Lake Country This Month
Lake Country This Month
Milwaukee | Ozaukee | Washington | Waukesha Market information & media kit l e a d i n g t h e w ay i n c omm u n i t y j o u r n a l i s m f o r n e a r ly 5 0 y e a r s G M TODA Y. C O M • M M A G A Z INE M I LW A U KEE C O U NT Y P O S T • O Z A U KEE C O U NT Y NE W S G RA P H I C O Z A U KEE C O U NT Y G U IDE • W A S H IN G TON C O U NT Y DAI LY NE W S W A S H IN G TON C O U NT Y P O S T • H ARTFORD TI M E S P RE S S W A U KE S H A FREE M AN • O C ONO M O W O C ENTER P RI S E L AKE C O U NTR Y W EEKEND P O S T • B ROOKFIE L D & E L M G RO V E T H I S M ONT H L AKE C O U NTR Y T H I S M ONT H • H O M E S P L U S • G REATER M I LW A U KEE J O B S Milwaukee | Ozaukee | Washington | Waukesha With 14 publications, ranging from local newspapers to a leading area magazine, along with a robust website,, Conley Media makes it easy for advertisers to touch metro-Milwaukee’s most affluent communities. Through its publications and digital components, Conley Media fulfills the community’s demand for sophisticated news and lifestyle coverage throughout greater Milwaukee. Conley Media has built a strong brand identity with its award-winning print publications, a strong digital and social media presence and by hosting popular local events. This engagement has led over 4,220 advertisers in 2013 alone to value the exposure Conley Media delivers with its four-county reach. Websites,, Magazine M: Milwaukee’s Lifestyle Magazine Newspapers (Paid Subscription) Oconomowoc Enterprise, Ozaukee County News Graphic, Washington County Daily News, Waukesha Freeman Community Publications (Targeted Distribution) Brookfield & Elm Grove This Month, GreaterMilwaukeeJobs, Hartford Times Press, Homes Plus, Lake Country This Month, Lake Country Weekend Post, Milwaukee County Post, Ozaukee County Guide, Washington County Post GMtoDaY.coM GMTODAY.COM is a portal website powered by Conley Media. Visitors find local, regional, state, national and international news that is updated daily. The site also provides enlightening columns by notable experts, job postings, event listings and valuable information from our advertising partners. The site averages 1.2 million page views and 160,000 unique visitors per month. Banner ads offering premium placement on the home page are available. Monthly traffic Average Pageviews: Over 1,200,000 Average unique visitors: Over 160,000 9 Average number of minutes spent on site M MaGaZInE The leading voice for Milwaukee’s culture and lifestyle, M Magazine delivers vibrant editorial on the latest in home, health, fashion and dining to a loyal audience of over 105,000 readers each month. M Magazine targets a readership of financially successful, well-educated homeowners and professionals who are in the prime of their lives and at the peak of personal consumption. The average net worth of an M reader is close to 1.5 million dollars. With a complementary website and digital edition, along with a strong social media presence and a history of supporting popular area events, advertising in M Magazine is more than just investing in an ad – it’s investing in a comprehensive program that delivers results. 93 percent of readers take action as a result of reading M Magazine MaRRIED FEMaLE HoME oWnERs aVERaGE nEt WoRtH M READER 82% 72% 98.9% $1,435,900 MILWauKEE countY Post Milwaukee County The Milwaukee County Post covers the southern and southeastern corner of Milwaukee County. The Post is mailed to 14,100 total households within more than a dozen desirable zip codes in the county. Readers annually request this publication in order to be included in The Post’s weekly mailed distribution. The Post includes editorial coverage of some of the major stories that have happened in Milwaukee County and the impact on readers within The Post’s coverage area. Local columnists contribute throughout the paper on city and county government, local schools, community activities and lifestyles, sports and entertainment. BONUS: Advertisers receive additional exposure in The Post’s e-edition on the Conley Media website at According to a 2013 Pew Research Report, the frequency of newspaper readership increases with the level of education, while newspaper readership also correlates with higher income levels. Newspapers ranked first or tied for first place in the top three benefit statements related to advertising platforms they use with “you check for your regular shopping,” “most valuable in planning shopping” and “most believable and trustworthy.” Print newspapers scored highest out of 19 advertising sources used by survey participants to plan shopping or make purchasing decisions in the last seven days. Even those who self-identify as non newspaper readers nevertheless reported using newspapers with three of the top five actions relating specifically to advertising: clipping a coupon, checking sales in local stores and comparing prices for items intended to purchase.* *How America Shops and Spends 2013,” conducted for NAA by Frank N. Magid Associates Milwaukee County Post Publish Date: Friday Delivery: USPS & Newstand Circulation: 14,100* Tabloid Page Size: 10.6” w x 10.5” d Retail column width: 1 Mod 2.58” x 2.56” Classified Column width: 1.11” Advertising Deadline: Tuesday 4 PM Median age Home value Residents per HH Median HH Income Post Readers 39.7 179,070 2.39 $52,654 Milwaukee county 33.6 165,700 2.44 $43,599 *per USPS 3526-R Statement of Ownership, October 2013 oZauKEE countY nEWs GRaPHIc oZauKEE countY GuIDE Ozaukee County In total area, Ozaukee is the smallest county in the state of Wisconsin. But it tops the list as the most affluent of Wisconsin’s 72 counties in median household value and median household income. With its proximity to Lake Michigan, Ozaukee County’s historical charm, quaint boutiques and cultural activity makes it a major tourist destination in southeast Wisconsin. The Ozaukee County News Graphic has reported on the news and events in Ozaukee County for over 129 years. Every Tuesday and Thursday, subscribers receive coverage of local schools, government, features, sports and com- munity perspectives. Subscribers to the News Graphic can download an app of the e-edition on the Conley Media website at The Ozaukee County Guide is distributed countywide to nearly every household. It has a well-known track record of proven results for retail, automotive, real estate and pre-print advertisers. Advertisers know that their ad in the mid-week Guide will help boost their store traffic for weekend shoppers. Plus, advertisers receive additional exposure in The Guide’s e-edition on the Conley Media website at Ozaukee County News Graphic population total hh median hh value residents per hh median age Median HH Income ozaukee co. 86,395 34,093 $255,600 2.5 42.9 $75,854 Wisconsin 5,686,986 2,286,339 $169,000 2.42 38.5 $52,627 Publish Dates: Tuesday & Thursday Delivery: USPS Total Circulation: 7,129 Broadsheet Page Size: 10.6” w x 21” d Retail column width: 1.7” Classified Column width: 1.11” Advertising Deadlines: Thursday 5 PM for Tuesday Tuesday Noon for Thursday Ozaukee County Guide Publish Date: Wednesday Home Delivered Distribution: 28,045 Tabloid Page Size: 10.6” w x 10.5” d Retail column width: 1.7” Classified Column width: 1.11” Advertising Deadline: Friday 5 PM for Retail DAILY NEWS • TIMES PRESS WasHInGton countY Post Washington County Washington County is located only minutes north of Milwaukee and is considered one of Wisconsin’s fastest growing counties. A strong manufacturing base anchored by nationally and internationally recognized businesses provide a stable employment environment. The 12 towns, six villages and two cities are home to almost 130,000 residents. There are three major retail trade centers in the county - Germantown, Hartford and West Bend. The Daily News has been published from West Bend since 1855. It is the only locally produced daily newspaper in the county and is the official newspaper for the Washington County government. The paper has a strong local focus covering the county’s various school districts, municipal and county government and local high school and club sports. The News is published 5-days/week and is mailed to almost 7,000 subscribers. Subscribers to The Daily News can download an app of the e-edition on the Conley Media website at The Hartford Times Press is a free community newspaper that reaches over 13,500 readers each week on the weekend. The Times Press covers the growing communities of Slinger and Hartford located along the major Hwy 60 corridor in the western part of the county as well as Hubertus and Richfield to the south of Hwy 60. The Washington County Post is the only weekend publication that reaches all households in Washington County. The Post offers automotive, realtors, local retail business and major big box retailers the most efficient way to distribute their advertising message on the busy weekend shopping days. An added benefit is The Post’s e-edition, which can be found on the Conley Media website at Washington County Daily News Publish Dates: Tuesday - Saturday Delivery: USPS Total Circulation: 8,343 Tuesday-Friday; 9,153 Saturday Broadsheet Page Size: 10.6” w x 21” d Retail column width: 1.7” Classified Column width: 1.11” Advertising Deadline: Noon - 2 Days prior to publication Hartford Times Press Publish Date: Sunday Home Delivered on Friday Distribution: 13,860 Tabloid Page Size: 10.6” w x 10.5” d Retail column width: 1.7” Classified Column width: 1.11” Advertising Deadline: Tuesday 2 PM Washington County Post Publish Date: Sunday Home Delivered on Friday Distribution: 47,084 Tabloid Page Size: 10.6” w x 10.5” d Retail column width: 1.7” Classified Column width: 1.11” Advertising Deadlines: Retail: Wednesday Noon Classified: Wednesday Noon Real Estate: Tuesday Noon washington co. population 131,887 total hh 51,881 median hh value $229,100 residents per hh 2.6 median age 40.9 Median HH Income $66,485 Wisconsin 5,686,986 2,286,339 $169,000 2.42 38.5 $52,627 WAUKESHA FREEMAN • OCONOMOWOC ENTERPRISE LaKE countRY WEEKEnD Post Waukesha County Waukesha County lies on the busy Interstate 94 corridor between the largest city in the state - Milwaukeeand the state capital - Madison. As a result, the county’s housing, population and business growth has experienced progressive growth in the last 30 years. Population has increased by 36% and almost 145,000 housing units have been added during that time. Waukesha’s business climate is a desirable mix of manufacturing, retail, commerce and service businesses. With 1,385 retail establishments, the county is the 2nd largest in that economic sector in southeast Wisconsin. The Freeman has chronicled the county’s growth since it first began publishing in 1859. It is the only locally produced daily newspaper in the county and received the 2007 General Excellence award from the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. The Freeman publishes five days per week from Waukesha, the largest city in the county and home to the county seat. Education, local government, police and courts plus local sports coverage and weekly special editorial features make The Freeman a lively and relevant read for all residents throughout the county. The Oconomowoc Enterprise, a weekly newspaper covering news from Waukesha County’s residential Lake Country region, provides weekly local news coverage in one of the state’s most affluent demographic market areas. Subscribers to The Freeman and The Enterprise can download an app of the e-editions on the Conley Media website at The Lake Country Weekend Post is a weekly community publication reaching 16,328 households with classified and retail advertising in western Waukesha County. When making weekly shopping decisions, readers know to look to the Lake Country Weekend Post for weekly display and pre-print advertising from area retail businesses. Waukesha Freeman Publish Dates: Tuesday - Saturday Delivery: USPS Paid Circulation: 10,511 (Tues.-Fri.) Paid Circulation: 15,743 (Sat.) Broadsheet Page Size: 10.6” w x 21” d Retail column width: 1.7” Classified Column width: 1.11” Advertising Deadlines: Tuesday-Friday: 2 work days prior Saturday: Wednesday 5 PM Oconomowoc Enterprise Publish Date: Thursday Delivery: USPS Paid Circulation: 4,172 Broadsheet Page Size: 10.6” w x 21” d Retail column width: 1.7” Classified Column width: 1.11” Advertising Deadline: Tuesday 1:30 PM Lake Country Weekend Post Publish Date: Saturday Home Delivered Distribution: 16,328 Broadsheet Page Size: 10.6” w x 21” d Retail column width: 1.7” Classified Column width: 1.11” Advertising Deadline: Wednesday 2 PM families for young st in state ed 2nd be City rank LAKE COUNTR Y with came in mowoc a, Ocono of 68.3, just behind1 as No. rating wner criteri was listed ly homeo an overall value, monthold income and Muskego, which an home and 4A sin for costs, median househ from 1999 at 69.1. IES, PAGE in Wiscon change populations See FAMIL Towns income “The Best cities with erd- the es.” by www.nweb- 2011 for Young Famili e than 15,000. based on those was done The list a personal financranked greater a formula that Using,in Califor nia, mediratings, Enterpri based school is site using mowoc places by OC – Ocono list of OCONOMOW in a recent second ranked a r Gramz By Ambe Huber and Brianse Staff THURSDAY 7, 2013 NOVEMBER $1 OC OMOWLette rs to OCONE IStheEedito R r P R T EN il on Counc A LAKE GALLERY COUN ITION TRY TRAD SINCE 1888 >> OPINION Bringing the outdoors in Comm ke tax levy hi he OKs 2% ing ‘majorT retailer’ NIGHT FRIDAY FEBRUARY 75¢ Area interior design students face off at Home Improvement Show 7A 14, 2014 >> BUSINESS 8B OCO NOM A PUBLIC ATION OF THE going up at drop-off center. 3A OIL CHANGE NCING • Towi … • 1604 S. West Ave., helping to dev sha tomorrow’s mat elop es h wizards ard approv School Bo e in tax levy 4% decreas a Espanol Waukesha BRAKE SPECIAL 99.95 $ Summit View teache use Paul’s life and rs work to teach fractio ns, local history ged in thefts from $83,000 combin ed soccer club Do ings To Fun Th WEATHER t: Friday forecas Mostly sunny Low 38 High 48 / See weather statistics 5A. on Page Fun Things To Do This Weekend Genealogy workshop Milwaukee Ballet at 10 a.m. Saturday, Delafield Public box office at 414-902“The 2103 or visit www.milwauke County Expo Forum, St. Mary Herrick, Library, 500 Genesee today Dixie Swim Club,” 7:30 p.m. and Saturday 1000 Northview Road,Waukesha.Admission research historian,a local genealogist and Menomonee Falls and 2 p.m. Sunday, Retzer demonstrati will teach what is $2 donation. www.wc4hhor North Middle School resources are needed auditorium, p.m. Saturday, Retzer ons, 10 a.m. to 1 tory. Free and open to trace family his- Presented N88-W16750 Garfield Drive. W28167 Madison Nature Center, S14by Menomonee ter at www.delafieldlto the public. Regis“The Skies Over St.,Town of Genesee. Falls Patio Players.Tickets Artist Brooke Weiland Mr. Rogers’ available at www.fallspatio borhood (children’s will be on-site or - doing her artwork. show),” 11 a.m. 255-8372. $15 adults, Waukesha Rotary Saturday and “The Free. Questions seniors and students. $13 discussion are and Pancake Breakfast,Club 60th annual (general public),” Dawn of Astronomy welcome. 1 p.m. Saturday, Saturday,Waukesha 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Z. Horwitz Planetarium, Charles Waukesha Bike Fantastic Flicks, Swap, 9 a.m. to 1000 Northview County Expo Arena, Center, S14-W28167 Retzer Nature 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday,Wau 2 p.m. day Road,W M us OPEN All Camp 4, 2013 OUR LOWE ST 195 $ ng • Se Habl TRANSMISSIO TUNE-UP N 21.95 * $69.95 * Wizard of Wauke stole more than com/Oconomow ocEnterprise HOUS. E 5 – 7 p.m PRICE EVER ! 67% OFF Store Hours : Sunday Weekdays 12-5 10-8, Vail Rocker list price Recliner. City attorney candidates weigh in on Share the momen t the issue ww w.e ngi net ran s.c s om FREE FINA 262-548-0000 $ Women allegedly www.facebook. 22 , 2014 aper Up to 1 Year 2 ex-officials char ITIES • • Other candidates also would accept entire amount ic seat Febr uary • ’s Daily Newsp would take full salary if re-elected alderman ENTER PRISE DING COM MUN oon parkused for cen• will be nity in area commu has said a ing for the • Larsen nts, straints. ter. gs he wants public comme he During past meetin increase. r Gramza last week the levy By Ambe ise Staff estimated Daley said hout 0% tax total Enterpr for d througEast Coast The The itures 2014, travelest and the s major OC – in Midwe ed expend OCON OMOW il approv y Ocono mowoc that are not visitin g variou offices Counc corpor ate ing funds city, total Farms Common tax levy Tuesda levy includ ted by the million. retail ing the Pabst the city’s percent tax suppor $65 regard 2 imately the general pment. with a a press approx Develo to said sion ing increase. was no discus Accord Kitsembelinclude: an ambu-0 talks have , other s , initial which $120,00 There city budget say- changefund levy of wages, release with retailers develabout the Jim Daley bud- lance minimum would begun . additional paying than Mayora proactive ders may bringto Pabst Farms of for ed, t first respon throughtake care ing it was helps to the coun- so at the station levy for opmen nothing is finaliz get that stay While sibility in the release shifts; the his the respon the street main- out their l fund operations Daley stated one of for ; the at least genera cil had “very produc by $68,000 i- that program. approved the tenance l expendby meetings was decreasing was t our an Jay levy for capita The motion Alderm decrea sing of tive.” is to presen By Sarah Pryor 5-1 with “My goal with as many tures also final phase against. tax levy Staff2 $132,000. The street mainte community Larsen a total Freeman le for the possib be the or is as 2 for site,” s It will of the of $183,44levy for debt WAUKESH By Sarah Pryor progra m $1.25 mil- option pment of “Sounds . – If re-electincrea se nance set tax A would ed, The 2014 for incumben in the release on no develo Gallery Night Freeman Staff percent. 719. Itt Mayor issued in s during will be fee Daley said give details Rick Congdon se Jeff Scrima $9,159,will not increa 2013 issalary billtake his entire garbage He did rs, saying he didProject sketche lion. There WAUKESHA to a tax Age: 64 except for any e owner increase in thety owners. Bloom-Print equate the retaileto jeopardize He Third-grade candidates for – The three at pay the averag a small is of The Occupation: proper , the counteacher Waukesha’s valued ents. increasea paid by combining of $40 on Melanie n’t want (up to 5 quarts city attorney Lichtie Amy Kavelar ” on Friday. agreem $3 Retired judge reads reada home about meet music, ctive other action from (replace to In first recently of a math mowoc biography prospe or position pan gasket& history. he plans ed the Ocono of Les Paul as part10w40) to and to learn y Education: wner. additionnce say Students Count $265,00 0, that homeo approved Dextron III) (includes cil approvan ordina of fractions of a lesson shalistened to haven’t gotl didand then theseby Bachelor’s Wauke s andPaul’s music, used the sheet of Common used Vraka degree new organic month for 0 the fractions ing of city’s annua with ten to particimusic installed from ch,create rhythm in the street increase the t fees from Executive Dan a Kleefisto With $138,48 Univer-pads or shoes andthe music. d toCouncil, addition pate in any le al parts extra) sity of WisconRebecc m, and parking permi to increase funds directe progra rather Lt. Gov. nate the possibr’s and than, forums or sin-Madison; juris money to $250, nd stormaintenance that retaile donating ce $216 vehicle impou $30 per “to coordi * debates to make ndoctorate from Finanhalf of a major Wisco to even with the to in entry the $25 Newbel their positions mowoc Marquette University fee from counc il also first locatio n Kitsem Ocono Reilly SarahDay in Waukethey took time known, but levy age Family: Wife, Linda; Law School lowest Director to sit down day. The with Larsen sin.” four adult is thesha Fund with The Freeman children pastas15 approved, 219 W. said it the been on Thurs- Website: in he’s day to tell us for the against, to change www.facebo increa se to institu what Email: agramza@ doinggforprevifundin the voters should they think the The sin Ave. years. The past Wiscon m had zoning. know four about them. by alder- tional public street progra years. stalled Brian conRunning budget ously been “Because to past What, in your I Age: 54 men due opinion, is Occupation disagreed the role of some lively a city attorney? : t with plays and Self-employed Reda ’s during Days Quarte vetoed the during Frank near Amalia , the Easy attorney RICK CONGDON s of Scrima recent salary rainy eveningbusinesses and sangPictured music is not is a policymak: What it Education: Night “Sound it was a ating Friday. Friday. increase, Gallery on er. ” on Although The particip people are going I Bachelor’s degree to mowoc right are Oconomowoc” to be electwon’t take an walked around“Sounds of OconoStudios from left to Gibson. ing a city attorney from UW-Madibudget increase in g. This to be an son; juris doctorGallery Night Oakbrook Esser Dick Riege and Bo attorney, not t initia“It’s excitin to pay, and I’ll ate from MarMarzocco, maker. That’s be a policysinging inside rts studen member to $10.55 ne, Frank left donate it back se of $0.42 equalized suppo said board“It takes quette University Common Council,up to the Bill Kilbour decreaBy ted tives,” Law School an. to the commumayor, Arthur estima Family: Wife, Debbie; Water Utility Thomas for prop- Beth Sherid in the l Gaitan long-te rm , etc. $1,000 Freeman Danie per through Staff from Bynity the city attorney The role of Website: www.runnin three kids of our ives, like ise Staff tax rate , down year. care gforcityatis then to the Enterpr New Day initiat ar mowoc give the best 13 WAUKESHvalues spendi ng for our modul a 2 Ocono advice to the A –the Fund,” Scrima – third-grad The erty for For2012-20 students in at Thieme policymakers District OC $10.97 seat the paying allocating date. e class as levy stands Christopher Wiesmue said.OMOW School The tax taught oms and budge t to law is without to what the OCON by Melanie classro Third-grade LichtieThe Aldermanic Herro, who and Veronica ller any Common Area Hunter Davey works propof ourstudentses.” Haag means 260 51% Age: 32 agenda whatsoeve kind of View Oconomowoc unanim ously OC – After y, then computer $48,260,652. co-owned budgetat Summit purcha Finale 0 portio Council over-budgeoffered r. y, this t of Elementar Ken Herro ed Notepad with Tuesda OCONOMOW Occupation: school ial land program BRIAN RUNNING Board a $300,00 49% The 2013-14 a fractions yearinhaspotent of a erty across election to turn 14 a whirlwind also approv project an 247 rode ed owner er : Scrima’s As into tour 2013-20 Attorney the board Callagh city the special emerged as the t a of$3,165 through that approv attorney, the music t, manag musical composition Jim The during a lesson from for the 4.07 the ages. veto,,404 city is your Education: will pay that combined owoc’s and the ing aThey Ken Herro the city’s Distric client. It’s analogous s-head- the concepts $54,900 constr uction homewith Oconom thefractions school distric se started of year, includ decrea pay increase withIllinoi of to an Phillip to the Bachelor’s degree musical ct for Assowinner attorney having school $3,291 that taxes levy switched as & notation. community the the Phillips, then contra anic seat. se to Students used 4/4 time Beethoven ial t tax a will take Nichol business of ews than and year. increa in job.” that . political red Now 2 alderm whole, place unoffic tion client an percen learning about this are they good scirather half, quarter to are where you center quarte notes to work in past intervi starting Les and eighth r emithe comple in part, Paul,paid The votes sed, but poll ence from the owner with the innovative He said ready to advise have to be due, e that we ciates for on addition guitarist Foreve same local road city used of fractions. za- and Fields self-styledanytim the nextaid. University of state equali until canvas electHerro gaina budget ng Redin on any topic, the business “I think “Wizard Athletic help bolste r Waukesha he was putting nent domain Herro includiVolpano day-to-day. distric t’s substan- .” But able nt to bring of us to the to g lot edThe ’s ons, the school mayor. Wisconsin-M lessons James results showed ive forefro can parkin Even sed ther School conditi and focus allows ilto teachare going furthough the city at the in on a particular High that are nce a initiat create a students ews aid increa local Starting ment mowoc waukee; juris doctorate ted $8.6 had attoring 260 votes a levy about es. to get to tion ms at elethe curriculum delien Road, ign. He ney isn’t a policy-mak with fractions, s intervi 247, a differe history and Oconoof the upcoming progra from the and music to an estima t drawing while million maint Oklahoma City ers is from throughou sports faciliti ain compositio Callaghan There was a he ing has in previou issue facing tiallyelection projec $4.2“We sly of his campa position, the cycle, School of Law outdoor ten, the mayor’s n. the district esti- tried to dshow resi, about city attorney cost to taxpay &or even al really the biggest and Family: side Zulind said previou Superposition of 13 votes. t of 510, or 19.5 it. future las said million Wife, also origin is the genre heavily outsaid will reduce the Jeff Corrine; two kids: ,”kids a wide is make Nicho involved music,” Lichtie year. to see healthy than the 2013-14 of budget 4-year-old Andrew within the voter turnou a slight On Thursday, er for ion and $83,500, the districtgrowth of the more said. J. Rindo. wanted matters because in policy increase Integrating a good the compa manag of voters and 2-year-old the discuss Lichtie from its current Roger said began meetAdam it will draft dis-a lesson dential andent percent for the fractions origin ally arts movement mate for productive the expressed by reading ordinances to council on Associates, into It thankful aid,hasintend board curriculum the area. He to be an willbook put the poliWebsite: www.chrisfo been work withto students district. s bid from a The debate during in such the state aid. “We atare willPaul, like to thank cies of the Common View’s ny on variou quizzing Seehad of Suma loss mit rcityattornSALARY, transition se in heart wanting board “I would them taxesthey that PAGEed8A Council to create already ings. expect a magnet ely indepethe this year. The increato in place. There that voted,” and Herro trict had contracts about facts to school school into lower “extrem designatiote r of everyone “It’s out in es and learned vari-the way. Callaghan it will be according toalong n meanscome day consultatio are day-tothat tax translatax and bills the dent” membe ed packag be awarded Herro said.that ns between Council both said to keep the Pabst d in a documents. the near when department had budget What are the SeeinWIZARD, Common wants to ctors heads, despit e December. We 15 percen t would important “This resultese important he top litigaPAGE 8A pment on owoc common council, mayor, a ous contra tion-related decrea also said of the counOconom special in a posig enroll in May for issues facing Farms Develo levy had been future. a a lot one of the roles etc., and moving growin s. remain discuss ion which is certainproper ty of city attor- the city right now and track and on. OASD ’s all call home. t policie ney is as a counselor sday how would so this declin ing additi onal reduct and some place we cil’s curren tive directi previous elected you approach ment, Email: dgaitan@ to said Wedne our trend,surprise to us can have advise what’s 12 them? base, andauthority of I hope I ensure that.” Callaghan Herro has having the l he will Byserved ly a nice Brian Hubertax doubtfu way to proceed smartest limit impact to will be cansha it will be the docu- our planning.” t on the experience, WaukeFreeman on matters. revenue up to 10t,” large e recoun votes years tournamen a the a CHRISTOPHER Staff studen inin The CONGDON: prison if t in the ask for years on $75 per convicted. Friday becaus WIESfall. against the women It results MUELLER: Board. water. AlthoughObviously the to thank vassed on Diane Coenen d- votes. It’s twofold – said a County WAUKESHA Staff ments read. Melanie Gretzon, it’s not at board member just like Olson told police obviously the the litigation City Clerk are nine outstan “I would all of their supof the club, a 2009 43, of Enterprise– Two forthat in mer legal drafting, New Berlin, stage now, it’s presidents satellite can Gramza, for she there research, ne that was of a of was charged bound to be the Milwaukee the New with president of said – Amber behind the scenes everyo Berlin Soccer “It was at some point. ee ballots the group and Kickers, informed four felony counts role, but also Club have did a Assuming that ing absent in by 4 p.m. Friday port,” he said. the parthere been charged of and Ken treasurer, and Gretzon was ent organizatio should be a more can and with stealing theft in a business setting tion is admitted,the applicastill come the ballots are tough battle funds from the and one count y’s received bank when she there are that he’d been n last April role. Litigation out-front organizaalso all sorts as long as with Tuesda statements contacted by tion over a period of issues that meanor theft. of misdeshowing purchases one of the club’s Michigan waterover Lake are going to postmarked years from 2009 of four made come up with is an outBoth women with a debit when an account banks front role. A into 2013. the water – environme card unified and Barbara Olson, appear in courtare to supposed to 126 that was drawn. Statementswas overntal coordinated issues, etc. 42, of be for emerFeb. 24. code enforceshowed a gency Volume Burlington, Neither woman number of unauthoriz was ment policy useNo. 15 only, I know (current could be INDEX in with one count charged ed reached for to Gretzon and she spoke check and debit youth offender addition to a ney) Curt Meitz City Attorcard transbusiness settingof theft in a day evening.comment Thurs- actions Gretprogram and zon should takesaid to the even just changing from accounts and faces the federal and has been in of 511 used the way Criminal complaints state court of them. for paying coaches To subscribe care we’re handling appeals, as and call 567-5 other costs, including ets can be an speeding tick- Supreme well as the state Enterprise, out-front and Court, fighting a visible role for See CLUB, PAGE for the city. I’m assuming the city attorINDEX 8A that ney as well. Herro wins OWO C AND SURR OUN Take the Gu Out of Ca esswork r Repairs Hours : M-F 8am-6 pm Sat 8am-N Fees FREEMAN Waukesha County rsu Daley puScri bst Farms ma for Pa POST SERV ING See ATTORNE Y, PAGE 8A WEATHER Tomorrow: Slight chance of snow High 19 / Low 9 * Saturday Hours may 9-5. vary by market - call for 126 Store details s and Grow ing! Watertown 1940 Mark et Way • 3 blocks 920-261-30 south of WalMa 00 rt & Tractor Was the day celebrated you were engaged, most speciaa milestone anniversarmarried or to share thatl days of your life? y one of the and neighborsmoment with familIf so, you'll want with an annou y, friends in The Freem ncement an. Announcem forms are ents are only $20 and office, 801 available at The Freem an downtown N. Barstow St. in Waukesha. For more information , call 513-2 656. The FRE Waukesha EMAN County’s Daily Newspa Call 542-2501 for home delivery per Supply BRooKFIELD & ELM GRoVE tHIs MontH LAKE COUNTRY THIS MONTH • HOMES PLUS MONTHLY Waukesha County The Brookfield & Elm Grove This Month and the Lake Country This Month are full color publications mailed to the households in the up-market communities of Brookfield, Elm Grove, Hartland, Pewaukee, Delafield, Nashotah and Okauchee. These exclusive publications showcase the best in people and lifestyles that these communities have to offer. Readers look forward to the stories and features that are written with a local perspective and focus on education, local high school sports, health, municipal issues and other interesting events and activities that enhance the quality of life in these very unique places to live. Brookfield & Elm Grove This Month Publish Date: 1st week of month Delivery: USPS Zip Codes: 53005, 53045, 53122 Controlled Circulation: 16,414 households Broadsheet Page Size: 10.6” w x 21” d Retail column width: 1.7” Advertising Deadline: 15th of month prior All ads in 4 color Lake Country This Month Waukesha Homes Plus is a unique full color, high quality monthly publication that specifically targets current and future home owners in Waukesha County. The publication is mailed to more than 14,600 homes in the county and includes local, up-to-date content with featured columns pertaining to home buying and home improvement. Publish Date: 3rd week of month Delivery: USPS Zip Codes: 53072, 53029, 53018, 53058, 53069 Controlled Circulation: 17,038 households Broadsheet Page Size: 10.6” w x 21” d Retail column width: 1.7” Advertising Deadline: 28th of month prior All ads in 4 color BONUS: Advertisers receive additional exposure in the e-editions of the Lake Country Weekend Post, Brookfield & Elm Grove This Month, Lake Country This Month and Waukesha Homes Plus. They can be found on the Conley Media website at Waukesha Homes Plus Brookfiel d& Publish Date: 2nd Thursday of the Month Advertising Deadline: 3rd Thursday of each Month (unless noted) The FREE MA N INSIDE Elm Grov THIS M ONT H FEBRUA e RY 2014 The FREEMA N Mayor Pont facing chall o from form enge & ENTERPRISE er Mayor Spea ker Lake Country 2A THIS MONTH INSIDE FEBRUARY 2014 Healthy food, and fast Lancers end Germ Mortgage interest rates expected to rise in 2014 3A This house at 16925 8A Barbara Eash antiques column 5A Calendar of community events 6A Court in Brookfield is listed for $475,000. It has four refinan as market cing could drop of f continues rebound By Katherine Michalets Special to The Freeman bedrooms and 3.5 baths. CITY OF PEWAUKEE – Healthy fast food may seem like an oxymoron, but Brad By Kirste and Lori Emmert made it Special to n Klahn their mission to sell The Freeman tasty, Good news, nutritious and convenient bad news BROOKFIEL But, while D – Good meals when they opened Brookfield good news for field. All Good in October. the the housing markenews surrou to bad newshome market could lead nds some bad “It’s for those t, there’s The idea for the restaunance or news lurkin hoping usually since slowed down find corner. quite this time g around rant evolved from when As Nationally, a new house. to refilast year,” a bit the ferson said. cess returnthe housing foreclosures Brad Emmert was required dropped market Christof“It’s suc- icantly to mortg age s, it also leads rates becaus dropped 2006, beforetheir lowest levels have to adopt a healthier expensive interest rates to higher full 1 percen e interest off signifthe housin since burst. Existin and more lifestyle that included rates homes. t higher g bubble year.” more While 2013 than last are a g home expected nutritious food due sales were brought low 3.625 to a to It doesn’ historically er in 2013 be about 10 percen percen heart condition. The t make owners couple 5A t high- an average 30-yeat interest rates to refina sense for homethe same than 2012 and soon learned how hard on now, he stay about has seen nce their r it said, National in 2014, accord that averagmortg age, 2014 homes was to go out and eat taken advant if they’ve ing Country Thisabout 4.375 Association Lake natuto e creep data. Home percen ral food that was good up age of evenalready of Realto to Month interest is free t. for prices r and willThat’s causin rates in lower increase them and tasted good, expect your g ers 2013. However, about 3 arearrive too. to mail the to refinance fewer homeowning year, percent in ed Last March, the Emmerts ing higher for those who DJ Christ their homes inweek a Zillow 6A the comthird are offerso than of forecas each , said decided to start a healthy intere a 4.375 percenpayinator for n, senior t predic ts. month’s loan orig- time st rate, now Providence month. In each t fast-food business. In ing, 200 could to consid Home Lender refina be the best edition we will take an in- S. Executive Drive, September they signed :MWMXYWEX[ ncing. the Brooklease and on Oct. 14 depth look at an issue, GEPP[[KSSHXMQ the doors opened to the See REFI, XSVI IWWYQQIVH person or other story restauPAGE 3A in UYIWXEFVS E]GEQTGSQ rant, which includes seatLake Country. We SV will GLYVI ing inside and a drive-thru ERH(:( also provide other window. important information Items on the menu include an organic such as community activigarden salad, energizing quinoa, ties and updates on local lettuce wraps and infused stories. waters. The ingredients are We encourage you to mostly organic and glutensubscribe to the daily free, have no genetically Freeman or the weekly Lori and Brad Emmert in modified organisms their All Good healthy fast and contain no preservatives. food restaurant in the City Enterprise for coverage of Pewaukee. While the food is prepared of Lake Country and so it retains the most also offers a dessert other parts of our area. nutricalled ents, Lori Emmert The Fix, which is a said it glutenTo subscribe, to reach also tastes great. free chocolate cake with one of the editors with She said customers only 100 calories for will $1.97. All Good bite into one of the story ideas or for photo The dessert is small, dishes but it healthy RTLLDQC@XB@LO fast and say “Wow, I didn’t helps to teach portion reprints, call 542-2500. confood, N20think healthy could trol, Lori Emmert said. We hope you enjoy taste W22951 this good.” The items on All Good’s this month’s edition. Watertown 63305. “It will taste good menu were created by Lori 56>,59 Road because it’s loaded ;6 Emmert, but it was – Freeman and ;MXL[SRH City in the with (.,: her 5: of nutrients,” Brad Emmert family that helped to *(479< <:; Enterprise editors TSSPWMRJPEXE IVJYPP] taste[SSHIHEGVIW Pewaukee. said. test them. (<. 74 1<5, ERHGVEJXEVIEWFPIWWIZIVEPEXLPIXMG X[SLIEXIH ;6 For those with a bit (4 JMIPHWTPE]KVSY of a sweet tooth, the restaurant RH See HEALTHY, Barbara Eash antiques column Arrowhead gets back to top of conference Hidden Pond antown’s All Good sells organic, nutritiou win streak s meals in Ho City8Aof Pewauke e me Hello, Brookfield & Elm Grove! Hello, Lake Country! Calendar of events 8SXEPP]JPI\ RYQFIVSJ MFPIWGLIHY PMRK ¯'LSS GSQI[LIRHE]W]SY[SYPHPMOIX WIXLI SEXXIRHXLIR 'SQI8SQSIZIV]SY[ERX VVS[=SYHIG 8SHE]HSIWR´X[SVO MHI # PAGE 4A The Comfort 8[SJ of the MIPHX Patient Always Comes First PIWWSRWMR VMTWTIV[II OERHW[MQQ GPYHIH MRK 3RWMXILMK LWGLSSPPIZ IPGSEGLIW &977 )6:-' 4I[EYOII )XSERHJVS Q&VSSOJMI 3GSRSQS[(IPEJMIPH,EVXP Schneidler, D.D.S. & Associates SG ERHERHPH Pewaukee Dental Michael J. 7II[L]Q GEQTIVWVI SVIXLER XYVR]IEV SJSYV EJXIV]IEV +SSH8MQIW ;- Experience the Difference! Get to know us www.Pew Check out our reviews and see why so many patients return and refer their *SVMRJSVQE family and friends &-68,(%=4XMSRSR6)2 %68-)7*% 8-2+SYVJ '364368% 1-0=*92'EGMPMX]JSV )):)287 8-327SV TPIEWIGEPP 262-3 73-61 24 NEW PATIE NTS WELC OME • Free Comprehensive Exam with Photos HARVAR RESEAR D CHED! DELAFIELD | 2750 Golf Rd. 262.646.9222 *Minimum 2 treatment cycles. • Free Cavity Detecting X-Rays • Free Smile Make Over • No Shots • No Drills • No Fillings! Consultation • Free Second Opinions Schedule Between 10 am & 2 pm to be Entered in Our Drawing for a WaterPik Sonic Toothbrush Valued at $70.00 Before After Offering You Exceptiona l Personal Care Proudly Serving the Lake Country Area Since 1985 PEWAUKEE DENTAL 1231 George Towne Dr., Suite D Pewaukee, WI 53072 Brookfield This Month & Elm Grove arrive in youris free and will week of each mail the first each month month. In will take an ’s edition we at an issue, in-depth look other story person or munity. We in the comvide other will also proimportant information such as community activitie s and updates on local We encour stories. age you to subscribe to Freeman for the daily Brookfield, coverage of Elm Grove the rest of and our To subscri area. one of the be, to reach editors with story ideas reprints, callor for photo 542-2500. We hope you enjoy month’s edition this . – Freeman editors population total hh median hh value residents per hh median age Median HH Income waukesha co. 389,891 152,995 $257,700 2.51 42.0 $75,689 Wisconsin 5,686,986 2,286,339 $169,000 2.42 38.5 $52,627 GREatERmilwaukeejoBs GREatERmilwaukeeJoBs.coM Metro Milwaukee GREATERmilwaukeeJOBS is a weekly publication inserted into 26,000 copies of the Washington County Daily News, Ozaukee County News Graphic and the Waukesha Freeman every Thursday. Job seekers turn to the pages of “GMJ” every week to look for jobs from of the top employers in the area. Recruiters and Human Resource Professionals GREATERmilwaukeeJOBS Publish Date: Thursday Delivery: USPS Circulation: 26,000 Tabloid Page Size: 10.598” w x 10.5” d Column width: 1.11 Advertising Deadline: Wednesday Noon know that they will get qualified applicants from their advertisements. All ads running in GREATERmilwaukeeJOBS are automatically included on our website at An e-edition is also available on the Conley Media website at Monthly traffic Average Pageviews: 62,905 JOB SEARCHES PERFORMED: 43,968 contact us Contact Information GMTODAY.COM Gail Ostermann | (414) 640-8154 | E-mail: GREATERMILWAUKEEJOBS.COM Cindy Shaske | (262) 306-5016 | E-mail: M Magazine W61 N306 Washington Ave., Ste. L1, Cedarburg, WI 53012 Gail Ostermann | (414) 640-8154 | E-mail: Waukesha County Publications The Freeman 801 N. Barstow St., PO Box 7, Waukesha, WI 53186 Jim Baumgart | (262) 513-2621 | E-mail: Oconomowoc Enterprise 357 W. Wisconsin Ave., Suite 1W, Oconomowoc, WI 53066 Jim Baumgart | (262) 513-2621 | E-mail: Milwaukee County Publication Milwaukee County Post 3397 S. Howell Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53207 Daryl Skaradzinski | (414) 744-6370 | E-mail: Ozaukee County Publications News Graphic, Ozaukee Guide W61 N306 Washington Ave., Suite L1, Cedarburg, WI 53012 Heather Rogge | (414) 333-8635 | E-mail: Washington County Publications Daily News, Washington County Post & Times Press 100 S. 6th Ave., West Bend, WI 53095 Heather Rogge | (414) 333-8635 | E-mail: Members: