2016 Link Lineup - Post Acute Link
2016 Link Lineup - Post Acute Link
Post Acute Link Lineup A 2016 Buyer’s Guide The Leading Suppliers in Post Acute Care June 8-10, 2016 | Sheraton Grand Chicago www.postacutelink.com 2016 Post Acute Link Premier Suppliers Mobile Solutions Technology - EMR/EHR Wound and/or Skin Care 11030 Circle Point Road, Suite 100 Westminster, CO 80020 400 Lakemont Park Boulevard Altoona, PA 16602 3546 N. Riverside Avenue Rialto, CA 92377 (303) 460-1600 (800) 444-1651 (866) 318-3116 www.brothermobilesolutions.com www.deltahealthtech.com www.innovacyn.com Home Health/Hospice Profile: Page 48 Home Health/Hospice Profile: Page 69 Home Health/Hospice Profile: Page 80 SNF/Senior Living Profile: Page 140 Software - Enterprise/Clinical Workforce Management Software Telehealth 2600 Via Fortuna Drive, Suite 150 Austin, TX 78746 5000 Hopyard Boulevard, Suite 410 Pleasanton, CA 94588 7980 Century Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55386 (512) 879-3135 (925) 425-5785 (888) 243-8881 www.kinnser.com www.kronos.com/healthcare www.medtronic.com Home Health/Hospice Profile: Page 62 Home Health/Hospice Profile: Page 79 Home Health/Hospice Profile: Page 78 SNF/Senior Living Profile: Page 138 SNF/Senior Living Profile: Page 136 2016 Post Acute Link Premier Suppliers Pharmacy Services 201 E. 4th Street Cincinnati, OH 45202 Patient/Resident Safety/ Fall Prevention 111 Lawrence Street Framingham, MA 01702 Software - Enterprise/Clinical 1827 Walden Office Square, Suite 104 Schaumburg, IL 60173 (502) 216-7871 (800) 451-0525 x 3100 (866) 802-7704 www.omnicare.com www.lifeline.philips.com/business www.procura.com SNF/Senior Living Profile: Coming Soon! Home Health/Hospice Profile: Page 51 Home Health/Hospice Profile: Page 64 SNF/Senior Living Profile: Page 117 Compliance/Coding/Oasis Search/Staffing 15 Verbena Avenue Floral Park, NY 11001 2255 Center Street, Suite 107 Cattanooga, TN 37421 (855) 485-7478 (423) 954-3378 www.qirt.com www.vikus.com Home Health/Hospice Profile: Page 20 Home Health/Hospice Profile: Page 58 SNF/Senior Living Profile: Page 87 SNF/Senior Living Profile: Page 124 2016 Post Acute Link Suppliers: Category Listing Quick Tip: Click a Partner’s page number to go directly to their profile Home Health/ Hospice Page SNF/Senior Living Page Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) 11 – The Joint Commission 12 – Elsevier 13 – My InnerView by National Research Corporation 14 82 Pinnacle Quality Insight 15 83 Archway Health 16 84 SimpleC – 85 17 86 Corridor 18 – Foundation Management Services, Inc. 19 – QIRT (Quality In Real Time) 20 87 Select Data Inc. 21 88 Woodrow Healthcare 22 – BlackTree Healthcare Consulting 23 – Fazzi Associates 142 – Furtek & Associates 24 89 JJR Partners Executive Search 25 90 LW Consulting, Inc. 26 91 McBee Associates 27 92 Simione Healthcare Consultants 28 – Stoneridge Partners 29 – – 93 30 94 Accreditation Benchmarking and Performance Measurement Care Management Care Transitions Curaspan Compliance/Coding/Oasis Consulting Data Analytics PointRight Inc. Disaster Recovery Hytropy.com = 2016 Link Elite Supplier = Home Health/Hospice Supplier = SNF/Senior Living Supplier 2016 Post Acute Link Suppliers: Category Listing Quick Tip: Click a Partner’s page number to go directly to their profile Home Health/ Hospice Page SNF/Senior Living Page Home Healthcare Solutions, A Cardinal Health Company 31 – McKesson Medical Surgical 32 95 33 96 Cain Brothers 34 97 TripleTree 35 98 Forbo Flooring Systems – 99 Harbor Linen, A Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Company – 100 – 101 Cornerstone OnDemand 36 102 myCNAjobs 37 103 – 104 Benefits in A Card 38 105 Heffernan Insurance Brokers 39 106 Dreamscape Marketing 40 107 The Image Group 41 108 Yardi – 109 AdvaCare Systems 42 110 Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare 43 111 Hospice Cloud, a National HME Company 44 – Hospicelink 45 – Medline Industries, Inc. 46 112 StateServ Medical 47 113 Distribution E-learning Relias Learning Financial and Related Services Furniture/Textile/Furnishing GPO Dining Alliance HR Services Infection Control Ecolab Insurance Marketing Medical Equipment - DME/HME = 2016 Link Elite Supplier = Home Health/Hospice Supplier = SNF/Senior Living Supplier 2016 Post Acute Link Suppliers: Category Listing Quick Tip: Click a Partner’s page number to go directly to their profile Home Health/ Hospice Page SNF/Senior Living Page 48 – 49 114 50 115 EarlySense, Inc. – 116 Philips Senior Living 51 117 STANLEY Healthcare – 118 – 119 Enclara Pharmacia 52 – Hospice Pharmacy Solutions 53 – HospiScript, An Optum™ Company 54 – – Coming Soon! 55 – – 121 – 122 56 123 Exact Recruiting 57 – Vikus 58 124 Axxess Technology Solutions, Inc. 143 – KanTime 59 – 60 – Eldermark Senior Housing Software – 125 Homecare Homebase 61 – Mobile Solutions Brother Mobile Solutions On-Hold Messaging Services ON HOLD:32 Patient Engagement/Experience It’s Never 2 Late Patient/Resident Safety/Fall Prevention Pharmacy Cost Management Medliance, A Tabula Rasa Healthcare Company Pharmacy Services Omnicare OnePoint Patient Care PrescribeUS Rehabilitation/Therapy Services Select Rehabilitation Swallow Solutions Search/Staffing Software - Agency Management Software - Enterprise/Clinical DeVero, Inc = 2016 Link Elite Supplier = Home Health/Hospice Supplier = SNF/Senior Living Supplier 2016 Post Acute Link Suppliers: Category Listing Quick Tip: Click a Partner’s page number to go directly to their profile Home Health/ Hospice Page SNF/Senior Living Page Kinnser Software 62 – MatrixCare 63 126 Procura Health Care Software 64 – 65 127 – 144 66 128 – 129 67 130 Curantis Solutions 68 – Delta Health Technologies 69 – HealthMEDX 70 131 Optima Healthcare Solutions 71 132 PointClickCare 72 133 Thornberry Ltd 73 – Advanced TeleHealth Solutions 74 – AMC Health 145 – CipherHealth 75 134 Health Recovery Solutions (HRS) 76 – Honeywell Life Care Solutions 77 135 Medtronic Care Management Services 78 136 – 137 79 138 – 139 Innovacyn, Inc. 80 140 Parable 81 141 Software - Enterprise/Clinical (continued) Software - Specialty ABILITY Network, Inc. Enquire Solutions Forcura National Datacare Corporation Technology - Consulting ProviNET Solutions Technology - EMR/EHR Telehealth Transportation Starcraft Bus Sales Workforce Management Software Kronos Incorporated OnShift Wound and/or Skin Care 2016 Post Acute Link Suppliers: Alphabetical Listing Quick Tip: Click a Partner’s page number to go directly to their profile Home Health/ Hospice Page SNF/Senior Living Page Software - Specialty 65 127 Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) Accreditation 11 – AdvaCare Systems Medical Equipment - DME/HME 42 110 Advanced TeleHealth Solutions Telehealth 74 – AMC Health Telehealth 145 Archway Health Care Management Axxess Technology Solutions, Inc Company Category ABILITY Network, Inc. 16 84 Software - Agency Management 143 – Benefits in A Card Insurance 38 105 BlackTree Healthcare Consulting Consulting 23 – Brother Mobile Solutions Mobile Solutions 48 – Cain Brothers Financial and Related Services 34 97 CipherHealth Telehealth 75 134 Cornerstone OnDemand HR Services 37 103 Corridor Compliance/Coding/Oasis 18 – Curantis Solutions Technology - EMR/EHR 68 – Curaspan Care Transitions 17 86 Delta Health Technologies Technology - EMR/EHR 69 – DeVero, Inc Software - Enterprise/Clinical 60 – Dining Alliance GPO – 102 Dreamscape Marketing Marketing 40 107 Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare Medical Equipment - DME/HME 43 111 EarlySense, Inc. Patient/Resident Safety/Fall Prevention – 116 Ecolab Infection Control – 105 Eldermark Senior Housing Software Software - Enterprise/Clinical – 125 Elsevier Benchmarking and Performance Measurement 13 – Enclara Pharmacia Pharmacy Services 52 – Enquire Solutions Software – Specialty – 144 Exact Recruiting Search/Staffing 57 – Fazzi Associates Consulting 142 – Forbo Flooring Systems Furniture/Textile/Furnishing – 100 = 2016 Link Elite Supplier = Home Health/Hospice Supplier = SNF/Senior Living Supplier 2016 Post Acute Link Suppliers: Alphabetical Listing Quick Tip: Click a Partner’s page number to go directly to their profile Home Health/ Hospice Page SNF/Senior Living Page Software - Specialty 66 128 Foundation Management Services, Inc. Compliance/Coding/Oasis 19 – Furtek & Associates Consulting 24 89 Harbor Linen, A Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Company Furniture/Textiles/Furnishings – 101 Health Recovery Solutions (HRS) Telehealth 76 – HealthMEDX Technology - EMR/EHR 70 131 Heffernan Insurance Brokers Insurance 39 106 Home Healthcare Solutions, A Cardinal Health Company Distribution 31 – Homecare Homebase Software - Enterprise/Clinical 61 – Honeywell Life Care Solutions Telehealth 77 135 Hospice Cloud, a National HME Company Medical Equipment - DME/HME 44 – Hospice Pharmacy Solutions Pharmacy Services 53 – Hospicelink Medical Equipment - DME/HME 45 – HospiScript, An Optum™ Company Pharmacy Services 54 – Hytropy.com Disaster Recovery 30 94 The Image Group Marketing 41 108 Innovacyn, Inc. Wound and/or Skin Care 80 140 It’s Never 2 Late Patient Engagement/Experience 50 115 JJR Partners Executive Search Consulting 25 90 The Joint Commission Accreditation 12 – KanTime Software - Agency Management 59 – Kinnser Software Software - Enterprise/Clinical 62 – Kronos Incorporated Workforce Management Software 79 138 LW Consulting, Inc. Consulting 26 91 MatrixCare Software - Enterprise/Clinical 63 126 McBee Associates Consulting 27 92 McKesson Medical Surgical Distribution 32 95 Medliance, A Tabula Rasa Healthcare Company Pharmacy Cost Management – 119 Medline Industries, Inc. Medical Equipment – DME/HME 46 112 Medtronic Care Management Services Telehealth 78 136 My InnerView by National Research Corporation Benchmarking and Performance Measurement 14 82 Company Category Forcura = 2016 Link Elite Supplier = Home Health/Hospice Supplier = SNF/Senior Living Supplier 2016 Post Acute Link Suppliers: Alphabetical Listing Quick Tip: Click a Partner’s page number to go directly to their profile Home Health/ Hospice Page SNF/Senior Living Page 37 103 Software - Specialty – 129 Omnicare Pharmacy Services – Coming Soon! ON HOLD:32 On-Hold Messaging Services 49 114 OnePoint Patient Care Pharmacy Services 55 – OnShift Workforce Management Software – 139 Optima Healthcare Solutions Technology - EMR/EHR 71 132 Parable Wound and/or Skin Care 81 141 Philips Senior Living Patient/Resident Safety/Fall Prevention 51 117 Pinnacle Quality Insight Benchmarking and Performance Measurement 15 83 PointClickCare Technology - EMR/EHR 72 133 PointRight Inc. Data Analytics – 93 PrescribeUS Pharmacy Services – 121 Procura Health Care Software Software - Enterprise/Clinical 64 – ProviNET Solutions Technology - Consulting 67 130 QIRT (Quality In Real Time) Compliance/Coding/Oasis 20 87 Relias Learning E-learning 33 96 Select Data Inc. Compliance/Coding/Oasis 21 88 Select Rehabilitation Rehabilitation/Therapy Services – 122 Simione Healthcare Consultants Consulting 28 – SimpleC Care Management – 85 STANLEY Healthcare Patient/Resident Safety/Fall Prevention – 118 Starcraft Bus Sales Transportation – 137 StateServ Medical Medical Equipment - DME/HME 47 113 Stoneridge Partners Consulting 29 – Swallow Solutions Rehabilitation/Therapy Services 56 123 Thornberry Ltd Technology - EMR/EHR 73 – TripleTree Financial and Related Services 35 98 Vikus Search/Staffing 58 124 Woodrow Healthcare Compliance/Coding/Oasis 22 – Yardi Marketing – 110 Company Category myCNAjobs HR Services National Datacare Corporation = 2016 Link Elite Supplier = Home Health/Hospice Supplier = SNF/Senior Living Supplier ACCREDITATION THE BASICS 139 Weston Oaks Court Cary, NC 27513 (919) 785-1214 www.achc.org WHO WE ARE Accreditation Commission for Health Care is a nationally-recognized accreditation organization with CMS Deeming Authority for Home Health, Hospice and DMEPOS. ACHC was created by providers, for providers and the values that guided our initial standards continue to lead our organization today. Utilizing a collaborative and consistent approach, ACHC has become synonymous with providing exceptional value and an outstanding customer experience. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Customer Service - Dedicated Account Advisors are committed to delivering the industry’s best accreditation experience. • Consistency - ACHC ensures a consistent interpretation of our relevant standards across multiple agency locations. ACHC is committed to building collaborative relationships & offering educational resources to help agencies prepare for a successful survey. Carle Foundation’s Jennifer Wilken said of her recent experience: “Our ACHC survey was educational and the Surveyor offered guidance in areas where improvement was needed.” After successfully achieving ACHC Accreditation, Carle Home Health received a CMS validation survey. The agency passed the validation survey without a single deficiency in part due to the education & guidance ACHC provided throughout the accreditation process. “ACHC held our organization to a higher set of standards. The survey process helped strengthen our documentation of the care we deliver,” said Wilken. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING ACHC is designing our standards to help agencies create a comprehensive PI program that optimizes outcomes under Value Based Purchasing model. Our goal is to help agencies drive continuous improvement that will positively impact reimbursement. HOW WE CAN HELP • Reduce your risk for monetary sanctions. Over the past 4 years, ACHC has maintained the lowest disparity rate. • ACHC’s Transition Program provides education and a policy review for agencies interested in switching AOs. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 11 Founded in 1986 Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Matt Hughes Director of Business Management & Customer Service mhughes@achc.org Teresa Harbour Associate Clinical Director - HH, HSP, PD tharbour@achc.org ACCREDITATION THE BASICS One Renaissance Boulevard Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 (630) 792-5284 www.jointcommission.org WHO WE ARE Founded in 1951, The Joint Commission (TJC) seeks to continuously improve health care for the public, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value. The Joint Commission accredits more than 20,500 health care organizations in the United States, including hospitals, ambulatory services, behavioral health, home care, laboratory and nursing home services. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Offering the only certification for Home Health and Hospices delivering Community Based Palliative Care Services. • Better Outcomes - TJC accredited home health providers perform better on nearly 70% of the total CMS quality measures. Founded in 1951 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY “We would be nowhere without the impact Joint Commission Accreditation has brought to the quality and safety of our organization’s services.” In addition to patient safety, strengthening the bottom line was among the key drivers for Clifton Hospice Services to achieve Joint Commission Accreditation. “Achieving Joint Commission accreditation for our hospice helped foster a common quality framework and language across our own continuum. That helps us to be more efficient and effective for those we serve.” The surveyor helped Clifton Hospice Services identify a tool to better collect infection control data, which allowed the organization to take action to effect change and set priorities. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING TJC is launching its Community-Based Palliative Care Certification July 1, 2016. CBPC will recognize home health and hospice organizations that provide top caliber, community-based palliative care to patients in their place of residence. HOW WE CAN HELP • Joint Commission Accreditation provides an unparalleled quality foundation. • Joint Commission Accreditation fosters better outcomes. 12 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Margherita Labson Executive Director mlabson@jointcommission.org Julia Finken Associate Director jfinken@jointcommission.org BENCHMARKING AND PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT THE BASICS 1600 John F Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1800 Philadelphia, PA 19103 (866) 416-6697 www.elsevierhomehealthcare.com WHO WE ARE Elsevier is a leading provider of information solutions for professionals around the world. We provide over 25% of the world’s clinical content and serve over 20 million healthcare professionals. The Elsevier solution for home health care includes evidence-based skills combined with competency management functionality, and both orientation and continuing education specific to home health. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1880 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, SNF • We have current, authoritative content, which includes evidence-based skills and eLearning specific to home health care. • Skills and competency management, and eLearning focused on home health orientation and ongoing professional development. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY “With Home Health Care, Elsevier demonstrated that they could enhance our existing training and orientation program by providing our nurses and therapists with a comprehensive resource that they can access while in the field. As we strive to standardize our patient education and improve how we track outcomes, Home Health Care will play a critical role.” – Accurate Home Care. Elsevier Home Health Care (formerly Mosby’s Home Health Care) combines evidence-based skills and procedures, drug information and patient education appropriate for home health with competency management. Elsevier also offers eLearning for orientation to home health and regulatory and compliance education for all members of the care team. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING With its evidence-based content, competency management, standardized orientation and regulatory and compliance education – the Elsevier solution for home health care addresses the need for care consistency, onboarding and continuing education. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Barbara Cullen VP, Strategy and Product Development b.cullen@elsevier.com Louis Pilla Director of Product Strategy l.pilla@elsevier.com Dave Dwyer Director of Sales, Clinical Performance d.dwyer@elsevier.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Care standardization - evidence-based skills and procedures and competency management. • Onboarding/Orientation and continuing education - eLearning to address the specific needs of home health professionals. 13 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Tammy Purcell, RN, BSN Clinical Executive t.purcell@elsevier.com BENCHMARKING AND PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT THE BASICS 1245 Q Street Lincoln, NE 68508 (800) 388-4264 www.nationalresearch.com WHO WE ARE My InnerView products by National Research represent the true voice of long term care and senior living stakeholders with insightful quality measurement solutions and satisfaction surveys. My InnerView programs are the solutions for improving quality, resident/family experiences, and employee engagement for skilled nursing homes, assisted living, continuing care retirement, and independent living communities. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • We provide insight beyond quality measurement through our consumer perception, reputation management, & board education. • Our clients aren’t tied to a single survey mode. We offer options to best suit their needs (ie. phone, mail, email etc). Our story is best told by the success of our client of 8 years,Vetter Health Services, Inc. Vetter Health consists of 30 facilities in 5 states and has had a strong focus on improving overall quality improvement for their residents, families, and employees. COO Patrick Fairbanks explains that “In order to accomplish improvements with quality and greater levels of care you must focus on team members.” The My InnerView employee engagement solution has allowed Vetter Health to identify areas of success and improvement, and has helped them consistently improve in team member top box recommendation scores. Why do they partner with My Innerview? “Their reputation and customer service are outstanding.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Our new reputation solution allows providers to use existing experience data to publish independently verified ratings and reviews on their websites—providing the kind of transparency today’s consumer, and potential referral partners desire. HOW WE CAN HELP • We can help you communicate your satisfaction scores and demonstrate your value to potential referral partners. • We understand the impact of staff engagement on recommendation scores and help you identify necessary changes to drive improvement. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Hospice, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 14 Founded in 1981 Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Stephanie Kolbo National Account Manager skolbo@nationalresearch.com Emily Schweitzer Territory Manager, Business Development eschweitzer@nationalresearch.com BENCHMARKING AND PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT THE BASICS 5505 South 900 East, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 (801) 293-0700 www.pinnacleqi.com WHO WE ARE Pinnacle provides Home Health CAHPS and Hospice CAHPS surveys. We provide a phone based interview which captures a higher response rate and has a more personal approach. We also provide surveys for non-medical home health agencies. Our prices are very competitive and we offer additional services that can help set you apart from your competitors. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Phone surveys are the best choice for a service that is as personal and sensitive as hospice care. • Our customer service that we provide to our clients is second to none.You will love working with Jessica. Founded in 1996 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Customer service is important to us and getting back to our clients quickly and making sure that we are helping in anyway we can. 95% of our Home Health and Hospice clients are willing to recommend Pinnacle to other agencies. How can a company give advice about customer satisfaction, if their own customers are dissatisfied? Also, our ease of use rating is 98%. It is usually assumed that the down side of phone surveys is their price, as they cost more to conduct than mailed surveys. Thanks to our size and experience, however, we are able to offer phone interviews at a very similar price point, sometimes even less expensive, than mailed surveys. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Brady Carlsen VP, Business Development brady@pinnacleqi.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Pinnacle listens to their clients and helps by providing additional feedback that identifies additional areas of improvement that the CAHPS survey isn’t capturing. We couple Patient and Employee satisfaction to help increase scores even further. HOW WE CAN HELP • Pinnacle provides key feedback on employee satisfaction. Satisfied employees correlates with satisfied patients. • We are willing to roll up our sleeves with you. We realize each client has slightly different needs. We are here to help. 15 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Sarah Dirks Regional Director, Business Development sarah.dirks@pinnacleqi.com CARE MANAGEMENT THE BASICS 311 Arsenal Street Watertown, MA 02472 (617) 209-7985 www.archwayhealth.com WHO WE ARE Archway Health – We Make Bundled Payment Simple. Archway Health’s mission is to fix healthcare through payment reform. We do this by helping providers build & manage bundled payment programs. Archway’s solution is a comprehensive platform that includes Archway Carelink, a patient tracking tool & Archway Analytics, a web-based claims data analytics platform. Archway is helping dozens of providers succeed in the in BPCI & CJR programs. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2014 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL • Archway has built the most comprehensive and easy to use bundled payment platform in the market. • Archway is easy & flexible to work with, we’re happy to share risk or license our bundled payment tools and services. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Archway has been working with a Cincinnati-based network of SNFs, CCRC, and HHAs to build and manage their Bundled Payment for Care Improvement program since 2014. In the first phase of our partnership, we helped the network analyze their BPCI opportunities, select bundles, and recruit additional SNFs into their program. Once the BPCI program got up and running, we developed a patient tracking tool that helps SNFs and their referring hospitals track patient progress and health status in real time. We then combined the claims with real time data to develop care management and finance dashboards that helped these providers earn significant savings in their BPCI program and drive new referrals to their facilities. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Archway Carelink, our real time patient tracker, was developed to help providers manage their bundled payment program. We’ve also found that Carelink can be very effective at growing referrals through differentiated communication and care management. HOW WE CAN HELP • Archway’s tools can help post-acute providers drive new referrals from acute providers in ACO’s and BPCI. • Archway also helps post-acute providers improve care and reduce costs within their own Model 3 BPCI programs. 16 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK David Terry CEO dterry@archwayha.com Ben Gardner Senior VP of Sales & Marketing bgardner@archwayha.com CARE TRANSITIONS THE BASICS 275 Grove Street Newton, MA 02466 TM (800) 446-9614 www.curaspan.com WHO WE ARE Curaspan provides an integrated workflow platform that connects providers and improves patient hand-offs between care settings. Our platform enables successful participation in ACOs, bundled payment initiatives and pre-defined post-acute care networks by streamlining internal care transition workflows and collecting analytics on what happens to patients as they move through the continuum. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Products have been designed specifically with usability in mind to save time and increase compliance. • Curaspan has the largest (breadth and depth) network of connected healthcare providers. Executive Director Nathan Libassi, MPH, LNHA, of Avanté at Roanoke, a 130-bed SNF and rehabilitation facility in VA, wanted a better way to receive and manage patient referrals. His admissions team was taking too long to respond to referrals. With Curaspan’s application that electronically connects his facility with referring hospitals, Libassi’s staff now receives, reviews and tracks patient referrals online, in real time. “We are believers in technology and what the future looks like,” says Libassi. “Curaspan makes communications much easier for us. We’re able to bring in patients faster, which is good for the patient, good for us, and very helpful to referring hospitals.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We continue to evolve our offering in response to customer needs and changing industry regulations. Recently offering PACs the ability to perform discharge planning on the platform, working to integrate with PAC EMRs and adding eligibility checking. HOW WE CAN HELP • Our solution allows PACs to participate and thrive in value-based initiatives like ACOs and bundled-payment initiatives. • Curaspan frees resources by streamlining internal processes and collecting data on referral patterns, productivity, etc. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 17 Founded in 1999 Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Rob Stoltz Senior Director Continuum of Care rstoltz@curaspan.com Jon Pastor Director Continuum of Care jpastor@curaspan.com COMPLIANCE/CODING/OASIS THE BASICS 6405 Metcalf Avenue, Suite 108 Overland Park, KS 66202 (913) 362-0600 www.corridorgroup.com WHO WE ARE Founded in 1989, Corridor is a trusted business partner to non-acute healthcare providers, specializing in revenue cycle, coding, regulatory compliance, and operational excellence. Forward-thinking and committed to excellence — the Corridor team has delivered solutions to thousands of clients ranging from large health systems and national chains to smaller independently operated agencies. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Campus Connect is Corridor’s NEW eLearning solution, offering 600+ courses to ensure compliance for your organization. Founded in 1989 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Corridor was approached by a $25 million net revenue home health and hospice agency in New England, owned by a large regional not-for-profit health care system. The agency approached Corridor to perform a Medicare accounts receivable recovery project. At the time of the engagement, the agency had $1.4 million in traditional Medicare claims over 150 days old. Working with client staff, Corridor processed unpaid claims, corrected incorrectly paid claims and identified ADRs and unrecoverable claims. In the first four months Corridor was able to successfully collect $900,000 (64%) of the outstanding Medicare accounts receivable, on a contingency basis. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Des Varady Chief Executive Officer dvarady@corridorgroup.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Corridor’s Coding Services bring you proven expertise in ICD-10 coding and OASIS/Documentation Review. We provide ICD-10 coding/OASIS Reviews directly in the client’s EMR and can provide customized levels of OASIS Reviews based by payor source. HOW WE CAN HELP • Corridor’s unique combination of services offers providers one place for all their needs. • 25+ years in Revenue Cycle, Coding, Regulatory Compliance, and Operational Expertise to help your organization thrive. 18 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Steve Molinari Vice President of Sales and Marketing smolinari@corridorgroup.com COMPLIANCE/CODING/OASIS THE BASICS 2800 Shoreline Drive, Suite 300 Denton, TX 76210 (800) 213-4732 www.askFMS.com WHO WE ARE FMS is committed to providing the highest quality service to the home care and hospice industry. Coding To Go, a coding solution, offers results such as increased accuracy, proper sequencing, and accurate reimbursement since its launch in 2004. FMS offers auditing services including ADR, coding, therapy, OASIS, financial and Due Diligence. FMS clients will find a library of products and education to ease the burden of agency development. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1995 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Hospice • Coding To Go service guarantees a turnaround time of 24 hours and employs only state-side certified coding specialists. • As a management company for multiple providers, every product and service is developed and tested in real agencies. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Coding To Go was approached by a provider in need of expediting processes to bill in a timely manner. This provider serves a population of over 3000 patients. They requested a customized coding solution to meet weekly billing policies. The provider was driven by a need to recognize all AR reported to their financing company. Coding leaders and their teams, staying in close communication with agency leadership, were able to prioritize episodes needing to be billed in a particular order. Improved billing timelines assured the provider would be able to predict accurate reimbursement for financing needs each week. Billing and finance goals were met while also discovering several areas for improvement. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Valerie Cornett VP of Finance and Business Development valerie.cornett@fms-regional.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We shortened our turnaround time for outsource coding. We know how important timely billing is to the agency and with improved efficiencies we are able to offer a next day turnaround. Jacob Combs Sales Executive jacob.combs@fms-regional.com LeShea Mason Sales Executive leshea.mason@fms-regional.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Access to educational webinars will enhance agency staff understanding of coding and documentation requirements. • Coding To Go offers optimized, full reimbursement through proper sequencing. 19 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing COMPLIANCE/CODING/OASIS THE BASICS 15 Verbena Avenue Floral Park, NY 11001 (855) 485-7478 www.qirt.com WHO WE ARE QIRT (Quality In Real Time) is an industry-leading provider of home health and hospice coding and consulting services. Serving over 150 agencies with employees in 44 states, we are dedicated to enhancing the provision of care through four distinct, complimentary divisions: Quality, Clinical, Financial, and Education. QIRT will guide your health care company from inception to success with experts and tools to aid you at any stage of the process. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2006 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, SNF • Advantage Platform: QIRT’s one-of-a-kind reporting tool provides clear, concise reports & dashboards, not excel sheets. • QIRT experts & tools evaluate data & compliance, provide education, code & bill with speed, accuracy, & cost efficiency. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Recently, QIRT, working with a large health system, used Advantage Platform dashboards and reports to identify strengths and weaknesses in agency clinicians. This resulted in significant cost reduction for the agency. How? QIRT’s revolutionary tool identified specific OASIS errors and precise clinician weaknesses, and allowed this agency to target appropriate education for clinicians in the field. QIRT Team Leaders corrected and educated clinicians on common errors in coding and sequencing. Approximately 50% of the agency’s clinicians were able to come off full review. With education and evaluation, this agency realized significant cost savings: per chart costs were reduced 50% and review times decreased. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Laura Page-Greifinger, BSN, MPA President and CEO laura@QIRT.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The Advantage Platform, released May 2015, significantly improved clinician error and coding accuracy, and stood the test of ICD-10 transition, keeping resultant delays to a minimum. Our dashboards play a vital part in agency star rating improvement. Thomas Cannon Chief Operating Officer tom@QIRT.com Philip Keating, MSPT Chief Quality Officer philipk@QIRT.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Platinum Solution: outsourced quality & billing together improve quality scores & accelerate reliable reimbursement. • Quality dashboards evaluate and educate clinicians, so your agency can lower review levels and increase cost efficiency. 20 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Obinna Nwachukwu Director, Revenue Cycle Management obi@QIRT.com COMPLIANCE/CODING/OASIS THE BASICS 4155 East La Palma, Suite 250 Anaheim, CA 92807 (800) 332-0555 www.selectdata.com WHO WE ARE Select Data provides clinically driven results for every patient, on every issue, every day. Through our full-service auditing, coding and billing services, we identify productivity issues and work with your staff to improve your performance and profitability. Select Data is uniquely qualified to assist your agency in turning around operational challenges into revenue generating opportunities. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1990 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled • Our integrated software system SmartChart, combines EMR data with H&P, and lab results in one electronic record. • SmartChart provides real-time document tracking, clinician performance analysis, detailed reporting and benchmarking. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY With their denial rates climbing, average reimbursement in decline, and a backlog of un-coded records growing every day, the owners of a three location home health and hospice agency in the Greater Los Angeles area knew they needed expert help. When the agency outsourced their coding to Select Data, we identified the key issues causing a crisis in their cash flow. Our staff reviewed their documentation and helped them update the tools needed to capture information for accurate billing. We worked with their staff daily, providing support and training. Agency administrators used our reports to track their progress and address issues. Denials were down, reimbursement up, and their cash flow was stable and predictable. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Ed Buckley CEO ed.buckley@selectdata.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Beginning with our webinar “How shiny are your stars?”, Select Data launched a no cost training program exclusively for clinicians and administrators of our clients. Susan Carmichael Chief Compliance Officer susan.carmichael@selectdata.com Ted Schulte EVP of Business Development and Marketing ted.schulte@selectdata.com HOW WE CAN HELP • We are experts in coding and billing. Our clients enjoy ADR rates of .0001% and the denial rates of .00002%. • We provide data driven results. Through objective reporting, we improve your agencies performance and profitability. 21 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing COMPLIANCE/CODING/OASIS THE BASICS 357 Office Park Drive, Suite 2 Birmingham, AL 35223 (205) 218-6445 www.woodrowhealth.com WHO WE ARE Woodrow Healthcare is a Healthcare Consulting firm that offers a full suite of services to clients in the post acute space. With experts in operations, quality assurance, financial, billing, education, compliance and more, we are positioned to meet all of your needs. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Account Customization. Every client has a project manager, with consultants allocated only to their engagement. • 100% of our consultants are former providers, either associates, owners or operators, in the post acute space. Founded in 2012 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Private Duty/ Non-Medical Care, Hospice, SNF, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2015, a mid-sized home health agency in California began using our Chronic Illness Management system. The result was a great reduction in their re-hospitalization rates. This success led to a Top 5 list for Post Acute Care Transitions contract with one of the largest health system within the state of California. The overall higher quality of care and the reduction of overall re-hospitalizations, has been attributed in part to the training, programs and ongoing support provided to the agency by our company. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Stefanie Woodrow President and CEO swoodrow@woodrowhealth.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING POMlink is a web based, interactive version of our chronic illness platform.This real time tool allows clinicians to monitor their patient’s daily progress to goal. The 2015 revision allows for more integration, enhanced reports & Clinician benchmarks. Michael Lavallee Chief Technology Officer mlavallee@woodrowhealth.com Kelli Sahai Director of Quality Assurance ksahai@woodrowhealth.com HOW WE CAN HELP • With WHC, you have a partner who has managed daily operations in your space. Firsthand knowledge & expertise. • Custom and personalized executive trending, reporting and oversight delivered to you timely. 22 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing CONSULTING THE BASICS 1 Fayette Street, Suite 425 Conshohocken, PA 19428 (610) 536-6005 www.blacktreehealthcareconsulting.com WHO WE ARE BlackTree Healthcare Consulting provides revenue cycle, outsourcing, and clinical consulting services for the home health, hospice and skilled nursing industries. Through the delivery of exceptional client-centric consulting services, we enable our healthcare clients’ success by building collaborative relationships to support and maintain achievement of financial and operational goals. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Proven Partners: Collaborative relationships that support and maintain achievement of financial and operational goals. • Real Results: Meeting client needs while improving operational efficiency and positively impacting their bottom line. Founded in 2011 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, SNF GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Home Health Visiting Nurses experienced significant changes in their operations after completing a change to their EMR system, transition of their President and CEO, and turnover in key clinical management positions within the agency over a two-year period. The results impacted the agency’s financial stability and created a need to redesign all aspects of the revenue cycle. BlackTree Healthcare Consulting focused on the following areas of revenue cycle redesign: Intake, Insurance Verification, Authorization, and Orders/F2F tracking. Their redesign enabled a $1.6 million improvement to the bottom line in one fiscal year. Revenues improved by $1.2M and operating expenses decreased by $400,000. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Michael Freytag Managing Director - Founding Member mikefreytag@blacktreehealthcare.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The first step in preparation in Value Base Purchasing is knowing where your agency outcome impact will be. BlackTree is now offering a Free Value Based Purchasing Risk Assessment for agencies looking to prepare and avoid a 3% revenue cut. HOW WE CAN HELP • Increase cash flow while enabling staff to focus on agency operations with our billing and Coding & OASIS outsourcing. • Improve your bottom line through focusing on TAILORED solutions to increase efficiency throughout agency operations. 23 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Nick Seabrook Managing Director - Founding Member nickseabrook@blacktreehealthcare.com CONSULTING THE BASICS Valleybrooke Corporate Center 101 Lindenwood Drive, Suite 225 Malvern, PA 19355 (610) 768-8030 WHO WE ARE www.furtekassociates.com Furtek & Associates are specialists in providing mergers & acquisitions, performance improvement, and restructuring strategic advisory services exclusively to healthcare providers. Our areas of expertise and services include financial and revenue cycle improvement and due diligence; operational, clinical, and compliance assessments; restructuring and turnaround management; and Quality of Earnings reports to lenders and private equity investors. Founded in 2008 HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Our professionals have extensive experience as senior management & worked at big four accounting and consulting firms. • We have a multi-disciplinary team of financial, clinical, regulatory, and reimbursement subject matter experts. PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A few years ago, our client, a multi-state operator of long term care facilities, established a strategic goal of adding a home health and hospice line of business through acquisitions. They had a strong management team but limited experience in home health and hospice. We partnered with management and provided them access to a multi-disciplinary team of home health & hospice financial, clinical, regulatory, and reimbursement subject matter experts. Together, we were able to complete five home health and hospice acquisitions. Our services included providing a comprehensive evaluation of each target, preparing Quality of Earnings reports, preparing financial projections, and assisting with post closing integration. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Richard Furtek Principal rfurtek@furtekassociates.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING There are numerous changes being implemented or pending in healthcare reimbursement and clinical compliance. We are familiar with these changes and how they impact our clients and the businesses they are acquiring. HOW WE CAN HELP • We can recommend M&A due diligence best practices used by industry-leading companies and private equity investors. • We partner with management and PE investors to complete transactions, improve financial performance, and grow value. 24 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing CONSULTING THE BASICS PO Box 70088 Tucson, AZ 85704 (520) 229-8882 www.jjrpartners.com WHO WE ARE JJR Partners Executive Search was founded in 2002 by Joe Rademacher. He saw a need for a search firm that would bring a high level of service and professionalism to a critical business process. Our mission is to partner with our clients and candidates to help them achieve their goals through long-term relationships built on trust, professionalism and results. We specialize in the post-acute provider space and are industry insiders. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Deep understanding of the dynamics, complexities, and opportunities in the PAC sector, and the “A-Players” within it. • Every candidate we submit is pre-screened & interviewed to exact client specifications. A provider of skilled nursing services entered the homecare market via acquisition. They needed a Homecare Executive with clinical, operations, and EMR expertise. JJR partners was engaged to conduct the search, and successfully completed it in 30 days. The CEO of the client company commented: “Joe Rademacher and JJR Partners really understand the dynamic needs for talent in the post-acute healthcare space. We worked with them on a critical, difficult to source hire. They are the first search company I’ve worked with that quickly sent candidates that matched the skills and experience my team was seeking. I am very satisfied with my experience with JJR Partners, and highly recommend their services.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Easy to use video interviewing tools that open on any platform. The technology is simple, effective, and interviews can be recorded for use by all members of the hiring team. HOW WE CAN HELP • JJR Partners knowledge of the PAC market, and extensive relationships with key players. • Our services can be engaged in a variety of ways, and at a competitive fee structure. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 25 Founded in 2002 Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Joe Rademacher President joe@jjrpartners.com CONSULTING THE BASICS 5925 Stevenson Avenue, Suite G Harrisburg, PA 17112 (800) 320-5401 www.lw-consult.com WHO WE ARE LW Consulting will assist you with payment reform, compliance, operational, clinical and financial challenges. We partner with you as an extension of your team, sharing our knowledge and expertise, to help you integrate clinical care, analyze markets and bring innovative ideas to life. We serve as an IRO under Corporate Integrity Agreements.You can count on our knowledge and accuracy to deliver trustworthy results and sustainable outcomes. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • We have a network of physicians, nurses, coders, therapists, statisticians, and other health professionals. • We tailor solutions to client needs. It’s our goal to leave you with the know how to succeed far after our services end. Founded in 2005 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY We partnered with a Michigan based home health agency (HHA) to assess the market potential for growth in serving Medicare recipients. The HHA wanted to increase clients and was competing with a hospital based home health in their market area. The Home Health also wanted to determine if a strong market existed for Private Duty services. We identified the market potential for new services and assisted the HHA with market strategies to grow their clientele. We also provided recommendations to increase visibility as a provider of choice. As a result of the targeted marketing efforts, home health clientele increased 15%. The business model was expanded to include Private Duty services in the primary market area. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Lisa Wilt President & CEO lwilt@lw-consult.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We have developed a unique compliance risk assessment and audit tool, tailored to specific agencies, using data driven analytics to identify risk and potential Five Star impact. HOW WE CAN HELP • We can position you for success under payment reform and in working with ACOs. • Ensure regulatory compliance through training, education and audits and improve productivity and profitability. 26 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Rodney Farley Vice President of Post Acute Care Services rfarley@lw-consult.com CONSULTING THE BASICS 997 Old Eagle School Road Wayne, PA 19087 (610) 964-9680 www.mcbeeassociates.com WHO WE ARE McBee’s financial and clinical consultants provide custom solutions for one out of three agencies in the country. For over 40 years, hospitals, home health agencies, and hospice organizations have partnered with us to resolve their most critical financial, operational, and clinical issues. Our client base includes the largest publicly traded and independent home health chains, as well as hospital-based agencies and community providers. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1973 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Hospice, SNF • We’re exclusively dedicated to the needs of healthcare providers, addressing their unique challenges. • Our expertise spans the full continuum of care. We partner with over 3,800 providers in acute and post-acute care. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A home care and hospice provider in New England faced a LUPA rate consistently more than 13%. The agency sought to increase patient satisfaction, quality scores, and revenue. McBee proposed an episode management solution focused on improving visit utilization and reducing care variance. Our clinicians established a 24-hour call center and a standard process for follow up to monitor changes in patient conditions. Fall prevention and hospital liaison training were also focus areas. The agency’s average LUPA rate was lowered from 13% to 9%, bringing the agency within best practice standards. The agency has achieved a Home Health Compare Star Ratings score of four on the five-star rating system. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Mike Dordick Senior Vice President-Principal mikedordick@mcbeeassociates.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING McBee has over 18 years’ experience in Bundled Payments, positioning it well to assist clients in understanding the true challenges and opportunities that exist in these models, both with Medicare and commercial payers. HOW WE CAN HELP • Revenue Cycle Enhancement: Focus on strategies to generate new efficiencies, cut costs, and preserve margins. • OASIS/Coding: Discuss the importance of an effective OASIS/coding program for your agency’s clinical & financial health. 27 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Tom Lillis Vice President-Principal tomlillis@mcbeeassociates.com CONSULTING THE BASICS 4130 Whitney Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 (203) 287-9288 www.simione.com WHO WE ARE Simione Healthcare Consultants provides comprehensive home health and hospice business solutions in operations, compliance & risk, finance, cost reporting, sales & marketing, and mergers & acquisitions, along with interim management, outsourced billing/coding, benchmarking and value-based purchasing tools. Simione engages agencies and health networks to improve quality, reduce cost and minimize risk for maximum efficiency and profitability. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Leadership in national/regional initiatives. Support for 1,500+ agencies over 50 years in home health and hospice. • Uniquely skilled CPAs/CVAs to support budget, operations, cost reports, M&A, Medicare reimbursement, and benchmarking. Home Health Foundation(HHF) of Lawrence, MA, engaged Simione Healthcare Consultants to spearhead a comprehensive budget & business plan for home care & hospice operations. Reviewing HHF’s 6 locations serving 110+ communities in MA, NH & ME, Simione identified performance improvement opportunities & success strategies for HHF’s multi-state operations. HHF President & CEO John Albert said, “Simione partnered with HHF to deliver a focused, comprehensive plan that improved our financial performance within a single budget cycle. Simione has a well-informed understanding of the home care & hospice environment, & leveraged that knowledge to help us build an innovative plan for the future. They are a strong partner.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Simione provides a toolkit to prepare clients for success with the Value-Based Purchasing model. We assess readiness, evaluate current status, and provide training and strategies to improve performance with quality measures and public reporting. HOW WE CAN HELP • Unsurpassed home care and hospice expertise to improve organizational performance and position agencies successfully. • Exceptional depth and breadth of knowledge to identify and solve challenges in all areas of operations. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 28 Founded in 1966 Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK David Berman, CPA, CGMA, CVA Principal dberman@simione.com Julia Maroney, RN, MHSA Director jmaroney@simione.com CONSULTING THE BASICS 2001 Lake Point Way Louisville, KY 40223 (239) 561-0826 www.stoneridgepartners.com WHO WE ARE Stoneridge Partners is a merger & acquisition advisory firm that provides specialized intermediary services brokering the sale of home care agencies, hospices, and behavioral health agencies, exclusively. Founded in 2001 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Exclusive M&A intermediaries for home care, hospice and behavioral health. Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Seller X had a home care/hospice business that was starting to lose money. Upon partnering with Stoneridge, we were able to maximize the selling price of his company by bringing a strategic buyer to the table who was interested in the location of this business, ultimately increasing the value of Seller X’s assets. This is just one example of how Stoneridge Partners bridges the gap between buyers and sellers. Our goal is finding the best financial or strategic buyer for each seller. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Rich Tinsley President and CEO rich@stoneridgepartners.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The Stoneridge Partners office and team has expanded. We now offer branch offices in Ft. Myers, Florida; Louisville, KY; Dallas, Texas; Tucson, Arizona; and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. HOW WE CAN HELP • We match the correct buyers & sellers together thereby maximizing the value of the transaction for both buyer and seller. • We focus on the sale of home health, hospice and behavioral health agencies, exclusively. 29 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Brian Bruenderman Partner brian@stoneridgepartners.com DISASTER RECOVERY THE BASICS 7515 Jefferson Highway #5 Baton Rouge, LA 70806 (800) 914-7634 www.hytropy.com WHO WE ARE Designing a disaster program for home health aides spread out over many miles can be a difficult undertaking! We make it easy with our cutting-edge disaster preparedness that reinvents home health resiliency. Hytropy is a 24/7 full-service disaster preparedness company that partners with you to design and implement custom-minted disaster plans, training, and exercises that never become obsolete, and goes beyond compliance to true resilience! HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Ready-To-Use Plans – Our advanced programs empower your staff to utilize our advanced disaster tools quickly and easily. • 24/7 Live Support - We boast the world’s only freelance Emergency Operations Center to provide you live, expert support. Founded in 2009 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A home health agency in Florida with staff spread out in 3 counties reached out to us to design a custom disaster program from scratch that would include their staff, patients, and administration. Staff could not get together for training, and the company had an outdated plan that didn’t meet the strict Florida disaster regulations. Hytropy disaster planners went right to work, designing a regulatory-compliant plan and providing custom online training for all staff accessible on their phones and tablets. During hurricane season in 2014, a major change had to be made to all the disaster plans, so within just 96 hours, the plan was updated, new training launched, and nearly 90% of the staff had completed the training. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Patrick Hardy, LL.M., CEM, MEP, CRM President phardy@hytropy.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We’re taking the opportunity at Post-Acute Link to provide an exclusive look at our new disaster mobile app for home health companies. Utilizing advanced functionality, our app provides our powerful response tools and 24/7 support at your fingertips. HOW WE CAN HELP • Agency and Patient Plans – We design plans for your aides AND your patients so you are ready for 2016 CMS regulations. • Monthly Updates - Programs are fully-updated MONTHLY so your program remains newly-minted, and never falls obsolete. 30 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing William Francis, CBCP, FBCI Chief Business Continuity Officer wfrancis@hytropy.com DISTRIBUTION THE BASICS 2496 Jett Ferry Road, Suite 201 Atlanta, GA 30338 (877) 728-7122 www.hh-solutions.com WHO WE ARE Home Healthcare Solutions, A Cardinal Health company, offers a comprehensive patient-direct medical supply logistics and management program to home health and hospice organizations across the country. Our Mobile Supply Closet® Program innovates in supply delivery to patients and replenishment to staff, business intelligence, enhanced clinical practice, workflow improvement, third-party supply billing, software integration, and financial outcomes. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Our FOCUS on working with home health and hospice organizations. • Our ATTENTION TO DETAIL is incorporated into our processes and a critical component to a successful supply program. Founded in 2001 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Synergistic provider partnerships are core to our company history and operating philosophy. In 1986, a customer of the organization that predates our founding expressed a need to better manage its disposable medical supplies. A dedicated ordering line and courier system were set up to quickly get supplies to patient and staff homes. The just-in-time delivery model was the genesis of today’s comprehensive program and is perhaps the longest running patient-direct supply management partnership in home health and hospice. Today we are still an integrated business partner with that initial customer, BJC Home Care Services in St. Louis, and now have more to offer our organizational partners than ever before. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Rob Goodsell Director robert.goodsell01@cardinalhealth.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING As part of the Cardinal Health organization, we’ve continued to enhance our program offering with further cost-saving options that include integrated third-party supply billing, clinical practice insights, robust reporting, and data analytics. Michael Harbaugh Director michael.harbaugh@cardinalhealth.com Jeff Smart Director jeffrey.smart@cardinalhealthcare.com HOW WE CAN HELP • We help reduce agency supply consumption and spend through ordering controls, targeted reporting and good pricing. • We help improve operational workflow and practice through efficient logistics, software integration and consultation. 31 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing DISTRIBUTION THE BASICS 9954 Mayland Drive, Suite 4000 Richmond, VA 23233 (888) 822-8111 mms.mckesson.com WHO WE ARE The health of your business is driven by the health of your patients. That’s why McKesson Medical-Surgical brings you more products, more distribution services, more business management tools and more clinical support than other medical supply distributors — so you can save time, reduce costs and focus on providing patient care. Because when you get more from your distributor, you can do more for your patients. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • WoundCare Companion - a one stop shop for Advanced Wound Care needs, including national brand & private label products. • Customized Business Reviews - delivering the data you need to run your business better. Christiana Care Visiting Nurse Association needed to decrease their supply spend by 15%. We worked with their SVP of Clinical, CFO and President to assess their current expenditures. We found over-utilization of wound care products. In addition, we found that over time their formulary had grown. We set up bi-weekly meetings with clinical and field management staff to trim their formulary, and put in our “Rules Management” gatekeeping mechanism to prevent overutilization of products without management oversight. While addressing the supplies, we also dissected their clinical team supply practices and streamlined those as well. Christiana saw close to a 20% decrease in supply costs and savings in labor and mileage. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING WoundCare Companion - a comprehensive, one-stop shop for all of your advanced wound care needs including an extensive product portfolio, educational guides and clinical information and resources. HOW WE CAN HELP • Providing you with personalized sales support to be a true partner for your business. • Offering customized reporting, data benchmarking, innovative partner relationships and clinical expertise. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 32 Founded in 1833 Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Maria Lugo Field Vice President, Home Health & Hospice maria.lugo@mckesson.com Jeff Ward Field VP Long-Term Care jeff.ward@mckesson.com E-LEARNING THE BASICS 111 Corning Rd, Suite 250 Cary, NC 27518 (919) 655-1800 www.reliaslearning.com WHO WE ARE Relias Learning’s e-learning and on-line training offerings help to drive turnover lower, improve staff effectiveness and bolster retention. A who’s who of leading providers across all senior care segments partner with Relias to make regulatory compliance and staff training easy to use, track and manage, making Relias the #1 choice for learning and compliance in the industry. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Relias provides more staff development and e-learning training content than any other vendor in senior care. • Relias is the only provider to exclusively Skillsoft’s Business Skills courses to improve your business and management. Founded in 2012 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Hospice, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Training Coordinator Kim Novak with Friendship Retirement Community was new to HR and needed to find an online education solution to keep up with the state’s assisted living mandates. Staff needed 12 hours of dementia education alone. Relias was key for her company. It was the first electronic initiative for the company and its 700+ employees. According to Kim, the brilliant part about it is the courses are about more than just annual mandatory training - there are life skills courses, too. Her staff has 24-hour access to free education, including courses on balancing a checkbook or Microsoft Excel, to smart business and smart leadership courses to help develop managers and free CE for clinical staff. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Don Lazzari National Sales Director dlazzari@reliaslearning.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We are developing new content aligned to common business problems such as Hiring & Interviewing, Giving Performance Feedback, and Effective Orientation. We will also unveil mobile friendly training for your field teams to keep compliance on the go. HOW WE CAN HELP • Reduce turnover by automating training through innovative learning, situational simulations and micro-learning. • Significantly reducing regulatory risk and the financial impact of liability. 33 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Peter Payerli Post-Acute, Emerging Markets ppayerli@reliaslearning.com FINANCIAL AND RELATED SERVICES THE BASICS 360 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor New York, NY 10017 (212) 869-5600 www.cainbrothers.com WHO WE ARE Cain Brothers is a pre-eminent investment bank focused exclusively on healthcare. We deliver innovative solutions and fresh ideas to our mergers & acquisitions, capital raising, and strategic and financial advisory clients. Recent home health and hospice clients include All Metro Health Care, New Century Hospice,VNA of Boston, Professional HealthCare and others. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Our deep knowledge of the industry is matched with the knowhow needed to execute complex transactions of all sizes. • With a focus on healthcare, we have an unobstructed view of the industry that enables us to provide unique perspectives. Founded in 1984 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Cain Brothers was recently retained by New Century Hospice to explore a potential sale of the company. We ran a highly competitive and targeted sale process to identify the optimal strategic partner. In January, 2016 the company was acquired by Curo Health Services, one of the nation’s largest providers of hospice services. We were able to achieve an outstanding result for our client by valuing the business off forward pro forma branch-level EBITDA, including credit for recently completed acquisitions, as well as running a highly competitive and efficient process: 14 weeks between process launch and the signing of a definitive agreement. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Wyatt Ritchie Managing Director writchie@cainbrothers.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING In addition to investment banking services, we are working with health systems throughout the country to organize post-acute networks to better integrate care and align financial incentives between discharging hospitals and post-acute providers. HOW WE CAN HELP • Unparalleled access to capital providers and business partners in a rapidly evolving healthcare industry. • Opportunity to deepen relationships with referral sources as healthcare delivery moves to value-based care. 34 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing FINANCIAL AND RELATED SERVICES THE BASICS 3600 Minnesota Drive, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55435 (952) 223-8400 www.triple-tree.com WHO WE ARE TripleTree is a healthcare merchant bank focused on mergers and acquisitions, growth capital, strategic advisory, IPO advisory and divestiture services. Since 1997, we have advised some of the most innovative and high-growth businesses in healthcare – delivering results that consistently met or exceeded our client’s expectations. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Industry Relationships, Thought Leadership, Healthcare Domain Expertise Founded in 1997 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A high-growth provider of end-of-life hospice care serving the upper Midwest engaged TripleTree as an investment banking advisor to help evaluate and explore the Company’s strategic options. Recognizing the growing demand for hospice services and the opportunity for continued expansion, the Company sought a strategic partner with a shared vision of the future as well as the ability to invest in the Company’s long-term growth. TripleTree helped assess many options and identify an experienced and successful investor in healthcare services to help drive their continued market expansion. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Justin Roth Managing Director justinroth@triple-tree.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The TripleTree Platform identifies market forces and emerging trends. We use these insights to develop blogs and research that engage the industry about disruptive themes and high impact markets, resulting in successful outcomes for all involved. HOW WE CAN HELP • Strategic advisory, mergers and acquisitions, growth capital. • IPO advisory, divestitures 35 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing HR SERVICES THE BASICS 1601 Cloverfield Blvd, Suite 600 Los Angeles, CA 90404 (310) 752-0200 www.cornerstoneondemand.com WHO WE ARE Cornerstone OnDemand is a global leader in cloud-based learning and talent management software. The company’s solutions help organizations realize the potential of a modern workforce. From recruitment, onboarding, training and collaboration, to performance management, compensation, succession planning, Cornerstone is designed to enable a lifetime of learning and development that is fundamental to the growth of employees and organizations. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Cornerstone provides a single portal for all employee engagement - regardless of position, location or device. Founded in 1999 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY With increasing demand for direct care, ResCare – the nation’s largest provider of services to people with disabilities – hires thousands of employees each year. Prior to implementing Cornerstone OnDemand, recruiting had been problematic. With multiple platforms and vendor contacts, ResCare was in search of a unified talent management solution to simplify and streamline its recruiting processes, and unanimously chose Cornerstone. Now, with Cornerstone’s easy-to-use and highly configurable solution, ResCare has reduced application completion time by 32 percent, increased its flow of applicants and automated previously time-intensive, manual systems. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Michael Dale National Sales Manager, Healthcare mdale@csod.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Cornerstone’s Talent Management platform helps organizations engage their employees, customers, and partners to be more effective in what they do by bringing them closer to each other and critical resources. HOW WE CAN HELP • Improve compliance and care with training via our learning management system (LMS). • Engage employees by providing real time feedback, development plans and succession tracks via competency and performance management solutions. 36 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Christine Corning Regional Sales Manager, Healthcare ccorning@csod.com HR SERVICES THE BASICS 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60601 (773) 592-3508 www.myCNAjobs.com WHO WE ARE myCNAjobs & HealthHire offer a suite of Caregiver, CNA, and home health aide recruitment tools built for the senior care industry. Services include a marketplace attracting thousands of daily applicants, job postings, career fairs events, realtime interview booking, and recruitment analytics and consulting services to streamline recruitment. By partnering with executive teams, we help companies transform caregiver recruitment. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Senior care is our specialty - we’re a destination for caregivers seeking a career, scholarship, or training. • We have the tools, team, and insight to help solve your core front-line staffing challenges. “Our entire organization leverages myCNAjobs, including both online tools and 100+ Caregiver onDemand events/yr. They offer unparalleled service, have increased recruiter engagement, and are dedicated to our success. We’re piloting their latest innovation - interview booking - they book interviews in real-time, allowing our recruiters to save time and expedite onboarding,” -Ruthi Farrago,VP Humana At Home Senior Bridge. “Since joining forces, we’ve expanded our applicant pool and reduced time-to-hire. Their events make it more efficient to recruit in high volumes while reaching applicants not found on other channels. They’ve made a substantial impact on our recruitment,” -Kathryn Mejia, Talent Acquisition, Silverado. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Our latest innovation is real-time interview booking. We pre-screen and book interviews for Companions, CNAs, HHAs, and PCAs in real-time throughout the week, allowing recruiters to spend more time interviewing, onboarding, and improving retention. HOW WE CAN HELP • myCNAjobs is a partner to national companies seeking a more efficient approach to recruit front line staff. • Grow your talent pool & gain insight on recruiter performance and/or let us send caregivers ready-to-interview. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Care - Paraprofessional/NonMedical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 37 Founded in 2012 Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Brandi Kurtyka CEO brandi@myCNAjobs.com Nathan Kurtyka CTO nathan@myCNAjobs.com INSURANCE THE BASICS 725 Lowndes Hill Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 770-6100 www.benefitsinacard.com WHO WE ARE Benefits in a Card serves the unique challenges of home health and the assisted living industries with ACA compliant benefits. We provide benefits solutions that help build stronger relationships between companies and their employees. Our solutions include our Minimum Essential Coverage Plan, Minimum Value Plan, and Fixed Indemnity Plans, as well as Vision, Dental, Short-Term Disability, Term Life, Critical Illness, and Accident Coverage. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Companies can customize their benefits offerings to best suit their unique needs within the home health industry. • All of our plans are aggregated weekly, and we offer multiple methods of enrollment (online, phone, or paper). Founded in 1992 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2015, Care Columbus, a home health staffing company based out of Columbus, OH, approached Benefits in a Card to provide appropriate benefits solutions to their employees. Care Columbus was seeking a company which would be able to customize their particular benefit offerings in a competitive and efficient manner, providing benefits to a work force with unique scheduling and employment needs. Benefits in a Card provided their expertise and customer care in over 23 years of experience working within the staffing industry to fulfill these needs. Benefits in a Card provided Care Columbus with appropriate enrollment support, customized benefit offerings, and weekly aggregated plan support to serve their needs. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Carl Stecker CEO carl.stecker@benefitsinacard.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The benefits and insurance solutions offered by Benefits in a Card are ACA compliant. Benefits in a Card is continuously working with outside carriers to ensure its clients are offered appropriate, cost-effective, and flexible benefit offerings. HOW WE CAN HELP • Provides ACA compliant benefits solutions for providers seeking to build stronger relationships with their employees. • Plans are aggregated weekly, offer multiple methods of enrollment, and are customized to fit their clients’ needs. 38 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Sarah Oliver National Account Executive sarah.oliver@benefitsinacard.com INSURANCE THE BASICS 16100 Swingley Ridge Road, Suite 250 St. Louis, MO 63017 (636) 489-0183 www.heffins.com WHO WE ARE CareProviders Business Insurance is a division of Heffernan Insurance Brokers which is the 16th largest Independent Insurance Brokers. We serve the Insurance needs of over 500 homecare, hospice, independent, assisted, CCRC and SNF’s. We enjoy proprietary relationships with insurance carriers that specialize in and have intimate knowledge of the CareProvider Industry. We focus on lowering our clients insurance expenditure, and entire cost of risk. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Expertise in the Care segment for profit and non profit organizations. Cost of risk and issued related to changing laws. • Very robust service for claims, loss control, contract and policy negotiations and exclusive insurance products. A prospect told us that their Property and Casualty Insurance program was not a priority and they seemed to like their current agent. The CFO understood the value of working with HIB based on our results with another ALC. This portfolio included 7 assisted living communities totaling over 400 licensed beds. We confirmed that they were not in the most advantages program and there were tremendous gaps in coverage. Our priority was improving coverage and working on a program that specializes in senior living. We were able to so, in addition to saving them 50% in premium and changing the contract and forms on their professional liability which reduced a lot of risk. Ownership wished they would have acted sooner. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Workers compensation claims and loss control programs with industry leading technology proven to reduce costs. Flock Benefit Management Portal is a robust benefit management program provided at a low cost to our clients. HOW WE CAN HELP • 45-minute conversation about all our Insurance capabilities will turn into a very sizable cost and coverage improvement. • We will focus on your needs and your issues and improve your business bottom line. Each risk is independent and unique. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 39 Founded in 1987 Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Michael J. Boone Senior Vice President mikeb@heffins.com Tiffany Maggard Vice President tiffanyw@heffins.com MARKETING THE BASICS 6716 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 225 Columbia, MD 21046 (800) 571-8553 www.dreamscapemarketing.com WHO WE ARE Dreamscape Marketing’s number one priority is you. We thrive to provide creative, unique & results-oriented marketing campaigns for our clients via trackable, measurable, and repeatable marketing solutions. We’re at the forefront of marketing trends backed by leading edge technology & methodology to increase lead generation, brand recognition, and business development while delivering critical data to executive-level decision makers for growth. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Dreamscape applies financial modeling to our marketing campaigns so that executives know the exact cost per action. • Time is money! Dreamscape utilizes the latest digital technologies to execute your project quickly & accurately. “An 80-bed behavioral health center in Florida wanted to generate online leads & lower cost per admission. Client’s CMO said, “I’m cautious to engage in a SEO campaign as we had no success before.” To meet the objectives, we built a new web platform with contemporary coding tactics stronger user experience & deployed a strategic SEO campaign by producing 1,000 unique & geo-targeted digital assets; blogs, video & landing pages. Paired with distribution & link building initiatives, which all contributed to their success. In 12 months, visitor traffic increased by 400%, call volume from 30/month to over 170/month, qualified leads from 15/month to over 80/month & decreased PPC spend, lowering cost per admission by 50%. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Dreamscape deploys the Lean Startup Methodology. This methodology encourages our teams to go from an idea to development to getting the results of that idea faster. This allows us to solidify the ideal strategy faster & with less wasted labor. HOW WE CAN HELP • Integrated analytics displayed to clients in one easy to read custom dashboard to monitor campaign success. • Wide spectrum of design capabilities to ensure each client’s brand is presented uniquely online & captures all leads. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 40 Founded in 2005 Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Daniel Gemp CEO dgemp@dreamscapemail.com William Camacho Director of Strategic Engagement wcamacho@dreamscapemail.com MARKETING THE BASICS 1255 Corporate Drive Holland, OH 43528 (419) 725-6604 www.theimagegroup.net WHO WE ARE Our Senior Living + Care division specializes in creative marketing solutions designed to improve census, attract and engage staff, increase satisfaction scores, and build your brand. As a single source for both print and promotional marketing products, we’ll help you enhance results, save time, and reduce costs. Our team possesses over 30 years of experience supporting the senior healthcare market. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1947 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Hospice, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care • We are focused on results! We show you how to target your print and promotional product spend for optimal effectiveness. • We are the industry leader in protecting your brand through stringent product safety and social compliance standards. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY One of our new clients is a 13-facility IL/AL/Alzheimer care provider in New England, who was frustrated with the inconsistency of their marketing message in their communities. Their print & promotional marketing purchases lacked consistent quality and pricing, and facilities were unclear on how the products coordinated or should be used. Working with their marketing, purchasing, and accounting departments, we built a comprehensive online store that provides coordinated sourcing of print and promotional products for all their communities, with online customization and proofing, and clearly organized branding messages. We are currently designing an employee recognition program for them to implement. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We offer our customers a custom web-based app, featuring single sourcing of print and promotional marketing collateral. You can create, approve, and order all of your marketing items in one step, saving time and money while controlling your brand. HOW WE CAN HELP • Creative support and greater efficiency through integrated procurement for your print and promotional marketing products. • We bring solutions to build your census, attract and engage workers, increase satisfaction scores, and build your brand. 41 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Mike Kennedy Director of Business Development mkennedy@theimagegroup.net MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - DME/HME AdvaCare SYSTEMS Providing solutions for your specialty needs THE BASICS 2939 N. Pulaski Road Chicago, IL 60641 (866) 276-7677 www.advacaresystems.com WHO WE ARE AdvaCare Systems is the Midwest’s leading rental provider of high quality medical equipment for the Skilled Nursing, Acute Care & Hospice industry. We specialize in Alternating Pressure & Low Air Loss support surfaces, Broda and Wheelchair mobility, Bariatric, Wound Care, and patient transfer products. The Joint Commission accredited since 1999, AdvaCare employs the latest technology & professional technicians supporting a 24 hour service model. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1995 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Hospice, SNF, CCRC, Memory Care • Inventory: We constantly purchase best-of-breed, high quality outcome driven products with multiple therapy options. • Infrastructure: With 28 warehouses & 175 service vehicles, we are able to fully support customers 24 X 7 X 365. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2015, a large hospice provider approached us for help with rental equipment tracking & daily patient budget management. We quickly partnered with a software company to implement a web-based customer ordering and executive level cost management system. With a new AdvaCare project management team, we began data conversion and process migration. After 90 days, we successfully implemented the new solution and trained the customer’s staff to use the cloudbased customer portal system. The customer realized immediate time savings with electronic ordering and better cost control using the financial dashboard. After 2.5 years, we have converted many new customers to this solution. Regional Only IL, WI, IN, OH, MI MO, PA, KS, IA OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Larry Feldman President and CEO lfeldman@advacaresystems.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We are completing a new ERP software solution for our internal business needs & an enhanced online experience for our customer utilization, budgeting & billing needs. This 14 month project is the largest technology advancement in company history. HOW WE CAN HELP • High quality equipment delivered when you need it, 24 hours per day.Therapy technologies producing positive outcomes. • Professional service technician staff trained for product setup & troubleshooting whether in a facility or private home. 42 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Robert Locascio VP, Sales rlocascio@advacaresystems.com MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - DME/HME THE BASICS 99 Seaview Boulevard Port Washington, NY 11050 (877) 224-0946 www.drivemedical.com WHO WE ARE Our mission statement says it all: DRIVE EXISTS TO ENHANCE THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE PEOPLE WE TOUCH. Drive Medical is one of the fastest growing global distributors of durable medical equipment. The Company markets and distributes its products to customers located throughout North America, Europe, Central America, South America, the Middle East and Asia. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2000 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC • Product Breadth: With over 3500 products, Drive offers the widest selection of products in the industry. • Value Added Services: Our dedicated customer service and clinical support resources are here to support your business. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Since the implementation of Medicare’s competitive bidding program, we’ve had many questions from our customers asking how we can help lower their costs to improve their profitability. While cost reductions weren’t possible, we created a program educating our customers how to provide other value added options to products, enabling them to increase the average sale and thus improve profitability. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Tony Crisitello SVP - LTC Division tcrisitello@drivemedical.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING With the recent acquisition of DeVilbiss Healthcare, one of the oldest and most respected respiratory companies in the industry, we’ve expanded our respiratory offering providing more value to our homecare customers. Lance Lerch VP - LTC Sales llerch@drivemedical.com Dan Halas VP - LTC Corp Accounts dhalas@drivemedical.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Sales, Service, & Clinical support teams to help improve the interaction with your customers & patients. • Innovative products providing industry leading features and benefits with the best value. 43 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - DME/HME THE BASICS 7451 Airport Freeway Richland Hills, TX 76118 (817) 369-3209 www.hospicecloud.com WHO WE ARE Hospice Cloud is the leading DME management solution in the country. Between 60 owned and operated locations and 300+ contracted DME providers; Hospice Cloud can customize a solution to meet the specific needs of your agency. Receive real-time visibility into key metrics, equipping your team with mobile ordering capabilities, executive dashboards, and customizable work flows allowing you to easily achieve desired objectives. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2006 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Hospice • We’re more than a 3rd party system.We own and operate 60 full service DME locations.We understand what quality means. • As the largest DME provider in the nation we can equip our network partners with benefits only we have access to. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY We service hospice agencies across the country from small to some of the largest well known names in the industry. Prior to using Hospice Cloud, one of our largest clients was utilizing over 70 different DME providers. This translates to 70 different invoices and 70 individual contracts. Through Hospice Cloud, we were able to consolidate the segmented process. Our partner experienced significant savings and their team now places all orders through the mobile platform resulting in huge efficiency gains. The executive team now has full visbility into financials and utilizations giving them unrivaled control over their process and spend. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Clay Ingram Vice President of Business Development clay.ingram@nationalhme.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Hospice reimbursement will soon be directly linked to service feedback. Between our hospice specific line of products (iHeal®) and the advancements made with our technology; clients will be in a strategic position as reimbursement guidelines change. Taylor Enabnit Senior Vice President of Business Operations tenabnit@nationalhme.com Dave Buck Vice President of Sales dave.buck@therapysupport.com HOW WE CAN HELP • With the Hospice Cloud platform, we can provide operational efficiencies that lower direct and indirect DME costs. • With 60 of our own DME locations nationally, we’re the largest DME in the nation, built for any need, anywhere. 44 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - DME/HME THE BASICS 2145 Highland Avenue South, Suite 110 Birmingham, AL 35205 (205) 440-4459 www.hospicelink.com WHO WE ARE Hospicelink is the leading DME Benefit Management Solution (DBM), with advanced capabilities in DME cost reduction, cost containment, utilization management, and operational improvement. We combine expert consultation and technologyenabled controls to empower hospices with a true 360-degree view of DME services through our online ordering, billing, and reporting system, which consolidates organization-wide metrics into a single interface. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2011 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Hospice • As a true third party DBM, Hospicelink offers the nation’s largest network of quality, contracted DME suppliers. • Hospicelink’s transparent pricing model and structure drives accountability, proven results, and partnership value. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A 3,000+ patient hospice servicing patients throughout the Eastern U.S. spent $7.4M annually on DME. This was a result of paying DME suppliers above market rates on a census based billing model inclusive of all patient days, including those who did not receive DME. Utilization controls were limited and the manual process of invoicing, from numerous suppliers, made the management of costs challenging and cumbersome. Hospicelink saved the hospice $1.9M by renegotiating DME rates, leveraging nationwide volume, and re-structuring the billing to a DME Days based model, ensuring the hospice only paid for patients utilizing DME. The hospice also gained a partner whose sole focus was the management of their DME. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Chad Trull Chief Operating Officer chad.trull@hospicelink.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Hospicelink is focused on “Big Data” initiatives. We are bringing clients innovative analytic tools, enhanced ordering means, and an overall program to bring true insight and actionable data to their patient’s DME needs and associated costs. Tim Callahan Vice President of Sales tim.callahan@hospicelink.com Brittney Jaskowiak National Sales Director brittney.jaskowiak@hospicelink.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Hospicelink brings immediate cost reduction, typically saving Hospices an initial 10-30% on Durable Medical Equipment. • Through our comprehensive program, Hospicelink assumes responsibility of your team’s non-revenue generating DME tasks. 45 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - DME/HME THE BASICS One MedlIine Place Mundelein, IL 60060 (847) 949-5500 www.medline.com WHO WE ARE Medline’s mission is to help our customers achieve clinical and financial success. We do that through a personalized approach to better understand our customers’ needs. Being a manufacturer and distributor across the continuum of care, we deliver the most robust product portfolio and patient-care solutions. Our responsiveness and commitment to advancing healthcare is evident in our actions every day. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1910 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Hospice, SNF, AL • SMARTAUDIT - survey readiness program to prepare for audits, uncover non-complicance issues and track staff performance. • SmartCare for Home Health and Hospice - 24/7 access to care with one-button, reducing the expense of nursing visits. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY How can Home Health Deliver More with Less? WellSpan VNA Home Care, a non-profit agency, was looking for a medical supply partner to meet their growing demands to improve overall operational efficiency, provide better patient care and help reduce the supply budget. The agency’s current medical supply vendor was delivering products in bulk to the office, where the nurse would get products and bring them to the patient’s home. With no product formulary and little control over orders, expenditures were increasing with little efficient or advanced reporting to help gain control. Medline helped this agency reduce costs, streamline operations and provide enhanced nursing capabilities with the Patient Home Direct Program. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Private Insurance Direct Billing eliminates time consuming third-party billing for non-bundled supplies. Our program can automatically submit claims on behalf of your patients and keep you from absorbing excess costs, improving your bottom line. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Dave Jacobs President, Post-Acute Sales djacobs@medline.com Mike Calogero SVP of Corporate Sales mcalogero@medline.com Shawn Scott SVP of Corporate Sales sscott@medline.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Medline has a comprehensive suite of programs and services to maximize revenue by reducing waste and managing costs. • Medine offers clinical services and training to help enhance patient care, improve satisfaction and gain referrals. 46 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Chris Nave SVP of Homecare Sales cnave@medline.com Pat Twohig SVP of Post-Acute Sales ptwohig@medline.com MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - DME/HME THE BASICS 2130 East University Drive Tempe, AZ 85281 (877) 633-7250 www.stateserv.com WHO WE ARE StateServ is a nation-wide End of Life focused Durable Medical Equipment provider dedicated to providing high quality patient care. We provide service through a combination of our own brick and mortar sites and a network of hospice focused DME partners. For the last 11 years, our unsurpassed customer service and commitment to quality, coupled with our innovative technological advancements make us the best solution for your patients. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2004 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Hospice, SNF • Innovation: First to develop bedside ordering, EMR and med supply integration, and DX driven and predictive ordering. • Superior Value: Exclusive network of DME providers, held to the highest standards, ensuring happy referral sources. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2015, a large Arizona based hospice approached us for assistance in improving their discharge process from key referring hospitals. They were challenged with reducing discharge times, and asked us for help. We worked with their leadership team to create a dynamic solution that ensured patients discharged from these hospitals had equipment within 60 minutes of the initial order. Although it was challenging, we have delivered on our promise; resulting in an improved patient experience, enhanced hospice reputation, and an increase in census. At StateServ, we understand the value of each referral source and make every effort to develop solutions to meet your specific needs. We are invested in your success for the long term. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Paul DiCosmo CEO pdicosmo@stateserv.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING A consolidated ordering process with Medline makes ordering DME and Medical Supplies quick and easy. Our executive dashboard pulls DME, supply and quality information in real-time. Coming next: predictive ordering, subscription services and pharmacy. Andrew Delaney Sr. Vice President adelaney@stateserv.com Kristin Nelson Regional Sales Director knelson@stateserv.com HOW WE CAN HELP • We help you grow your business. Enhanced patient experience via exclusive DME network ensures stakeholder satisfaction. • We save you money. A competitive price, utilization control, and clinical pathways to ensure financial success. 47 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing MOBILE SOLUTIONS THE BASICS 11030 Circle Point Road, Suite 100 Westminster, CO 80020 (303) 460-1600 www.brothermobilesolutions.com WHO WE ARE Now you can print full-page documents, care plans, drug interaction data, consent forms and other records right from your phone, laptop or tablet—before leaving the patient’s residence. Care delivery in the home is evolving fast—and mobile technology is evolving with it. The PocketJet® mobile printer by Brother is easy-to-use, lightweight and compact. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • PocketJet® mobile printers are reliable full-page mobile printing solutions with fewer moving parts than inkjets. • Can connect easily to laptops and handhelds to quickly produce full-page documents with high-resolution text. Founded in 1934 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY “Our staff agrees that the PocketJet® has measurably helped increase field efficiency, improved patient education and further help patient safety.” — Yasmin Clinton of Midwest Palliative & Hospice Midwest Palliative & Hospice CareCenter serves more than 4,000 patients per year in their homes, extended care and inpatient hospice facilities. As a vital part of a large geographic community, Midwest CareCenter has delivered palliative and hospice care to the patient for more than three decades. With a large clinical workforce and complex route considerations, mobile printing has become a critical component to the Midwest CareCenter’s compliance, patient safety and education process. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Strategic advancements including support for Apple AirPrint™ wireless technology on the PJ-773 model and the Bluetooth PJ-763MFi model enables users to seamlessly print full pages from iPhone®, iPad® and iPod® touch. HOW WE CAN HELP • Clinicians can provide clear, current, printed medication documentation to the in-home patient at the time of care. • Increased field efficiency, improve patient education and further help ensure patient safety. 48 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK David Crist President david.crist@brother.com Greg O’Connell Vice President of Sales greg.oconnell@brother.com ON-HOLD MESSAGING SERVICES THE BASICS 2301 Stonehenge Drive, Suite 203 Raleigh, NC 27615 (919) 847-5432 www.onhold32.com WHO WE ARE Since 1994, ON HOLD:32 has helped Home Care Agencies and Senior Care communities transform their “hold” time into a powerful marketing and customer service tool by producing engaging, educational Message On-Hold recordings. Each of our low cost programs includes: expert copywriting based on your specific needs; professional male & female voice talent; fully-licensed music; dedicated account management and outstanding in-house service & support. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • We are an Audio-Marketing company, not a recording studio.We are experts at promoting your brand and image “on-hold.” • “Personal Paragraph”: Record your own personal “Welcome” or “Thank You” message in your own voice, onto the recording. Bob Roth, Managing Partner/Founder of Cypress HomeCare Solutions, approached our booth at a NAHC Conference because he wasn’t satisfied with their current on-hold service. They needed a provider that personalized the messages relayed to their callers and reinforced their brand. We understood exactly what kind of impression they wanted to make. According to Bob: “ON HOLD:32 worked with us to convey our compassion and heart as a Home Care agency. Our onhold message relates to our clients, caregivers and referral callers, and ON HOLD:32 made it easy.” We also helped Bob’s assistant with voice talent and music selections, and she said: “The recording is FABULOUS. The voice and tone are just what we were looking for.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We recently launched a new, “hands-free” message on-hold system for large, multi-location customers. This hardware connects to your existing network allowing us to remotely update your on-hold recordings with no involvement from your on-site staff. HOW WE CAN HELP • Every day, ON HOLD:32 will promote ALL your services to every single caller, for less than the cost of a cup of coffee. • Your hold button is more important than you think.We’ll improve “over the phone” customer experiences for every caller. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 49 Founded in 1994 Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Mike Groom President mikeg@onhold32.com PATIENT ENGAGEMENT/EXPERIENCE THE BASICS 7330 S. Alton Way, Suite O Centennial, CO 80112 (303) 806-0797 www.iN2L.com WHO WE ARE Since 1995 It’s Never 2 Late® provides intuitive computers that entertain & empower elders. iN2L® puts a vast content library for wellness/activity & dementia programs into a convenient kiosk. Proven to reduce psychotropics & improve clinical outcomes, a must have technology. Loved ones can remotely contribute & stay connected thru a portal enabling staff to easily provide person centered engagement for therapy & rec. In over 2000 communities. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1999 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Hospice, SNF, CCRC, AL, Memory Care • iN2L transforms the quality of your activity programming and your therapy programming through meaningful engagement. • iN2L‘s vast content library and ability to individualize that content, stands out from any other provider in this space. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Brookdale has successfully integrated iN2L into 700+ communities after an extensive competitive analysis and 2+ year pilot program. Residents, families and staff all see tangible benefits. They rebranded it “InTouch” and we’ve customize the experience to integrate with other Brookdale initiatives. Juliet Klinger, Director of Dementia Services, explains: “iN2L enables us to engage those living with dementia in a way that wasn’t possible before. We can put individualized, multi-sensory content at residents’ fingers—this helpes fulfill our mission of fostering a person centered experience. The learning curve was minimal and placing the systems in all Clare Bridges has spawned wonderful success stories.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Our innovation is straightforward. We streamline the process, with family input, to allow a resident to have their “own” technology experience which seamlessly integrates meaningful content delivered to their own cognitive ability. HOW WE CAN HELP • By implementing iN2L, your organization can show potential move ins that you truly deliver person centered care. • Organizations struggle to keep activity and therapy programs fresh - Let us show you how that can happen overnight. 50 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Jack York President jyork@in2L.com Tom Bang CEO tbang@in2L.com PATIENT/RESIDENT SAFETY/FALL PREVENTION THE BASICS 111 Lawrence Street Framingham, MA 01702 (800) 451-0525 x3100 www.lifeline.philips.com/business WHO WE ARE Philips delivers population health management through innovation in telehealth and telecare, helping improve outcomes while lowering costs. Philips’ telehealth solutions help improve acute and ambulatory care, enabling providers to prepare for value-based care. Philips’ telecare division, Philips Lifeline, offers CareSage, an integrated medical alert/EMR solution that helps providers predict risk of transport to the ER over the next 30 days. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Philips enables visibility into population health across the post-acute care continuum: Home Care, IL, AL, SNF. Founded in 1891 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY CareSage enables hospitals and health systems to manage their patient populations by proactively identifying at-risk patients most likely to need an emergency transport in the next 30 days, helping prevent avoidable hospitalizations. “As we continue to work towards improving patient care, addressing the hospitalization rates of our at-risk elderly patients is a critical step,” said Mary Hagen, e-Home Care Supervisor at Henry Ford Health System. “Working with Philips to implement predictive analytics into the home monitoring services that we offer our patients will help identify those in need of early intervention and improve how we deliver care to help patients stay out of the hospital and live independently.” & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Jeff Moore Sales Lead, Long Term and Post-Acute Care jeff.moore@philips.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING CareSage - a predictive analytics tool, identifies high-risk patients so care providers can provide timely intervention. CarePoint – a UL 2560-certified life safety/wandering solution enables better resident care and staff efficiency. Marcia Conrad-Miller Business Lead, Long Term and Post-Acute Care marcia.conrad-miller@philips.com Jane Phillips National Account Manager jane.phillips@philips.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Providers will be better able to enhance care at lower cost with Philips’ population health and safety solutions. • Philips delivers technology solutions across the post-acute care continuum that enable value-based care. 51 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Karsten Russell-Wood Senior Manager, Business Development karsten.russell-wood@philips.com PHARMACY SERVICES THE BASICS 1601 Cherry Street, Suite 1700 Philadelphia, PA 19102 (888) 362-5272 www.enclarapharmacia.com WHO WE ARE Enclara Pharmacia is a national full service mail order and PBM supplier of medications and clinical services developed specifically for the hospice and palliative care industry. Enclara helps to reduce pharmacy costs through a clinically driven model that enables home delivery of pharmaceuticals, as well as access to a network of over 65,000 retail and institutional pharmacies, including Enclara’s own automated fulfillment centers. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1996 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Hospice • 20 yrs of experience supporting over 4 million patients through our efficient cost-effective medication delivery options. • Driving data to meaningful analytics to deliver greater insights for improved quality & cost saving opportunities. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE Turn-Key Health, a division of Enclara Pharmacia, is an end-of-life population health management company that creates a network model to solve the problem of poor quality, low satisfaction, and extreme high cost during the last 18 months of life. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK HOW WE CAN HELP • Provide efficient, cost-effective medication delivery options. Timely & reliable mail order / Local Pharmacy Network. • Real-time interactive dashboards providing insights into prescription trends, industry benchmarks, and pharmacy costs. Deanna Douglass, PharmD SVP, Sales ddouglass@enclarapharmacia.com Betsy Rothley EVP, Client Relations brothley@enclarapharmacia.com Greer Myers EVP, Chief Development Officer gmyers@enclarapharmacia.com 52 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing PHARMACY SERVICES THE BASICS 17110 Dallas Parkway, Suite 212 Dallas, TX 75248 (866) 851-4866 www.hospicepharmacysolutions.com WHO WE ARE Hospice Pharmacy Solutions provides pharmacy benefit management solutions to more than 450 hospices providers nationwide. In 2015, HPS merged with Outcome Resources to create one of the nation’s largest PBMs focused specifically on hospice care. HPS offers a proven, repeatable, nurse-friendly system that enhances patient care, provides operational efficiencies and delivers ongoing reductions in medication cost. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2000 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Hospice • HPS clinical pharmacists share their expertise through medication reviews, consultations and educational offerings. • HPS’ detailed medication reviews, which identify non-hospice-related drugs, helping clients maintain CoP compliance. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2015, HPS began a partnership with a large, multi-state hospice in the Southwest. HPS conducted a monthly evaluation of the hospice’s medication usage and identified non-formulary drug utilization. Pharmacists offered recommendations for cost-effective, therapeutic-interchange alternatives and scheduled periodic calls with hospice leadership to discuss findings from the management reports. After initiating HPS’ recommendations, per patient per day costs decreased by 30%, significantly lowering medication costs, improving patient symptom management, leading to ongoing reductions in administrative costs and simplifying nurses’ time effectively. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Jack Sayler President jsayler@hospicepharmacysolutions.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING HPS offers clients the exclusive Hospice Physical™, which identifies key performance indicators, benchmarks and service utilizations; leading EMR interfaces; and the monthly Pathways to Success webinar series, presenting hospice-relevant topics. Mike Nault Executive Chairman mnault@hospicepharmacysolutions.com Corey Petry Vice President of Sales cpetry@hospicepharmacysolutions.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Hospices can rely on HPS’ exceptional support with admissions, discharges, drug authorizations and claims adjudication. • The HPS flexible, customized program helps hospices meet their goals of enhancing patient care by managing drug spend. 53 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing PHARMACY SERVICES THE BASICS 4525 Executive Park Drive, Suite 100 Montgomery, AL 36116 (866) 970-7500 www.hospiscript.com WHO WE ARE HospiScript has advanced the role of hospice pharmacy services by delivering a comprehensive hospice solution that’s simple-to-use, care-focused and cost-effective. Although the needs of each hospice can be different, HospiScript understands the day-to-day pressures, including the challenges of providing optimal care when reimbursements decline, maintaining compliance with Medicare Hospice CoPs and improving operational efficiencies. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1995 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Hospice • Innovation & Solutions: A proven track record in solving problems and delivering comprehensive hospice offerings. • Care & Support: Our clinical consultants devise patient-specific solutions to reduce cost and meet Medicare requirements. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2015, HospiScript worked with the management team of a mid and large sized hospice to identify top drivers of increasing costs, and prioritize initiatives based on their impact and potential for success. One initiative identified was surrounding home delivery. HospiScript partnered with DeliverCareRx, a national home delivery pharmacy to enhance HospiScript’s existing HospiMail™ program. This program provided home delivery for hard to service areas where unique hospice needs are not supported by local pharmacies. After implementation of this program, results showed an overall enhancement to operations, decrease in costs and increased patient care. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Brent Roddy Director of Business Development broddy@hospiscript.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING HospiMobile™ puts key tools in the hands of front-line staff; DrFirst’s e-prescribing solution enables nurses to securely notify physicians of prescription needs; and HospiScript interfaces with most EMR providers. Garrard Adams Manager of Business Development gadams@hospiscript.com Ornela Hansen Manager of Business Development ornela.hansen@hospiscript.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Savings & Compliance: Let’s discuss how you can reduce business costs with clinical support and CoPs compliance. • Reporting & Analytics: Our online reports provide costs, key performance metrics, and cost savings opportunities. 54 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing PHARMACY SERVICES THE BASICS 3006 S. Priest Drive Tempe, AZ 85282 ® ™ (480) 240-1100 www.oppc.com WHO WE ARE OnePoint Patient Care is the nation’s premier locally-based hospice pharmacy and PBM provider. We fill prescriptions, creating custom compounds and providing home deliveries for 30,000 patients per day. We own and operate eight (8) local dispensing pharmacies in AZ, CO, FL, IL, MI, NV, OK and WA that provide same-day and next-day services to hospice patients throughout the country. We’re the most adaptable and flexible pharmacy serving hospice. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1969 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Hospice, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care • We own and operate eight (8) dispensing pharmacies that provide immediate medication dispensing and delivery to hospice. • We’re adaptable and flexible to each hospice. We offer e-Rx, EMR integration and a Patient Care App for easy Rx orders. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A 250 patient hospice provider in Florida was challenged with delivering exceptional quality care, improving referrals and growing census all while attempting to differentiate itself in a highly competitive hospice marketplace. OnePoint Patient Care provided them with same day medication deliveries, e-prescribing technologies and mobile ordering applications that allow nurses and physicians to focus more time and resources on delivering exceptional patient care and less time managing administrative burdens and inefficiencies of the fragmented, dysfunctional, pharmacy procurement model. After choosing OnePoint Patient Care as the dispensing pharmacy and PBM, the hospice census is now over 500 patients and growing. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Kevin W. Kirkland President - Eastern Division kkirkland@oppc.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING OnePoint Patient Care has developed a Patient Care Application that allows hospice staff to e-prescribe medications, including narcotics. Nurses can admit patients, discharge, profile and check delivery status all from PC, tablet, and mobile phones. HOW WE CAN HELP • Save time and money on medication procurement so your team can remain focused on providing exceptional end-of-life care. • Improve referral rates, increase daily ADC and improve nurse retention. Nurses want to work with hospice we serve. 55 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing REHABILITATION/THERAPY SERVICES THE BASICS 401 Charmany Drive, Suite 315 Madison, WI 53719 (608) 238-6678 www.swallowsolutions.com WHO WE ARE Swallow Solutions, a 2015 LINK Innovation Award Winner, improves the health and quality of life of patients with swallowing disorders through application of evidenced-based technology. The SwallowSTRONG medical device delivers standardized lingual strengthening protocols, clinically proven to improve swallowing. A study published in the January 2016 JAGS issue demonstrated 61% reduction in hospital admissions with 56 patients and saved $1.2M. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2012 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, SNF, CCRC • Objective therapy outcomes that are documented to show patient progress. Evidence-based device based on 20 years research. • Repeatable therapy: the mouthpiece and device provide a consistent strengthening tool, including immediate biofeedback. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2015, a multi-site study was conducted to determine the viability of the SwallowSTRONG device. The study included 14 SNFs in 4 states with a total of 60 residents participating. Data was presented at the Dysphagia Research Society in February 2016. Outcomes included: 49% of the patients had upgraded their diet. In addition, 43% of the 23 who were on thickened liquids eliminated their use. Clinician and patient feedback was overwhelmingly positive for ease of use, biofeedback and documentation. Oropharyngeal strengthening facilitated by the SwallowSTRONG device is a viable and effective treatment option in the post-acute environment. Improved lingual strength translated into safer swallowing. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Ray Heller Executive Vice President rheller@swallowsolutions.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We have launched a cloud-based tool called the SwallowSTRONG Management System (SSMS). The SSMS allows the clinician to monitor and report patient progress. Administration can view reports and use the objective data for reimbursement documentation. HOW WE CAN HELP • Improves patient’s diet intake which leads to stronger healthier patients while reducing the need for thickened fluids. • SwallowSTRONG therapy reduces the hospital admissions by 61% and can be used as a referral tool for post acute. 56 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing SEARCH/STAFFING THE BASICS 10700 Doc Brittle Street Trinity, FL 34655 (727) 372-5752 www.exactrecruiting.com WHO WE ARE Exact Recruiting is an Executive Search / Recruiting firm that is recognized as the leader in Talent Acquisition for the Home Care and Hospice industry nationwide. Founded in 2005, we have years of experience in the industry and have an excellent understanding of it. We are experienced and have the ability to recruit top professionals, for any position, anywhere in the country. If you’re looking for talent in this industry, look no further! HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • We’re specialists! We solely focus on the Home Care and Hospice industry, which means we’re very well connected. • Our veteran team has well over 120 years of combined experience recruiting for the Home Care and Hospice industry. A Home Care and Hospice provider with 12+ locations across the US, needed multiple branch-level positions filled ASAP due to rapid growth, along with two Senior Leadership positions. Our Executive Search team tackled the leadership positions and our general Recruiting team went to work on several dozen openings scattered across the US. The client onboarded top-level talent at a faster rate than their own efforts would have produced, using compensation packages designed for each role using deep industry data. Through our massive network, we sourced passive candidates who would otherwise not have been available to the client. Over the course of the year, the positions were filled and the client saved time and money. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We have re-invested in new technology that gives us access to over 175M profiles of both passive and active candidates. Our clients demand for staff is ever increasing and this gives us the capability to fill many more open positions. HOW WE CAN HELP • Short or long term strategic planning related to Talent Acquisition and Succession Planing specific to this industry! • Our services are customized exactly to your needs to ensure you get the highest quality service, at the right value. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 57 Founded in 2005 Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Eric Scharber President escharber@exactrecruiting.com SEARCH/STAFFING THE BASICS 2255 Center Street, Suite 107 Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 954-3378 www.vikus.com WHO WE ARE Currently, over 1,500 senior living locations utilize Vikus to find the right staff members. Our core belief is simple: care begins with who you hire. More than just an applicant tracking and paperless on-boarding system, our platform includes two industry-specific assessments that help determine who to interview, what to ask and, ultimately, who to hire. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Vikus provides the only new hire management software designed specifically for senior living organizations. • Vikus addresses the key business issues of turnover and retention - we do not automate a broken process. Founded in 1999 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Morning Pointe Senior Living has 28 locations and over 1,500 employees. The business issue they faced was high employee turnover. Prior to implementing Vikus, company-wide turnover was 37%. Over a two-year period using Vikus, Morning Pointe was able to lower employee turnover by 19 percent. This was accomplished using the Vikus system’s job specific assessments, interview guides and checklists to measure judgment and job fit for each candidate. “Vikus always goes above and beyond when helping my team. The process is seamless and simple” said Melissa Locke, SPHR,Vice President of Human Resources. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Spencer Thomas Executive Vice President sthomas@vikus.net HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The most critical step in the selection process is the interview.Vikus has enhanced interview guides specific to each applicant. This improves selection and reduces new hire turnover. Shane Kramer Vice President skramer@vikus.net Martha Abercrombie Vice President Strategy mabercrombie@vikus.net HOW WE CAN HELP • Vikus helps reduce turnover and improve retention which leads to better quality and resident satisfaction. • Vikus provides a consistent, repeatable and compliance driven employee selection and hiring process. 58 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Billy Mullins CEO bmullins@vikus.net SOFTWARE - AGENCY MANAGEMENT THE BASICS 4340 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 162 San Jose, CA 95129 (408) 615-8880 www.kantime.com WHO WE ARE KanTime is an enterprise class home care software that supports all business lines including Skilled Nursing, Private Duty, Pediatrics, and Hospice in a single platform for agencies with multiple branches across multiple states. We automate all your business processes from Intake through Billing and ensure your agency complies with all State & Federal regulations. From nurses to CXOs, KanTime enables each user with powerful in depth dashboards. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • “Do It Right the First Time” ensures your staff captures and submits the right information from Intake through Billing. • “Manage by Exception” empowers each user with a customized role-based dashboard with real-time actionable alerts. Founded in 1999 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2015, a Connecticut-based provider with over 3,000 patients across multiple branches reached out to KanTime as they had been suffering from countless compliance audits. To resolve the issue, KanTime reviewed their plan of correction and implemented customized electronic forms, enforced new workflows, applied orders tracking processes, and followed state specific billing and authorization rules to meet regulatory and operational needs. Overall, the efforts resulted in a deficientfree survey, improved clean claims submission, improved cash flow, and drastic labor savings. These process improvements allowed the agency to restructure their organization which ultimately led to a 30% increase in profitability. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Sundar Kannan CEO sundar@kanrad.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING KanTime Data Sciences is a BI tool that will provide Business, Operational, and Financial analytics to ensure you make well informed decisions. In depth drill down capabilities will allow you to monitor and compare the performances of any branches. Kristen Duell VP of Marketing and Business Development kristen@kanrad.com Jeanette Ibarra Vice President of Operations jibarra@kanrad.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Robust Revenue Cycle Management with month end close, Denial and Appeals management, and drill down A/R reports. • Intuitive point of care that supports all major devices including iOS, Android, and Windows both online and offline. 59 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing SOFTWARE - ENTERPRISE/CLINICAL THE BASICS 300 Park Avenue, 2nd Floor San Jose, CA 95110 (800) 219-0664 www.devero.com WHO WE ARE DeVero provides a cloud-based healthcare platform for home health, hospice, private duty, and other service lines. Large organizations choose DeVero because it truly adapts to their needs and is easy-to-use. The intuitive, forms-based interface is accessible on any device and includes online versions of industry-standard and custom forms. This accelerates training and provides flexibility to quickly adapt to an ever-changing market. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Scalability: Proven at every level - Performance, Equipment, Usage, Documentation,Training, Deployment and Integrations. • Adaptable: DeVero is the only application that truly adapts to your organization - Your forms,Your workflow,Your way. Founded in 2007 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Kindred needed a Cloud-based EHR that could support their massive organization in a single environment. DeVero’s simple, forms-based health care platform made it possible for them to roll-out to 179 hospice branches in just 10 weeks. This is beyond the 323 home health locations already on the DeVero platform. Custom forms, adaptive workflow, and custom integration were among the reasons DeVero was selected as the partner. “In my 30 years in the information systems industry, I have never seen an implementation proceed like this. We carefully measured clinician productivity (& revenue), before, during and after each branch’s go-live day and it never dipped.” Gentiva SVP, CCO Charlotte Weaver, RN, MSPH, PhD. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING DeVero continues to push the limits with state-of-the-art implementation of cloud technologies, providing our customers a future-proof multi-service line healthcare platform focused on adaptability, security, scale, performance and reliability. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Eric Gordon VP Sales and Marketing ericg@devero.com Kat Zinsman VP Strategic Solutions katz@devero.com Robert Love Marketing and Sales robertl@devero.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Rapid Implementation – Eliminate the fears of implementation expenses, lost revenue & productivity with DeVero. • Future-Proof – Today’s market conditions demand an EHR that is nimble. Thrive with DeVero’s adaptable platform. 60 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing SOFTWARE - ENTERPRISE/CLINICAL THE BASICS 6688 N. Central Expressway, Suite 800 Dallas, TX 75206 (214) 239-6700 www.hchb.com WHO WE ARE Homecare Homebase offers powerful, cloud-based home health & hospice software solutions. From scheduling, routing and patient notes to intake, approvals, billing and payment. By removing obstacles, improving accuracy and delivering fast, easy access to real-time data, we’re doing more than saving you time, effort and money. We’re giving you the chance to better impact all of the lives you touch. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2001 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Hospice • Industry Experts: As former nurses and clinicians ourselves, we know and understand the unique challenges agencies face. • Reach: 7 of the top 10 home health and hospice agencies use HCHB accounting for more than 25% annual Medicare revenue. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Porchlight VNA is a free-standing non-profit providing skilled nursing, therapies, 24-hour care, social work, maternal and child health. Porchlight is the only Western Massachusetts agency rated five stars by the CMS as of September, 2015. Prior to making changes, the agency used an EMR with many ‘work-arounds.’ They needed a tool to include the many quality and compliance requirements and support quality improvement. Using HCHB as the agency-wide EMR tool, they’re now able to have a comprehensive and functional EMR providing a major contribution in quality initiatives. In addition, HCHB aids Porchlight’s ability to review data at the individual and organization levels making employees engaged and accountable. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Recently HCHB released a set of dashboards allowing customers to evaluate the impact of the new CMS Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) model. This allows customers to benchmark the VBP measures against competitors in their state. HOW WE CAN HELP • Input, upload and sync data in under two minutes! Improve patient satisfaction, treatment/outcomes and cash flow. • Intuitive and easy to learn. We will work with you and your staff to measure progress by online & in-person training. 61 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Scott Paddock President spaddock@hchb.com Tom Maxwell Chief Strategy Officer tmaxwell@hchb.com SOFTWARE - ENTERPRISE/CLINICAL THE BASICS 2600 Via Fortuna Drive, Suite 150 Austin, TX 78746 (512) 879-3135 www.kinnser.com WHO WE ARE Kinnser makes breakthrough, mobile software solutions that help home health, therapy, private duty, and hospice agencies improve care and financial performance. Kinnser pioneered cloud-based software for post-acute care in 2003 and remains its innovative leader today with more than 4,500 agency customers. Kinnser’s easy to use solutions optimize clinical & financial performance, delivering 49% faster care documentation & 52% faster billing. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Kinnser solutions support clinical & financial excellence. We believe great care & business outcomes go hand in hand. • 20% of Kinnser’s annual revenue goes to R&D. Only Kinnser introduces new features and innovations each & every month. Founded in 2003 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Salim Bhinderwala, owner of Michigan’s T.O.N.E. Home Health, chose Kinnser in 2012 because he wanted an EMR that would improve on-time submission of clinical notes. “Since starting with Kinnser, we’re saving valuable time with claims being paid at least 30% faster,” says Salim. “Before Kinnser, 68% of our OASIS were late, and now, we’re at only 7%.” The agency is also growing faster. Before Kinnser, the agency’s census was just under 100 patients. In four years with Kinnser, patient census has more than doubled to 250. “Kinnser allowed us to take advantage of technology, so we were able to provide better patient care,” says Salim. In 2015, T.O.N.E. was one of only 11 Michigan agencies to receive a 5-star rating. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Matt Curtin Chief Revenue Officer matt.curtin@kinnser.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING In the past 12-months, we introduced Kinnser Link, a mobile app for home health & hospice that works even without web access, and Kinnser Business Insights, which brings affordable data analytics to home health for better, data-driven decisions. Ben Chapman VP of Sales ben.chapman@kinnser.com Carl Lay National Account Director carl.lay@kinnser.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Agencies using Kinnser typically see 27% more patients and reduce expenses 33%, boosting efficiency across the business. • With 13-years of innovation and a customer retention rate of 99%, Kinnser is the technology partner you can depend on. 62 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Darin Alpert National Account Director darin.alpert@kinnser.com Wes Little Business Line Manager for Applied Analytics wes.little@kinnser.com SOFTWARE - ENTERPRISE/CLINICAL THE BASICS 10900 Hampshire Avenue South, Suite 100 Bloomington, MN 55438 ® (952) 995-9800 www.matrixcare.com WHO WE ARE MatrixCare solutions have powered the long-term care continuum for over 30 years. With the recent acquisition of AOD Software, MatrixCare is now the largest LTPAC technology provider in the U.S. and the first to offer a true full spectrum solution. MatrixCare’s solutions help skilled nursing and senior living providers, continuing care retirement communities, and home care organizations prosper as we migrate to a fee-for-value healthcare system. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • MatrixCare offers one robust solution for Private Duty, Medicare, and Medicaid Companies that grows with your company. • Our Homecare team has extensive experience and industry knowledge. We develop solutions that meet client needs. Founded in 1982 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Douglas Gardens Home Care, a not-for-profit nurse registry, services 304 patients with 8,000 hours of provided services. In 2014, their software vendor said that they would no longer be able to support them. Douglas Gardens immediately began researching vendors and decided that MatrixCare was the perfect fit for their organization. Prior to using MatrixCare the Douglas Gardens back office team faced many challenges with payroll, reporting, scheduling and verifications; causing the team to work overtime to ensure accuracy. MatrixCare has eased back office work by increasing accuracy and efficiency; but most importantly, reducing payroll processing times by 8 hours a week resulting in a $6400 savings per month. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Ed Scott Senior Vice President, Enterprise Solutions ed.scott@matrixcare.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Our Caregiver Mobile App offers custom care plans, complete tasks with notes, GPS visit verification, and client/caregiver signature capture all from your smartphone or tablet. Back office users can generate Daily Visit Sheet summaries for billing. HOW WE CAN HELP • We are a strong partner for our clients; we listen to them and incorporate their feedback into product releases. • MatrixCare offers a solution that is scalable to meet the needs of your homecare company. 63 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Joe Kraus Senior Vice President, Home Care Solutions joe.kraus@matrixcare.com SOFTWARE - ENTERPRISE/CLINICAL THE BASICS 1827 Walden Office Square, Suite 104 Schaumburg, IL 60173 (866) 802-7704 www.procura.com WHO WE ARE Procura has been a partner to the home health industry for more than 25 years, equipping growing agencies with innovative software solutions they need to deliver the best care, efficiency and financial growth in an ever-changing industry. With solutions that cover every line of business, and every payer model, Procura is the single-source partner for home care businesses of every size and specialty. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Our products serve every line of business, every payer model, providing a growth path for every home care business. • We focus on the care and compliance, managing the complex tasks and enabling you to focus on the business of caring. Founded in 1989 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A very large national provider organization was seeking to consolidate the number of software products it was using to help manage a key services group of the company. Procura’s ContinuLink product was chosen after a long and exhaustive search because it was the only product in the marketplace that could manage the entire list of requirements in a single product. This allowed the provider organization to consolidate numerous products and experiences required of their administrative staff and in-field providers into a single, easy-to-use user experience. It also provided much more detailed and powerful management tools and reporting to the business management team, something not possible previously. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Christopher Junker CEO cjunker@procura.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Innovation is our daily focus at Procura. We seek to deliver product enhancements that “see around corners” and deliver needed function before they are needed. In 2016/2017, we will continue to evolve our user experiences to streamline usage. HOW WE CAN HELP • Procura’s team is expert at analyzing your business needs now and for the future, matching you to the ideal solution. • Our products grow with you - whether small or large, we have a solution to match your home care business. 64 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Ray DeArmitt Vice President, Key Accounts rdearmitt@procura.com SOFTWARE - SPECIALTY THE BASICS Butler Square, 100 North 6th Street, Suite 900 Minneapolis, MN 55403 (877) 340-5610 www.abilitynetwork.com WHO WE ARE What do the majority of the Home Care Elite top 100 agencies and the majority of the largest 100 SNF management companies have in common? They are current customers of ABILITY Network. For over a decade, thousands of post-acute providers have relied upon ABILITY’s ground-breaking, SaaS-based technology to simplify healthcare’s administrative complexities and improve their bottom lines. Set up a meeting with us at Post Acute Link to learn more. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2000 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Hospice, SNF, CCRC • With our recent acquisition of OCS HomeCare, ABILITY is now your resource for OASIS analytics and HomeCare Elite. • ABILITY is a one-stop, easy-to-use resource for your Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial revenue cycle management needs. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Indiana-based A Plus Home Health knew their manual eligibility monitoring was ineffective and costly. Sometimes 2-3 months would pass before they learned about a patient’s eligibility change, resulting in losses of up to $7,000 per patient! But with ABILITY | EASE revenue cycle management software, A Plus now automatically tracks eligibility for their patients, receiving electronic alerts as soon as a change is detected. They also get advance alerts for receivables at risk and benefit from a simple automated process to correct complex and multi-step claims. “ABILITY | EASE is a no-brainer. If we can catch just one eligibility change per year it has paid for itself ” says Office Manager Craig Steffel. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Bud Meadows EVP, CRO bud.meadows@abilitynetwork.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The latest ABILITY | EASE functions now give post-acute administrators greater insights and control over A/R and other KPIs. Easy to use, advanced analytics reports give CFOs on-demand, real-time visibility to actual payments and forecasted revenue. John Porricolo SVP john.porricolo@abilitynetwork.com Garry Keute VP garry.keute@abilitynetwork.com HOW WE CAN HELP • On-demand access to revenue analytics: Get daily, comprehensive visibility and support for your organizational growth. • Increased claims accuracy, speedier payments: Get rid of manual work by staff and avoid costly delays or denials. 65 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing SOFTWARE - SPECIALTY THE BASICS 7751 Belfort Parkway, Suite 120 Jacksonville, FL 32256 (800) 378-0596 www.forcura.com WHO WE ARE Our mission is simple: to make your business more connected and efficient. Our technology transforms the way healthcare organizations manage information. The result is better patient care, improved cash flow and reduced costs. We do this with paperless document workflow and secure mobile communication- all while interfacing seamlessly with existing systems. We innovate relentlessly to make your organization the healthcare hero you strive to be. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2012 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Hospice, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care • 100% dedicated to healthcare. While others serve various industries we design and engineer with healthcare as our focus. • Unparalleled customer service.We are a technology company with heart.We ensure our customers are happy and successful. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A large post-acute provider was struggling with manual paper processes including managing intake, tracking orders and accessing documents for compliance and clinical analysis. Back-office costs were steadily rising and the team was sending patient care information using unsecure SMS on their mobile devices. Implementing Forcura Workflow led to reduced cost per episode, enabled the agency to increase profit margins, streamline processes, and focus more on patient care. To further improve efficiency and compliance they implemented Forcura’s mobile app, Messenger, to securely text one-to-one or as a group. They now send, track and receive clinical images and documentation all in one HIPAA compliant platform. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Craig Mandeville Founder & CEO cmandeville@forcura.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The ScanCapture feature within our mobile app now gives users the ability to securely snap photos and upload clinical images and documents from any device. Field staff can get their images and documents to the right person in a fraction of the time. HOW WE CAN HELP • Forcura Messenger: Securely text your team from any location and any device with our HIPAA-compliant mobile platform. • Forcura Workflow: Securely manage documents electronically with custom workflows in one centralized, integrated platform 66 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Matt Challberg Director of Business Development mchallberg@forcura.com TECHNOLOGY - CONSULTING THE BASICS 18645 West Creek Drive Tinley Park, IL 60477 (708) 468-2000 www.provinet.com WHO WE ARE ProviNET Solutions is a full service IT consulting company. Born out of a Senior Living provider, we are familiar with the strict demands of the marketplace. Our team of 90+ qualified professionals serves 500+ Senior Living communities with best-in-class solutions. Flexibility is paramount to our success, with solutions ranging from hosting, implementation, and technical consulting, project management and 24/7 EHR and critical systems support. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • No pressure to outsource all of your IT services. Our outsourcing/insourcing solutions are tailored to your needs. • We have aligned hardware/software providers and distribution channels to deliver integrated and trusted IT solutions. Founded in 1991 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY United Methodist Homes of New Jersey engaged ProviNET for a comprehensive technology audit. UMHNJ realized the value of having a strategic technology plan to methodically improve IT and build a foundation where future technologies could be supported. Outcomes of the audit included an overhaul of the existing network and software applications. ProviNET and UMHNJ collaborated on a strategic plan to address the technical issues and also implemented an EMR at five communities. Today, UMHNJ has a robust IT infrastructure with a modern EMR. Larry Carlson, CEO of United Methodist Homes, notes: “ProviNET’s technical expertise has provided our organization with a state-of-the-art technology platform.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Round-the-clock care requires round-the-clock support. As EMR adoption advances, ProviNET responded by offering 24/7 EMR support. The majority of clients utilize this offering as part of their bundled services or to augment their existing staff. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Carl Goodfriend Chief Information Officer carlg@provinet.com Joe Velderman Director of Consulting Services joev@provinet.com Mark Nunnikhoven Director of Client Care markn@provinet.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Through ProviNET’s consulting, we are able to provide industry best practice recommendations for technology solutions. • Through ProviNET’s services, we are able to provide enterprise level IT support for all things technology related. 67 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing TECHNOLOGY - EMR/EHR THE BASICS 15280 Addison Road, Suite 260 Addison, TX 75001 (855) 842-4066 www.curantissolutions.com WHO WE ARE Curantis Solutions delivers value to hospice companies and their patients through an innovative and integrated end-to-end software-as-a-service solution with true mobile capability. Created specifically for hospice with deep industry expertise to meet everyday challenges, our complete suite of management solutions enables our customers to focus more on patients, maximizing clinical, operating and financial efficiencies, and less on paperwork. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2014 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Hospice • We are completely built around delivering value & innovation to hospice and palliative caregivers and administrators. • Our solution is built to accommodate the unique workflows, compliance and billing requirements for hospice. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY We are rolling our solution out with Crossroads Hospice, one of the largest hospice and palliative care companies in the US. They are implementing our solution across their 11 markets in 2016 and have already achieved significant adoption of functionality in Billing, Referral Management, and Clinical workflow. Users are being trained in hours instead of days and are very satisfied with the user experience. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK John D. Carreker, III Chief Executive Officer john.carreker@curantissolutions.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Our GA solution will be the first of its kind to be truly plan-of-care centric with seamless integration between assessments, plan-of-care, through to IDG. Clinical documentation required is minimal key strokes, and solution is very user friendly. Denise Stamos, RN, MSN, MBA Chief Marketing Officer denise.stamos@curantissolutios.com Tim Ingram Chief Sales Officer tim.ingram@curantissolutions.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Our solution is completely S-a-a-S and mobile ready and can be implemented cost-effectively with automated imports. • Our licensing model is simple and easy to understand and links to how you manage your business on a day-to-day basis. 68 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing TECHNOLOGY - EMR/EHR THE BASICS 400 Lakemont Park Boulevard Altoona, PA 16602 (800) 444-1651 www.deltahealthtech.com WHO WE ARE Delta Health Technologies provides patient-centered software applications that seamlessly integrate real-time patient information across the agency from a single electronic record for each patient. This optimizes coordinated patient-centered care, ensures continuous regulatory compliance, and maximizes the efficiency of the entire agency leading to improvement in outcomes, satisfaction, referrals, and revenue. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Documentation is faster and more accurate with our clinician preferred solution improving in-home completion by 85%. • Interoperable cloud-based solution seamlessly manages patient information across service lines, departments and payers. Founded in 1968 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, CCRC GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A home health and hospice provider in New York, who has almost 300 caregivers, need a care management solution that would streamline billing and reporting as well as facilitate scheduling and patient coordination. Using our single integrated solution helped them manage every aspect of patient care - in the field and office - and allows for care coordination among providers and specialists. “The Delta solution is at the very foundation of our organization,” says the Vice President/ Director of this provider. “It’s what we use to coordinate, document, and bill for the care we deliver. It’s so much a part of our operations that, without it, we would not have an operation.” & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Keith Crownover President & CEO keith.crownover@deltahealthtech.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING MobiliD apps include care, communication, and productivity tools that make the job of caring for patients easier. The apps work alongside all of Delta’s software solutions to simplify daily tasks. Bryan Binduga Chief Operating Officer bryan.binduga@deltahealthtech.com Bill Bassett Vice President bill.bassett@deltahealthtech.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Data carry forward and auto save are examples how our software delivers consistent and accurate clinical documentation. • Exception workflows combined with role-based controls tailor the software to support your successful processes. 69 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Gary Sliver Vice President, Operations gary.sliver@deltahealthtech.com TECHNOLOGY - EMR/EHR THE BASICS 5100 North Towne Centre Drive Ozark, MO 65721 (877) 875-1200 www.healthmedx.com WHO WE ARE HealthMEDX® is a developer of comprehensive EMR solutions for long-term, post-acute, home care and hospice providers. Our HealthMEDX Vision® platform is a complete private-duty solution for home care agencies, delivering rolebased functionality and enterprise reporting capabilities.Vision creates cross-setting connections that allow agencies of any size to effectively manage clinical and financial operations in our rapidly evolving market. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Our enterprise architecture creates a single patient record across settings to optimize delivery and reimbursement. • Our home care solution includes multi-disciplinary connectivity for field clinicans, front office and financial staff. As an early adopter of EMR technology in 2000, Michigan-based CCRC Porter Hills had experience and direction when it came time to add a home care solution. The comprehensive HealthMEDX Vision® platform provided the scalability required to support a growing home care business line, while seamlessly integrating multi-disciplinary data from varied care settings.Vision’s cross-continuum connections helped the 800-community-bed Michigan-based organization migrate to 100% paperless billing, while decreasing RAP submission times by 61% and drop claims time by 30%. Executives cite flexible system configuration and high interoperability, as well as preconfigured home care content included in the system workflows. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING As the LTPAC sector consolidates, our enterprise architecture favors design and deployment of leading-edge products that connect your care settings. Our teams are currently developing fully-integrated mobile, telehealth and analytic solutions. HOW WE CAN HELP • HealthMEDX Vision’s enterprise architecture connects care teams across your disciplines, departments and facilities. • HealthMEDX mobile solutions deliver robust go-anywhere functionality for field clinicians, physicians and executives. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, SNF, CCRC, AL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 70 Founded in 1999 Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Mary Senesac Vice President of Sales mary.senesac@healthmedx.com Charlie Daniels COO charlie.daniels@healthmedx.com TECHNOLOGY EMR/EHR THE BASICS 4229 SW High Meadows Avenue Palm City, FL 34990 (772) 403-1200 www.optimahcs.com WHO WE ARE Optima Healthcare Solutions is the leading provider of therapy software for skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities and contract therapy providers who serve them. We serve more than 9,000 sites with 50,000+ users caring for over 1.8 million patients annually. Optima is expanding to serve the needs of Homecare and Outpatient clinics in order to help vastly improve the overall post-acute care patient experience. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • One solution across the post-acute care continuum providing a familiar system for your staff regardless of care setting. • Our easy to learn and use, web-based solution can operate from any device, from anywhere, even in a disconnected state. Founded in 1992 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, SNF, CCRC, AL GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Coming soon OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Josh Pickus Chief Executive Officer josh.pickus@optimahcs.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We are expanding the capabilities of our core agency management, EMR solution by providing a powerful, customizable business intelligence dashboard, as well an electronic document management tool to help streamline the physician signature process. Aaron Brandwein Chief Revenue Officer aaron.brandwein@optimahcs.com Doug LeBolt Senior Solutions Specialist doug.lebolt@optimahcs.com HOW WE CAN HELP • We help streamline your back office, clinical documentation at the point-of-care, and revenue cycle management processes. • We can exchange data with other systems in various areas such as Admissions, HR, Payroll and Financial systems. 71 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing TECHNOLOGY - EMR/EHR THE BASICS 5570 Explorer Drive Mississauga, ON L4W 0C4 (905) 858-8885 www.pointclickcare.com WHO WE ARE PointClickCare’s cloud-based software platform is advancing senior care by connecting long-term and post acute care (LTPAC) providers across the senior care continuum with regulatory compliant solutions for improved resident outcomes, enhanced financial performance and staff optimization. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2000 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care • We take away the complexity of daily business operations to improve both user experience and the bottom line. • Customer retention rate is 99%. We have been ranked #1 Software Vendor for LTPAC by KLAS for 3 years in a row. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A Minnesota-based Home Health customer of ours approached us because they were looking to implement a fully integrated technology solution. Previously, they had been using several different solutions, proving to be quite time consuming and cost intensive. They wanted a single solution in place that would enable them to streamline workflow processes and do everything within one platform. We are currently working with them to help improve productivity, with a goal of eliminating errors and increasing mobility. Real-time access to data is providing this customer with the information they need for better decision-making. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Tom Latta Director, Sales - West Coast tom.latta@pointclickcare.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING PointClickCare continues to expand its core platform to include a web and mobile Home Health solution in order to offer our customers a fully integrated cross-continuum platform that meets the unique needs of Home Health providers. HOW WE CAN HELP • Empowers a mobile workforce with a solution that helps manage the full client experience. • Provide an integrated solution that supports seamless, secure, well-coordinated and connected processes. 72 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Jeff Norton Director, Sales - East Coast jeff.n@pointclickcare.com TECHNOLOGY - EMR/EHR THE BASICS 180 Good Drive Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 283-0980 www.ndocsoftware.com WHO WE ARE Thornberry develops, markets and supports an award-winning EMR for home health and hospice providers. We seek long-term partnerships with like-minded organizations who provide high quality, cost-effective “healthcare at home” and embrace the need to cooperate with other providers in their community to support longitudinal care via meaningful data exchange. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1992 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Hospice • We have been awarded the Best in KLAS for homecare for 3 years in a row. • We have had the highest rated customer service for over 5 years. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Homecare providers need a competitive edge to thrive in an era of consolidation and new payment models. A moderately sized Medicare-certified agency (average census > 200 patients) had been using our NDoc EMR for several years, but not making many inroads competing for referrals in their market. However, once NDoc became CCHIT Certified in 2013, their CEO began leveraging the fact in conversations with his three area hospitals. He now reports that after much effort in 2015 (“they just weren’t ready for it until last year”), his referrals have increased 11% over last year, and “NDoc’s certification has been a feather in our cap with all these conversations, and allowed us another area to be leading our competition.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Thornberry, recognizing the need for easy and secure inter-provider data exchange, is introducing embedded Direct Messaging in 2016 to facilitate homecare and hospice providers’ standards-based communication with other providers in their community. HOW WE CAN HELP • You don’t have to compromise compliance for ease of use. NDoc is proven to help retain employees and reduce cost. • Gain a proven competitive advantage with NDoc, the CCHIT Certified EMR built on an interoperability platform. 73 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Tom Peth CEO tpeth@thornberryltd.com Jay Tolman VP of Sales jtolman@thornberryltd.com TELEHEALTH THE BASICS 3660 S National Avenue #300 Springfield, MO 65807 (888) 812-0888 www.advanced-telehealth.com WHO WE ARE Advanced TeleHealth Solutions (ATHS) provides remote monitoring (RPM) solutions. A URAC accredited call center and connectivity to a range of biometric devices fully support the client and their programs, ACO’s, IDN’s and shared-savings programs. ATHS is flexible, HIPAA compliant, and supports the collection of patient vital sign data and triage. The result is a 24/7 patient-centered continuum of care, improving outcomes while reducing costs. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Our team of experts collaborate with the best names in the industry to develop a customized ehealth program. • ATHS’ URAC Accredited Health Call center staffed by chronic care certified RN’s trained in motivational coaching. Founded in 2002 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, SNF, CCRC, AL GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A hospital based agency asked ATHS to assist with their remote patient monitoring program (RPM). Their goal was to fully utilize their RPM, reduce costs and reduce re-hospitalization. ATHS provided oversight and customized programs for the agency. Monitoring services utilizing proven evidenced based protocols enabled the agency to generate the desired clinical outcomes. Partnering with ATHS allowed the agency to reduce internal staffing issues while improving outcomes with consistent staff. This methodology can be successfully applied to a wide variety of programs designed to positively impact clinical outcomes and reduce health care expenses. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Karen Thomas President karen.thomas@advanced-telehealth.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING ATHS’ new program combines different levels of monitoring from IVR systems, web portals, and RPM devices that are adjustable based on level of care specifically designed to meet new reimbursement models and promote self care. HOW WE CAN HELP • Providers gain new services to offer referral sources participating in VBP and Bundled Payment reimbursement models. • Providers will be “quicker to market” with RPM solutions and able to market a history of proven outcomes. 74 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Cheryl Fitch Vice President Cheryl.Fitch@advanced-telehealth.com TELEHEALTH THE BASICS 555 8th Avenue, Suite 701 New York, NY 10018 (888) 917-9996 www.cipherhealth.com WHO WE ARE CipherHealth was founded in 2009 with a mission of helping healthcare organizations better utilize technology to improve the coordination and delivery of care. Through the delivery of innovative solutions, we help providers effectively and efficiently deliver the highest quality of care to their patients. We partner with home health agencies to lower readmissions, increase satisfaction and HHCAHPS scores, and improve overall patient outcomes. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2009 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC • Customized Solutions: Design a personalized engagement program that meets the specific needs of your patient population. • Effective Engagement: Monitor patients between home visits without relying on them to learn and use a new technology. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In an effort to enhance operational efficiency and improve satisfaction and outcomes for their more than two million patients served in the state of Virginia, we worked with one of our large provider partners to deploy a customized solution that would allow them to track and respond to their population’s needs. Driving better engagement through Cipher’s Voice solution, patients were 3.4x less likely to be readmitted (a reduction from 20.5% to 6.3%). CipherHealth’s Voice uses prerecorded phone calls to contact patients between home visits and after their episode of care, identifying those at risk for readmission. Those at the highest risk are transferred to appropriate agency staff for manual intervention. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK J.B. Powell Business Development, Post-Acute Care jpowell@cipherhealth.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We recently launched a comprehensive home health patient engagement module that can be tailored to condition and risk-specific cohorts, allowing agencies to identify and resolve issues in between home visits, driving better care and overall outcomes. Shawn Lemerise Vice President, Business Development slemerise@cipherhealth.com Geoff Windley Vice President, Post-Acute Care gwindley@cipherhealth.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Reduce Hospital Readmissions: Engagement solutions to help your agency add value under alternative payment models. • Improve HHCAHPS and Five-Star Rating: Improve your agency’s Patient Communication and Education processes and metrics. 75 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing TELEHEALTH THE BASICS 447 Broadway, Floor 2 New York, NY 10013 (609) 865-0887 www.healthrecoverysolutions.com WHO WE ARE HRS supplies leading healthcare providers with the most advanced remote monitoring devices, focusing on changing patient behavior to reduce readmissions and improve clinical outcomes. Disease-specific 4G tablets are customized with medication reminders, educational videos and diet info while integrating with Bluetooth peripherals. Tablets allow virtual visits and real-time risk alerts that are monitored by clinicians and patients’ family members. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2012 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled • The HRS platform goes beyond traditional telehealth to focus on patient education and engagement. • Our medication management tool addresses a primary driver of readmissions: medication non-compliance. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY First Health of the Carolinas, widely applauded for creating the nationally renowned Chronic Disease pathways evidencedbased standards of care, has partnered with HRS to transform their telemonitoring program. What began as a 25 unit trial in 2014 has grown to a full-scale partnership that utilizes over 160 units and serves high-risk patients across 8 North Carolina counties. To date, First Health’s home health 30-day readmission rate is 7.9%, which represents a 40% reduction from their previous telemonitoring program. First Health’s home visits per 60 days went down from 8 to 4.8 on the HRS program. First Health recently received a 4.5 Star Rating from CMS. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Jarrett Bauer CEO jbauer@healthrecoverysolutions.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING HRS is launching a step-down program as a complement to our full program. The step-down program is designed to help patients continue the self-care management behaviors learned on our full program, well beyond the initial 60-day episode. HOW WE CAN HELP • Our collaboration with Johns Hopkins proves the HRS platform drastically reduces readmission rates. • The HRS platform supports streamlined care coordination post-discharge to reduce the overall cost of care. 76 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Naomi Schwimmer Director of National Accounts nschwimmer@healthrecoverysolutions.com TELEHEALTH THE BASICS 3400 Intertech Drive, Suite 200 Brookfield, WI 53045 (888) 353-5440 www.honeywelllifecare.com WHO WE ARE Honeywell Life Care Solutions has been providing digital health technologies for health care systems, payers, employers, home health agencies, and individuals to improve the quality and cost efficiency of care for 15 years. Our remote patient monitoring and clinically-driven self management solutions help individuals actively contribute to their own care through easy to use software and devices, providing greater insight for care providers. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1999 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Hospice, SNF, CCRC • History of success delivering telehealth technologies that reduce healthcare costs and avoidable readmissions. • Clinical consulting services guide customers through telehealth program development in alignment with best practices. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Franciscan VNS (FVNS) recognized a need in the home health care industry to provide thorough monitoring for their patient population. When the problem of readmission rates and poor outcomes was identified, FVNS explored several opportunities for improvement. Since 2010, telehealth has allowed FVNS to more closely monitor their patients and engage them in their own healthcare. The goal was to reduce unnecessary hospitalizations and ER visits, as well as provide more comprehensive care between field staff visits. As of 2014, the CHF readmission rate was 4.4%, vs. the national average of 23%. The COPD rate was 5.47%, vs. the national average of 17.6%, and the CAD/CABG/AMI rate was 2.96%, vs. 18.3% national average. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Honeywell’s emerging selfcare platform empowers individuals to actively contribute to their own care. A key to improving population health, selfcare helps them gain a better understanding of their health and how behaviors impact their wellbeing. HOW WE CAN HELP • Our 15 years of history have enabled organizations to improve care, reduce costs, and reduce avoidable readmissions. • We are evolving to meet the needs of expanded populations with more personalized and connected solutions. 77 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Annette Marchionni Senior Manager annette.marchionni@honeywell.com TELEHEALTH THE BASICS 7980 Century Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55386 (888) 243-8881 www.medtronic.com WHO WE ARE Medtronic Care Management Services (MCMS) is committed to providing value-based healthcare at home. Through a combination of remote patient management platforms, proprietary software, patient engagement, and care coordination, MCMS serves as an extension of patient care teams – providing clinicians with important insights useful in identifying patients potentially at risk for acute events. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • We partner with home care agencies to create competitive differentiation, and help manage costs. • We partner with you to manage entire patient populations across different acuity levels matching care with patient need. Founded in 1999 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Hospice, SNF GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Medtronic Care Management Services has served more than 95,000 patients and recorded more than four million telehealth patient months. As a trusted provider to hospitals, clinics, home health agencies and payers, we are committed to accelerating the development of meaningful innovations for patients with chronic diseases and other conditions — innovations that improve outcomes, reduce costs, and improve patient engagement and quality of life. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Jeff Joliet VP, Home Care and Hospital Sales jeffrey.d.joliet@cardiocom.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING MCMS launched a new hip and knee remote monitoring program designed to monitor key elements of patient status post-procedure, following industry guidelines and physician feedback, including factors evaluated as part of CJR/bundled payment programs. Claire Aliprantis Strategic Solutions Manager claire.c.aliprantis@medtronic.com Joe Fochler Home Care Sales Manager joseph.e.fochler@medtronic.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Deep knowledge of and relationships with health systems to help you communicate with those incurring financial penalties. • Cost effective means to help identify and enroll patients in programs designed to address CMS penalty challenges. 78 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing John Broadhurst Home Care Sales Manager john.n.broadhurst@medtronic.com Chris Tate Territory Manager christopher.b.tate@medtronic.com WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE THE BASICS 5000 Hopyard Boulevard, Suite 410 Pleasanton, CA 94588 (925) 425-5785 www.kronos.com/healthcare WHO WE ARE The Kronos for Healthcare software suite helps Home Care and Hospice agencies manage the entire employee lifecycle, and includes Onboarding, HRMS, Staff Scheduling, Workload Balancing, Time & Attendance, Payroll and Productivity. Kronos helps reduce labor costs and minimize compliance risk while supporting quality patient care. 626 of the Fortune 1000 and thousands of healthcare facilities use Kronos. Isn’t it time you discovered why? HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • We have customers and a leading market share that spans the entire healthcare continuum, including your referral sources. • Our integration tools are industry-standard technology, and built right into the product: They are never custom. Founded in 1977 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory, SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Advanced Home Care (Greensboro, NC) is one of our clients. Their employees used to spend 30 minutes every pay period entering their time in the workforce management system. Billing code misinterpretation and faulty memories resulted in a 30 percent error rate. Now, with their hours based on their schedules and patient visits loaded from the billing system, they no longer need to enter their time manually. With the Kronos solution, managers spend just three hours reconciling employee time each period. Savings with Kronos: 1) $445,000 in annual labor savings (with the same level of business) as bonus points paid have decreased. 2) $466,000 annually in time savings by elimination of manual tasks. Case Study available! & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Larry Florio Director, Post Acute & Senior Living lflorio@kronos.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Instead of competing with your existing partners, we’re integrating with them to bring you a powerful solution that helps comply with Federal and Local labor regulations, while reducing unnecessary payroll spend that many Agencies are incurring. Darlene Reinke Home Care & Hospice Specialist darlene.reinke@kronos.com Kim McLean Account Manager, Post Acute & Senior Living kimmarie.mclean@kronos.com HOW WE CAN HELP • By improving your current Workforce Management processes, we can save your agency as much as $520 per employee annually. • Demonstrate to your referral sources that your processes and systems meet their standards. Kronos is their WFM choice. 79 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Marilyn Lund Workforce Solutions Consultant marilyn.lund@kronos.com Elaine Howell National Workforce Solutions Consultant elaine.howell@kronos.com WOUND AND/OR SKIN CARE THE BASICS 3546 N. Riverside Avenue Rialto, CA 92377 (866) 318-3116 www.innovacyn.com WHO WE ARE From animals to humans, Innovacyn is dedicated to improving wound management outcomes across the world. Familyowned and operated, everything we do is inspired by this vision. From hand-building our facilities and growing a dedicated team, to delivering the highest-quality products, every step of our process is made with the power of change in mind. Innovacyn offers Puracyn Plus Professional Formula, the next-generation wound management solution. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Innovacyn is dedicated to providing the most advanced hypochlorous products on the wound care market. • Our goal is to change wound management paradigms and create safe and effective solutions for a better tomorrow. Founded in 2010 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Hospice, SNF, AL GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Innovacyn, the makers of Puracyn Plus, collaborate with various points of service to combine hypochlorous technology, strong clinical outcomes and positive financial benefits. These collaborations are demonstrated in a recent poster submission at VNAA 2016 Annual Meeting. As cited in our poster, the impact of Puracyn Plus at Salt Lake Regional Medical Center, was shown with a reduction in wound healing time, decrease in bioburden as well as the reduction in cultures and the use of antimicrobial wound care products. After teaming up with many hospital chains, Puracyn Plus has been incorporated into wound protocols in both inpatient and outpatient areas. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK John Olivo VP of Sales, US and Canada johno@innovacyn.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Innovacyn is always looking for ways to improve wound management protocols. Recently, we have released our hypochlorous-based Antimicrobial Hydrogel to our family of products. Dave Zansitis VP of Corp. Accounts and Business Development davez@innovacyn.com Michelle Moore Senior Clinical Director michellem@innovacyn.com HOW WE CAN HELP • For our providers, we offer clinical support and education including policy and procedure development. • Utilization of Puracyn Plus can increase patient satisfaction and decrease the cost to treat patients. 80 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing WOUND AND/OR SKIN CARE THE BASICS 222 Broadway, 19th Floor New York, NY 10038 (800) 680-6087 www.parablehealth.com WHO WE ARE Parable helps post-acute care providers measure, monitor, and manage their wound patients. Wound care today involves manual, inconsistent assessments, a shortage of wound specialists, and difficult communication. Parable’s mobile documentation, collaboration tools, and analytics streamline assessment, augment expertise, and facilitate care coordination and intervention for the most urgent cases — to reduce cost and improve outcomes in wound care. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2013 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, SNF • Computer Vision. Objective and consistent documentation with Parable’s automated measurements and wound scoring. • Analytics and Alerts. Wound care becomes quantitative and proactive with Parable’s population dashboard + smart alerts. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Parable is helping a post-acute provider in New York reinvent the way they do wound care. Prior to Parable, wound documentation involved inconsistent, manual measurements with rulers and subjective notes. Care collaboration was disjoined across nurses and wound specialists. Care teams had no clear, comprehensive view of their wound patients (i.e. where to allocate resources, who the most urgent patients were). With Parable, the organization now seamlessly measure wounds via mobile “smart” photos, document with standard protocols, collaborate over patients via a centralized dashboard, and leverage quantitative analytics + alerts to understand where to allocate additional resources (i.e. which region, team, etc). HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Parable continues to innovate in computer vision with enhanced smart photos and 3D technology for increasingly simple and accurate wound assessment, and complementing this with machine learning to deliver valuable wound healing and treatment insights. HOW WE CAN HELP • Reduce Cost. By scaling your wound expertise, Parable can help reduce excessive labor, transportation, and supply cost. • Improve Outcomes. Parable’s monitoring + alerts enable better intervention, enabling the right care at the right time. 81 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Nathan Ie CEO and Co-Founder nate@parablehealth.com Peter Jackson CTO and Co-Founder pete@parablehealth.com BENCHMARKING AND PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT THE BASICS 1245 Q Street Lincoln, NE 68508 (800) 388-4264 www.nationalresearch.com WHO WE ARE My InnerView products by National Research represent the true voice of long term care and senior living stakeholders with insightful quality measurement solutions and satisfaction surveys. My InnerView programs are the solutions for improving quality, resident/family experiences, and employee engagement for skilled nursing homes, assisted living, continuing care retirement, and independent living communities. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • We provide insight beyond quality measurement through our consumer perception, reputation management, & board education. • Our clients aren’t tied to a single survey mode. We offer options to best suit their needs (ie. phone, mail, email etc). Founded in 1981 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Home Health Skilled, Home Care - Paraprofessional/ Non-Medical, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Our story is best told by the success of our client of 8 years,Vetter Health Services, Inc.Vetter Health consists of 30 facilities in 5 states and has had a strong focus on improving overall quality improvement for their residents, families, and employees. COO Patrick Fairbanks explains that “In order to accomplish improvements with quality and greater levels of care you must focus on team members.” The My InnerView employee engagement solution has allowed Vetter Health to identify areas of success and improvement, and has helped them consistently improve in team member top box recommendation scores. Why do they partner with My Innerview? “Their reputation and customer service are outstanding.” & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Stephanie Kolbo National Account Manager skolbo@nationalresearch.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Our new reputation solution allows providers to use existing experience data to publish independently verified ratings and reviews on their websites—providing the kind of transparency today’s consumer, and potential referral partners desire. HOW WE CAN HELP • We can help you communicate your satisfaction scores and demonstrate your value to potential referral partners. • We understand the impact of staff engagement on recommendation scores and help you identify necessary changes to drive improvement. 82 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Emily Schweitzer Territory Manager, Business Development eschweitzer@nationalresearch.com BENCHMARKING AND PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT THE BASICS 5505 South 900 East, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 (801) 293-0700 www.pinnacleqi.com WHO WE ARE Health care is fluid; often, by the time customer feedback reaches the provider, it is too late to do anything about it. It is ideal to receive feedback as quickly as possible, particularly if there are urgent needs. The phone-based process allows us to deliver results immediately. Of those that we contact, only 4% refuse to participate in the survey. This high participation rate provides a very low margin of error on the facility-level reports. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • 98% of our interviews include the patient’s name - it becomes very natural to evaluate satisfaction levels individually. • The Comment Alert process allows immediate notification of serious problems - this mitigates potential risk. Founded in 1996 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Last year a client from Vermont called us after she completed her QIS survey. The survey had gone very well and she was calling to thank us for helping her prepare. Because the new QIS survey begins with patient and family member interviews it was very important for her to know how each of her patients felt about their care. She was able to focus on those individuals that had potential issues well before the QIS survey. Recently one of our clients mentioned to us that he would never forget the day he got a comment alert where the respondent told our interviewer that they were planning to sue the care provider. Our client was able to call them immediately and prevent the situation from going to litigation. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Brady Carlsen VP, Business Development brady@pinnacleqi.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Pinnacle is launching a new product that will help providers reduce employee turnover. This will help providers reduce employee turnover costs by 40-70%. HOW WE CAN HELP • A phone interview is able to capture more feedback and provide additional insight into why a patient is dissatisfied. • Easy to read reports allow the provider to quickly identify areas for improvement. 83 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Sarah Dirks Regional Director, Business Development sarah.dirks@pinnacleqi.com CARE MANAGEMENT THE BASICS 311 Arsenal Street Watertown, MA 02472 (617) 209-7985 www.archwayhealth.com WHO WE ARE Archway Health – We Make Bundled Payment Simple. Archway Health’s mission is to fix healthcare through payment reform. We do this by helping providers build & manage bundled payment programs. Archway’s solution is a comprehensive platform that includes Archway Carelink, a patient tracking tool & Archway Analytics, a web-based claims data analytics platform. Archway is helping dozens of providers succeed in the in BPCI & CJR programs. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2014 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Home Health - Skilled • Archway has built the most comprehensive and easy to use bundled payment platform in the market. • Archway is easy & flexible to work with, we’re happy to share risk or license our bundled payment tools and services. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Archway has been working with a Cincinnati-based network of SNFs, CCRC, and HHAs to build and manage their Bundled Payment for Care Improvement program since 2014. In the first phase of our partnership, we helped the network analyze their BPCI opportunities, select bundles, and recruit additional SNFs into their program. Once the BPCI program got up and running, we developed a patient tracking tool that helps SNFs and their referring hospitals track patient progress and health status in real time. We then combined the claims with real time data to develop care management and finance dashboards that helped these providers earn significant savings in their BPCI program and drive new referrals to their facilities. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Archway Carelink, our real time patient tracker, was developed to help providers manage their bundled payment program. We’ve also found that Carelink can be very effective at growing referrals through differentiated communication and care management. HOW WE CAN HELP • Archway’s tools can help post-acute providers drive new referrals from acute providers in ACO’s and BPCI. • Archway also helps post-acute providers improve care and reduce costs within their own Model 3 BPCI programs. 84 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK David Terry CEO dterry@archwayha.com Ben Gardner Senior VP of Sales & Marketing bgardner@archwayha.com CARE MANAGEMENT THE BASICS 2451 Cumberland Parkway , Suite 3689 Atlanta, GA 30339 (404) 477-2698 www.simplec.com WHO WE ARE SimpleC is a science based technology company that provides media based therapies. Key care needs we address are behavioral, sleep, mood and ADLs to maintain enriched, healthy, and independent lives, while bringing connectivity between family members, care recipients and caregivers. SimpleC is a dynamic and collaborative system to promote wellness and quality of life. Our company provides service at all levels of care from home health to hospice. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • In a competitive market we offer a solution that ameliorates the cost of care giver turnover and retention. • We offer a technology solution that sets a care provider apart from others who offer similar services. Founded in 2006 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Almost on a daily basis one resident at a memory care community of Hixson, TN would become agitated and attempt to leave while looking all over the place for his wife, and was very upset that he couldn’t find her. Sometimes to the point of tears as he thought she had left him. A staff member redirected the resident talking with him about his wife and was able to walk him to his apartment where she pulled up photos of his wife, their wedding and children on his SimpleC Companion. Upon seeing her and hearing her personalized message for him through the Trusted Voice feature, he responded, ‘well there you are’ and was immediately calmed by looking at the old family photographs and no longer trying to leave. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Avanlee Okragly VP of Sales aokragly@simplec.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING To further the effectiveness of our cognitive therapies and data analytics we have become a healthcare partner with IBM Bluemix and Watson to innovate patient care. HOW WE CAN HELP • We create a personalized plan of care that meets a patient’s unique needs while improving the quality of life. • We are a platform to support an organization’s person centered care philosophy. 85 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Dan Pompilio CEO & Founder dpompilio@simplec.com CARE TRANSITIONS THE BASICS 275 Grove Street Newton, MA 02466 TM (800) 446-9614 www.curaspan.com WHO WE ARE Curaspan provides an integrated workflow platform that connects providers and improves patient hand-offs between care settings. Our platform enables successful participation in ACOs, bundled payment initiatives and pre-defined post-acute care networks by streamlining internal care transition workflows and collecting analytics on what happens to patients as they move through the continuum. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Products have been designed specifically with usability in mind to save time and increase compliance. • Curaspan has the largest (breadth and depth) network of connected healthcare providers. Executive Director Nathan Libassi, MPH, LNHA, of Avanté at Roanoke, a 130-bed SNF and rehabilitation facility in VA, wanted a better way to receive and manage patient referrals. His admissions team was taking too long to respond to referrals. With Curaspan’s application that electronically connects his facility with referring hospitals, Libassi’s staff now receives, reviews and tracks patient referrals online, in real time. “We are believers in technology and what the future looks like,” says Libassi. “Curaspan makes communications much easier for us. We’re able to bring in patients faster, which is good for the patient, good for us, and very helpful to referring hospitals.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We continue to evolve our offering in response to customer needs and changing industry regulations. Recently offering PACs the ability to perform discharge planning on the platform, working to integrate with PAC EMRs and adding eligibility checking. HOW WE CAN HELP • Our solution allows PACs to participate and thrive in value-based initiatives like ACOs and bundled-payment initiatives. • Curaspan frees resources by streamlining internal processes and collecting data on referral patterns, productivity, etc. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 86 Founded in 1999 Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Rob Stoltz Senior Director Continuum of Care rstoltz@curaspan.com Jon Pastor Director Continuum of Care jpastor@curaspan.com COMPLIANCE/CODING/OASIS THE BASICS 15 Verbena Avenue Floral Park, NY 11001 (855) 485-7478 www.qirt.com WHO WE ARE QIRT (Quality In Real Time) is an industry-leading provider of home health and hospice coding and consulting services. Serving over 150 agencies with employees in 44 states, we are dedicated to enhancing the provision of care through four distinct, complimentary divisions: Quality, Clinical, Financial, and Education. QIRT will guide your health care company from inception to success with experts and tools to aid you at any stage of the process. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2006 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, Home Health - Skilled • Advantage Platform: QIRT’s one-of-a-kind reporting tool provides clear, concise reports & dashboards, not excel sheets. • QIRT experts & tools evaluate data & compliance, provide education, code & bill with speed, accuracy, & cost efficiency. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Recently, QIRT, working with a large health system, used Advantage Platform dashboards and reports to identify strengths and weakness in agency clinicians. This resulted in significant cost reduction for the agency. How? QIRT’s revolutionary tool identified specific OASIS errors and precise clinician weaknesses, and allowed this agency to target appropriate education for clinicians in the field. QIRT Team Leaders corrected and educated clinicians on common errors in coding and sequencing. Approximately 50% of the agency’s clinicians were able to come off full review. With education and evaluation, this agency realized significant cost savings: per chart costs were reduced 50% and review times decreased. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Laura Page-Greifinger, BSN, MPA President and CEO laura@QIRT.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The Advantage Platform, released May 2015, significantly improved clinician error and coding accuracy, and stood the test of ICD-10 transition, keeping resultant delays to a minimum. Our dashboards play a vital part in agency star rating improvement. Thomas Cannon Chief Operating Officer tom@QIRT.com Philip Keating, MSPT Chief Quality Officer philipk@QIRT.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Platinum Solution: outsourced quality & billing together improve quality scores & accelerate reliable reimbursement. • Quality dashboards evaluate and educate clinicians, so your agency can lower review levels and increase cost efficiency. 87 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Obinna Nwachukwu Director, Revenue Cycle Management obi@QIRT.com COMPLIANCE/CODING/OASIS THE BASICS 4155 East La Palma, Suite 250 Anaheim, CA 92807 (800) 332-0555 www.selectdata.com WHO WE ARE Select Data provides clinically driven results for every patient, on every issue, every day. Through our full-service auditing, coding and billing services, we identify productivity issues and work with your staff to improve your performance and profitability. Select Data is uniquely qualified to assist your agency in turning around operational challenges into revenue generating opportunities. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1990 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled • Our integrated software system SmartChart, combines EMR data with H&P, and lab results in one electronic record. • SmartChart provides real-time document tracking, clinician performance analysis, detailed reporting and benchmarking. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY With their denial rates climbing, average reimbursement in decline, and a backlog of un-coded records growing every day, the owners of a three location home health and hospice agency in the Greater Los Angeles area knew they needed expert help. When the agency outsourced their coding to Select Data, we identified the key issues causing a crisis in their cash flow. Our staff reviewed their documentation and helped them update the tools needed to capture information for accurate billing. We worked with their staff daily, providing support and training. Agency administrators used our reports to track their progress and address issues. Denials were down, reimbursement up, and their cash flow was stable and predictable. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Ed Buckley CEO ed.buckley@selectdata.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Beginning with our webinar “How shiny are your stars?”, Select Data launched a no cost training program exclusively for clinicians and administrators of our clients. Susan Carmichael Chief Compliance Officer susan.carmichael@selectdata.com Ted Schulte EVP of Business Development and Marketing ted.schulte@selectdata.com HOW WE CAN HELP • We are experts in coding and billing. Our clients enjoy ADR rates of .0001% and the denial rates of .00002%. • We provide data driven results. Through objective reporting, we improve your agencies performance and profitability. 88 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing CONSULTING THE BASICS Valleybrooke Corporate Center 101 Lindenwood Drive, Suite 225 Malvern, PA 19355 (610) 768-8030 WHO WE ARE www.furtekassociates.com Furtek & Associates are specialists in providing mergers & acquisitions, performance improvement, and restructuring strategic advisory services exclusively to healthcare providers. Our areas of expertise and services include financial and revenue cycle improvement and due diligence; operational, clinical, and compliance assessments; restructuring and turnaround management; and Quality of Earnings reports to lenders and private equity investors. Founded in 2008 HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Our professionals have extensive experience as senior management & worked at big four accounting and consulting firms. • We have a multi-disciplinary team of financial, clinical, regulatory, and reimbursement subject matter experts. PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care - Paraprofessional/NonMedical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A few years ago, our client, a multi-state operator of long term care facilities, established a strategic goal of adding a home health and hospice line of business through acquisitions. They had a strong management team but limited experience in home health and hospice. We partnered with management and provided them access to a multi-disciplinary team of home health & hospice financial, clinical, regulatory, and reimbursement subject matter experts. Together, we were able to complete five home health and hospice acquisitions. Our services included providing a comprehensive evaluation of each target, preparing Quality of Earnings reports, preparing financial projections, and assisting with post closing integration. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Richard Furtek Principal rfurtek@furtekassociates.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING There are numerous changes being implemented or pending in healthcare reimbursement and clinical compliance. We are familiar with these changes and how they impact our clients and the businesses they are acquiring. HOW WE CAN HELP • We can recommend M&A due diligence best practices used by industry-leading companies and private equity investors. • We partner with management and PE investors to complete transactions, improve financial performance, and grow value. 89 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing CONSULTING THE BASICS PO Box 70088 Tucson, AZ 85704 (520) 229-8882 www.jjrpartners.com WHO WE ARE JJR Partners Executive Search was founded in 2002 by Joe Rademacher. He saw a need for a search firm that would bring a high level of service and professionalism to a critical business process. Our mission is to partner with our clients and candidates to help them achieve their goals through long-term relationships built on trust, professionalism and results. We specialize in the post-acute provider space and are industry insiders. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Deep understanding of the dynamics, complexities, and opportunities in the PAC sector, and the “A-Players” within it. • Every candidate we submit is pre-screened & interviewed to exact client specifications. A provider of skilled nursing services entered the homecare market via acquisition. They needed a Homecare Executive with clinical, operations, and EMR expertise. JJR partners was engaged to conduct the search, and successfully completed it in 30 days. The CEO of the client company commented: “Joe Rademacher and JJR Partners really understand the dynamic needs for talent in the post-acute healthcare space. We worked with them on a critical, difficult to source hire. They are the first search company I’ve worked with that quickly sent candidates that matched the skills and experience my team was seeking. I am very satisfied with my experience with JJR Partners, and highly recommend their services.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Easy to use video interviewing tools that open on any platform. The technology is simple, effective, and interviews can be recorded for use by all members of the hiring team. HOW WE CAN HELP • JJR Partners knowledge of the PAC market, and extensive relationships with key players. • Our services can be engaged in a variety of ways, and at a competitive fee structure. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 90 Founded in 2002 Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Joe Rademacher President joe@jjrpartners.com CONSULTING THE BASICS 5925 Stevenson Avenue, Suite G Harrisburg, PA 17112 (800) 320-5401 www.lw-consult.com WHO WE ARE LW Consulting will assist you with payment reform, compliance, operational, clinical and financial challenges. We partner with you as an extension of your team, sharing our knowledge and expertise, to help you integrate clinical care, analyze markets and bring innovative ideas to life. We serve as an IRO under Corporate Integrity Agreements.You can count on our knowledge and accuracy to deliver trustworthy results and sustainable outcomes. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • We have a network of physicians, nurses, coders, therapists, statisticians, and other health professionals. • We tailor solutions to client needs. Our goal is to leave you with the know how to succeed far after our services end. We partnered with a 100+ contract rehabilitation (rehab) provider to assess their compliance culture, policies and risk. The provider wanted a consultant who understood the rehab industry and the risk factors for rehab companies. Our IRO experience would yield trustworthy and accurate results. Our team of therapists, statisticians and compliance professionals conducted interviews, analyzed data, audited documentation and assessed the culture of compliance in the reporting structure, roles and responsibilities. The provider’s concerns were eased when they learned how strong and effective their compliance systems are and that quality documentation was supporting the medical necessity of services they were providing. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We utilize a unique performance data matrix to analyze utilization, financial indicators, and quality. Using weighted algorithms, we rank facilities based on risk, enabling multi-facility providers to prioritize internal compliance auditing. HOW WE CAN HELP • We can position you for success under payment reform and for participation in bundled payment models. • We can give you assurance that your therapy services meet medical necessity and Medicare payment requirements. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 91 Founded in 2005 Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Lisa Wilt President & CEO lwilt@lw-consult.com Rodney Farley Vice President of Post Acute Care Services rfarley@lw-consult.com CONSULTING THE BASICS 997 Old Eagle School Road Wayne, PA 19087 (610) 964-9680 www.mcbeeassociates.com WHO WE ARE McBee’s financial and clinical consultants provide custom solutions for one out of three agencies in the country. For over 40 years, hospitals, home health agencies, and hospice organizations have partnered with us to resolve their most critical financial, operational, and clinical issues. Our client base includes the largest publicly traded and independent home health chains, as well as hospital-based agencies and community providers. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1973 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, Home Health - Skilled, Hospice • We’re exclusively dedicated to the needs of healthcare providers, addressing their unique challenges. • Our expertise spans the full continuum of care. We partner with over 3,800 providers in acute and post-acute care. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A home care and hospice provider in New England faced a LUPA rate consistently more than 13%. The agency sought to increase patient satisfaction, quality scores, and revenue. McBee proposed an episode management solution focused on improving visit utilization and reducing care variance. Our clinicians established a 24-hour call center and a standard process for follow up to monitor changes in patient conditions. Fall prevention and hospital liaison training were also focus areas. The agency’s average LUPA rate was lowered from 13% to 9%, bringing the agency within best practice standards. The agency has achieved a Home Health Compare Star Ratings score of four on the five-star rating system. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Mike Dordick Senior Vice President-Principal mikedordick@mcbeeassociates.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING McBee has over 18 years’ experience in Bundled Payments, positioning it well to assist clients in understanding the true challenges and opportunities that exist in these models, both with Medicare and commercial payers. HOW WE CAN HELP • Revenue Cycle Enhancement: Focus on strategies to generate new efficiencies, cut costs, and preserve margins. • OASIS/Coding: Discuss the importance of an effective OASIS/coding program for your agency’s clinical & financial health. 92 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Tom Lillis Vice President-Principal tomlillis@mcbeeassociates.com DATA ANALYTICS THE BASICS 150 CambridgePark Drive, Suite 301 Cambridge, MA 02140 (804) 264-7500 www.pointright.com WHO WE ARE PointRight brings visibility to post-acute and long-term care populations through predictive data analytics. We have the largest database of Minimum Data Sets (MDS) in the industry and our nationally endorsed data models enable our clients to manage risk, lower rehospitalization and achieve superior outcomes. As a data intermediary for providers and payers, we use data to drive improvements in quality, cost and performance across the continuum. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1995 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF • PointRight has the largest database (over 45 million records) of MDS data in the industry. • As a data intermediary for payers and providers, we offer insight and intelligence to advance value-based healthcare. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY SALMON Health & Retirement was looking to identify any systemic problems that were negatively impacting quality measures. Events such as falls, fractures and pressure ulcers are the most common reasons SNFs face exposure, so SALMON leadership selected PointRight’s data analytics solution to gather real-time insight. With PointRight, SALMON was able to assess clinical and risk concerns, including hospitalization and mortality risk scales to identify residents at highest risk for rehospitalization and end-of-life. According to Matt Salmon, COO of SALMON Health & Retirement: “PointRight gave us the opportunity to continue to look at our own QMs, while still being able to compare it with the national database.” & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Tom Beebe BS, RN National Business Development Executive Tom.Beebe@pointright.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Our newest solution, the SNF ScoreCard, provides payers, ACOs and hospitals with critical insight into the performance of post-acute facilities; thus, enabling them to build and foster high-performing, smart post-acute networks. Pamela Gould, RN, BS VP Business Development & Payer Strategies pam.gould@pointright.com Janine Savage, RN, RAC-CT, CHC Vice President, Client Experience janine.savage@pointright.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Competitive positioning: Knowing how to use data to showcase their strengths to payers and other referral sources. • Quality improvement: Using predictive analytics to proactively manage patients and avoid preventable events. 93 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Emelia Altschul, MBA Director of Channel Development emelia.altschul@pointright.com DISASTER RECOVERY THE BASICS 7515 Jefferson Highway #5 Baton Rouge, LA 70806 (800) 914-7634 www.hytropy.com WHO WE ARE Active shooters, hurricanes, or a power outage can devastate your facility. Hytropy provides cutting-edge disaster preparedness that reinvents healthcare resiliency. Going beyond traditional consulting solutions, Hytropy is a 24/7 fullservice disaster preparedness company that partners with you to design and implement custom-minted disaster plans, training, and exercises that never become obsolete, and goes beyond compliance to true resilience! HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • 24/7 Live Support - We boast the world’s only freelance Emergency Operations Center to provide you live, expert support. • 360 Degree Programs - We design 100% compliant emergency response, business/IT continuity plans, training, and exercises. Founded in 2009 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A 140-bed skilled nursing facility in South Carolina reached out to us to design a custom disaster program from scratch. Their outdated disaster plan was in dusty binders, and not compliant with state regulations. Staff had never been trained on the plan, and few even knew where the binders were located! Hytropy disaster planners went right to work, designing a complete, regulatory-compliant plan, conducting an on-site training and a disaster exercise all within 60 days. When their program was tested in October 2015 during the historic 500-year flooding in South Carolina, employees called our 24/7 Center, and conducted a complete evacuation of the facility, even though the administrator couldn’t reach the facility! & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Patrick Hardy, LL.M., CEM, MEP, CRM President phardy@hytropy.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We’re taking the opportunity at Post-Acute Link to provide an exclusive look at our new disaster mobile app for senior care companies. Utilizing advanced functionality, our app provides our powerful response tools and 24/7 support at your fingertips HOW WE CAN HELP • Management Company Integration – We work closely with leadership so all facility plans integrate seamlessly. • Monthly Updates - Programs are fully-updated MONTHLY so your program remains newly-minted, and never falls obsolete. 94 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing William Francis, CBCP, FBCI Chief Business Continuity Officer wfrancis@hytropy.com DISTRIBUTION THE BASICS 9954 Mayland Drive, Suite 4000 Richmond, VA 23233 (888) 822-8111 mms.mckesson.com WHO WE ARE The health of your business is driven by the health of your patients. That’s why McKesson Medical-Surgical brings you more products, more distribution services, more business management tools and more clinical support than other medical supply distributors — so you can save time, reduce costs and focus on providing patient care. Because when you get more from your distributor, you can do more for your patients. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • WoundCare Companion - a one stop shop for Advanced Wound Care needs, including national brand & private label products. • Customized Business Reviews - delivering the data you need to run your business better. Founded in 1833 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A few years ago, our team had the opportunity to meet with a large organization in the Northeast. After two meetings explaining our value proposition, we convinced them to take the business to RFP. During the process of the RFP and subsequent winning we aligned several pieces of our Value Proposition with their organization. In the end we were able to save them about 10% on their line item expense, increased their revenue generation two times and inserted several clinical and educational applications that help maintain positive clinical, financial, operational and risk management outcomes. They continue to be a great partner. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Maria Lugo Field Vice President, Home Health & Hospice maria.lugo@mckesson.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING WoundCare Companion - a comprehensive, one-stop shop for all of your advanced wound care needs including an extensive product portfolio, educational guides and clinical information and resources. HOW WE CAN HELP • Providing you with personalized sales support to be a true partner for your business. • Offering customized reporting, data benchmarking, innovative partner relationships and clinical expertise. 95 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Jeff Ward Field VP Long-Term Care jeff.ward@mckesson.com E-LEARNING THE BASICS 111 Corning Rd, Suite 250 Cary, NC 27518 (919) 655-1800 www.reliaslearning.com WHO WE ARE Relias Learning’s e-learning and on-line training offerings help to drive turnover lower, improve staff effectiveness and bolster retention. A who’s who of leading providers across all senior care segments partner with Relias to make regulatory compliance and staff training easy to use, track and manage, making Relias the #1 choice for learning and compliance in the industry. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Relias provides more staff development and e-learning training content than any other vendor in senior care. • Relias is the only provider to exclusively Skillsoft’s Business Skills courses to improve your business and management. Founded in 2012 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Hospice, GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Training Coordinator Kim Novak with Friendship Retirement Community was new to HR and needed to find an online education solution to keep up with the state’s assisted living mandates. Staff needed 12 hours of dementia education alone. Relias was key for her company. It was the first electronic initiative for the company and its 700+ employees. According to Kim, the brilliant part about it is the courses are about more than just annual mandatory training - there are life skills courses, too. Her staff has 24-hour access to free education, including courses on balancing a checkbook or Microsoft Excel, to smart business and smart leadership courses to help develop managers and free CE for clinical staff. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Don Lazzari National Sales Director dlazzari@reliaslearning.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We are developing new content aligned to common business problems such as Hiring & Interviewing, Giving Performance Feedback, and Effective Orientation. We will also unveil mobile friendly training for your field teams to keep compliance on the go. HOW WE CAN HELP • Reduce turnover by automating training through innovative learning, situational simulations and micro-learning. • Significantly reducing regulatory risk and the financial impact of liability. 96 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Peter Payerli Post-Acute, Emerging Markets ppayerli@reliaslearning.com FINANCIAL AND RELATED SERVICES THE BASICS 360 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor New York, NY 10017 (212) 869-5600 www.cainbrothers.com WHO WE ARE Cain Brothers is a pre-eminent investment bank focused exclusively on healthcare. We deliver innovative solutions and fresh ideas to our mergers & acquisitions, capital raising, and strategic and financial advisory clients. Recent long term care clients include Avamere Health Services, The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, Spectrum Professional Services and others. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Our deep knowledge of the industry is matched with the knowhow needed to execute complex transactions of all sizes. • With a focus on healthcare, we have an unobstructed view of the industry that enables us to provide unique perspectives. Founded in 1984 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Cain Brothers was recently retained by Spectrum Professional Services to explore a potential sale of the company. Spectrum is a leading provider of rehabilitative therapy management services to over 500 post-acute facilities. We ran a broad and competitive process to identify the optimal partner for Spectrum. In December, 2015 the company was acquired by Beecken Petty O’Keefe & Company. Sunrise Senior Living also participated as an investor and strategic business partner. We were able to achieve an outstanding result for our client by valuing the business off pro forma EBITDA, running a highly competitive and efficient process, and introducing Sunrise to the opportunity. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Wyatt Ritchie Managing Director writchie@cainbrothers.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING In addition to investment banking services, we are working with health systems throughout the country to organize post-acute networks to better integrate care and align financial incentives between discharging hospitals and post-acute providers. HOW WE CAN HELP • Unparalleled access to capital providers and business partners in a rapidly evolving healthcare industry. • Opportunity to deepen relationships with referral sources as healthcare delivery moves to value-based care. 97 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing FINANCIAL AND RELATED SERVICES THE BASICS 3600 Minnesota Drive, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55435 (952) 223-8400 www.triple-tree.com WHO WE ARE TripleTree is a healthcare merchant bank focused on mergers and acquisitions, growth capital, strategic advisory, IPO advisory and divestiture services. Since 1997, we have advised some of the most innovative and high-growth businesses in healthcare – delivering results that consistently met or exceeded our client’s expectations. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Industry Relationships, Thought Leadership, Healthcare Domain Expertise Founded in 1997 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care - Paraprofessional/NonMedical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A high-growth provider of end-of-life hospice care serving the upper Midwest engaged TripleTree as an investment banking advisor to help evaluate and explore the Company’s strategic options. Recognizing the growing demand for hospice services and the opportunity for continued expansion, the Company sought a strategic partner with a shared vision of the future as well as the ability to invest in the Company’s long-term growth. TripleTree helped assess many options and identify an experienced and successful investor in healthcare services to help drive their continued market expansion. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Justin Roth Managing Director justinroth@triple-tree.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The TripleTree Platform identifies market forces and emerging trends. We use these insights to develop blogs and research that engage the industry about disruptive themes and high impact markets, resulting in successful outcomes for all involved. HOW WE CAN HELP • Strategic advisory, mergers and acquisitions, growth capital. • IPO advisory, divestitures 98 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing FURNITURE/TEXTILES/FURNISHINGS THE BASICS 8 Maplewood Drive Hazleton, PA 18202 (800) 842-7839 www.forboflooringna.com WHO WE ARE Forbo has a proven performance history for over 40 years. Forbo’s linoleum products have Flooring Systems produces and markets the most technically superior performance textile and resilient floor coverings available. All products are highly engineered for facility owner/operators. Forbo’s textile products include Entrance Systems and an alternative to traditional tufted carpets been satisfying customer needs for over 150 years. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1927 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care • We don’t offer commodity products.We bring flooring solutions to customers seeking performance in facilities they own. • Our solutions include resilient and textile options for key areas within the Senior Care environment. 1 source = savings. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY “Forbo Flooring Systems is a superior company that provides a quality product. The Flotex flooring is a beautiful flooring system. It is easily cleaned and maintained. Seamless transitions from one type of flooring to the other reduces the risk of falls. The installers were very professional and timely. They completed their work with exceptional quality. We will definitely be using Forbo Flooring Products for our future renovations. ” -Sandra Brown, Executive Director, Asbury Place Kingsport & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Jamie Thorn National Sales Manager jamie.thorn@forbo.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Under many of our Senior Care contracts, Forbo now offers the ability to purchase both materials and installation services - “turnkey” option. This will allow the provider the benefit of having 1 point of contact, one PO, and a quality experience. HOW WE CAN HELP • Senior Care environments embrace the attributes of carpeting with one key exception - cleaning. We offer the solution. • Our turnkey option puts the total flooring component on us. 99 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Terry Romin Reginal Wellness Specialist therese.romin@forbo.com FURNITURE/TEXTILES/FURNISHINGS THE BASICS PO Box 3510 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 (800) 257-7858 www.harborlinen.com WHO WE ARE Harbor Linen is the Healthcare and Hospitality textile division of Bed, Bath and Beyond. We are a leading manufacturer and distributor of textile products to the Healthcare industry. Harbor Linen has earned the LINK Elite status designation for 2015. We provide quality textile products from bed and bath linens to incontinence products, patient apparel, table linen and everything in between including a wide range of interior products. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1973 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Hospice • Because Harbor is a manufacturer as well as a distributor, we can control product quality and consistency. • Harbor also specializes in Interior Design. We can assist you in design, implementation, and installation. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2014 one of our providers approached us looking for additional ways to differentiate their Short Term Rehab from the competition. This nursing home group is located in the Southeast and has 100+ facilities. Because of our extensive background and history with the Hospitality market, we saw this as a perfect opportunity to introduce some of our better Hospitality products and help them use their linen and textile products as a brand extension. We provided upgraded sheets, towels, a custom comforter, monogrammed robes and even assembled an amenities tote with shampoo, conditioner, soap and lotion-all with their logo. The tote is being used as a parting gift and the program has been a resounding success. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Lou Gostino VP Sales lgostino@harborlinen.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Harbor Linen has developed a number of new and exciting products that utilize cutting edge, innovative fiber technology that increase product life, enhance comfort and reduce processing costs. Bob Montani Director of Corporate Accounts bmontani@harborlinen.com Steven Little Director Long Term Care slittle@harborlinen.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Innovative products that use new technologies to improve durability & extend product life - reducing overall costs. • Harbor can assist you in the design, implementation and installation of wall coverings, window treatments & furnishings. 100 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing GPO THE BASICS 307 Waverley Oaks Road, Suite 401 Waltham, MA 02452 (617) 275-8430 www.diningalliance.com WHO WE ARE Dining Alliance members save on food, equipment, medical supplies, pharmacy and linen service through the nation’s largest food service partnership. We offer Healthcare Procurement Expertise,Vendor Negotiations, Bid Process Management, Price Auditing, Produce Management and Traceability, and Spend Management and Reporting Tools.You attend to your residents... Let Dining Alliance attend to your budget. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1998 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care • We are a family owned and run company that has the time and flexibility to make a personal investment with our partners. • Our managed produce program brings negotiated pricing and traceability that allows for tighter food safety controls. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2014, a senior living provider with 53 facilities partnered with Dining Alliance for our food service savings program. The provider saved over $50,000 in the first quarter alone! They realized this incredible savings without making any product or distributor changes. Dining Alliance works with them to monitor their spend with our proprietary auditing software and has grown our partnership to support their non-food purchases, including a 50% reduction in their electricity expenditure through our LED lighting conversion program with no capital outlay. “Dining Alliance helps my facilities reduce costs, allowing us to spend smarter and invest in providing higher quality care to our residents” - Communications Director Joseph Corrigan HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Michele Schlieger Our newest technology allows our members to order from all of their suppliers with only one login through our procurement app. The app is available for mobile, tablet or desktop and offers real-time pricing and savings opportunities! HOW WE CAN HELP • Dining Alliance brings cost savings directly to our members. That means money to your bottom line! • Our reporting tools allow tracking across all categories and audit spending on all of your contracts, not just food! 101 OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing VP, Strategic Relations joseph.corrigan@diningalliance.com Director of Healthcare michele.schlieger@diningalliance.com HR SERVICES THE BASICS 1601 Cloverfield Blvd, Suite 600 Los Angeles, CA 90404 (310) 752-0200 www.cornerstoneondemand.com WHO WE ARE Cornerstone OnDemand is a global leader in cloud-based learning and talent management software. The company’s solutions help organizations realize the potential of a modern workforce. From recruitment, onboarding, training and collaboration, to performance management, compensation, succession planning, Cornerstone is designed to enable a lifetime of learning and development that is fundamental to the growth of employees and organizations. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Cornerstone provides a single portal for all employee engagement - regardless of position, location or device. Founded in 1999 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY With increasing demand for direct care, ResCare – the nation’s largest provider of services to people with disabilities – hires thousands of employees each year. Prior to implementing Cornerstone OnDemand, recruiting had been problematic. With multiple platforms and vendor contacts, ResCare was in search of a unified talent management solution to simplify and streamline its recruiting processes, and unanimously chose Cornerstone. Now, with Cornerstone’s easy-to-use and highly configurable solution, ResCare has reduced application completion time by 32 percent, increased its flow of applicants and automated previously time-intensive, manual systems. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Michael Dale National Sales Manager, Healthcare mdale@csod.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Cornerstone’s Talent Management platform helps organizations engage their employees, customers, and partners to be more effective in what they do by bringing them closer to each other and critical resources. HOW WE CAN HELP • Improve compliance and care with training via our learning management system (LMS). • Engage employees by providing real time feedback, development plans and succession tracks via competency and performance management solutions. 102 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Christine Corning Regional Sales Manager, Healthcare ccorning@csod.com HR SERVICES THE BASICS 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60601 (773) 592-3508 www.myCNAjobs.com WHO WE ARE myCNAjobs & HealthHire offer a suite of Caregiver, CNA, and home health aide recruitment tools built for the senior care industry. Services include a marketplace attracting thousands of daily applicants, job postings, career fairs events, realtime interview booking, and recruitment analytics and consulting services to streamline recruitment. By partnering with executive teams, we help companies transform caregiver recruitment. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Senior care is our specialty - we’re a destination for caregivers seeking a career, scholarship, or training. • We have the tools, team, and insight to help solve your core front-line staffing challenges. “Our entire organization leverages myCNAjobs, including both online tools and 100+ Caregiver onDemand events/yr. They offer unparalleled service, have increased recruiter engagement, and are dedicated to our success. We’re piloting their latest innovation - interview booking - they book interviews in real-time, allowing our recruiters to save time and expedite onboarding,” -Ruthi Farrago,VP Humana At Home Senior Bridge. “Since joining forces, we’ve expanded our applicant pool and reduced time-to-hire. Their events make it more efficient to recruit in high volumes while reaching applicants not found on other channels. They’ve made a substantial impact on our recruitment,” -Kathryn Mejia, Talent Acquisition, Silverado. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Our latest innovation is real-time interview booking. We pre-screen and book interviews for Companions, CNAs, HHAs, and PCAs in real-time throughout the week, allowing recruiters to spend more time interviewing, onboarding, and improving retention. HOW WE CAN HELP • myCNAjobs is a partner to national companies seeking a more efficient approach to recruit front line staff. • Grow your talent pool & gain insight on recruiter performance and/or let us send caregivers ready-to-interview. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Care - Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 103 Founded in 2012 Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Brandi Kurtyka CEO brandi@myCNAjobs.com Nathan Kurtyka CTO nathan@myCNAjobs.com INFECTION CONTROL THE BASICS 4855 International Boulevard, Suite 103 Frederick, MD 21703 (240) 629-9429 www.ecolab.com WHO WE ARE Ecolab’s comprehensive cleaning, compliance, safety and operational solutions can help you attend to the comfort and safety of your residents while maximizing efficiencies and minimizing costs. Founded in 1923 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care • Ecolab provides personal service and support, industry-leading innovation and total impact solutions. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Escondido Post Acute Care’s Nelson Graca, Director of EVA states: “We have been running the AquaNomic Solid laundry program at Escondido Post Acute Care for almost a year now with fantastic results. The residents experience the benefit of clean, white and soft...From my side I have always looked for ways to save energy and water and I am excited that have proved to save 51% and 58% in water and energy respectively in this period, with a slight decrease in chemical costs. Finally, during that time we experienced a Health Department inspection and with the help of the expertise of my Ecolab rep, we passed with flying colors on this low temperature, energy and water savings laundry program.” & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Jack Quinn VP Industry Relations jack.quinn@ecolab.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING In Post Acute facilities, fabrics and carpet with strong urine or body odors can be tough to reclaim. Bio-enzymatic Odor Eliminator is sprayed on the source to prevent odors. Use with a spray bottle or a pump-up sprayer to eliminate odors. HOW WE CAN HELP • We help you meet the high expectations of residents and their families with an eye on compliance and your bottom line. • Our comprehensive approach helps deliver a safe, caring, comfortable community for your residents, visitors and staff. 104 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing INSURANCE THE BASICS 725 Lowndes Hill Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 770-6100 www.benefitsinacard.com WHO WE ARE Benefits in a Card serves the unique challenges of home health and the assisted living industries with ACA compliant benefits. We provide benefits solutions that help build stronger relationships between companies and their employees. Our solutions include our Minimum Essential Coverage Plan, Minimum Value Plan, and Fixed Indemnity Plans, as well as Vision, Dental, Short-Term Disability, Term Life, Critical Illness, and Accident Coverage. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Companies can customize their benefits offerings to best suit their unique needs within the home health industry. • All of our plans are aggregated weekly, and we offer multiple methods of enrollment (online, phone, or paper). Founded in 1992 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2015, Care Columbus, a home health staffing company based out of Columbus, OH, approached Benefits in a Card to provide appropriate benefits solutions to their employees. Care Columbus was seeking a company which would be able to customize their particular benefit offerings in a competitive and efficient manner, providing benefits to a work force with unique scheduling and employment needs. Benefits in a Card provided their expertise and customer care in over 23 years of experience working within the staffing industry to fulfill these needs. Benefits in a Card provided Care Columbus with appropriate enrollment support, customized benefit offerings, and weekly aggregated plan support to serve their needs. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Carl Stecker CEO carl.stecker@benefitsinacard.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The benefits and insurance solutions offered by Benefits in a Card are ACA compliant. Benefits in a Card is continuously working with outside carriers to ensure its clients are offered appropriate, cost-effective, and flexible benefit offerings. HOW WE CAN HELP • Provides ACA compliant benefits solutions for providers seeking to build stronger relationships with their employees. • Plans are aggregated weekly, offer multiple methods of enrollment, and are customized to fit their clients’ needs. 105 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Sarah Oliver National Account Executive sarah.oliver@benefitsinacard.com INSURANCE THE BASICS 16100 Swingley Ridge Road, Suite 250 St. Louis, MO 63017 (636) 489-0183 www.heffins.com WHO WE ARE CareProviders Business Insurance is a division of Heffernan Insurance Brokers which is the 16th largest Independent Insurance Brokers. We serve the Insurance needs of over 500 homecare, hospice, independent, assisted, CCRC and SNF’s. We enjoy proprietary relationships with insurance carriers that specialize in and have intimate knowledge of the CareProvider Industry. We focus on lowering our clients insurance expenditure, and entire cost of risk. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Expertise in the Care segment for profit and non profit organizations. Cost of risk and issued related to changing laws. • Very robust service for claims, loss control, contract and policy negotiations and exclusive insurance products. A prospect told us that their Property and Casualty Insurance program was not a priority and they seemed to like their current agent. The CFO understood the value of working with HIB based on our results with another ALC. This portfolio included 7 assisted living communities totaling over 400 licensed beds. We confirmed that they were not in the most advantages program and there were tremendous gaps in coverage. Our priority was improving coverage and working on a program that specializes in senior living. We were able to so, in addition to saving them 50% in premium and changing the contract and forms on their professional liability which reduced a lot of risk. Ownership wished they would have acted sooner. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Workers compensation claims and loss control programs with industry leading technology proven to reduce costs. Flock Benefit Management Portal is a robust benefit management program provided at a low cost to our clients. HOW WE CAN HELP • 45-minute conversation about all our Insurance capabilities will turn into a very sizable cost and coverage improvement. • We will focus on your needs and your issues and improve your business bottom line. Each risk is independent and unique. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 106 Founded in 1987 Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Michael J. Boone Senior Vice President mikeb@heffins.com Tiffany Maggard Vice President tiffanyw@heffins.com MARKETING THE BASICS 6716 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 225 Columbia, MD 21046 (800) 571-8553 www.dreamscapemarketing.com WHO WE ARE Dreamscape Marketing’s number one priority is you. We thrive to provide creative, unique & results-oriented marketing campaigns for our clients via trackable, measurable, and repeatable marketing solutions. We’re at the forefront of marketing trends backed by leading edge technology & methodology to increase lead generation, brand recognition, and business development while delivering critical data to executive-level decision makers for growth. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Dreamscape applies financial modeling to our marketing campaigns so that executives know the exact cost per action. • Time is money! Dreamscape utilizes the latest digital technologies to execute your project quickly & accurately. “An 80-bed behavioral health center in Florida wanted to generate online leads & lower cost per admission. Client’s CMO said, “I’m cautious to engage in a SEO campaign as we had no success before.” To meet the objectives, we built a new web platform with contemporary coding tactics stronger user experience & deployed a strategic SEO campaign by producing 1,000 unique & geo-targeted digital assets; blogs, video & landing pages. Paired with distribution & link building initiatives, which all contributed to their success. In 12 months, visitor traffic increased by 400%, call volume from 30/month to over 170/month, qualified leads from 15/month to over 80/month & decreased PPC spend, lowering cost per admission by 50%. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Dreamscape deploys the Lean Startup Methodology. This methodology encourages our teams to go from an idea to development to getting the results of that idea faster. This allows us to solidify the ideal strategy faster & with less wasted labor. HOW WE CAN HELP • Integrated analytics displayed to clients in one easy to read custom dashboard to monitor campaign success. • Wide spectrum of design capabilities to ensure each client’s brand is presented uniquely online & captures all leads. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 107 Founded in 2005 Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Daniel Gemp CEO dgemp@dreamscapemail.com William Camacho Director of Strategic Engagement wcamacho@dreamscapemail.com MARKETING THE BASICS 1255 Corporate Drive Holland, OH 43528 (419) 725-6604 www.theimagegroup.net WHO WE ARE Our Senior Living + Care division specializes in creative marketing solutions designed to improve census, attract and engage staff, increase satisfaction scores, and build your brand. As a single source for both print and promotional marketing products, we’ll help you enhance results, save time, and reduce costs. Our team possesses over 30 years of experience supporting the senior healthcare market. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1947 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Hospice • We are focused on results! We show you how to target your print and promotional product spend for optimal effectiveness. • We are the industry leader in protecting your brand through stringent product safety and social compliance standards. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY One of our new clients is a 13-facility IL/AL/Alzheimer care provider in New England, who was frustrated with the inconsistency of their marketing message in their communities. Their print & promotional marketing purchases lacked consistent quality and pricing, and facilities were unclear on how the products coordinated or should be used. Working with their marketing, purchasing, and accounting departments, we built a comprehensive online store that provides coordinated sourcing of print and promotional products for all their communities, with online customization and proofing, and clearly organized branding messages. We are currently designing an employee recognition program for them to implement. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We offer our customers a custom web-based app, featuring single sourcing of print and promotional marketing collateral. You can create, approve, and order all of your marketing items in one step, saving time and money while controlling your brand. HOW WE CAN HELP • Creative support and greater efficiency through integrated procurement for your print and promotional marketing products. • We bring solutions to build your census, attract and engage workers, increase satisfaction scores, and build your brand. 108 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Mike Kennedy Director of Business Development mkennedy@theimagegroup.net MARKETING THE BASICS 430 S. Fairview Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93117 (805) 699-2040 www.yardi.com WHO WE ARE For more than three decades,Yardi has been committed to the design, development, and support of innovative software solutions. The Yardi Senior Living Suite is the only fully integrated software solution built to improve every phase of senior living management by replacing disparate software programs with a single stack platform for resident care, finance, and operations. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • We’re the only company with a senior living single stack solution with resident care, finance, and property management. • Our senior living platform support clients as their business grows to include additional property types. Founded in 1982 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Last year, one residential real estate company with a diverse portfolio of multifamily and senior communities searched for an all-inclusive platform to replace their disparate set of software systems. They also needed comprehensive reporting and accessibility for every department. The old CRM software required distinct databases for each property. When prospects became residents, all information was re-entered manually. Sales/marketing, management and accounting all used different software.Yardi’s senior living software solution works with the company’s entire portfolio. Information is easily accessible and with the cloud solution there’s no need for a server onsite, resulting in a lean, efficient IT team. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Delaine Blazek Senior Account Executive delaine.blazek@yardi.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING RENTCafé Senior Living an online portal designed to manage payments and provide health information, strengthen social connections, and ease communication between residents, families and staff. HOW WE CAN HELP • Single stack solution removes gaps in property and clinical services to improve resident happiness and business success. • The Yardi cloud lowers total cost of ownership by eliminating the need for multiple databases and onsite servers. 109 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - DME/HME AdvaCare SYSTEMS Providing solutions for your specialty needs THE BASICS 2939 N. Pulaski Road Chicago, IL 60641 (866) 276-7677 www.advacaresystems.com WHO WE ARE AdvaCare Systems is the Midwest’s leading rental provider of high quality medical equipment for the Skilled Nursing, Acute Care & Hospice industry. We specialize in Alternating Pressure & Low Air Loss support surfaces, Broda and Wheelchair mobility, Bariatric, Wound Care, and patient transfer products. The Joint Commission accredited since 1999, AdvaCare employs the latest technology & professional technicians supporting a 24 hour service model. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1995 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Hospice • Inventory: We constantly purchase best-of-breed, high quality outcome driven products with multiple therapy options. • Infrastructure: With 28 warehouses & 175 service vehicles, we are able to fully support customers 24 X 7 X 365. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A large Skilled Nursing Care provider approached us with concerns about an increase in current patient spend & the lack of visibility into equipment quantity & utilization at all their locations. They are looking for fast, convenient & easy access to this type of data, along with related reporting capabilities. With our new customized ERP and customer online portal system, this new software platform matches perfectly to the needs of this new customer. We expect quick adoption of the new software, a much improved and streamlined web-based ordering experience, useful data analysis tools, & an executive dashboard with graphical interpretation of important KPI’s (key performance indicators). Regional Only IL, WI, IN, OH, MI MO, PA, KS, IA OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Larry Feldman President and CEO lfeldman@advacaresystems.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We are completing a new ERP software solution for our internal business needs & an enhanced online experience for our customer utilization, budgeting & billing needs. This 14 month project is the largest technology advancement in company history. HOW WE CAN HELP • High quality equipment delivered when you need it, 24 hours per day.Therapy technologies producing positive outcomes. • Professional service technician staff trained for product setup & troubleshooting whether in a facility or private home. 110 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Robert Locascio VP, Sales rlocascio@advacaresystems.com MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - DME/HME THE BASICS 99 Seaview Boulevard Port Washington, NY 11050 (877) 224-0946 www.drivemedical.com WHO WE ARE Our mission statement says it all: DRIVE EXISTS TO ENHANCE THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE PEOPLE WE TOUCH. Drive Medical is one of the fastest growing global distributors of durable medical equipment. The Company markets and distributes its products to customers located throughout North America, Europe, Central America, South America, the Middle East and Asia. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2000 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, Home Health - Skilled, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory • Product Breadth: With over 3500 products, Drive offers the widest selection of products in the industry. • Value Added Services: Our dedicated customer service and clinical support resources are here to support your business. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Since the implementation of Medicare’s competitive bidding program, we’ve had many questions from our customers asking how we can help lower their costs to improve their profitability. While cost reductions weren’t possible, we created a program educating our customers how to provide other value added options to products, enabling them to increase the average sale and thus improve profitability. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Tony Crisitello SVP - LTC Division tcrisitello@drivemedical.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING With the recent acquisition of DeVilbiss Healthcare, one of the oldest and most respected respiratory companies in the industry, we’ve expanded our respiratory offering providing more value to our homecare customers. Lance Lerch VP - LTC Sales llerch@drivemedical.com Dan Halas VP - LTC Corp Accounts dhalas@drivemedical.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Sales, Service, & Clinical support teams to help improve the interaction with your customers & patients. • Innovative products providing industry leading features and benefits with the best value. 111 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - DME/HME THE BASICS One MedlIine Place Mundelein, IL 60060 (847) 949-5500 www.medline.com WHO WE ARE Medline’s mission is to help our customers achieve clinical and financial success. We do that through a personalized approach to better understand our customers’ needs. Being a manufacturer and distributor across the continuum of care, we deliver the most robust product portfolio and patient-care solutions. Our responsiveness and commitment to advancing healthcare is evident in our actions every day. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1910 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, AL, Home Health - Skilled, Hospice • abaqis Quality Management - actionable data for regulatory requirements, readmissions monitoring and QAPI management. • Daylight IQ - disease care management system allowing clinicians to identify changes in condition at the point of care. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2014 Medline introduced Paul Liistro, the owner of Manchester Manor, to abaqis® and Daylight IQ® in order to help our partner improve resident satisfaction and reduce hospital readmissions. Through the quality management system abaqis®, which uses the same calculations as the QIS to highlight risk for a Stage 2 citation, the facility incurred only two minor deficiencies. This resulted in Manchester Manor’s best survey yet. Additionally, the integration of the technologically advanced disease management system, Daylight IQ®, enabled clinicians to identify early changes in the conditions of residents. Ultimately, Daylight IQ® helped Manchester Manor slash readmission rates by almost 50 percent. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Dave Jacobs President, Post-Acute Sales djacobs@medline.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Medline University Select offers 575+ premium online courses specifically designed for long-term care providers. This user-friendly educational platform will help facilities keep staff up-to-date on all mandatory and state-specific required courses. Mike Calogero SVP of Corporate Sales mcalogero@medline.com Shawn Scott SVP of Corporate Sales sscott@medline.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Medline helps providers win referrals with data-driven programs that reduce hospital readmissions and improve outcomes. • Our innovative offerings drive revenue for long-term care providers by improving census and operational efficiencies. 112 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Chris Nave SVP of Homecare Sales cnave@medline.com Pat Twohig SVP of Post-Acute Sales ptwohig@medline.com MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - DME/HME THE BASICS 2130 East University Drive Tempe, AZ 85281 (877) 633-7250 www.stateserv.com WHO WE ARE StateServ is a nation-wide End of Life focused Durable Medical Equipment provider dedicated to providing high quality patient care. We provide service through a combination of our own brick and mortar sites and a network of hospice focused DME partners. For the last 11 years, our unsurpassed customer service and commitment to quality, coupled with our innovative technological advancements make us the best solution for your patients. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2004 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, Hospice • Innovation: First to develop bedside ordering, EMR and med supply integration, and DX driven and predictive ordering. • Superior Value: Exclusive network of DME providers, held to the highest standards, ensuring happy referral sources. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2015, a large Arizona based hospice approached us for assistance in improving their discharge process from key referring hospitals. They were challenged with reducing discharge times, and asked us for help. We worked with their leadership team to create a dynamic solution that ensured patients discharged from these hospitals had equipment within 60 minutes of the initial order. Although it was challenging, we have delivered on our promise; resulting in an improved patient experience, enhanced hospice reputation, and an increase in census. At StateServ, we understand the value of each referral source and make every effort to develop solutions to meet your specific needs. We are invested in your success for the long term. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Paul DiCosmo CEO pdicosmo@stateserv.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING A consolidated ordering process with Medline makes ordering DME and Medical Supplies quick and easy. Our executive dashboard pulls DME, supply and quality information in real-time. Coming next: predictive ordering, subscription services and pharmacy. Andrew Delaney Sr. Vice President adelaney@stateserv.com Kristin Nelson Regional Sales Director knelson@stateserv.com HOW WE CAN HELP • We help you grow your business. Enhanced patient experience via exclusive DME network ensures stakeholder satisfaction. • We save you money. A competitive price, utilization control, and clinical pathways to ensure financial success. 113 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing ON-HOLD MESSAGING SERVICES THE BASICS 2301 Stonehenge Drive, Suite 203 Raleigh, NC 27615 (919) 847-5432 www.onhold32.com WHO WE ARE Since 1994, ON HOLD:32 has helped Home Care Agencies and Senior Care communities transform their “hold” time into a powerful marketing and customer service tool by producing engaging, educational Message On-Hold recordings. Each of our low cost programs includes: expert copywriting based on your specific needs; professional male & female voice talent; fully-licensed music; dedicated account management and outstanding in-house service & support. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • We are an Audio-Marketing company, not a recording studio.We are experts at promoting your brand and image “on-hold.” • “Personal Paragraph”: Record your own personal “Welcome” or “Thank You” message in your own voice, onto the recording. Greg Fox, Director of Operations for HHHunt Senior Living, contacted us to develop a Message On-Hold program for their Spring Arbor Senior Communities. Having worked with us at a previous Senior Living organization, Greg was confident that ON HOLD:32 could deliver a consistent, branded on-hold recording for all 20+ communities in the Southeast, and at a price that would easily fit within their budget. “The team at ON HOLD:32 knows the Senior Care industry and understands what callers need to hear when they’re placed on-hold. Their recordings enhance the image of each of our communities while also providing valuable information about Spring Arbor to every caller. They made it easy and very affordable to implement.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We recently launched a new, “hands-free” message on-hold system for large, multi-location customers. This hardware connects to your existing network allowing us to remotely update your on-hold recordings with no involvement from your on-site staff. HOW WE CAN HELP • Every day, ON HOLD:32 will promote ALL your services to every single caller, for less than the cost of a cup of coffee. • Your hold button is more important than you think.We’ll improve “over the phone” customer experiences for every caller. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 114 Founded in 1994 Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Mike Groom President mikeg@onhold32.com PATIENT ENGAGEMENT/EXPERIENCE THE BASICS 7330 S. Alton Way, Suite O Centennial, CO 80112 (303) 806-0797 www.iN2L.com WHO WE ARE Since 1995 It’s Never 2 Late® provides intuitive computers that entertain & empower elders. iN2L® puts a vast content library for wellness/activity & dementia programs into a convenient kiosk. Proven to reduce psychotropics & improve clinical outcomes, a must have technology. Loved ones can remotely contribute & stay connected thru a portal enabling staff to easily provide person centered engagement for therapy & rec. In over 2000 communities. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1999 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, Memory Care, Hospice • iN2L transforms the quality of your activity programming and your therapy programming through meaningful engagement. • iN2L‘s vast content library and ability to individualize that content, stands out from any other provider in this space. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Brookdale has successfully integrated iN2L into 700+ communities after an extensive competitive analysis and 2+ year pilot program. Residents, families and staff all see tangible benefits. They rebranded it “InTouch” and we’ve customize the experience to integrate with other Brookdale initiatives. Juliet Klinger, Director of Dementia Services, explains: “iN2L enables us to engage those living with dementia in a way that wasn’t possible before. We can put individualized, multi-sensory content at residents’ fingers—this helpes fulfill our mission of fostering a person centered experience. The learning curve was minimal and placing the systems in all Clare Bridges has spawned wonderful success stories.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Our innovation is straightforward. We streamline the process, with family input, to allow a resident to have their “own” technology experience which seamlessly integrates meaningful content delivered to their own cognitive ability. HOW WE CAN HELP • By implementing iN2L, your organization can show potential move ins that you truly deliver person centered care. • Organizations struggle to keep activity and therapy programs fresh - Let us show you how that can happen overnight. 115 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Jack York President jyork@in2L.com Tom Bang CEO tbang@in2L.com PATIENT/RESIDENT SAFETY/FALL PREVENTION THE BASICS 135 Beaver Street, Suite 307 Waltham, MA 02452 (781) 373-3228 www.earlysense.com WHO WE ARE The EarlySense System provides Continuous and Contact-Free monitoring of Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate and Motion for Early Detection of Patient Deterioration, Fall Prevention and Pressure Ulcers Prevention. EarlySense’s real time delivery of actionable data, together with resident management tools, empowers the medical staff to identify potentially critical situations and allows the medical staff to reduce adverse events. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2004 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, Memory Care • Contact-free solution – no on-body leads or sensors. • Drive evidence-based clinical decision making – proven to reduce falls, pressure ulcers and 30-day readmission. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2015, Reformed Church Home, a non profit 108 bed SNF serving Old Bridge, NJ, installed the EarlySense System. The facility is alarm free and looked to implement a technology that will assist in preventing falls and identify deterioration early, without disrupting the residents. Executive Director Kate Shepard says: “We rely on it to report not only movement but some vital statistics in high risk patients, which may prevent our nurses from having to continuously wake residents to collect this data during rounds. We also love that we can adjust the system’s settings based on the individual resident. Other benefits include daily reports, team response times, bed exit protocols, and patient turn verification.” OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Nick Fleming-Wood VP of Sales nick.flemingwood@earlysense.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Multi Parameter Alert - The EarlySense System can be configured to alert when both HR and RR are above a certain threshold; for example, according to the facility’s protocol for SIRS or Sepsis or according to the clinician’s decision. HOW WE CAN HELP • Fall Prevention and Management and Pressure Ulcer Prevention. • Early Detection of Resident Deterioration to Decrease Readmission Back to the Hospital. 116 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Maayan Wenderow Director of Marketing maayan.wenderow@earlysense.com PATIENT/RESIDENT SAFETY/FALL PREVENTION THE BASICS 111 Lawrence Street Framingham, MA 01702 (800) 451-0525 x3100 www.lifeline.philips.com/business WHO WE ARE Philips delivers population health management through innovation in telehealth and telecare, helping improve outcomes while lowering costs. Philips’ telehealth solutions help improve acute and ambulatory care, enabling providers to prepare for value-based care. Philips’ telecare division, Philips Lifeline, offers CareSage, an integrated medical alert/EMR solution that helps providers predict risk of transport to the ER over the next 30 days. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Philips enables visibility into population health across the post-acute care continuum: Home Care, IL, AL, SNF. Founded in 1891 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY CareSage enables hospitals and health systems to manage their patient populations by proactively identifying at-risk patients most likely to need an emergency transport in the next 30 days, helping prevent avoidable hospitalizations. “As we continue to work towards improving patient care, addressing the hospitalization rates of our at-risk elderly patients is a critical step,” said Mary Hagen, e-Home Care Supervisor at Henry Ford Health System. “Working with Philips to implement predictive analytics into the home monitoring services that we offer our patients will help identify those in need of early intervention and improve how we deliver care to help patients stay out of the hospital and live independently.” & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Jeff Moore Sales Lead, Long Term and Post-Acute Care jeff.moore@philips.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING CareSage - a predictive analytics tool, identifies high-risk patients so care providers can provide timely intervention. CarePoint – a UL 2560-certified life safety/wandering solution enables better resident care and staff efficiency. Marcia Conrad-Miller Business Lead, Long Term and Post-Acute Care marcia.conrad-miller@philips.com Jane Phillips National Account Manager jane.phillips@philips.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Providers will be better able to enhance care at lower cost with Philips’ population health and safety solutions. • Philips delivers technology solutions across the post-acute care continuum that enable value-based care. 117 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Karsten Russell-Wood Senior Manager, Business Development karsten.russell-wood@philips.com PATIENT/RESIDENT SAFETY/FALL PREVENTION THE BASICS 4600 Vine Street Lincoln, NE 68503 (800) 824-2996 www.stanleyhealthcare.com WHO WE ARE STANLEY Healthcare partners with senior living communities to elevate resident quality of life with a unified suite of proven solutions that enable a safe and secure environment, allow for greater resident independence, enhance staff productivity and operational efficiency and personalize resident care. These solutions are complemented by consulting, training, implementation and integration services. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1843 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care • STANLEY Healthcare combines continual innovation with decades of experience - for the right solution now & in the future. • We have the skills & services for your long-term success, keeping your solutions running, staff trained & residents safe. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Tealwood Senior Living facilities wanted to improve communication between staff and residents while implementing consistent routines and reducing disruptive alarms. The facilities are using an integrated solution for emergency call and wander management that incorporates video surveillance. This combined solution has helped Tealwood transform the environment of care for residents. Improved communications send alerts straight to staff members, enabling faster response to calls for help and potential wander incidents, and a quieter environment by eliminating sound alarms. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Brian Stege VP - Senior Living Sales brian.stege@sbdinc.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We’re focused on innovations to improve resident care, staff efficiency and financial performance. Recent innovations include multiple staff messaging options, online enterprise reporting, and wired & wireless solutions for varied state standards. Mark Russo VP - Healthcare Vertical mark.russo@sbdinc.com David Strong Sr. National Accounts Manager david.strong2@sbdinc.com HOW WE CAN HELP • With a wide array of solutions and 30+ years of experience, we can help you identify the best solution with your needs. • From design, implementation & training to ongoing support, we offer national reach, 24/7 coverage & unmatched expertise. 118 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing PHARMACY COST MANAGEMENT THE BASICS 1839 S. Alma School Road, Suite 230 Mesa, AZ 85210 (480) 784-6335 www.medliance.com WHO WE ARE Medliance is the leading pharmacy cost management solution in the post-acute care arena, protecting more than 1,400 client facilities across the United States by assuring pharmacy contractual alignment. Medliance creates transparency and increases communication between the skilled nursing home community and their pharmacy partners. Medliance has saved millions of dollars on behalf of clients and can help you save too. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2003 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC • Medliance’s world-class business intelligence warehouse pushes action reports to the end user precisely when needed. • Medliance customizes the adjudication and reporting tools to the specific needs of each facility within an organization. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A SNF provider with 15 facilities on the East Coast requested pharmacy negotiation services. Proposals were obtained from various pharmacies. Pharmacies unable to provide the desired services were eliminated. Cost studies were developed based on facility specific historical utilization. The cost studies were evaluated to determine the financial outcome of the proposals. Upon final negotiations and due diligence, our client selected a pharmacy partner and saved $2.4 million dollars during the first term of the agreement. Medliance continues to assist the client with online adjudication to ensure pharmacy contract compliance and realize further cost reduction thru utilization management. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Candy Rebstock Director of Client Value Delivery candyrebstock@medliance.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We are now offering Medliance® Health, a health service division to help clients implement Medication Risk Mitigation® strategies. These have been developed for frail-elderly, high-risk populations and are documented to improve outcomes. HOW WE CAN HELP • Our team will help you manage your pharmacy budget and improve facility reimbursement, resulting in cost savings. • Our systems provide real-time automated price validation and dispensing controls without interrupting your workflow. 119 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Eileen Takacs-Tetzlaff Pharmacy Cost Management Consultant eileentakacs@medliance.com OMNICARE PROFILE COMING SOON 120 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing PHARMACY SERVICES THE BASICS 5380 North Ocean Drive 19G Singer Island, FL 33404 (888) 962-8867 www.prescribeus.com WHO WE ARE PrescribeUS offers pharmacy services to Nursing Home and Assisted Living chains throughout the US. Our pharmacies are run by owners using the industries most advanced software systems.You receive the best of both worlds, the caring responsive service by local owners and the the centralization of contracting, data and advance support. We cover 46 states with over 70 pharmacies. We assist our clients in reducing costs and readmissions. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2013 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, Memory Care • Technologies for interfacing to all EHR systems, e-physician signature capture and no charge onsite stat-dose machines. • Support to programs for readmission reductions and management training that results in delighted residents and staff. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY We began servicing a 31 community national chain in Philadelphia. Concerns included: medication availability, rising costs, responsiveness and a partner who assisted senior management in data access and review. Dean Eliason, Nat’l Dir. said: “The transition of the Pharmacy was seamless with absolutely no interruption in service. As important was attention to therapeutic interchange resulting in significant expense reduction.” Amy Snyder, Administrator said: “Using PrescribeUS’s Trinity Pharmacy has been great. The transition from our previous provider was smooth. Support from our rep, Maria, is readily available with a call or email. The nurses love having the StatSafe for immediate medication dispensing.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING PrescribeUS has launched two technologies this past year that focuses on readmission reductions and medication availability. Our data portal, our on-site stat-dose machines along with our Consultants provide the medication management for success. HOW WE CAN HELP • Readmission reductions is one of the key areas of focus for your referral sources. Our Medication management is a key. • Medication availability supports star ratings and readmission reduction and our no-charge stat-dose machines are a key. 121 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Barry Schepp CEO barry@prescribeus.com REHABILITATION/THERAPY SERVICES THE BASICS 2600 Compass Road Glenview, IL 60026 (847) 441-5593 www.selectrehab.com WHO WE ARE We provide not only comprehensive PT, OT, and ST services but also partners with clients to provide support in regulatory and reimbursement issues. Emphasis is placed on patient-focused, outcome-driven services. Select Rehab supports each client’s development of financial and clinical systems for maximizing reimbursement, improving operational efficiency and maintaining the integrity of the Medicare and Medicaid programs. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1998 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care • We provide unique value-added services such as local market analytics and strategic alignment of programs. • We listen to a community’s needs, adjust our systems to support them, and do it in a quick, but effective manner. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY We provide therapy services to Solaris Health Care, a 12-SNF chain in FL. Administrator Ross Baird learned that one of their primary Daytona Beach referral sources was in the final stages of forming an ACO and was evaluating SNFs for partnerships in the market. To help prepare for a meeting with hospital executives, Baird turned to Select for assistance with data and outcomes. We generated reports that highlighted specific DRGs the hospital was focused on under their ACO. Their outcomes were also compared to market averages to demonstrate that his community was a premier regional provider and would be an excellent ACO partner. Solaris is now at the top of the hospital’s potential partner list. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Michael Capstick Executive Vice President/Owner mcapstick@selectrehab.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We offer a strategic plan to partner with clients to understand the needs of each local health system and then market to those referrals both the rehab programs and results needed to participate in their value based payment models. HOW WE CAN HELP • We understand the needs of each local health system and we assist clients in developing strategic rehab programs. • We act quickly to make necessary changes - we are real partners with our clients in delivering successful outcomes. 122 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Shelley Wisnowski Vice President of Business Development swisnowski@selectrehab.com REHABILITATION/THERAPY SERVICES THE BASICS 401 Charmany Drive, Suite 315 Madison, WI 53719 (608) 238-6678 www.swallowsolutions.com WHO WE ARE Swallow Solutions, a 2015 LINK Innovation Award Winner, improves the health and quality of life of patients with swallowing disorders through application of evidenced-based technology. The SwallowSTRONG medical device delivers standardized lingual strengthening protocols, clinically proven to improve swallowing. A study published in the January 2016 JAGS issue demonstrated 61% reduction in hospital admissions with 56 patients and saved $1.2M. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2012 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, Home Health - Skilled • Objective therapy outcomes that are documented to show patient progress. Evidence-based device based on 20 years research. • Repeatable therapy: the mouthpiece and device provide a consistent strengthening tool, including immediate biofeedback. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2015, a multi-site study was conducted to determine the viability of the SwallowSTRONG device. The study included 14 SNFs in 4 states with a total of 60 residents participating. Data was presented at the Dysphagia Research Society in February 2016. Outcomes included: 49% of the patients had upgraded their diet. In addition, 43% of the 23 who were on thickened liquids eliminated their use. Clinician and patient feedback was overwhelmingly positive for ease of use, biofeedback and documentation. Oropharyngeal strengthening facilitated by the SwallowSTRONG device is a viable and effective treatment option in the post-acute environment. Improved lingual strength translated into safer swallowing. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Ray Heller Executive Vice President rheller@swallowsolutions.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We have launched a cloud-based tool called the SwallowSTRONG Management System (SSMS). The SSMS allows the clinician to monitor and report patient progress. Administration can view reports and use the objective data for reimbursement documentation. HOW WE CAN HELP • Improves patient’s diet intake which leads to stronger healthier patients while reducing the need for thickened fluids. • SwallowSTRONG therapy reduces the hospital admissions by 61% and can be used as a referral tool for post acute. 123 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing SEARCH/STAFFING THE BASICS 2255 Center Street, Suite 107 Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 954-3378 www.vikus.com WHO WE ARE Currently, over 1,500 senior living locations utilize Vikus to find the right staff members. Our core belief is simple: care begins with who you hire. More than just an applicant tracking and paperless on-boarding system, our platform includes two industry-specific assessments that help determine who to interview, what to ask and, ultimately, who to hire. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Vikus provides the only new hire management software designed specifically for senior living organizations. • Vikus addresses the key business issues of turnover and retention - we do not automate a broken process. Founded in 1999 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Morning Pointe Senior Living has 28 locations and over 1,500 employees. The business issue they faced was high employee turnover. Prior to implementing Vikus, company-wide turnover was 37%. Over a two-year period using Vikus, Morning Pointe was able to lower employee turnover by 19 percent. This was accomplished using the Vikus system’s job specific assessments, interview guides and checklists to measure judgment and job fit for each candidate. “Vikus always goes above and beyond when helping my team. The process is seamless and simple” said Melissa Locke, SPHR,Vice President of Human Resources. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Spencer Thomas Executive Vice President sthomas@vikus.net HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The most critical step in the selection process is the interview.Vikus has enhanced interview guides specific to each applicant. This improves selection and reduces new hire turnover. Shane Kramer Vice President skramer@vikus.net Martha Abercrombie Vice President Strategy mabercrombie@vikus.net HOW WE CAN HELP • Vikus helps reduce turnover and improve retention which leads to better quality and resident satisfaction. • Vikus provides a consistent, repeatable and compliance driven employee selection and hiring process. 124 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Billy Mullins CEO bmullins@vikus.net SOFTWARE - ENTERPRISE/CLINICAL THE BASICS 5610 Rowland Road, Suite 130 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (952) 931-9660 www.eldermark.com WHO WE ARE Eldermark is the leading EHR and operational technology solution for senior housing providers. Focused on outcomes, efficiencies, and partnering with our clients in the achievement of their goals, our technology solutions help you to manage all of your operational and clinical systems, including Health Information Exchange. Once you become a client, our team invests in your success with our proven track record and our world-class service. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1991 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care • Eldermark focuses exclusively on applied technology for senior housing for both clinical and business operations. • We hire smart people and empower them to support your needs, enabling you to focus on your residents and outcomes. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Frustrated with paper-laden clinical records and unmet revenue goals, a Twin Cities client sought solutions in adding mobile technology to their clinical systems. Analysis of user workflow identified opportunities for best practices upon the implementation of the new technology. The immediate outcome in their 110-unit test community increased workforce efficiency by eliminating paper record-keeping systems and increasing the documentation of unscheduled (not on the care plan) resident services: increased documentation by 3200 service visits/quarter; increase of $25,000 in service revenue/ quarter after mobile technology implementation. Mobile technology is now moving forward in all 8 campus communities. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Craig Patnode President/CEO craig@eldermark.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The only HIE focused on senior living, Eldermark is working to create e-connectivity between providers, patients, physicians, hospitals, and vendors in the achievement of lower care costs, best informed care decisions and enhanced care experiences. HOW WE CAN HELP • Our clients experience an immediate and sustained ROI in their clinical and operational systems after implementation. • We support our clients beyond the technical applications with our team of consultants and operational experts in senior housing. 125 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Mark Anderson Senior Vice President manderson@eldermark.com SOFTWARE - ENTERPRISE/CLINICAL THE BASICS 10900 Hampshire Avenue South, Suite 100 Bloomington, MN 55438 ® (952) 995-9800 www.matrixcare.com WHO WE ARE MatrixCare solutions have powered the long-term care continuum for over 30 years. With the recent acquisition of AOD Software, MatrixCare is now the largest LTPAC technology provider in the U.S. and the first to offer a true full spectrum solution. MatrixCare’s solutions help skilled nursing and senior living providers, continuing care retirement communities, and home care organizations prosper as we migrate to a fee-for-value healthcare system. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • MatrixCare Clinical Coach provides clinical decision support, embedded in the EHR, to support evidence-based care. • MatrixCare Analytics drives better clinical & financial outcomes by providing real-time access to key performance data. Founded in 1982 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Peak Resources, a skilled nursing provider in North Carolina, leveraged MatrixCare to successfully participate in a bundled payment pilot program. MatrixCare is helping them achieve their goals by facilitating analysis of clinical data to identify issues before they happen to treat residents in place and keep them from going back to the hospital. MatrixCare’s embedded Clinical Decision Support (CDS) alerts and reminders automatically trigger interventions and schedule followup activities. CDS supports bundled payment by helping providers, provider clinicians, and payers to use clinical evidence, as well as provider network and cost implications, to make informed decisions at the point of care. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Ed Scott Senior Vice President, Enterprise Solutions ed.scott@matrixcare.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING MatrixCare Care Community, our common care coordination platform, is the industry’s first solution that helps the emerging set of conveners and diversified LTPAC operators deliver superior care and better outcomes across the full spectrum of care. HOW WE CAN HELP • MatrixCare helps conveners and diversified LTPAC operators achieve better outcomes across the full spectrum of care. • MatrixCare clients see real results. RTA rates 35% below the national average, 30% more time with residents. 126 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Joe Kraus Senior Vice President, Home Care Solutions joe.kraus@matrixcare.com SOFTWARE - SPECIALTY THE BASICS Butler Square, 100 North 6th Street, Suite 900 Minneapolis, MN 55403 (877) 340-5610 www.abilitynetwork.com WHO WE ARE What do the majority of the Home Care Elite top 100 agencies and the majority of the largest 100 SNF management companies have in common? They are current customers of ABILITY Network. For over a decade, thousands of post-acute providers have relied upon ABILITY’s ground-breaking, SaaS-based technology to simplify healthcare’s administrative complexities and improve their bottom lines. Set up a meeting with us at Post Acute Link to learn more. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2000 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, Home Health - Skilled, Hospice • We interact with thousands of providers every day, and what we learn drives our continuous innovation and improvement. • ABILITY is a one-stop, easy-to-use resource for your Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial revenue cycle management needs. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY The staff of Wisteria Gardens, a 130-bed skilled nursing facility in Pearl, Mississippi, was spending countless hours in DDE/ FISS due to its high Medicare census (over 80%). Staff had to search several areas in DDE to find the critical info they needed to verify, submit and track claims. Now, with revenue cycle management software from ABILITY, all the necessary information is quickly available through the user-friendly interface in just a couple of clicks. Automated reports help the facility project what claims will be paid soon, and time-savings of 20 to 40 percent give staff time back for other priorities. “Now I’ve got time to do other things that I used to put off,” says Andrew Allison, Business Office Manager. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Bud Meadows EVP, CRO bud.meadows@abilitynetwork.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The latest ABILITY | EASE functions now give post-acute administrators greater insights and control over A/R and other KPIs. Easy to use, advanced analytics reports give CFOs on-demand, real-time visibility to actual payments and forecasted revenue. John Porricolo SVP john.porricolo@abilitynetwork.com Garry Keute VP garry.keute@abilitynetwork.com HOW WE CAN HELP • On-demand access to revenue analytics: Get daily, comprehensive visibility and support for your organizational growth. • Increased claims accuracy, speedier payments: Get rid of manual work by staff and avoid costly delays or denials. 127 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing SOFTWARE - SPECIALTY THE BASICS 7751 Belfort Parkway, Suite 120 Jacksonville, FL 32256 (800) 378-0596 www.forcura.com WHO WE ARE Our mission is simple: to make your business more connected and efficient. Our technology transforms the way healthcare organizations manage information. The result is better patient care, improved cash flow and reduced costs. We do this with paperless document workflow and secure mobile communication- all while interfacing seamlessly with existing systems. We innovate relentlessly to make your organization the healthcare hero you strive to be. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2012 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Hospice • 100% dedicated to healthcare. While others serve various industries we design and engineer with healthcare as our focus. • Unparalleled customer service.We are a technology company with heart.We ensure our customers are happy and successful. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A large post-acute provider was struggling with manual paper processes including managing intake, tracking orders and accessing documents for compliance and clinical analysis. Back-office costs were steadily rising and the team was sending patient care information using unsecure SMS on their mobile devices. Implementing Forcura Workflow led to reduced cost per episode, enabled the agency to increase profit margins, streamline processes, and focus more on patient care. To further improve efficiency and compliance they implemented Forcura’s mobile app, Messenger, to securely text one-to-one or as a group. They now send, track and receive clinical images and documentation all in one HIPAA compliant platform. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Craig Mandeville Founder & CEO cmandeville@forcura.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The ScanCapture feature within our mobile app now gives users the ability to securely snap photos and upload clinical images and documents from any device. Field staff can get their images and documents to the right person in a fraction of the time. HOW WE CAN HELP • Forcura Messenger: Securely text your team from any location and any device with our HIPAA-compliant mobile platform. • Forcura Workflow: Securely manage documents electronically with custom workflows in one centralized, integrated platform 128 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Matt Challberg Director of Business Development mchallberg@forcura.com SOFTWARE - SPECIALTY THE BASICS 14155 Newbrook Drive, Suite 200 Chantilly, VA 20151 (800) 632-7367 www.nationaldatacare.com WHO WE ARE National Datacare offers the Resident Fund Management Service, RFMS. We work with over 6000 facilities in 49 states. RFMS teams with banks and US Treasury to improve cash flow, reduce bad debt and improve process controls. RFMS quickly captures recurring resident income such as SSA and private pensions. RFMS automates reconciliation and provides a complete audit trail as well as many other features to ensure compliance and fraud prevention. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1981 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, Memory Care • Our integrated system captures payments from US Treasury and pensions more quickly and easily than any other method. • Bank integration in RFMS allows specialized features not available in other products. Reconciliations are automated. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In 2015, a large national chain based in WI divested all their US facilities. The facilities planned to retain the RFMS services under their new ownership. Since RFMS incorporates banking and direct deposit of all resident checks, a seamless transition was crucial for continued payment of patient liabilities and resident trust accounting. We collaborated with both the buyer and seller of each facility to ensure a smooth transition. Residents continued to receive and have access to their funds and the facilities never missed a payment. While this was a large complicated case, we regularly help our customers with changes in ownership to ensure an optimal outcome for the resident, seller and buyer of the facility. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Peter Papadopoulos Sales Representative pete@nationaldatacare.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING RFMS is continuously evolving and innovating. We now offer single sign on (SSO) integration with corporate level systems, enhanced reporting and online training videos. We expanded our banking partners to offer more options and enhanced features. HOW WE CAN HELP • RFMS reduces bad debt by quickly capturing patient liabilities. SSA checks are received within ten days of admission. • RFMS reduces potential fraud and unwanted audit issues by implementing superior process controls. 129 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing TECHNOLOGY - CONSULTING THE BASICS 18645 West Creek Drive Tinley Park, IL 60477 (708) 468-2000 www.provinet.com WHO WE ARE ProviNET Solutions is a full service IT consulting company. Born out of a Senior Living provider, we are familiar with the strict demands of the marketplace. Our team of 90+ qualified professionals serves 500+ Senior Living communities with best-in-class solutions. Flexibility is paramount to our success, with solutions ranging from hosting, implementation, and technical consulting, project management and 24/7 EHR and critical systems support. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • No pressure to outsource all of your IT services. Our outsourcing/insourcing solutions are tailored to your needs. • We have aligned hardware/software providers and distribution channels to deliver integrated and trusted IT solutions. Founded in 1991 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY United Methodist Homes of New Jersey engaged ProviNET for a comprehensive technology audit. UMHNJ realized the value of having a strategic technology plan to methodically improve IT and build a foundation where future technologies could be supported. Outcomes of the audit included an overhaul of the existing network and software applications. ProviNET and UMHNJ collaborated on a strategic plan to address the technical issues and also implemented an EMR at five communities. Today, UMHNJ has a robust IT infrastructure with a modern EMR. Larry Carlson, CEO of United Methodist Homes, notes: “ProviNET’s technical expertise has provided our organization with a state-of-the-art technology platform.” HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Round-the-clock care requires round-the-clock support. As EMR adoption advances, ProviNET responded by offering 24/7 EMR support. The majority of clients utilize this offering as part of their bundled services or to augment their existing staff. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Carl Goodfriend Chief Information Officer carlg@provinet.com Joe Velderman Director of Consulting Services joev@provinet.com Mark Nunnikhoven Director of Client Care markn@provinet.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Through ProviNET’s consulting, we are able to provide industry best practice recommendations for technology solutions. • Through ProviNET’s services, we are able to provide enterprise level IT support for all things technology related. 130 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing TECHNOLOGY - EMR/EHR THE BASICS 5100 North Towne Centre Drive Ozark, MO 65721 (877) 875-1200 www.healthmedx.com WHO WE ARE HealthMEDX® is a developer of comprehensive EMR solutions for long-term, post-acute, home care and hospice providers. HealthMEDX Vision® streamlines clinical, financial and reporting functions for organizations of any size. From clinicians to physicians to executives, our innovative platform delivers a suite of cross-continuum tools to help LTPAC organizations improve care coordination and clinical outcomes, regardless of setting. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Our enterprise architecture creates a single patient record across LTPAC settings to optimize delivery and reimbursement. • Our wireless solutions connect care teams, with anytime/anywhere physician access via the HealthMEDX iCare mobile app. Lexington Health Network manages 2,000 skilled nursing beds, home health, hospice, private-duty home care and over 500 independent living units. HealthMEDX’s enterprise implementation strategy allowed the Chicago-based CCRC to launch with full functionality to enhance efficiencies, improve patient outcomes, and accelerate return on their EMR investment. Lexington leveraged the HealthMEDX Vision® platform’s paperless EMR processes for a reduction in return-to-hospital rates to less than 50% of the market average, positioning it as a preferred LTPAC referral partner. The organization has seen a resulting 50% increase in market share, with referral rates at some of their 13 facilities increasing by as much as 500%. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING As the LTPAC sector consolidates, our enterprise architecture favors design and deployment of leading-edge products that connect your care settings. Our teams are currently developing fully-integrated mobile, telehealth and analytic solutions. HOW WE CAN HELP • Our cross-continuum workflows connect care teams to improve care quality, optimize delivery and reduce readmissions. • Our enterprise architecture allows for clinical and financial snapshots of patients, populations and your organization. Back to Category Listing PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY 131 Founded in 1999 Back to Alphabetical Listing OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Mary Senesac Vice President of Sales mary.senesac@healthmedx.com Charlie Daniels COO charlie.daniels@healthmedx.com TECHNOLOGY EMR/EHR THE BASICS 4229 SW High Meadows Avenue Palm City, FL 34990 (772) 403-1200 www.optimahcs.com WHO WE ARE Optima Healthcare Solutions is the leading provider of therapy software for skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities and contract therapy providers who serve them. We serve more than 9,000 sites with 50,000+ users caring for over 1.8 million patients annually. Optima is expanding to serve the needs of Homecare and Outpatient clinics in order to help vastly improve the overall post-acute care patient experience. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • One solution across the post-acute care continuum providing a familiar system for your staff regardless of care setting. • Our easy to learn and use, web-based solution can operate from any device, from anywhere, even in a disconnected state. Founded in 1992 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care - Paraprofessional/NonMedical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Consonus Healthcare, a rehabilitation provider operating in 9 states with 76 rehab facilities, was looking to simplify operational processes for their rehab directors. They chose the Rehab Optima solution based on its outstanding business intelligence tool, reporting capabilities and the ability to simplifying operational complexities. “We firmly believe the documentation component was critical in helping us maintain a very low denial rate and supporting our directors in managing the overall business,” said Guy Cowart, vice president of operations. Additional benefits include an intuitive billing interface that speeds up invoicing, and a hotlist that promotes prioritization by highlighting time-sensitive items. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Josh Pickus Chief Executive Officer josh.pickus@optimahcs.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We are expanding the capabilities of our core agency management, EMR solution by providing a powerful, customizable business intelligence dashboard, as well an electronic document management tool to help streamline the physician signature process. Aaron Brandwein Chief Revenue Officer aaron.brandwein@optimahcs.com Doug LeBolt Senior Solutions Specialist doug.lebolt@optimahcs.com HOW WE CAN HELP • We help streamline your back office, clinical documentation at the point-of-care, and revenue cycle management processes. • We can exchange data with other systems in various areas such as Admissions, MDS, HR, Payroll and Financial systems. 132 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing TECHNOLOGY - EMR/EHR THE BASICS 5570 Explorer Drive Mississauga, ON L4W 0C4 (905) 858-8885 www.pointclickcare.com WHO WE ARE PointClickCare’s cloud-based software platform is advancing senior care by connecting long-term and post acute care (LTPAC) providers across the senior care continuum with regulatory compliant solutions for improved resident outcomes, enhanced financial performance and staff optimization. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2000 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled • 12,000 LTPAC providers manage their business using PointClickCare. We have a 99% customer retention rate. • Single point of entry allows users to enter information once and have it be pushed and pulled to every other discipline. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A facility with 101-skilled beds, a special dementia care unit and 54 AL units, recognized that their re-hospitalization rate was at a high of approximately 18%. They started looking for an EHR system that could improve MDS and documentation management and build efficiencies into care and billing practices. RHC selected PointClickCare as its EHR and they introduced electronic tracking of re-hospitalizations with eINTERACT™. The client states: “PointClickCare has been invaluable in tracking 30-day admissions and readmissions.” Annual Readmission rate dropped 6% with the implementation of INTERACT™ /eINTERACT™. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Tom Latta Director, Sales - West Coast tom.latta@pointclickcare.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We invest 40% back into R&D. Our commitment to R&D enabled us to release 8 new products in 2015, while expanding into new segments to support our customers caring for residents across the continuum of care. HOW WE CAN HELP • To be your partner in success and to help you overcome core challenges and improve business and resident outcomes. • To listen and understand the challenges you face and to find solutions to those challenges... together! 133 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Jeff Norton Director, Sales - East Coast jeff.n@pointclickcare.com TELEHEALTH THE BASICS 555 8th Avenue, Suite 701 New York, NY 10018 (888) 917-9996 www.cipherhealth.com WHO WE ARE CipherHealth was founded in 2009 with a mission of helping healthcare organizations better utilize technology to improve the coordination and delivery of care. Through the delivery of innovative solutions, we help providers to effectively and efficiently deliver the highest quality of care to their patients. We partner with skilled nursing facilities to lower readmissions, increase the resident experience, and improve overall outcomes. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2009 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, Home Health - Skilled, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory • Custom Solutions: Design a personalized engagement program that meets the specific needs of your resident population. • Effective Engagement: Monitor resident recovery at home without relying on them to learn and use a new technology. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY In an effort to enhance operational efficiency and improve satisfaction and outcomes for their more than two million patients served in the state of Virginia, we worked with one of our large provider partners to deploy a customized solution that would allow them to track and respond to their population’s needs. Driving better engagement through Cipher’s Voice solution, patients were 3.4x less likely to be readmitted (a reduction from 20.5% to 6.3%). CipherHealth’s Voice uses prerecorded phone calls to contact residents following discharge from a SNF, identifying those at risk for hospital readmission. Those at the highest risk are transferred to the appropriate facility staff member for manual intervention. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK J.B. Powell Business Development, Post-Acute Care jpowell@cipherhealth.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We recently launched a SNF post-discharge engagement module where facilities can customize a multi-call program to identify and address any clinical concerns that arise as residents recover at home, as well as gather real-time experience feedback. Shawn Lemerise Vice President, Business Development slemerise@cipherhealth.com Geoff Windley Vice President, Post-Acute Care gwindley@cipherhealth.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Reduce Readmissions: Solutions to help your facility add value and grow referrals under alternative payment models. • Enhance Discharge Planning: Involve residents in their post-discharge care with proactive follow-up and care education. 134 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing TELEHEALTH THE BASICS 3400 Intertech Drive, Suite 200 Brookfield, WI 53045 (888) 353-5440 www.honeywelllifecare.com WHO WE ARE Honeywell Life Care Solutions has been providing digital health technologies for health care systems, payers, employers, home health agencies, and individuals to improve the quality and cost efficiency of care for 15 years. Our remote patient monitoring and clinically-driven self management solutions help individuals actively contribute to their own care through easy to use software and devices, providing greater insight for care providers. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1999 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, Home Health - Skilled, Hospice • History of success delivering telehealth technologies that reduce healthcare costs and avoidable readmissions. • Clinical consulting services guide customers through telehealth program development in alignment with best practices. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Franciscan VNS (FVNS) recognized a need in the home health care industry to provide thorough monitoring for their patient population. When the problem of readmission rates and poor outcomes was identified, FVNS explored several opportunities for improvement. Since 2010, telehealth has allowed FVNS to more closely monitor their patients and engage them in their own healthcare. The goal was to reduce unnecessary hospitalizations and ER visits, as well as provide more comprehensive care between field staff visits. As of 2014, the CHF readmission rate was 4.4%, vs. the national average of 23%. The COPD rate was 5.47%, vs. the national average of 17.6%, and the CAD/CABG/AMI rate was 2.96%, vs. 18.3% national average. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Honeywell’s emerging selfcare platform empowers individuals to actively contribute to their own care. A key to improving population health, selfcare helps them gain a better understanding of their health and how behaviors impact their wellbeing. HOW WE CAN HELP • Our 15 years of history have enabled organizations to improve care, reduce costs, and reduce avoidable readmissions. • We are evolving to meet the needs of expanded populations with more personalized and connected solutions. 135 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Annette Marchionni Senior Manager annette.marchionni@honeywell.com TELEHEALTH THE BASICS 7980 Century Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55386 (888) 243-8881 www.medtronic.com WHO WE ARE Medtronic Care Management Services (MCMS) is committed to providing value-based healthcare at home. Through a combination of remote patient management platforms, proprietary software, patient engagement, and care coordination, MCMS serves as an extension of patient care teams – providing clinicians with important insights useful in identifying patients potentially at risk for acute events. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1999 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Hospice • We partner with home care agencies to create competitive differentiation, and help manage costs. • We partner with you to manage entire patient populations across different acuity levels matching care with patient need. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Medtronic Care Management Services has served more than 95,000 patients and recorded more than four million telehealth patient months. As a trusted provider to hospitals, clinics, home health agencies and payers, we are committed to accelerating the development of meaningful innovations for patients with chronic diseases and other conditions — innovations that improve outcomes, reduce costs, and improve patient engagement and quality of life. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Jeff Joliet VP, Home Care and Hospital Sales jeffrey.d.joliet@cardiocom.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING MCMS launched a new hip and knee remote monitoring program designed to monitor key elements of patient status post-procedure, following industry guidelines and physician feedback, including factors evaluated as part of CJR/bundled payment programs. Claire Aliprantis Strategic Solutions Manager claire.c.aliprantis@medtronic.com Joe Fochler Home Care Sales Manager joseph.e.fochler@medtronic.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Deep knowledge of and relationships with health systems to help you communicate with those incurring financial penalties. • Cost effective means to help identify and enroll patients in programs designed to address CMS penalty challenges. 136 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing John Broadhurst Home Care Sales Manager john.n.broadhurst@medtronic.com Chris Tate Territory Manager christopher.b.tate@medtronic.com TRANSPORTATION THE BASICS 28293 Clay Street Elkhart, IN 46517 (888) 993-5032 www.starcraftbussales.com WHO WE ARE Starcraft Bus Sales was established as a direct sale alternative for customers who run small and large scale multi-facility transportation services. Our goal is to provide customers with a knowledgeable streamlined purchasing experience at the lowest price available. To do so, we have combined experienced personnel and dependable Starcraft products with industry leading direct sale pricing. Count on quality and durability from Starcraft Bus. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 1980 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care • We provide dealership level service at factory-direct price levels. • Senior level staff, quick-ship options, large in-stock inventory, build-to-suit programs, nationwide service & parts. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY One of our Long Term Care facilities was seeking a transportation solution that would align with the parent company’s green initiatives and cost savings mandates. The customer turned to Starcraft Bus Sales for low emission vehicles that would also save on fuel and future maintenance costs due to carbon deposits in the engine. Starcraft proposed a fleet of Compressed Natural Gas vehicles that not only offered reduced fuel and maintenance costs by up to 50%, but also reduced emissions and pollutants into the environment. This smart purchase was able to satisfy both parent company initiatives and has led to referrals to other health care providers seeking similar solutions. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Mitch Shirk Sales MitchS@starcraftbussales.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING With so many vehicles in operation, and seamless integration with production and engineering, we’re able to provide realtime feedback from our customers and service facilities which leads to product improvements in vehicle features and fuel economy. HOW WE CAN HELP • We are available six days per week in three time zones. • Our national service network is available for one-on-one training events and remote service support. 137 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Jason Walle Sales JasonW@starcraftbussales.com WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE THE BASICS 5000 Hopyard Boulevard, Suite 410 Pleasanton, CA 94588 (925) 425-5785 www.kronos.com/ltc WHO WE ARE The Kronos for Long Term Care software suite is the most widely deployed Workforce Management solution in PostAcute and Senior Living. There are more than 8,000 communities using Kronos to manage labor costs and develop a high performing workforce. The Kronos solution includes Hiring, HRMS, Acuity, Scheduling, Time & Attendance and Payroll, and can be licensed on-premise, or delivered through a SaaS model supporting providers of all sizes. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • More than 8,000 communities use Kronos-you’ll discover post acute industry best practices in your relationship with us. • Kronos has a large Clinical team focused on optimizing Workforce Management deployments in Post Acute & Senior Living. Founded in 1977 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice, Home Infusion/Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Client Spotlight: Holland Home was managing employee time and attendance, scheduling, and payroll with three disparate systems. “We wanted one automated system that worked together” said Doug Himmelein, Director of HR. “We also wanted a company that invests in R&D and understands our industry, so we chose Kronos.” The results: Increased productivity and savings that delivered a two-year payback. Client Spotlight: Since Midwest Health brought Payroll in house with Kronos, they’ve been able to grow their organization by 30% without having to hire any additional payroll staff to support that growth. As well, they have eliminated the ongoing monthly fees associated with processing payroll through a service bureau. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING The Payroll Based Journal is here and Kronos customers are ready! Our solution began testing in October as soon as CMS opened the window, and we are busy implementing the toolset for our Skilled Nursing clients. Find out what your peers are doing. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Larry Florio Director, Post Acute & Senior Living lflorio@kronos.com Darlene Reinke Home Care & Hospice Specialist darlene.reinke@kronos.com Kim McLean Account Manager, Post Acute & Senior Living kimmarie.mclean@kronos.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Compliance with the PBJ is mandatory. If you are struggling with a Payroll company to meet this mandate, we can help. • FLSA & DOL risk has never been higher, and Kronos can help you understand how your peers are staying in compliance. 138 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Marilyn Lund Workforce Solutions Consultant marilyn.lund@kronos.com Elaine Howell National Workforce Solutions Consultant elaine.howell@kronos.com WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE THE BASICS 1621 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1500 Cleveland, OH 44115 (216) 333-1353 www.onshift.com WHO WE ARE OnShift delivers cloud-based human capital management software and proactive services to solve everyday workforce challenges in senior care. Our suite of products for hiring, scheduling and workforce analysis drives quality care, lower costs and higher performance by empowering providers to staff consistently and efficiently. Intuitive design, predictive analytics and customer success management are why thousands of organizations rely on OnShift. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2009 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, Memory Care • Focus on Long-Term Care & Senior Living: Our products are purpose-built specifically for senior care. • Customer Success Management:We work with clients through ongoing best practice recommendations to achieve success. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY With cost pressures and more managed care business, Altercare of Ohio, an 18-community post-acute care provider, increased its focus on staffing and labor management. OnShift is key to Altercare’s staffing strategy, which is intertwined with their goals to improve quality, customer service and employee satisfaction. With OnShift, Altercare improved labor budget management; reduced overtime to 1.6%; improved scheduling efficiencies by 75%; increased employee satisfaction. “Keeping our staff happy and engaged is extremely important to Altercare.The capabilities and flexibility offered in the OnShift app go a long way in helping create schedules that work best for everyone.” -Diane Geis, EVP of HR, Altercare of Ohio & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Mark Woodka CEO mwoodka@onshift.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Payroll-Based Journal Reporting Software: OnShift’s easy-to-use PBJ software collects all required staffing data, including agency and contractor hours, into a centralized system for review. When ready, OnShift provides a CMS-ready file for upload. Ken Roos EVP, Sales & Business Development kroos@onshift.com Peter Corless EVP, Enterprise Development pcorless@onshift.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Improve Performance: Staff consistently to drive higher quality outcomes, lower costs and increase staff engagement. • Optimize Staffing: Streamline recruiting, hiring and scheduling with predictive, data-driven insight into staffing. 139 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing WOUND AND/OR SKIN CARE THE BASICS 3546 N. Riverside Avenue Rialto, CA 92377 (866) 318-3116 www.innovacyn.com WHO WE ARE From animals to humans, Innovacyn is dedicated to improving wound management outcomes across the world. Familyowned and operated, everything we do is inspired by this vision. From hand-building our facilities and growing a dedicated team, to delivering the highest-quality products, every step of our process is made with the power of change in mind. Innovacyn offers Puracyn Plus Professional Formula, the next-generation wound management solution. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Innovacyn is dedicated to providing the most advanced hypochlorous products on the wound care market. • Our goal is to change wound management paradigms and create safe and effective solutions for a better tomorrow. Founded in 2010 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, AL, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care - Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Innovacyn, the makers of Puracyn Plus, collaborate with various points of service to combine hypochlorous technology, strong clinical outcomes and positive financial benefits. These collaborations are demonstrated in a recent poster submission at VNAA 2016 Annual Meeting. As cited in our poster, the impact of Puracyn Plus at Salt Lake Regional Medical Center, was shown with a reduction in wound healing time, decrease in bioburden as well as the reduction in cultures and the use of antimicrobial wound care products. After teaming up with many hospital chains, Puracyn Plus has been incorporated into wound protocols in both inpatient and outpatient areas. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK John Olivo VP of Sales, US and Canada johno@innovacyn.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Innovacyn is always looking for ways to improve wound management protocols. Recently, we have released our hypochlorous-based Antimicrobial Hydrogel to our family of products. Dave Zansitis VP of Corp. Accounts and Business Development davez@innovacyn.com Michelle Moore Senior Clinical Director michellem@innovacyn.com HOW WE CAN HELP • For our providers, we offer clinical support and education including policy and procedure development. • Utilization of Puracyn Plus can increase patient satisfaction and decrease the cost to treat patients. 140 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing WOUND AND/OR SKIN CARE THE BASICS 222 Broadway, 19th Floor New York, NY 10038 (800) 680-6087 www.parablehealth.com WHO WE ARE Parable helps post-acute care providers measure, monitor, and manage their wound patients. Wound care today involves manual, inconsistent assessments, a shortage of wound specialists, and difficult communication. Parable’s mobile documentation, collaboration tools, and analytics streamline assessment, augment expertise, and facilitate care coordination and intervention for the most urgent cases — to reduce cost and improve outcomes in wound care. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2013 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical • Computer Vision. Objective and consistent documentation with Parable’s automated measurements and wound scoring. • Analytics and Alerts. Wound care becomes quantitative and proactive with Parable’s population dashboard + smart alerts. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Parable is helping a seven-facility SNF in New York City reinvent the way they do wound care. Prior to Parable, wound documentation involved inconsistent, manual measurements with rulers and subjective notes. Care collaboration was disjoined across nurses and wound specialists. Care teams had no clear, comprehensive view of their wound patients (i.e. where to allocate resources, who the most urgent patients were). With Parable, the organization now seamlessly measure wounds via mobile “smart” photos, document with standard protocols, collaborate over patients via a centralized dashboard, and leverage quantitative analytics + alerts to understand where to allocate additional resources (i.e. which region, team, etc). HOW WE’RE INNOVATING Parable continues to innovate in computer vision with enhanced smart photos and 3D technology for increasingly simple and accurate wound assessment, and complementing this with machine learning to deliver valuable wound healing and treatment insights. HOW WE CAN HELP • Reduce Cost. By scaling your wound expertise, Parable can help reduce excessive labor, transportation, and supply cost. • Improve Outcomes. Parable’s monitoring + alerts enable better intervention, enabling the right care at the right time. 141 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Nathan Ie CEO and Co-Founder nate@parablehealth.com Peter Jackson CTO and Co-Founder pete@parablehealth.com CONSULTING THE BASICS 11 Village Hill Road Northampton, MA 01060 (413) 584-5300 www.fazzi.com WHO WE ARE Fazzi Associates is one of the largest and most respected organizations serving the healthcare at home industry. We help home health and hospice agencies solve their core challenges through expert operational consulting, outsourced coding and billing, training, and business intelligence. We know what works and what doesn’t from over 35 years of partnering with clients, data analysis and benchmarking, and from our many national research studies. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • We embed all operational reviews in the grounded application of LEAN methodology and evidence based best practices. • With our range of services and expertise, we can help our clients improve nearly all aspects of their operations. Founded in 1978 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY AnMed Health Home Health Agency employed Fazzi for a thorough, system wide review of their operations. Through this strategic operational consulting engagement, we identified issues in revenue cycle management, particularly in accounts receivable. Then, with AnMed’s decision to outsource their billing to us, we reengineered processes, initiated industry best practices and utilized state-of-the-art technology to drive significant improvement in performance in cost savings and improved cash flow. The result: “Our experience with Fazzi’s home health billing has included a 37% reduction in Days in Accounts Receivable and an increase in productivity of 34%,” Julianne Dreon, Senior Director of Revenue Cycle Management. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We have long been a leading expert on OASIS. And with OASIS accuracy now impacting outcomes, star ratings, reimbursement and Value-Based Purchasing; we are constantly expanding our OASIS services which include audits, consulting, testing & training. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Tim Ashe, RN, MS, MBA Partner and Director of Operational Consulting tashe@fazzi.com Eileen Freitag, MBA Partner and Director of Strategic Consulting efreitag@fazzi.com Melanie Duerr, RN, MS, ANP, BCHH-C Partner and Director of Coding Operations mduerr@fazzi.com HOW WE CAN HELP • Our operational improvement services will help you identify ways your agency can improve Triple Aim outcomes. • We focus on client specific needs viewing each differently with a broad range of solutions from field experienced staff. 142 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing SOFTWARE - AGENCY MANAGEMENT THE BASICS 16000 Dallas Parkway, Suite 700N Dallas, TX 75248 (866) 795-5990 www.axxess.com WHO WE ARE Axxess is a leading healthcare technology company providing cloud-based software to the home health care industry. Our software, point-of-care solutions and mobile apps integrate all aspects of a home healthcare agency’s business to help them run more efficiently, letting them focus on their patients and not their paperwork. We empower agencies with the software, services and solutions to bring healthcare back to where it started: in the home. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • We offer free, on-demand training on a number of relevant topics to help the entire home health industry succeed. • Our dedicated support team all comes from a home health background, and knows our clients’ most pressing challenges. Founded in 2007 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Private Duty/Non-Medical Care, Home Infusion/ Respiratory GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Illinois-based MedPro Health Providers identified the need for a software system that would help streamline their operations. “Our challenge was that we could not identify areas of our business to divert resources to,” says Riz Villaseñor, President and CEO of MedPro Health. “We wanted to continue focusing on providing exceptional care for our patients, not getting bogged down by paperwork.” Axxess and our AgencyCore software helped MedPro increase efficiency by 40%, patient census by 300% and profitability by 70%. “AgencyCore has helped us institutionalize best practice standards in all aspects of our operations. We cannot imagine our business without Axxess,” says Villaseñor. HOW WE’RE INNOVATING We built the industry’s first device-agnostic management app. Now, to make home health run more efficiently and help patients get the best care, we are building a mobile portal to connect patients to the best home health providers in their area. OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Sam Smith Senior Vice President, Business Development ssmith@axxess.com Dr. Andrew Awoniyi Director of Patient Satisfaction, Training, and Education aawoniyi@axxess.com Ann Horton Business Devleopment Consultant ahorton@collcomm.org HOW WE CAN HELP • Our technology lets agencies increase productivity, improve patient outcomes, and grow their business from anywhere. • We are trusted by over 6,000 organizations, and 150,000 users serving more than 1 million patients nationwide. 143 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Jordan McArthur Sales Executive jmcarthur@axxess.com Matt Mulski Sales Executive mmulski@axxess.com SOFTWARE - SPECIALTY THE BASICS 5600 South Quebec St. Suite 305D Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (855) 212-7262 www.enquiresolutions.com WHO WE ARE Enquire Solutions offers customized call centers and CRM software. Our call center solutions increase census, improve admission processes, and enhance customer service by ensuring that every lead is promptly captured, responded to and followed-up with. EnquireLEADS® CRM is a recognized leader for cloud software in senior living and healthcare. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT • Our call center supports all care levels and its processes emulate providers existing business practices. • Our CRM has an open API, custom reports, lead scoring and can be used on any device. Founded in 2009 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE SNF, CCRC, AL, IL, Memory Care, Home Health - Skilled, Home Care Paraprofessional/Non-Medical, Hospice GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY Enquire Solutions implemented a centralized sales/admissions program for a large operator of senior living properties. The solution included integrating a call center and EnquireLEADS® CRM software. The company wanted to drastically lower referral agency fees and reduce certain roles that had minimal impact on census. The call center captured every prospect in EnquireLEADS® and initiated systematic follow-up. This allowed onsite personnel to spend time conducting effective tours, performing outreach and facilitating move-ins. An array of immediate results were realized: Phone inquiry-to-tour reached 87.5% in 90 days, internet inquiry-to-tour reached 50% and net occupancy increased 4% in 90-120 days. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Lucas Hayes President & CEO lucas.hayes@enquiresolutions.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING EnquireLEADS®, our cloud CRM, is completely customizable and mobile. Our reporting module can be used to create trend analysis dashboards. Additionally, it has an open API with apps for marketing automation, email, phone systems, and web analytics. HOW WE CAN HELP • Our call center increases revenue by eliminating challenges with turnover, low sales activity, and missed inquiries. • Customize the CRM, integrate with your existing systems, and create report dashboards to increase sales productivity. 144 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Erin Hayes CIO erin.hayes@enquiresolutions.com TELEHEALTH THE BASICS 39 Broadway, Suite 540 New York, NY 10006 (877) 262-2240 http://amchealth.com/main/index.php WHO WE ARE AMC Health offers an FDA-cleared remote patient engagement solution supporting care program effectiveness, behavior change, and clinical efficiencies for chronic and post-acute populations. AMC Health has proven through multiple studies, and in peer-reviewed publications, that outcomes can be improved significantly through connecting patients to their clinical teams on a real-time basis. HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT Founded in 2002 PROVIDER SEGMENTS WE SERVE Home Health - Skilled, Hospice • We remain the only company with peer-reviewed studies supporting the efficacy of remote patient monitoring solutions. GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE A SUCCESS STORY A large, integrated delivery system in Central Pennsylvania had developed an innovative transition-of-care process that was limited in its ability to scale due to a dependency on manual touches by care managers. They sought AMC Health’s assistance in leveraging an IVR solution to automate this process. When this solution was layered onto their existing program, not only did the care managers’ reach expand dramatically, but also the live contacts they made in response to the IVR data proved more efficient. The end result was a relative reduction in risk of rehospitalizations by 44% compared to a control receiving the usual transition-of-care process without IVR. & OUR TEAM AT POST ACUTE LINK Brad Evanovich Vice President, Provider & Home Care Sales bevanovich@amchealth.com HOW WE’RE INNOVATING AMC Health has recently introduced a flexible mobile solution that has also been configured as a low-cost, portable multiuser health kiosk. HOW WE CAN HELP • We are highly effective in terms of patient outcomes and financial impacts. • Our proven solutions improve patient care and population health, while also reducing the cost of overall care. 145 Back to Category Listing Back to Alphabetical Listing Empowering Homecare Clinicians with Flexible and Efficient Mobile Printing Technology. Provide easy to read printed medication information, care plans, and instructions at the point of care with PocketJet® full-page mobile thermal printers. Try the PocketJet® for FREE!* Visit www.BrotherDemo-homehealth.com Email BMSProducts@brother.com Call 800.543.6144 *offer available to qualified home healthcare organizations BROTHER MOBILE SOLUTIONS, INC. WWW.BROTHERMOBILESOLUTIONS.COM Clear the way. Expanding the Possibilities of Wound Care Hypochlorous technology is both radically simple and based on powerful science. It’s the foundation of every product in the Puracyn Family of Products and the best strategy when it comes to wound care protocols. Safe, effective, and easy to use, our suite of Puracyn Plus Professional products promote healing, leading to improved clinical and economic outcomes. Learn more about the Puracyn Family of Products at www.puracynpro.com or call 866.318.3116 to talk to representative today. © 2016 Innovacyn, Inc. All rights reserved. KRONOS for POST ACUTE & SENIOR LIVING INNOVATION for YOUR WORKFORCE COMPLIANCE TOOLS for THE PAYROLL-BASED JOURNAL Wage and labor scrutiny are at an all-time high. Spreadsheets, homegrown reports, and manual calculations aren’t going to cut it any longer in Home Health & Hospice. For Skilled Nursing Providers, staying compliant and meeting Payroll-Based Journal requirements require a proactive plan and an integrated workforce management strategy. Gain confidence with Kronos that you’re able to meet these reporting requirements while remaining complaint – and focus more on your core mission to deliver quality resident care. “Kronos has always addressed industry needs by developing solutions and services that deliver results. After seven years of working with Kronos, we are confident that we will be ready to meet the new requirements set forth by the CMS with an automated, accurate, and easy to create reporting system.” — Carol D. Hess, MBA, Vice President Human Resources SpiriTrust Lutheran Home Care and Hospice Visit Kronos at www.kronos.com/ltc to learn more. EXTEND YOUR REACH WITH MEDTRONIC CARE MANAGEMENT SERVICES What if you had greater visibility into your patients’ health status between visits? What if you could better match your care with patient need? Through a combination of remote patient management platforms, proprietary software, patient engagement, and care coordination, Medtronic Care Management Services serves as an extension of patient care teams – amplifying efforts to manage complex patient populations. Our comprehensive patient programs are designed to: • Help care providers manage costs • Improve patient engagement • Identify suitable patients from hospital and payer partners Learn more at Medtronic.com Disclosure: Medtronic Care Management Services are not intended as a substitution for, or alternative to, the medical care provided by a physician. Medical guidance and treatment decisions should always be determined by treating physicians or other properly licensed health care professionals. Service availability and performance may be impacted by patient user error and connectivity, access and service hour limitations. Brief Statement: Commander FLEX® / LinkView® / Commander III Systems and peripheral devices: Indications: These devices are for use by patients to collect and transmit general health information, physiological measurements and other data between themselves and a caregiver. Contraindication: These systems are not intended for patients under eighteen years old. Additional Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions: See the device manual for detailed information regarding the instructions for use, indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential complications/adverse events. For further information, please call Medtronic at 888-243-8881 and/or consult Medtronic’s website at medtronic.com. © 2016 Medtronic. All Rights Reserved. AD-723 REV A Today’s modern care environment requires a pharmacy partner who is there for you all the time – and in real time. Omnicare delivers. From personalized service and low-cost medications, to user-friendly technology and enhanced clinical programs; Omnicare delivers practical and innovative solutions to help your staff deliver real care, in real time. 888-545-OMNI results@omnicare.com omnicare.com ©2016 Omnicare your hiring process doesn’t get much s m o o t h e r than this. care begins with who you hire v i k u s . c o m