Summer 2013 - The Briarwood School
Summer 2013 - The Briarwood School
Newsletter for The Briarwood & Tuttle Schools | S u m m e r E d i t i o n 2013 Briarwood, A School for Children with Learning Differences The Tuttle School at Briarwood, a School for Children with Developmental Disorders From The Head of School Our Mission | A Time to Reflect & Reconfirm C losing yet another successful school year, Briarwood’s forty-fifth, gives us reason to pause, reflect and reconfirm our mission. Our founders, Yvonne and David Streit, established this stellar school in 1967 out of need for their daughter, Vicky. The decision our founders made at that time has given thousands of children, all of whom learn differently, an opportunity to change their lives. It is critical that a school, well established and world renowned, weave generational history and Mission into Vision. What will the future hold for our students? Our visionary minds must ask questions that deserve wise and thoughtful planning. In addition to the highly individualized and customized learning opportunities that are basic to a Briarwood education, are we preparing our students to think critically, to embrace their innovative and highly creative minds, to be skilled enough to navigate a world of constant change, a world that changes minute by minute with technological advances? Will we remain mindful of the importance of character development, effort, attitude and outreach to others? Briarwood is the epitome of a specialized education that spans a forty-five year history of successes. In his Commencement Address to the Class of 2013, Nick Lesem, Class of 2009, stated: “The stigma that is attached to having a learning difference is something that can affect a student’s selfconfidence and is something that we all must overcome to be successful. School was never easy, and for me, Briarwood changed that. This school restored my confidence and gave me a learning environment in which I excelled. Briarwood is truly a special place, and the individualized care that each teacher puts into a student is what makes this place so special.” In addition to our diagnostic-prescriptive approach to education, we are unique, also, in that we have three distinct schools in one building. Each of our three schools, Lower School, Middle-Upper School and The Tuttle School, operates separately and each is specific to the needs of the students. Our Lower School, pre-school through grade 6, is designed for children who present with diagnoses such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD, and other language-based learning differences. Students in Lower School receive intense remediation in their areas of deficits in learning; primarily, their needs include difficulties in reading - inabilities to decode, comprehend and/or to read with fluency. The average length of stay for one of our Lower School students is three to four years. Having received the remediation, our students are equipped with tools that will scaffold them for success in other environments. The students in Middle-Upper, grades 7 through 12, also present with language-based learning differences, enter a program that is also steeped in intense remediation, the Upper School students are building their official transcript at the beginning of their freshman year. Along with the intensity of remediation, most are planning to continue with their education following graduation. Our students are well aware that their learning differences are for a lifetime. These students have been taught skills of self awareness and self advocacy, skills that are critical for their successes. The Tuttle School is another unique school and was designed for students who presented with developmental disorders. Diagnoses in Tuttle School include autism, Down’s, and Williams, among others. Areas of focus for our Tuttle School students include Functional Academics, Vocational and Life Skills, and specialty classes that include art, music, expressive language, and motor/physical education/fitness classes, including Special Olympics. Many of the students in The Tuttle School remain until completion of the program. Each school is unique in its own right. The last few days of school brought countless words of thanks from parents, students, and teachers. Living our Mission to remediate so that a student will have the opportunity to transition to another school, the parent of a Lower School student wrote these words of thanks: “We can’t thank you enough for teaching us to ‘Trust the Process’! You have given us our son back. Joshua is now confident and ready to continue his journey!” Another parent, new to Briarwood this year, wrote these words of praise: “My son is finally in a place where he is wanted. To see how you all receive him fills my heart with joy!” We are thankful for the daily opportunities we have to teach, to open a world, to quench the thirst for knowledge, to change a life, and, above all, to find satisfaction in who we are. In closing our forty-fifth year, we give thanks to our Founders, for they set a promising and beautiful stage for us. As we move toward the celebration of Briarwood’s Fiftieth year, we uphold our Mission and our Vision to provide a learning environment that will prepare our children to be lifelong learners, to be confident in who they are and, to celebrate their differences. Our year has truly been one of opportunities and joys. Carole C. Wills | Head of School the briarwood school In This Edition Check out Briarwood’s talented young artists featured in this edition! 04 Development 06 Middle-Upper School 10 Lower School 12 Tuttle School 14 Annual Fund Donors 15 Directed Gifts 16 Benefit Donors 19 Giving Back 20 Working Together: TS 24 Year in Review the Briarwood School a school for children with learning differences & developmental disorders Teaching students K-12 with dyslexia and similar language based learning disabilities since 1967 T h e B r i a rwo od S ch o ol & T u t t l e S ch o ol 12207 Whittington Drive | Houston, TX 77077 281.493.1070 tel | 281.493.1343 fax The Briarwood School/Tuttle School admits students of any race, gender, color, national or ethnic origin. The school selects students who are interested in completing their education and who need a prescriptive educational program. On the Cover: Sophia Overton, Mark Schmitt, David Morse, Nick Vachon, Kelli Reichert Briarwood is a publication of The Briarwood School & Tuttle School. Briarwood is published annually and sent to alumni, present and past parents and friends 3 deVeloPment Thank You! Benefit Chairs Julie & Chris Whitten Shauna & Gregg Steffen Benefit Board Susie Ackerman Cynthia Anderson Cheryl Bagby Charles Clark Sherry Clark Gina DiLuzio Rita Fader Peggy Friedrichs Nancy Gennaro Jamie Humphries Kelly Jones Donna Jeansonne Susan Kirby Sherry Loutchaninoff Teri Milos Becky Mooney Christina Morse Lori Ordeneaux Jenn Parent Linda Parmer Tammy Sanchez Annie Seay Pat Shaw Katherine Schrock Jeanie Simonich LeeAnn Smaltz Robert Tucker Gail Van Nest Mary Whalley Kate Weatherford 4 the briarwood school Soaring High | Briarwood’s 43rd Benefit B irds of a feather stick together. our faithful flock of moms and dads stuck together, combined their talents and enjoyed the amazing fruits of their labors - a wildly successful Benefit netting over $490,000! Spirits soared and generosity abound amidst the charged atmosphere of Briarwood’s 43rd annual Benefit on Friday, april 5 at lakeside country club. Patrons shook their tail feathers to the rythmns of collector’s item after being treated to a delectable dinner (no bird food in sight) and silent and live auctions that included something for everyone - even bird lovers. resounding applause for yet another soaring success. Photographs courtesy of Briarwood Alumni Kian Adkins Chance Left page: Benefit Co-Chairs Chris and Julie Whitten and Shauna and Gregg Steffen; Carole Wills with Live Auction puppy; Master of Ceremonies and Briarwood graduate Al Farb with Linda Decker; This page: Lorena and Terry Kubera; Jamie and Alex Humphries; Greg & Mary Whalley with Carole Wills; Bill and Andrea Reed with Susie and Asche Ackerman; Erica and Brian Jordan, Nancy and John Gennaro, Stephanie and Rich Langenstein; Heather and Jeff Firestone. 5 This page: Cast of The Secret Garden; Sophomores Caroline Manchi, Gladys Wokocha, Allie Lange, Kyra Rubenstein, Katie Whalley and Val de la Colina; Senior Retreat: Aaron Gorski and Mark Schmitt; Seniors Justin Fancher, Aaron Gorski and Brittney Hammond; Mrs. Smith’s Math Class. Right: Ross Ackerman, Insiya Jafri, Sarah Munson and Paige Suvalsky at St. Thomas University; Mr. Finger’s Science Class; Sophomore Travis Bass. Middle-Upper School the briarwood school Ambassador Girl Scout Seeks Gold Award B riarwood Junior Sarah Munson is going for the Gold! Well, her Gold Award for the Girl Scouts, that is. Sarah is interested in raising awareness about dyslexia and helping teachers learn that students with dyslexia are as smart as other students...they just have a learning difference. Sarah visited Houston Baptist University and St. Thomas University in Houston and showed the movie “The Journey into Dyslexia” to Education majors. She brought a panel of her peers and fielded questions about their personal journeys. Sarah is hoping to raise awareness to the challenges faced by dyslexics and became aware of the issues they face. 7 mustang Pride | Sports Triumphs 2012-13 male atHlete of tHe Year Alex Humphries female atHlete of tHe Year Sophia Overton Brian Boles award Kelsey Fearing & Seth Moran martHa stanleY award Andrew Turner Junior High flag football • undefeated Season • W.h.c.a.c. district champs • W.h.c.a.c. district tournament t champs All StAr teAm: dominick deranieri, matt Gregg, Patrick ordeneaux Junior High Basketball • W.h.c.a.c. district champs • texas t christian ttournament: 1st Place • W.h.c.a.c. district ttournament: 2nd Place All tournAment teAm texAS ChriStiAn: Frantz Jean-louis Junior High girls doubles division c: alexandra day/Katie edmiston, 1st Place Varsity football All StAte teAm: alex humphries, corey lutz, nik Parmer, travis Short Varsity Basketball All tournAment teAm CentrAl ChriStiAn: aaron Gorski, tty Kirby tennis StAte QuAlifier: corey lutz middle-upper scHool Sports the briarwood school 9 making connections | EPals Program O ur adventure began 13 years ago in december of 2000 when the first pen pal link was established with a school in northhamptonshire, england (central part) in the town of Silverstone. through the website, mail was exchanged between our respective students and occasional webcam links occurred about twice a month. When the British teacher (rob hazelgrove) changed jobs and took a headmaster position in the same general locale in the village of Weedon lois, we continued the epal program with his school–St. loy’s. that connection continued for over ten years. this year, as part of the creative writing courses in the 5th and 6th grades, a decision was made to continue the epal program and attempt to branch out to other countries in europe and/or elsewhere in the world. connections have now been established with four different countries: norway (6th grade), italy (5th and 6th grade), ukraine (5th grade), and a home schooled student in Sutton, england (5th grade). the epals program takes place once a week for 30 minutes. tto expedite time for students to compose descriptive letters about themselves, their city, and a variety of topics, their homeroom teachers have assisted the students in writing drafts and editing their work in their two other assigned writing classes. We have successfully Skyped students in norway, italy, and england. meeting the children and teachers from these countries “face to face” has been an amazing and humbling experience. Students in italy have sent us drawings, post cards, and a calendar by ”snail mail”. We have also mailed the pals in that country ttexas souvenirs and a large ttexas calendar with postcards of houston and special scenes of ttexas. We found that no matter what geographic distances exist between us, there are common interests we all share and a love of our heritage and country. Some of the things we all enjoy are good food (pizza seems to rank #1 in every country), computer games, and good books! “This program has been one of the most rewarding and interesting experiences during my years at Briarwood. It has taught me to go beyond my comfort zone to meet and interact with teachers and children from around the world.” - Written by Holly Strapulous, Lower School Resource Specialist lower scHool the briarwood school 11 Tut tle School the briarwood school 13 annual GiVinG donorS Legacy Circle | $10,000 and above A Friend of Briarwood A Friend of Briarwood Founder’s Circle | $5,000-$9,999 Jeannie and Trey Able Mary Crow Emily Griffin Joan and John Scales Martha and Dave Swift Rachel Syphers Head of School Circle | $2,500-$4,999 Marie Evnochides Nancy and Dan Garrison Carolyn and John Parmer Foundation Stephanie and Kirby Shanks Tonya and Mitchell Toups Leadership Circle | $1,000-$2,499 Apache Julianne Bass Marion and Eliot Bowytz Nora Dobin Harvey Friedman Mike Gatewood Jimmy Gibson Luis Javier Gonzalez Halliburton Kelli Hunter Jeanie Kilroy Vicki and John Lange Camille Leugers & James Musser Harry Martin Wiley Mossy Phillips 66 Susan and John Roper Sheri and Dave Saunders Annie and Steve Seay Stacy and Mike Welch Julie and Chris Whitten Kathryn and Tom Wilson Educator’s Club | $500-$999 Susan & Asche Ackerman AIG Matching Grants Program Amerprise Financial Adria and Ross Baker Bruce Barnum Lucinda Berlew Craig and Galen Brown Foundation Chevron Matching gifts ConocoPhillips Matching Gifts Twila and Bill Day Ramona and Michael Dimarco Ella and Paul Dolan William Donnell Ralston Foster Lawrence Ginsberg Thomas Haight Lynn and Ronnie Jacobe Wanda Kibler Mary and Kent Lenertz Mr. and Mrs. John Malone Jim McGinty Donna and Mark Meyer Tawnya and Rusty Rubenstein 14 the briarwood school For 2012-13 Mustang Club | $250-$499 Lori and Randy Barnett Cindy and Richard Cadle Rima and Ahmed Hashmi Tersa and Vincent Ferruzo Kinder Morgan Foundation Dea Larson and Alvin Thomas Lydia and Alfredo Lira Donald Poarch Jenifer and Chad Points Debbie and Dave Schultz Gail and Joe Van Nest Dorothy Verhalen Edith and Henry van Wageningen Wittig Hallie and Barry Zietz Blue & Red Club | $100-$249 David Balat Karol Barnhart Kim Kum and Richard Cheung Yeh Chevron Matching gifts Linda and Michael Clark Martin DeVries Suzanne Duin Janice and Jim Falick Mary Finger Sara and Henry Hope Mona and Thomas Ignas Carolyn and Norbert Janik Lou Ann and Mike Kelly Ben Krywick Sherry and Michel Loutchaninoff Mary Martel Laura and Mike McDaniel Sally and Don McGinty Barbara and L. V. McGinty Patrick McLane Debi and Sam Mishael Peggy and William Samuels Pat and Mike Shaw Mary and Skip Skinner Cindy and Bill Sudela Lytle Taylor Cynthia and Lawrence Thomson Robert Tucker Debbie Wearing Sandra and Ralph Weaver Friend | $1-$99 Richard & Judy Abrams Anonymous Osher Elfezouaty Lisa and Rick Garza Paul Glaves Michael Merritt Suzannah and John Morris Joy and Tom Roeh Phoebe Roquemore The donors listed gave to Briarwood during the past year, July 2012-May 2013. tracking Progress ❘ Athletic Facility Phase II | track replacement Currently in progress are the following improvements: • • • • • Remove the track surface and curbs Increase soil and lime stabilization to acceptable standards Install extensive new foundation support Pour asphalt base (to cure 28 days) Apply Synthetic Track Surfacing System and structural spray coating • Layout of line striping and event markings according to iaaF and ncaa rules Phase I | athletic Facility completion The following upgrades have been completed: • • • • • Replaced entire fence around the school Resurfaced tennis courts and replaced nets and poles Installed new scoreboard for soccer and flag football Completed topographic survey Completed Geotechnical Investigation Total Projected Cost for Athletic Facility: $533,000 total Funds raised: 413,000 Phase i expenses: 121,000 Phase ii Projected cost: 412,000 Funds Needed: $120,000 GifTs ReCeived foR AThleTiC fACiliTy anonymous Gift hamman Foundation Junior trustees of the mcnair Foundation the robert and Janice mcnair Foundation Fred and mabel Parks Foundation Briarwood Booster club charlotte christman Directed Gifts for 2012-13 In Honor/Memory Chris Dooley Memory of Brian Boles Rosemary Moriaty Memory of Kenneth Moriaty Congregation of Brith Shalom Honor of Debi Mishael Community Donors Kroger Safeway-Randall’s Target Rice Epicurean Briarwood Revenue/Expenditures for the 2011-12 School Year Athletic Facility The Hamman Foundation The Robert and Janice McNair Foundation Fred and Mabel Parks Foundation Technology The Hamill Foundation Strake Foundation Cindy and Paul Price Tuition Assistance Assistance League of Houston, Inc. The Hamill Foundation Scurlock Foundation Shaan and David Tippett Herbert and Carol Zieben Foundation General Operating The Ellwood Foundation The Hamman Foundation Hord Foundation Frances Parker Andrea V. Reed Kyle Davenport of Sugar Cycles Peggy and Lewis Metzger Briarwood Revenue for the 2011-12 School Year Tuition and fees, net of student Tuttle School Maria and Henry Sostman Robin and Jim Vaiana Staff Development M. D. Anderson Foundation Gay Roane Ascende Charitable Trust Middle-Upper Library (Kindles) A Friend of Briarwood Drama Carole and Jim Wills Matching Gifts AIG Matching Grants Amerprise Financial Apache Corporation Chevron ConocoPhillips Halliburton KinderMorgan Phiilip 66 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney TIAA-CREF Employee Giving Campaign For omissions|corrections|giving opportunities, please contact Linda Peters in the Development Office, 281.493.1070 or at Briarwood Expenses for the 2011-12 School Year financial assistance of $471,399 $5,722,986 Designated contributions $445,716 Friends of Briarwood contribution $428,850 General and Annual Fund $211,137 Investment return $38,158 Other revenue $12,879 Total $6,859,726 Educational Programs $6,306,761 Management & General $237,389 Fundraising $219,672 Total $6,763,822 15 Benefit Donors for the 43rd Annual Benefit $25,000 and above Kelly Gene Cook, Sr. Charitable Foundation, Inc. Friend of Briarwood Martha & Dave Swift $10,000-$24,999 The H.G. Ash Foundation Mary Crow and Sammy Jones Ellwood Foundation Phillips66 Julie & Chris Whitten $5,000-$9,999 Susie & Asche Ackerman Sherry Clark/Charles Clark ConocoPhillips The Demshur Family Mr. H. Lee Godfrey Luis Javier Gonzalez & Angela Munoz Julie & Louis Mayer Christina & Steve Morse Regent Care Ursula & Mike Sharp UHY Advisors TX, LLC/ Shauna & Gregg Steffen Mary & Greg Whalley $2,500-$4,999 Mrs. Lillian Bean Gina & Larry Corbin Mr. Phillip Exnicioius Dr. & Mrs. Louis Faillace Nancy & Dan Garrison Rima & Ahmed Hashmi Lee & Rebecca Jackson Stephanie & Rich Langenstein Dr. Manuel Sanchez Lisa & Karl Schmitt Short Benefit Services Kenneth & Katherine Smith Rolland & Sherry St. Aubin Jeannette & Scott Stevenson Robin & James Vaiana Carole & Jim Wills $1,000-$2,499 Apollo A/C & Heating/ Kent Robertson Barbara & Larry Bellatti Richard Bohan/ Heather Feray-Bohan Chris & Sandi Braun Mr. & Mrs. Martin Brophy CenterPoint Energy Charlotte Christman Kim & John Clarke Twila & Bill Day Kathy & Mike Douglass Brian & Rita Fader Heather & Jeff Firestone Friend of Briarwood Felicia & Jay Fogal Renee & Gerald Gehm Dian Ginsberg Liz & Mike Hartwig Mr. and Mrs. Saad Hashmi Mr. and Mrs. George Helland, Jr. Lynn & Ronnie Jacobe Frank Jones & Marcia Smith LouAnn & Mike Kelly Jeanie Kilroy Denis & Trey Mayfield The Arthur & Sara Merrill Foundation Donna & Mark Meyer Teri & Sonny Milos Debi & Sam Mishael Christy & Spencer Moore, honoring Julie Whitten Betty & John Norkus Jenn & Jeff Parent Susan & John Roper Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rosenthal Jerry & Linda Rubenstein Annie & Steve Seay Lyndsey & Damian Stead Yvonne & Dave Streit Cindy & Bill Sudela Paul & Sandra Swofford Kate & Brian Thompson, honoring John Spafford Tonya & Mitchell Toups Donna Uliva Stacy & Mike Welch Weller, Green, Toups & Terrell $500-$999 Mary Lou & Jack Area Drs. Dina & Mike Bahramipour Crystal & Jeff Blanks Jeffri & Tim Botkin Brasserie 19 Elizabeth & Allen Brooks Bonnie Brookshire, Ph.D. Sharon Brougher Debra & Neal Butler Chris Campbell Lori & Phil Cohen Coppa Ristorante Linda Decker Denise & John Deiss Ramona & Michael DiMarco Elizabeth Dybell, Ph.D. Paul Elliott Debi & Karl Fancher Paige & Richard Fass Fidelity Investments Nanette & Patrick Ford Greenwood King Properties Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Grembowiec Suzanne & Eric Gschwind Marsha & Hal Haltom Lanette & Scott Harris Brandey Heckeroth Lisa & Ole Hofelmann Lisie & Jay Houren Dawn & Randy Howard Ibiza Food and Wine Bar Janet & Forrest Jenkins Erica & Brian Jordan Jennifer & Kenny Kearns Lorena & Terry Kubera Linda & Paul Lynn Nancy & Lamar McKay Tysh & Jonathan Mefferd Alison & Alexander Mohr Moody National Bank Jean & Kevin Mulholland Jack O’Donnell Richard & Karen Ogden Melanie & Kevin O’Malley Carter Overton Tine Tollan Overton Susan & Jerry Parish Parker School Uniforms Kristin & Mike Penny Teresa & Matthew Pitner Cindy & Drayton Prator Lynda & Freddy Quintana Elsie Layton Rankin Andrea & Bill Reed Melissa & Ryan Reichert Mr. & Mrs. Larry Robinson JoAnn & Robert Schaffer Katherine & Joel Schrock Debbie & Dave Schultz Stephanie & Kirby Shanks Pat & Mike Shaw Grace & Robert Sickler Gretchen Simmen Debra & Joseph Slattery Diantha & Dave Sneed Brenda & Joe Stubbs Texas Direct Auto Paula & Joe Toussaint Van Nest Financial Services Kelly & Bill Von Gonten Cindy & Don Westheimer Kay & Danny Williamson $250-$499 Ameriprise Financial Cheryl & David Bagby Adria Baker Karol Barnhart Alice & Norris Barry Nancy & David Baxter Bay Area Gastroenterology Carol & Gordie Beittenmiller Cynthia & Bobby Blackburn Stephanie Mudgett Boates Marilisa & Mark Brannigan 16 the briarwood school Barbara & Jay Busch, honoring The Whittens Archna Chainani Chevron Matching Gifts Priscilla Conoley Marcia & Mark De Buyl Equifax Matching Gifts Julia & Mike Falick Chris Fearing Irene & Carlos Ferrari Candy Horsley Lilly & Michael Howard Carole & Larry Huelbig Lisa & Brad Hutchings Fatima & Syed Jafri Margy Jones & Dave Dengos Sonya & Paul Kelly Wanda & Greg Kibler Renee & Mark Lange Meg Lauck Analyn & Mark Lee Kim & David Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Lira Dr. & Mrs. David Loncarich Kimberly & Mike Martin Sally & Don McGinty R. Talley Melton Bonita & Bill Merrill Becky & Mike Mooney Paula & Tom Munson Melinda O’Connell Linda & Jim Parmer Peltier, Bosker, Griffin, P.C. Becky Roach Joy & Tom Roeh Shell Matching Gifts Jeanie & Steve Simonich Cindy & Paul Smith Laura Smith Gerard Sperling Terrye & Darren Stidham Denise McGaha & Chris Travis Robert Tucker Terry Walker Sylvia Walker Belynda Kurio & Mark Hayden Teresa & Lance Witt Heather Womble Kenna Zierer Worthington $150-$249 Anchor Communications Cynthia & Bob Anderson Scott Andrews Cindi & Mike Atchison Gail Bailey Harrietta & Miles Baldwin Lori & David Barnett Bellaire Dermatology Associates Lucinda Berlew Frank M. & Rita N. Blumenfeld Fund Michael J. Brady Gerry & Leonard Broussard Liz & Phil Buelow Kathy & Geoff Cane Elvia & Paul Cardinal Becky & Dan Carter Julie & Dan Chew Clinic for Academic Therapy Nancy Corkill Sarah & Michael Davitt Todd Dillingham Gina & Dan DiLuzio Jan & Billy Doherty Doyle’s Pharmacy Debbie & Bart Duckworth Carole & Chuck Dunlap Becca & James Edmiston Leah & William Edmundson Debbie & Randy Etheridge Kim & Phil Fraher Karoline & Scott Gammeter Lisa & Ricardo Garza Dana & Max Grigsby Theresa & Kent Hanszen Patrice & Lloyd Hartsfield Healthy Lunchbox Marjorie Nicol & Matthias Heinkenschloss Josefina & Pablo Hernandez Jamie Humphries Sheila & Mike Hutchings Maria & Frantz Jean-Louis Donna & Clay Jeansonne R.J. Kepke Setara & Ali Khan Susan & Kevin Kirby Rachel & Melvin Krezer Tammy & Michael Lane Janet & Mike Lauritsen Carol LeBlanc Teri & Jeff Lee Sherry & Michel Loutchaninoff Johna & Judd Lowe Cheryl & Kent Marshall Mary & John Martel Brandy Martinez William McIlwain Kathy & Patrick McLane Samantha & Gil Melman Beth Mitchell Dr. Mike Mizell Jennifer & Cliff Moore Kristen & Chance Mullins Neuhaus Education Center Ivy & Rob Nulisch Jane & Nathan Pash Cindy & Paul Price Kelly & Kurt Prohl, honoring G. Steffen George Ragsdale Kristen & Jonathan Rosenberg Tammy & Manuel Sanchez Jane & Bill Schoellhorn Cliff & Michelle Shedd Naomi & Adam Soffar Mark & Kathleen Spangler Speech & Language Remediation Liliana & Tony Staples Janice & Bruce Streeter Tracy & Ron Sullivan Lisa & Bob Suvalsky T’s Quality Automotive Cris & Jim Treadway Lynn & Mike Turner Gail & Joe Van Nest Martha Vance Tylor & David Welch The Wellness Center Amanda & Jason Willingham Cliff & Michelle Shedd $125-$149 Julia Beckham Trina & Michael Blood Melanie & Steve Browne Annabel & Richard Gonzalez Michelle Curb Sarah & Robbie Fish Melanie & Samuel Louis Cheryl & James McAnear Lesley McBride Patty & Phil McGraw Tisha & Sam McKissick Kerrie & Mike Moran Tawnya & Rusty Rubenstein Emily Saathoff Monica Simpson Jenni & Brad Slivensky Lee Ann & Randy Smaltz Robert Stehr Jennifer & Fernando Villarreal Todd Womble $100-$124 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barrett Nancy & David Baxter Laura & Ralph Clinard Alice & Bill Cook Sheryl Ellis Craig Engles Mr. & Mrs. Eskridge Linda & Barry Goldware Betty & Jerry Gosda Michelle & Bll Hickl Mr. and Mrs. Howard Horne Morton L. Katz, Ph.D. Alison & Scott Lane Katherine Le Doris Nantz Anne Peyton Leigh & Clinton Rappole Roadrunner Archives Peggy & William Samuels Jim & Chris Scotti Mr. Edward Simonich Connie & Dave Smith Rosa & Willie Stanfield Pam & Bill Wallace Mrs. W.M. Wheless III Patricia Whitten Candy Williams, honoring the Steffen Family Mr. & Mrs. Richard Yeh Up to $99 Judge & Mrs. Richard Abrams Sarah & Lane Amos Jane & Mark Arnold Gayla & Bryan Baird Laruen & David Balat Paul Bass Judy & Jim Bates Tissie Bean & Susan Williams Pam Beckmann Lucinda Berlew Barbara & Thomas Blocher Ronda & Ash Bowden Marion Bowytz Martin Brohy Valerie & Derek Brown Kristin Buffington Cindy & Richard Cadle Teri & Clay Carwile Rosemary & Ken Cash Phyllis & John Chancey Genette Chenevert Kerry & Chad Courtney Susan & Brady Crouch Sally Davitt Bill & Twila Day Marcela & Julio de la Colina Candice De Los Santos Karla & Gino DeRanieri Charles Dewhurst Cheryl & David Diamond Suzanne Duin Tommie Duncan Christa Elliott Catherine Emmott Amy & Ricardo Escobar Vincent & Teresa Ferruzzo Lucinda & Brad Fleming Rebeka Garcia Nancy & John Gennaro Toni & Reginald Lynda & James Goodall Julie Goudie Debra Grade Peggy & Michael Gregg Allison & Brock Griffiths Mr. Steven Guarino Deloris Guillory Angelica & Jason Gustafson Sari & Rubin Gutman Marcia & Jim Gharib Lauri & Glen Hartsoch Nanette & Christopher Haskins Monique & Steve Hazell Jennifer & Scott Heitshusen Traci Henry Alice Hilton Dick & Laverne Hokenson Mollie & Eric Huelskamp Rebecca & Steve Joest Yvette & Leatrice Jones Erin & Todd Jones Shannon & Marco Juarez Klara & Kirt Keelan Susan & Gina Kirby Susan & Randall Klein Deetra & Michael Koch Marcine & John Kowpak Meschelle Kreji Lauren & Drew Krocak Oscar Leal Nicki & Richard Lee Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lehrer Matt Lightfoot Cindy & Edward Long Karen & Irvin Lutz Tina & Scott Lynch Hope & Michael Martin Jenny & David McCann Susan & Joe McDuffie Jim McGinty Charisse Meyer Jamie & Charles Neal Cindy & Chuck Nelson Amy Nuttall Lori & Jerry Ordeneaux Christine & Kelly Paige Pam & Don Palmour Carrie & David Pena Christine & Asquith Phills Jennifer & Chad Points Amy Polasek Nancy & Michael Polychronopoulos Mildred & Steven Poock Beth & Nick Posa Anne Pullen Susan & Mark Purdy Rachael Ramos Alethea Reny Cathleen & Douglas Reynolds Renee Ricca & Kelly Jones Alice & Andrew Roach Wendy & Lowell Rosenthal Sheryl & David Saunders Pat & Mike Shaw Wes Shows Shelley & Steve Greene Deborah Sondock Mari & Dirk Sostman Michelle & Will Symonds Bronwyn & Mark Turner David Upshaw Anne & Ron Vachon Robin & James Vaiana Carolyn Van Dyke, honoring Shauna Steffen Shannon & Jeff Davis Rilla Walker Wendy & Patrick Wills NikiWokocha Chris Wolfe & Nora Dobin Heather & Scott Woods Steven Young & Lynn Harper Underwriters David & Martha Swift | $5,000 Steve & Suzy Mahoney | $2,000 Isla & Tommy Reckling | $2,000 Stacy & Mike Welch | $2,000 Joy & Tom Roeh | $1,000 Doris Andrews | $500 Candy Horsley | $500 Parker School Uniforms | $500 Lori & Bill Spangenberg | $500 Lucinda Berlew | $200 Karen & William Rice | $200 A special thank you to Kian Adkins Chance, Lael Zachry, Al Farb, Marty O’Brien, Dena and Larry Robinson 17 auction donorS For the 43rd annual BeneFit 300 Bowling A.D. Players abientot Academy Susie & Asche Ackerman Addison Boutique Woodlands Al’s Formal Wear All Yadayim Alley Theater Amy’s Ice Cream Cynthia & Bob Anderson Ann’s Clock Shop Apollo AC & Heating May Lou & Jack Area AREA Ashford Veterinary Hospital Babin’s Seafood The Woodlands Gail & Tom Balousek Chris Barosh Bath Junkie Cathy & Dave Beathard Beautique Day Spa & Salon Beck’s Prime Bella Rinova Spa and Salon – The Woodlands Bellaire Tire Services Ben Keith Foods Berdoll Pecan Farm Bering’s Lucinda Berlew Sueleal Berlin Bicycle World Houston Biron Gymnastics Bistro Le Cep Blackhorse Golf Club Trina & Michael Blood Blue Willow Books Stephanie Boates Brasserie 19 Sandi & Chris Braun BRC Brooks Brothers -The Woodlands The Brookwood Community Sharon Brougher Valerie Brown Buffalo Hardware Company Bullock Estates & Diamond Brokers President & Mrs. George Bush Capital Grille The Car Masseuse Carmelo’s Ristorante Carter’s Depot June Chalon Cheesecake Factory The Children’s Museum of Houston Choice Tee-19 Charlotte Christman Cinemark Market StreetThe Woodlands Charles Clark Sherry Clark Cleopatra’s Secret Clos Pegase Container Store Contemporary Art Museum Cookies by Design Coppa Ristorante Gina and Larry Corbin Cornelius Nursery Cos Bar Cosmetic Beautique The Woodlands Country Park Portraits Jim Crane The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion 18 the briarwood school Shannon & Jeff Davis Dessange Salon & Spa Diamond Jewelry Factory Dramatika Suzanne Duin Dr. Elizabeth Dybell Eddie V’s Becca & James Edmiston Egg & I Elaine Turner Christa Elliott Lee Evans Events Rita Fader Fifth Grade Parents Katherine Fitzgerald Photography Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar Four Seasons Hotel Houston Four Points by Sheraton Galveston Kim & Phil Fraher Francesca Collections Boutique Gal-Tex Hotel Corporation Gallery Furniture Lisa Garza Julie Gaudette Genesis Art Glass Studio Nancy & John Gennaro Gretchen Gilliam & George Lane Gitting’s Annabel & Richard Gonzalez Goodall Family Donald Gosser Grace Hart & Co. Dana Griffin The Grove Restaurant at Discovery Green Gulf States Toyota Mark Habinski, DDS Hal Martin watch & Jewelry Co. Hanzell Vineyards Health Source Chiropractic & Progressive Rehab Hilton Westchase Candy Horsely Hotel Sorella Houston Astros Houston Symphony Houston Dairymaids Houston Ballet Houston Area Driving Schools Houston Rockets Daniel Hudson Jamie Humphries Ibiza Food and Wine Bar Mona & Thomas Ignas IW Marks Lynn & Ronnie Jacobe James Avery Craftsman Jasper’s Backyard Cuisine Janet & Forrest Jenkins Josephine’s Day Spa & Salon Jubilee Gifts/Fashion Ben E. Keith Foods Company Kenny & Ziggys KHOU Debra Duncan Susan & Kevin Kirby KMA Wine Specialists Cindy & Don Knight Meschelle Krejci Esta Kronberg, M.D. La Toretta Lake Resort & Spa Lakeside Country Club Langford Market - The Woodlands Lasagna House III Laurie-Anne & Todd McElreath Janet Lauritsen Analyn & Mark Lee Liberty Kitchen Oyster Bar Lindy Wreaths & Home Decor Los Tios Mexican Restaurant Luke’s Locker Mad Potter Maggie’s Magpies Suzy & Steve Mahoney Maida’s Accessories Main Street Theater Maison Maison Mark’s Marshall Cart Leasing Hope Martin Sally McGinty Tysh & Jonathan Mefford The Melting Pot Memorial Health Club Bonita & Bill Merrill Middle School Parents Karen Miller Teri & Sonny Milos Sam & Debi Mishael Susan & Tom Mitchell Priscilla & Beth Mitchell Barry Moore/Gensler Lisalynn Morgan Rosemary & Keith Moriarty Christina & Steve Morse Jean & Kevin Mulholland Katherine Mulholland Nails by Tracey Niko Niko’s Norris of Houston Salon & Day Spa Norton Ditto-The Woodlands The Nuttall Family Melinda O’Connell Angela Ortiz Orvis -The Woodlands Palazzo’s Café Jennifer & Jeff Parent Jerry Parish Linda and Jim Parmer Pattywhacks & Company Kristin & Mike Penny Perry’s Steakhouse & Grill Petite Sweets Phillip Mitchell Salon Pinot’s Palette Pizzitolas Pleasant Hill Winery Nancy Polychronopoulos Porsche of West Houston Charles Post Melissa and Ryan Reichert Rice Epicurean Markets Ronald K. Rich D.D.S. FAGD Ronald Ripley & Martha Keller Alice & Andrew Roach Robert’s Fine China Rockefeller Hall Joy & Tim Roeh Alina Rominger Linda Rosenfeld Royal Oaks Emily Saathoff Siarrah Schneekloth Katherine & Joel Schrock SeaWorld Aquatica Charlotte Seay Sensia Studio & Japanese Day Spa Shade Stephanie & Kirby Shanks Brenda & Charlie Stubbs Silver Eagle Distributors Laura Smith Sandra Smith Cindy Smith Southside Skate Park Southwell’s Hamburger Grill Spec’s Wine, Liquors Stores Sports Express Tennis Lyndsey & Damian Stead Shauna & Gregg Steffen Charles Stehr Sugar Cycles Martha & Dave Swift Cynthia Tait H.Ed,/Whole Health Tall Plants Taste of Texas Alicia Tegg Texas Rock Gym The Boardroom Salon for Men The Woodlands Tommy Bahama Cafe Restaurant The Woodlands Tony Mandolas Julie Toups Tous Nouveaux/Christine Kubiak Joe and Paula Toussaint Tranquility Personal Care Home Treebeards Robert Tucker Lynn & Mike Turner Tuttle School Parents Donna Uliva Upper School Parents Ron Vachon Gail & Joe Van Nest Vanity Salon Venus Hair Villa Capri on Clear Lake Craig Wakefield Sylvia & Randall Walker Debbie Wearing Kate Weatherford The Welch Family The Westin Houston Memorial City Mary & Greg Whalley Julie & Chris Whitten Whole Earth Provision Carole Wills Henry Winkler Woodlands Resort & Conference Center Palmer Grille, The Woodlands Country Club David Yates SPotliGht on GiVinG BacK celebrating history & Partnership | Assistance League T he assistance league of houston’s chapter house was filled to overflowing on tuesday, april 23, as students, parents and Briarwood administrators arrived for the Scholarship awards wards Breakfast and Presentation. this year, the assistance league of houston presented thirteen Briarwood students with scholarship awards that totaled over $23,000 for the upcoming school year. the Briarwood/assistance league of houston partnership dates back to 1970, early in the history of both organizations. historical documents report that members of alh first began volunteering in the classrooms at Briarwood as teacher t assistants. at that time, Briarwood had just two dedicated teachers and a few children in a church basement. in 1971, financial aid was given to students and in 1984, the assistance league Scholarship Program was established. ttoday, enrollment at Briarwood totals over 300 students with a faculty and staff of over 100. Students in the middle upper School have been the fortunate recipients of alh scholarships for well over forty-three years. the missions of the assistance league of houston and the Briarwood School parallel; for forty-five years, the mission of the assistance league has been to help the children and young adults in the houston community to reach their potential and fulfill their dreams, for themselves and for their community. For forty-five years, the mission of the Briarwood School has been to teach children with learning differences to reach and maximize their potential. ♥ We are proud of our partnership with the assistance league of houston and thank everyone who, in giving to alh,, is also helping to make dreams a reality for current and future generations of Briarwood students. the assistance league of houston has been steadfast in its support of Briarwood, and we are thankful for this remarkable group of volunteers who continue to believe in us. Re be k wa s ah k ind An example of a good deed placed on the “Giving Tree.” Above right: ________________________; Briarwood recipients of Assistance League scholarships. tuttle School has heart I n the spirit of giving, the tuttle School collected fifty-one pounds of food for Wham Wham (West houston assistance ministries)! to continue cultivating students’ love of charity, teachers posted nice deeds on paper hearts on the tuttle School “Giving tree.” 19 Spotlight on creativity Work of Heart ❘ Tuttle School Quilt Creation H ave you ever seen something amazing and thought to yourself “I wonder how they did THAT!” That’s the general reaction year after year at the Briarwood Benefit when the Tuttle School unveils its’ quilt. Every single student in Tuttle School takes an active role in creating the much-anticipated masterpiece - and it NEVER disappoints! The Tuttle School Art teacher, Daniella Ferrari, has been in charge of the compilation, design and construction of the quilt for over ten years! Under her guidance, students paint and perfect their work of “heart.” After being quilted, off it goes to the Benefit to bring in high bids in the live auction and sighs from jealous party-goers who aren’t fortunate enough to bring it home. 20 the briarwood school 21 looK What’S neW unlocking Success ❘ Early Intervention is Key I n response to compelling research, Briarwood has added a new program, Early Intervention, designed to meet the needs of children who have demonstrated difficulties in developing early literacy skills: phonological awareness, oral language, print knowledge, and number sense. the early intervention Program will focus on developing the skills necessary to build a love of learning. the small class size, highly specialized teachers, and developmentally appropriate curriculum will assist four-and five-year-old children to establish reading and math readiness skills necessary for success. as evidenced by research, early indication is the key to helping children become life-long learners. the class will provide the security of a daily routine, multisensory teaching, and enrichment activities. daily activities will include: • Oral Expression • Vocabulary Development NEW • Phonological Awareness Briarwood • Gross and Fine Motor Skills Program! • Perceptual Skills • Math Concepts • Social Skill Development in addition, students will have the opportunity to experience art, physical education, music, and library. Briarwood is accepting students, ages four and five, who may not have been identified with the learning disability, but who have exhibited deficiencies in the readiness skills necessary to be a successful learner. Save the Date for Breakfast and a Conversation with Henry Winkler Join The Briarwood School aT The Junior league 9. 19. 2013 of houSTon 8 o’clock until 9:30 in the morning in 2003, henry Winkler began writing a series of children’s novels with his partner, lin oliver. the books were inspired by henry’s struggle throughout his education due to his dyslexia. henry has worked tirelessly to bring awareness and support to children who learn differently by advocating for changes in the educational system and informing parents and teachers about learning challenges. 22 the briarwood school Year in Review W e entered our forty-fifth year last August with excitement over the summer enhancements to our athletic facility! Our students, families and teachers celebrated the addition of Briarwood’s very first scoreboard, new fencing surrounding our field, re-surfaced tennis courts, and an impressive and welcoming marquee! Without a doubt, it was a great way to begin the year, for all of our students knew that they would benefit from the changes! The completion of Phase I of our Athletic Facility is a direct result of generous donors that include our parent organization, FOB, parents, families, friends and foundations. As we fast forward to the end of this school year, we have already begun Phase II of our Athletic Facility: replacement of our track. Expected date of completion will be just prior to the start of the school year, weather permitting. Again, thanks to the generous and unwavering support of many, we are able to provide only the best to our students: the best education, faculty, and facilities! As soon as our school year began, we were notified that our CEI Lab had been named EXEMPLARY! Excitement reigned as CEI Lab students were filmed for a CEI documentary, interviewed by the leadership of CEI, and accepted a plaque that names our CEI Lab EXEMPLARY. A special thanks and recognition go to Ms. Holly Strapulos for her initial research into this specialized program and for her recommending this outstanding addition to our Lower School program. CEI Lab has been a part of Briarwood for over twenty years and, time after time, student progress is noted as a result of CEI. We celebrated the end of the 2012 - 2013 school year with two commencement ceremonies. The entire Briarwood community offers congratulations to the eighteen graduates who received their diplomas on May 16, following a successful senior year in Upper School! Post high school plans for the Class of 2013 include Blinn College (College Station), College Living Experience, Houston Community College, Lone Star College, St. Edward’s University, Sam Houston State University, Savannah College of Art and Design, Schreiner University, Texas Tech University, Tyler Junior College, University of Mississippi, University of The Incarnate Word, Virginia Tech, and Wharton County Junior College. On May 22, twenty-eight sixth graders completed their Lower School education with a ceremony attended by families and friends. At the completion of that impressive ceremony, the Lower School graduates became the Class of 2019! Almost all of the graduates will transition to Briarwood’s Middle School program. We wish the best to all of our graduates! As we welcome 2013-2014, another remarkable year that will record students’ progress and accomplishments, we simultaneously close a stellar year. We move forward with a focus on enhancing and refining our program, reflecting on our Mission, and seizing the opportunity, once more, to change children’s lives. Best regards, Carole C. Wills 23
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