Algeria - Ambassade du Royaume des Pays


Algeria - Ambassade du Royaume des Pays
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Algiers (Algeria)
Trade & Investment
Dear readers,
Our Embassy has the pleasure to inform you
that the new Ambassador of the Kingdom of
the Netherlands, Mrs Willemijn van Haaften,
presented her credentials to the Algerian
Minister of Foreign Affairs on 9 September
2014. Also, the new Deputy head of mission/
counselor, Mr René Spitz, started his work at
our Embassy this August.
Economic Section
No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
EU Cooperation instruments with Algeria in
which Dutch enterprises can participate via
tenders :
Dutch instruments for private sector
development :
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
Algeria macroeconomic forecasts
(Source : Economic Intelligence Unit Country Report
Algeria, April 2014)
Algeria plans to raise government spending
16 pct in 2015 -draft budget
Algeria plans to increase state spending by
16 % in 2015, pushing up its deficit to 22 % of
GDP, despite declining energy earnings,
according to a draft budget obtained by
Reuters. Algeria, a member of OPEC, relies on
oil and gas exports to finance government
development and social programmes. But that
revenue has been declining in recent years.
The draft forecasts 2015 economic growth at
3.42 %, down from the 4.5 % projected for this
year. Inflation is expected to reach 3 %,
slightly lower than the 3.5 % forecast for 2014.
The draft, based on a world oil price of $100
per barrel, expects the volume of energy
exports to increase by 3.86 % next year
compared to projected 3.5% for 2014.
However, official figures showed overall
energy sales declined by 9 % in the first
quarter. The draft budget sets 2015 spending at
8,858 billion dinars ($112 billion) Part of that
will go to boost growth in sectors including
industry, agriculture and energy. Part will be
spent on subsidies for cereals, fuel, electricity,
gas and housing. Algeria has accumulated
foreign-currency reserves of about $200
billion, and it has been spending heavily on
social programmes to avert the kind of
uprisings that have hit its neighbours.
(Reuters, Aug 26th 2014,,
Algeria to maintain economic growth at 3%
in 2015
Algeria is expected to maintain its economic
growth at 3% (4.2% excluding hydrocarbons)
in 2015, at the same level as in previous years,
according to forecasts of the draft Finance Bill
2015, discussed and adopted on 22 august by
the Council of Ministers. For 2015, the State
will pursue its efforts to maintain growth
through public spending. The draft finance bill
provides in this sense a capital budget of DZD
3,908 billion, up 43% compared to 2014.
These funds will be used to fund the capital
program underway, estimated at DZD 1,600
billion and a new program of 1,100 billion for
the areas of Housing, Health, Education,
Higher Education, Water, Energy and
Vocational Training. In addition, more than
DZD 700 billion are planned for the State’s
economic action. President of the Republic
stressed "the State’s efforts should be further
supported by a stronger contribution to the
productive sector, including the diversification
of exports." He also instructed the government
to accelerate the reform of the banking and
financial system that must be completed no
later than the end of next year.
(APS, Aug 26th 2014,
Algeria ahead of Morocco, but behind
Tunisia in the HDI 2014
As in 2013 ranking Algeria remains ahead of
Morocco but behind Tunisia in the
classification of the human development index
(HDI) for 2014. In spite of the sizeable income
from energy exports, and despite the
considerable public investments made in the
housing sector in particular, Algeria has
stagnated in the 2014 rankings of Human
Development Index and stood at the 93rd
position, Tunisia remains at the 90th position,
and Morocco gained two points to rank at the
129th position. The classification of Algeria in
the HDI 2014 (93rd) is close to its ranking in
the ranking the clasification of countries
regarding GDP/capita (105th in 2013
according to the IMF).
(Algerie-dz, Aug 5th 2014,
Algeria needs to reduce subsidies
The IMF considers that energy and food
subsidies in the Middle East and North Africa
(MENA) region, including Algeria, is costly
and ineffective, suggesting that countries that
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
have not yet begun reforms in this area should
begin to prepare by improving transparency
and awareness of the cost of subsidies and by
implementing efficient social safety nets.
(Algerie-dz, Jul 13th 2014,
New investment law project by the new
Algerian minister of industry
Abdeslam Bouchouareb, Minister of Industry,
was present a new investment code to the
government. The new document is not
expected to hold novel measures given that the
new minister didn’t take enough time to
consult with stakeholders.It will be similar to
previous ones: some measures whose sole
purpose is to keeping a comfortable balance of
payments position, an taking care not to hinder
interests of local companies, public and
private, who benefit from the advantage of
annuity. As a matter of fact, the announcement
of this new project rise no interest to foreign
investor nor to Algerian economic operators.
(TSA, Jul 16th 2014,,
Rise in Volume of Load & Unloaded Goods
in Algeria
The total volume of loaded and unloaded
goods at Algiers port has reached 934,775 tons
in July 2014, against 897,154 tons in July
2013, up 4.19%, according to the port
managing company EPAL. The volume of
unloaded goods has not changed as it stood at
765,269 tons against 765,005 tons in the same
period in 2013, the EPAL noted. The loaded
goods, however, have recorded a rise by
28.27% to 169,506 tons in July 2014, from
132,149 tons in the same month in 2013.
Agricultural produce and food stuffs have
reached 170,861 tons against 159,139 tons, up
7.37%. Oil products increased by 6.07% to
472,722 tons in July 2014 compared to
445,672 tons in July 2013. Minerals and
building materials rose by 72.36%, as they
stood at 37,928 tons against 22,006 in the
previous year (July).
(Bedigest, Aug 31th 2014,
Manufacturing investments may take root
in Algeria
After decades of heavy dependence on
hydrocarbons exports, Algeria has been
working to increase value-added activity and
local manufacturing, reduce its import bill and
create more employment opportunities.
Progress has been slow but the efforts have
been recently rewarded with a spate of
announcements of new investments in the
manufacturing sector from both domestic and
foreign players. Years of underinvestment – a
result of the strong performance of the oil and
gas industry – together with so-called Dutch
Disease, have contributed to limited
competitiveness and productivity in the nonhydrocarbon industrial sector, which
contributes less than 5% to GDP. To counter
this, the government has sought to provide a
selection of incentives to help stimulate capital
expenditure, including extending lease terms
for foreign investors from 20-year to 33-year
renewable contracts, and providing breaks on
Customs and registrations fees. Acquiring
industrial land – long one of the thorniest
issues facing investors – was improved through
the 2008 establishment of the National Agency
for Land Mediation and Regulation (Agence
Nationale d’Intermediation et de Régulation
Foncière, ANIREF), which is in charge of a
project to create 42 new industrial zones,
covering a total of 9.57 ha across 34 wilayas
(OBG, Jul 22th 2014,
Germany approves Rheinmetall's tank
plant delivery to Algeria
Germany's Economy Ministry has approved
plans by defense group Rheinmetall to deliver
a tank assembly plant to Algeria, according to
a reply sent by the ministry following a request
from a member of parliament. Rheinmetall's
delivery to Algeria includes a production line
to assemble the Fuchs armored transport
vehicle, as well as other parts valued at more
than 28 million euros ($37 million), according
to the document. The planned factory, located
about 400 km east of Algeria's capital Algiers,
is to build nearly 1,000 armored vehicles, Der
Spiegel said, adding parts would be exported to
the country, where workers would assemble
them. The deal is the result of a visit to Algeria
by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2008
and was largely approved by the previous
government, Der Spiegel said.
(Reuters, Aug 24th 2014,
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
Capacity building and training in next five
years program
A framework agreement for the development
of professional qualifications and upgrade
workers' skills have been concluded now
between the Ministry of Vocational Training
and Education, 14 ministriel departments,
employers' organizations and the national trade
union for algerian workers (UGTA). The
agreement developed in anticipation of the
next tripartite. It aims to meet the needs in
training and enhancing the skills of workers,
which is necessary to achieve the next fiveyear development program 2015-2019.
spending for the five-year period through 2018
will be aimed at boosting reserves and
increasing oil and gas production, APS said,
citing an unidentified source at Sonatrach.
The plan allocates $42 billion to help develop
oil and gas fields from now through 2018. That
figure includes $22 billion for natural gas
development. Officials have said Sonatrach is
planning to start production at six gas fields
with a total capacity of 74 million cubic metres
per day in the next three years. The investment
plan was reported as Algeria prepares to open
bids for a new oil and gas round, with 31 fields
on offer in September this year.
Sonatrach makes 18 hydrocarbon finds over
first eight months in 2014
Thirteen finds were made during the six first
months of 2014, seven of which are relating to
oil and six to gas, in the basins of Berkine,
Illizi, and Oued Mya, around the fields of
Hassi Messaoud, as well as in the basin of
Gourara, in the country's southwest, Sonatrach
said in a statement. "As part of the same
exploration programme, Sonatrach made five
other oil and gas discoveries in July and
August," the statement added. "The latest
finds, under assessment currently, bring the
number of (hydrocarbon) discoveries since the
beginning of 2014 to eighteen." The thirteen
finds made in the first half of 2014 contain a
volume of hydrocarbons estimated, according
to Sonatrach, at 235 million proven and
probable ton of oil equivalent (TOE) and 159
million possible TEO.
(Lesoir, Sep15th. 2014,
Deadline for algeria’s 4th Oil bid round
extended till 30th September 2014
The National Agency for the Valorisation of
Hydrocarbons Resources ‘’ALNAFT’’ is
pleased to inform interested companies of the
extension of the deadlines for the 4th oil and
gas bid round as follows :
 Offers submission : 30 September,
2014 at 10h00 (local time) in Algiers.
 Bids public opening : 30 September,
2014 at 10h30 (local time).
 Contracts signature : 29 October 2014
at 9h00 (local time) in Algiers.
(Alnaft, August 2014,,
Algeria's Sonatrach to spend $100 bln over
5 years to boost oil, gas
Algerian state energy group Sonatrach has
approved a $100 billion investment plan for
2014-2018 to increase oil and gas output and
also aims to start producing shale gas in 2020,
the official APS news agency reported. OPEC
member Algeria, a major gas supplier to
Europe, has been struggling to raise energy
output, on which it relies heavily for state
funds to finance development and social
programmes. Oil and gas production has been
stagnating since 2010 due to a fall in
exploration activity and a lack of investment
from foreign companies, which have been
wary of Algeria's contract terms and security
since a 2013 militant attack on a gas plant.
But energy officials are hopeful things will
improve in the medium term through higher
spending in the sector. The $100 billion
(Reuters, Jul 20th 2014,
(APS, Aug 31st, 2014,
Overview on Algeria oil and gas reserves
and management
Algeria is the leading natural gas producer in
Africa, the second-largest natural gas supplier
to Europe, and is among the top three oil
producers in Africa. Algeria is estimated to
hold the third-largest amount of shale gas
resources in the world. However, gross natural
gas and crude oil production have gradually
declined in recent years, mainly because new
production and infrastructure projects have
repeatedly been delayed. Algeria's oil and
natural gas industries are governed by the
Hydrocarbon Act of 2005. The initial
legislation established terms that guided the
involvement of international oil companies
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
(IOCs) in upstream exploration and
production, midstream transportation, and the
downstream sector. The original 2005
legislation was more favorable to foreign
involvement than its predecessor, which was
passed in 1986. However, amendments to the
bill were made in 2006, and some of the
favorable terms were reversed. In the 2006
amendments, Algeria's national oil company
(Sonatrach), was granted a minimum equity
stake of 51% in any hydrocarbon project, and a
windfall profits tax was introduced for IOCs.
(EIA, Jul 24th, 2014,
Exploration Sites Chosen by Sonatrach in
The national hydrocarbon group Sonatrach
intends to carry out its first offshore drillings in
the coastal provinces of Oran (432-km west of
Algiers) and Bejaia (265-km east of Algiers),
chosen as offshore exploration areas after the
seismic surveys on their territorial waters, a
source from the group told state press agency
(APS). These two provinces have been chosen
for the offshore exploration after the
interpretation of the 2D seismic data of
Algeria's 1,200 km-long coasts, the source
said. At the present stage of prospection,
Sonatrach cannot confirm the existence of
hydrocarbon potential as long as the 3d seismic
data interpretation carried out by the oil group
in collaboration with the French CGG has not
been completed. Sonatrach signed in late 2013
a four-month agreement with CGG to conduct
a 3D seismic survey on the Algerian coasts.
The two groups have finished collecting the
3D seismic data and are about to complete
their interpretation. Sonatrach intends to carry
out the first drilling alone or in partnership but
the decision will be made by the Ministry of
Energy, the source added.
said. The Council of Ministers had agreed in
May the launch of the necessary procedures
towards foreign partners. In 2012, Sonatrach
had already achieved the first shale gas drilling
in Ahnet, an experimental well that allows to
improve data on the unconventional gas
reserves in this basin. Besides Ahnet basin,
Algeria possesses six other basins containing
shale gas, according to a study by the U.S.
Department of Energy (DoE) in collaboration
with the U.S. “Advanced Resources
International”, a consulting firm in
hydrocarbons industries. These basins are
Mouydir, Berkin-Ghadames, Timimoun,
Reggane and Tindouf containing technically
recoverable reserves, said the study. Sonatrach
aims to renew oil and gas reserves of the
country by mobilizing $ 102 billion of
investment by 2018, 60% of which will be
used primarily for the exploration and the
production of hydrocarbons.
(APS, Jul 3rd 2014,,
Sonatrach’s Strategy to Produce Shale Gas
Algeria’s state-own company, Sonatrach, plans
to spend $102 billion over the next four years
to boost its oil and gas output, see:
Key Points:
Large amount of money will be spent
on shale developments
Plans to develop Algeria’s 707 trillion
cubic feet of technically recoverable
shale gas reserves
According to the U.S. Energy
Information Administration, Algeria is
the third country in the world for
technically recoverable shale resources
after China and Argentina.
Sonatrach plans to drill 4 wells for
shale gas exploration this year (2014)
and has confirmed it aims to produce
up to 30 billion cubic meters of shale
gas in 2020.
Its shale gas drilling activities will take
place in the basins of Ahnet and Illizi
(Bedigest, Jul 16th 2014,
Shale gas: Sonatrach to drill 4 wells in
Ahnet, Illizi in 2014
Group Sonatrach plans to drill this year four
exploration wells of shale gas in the basins of
Ahnet (south of In Salah) and Illizi, after the
Council of Ministers authorized the stateowned oil group to conduct a programme of
drilling 11 wells over a period of 7 to 13 years.
Indeed, Sonatrach plans to drill 117 wells by
its own means in 2014, of which four wells are
concerned by shale gas exploration, the Group
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
as soon as the government gives the
green light.
Reasons for decline in production
After the tragic attack on In Amenas
gas facility in 2013, the country
experienced a fall in drilling activities
and international investments.
That tragic incident had a strong
impact on the economy of the country
as some investors changed their
approach to Algeria’s oil and gas
Positive sign for future Algerian
shale development
Abdelhamid Zerguine, CEO of
Sonatrach, said that initial drilling data
on the first Algerian shale gas well are
very positive.
“The well has been completed, and we
will be conducting a simulation test by
(the end of) 2014. A second drilling is
currently under way,” Zerguine said.
Algerian energy minister Youcef
Yousfi said “Algeria is currently
evaluating the potential for shale oil
and gas, attempting to determine the
quality of the rock while studying all
potential environmental impact. “It is
absolutely vital for us to use all
possible resources to achieve energy
security,” he added.
Moreover support comes also from
Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek
Sellal, who said “The government will
ensure the long-term energy security
of Algeria and maintain its position as
an active player in the international oil
market, intensifying exploration and
development efforts and bringing new
oil and gas deposits on stream to return
to production growth”.
(Insideenergy, Jul 24th 2014,
Algeria Power Report 2014
Despite Algerian government's efforts to spur
the development of renewable energy in the
country, conventional thermal sources are
expected to remain the dominant fuel for
electricity generation in the coming years, with
many power projects under construction or
planned that will use natural gas. Fast Market
Research estimates 2013 total power
generation in Algeria was 50.4TWh , having
risen 3.8% on the 2012 level. FMR forecasts
an average of 4.7% annual increase to
60.9TWh between 2012 and 2017. Thermal
generation, comprising coal, gas and oil, is
expected to grow at a similar pace - by 4.7%
per annum and is forecast to reach 60.3TWh
during 2017. Algeria's power consumption is
expected to rise from an estimated 40.9TWh in
2013 to 71.7TWh by the end of the forecast
period. During the period 2012-2017, the
average annual growth rate for electricity
demand is estimated at 6.3%, but declining
later in the decade to an average 5.5% in 20182023.
(Fastmarket, Jul 15th 2014,
Statoil readies full In Amenas return
Statoil is ready to resume ordinary operations
at the In Amenas gas plant in Algeria
following a deadly terrorist attack early last
year that left dozens of people dead. The
Norwegian state-owned company said “all
defined security measures have been
implemented” at the plant in the south of the
country, paving the way for a full-scale return
of staff following the 16 January, 2013 assault.
Statoil had in June approved the temporary
manning of the facility, having between the
autumn of 2013 and early this year resumed
ordinary operations at other facilities in
Algeria. That involved sending a contingent of
10 personnel on a temporary rotation –
including both foreign nationals and
Norwegians – to ensure the security of the
facility about 18 months after the attack.
The security improvements at In Amenas are
based on recommendations of the investigation
conducted after the attack.
(Upstreamonline, Sep 1st 2014,
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
Algeria oil and gas exports drop 9 % in first
Algeria's central bank said exports of oil and
natural gas dropped 9 % in the first quarter
compared to last year, Reuters reported. The
Bank of Algeria said the latest decrease, which
resulted in a 12 % drop in earnings in the
energy sector, reflected a pattern of declines
that began in 2010. The central bank said
exports of crude oil were down 19 million
barrels in the first quarter reaching 42 million
barrels. While natural gas and condensate
exports both decreased, liquefied natural gas
shipments rose from 6.1 million cubic meters
between January and March last year to 7.2
million cubic meters in the same period this
year. With energy exports on the decline due to
slowing exploration activity, Algeria plans to
invest $100 billion between 2014 to 2018 to
boost oil and gas production. Algerian state
energy firm Sonatrach said the money will go
toward developing oil and gas fields. The
investment plan also calls for injecting more
foreign investment in the domestic energy
sector by offering tax incentives for shale gas
and oil development.
(Pennenergy, Aug20th 2014,
Algerian state energy company Sonatrach
replaces CEO
Algeria's state energy company Sonatrach has
replaced its chief Abdelhamid Zerguine with
vice president for production Said Sahnoun, a
senior Sonatrach source told Reuters on. The
source, who asked not to be identified, gave no
details, but Sonatrach is under pressure to
increase stagnating energy output in the
country, which is a major supplier of gas to
European markets. Zerguine, a former
Sonatrach vice president for pipelines and head
of a Sonatrach unit in Switzerland, was
appointed chief of the company in November
2011. Later this year, Algeria will hold a new
energy bidding round seen as essential to
attracting foreign oil producers into its sector
and help offset a drop-off in production.
(Reuters, Jul 26th 2014,
Clarke Energy signs first Algeria deal
Clarke Energy has secured its first power plant
sale in Algeria. Algeria has enormous gas
reserves and has historically utilised large gas
turbines for generating power or diesel fuelled
generators in more remote locations. In a
separate deal Clarke Energy has also secured
its first sales for a 1mW natural gas-fuelled
captive power plant at Plastpaper’s industrial
plastic goods production facility in the city of
Oran. This will operate generating stable
reliable electricity for the facility and will
prevent micro disturbances from the local
electricity grid affecting the plastics extrusion
process. Clarke Energy’s Didier Lartigue
stated, “We are delighted to have secured our
first order in Algeria. This project will
demonstrate the reliability and efficiency of
gas-fuelled distributed generation in the
Algerian market.”
(Gasworld, Aug 6th 2014,
GE supplies Algeria with GE TM2500 gas
turbine-generators and Jenbacher gas
Following multiple power generation
technology supply agreements between Algeria
and GE over the past 12 months, GE has orders
for eight trailer-mounted GE TM2500+
aeroderivative gas turbine-generators and the
first Jenbacher gas engine project in the
country. Algeria’s energy demand is estimated
to reach 24GW by 2017 growing at 14 %
annually and needs to significantly increase its
generating capacity to meet its energy needs.
(PennEnergy, Aug 6th 2014,,,
Petroceltic set to oversee $2bn Algerian
Petroceltic International, an Irish oil and gas
exploration and production company focused
on the Middle East and North Africa, is set to
launch a $2bn investment in Algeria later this
year. It propels Dublin and London-listed
Petroceltic into a select group of companies,
such as the banks, CRH and Smurfit, which
have made billion-dollar investments abroad.
The company has revealed details of the plans
in the past but the investment is now bigger
and earlier than expected. Petroceltic will
oversee the €2bn expenditure in the Ain Tsila
gas project in southern Algeria on its own
behalf and on behalf of two partners: Italian
energy behemoth Enel and Sonatrach, which is
Algeria's state-owned oil and gas company.
The costs will be split between the partners.
Petroceltic has a 38.25pc interest in the field
and remains operator of the licence.
(Independent, Aug3rd 2014,
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
Algeria renewabales interactive map
Please visit:
Renewables investment perspectives in
The development of renewable energies in
Algeria is of particular interest for public
authorities which tend to give new impetus to
this sector to replace the fossil energy whose
resources are increasingly scarce. For the
implementation and realization of plans and
objectives set, the government conducted the
adoption of a favourable legal framework, the
creation of a multitude of organizations
working in this sector and the launch of major
(ANDI, 2014,
Ghardaïa solar power plant, new stage in
achieving renewable energies programme
The national renewable energies development
programme entered demonstration phase,
notably with the inauguration of the
photovoltaic power plant of Ghardaïa, Minister
of Energy Youcef Yousfi said. "The first stage
of this programme included the elaboration of
studies and the second stage includes pilot
projects," he told the press, during a working
visit to Ghardaïa where he inaugurated a mini
solar power plant of capacity of 1.1MW,
located in the locality of Oued Nechou, 10km
of the administrative center of the city. The
new energy facility will serve as "open-sky
laboratory" to survey the performances of each
technology in extreme climate conditions like
heat, sandstorms and dusts.
(APS, Jul 10th 2014,
Relevant links for renewables development
in Algeria
Please see:
Work commencing on a new highway in
Work is now underway on Algeria’s new
62km highway in Batna. The project was
opened officially by the Algerian president.
The US$567 million project will connect with
Algeria’s key East-West highway and forms
part of the president's 2005-2025 programme
of works. The first section of the new highway
will be split into two lots, linking the provinces
of Batna, Khenchela and Oum El Bouaghi.
(Worldhighways,Jul 15th2014,
Algerian Housing Construction Speeds Up
The elimination of the housing crisis, called
priority of the Government’s programs, is
possible through speeding up the pace of home
construction and the adoption of modern
processes of construction. From the1999s on,
the housing sector experienced a net recovery
and improved offer through the launch of the
various development plans. The Head of the
State reaffirmed in his program that "State
support to the sector will be pursued to
definitively eliminate the housing deficit,
before the end of the five-year plan 20152019". For that sake, the action plan recently
presented by the government Sellal provides
for the construction of 1.6 million units of all
types during the 2015-2019 five-year period.
Also, these programs will be multiplied to
meet the demands of all the applicants, notably
youth and also the members of the national
community abroad
(Bedigest, Jul 17th 2014,
Air care in algeria
Algeria has been suffering from a housing
shortage for many years, while ongoing growth
in the country's cities intensified this problem
during the review period. The rate of
urbanisation in the country continued to rise,
increasing from 65% at the start of the review
period to 68% at the end of the review period,
while the overall population increased by 7%.
Many consumers are thus living in crowded
apartments in crowded cities, with many
struggling due to unpleasant odours as a result.
Competitive Landscape
Air care continues to be dominated by
multinationals in terms of value sales, with SC
Johnson and Reckitt Benckiser accounting for
32% and 23% value share respectively in 2013.
These companies' value shares are inflated by
their imported products' premium prices.
However, these players also owe their lead to
long-term customer loyalty among highincome consumers and from strong advertising
on French TV channels that air in Algeria.
Industry Prospects
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
The government plans to invest heavily in
easing Algeria's housing shortage in the
forecast period. However, there are concerns
that the government's plans are too little and
too late to adequately address this long-term
issue. It will also be difficult to find suitable
locations for large housing projects, given the
already overcrowded landscapes of Algeria's
cities. Consequently, many consumers are
expected to continue to live in overcrowded
apartment blocks in the forecast period and
will thus be keen to use air care to reduce the
impact of odours generated by other people,
industry, traffic and pollution.
(Fastmarket, Jul 16th 2014,
Maritime Passenger Transport - Pilot Line
Inaugurated in Algiers
A pilot line of maritime passenger transport
between the port of Algiers and El Djamila
port (in Ain Benian), west of the capital, was
officially inaugurated in August. A 344 -seat
Italian ship "Capitan Morgan" was chartered
for this line by the National Company of
Maritime Passenger Transport (ENTMV),
which sets the ticket price at DZD50. This rate,
subsidized by the state, is affordable compared
to expenditure and investments made to
achieve this pilot line," said Ghoul.
(Allafrica, Aug 4th 2014,
Algeria’s Cement Imports Increase
The Algerian imports of cement stood, during
the first half of 2014, at nearly US$283.9
million against US$218.19 million, up 30.11%,
the Algerian customs said. The imported
quantities of cement reached 3.086 million
tons in the first six months of 2014 against
2.438 million tons in the same period of 2013,
increasing by 26.55%, said the National Centre
for Data Processing and Statistics (CNIS) of
the Customs. According to the Ministry of
Industrial Development and Investment
Promotion, Algeria should stop importing
cement within 3 or 4 years, due to stronger
domestic production capacity with the launch
of a dozen projects of cement plants during the
year. Algeria produces 18 million tons of
cement per year and imports 2 to 3 million tons
to meet the local demand estimated at 21
million tons per year.
(Bedigest, Aug 6 2014,
Gebr Pfeiffer wins Algeria order
Gebr Pfeiffer SE has won a contract to supply
a MVR 6700 C-6 cement mill and an MVR
6000 R-6 raw mill for Lafarge’s cement plant
near the Algerian town of Biskra. This
acquisition underpins Lafarge’s strategy
towards the "one-mill solution with
MultiDrive®", Gebr Pfeiffer said, noting that it
offers a "high level of availability when it
comes to cement grinding, thus giving
preference to this concept over the
conventional two-mill solution with less
availability." The cement mill has an installed
total drive power of 9125kW and will be
capable of producing 231-342tph of OPC
ground to a product fineness of 3700-4800
cm²/g according to Blaine.
(Cemnet, Jul 21st 2014,
Swissport Algeria granted ground-handling
licences for Constantine, Batna and
Tlemcen International Airports
Swissport International (Swissport), the
world’s leading provider of ground and cargo
handling services to the aviation industry,
welcomes the 5-year ground handling licence
award for the three International Airports
Constantine Mohamed Boudiaf, Batna
Mostepha Ben Boulaid and Tlemcen Zenata
Messali El Hadj. The new Ground Handling
licenses, bestowed by the Etablissement de
Gestion des Services Aéroportuaires (EGSA)
Constantine and Oran mark another important
milestone in Swissport’s geographical
expansion in Algeria and the whole of Africa.
(Evaint, Aug 1st 2014,
Works of new terminal of Algiers
international airport to start in 2014
The works of the new terminal of the HouariBoumediene International Airport will start in
2014 to be completed in 2018, declared July
CEO of the management company of airport
infrastructure and services (SGSIA), Tahar
Allache. "The detailed studies concerning the
project of the new terminal was completed and
the works will start 2014, as soon as the
contract with the firm shortlisted for
construction is signed," Allache told Algeria
Press Service.
(APS, Jul 8th 2014,
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
Daewoo and GS wins 540 MUSD Annaba
Tramway project
Daewoo multiplies contracts in the
construction industry in Algeria. The South
Korean giant has won in consortium with the
French engineering bureau of GS studies, the
tender for the construction of the first line of
the tram of Annaba east of algiers. Contract
amount: 43 billion dinars (540 MUSD). The
announcement was made in July 6 by the
Company of the Algiers metro (EMA). The
deadline for this project is set at 39 months
from the final contract award by the National
Procurement Commission.
(Menarailpost, Jul 23rd 2014,
Contracts awarded for civil works
The control and supervision contract for the
civil works activities of the section “El
Harrach-Airport” have been given to the
Algerian-Spanish-South Korean “SAETI /
Dongmyeong / Eurostudios” group, for a total
of DA 1.9 billion (177 million euros),
according to Metro of Algiers company
(EMA). In addition, same scope of work for
the section section “Ain Naadja-Baraki” has
been given to Korean-Indonesian group
“Dohwa-Yooshin” for $ 1.1 billion dinars (102
million euros). The section of the metro line
connecting El Harrach to Algiers International
Airport stretches over 10 km, while the line
Ain Naadja to Baraki is of 3.5 km length.
(Menarailpost, Aug 4th 2014,
Batna tramway tender launched
The Metro of Algiers company (EMA) has just
launched an international tender for the
construction of a new tramway in the city of
Batna. This tender, inviting international
companies for the realization of a mass transit
electrified railway, defined several criteria for
companies and groups bidders including a
minimum experience of 10 years with the
implementation of at least one tram or light rail
project. This line, which will be equipped with
25 stations, will cover 15 km. The tender also
specifies that technical and financial offers
have to be split into two separate closed
envelopes, and must be presented in a single
outer envelope. The deadline for submission is
3 months from the date of the first publication
of the invitation to tender in the national press,
says EMA (i.e around the 20th September
(Menarailpost, Jul 18th 2014,
EU Shipping Foot And Mouth Disease
Vaccine To Algeria, Tunisia
The European Commission sent a total of 1,1
million doses of foot-and-mouth disease
(FMD) vaccines to the Algerian and Tunisian
authorities, in support of the FMD control
campaign carried out following the spread of a
new strain of the virus in that region.
The European Commission said in August that
it is responding to a request from the UN's
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and
the World Organization for Animal Health
(OIE) who asked for urgent assistance to
supply a high quality vaccine for a vaccination
campaign against the FMD epidemic due to the
lack of available options to obtain in due time
vaccines from other sources. The European
Commission supports the eradication program
since this highly contagious viral disease
affecting cloven-hoofed animals represents a
threat to the EU's FMD free status and in
particular to its Mediterranean Member States.
The EU does not allow imports of live
susceptible animals from Algeria and Tunisia
or any of their products.
(Rttnews, Aug 1st 2014,,,,
Algeria Reports New FMD OutbreakThe
Algerian veterinary authorities have reported a
fresh outbreak of foot and mouth disease at a
fattening cattle farm located in Setif. The
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
received an immediate notification on 27 July.
According to the report, the outbreak took
place at a fattening cattle farm where the
animals were introduced illegally from
Tunisia. Clinical signs include fever, blisters,
lameness and mammary lesions.
Several control measures have been applied to
contain the situation. Besides the usual control
measures, other precautionary measures
•closing of livestock markets in the affected
wilayah and the neighboring wilayahs
•ban on movement of animals within the
infected wilayah
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
•movement control in the neighboring
•and investigations have been strengthened.
Illegal movement of animals has been
identified as the main cause of the outbreak.
(Cattlesite, Aug 29th 2014,
Algerian poultry farmers call for abolishing
VAT on raw materials
The professionals in the poultry sector want
the Algerian government to renew for one
more year, the abolishing of customs duties for
raw materials used in the production of poultry
feed in order to encourage farmers to maintain
their activity. The government decided in 2012
to remove customs duties and VAT on raw
materials used in the manufacture of poultry
feed including corn and soybeans, due to
inflation of prices on the international market.
This measure was extended in 2013 and
professionals still want to extend it by one year
for they fail to reap profits despite the
cancellation of customs duties.
(Bedigest, Jul 30th 2014,
Carbonates in Algeria
Carbonates continued to perform well in 2013,
with total value sales recording 12% growth,
due to the continued success of the PET 350ml
pack size. This pack size was the most
dynamic in the category, especially among the
more price-sensitive consumer base.
Population growth in the cities also played a
role in the growth of volume sales. SABC
continued to occupy the leading position in
carbonates in 2013, despite the challenge from
its competitors and the influx of imports. Its
Coca-Cola brand remained the leader in cola
carbonates in 2013, especially in off-trade
sales thanks to its year long campaign centred
on the theme of sharing. The brand's
commanding lead was built on consumer
loyalty despite the attraction of less expensive
brands to lower-income consumers. SABC has
an extensive and highly efficient distribution
network and a broad portfolio that includes
heavily promoted brands, such as Coca-Cola,
Fanta and Sprite. Together, these attributes
ensured that SABC retained its commanding
position. Total volume sales of carbonates are
expected to post a CAGR of 6% in terms of
constant 2013 prices over the forecast period.
(Fastmrkt, Jul 30th 2014,
Juice in Algeria
Juice witnessed solid total volume growth of
8% and strong total value growth of 13% in
2013, having benefited from increasing
awareness of health and diet issues,
particularly among upper- and middle- income
earners. In addition, the launch of new
products from the majority of domestic
manufacturers contributed to boosting value
sales in 2013. Ibrahim & Fils Ifri maintained
its leading position in juice in 2013 and
generated a 15% off-trade value share despite
increasing pressure from competitors NCA
Rouiba and Taiba Food Company. The
company registered leading shares in several
soft drinks categories, including bottled water,
and enjoyed strong brand recognition and good
quality. In 2013, it benefited from the
successful launch of juice in aseptic PET
bottles for its iFruit range and expanded its
offering in nectars (25-99% juice) and juice
drinks (up to 24% juice) to five flavours:
orange, tropical fruit, Mediterranean fruit,
mixed fruit and mixed carrot and fruit cocktail.
The domestic manufacturer advertised on
Algerian satellite channels, posters and
billboards promoting the healthy image of the
drink, which is without preservatives and
additives. Juice is expected to record CAGRs
of 8% in total volume terms and 5% in total
value terms at constant 2013 prices over the
forecast period. The solid performances will
result from rising demand for juice drinks (up
to 24% juice), preferences for juice over
carbonates as a result of health and wellness
awareness, as well as new product
developments, especially in terms of new
flavours and packaging formats. The positive
trend will continue to result from increased
availability of smaller packages of products at
restaurants, takeaways and cafes, following the
trend of consumption on the go.
(Fastmrkt, Jul 30th 2014,
Coffee in Algeria
Coffee witnessed 3% off-trade volume growth
in 2013 representing a very minor increase on
2012. This minor but steady growth is the
consequence of the maturity of coffee. Algeria
remained one of the largest consumers of
coffee in the Africa and Middle East region,
with standard fresh ground coffee being the
most successful. Eurl Facto saw strong growth
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
both in 2012 and 2013, thanks to its brands
highlighting "concentrated coffee" on its label.
It has positioned itself as the top player in
2013, generating a 10% off-trade value share.
In parallel, LaBelle Groupe saw a sharp
decline and its leading position squeezed to
hold the second position generating 7% offtrade value share. These domestic
manufacturers are present in fresh ground
coffee and coffee pods.
Industry Prospects
Coffee is expected to record an off-trade
volume CAGR of 3% over the forecast period.
The positive performance will result from
constant and stable demand for coffee among
all consumer groups, and increasing demand
for quality products such as Arabica brands.
Higher buying power will allow more frequent
purchases from consumers.
(Fastmarket, Jul 24th 2014,
UK 'to replace France' selling wheat to
UK farmers may have the last laugh after
seeing some of their trade in feed wheat taken
by France - with growing expectation that
British growers may take some higher-value
milling wheat export business from their
southern peers. Merchants in France have
opened the 2014-15 crop year with a flurry,
unusually, of export offers of feed wheat competitively priced against a background of a
European Union wheat harvest which looks
like coming in big on quantity but
disappointing on quality, thanks to harvesttime rains.
(Agrimoney, Jul 28th 2014,
Bottled Water in Algeria
Bottled water enjoyed strong performance in
2013 and registered a solid 14% for both total
volume and total value growth. The large
variety of brands and the stability of economy
prices remained the main factors behind the
category's strong expansion among all income
earners, in whom preference for bottled water
versus tap water increased, especially among
urban consumers. The wide distribution
channels for bottled water also enabled rural
households to regularly purchase bottled water,
particularly as a healthier drinking option for
babies and the elderly. Bottled water is
expected to record very healthy CAGRs of
14% in total volume terms and 8% in total
value terms at constant 2013 prices over the
forecast period. Categories, such as carbonated
bottled water and still bottled water will show
the highest forecast total volume growth y-o-y
at nearly 13% and 14% respectively. Such
good growth will result from increasing
consumer demand for water from natural water
(Fastmarket, Jul 30th2014,
Sports and Energy Drinks in Algeria
Sports and energy drinks registered 10% total
volume growth and 18% total value growth in
2013. The category continued to generate low
levels of volume sales, however, the presence
of standard brands, such as Burn (Fruital CocaCola Spa) and Xploza (Promasidor Djazair)
manufactured under license in Algeria,
contributed to the sales expansion from
middle-income earners, targeting teenagers and
young adults, who continued to perceive
energy drinks as a fashionable beverage.
Competitive Landscape
Red Bull continued to lead sports and energy
drinks in 2013, generating a 28% off-trade
value share. The premium brand was the first
to enter the category and maintained its image
as a fashionable drink. Strong international
advertising and its availability, and even its
high price at most retailing channels
maintained interest in the product.
Industry Prospects
Sports and energy drinks is expected to post
CAGRs of 10% in total value terms at constant
2013 prices and 11% in total volume terms
over the forecast period. It is essentially upperand middle-income young consumers who are
likely to continue contributing to the category's
forecast performance. The category is also
expected to remain dominated by premium and
standard brands, which will result in faster
value growth.
(Fastmarket, Jul 30th 2014,
Action Plan 2015-2019 government in the
water sector
Amoung the water sector programs during next
five year plan is "a drinking water supply with
a specified quality standard," said Minister of
Water Resources, Hocine Necib ensuring that
already 75% of Algerians have access to water
on a daily basis. Recalling that Algeria is a
semi-arid country, the minister said that a
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
strategy was put in place to end the specter of
drought, which is based on the mobilisation of
water resources and further diversifying its
resources. furthermore, the minister said that
the government's action plan also aims to bring
the irrigated agricultural area to more than one
million hectares to reach two million hectares
by 2020. With regard to the setor’s future
policy, Mr. Necib said: "We are working to
promote management tools and public water
utility by continuing the construction of dams
and desalination plants and rehabilitation of
sewerage systems." As to dronking water
distribution, new contracts in which the foreign
partner will be involved concern the technical
management inorder to take advantage of
international experience in the management
and control of modern technology. In an effort
to ensure better distribution of water in major
cities, the state has entrusted the management
of this to foreign partners since 2005.
Regarding the lack of water in Bechar, the
minister said that "an emergency program was
adopted to improve the situation and a study
has already been initiated for the construction
of three dams and six wells. " Concerning
wastewater treatment, he recalled the state
strategy aimed at achieving 180 stations for the
treatment of more than one billion cubic
meters of used water. He added that Algeria
had finally achieved the goals of the UN
Millennium Goals (MDGs) in 2011 in terms of
drinking water with a connection of almost
95% and a sewerage network of 87%.
(APS, Jul 20th 2014,
Djezzy's parent says stake fairly valued
ahead of deal vote
The parent of telecoms group Djezzy has
released a valuation of the Algerian company
ahead of a shareholder vote on the sale of a
stake to the Algerian government, potentially
paving the way to the completion of the over
$2 billion deal. Citing a study it commissioned
from financial advisers HC, Djezzy's parent
Global Telecom Holding (GTH) said the stake
was worth $2.539 billion, meaning the $2.6
billion price which the Algerian government
had agreed to pay would be pitched at 4
percent premium to its estimated fair value.
GTH's parent, Amsterdam-based Vimpelcom,
had agreed the sale to the Algerian government
in April, but it remains to be voted on by
shareholders including minority owners at a
meeting held in Aug.
(Reuters, Aug 21st 2014,
Boosting insurance sector in Algeria
Large-scale infrastructure spending in Algeria,
where insurance penetration stands at 0.6%,
could raise the insurance sector's profile, while
the easing of personal and auto loans would
also generate more interest in buying life and
auto insurance in the country. S&P expects the
insurance sector to grow between 10%-20%
annually on the back of new capital spending
by the government. Motor insurance already
accounts for 60% of all insurance and is set to
rise further as banks are expected to start
offering loans after lifting a clampdown on
consumer loans in 2009. Regional
governments' push to make insurance
mandatory in some segments will also boost
the sector.
(OGB, Zawya, Jul 10th, Aug 11th 2014,,
Algeria import bill of drugs increased by
Algeria's import bill of pharmaceutical
products totaled US$1.02 billion during the
first five months of 2014, against US$758.6
million during the same period a year earlier,
up by 34.85%, said Algeria Customs' National
Centre of Data Processing and Statistics
(CNIS). In term of quantity, Algeria imported
11,263 tons against 14,833 tons during the
same period of reference, down by over 24%,
according to the figures provided by CNIS.
The increase in the import bill was mainly due
to the 36% rise in the import of medicines for
human use, according to the CNIS. The import
bill of medicines for human use, which
represented 96% of Algeria's overall import of
pharmaceutical products during the same
period of reference, amounted to US$982.17
million, against US$722.46 million during the
same period of reference, up by 35.94%, the
source said. In terms of quantity, Algeria
imported 10,524 tons from January to May
2014, against 13,963 tons during the same
period in 2013, down 24.62%. Regarding
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
medicines for veterinary use, Algeria's sales
abroad dropped by 1.62%, totaling US$13.12
million against US$12.91 million during the
same period of reference, the source said.
(Airpharma, Jul 15th 2014,,
Saidal reported a net profit of 33 million
US$ in 2013
The State-owned SAIDAL pharmaceutical
group achieved a net profit of 2.65 billion
dinars (33 million USD) in fiscal year 2013,
according to the annual consolidated balance
sheet presented in the Ordinary General
assembly of shareholders held on June 29,
2014 at the Hilton Hotel. The pharmaceutical
company posted a net profit of 2.65 billion
dinars and total assets/net liabilities of 30
billion dinars in fiscal 2013, according to the
report published in the press.
The general meeting of shareholders approved
the balance sheet of 22.4 billion dinars and a
net profit of 1.2 billion, reveals the source.
(Airpharma, Aug 7th 2014,
Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) and Surrey
Satellite Technology Ltd deal for Alsat-1B
The Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) and
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) have
signed a contract to build the Alsat-1B Earth
Observation satellite in combination with a
comprehensive training and development
programme. Alsat-1B will be based on the
SSTL-100 platform, hosting a 24m
multispectral imager and a 12m panchromatic
imager. Eighteen ASAL engineers will
undertake the Assembly, Integration and Test
phase of the satellite in Algeria, offering
further opportunities for the transfer of skills
and the development of local capabilities.
Eighteen Algerian students will also study for
Higher Degrees at the University of Surrey
based in Guildford.
(Surrey, Jul 10th 2014,
Laundry Care in Algeria
Laundry care benefited strongly from rising
disposable income levels towards the end of
the review period. Minimum wage levels were
notably increased by 20% in 2011, while
public sector workers saw strong wage
increases towards the end of the review period
and higher subsidies were introduced for flour,
milk, cooking oil and sugar. Consequently,
consumers were able to spend more freely on
home care towards the end of the review
period, with laundry care perhaps benefiting
the most from this trend.
Competitive Landscape
Henkel was the clear leader in laundry care
throughout the review period and accounted
for almost 39% value share in 2013. The
company benefits from offering a number of
strong brands, with Isis notably leading overall
sales with almost 25% value share in laundry
care in 2013. Isis benefits from a longstanding
presence in Algeria, having been present in the
country since 1968 and thus considerably
predating Henkel's entrance in 2000. Isis thus
has strong customer awareness, while the
improvements to product formulation and
packaging made by Henkel since its
acquisition have resulted in the brand having a
strong quality reputation.
Industry Prospects
Laundry care is expected to benefit from a
number of factors in the forecast period, of
which the most significant will be rising
disposable income levels. Algeria's midincome group is expected to continue to
expand, supporting stronger interest in valueadded products and the leading brands.
Meanwhile low-income consumers are also
expected to benefit from higher income levels,
enabling them to buy laundry care more
(Fastmarket, Jul 16th 2014,
Away-From-Home Tissue and Hygiene in
Today's young parents tend not to seek
guidance on parenthood, preferring instead to
fend for themselves by referring to books and
television shows on this subject. They are
influenced by media activity that encourages
them to buy a range of baby and child-specific
products for different uses, products that
previous generations did not place any
importance on; however, the sensitivity and
awareness of new parents towards their
newborn child is considered to be higher than
previously. Nevertheless, most new parents
cannot afford luxury products, so they search
for affordable alternatives that are easily
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
available, reflecting the fact that overall
Algeria is a mass market.
(Fastmarket, Jul 9th 2014,
Colour Cosmetics in Algeria
L'Oreal Groupe continued to lead Colour
cosmetics in 2013, posting a 23% current value
share. The leading L'Oreal Paris brand is
popular as consumers appreciate the good
quality it offers. However, reflecting the shift
away from premium products and towards
mass alternatives, L'Oreal Paris registered a
declining share throughout the review period.
The colour cosmetics category is expected to
register a 2% CAGR at constant 2013 prices
over the forecast period. 68% of the population
is 15-64 years old, while 50% of them are
women representing the key group.
(Fastmarket, Jul 9th 2014,
Sun Care in Algeria
Sun care posted 5% current value growth in
2013. Consumers are becoming more
thoughtful about their skin, reflecting the
positive impact of the increasing campaigns
about the danger of sunburn and the link to
skin cancer. People become more careful about
the daily use of sun care products, particularly
between the months of May to November, a
period that is very hot in Algeria. Beiersdorf
AG maintained a leading position, with a 21%
value share in 2013. The Nivea Sun brand has
a large consumer base that is satisfied with the
quality of the product, with these consumers
preferring to pay more for premium sun care.
Nivea Sun is not only available as sun
protection, but also as after sun, offering strong
moisturising qualities.
(Fastmarket, Jul 9th 2014,
Holland remains top-ranked in Global
Innovation Index
The Netherlands is ranked 5th in the 2014
Global Innovation Index. Switzerland, the
United Kingdom and Sweden topped the
annual survey published by Cornell University,
INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property
Organization. The GII 2014 surveys 143
economies around the world, using 81
indicators to gauge both their innovation
capabilities and measurable results. In
particular, the leading nations have strengths in
areas such as innovation infrastructure,
including information and communication
technologies; business sophistication such as
knowledge workers, innovation linkages, and
knowledge absorption; and innovation outputs
such as creative goods and services and online
New bio-based economy centre-of-excellence
The Netherlands is to gain a new bio-based
economy cluster at a new centre-of-excellence
based in the East of the country. The Bioeconomy Innovation Cluster Oost Nederland
(BIC-ON) which celebrated it’s official launch
on June 26th, is an initiative involving the
private sector and knowledge institutes
(including Wageningen UR) and the local
provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel. The
participating organisations have committed to
investing over 200 million euros in innovative
bio-based projects in the period up to 2020.
(Hollandtrade, Jun30th 2014,
Dutch business incubator YES!Delft in
world top list
Delft Technical University’s business
incubator, YES! Delft, has been chosen as one
of the best business incubators in the world
according to the UBI Index 2014 – a global
ranking of business incubators. UBI Index, a
renowned Swedish research- and advisory
agency specialized in business incubation,
conducts an annual research among three
hundred incubators in more than 65 countries
(Hollandtrade, Jun25th2014,
Netherlands ranks 4th in UN Human
Development Report
The Netherlands has been ranked in fourth
place in the recently published United Nations
Human Development Report. The report ranks
a total of 187 countries based on indicators
such as longevity, education and standard of
living. Norway topped the 2014 rankings,
followed by Australia, Switzerland, the
Netherlands and the United States. The five
countries at the bottom end of the rankings are
all located in sub-Saharan Africa, where the
population is growing rapidly, the gulf
between rich and poor increasing and the
standard of living is well below average.
(Hollandtrade, Jul29th.2014,
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
20 th – 22nd sep 2014
Palais des Conventions d'Oran
Les Genets, Chemin de Wilaya, Route 75, Oran, Algeria
T : +213 41 62 11 01, F : +213 41 62 11 02
E :, W :
23 rd – 26nd sep 2014
Alger Industries 2014, 23-26 Sept 2014 at Palais des
Expositions Alger
SAFEX Algerie
Palais des expositions
Pins Maritimes, Alger 16000
E :
T : +21321210123/30
F : +21321210630 / 21210540
Commissariat du salon era, W :
Tél / Fax: +213 (0) 21 54 76 44
T: +213 (0) 555 03 00 67/ 555 62 53 14/ 555 62 53 15
20 th – 23 th Nov 2014
Algeria Food Expo Algiers, 8 th – 11 th Nov 2014
International food, agriculture and technologies
Fair location:
Palais des Expositions/Safex Expo Center
Pins Maritimes
16000 Algiers, Algier, Algeria
T : +21321210123/30
F : +21321210630 / 21210540
19 th – 23 rd Nov 2014
Sitp- 12th International Faire for Public Works, Algiers
19-23 Nov 2014
24th – 29th sep 2014
Salons internationaux en Algérie: SIVI 2014 ‐ Salon du
Véhicule Industriel et Utilitaire
Palais des Expositions, Pins Maritimes - Alger
Tél : 00213 21 21 01 23 / 00213 21 21 01 30 - Fax : 00213
21 21 06 30 / 00213 21 21 05 40
SAFEX Algerie
Palais des expositions
Pins Maritimes, Alger 16000
E :
T : +21321210123/30
F : +21321210630 / 21210540
20 th – 25 th Nov 2014
BuildExpo Algiers
International exhibition for construction, building
materials, technologies, machinery and infrastructure
27 th – 29 th oct 2014
International Exhibition of Renewable Energies – Oran
Convention center
Fair location:
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
Palais des Expositions/Safex Expo Center
Pins Maritimes
16000 Algiers, Algier, Algeria
E :
T : +21321210123/30
F : +21321210630 / 21210540
24 th – 27 th Nov 2014
Siva Algiers
International exhibition of glass and aluminium
Fair location:
Palais des Expositions/Safex Expo Center
Pins Maritimes
16000 Algiers, Algier, Algeria
E :
T : +21321210123/30
F : +21321210630 / 21210540,
24 th – 27 th Nov 2014
AGRAL/ Algeria International Trade Faire for Food
security, Convention Center of Oran
Symbiose Communication Environnement
1, rue Bachir Attar, Maison de la Presse, Alger
Courrier : BP 72 Hassiba Ben-Bouali, Alger
T: + 213 (0) 21 67 57 50, F: + 213 (0) 2166 99 89
E:, W:
7 th – 9 th Dec 2014
9th edition of the North Africa Oil & Gas Summit,
Algiers 7- 9 December 2014
Sheraton Club Des Pins Resort | Algiers
Boite Postale 62 · Staoueli · Algiers · ALGERIA
Phone: +213 (0) 21 377 777 · Fax: +213 (0) 21 377 700
T: +44 (0) 20 7384 8013
F: +44 (0) 20 7384 8007
715th – 19 th Dec 2014
International trade fair for SME, Partnerships, and
Technologies, 15 - 19 Déc. 2014 - Alger)
Monsieur OURAK Abdellah
Gérant MANAHO International
00 213 664 31 19 32
Official agenda of Algerian participation in
international trade fairs abroad for 2015
For the official agenda of the participation of Algeria in
international trade fairs abroad for year 2015 see :,cntnt01,deta
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
-Frequetly Asked Questions by investors:
- Ministère du Commerce:
- Ministère de l’Energie et des Mines:
- Ministère des Ressources en eau:
- Ministère de l’Industrie, de la PME et de
- Ministère de l’Agriculture et du
Développement rural:
- Direction Générale des impôts: et
- Direction Générale des Douanes:
- Agence Nationale de Développement de
- Chambre algérienne de commerce et
- Office Nationale des Statistiques:
- Office National du Tourisme:
- Portail du tourisme algérien:
- Air Algérie:
- Algérie Ferries:
- Transport maritime (SNTM/CNAN):
- Société Algérienne des Foires et Exportations
- Foires et salons:
- Portail algérien des énergies renouvelables:
Sites B2B:
- Made in Algeria:
- Réseau des entreprises algériennes:
Sites d’appels d’offres:
- Algeria Tenders:
- Santé:
- Netherlands Enterprise Agency RVO (former
NL Agency/Agentschap NL): (NL) or (EN)
- Port de Rotterdam:
Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers (Algeria) - Trade & Investment - No. 44/Jul-Aug.2014
The Embassy of the Nehterlands in Algiers is
open from Sunday to Wednesday from 08:00
to 16:30 and on Thursday from 08:00 to 14:00
throughout the year, excluding the algerian and
dutch public holidays. The consular section is
open from Sunday to Thursday from 9h00 to
12h00. The Embassy is closed every Friday
and Saturday (weekend).
Adress: 23, Chemin Cheikh Bachir ElIbrahimi, 16030 El-Biar ou BP 72, 6030 ElBiar (Alger)
T: +213 21 92 28 29
F: +213 21 92 29 47
Linkedin group for Dutch-Algerian trade:
For your suggestions and/or comments please
contact our economic section :
-Rene Spitz
Deputy head of mission in charge of economic
- Djilali Tahar-Belkacem
Trade officer
- Khaled Benchaalal
Agricultural advisor
AVERTISSEMENT: le contenu de cette
lettre d’information ne reflète en aucun cas
la position de l'Ambassade des Pays-Bas à
Alger. Elle se compose d’une sélection
d'articles publiés dans la presse nationale et
internationale et dont la source est
clairement indiquée.

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