September 2015 - Sunflower Village
September 2015 - Sunflower Village
Sunflower News SUNFLOWER VILLAGE HOMES ASSOCIATION SEPT/OCT 2015 This newsletter is the property of Sunflower Village Homes Association and may not be reproduced in any form or stored on any system without written permission of the owner News for and about Members of the Sunflower Village Homes Association AT A GLANCE Board Mtg Schedule 1 Board Members 3 Board Positions/Election 1 Book Club 7 Box tops for Education 2 Calendar of Events 5 Clubhouse Rentals 6 Craft Club 7 Dog Leash Reminder 6 Dues update 1 Garage Sale 1 General Meeting 1 Helping Hands 6 Notice to Coaches 3 Picnic Wrap-up 3 Pool Update 4 Sm Business Directory 4 Social Media Disclaimer 2 Tree Plantings 3 Welcome new residents 2 2016 BOARD ELECTION Are you interested in keeping Sunflower a great place to live? Do you have a strong sense of community? If so, the Association needs you! Please consider a two year term of service on the Board. Call the Office today (453-2022) or submit a short biographical paragraph to be published in the November Newsletter. The ballot will be in the November issue. DEADLINE FOR DECLARING YOUR CANDIDACY IS 3:00 PM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13th. SCHOOL’S IN SESSION PLEASE DRIVE CAREFULLY OFFICE HOURS SLOW DOWN!! Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. BOARD MEETINGS 3rd Wednesdays 7:00 PM Hanford Clubhouse Wednesday 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. or call for an appointment 453-2022 September 16 November 18 Office is located at the Hanford Clubhouse - 45800 Hanford Rd. October 21 December 9 (September’s meeting will be at the Gainsborough Clubhouse) (December’s meeting is on the 2nd Wed due to the Holidays) 2015 DUES UPDATE 98.09% Paid If you have not paid your dues yet, call the Office (453-2022). Monthly payment plans are available. 2016 DUES NOTICES WILL BE MAILED THE 2ND WEEK OF DECEMBER SUBDIVISION GARAGE SALE September 17-19 Thursday-Saturday 9:00 - ? Pay your $1 fee at the Hanford Clubhouse and pick up your yellow balloons. (the fee helps cover the cost of advertising). MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THE ANNUAL ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Hanford Clubhouse - 7:00 PM This is your opportunity to address the Board regarding any questions or concerns you have. The 2016 budget will be presented Meet the 2016 Board candidates Note from Perri Hello, to all of my neighbors. I would like to take this time to say a big “Thank You” for allowing me to serve on the Board for Sunflower Village Homes Association for 13 years. I have had the privilege of serving 2 years as President and as Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Vice President. My husband received an offer that was too good to refuse and we are moving to Texas. I moved to Michigan 29 years ago and was only thinking I was going to be here for a couple years. Sunflower is a wonderful neighborhood to raise your children in! I really hope that in the future Sunflower will continue to thrive on raising families! My children agree that this is a great neighborhood to grow up in and this will always be home. It is hard to imagine a small town girl from Indiana became a Board Member for a subdivision that was larger than my hometown population! Thank you for letting me serve on the Board. I would love to see more people take pride in the area that they live in. It is a great way to give back to the neighborhood and community! You will greatly be enriched and fulfilled by participating. Please feel free to come to a Board Meeting and take part in the community you live in. Thanks again. - Perri Waggoner SUNFLOWER NEWS - Visit our website at Welcome to Sunflower Eric & Felicia Cook 45668 Morningside Eric & Carmen Cyndi Spurlock 45884 Bartett Ben & Shane Tim & Jennifer Gallaher 47022 Bartlett Zach, Andrew & Griffin JUST MOVED IN? Please fill out this coupon and return it to: Sunflower Office 45800 Hanford Road Canton, MI 48187 Sept/Oct 2015 Page 2 Box Tops for Education Coupons The Association is working in conjunction with Cub Scout Pack 834 to collect Box Tops for Education Coupons. 100% of the money earned goes to Tonda Elementary School to help fund various student activities. Sunflower’s Office (Hanford Clubhouse) has a collection box where you can drop off your coupons. It’s an easy way to help your local school. NAME ________________________________________ CHILDREN’S NAMES ____________________________ __________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________ LOT # ____________ PHONE # ____________________ Date we’re moving in ______________ Return this form by October 10th to be in the next issue. 734 564-0230 The Newsletter serves as legal notice, please read all of it. SOCIAL MEDIA DISCLAIMER The Association has no affiliation with any social media site even those that use the Sunflower name. The Homeowners Association does not monitor or access any type of social media to obtain information. If you need to report an incident or make the Association aware of something that is happening in Sunflower please understand that posting it to a social media site is not the way to communicate to the Association/Sunflower Office. Please call the Sunflower Office to report any concerns in the neighborhood. Canton Construction ROOFING • SIDING GUTTERS • WINDOWS INSULATION • REMODELING 734 844-8420 FREE ESTIMATES SUNFLOWER RESIDENT DISCOUNT SUNFLOWER NEWS - Visit our website at 2015 ASSOCIATION BOARD Jeff Barszcz, President Ron LeTourneau, Vice President Pam Turek, Secretary Sandy Latack, Treasurer Barbara Carson Khalil Kandah Beth Myers Bob Parker Sunflower Office Sunflower Website 756-1500 313 300-7013 459-5348 355-2717 451-0154 968-8842 248 249-9470 454-5759 453-2022 **Homeowners please advise Realtors/Title Companies to contact the Sunflower Office for closing information. Please do not contact Board Members regarding this type of request. Thank you. Call 313-363-9864 Servicing all Insurance Restoration needs: New Construction and Renovations HAAG Certified Roof Inspector Warranties provided for all work Sept/Oct 2015 Page 3 34th ANNUAL PICNIC What a great day!! Thank you to Beth Myers, Picnic Coordinator, for her work behind the scenes and to the 25+ volunteers, the pool staff, the Sunflower office and maintenance staff, and the Boy Scouts for all of their help. Thank you to the businesses that donated prizes: Benito’s Pizza Canton City Market Canton Super Bowl Crow’s Nest CVS - Canton Dollar Tree Four Friends Bar & Grill Hickory Creek Golf Course Jet’s Pizza of Canton Jimmy John’s Kroger—Canton Kroger—Plymouth Leo’s Coney Island Main Street Pizza Mango’s Fruit Market Mexican Fiesta Restaurant Outback Steakhouse Rose’s Restaurant Showroom of Elegance TGI Friday’s Restaurant Tony Sacco’s Coal Oven Pizza Westbrook Salon Please support them in return! Licensed and Insured Over 20 years of experience!!!! Sunflower resident for 14 years FREE ESTIMATES TREE PLANTING IN COMMONS SUNFLOWER BOARD APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE PLANTING ANY TREES IN THE SUNFLOWER COMMONS. NOTICE TO ALL COACHES The Sunflower Commons are not available for organized sports teams. Please do not schedule your practices, scrimmages, and/or games on Sunflower Property. Please use your designated field for these events. Sunflower is not compensated for the upkeep of our Commons by any Sports Organization. ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE SUNFLOWER NEWS DO NOT REFLECT ENDORSEMENT BY THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OR THE ASSOCIATION. SUNFLOWER NEWS - Visit our website at Small Business Directory If you need these services please call one of our residents Sept/Oct 2015 Page 4 Please include my business in the Small Business Directory Business Name: ___________________________________ Resident’s Name: __________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________Lot #__________ Check which issues: _____ Jan/Feb _____ May/June _____ Mar/Apr _____ July/Aug _____ Sept/Oct _____ Nov/Dec The cost is $2.00 per issue or $10.00 per year (pay for 5 issues and get 6th issue free). Please include payment with this form. BUSINESS NAME AMI Services - Repairing leather, cloth & vinyl Artistic Flair Faces - Face Painting Avon Representative Cathy’s Lil Troopers (licensed childcare provider) Creations by Danielle (custom cakes & desserts) LegalShield/Identity Theft Solution/Independent Associate Life in Harmony Retreats Mary Kay Nutrilite & XS Energy & Sports Nutrition Pampered Chef Pet Nanny Pond’s Painting Reading & Math Tutor Scentsy -Warmers & Fragrance Wax Specialized Reading Tutoring Speech Therapy for all ages Thirty-One RESIDENT Dave Farmer Tina Roberts Angela Stratton Catherine Cogo Danielle Thibodeau Perri Waggoner Ronda Violi Joan Trainor Lori Levi Michelle Jasewicz Jan Connor Jeffrey Pond Michelle Maclillan Michelle Jasewicz Patricia Greene Patricia DiMaria Amy Berry PHONE 313 304-0700 313 971-9815 454-4493 454-6506 459-1391 453-0136 453-6219 812-9690 323-0886 459-2809 981-6108 771-0339 248 255-5002 459-2809 455-2569 313 515-3309 589-0058 If you run a business out of your home and would like to be included in the Small Business Directory, please fill in and mail the coupon above along with your payment to the Hanford Office. The cost is $2.00 per issue or $10.00 per year (pay for 5 issues and get 6th free). Dance Classes Pre School – Adult Pilates Reformer and Yoga 15071 Northville Rd Plymouth, MI 48170 (734) 956-5518 We had a great pool season! We had over 1000 homes use the pools this summer. The pool parties for the kids were a great time - 100 kids attended the 2 different aged parties. 118 kids took swim lessons from our Red Cross Certified lifeguards. There were 6 occasions this season where a guard had to get in the water to help a struggling child. We are very proud of our staff for their alertness and quick thinking. Please remember that if your child is under 6 - an adult must be in the water with them at all times to prevent these types of incidents. See you next summer! Sept/Oct 2015 Page 5 What is our Capital Reserve Account and Why do we need one? The Capital Reserve Account is, in essence, the Association's savings account. Gordon Advisors, the Association's accountant, urged the Board to have a Capital Reserve Study done. The Board at the time recognized the need for proper reserve planning and setting aside money in anticipation of needed repairs and/or replacements. So the first study was done in 1992 and updates have been done every 3-4 years. The purpose of the Reserve Study is to establish a reasonable yearly reserve contribution necessary to meet future expenditures for major replacements or repairs of the common area elements (i.e. roofs, pools, walking paths, furnaces, painting, lighting, etc.). The Reserve Study looks at 53 common elements that will require repair or replacement during the next 20-30 years. The ongoing reserve funding preserves the infrastructure and marketability of our community by putting aside funds to offset the anticipated expenditures that will come up in the next 10-30 years - either near term or long term. Periodic updates confirm that the recommended reserve contributions are appropriate or in need of modification due to changes in the property and/or marketplace. Adjustments to future reserve contributions may be necessary as a result of funding untimely or unexpected replacements from reserves. The Reserve Study takes into account that ongoing normal maintenance of common elements will be funded through the operating budget unless specifically identified in the Reserve Study. What if the Association did not have the Capital Reserve Fund? The Board could choose one of the following options: (1) Secure a loan and incur interest costs (2) Charge a special assessment to each homeowner (3) Not make the necessary repairs and allow the property to fall into disrepair (4) Close a clubhouse and pool to save money for other repairs. None of these options are ideal. Maintaining the Reserve Fund is the best way to be able to make repairs in a timely manner and keep our property values high. In 2015 so far a few projects were scheduled and completed using Capital Reserve funds. The projects include; new windows for the front of the Hanford Clubhouse ($7,200), Hanford Pool resurfacing ($21,120) and Hanford Clubhouse Office Furniture ($8,300). SUNFLOWER EVENTS TO NOTE September 17-19 (Thurs-Sat) Fall Garage Sale 9:00 AM-?? - Cost - $1 September 16 - Wednesday Association Board Meeting 7:00 PM Gainsborough Clubhouse October 21 - Wednesday Association Board Meeting 7:00 PM Hanford Clubhouse November 1-17 2016 Board Election & Dues Vote November 18 - Wednesday General Meeting 7:00 PM Hanford Clubhouse WHAT’S UP? December 9 - Wednesday (2nd week due to Holidays) Association Board Meeting 7:00 PM Hanford Clubhouse SUNFLOWER NEWS - Visit our website at HELPING HANDS A list of those willing to help others in the Subdivision Babysitters (Year listed is year of their birth): Sept/Oct 2015 Page 6 The names remain on this list for one year. For changes or additions throughout the year, call the Office (453-2022). If you contact someone on this list who are no longer providing the service, please let the office know. Dog walking: Pet sitting: ADULT BABY-SITTERS: Planning a special event? Lawn Work: Try one of the Sunflower Clubhouses for your special event. It’s always a great hit with your guests! $275/day - weekends $175/day - weekdays Capacity: Hanford - 96 or Gainsborough - 55/level Call today to book your date - 453-2022 HELPING HANDS UPDATE (Your name will remain on the list for one year. If you want to renew your ad, or sign up for a new ad, return this registration form) NAME ___________________________________________ YEAR OF BIRTH _________ PHONE _________________ CATEORY (circle all that you want to be listed under) Babysitting Dog Walking Pet Sitting Adult Babysitter Lawn Work Snow Shoveling Senior’s Assistant CLASSES TAKEN (for Babysitters) _________________________________________________ Deadline for Nov/Dec issue is October 8, 2015 Please support our advertisers. They make this newsletter possible. Rates for ads (per issue): Business Card . . $42.00 1/4 Page . . . . . . $70.00 1/2 Page . . . . . $140.00 Dogs at Large Sunflower Village reminds residents that it is unlawful for unleashed animals to be in any place open to the public (Commons Areas). In addition, leashed animals in a public place need to be under reasonable control of their owner/handler at all times (keep dogs on retractable leashes close at hand). Thank you! SUNFLOWER NEWS - Visit our website at Sept/Oct 2015 Page 7 SUNFLOWER CRAFT CLUB Mondays 1-3 PM Plan to join the Sunflower Craft Club for an evening devoted to doing your crafts without interruption. The Craft Club meets at the Hanford Clubhouse from 7 PM to Midnight on the following Fridays: September 18 - October 16 - November 20 Bring your own snacks & drinks Contact Dawn Montagano (718-4978) for more details. (Hanford Clubhouse) Book Club will meet again starting in September Fall Meeting Dates - 9/28, 10/26, & 11/23 Contact Pat Greene (455-2569) for more information POTHOLE PROBLEMS To report a pothole problem or a road in need of repair please call Wayne County at 1-888-762-3273 or report the problem on-line at RIGHTLINE ELECTRIC L.L.C. LICENSED & INSURED RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL TROUBLE SHOOTING ADDITIONS GENERAC CERTIFIED WHOLE HOUSE BACKUP GENERATOR SALES AND INSTALLATION RICK VARIOT SUNFLOWER RESIDENT 734-667-1276 313-220-6105 We can restore your deck’s natural beauty and protect it against future damage. We use the highest performance deck care products available. CALL NOW ! FREE ESTIMATES (248) 482-0150 GOTTSCHALK BUILDERS Family owned and operated since 1958. Licensed and insured contractor. All work guaranteed. Sunflower resident for over 10 years. Quality work by people you trust! References available. Additions, Remodels: Kitchens, Bathrooms, Decks & Sunrooms, Gutters & Siding, Drywall Repairs, Window & Door Replacement Specialist Certified Lead Paint Renovator Call (734) 812-3093 or email FREE ESTIMATES