Dulaney Lions - Dulaney High - Baltimore County Public Schools


Dulaney Lions - Dulaney High - Baltimore County Public Schools
Dulaney Lions
Rip-Roarin’ News
December 2013/ January 2014
A Principal’s Winter Wisdom
A Principal’s Winter Wisdom
It has been a terrific fall season at Dulaney!
The accolades and awards for students are too many
to list, but here are a few highlights.
Students are doing great things every day—
1,049 students earned honor roll! This is a
significant achievement and a testament to the
exceptional quality of the teachers and students of
In addition, fall sports teams won 6
Regional Championships (Boys Cross Country,
Boy’s Golf, Girl’s Golf, JV Volleyball, Varsity
Volleyball, and Varsity Field Hockey). Let’s not
forget Boy’s Cross Country State Finalists, State
Cross Country Champion Isabelle Griffith, and
State Champion Volleyball!!
Our Robotics teams have all scored well and
won events in the area.
The “It’s Academic” Team was fantastic in
their win of the first match on WJZ.
The music programs have been recognized
as ‘Best in Parade’ for the Marching Lions.
We had 59 of 250 students selected for the
‘All BCPS Honors Program’ featuring Band,
Orchestra and Chorus.
Our service clubs have been very busy
serving the community. The Key Club organized
Dulaney participation in the Save-A-Limb Run.
SGO is spearheading a massive Canned Food Drive
and there are many other service projects by the
various groups of Dulaney students who model
citizenship every day.
Keep shining; you make us proud!!
I would like to extend a big THANK YOU
to all parents and friends of Dulaney who joined us
in celebrating American Education Week. As
evidenced in the paragraph above, there are
wonderful educational opportunities every day at
Dulaney. You don’t have to wait until next year’s
American Education Week to come by and see our
teachers and students at work. You are always
Registration for the 2014-15 school year is
just around the corner. Due to all BCPS high
schools shifting to the 8-credit per year model,
students will have more opportunities to select
classes of interest to them. This will provide
students with broader educational experiences and
better prepare them for college and careers.
Dulaney will be organized into 4 classes each day
on an alternating day schedule. (Called the 4 period
A/B schedule.) The longer periods will support
incorporating into lessons more higher-order
thinking, and opportunities for application and
synthesis of learning for students. If you have any
questions or concerns about our new schedule,
please let me know.
Happy Holidays!
We are one-All In! GO Dulaney Lions!
Lynda M. Whitlock
Happy Holidays from
PTSA President, Patty Buck
Winter Calendar
It is hard to imagine that we are entering the
Dec 04 – Financial Aid Night, 7-9pm (Satellite Cafeteria)
month of December. It seems like just yesterday
Dec 5-7 –Fall Drama Production, 7:30pm (Auditorium)
Dec 06 – Interims distributed to students
that we celebrated the Ravens winning the Super
Dec 10 – Sports Boosters Meeting, 7pm (Library)
Bowl, the many Baltimore County Championships
Dec 12 – Winter Concert A; 7:30pm (Auditorium)
that Dulaney athletes won as teams and individuals,
(Snow date Dec 13)
along with the exciting Girls Varsity Volleyball
Teacher Conferences (by appointment)
State Championship this academic year. We have
Dec 14 – ACT
just finished celebrating Thanksgiving and soon
Dec 17 – Winter Concert B; 7:30pm (Auditorium)
will be celebrating a variety of holidays from now
(Snow date Dec 18)
until the start of the New Year.
Dec 20 – Winter holiday begins at end of school day
We have many things to consider this
holiday season. During the school break at the end
of the month, it may be time to review how the
school year is progressing with your child or
Jan 02 – School reopens
Jan 09 – Open Mic Night; 6-8pm (Auditorium)
children and make a plan on how to proceed when
Jan 09 – SIT Team Meeting; 6:15-7pm (Library)
school resumes in January. I know the holidays are
Jan 09 – PTSA General Meeting; 7pm (Library)
a time of fun and family but school is also a very
Jan 14 – Sports Booster Meeting; 7pm (Library)
important part too.
16 – Registration Info Night; 7pm (Auditorium)
Enjoy the time with your friends and family.
(Snow date Jan 23)
Be safe and have a wonderful holiday season and
17- Jan 18 – Cabaret; 6pm (Satellite Cafeteria)
I’ll see you next year.
(Snow dates Jan 24-25)
Patty Buck
PTSA President
Next General PTSA Meeting
Thursday January 9th, 2014
7:00 pm in DHS Library
Hope to see you there!!
Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!
The Library Needs You!
Free time? Like to volunteer? The Library
is looking for Parent Volunteers to help during
Jan 17 – Second marking period ends
Jan 20 – Schools Closed (MLK Day)
Jan 21 – Schools Closed (Prof. Development Day)
Jan 25 – SAT
Parents, if your students are struggling with
any aspect of their academics, please don’t wait!
Encourage them to speak with a teacher or a
guidance counselor. Encourage them to go to the
school library and sign up for peer tutoring!! It’s
free! It’s convenient!! And they can learn from a
student’s perspective, which may be the help they
need. If need be, and funds allow, consider
professional tutoring. Everyone needs it at some
time in their lives. Don’t let it drive a wedge
between you. Don’t let falling grades discourage
or depress them. These are rather impressionable
times in your students’ lives. Help them help
themselves and their futures…one day at a time.
How Very Sweet the Tune!!!
Robotic Excellence
Please join us in congratulating the
following Freshman on their acceptances into the
ALL STATE Junior Ensembles: Rachel
Broemmelsiek (Double Bass); Allison Ng (Violin);
Jessica Yan (Violin) and Francesca LaRocca
(Soprano). These students have been invited to
perform at the Maryland ALL STATE Conference
in February.
What an honor!! We wish each of you the
best of luck!!
Dulaney High School’s VEX 1727B Robot
won Tournament Champion Honors, besting 36
teams at the Northwest Tournament held in
Westminster. Points were earned as the robot
manipulated balls around the field and put balls in
goals. This championship rewarded the team for
their constant preparation for this challenge,
working five hours extra, weekly. This is the
team’s second tournament championship in a row.
VEX Team 1727G competed in a
tournament for the first time in Westminster and
was presented with the Sportsmanship Award.
This award is given to the team noted for its
teamwork, camaraderie, and helpful and friendly
cooperative spirit.
Brian Bruneau is the advisor of the
Robotics Club with 35 members. Another
tournament was held at Dulaney High School on
November 9th. (See attached photograph).
Congratulations to Team 1727B Crew
Members: Jordan Stafford, Sandor Tapolyai, Brian
Levis, Michael Chen and Matthew Carbaugh.
Congratulations to Team 1727G Crew
Members: Colin Stiers, Sam Goetz, Darian Gim,
Benjamin Roberts and Michael Zimmerman.
Class of 2014 Grad Gala
Do you own or work at a restaurant, spa, or
gas station? Please consider donating a gift
certificate to support the Dulaney Grad Gala!
Contact Kristin.sheppy@gmail.com or Sue
Reinhardt fxrscr@verizon.net.
Start your holiday shopping December 7-8th
at Five Below! Proceeds from the sales benefit the
Grad Gala! (See the attached flyer for details.)
Dinner at Bertucci’s on December 16th will
also benefit the Grad Gala. So take a night off of
cooking and enjoy dinner out! (See attached flyer
for details.)
Have you sent in your donation letter? A
letter was sent out to all students asking for a
donation to help support the Grad Gala. Please send
in your donation today!! We are asking for a
donation of $50 from the Senior Families and $30
from the underclassman families.
Our December committee meeting is Dec
12th at 7pm in the Dulaney library. Please join us!
Think About It
Have you chatted with someone new today?
Remember that WR1. Start living by this motto and
see how it improves your life everyday – WE AIN’T
She Has the ‘Key’ to Success
Karen Turek has been named the
“Outstanding Key Club Faculty Advisor” of the
Capital Key Club district for 2013!
This award is given to recognize an
individual’s personal involvement, counseling, and
leadership. This is a high honor in the Key Club
Recently, Ms. Turek completed a survey,
providing feedback about being a Key Club
advisor. The information gathered will help the
Key District to better support the work of Key Club
advisors in schools, communities and around the
We appreciate Ms. Turek, again, going
above and beyond to make Key Club the best
experience for Dulaney students.
Ms. Turek, you hold the key to success!
Thanks for sharing it with your Dulaney family!
And the Award Goes To…
You Are a Lifesaver…
or in this case, a Limbsaver!
Hot off the presses!! The 2013 edition of
Dulaney’s literary magazine, Sequel, won Silver
medal from the Columbia Scholastic Press
Association. Sequel's highest marks of excellence
came within the field of poetry, specifically a piece
written by former Literary Editor-in-Chief, and
2013 graduate, Elle Smiley. Congratulations to all
who had a hand in making the Sequel a huge
Dulaney High School was well represented
at the Save-A-Limb Ride held at Oregon
Ridge. The marching band got everyone in the
mood, three choir students began the event by
singing the National Anthem, and Key Club
member Sahana Raju organized many students to
participate in the event. Sahana did such a good job,
Dulaney came in second place in participation and
the school received a check for $500.
DHS Musical All-State All-Stars!!
We are pleased to announce the following
students earned membership in either the All-State
Band or Orchestra:
Mark Hubbert--Trumpet (1st Chair Band!!!)
Monica Kuo--Flute (Alternate)
Benjamin Lee--Cello
Handong Park--Flute (all four years!!!!)
Brady Sack--Percussion
Jane Song--Clarinet
Michelle Wu--Viola (One of top four chairs, who
is eligible to audition for first chair!)
Hojin Yoon--Alto Saxophone
Angela Zhang—Flute
Your hard work and dedication knows no
bounds! Be proud and let us hear you ROAR!!
Louder, louder than a lion
I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar!
SGO Wishes for our Troops
SGO Electronics Donation Drive
The SGO has been asking students of all
homerooms at Dulaney to sign a card or make a card
that will show others how much we appreciate their
services and sacrifices. SGO has garnered about
100 cards so far.
Show your support for our troops and this
Country! It won’t cost you a penny; but think of
what their service may cost them!
Help to put a smile on the face of a Hero this
holiday season! Help to keep their spirits strong!
Isn’t it worth it?
Have you thought about all of the electronic
devices sitting around your home or in your car that
are just collecting dust? Are you upgrading your
electronics this holiday season? Consider donating
your gently used electronics to the Electronics
Drive we are hosting on behalf of Mr. Merani’s
Church. Donations can be dropped off at Mr.
Merani’s classroom 109. Act fast!! The collection
ends on DECEMBER 10TH. (See attached flyer
for more details). Thank you!!
A Picture’s Worth What??
If you know a hero, be sure to thank them
for their service and sacrifices from all of us here at
Dulaney High School!
Thanks and Happy Holidays Everyone!!
SGO Says Thanks
The SGO would like to thank you all for
giving your time to help out with Dulaney’s 2013
Homecoming! It would not have been a successful
and enjoyable homecoming for the students if it
were not for all of the school staff and parent
volunteers! We really appreciate all that you have
done for us to make it special!!
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand
words. But in this case, it is worth One Hundred
Dollars. It’s the Dulaney High Photo Program.
There has been a Photography Contest
underway at the Towson Delly North. Eighteen
Finalist Photographs – nine black and white photos
and nine color photos – have been on display on the
wall of the delicatessen and patrons were able to
vote for the Top Awards. One artist from each
category was awarded the prize of One Hundred
Dollars. Congratulations to the winners!!
The competition closed this fall on
November 29th, but you still have time to check
them out. The artwork will be on display until
December 15th. The delicatessen is located in the
small strip mall in front of Best Buy in Lutherville.
We’ll run the competition again in Spring.
Homelessness Hits Home
Did you remember to donate to the SGO
food drive? How about your local shelter or Church
food pantry? Remember, many grocery stores have
dented cans on sale for only $0.59. How much
change do you have in your couch cushions? I
at least 1 canned item! Make this the year you help
the Drive to Survive! Homeless people don’t just
need food on the holidays! They need food every
other day of the year too! Be a hero to someone
today. Thank you!
2013-2014 Season Passes
Be An Advocate
Consider getting yourself an annual sports
pass, which will grant you admission to all home
athletic events during the regular fall, winter and
spring sports seasons! Passes can be purchased on
www.dulaneyathletics.org. Student passes are
$25.00 and Adult passes are $40.00.
Share Your Thoughts and Raise Your Voices
to Help Improve Our Schools
Do you have a concern about your child's
high-school experience that Dulaney's excellent
faculty and staff have been unable to resolve? Get
in touch with Sue Battle-McDonald, who is leading
our Advocacy Committee this year. No committee
meeting attendance is required. Contact her at
suebattle@yahoo.com or at 410-206-6724.
A Great Local Schools Advocacy
Group: Finally, a great group to join and follow is
ABC Schools. This is a coalition of groups
working to raise awareness, start and continue
conversations about important issues, and
ultimately bring improvements to our school
Follow them on Facebook too!
Dulaney can receive up to $10,000 in Target
GiftCards® for any supplies it may need. You can
help! Vote now! #GiveWithTarget
Single Mothers Support Group
(Pass is non-transferable and non-refundable. It will not be honored
at away games, or countywide, regional, or state playoff games.)
There are exciting events to see every week.
Check out the Dulaney High Calendar of Events at
www.dulaneyathletics.org for a full list of
upcoming chances to show your school spirit!
Cast Your Vote!
Dulaney High School
Take Charge With Target!
Dulaney High is benefiting from the Take
Charge of Education program, sponsored by Target.
Target donates up to 1% of their purchase if
Dulaney is designated.
The school recently received a check for
$68.00. Let’s continue to help Dulaney while we
shop! Here’s what you can do:
Find the program at www.target.com. Click
on Target Red Card, then click on Rewards and
Benefits on the left side of the page.
Scroll down and, on the right side, click on
‘Take Charge of Education’. Follow the instructions
to enroll Dulaney for this benefit if you have a Red
Card or want to get a Red Card.
Thanks for your support!!
PTSA member Sue Battle-McDonald and a
friend are forming a support group for single
moms, for fun, camaraderie, and mutual support in
the challenging times. If you're interested, please
contact her at suebattle@yahoo.com.
Spread The Word
Have something newsworthy to share?
Submissions for our next newsletter are due by
They can be sent by email to
BCPS students, parents
invited to learn more about
College 4 Free
and Parallel Enrollment Program
Cockeysville Youth Council
Presents the
1st Annual Cockeysville Middle
School Alumni Night
CCBC to offer sessions on how to take college
classes and save money while still in high
Are you a graduate of Cockeysville Middle
School (Baltimore County, Maryland)? Does getting
together with your past and present friends and
reminiscing about “the good ol’ days” sound like a
great idea? If so, come back and dance and play those
fun games like; basketball, floor hockey, dodge ball
Towson, Md. – Baltimore County Public
Schools sophomores, juniors, seniors and their
parents are invited to attend the Community College
of Baltimore County’s Early College Access
Information Sessions to find out how to earn college
credits while attending high school.
In partnership with BCPS, CCBC offers the
popular Parallel Enrollment Program, where high
school students can take CCBC courses at half the
tuition cost, and the newly implemented College 4
Free program, where students can take up to four
courses tuition-free at CCBC. Both allow students
to accelerate their college goals and save money on
Upcoming sessions will share information
about both the Parallel Enrollment Program and
College 4 Free. The information sessions are being
held at 6 p.m. at the following campus locations:
Tuesday, Dec 10
CCBC Essex
Administration Bldg Rm 137
7201 Rossville Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21237
Wednesday, Dec 11 CCBC Catonsville
Center for the Arts, Lounge
800 S. Rolling Road
Catonsville, MD 21228
Thursday, Dec 12
CCBC Dundalk
Roy N. Staten Bldg, Rm 100
7200 Sollers Point Rd
Dundalk, MD 21222
To register, visit www.ccbcmd.edu/infosessions
or call 443-840-1377.
Support a great cause, the Wounded Warrior
On Friday, December 20, 2013, 7-10 PM, the
doors at Cockeysville Middle School (CMS) will be
open for the First Annual CMS Alumni Night
presented by Cockeysville Youth Council (CYC).
Only CMS alumni are allowed at this event.
Each alum is allowed to bring one guest. Cost for this
special event is $7.00 and concessions are available
for a modest price.
Hanging out at CYC on a Friday night is still
the coolest thing. See you there!
Friday, December 20, 2013
Don’t miss it!!
Cockeysville Middle School 10401 Greenside
Drive Cockeysville, Md. 21030
Contact person at the school: Bob Russell
Cinnamon Roll Tree
This recipe is a fast and fabulous way to share
Cinnamon Rolls, an all-time favorite, with loved
12 Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls
Cream cheese frosting (included with rolls in tube)
Toffee bits
Maraschino cherries
Center one roll near the top of a large sprayed
baking sheet. Arrange rolls in three more rows 1inch apart, adding one additional roll to each row,
forming a tree. Add two rolls to the bottom to form
the trunk. Bake according to package instructions.
When cool, decorate tree with frosting, toffee bits
and cherries as desired.
Chocolate Trifle Dessert
1 pkg. Brownie mix
1 6oz. pkg. Chocolate Instant Pudding (Sugar
1 6oz. pkg. Vanilla Instant Pudding (Sugar Free)
3 Baby Ruth candy bars (sliced)
3 Heath candy bars (broken in pieces)
1 12oz. Cool Whip & 1 8oz. Cool Whip (or 2 8oz.)
Make brownies according to pkg. direction (set
Make Chocolate Instant Pudding according to
(pour 1/2 into bottom of Trifle bowl to make
bottom layer)
Break up (in your hands) cooled brownies & put
1/2 on top of Chocolate pudding
Top that with 10oz. of Cool Whip. Put the rest of
the Chocolate Pudding on top of Cool Whip layer
Put (crushed or broken pieces of Heath bar) for
next layer (It won't cover all...that's OK)
Make Vanilla Instant Pudding (according to pkg.)
& put all of it in bowl as the next layer
Next...put (sliced) Baby Ruth Candy bars as the
next layer...Put the rest of the crumbled brownies
on top of that.....
Finish with the rest of the Cool Whip & put a
Christmas Flower on top & refrigerate for
Whether you decide to…
Catch up on some Zzz’s!
Become the Snowball Master!
Build a family snowman!
Or be lazy and get a relaxing foot rub!
Wrestle in the snow!!
And convince your folks to do the same!
Happy 2014!!
Pictured left to right are Key Club Advisor, Kendra Swam; Sahana Raju; Key Club Advisor, Karen
Turek; and Principal, Lyn Whitlock.
You Are a Lifesaver…
or in this case, a Limbsaver!
Dulaney High School was well represented at the Save-ALimb Ride held at Oregon Ridge. The marching band got
everyone in the mood, three choir students began the event by
singing the National Anthem, and Key Club member Sahana Raju
organized many students to participate in the event. Sahana did
such a good job, Dulaney came in second place in participation
and the school received a check for $500.
DHS Vex 1727B Robot crew
Left to right: Jordan Stafford, Sandor Tapolyai, Brian Levis, Michael Chen & Matthew Carbaugh
Dulaney High’s VEX 1727B Robot won tournament champion
honors, besting 36 teams at the Northwest Tournament held in
Westminster. Points were earned as the robot manipulated balls
around the field and put balls in goals. This championship
rewarded the team for their constant preparation for this challenge,
working five hours extra weekly. This is the team’s second
tournament championship in a row. Congratulations team!
DHS Vex 1727G Robot crew
Left to right: Colin Stiers, Sam Goetz, Darian Gim & Benjamin Roberts.
Not pictured: Michael Zimmerman.
Dulaney High’s VEX 1727G Robot competed in a tournament
for the first time in Westminster and was presented with the
Sportsmanship Award. This award is given to the team noted for
its teamwork, camaraderie, and helpful and friendly cooperative
spirit. Congratulations team!
Bertucci's of Timonium
Monday, December 16, 2013
11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
When you present this flyer 15% of what you spend will be given
to the Dulaney High School Grad Gala. Dine In and Carry Out.
1818 York Road, Timonium, MD 21093
Phone: 410-561-7000
Bertucci's of Timonium
Monday, December 16, 2013
11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
When you present this flyer 15% of what you spend will be given
to the Dulaney High School Grad Gala. Dine In and Carry Out.
1818 York Road, Timonium, MD 21093
Phone: 410-561-7000
LTRC Snow Club –
High School Program
Join fellow High School students interested in skiing or snowboarding on Friday
evenings starting January 3rd. Three trips to Ski Liberty, three to Ski Roundtop and
one trip to Whitetail are planned. All departing from Ridgely Middle School parking lot at
3:30 PM returning at 11:00 PM.
“Night Club Cards” purchased through this program are valid every evening at all three
local ski areas (Ski Liberty, Ski Roundtop and Ski Whitetail). Registration is online
starting in October and in person Thursday, October 3rd (6:30 PM – 8:30 PM),
Wednesday, October 9th (6:30 PM – 8:30 PM) and Thursday, October 10th (6:30 – 8:30
PM) at the Cockeysville Library. Please bring a non-returnable photo. Fees to be
determined. For more information access us on line or like us on Facebook “LTRC
Snow Club”
Questions? Please see the LTRC Snow club webpage for more details
http://ltrc.org click on Snow Club link of left side of the page
Direct Link: http://www.freewebs.com/ltrc_snowclub/
Lynn Wenzl
Administrative Aide
Rec & Parks/LTRC Office
Please donate any used...
IPod touches
MP3 players
Gameboys with games
Game systems - XBox, Wii, Playstations (with controllers)
****Please bring donated electronics to Mr. Merani’s room 109
****Collection ends Tuesday, December 10****
**Please make sure any personal information on the devices has been
erased before donating.
The Library Needs You!!
Do you have some free time to spare? Want to share? Do
you like to volunteer?
The Library is looking for Parent Volunteers to help during
school hours. You would be working with the Librarians doing
various tasks.
If you are interested in making a difference, please call the
Dulaney High School Library at 410-887-7544.
Attention Small Business Owners
The Functional Academic Learning Supports Program at
Dulaney High School needs your help. If your business would be
open to helping this program by having small groups of
students with a teacher volunteer come to your place of
business and complete work tasks such as: cleaning, organizing
merchandise, photocopying, prepping items for food service or
whatever you may have. The program has grown and we need
to find more business partnerships to place our students. This
program is very successful and we need your help to continue
to place more students in the community for work experience.
Please contact Chrissie Rochester at Dulaney High School at this
email: crochester@bcps.org
We would greatly appreciate anything you could do.
Dulaney High School PTSA
Dulaney High School
Upcoming Class Schedule
Class times are 3:00pm – 6:15pm
Monday – Wednesday - Friday
01/06/14 - 01/31/14 (No class 1/20)
02/03/14 – 02/28/14 (No class 2/17)
03/03/14 – 03/26/14
04/02/14 – 05/05/14 (No class 4/14, 4/16, 4/18, 4/21)
05/12/14 – 06/06/14 (No class 5/26)
96% of our students pass the driving test on the 1st
Two decades of driver education experience!
Free pickup and drop off anywhere in our service
Behind the wheel lessons available immediately!
MVA Certified professional and patient instructors
ready to teach you!
$25 OFF
Any class session
Exp 12/31/2013
Use Coupon Code DHF9 for online
To register or for more information visit our website at
or call
410-363-7483 (Mon–Fri 12:00 pm – 6:30 pm)
***Students must be at least 15 years old to take Drivers Education. We recommend students are closer to getting
their learners permit (at least 15 years and 9 months) before enrolling in class.
Class dates and times are subject to change. Dates listed are for the classroom portion only. Behind the Wheel
lessons are taken after all classroom hours have been completed.
Baltimore Learning Solutions is Maryland’s premier private, in-home tutoring
company. With a commitment to providing personalized instruction to students at
every level, and an effective, multi-faceted approach to education, we aim to
increase students’ ability to retain information, think critically, and to succeed on
an academic level and beyond.
At Baltimore Learning Solutions, our mission is to Educate, Motivate and Empower.
Why Choose Baltimore Learning Solutions?
QUALITY Guaranteed professional and quality tutoring
INDIVIDUAL Tailored instruction based on each student’s
needs and academic institution.
CONVENIENT Sessions scheduled for place/time convenient to
the student.
AFFORDABLE Services for all levels and subjects with packages
ranging from $45-$65/hour.
PROFESSIONAL Tutors only teach in their specific area of
LOCAL A locally-owned and operated business, we have
knowledge of available resources within the community.
OUR TUTORS have a passion for teaching and are some of the
most qualified in the industry.
Baltimore Learning Solutions
PO Box 5751
Lutherville-Timonium 21094
K-8 Tutoring
High School Tutoring
College Course Tutoring
Test Preparation
Study Skills and Organization
Special Needs
(443)-743– 9116
Some of the stores in our community sponsor redemption programs that benefit schools, and Dulaney
High School participates in many of them. The programs are listed below for those who choose to shop in the
participating stores. These programs cost you nothing and will not interfere with credits you are earning for any
other shopping promotions. Your participation is completely voluntary. If you wish to have us register you
for any of the food store programs, complete the other side and return to the Library. Participants must
register EACH YEAR for their specified school(s) to receive credit. (We have added a box above the
registration form to enable you to have Dulaney High School automatically enroll your card next year.)
Giant Stores offer a program called A+ BonusBucks. If you do not already have a Giant Bonus Card,
you may request one at any store, specifying that Dulaney High School should earn any A+ BonusBucks. (You
may also list up to two other schools if you have children at multiple schools). If you already have a Bonus
Card, you may sign up at any Giant Store for Dulaney to receive A+BonusBucks each time you may shop at
Giant. Or you may complete the registration form at the bottom of this page and return it to the school library –
the school’s ID number is 01099. NOTE: You may check the www.giantfood.com website to register or verify
that the program has processed your registration for a school to receive bonus credits.
Safeway offers an ongoing program called Safeway Club Card for Education Program. If you do not
already have a Safeway Club Card, you may request one at any store, specifying that Dulaney High School
should earn any credits. (You may also register up to three other schools if you have children at multiple
schools.) If you already have a Safeway Club Card, you may sign up at any Safeway Store for Dulaney to
receive credit each time you may shop at Safeway. You may check the www.escrip.com website to verify that
the program has processed your registration for a school to receive bonus credits – the school’s ID number is
Whenever you insert a fresh laser or inkjet cartridge in your printer, send the empty cartridge to the
school office for recycling! The Education Technology and Conservation Exchange Program (ETCEP) enables
Dulaney High School to exchange those empty printer cartridges for free classroom technology products.
Please return the tear-off form to the Dulaney High School PTSA box in the school office for us
to enroll you in the grocery redemption programs. Or, you may register your Giant Bonus Card or
Safeway Club Card online.
I request Dulaney High School to automatically register my Giant/Safeway cards in future years.
* Giant Bonus Card #
first 3 letters of last name
first 3 letters of last name
*If your household has more than one Giant Bonus Card, please list all card numbers here.
Dulaney High School may automatically enroll my Bonus Card Number next year.
12-digit card number
12-digit card number
* Safeway Card Number :
12-digit card
First Name ___________________ Last Name _______________________________
Address _______________________________________________ Zipcode ________
*If your household has more than one Safeway Card, please list all card numbers here.
Food Lion Launches New Program
to Help Local Schools Earn Their Share of $1,000,000
Dulaney High School is participating in the new “Food Lion Classroom
Rewards program” to earn much needed funding for our school.
We need your help and support to maximize our fundraising effort.
We are encouraging you to shop at your local Food Lion store for your
grocery purchases. Every time you shop, Dulaney High School will earn a
share of the program funds donated by Food Lion, based on what you
To participate, parents, faculty, staff and school supporters are asked
to visit www.foodlion.com, and click on MVP Rewards to link their Food Lion
MVP Cards to Dulaney High School. Our school code is # 211545. All
eligible purchases from that point on will help Dulaney earn a share of
With the support of the community, this program will help Dulaney High
School provide a better education for your child and all the children we serve
in the community.
Visit www.foodlion.com and click on MVP Rewards for program details.
For more information on how you can help, please contact Mrs. Botzler
at 410-887-7644.
Many thanks to all of the parents, teachers and students who have already joined Dulaney’s
PTSA for the 2013-2014 school year. But we still have a long way to go. The membership drive
is ongoing and we need to increase support in order to reach our goals for the year. Your PTSA
membership will help to:
Support the school’s academic departments
Keep you informed via the PTSA monthly news bulletin
Beautify the school with landscaping and building enhancements
Publish the school directory
Host social events and boost school spirit
Financially support the classes
Dues are only $8.00 per person, and we encourage all members of the family to join. Simply
complete the tear off below, enclose cash or check made payable to Dulaney High PTSA and
send to your child’s homeroom or mail to the main office.
PTSA Membership
Mr. _______________________________ Mrs. ______________________________$8.00/each
Student(s) ____________________________________________________________$8.00/each
Zip Code______________________________
Total Amount Enclosed ________________
Parent/Guardian Phone #_________________ Email Address____________________________
A portion of your dues is paid to our county, state and national PTA organizations.
Thank you for your support!