in 2016 - First Baptist Church Covington
in 2016 - First Baptist Church Covington
Opportunities New Members - Jan. 24 Caleb Larson (B) 2nd grade BF We exist to help people know and accept Jesus Christ and through Him experience life-changing relationships. DEACONS IN MINISTRY January 31- Feb 6, 2016 Stephen Mikell Dwayne Schaefer Tom Stogner WORSHIP CARE Jason and Beth Cuccia Kassidy Huther Ashley Weaver Clay and Katherine Pruitt Mitchell and Amber Mulkey Gordon and Cara Herrin FEBRUARY 7 674-9492 893-7114 11:00 AM Workineh and Garome Torben Rick and Krystal Sellers Kristina Walker Amber Lopez Jared and Tennille Diaz Megan Rouquette Daniel and Rachel Talley Katie Martin Wade and Susan Wright Jenny Gremillion AIM ~ All Inclusive Ministry Melinda Robinson Melissa Babin Heather Seal Denny Bruhl 11:00 AM Heather and Michael Seal Sara Beth Seal Richard Dean Contact Darlene Drivon to volunteer to help with Worship Care or Kevin Harless to help with AIM. Music at its Best! In Concert Friday, May 20, 2016 Find Your PLACE in a BIBLE FELLOWSHIP in 2016 First Baptist Church Covington Purchase Tickets Now at Love & Encouragement Growing 16333 Highway 1085 Covington, LA 70433 Relationships Phone: 985-892-2149 Fax: 985-892-3090 In-Depth Bible Study Bible Fellowships provide involvement and time to It is important to your personal spiritual growth that you are rooted and grounded in love. Bible Fellowships offer a way to be connected to godly relationships and meet In the small group setting of a Bible Fellowship, you will be surrounded by loving and caring people who will encourage you in your daily Christian walk. To get connected with a Bible Fellowship TODAY, visit the Welcome Kiosk located near the entrances. Or register online at Saturdays at 5pm Sundays at 8:30, 9:45, & 11am. Join A Bible Fellowship Today! FELLOWSHIP Also accessible at are the latest sermons and series archives you can watch any time from your computer Join Us Sunday Evening, January 31 Bible Fellowships provide involvement and time to participate in open discussions regarding biblical principles and spiritual growth. Saturday @ 6 PM & Sunday @ 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00 AM Sign up online at In-Depth Bible Study at for all 4 Worship Services and includes music! It is important to your personal spiritual growth that you are rooted and grounded in love. Bible Fellowships offer a way to be connected to godly relationships and meet new people. LIVE STREAMING IS AVAILABLE In the small group setting of a Bible Fellowship, you will be surrounded by loving and caring people who will encourage you in your daily Christian walk. Register for both Dedication Class and Dedication Service at Got ?s- Contact Darlene Drivon in the church office or at Loyd Tynes in the death of his sister. Bill Stiles in the death of his brother. David Heintz in the death of his father. Nolen and Ashley Weaver on the birth of their daughter, Courtney Ruth, January 21, 2016. 9:45 AM Parents participating in this Service are required to attend two Dedication Classes which will be held Sunday, February 14 & 21 ~ Upstairs in ROC 200 at 11:00 AM Growing Relationships New Members since September 1, 2015 Baptism: 58 Letter: 49 Statement: 20 TOTAL: 127 Our Next Parent/Child Dedication Service is February 28 Love & Encouragement Nitschke Family (Statement) Dan & Paulette Stogner ABF Skyler 11 grade girls YBF Luke 8th grade boys YBF Jaden 7th grade boys YBF Aaron (B) 4th grade BF SYMPATHY TO: CONGRATULATIONS TO: 9:45 AM Russ & Mikayla Fornea (S) PLACE in a BIBLE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5 9:00 AM PLACE Training 1:00 PM Office closed SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 5:00 PM Bible Fellowship 6:00 PM Worship LOOK INSIDE FOR DETAILS . . . Find Your SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 5:00 PM Bible Fellowship 6:00 PM Worship SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 8:30 AM Worship/Bible Fellowship 9:15 AM Library Open 9:45 AM Worship/Bible Fellowship 11:00 AM Worship/Bible Fellowship 12:15 AM Groundbreaking 4:00 PM Youth Choir 4:00 PM Children’s Choir 5:00 PM Discovery Class 5:05 PM Children’s Activities 5:05 PM Impact U Classes 5:13 PM Youth~5:13 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 9:30 AM Women’s Prayer Band TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 6:30 AM Tuesday Men’s Breakfast 7:45 AM Men’s Prayer Band-Rm 512 9:00 AM Celebration Singers 7:00 PM Celebrate Recovery 7:00 PM The Landing WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 9:00 AM Women’s Prayer Band 10:00 AM IU- Women’s Bible Study 1:30 PM Caregivers’ Support Group 3:30 PM ENRICH 5:00 PM Library Open 6:00 PM Orchestra/Choir 6:15 PM Impact U Classes 6:15 PM GriefShare/ DivorceCare 6:15 PM Children’s Activities 6:30 PM Pastor’s Bible Study 8:00 PM College Bible Study THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 9:00 AM GriefShare 7:00 PM IU- Singles Book Study for DISCOVERY CLASS 5:00-7:30PM Fellowship Hall Visit the Hospitality Room today to sign up! January 30 & 31, 2016 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH COVINGTON MISSIONS FOREIGN MISSION TRIPS • BOGOTA, COLOMBIA ~ June 25 - July 9, 2016 • PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC ~ September 3-12, 2016 • Want to know more about Mission Opportunities? Visit our website and blog by going to Please sign-up to receive our blog entries in your email. You can also contact Glynn Robinson at COMMUNITY EVANGELISM NETWORK CEN TRAINING – Are you prepared to shared your faith when the opportunity comes? If not, come join us for Community Evangelism Network (CEN) Training on Saturday, February 20 from 9:00AM – 12:00PM. The training will be held in the Route 56 modular building off the end of the Children’s Wing. We will teach you everything you need to know to present the gospel to others! Plus, you will have the option of participating in CEN Neighborhood Knocks as either a Leader, Learner or Prayer Partner so that you can put your evangelism training into action. Lunch is provided. You can sign up in the Steeple Foyer starting February 7th or anytime at CEN NEIGHBORHOOD KNOCK – Would you like to help us reach the world for Christ, one community at a time? Then come join us for our next Knock on Saturday, February 27th from 9:00AM – 12:00PM. We will meet at the Route 56 modular building off the end of the Children’s Wing and then head out in teams of three (one Leader, two Learners) to go door-to-door conducting surveys and sharing the gospel in our local community. Learners require no prior training and will simply tag along to help record survey responses and carry church promotional materials – no speaking required! We also need people to serve as Prayer Partners who will come pray for the teams while they minister in the community. Lunch will be provided and every Knock participant will receive a free CEN T-shirt! Please specify your shirt size when you register. Children ages 12+ are encouraged to attend along with a parent. This is a great opportunity to introduce our youth to evangelism! You can sign up in the Steeple Foyer starting February 7th or anytime at PLACE EVENTS : Friday, February 5 – 9:00-4:00 - PLACE COACHING AND FACILITATOR TRAINING If you have participated in PLACE and are now interested in being trained as a coach or facilitator, attend this free conference with PLACE founder and president, Jay McSwain. Saturday, February 27 – 8:30-3:00 – PLACE PARTICIPANT SEMINAR Cost:$10 Are you interested in discovering who you are in Christ and where you fit within the body of Christ? PLACE is a ministry to help individuals discover how God has uniquely designed them for unique service within the church. If you are ready to serve in a ministry here at FBC, but don’t know exactly where you may fit, this is a perfect seminar for you. Contact Bill Boren at or visit the website for more information. ADULTS 55+ MINISTRY YOUNG AT HEART ~ Tuesday, February 16 ~ 10:30 AM ~ COST: $10 ~ Fellowship Hall Join us for fun, food and fellowship as we relive the memories from days gone by with entertainment by Wayne Busby. His smooth and rich voice will surely delight everyone. Please make reservations online at, in your Bible Fellowship class or by calling the church office before noon on Friday, February 12. TV MINISTRY WGNO 26, an ABC affiliate, airs FBC sermons at 10:00 AM each Sunday. Channel 26 over the air Channel 11 on Cox Cable/1011 HD Channel 26 on Direct TV WNOL Televison airs FBC sermons 7:00 AM every Wednesday. Channel 38 over the air Channel 13 on Cox Cable/ 1013 HD Channel 38 on Direct TV All music, projected or printed, is used by permission through Christian Copyright Licensing International, Member #525364 SINGLES MINISTRY THURSDAY EVENING IMPACT U BOOK STUDY - 6:30 PM @ THE ROC. Join us on February 4th as we begin the Max Lucado book You’ll Get Through This. To sign up for the class, please contact Cliff Hughes at 985-373-2704. SUPERBOWL SUNDAY! – February 7- Potluck and Football Fellowship at Esther Holgruin’s home at 5PM. Game starts at 5:30. Come for the food, the fellowship, the football or just the commercials! Bring your favorite dish. Kids are welcome. For more information, please contact Esther Holgruin at 504-442-1890 MARDI GRAS – February 9 - The Covington Lions Parade starts at 10AM followed by the Krewes of Covington and Lyra. Find us by the Covington courthouse for family fun. For more information, contact Lori Lewis at 985-705-4750. GAME NIGHT at The ROC – February 12, 7PM – Bring a potluck dish and come ready to laugh, play games and make a friend. For more information, contact Lori Lewis at 705-4750. Save the Date: Annual Crawfish Boil is March 20, 2016, after the last service! UPWARD SPORTS It’s Soccer Time! Have a K-6th grader whose wants to play? Register now online at UpwardSports. Early registration is $65 per child until February 14, then increases to $85. First practice is the week of February 22 and the first game is Saturday, March 12. Contact Kevin Harless at 892-2149 or Celebrate Recovery for Adults 18 and up Celebrate Recovery is a ministry of local churches and is currently held weekly in 27,000 plus churches with resources printed in 20 languages. This is a ministry for everyone who desires to develop life skills to handle the daily pressures of life. Have you ever allowed the hurts, habits and hang-ups to get you down? If so, then Celebrate Recovery is a place that can help you and your family. Yes, we do have some adults that became addicted to street drugs or prescriptions meds. Yes, we have some adults who have an addiction to alcohol. I am glad we provide such a loving place for them to work through those issues. Like many Celebrate Recovery ministries, people have just found life is hard and this is a place where they can work through those issues. How about giving God a chance to work through your hurts, habits and hang-ups? We meet in the Worship Center at FBC Covington every Tuesday night. For those who want to come early, a cookout is offered from 5:30–6:15. Large group worship, lessons or testimonies are from 7:00–8:00 and open share small groups from 8:00 – 9:00. There groups are facilitated by some of God’s choice servants. Confidentiality is respected in all our groups. Child care is provided for birth through 5th graders and students in the 6th – 12th grade can join us in The Landing. For more information please contact Pastor Jay at The Landing for Students 6th -12th Grade The Landing is a ministry where students are loved. It is also one of the best gifts a parent, grandparent, or guardian could give to their child. The students come just as they are to be equipped to make Godly choices that lead to a lifestyle that allows them to reach their full potential in this life. We meet every Tuesday from 7:00–9:00 PM in the main church building down the children’s hallway. An orientation is offered for parents, grandparents and guardians. Confidentiality is respected. For more information please contact PastorJay at jjohnston@ For more info about CR or The Landing contact our Associate Pastor Jay Johnston at jjohnston@ or call him at 892-2149. PASTORAL TEAM Waylon Bailey, Th.D., Pastor Jay Johnston, D. Min., Associate Pastor Clif Smith, Education Bill Boren, D. Min., Family Life Jason Brooks, Music/Worship David Rockett, Adults 55+/Congregational Care Glynn Robinson, Missions/Evangelism Darlene Drivon, Preschool Kevin Harless, Children Cindy Rush, Children Worship Associate Chris Kroll, Students Josh Jordan, College /Young Families NORTHLAKE CRISIS PREGNANCY BIBLE STUDY Statistics say that one in three women are walking around with the secret shame of past abortion. If you are one of these women, let me encourage you to begin Forgiven and Set Free. You will find healing and wholeness as you enter into this post-abortion Bible study which effectively ministers God’s healing grace in a safe and supportive environment. This study is being conducted through the Northlake Crisis Pregnancy Center. Please call at 985-893-4281, or email to register or inquire. All contact is confidential. Class begins Friday, February 19th ~ 11:00AM - 12:30 PM. CHILDREN’S CHOIR is Back! Don’t miss our new semester of Children’s Choir for children in grades K – 6th grade. Choir meets Sundays at 4:00 PM. MOTHER’S DAY OUT REGISTRATION FOR 2016/2017 SCHOOL YEAR February 16-18 ~ 9AM-11AM for FBC Covington Members and Returning Students (Tuesday - Thursday) February 18 ~ 10AM–Noon is Open Enrollment (Thursday Only) Any questions, call 985-867-9052 or email bbryan@fbccov org. CENTERSTAGE STUDENT MINISTRY ENRICH! Join us Wednesday nights at 3:30 for study hall and dinner at 5:30. Classes start at 6:15 and cost $10 each. (No charge for Bible Drill) Bible Drill with Jane Copp Stage Set Design with Katie Ryan Basketball Skills Development with Charles Chevalier Cake Decorating with Lisa Peacock Auto Repair and Maintenance with Chris Kroll & Michael Scardina Lifeway’s X-FUGE CAMP 2016 Location: Glorieta, NM Date: June 21-28, 2016 Who: We will have two groups going during this week - Both Jr. High (7th-8th) and High School Groups (9th-12th) Cost: Early bird price of $375 until March 27- $100 deposit by January 31 guarantees your spot! Sign up @ or @ the ROC PARENTS of 7th-12th graders: Get Connected with all of the latest happenings at FBC Cov’s Centerstage by texting EZWYV34564 to 313131 (standard text and data rates from your phone plan will apply). This is a great way to be reminded of what is coming up, what is currently due, when we have service cancellations, etc. MATH TUTORING Tutoring for high school or college algebra and trigonometry is offered on Wednesday nights at 6:15 in Room 304 by appointment only. Other disciplines available by request. Contact Sonny Warren 985-542-6884 to schedule. NEWLY/NEARLY MARRIED COUPLES BIBLE FELLOWSHIP This is a new Bible Fellowship Group focused on couples who are married without children, engaged to be married, or seriously considering marriage. This new group will begin on February 28th in Room 506 and will be led by Jim and Gilberta Allen. The Allen’s have a wealth of knowledge in leading young couples to grow in Christ and to work through the life issues of being newly married. This group will be a great way for you to connect with other young couples. If you need more information contact Josh Jordan- COLLEGE/YOUNG PROFESSIONALS MINISTRY COLLEGIATE EVANGELISM CONFERENCE ~ February 19-20 in Alexandria, LA Come join college students from all over the state who will gather together for a worship experience with The City Harmonic and a challenging message from Michael Wood. Cost is $65 for college students and $50 for high school seniors. This will cover your conference fee, transportation and lodging. Contact Josh Jordan at for more information.