), to biobased
materials. Biobased materials should be
compliant with existing recycling solutions.
Dutch firm Avantium recently entered into
development and production agreements with
Coca Cola and food giant Danone via its Joint
Development Platform. The company also
recently announced a strategic cooperation
Dutch dolphin-tail barge set to revolutionise
inland shipping
European inland shipping is about to get a
significant efficiency boost thanks to a new
Dutch propulsion method called the 'O-foil'
that promises fuel savings of at least 50 percent
in combination with a diesel-electro motor.
The first vessel with this 'dolphin-tail
propulsion', De Triade, is currently undergoing
trials in the Netherlands. For centuries, the
traditional ship's propeller has been the
propulsion method for inland shipping.
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
However, due to limited water depth on many
inland routes, screw-propellers are limited in
diameter, providing less thrust and making the
vessels energy-inefficient. The new dolphintail O-foil moves up and down in a vertical
plane providing efficient forward-thrust. The
tail can be the same width as the vessel itself,
producing a large, low stress surface area for
generating forward-thrust. Increased efficiency
also means up to 75 percent fewer emissions of
pollutants such as NOX, CO, and CO2.
1 - 3th Octobre 2013
2eme Salon International des Fournisseurs de
l’Industrie Pharmaceutique en Afrique
du Nord du 1er au 03 Octobre 2013 au Centre de
Conventions d’Oran (C.C.O)
(Holland Trade, June 19nd 2013,
Holland seeks cleaner, greener transport in
North Sea
The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark are
collaborating to create an LNG master plan for
the Wadden Sea and the North Sea to introduce
small scale Liquefied Natural Gas in transport
over water to reduce Europe’s dependence on
(imported) oil and to reduce carbon emissions
and emissions of SO2, NOx and particulate
matter drastically. The Masterplan is focussed
on the Wadden Sea region as a stepping stone
towards the North Sea.
The Dutch Energy Valley Foundation, the
German Maritime Competence Centre and the
Danish Maritime Development Centre of
Europe are active in carrying out the initiative.
The goal is to introduce 1 to 2 million tons of
LNG in the transport market by 2025. For the
short term they want to convert or build at least
50 ferries, short-sea vessels and fishing ships
which use LNG by the end of 2016.
Additionally, they want to create a potential
transition of traditional fuels to LNG of
185,000 tonnes of fuel per year. The partners
estimate that these measures will reduce
emissions of carbon dioxide by 10 percent,
nitrogen dioxide by 80 percent, sulphur
dioxide by at least 100 percent, particulate
matter by 100 percent and noise emissions by
50 percent.
(Holland Trade, June 25th. 2013,
Contacts :
Cité des Annassers I Bt 901 n°02 KOUBA -16108Alger, Tel/ Fax 021- 29.20.75 / mobile : 055246.22.58, E-Mail : /
Site Web :
8th - 10th October 2013
Algeria International Air Show (ALIAS)
Secteurs : Aéronautique
Chef de projet / Project Manager - ALIAS
WTC - 13, rue Mohamed Semani - Hydra, 16035 ALGER
Tél : +213 (0)21 69 43 07 à 09 Extension 1012 - Fax :
+213 (0)21 69 29 05
Mobile : +213 (0)555 029 299
Algeria International Air Show
http : //
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
28th - 30th October 2013
6th - 9th Novembre 2013
ERA-4ème édition du salon des énergies
renouvelables, des énergies propres et du
développement durable - Centre des
conventions d’Oran
SIPA - 5eme salon international de la pêche
et de l’Aquaculture « SIPA 2013 » - Centre
+213 (0) 21 54 14 83
+213 (0) 21 54 14 83
5 - 9 Novembre 2013
Aquatech: the world’s leading trade
exhibition for process, drinking and waste
Nick Mouthaan - Sales Manager:
T + 31 (0)20 549 22 99,
Marieke Leenhouts - Product Manager:
T + 31 (0)20 549 23 27,
Mohamed Elhour- Administration: CARE
T + 31 (0)20 549 22 52
Credit Control:
T + 31 (0)20 549 12 12
Amsterdam RAI
Aquatech Amsterdam 2013
1078 GZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
P.O. Box 77777
1070 MS Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T +31 (0)20 549 12 12
F +31 (0)20 549 18 89
des Conventions d’Oran
Chambre Algérienne de Pêche et d’Aquaculture
Adresse : Cité 400 Logements HAMMAMAT
Chéraga Alger
00213 21 42 33 08
Fax : 021 43 32 52
Email :
8th - 11th Novembre 2013
Algeria FoodExpo
Contact :
Organiser :
ElanExpo : mail :,
SAFEX Expo Centre
Pins Maritimes, Alger, 16000
+213 21 386727
+213 21 387058
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
21st - 25th November 2013
SITP - 11e Salon international des travaux
publics d’Alger
Secteurs : public works and construction
machinery, Construction firms, Building materials
- Ministère du Commerce:
- Ministère de l’Energie et des Mines:
- Ministère des Ressources en eau:
- Ministère de l’Industrie, de la PME et de
- Ministère de l’Agriculture et du
Développement rural:
- Direction Générale des impôts: et
- Direction Générale des Douanes:
- Agence Nationale de Développement de
- Chambre algérienne de commerce et
- Office Nationale des Statistiques:
- Office National du Tourisme:
- Portail du tourisme algérien:
- Air Algérie:
- Algérie Ferries:
- Transport maritime (SNTM/CNAN):
- Société Algérienne des Foires et Exportations
- Foires et salons:
- Portail algérien des énergies renouvelables:
Palais des Expositions d'Alger
Pins Maritimes, Alger, 16000
+213 21 386727
+213 21 387058
22nd - 25th January 2014
International Trade Show for the Cosmetics
Contact Algeria : M. Rabah Alilat
Mobile : +213771102300
Email :
Contact Turkey : Novo event
Sites B2B:
- Made in Algeria:
- Réseau des entreprises algériennes:
Sites d’appels d’offres:
- Algeria Tenders:
- Santé:
Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013
- Agentschap NL: Agence néerlandaise pour le
Commerce extérieur et la Coopération
internationale: (NL) ou (AN)
- Port de Rotterdam:
Procédure demande de visa / changement
À partir du 1 juillet 2013 l’Ambassade des
Pays-Bas à Alger n’est plus habilitée à prendre
des décisions sur les demandes de visa. La
décision concernant votre demande de visa
sera prise par le Bureau de Support Régional à
Amman en Jordanie.
Votre dossier de demande de visa sera préparé
aux services consulaires de l’Ambassade
comme d’habitude, mais envoyé ainsi que
votre passeport à Amman pour décision. Une
décision dur votre demande sera prise dans un
délai de 15 jours, mais peut prendre plus
longtemps, en fonction du dossier. Toute autre
règlementation par rapport aux services
Orange Carpet resteront en vigueur et notre
service consulaire sera à votre disposition
comme d’habitude pour le retrait de votre visa.
Pour d’avantages d’informations, nous vous
prions de consulter
L'Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger est ouverte
de dimanche à jeudi de 8h00 à 16h30 tout au
long de l’année. La section consulaire est
également ouverte de dimanche à jeudi mais de
9h00 à 12h00. Pour le weekend, l’Ambassade
est fermée chaque vendredi et samedi.
Adresse: 23, Chemin Cheikh Bachir ElIbrahimi, 16030 El-Biar ou BP 72, 6030 ElBiar (Alger)
T: +213 21 92 28 29
F: +213 21 92 29 47
Pour vos suggestions et/ou commentaires,
n'hésitez pas à contacter notre Section
-Isabelle Van Tol
Chef de Mission adjoint
- Djilali Tahar-Belkacem
Chargé des Affaires commerciales
- Khaled Benchaalal
Chargé des Affaires agricoles
T : +213 21 92 28 29
F : +213 21 92 29 47
Pour plus d’informations, nous vous invitons à
consulter notre site web
AVERTISSEMENT: le contenu de cette
lettre d’information ne reflète en aucun cas
la position de l'Ambassade des Pays-Bas à
Alger. Elle se compose d’une sélection
d'articles publiés dans la presse nationale et
internationale et dont la source est
clairement indiquée.