P U T T E R PAT T E R www.KMGC.org January 2010 Knollwood Men’s Golf Club President K.C. Riley cell (818) 271-1331 home (818) 363-5604 1st VP / Home Tournaments Tim Hastings (818) 899-3860 timplumber@aol.com 2nd VP / Handicaps: William Hornbeck (818) 368-3964 Secretary Jason Dubrovo (818) 363-6989 Treasurer: Bill Brocklebank (805) 523-1332 kmgc.admin@gmail.com www.KMGC.org President’s Comments: Happy New Year!! Welcome to 2010 and a brand new season of KMGC tourna ments and other events. As we start into this new year I would like to acknow ledge and thank a very special group of our members who have contributed much time and effort in making our Club as good as it can be. My fellow Board members Tim Hastings, Hewitt Hornbeck, Jason Dubrovo, Anthony Lopez, Galen Pratt, and outgoing treasurer, Luke Floor all deserve a big “Thank You” from all Club members. Also a special thanks to Greg Floor, Tony Martino, Bruce Pearson, and Arni Osvalds son for their help. We will be having our first General Meeting on Tuesday, January 19th and first Home Tournament on Sunday, January 24th. Hope to see a lot of you there. It was sad to see my longtime athletic hero, Tiger Woods, fall from his lofty perch this past month. I would have never imag ined him to have such a contrary personal life compared to that golf persona he has so perfected over the past fifteen years. I am hoping he can repair the severe damage he has caused to his family and his perceived public image, and be able to soon return to playing the unbelievable quality golf to which we have grown accustomed. He deserves, as we all do, a second chance to prove to us all that he is indeed that person we believed him to be. It will be interest ing to see if he is successful or not, and if the public accepts and positively responds to his new revamped image. I only wish I had half of his golf game!! K.C. Riley, President (for Life) Public Links Galen Pratt (818) 993-9948 Membership Anthony Lopez (818) 788-8178 lopezwoodworking@gmail.com PBB President’s Cup Greg Floor (818) 988-1080 OFF. (818) 368-4061 HM. Social: Arni Osvaldsson (310) 963-9343 Putter Patter Greg Floor W (818) 988-1080 Fax (818) 988-8144 or Hilda Ph/fax (805) 527-6185 hilda555@dslextreme.com Web Site Bill Brocklebank (805) 523-1332 kmgc.admin@gmail.com www.KMGC.org Rules: Greg Floor (818) 988-1080 OFF. (818) 368-4061 HM. Club officers for 2010 were sworn in at the Awards Dinner/Christmas party: Tony Lopez, Membership; Jason Dubrovo, Secretary; Galen Pratt, Public Links; Tim Hastings, Home Tournaments; K.C. Riley, President; Hewitt Hornbeck, Handicaps. Missing is Bill Brocklebank, Treasurer. Rules Report 1/1/10 by Greg Floor Definition of a “Burrowing Animal” A “burrowing animal” is an animal that makes a hole for habitation or shelter, such as a rabbit, mole, groundhog, gopher or salamander. Burrowing birds also are considered burrowing animals. (A hole made by a non-burrowing animal, such as a dog, is not an abnormal ground condi tion unless marked or declared as ground under repair) That’s it. HAPPY NEW YEAR y’all. If you have a question, write it down and send it to me. P.O. Box 2235, Van Nuys, CA 91411 or email me at greg@plaques.com Awards Dinner/Christmas Party 2009 Arnie Osvaldsson A Flight Winner Bruce Pearson B Flight Winner Joe Connors Perter Follet, C Flight Winner Senior Low Gross Winner Tony Martino and Mike Scholl (center) Partners Better Ball Winners are congratulated by K.C. Riley & Greg Floor. 2009 Ryder’s Cup Team - Jason Dubrovo, Jim Garity, Arni Osvaldsson, Anthony Martino, Greg Floor, Tony Lopez, Tony Martino, Bruce Pearson, Jerry Piro, Dale Davis, Peter Follett. Ray Klimusko, John Burton, John Burton Sr. John Burton Bill Moak, Bryan Moak, Terry Seck Willie Jenkins, Peter Follett, Joe Connors Jerry Piro Jim Garity, Arnie Osvaldsson Richard Hornbeck Bruce Pearson and Greg Floor Sal De Silva, Bobby Chandran, Rajiv Thanaratnam, Nick Perera Jorge Price, Bill Duggan, Jim Garity 2 Dale Davis Putter Patter Handicap Report 2010 HOME TOURNAMENTS: Tim Hastings by Hewitt Hornbeck J A SUNDAY, January 24 7:00 start Champion of Champions N Entry Fee: $53 if postmarked by January 9 U Late Entry Fee: $63 if postmarked after January 9. A Member name: ____________________________________ R Y Partner Preference:_________________________________ __ JANUARY HOME TOURNAMENT Get Ready for 2010 HERE ARE SOME FACTS THAT MEMBERS NEED TO BE COGNIZANT OF FOR JANUARY 5 AND BEYOND. WITH THE NEW GHIN, (GOLF HANDICAP AND INFORMATION NETWORK) your member number will change. In general it will be the same but preceded by a 9. Your new number will be a 7 digit number and for a few members a new number will be issued, (approx. 5%). The new score recording screen will be different looking but similar in application. A sheet will be by most keyboards in golf clubs to assist you in adding a score to your record. Each member’s index will be updated twice a month. Once on the 15th and at the end of the month. We will not have stickers issued for each member but I will endeavor to post all members indices on our club board. If you make a mis take posting, only the Handicap chair or Member chair can rectify the error. Internet address available for members to post and get information is: www.plga.org On this web site there will be a place for members to add their email address to receive plga information and handicap information directly. _______ Early tee preference. _____ Late tee preference _______ Optional skins game. (Add $10) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` __ FEBRUARY HOME TOURNAMENT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 7:00 start Past Presidents Entry Fee: $53 if postmarked by February 6 Late Entry Fee: $63 if postmarked after February 6. Member name: _________________________________ Partner Preference:______________________________ _______ Early tee preference. _____ Late tee preference _______ Optional skins game. (Add $10) ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` __ MARCH HOME TOURNAMENT SUNDAY, March 21 7:00 start Partners Better Ball The ten members who have the best improvement ratio for the 2009 year are: John Yang 22.0 to Frank Kolesar 11.7 Dustin Blauvelt 18.9 Brian Shanaghan10.6 Bill Duggan 14.8 Ajwad Shariz 23.9 Jim Garity 13.3 Bryan Moak 16.5 Peter Follett 1.8 Ray Klimisko 18.3 16.0 8.3 14.6 8.0 12.1 20.5 11.2 14.2 0.7 15.9 F E B R U A R Y Entry Fee: $53 if postmarked by March 6 Late Entry Fee: $63 if postmarked after March 6 Member name: _________________________________ 43 games last 6 months 30 games last 6 months 35 games last 6 months 14 games last 6 months 44 games last 6 months 4 games last 6 months 35 games last 6 months 8 games last 6 months 18 games last 6 months 11 games last 6 months Partner Preference:______________________________ _______ Early tee preference. _____ Late tee preference _______ Optional skins game. (Add $10) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Tim Hastings (818) 899-3860 timplumber@aol.com Please make separate checks for each tournament. Make checks payable to: KMGC send to: The most improved for December 2009 are in order: Mike Wilke, Rick Hornbeck, Brian Shanahan, Frank Kolesar, Larry Ohrt, Bob James, Mavio Barton, Harry Markos, Hewitt Hornbeck, and George Diem. Tim Hastings 11441 Meadowview Lane Pacoima, CA 91331 UPCOMING TOURNAMENT INFORMATION We have 137 members of which 70 played during the month. Our club average index is 13.9. Of the 261 rounds played in November, 91 were at knollwood and 170 were at away courses. According to handicap rules, members must play some rounds with fellow members in order for peer review to work. It is also important that members post all ESC (Equitable Stroke Control) scores correctly. Happy New Year Hewitt Hornbeck, Index Chair 3 FOR TEE TIMES: call the golf course pro shop or look on the web site at www.KMGC.org. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please mail your check in as early as possible prior to the posted deadline. LATE FEES: Players whose checks are postmarked after posted deadline will pay a $10 late fee. Separate checks for each tournament. Late entry requests are subject to space availability. CANCELLATIONS: Cancellations after sign-up deadline are subject to $10 fee or full forfeit. NO SHOWS: No shows on tournament day will forfeit full payment. M A R C H s ’ r a e Y w Knollwood Men’s Golf Club 14928 Calvert Street Van Nuys, CA 91411 e N ore M y a lf l P Go Happy New Year! Home Tournament Results Christmas Skins Dec. 20, 2009 A-FLIGHT SKINS B-FLIGHT SKINS C-FLIGHT SKINS Peter Follett 2 Tom Lee Jason Dubrovo1 Jorge Price Jeff Buck 1 2 1 D-FLIGHT 1 N.S. Jitendran 1 Harry Moak Michael Daniel 1 Joseph Connors 2 1 Bill Duggan 1 Tom Pulfer W. Hornbeck 1 SKINS James Vang 1 R. Thanaratnam 2 Dick Rozewicz 2 KNOLLWOOD MEN'S GOLF CLUB 2010 BUDGET INCOME 1. Membership - Full 2. Membership New/Late 3. Membership Mid Year 4. Membership - Honorary 5. Bank Interest 6. Membership-Lifetime Count 80 40 10 3 1 2 Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ 75.00 85.00 55.00 45.00 5.00 - 6,000.00 3,400.00 550.00 135.00 5.00 - TOTAL EXPENSES $ 10,090.00 Count Amount 1.Publinks Handicap Service 135 2. Publinks Monthly Meetings 6 3. Membership Drawing 12 4. Putter Patter Publication 12 5. Putting Contest (March-October) 8 6. Hole-in-One 1 7. Pro-President Tournament 2 8. Club Championship Tournament 9. Member-Guest Tournament 10. Past Presidents Tournament 8 11. Major Tournament Trophies 12. Seniors Tournament 13. KMGC Tournament of Champions 14. SCPLGA Champ of Champ Tournament 5 15. November Turkey Shoot 16. Christmas Dinner Meeting / Party 17. USGA Dues 18. Away Tournaments 19. Ryder Cup Team 20. LA Golf Fees (website) 21. Misc. (Postage, Bank Fees, Board Mtgs, etc) $ 23.00 $ 80.00 $ 25.00 $ 150.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 95.00 TOTAL DIFFERENCE $ 12.50 $ 125.00 Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15-36 HDCP Joseph Conners Jeff Frith-Smith W. Hornbeck Harry Moak Nick Perera Thoughts for the New Year Total $ $ $ $ $ $ CTP 0-14 HDCP Hole #6 Hole #8 Peter Follett Hole #13 Mervyn Peris Hole #17 D. Gonzalez Long Drive Craig Mercer 3,105.00 480.00 300.00 1,800.00 400.00 25.00 190.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 625.00 200.00 1,000.00 110.00 200.00 300.00 255.00 Time may be a great healer, but it’s a lousy beautician. It’s a lot easier to get older than it is to get wiser. Seen it all, done it all, can’t remember most of it. Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool. Next Meeting January 19 Knollwood CC Board Meeting at 6:00 pm Regular Meeting at 7:00 pm Happy New Year Everyone! Visit www.KMGC.org $ 10,090.00 $ - SEE THE PUTTER PATTER IN COLOR!