Dulaney High School PTSA Newsletter NOVEMBER DECEMBER


Dulaney High School PTSA Newsletter NOVEMBER DECEMBER
Dulaney High School
PTSA Newsletter
From the President...
November 2012
Beth Stanley. She has been the Assistant Principal since I began my years as a parent at
Dulaney High School. My first recollection is the Senior Awards Ceremony, May 2009, I was
1 Underclassmen yearbook Photos retakes
1 Fall Dance Concert, 7:30 pm , Auditorium
2 First marking period ends- 3 hrs early
5 Professional Study Day – SCHOOLS
6 Election Day – SCHOOLS CLOSED
10 Dulaney Athletic Hall of Fame Induction
10 Sports Booster Bull Roast –Oregon Ridge
Lodge 7 pm to 11 pm
12 SIT Team Meeting, 3:00 pm-4:00 pm,
12-16 American Education Week (Open
House - Wed.)
12 Sports Booster 7:00 pm, Library
14 STAND Club Coffee House 6:30 Satellite
14 Grad Gala Committee, 7:00 pm, Library
15 Report cards distributed to students
15-17 Fall Drama Production, 7:30 pm, Auditorium
22- 23 Thanksgiving Holiday -SCHOOLS
27 Meet the Coaches, 6:30 pm, Auditorium
29 PTSA Board of Director’s Meeting, 7:00
pm, Library
3 Sports Booster 7:00 pm, Library
6 Financial Aid Night, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm,
Satellite Cafeteria
7 Interims distributed to students
12 Grad Gala Committee, 7:00 pm. Library
13 Parent Teacher Conferences by appointment
13 Winter Concert A, 7:30 pm, Auditorium
(snow date 12/14)
18 Winter Concert B, 7:30 pm, Auditorium
(snow date 12/19)
21 Winter holiday begins at end of school
there supporting a friend of my son’s and Ms. Stanley and her husband were giving out
scholarship awards for students pursuing education and medicine. These were the fields of
their careers and they were giving out personal scholarships. Their belief in our children and
their love of their chosen careers has always been the core of their souls. Ms. Stanley is
accompanying her husband to Australia, where he has accepted a position in research. She
is pursuing opportunities in education while she will be living abroad. For as long as I can
remember she has been the “disciplinarian” of the administrative team. But, her honesty
and caring has always kept the students to a high standard and they have respected and
loved her for it. I am so sorry to see her leave our Dulaney family, but know she will do
wonderful things. I, along, with all of our families wish her the best of times in a new world
to explore.
After you’ve voted next week, please take some time to visit a new website for Baltimore
county school advocates. It is called http://www.abcschoolsmd.org/--- (Advocates for Baltimore County Schools in Maryland). You will find lots of links with information on pertinent
issues affecting our schools. The home page features articles on the air-conditioning issue in
our schools and an update on an effort pass a hybrid school board this January in the Maryland State legislature. Baltimore County is one of only four counties in the State (out of 24
total counties) with an all-appointed school board. The Baltimore County Board of Ed members are currently appointed by Maryland’s governor. How’s that for local control? Please
be sure to sign up and join this group on the website.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. May your families remember what we have to be thankful
for and share their blessings with others.
Dulaney High School
PTSA Newsletter
PTSA Newsletter
November 2012
From the Principal...
Lyn Whitlock, Principal
The School Improvement Team (SIT) has been modified this year to provide a more focused and efficient oversight of the
school. Our goal is to have every students who graduates from Dulaney High School prepared for college or the work
force. The new alignment of the SIT will enable us to focus on quality instructions and to use our resources wisely. The
bi-monthly SIT meetings with the community and all interested stakeholders will continue.
The SIT will be supported by eight committees. The chairperson of each committee will meet monthly to ensure that we
are communicating a consistent message and using resources to the best benefit of the students. The committees will
meet approximately once a month or as needed to complete their work. The committees for 2012-13 are as follows:
Academic Pipeline leads professional development to help teachers increase rigor in each course so that all students
will learn the skills and concepts needed to be successful in at least one Advanced Placement course before high school
All In focuses on the social, cultural and behavioral aspects of education. They provide strategies for building relationships between teachers and students as well as between students, fostering a safe and supportive school environment.
AVID Site Team works to support the AVID classes and promote cross-curricular exchanges. In addition, they will
share successful AVID strategies with teachers so that all students will benefit.
Common Core will facilitate the implementation of the Maryland State Common Core Standards. There are specific
standards for mathematics, English and STEM, but the reading, writing and critical thinking apply to every class.
Community Relations will help us share the great news about the achievements of the faculty and students of
Dulaney. There is so much going on every day that demonstrates the character and achievement of our students. It is
important to share more information about diverse areas in which Dulaney has achieved amazing levels of success.
Faculty Social Committee provides support for teachers. Building relationships among faculty members increases
collaboration and productivity.
SAT Committee focuses on ways to help students be more successful on all standardized tests such as the SAT, PSAT
and ACT. They analyze data and support faculty in preparing students for success.
Technology Committee will assess the current state of technology at Dulaney and devise a plan to move forward
with purpose and direction so that all students will have the maximum opportunity for using technology to learn and
prepare for college or work.
Our next general School Improvement Team will meet on Monday November 12, 2012 at 3:00 pm in the school library.
All are welcome to provide information, express concerns and to receive the update on progress made by specific committees.
We Are One- All In!
Lynda M. Whitlock
Lynda Whitlock
Dulaney High School
The College Board has released the list of 29 Dulaney students named as commended students in the 2013 National Merit Program. Commended students are recognized for the exceptional academic promise demonstrated by their outstanding performance on the 2011
PSAT. Congratulations to the following seniors:
Patricia Bai
Kyle D. Bowers
Stephanie Carroll
Ji H. Chung
Courtney L. Cooper
Clayton Cuddington
Yilin Feng
Elizabeth V. Fordyce
Matille C. Gibbons
Benjamin F. Greene
Jaesang Han
Erin R. Hanmer
Erol H. Hoke
Amy H. Hong
Anna E. Jensenn
Julia A. Kudryasheva
Heetaek Lim
Robert W. Mo
Trevor G. Morgen-Westrick
Sumanth Neerumalla
Kaeli O’Connor
Steven G. Pappas
Matthew W. Rafferty
Timothy W. Roys
Tiffany S. Sun
Jillian Turlington
Jennifer Wall
Yejin Yoon
Hanzhe Zhang
Also, four Dulaney students have been named as an Outstanding Participant in the National Achievement
Scholarship Program. These students scored in the top three percent of more than 160,000 Black Americans
who requested consideration in the program when they took the 2011 PSAT. Congratulations to:
Zoscales D. Assefa
Stephen A. LeBlanc
Michael K. Njau
Andrew W. Wicks
Merit Semifinalist: Pictured left to right
with Ms. Lyn Whitlock, Principal, are Aysha Khan, Amanda Olsen, Minwei Cao,
Casey Lim, Lisa Ann Tang, Helen Gao,
Gabrielle Welsh, Kevin Jia. Not pictured: Kushal Byatnal
Alumnus Returns to Speak with Classes
Alumnus Kevin Kilner, Class of 1976, returned to Dulaney on October 16 and spoke about acting to the theater and music classes as part of Center Stage’s community education relations department. Mr. Kilner was in
town performing in “An Enemy of the People.” Mr. Kilner explained the background of the play and the life
of the author. He suggested what students should look for during the performance, and what the play’s director wanted to achieve by some of the techniques used in the play.
Drama teacher Susan Lev-Tairstein said, “Kevin Kilner provided articulate insights to both the play we will
be seeing him perform in “Enemy of the People” and the professional life of an actor. Insights that can only
be gained through 28 years in the performing arts. It was such a great opportunity for the students, one I hope
we can provide more often.”
Congratulations to the combined Dulaney Speech and Debate Teams for their
fifth place showing at the Saturday Oct 20 tournament. We competed against public
and private schools from Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Anna Arundel County and
Howard County. Special mention goes to debaters sophomore Christian Franklyn and
senior Lisa Ann Tang who won 2 out of 3 of their debates. Major kudos to our President
Kristyn Ewart who again took home a bronze medal for winning all 3 of her debates.
The team of 10 students is looking forward to their next debate November 10 at Arundel
High School. The resolution for the next two months is “The United States ought to
guarantee universal health care for its citizens.”
Debbie Hamilton
English 11 Honors and AP, Debate Team
Dulaney High School
There are currently 49 seniors that are in jeopardy of
not graduating this year
because they have not
completed the 75 mandatory Student Service Learning Hours.
If you are concerned about
your child’s receiving a
Maryland High School diploma, please call Mrs.
Christine Senft @ 410-8877644.
There are many on-going contests available to students through English classes.
If your son or daughter has interest in competing, being published, or both
please have them see various flyers posted in English classrooms and his or her
English teacher for details. Here are two such flyers:
Other English Dept. News: Alicia Hansel will be having a Holocaust survivor come
speak to her tenth grade classes.
Dulaney High School’s Book of the Month Club
To participate in the Book-of-the-Month Club, read the book and sign up to attend the
discussion in the library. Then, come to the library at 2:20 p.m. on the designated afternoon
prepared to discuss the book. After the question and answer period, you will receive a
certificate that you may give to any participating teacher for extra-credit. All students, staff
and parents are encouraged to participate. The Cockeysville branch of the public library has
additional copies of the books available at its information desk. You may attend the club as
often as you like. See Mrs. Senft in the library for more information.
This Month’s Selection is:
Book Title: Shine
Author: Lauren Myracle
Summary: When her best friend falls victim to a vicious
hate crime, sixteen-year-old Cat sets out to discover the
culprits in her small North Carolina town.
Discussion Date:
November 26th
Next Month’s Selection will be:
Next Month
Discussion Date:
December 17th
Book Title: Where Things Come Back
Author: John Whaley
Summary: Seventeen-year-old Cullen's summer in Lily, Arkansas,
is marked by his cousin's death by overdose, an alleged spotting
of a woodpecker thought to be extinct, failed romances, and his
younger brother's sudden disappearance.
---------------------------------Tear off retain top portion----------------------------Directions: Complete and return this form to the library as soon as possible.
Name: (PRINT clearly) __________________________________________
English Teacher’s Name: _______________________________________
Grade: (Circle) 9 10 11 12
Discussion Date: November 26th
Aerospace Engineering at Dulaney needs your help!
Dulaney High School is proud to be one of five high schools in BCPS to offer Project Lead the Way, a fivecourse engineering sequence designed to give students the skills and experience necessary to be successful
in engineering disciplines in college and in the workforce. As part of our PLTW offering, we are sending our
Aerospace Engineering class to Space Camp over Spring Break. We would like to invite you to help us get
there. In the process, we’ll build a mutually-beneficial relationship wherein our students get the invaluable
experience of going on this one-of-a-kind trip and you get to help ensure that America continues to produce
well-prepared and skilled thinkers of tomorrow.
Last year, seven of our students traveled to Huntsville, Alabama, the home of the U.S. Space and Rocket Center and Space Camp to participate in Aviation Challenge Mach III, a week-long camp with aerospace lessons,
air fighter simulations, and leadership challenges. It was an incredible experience for all of them, and for at
least one student, was without question the highlight of his high school experience.
This year, partially because of the Space Camp trip, we have nearly doubled enrollment in the class, and we
expect to take 20 students to Alabama. This trip will cost approximately $1050 per student with a total cost
this year of approximately $21 000. We humbly ask for a financial contribution in order to make this trip possible for our increasingly-diverse population. While we request a minimum of $100, we will of course accept
any amount you are comfortable with. We will be creating a t-shirt for the students attending the trip, on
which we will acknowledge the companies and individuals who make possible the trip. This year, we will have
three sponsorship levels: Take-Off sponsors at the $250 level, Cruising sponsors at the $500 level, and Afterburner sponsors at the $1000+ level.
Throughout this experience, we also invite you to come in and meet this absolutely fantastic group of students. Depending on your facility, it may even be desirable to coordinate site-visits. The young adults will
benefit from these mentorship exchanges and the information gleaned from interacting with your employees. We have seen that this can provide opportunities to develop internships and employment avenues,
strengthening the company as well as the student.
In conclusion, a partnership with your company will benefit the scores
young scholars now participating in PLTW at Dulaney and will carry forward far into the future. Success now guarantees a future pool of engineering students. Of course, you also receive all of the benefits of supporting the engineers of tomorrow in a positive and meaningful way.
look forward to working with you.
Dave Schein II
Project Lead the Way
Cisco Networking Academy
Dulaney High School
On Tuesday 13 November, Dulaney’s Aerospace Engineering class and Chipotle Timonium will have a 50/50
Eat dinner at Chipotle Timonium any time from 4 until
9 and simply *mention Dulaney or Space Camp* and
50% of your purchase will go to Aerospace’s trip to Space Camp this
We are well on our way to our $21 000 goal, so every dollar counts! Remember- Tuesday. Chipotle. Space Camp. You do not need a flyer, you just
need an appetite!
Six members of Dulaney’s Engineering Club visited the Engineering College Fair,
held at the Engineers’ Society building on October 6 and 7. Representatives
from local area colleges met with the students to share information about their
engineering programs. Twenty students total from surrounding schools
attended. Dulaney was represented by Amy Shapiro, Julia Kudrayasheva, Greg
Harris, Chandler Harmeson, Louis Eisen, Jordan Stafford. It was the initial
meeting of what is hoped to become an annual event.
The A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland has released its list
of the top 25 Maryland high schools that send the most students to the Clark
School. Dulaney High School is one of two Baltimore County Public Schools that appears
on this year’s list. Nine members of Dulaney’s Class of 2012 enrolled in the Clark School of
NHS Annual Wreath Sale
It’s time to order your holiday greens!
Dulaney’s National Honor Society is again selling wreaths and centerpieces to provide
scholarships for NHS members. Our florist-quality, 22-24” wreaths are made fresh of
balsam fir, hand-tied, and sell for only $24. They are double-faced and decorated
with pinecones and a weatherproof red velvet bow. Wreath hangers are also available
for $4.
In addition, we are selling beautiful, large centerpieces for $38 each. The
centerpieces are packaged in individual boxes and make wonderful gifts. Your order
will be delivered before December 7, 2008. The deadline for orders is Friday,
November 9th, so return this form to the office, contact an NHS member, or email
Ms. Roeder, mroeder2@bcps.org.
Thanks for your support.
Name ___________________________________________
Student’s Name and Homeroom Teacher____________________________
Phone _____________________________
Email _____________________________
@ $24.00 each
Centerpieces __________
@ $38.00 each
@ $ 4.00 each
Please return order forms to Ms. Roeder’s mailbox by November 9, 2012.
The Math Club (Mu Alpha Theta) lead by Jay Han, Kushal
Byatnal, Heetaek Lim, Casey Lim, Lisa Ann Tang and Minwei Cao
were the victors in the October 25th Baltimore County Math
League. The questions were devilish and the competition was
tough but Dulaney powered through for a solid win!!
Math Club meets bi-monthly on Tuesdays after school. For a list
of upcoming meeting dates and competitions, please log-on to
Edline and follow the club link to the Mu Alpha Theta page.
From the School Counseling Department
Now that we have gotten through the opening month of school I
would like to take this opportunity to say that I am incredibly happy to be
joining all of you at Dulaney High School. I have been very impressed with
the quality of the students, the expertise of the faculty and the support of
the parents. This is truly a great place to be! Joining me as the other new
kid on the block is Ms. Lenet, who also shares my enthusiasm for Dulaney
High. Please check out the new School Counseling links on EDLINE for
news, dates and all things pertinent to school counseling. On behalf of
Ms. Beckmann, Ms. Fritz, Mr. Gibbs, Ms. Lenet and myself we hope that
you and your student(s) have a wonderful year.
John M. Komosa, LCPC, School Counseling Department Chair
Hello Parents!
Please don't miss the opportunity to purchase your
child's yearbook at the discounted price of $70--the
price will go up after November 30th. To order, visit
www.yearbookforever.com> or send check or money
to Ms. Burkhardt in room 301.
Parents of Seniors:
Purchase a page for your senior in the back of the book to commemorate their journey through the
years and to send them a special message as they graduate! Order form is attached or find a copy on
Edline or outside of room 301. Email cburkhardt2@bcps.org<mailto:cburkhardt2@bcps.org> with
Also! Please send in a baby picture to be included in the special senior section! Email the picture to
cburkhardt2@bcps.org<mailto:cburkhardt2@bcps.org> or send in the photo to Ms. Burkhardt.
Thanks for helping to make Senior year special!
From the Health Suite
From Anna Lee Eyler, School Nurse
How does a parent decide when to send a child to school or not?
Maryland State Law is very specific - It requires parents to send a child to school every school day.
The daily decision should always be weighted in favor of sending your child to school. In other words, unless there is serious reason – SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL.
But suppose my child complains of not feeling well… what then?
Take your child’s temperature. If his temperature is 100 degrees of higher – he should remain at
home in bed for the day.
Suppose he threw up in the middle of the night?
If your child vomited during the night or before school, he should remain at home in bed. Do not
give him any solid food, but when the vomiting has slowed, give him clear liquids for the rest of the day. If
he has no fever and is feeling better (no longer vomiting), send him to school the next day.
What if my child has a cold or sore throat?
Take the child’s temperature - if the child does not have a fever, send him to school. The Centers
for Disease Control recommend a throat culture for any sore throat lasting 3 days or more. Any time you
are in doubt – check with your doctor or the school nurse.
Sometimes we get up late. Should I send my child then?
Yes, being late is better than being absent.
What if my child has a chronic health problem (such as asthma, migraines, menstrual cramps, irritable
bowel syndrome, etc.) and he/she awakens with symptoms related to the illness?
Please make sure your child awakens early enough to take required medication to control the
symptoms. Your child should allow enough time for the medication to take effect and not be late for
Sometimes, my teen says he is sick. I let him stay home from school, but then he wants to go visit with
friends, play on the computer, etc. What should I do?
If you as a parent have decided that your teen is too sick to be in school – the teen should be in
bed. If your teen demonstrates he is feeling better, bring him to school.
When your child is in school, he is learning important skills needed to succeed in life. Good attendance
conveys an attitude of respect for learning. Send your child to school!
Remember that hand washing is the single, most preventative
measure to avoid the spread of germs.
Free Flu Shots in Baltimore County
Baltimore County residents are encouraged to "stay in the game and take a shot" by getting a free
flu shots at one of the following locations in November:
 Sunday, November 4, 2012 | Start Time: 9 a.m.Franklin Square Drive Through Flu Shot Clinic
in partnership with the Department of HealthCCBC - Essex Campus7201 Rossville Boulevard
(Rossville Boulevard and College Drive)Baltimore, MD 21237
Wednesday, November 14 from 2 to 7 p.m.Drumcastle Government Center6401 York Road,
Third FloorBaltimore, MD 21212
Anyone six months and older is encouraged to receive an annual flu vaccination. Vaccine will be available on a first-come, first
-served basis at both clinics.
What can I do to protect myself and my family from seasonal flu?
Residents are encouraged to remember the flu FACTS in order to prevent the spread of contagious viruses, including seasonal
Frequently wash your hands with soap and water
Always get an annual flu shot
Cover your cough and sneeze
Take time off if you have symptoms
Seek care if your symptoms get worse
Where can I get more information?
For the most up-to-date information on seasonal flu, visit http://www.flu.gov/.
Revised October 17, 2012
C:\Users\owner\AppData\Local\Temp\Baltimore County Md_ Health - Super Saturday.mht
News from the Performing Arts Department
Brian Dickson, Department Chair
October was a busy month which included our Fall Concerts. Many students auditioned
for the County All Honors ensembles, the Marching Band has been very busy with football games and other events, and the Fall Play rehearsals are in full swing.
On October 20, the Lion's Roar Marching Band performed in the Save-A-Limb Walk/Ride
at Oregon Ridge Park in which the band led off a mini-parade down Beaver Dam
Road. This is the second consecutive year that the Lion's Roar has performed for the
event. This year they were joined by two members of the Dulaney Chamber Choir, Solon Miller and Hannah Woodson, who sang the National Anthem.
As we enter into November, we have a lot to look forward to.
On Thursday, November 1, we have our Fall Dance Concert which will include performances by the Guitar V students as well.
On November 12, Sixty Dulaney High students will be performing in the Baltimore
County All Honors Concert at Morgan State University. This is the largest student
body representation from a single school out of all of the schools in Baltimore County!
On November 15, 16, and 17, we'll have our Fall Play.
As I mentioned above, we had our Fall Concerts in late October and I must say that they
were outstanding! Our gratitude goes out to all of the parents, community members,
etc. who were in attendance. The only thing lacking was a large audience. We would
love to see many, many more parents and community members come out and witness
the talents of our amazing students. Please make every attempt to come out and support our students and the teachers who help them achieve such amazing accomplishments!
Below, you'll see a list all of the students who will be performing in the All Honors Concert on November 12. Additionally, DeeDee Ling will be a member of this year's Baltimore County All Honors Dance Ensemble.
News from the Performing Arts Department (cont.)
Below, you'll see a list all of the students who will be performing in the All Honors Concert on November 12. Additionally, DeeDee Ling will be a member of this year's Baltimore County All Honors Dance Ensemble.
High School All Honors Ensemble Members
Angela Zhang Sun Jang
Matthew Hovis
Monica Kuo
Meredith Riley
Minwei Cao
John Anukem Xaria Crawford
Robert Mo
Hojin Yoon
Matthew Rafferty
Annie Brantigan
Jane Song
Benjamin Gienow
Andrew Cheng
Ben Lee
Sunny Kim
David Pfund
Kevin Upton
Sumin Woo
Bradley Cook
Tionne Barmer
Adolfo Carvalho
Adam Meltzer
Emma Siu
Lisa McCullough
Joey Fleuhr
Colin Miller
Daniel Shin
Patricia Bai
Cindy Park
Justin Fitzgerald
Dan Fordyce
Brady Sack
Yilin Feng
Joyce Song
Kassy Zhang
Swati Guin
Heetaek Lim
Lifan Long
Delia Shin
Erica Shin
JiHyeon Chung
Benjamin Huang
Jungho Ham
Daniel Morthole
Handong Park
Frank Wu
Mark Hubbert
Shelby Hall
Henry McCormack
Anthony Konstant
Chan Park
Alternates - Wendy Mo
Christine King
Michelle Wu
Natalie Giordana
Sarah Ruehle
Emily Kolakowski
Louis Witt
Brady Widener
Britton Irechukwu Emily Witt
Also, Andrew Carey was chosen for Trombone but will not be performing due to his
commitments to his role in our Fall Play – Twelve Angry Jurors
There is so much focus and stress on getting into college during the high school years that many
students and parents perceive this rite of passage as an end in itself rather than the beginning. It is an
exciting transition, but the hard work is just beginning. There will be many challenges that lie ahead and
many decisions that your teen will make that will affect their future. It can be a very confusing time. The
intention they set for themselves in the beginning of this journey can lay a strong foundation. Without
intention, they will become like a rudderless ship, destination unknown. According to FASTWEB, “the
preponderance of the data shows that freshman college students who are majoring in “undecided” are the
ones most likely to drop out. At one college, the rate is greater than seventy percent.”
What does your teen want to get out of their college experience? Years ago, obtaining a college
degree in a chosen major was basically all one needed to land a job upon graduation. Times have
changed. Students and job seekers need to expand their goals and strategies for success.
In high school, your success is measured by your ability to comply, learn what you are expected
to, adapt to a schedule, and do what you are told. As an adult, you are called to be independent thinkers
who know what you want and what direction to take. College is essentially a bridge to this learning gap.
In college, you are given adult level independence without some of the necessary tools to be able to
successfully chart your own road maps.
What are some of the predictors of adult work-life readiness?
Balance/Time management
Ability to set goals and follow through with them
Developing an experience-focused mindset
How can we support our teen in developing these foundational strengths that contribute to a
successful career launch? Look for ways now that help foster their development in these critical areas.
Respect and nurture their unique interests. Encourage self-reflection and self-directed exploration. Their
self confidence and self awareness increases when we allow them the freedom to set and achieve their
own goals based on their own interests separate from what is expected of them.
Give them the freedom now to explore and make some of their own mistakes while you are
present to offer them a soft landing so that when they venture off on their own, they will have developed
some of the necessary skills needed to thrive.
If you would like more information about how you can better prepare your teen for a successful
career launch, please feel free to contact me. I would be happy to email you an outline of some of the selfexploration and navigational tools that can assist them on their journey.
Lisa Kerr, CC
Certified Career and Life Coach
It's not too late to join Key Club! Bring your $20 dues to the Satellite Thursday. If you
haven't paid yet, we can't record your points.
Great job raising $1160 with the ELIMINATE car wash! We will be holding a Division
Walk for ELIMINATE on Sunday, Nov. 4 at Towson High from 12-3pm. Come out, support a great cause, and meet Key Clubbers from Towson, Hereford, Perry Hall and other local schools.
Hurray for the ARTS!
This year Dulaney High School will once again participate in the Maryland PTA Reflections
2012-2013 program.
The PTA Reflections Program encourages students to explore their artistic talents. This year’s
theme is called “The Magic of a Moment…” Judges will choose the top 3 entries in each
category (Dance Choreography, Literature, Film Production, Photography, Music Composition
and the Visual Arts) to move onto the next level of the competition. Use your creative and
original talents by entering in the Reflections Program this year! Be sure to read the requirements of your category carefully and complete a Student Entry Form for each submission. All
submissions are due by Friday, November 16, 2012. You can obtain more information on
EDLINE under PTA about the Reflections Program and requirements.
For details contact Marci Johnson, PTA Reflections Chairperson
mtjbalt@comcast.net or 443-413-5430
Please read requirements for each category on Edline. Drop off completed entries in
the REFLECTIONS BOX in the library or contact me directly to arrange pickup.
All entries chosen to go to the next level of judging will have additional paperwork to
October 18, 2012
Contact: Ryan Wolfsheimer, Coach
Dulaney Golf Teams Dominate County Finals
TIMONIUM, MD – Dulaney High School’s boys and girls varsity golf teams dominated the top positions in the
Baltimore County championships held on October 17. Jane Moon finished first on the girls team with a score of 78 and Brian
Park placed first on the boys team with a score of 71. Other girls team members who placed are Sandra Moon, 2 nd; Kaitlyn
Bingham, 3rd; Danielle Chandler, 5th; and Lizzie Muangrat, 6th. Alex Moon placed 6th, Tim Ford, 7th, and Chase Wassel tied
with two other players for 8th position on the boys team.
The Dulaney Robotics Club will be hosting its annual robotics competition on November 17, 2012 from 7 AM
to 5 PM at the Maryland State Fairgrounds. This year’s title is “Battle by the Bay.”
Last year’s event was the second largest open event for VEX robotics in the nation with 97 teams attending
from across the region and was featured in Robot Magazine. This year’s registration has already exceeded
that amount with over 100 teams already registered. We anticipate having 120 robot teams at the event!
An event of this magnitude requires many volunteers and we are looking for volunteers for different activities at the event. Untrained volunteers, either adult or student, will be used in a productive capacity. Please
contact Brian Bruneau at bbruneau@bcps.org to volunteer or for more information.
All students must be legally registered in school to participate in Dulaney’s interscholastic sports program. Students who are 19
years old as of August 31st are ineligible for interscholastic play. Students must have a GPA of 2.0 or better with no more than 1
failing grade from the prior quarter report card. This provision does NOT apply to incoming 9 th grade students for initial fall eligibility.
Students interested in participating in sports must submit their registration forms to the Coach or Athletic Director prior to
practice. Coaches will conduct meetings at school to communicate information regarding the sport and scheduling requirements,
along with distributing registration forms to students. Eligibility for participation will be verified through the completed forms.
DO NOT drop forms off at the school’s main office or mail them to school. If any form is incomplete the student will be withheld
from participation until all forms have satisfied school and BCPS requirements.
The following forms MUST be completed and submitted at sports registration;
 Athletic Permit ( it must include the name of the insurance company and policy number)
 The Pre-participation Physical Evaluation History/Physical Examination Form . (Valid for 1 year)
 H.I.P.A. Form and Emergency Information for Interscholastic Athletics (Athletic Trainer’s Copy)
 Dulaney’s Athletic Code /Athletic Policy (Signed once per school year)
 Heads Up, Concussion Fact Sheet for Parents and Athletes – Concussion Awareness Acknowledgement
 Concussion Awareness - Parent/Student-Athlete Acknowledgement Statement (must be signed each season)
Other forms containing important information include;
 The Student-Parent Guide to Interscholastic Athletics in Baltimore County Public Schools
 MPSSAA Notification of Probable Head Injury
 Medical Clearance for Gradual Return to Sports Participation Following Concussion
 Dulaney Athletics Informational Brochure
For copies of required forms and additional information please go to the Dulaney website……
Or contact the Athletic Office at (410) 887-7638
Starting Dates for upcoming Sport Seasons are;
Winter 2012: November 15, 2012
Spring 2013: March 1, 2013
FALL 2013 – August 17, 2013
Athletic Hall of Fame
The Athletic Hall of Fame will celebrate the induction of 9 former
student-athletes into the Hall on Saturday, November 10th, 2012.
The Hall of Fame banquet will be held at the
Hunt Valley Golf and Country Club at 6:00 p.m.
Tickets are available for $40 person from the Athletic Office,
or you may call 410-887-7638.
Class of 2012
Class of 1969
Class of 1969
Class of 2003
Class of 2005
Class of 1977
Class of 1991
Class of 2002
Class of 1981
Class of 1964
The NEAT Solution for Maximizing Your Metabolism
By: Liz Dumont, CPT
The problem: Sitting Disease
How many of us find ourselves spending hours on end sitting in front of our computers either working on assignments or networking with our friends? When we go to finally stand up, we wonder why we feel stiff in our knees, back and neck. Unfortunately, our
bodies were not designed for hours and hours of uninterrupted sitting activities. In addition, unfortunately, our lifestyles have literally engineered movement right out of our daily routines. In fact, most of us find ourselves having to sit to accomplish most of
our daily tasks. Even when we are “on the go”, this usually means we are hurrying from place to place seated in our cars taking full
advantage of any convenient drive through services we can find.
In an attempt to understand how much less activity we may be getting compared to the advent of the modern lifestyle and to
hopefully understand why the average American waist line continues to expand, researchers studied the steps taken by the average American as compared to the typical Amish farmer. The Amish live a lifestyle similar to the average American lifestyle of at
least 50-100 years ago, before technology and even electricity. In addition, they generally do not present with the same rates of
obesity or obesity-related health concerns. Their studies revealed that the average Americans take only approximately 5,100 steps
each day. In contrast, the average Amish male averaged more than 18,000 steps each day, and the average Amish woman takes
more than 14,000 steps per day. Their lifestyles and the work they do to provide for their families, require a great deal of standing
and step taking. Conversely, the work most Americans perform today, require a great deal of sitting.
A sedentary lifestyle is characterized by taking fewer than 5,000 steps per day. A mile of walking consists of approximately 2,000
steps per day. For optimal health, experts have long been encouraging Americans to take at least 10,000 steps per day, approximately 5 miles.
More recently, the phenomena of a sedentary lifestyle has acquired a new name: Sitting Disease. Dr. James Levine a researcher at
the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., has spent a great deal of time researching the disease. “Sitting, it would seem, is an independent pathology. Being sedentary for nine hours a day at the office is bad for your health whether you go home and watch television afterward or hit the gym. It is bad whether you are morbidly obese or marathon-runner thin. “Excessive sitting,” Dr. Levine
says, “is a lethal activity.”1
Further research has indicated that not only is too much sitting increases the waist line, but it also is associated with a significant
increased risk for risk of death from cardiovascular disease and all types of cancer. “…when we’re awake and not moving, we’re
sitting… Electrical activity in the muscles drops — “the muscles go as silent as those of a dead horse,” … leading to a cascade of
harmful metabolic effects. Your calorie-burning rate immediately plunges to about one per minute, a third of what it would be if
you got up and walked. Insulin effectiveness drops within a single day, and the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes rises. So does the
risk of being obese.”1 With prolonged sitting, the metabolism falls to a fraction of what it is when standing.
What is the solution? How can we find ways to achieve a more reasonable level of activity while still meeting the demands of our
busy lives?
The NEAT Solution for Maximizing Your Metabolism (cont.)
By: Liz Dumont, CPT
The solution: NEAT:
NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) energy expended for everything that is not sitting, sleeping, eating, or sports-like
exercise. It includes the energy expended walking to work, typing, performing yard work, undertaking agricultural tasks, and
fidgeting. Frequent bouts of NEAT help maximize the metabolism and minimize health risks and obesity. NEAT has proven
greater benefits to overall health than a sedentary lifestyle that includes a regular exercise program. In other words, health
indicators have better outcomes with no exercise and lots of NEAT vs. lots of sitting with an exercise program.
Examples of NEAT to minimize Sitting Disease:
Get up and move every 30 minutes: When working on an assignment , never sit for more than 30 minutes. Simply the act
of getting up re-starts the metabolism
Wear a pedometer: Through frequent bouts of NEAT strive to accumulate 10,000 or more steps per day.
Don’t look for shortcuts: Learn to seek out and embrace extra trips to bring in the groceries or to do the laundry. Seek
out any opportunity you can to take steps. It all adds up.
Take the stairs: skip the elevator. Take the stairs instead.
Park further: Don’t waste time circling the car for the closest spot. Park further, get more steps and save on the scratches
and dents.
These are just a few of the ways to fit in more NEAT into a daily routine and still accomplish all of the activities that require us
to roll up our sleeves, sit, study, read, write and stay connected!
Is Sitting a Lethal Activity, by James Vlahos, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/17/magazine/mag-17sitting-t.html?_r=0
Have questions? Contact Liz Dumont , CPT, lizfitness1108@yahoo.com or 443-324-5893.