October 2011 - Genealogy Society of Craighead County
October 2011 - Genealogy Society of Craighead County
BRICKWALL GAZETTE Genealogy Society Of Craighead County, Arkansas This month’s meeting will be at the Jonesboro Craighead Public Library Editor: Nancy Matthews October 16, 2011 VOLUME NUMBER FIFTEEN, ISSUE NUMBER TEN OCTOBER 2011 MEETING HAPPENINGS: The 2012 CALENDARS: Thank you to September Meeting was held on September 18, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in the Round Room at the Jonesboro Craighead Public Library. Our speaker was Nancy Matthews. She shared information about Genealogy Websites. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ everyone that contributed pictures Craighead County Families for our 2012 Calendar. EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING: The Executive Board Meeting for October was to have been held on October 8, 2011. 1. Beginners Class 2. 2012 Calendars 3. Nominating Committee 4. The next Executive Board meeting will be November 12, 2011 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OCTOBER MEETING: The October Meeting will be held in the Round Room at the Jonesboro Craighead County Public Library on October 16, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. Our speaker will be Dr. Marti Allen. She will be telling us about the Arkansas State University Museum. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BEGINNER’S CLASS: The next Beginning Genealogy Class was moved from the first part of October and will be Monday & Tuesday, October 24 & 25, 2011 at the Jonesboro Library from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Please contact Nancy Matthews – 870219-0535 nlmatthews@suddenlink.net for additional information on upcoming Classes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calendars will be available at the meeting on Sunday, October 16, 2012. They are $5 each. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Your help is needed. In January it will again be time for elections. We are looking for people that would be willing to serve on the Nominating Committee. If you are interested, please contact Nancy Matthews – 870-2190535 nlmatthews@suddenlink.net. Your help will be greatly appreciated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR: In an effort to prevent duplication, we have a new Volunteer Coordinator, Patsy Penney pwpenney@att.net. Please let her know about a project that you are working on. Current know projects are: Probate Index -- Photographing Loose Probate Pagers -- Updating Cemeteries. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 LOST FRIEND Robert "Bob" Shelton Hare October 7, 1939 - September 22, 2011 Robert "Bob" Shelton Hare, 71, of Jonesboro, AR went Home to his Lord and Savior on Thursday September 22, at the Flo & Phil Jones Hospice House with his family at his side. He was born October 7, 1939 in Memphis, TN. He is preceded in death by his parents, Clarence Edward and Clesteel, Hare, Sr. &, and brother, Reverend Clarence (Lefty) Edward Hare, Jr. He is survived by his wife, Linda Anderson Hare; his children, Jill Hare of St. Louis, MO, Paige Hare Womble (Jody) of Little Rock, AR, and soon-to-be granddaughter, Chloe Grace Womble; step-children, Tracy (Sandy) Wartenberg of Southaven, MS, Pat (Derek) McCormick, Mark (Jennifer) Douglas, and Greg (Ann) Douglas, all of Lake City, AR; step-grandchildren, Chris and Hunter Wartenberg, Jessica and Daniel McCormick, Keryn (Michael) Cobble, Kassie Douglas, and Brittany, Sarah and Hunter Douglas; step-great-grandchildren, Remington and Jayde Cobble; sister-in-law, Alystine DeShazo Hare of Brownsville, TN; nephews, Clarence (Ed) Edward (Ginger) Hare, III and Paul (Ruth) Hare; nieces, DeAnne (Bobby) Hare Sharp of Jackson, TN, and Charlotte (Jeff) Hare Kerr of Burlington, NC. A celebration of Bob’s life will be at 10am on Monday, September 26, in the Emerson Memorial Chapel with Dr. Stan Ballard officiating. Burial will follow at Nettleton Cemetery with Emerson Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Visitation will be from 2-5pm Sunday afternoon, September 25, at Emerson Funeral Home. Honored to serve as Pallbearers are Cliff Jackson, Benton Huey, Russell Altom, Danny Honnell, Billy Wells and Daniel McCormick. Also honored to serve as Honorary Pallbearers are the Sons of Confederate Veterans. In lieu of flowers, family ask to consider donations be made to Nettleton Baptist Church, 4701 East Nettleton Avenue, Jonesboro, AR 72401, or to Southern Confederate Heritage Park NEASHF, PO Box 16876 Jonesboro, AR 72403, in memory of Robert (Bob) Shelton Hare. Sign Online Guestbook: www.emersonfuneralhome.com We will miss him as a valued member of our Society. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPCOMING EVENTS November 2011 -November 4 & 5 - Arkansas Genealogical Society Seminar - Little Rock, Arkansas Speaker: J. Mark Lowe - www.agsgenealogy.org/ November 12 - Executive Board Meeting - 2:00 p.m. - Civic League Rm - Jonesboro Library November 20 - Society General Meeting - 2:00 p.m. - Round Room - Jonesboro Library December 2011 -December 10 - Christmas Party at Ryan’s - 11:30 a.m. until about 1:30 p.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHRISTMAS PARTY Ryan’s Saturday, December 10, 2011 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Door Prizes Come join us for fun and fellowship 2 Tuesday, October 16, 1962 Jonesboro (Ark.) Sun 9 * 51 Pioneers Who Helped Build Craighead County * Jonesboro and Craighead County have been blessed for more than a century with men and women of solid stock who have, with their brains, brawn and hard work carved a rich community from what was a wilderness. The original settlers are all gone now, but some of the second-generation pioneers are still living in the county --- many of them still active. th As E.C. Barton, Jonesboro retail lumber dealer, approached his 80 birthday, he wanted to do something for someone else, rather than to receive gifts himself. He began thinking of ways to pay tribute to these oldtimers who had contributed so much to our county. After several months of study, he hit upon the ideal. He asked the Jonesboro Chamber of Commerce to assist in locating all residents 80 years old or older who were born in Craighead County and had lived their entire lives here, just as he has. Surprisingly, 51 lifelong residents 80 and older were found. He then asked Mr. O.P. Sisler, one of the county’s best historians to call these 51 men and inform them that Mr. Barton wanted them to be his guests at a birthday party at the Milner-Noble Hotel on Sept. 21. Thirty five of these pioneer citizens were able to join him for the party. After a good lunch, Mr. Barton presented birthday presents (they were mailed to the 15 who were unable to attend). Everybody had a ball, recounting incidents from the past, singing and visiting with old friends. This was an amazing group who played a major role in the development of Jonesboro, Craighead County and the surrounding area. Most of them had been farmers at one time or another. Nearly all had helped clear the timber and build the railroads. Included in the group was the county’s oldest native-born practicing physician, the oldest active grocer and salesman, the last combination sheriff-collector, several who has been ministers and deputy sheriffs. Their ages ranged from 80 to 97. From the information available, the group had 204 children, 299 grandchildren, 307 great-grandchildren and 11 great-great-grandchildren. It is highly fitting that they should be honored for the past they played in building our county. So that all may have an opportunity to see the 51, their pictures and a few pertinent facts about each appear here. Two of the group, Mr. Elbert E. Barnes and Mr. Charles T. Irwin, have passed away since the pictures were taken, but they are included here. 3 Charles E. Allen - March 6, 1882 Elbert E. Barnes - January 31, 1874 W.M. Barnes - March 18, 1881 E. C. Barton - September 21, 1882 John L. Burnett - February 26, 1878 Chas. N. Chamberlain - December 24, 1880 G. W. Chamberlain - October 22, 1871 J. C. Chamberlain - August 19, 1878 John A. Clark - April 9, 1881 G. F. Coleman- April 3, 1876 C. C. Coward - October 19, 1880 John R. Cox - November 17, 1881 A. A. Craft - January 6, 1877 Walter Dacus - March 3, 1876 R. D. Davenport - October 6, 1875 E. F. Dickson - January 12, 1882 C. A. Downs - October 21, 1879 Robert Lee Eason - September 16, 1881 Bishop M. Gambill - November 10, 1881 Frank Gibson - April 9, 1877 Ike Gibson - July 17, 1881 John W. “Bill” Gibson - March 7, 1881 Thomas A. “Doc” Hamilton - December 12, 1879 Houston H. Hanks - May 7, 1882 Charlie Thomas Irwin - August 31, 1882 Ab Jones - August 3, 1880 C. H. Keller - December 24, 1881 O. T. Knight - April 16, 1876 John N. Larison - September 14, 1871 A. D. Lamberson - October 20, 1865 W. L. Lindley - September 4, 1872 G. M. Mattix - August 10, 1881 W. J. Morgan - May 18, 1881 James A. McDaniel - December 18, 1881 Jess McDaniel - January 28, 1882 J. A. Phillips - July 7, 1878 Lee Pierce - March 28, 1877 Preston Ransome - April 10, 1876 A. L. Salmons Sr. - March 15, 1876 T. B. Smith - June 4, 1882 Dr. W.H. Smith - February 2, 1880 J. J. Stephens - November 11, 1870 Mirk Stotts - Jan 1, 1881 John W. Taylor - September 2, 1875 J. B. Varner - Oct 14, 1881 Paul Watkins - January 15, 1868 E. D. Willey - Nov 22, 1881 W.W. Wilson - July 6, 1876 D. A. Wimpy - September 7, 1881 Wm. S. Wimpy - January 7, 1881 Ben F. Wood - May 19, 1882 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 101 Best Websites for 2011 6/9/2011 By David A. Fryxell 101 Best Websites for 2011: Tools for using technology in your genealogy search Ancestry Insider http://ancestryinsider.blogspot.com We guess “Ancestry and FamilySearch and Useful Tech Tips Insider” was too unwieldy a moniker, but that better describes this lively blog. With all the updates at FamilySearch, it’s more of a must-read than ever. Diigo www.diigo.com We’ve previously praised this free web-based tool for its collaborative sticky notes capabilities—perfect for sharing and comparing genealogy finds. But it’s since broadened to include bookmarks (online and off) and screenshots, with versions for iPad, Android and iPhone. Evernote www.evernote.com Another slick way to save your online family history finds, Evernote lets you add snapshots and even voice notes. It works and syncs online, on PC or Mac, and on iPhone and iPad—all for free. FamilyChArtist http://gerationmaps.com/familychartist Upload your genealogy data, download from FamilySearch or enter manually, then download a free 8x11 JPEG chart in a customizable layout. Once you’re hooked, you can pay to order fancy printed charts or PDFs. Genealogy Gems www.genealogygems.tv Lisa Louise Cooke’s online family history radio show offers more than 120 podcasts plus videos for free. Or pay $29.95 a year and add members-only podcasts and videos. Google Book Search and News Archive Search http://books.google.com and http://news.google.com/archivesearch The 7 million books—some with full text—you can scour using Google Book Search include many genealogy and history tomes. And don’t forget about the news archive search page, which leads you not only to a wealth of historical newspaper content but will also organize your hits into a timeline. Internet Archive www.archive.org Old web pages live on in the Wayback Machine, which has 150 billion pages rescued from the internet’s past, along with nearly 2.7 million documents including family and local histories. Live Roots www.liveroots.com This next-generation genealogy meta-search covers not just the usual suspects—presenting your finds from FamilySearch, Ancestry.com, Footnote and Flickr on one page—it also delves into catalogs of lesser-known data providers, 233,432 in all. Free registration lets you keep track of searches and results and add resources to your library. There’s now a Facebook app, too. Mocavo www.mocavo.com All my future genealogy searches will start on Mocavo,” writes genealogy-technology enthusiast Dick Eastman. Launched earlier this year, Mocavo is a web search engine that speedily crawls hundreds of thousands of genealogy sites—especially great if you’re researching a surname that’s also a common word or corporate name. One-Step Web Pages http://stevemorse.org No Flash animation or fancy design here, but creator Steve Morse excels in the underlying tech of the web—building better ways to search the Ellis Island and Castle Garden websites, other immigration databases and online census collections. Roots Television www.rootstelevision.com Until there’s a genealogy broadcast channel to match those devoted to food, travel and golf, there’s Roots Television online. Mostly free, with some pay-per-view content, shows range from “DNA Stories” to genealogy courses to lectures from family history conferences. WorldCat http://worldcat.org All the world’s knowledge isn’t online—yet—but WorldCat will tell you where books and other items still on dead trees lurk in 10,000 of the world’s libraries. You can now search its 1.5 billion items on your mobile phone, or log in with a free account to create lists, bibliographies and reviews of library materials. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUES: Remember that it is once again getting to be that time of year. Dues are due in January. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION: NEW or RENEWAL 2012 Genealogy Society of Craighead County Arkansas P. O. Box 844, Jonesboro, AR 72403 Name(s) ______________________________________________________________________ Street Address _________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip_________________________________________________________________ Phone(s)______________________________________________________________________ E-mail ___________________________________ Fax_________________________________ Membership: INDIVIDUAL ($15) ____________ COUPLE ($20) ________________ CORPORATE ($35) ____________ Please make check payable to: GSCCA P.O. Box 844 Jonesboro, AR, 72403 As a Member of Genealogy Society of Craighead County, Arkansas, I agree that: (1) I will assist in locating and preserving public and private records and in making such records available to members of this society and to the general public. (2) I will support the program and policies of the society. Date _________________ Signature(s) ____________________________________ SURNAMES: ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ (FOR SOCIETY USE) Date Received_____________ Check Number____________ Amount__________ Card & Packet____________ Receipt Number_____________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Officers: President – Betty Woodall Vice President – Rusty Dancer Treasurer – Dorothy McCarns Publicity – William Dunavin Recording Secretary – Lynn Dowdy Corresponding Secretary – Sherrie Chamberlain Historian – Judy Clark Publications – Nancy Matthews Executive Board Members: Bill Settles, Gail Lies & Patsy Penney 6