oct newsletter - School District of New London
oct newsletter - School District of New London
LINCOLN LOGGER Lincoln Elementary School 201 E. Washington St. New London, WI 54961 (920)982(920)982-8540 Dear Parents/Guardians, October is here! It's hard to believe that school has been in session for a month already! Time flies when you are having fun!!!!! There are a few things I'd like to remind parents/guardians of in this article: -Parent/Teacher Conferences are just around the corner on October 28th and 29th from 3:30-6:30 p.m. on both nights and again on October 30th from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Scheduling information is included in this week’s Thursday Envelope so that you can designate a time that works best for you to visit with your child's teacher. It is vitally important that you schedule a time to meet with with your child's teacher to discuss your child's progress so far this school year. Strong lines of communication between home and school build educational success for our students! -Additionally, during Parent/Teacher Conferences, our Library will be hosting a book fair. Please take some time to stop into our library and check out all of the great books for sale. As you know, I'm a huge proponent of every child reading at home as much as possible! -On the PTO front, there are several events coming up. -On Tuesday, October 20th, please remember that it's PTO Fund Raiser Pick Up Night from 3:00-5:00 p.m.. Please pick up the items you ordered as we do not have freezer space to store any frozen items. -On Friday, October 16th, the PTO will be sponsoring its annual Spooktacular from 6-7:30 p.m. It will be great seeing all of the great costumes! NO WEAPON LOOK-ALIKES PLEASE! -Popcorn Fridays will take place on the first Friday of each month. The cost is 50 cents per bag or $4 for the school year per child. The money is collected and a classroom order placed by the classroom teacher in the morning. Students will receive their popcorn in the afternoon. -The first Canine Reading Day will be coming up shortly. Please watch the calendar for upcoming Canine Reading Days and be sure that your child's green permission slip is turned in as only those with signed permission slips will be allowed to participate. -Another date of interest that should be marked in your calendar is the Holiday Concert. This year, it will be held on Thursday, December 10th starting at 1:30 p.m. in the High School Auditorium. It's sure to be an outstanding concert under the direction of Mr. Hallman! -With Fall upon us and colder temperatures invading our great Northeast Wisconsin area, we need to remember to ensure that our students are coming to school appropriately dressed for the colder temperatures. Please remember to watch the weather forecast and send your child with proper clothing to protect them from the cold such as hats, mittens/gloves and a warm coat. When the snow flies, be prepared to send your children with snow pants and boots to protect them from the cold and snow. -Be sure to remind your child to read tonight and every night through October 18 to help our school meet The 70,000 Minute Principal’s Reading Challenge. If we succeed as a school in meeting the challenge, Mr. Delwiche will get a really short hair cut at an assembly on October 28! Plus, the top two readers in each class will be part of a pizza party on October 28th for lunch! See my weekly parent newsletter, which was in the Thursday Envelope for more details and submission forms. Happy Reading! -One final note. We have already collected quite an assortment of "Lost but Found" articles of clothing. We'd like to get those items back to their rightful owners. Please check out the table in the foyer by the gym to see if any of those items belongs to your child. Have a great October! Sincerely, Kirk Delwiche, Principal Lincoln Elementary School School District of New London Office Phone: 920.982.8540 Cell Phone: 920.858.9063 For you early planners: The 2015-2016 Winter Concert is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 at the New London Senior High School The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. Happy Belated September Birthdays 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th EASY WAYS TO HELP LINCOLN SCHOOL Henry Meyer Lincoln Elementary collects the Kasey Furman, Hailey Schmidt, Mrs. Ahrens following items: Jose Maldonado Rayna Friebohle Quinn Baehman, Nurse Resch 6th Owen Rush, Chaz Wagner 7th Madisyn Denu, Nicholas Starcheske 8th Cameron Hahn 9th Madelyn Esser, Ella Knuth General Mills Box Tops for Education Campbells Labels for Education Kwik Trip Milk Moola Target “Take Charge of Education” 10th Arabella Biehl 11th Christian Jose Ramos-Estevez, Brice Guyette, PUPIL NONDISCRIMINATION Taylor Stepniak STATEMENT: 12th Caden Fehl, Julia Kosmerchock, Ariana Arnold 13th Mrs. Kraft 14th Erin O’Donoghue, Allyson Recla 15th Isaac Kling, Mrs. Steffanus 16th Benjamin Rathman, Sophia Bratt, Paige Nelson 17th Tahlulah Desmond It is the policy of the School District of New London that no person may be denied admission to any public school or be denied participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be discriminated against in any curricular, extracurricular, pupil services, recreational or other program or activity because of the person’s sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. 18th Samuel Stillwell 19th Violetta Bordwell, Joshua Demeniuk 22nd Autumn Mares 25th Rihanna Bleick 26th Hanna Gorman 27th Shyanna Joles, Riley Joles 28th Chesney Magolski 29th Ryann Baker Declaración no discriminatoria de los estudiantes: Es la ley del Distrito Escolar de New London que ninguna persona sea negada admisión a cualquier escuela pública o sea negada participación en, sea negada los beneficios de, o sea discriminada en contra en actividades curriculares, extracurriculares, servicios al estudiante programas de recreación o cualquier otro programa o actividad debido a la raza de la persona, su sexo, color, religión, origen nacional, ascendencia, credo, embarazo, estado de matrimonio o estado paternal, orientación sexual o incapacidad física, mental, emocional o de aprendizaje. The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW LONDON Child Development Days Free Preschool Screening October 16, 2015 New London High School 1:00 – 6:00 PM Ages 2 - 4 Children who have birthdays in April, May, June July, August, September Please contact Linda at 982-8447 for an appointment by October 9th. Fox Valley Technical College Dental Hygiene Students Providing Dental Hygiene Services In a Clinical Setting Students learning while the following services are performed: Personal Dental Health Education X-Ray Teeth Cleaning Fluoride Treatment When treatment is completed, a letter and x-rays are sent to your family dentist. Happy October Birthday 2nd Jared Bohringer, Mason Hacker 3rd Mrs. Sternhagen, Damyen Worm 6th Mrs. Bartel, Keylee Schirpke 8th Grecyn Rosera, 9th Joseph Covill 10th Cheyenne Schimke 12th Anikka Morrison, Shelbi Schultz 13th Elizabeth Thoma 14th Preston Krueger 17th Arianna Ozminkowski 18th Zoe Martinez, Ella Kryll 19th Ms. Miller, Trevin Muskevitsch 20th Ms. Perdomo, Mrs. Volk Mrs. Steele, 21st Lillian Wesenick 22nd Sophia Volkman 25th Brittany Schoenrock 27th Johanna Miller, Quinn Evans 28th Allen Strong 30th Mrs. Guerin 31st Luke Heideman Adults 13-54 yrs $30.00 Children 12 & under $20.00 Senior Citizens 55 yrs.+ $20.00 For more information call (920) 735-4884 The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. Mrs. Tate Amy JordanJordan-School Psychologist I’d like to introduce myself to the Lincoln family! I am the new school psychologist, replacing Amy Menchl. I am starting my 29th year as a school psychologist, and am happy to now be working in the town where I live. I enjoy the much shorter drive to work, as I was previously employed with the Appleton Area School District for 25 years. One thing I noticed almost immediately about Lincoln was the friendliness of students, parents, and staff. As a result, the adjustment to a new school has been a piece of cake. I enjoy connecting with parents and staff regarding any issue that may arise with a student that appears to be a barrier to learning. This includes academic, social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health concerns. Although I am shared between three schools you can always connect with me through email ajordan@newlondon.k12.wi.us or leave a message at Lincoln 982-8540. Lincoln/Sugar Bush School Counselor Hi, I’m Jen Tate, Lincoln/Sugar Bush’s new School Counselor. I come to Lincoln with 11 years of counseling experience at Marion Elementary. In kindergarten, students are working on their learning skills. We are focusing on trying hard and never giving up. Listening,, work first and then play and cooperation are some of the other lessons we are working on. First graders are learning how to listen, try hard and developing organizing skills including how to use time wisely. Second graders are focusing on the skills of trying hard each and every day, becoming great listeners, fine tuning organizational skills and proofreading their work. Third grade and Fourth graders have been learning how to prioritize , set goals and follow directions carefully. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at Lincoln on Monday, Tuesday or Friday, 982- Mr. Schommer’s Newlsetter 8540 or e-mail me at: jtate@newlondon.k12.wi.us. Hello and welcome to the 2015-16 school year! My name is Kurt Schommer and I am the Physical Education Teacher at Sugar Bush Elementary. I could not be more excited and happy about being in such an outstanding community. To start our school year in Physical Education, we have engaged in a lot of team building and icebreaker activities to build a positive, productive, and safe learning community. All grade levels have been engaging in these activities and they have gotten us all off to a great start. The 2-4 students recently completed our fitness testing using the FitnessGram. A lot of students did such an outstanding job in trying their best and seeing where they fit in with other students around the nation in their grade. After the FitnessGram, we will be moving on to our locomotor movements, as well as catching and throwing. The two main points that I emphasize most in my classroom are effort and respect. If we can show respect to one another and give our best effort, then your student will achieve success in my classroom. Sincerely, Kurt Schommer RAISING THE THINKING CHILD The I CAN PROBLEM SOLVE approach workshop for parents and caregivers of children ages 4-7 still has openings. This is a workshop the will cover: • Learn to use the “I Can Problem Solve” discipline ladder • Use word pairs to build a vocabulary for problem solving • Give children skills to solve problems taking into account their own and other’s feelings. The workshop will be held at Lincoln, October 13, 20, 27 and November 3, 10, 17 from 5:00-6:00 pm. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. For more information or to register, contact: Sandy Liang, UW-Extension Family Living Educator sandy.liang@ces.uwex.edu 715-258-6224 The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. LINCOLN Parent Teacher Organization Parents may wonder what it really means to be involved. Parent involvement comes in different forms, such as helping kids at home with schoolwork and projects; attending school events, which helps foster a connection between home and school; and volunteering and participating directly in school. Lincoln P.T.O. just concluded it’s fall fundraiser. It was not as profitable as in years past. We are always looking for input and parent involvement for the events we sponsor. In the past we have sponsored Family Movie Nights, field trips, and the ever popular “end of year celebrations”. We meet the last Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm at Lincoln. REMINDER: ALL FUNDRAISER ITEMS MUST BE PICKED UP AND PAID FOR ON OCT. 20TH 3:00-5:00 PM LINCOLN GYM If you are unable to make it, please ask a friend or relative to pick up . We DO NOT have room to store things. Thanks Principal’s Challenge Update IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE MR. DELWICHE GET HIS HEAD SHAVED, WE REALLY NEED TO GET ON THE “BALD” Total as of 1010-0101-2015 ~ 14,252 minutes read Mrs. Steffanus’ class is Mrs. Shumaker’s class is a In the lead with 2,156 minutes close second with 1,892 minutes 55,748 minutes to go! The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. Research proves that . . . “When parents are simply more involved than average, their children are an astonishing 30% more successful in school.” Lincoln School has a need for volunteers. Please read the following list and check any activities that interest you and return the form to the school office. Students enjoy having parents in the building and adults benefit from the time they spend here. It takes many people to help children succeed in the school setting. Please join us with this important task! Parent Name ___________________________Student’s Name____________________________ Parent’s Phone Number ________________Student’s teacher _________________________ ACADEMIC SUPPORT: Help with individual or small groups of students to assist students with math facts, put up bulletin boards, etc GUEST READERS: Choose your favorite book or read one of ours! Guest readers are welcome ANYTIME. Role models are an important part of every day at Lincoln School. LIBRARY: Help with duties to keep our library orderly for the students. HEALTH DAY: Assist as needed with annual health screening on Thursday, October 15, 2015. FUND RAISER: This project funds many student activities and items the regular budget cannot support. We need many helpers for the delivery on Tuesday, October 20, 2015 from 3:00-5:00. POPCORN FRIDAY POPPER: On the first Friday of each month, pop popcorn for students. It take about 2 1/2 hours once a month. END OF YEAR EVENT: Will be held in the afternoon June 1, 2016. SPOOKTACULAR: October 16, 2015, 6:00-7:30 pm at Lincoln. Halloween party/dance for Lincoln families. MISCELLANEOUS DAYS: Any other special days that come up during the school year! Volunteer from home opportunities: MILK CAP COORDINATOR: Pick up from school, count, box and return for shipping, Milk Moola caps. CAMPBELL SOUP LABEL COORDINATOR: Pick up from school, cut out, count, package and return for shipping, Campbell Soup Labels. Proceeds fund Physical Education class equipment. Please make some time to become involved with your child’s school. You will never regret it!!! The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.