this issue from the principal contact details


this issue from the principal contact details
10 October 2013 | Term 4 - Week 1
from the principal
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to Term 4. I am very happy to report that the building of the Hall is
progressing and Year 12 is preparing for their HSC exams. We continue to work to build a
better school.
this issue
 principal
 assistant principal
 bursar
 college noticeboard
Our inspiration for this comes from our faith and our leaders like Pope Francis. I want to
share with you a recent statement from Pope Francis which, I believe, helps us all to
continue on our own journey of Faith and improvement:
Catholic Weekly Papal interview – extracts:
“The Church’s pastoral ministry cannot be obsessed with the transmission of a
disjointed multitude of doctrines to be imposed insistently.”
 college links
 social justice &
youth ministry news
 Year 12 graduation news
 musicians corner
 careers corner
 sport report
 important information
 p&f news
 community notices
“Proclamation in a missionary style focuses on the essentials, on the necessary
things,” he said.
“We have to find a new balance; otherwise even the moral edifice of the Church is
likely to fall like a house of cards, losing the freshness and fragrance of the
“The proposal of the Gospel must be simpler, more profound, more radiant.”
“It is from this proposition that the moral consequences then flow.”
The pope reaffirmed one of his major themes: the need for mercy rather than
judgment when approaching sin.
“The thing the Church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm
the hearts of the faithful,” he said. It needs nearness, proximity.
“The Church sometimes has locked itself up in small things, in small-minded rules.”
“The important thing is the first proclamation: Jesus Christ has saved you,” the
pope said.
A good Catholic school is more than buildings and results, though these are important, it is
at its core a place of Faith.
contact details
St Paul’s Catholic College,
Darley Road, Manly NSW 2095
t 9977 5111
f 9977 0959
And inspiration from the Holy Father’s name sake:
“Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are
doing the impossible”
(St Francis of Assisi)
Freshwater Community Bank is the proud Community Sponsor for St Paul’s Catholic College, Manly
Mr Mark Baker
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from the assistant principal
Dear Parents,
Fourth term has arrived and it is indeed looking to be a busy one. At the end of last term we said farewell to our Year 12
students and wished them well in their HSC examinations. These start next week and there have been many students in the
College over the holidays and this week seeking some last minute assistance. The Graduation Mass was a wonderful
celebration of their time at St. Paul's and it was made more special by having Bishop David Walker - his last graduation
Mass before retirement, Father John Hannon - our parish priest and Father Michael Sun Jae Huang - Lakes parish concelebrant. Many thanks to all those who attended and to the organisers of the evening, it was truly a memorable occasion.
This weeks we held our year 7 2014 Orientation Day and it was great to see the excitement of high school on their faces.
They asked many questions at the end of the day. Thank you to the Year 10 students who acted as tour guides, you all did a
remarkable job showing off our College.
Next Monday we are having our Year 12 2014 (current year 11) Information Evening. These nights are essential in preparing
students for their HSC year; they are informative and provide understanding of the College and Board of Studies rules and
regulations that govern the HSC. I look forward to seeing everyone there. Year 12 syllabi come into effect in the next
couple of weeks and students will soon be receiving their first HSC assessment. Speaking at the assembly on Tuesday, my
message to the boys is that the HSC year demands consistency and commitment and it must begin from the first task. Time
will go quickly between now and when these students begin their final examinations.
It is often at this time of year that uniforms begin to slip and some boys feel it necessary to be non-compliant. After a two
week break there is no excuse for not having the time to have a haircut or purchase shoes. Year coordinators will be
sending letters home with students if they are in breach of the College uniform policy and issues need to be correctly
Ms Karen Shawcross
Assistant Principal
from the bursar
Dear Parents,
Year 10 Camp
All Year 10 students will be attending a two night / three day camp at the Southern Cross Outdoor Education Centre at
Somersby in Term 4. This camp was not billed at the beginning of 2013. Please expect the cost of the camp to be sent
home early Term 4 once billing is finalised.
School Fees
All families should be in the process of finalising their school fee accounts. If you are unable to finalise your account by the
15 November 2013, kindly make contact with the school office.
Mrs Vivienne Woods
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college noticeboard
Year 12, 2014 Textbook Information
The textbook requirements for 2013/2014 are available at Please place the order online if you have
not already done so, using ‘BAAR’ as your code.
We recommend you buy or sell your second hand books online via
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to telephone the Information Resource Centre.
Mrs Nicola Pervan / Mrs Vicki Broome
Next P&F Meeting
The next P&F meeting will be on Monday October 21st at 7.30pm. All welcome!
St Paul’s Uniform
In 2014 there will be some slight variations to our uniform policy;
Year 7 to Year 10 students will be required to wear long navy trousers during Term 2 and Term 3 as part of the Winter
Students will have a choice of socks to wear with their normal uniform throughout the year. School crew socks will be
introduced, however, students may continue to wear their normal long grey socks. Both are accepted as part of the
College uniform.
The original red and black spray jacket is not to be worn.. The black College jacket introduced in 2013 replaces the
spray jacket.
If any of the above needs clarifying please contact Mr Mark Baker, Principal.
Uniform Shop Relocation
You can now purchase the St Paul’s College uniform from the Pickles Retail outlet which is located at Unit 8, 42-46 Wattle
Road, Brookvale. Opening Times: Monday—Friday 9:00am—5:00pm & Saturday 9:30am—12:00pm.
Phone: (02) 9905 2711. Alternatively you can order anytime online at go to “find your school”
and chose “St Paul’s” from the drop down menu on the left hand side and then click the “Shop” button below.
college links
The following important information is available on the College website:
email: or call 9977 5111
via the Parent Portal (click on above link and have your username/password handy)
Please bookmark these pages for future reference.
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social justice & youth ministry news
Literacy Groups continue at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Manly
Literacy groups continue this term at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. Thank you to our Year 10 students Matthew
Shanks, Lachlan Behagg, Alex Gilchrist, Aidan Biasi, Josh Cotton, Travis Gigliotti and Patrick Parker for volunteering their
time to assist Year 2 students.
Social Justice Immersion Tour Deposit Due Now
Change the way a family lives by joining the Social justice tour of 2014. Deposits are currently being received for the social
justice Immersion Tour of Cambodia 2014. The tour is held biennially and will be our fourth tour to Cambodia for Year 11 and
Year 12 students. The all-inclusive cost of the tour will be approximately $2600 and each student is required to fundraise
$1500 for the house they will build for remote communities living in abject poverty. Please note that a minimum of 12
students are required to make the tour viable in 2014. Could you please register your interest to
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social justice & youth ministry news
Ms Joanne Kalayzich
Youth Ministry Coordinator
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year 12 graduation news
Year 12 Farewell and Graduation Mass
Wednesday of Week 10 Term 3 saw the College farewell the Year 12 graduating class of 2013. It was yet another
fantastic occasion with the weather once again smiling upon us and treating us to a beautiful day. The day started with a
farewell breakfast, then moved onto a fitting Farewell Assembly at midday and was capped off by yet another stirring
graduation Mass and ceremony that saw the students farewelled in true style. Some special thankyous go out to Mr
Banham and his group of year 9 helpers that coordinated all of the events at school on the day and to Ms Launerts, Ms
Shadwell and the Year 11 parent helpers that put together a delicious supper at the end of the graduation. And finally a
big thankyou to Mrs Maxine Gourley who provided a touching speech to the students on behalf of the Year 12 parents at
the graduation ceremony.
We now wish the class of 2013 the best of luck in their upcoming HSC exams and in their futures.
Mr Trent Masters
Year 12 Coordinator
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musicians corner
Last Saturday our St. Paul’s Jazz Band performed at the Manly International Jazz Festival. What a fantastic day as people
flocked to Manly and the foreshores to witness the Fleet Review and to listen to a wealth of musical talent on the beach and
the Corso. Sydney provided its most beautiful weather and there was a wonderfully festive attitude amongst the crowds
attending this event.
Under the baton of Mr David Kemp our Jazz group performed a forty minute set showing off their talent and the fruits of their
labour after an intensive year of rehearsal and performance. The Jazz group consists of the following members: Jack Van
Vliet, Josh Brannon, Daniel Villarreal, Anders Alama, Will Quail, Will Greinke, Dan Parker, Lachlan Miles and Blaney Powe.
Our thanks to Mr Kemp for all the hard work and musical direction he brought to this event. He is a valued member of staff
here at St. Paul’s.
It was great to see a diverse range of year groups represented from our year sevens through to our year twelve students. It
goes to show that music performance has no boundaries of age and is defined by a student’s ability to practice, practice and
practice. Musicians from all ages performed at the festival and to watch our students perform such a sophisticated and
musical set was a treat indeed. They were warmly applauded by the enthusiastic audience.
The Jazz group performed the following repertoire: Memphis Underground, Mr P.C., Afro Blue, Chitlin’s Con Carne, St
Thomas, So What and The Chicken.
Term four will again be busy as we prepare for our Year in Review concert this year at Brigidine College on the 11th
December. This year our Big Band, Percussion Band and Jazz Band will perform for our community, so rehearsals will begin
in week two for this important event.
At the end of term three our Liturgical Band consisting of Sione Pakileata, Daniel Villarreal, Jack Van Vliet, Mr Bresnahan and
Mr Kemp provided the liturgical music for the Year 12 Graduation Mass. This was an important Mass for our students and we
were privileged to have Bishop David Walker celebrate the Mass in his final year as Bishop of the Diocese of Broken Bay.
It is wonderful to see upon our return to school the start of the building of our new Music department and Hall here at St
Paul’s. I know all our boys studying music can’t wait to move into a purpose built Music department complete with Recording
Studio and new Performance spaces.
Rehearsal times for Term Four:
Jazz Group:
Monday 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Big Band:
Wednesday 7.45am - 8.45am
Percussion Band : Wednesday 2.20pm - 3.20pm
James Bresnahan
KLA Leader - Music
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careers corner
Senior Students
Please read the article on the link below:
After reading this link please consider how you are crafting your resumes. If you are experiencing problems with writing
your resume please come and see me.
Sydney University Q & A
Next week on Thursday 17th October, Student ambassadors from Sydney University will be here at recess to
answer any questions you might have. If you are in Years 10 & 11, please come along.
Mr Travis Desborough
College Careers Adviser
sport report
Baseball Selections at Baseball Park, East Gosford
Tuesday 15 October
(Week 2)
Tennis at Oxford Falls
Tuesday 22 October
(Week 3)
Beach Volleyball at Manly
Tuesday 22 October
(Week 3)
Back up Tennis
Wednesday 23 October
(Week 3)
St Augustine’s Biathlon
Thursday 31 October
(Week 4)
Surf Life Saving at Terrigal Beach
Monday 4 November
(Week 5)
Water Polo at Warringah Aquatic Centre
Wednesday 13 November
(Week 6)
Softball Trials at St Ives
Friday 22 November
(Week 7)
Lawn Bowls Invitational at Mona Vale
Tuesday 26 November
(Week 8)
Term 4 Thursday Sport
Please click here for the Parent Portal link to Term 4 Thursday sport arrangements.
Ms Fiona Stuart
Sports Coordinator
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important information
uniform shop
parking & personal property
Please note the Uniform Shop no longer operates at
St Paul’s. College uniforms are now available from Pickles,
Brookvale. See next page for more details.
Parking: Only staff/permit holders may park on the College
grounds. Those who park onsite do so at their own risk.
Personal Property: The College cannot be held responsible
for any damage to personal property incurred on the College
personal contact information
band information
Please ensure you notify the College immediately if your
Ensemble: Rehearsals are held on
personal contact information changes; it is important that we Percussion
2:20pm in DM3 with Mr David Kemp.
have current addresses, phone numbers and email
Big Band: Big Band rehearsals are held on Wednesdays at
Please email or call 9977 5511
7:45am in DM3. Please see Mr James Bresnahan for more
absent students
Please contact the College Office on 9977 5111 or via email Senior Jazz Ensemble: The Senior Jazz Group is held on
at by 10am to advise that your Mondays at 3:30-4:30pm in DM3. Please see Mr David Kemp
son is not attending school. If phoning, a note must be given for more information.
to the Front Office or his PC Teacher on his return to school.
study club
A reminder that study club is held each Monday from
in the IRC. All students are welcome.
If your son is experiencing any issues regarding bullying
please email your son’s Year coordinator or e-mail
maths club & peer tutoring
Maths Club
Maths staff provide assistance for all students 3:30-4:30pm
Does your son deserve recognition for a job well done outside each Tuesday in the IRC. All students welcome.
the College community? Let us know!
Please email:
Maths Peer Tutoring - for Years 7 and 8
With Year 11 students. Thursdays and Fridays 8.00-8.30am
in the IRC. To book in, please email
Standard excursions will be automatically billed on your fees.
Annual and one-off excursions will need individual approval.
canteen roster
14 October
15 October
16 October
17 October
18 October
Nicky De Nysschen
Kylie Hearn
Cathy Martin
Kim Lutze
Alicen van Bokhoven
Isabelle Balder
Jo Barham
Karen Hayes
Lyn Pryor
Cathy Gardner
Sharon Fitzpatrick
Jenny Grimmond
Jenni Priest
Jenny Gilchrist
Liz O’Brien
21 October
22 October
23 October
24 October
25 October
Karen Blakeney
Petra Chappell
Huang Jenson
Tracey Crowe
Rebecca Main
Camilla Zervas
Gaby Palin
Vanessa Ball
Shell Mayo
Jill Guermandi
Jacinta Adair
Jacqui Potts
Carolin Ferris
Karen Thomson
Sandrine Chevalier
Volunteers - please ensure you arrive by 10:00am and you will be needed until 2:30pm. You MUST sign in at the College
Reception and be issued with a VISITOR badge each time you enter the site, then sign out at the end of your shift. Thank
you for your support again this year. We are so grateful !!
HELP !! The Canteen still need volunteers to help in the Canteen particularly on a Monday or Tuesday. Please call the Front
Office on 9977 5111 or Max on 0447 690 136. Thanks again for your help, Maxine
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p&f news
P&F Raise the Roof Cocktail Party
Thank you to everyone who came along to our Cocktail Party last term. It was a fun night – great food and good company,
lots of fabulous prizes were won and many of us took to the dance floor.
It was a wonderful way to celebrate the news that we are finally getting a school hall.
Please take note of the businesses listed in the newsletter who donated to our night. These businesses were very generous
with their donations. Please give them your support.
Years 7, 8 & 9 Dance
Friday 25th October
7pm - 10pm
Freshwater Surf Club
Open to St Pauls boys only, girls from Years 7 - 9 from any school.
Next on the P&F Agenda is the Dance for Years 7 - 9! See Flyer in newsletter!
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased from the school office at morning tea. Tickets can also be purchased from Stella
Maris College.
These dances have become very popular and tickets are limited. Get in early to ensure you get a ticket! If tickets sell out we
won’t have tickets available at the door.
We need parents to help us on the night of the Dance. Parents are needed to help with collecting tickets, general security
and management of the kids as well as looking after the ‘cloak room’ where kids are able to leave their personal belongings.
If you can help on the night please contact Cathy Gardner by email:
The more volunteers we get the ‘less time’ everyone will have to do.
From 2014 we need someone or a group of friends to take over the organisation of the school dances.
If you have a son in Years 7, 8 or 9 you may be interested in organising the school dances. They don’t take a lot of
Organisation or time and the P&F Social Committee will co-ordinate and give assistance with the organisation.
A group of Year 9 parents have had the responsibility of organising the dances for the past three years. They have a very
clear and easy format for you to follow – it certainly isn’t a hard job.
If you would be interested in doing this or if you would like to know more about it contact me at
or phone 0409 824 716.
Please think about this – we can’t run the dances without your help and the dances have become a wonderful social
occasion for the boys of St Pauls.
Mrs Cathy Gardner
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p&f news
P&F would like to thank all those who donated to our successful “Raise the Roof” Cocktail party last term. Next time you are
out and about show your thanks by supporting these businesses. All funds raised on the nights have gone towards
furnishing the new hall.
Novotel Sydney Manly Pacific Hotel
The Ryan family
The Sebel Manly Beach Hotel
Bunnings Balgowlah
Quarantine Station Boilerhouse Restaurant
International School of Management (Manly)
Body Shape Gym (Dee Why)
Anytime Fitness (Frenchs Forest)
Divine Designs (Brookvale)
Hills Florist (Terrey Hills)
BG Property Styling (Elanora Heights)
The Flew family
Hugos (at the Wharf)
Grinders Coffee
Cassidys Hairdressing (Freshwater)
Ultra tune Manly
Juren Beauty Salon (Manly Vale)
Manly Dive Centre
Manly Kayak Centre
Bunnings Narrabeen
Richfields Hairdressing (Freshwater)
Bella Vera (Brookvale)
Strand 22 (Allambie Heights)
Bauhaus Hair Design (Seaforth)
Dee Why RSL
Anthonys at the Mall
Wicks Surf Shop (Collaroy)
Mystique Hairdressing (Dee Why)
Stella Italian Kitchen (Collaroy)
Rip Curl (Narrabeen)
Coca Cola
Hair by Lauren (Collaroy)
Zjoosh Stockland Balgowlah
Coles Balgowlah & Manly
White Collar Boxing (Brookvale)
Sydney Fresh Seafood (Harris Farm Manly)
Fab Gifts and Cards (Balgowlah)
Dee Why Pasta & Pizza
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p&f news
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community notices
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