Ty^ Unnos . House in a Night


Ty^ Unnos . House in a Night
Ty^ Unnos . House in a Night
a selection of works . detholiad
Ty^ Unnos - house in a night
a selection of works . detholiad
issue . rhifyn 02
A number of new and interesting projects
specifying home grown timber and the Ty^
Unnos system have emerged since the
publication of the first portfolio. Clients,
architects and designers are becoming more
aware of the importance of specifying local
materials in practising sustainable construction
and Ty^ Unnos is gaining acceptance as the
ideal system for timber solutions in Wales.
This second edition showcases these examples
which include a wide range of built projects and
a section on ‘in the pipeline’ schemes that plan
to use Ty^ Unnos in the near future. The goal is
to inspire others to adopt the system for their
buildings and expand the supply chain for
further projects in the housing, educational and
commercial sector.
The compilation is testament to the continuing
partnership between Coed Cymru and the
supply chain members. As projects come
onstream there is the exciting prospect of
welcoming new companies into the developing
team of architects, designers, housing and
timber professionals, with the shared goal of
adding value to the resource by bringing wider
benefit to the rural communities of Wales.
Ers cyhoeddi’r rhifyn cyntaf o’r detholiad, mae
nifer o brosiectau newydd a chyffrous wedi
ymddangos sy’n defnyddio’r Ty^ Unnos. Wrth
i gleients, benseiri a chynllunwyr sylweddoli
pwysigrwydd defnydd lleol ar gyfer adeiladau
cynaladwy mae’r system yn elfen cyfarwydd
wrth drafod pren yng Nghymru.
Mae’r ail rifyn hwn yn dangos yr ystod eang o
adeiladau Ty^ Unnos a godwyd, ac eraill ar y
gweill. Y bwriad yw ysbrydoli eraill i ddefnyddio’r
system ac i ehangu’r gadwyn gyflenwi ar gyfer
prosiectau yn y sector dai, addysg a masnachol.
Mae’r detholiad yn dyst i gryfder y bartneriaeth
sy’n parhau rhwng Coed Cymru ac aelodau’r
gadwyn gyflenwi. Wrth i brosiectau newydd
ddod i’r amlwg daw cyfle euraidd i groesawu
cwmnïau newydd i’r tîm; eu prif amcan i hybu
gwerth ychwanegol at yr adnodd a dod â
buddiannau pellach i gymunedau cefn gwlad
Haf Roberts
Supply Chain Efficiencies Scheme . Cynllun Effeithlonrwydd y Gadwyn Gyflenwi
April . Ebrill 2013
Foreword 03
Introduction 05
Cyflwyniad History and Development
Hanes a Datblygiad
Ty^ Unnos Components 08
Cydrannau’r Ty^ Unnos Case Studies
Astudiaethau Achos
Smithsonian Pavilion
Pafiliwn Smithsonian
Environmental Research Centre
Canolfan Canfod 03
Ebbw Vale Passive House
Ty^ Goddefol Glynebwy
Glan Gors Affordable Housing
Tai Fforddiadwy Glan Gors
Caban Unnos
Caban Unnos
Tregynon Rural Studio
Stiwdio Wledig Tregynon
Leighton Arches
Bwa Tre’r Llai
Rosliston Forestry Centre
Canolfan Goedwigaeth Rosliston
Swallow Hill
Swallow Hill
Ty Tyfu
Ty^ Tyfu
Ty^ Unnos Projects in the Pipeline
Ar y Gweill
Timber Supply Chain
Cadwyn Cyflenwi Pren
Project Partners
Partneriaid y Prosiect
Supply Chain Efficiencies Scheme
Cynllun Effeithlonrwydd y Gadwyn Gyflenwi
02 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
The low carbon option is the only viable future
to pursue. An innovative system which offers
a practical solution to this challenge as well
as offering jobs and training in the provision
of affordable homes is not only promising,
but the development of the Ty^ Unnos system,
using a readily available resource from home
grown Welsh timber, may be one of the big
opportunities of our times.
Yr opsiwn carbon isel yw’r unig ddyfodol sy’n
bosib. Mae sustem arloesol sy’n cynnig ateb
ymarferol i greu swyddi a hyfforddiant tra’n
adeiladu cartrefi fforddiadwy nid yn unig yn
swnio’n addawol, ond mae’r Ty^ Unnos, drwy
ddefnyddio adnodd parod o bren a dyfwyd
yng Nghymru, yn cynnig un o gyfleoedd mwyaf
addawol ein hoes.
Climate change, fuel poverty, homelessness
and unemployment require swift responses to
ensure environmental and community resilience.
Ty^ Unnos, now an award-winning system, has
been attracting increasing interest because it is
able to add value to the timber supply chain,
offer job and training opportunities for the
timber and construction industries in rural areas
and provide energy-efficient, affordable homes
using a renewable resource from Wales.
Mae newid yr hinsawdd, tlodi tanwydd, digartrefedd a di-weithdra yn mynnu atebion
chwim i sicrhau dycnwch amgylchyddol a
chymunedol. Mae’r sustem arobryn hon wedi
tynnu sylw cynyddol gan ei bod yn ychwanegu
gwerth at y gadwyn cyflenwi pren, yn cynnig
cyfleoedd swyddi ac hyfforddiant yn y diwydiant
pren ac adeiladu yng nghefn gwlad, ac yn
yr un modd yn darparu tai fforddiadwy ac
effeithlon o ran ynni drwy ddefnyddio adnodd
adnewyddadwy o Gymru.
After years in development, I believe Ty^ Unnos
now deserves wider attention to increase both
the affordability and range of the product and
to demonstrate an exciting response from rural
Wales to the key challenge of our times.
Ar ôl blynyddoedd ar y gweill, mae’r Ty^ Unnos
yn haeddu sylw ehangach er mwyn cynyddu’r
elfen fforddiadwy, yr ystod a dewis yr adeiladau.
Mae’n ymateb cyffrous o gefn gwlad Cymru i
sialens fwyaf ein hoes.
Jane Davidson
Director, INSPIRE (Institute for Sustainable Practice, Innovation and Resource Effectiveness)
Cyfarwyddwr, INSPIRE (Sefydliad Arfer Cynaliadwy, Arloesi a Effeithiolrwydd Adnoddau)
University of Wales, Trinity Saint David . Prifysgol Cymru, Y Drindod Dewi Sant
04 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
Ty^ Unnos - house in a night
introduction . cyflwyniad
The Ty^ Unnos partnership is an informal
companies led by Coed Cymru. Its aim is
to develop the use of home grown timber
in construction, especially the commonest
softwood species grown in Wales, Sitka
spruce. The name, Ty^ Unnos, “a house in
one night” owes its origins to the tradition of
erecting a house overnight on vacant land
and claiming it as a home. This was common
practice in Wales until the end of the 19th
century. The name was chosen to convey a
fast and adaptable building system making
use of local material and local labour.
Partneriaeth anffurfiol o sefydliadau a
chwmnïau sy’n cydweithio dan arweiniad
Coed Cymru yw Ty^ Unnos. Y nod yw
datblygu’r defnydd o goed sy’n tyfu’n lleol
ym myd adeiladu, yn enwedig y rhywogaeth
pren meddal fwyaf cyffredin a dyfir yma
yng Nghymru – sbriws Sitka. Cafodd y
bartneriaeth ei henwi ar ôl y traddodiad o
godi ty^ dros nos ar dir gwag, a’i hawlio’n
gartref. Roedd hwn yn arferiad cyffredin yng
Nghymru tan ddiwedd y bedwaredd ganrif
ar bymtheg. Dewisiwyd yr enw i gyfleu trefn
adeiladu hyblyg a chyflym, gan ddefnyddio
deunyddiau lleol a gweithwyr lleol.
Wales has 150,000 hectares of coniferous
plantations which produce approximately
one million tonnes of softwood in the round
per annum. Over 70% of this production is
Sitka spruce. Because it has a tendency
to twist while drying it is not often used in
timber frame construction but is widely used
for pallets, fencing and carcassing timber.
However, by re-engineering standard
sizes into strong, stable components like
box beams and ladder trusses it has been
possible to demonstrate a range of higher
value uses for this timber in structural
beams, wall studs and floor joists.
Mae gennym 150,000 hectar o goedwigoedd
conwydd yng Nghymru sy’n cynhyrchu tua
miliwn tunnell o bren meddal bob blwyddyn.
Sbriws Sitka yw dros 70% ohonynt. Nid
yw’n cael ei ddefnyddio’n aml iawn mewn
fframwaith coed oherwydd ei fod yn dueddol
o droelli wrth sychu, ond mae’n gyffredin
mewn paledi, ffensys a phren carcas. Trwy
ailbeiriannu meintiau safonol yn gydrannau
cryf a sefydlog fel trawstiau bocs ac ysgolion
cyplog, mae’n bosibl dangos bod gwerth
a defnydd uwch ac amrywiol i’r pren hwn
mewn trawstiau adeiladau, styds waliau a
distiau lloriau.
History and development
hanes a datblygiad
A feasibility study commissioned in 2006
looked at the possibility of building homes
using home grown Sitka spruce, the most
readily available softwood resource in
Wales. Simple substitution of imported
material commonly used for timber frame
systems was not deemed possible, due to
the greater stability and superior strength of
slow grown softwoods available from drier,
cooler climates.
The study therefore proposed a radical
departure from current practice in the
form of a whole house construction
system of engineered home grown timber
components. The proposals attracted great
interest from all aspects of the industry and
a multi disciplinary team of experts formed
to prototype, test, and develop home grown
timber components in combination with a
number of commercial partners.
To date, home grown timber components
have been used for the construction of
over 20 units and a number of engineered
components have achieved European
certification for quality and performance.
These are currently in use in innovative
developments around the UK.
06 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
Comisiynwyd astudiaeth ddichonoldeb yn
2006 i drafod y posibilrwydd o adeiladu tai
gan ddefnyddio’r sbriws Sitka lleol, sef y
pren meddal mwyaf cyffredin sy’n tyfu yng
Nghymru. Nid oedd modd mynd ati’n syml
i gyfnewid y deunyddiau a fewnforir ar gyfer
systemau ffrâm coed gan fod pren meddal
sy’n tyfu’n araf mewn hinsawdd sychach ac
oerach yn fwy sefydlog a chryf.
Felly, defnyddiwyd dull cwbl newydd
trwy greu system adeiladu ty^ cyfan gan
ddefnyddio cydrannau pren cartref wedi’u
peiriannu. Denwyd diddordeb o bob rhan o’r
diwydiant a sefydlwyd tîm amlddisgyblaeth
o arbenigwyr i gynllunio, profi a datblygu
cydrannau pren cartref ar y cyd ag amryw o
bartneriaid masnachol.
Hyd yma, mae cydrannau pren cartref
wedi’u defnyddio i adeiladu dros 20 o
unedau a’r cydrannau wedi’u peiriannu wedi
ennill ardystiad Ewropeaidd am ansawdd
a perfformiad. Defnyddir y rhain mewn
datblygiadau arloesol ledled y DU ar hyn o
Ty^ Unnos components
cydrannau’r ty^ unnos
The Ty^ Unnos system takes readily available
standard sections of home grown Sitka
spruce timber, seldom used in traditional
construction, to deliver a range of engineered
components using simple manufacturing
Mae system Ty^ Unnos yn cymryd darnau
parod a safonol o bren sbriws Sitka, na chaiff
ei ddefnyddio rhyw lawer mewn systemau
adeiladu traddodiadol, ac yn defnyddio
prosesau gweithgynhyrchu syml i greu
amrywiaeth o gydrannau wedi’u peiriannu.
The system comprises of two simply
assembled engineered timber components;
a hollow box section beam and a small
section ladder beam. When combined with
frame connectors and Oriented Strand
Board-based infill panels, the engineered
components form an innovative whole
building construction system.
Mae’r system yn cynnwys dwy gydran pren
wedi’u peiriannu a’u gosod at ei gilydd yn
syml; trawst bocs gwag a thrawst ysgol
bach. Ar ôl eu cyfuno â’r cysylltwyr ffrâm
a’r paneli mewnlenwad o fwrdd OSB, mae’r
cydrannau wedi’u peiriannu yn creu system
adeiladu arloesol ar gyfer adeilad cyfan.
The design team have followed the
Eurocodes convention in prototyping
and testing engineered components. The
box beam can be used as a load bearing
element and can span up to 4.8 metres. The
ladder beam can be used as a floor joist
with spans up to 3 metres and as a nonload bearing wall stud. Both components
can be used together in an integrated build
system or independently in new build and
refurbishment projects.
08 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
The system offers an adaptable method of
building using these basic elements and
is suitable for a variety of development
opportunities, from affordable housing in its
modular form, to a one off studio or cabin
suitable for smaller sized plots.
Dilynodd y tîm cynllunio y côd Ewropeaidd
wrth gynllunio ac arbrofi gyda’r cydrannau.
Ar hyn o bryd, mae’r trawst bocs yn gallu
pontio hyd at 4.8 metr a gellir ei ddefnyddio
ar gyfer dal pwysau. Gellir defnyddio’r trawst
ysgol fel trawst llawr sy’n gallu ymestyn hyd
at 3 metr, ac fel styds waliau nad ydynt yn
dal pwysau. Gellir defnyddio’r ddwy gydran
gyda’i gilydd mewn adeiladwaith integredig
neu ar ei ben eu hunain mewn prosiectau
adnewyddu ac adeiladau newydd.
Mae’r system yn cynnig dull hyblyg o
adeiladu y gellir ei addasu trwy ddefnyddio’r
cydrannau sylfaenol hyn. Mae’n addas i
bob math o waith adeiladu, o brosiectau tai
fforddiadwy yn ei ffurf fodiwlar, i stiwdio neu
gaban ar gyfer darnau llai o dir.
01 Smithsonian pavilion
pafiliwn Smithsonian
Smithsonian Festival, Washington Mall
Summer . Haf 2009
Architect . pensaer
Design Research Unit Wales
Client . cleient
Coed Cymru
Main Contractor . prif gontractwr
Kenton Jones Joinery
Manufacturer . gwneuthurwr
Kenton Jones Joinery
Project Value . gwerth y prosiect
£40 000
In 2009, the Smithsonian Institute’s Center
for Festival and Cultural Heritage invited
Wales to be the subject of their open air
festival. Situated on the National Mall,
Washington DC the festival is an exposition
of living cultural heritage lasting for two
weeks every summer over the 4th of July
national holiday and drawing more than one
million visitors.
Based on the humble vernacular of Welsh
rural domestic architecture, the project team
proposed an exhibition building entitled
‘learning from the vernacular’.
The simple and predominantly open pitched
pavilion was designed, prefabricated and
preassembled in mid Wales over a 4 week
period before being disassembled and
transported to the Mall, Washington DC.
The pavilion, which hosted the exhibition
“Building with Timber in Wales” describing
the timber industry and resource of Wales
and it’s historical and contemporary
relationship with the construction industry,
was the focus of several key political and
media events and received in the region of
100,000 visitors over the two week festival
10 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
Yn 2009, cafodd Cymru wahoddiad i ymuno
â gw
yl awyr agored y Smithsonian Institute’s
Centre for Festival and Cultural Heritage ar
safle’r National Mall, Washington DC. Gw
sy’n dathlu treftadaeth ddiwylliannol fyw yw
hon, a gynhelir am bythefnos bob haf adeg
eu diwrnod cenedlaethol ar 4 Gorffennaf,
gan ddenu dros filiwn o ymwelwyr.
Penderfynodd tîm y prosiect y gellid
creu adeilad arddangosfa wedi’i seilio ar
bensaernïaeth wledig syml y werin gynt.
Cafodd pafiliwn symudol, syml ac agored ei
gynllunio, ei saernïo o flaen llaw a’i godi yng
nghanolbarth Cymru dros gyfnod o 4 wythnos
cyn cael ei ddatgymalu a’i gludo i’r Mall,
Washington DC. Cynhaliwyd arddangosfa
arbennig yn y pafiliwn ar adeiladu â phren
yng Nghymru. Roedd yn olrhain hanes y
diwydiant pren a’r adnoddau sydd ar gael
yng Nghymru a’r cysylltiad â’r diwydiant
adeiladu ddoe a heddiw. Cynhaliwyd llu
o ddigwyddiadau gwleidyddol a chyda’r
cyfryngau yn y pafiliwn gan ddenu tua
100,000 o ymwelwyr dros bythefnos yr w
02 Environmental Research Centre
canolfan canfod
The Works, Ebbw Vale
May . Mai 2010
Architect . pensaer
Design Research Unit Wales
Client . cleient
Blaenau Gwent County Borough
Main Contractor . prif gontractwr
G Adams Construction
Manufacturer . gwneuthurwr
Cowley Timberwork
Project Value . gwerth y prosiect
£330 000
The Environmental Resource Centre (ERC)
at ‘The Works’ regeneration site in Ebbw
Vale is the first commercially completed
project to use the award winning Ty^ Unnos
construction system. The sustainable
building combines Welsh timber, high
levels of insulation and a state of the art
heating and ventilation system to provide
an environmentally friendly and innovative
Located on an ecologically rich site next
to the former Pumphouse cooling ponds,
the centre will provide educational facilities
to allow local school children and the
community to explore the heritage and
ecology of the former steelworks site.
The simple rectilinear classroom, draws
heavily from it’s industrial context. Externally,
layered facades of robust materials including
charred timber cladding and galvanised
grillage, disguise elevations of animated and
brightly coloured supergraphics displaying
habitats from the local context. Whilst
internally a lining of exposed birch plywood,
galvanised steel and black marmoleum
provide robust, serviceable facilities.
Shortlisted for Wood Awards 2010. Awarded
the National Eisteddfod Plaque of Merit July
12 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
Mae Canolfan Canfod yn rhan o safle
adfywio ‘Y Gweithfeydd’ yng Nglynebwy, a
dyma’r prosiect cyflawn masnachol cyntaf
i ddefnyddio system adeiladu arbennig
Ty^ Unnos. Mae’r adeilad cynaliadwy hwn
yn cyfuno pren Cymreig, lefelau uchel o
inswleiddio a system wresogi ac awyru
arloesol i greu adeilad ecogyfeillgar newydd.
Wedi’i lleoli ar safle o ddiddordeb ecolegol
ger pyllau oeri’r Ty^ Pwmpio gynt, bydd y
ganolfan yn cynnig cyfleusterau addysgol
i blant ysgol a’r gymuned leol ddysgu am
dreftadaeth ac ecoleg yr hen safle gwaith
Mae’r cefndir diwydiannol i’w weld yn amlwg
yn yr ystafell ddosbarth syth syml. Tu allan,
rhoddwyd haenau o ddeunyddiau cadarn
gan gynnwys cladin pren golosgedig a
fframwaith galfanedig ac amrywiol luniau,
cartwnau a graffeg lliwgar sy’n arddangos
cynefinoedd lleol. Mae’r tu mewn yn cynnwys
leinin o bren haenog bedw, a marmolewm du
a dur galfanedig sy’n darparu cyfleusterau
Rhestr fer Wood Awards 2010. Dyfarnwyd
Plac Teilyngod Eisteddfod Genedlaethol
Cymru, Gorffennaf 2011.
03 EBBW VALE passive house
ty^ goddefol glynebwy
Future Works, Ebbw Vale
July . Gorffennaf 2010
Architect . pensaer
Design Research Unit Wales
Client . cleient
Blaenau Gwent County Borough
Main Contractor . prif gontractwr
G Adams Construction
Manufacturer . gwneuthurwr
Kenton Jones Joinery
Project Value . gwerth y prosiect
£250 000
The Visitor Centre was constructed following
a successful entry into the Future Works
Housing Competition 2009, a competition
which called for the industry to create
the “Welsh Passive House” through the
consideration of natural resources, climate
and geography to determine the most
appropriate delivery of a low energy and
carbon house for Wales. Initially constructed
as a visitor centre to the Future Works
development of showcase homes, the
building will be retrofitted as a two bedroom
house. The house establishes the complex
brief of combining the German Passivhaus
performance specification with a desire to
source labour and materials within Wales.
The completed home will meet Code for
Sustainable Homes level 5 through a fabric
first approach to environmental design.
The house was realised as the conclusive
study of a collaborative research project
funded by the Technology Strategy Board’s
Innovation Fund alongside partners from
local businesses involved in the timber
supply chain.
It won the InnovaWood European forest
and timber network Prize for innovation and
technology transfer in 2011.
14 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
Adeiladwyd y ty^ hwn ar ôl anfon cais
llwyddiannus i Gystadleuaeth Future Works
Housing 2009, oedd yn gofyn creu “Ty^
Goddefol Cymreig” (Passive House) a
phenderfynu’r ffordd fwyaf priodol o greu ty^
carbon ac ynni isel i Gymru. Wedi’i adeiladu’n
wreiddiol fel canolfan ymwelwyr ar gyfer
datblygiad tai arddangos Future Works,
bydd yr adeilad yn cael ei weddnewid yn
dy^ dwy ystafell wely. Mae’r ty^’n cydymffurfio
â manylebau perfformio Passivhaus
Almaenaidd ac yn defnyddio llafur a
deunyddiau o Gymru. Ar ôl ei ailwampio,
bydd y ty^ ’n bodloni gofynion lefel 5 y Cod
Cartrefi Cynaliadwy trwy ddefnyddio dull
dylunio sy’n canolbwyntio ar yr amgylchedd.
Roedd y cyfan yn bosibl diolch i astudiaeth
derfynol prosiect ymchwil cydweithredol
wedi’i ariannu gan gronfa arloesi y Bwrdd
Strategaeth Technoleg yn ogystal â
phartneriaid o funsesau lleol sy’n gysylltiedig
â’r gadwyn cyflenwi pren.
Enillodd wobr InnovaWood (rhwydwaith
coedwigoedd a phren Ewropeaidd) ar gyfer
arloesi a throsglwyddo technoleg yn 2011.
04 Glan Gors Affordable Housing
tai fforddiadwy glan gors
Dolwyddelan, North Wales
July . Gorffennaf 2010
Architect . pensaer
J Ross Developments
Client . cleient
Cymdeithas Tai Clwyd
Main Contractor . prif gontractwr
J R Pickstock Ltd
Manufacturer . gwneuthurwr
Elements Europe
Project Value . gwerth y prosiect
£505 000
The four 3 bedroomed 5 person semidetached houses were developed on former
Forestry Commission land. The site employs
the Ty^ Unnos Modular system of building
to provide low cost local needs housing.
Each dwelling comprises two complete
modules, one for each floor. The modules
are fully finished in quality controlled
factory conditions including the installation
of internal finishes, windows and doors,
bathrooms and all electrical services and
appliances prior to transportation to site,
where assembly is completed in a matter of
hours on preformed foundations. Once in
position, external finishes are applied to walls
and roof along with external landscaping,
typically completed within 6 to 8 weeks.
Datblygwyd pedwar ty^ pâr, tair ystafell wely
ar gyfer 5 person, ar hen dir y Comisiwn
Coedwigaeth. Mae’r safle’n mabwysiadu
system adeiladu fodiwlar Ty^ Unnos er mwyn
darparu cartrefi rhad i bobl leol. Mae pob ty^
yn cynnwys dau fodiwl cyflawn, un ar gyfer
pob llawr. Mae’r modiwlau wedi’u paratoi’n
llawn yn y ffatri, gan gynnwys yr arwynebau
mewnol, yr holl ddrysau a ffenestri,
ystafelloedd molchi a’r holl gyfarpar a
gwasanaethau trydanol cyn eu cludo i’r
safle lle byddant yn cael eu gosod at ei
gilydd mewn ychydig oriau ar sylfeini parod.
Unwaith maent yn eu lle, mae’r gorffeniadau
allanol yn cael eu gosod ar y to a’r waliau yn
ogystal â’r gwaith tirlunio allanol, sy’n barod
o fewn 6 i 8 wythnos fel arfer.
The site lies within the Snowdonia National
Park and provides important affordable
housing for local people in this part of rural
Wales. The houses were designed to the
Code for Sustainable Homes level 4.
Mae’r safle ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Eryri, ac
yn darparu tai fforddiadwy hollbwysig i bobl
leol yng nghefn gwlad Conwy. Cafodd y tai
eu dylunio i lefel 4 y Cod Cartrefi Cynaliadwy.
The homes include a built-in heat recovery
system with solar panels on the roof to
supplement water heating, which along
with a high degree of insulation helps lower
household running costs.
16 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
Mae’r cartrefi’n cynnwys system adfer gwres
mewnol gyda phaneli solar ar y tô i gynhesu
r, gan helpu i leihau costau cynnal yr
05 caban unnos
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
Ongoing . Ar y gweill
Design Consultant . ymgynghorydd
Rob Thomas
Client . cleient
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
Main Contractor . prif gontractwr
Kenton Jones Joinery
Manufacturer . gwneuthurwr
Kenton Jones Joinery
Project Value . gwerth y prosiect
£10 000
The Caban Unnos is a derivative of the
award winning Ty^ Unnos- ‘A house in one
night’ research study and innovative Welsh
timber construction system.
Prosiect ymchwil llwyddiannus Ty^ Unnos a’r
cynllun newydd Cymreig o adeiladu â phren
oedd yr ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer y Caban
The demonstration project, funded by the
Sustainable Development Fund, brings
together innovative and creative members
of the Welsh timber supply chain for the
construction of a high performance moveable
building using locally sourced materials,
skills and manufacturing processes. The
building exhibits an innovative prefabricated
solution for sustainable construction
adaptable to a broad variety of scales,
from an autonomous rural studio to high
quality affordable housing. All products in
the Caban are made of Welsh timber, from
the frame and infill panels to the insulation,
cladding, floors, doors and windows.
Mae’r prosiect arddangos hwn, sydd wedi’i
ariannu gan y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy,
yn dod ag aelodau arloesol a chreadigol o
gadwyn cyflenwi pren Cymru at ei gilydd i
godi adeilad symudol perfformiad uchel,
gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau, sgiliau a
thechnegau gweithgynhyrchu lleol. Mae’r
adeilad yn cynnig ateb parod (prefab) i
adeiladu cynaliadwy y gellir ei addasu
ar raddfa fach a mawr – o stiwdio wledig
annibynnol i dai fforddiadwy o safon. Mae
holl gynhyrchion y Caban wedi’u gwneud o
bren Cymreig, o’r fframiau a’r paneli llenwi i’r
inswleiddio, cladin, lloriau, drysau a ffenestri.
The Caban was transported across
Pembrokeshire for a programme of events
throughout 2011 to demonstrate the value
of home grown timber for construction in
18 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
Cafodd y Caban ei gludo i ddigwyddiadau
amrywiol ar hyd a lled Sir Benfro yn 2011,
er mwyn dangos gwerth mewn pren lleol ar
gyfer y byd adeiladu yng Nghymru.
06 Tregynon rural studio
stiwdio wledig tregynon
The Old Sawmill, Tregynon
Ongoing . Ar y gweill
Design Consultant . ymgynghorydd
Rob Thomas
Client . cleient
Coed Cymru
Main Contractor . prif gontractwr
Rob Thomas
Manufacturer . gwneuthurwr
Kenton Jones Joinery
Project Value . gwerth y prosiect
£10 000
20 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
The Tregynon Rural Studio is the conclusive
prototype study in the development of the
Ty^ Unnos construction system using home
grown Sitka spruce. Based on the rural site
of the Old Sawmill, Tregynon, the small
studio is constructed by hand using limited
manufacturing and construction skills, and
the machinery and facilities of a standard
prototyping workshop.
Mae Stiwdio Wledig Tregynon yn astudiaeth
brototeip derfynol ar gyfer datblygu system
adeiladu Ty^ Unnos gan ddefnyddio sbriws
Sitka cartref. Wedi’i chodi ar safle gwledig yr
Hen Felin Lifio, Tregynon, cafodd y stiwdio
fechan ei hadeiladu â llaw gan ddefnyddio
sgiliau cynhyrchu ac adeiladu cyfyngedig,
a pheiriannau a chyfleusterau gweithdy
prototeip sylfaenol.
The small demountable studio unit draws
on the simple vernacular form of the Welsh
croglofft cottage to provide a sustainable
autonomous live/work space. The cedar
shingle clad pitched roof form is made
up of three structural bays distinguishing
three functional areas; a serviced bay
houses a composting toilet and kitchen
area accommodated below a mezzanine
sleeping deck, an entrance deck opens
into a small living area with wood fired stove
providing the heat demand required by the
highly insulated building, and a flexible work
area looks out through desk height windows
to the surrounding landscape.
Mae’r uned fach y gellir ei datgymalu yn
seiliedig ar bensaernïaeth werinol y bwthyn
croglofft traddodiadol ac mae’n darparu lle
annibynnol a chynaliadwy i fyw/gweithio.
Mae’r to cedrwydd onglog wedi’i wneud
o dri chowlas strwythurol sy’n ymrannu’n
dair rhan benodol – cowlas ar gyfer
gwasanaethau sy’n cynnwys ty^ bach a
chegin o dan ddec cysgu mezzanine; dec
mynedfa sy’n agor i ystafell fyw fach â stof
goed sy’n darparu gwrês yr adeilad wedi’i
inswleiddio’n dda; a gweithle hyblyg sy’n
edrych allan drwy ffenestri uchder desg i’r
dirwedd o’ch cwmpas.
07 Leighton Arches
bwa tre’r llai
Leighton Road, Welshpool
September . Medi 2011
Design . dylunio
Powys County Council/ Elements
Client . cleient
Powys County Council
Main Contractor . prif gontractwr
Alun Griffiths Contractors Ltd
Manufacturer . gwneuthurwr
Elements Europe
Project Value . gwerth y prosiect
£1 million
The development of 10 single storey units is
a redevelopment of the former Withy Beds
Traveller site in Leighton Road, Welshpool.
The site, first established in 1982, had a
number of deficiencies which are addressed
under the redevelopment. The Ty^ Unnos
Modular amenity units are part of a wider
improvement scheme which includes a
new access road, footpaths, fire prevention
systems, improved lighting and recreational
Adeiladwyd 10 uned unllawr wrth
ailddatblygu hen safle teithwyr Withy Beds yn
Ffordd Leighton, y Trallwng. Cafodd y safle
ei ddatblygu’n gyntaf ym 1982, ac roedd
yn cynnwys nifer o ddiffygion yr aethpwyd
i’r afael â nhw fel rhan o’r datblygiad hwn.
Mae unedau modiwlaidd Ty^ Unnos yn rhan
o gynllun gwella ehangach sy’n cynnwys
ffordd fynediad newydd, llwybrau troed,
systemau atal tân, goleuadau gwell a
chyfleusterau hamdden.
Each factory finished single storey building
offers a lounge, dining room, kitchen,
bathroom, cloakroom and storeroom, and
requires only the completion of external
cladding and roof assembly once on site.
Mae pob adeilad unllawr sengl wedi’i orffen
yn barod yn y ffatri, ac yn cynnwys lolfa,
ystafell fwyta, cegin, ystafell ymolchi, ystafell
gotiau a storfa. Ar ôl cludo’r unedau i’r safle,
y cyfan oedd ei angen oedd gosod y cladin
allanol a’r tô.
Using a modern method of construction
in the form of prefabricated units enabled
the site to be refurbished quickly and with
quality assured. The speed of installation
also helped the scheme to be completed on
time and to budget.
22 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
Trwy ddefnyddio dull adeiladu modern ar
ffurf unedau parod, roedd modd ailwampio’r
safle yn gyflym gan sicrhau ansawdd priodol.
Diolch i’r gwaith gosod cyflym, cwblhawyd y
cynllun yn brydlon yn unol â’r gyllideb.
08 rosliston forestry centre
canolfan goedwigaeth rosliston
Rosliston, Swadlincote, Derbyshire
May . Mai 2010
Architect . pensaer
Wiliam Saunders Partnership LLP
Client . cleient
Forestry Commission
Main Contractor . prif gontractwr
J Tomlinson Ltd
Manufacturer . gwneuthurwr
Cowley Timberwork
Engineer . gwneuthurwr
John Westmuckett
Project Value . gwerth y prosiect
£49 500
Rosliston Forestry Centre was created
on 90 ha of former farmland in the Mease
Lowlands. It is owned jointly by South
Derbyshire District Council and Forest
Enterprise and provides a shop, restaurant,
indoor play area and craft centre. The site
offers a range of outdoor activities such as
walking, cycling and outdoor play areas.
The Forestry Commission were keen that
their building should be made from British
timber. Due to the large spans of the
proposed building, the hollow high structural
capacity Ty^ Unnos box section portal frames
offered a highly efficient homegrown timber
Roedd y Comisiwn Coedwigaeth yn
awyddus i’w hadeilad gael ei greu o bren
Prydeinig. Oherwydd rhychwant eang yr
adeilad dan sylw, roedd fframiau porthol
blwchdoriad y Ty^ Unnos yn ddelfrydol
gyda’u rhannau strwythurol cryf.
Pitched portal frames are set at 5m centres
and the longest span is 8175mm overall.
Each is tapered, from 500mm deep at the
haunch tapering to 350 mm at the apex
and 400mm at the base. This provides 5
workshops. Where exposed internally, the
structure is coated with Envirograf to control
Mae’r fframiau porthol a osodir ar oleddf
ar ganolau 5 m ac yn 8175mm o hyd o un
pegwn i’r llall. Maent yn 500mm o ddyfnder
ar yr hansh, yn meinhau i 350 mm ar yr apig
a 400mm ar ei waelod. Mae’n darparu 5
gweithdy ac mae’r holl strwythur agored ar
y tu mewn wedi’i orchuddio ag Envirograf ar
gyfer rheoli fflamau rhag lledaenu.
The timber frame is infilled with prefabricated
wall and roof panels using C16 timber,
sourced from Pontrilas Timber.
O fewn y ffram bren mae’r paneli wal a thô
parod yn defnyddio pren C16 o Pontrilas
Timber. Roedd y gwaith cyflenwi a gosod yn
cynnwys y ffram a’r paneli waliau allanol.
The Project Value figure is for supply of
frames and external panels only.
24 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
Crewyd Canolfan Goedwigaeth Rosliston
ar 90 ha o hen dir fferm yn ardal iseldir y
Mease. Mae’n eiddo i Gyngor Dosbarth
De Swydd Derby a’r Fenter Goedwigaeth
ar y cyd ac yn cynnwys siop, ty^ bwyta,
man chwarae dan dô a chanolfan grefftau.
Mae’r safle yn cynnig nifer o gyfleusterau fel
llwybrau cerdded, llwybrau beicio a mannau
chwarae awyr agored.
09 swallow hill
Mynydd Du Road, Treuddyn, North Wales
March . Mawrth 2012
Architect . pensaer
J M Harrison
Client . cleient
Mr Ron Davies + Dr Margaret
Huish Davies
Main Contractor . prif gontractwr
Kenton Jones
Manufacturer . gwneuthurwr
Kenton Jones
Project Value . gwerth y prosiect
£25 000
This single storey private dwelling sits in
open farmland with glorious rural views in all
directions, which the open plan interior fully
exploits with extensive glazing.
The three bedroom home comprises of a
series of interconnecting bays. Arranged
over a single level, the house has a study,
hall and open plan kitchen diner that links
directly to the lounge. The house makes
the most of passive solar, with rooflights
offering natural light deep into the plan.
The white marble finish results in a bright,
contemporary interior.
Construction took place in wintry conditions,
but despite high winds and frost, it took just
one day to erect the frame. It was imperative
that the flat roof was made watertight.
The speed of the build astounded the
client and the resulting light-filled home is a
testament to the flexibility of the Ty^ Unnos
system. The single floor level means the
owners have a fully future-proofed house
which they can enjoy with their grand
The Project Value includes the supply and fix
of the frame and plywood panels.
Saif yr annedd preifat un llawr hwn mewn
tir fferm agored gyda golygfeydd gwledig
godidog o’i amgylch, sydd i’w gweld ar eu
gorau o’r tu mewn gyda’r cynllun agored a’r
talcenni gwydrog.
Mae’r cartref tair ystafell wely’n cynnwys
cyfres o raniadau rhyng-gysylltiol. Wedi’i
osod ar un llawr, mae’r ty^ ’n cynnwys stydi,
cyntedd a chegin fwyta cynllun agored sy’n
mynd drwodd i’r lolfa. Mae’r ty^ yn manteisio
i’r eithaf ar ynni haul goddefol, gyda ffenestri
yn y tô yn gadael golau naturiol i’r cynllun
dwfn. Mae’n cael ei oleuo ymhellach gan y
teils marmor gwyn drwyddo draw.
Cwblhawyd y gwaith adeiladu mewn un
diwrnod, ar waethaf y tywydd gaeafol.
Pan godwyd y ffrâm rhaid oedd gosod
y gorchudd tô gwrth-ddŵr yn ystod
gwyntoedd cryfion ac amodau rhewllyd.
Gan fod i’r adeilad dô gwastad roedd hyn
yn swyddogaeth bwysig iawn.
Synnwyd y cleient gan gyflymder y gwaith
adeiladu ac mae’r cartref llawn golau yn
dystiolaeth o hyblygrwydd y system Ty^
Unnos. Mae cael ty^ un llawr yn golygu bod
gan y perchnogion dy^ ar gyfer y dyfodol i’w
fwynhau gyda’u hwyrion.
Y gost gyflenwi a gosod y ffrâm a’r paneli
pren a roddir yma.
26 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
10 cowdenbeath
Fife, Scotland
April . Ebrill 2012
Client . cleient
Living Solutions Scotland
Main Contractor . prif gontractwr
Living Solutions Scotland
Manufacturer . gwneuthurwr
Living Solutions Scotland
Project Value . gwerth y prosiect
£2 000
Living Solutions Scotland is a dynamic social
enterprise charity based in Cowdenbeath,
Fife. It seeks solutions to conserve and
protect the natural environment, reduce
unemployment and increase access to
affordable sustainable housing and achieves
this through environmental work and
projects carried out in the local community.
It currently runs operations in forestry,
minor civil engineering, landscaping, timber
processing and construction using home
grown timber, providing employment,
training and volunteering opportunities.
Living Solutions, always interested in
innovation, were keen to trial the Ty^ Unnos
system. In a partnership with Coed Cymru,
they became the first manufacturer of Ty^
Unnos components outside Wales. This
small building, on a 4.8 x 4.8 m plan,
provides the accommodation for the current
offices of the organisation. The Sitka spruce
was sourced from Blairadam Forest, a 4
mile distance from the office location. The
organisation has a timber processing facility
and carried out the felling and sawing of
timber as well as the beam manufacture
28 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
Elusen menter gymdeithasol gyffrous yw
Living Solutions Scotland, wedi’i lleoli yn
Cowdenbeath, Fife. Mae’n mynd i’r afael â
phroblemau amgylcheddol a chymdeithasol
ac mae’n chwilio am atebion ar gyfer
gwarchod a diogelu’r amgylchedd naturiol,
lleihau diweithdra a gwneud tai cynaliadwy a
fforddiadwy yn fwy hygyrch i bobl.
Mae’n cyflawni hyn drwy waith a phrosiectau
amgylcheddol yn y gymuned leol, gan
ddarparu gwaith, hyfforddiant a chyfleoedd
gwirfoddoli. Ar hyn o bryd, mae’n cynnal
gweithgarwch ym maes coedwigaeth,
peirianneg sifil ar raddfa fach, tirlunio,
prosesu pren ac adeiladu drwy ddefnyddio
pren wedi’i dyfu’n lleol.
Roedd Living Solutions, sydd bob amser
â diddordeb mewn arloesi, yn awyddus
i dreialu’r system Ty^ Unnos. Mewn
partneriaeth â Coed Cymru, nhw oedd y
cyntaf i gynhyrchu cydrannau Ty^ Unnos y
tu allan i Gymru. Yr adeilad bach hwn, ar
gynllun 4.8 x 4.8 m, yw cartref swyddfeydd
presennol y sefydliad. Daeth y coed sbriws
Sitka o Goedwig Blairadam, 4 milltir o leoliad
y swyddfa. Mae gan y sefydliad gyfleuster
prosesu coed a nhw eu hunain a dorrodd
y coed a’u llifio yn ogystal â chynhyrchu’r
11 Ty^ TYFU
gardd fotaneg genedlaethol cymru
Llanarthne, Carmarthenshire
October . Hydref 2012
Architect . pensaer
Walshe Associates
Client . cleient
National Botanic Gardens of Wales
Main Contractor . prif gontractwr
Kenton Jones
Manufacturer . gwneuthurwr
Kenton Jones
Project Value . gwerth y prosiect
£40 000
Growing the Future based at The National
Botanic Garden of Wales built their new
office Ty^ Tyfu using the Ty^ Unnos system.
Growing the Future, a project funded by
the European Agricultural Fund for Rural
Development provides information and
courses to help people across Wales grow
their own food.
The office is a small single storey building of
8 x 5 m dimension, providing desk space for
three staff members and a central meeting
area. The building is within easy walking
distance of the Garden’s main visitor
buildings. Its all-Welsh timber construction
comprises of Western Red Cedar shingles
and cladding from Esgair Forest in
Machynlleth. Insulation is provided by
Warmcel recycled newspaper and rainwater
is harvested for use on the gardens.
The next phase is the construction of a new
teaching facility, canolfan Tyfu, located
within Tir Tyfu, a one acre planting and
growing area at the Garden.
30 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
Mae Gardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru
yn gartref i sefydliad Tyfu’r Dyfodol, prosiect
a ariannir gan Gronfa Amaethyddol Ewrop
ar gyfer Datblygu Gwledig. Adeiladwyd eu
swyddfa newydd, Ty^ Tyfu, gan ddefnyddio
Ty^ Unnos. Mae Tyfu’r Dyfodol yn darparu
cyrsiau ac e-addysg yngly^n â sut i dyfu gardd
fwytadwy.Y nôd yw gwneud hyfforddiant ar
dyfu planhigion bwytadwy yn agored i bawb.
Adeilad bychan un llawr yw’r swyddfa 8 x
5 m o faint, yn darparu gofod desg i dri a
man cyfarfod canolog. Mae’r adeilad o fewn
pellter cerdded hwylus i brif adeiladau’r
Ardd ar gyfer ymwelwyr. Mae ei adeiladwaith
o bren Cymreig yn cynnwys estyll a chladin
o gedrwydd coch gorllewinol o Goed Esgair,
Machynlleth. Caiff ei insiwleiddio gan bapur
newydd wedi’i ailgylchu Warmcel, a chaiff
r glaw ei gasglu ar gyfer dyfrio’r gerddi.
Y cam nesaf yw codi Canolfan Tyfu, adeilad
addysg newydd ar gyfer yr Ardd, o fewn Tir
Tyfu, ar acer a neilltuwyd ar gyfer plannu a
thyfu llysiau a ffrwythau.
12 Ty^ Unnos projects in the pipeline
prosiectau ty^ unnos sydd ar y gweill
The variety of build projects Ty^ Unnos caters for continues with
a number of new schemes, ranging from a Victorian town house
conversion, a new learning facility with space for classroom
activities at the Botanic Gardens and an architecturally
stimulating new home in a dramatic rural location in West Wales.
Other projects planned include self build and affordable homes.
Canolfan Tyfu at National Botanic Gardens of Wales
This new build by Hughes Architects will provide the new learning
space for the project at the Gardens. Situated within the project’s
one acre growing site, Tir Tyfu, Canolfan Tyfu offers training
courses and information on all aspects of growing fruit and
vegetables at home.
Blaengors Rhydargaeau
This contemporary replacement dwelling by Mike Watt Architects
consists of a timber and zinc–clad design based on an upside
down layout with the living spaces on the largely open-plan first
floor to maximise views of the landscape.
32 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
Mae’r amrywiaeth o brosiectau adeiladu y gall Ty^ Unnos eu
darparu yn parhau, yn amrywio o addasiad ty^ tref Fictoraidd,
cyfleuster dysgu newydd gyda gofod ar gyfer gweithgareddau
dosbarth a chartref newydd pensaernïol gyffrous mewn lleoliad
gwledig dramatig yn Ngorllewin Cymru. Ymhlith y rhai sydd i
ddod mae prosiect hunanadeiladu a tai fforddiadwy.
Canolfan Tyfu Gardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru
Bydd yr adeilad newydd hwn gan benseiri Doug Hughes yn
darparu cyfleuster dysgu ar gyfer y prosiect yn y Gerddi. Wedi
ei leoli ar Tir Tyfu, bydd y Ganolfan yn darparu cyrsiau hyfforddi
a gwybodaeth ar bob agwedd o dyfu llysiau a ffrwythau yn y
Blaengors Rhydargaeau
Mae’r annedd newydd cyfoes hwn gan Mike Watt Architects
wedi’i greu o gynllun pren a chladin sinc yn seiliedig ar gynllun
pen i waered, gyda’r gofod byw ar y llawr cyntaf cynllun agored
yn bennaf er mwyn manteisio i’r eithaf ar y golygfeydd.
the timber supply chain
y gadwyn cyflenwi pren
Ty^ Unnos provides the opportunity for a stronger supply chain
involving growers, sawmillers, manufacturers and construction
professionals who would benefit from bringing the raw material
from forest to a useful end product in Wales. Jobs and training
opportunities will follow as the manufacturing processes are
within the capabilities of a standard joinery workshop and
adaptable for a range of equipment and skills.
Mae Ty^ Unnos yn gyfle i sefydlu cadwyn gyflenwi gryfach
sy’n cynnwys tyfwyr, melinau llifio, gweithgynhyrchwyr ac
adeiladwyr proffesiynol a fyddai’n elwa ar drosglwyddo deunydd
crai o’r goedwig a’i droi yn gynnyrch gorffenedig defnyddiol
yng Nghymru. Byddai hyn yn arwain at gyfleoedd gwaith a
hyfforddiant, gyda gweithdy saer coed sylfaenol yn gallu addasu
i wneud prosesau gweithgynhyrchu gydag amrywiaeth o gyfarpar
a sgiliau gwahanol.
resource . adnodd
harvesting . cynaeafu
34 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
sawmill . melin lifio
training . hyfforddiant
construction . adeiladu
manufacture . gwneuthuro
project partners
partneriaid y prosiect
Coed Cymru
Coed Cymru is an all Wales initiative to
promote the management of woodlands
and the use of locally grown timber in Wales.
Coed Cymru have a long and notable track
record of innovation in wood products,
furniture and homeware through to certified
building components. These are rooted in
the real need to sensibly exploit home grown
products so that the benefits of sustainable
management of the Welsh forest can be
Mae Coed Cymru yn fenter ar gyfer Cymru
gyfan i hyrwyddo rheolaeth coetiroedd
llydanddail a’r defnydd o bren sydd wedi’i
dyfu’n lleol yng Nghymru. Mae gennym
hanes hir a llwyddiannus o arloesi â
chynhyrchion pren, o ddodrefn, offer ty^ i
gydrannau adeiladu ardystiedig. Wrth wraidd
y cyfan, mae angen gwirioneddol i fanteisio
a gwneud defnydd doeth o gynhyrchion sy’n
cael eu tyfu’n lleol er mwyn gwarchod ac
atgyfnerthu coedwigoedd cynhenid.
Cowley Timberwork
Design Research Unit Wales
4, Radnor Court,
256, Cowbridge Road East,
The Quarry,
Grantham Road,
Lincoln, LN5 9NT
Welsh School of Architecture,
Bute Building,
King Edward VII Avenue,
Cardiff, CF10 3NB
T: 029 2064 7484
T: 01522 720 022
T: 02920 875 980
The Old Sawmill,
Powys, SY16 3PL
T: 01686 650 777
36 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
supply chain efficiencies scheme
cynllun effeithlonrwydd y gadwyn gyflenwi
Tabitha Binding
The Supply Chain Efficiencies Scheme
is part of the Rural Development Plan for
Wales 2007 – 2013, funded by the Welsh
Government and the European Agricultural
Fund for Rural Development. The key
aim is to provide support for collaborative
supply chain initiatives to develop new
products, processes and technologies in
the agriculture, food and forestry sector.
Mae Cynllun Effeithlonrwydd y Gadwyn
Gyflenwi yn rhan o Gynllun Datblygu Gwledig
Cymru 2007-2013, wedi’i ariannu gan
Lywodraeth Cymru a Chronfa Amaethyddol
Ewrop ar gyfer Datblygu Gwledig. Y prif
nod yw helpu mentrau cadwynau cyflenwi
cydweithredol i ddatblygu cynhyrchion,
prosesau a thechnolegau newydd yn y
sector amaethyddol, bwyd a choedwigaeth.
The two Supply Chain Managers for the three
year Welsh Timber Supply Chain project are
working to build and expand links within the
Welsh timber supply chain, from forest to
finished product. They provide information,
encouragement and hands-on support to
increase the use of Welsh timber, helping to
develop a sustainable and thriving sector.
Mae dwy Reolwraig y Gadwyn Gyflenwi
ar gyfer prosiect tair blynedd Cadwyn
Cyflenwi Pren Cymru yn meithrin ac ehangu
cysylltiadau o fewn y gadwyn gyflenwi pren
yng Nghymru, o’r goedwig i’r cynnyrch
gorffenedig. Maent yn cynnig gwybodaeth,
anogaeth a chymorth ymarferol i gynyddu’r
defnydd o bren Cymreig, gan helpu i
ddatblygu sector gynaliadwy a ffyniannus.
Elements Europe Ltd.
Kenton Jones Joinery
Pontrilas Timber
21, Mile Oak Industrial Estate,
Maesbury Road,
Shropshire, SY10 8GA
Henfaes Lane
SY21 7BE
T: 01691 656 591
T: 01938 554 789
T: 01981 240 444
Sourcing Timber
Cyrchu Pren
Branding and Marketing
Brandio a Marchnata
T: 01686 650 777
E: tabithab@coedcymru.org.uk
Haf Roberts
Timber for Construction
Pren ar gyfer Adeiladu
Housing from Welsh Timber
Cartrefi o bren Cymru
T: 029 2064 7490
E: hafr@coedcymru.org.uk
All illustrations and photos are the copyright property of the
Project Team unless otherwise stated;
Hawlfraint Tîm y Prosiect yw’r holl ddarluniau a ffotograffau oni
nodir yn wahanol;
43, 45, 46
59, 60
05, 06, 62, 63
47 - 50
23, 25
01, 37, 44
55 - 58
15, 16
Coombs, S.
Davies, R. Swallow Hill
Hughes Architects
Forestry Commission Picture Library
Living Solutions
McAteer, H. (www.dolwyddelan.org)
Meade, R. (www.robbiemeade.com)
Mike Watt Architects
Stuefer, J.
Thomas, R.
Williams, S. (www.ambientcapture.co.uk)
Author . awdur
Haf Roberts
Translation . cyfieithu
Testun Cyf
Graphic Design . dylunio graffeg
Rob Thomas
38 Ty^ Unnos - House in a Night
Printed by . argraffwyd gan
infographics ltd
Made of recycled paper in Wales
Gwnaed yng Nghymru o bapur wedi ei ailgylchu