September 2015 - Musical Theatre New Zealand


September 2015 - Musical Theatre New Zealand
September 2015
In this month’s Spotlight
From the President .................................................................................................................... 2
My Journey – Zone Three Rep Sharron Pardoe ................................................................... 3
Wellington Training Weekend – 5 – 6 September – last chance to register ......................... 5
Health and Safety Update – new legislation and what you need to know .......................... 10
A Great Roundup From Zone Four ........................................................................................ 12
Phantom comes to Dunedin with an amazing mask story ................................................... 15
Combined South Island Meeting 19 – 20 September – all you need to know .................... 17
Monty Python’s Spamalot with a little bit of wizardry opens this week in Christchurch . 20
News from Zone One – lot’s happening this month north of the Bombays ...................... 23
NZ’s First Liver Transplant Patient turns 40 – our very own Tracy Holmes ....................... 28
News from around the other zones – some great stories & interesting reads ........... 30 - 36
Calendar Girls now available through Play Bureau ............................................................. 38
For sale or rent – Evita, Miss Saigon, Grease ....................................................................... 38
New on the market – gaff guns and smart sockets ...................................................... 41 - 42
Training Opportunities – Toi, Whitireia, NASDA ................................................................. 45
From the President …….
Welcome to “Spotlight” for the month of September, and to
Spring! As I type this, I look at what is for me is the epitome
of Spring – the vase of daffodils, always a reminder that
Daffodil Day is the last day of August in New Zealand, and
of my commitment to raising funds or the Cancer Society.
Total funds raised in my Dry July effort $1200, and my
thanks again to all of you who supported me.
From a theatrical point of view, August has just passed me
by!! For me it has been relatively quiet, except for the
administrative things that I attend to with General Manager
So the month gave me some time to spend with family, who
sometimes, sadly get a bit neglected, as I continue with my
passion of Musical Theatre. The highlight perhaps was a
personal trip to Wellington with Philip, primarily to go to Te
Papa, and view the wonderful exhibition of “Gallipoli, the Scale of our War”. What a magnificent
exhibition, and my congratulations to Sir Richard Taylor and the team at Weta Workshops for the
stunning display. Please take the opportunity over the next three years or so if you can to visit Wellington
and Te Papa, in my view it’s a must see. Also on my bucket list is The Great War Exhibition created by
Sir Peter Jackson, and housed in the historic Dominion Museum in Wellington. The exhibition
commemorates the role played by New Zealand in the First World War, and I am told is a must see.
While in Wellington I managed to see my daughter and the three lovely grandchildren, and also
“surprise, surprise” got to catch up with Kate and Zone Three rep Sharron, and their respective Steves,
we all had a great night, although the rugby result was not as we would have wanted!
Since Wellington, I have been to a Carthew Family Reunion at Foxton Beach!!! And on Thursday have
just returned home from eight nights in Phuket in Thailand. We arrived a day after the bombing in
Bangkok, and already I think this event is having an effect on tourism in Thailand, and I suspect it could
become worse. However we certainly felt quite safe in Patong, and we had a lovely restful time, warm
weather, great resort, and have come home totally relaxed.
And so it’s back to the world of Musical Theatre. This month I travel to Wellington to attend the MTNZ
Training Weekend at Toi Whakaari, and then in three weeks’ time, it’s off to Dunedin to the Combined
South Island Meeting. I look forward to catching up with many of you at these events, details for both are
elsewhere in this bulletin, and I can only encourage as many of you as possible to take up the
opportunity to attend one or both of these events, great opportunities to expand you knowledge. All
society members would have been sent an email with log ins and information about the annual survey
and the ongoing production surveys. We really need your assistance with obtaining this vital information
– so please help us, help you. If you have any questions or you are unsure if your society has received
their email, please contact GM Kate and she can assist. Thank you to those
wonderful societies who have already sent in their returns – keep up the good work 
Before I close I would like to acknowledge the passing of Eric Arthur Thorpe, QSM, who died on July 31,
2015. It was a privilege for me to attend the funeral of this wonderful man, who passed away at the age
of 93. Eric made a wonderful contribution to music in his lifetime and this was recognised in 2008 when
he was awarded the Queen’s Service medal for services to music in Hawke’s Bay, as a pianist, musical
director, arranger, orchestra and band leader for the Napier Operatic Society, Theatre Hawke’s Bay, and
the Stars of Tomorrow Junior Stage School. I had the privilege of working with Eric in many productions,
he was wonderful man, and it was never any problem for him to change to key to a song, because the
“alto” couldn’t reach the high notes! RIP Eric, we will all miss you.
Fond regards to you all
My Journey – Sharron Pardoe Zone Three Rep
As a five-year-old I vividly recall being seated in the front row of the circle at the Wairoa Gaiety Theatre
and seeing my mother, Maire, dressed as an Indian squaw, and starring in Rosemarie. In the
background were several totem poles, one of which remained in our backyard for many years. Although
Wairoa is small, in the 1950s and 1960s it supported the thriving Wairoa Amateur Theatrical Society. At
that time Mum, who had a gorgeous voice, was often the leading lady and Dad the stage manager, no
different to lots of theatre groups today. Their rehearsal rooms and costume storage were in an old
wharf building called the Showboat, on the edge of the Wairoa River. Unfortunately it burned to the
ground and with it came the demise of large shows in the town.
The Gaiety Theatre became empty, then a supermarket, but was
eventually restored and reopened as a cinema.
The picture shows a 1956 programme of Sally, with my mother on
the cover. When I looked through it I was taken by the fact that it
listed 180 honorary members, something to be proud of in a town of
4000 people or so. (But it was before television!).
I moved to Wellington as a student and was cast in a couple of
plays for Bats Theatre. When I shifted to Napier at the end of the
1970s I was caught up in my career, getting married to Steve and
building our first home and any theatre thoughts were in the
I was in my late 20s when I managed to get myself on stage again,
through the back door so to speak. Steve was on a year’s sojourn
in Antarctica and I had been taking tap dancing classes. My
teacher, Shirley Jarrett, was the choreographer for a musical called
Mack and Mabel. I had tapped for years and she suggested I come
along and stand in the back row with the other dancers as she
wanted more tappers. The director, Gillian Davies, spotted me
within minutes as a late entry but luckily let me stay in the cast and
that was the start of a 26-year association with Napier Operatic Society.
I loved being on stage and went on to perform in Grease, Evita, Me and My Girl, Beauty and the Beast
and lots of Music Halls. I gradually moved into some of the background parts of the theatre – in
production roles and on committees. I spent a few years
on the social club and for more than 20 years, until I
moved to Wellington, I served on the publicity and profile
committee. In 2007 I was elected vice president of the
NOS executive and four years later president.
Backstage I worked in the props and costume areas and
as I got older (and the roles less forthcoming) I found I
loved production management and, latterly, working in
costuming. The last time I appeared on stage was in Dusty
in 2012. (Playing a drunk and a newspaper reporter of all
My daughters became involved in theatre when in 2000,
under the leadership of Sonya Aifai, NOS formed its now
thriving theatre school. They were eight and six at the time
and for the next 10 years the theatre family formed a big
part of their lives. My oldest daughter Alice is now a professional in theatre and the younger one, Sally,
still sings, but leads a busy life as a working university student.
Steve firmly believes the theatre school
helped with our girls’ confidence, gave
Alice the skills to help get into Toi
Whakaari and kept them both busy and
on the straight and narrow during those
turbulent early teenage years.
One of my proudest moments was at the
end of 2007. Dale Reid and I were in
our second year of being president and
vice president and, after hugely
successful seasons of Beauty and the
Beast and CATS, Napier Operatic was
able to freehold its properties. The other
thing I will treasure from my time in
Napier is the love and support Steve and
I received from the theatre community
when we faced a tough few years with a
sick child.
In 2012 I left Napier for work in Wellington, which meant resigning as president. Leaving my theatre
friends was one of the hardest parts of moving but earlier that year I had been elected the Zone Three
Rep for MTNZ and that eased the transition. Kate and her husband Steve welcomed us to Wellington
and they have included us in many occasions. Their friendship has been one of the things that has
helped us settle here. Wellington is now home.
Over the last couple of years I have travelled all around the zone getting to know some of the
organisations, holding zone meetings, attending workshops etc and helping out at conferences. I have
slowly become involved with theatre groups here and in the past year have helped costume three shows,
one for Wellington Rep and two for Porirua Little Theatre. Coming up I will be one of the dressers for
Evita, to be staged at the Wellington Opera House. I can’t wait. On top of that I will also help with the
September training weekend.
I have met some inspirational people during my theatre life which is now coming up to 30 years. I have
learned valuable negotiation and people skills which have helped me in my professional life and if the
opportunity arose I would love to make another stage appearance. Musical theatre still excites me and
I’m very proud of the past and current accomplishments of the MTNZ Executive
Wellington Workshop Training Weekend
last chance to register for the weekend – 5 – 6 September
Weekend Programme
Te Whaea: National Dance & Drama Centre
(old winter show buildings) 11 Hutchison Road, Newtown, Wellington
Saturday 5 September – Directing – developing the script and working with your team
Registration, morning tea
Course commences
Lunch break -
Course recommences
Afternoon tea
Group dinner option at the Crab Shack on the Wellington water front
– extra cost
Sunday 6 September
Tea and coffee and registration
Stage Management Workshop commences
Costume Construction Workshop commences – practical & theory
Directing – working with the script and working with your cast – practical
Creating great dance and choreography for all your cast members –
practical & theory
Q&A Forum – Production and Stage Management tutors
If you are attending the Production Management workshop, you can attend this
Q&A Forum as part of the Stage Management group
All workshops – lunch break PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR OWN LUNCH
Production Management Workshop commences
Other workshops recommence
Workshops conclude
Informal Afternoon Tea Q&A Forum with the tutors – all attendees invited to this forum
– a great opportunity to ask questions and consult with the professionals.
Saturday 5 September – full day
Directing – interpreting and developing the script; strategies for working with
community theatre actors; realising and communicating your vision with the team
Tutor – Cameron Rhodes
Our one day workshop will give you a practical and dynamic set of tools for getting the most from the
play, your other collaborators and yourself as the director. The morning session will cover details such as
Does the script excite and inspire you? Your passion for the story often dictates how much others
are prepared to do to help you bring the vision to the stage.
Although you can view the script as a ‘blueprint’, there are many more layers and hidden treasures
beneath the surface.
The important first reads, as images pop into your head and you record your initial intuitions.
The questions that arise from the script which will allow focussed development.
Developing a deeper understanding of how the story should unfold.
As other collaborators come on board prepare for the questions they will ask and engaging them in
the vision.
The afternoon session will look at getting the most from your actors. In community theatre our directors
are often working with who they can get rather than a choice.
So you have done a couple of shows and you know what you like and what you don’t, let’s get the team
into your vision! Make sure you have good production meetings, great communication and having your
vision realised and being on the same page as your team.
Sunday 6 September
Directing – Working With Your Actors
Tutor – Cameron Rhodes
A practical session where you will work with and direct a cast – putting into practice what you have learnt
the day before
Stage Management Workshop
Tutor – Kathryn Osborne
Kathryn will use a practical example to work through the five stages of putting on a performance from a
Stage Manager point of view. The planning, the rehearsal period, the production period, performances
and the wash-up at the end.It will include how to prepare a calling script, hints on calling a show, who
needs what information, when to call stop, all supported with examples of the paperwork that Kathryn
uses as a Stage Manager for Musicals, Opera, Ballet and Drama.
Feedback from Kathryn’s Christchurch Workshop last year:
 Kathryn had an amazing amount of knowledge which she easily passed onto us and had such
passion for her craft
 Kathryn was just amazing – we need more from this lady
 The stage management course content and presentation was excellent given the timeframe
 Great to learn from one of the best in the business
Costume Construction Workshop
Tutor – Kaarin Macaulay, Head of Costume Construction, Toi Whakaari
Spend a wonderful few hours in the costume construction workshop of Toi Whakaari NZ Drama School.
A “hands on” workshop which will look at all aspects of costume management covering:
Looking at the script
Wardrobe mistress vs wardrobe manager/coordinator – what’s the difference and what is the new
Understanding the wardrobe requirements from pre-production through to storing the costumes after
How to start from scratch – research and sewing
The basics you need, i.e. most used items that you should have in the wardrobe without having to
What fabrics needed in stock if making regularly
New decoration technology – how it can help you
Chat about suppliers, common wardrobe issues and hiring from other societies and groups
To finish with – hands on and practical in the workshop – make the perfect bow
Production Management Workshop
Tutor – Annie Pearce
This course is focused on equipping you in your role as production manager. Taking a production from
“well they’ve picked a show…now what?” through to “the show’s over but I still have work to do” requires
someone who is very organized, can breakdown the big picture, has great people skills and can keep
breathing under pressure. During our session, we will look at the following stages of a production and
what is involved in each one:
Before the show is announced
Casting the show
Getting the show onstage
The season
After the final bow
Specific topics covered will include time management, people management, organizational
techniques and communication.
Feedback from Annie’s Christchurch Workshop last year:
 So much material covered, all relevant, could have done with another few hours
 Amazing presenter and so knowledgeable
 Annie covered so much and we were pleased we made the effort, weren't sure whether it was going
to be from a big society’s perspective given Annie’s bio but all her tips and “how to’s” were totally
relevant for us smaller societies – loved the spreadsheets – thank you Annie.
 Annie pitched everything at the right level, right across the broad range of societies represented – it
was all totally relevant for all groups big and small.
Our Tutors
Cameron Rhodes - Directing
Since graduating from Toi Whakaari NZ Drama School in
1987, Cameron has appeared in over 80 productions
across New Zealand and internationally.
Recent work includes Live Live Cinema tours of Australia,
Frankfurt and The Barbican in London. Other productions
include The Good Soul of Szechuan, A Shortcut To
Happiness, and Mary Stewart at ATC, Tartuffe, Assassins
and Happy Day at Silo.
Recent directing work includes Into The Woods at Toi
Whakaari, co-directing Once on Chunuk Bair(with Ian
Mune) and The Lady Killers (with Colin McColl) at ATC,
After Miss Julie, Where Are You My Only One at
Basement and 6 Characters In Search of An Author at
Auckland University. Screen work includes Housebound,
Mr Pip, Romeo and Juliet A Love Song, The Lord of The
Rings and Agent Anna. Cameron regularly teaches at The
Actors’ Program (where he a board member), Unitec and Toi Whakaari, and runs workshops across New
Zealand. He has recently also worked in Australia in the TV shows Secret and Lies, and In Your
Kaarin Macaulay
Head of Costume Construction – Toi Whakaari
After completing a BA in Communications-Theatre/Media at Charles Sturt
University in Australia, Kaarin embarked on a freelance career as a
costumier which saw her working across Australia for resident theatre
companies, big-budget musicals (including Beauty and the Beast, Sunset
Boulevard), and small project-based groups.
Kaarin worked for nine years as a costumier with Opera Australia, where
she had the opportunity to collaborate with local and international
designers, creating costumes for the vast repertoire of Australia’s national
opera company. In 2005 she began teaching at Toi Whakaari, where she
developed the Diploma of Costume Construction. Kaarin has also been
involved in creating costumes for Weta Workshop, Capital E and The
Kathryn Osborne has spent 30 years working behind the scenes
in theatre in New Zealand, starting with recreation theatre groups in
Auckland. Currently employed as the Stage Manager for the Royal
NZ Ballet, she has toured NZ, UK, France,
China and the USA with them. She was the Technical Manager /
Stage Manager / Company Manager for New Zealand Opera
between 1999 – 2009 which saw her involved in 40 opera shows and
the creation of the Onehunga Technical Centre.
As Stage Manager for Stetson Productions she has toured Starlight
Express, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Blood Brothers and The
Original Phantom of the Opera around NZ, Australia, Korea and
Japan. Her management skills were used for the APEC Leaders
dinner in Auckland and the Mission / Millbrook outdoor concerts for IMG.
Kathryn lectures in Stage Management at Toi Whakaarei and has been very active in the NZQA review
of Technical Qualifications and the creation of proposed industry work based qualifications in technical
theatre. Kathryn is also the Administrator for ETNZ (Entertainment Technology New Zealand)
Annie Pearce has over the past 15 years, coordinated events at
major venues including the Westpac Centre, the Christchurch Town
Hall and the Isaac Theatre Royal for organizations such as
Christchurch Symphony Orchestra, Showbiz Christchurch, The
Christchurch City Council and CPIT.
Annie has been the Production Manager for Cats, Miss Saigon, Starry
Nights (Showbiz Christchurch), 42nd Street, Curtains, Cats, Guys &
Dolls, Beauty & the Beast and Hair (CPIT’s NASDA) to name a few.
She recently stage managed Phantom of the Opera for Showbiz
Christchurch and is currently acting production manager at Court
Special announcement for MTNZ members – you can do the production and
stage management workshops combined for $50  - so two for the price of
Member rate is for MTNZ/ETNZ/DANZ member societies/schools/corporates/education secondary school
students and Toi current or ex-students. Non-member rates apply for everyone else. All fees include GST.
Saturday 5 September 2015 – Directing Workshop
$95.00 Directing Workshop -MTNZ members
$140.00 Non MTNZ members
Sunday 6 September 2015
All workshops $50 for members, $70 non members
Directing – working with your actors - practical ; Production and Stage Management Workshops
Costume Construction Workshop; Dance/Choreography Workshop
Special price of $120 for MTNZ members for Saturday Directing Workshop with one other option on
the Sunday
Health and Safety Law Update – 31 August 2015 –
from Steve Lloyd – MTNZ H&S Advisor
Except from Worksafe re new Health and Safety at Work Act:
Where is the new law at?
The Health and Safety Reform Bill has been passed by Parliament. It will come into effect on 4 April
2016. A final version of the new Bill can be seen here.
What happens next?
The new law will be called the Health and Safety at Work Act. The Act itself will be published on the New
Zealand Legislation website soon.
A series of regulations are being developed to support the new Act. These include:
General risk and workplace management
Major Hazard Facilities
Engagement, worker participation and representation (available shortly for public consultation)
More information is on the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment webpage.
Once the regulations are finalised, WorkSafe will issue formal guidance to support the Act and
regulations. This formal guidance will start to become available in 2016. In the meantime WorkSafe will
develop general information on the new legislation to help people prepare.
Until the new Act comes into effect in April 2016, the current Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
remains in force.
Things you can do now.
The new law comes into effect on 4 April 2016. Between now and then WorkSafe will provide supporting
information to help you get ready. In the meantime here are five things you can do now:
Familiarise yourself with the key concepts of the legislation
Review your health and safety practices
Identify health and safety risks in your business and take steps to prevent these from causing harm
Lead by example
Make health and safety part of your workplace culture
You can sign-up for updates on progress of the legislation here.
The MTNZ Facebook community page – you should be on it
Do have a prop you are after, some random wardrobe piece, want some advice – this is the
page  This is our community page – it’s a closed group so no spammers can be annoying
and this is YOUR page to network and find info etc. instead of emailing me – post your request
here ….
This is our member community page – it is closed so just ask to join – this is becoming quite
popular for lots of info that is relevant to our members, and noticeboard items
Associate MTNZ member, Robert Dil, who serves as Director of Performing Arts at St. Mark's
Church School in Wellington runs the Facebook page "Theatre for Young People" -a page
dedicated to promoting the value of staging theatre both with and for young people and the
positive growth it inspires. This global advocacy community currently has over 6000 people who
"like" the page -let's support this page and help it grow as we continue to grow the theatre
community here in New Zealand!
Robert is also going to run a seminar at Rotorua conference …
Broadway Babies: Staging Musicals with Children & Youth - Do you work with young people in the
theatre? Theatre has the powerful ability to promote positive change in its participants: if it is setup in the
right ways. Young people must know that they, as individuals, are valued. Their contribution and
experience throughout the theatre-making process is key. This does not mean we substitute quality or
become careless of the final product, rather, the focus is expanded to also recognise the quality of the
young people’s experience. There are tools, ideas and resources available to enable this important
process, tools such as putting the ownership of the creative work into the hands of the young people
rather than the old-school directorial method of dictating every step in the process. This workshop will
explore some of those ideas, first in theory and discussion, and then finally through practical exploration,
to help our young people shine!
Zone Four Roundup – Ross Benbow, Zone Four Rep
A very busy time in Zone Four with shows on or being auditioned
 Takaka Dramatic in rehearsal for Noel Coward”s “Blythe Spirit” On stage Oct 30 - Nov 7.
 Imagine Theatre Motueka still considering joining MTNZ
 Country Players Wakefield in rehearsal for “Oliver “. On stage Sept 11 - 19 Sept book with Dixie
McDonald Phone 03- 5418862
 Nelson Musical Theatre have just finished a very successful two week season of “Spamalot” on
Aug 1st and are now in rehearsal for Grease on stage Nov 17 - Dec 5. Bookings open at iTicket
 Blenheim Musical Theatre are just starting on “The Full Monty” for their Christmas show.
 Greymouth Operatic have just held a spotlight on Greymouth talent at the Regent Theatre and are
now looking at shows for next year.
 Hokitika Dramatic won first prise in the Art and Culture division of the Trust Power Awards for their
contribution to entertainment. A lot of their members are helping with Westland High’s production of
Grease on stage at the Regent Theatre in September.
 Welcome to Reefton Operatic - Reefton Charity Players now a fully paid up member on MTNZ.
They are in production for “Alice” written and directed by Alan Ballinger and on stage at the Reefton
Theatre Dec 11 - 13.
 We also welcome Granity Players - Lyric Theatre who have just joined MTNZ as Society members.
They are working hard renovating the Lyric Theatre after its roof blew off in a big storm last year.
Drama Lab are presenting a fundraising show on their behalf the week end of 18 - 19 Sept.
 Amuri Players have auditioned “The Addams Family” and are having great fun rehearsing it.
 Showbiz Christchurch open Spamalot at the Isaac Theatre Royal on Sept 4th. book at Ticketek
 Methven Theatre Company have just finished “A Law Unto Themselves” to very appreciative and
large audiences
 South Canterbury Drama League present “Evita” at the Theatre Royal Sept 18 - 26 book at iTicket.
 Waimate Theatre Company in rehearsal for their Christmas show “That Scottish Play and Songs
From Shows We Will Never Do” on stage November
 NASDA’s productions this year are: Attempts on Her Life, The Skriker, Working, and Sweet Charity
in the newly rebuilt Rangiora Town Hall, directed by Yvonne Martin. From the beginning of the
third term Richard Marrett is on Sabbatical, with plans to complete a Master’s degree including an
exciting overseas collaboration. He will continue to work with the MTNZ consortium projects, and
several local productions as MD in that time. For the year, Angela Johnson will be NASDA's
Programme Leader.
The South Island Meeting for MTNZ is on the 19th Sept in Dunedin if you haven’t booked yet please
think hard about it. This is a relaxed meeting with time to discuss problems or situations that your
society has, talk about successful shows, three great seminars , have a chat with your Zone Rep,
MTNZ General Manager Kate, President Lesley, Vice President Terry and NextGen Rep Gwen will all
be in attendance and MTNZ members from the Waikato – Tracy Holmes the Zone Secretary, our
Cultural Advisor Piper Edmonds and Zone Two Rep Ngaire Holmes who are down seeing Phantom,
are also attending the meeting. We have a number of our corporate members coming as well – so a
GREAT opportunity to network.
Make the most of it after all it is your meeting. Some of the attendees are going to see The Addams
Family in Oamaru on Thurs 17, The Phantom in Dunedin on Sat 19 and Evita in Timaru on Sun Matinee
20. If you want to join us for any or all of these please let me know.
Tickets for Phantom of the Opera $60 per ticket
Please RSVP by 5 September to or or
your ticket requirements for Phantom. Tickets must also be paid for by 5 September. You can either
post a cheque made out to Musical Theatre NZ to PO Box 1413, Wellington 6140 OR transfer the money
to: Musical Theatre NZ – Westpac 030502 0912552 00 using your surname and Phantom as the
Cheers till next time, see you in Dunedin, Ross Benbow
From South Canterbury Drama League – great to see some of our NextGen
off shore doing amazing things 
Zone Five
Showbiz Queenstown is 40 years old this year, and to celebrate,
there’s a party! On Saturday October 17th there’ll be a Dinner Show a tribute to all our major shows over the years, with performers from over the
Everybody who has been involved in any way with Showbiz Queenstown is
invited to the Dinner Show. Details for booking are on,
and our website,
Tickets are $79 each, and include a sumptuous three course meal, and of course, the show! It will be
followed by live music to party the night away.
If you’d like more information, please contact
The Phantom of the Opera is the most famous musical in the world and it is finally coming to Dunedin for
the first time, the final venue of this consortium production.
Opening on 17 September 2015, this all new production will be the greatest show Dunedin has ever
seen on the magnificent Regent Theatre stage. It is in a class of its own, showcasing all that is great
about musical theatre – wonderful music, a moving love story, lavish sets and costumes. Musical
Theatre Dunedin promises this production will be as outstanding as the West End or Broadway versions.
Musical Theatre Dunedin’s production of The Phantom of the Opera has been cast with local performers
drawn from Dunedin and Otago, along with an all local crew and orchestra and they are looking forward
to showcasing their talents in this iconic show. Superbly lead by James Adams as The Phantom and
Hayley Carrick as Christine, this production of The Phantom of the Opera will be an experience not to be
The Phantom of the Opera, 17-26 September 2015, brought to you by Dunedin’s premier
musical company, Musical Theatre Dunedin.
Check out how they made the Phantom’s mask for the Dunedin season …
Congratulations Janine 
Janine Pheloung is highly respected by her
professional peers within the theatre industry.
It was with great pleasure that the Musical
Theatre Dunedin Executive presented Janine a
Musical Theatre New Zealand Merit Award for
her outstanding services to theatre at their 86th
Annual General Meeting on Monday night.
Janine has been involved in Musical Theatre
Dunedin for the past 35 years.
During this time, Janine has been a performer, a
crew member, an Executive Board member and
more recently a production manager – a role
that she is extremely experienced in. Janine has
been has been recognised by the Musical
Theatre Dunedin Executive Board as an
‘Honours’ recipient in 2002 and ‘Life
Membership’ in 2004 for outstanding services to
the Executive Board and Musical Theatre
Dunedin. The volunteer hours Janine has given
so freely to Musical Theatre Dunedin are a
credit to her.
Janine supports and encourages performers, through her pleasant disposition, her enthusiasm and
positivity. Over the years Janine has always been prepared to host visiting performers on behalf of the
organisation, making sure the performers have a real ‘Dunedin’ experience while in her care, her
hospitality is legendary. Janine has looked after children involved in the ‘Les Miserables’ and ‘Saigon’
seasons, the children adore her, and the parents of the children have total respect for Janine’s kind,
supportive and nurturing abilities while the children are in her care. At the end of rehearsal, company
members can always rely on Janine to be their ‘Taxi’ service. On many occasions late into the night
Janine has been known to ferry company members across Dunedin, making sure they get home safely.
(Driving under the weather theatre party goers home)
Janine makes sure all company members throughout the rehearsal period are in good ‘spirit’. Janine has
been known to provide occasional meals for company members who arrive to rehearsal straight from
University lectures. Over the years Janine has become known as ‘Mary Poppins, by directors largely
due to the way she just pops into rehearsals, tends to their never ending needs, supports their requests
and makes things happen.
Janine is not frightened of hard work, she is a realist, attending working bees, washing table cloths,
cleaning the rehearsal rooms, setting theatre restaurant tables - although not glamorous are all part of a
fully functional theatre organisation. Janine speaks from the heart and is passionate about the future of
Musical Theatre Dunedin. Congratulations Janine
Taieri Musical is seeking expressions of interest for AD and AMD for our 2016 production
of Grease:The Arena Spectacular.
Musical Theatre New Zealand – Combined Zone Four and Five Meeting
18 - 19 September 2015
Hosted by Taieri Musical Theatre at the Musical Theatre Dunedin Rooms
1 Sullivan Avenue (Cnr Glasgow St & Sullivan Ave)
Friday 18 September
For those arriving in Dunedin on Friday night, dinner has been booked at Speights Ale
House, Lower Rattray Street – please advise if you are going to attend so we can confirm
catering numbers.
Saturday 19 September
Morning tea
Meeting commences
NextGen Initiatives Forum and Discussion – feedback from the North Island forum held in
Hamilton in July and discussion with South Island members – all members
Audition with Grant Meese (this is a two hour workshop)
Future Planning for your society with Terry O’Connor
Social Media for community theatre with Kate Ghent facilitating
3.30pmish Wrap up meeting for those not attending the audition workshop
Audition workshop concludes
Dinner at Alibi Bar (1 Princes St, near Regent Theatre) before the show
The Phantom of the Opera at the Regent Theatre – presented by
Musical Theatre Dunedin
RSVP to:
Helen Horsnell or 027 220 6954
 Numbers attending the Friday night dinner
 Saturday meeting
 Dinner on Saturday night
Tickets for Phantom of the Opera $60 per ticket
Please RSVP by 5 September to or or
your ticket requirements for Phantom. Tickets must also be paid for by 5 September. You can either
post a cheque made out to Musical Theatre NZ to PO Box 1413, Wellington 6140 OR transfer the money
to: Musical Theatre NZ – Westpac 030502 0912552 00 using your surname and Phantom as the
Accommodation Options (walking distance to the Regent)
Scenic Hotel Dunedin City
For other options go to:
Musical Theatre New Zealand – Combined Zone Four and Five Meeting
Hosted by Taieri Musical Society at the Musical Theatre Dunedin Rooms
1 Sullivan Avenue (Cnr Glasgow St & Sullivan Ave)
Saturday 19 September 2015, 10.30am
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Minutes from the Timaru meeting 2014
3. Matters arising
4. Roll Call – two minute reports from corporates and societies
5. Report from the MTNZ office and Executive
 Conference 2015 wrap up - Kate
 Conference 2016 – Rotorua – Kate
 Conference competitions and awards – reminder
 NextGen – Gwen Lyon
 AON insurance scheme presentation - Helen
 What is Capital Assistance Fund? presentation – Helen
 Health and Safety updates – Graeme Philip
 New financial reporting guidelines for the non-profit sector and important changes to the
Incorporated Societies Act - discussion – Terry and Kate
 MTNZ Strategic Plan – discussion and presentation – Terry
 MTNZ Surveys – discussion - Terry
 MTNZ Workshops and Training including BOUNCE Sound workshops – Kate and Helen
 General Business
6. NextGen Initiatives Forum and Discussion – feedback from the North Island forum held in
Hamilton in July and discussion with South Island members – all members
7. Workshops
 Audition with Grant Meese (this is a two hour workshop)
 Future Planning for your society with Terry O’Connor
 Social Media for community theatre with Kate Ghent
Audition Workshop with Grant Meese
Lacking confidence in your musical theatre auditions? Uncertain how to approach the material you want
to present? Suffering from performance anxiety? All things that most performers suffer from prior to and
during an audition process. Join in on this interactive workshop that will be another part of the process in
enabling you to walk into your next audition prepared and confident. The workshop has been put
together to provide participants some practical techniques and guidelines that help promote your selfconfidence, enable you to be fully prepared for your audition and hopefully enhance the audition
Some of the discussion points will include;
- Choosing the appropriate song
- The preparation of your audition material
- How do you make yourself stand out from the crowd?
- What are the panel actually looking for?
- Cold reading skills
- To resume or not to resume
- The dreaded dance audition
- What works for you and what can you share with others?
Throughout the workshop it would be ideal if some of the workshop participants have an audition song
prepared so that we can apply some of the skills that we will discuss as a group during the time together.
The workshop is all about you and building your skills so bring along your ideas and be ready to share.
Grant Meese’s vast involvement with theatre started in Auckland as a youngster and quite some years
later, his contribution now extends to the full theatrical spectrum from performer to choreographer, to
musical director and director. His most recent projects as Director have been hugely successful seasons
of Cats, , Sound of Music, Miss Saigon, Chicago, 42nd Street, Anything Goes, Phantom of the Opera,
Mamma Mia and he is looking forward to working on Evita in Wellington and Auckland in the next 12
months. Grant has recently been involved with some of the current consortium projects including taking
on the role of lead project manager for Mamma Mia and also helping on the Evita consortium. This has
been a natural extension of his production management work with Amici Productions who have worked
with Auckland societies over the last six years to bring some of the larger musicals to the Civic Theatre
in Auckland. Grant is a shareholder of Amici Productions Ltd which is committed to bringing quality
musical theatre to New Zealand. He holds high creative and production values in all his work to ensure
top quality theatre and events are produced for all to enjoy.
Future Planning For Your Society Workshop with Terry O’Connor
This workshop is designed to assist societies develop a three to five year plan (strategic) that is simple to
understand, implement and measure. We will discuss how to develop a plan from a “simple” template
that is aligned to the MTNZ Strategic Plan. Also a “Health Check” template will be presented which will
assist individuals in ensuring good governance of a society and for individuals that want to get involved a
better understanding of their personal liabilities and risks. This session will be interactive and will be give
participants an overview on how to make the process rewarding and enjoyable.
Social Media for Community Theatre with Kate Ghent
This presentation and discussion will look at social media – predominantly the marketing power of
Facebook and how to use it - based on the presentation at Christchurch conference by Sharron Pardoe
and Patrick Landrigan. We will also look at what social media works for which demographic – the results
may surprise you 
Monty Python’s Spamalot
Presented by Showbiz Christchurch
At the Isaac Theatre Royal
4th – 12th September 2015
The Wizard of New Zealand is recognised by Eric Idle as a world first, for famous Monty Python
The forthcoming production of Monty Python’s Spamalot, is not just a first for Canterbury but a world
first, since it features a real wizard in the cast. Tempted by appearing alongside King Arthur and the
Knights of The Round Table, the official Wizard of New Zealand is “coming in from the cold” and into the
luxurious warmth of the Isaac Theatre Royal this September. Showbiz General Manager, Michael Bayly,
approached the rights holders of the show to enquire if an official wizard had ever performed the show
elsewhere in the world, and was given a response “from on high” that this was a global first. The
authority on high was acknowledged to be Eric Idle, original Monty Python member, and the writer of
Spamalot, who was said to be delighted with the news.
The Wizard, originally English born, but now a true Cantabrian and New Zealand icon, is performing the
role of the Historian in Spamalot opening at the Isaac Theatre Royal in September. Coincidentally, Eric
Idle performed the same role in a sellout production of Spamalot in L.A. at the famous Hollywood Bowl in
July/ August this year. Bayly says “we extended an invite for Eric Idle to join us on our September 4th
opening, and he was very keen, but sadly will be unable to come due to rehearsing his next US tour with
John Cleese at that time.”
The musical Spamalot is “lovingly ripped off” from the iconic movie, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
The original movie, first screened in 1975, was adapted into a Broadway show in 2005 by Eric Idle and
John du Prez. The musical is a riotous mash-up of material from the movie, married with a wealth of new
musical numbers drawn from the traditions of Broadway, with Vegas style showgirls, killer rabbits, flying
cows, and of course the famous Knights of Ni. The original Broadway season was a huge success, going
on to win 3 Tony awards, including best musical, and has subsequently played sold out houses around
the world.
When seeking him out, Bayly went to the Wizard’s usual Christchurch performance space, Cathedral
Square, and listened to the world famous speaker conversing with groups of tourists. Upon asking him to
join the Showbiz Christchurch production, The Wizard accepted immediately, saying that he thought that
laughter was one of the most important aspects of all of our lives, and confessing to being a huge Monty
Python fan.
The season of Spamalot opens at the Isaac Theatre Royal on September 4th, 2015, which also happens
to be the 5th anniversary of the original Canterbury earthquake. The Wizard and Bayly both agreed that
the joyous humour of Spamalot could act as a symbol of how Canterbury is progressing five years on,
and mark a return of laughter to our wounded city.
Season Dates – September 4th – 12th 2015, Evening performances at 7.30pm. Matinees at 2pm
Saturday. Father’s Day Matinee, Sunday September 6th, 4 p.m.
Produced by; Showbiz Christchurch
Creative Team; Director/ Choreographer – Sara Brodie, Musical Director – Luke Di Somma
Before and after shots ……….
Zone One
From Zone One Representative – Pauline Vella
Madness is ascending on Zone One with a heap of opening nights set for September/ early Oct see
flyers below.
When we get 5 or 6 shows in Auckland in a similar time frame, we are competing for the same theatre
audience somewhat, but not always. But there have been discussions in the zone on strategies for
attracting audience in a competitive market place.
I am directing a show for Playhouse Theatre currently and also on the marketing team, so we have been
testing the market to see what will tempt theatre goers to book earlier ( or at all) for a show. Aucklanders
in particular are notorious late bookers.
Following the Next Gen forum in Hamilton where it was suggested that price played a part in what Next
Genners went to see.
So our marketing team put $20 tickets in the market for 3 weeks or until they sold. This was a saving of
$15 a ticket to a New Zealand Premiere.
It took until 2.5 days before the deadline before all tickets were sold, and with very few Next Gen aged
patrons taking advantage. So this offer was purposely offered 7 -8 weeks before the show opened to
ascertain if bargain price but at a log range date was attractive. Obviously not.
The second price reduction is for group bookings. A special deal offered on the already concession
price for a group. It has been running a week with two takers - work places of a cast member and the
Director. These tickets are being offered at $25.00.
The show is tracking quite well at this stage and we will be testing some further marketing strategy as we
go along. It is proving an interesting exercise. Will report further next month.
There will be a Zone One meeting in November - details to be confirmed, but it will involve a further
discussion on the advertising at the movies concept.
So this is what is on offer in Zone One in September/ October. A pretty full and varied programme
indeed and my wish for all the theatre clubs involved is that the punters book early so you are not
sweating over the budget!
MTNZ Calendar 2015/2016
5 – 6 September
Wellington Training Workshops Weekend at Toi Whakaari
19 September
Combined South Island Meeting – Dunedin
31 October
Zone Two meeting – Whakatane
7 November
Executive meeting – Wellington
Zone One meeting - TBC
27 February
OSTA’s - Oamaru
18 – 19 March 2016
The MTNZ 56th National Conference - Rotorua
Zone Two – Ngaire Holmes Zone Rep
Lots of family time this month with a lovely surprised visit from my eldest daughter for five days early in
the month. Birthdays during this month also took up a lot of my time. My own on the 12th and Tracy’s
40th celebration on the 16th. A family trip to Queenstown one of the most beautiful places on this earth
and what better place to celebrate the story of a life that was never meant to be. Well done Tracy may
you have many many more years to celebrate.
Organisation is currently underway for the next Zone Two meeting to be held in Whakatane on the 31st
October. The opportunity to support Whakatane and to see their production of Beauty and the Beast.
The agenda for this meeting will be circulated when confirmed.
On Saturday Night four of us are off to Tauranga to the closing night of Jesus Christ Superstar, really
looking forward to this production that has been directed by Daniel Pepperell the past Next Gen Rep on
MTNZ. So not much to report this month –but very busy times ahead as we rocket through the weeks to
August was very busy for our Society as the committee prepared to host the Upper North Island
Regional TheatreFest on the 14/15th of the month. Eight teams participated, with 3 representing High
Schools – Dargarville, Whakatane, and Cambridge. Dargaville Little Theatre presented 2 plays. Riverlea
and Playbox from Hamilton presented one each, and Tokoroa Little Theatre, one play. Deborah Davids
from Christchurch was the adjudicator. All who attended, whether as participants, supporting crew, or
audience thoroughly enjoyed the weekend. There were many compliments on our recently refurbished
theatre. The last week has been caught up with auditions for our Christmas production- “Jersey Girlsfarmed and dangerous”- written by Lynelle Kuriger,and premiered by Taumarunui Little Theatre earlier
this year.
It’s all about Oliver! in Taumarunui – and the exciting news is we have a cast
and rehearsals are underway! After the most tense and exciting round of
auditions and call backs seen by the Little Theatre in years, director John
Drummond has selected his actors and Oliver! is up and running.
Already, the mark of John’s professionalism has been stamped on the show.
Auditions were highly organised with hopefuls having to learn set lines and
songs for the character they were going for, and if that was nerve racking, the
call backs were even more dramatic with actors pitted against each other for
each part. The mood was great though; rivals supporting each other and lots
of good-natured banter. As the evening wore on, John revealed his cast part by part. There are lots of
new faces in there plus some old faithfuls and a few stepping out from the chorus into the limelight. Well
done to everyone who auditioned! Thanks to you we have a strong cast and a mighty chorus of children
and adults, who have just embarked on rehearsals.
Here’s the cast list (drumroll…!):
Oliver – Hunter Mills, Fergus Anderson
Dodger – Caleb Findlay; Fagin – Jordan Cole
Nancy – Katy Bolten; Bill Sykes – Angus Long
Bet – Davina Zimmer
Mr Bumble – Richard Baker
Widow Corney – Heather Long
Mr and Mrs Sowerberry – Peter Till and Merryn Broderson
Noah Claypole – Jack Milner-George
Charlotte – Rose Mills
Mrs Bedwin – Sharee Mills
Many Rotorua Musical Theatre members attended the funeral of Sherlie Dingwell, our musical
director of many years. Two excerpts were sung from ‘Mamma Mia’ (her last show for us) and one of
our members also sang her favourite song.
Auditions have been held for ‘Mystery on the Orient Express’ and we have a wonderful super talented
cast of 24. Because the theme is also ‘steam punk’ there will be many amazing creations, both with the
ward robe and set. This show will transport the audience on a theatrical journey following the same route
as the famous train through France, Italy, Switzerland and Austria. Characters include a bumbling
Holmes, a very different Watson, Inspector Gadget, Miss Marples, an intriguing Garter Hari, outrageous
waiters and glamourous can can girls. The season is 27 November / 12 December
We, the committee and members, are looking forward the Conference 2016 and all it involves.
Thames MAD report for September Spotlight.
We have been busy preparing for our home-written show
“Gypsys, Tramps and Thieves”, which will probably have
started its season by the time you read this. The show
features members of the Thames Circus Club (appropriate
as the story is based around a travelling circus) as well as
the local middle-eastern dance group to provide the exotic gypsy atmosphere.
Throw into the mix a thirty year old murder and some romance and there you have
the perfect recipe for a musical!!!
Given that the show is being put on in our rooms (an old school building with the
main auditorium being the classroom), it is not surprising that we have had to forego the elephants and
lion-taming acts! It has been fantastic to get new faces involved, and to use the opportunity to have
younger people interested in technical matters sit alongside our established “techies”, as a first step to
them learning the ropes and replacing our older (i.e. 18 & 19 year old!) members as they move out of the
As well as preparing for this show, members of the committee have been planning a school holiday
programme (Monday to Friday, 10 to 3 p.m.) looking at different aspects of theatre, from auditions and
acting through to singing and dancing. What is especially pleasing is that it was our NextGen committee
members with a particular interest and knowledge in technical matters who suggested, and will be
running technical workshops for our younger (14-15 year old) members. The aim is to then bring all the
elements together at the end of the first week of the holidays for a concert/show for the parents.
Because of funding obtained for this youth training event, we will be able to offer professional tutors and
use of the Civic Centre for the technical workshops. As you might expect, there has been a lot of
interest expressed, with a number of registrations already received.
Finally, as I write this, we are working on celebrating the 40th anniversary of “The Rocky Horror Picture
Show”. The aim is to reprise (last done 2 years ago) the interactive screening of the movie but with our
own cast and activity packs for the audience. Watch this space!
Check out these AWESOME ROOM RATES
Standard Room: $135.00 incl. GST per room per night based on single, double or twin share
– we have very few left now
Deluxe Room: $165.00 incl. GST per room per night based on single, double or twin share
Keep up to date with conference by checking out the MTNZ website
Zone Three
Theatre Hawkes Bay
July saw the end of an outstanding season for our
production of Roger Hall's "Love Off The Shelf". This
hilariously funny musical was a laugh a minute and very
well received.
It follows the story of a writer and his assistant who,
unbeknown to each other, turn to writing romantic fiction in
order to make ends meet. The characters come to life on
the stage through every scenario and cliché of the romantic
novels. Good crazy fun!
This month sees Tom Scott's "The Daylight Atheist" . A
one set, one man play that is funny, fierce and profoundly
moving. Set amongst the bombsite of a cantankerous old man’s bedroom, the story follows the colourful
past of one man's lifetime. We have pretty much moved the workshop dregs and half the props room on
to the stage for this one.
We are now looking ahead to auditions for the end of year production - "A Night In Vegas" cabaret
review style entertainment which in the past has proved to be a popular format for local businesses to
have as their Christmas work do. Dinner and a show is a great night out for any size group.
Sequins and feathers, crooners and magicians, acrobats and entertainers. We are hoping to showcase
a fine array of the talent the Hawkes Bay has to offer. We'll keep you posted...
Gilbert & Sullivan’s “The Gondoliers” 2015
Wellington G&S Light Opera (WGSLO) is touring The Gondoliers to Hutt City, Kapiti, Wanganui,
Wellington and, for the first time, Napier, in its annual tour of the lower North Island.
The Gondoliers is a mature and sparkling comic masterpiece from the masters of comic opera. Of all
their 14 operettas it contains the most appealing and memorable of Sullivan’s music, ranging from the
tender to the exuberant. The music includes a variety of dance forms including the gloriously foot-tapping
castanet rhythms of the Cachucha.
Moving from the sunny canal-sides of Venice and to a fictional, and increasingly topsy-turvy, Barataria
where two brothers, the gondoliers of the title – republicans and socialists to the core – are nevertheless
persuaded to take up joint temporary monarchy until it is established which one of them is the true heir.
The opera tips the protocols of royalty and aristocracy on their head, and takes affectionate aim at
ambition, conspiracy and some unintended consequences of love and sacrifice. Gilbert’s wit is as
always penetrating, sharp and gloriously funny.
The Daily Telegraph at the time said simply: “The Gondoliers conveys an impression of having been
written con amore”.
The production tours with a cast of 40 singers accompanied by 26 piece orchestra to Sullivan’s full
orchestration under the baton of music director Hugh McMillan, and under the direction of seasoned
international opera director and singer, Wayne Morris. Wayne takes up a base in New Zealand after
more than two decades of professional directing and of operatic roles in England, continental Europe
and on international tours, most recently with Diva Opera of London.
The tour continues the emphasis on authentic presentation in the best D’Oyly Carte Savoy Opera
tradition as in recent WGSLO touring productions including Pirates of Penzance , the double bill HMS
Pinafore and Trial by Jury and in 2014 The Mikado.
More details, and links to bookings, are on the Wellington G&S Light Opera website .
Wellington’s performing arts fraternity, band together to honor a beloved friend, colleague and
cohort - Robbie Tripe. On Sunday 6th September at San Fran, in a one night only performance
to raise money and awareness for The Mental Health Foundation NZ; this tribute is our way of
honoring a talented member of the performing community, who left us after losing his battle with
the Black Dog. For further information and ticketing
Latest news from Conference Gold Partners and Corporate Members iTICKET …
NZ Fashion Week has kept the iTICKET team extremely busy, along with some lovely big
shows from around New Zealand! SPAMALOT has packed houses in Nelson and Hamilton,
HAIRSPRAY in Gore, JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR sold out in Tauranga, and let’s not forget
the Disney shows which always pull the family crowds. Coming up - EVITA will enrapture
audiences, and HAPPY DAYS well, it’s self-explanatory!
Thanks so much for sharing the excitement with us – the office shares your pride when the
‘flame’ shows against a performance and you’re close to selling out. And selling the last ticket
to a performance is, well… AWESOME.
If you’re not already ticketing with us – please get in touch to see what we can do for you.
Things change over time, so worth checking in to see if there’s a new fandangled way of doing
things that will suit you perfectly!
Reece & Angela
Phone: (0508) 484 253 or (09) 361 1000 ext 207
Celebrating over 10 years as New Zealand's most loved event ticketing company
Level 2, 46 Brown Street, Ponsonby | PO Box 47532, Auckland 1144, New Zealand | |
WMT Are on the Move
Entertainment Technology Updates and Information
T h e a t r e
E v e n t
L i g h t i n g
18 Brisbane Street PO Box 424 Christchurch New Zealand
Ph +64 3 372 9101
Fax +64 3 372 9401
Smart Socket ®
The Smart Socket ® is a versatile socket outlet box designed primarily for use on internally wired
stage lighting bars. Since it's launch in 1999 the Smart Socket has become widely accepted as
a leading industry standard product in the entertainment lighting and associated industries. The
Smart Socket is manufactured in the UK from tough, resilient, injection moulded ABS, which
results in a lightweight, self-coloured, economical and hardwearing product. The Smart Socket
is simple to install needing only one 16mm hole to be drilled into one wall of the lighting bar. A
unique bush moulded as part of the Smart Socket fits into the drilled hole locating it on the bar,
wiring then passes through the centre of this bush and is then protected from any sharp edges.
All necessary screws are supplied with Smart Sockets and no other rivets, screws or bushes
are needed. Smart Sockets are available with a number of lid options and material colours and
are ideal for new lighting bars and just as easily retrofitted to existing ones.
The image above shows smart socket with AS/NZS socket fitted
Other options are available for single and double XLR connectors, as well as 16A Ceeform.
Smart socket is available in a range of colours- Black, Silver, Yellow, Red Blue, Green and
Training Opportunities
What’s coming up at Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School
For more details about what’s on please check out our website
or our facebook page.
Thinking of applying to study at Toi Whakaari next year?
Applications are now open, the deadlines for entry in 2016 are:
Bachelor of Design (Stage & Screen)
Diploma in Costume Construction
Bachelor of Performing Arts (Management)
Diploma in Entertainment Technology
Application deadline: Friday 25th September
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend Applicants’ Weekend at Toi Whakaari in Wellington (30 Oct
– 1 Nov).
Application forms are available on our website
For more information about studying at Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School please email or phone 04 381 9215
The Whitireia Performing Arts (Singing)
programme is holding auditions on October 17th/18th for
full-time training in 2016. The Singing programme offers
training in a range of performance skills from industry
professionals such as Jane Keller, Leigh Evans, Kate
Marshall and Alan Palmer. To arrange an audition time
please e-mail
Imagine breaking your box office record
this Christmas. Cheering audiences … no empty
seats ... a happy cast … and a happy you.
Chris Blackwood & Piers Chater Robinson’s A
Christmas Carol musical really does that.
And I’d like to prove it you.
Please just go here to get your free copy of the script.
Does it really attract audiences? Well, here’s what happened to Keith Badham of The Barton
“We have not had a reaction to a new show like this before – the cast had an absolute ball
performing it, and I can honestly say that it is the perfect musical for an amateur group
catering for men, women, well as giving parts to the less musically accomplished.
“It was our biggest grossing show ever.”
And Barton Players aren’t the only ones ... Read what Marie Hood of Newent Community College
in Gloucestershire thought:
“I can honestly say that in 15 years of teaching I have never enjoyed working on a musical as
much as your Christmas Carol. It was truly magical.”
Last year around 100 successful musicals were produced based on our scripts. Why am I giving
this to you for free? Quite simply, so you can see if you'd like to buy a licence to produce it too.
Since 1843 Charles Dickens’ heart-warming tale of Ebenezer Scrooge awakening his long forgotten
festive spirit has charmed audiences – from kids to grown-ups – across the world. It’s wonderful
to play … and a joy to produce ... … and it attracts ticket buyers like bees to a honeypot.
What’s more, this popular musical script with 16 glorious, traditional songs, actually costs less
than you might think. Our typical clients are schools, community and amateur theatre companies.
Because they all like to play to a full house. However, before you even consider purchasing
it, please accept this perusal script free.
by phone: 02 9938 8600 by email:
by fax: 02 9938 8695 website
This is the concert to bring back great memories with hits of the legendary vocal groups from
the 50s to the 70s. From the music of Motown, to the folk rock sound of The Mamas & The
Papas, to the close harmony of the Everly Brothers, these groups are connected by their use of
vocal harmony to create their unique sounds. They created music that spoke to their generation
and has also withstood the test of time.
Operatunity – Legendary Vocal Groups
Touring New Zealand 21 August – 25 September
call toll free 0508 266 237 to book or online at
Free double pass prize packs available for give-aways
please contact me if you are interested
From The Chicks in 1965 to vocal coach for NZ Idol, Suzanne Lynch is a truly timeless New Zealand
singer. At the age of 14, she and her sister Judy appeared on the NZBC TV series C’mon as the duo
The Chicks, and then went on to release several albums and singles. Suzanne became a solo performer
in 1969 and a resident performer on Happen Inn, and in 1970 was voted New Zealand Entertainer of the
Year. In 1972 Suzanne’s career expanded overseas when she travelled to the UK to appear on The Val
Doonican Show. Over the next eight years Suzanne worked with many prominent artists including Cat
Stevens, Art Garfunkel, Neil Sedaka and Chris de Burgh. Returning to New Zealand in 1981, Suzanne
continued working as a performer and also as a vocal coach. She was a backing singer and vocal coach
on New Zealand Stars in Their Eyes in 2008 and 2009, and a vocal coach on New Zealand Idol.
Pat Urlich is one of New Zealand’s most versatile performers. Whether singing, playing keyboard, or
guitar, he is adept at everything from jazz standards to classical to rock. Pat was named NZ Male
Vocalist of the Year when his band Peking Man cleaned up at the 1986 New Zealand Music Awards.
Now based on Waiheke Island, Pat is a performer, band coordinator, teacher, vocal coach, and also
conductor for the men’s choir he founded – V12.
Bonaventure Allan-Moetaua is one of Operatunity’s New Zealand Three Tenors and he frequently
tours with Operatunity. Bonnie has a wide range of performing styles – this year he has already
performed in our Big Band Era, Opera’s Greatest Hits and Best Musicals of All Time tours. Bonnie was
awarded the Iosefa Enari Scholarship Award for the support and development of Pacific Island Opera
Singers in 2004 and was a finalist for the New Zealand Aria competition in 2007-08.
Presented by