MEADVIEW MONITOR MARCH/APRIL 2013 MEADVIEW, ARIZONA HAPPY EASTER FROM MEADVIEW’S EASTER BUNNY! The Meadview Monitor is an official publication of the Meadview Civic Association (a private membership association), P.O. Box 217, Meadview, AZ 86444, (928) 564-2313, Fax (928) 564-2520, or email us at Notice in the Meadview Monitor is official notice of any and all proceedings of the MCA. Submissions become the property of The Meadview Monitor. We will not publish any letters or ads that are unsuitable for this newsletter or for which the MCA may be held liable. The publishers will make the final decisions on those letters, ads and/or articles that are printed. All articles stating an opinion must have a by-line. All letters must have a name and a traceable address. ****************************************** BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEADVIEW UTILITY DIRECTORY The Grand Wash Water Co. (Water Delivery) 564-2500 Canyon’s End (Water Service Delivery) 564-2497 Joshua Valley Utility (Water Company) 564-2552 High Desert Water (Bulk Water) 928 925-0777 UniSource Electric 877 837-4968 Emergency 800 352-3010 Frontier Telephone 928 753-1122 Ferrell Gas (Propane) 928 757-1101 Northern Energy (Propane) 928 757-7923 Graves Propane 928 565-2821 Westside Disposal (Trash) 928 565-9369 Gladys Burk .. .………………...…..……President Grant Veile…. ….…………..…..….Vice President Bobby Porzio………………..…..……… Secretary Mackie Falkengren...….……….…..…….Treasurer Jack Newell…….……….………….Board Member ******************************************* The MCA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of advertisements or non-MCA articles placed in the Monitor. Material deemed appropriate for inclusion in the Monitor is accepted as submitted. We do not verify the accuracy of such advertisements or articles. ***************************************** Deadline for MAY/JUNE MONITOR IS APRIL 1st *************************************** OFFICE HOURS 8:00 AM TO 4:00 PM MONDAY—SATURDAY CLOSED FOR LUNCH 12:00 PM TO 12:30 PM **************************************** PLEASE LET US KNOW WHEN YOU MOVE!! MEMBER SERVICES JoAnn Sines Maggie Paustell CHECK YOUR MAIL BOX— IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS YOU WILL BE RECEIVING ELECTION INFORMATION. THE ELECTION IS TAKING PLACE AT THE MCA ON MAY 25th Special Notice to All MCA Members Legal Notice of Election VI. Voting Procedures: A. In accordance with the desires of the majority of the Association members as expressed at the May 28, 1988 meeting and at the prerogative of the present Board of Governors as authorized in Article Ill, Section I of the By-Laws of the Association, the number of persons to sit on the Board of Governors shall be nine (7). B. Place an "X' in the box beside the name of each candidate you wish to vote for. On all propositions, place an "X" in the appropriate box. On all proposed By-Law changes mark an X in the appropriate box. C. Fold your ballot and deposit in the ballot box provided. NOTE: Voting for more candidates than seats available will invalidate the ballot. I. Candidate Eligibility: A slate of candidates, all of whom are members in good standing of the Meadview Civic Association, shall be selected by a nominating committee. The consent of all candidates shall be obtained before placing their names on the ballot. At the annual meeting a member present may nominate a member for the Board of Governors. No write-in candidate shall be accepted unless nominated at the annual meeting. VII. Ballot Counting: No member nominated at the annual meeting shall be considered A. After all the ballots have been cast, the Election unless the candidate consents to serve if elected. The presid- Committee will open the ballot box and proceed to ing officer shall limit nominating speeches from the floor to count and record the votes. one (1) minute each. B. To verify proper performance in all aspects of the election, the election will be monitored by appointed Association memII. Who May Vote: Only members in good standing will be eligible to vote. To be a bers. member in good standing means that all association assess- VIII. Installation of Officers: ments on lots being voted, have been paid in full by 2:00 A. Immediately after the determination of names of the pm, THE FRIDAY PRIOR TO THE ANNUAL MEETING. winning candidates, the newly elected members will assume their positions on the Board. Ill. Voting Eligibility: A person eligible to vote in this election must be the owner B. In accordance with Article Ill of the Association Byor co-owner of Meadview property which is presently being Laws, the Board members will elect executive officers from their own ranks. The executive officers of the Association assessed by the Association. One vote only may be cast for each lot so assessed. Where a lot or shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant lots are owned by one or more persons, only one of the Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer. persons named as co-owner may vote for any one lot. Only one vote C. This Board of Governors shall manage and control the business affairs of the Association in accordance with the per lot is allowed. You may vote by absentee ballot if unable to attend the meeting. terms and conditions of the Articles of Incorporation and You must request your absentee ballot from the Secretary of the By-Laws of the Association. the Board. Carefully follow the instructions sent with your ballot(s) and return to the Secretary. ABSENTEE BALLOTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE ASSOCIATION BY THE CLOSE OF THE LAST BUSINESS DAY PRIOR TO THE ANNUAL MEETING. IV. Verification of Voting Eligibility: Each prospective voter will be required to present proper identification prior to receiving the ballot(s) for voting. Association records will be checked to verify that such person is a member in good standing. Each prospective voter will then be given the specified number of ballots, one ballot for each member lot, and will then cast his/her ballot(s) immediately after verification. Voting hours shall be from the conclusion of the annual meeting to 2:30 p.m. There shall be no electioneering within one hundred (100) yards of the polling place. IX Voting by Absentee Ballot: Members can request an absentee ballot, one for each lot on which an assessment is paid, which will list the slate of candidate dates, Propositions, and the proposed By-Law changes. The request form for absentee ballots should be filled in and mailed to: Secretary Meadview Civic Association P.O. Box 217 Meadview, AZ 88444 Upon receipt of the request form, eligibility and number of votes entitled to be cast will be determined. The ballots) will be mailed to the requester with a return envelope addressed to the Secretary of Board. After indicating your choice of candidates and Bylaw changes, seal the ballot(s) in the envelope addressed to the Secretary. Walk-in Absentee ballots will be accepted until, 2:00PM, THE FRIDAY PRIOR TO THE ANNUAL MEETING. Absentee Ballots V. Ballots for Voting: Subsequent to verification of eligibility to vote, members will received after THE FRIDAY PRIOR TO THE ANNUAL be given one (1) ballot for each lot for which he/she is author- MEETING mail pick-up, will be invalid. ized to cast a vote. Members, after verification of eligibility to Upon receipt the sealed envelope with the absentee balvote, and receiving the ballot(s) shall proceed to vote and de- lot showing the Bar Code of the voter shall be logged in and placed posit said ballot(s) In the ballot box within ten (10) minutes. A in a locked ballot box. On Election Day, the Election Committee will member voting more than ten (10) ballots shall have multiples of remove the ballot from the envelope for counting purposes. ten (10) minutes for each ten (10) ballots being voted. BY-LAW CHANGES ARTICLE II SECTION 3. ASSESSMENTS AND DUES. Comply with Arizona state law Should an outstanding balance not be paid within 30 days of the due date it shall bear interest at the rate of 1.5% per month on the unpaid balance or a late fee set by the MCA Board. The Association may assign an unpaid balance account to a collection agency. In addition to the unpaid balance all collection fees will be assessed to the unpaid balance. The Association may bring an action at law against the person (s) obligated to pay the annual assessment by filing a lien against the lot (s) in favor of the Association. Such lien shall be continuing until paid. Should the annual assessment remain delinquent, the Association may institute foreclosure proceeding to protect its interest. The prevailing party in an enforcement or foreclosure of lien action shall be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees and costs. ARTICLE III SECTION 1. Clarify wording (i) Candidates must be permanent residents of Meadview, Arizona for a period of one (1) year on their Deeded MCA Membership Lot immediately preceding declaration of their intention to run for the Board of Governors and continuing during their entire term. located within Meadview. SECTION 15. LIMITATION OF POWERS. Add to assure that MCA Board cannot change BY-LAWS (viii) The MCA By-Laws cannot be revised by the Board of Governors. Any revisions must be voted on by the membership at the Annual Election or a Special Election called for by the Board of Governors. All members will be individually notified of the proposed revisions. ARTICLE IV SECTION 1. ANNUAL MEETING. Change to notify all members There shall be an annual meeting of the members of the Association in the facilities of the Association on the Saturday immediately preceding Memorial Day each year at 10:00 o’clock A.M. for the transaction of business as may come before the meeting; however business that affects the total membership must be conducted only after all members in good standing have been individually notified thirty (30) days prior to such a meeting, according to Article IV, Section 4. At the Annual Meeting, the election of the Board of Governors, any voting results of By-Law changes and any assessment increases will be considered final as voted upon at that time. No special notice shall be required for an annual meeting. SECTION 2. ELECTION OF BOARD OF GOVERNORS. Change for write-in candidate acceptance At the June meeting following the annual membership meeting of each year, the Board of Governors will appoint one member from among them to serve as chairperson of an Electoral Board. This member will be responsible to form a minimum fivemember board of volunteers from the voting membership. This Electoral Board shall accept a slate of candidates for the Board of Governors for the following annual meeting, prepare materials for the election, provide information for publication in the March/April issue of the Meadview Monitor, official publication, conduct and be responsible for the election and report on the outcome to the Board of Governors. Nominations may also be accepted from the floor at the annual meeting provided the candidates consent and is eligible to accept in-person either-or in writing. The Electoral Board shall open the ballot box after the poll is closed and tally all ballots. The Chairperson shall announce the outcome of the tally immediately following the count and provide the information to be published in the Meadview Monitor. SECTION 3. VOTING. Change voting hours Voting hours shall be from the conclusion of the Annual Meeting to two-thirty (2:30) P.M. two (2:00) P.M. GRANT E. VEILE RAYMOND W. STONE JOY LUKE I WAS APPOINTED TO THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS BY TOM O’KEEFFE TO FILL A VACANCY. I WAS THEN ELECTED TO THE BOARD AT THE NEXT ANNUAL MEETING. I SERVED THREE YEARS, TWO AS THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS AND ONE YEAR AS THE TREASURER. Born and raised in north central IL. I have lived in southern CA and the Four Corners area of New Mexico and am currently a resident of Meadview AZ. MY GOAL, AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS WAS TO GIVE THE MCA A MUCH NEEDED FACT LIFT, AND TO MAKE IT INTO A FACILITY THAT THE MEMBERSHIP COULD BE PROUD AND BE A PART OF. I have worked in the machining and manufacturing industry for 47 years as a machinist, supervisor and manager before retiring in 2010. My wife and I owned a small restaurant in IL. I also sold cars for a Honda dealership in New Mexico. WE NEED TO CONTINUE THESE EFFORTS EVEN AS SOME MOUNT THEIR ATTACKS AGAINST THE MCA WITH UNFOUNDED ACCUSATIONS AND BOLD FACE LIES. WE NEED PEOPLE ON THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS THAT WILL SUPPORT THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND THE MCA BY-LAWS. IF ELECTED I WILL CONTINUE TO DO JUST THAT. GRANT VEILE UNIT 7 26586 ROSE ROAD MEADVIEW My wife Nancy and I have been married for 48 years. We purchased our Meadview property in 2004 and have lived here permanently since May of 2011. My wife and I enjoy the Meadview area and currently plan to spend a very long time here. We feel the MCA is a very important part of the community and feel it is under utilized by the membership. I feel the MCA should be a warm and welcoming place for it’s members to enjoy and to be proud of. I also understand that Meadview has a very diverse population in age, background and income also the full time and part-time residents presents it’s own set of hurdles to overcome. I have found for the most part the property owners of Meadview are a very reasonable group and understand that compromise is necessary to make the MCA enjoyable for all members. I have been a member of the MCA for nine years. My experience includes serving on a Homeowners Association Board in Las Vegas for 16 years. I feel I could provide a valuable contribution to our Association here in Meadview. My experience includes office management for a commercial builder in Tucson, Arizona. Additional experience includes Office Manager as well as Secretary to the Vice President for a Benefit Consulting firm serving approximately one-third of the school districts in California. I served as a Real Estate teacher and trainer in both California and Nevada for 19 years, and taught Court Recording for several years in Southern California. KENT BARNEY RON KING It is truly ironic how I came to Mead- In April 2011 my wife Linda and I view in the first place!!! bought our property in Meadview, In 1981 I was asked to check on a closed on it in May 2011. friend of the family who had a home Finally retired and moved to Meadview from Spring Creek (Elko) NV. in Oct. 2011, after the sale of our property in NV. Retired from Newmont Gold in Carlin, NV: in Sept of 2011 after 21 years. Have 34 years in mining and road construction. Over the years Linda and I have owned and operated four different business. With my business management and experience I feel that I can be a helpful asset to the MCA. I'm looking forward to serving the property owners of the MCA. IF YOU CAN’T MAKE THE ANNUAL MEETING PLEASE REMEMBER TO SEND IN YOUR REQUEST FOR AN ABSENTEE BALLOT! here is Meadview . My family and I ended up spending a week enjoying all that Meadview has to offer. We went boating, driving off road and looking for a weekend/vacation place for ourselves here, In 1994 we bought our first house here in this community and vacationed ever since. In 2007 my wife, Terri and I retired and became full time residents. After 33 years in law enforcement it was time to go on to a new life, so Terri retired as a 30 year veteran civilian employee working within the same department as my self. We made our home here in Meadview and when the weather did not permit boating we took family and friends to the MCA to avail ourselves of all the facilities. It has always had a family friendly atmosphere. I am asking for your vote, so I can work to maintain the family environment, answer to the property owners (members), and maintain the reputation and integrity of the MCA, and respond to their concerns without discord. Your vote is important to the community and to us. Thank you, Ron and Terri King HELENE WILLIAMS Statement by Helene Williams After purchasing their home in March 2005, Herb and Helene retired to enjoy all Meadview can offer. In 2009 Helene started writing articles for both the Meadview Monitor and the then “Advocate” originally with “The Grapevine Mesa Garden Patch” and now with the Community News per Helene’s HodgePodge. Before coming to Meadview Helene served on many boards and commissions, elected and appointed. Locally Helene served on the Chamber Board and now as Manager of the Gallery. If elected Helene will bring to the board her experience in policy and procedures, and assist in creating more open dialogue with the membership. FRANK EAKINS CLOYD MOODY JUDY KEMPER I, Frank Eakins am a Christian, Combat Veteran, Resident of Mohave County for 50+ years, and a resident of Meadview for 14 years. My wife, Lynda and I first purchased property here in 1991, and then purchased our second property in 1998. I am respectfully asking for your support in my running for the Board of Governors of the M.C.A. Should you honor me with the position I wish to accomplish; l.) An atmosphere assuring every member proper representation and the assurance they will be listened to and treated with respect. I shall follow all the rules regulations and governing an organization such as the Meadview Civic Association. 2.) Efficiency of Operation: Utilizing my experience in procurement, proficiency in may trades personally, and by utilizing local contacts and in the neighboring communities to get the most value from the dues the members provide 3.) Maintain board transparency. By way of introduction, my name is Cloyd Moody. My husband, Ken, and I have been property owners in Meadview since 1998 and moved here after retiring in 2003. I retired from Qwest Communications after more than 36 years in 2002. I was born in Safford, Arizona and moved to Phoenix in 1962. I graduated from Alhambra High School and attended the American Institute of Technology in Phoenix from 1966 to 1967 while working nights at Motorola. In conclusion, I also wish to work with all the Noble and Worthy Organizations in our community to bring the residents together in pursuit of quiet enjoyment of this Wonderful part of our Country. I was in private school until the 6th grade, after that I entered the public school system. I graduated from San Gabriel High School in San Gabriel, CA in 1965 after which I attended 2 yrs. of college at Mt. San Antonio junior college. I started working in my father’s business at the age of 12, upon turning 18 went to work for North American Rockwell, actually I worked there twice, first as an experimental machinist, the second time as a tool and die maker. In 1972 I started my business in Covina, CA specializing in a nontraditional machining process known as Electrical Discharge Machining. At the peak, I had 15 employees. I stayed in that business until 2004. From 2004-2006 I owned a restaurant/sports bar in Mesa, AZ. I have decided to get more involved in our community, and would like to be considered to be a candidate to be on the MCA board, I have life experience that could be an asset to the board because of my business experience, I am accustomed to dealing with budgets, personnel, and communicating effectively with individuals and organizations. Thank you for your consideration. I am a member of the Telephone Pioneers and Communication Workers of America. Ken and I have 4 children and 5 grandchildren in California, Arizona, Illinois and a grandson stationed in Afghanistan. I love history and researching genealogy. I love gardening and reading. We love Meadview and the friendly people that live here. I would like to represent the people of Meadview by serving on Your MCA Board of Governors. $ 5.00 INCREASE ON ANNUAL ASSESSMENT DUES KENNETH J. CARDENAS I am 69 years old and a Graduate of Santa Cruz High School Joined United States Air Force, Served 4 Years as a aircraft mechanic and assist Crew chief on a number of aircraft. Main career has been as a truck driver, With a 6 year term owning and operating a Alternator and Starter repair Business. And the Final 5 years Before Retirement owning and operating my own Trucking company. I feel I can maintain the integrity and improve the Image of the MCA and help restore unity of all the members of the MCA. Connie Shull I am Connie Shull, I have lived in Meadview for over 20 years. I am an active member of QUAIL, RED HATS, and am BINGO MANAGER for Tuesday night Bingo at the MCA which supports our public library. I am placing my name in consideration for this position on the Board because I feel I can effectively work within the community to provide the type of environment the individual resident is desirous of having. I appreciate your vote and your support. Please ask your friends and neighbors to vote for me. Most sincerely, Connie Shull PLEASE R E B M E M RE TO Dear Members, The May election will be a very important one for the continued success of our organization. Several new members will be elected to the Board of Governors. Read their biographies carefully and vote for the ones you feel will best support the plans and policies of the MCA. There are also several changes to the By-Laws. We feel the changes are necessary to improve the wording and the power of the document. Most importantly, I am asking you to vote for the $5.00 increase in the yearly assessment. The cost of propane to heat the building, the cost of power and water and general maintenance has gone up. Please take action in this election. Come to the meeting on May 25th at 10:00 am and VOTE afterwards. If you cannot attend the meeting, write for an absentee ballot and Vote it. Thank you, Gladys Burk-President VOTE MCA POTLUCK DINNERS All Potluck Dinners are posted on the bulletin board at the driveway off Meadview Blvd.; in the breezeway bulletin board and also on the bulletin board in the office. Dinners start at 5:30 unless noted on those boards. The January Soup Dinner had some really wonderful soups and the members who attended enjoyed the time to sit and talk to others. The February Old Fashioned Potluck Dinner was well attended. The March Potluck Dinner will be March 23, and will feature Corned Beef supplied by the MCA. The MCA will also provide coffee, and punch. Members are asked to sign up no later than March 20 and to fill out on that signup sheet what they will bring to share with others. Suggestions are veggies, salads, potatoes and desserts. Dinner at 5:30. The April potluck dinner will have an Italian theme----Anything Italian. The MCA will provide coffee, lemonade and garlic bread, the members will bring Italian dishes, relish plates, side dishes and desserts to share with the other members. Dinner at 5:30. After the election on May 25, we will have a hotdog roast. The MCA will provide the hotdogs and buns, condiments, lemonade/coffee. The members are asked to bring salads, beans, side dishes and desserts. Dinner will be ready at 5:30. Bring your swim suits, or plan to use the Frisbee or Miniature Golf course, the pool tables, or the tennis court. If the members would like to have an Ice Cream Social on July 4th, give the office a call. If enough members are interested, it can be set up. EXPLORERS-OVER the HILL HIKERS Suzann Newell Many of us played follow the leader to drive through a beautiful area of the Joshua Tree National Natural Landmark. An entertaining history of the area and why this designation came about for this area really brought home the fact that this is the largest growth of Joshua Trees not only in Arizona but the world. The weather was perfect and the drive into the Hualapai Mountains and the hike to the Gold King Mansion was a full but fun day. Chuck Steffen led the group into El Dorado Canyon and down to Chalcedony Wash. The day was cold, but the group saw Big Horn Desert Sheep and that gave everyone a big smile. Nine cars drove the back road to Temple Bar, then after only one 2 mile wrong turn, we entered Petroglyph Wash, down to Gilbert Canyon to picnic at the ledge that the hikers scrambled over and the hike down to St. James Bay. We did eventually find petroglyphs on our way out to the paved road once again. A hike up the North Monolith with lunch on top overlooking South Cove is always a good day. Planned trips and hikes were to Pilgrim Mines and another to Music Mountain Mines. March 4 we will hike the rim from the airport and on March 8 we will hike the rim west of Pearce Ferry Road. All MCA members are welcome to join us at our monthly meetings to plan trips and hikes. We meet in the auditorium at 6:30. Be sure you bring your key card. MEADVIEW QUAIL RATTLESNAKE AVOIDANCE TRAINING FOR YOUR PET Rattlesnake Avoidance Training is a safe and proven method to teach your dog to avoid the danger of being bitten by a rattlesnake. The last thing you want is to be surprised by a rattlesnake while you’re home, hiking, camping or enjoying other activities with your pet (s). Medical treatment can be extremely expensive and, for us, is a long way from home. During the training session an e-collar is used. Training is conducted in a safe, controlled environment, ensuring the safety of your dog as well as the safety of the defanged rattlesnakes. This training is being made available in Meadview on Saturday, April 27, 2013. Space is limited and training is by appointment only. Be sure to call Mackie at (928) 564-2481 for more information and to make your reservation. The February meeting was attended by 39 members and many wore red attire even if it was a few days after Valentine's Day. Our members were asked to do some brain storming on what kind of fund raisers we could do next year for the scholarship fund. Some suggested an auction and others a silent auction. We had a successful See's candy fund raiser this year. Money for the CFIC luncheon was collected and choice of menu also selected. The luncheon will be held in Kingman at the Dam Bar Restaurant on April 9th at 9:30 AM. The luncheon is being hosted by the Kingman Morning Glories. Our guest speaker was Terri Holloway who spoke to us about quilting and quilts. She brought in many sized quilts that she made or purchased in her travels around the country. She has studied patterns, materials and the circa of some quilts she brought to show Quail. Some quilts were as old as the 1870's. Terri told members how to wash a quilt and never put the quilts in an agitator type washing machine because they will tear the quilt. Fill the washing machine with water with Oxiclean and lift it up and down about 4 times until no suds appear and put on the spin cycle. Find a place to lay it out to dry. Ivory soap can be used. She also gives appraisals for the value of a quilt. At the March 19th meeting of Quail at the MCA, members aged eighty or over eighty will be honored by a birthday song and birthday cake. They will relate to members on how many children, grandchildren and great or great-great grandchildren they have. I t should be a wonderful celebration. The eight members to be celebrated are; Ardee Buck, Bob Brady, Vergie Barstis, Ellen Ellis, Kitty Hale, Elaine Phebus, Lucille Sunde, and Otto Wittlieb. The guest speaker will be Adam Barnes who will speak about identity theft and how we can avoid it from happening. Come as an elf, or leprechaun, or Irish or fairy or _____. Rita Hughes COM REPORT MARCH 2013 GLADYS BURK, PRESIDENT The first two meetings of 2013 got the year off to a good start. Paige Ayers and Blair Berg told us about all the new Occupational Treatments available at Kingman Regional Medical Center. One new therapy called “Aqua Stretch” sounds wonderful for our achy, chronic pains. There are other new treatments at the facility. Check them out! The February meeting covered what was happening with the fire district. There were 113 people at the meeting. Supervisor Joy Brotherton told us that the Board of Supervisors had appointed John Flynn as Administrator to work out the problems that have resulted in the closing of the LMRFD. Anthony Turner, local engineer and EMT, spoke about the dedication of the men who served at our fire house. Bobbie Porzio told how the station was remaining open with volunteer fire fighters. Carl Stacy reminded us of the hardships the firemen were facing with no incoming paychecks. They were paying for their own fuel and food to keep coverage in Meadview. The COM Board voted to give $500.00 to cover the needs of the men working here. The members rose to the occasion by contributing $1,031 to the cause. There was an immanent need and we stepped in to help our fire fighters. This is a great community! Our March program will again bring Zenon Mocarski to Meadview. Zen is the Program Director for Game and Fish in Mohave County. He will speak about snakes and lizards. With the warmer weather on the way, we will need to be alert for reptiles on the move. Please come on March 7 th to hear his presentation. He is very knowledgeable as well as humorous. “Project Amigo” is the title of April’s meeting. It is an Educational Foundation in Mexico run by CEO Coke Newell. Yes, he is the son of Jack and Suzann Newell of Meadview. Coke will tell us about how he and his family got involved in this project and what they do. I believe you will enjoy this program very much. We will meet on April 4th. All meetings begin at 10:00 a.m. with refreshments at 9:45. The Com Board wishes you a “Top of the Morning” St. Patrick’s Day and a Happy Easter. Meadview Community Church News Our regular schedule of services is: Sundays: Sunday School at 9:45 AM, and Morning Worship at 10:45 AM with the observance of holy communion the first Sunday of each month. Wednesday: Midweek Bible Study & Prayer Service at 6:30 PM Thursday: Ladies Bible Study at 9:45 AM Friday: Choir Practice at 7:00 PM Men’s Breakfast will take place on Tuesday, March 12th and on Tuesday, April 9th at 8:00 AM in our fellowship hall. We will have a church potluck lunch immediately following the morning service on Easter Sunday, March 31st and on Sunday, April 21st in our fellowship hall. Our Easter services will be: Good Friday service in cooperation with the Meadview Baptist Church at 5:00 PM on March 29 th at the Baptist church. Sunrise service on Easter morning, March 31st at sunrise at the Overlook. A light breakfast will follow. Sunday school at 9:45 AM. Easter morning worship service will include a mini cantata by our choir and we will have a potluck in the fellowship hall following the service. We invite all of our Meadview friends to participate with us in all of these services and activities. Pastor John Mulvihill MEADVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH There are many upcoming activities that will be at Meadview Baptist Church during March and April. Every event offered at the church is always open for anyone in the community to attend. A special event happening in March is featuring singer/songwriter/puppeteer Brent Vernon. He will be performing Wed., March 20 at 6:00 p.m. You will be so impressed with this young man. The concert is free. A love offering for his expenses will be taken. The Good Friday service for Meadview Baptist and Meadview Community churches will be held at Meadview Baptist Church March 29 at 5:00 p.m. It will be led by Pastor Dale and Pastor John. Easter Sunday services will be at 11:00 a.m. March 31. Be sure to note on your calendar Saturday, May 4, for the annual “All-Day Sing and Dinner on the Grounds” held on Holy Mountain hosted by Meadview Baptist Church and Newt and Sue Wright. Featured music will include Robin Covington from Arkansas and The Grace Angel Band. Robin Covington will be performing additional concerts and bringing the messages for the revival meetings May 5 – 8. Men’s breakfasts and fellowships will be on the 2nd Saturday in both March and April – March 9 and April 13 at 9:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study is the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 9:30 a.m. during March and April. The women are studying in the book of Luke. The Red, White, and Blue Quilters of Meadview meet in the building at the back of the church property the 3 rd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 9:00 a.m. The 3rd Thursday will be an all-day sewing time for military and charity quilts. Quilters who plan to stay all day to sew will need to bring a potluck item to share. The 4 th Thursday will be the introduction of new skills. Call Linda Boyden 564-2579 or Suz Wood 564-2779. Weekly activities at the church are: Bible Study/Prayer Meeting Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. Children’s and Adult Sunday School/Bible Study at 9:45 a.m. Sundays Sunday Worship Service is at 11:00 a.m. Pastor Dale Kronemeyer 564-2341 480-688-1945 Library News By Chris Selinsky The Meadview Library has a new look with different colors. Finally, there were some warm days and the Mohave County painted the library and the shed. This painting was approved in last year's budget. Thanks, the building looks great! For those who didn't receive the message that we changed our Friends' meeting in January, we will resume our regular meetings every other third Friday. The next meeting will be March 15 at 10:00 A.M. and we always welcome new members. A single membership is only $3 and a family membership is $5. Our main purpose is to provide financial support in areas not included in the regular Mohave County Library District budget, within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We are very grateful and thank everyone who supported us and donated to the Friends' Sweet Treat Festival in February. It was very successful and everybody enjoyed the wonderful, delicious desserts. The library may get some new computers soon. New books are being catalogued weekly and you can order books online. Don't forget, there are digital downloads for your Nook, Kindle, MP3, Audio and others. The Artist of the Month feature has been discontinued. Once a month, the Kingman Library District will present a Youth program and an Adult program for Meadview. Usually, Pinkey presents the Adult program. The times will be published in the Community News or look for flyers in the library. These programs are free, fun and are open to the public. The lively book discussions are becoming more popular and everyone is invited to attend. We meet every other month on the third Friday. The last book, Grand Canyon by Gary McCarthy was very enjoyable. The book is an historical fiction with courageous, exciting characters who experience many hardships but endure. The next Book Club meeting will be on April 19 at 10:00 A.M. For a reminder, the library hours are: Tues. 10-5 P.M., Thurs. 11-6 P.M. and Sat. 10-4 P.M. If you have any questions, call Pinkey at 564-2535. This is Aspen Rose Saganski . She was born to Ashley & Christopher Saganski of Coeur’ d Alane, ID. She is the Great, Great Granddaughter of Hubert & Shirley Jennings of Meadview. Aspen weighed 4 lbs. 6oz. and was born January 3, 2013. Hubert & Shirley are proud to have 6 children, 12 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren and now two great, great grandchildren. POTLUCK DINNERS ALL POTLUCK DINNERS START AT 5:30 PM UNLESS NOTED ON THE BULLETIN BOARDS. MARCH 23rd 5:30 pm MCA WILL PROVIDE CORNED BEEF, COFFEE AND PUNCH— SIGN-UP BY MARCH 20th IN THE OFFICE. MEMBERS TO BRING VEGGIES, SALADS POTATOES AND DESSERTS TO SHARE. APRIL 27th 5:30 pm ITALIAN THEMEMCA WILL PROVIDE LEMONADE, COFFEE AND GARLIC BREAD. MEMBERS BRING ITALIAN DISHES, RELISH PLATES AND DESSERTS TO SHARE. MCA BOARD MEETINGS: MARCH 9th at 9:00 am APRIL 13th at 9:00 am MAY 25th 5:30 pm HOTDOG ROAST-MCA WILL PROVIDE HOTDOGS, BUNS, CONDIMENTS, LEMONADE AND COFFEE. MEMBERS BRING SALADS, BEANS, SIDE DISHES AND DESSERTS TO SHARE. MAY 25th ANNUAL MEETING 10:00 am ELECTION FOLLOWING –MEMBERS MUST HAVE PHOTO ID AND KEY CARD JUNE 8th at 9:00 am JULY 13th at 9:00 am AUGUST 10th at 9:00 am AJ AND RAY THANK YOU FOR ALL THE TIME YOU DONATED TO THE MCA!! REQUEST FOR ABSENTEE BALLOT (S) FOR THE 2013 ANNUAL ELECTION MAIL TO: SECRETARY OF THE BOARD P O BOX 217 MEADVIEW, ARIZONA 86444 NAME:_____________________________________________ ADDRESS:__________________________________________ LOT # (s)____________________________________________ Groups That Meet At The MCA AUDITORIUM Body Conditioning Class Mon. - Wed. - Fri. 8:00 am ******************************************** Sit & Be Fit Class Mon. - Wed. - Fri. 10:15 am ******************************************** Bingo Tues. 6:30 pm & Fri. 1:00 pm ******************************************** COM 1st Thurs. 10:00 am ******************************************** End of the Line Dancers 6:00 pm ******************************************** Explorers 2nd Wednesday 6:30 pm ******************************************** Red Hat Society 3rd Thursday 1:00 pm ******************************************** Quail 3rd Tuesday 10:00 am ******************************************** CLASSROOM Crafty Ladies Tues. 1:00 pm ******************************************* POOL Splash Dance DARK ********************************************************* These functions and times can change! If you have any questions, check with the group or call the MCA office. ********************************* Please let us know when you have a change of address!! Thank you.
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