AR Glenn Backup - Parliament of Western Australia
AR Glenn Backup - Parliament of Western Australia
Annual Report 2005 Table of Contents For further information please contact: Jan Stewart Chief Executive Officer Lotterywest Postal Address: Lotterywest PO Box 1113 CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION 5 OVERVIEW 6 Who We Are 6 Our Vision 6 Our Purpose 6 Our Values 6 Highlights of the Year 7 CEO’s REPORT 8 Corporate Social Responsibility 12 Lotterywest Stakeholders 14 OUR GAMES 16 Saturday Lotto 16 OZ Lotto 17 Powerball 18 Scratch’n’Win 19 Osborne Park Cash 3 20 Western Australia 6917 Soccer Pools 21 Super 66 21 OUR RETAILERS 22 Street Address: OUR PLAYERS 25 Lotterywest SUPPORT FOR OUR COMMUNITY 26 74 Walters Drive Supporting our Health Services 26 Osborne park The Arts 26 Western Australia 6017 Perth International Arts Festival 27 Western Australian Film Industry 28 Telephone: Sports & Recreation 29 + 61 8 9340 5100 Lotterywest Community Grants 30 Facsimile: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND + 61 8 9242 2577 BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP 34 Strategic Business Relationships 34 Email: International Networks 35 Website: OUR PEOPLE 36 Our Working Environment 36 People and Communities 38 Our Organisation 41 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 42 Board of Commissioners 42 Lotterywest Board Members 42 2 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Table of Contents Audit Committee and Internal Audit 44 The Environment 46 Legislation Impacting on Lotterywest 50 Ministerial Directives 52 Enabling Legislation 52 Other Legislation Impacting on Lotterywest 52 Publications Available to the Public 54 PLANNING & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 55 Strategic Planning Framework 59 STRATEGIC PLAN 2004/2007 PERFORMANCE MEASURES 60 Community and Customer 60 Business Processes and Innovation 60 People and Learning 61 Financial Performance 61 OUTPUT SUMMARY TABLES 62 Output Number 1-Lottery 62 Output Number 2-Community Funding 63 CERTIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 64 AUDITOR GENERAL’S OPINION OF PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 65 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (AUDITED) 66 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR TABLES 67 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 69 AUDITOR GENERAL’S OPINION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT 70 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 71 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 72 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW 73 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT 74 OPERATING BUDGET FOR 2005 95 Notes to the Budget for 2005/2006 96 FIVE YEAR SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL DATA 97 Direct Grants Summary 98 Direct Grants Program Summary 98 Direct Grants List 99 Reconciliation of Direct Grants 108 GLOSSARY 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 3 of 109 4 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Chairman’s Introduction On behalf of the Board of Lotterywest, I am very pleased to report a record year both of sales and return to the Western Australian community. The Board is very cognizant of its responsibility to contribute to the well being of Western Australians through the raising of funds by providing entertaining lottery products to our loyal players in our State. We are grateful to the many small businesses who represent us in selling our products, and to the many other Western Australian businesses who have worked with Lotterywest throughout the year, and who have also contributed to this year’s very positive outcome. In taking our decisions about how best to distribute the funds available through our direct grants programs, the Board takes the view that we must support the most disadvantaged members of our community, as well as contributing to projects which enhance the life of every citizen of Western Australia. We believe we have achieved that balance in the many worthy projects supported this year. Our business environment is a rapidly changing one, with many challenges on the horizon. This report documents these challenges, and the details of our performance in the past year. I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their continued service to Lotterywest, and congratulate the executive team and all staff of Lotterywest for their achievements in the past year. I would like to acknowledge the Hon Nick Griffiths LLB MLC for his contribution during his period as our Minister. I thank our new Minister, the Hon Eric Ripper MLA, Deputy Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Government Enterprises; Minister Assisting the Minister for Public Sector Management, who took over the portfolio responsibility for Lotterywest following the State elections in February this year for his support. My fellow Board members and I look forward to a further record year in 2006/2007, recognizing the challenges of the new technology environment that will be introduced during the next two year period. CLYDE BEVAN, Chairman Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 5 of 109 Overview Who we are Lotterywest (the Lotteries Commission of Western Australia) operates according to the provisions of the Lotteries Commission Act 1990 (as amended), as a statutory authority responsible for selling lottery games and distributing the proceeds for the benefit of the Western Australian community Our Vision To be recognised as a key corporate citizen of Western Australia and a leader in the global lottery industry and in all areas of our business Our Purpose To provide funds and support to the community of Western Australia through excellence and integrity in our lottery business Our Values Rewarding – Those who come in contact with us value their experience with us and are enriched by those experiences Inspiring – We motivate and encourage ourselves and others to achieve greater things for the benefit of the community Trusted – All those who play our games or have business relationships with us know that our business dealings with them will be honest, reliable and trustworthy Engaging – We will actively seek partnerships and contact with others for mutual benefit 6 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Annual Report 2005 Highlights Total Sales $550.0 OUR GAMES • Increase of $15.10m on 2004 $500.0 Millions • Total Sales of $520.11m $450.0 • Record sales of $20.16m for Saturday Lotto December 2004 Megadraw $400.0 2001 • New $7 Scratch’n’Win ticket launched May 2005 OUR COMMUNITY • A total of $162.74m was returned to the Western Australian community • 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Funding provided to the Western Australian community $180.0 $78m returned to Hospitals $160.0 – $10m returned to the Arts $140.0 – $10m returned to Sports – $65m distributed to charitable and community groups Millions – $120.0 $100.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 1,372 grants approved to 1,105 different organisations OUR INDUSTRY • 482 online retail outlets • 84 Scratch’n’Win only outlets Annual Lottery Sales per Capita (Adult) $360 $320 • $41.24m paid to Retailers in commission • Sales per capita of $332.81 $280 $240 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 7 of 109 CEO’s Report While our core mission remains to provide Western Australians with a world class lottery and to use the profits to improve the life of Western Australians, it is the positioning of the Lotterywest brand, launched in April 2003, which has guided much of our activities during 2004/05. The profile of the Lotterywest brand and its associated brand values have been reinforced as we have applied our chosen brand values to the way in which we conduct every area of our business. Lotterywest was established as the Lotteries Commission in the early years of the Depression in response to a need to control illegal gambling and raise money for Western Australians experiencing unemployment and poverty. The Government of the day recognised that the vast majority of people enjoy a “flutter” and would seek illicit opportunities if not provided with a regulated lottery. These origins continue to frame our mission to offer responsible gaming for the benefit of Western Australians. … a combination of a very positive economic climate for Western Australia and a range of product and marketing strategies, has resulted in the best year ever for Lotterywest. As I reported last year, the gambling industry has continued to grow at an incredible rate. Internet gambling - and particularly the harder forms of gambling, such as online poker, and other casino style games - is increasingly popular. Our international networks mean that we have the capacity to monitor these developments while maintaining the high standards of corporate social responsibility that we have always set ourselves. In November 2004, at the World Lottery Association Congress in Durban, I was elected to the position of Vice President of the World Lottery Association, having a few months previously fulfilled my obligation as President of the Asia Pacific Lottery Association, a position that I had held for five years. The World Lottery Association is working to develop even clearer standards of social responsibility for its members, recognising that while the industry must continue to grow to support its beneficiaries, this must be within a responsible framework. This year, a combination of a very positive economic climate for Western Australia and a range of product and marketing strategies, has resulted in the best year ever 8 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 CEO’s Report for Lotterywest. These results have enabled us to provide record amounts for our beneficiaries - our health services, arts, sports and a wide range of community and charitable organisations in Western Australia. Managing the relationship with our retail distribution network continues to be a priority for us. Changing customer expectations and shopping habits, and the changing demographic profile of both the metropolitan area and regional Western Australia has meant that an increasing proportion of our retailers have experienced little or no growth in the last three years, and in some cases their sales are declining. A greater proportion of growth of Lotterywest business is coming mainly from a small number of highly successful retail outlets located in areas of substantial population growth and rising living standards. Initiatives undertaken this year were aimed at addressing some of these issues with results to date being positive. Managing the relationship with our retail distribution network continues to be a priority for us. The launch of the new Lotterywest retail image was one of a number of strategies to help our retailers position themselves to meet modern expectations of retail presentation standards, and a pilot study undertaken in 2003 had shown that with improved levels of service from our field staff and a structured incentive program, retailers could achieve sales growth far beyond their own expectations. This result has led us to restructure the sales support area, with increased numbers in the team who provide training and field support to retailers. The retail training and development program is being reviewed, with improvements being made to the initial training offered to new retailers, and to the ongoing training and development program for existing retailers. Last year a secure website for retailers was launched providing a range of business reports that allow retailers to analyse their own sales performance and compare these with those of other retailers in equivalent areas. The take up of this website has been slower than hoped. We will promote the use of this channel during the forthcoming year, taking advantage of the improved level of service this technology allows us to offer retailers as well as providing cost savings in printing and distributing written material. We will explore ways to make it easier for retailers to obtain broadband enabled computers and provide training in their use. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 9 of 109 Our analysis of the number of outlets and terminals in our network confirms that other than in the new and developing areas (primarily in the outer Perth metropolitan area), we have a sufficient number of Lotterywest outlets to meet customer requirements and our business needs. Western Australia’s ratio of terminals/outlets per head of population is at the higher end of the benchmark for Australia and New Zealand. Because of decisions taken in the past when shopping and demographic patterns were very efficient, we find we have a number of low sales turnover outlets, particularly in the Perth CBD, Victoria Park, and the Fremantle areas. We have worked on a range of strategies to address this issue, including allowing some of these Licences to be reissued to the purchasers of businesses who can offer an improved location and where increased sales will result. This strategy will continue in 2005/06. During 2005/06 we will prepare the way for a new technology infrastructure needed to meet our future business needs. Technology is a driving force for business development in the global lottery industry as it is for many industries. A growing number of our counterparts in Europe and two of our Australian colleagues, Tattersall’s and Golden Casket in Queensland, are now offering players lottery products via the Internet. As the public becomes more and more accustomed to using the Internet for banking and to buy other goods and services, they will increasingly expect this service for our products. The experience of overseas lotteries who have introduced this service clearly demonstrates, however, that retail distribution remains by far the most important way to deliver products to customers, and this form of distribution will continue to have our primary focus. Nevertheless, as we plan our future technology infrastructure we need to consider the option of providing this service to Western Australians. During 2005/06 we will prepare the way for a new technology infrastructure needed to meet our future business needs, a critical project for the future of Lotterywest. Lottery products are distributed on proprietary gaming systems through dedicated terminals in retail outlets. The terminals and systems used by Lotterywest are now very old technology compared with the much more flexible and user-friendly contemporary systems now available. These systems have the capacity to make it relatively inexpensive for us to make changes to our games and so to continue to offer interesting and entertaining products to our players as well as improved management information. This means 10 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 CEO’s Report we will need to make a very significant investment both in cost and in staff resources in a new gaming system and terminals. The target is for implementation of mid 2007. This project – the most significant we have ever undertaken at Lotterywest - will require changes not only to the gaming system but to almost every component of Lotterywest’s business processes. It will require the highest level of skills, competencies and motivation on the part of our people. I am confident that we have these and as an organisation we have focused on new performance development programs which support our staff in their chosen career paths for the future. Our objective is to create a positive working environment and last year we launched a special program promoting a healthy lifestyle, with a focus on physical activity. All staff were offered a health check and an opportunity to participate in a range of physical activities. We believe that there will be benefits both to our staff and to the organisation in terms of healthy, active, involved staff and reduced sick leave. Our objective is to create a positive working environment and last year we launched a special program promoting a healthy lifestyle, with a focus on physical activity. Early in the forthcoming financial year, we will re-launch the first National Australian Lotto game, OZ Lotto, originally launched in 1994. We are confident that the changes, made in partnership with our colleagues in the Australian lotteries industry, will make the game significantly more attractive to our players. Other plans for the new year include the launch of new products in the first quarter of 2006 and a range of new strategies to improve the performance of the instant lottery products. Our commitment to a socially responsible approach to our business continues to influence the choice of lottery products we operate and the way in which we market these, targeting players only over 18 years. While research shows that players do not experience problems with our products, we continue to participate on a voluntary basis as a member of the Problem Gambling Support Committee led by the Director General of the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor which includes representatives of the Casino, the TAB and the Department of Community Services. Lotterywest provides an annual grant to support counselling services for problem gamblers, currently provided by Centrecare. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 11 of 109 All our business strategies are focused on three key objectives; to provide a safe yet interesting and changing form of entertainment for our players; to support our retail business partners and to improve the performance of our retail distribution network; and to continue to support our beneficiaries. We are very proud of our track record, and in particular our creative approach to Lotterywest grants in our community which has received national and international recognition. We are very proud of our track record, and in particular our creative approach to Lotterywest grants in our community….. Increasingly, Lotterywest is regarded as a business and community leader in Western Australia. This year we were particularly proud of the special Western Australian edition of Australian Philanthropy (a national journal which reaches the corporate and private philanthropic sector and many organisations around Australia) which focused on the partnership between the community, the corporate sector of Western Australia, and Lotterywest. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The buoyant economy of Western Australia (DTF Economic Summary, Summer 2004/05) provides Lotterywest the opportunity to optimise sales and growth strategies within the framework of being socially responsible. Lotterywest continues to achieve record sales growth and gain a share of the entertainment spend by consumers. However we recognise the need also to plan and deploy harm minimisation strategies in relation to problem gambling, even though all the evidence demonstrates that our range of lottery products are rarely associated with problem gambling. Our commitment is to contribute to the overall vision of a sustainable Western Australia and to; • Perform to the highest ethical, commercial and governance standards professional, • Work in partnership with others who are committed to strengthening and building the quality and well being of community life in Western Australia • Operate collaboratively and ethically to develop productive working relationships with all our stakeholders • Develop a corporate culture which encourages the unique contribution of each person 12 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 CEO’s Report • Make decisions based on the simultaneous consideration of social, environmental and economic factors We do this by: • Participating in Problem Gambling committees and forums • Incorporating responsible gaming messages in our communications to players. These include responsible play messages in game brochures, our website and selected press advertisements … we recognise the need also to plan and deploy harm minimisation strategies in relation to problem gambling….. • Encouraging an environment where consideration of those less fortunate is of concern to our staff, resulting in staff-initiated collections to raise funds for important social causes • Focusing on initiatives concerning the sustainability of our environment • Encouraging the health and wellbeing of our staff through a corporate wide health program, and staff participation in fun sporting and community events • Actively encourage volunteering amongst our staff • Monitoring international and national research on gambling trends • Operating our business to the highest ethical standards and reviewing these standards in all our operations Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 13 of 109 Our Stakeholders Stakeholders Stakeholder Expectations How we meet Stakeholders Expectations The Government • The objectives of the Lotteries • Providing funds and support to the Commission Act fulfilled and Lotterywest’s business managed in accordance with relevant legislation, Government policy and ethical standards Western Australia Community Retailers • The proceeds from Lotterywest games used for the benefit of the community of Western Australia community of Western Australia, • Maintaining excellence and integrity in our lottery business • • • • Cost efficient operations Streamlined grant making processes Monitoring feedback from beneficiaries Enhancing and improving grant making in line with changing community needs • Appropriate remuneration commensurate • Ongoing review of commission levels and • A modern, secure, risk-managed • • • • with effort technology and information infrastructure • Cost effective marketing processes which support retail sales • Ongoing access to training and industry comparisons development • A sustainable and profitable distribution network in both metropolitan and regional areas Sales performance bonus program Sound information technology practices Annual training review Ongoing review of retail network performance • Improved retailer appointment processes • Involvement in grant presentations • Inclusion in Lotterywest’s community grants role Players • A chance to dream • Engaging and entertaining games • Ready access to Lotterywest games in • Ongoing new product development • Comprehensive research including • The highest standard of business • Keeping abreast of global industry • Quality customer service at point of • Adding value to products through special • Information on the benefits to the • Publicising WA winners • Maintaining strong media relationships • Highlighting the community beneficiaries of metropolitan and regional areas integrity and transparency purchase community from Lotterywest games consumer behaviour, economic trends, customer feedback developments promotions Lotterywest games Strategic Partners “Australian Bloc” Staff • Open, forward thinking, collaborative relationship underpinned by sound business practices, good corporate governance, excellence in business process standards and ethical decision making • Open communication • Encouragement and opportunity to develop chosen career path • Regular communication and sharing of information • Common code of conduct and standards of corporate responsibility • • • • Transparency Equity in relationship Annual performance reviews Open communication – both face to face and on-line • Dynamic work culture which fosters • Flexible work arrangements • Family friendly environment • Motivation and rewards • Corporate emphasis on staff development creativity, innovation, improvement, fairness and support including further study, and acting opportunities • Active Wellness program • Lotterywest Community Voice our staff consultative committee 14 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 CEO’s Report I thank the Chairman of our Board, Clyde Bevan, and our five other Commissioners for their continued support and guidance in the past year and my staff for their continued loyalty and hard work. I record my appreciation to the Hon Nick Griffiths, LLB MLC for his contribution during his period as Minister for Government Enterprises. Finally, I thank our current Minister and Deputy Premier, the Hon Eric Ripper MLA, Treasurer; Minister for Government Enterprises; Minister Assisting the Minister for Public Sector Management who has been so actively supportive of our organisation since assuming responsibility for Lotterywest following the State elections earlier this year. JAN STEWART CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 25th August 2005 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 15 of 109 Saturday Lotto Our Games $300.0 Lotterywest achieved record sales of $520.11 million. Combined sales of national games, Saturday Lotto, OZ Lotto and Powerball, provided 82% of total sales revenue. The other major contributor was our instant lottery product sold under the brand name Scratch’n’Win which provided 16% of total sales revenue while the games of Super 66, Soccer Pools and Cash 3 contributed 2% of the total. Millions $275.0 $250.0 $225.0 $200.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 The year’s result was $15.10 million higher than the previous year and $9.61 million above the 2004/05 target. • Sales of $286.39m • $7.84m increase on 2004 • 55% of total sales revenue was generated from sales of Saturday Lotto • Record sales of $20.16m for 31st December Megadraw Saturday Lotto with a 6/45 matrix originally launched in 1979, is Lotterywest’s flagship product and provides more than 55% of total sales revenue. The performance of this game is critical to the overall success of our business. During the year sales for Saturday Lotto totalled $286.39 million - an increase of $7.84 million or 2.8% over the previous year. 28.8% of Saturday Lotto sales come from 7 events a year which are planned with our Bloc partners. These Superdraws and one Megadraw scheduled during the year, offered Division One prize pools between $18 million and $31 million again. The December Megadraw ($31m) generated sales of $20.16 million; the highest sales ever achieved for a single draw for Lotterywest. Strong player participation by our core loyal player group in base weeks, (that is weeks without a Megadraw or Superdraw, $3 million division one prize offer) is essential to the continued success of Saturday Lotto. Early in the year, evidence that some players were reducing their expenditure in base weeks, and were waiting for the next big event, prompted a review of our communication strategy for Saturday Lotto. 16 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Our Games We continued to market and promote the Slikpik 25 ticket (that is 25 games on a single ticket) as the ticket of choice and the market has responded well. The Slikpik 25 ticket accounted for over 18% of all tickets sold for Saturday Lotto. During Superdraw events this figure increased to 28% of sales and for Megadraw to almost 37%. OZ Lotto $60.0 $55.0 Millions In response to this we introduced a slightly different advertising approach, emphasising the amounts on offer to players each week and the benefits flowing to the community from their support for our games. Pleasingly, the performance of base week sales improved in the latter part of the 2004/05 financial year. By the end of the year, approximately 46% of the WA adult population played Saturday Lotto on a weekly basis compared to 44% last year. The average weekly spend on Saturday Lotto increased from $8.65 to $8.96 per player. $50.0 $45.0 $40.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 • Sales of $55.39m • $3.64m increase on 2004 • 29 jackpots in 2005 • Six division 1 winners from WA OZ Lotto, the first national Lotto game, was launched in 1994 with the same matrix as Saturday Lotto (6/45) but with a higher price per game and consequently higher dividends. While sales for this game are heavily dependent on the number and size of jackpots, strong base week sales have continued to demonstrate the support from a well established and loyal market. In 2004/05, OZ Lotto jackpotted a total 29 times, one more than last year. This contributed to a sales result of $55.39 million, $3.64 million higher than last year. As a national game, this game’s success depends on the contribution from all Lotto jurisdictions. While performing well in Western Australia, in some other States OZ Lotto sales have stagnated and even declined. Agreement was reached between the National Lotto Bloc members that key changes were necessary to reinvigorate this product. Plans for these changes are well advanced and scheduled for late in 2005. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 17 of 109 Powerball $90.0 Millions $85.0 $80.0 $75.0 $70.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 • Sales of $84.89m Powerball was launched in 1996 as a second National Lotto game, with a 5/45 + 1/45 matrix designed to jackpot to levels not achieved in other Lotto games. Powerball sales during the year totalled $84.89 million, $2.75 million higher than last year. Annual sales targets for the game were slightly higher than our end of year results as the target was based on an expectation of at least one jackpot of $30 million. During the year there were 31 jackpots, the highest being $22 million. This compared to 35 jackpots in the previous year, including one jackpot of $30 million. • Increase of $2.75m on 2004 • Game changes introduced in February 2005 – Subscription price increase – Retailer commission increase There were some changes to Powerball during the year. In February, the game price increased by 10% with subscriptions rising by 5 cents per game. At the same time the commission paid to our retailers increased from 8% to 9%. – Powerpik ticket introduced More significant to our players and for the growth of the game, however, was the introduction of the Powerpik ticket and a change to the jackpotting sequence. The Powerpik ticket, guarantees the selection of the Powerball number, that is a ticket which has 45 games with all Powerball numbers covered. This ticket has proven to be an increasingly popular way of playing the game. By the end of the year Powerpiks accounted for over 10% of all Powerball sales. With the change in the jackpotting sequence, jackpots are expected to occur more regularly and to reach higher levels. Also significant during the year was the introduction of a new advertising campaign. This light-hearted campaign depicts a fictional character called “Bob” whose dreams have been realised by a Powerball win. Since its launch the ‘Bob’ campaign has had a positive impact on base week and jackpot sales levels. 18 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Our Games Scratch’n’Win $85.0 Our Instant Lottery product was first launched in 1982 and is marketed under the brand name of Scratch’n’Win. Sales for the year continued to perform strongly and totalled $81.98 million. While this is only a moderate increase of $0.20 million over the previous year, the comparative picture was impacted by the introduction of a new billing process. In 2003/04 Lotterywest introduced, as part of the new shopfit, an eight ticket dispenser. The new dispenser was part of a wider strategy to improve the performance of the higher priced tickets. This was supported by a reduction in the number of tickets being offered at the $1 and $2 price points, an increase in the number of tickets at the $4 and $5 price points and the launch of a $7 ticket. Additionally, the $4, $5 and $7 tickets were supported with integrated marketing campaigns. All of these changes resulted in increases in sales of the high price point categories when compared to the previous year. Millions $80.0 $75.0 $70.0 $65.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 • Sales of $81.98m • Increase of $0.20m on 2004 • $3 Bonus Crossword ticket provided 49% of total Scratch’n’Win sales revenue • $7 ticket launched May 2005 In an endeavour to attract younger players (that is 18-30 year olds) to the Scratch’n’Win brand, Lotterywest trialled a new $4 ticket called Backstage Pass. In addition to the top prize of $50,000 cash, this ticket offered a bonus panel prize of a trip for two to the 48th Annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles in 2006, and was supported by a targeted advertising campaign. While our retailers gave this ticket great support in the initial weeks, overall the ticket was not successful as it did not attract younger players in the numbers hoped and had only limited appeal to our regular players. However, the campaign provided valuable information to Lotterywest on this segment of the market. Our $3 Bonus Crossword ticket continued to be our most popular ticket accounting for almost 40% of the total Scratch’n’Win sales. Also during the year we trialled a licensed ticket called Popeye at the $3 price point and themed tickets at the $4 and $5 price points. Unlike some of the previous licensed tickets we have tried, Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 19 of 109 Cash 3 Popeye proved to be very successful with many of our players recognising this cartoon character from times gone by. As a consequence of this success we are planning to launch other licensed tickets in the future the first of these being “Bewitched”, early in the new financial year, to coincide with the launch of “Bewitched” the movie. $6.0 Millions $5.0 $4.0 $3.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 • Sales of $5.87m • Increase of $0.54m on 2004 2005 The themed tickets continue to be popular, offering players both a fresh ticket face and a choice of long play and quick play mechanisms, depending on the price point. Another very successful ticket launch during the year was “The Big One”. This was the first time we had offered a ticket at the $7 price point and was very successful with its $250,000 top prize. This ticket, supported primarily with TV, press and outdoor advertising, provided a means of attracting both frequent and infrequent players. Given its success we plan to launch another at this price point during 2005/2006. Although it has a relatively small sales turnover, Cash 3, a WA State numbers game (three digit) launched in 1998 continues to have a very loyal player base. Sales for the year of $5.87 million were 10.7% above target. The promotion of this Western Australian game was mainly through the nightly television results but additional promotions in community newspapers contributed to the positive sales results. 20 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Our Games Soccer Pools $2.0 Millions $1.5 This national sports game (matrix 6/38) is based on Australian and overseas soccer results and continues to be a niche game in Western Australia. It has a small but loyal following. Sales in 2004/05 were $0.24 million (18.4%) higher than last year thanks to more frequent jackpotting compared to the previous year. There are changes being made to the game in the forthcoming year. With additional promotions of the game we are hopeful of a modest increase in sales. $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 • Sales of $1.55m • Increase of $0.24m on 2004 Super 66 Super 66 first launched in 1986 is an ‘add-on’ numbers (‘spiel’) game played as an option with the Lotto games. Players are given 6 randomly generated numbers and win a prize according to how closely these match in order to the numbers drawn. $5.0 Millions Sales for this Lotto game were slightly lower than last year confirming that the appeal of this game is waning. National sales were lower than the previous year as other jurisdictions also experienced declines. $6.0 $4.0 $3.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 • Sales of $4.04m • Decrease of $0.11m on 2004 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 21 of 109 Our Retailers Lotterywest’s success is linked to the performance of the many small businesses throughout the State which sell our products. Our retail network currently consists of 566 outlets, 482 which offer all lottery products, and 84 which sell Scratch’n’Win products only. 376 outlets are located in the Perth metropolitan area and 190 outlets are in regional and country areas, of which 82 are located in small isolated communities under our customer service policy. During the year 3 new outlets were added to the network, while 5 outlets (3 online and 2 Scratch’n’Win only) left the network. 73 outlets changed ownership and 25 outlets relocated. The partnership with our distribution network continued to be a major focus during the year with a number of initiatives introduced to improve our communications and support to Lotterywest retailers. This included improvements to our retailer newsletter, “The Link” and, more significantly, the launch of a dedicated secure website for retailers. This provides both general management information and reports specific to individual outlets enabling them to monitor their own performance in the context of the performance of the network as a whole. Earlier this year we celebrated the 100th Lotterywest shopfit, a significant milestone in the roll-out of Lotterywest’s corporate brand. At the time of writing a total of 193 shopfits had been completed, with another 200 at various stages of making the change. The distinctive blue and yellow shopfit has succeeded in bringing the Lotterywest brand into the retail environment and helping our retailers to stand out from the crowd. The shopfit has provided an opportunity to make dramatic improvements to the presentation and operation of Lotterywest outlets, including significant improvements in product merchandising. The ‘Leap’ performance improvement program (an incentive program for retailers offering cash rewards for improved sales performance) introduced in the second 22 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Our Retailers Retail Network The training of new retailers is critical to their success and to ours. Some changes were made to the 4-day induction training program for new retailers. This now includes an introductory day at Lotterywest headquarters with presentations by the executive staff as key elements. Our goal is to make sure that all new retailers are given a comprehensive understanding of our business, as well as developing their product knowledge and teaching the skills they will need in their outlets. For current retailers, we offer support in the form of quarterly retailer development sessions and business coaching. We also ran in-store terminal training sessions after business hours enabling retailers and their staff to improve their product knowledge and technical skills. Our objective is to have the best possible retail representatives and for those entering our network to be fully informed about the business they are joining. The application process for retailers joining the distribution network was further refined to achieve that goal. $40.0 590 Outlets 620 Millions half of the 2003/04 financial year continued during 2004/05. In response to retailer feedback, the sales measurement period was reduced from three months to six weeks, although the same bonus payment was available to those retailers who met their targets. In total, 87% of Retailers in the network have received a bonus for reaching or exceeding their targets. $45.0 $35.0 560 $30.0 530 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Retailer Commission No Of Outlets • 482 online outlets • 84 Scratch’n’Win only outlets • 193 new Lotterywest shopfits completed • Total sales commission of $41.25m paid to retailers • Increase in commission paid of $1.38m on 2004 • Launched dedicated retailer website • Launched retailer onsite webbased training • A total of $0.55m paid in bonuses to retailers for Leap performance program All prospective retailers are given a complete information pack (a statutory requirement under the Franchising Code of Conduct) and are required to present a business plan. All are then interviewed by a Lotterywest staff panel and given the opportunity to ask questions before an invitation is given for them to join the network. While this is an additional step in the process for both retailers and Lotterywest, we believe it is critical for our business and theirs that those intending to join our network are given the time and information they need to make an informed decision. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 23 of 109 The members of the Retailers Consultative Panel: Ms Penny Crowe Miami Lotteries & News Mr Geoff Downes Wanneroo Winners Lotto Kiosk Mr Barney McCauley McCauley’s Lottery Centre Mr Greg Mills Day by Day Newsagency Ms Virginia Scanlan Woodvale Boulevard News Mr Matt Waterhouse Bunbury Newsagency 24 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Our Retailers’ Consultative “Panel” continues to play an important role in our strategic direction and decision making, bringing a retailers’ perspective to our product marketing, sales and distribution strategies and policies. Members of the panel are chosen following an open invitation to the network to submit themselves for consideration. Six members are selected, representing a balance of small and large outlets including at least one regional representative. During the year the Panel contributed to initiatives including enhancements to the Lotterywest shopfit, communications with the network, product repositioning and communications with players and other policies impacting on our retailers. Lotterywest gratefully acknowledges the invaluable contributions of the panel members during 2004/05 and recognises their considerable input into the implementation of Lotterywest shopfit. Our Players Our Players WA Winners Saturday For many Western Australians this was the year when they won Lotto! Oz Lotto 71 Western Australian Lotto winners shared prizes totalling $74.13 million and Saturday Lotto again provided the majority of the big wins. Super 66 Pow erball Soccer Pools Among the most memorable wins during the year were the following: • A couple with three young children from Perth’s southern suburbs who won $8.5 million in a Powerball jackpot in early December. The win came just one week after the woman returned to work following the birth of their youngest child, enabling them to realise their dream of owning their own home. • A Maylands man in his mid fifties came forward to claim his $4.5 million Powerball prize a week after the draw in early March. The man had been playing Lotto for 20 years and had read about a ‘mystery Division 1 winner’ in the newspaper before realising it was him! • A $4 Million OZ Lotto winner who ‘always knew’ she’d win Lotto. The woman in her mid 30’s bought her ticket in Geraldton and planned to ‘spend big’ on a holiday, a new car and clothes as well as spoiling her family and donating to charity. Before her win her family had been struggling to pay a $900 water bill. Division 1 Winners • Saturday Lotto 59 • OZ Lotto 6 • Powerball 2 • Super 66 3 • Soccer Pools 1 • $291.35m in prizes won by Western Australians • 71 Division 1 Lotto prizes totalling $74m • 23 new millionaires • A 14 person syndicate from the Royal Perth Hospital shared a $10 million OZ Lotto prize in late September. Included on their wish lists were holiday properties, paying off mortgages, overseas trips and helping their children. One of the workers resigned immediately from his job! • A winner’s story with a difference related to Iris Curley the Meekatharra grandmother who in 2004 won a $15 million Powerball prize. The impact of her windfall for her community became apparent in 2005 when Meekatharra declined to apply to Lotterywest for emergency relief because Mrs Curley had used a substantial amount of her prize to help those in need in the town. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 25 of 109 Grants to Hospitals, Sport & Arts Support for our Health Services $100.0 A fixed percentage of all subscriptions to our games (40% of product sales after prizes are deducted equivalent to about 16% of sales) is allocated to the State’s Hospital Fund. Thanks to record sales during the year, this amount of almost $79 million, was the highest in Lotterywest’s history. While the expenditure of this is not identified as a discrete component within the health budget, this is a major contribution to the health and wellbeing of our community by WA’s lottery players. Millions $90.0 $80.0 $70.0 $60.0 2001 2002 Hospitals 2003 2004 Sports 2005 A rts • Through Lotterywest’s statutory funding, $97.64m was returned to the Western Australian community – $78m returned to Hospitals – $10m returned to the Arts – $10m returned to Sports Supporting the Arts, Sports and Recreation Our support for the arts and for sport is also determined as a fixed percentage of our lottery sales. Both areas receive 5% of our net subscriptions (equivalent to approximately 2% of sales turnover), $9.85 million each this year. This year we have worked with the Department of Sport and Recreation and the Department of Culture and the Arts in order to raise awareness of our contribution in these areas. Our aim is that those who are enjoying an artistic performance or cheering their favourite amateur sports team might be made aware that they are benefiting from Western Australia’s lottery players. The Arts Lotterywest annual support helps ensure that Western Australia continues to have a thriving arts community. The $9.85 million provided to ArtsWA provided core funding for major arts groups such as the West Australian Symphony Orchestra, the West Australian Ballet and the WA Opera Company. Others who benefited included the Perth Institute of Contemporary Art which hosts a range of diverse contemporary arts; Art on the Move which takes the visual arts and crafts to regional Western Australia and theatre groups such as Barking Gecko Theatre Company, Buzz Dance Theatre 26 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Support for our Community and Spare Parts Puppet Theatre, and Black Swan Theatre Company. The arts organisations supported by Lotterywest employ some of our State’s most creative artists across all art forms and genres, working in different communities throughout Western Australia. They include Fremantle based Kulcha developing arts in our multicultural society, DADAA working in the arts and disabilities area across the State, Steps Youth Dance Company providing young dancers with professional experiences in dance and the WA State Literature Centre supporting the development of Western Australian writing. In addition to this support for the arts made through the Department of Culture and the Arts, a significant number of Lotterywest grants were made during the year in support of community events, celebrations and for infrastructure for small cultural organisations. Lotterywest annual support helps ensure that Western Australia continues to have a thriving arts community. Perth International Arts Festival Lotterywest is the main source of funding for the University of Western Australia which runs the Perth International Arts Festival. Our grant of $4 million for the 2005 Festival was the second grant made under a commitment of up to $16 million for the 2004-07 festivals. The second Festival under the artistic direction of Lindy Hume continued to include strong community involvement and local arts organisations and to make use of regional centres. The 2005 Festival once again acknowledged Lotterywest as the Festival’s ‘Principal Partner’ in all communications and through naming rights to the opening, closing and film components. The opening event, presented under the title the Lotterywest Festival Overture, was a Festival highlight that brought together the WA Opera Company, the West Australian Symphony Orchestra and a large community choir in the Supreme Court Gardens. Similarly the Lotterywest Festival Finale saw 300 people dance together in a ‘ballroom spectacular’ in Forrest Place in Perth. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 27 of 109 The Lotterywest Film Season enjoyed attendances of almost 100,000 and was once again presented regionally as well as at the main venues, the Somerville Auditorium at the University of Western Australia and the Joondalup Pines at the campus of Edith Cowan University. Direct Grants $70.0 Millions $60.0 $50.0 Western Australian Film Industry $40.0 $30.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 • A total of $65.10m was returned to the Western Australian community as Direct Grants to charitable and community groups (excluding Grants written back) • 1,372 grants approved to 1,105 different organisations Together with the Perth International Arts Festival, WA’s film industry has been supported by Lotterywest since 1992 through an allocation provided to ScreenWest—a statutory agency of the Western Australian government. In 2004 a grant of $4 million was made as part of a total commitment of up to $12 million for the 2004-2006 period. Lotterywest support has helped a range of ScreenWest’s programs, including those which have helped maintain WA’s strengths in the areas of documentary and children’s television drama. Lotterywest’s contribution has also been vital to ScreenWest's ability to support the development of adult drama. This year ScreenWest established the Stepping Stone program in support of 50 minute drama productions and arranged and oversaw the internationally acclaimed Arista Residential Workshop, held for the first time in Western Australia. 10 feature film projects and their 10 creative teams descended into historic York, approximately 90 kilometres east of Perth, to collaborate and receive guidance from professional Script Development guru Stephen Cleary and his team. This last year has also seen Indigenous film making take a huge leap forward with a series of new funding and training opportunities being offered to Western Australian Indigenous film makers. After the critical and award winning success of a number of short films emerging from the first Deadly Yarns initiative, Lotterywest funding has provided a second 28 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Support for our Community opportunity for up to five Indigenous projects to be produced and screened again on ABC national television under the Deadly Yarns umbrella. Index (another Lotterywest funded Indigenous Initiative) will see the completion of an additional two short film projects. Overall film and television production activity has increased by 60% over the last two financial years from the previous two financial years - resulting in more Western Australian stories on national and world screens and increasing cultural and employment benefits to Western Australians. Sport and Recreation Tens of thousands of Western Australians benefit from Lotterywest’s annual contribution to the Department of Sport and Recreation. They range from young children enjoying weekend club sports to our elite athletes competing at national and international championships and the Olympic Games. In all, WA athletes won 12 Olympic medals……. In all Lotterywest provided more than $10 million through the Sports Lotteries Account for sport development in Western Australia to almost 100 State sporting associations and sporting groups representing sports as diverse as Gaelic athletics, callisthenics and cricket. This included $770,000 to support sport development initiatives in regional Western Australia. A major beneficiary is the WA Institute of Sport, whose success in developing elite WA athletes has been achieved with annual assistance from Lotterywest of $3.3 million. The 2004 Olympic Games Athens provided a showcase for this investment with 44 WAIS trained athletes included in Australia’s Olympic squad. In all, WA athletes won 12 Olympic medals in hockey, cycling, rowing, athletics and swimming, including gold medals won by WA cyclists and Australia’s national hockey team, the Kookaburras. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 29 of 109 ADVISORY COMMITTEES Voluntary advisory bodies of experts in the relevant fields provide technical and policy advice to assist Lotterywest in its grants and policy making. Their advice ensures that Lotterywest’s policies and funding decisions remain relevant and continue to ‘make a difference’ to the Western Australian community. We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the following people, who have generously provided us with expert advice, and have contributed to policy development and grants allocation in 2005. Gordon Reid For Youth Advisory Committee • Ms Deanna Giumelli • Ms Sharron Jones • Mr Daniel Morrison Social Research Technical Panel • Mr Mike Clare • Ass. Professor Ralph Straton • Ms Monique Berkhout • Prof. Sherry Saggers • Mr Evan Nicholas • Ms Janet Gunn • Prof. Tony Ryan Trails Advisory Committee • This Assessment Panel is convened by an external agency and membership changes from year to year. In addition to the funds provided Lotterywest also supports the development and maintenance of recreational walking trails through the annual $500,000 Trails Funding Program. Lotterywest Community Grants Our most direct support for our community is in the form of Lotterywest grants. Through these grants we help organisations in almost every part of the not-for-profit sector in Western Australia. Our grants range from those which support the most fundamental of welfare and emergency services to community celebrations and other developments which enhance our community for everyone. Under our legislation we are able to respond directly to grant requests from not-for-profit community organisations and local government authorities for purposes which are “charitable or benevolent”. In our grant making, we aim to be responsive, and flexible and to be a valued partner for our State’s vibrant community sector. We actively help our grant seekers to develop their projects and work with their other funding bodies and sponsors to maximise the benefits of our support. Five overarching objectives frame our grants activity and help applicant organisations to think creatively about their services and projects. Many grant requests we receive contribute to more than one of these, some even contribute to all. Extending the Capacity of Not-For-Profit Organisations These grants promote and support the organisational development of the not-for-profit sector by increasing the management and leadership skills of staff, volunteers and committee and board members. Strengthening Community Service Delivery These grants add to the infrastructure and service delivery of organisations providing important community services and activities, particularly those supporting disadvantaged people or groups. 30 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Support for our Community Enhancing Community Development Initiatives These grants support community development and community enterprise projects, and social research to improve the well being of communities and enable them to address important issues. Valuing our State’s Heritage These grants help to conserve important aspects of Western Australia’s heritage through conserving and interpreting our natural, built and cultural heritage and the recording of community histories. Advancing Participation in Community Life These grants support initiatives that encourage broad community involvement in social, cultural or recreation activities, particularly for people who face barriers to participation. Initiatives may include community facilities, events and celebrations, cultural group and special initiatives of statewide significance. We regularly review and enhance our grant making processes and policy to ensure that we are positioned to respond to changing community needs and aspirations and to complement other available funding. Examples during the year included a review of our grants finance policies, a revision of our policy in relation to organisations which are not GST registered and a review of our internal quality assurance program. Grant initiatives during the year included a program to support community participation through physical activity and enhancements to our support for telecentres, small cultural groups and for community events and celebrations. ADVISORY COMMITTEES Cultural Heritage Interpretation • This Assessment Panel is convened by an external agency and membership changes from year to year. Cultural Heritage • Mr Greg Wallace • Mr Peter Kenyon • Ms Ainslee Evans • Ms Janet Payton • Ms Karen McGay Community Histories Committee • Ms Ronda Jameison • Ms Jennie Carter • Mr Bill Cooper • Dr Alison Gregg Advisory Partnerships WA • Mr Howard Read • Mr Bruce Larson • Mr Brian Galbraith • Mr Jack Busch • Mr Joel Levin Our website is an increasingly important interface with our grants customers, and has become a primary source of information about our grants and grant making processes. The overhaul of the grants area of the Lotterywest website during the year resulted in a site that is contemporary and engaging in its look and feel, readily accessible and easy to navigate. As part of the development of a strong web-based presence we also launched ‘GrantEd’, Lotterywest’s enewsletter which provides the latest grants information, Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 31 of 109 advises of forthcoming grants seminars and showcases some of the important community projects we have been able to support. The scale, number and diversity of our grants mean that the lives of every Western Australian are in some way touched by a Lotterywest grant. During the year 1,372 grants totaling $65.1 million were made to 1,105 different organisations. A full list of organisations that received a Lotterywest grant is provided at the end of this report. The diversity of these grants is highlighted by the following few examples: The scale, number and diversity of our grants mean that the lives of every Western Australian are in some way touched by a Lotterywest grant. The Friends of Battye Library Inc lead a consortium of community organisations determined to respond to the need to preserve our State’s written history. A $3 million Lotterywest grant made during the year will enable this consortium to preserve significant historical records which are currently deteriorating and are at high risk of being permanently lost. The grant will ensure that important records including newspapers, photographs and films will be preserved and stored in a readily accessible digital format. The Heart Foundation of WA ended their long-term tenancy at Lotterywest premises in Rokeby Road, Subiaco when they received a grant for $1.808 million to purchase the premises. The building, which had been purchased in 1980 as Lotterywest’s head office, was sold in accordance with government property disposal requirements. The building had been tenanted by the Heart Foundation since 1992 along with other community organisations, including the current occupants – the Cancer Council of WA and Premier’s Physical Activity Taskforce. The premises will meet the Heart Foundation’s accommodation needs into the foreseeable future and will continue to be shared by the Foundation with other community organisations. The City of Swan embarked on a significant partnership with the Swan Districts Hospital during the year. With the support of a Lotterywest grant, the Aboriginal Mothers, Babies and Families Project will improve the quality of life of Aboriginal women and their children through culturally appropriate service delivery. The project will increase Aboriginal women’s access to maternal health services and 32 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Support for our Community aims to improve the health of babies born to Aboriginal families in the Swan area. The Men of the Trees received a grant of $55,600 to support its Million Trees Program, assisting school communities and other local community organisations involved in re-vegetation projects both in the country and in metropolitan areas. The grant helped provide shade houses, reticulation, racks and information packages and will help achieve the organisation’s goal to plant one million seedlings each year. Planned Individual Networks (PIN) helps families plan for the future care of their relative with a disability, both now and after the primary carer is no longer in a position to continue to provide the care needed. Families are helped to develop a ‘personal plan’ and mobilise community networks and other resources for the well-being, safety and security of people with disabilities. Lotterywest supported a twoyear project with a grant of $269,500. Grandparents Rearing Grandchildren is a relatively new organisation operated solely by volunteers which provides an informal meeting place for grandparents and grandchildren to come to socialise, enjoy respite and receive information and support. A grant of $3,600 during the year helped the group buy computers, office equipment and furniture. Fred Spratt honouring the memory of his father, Victor Nelson an indigenous veteran whose service to our country was posthumously acknowledged in 2003 Midland Women’s Health Care received a grant of $1.2 million in June towards the construction and fit out of a new purpose built facility on land provided by the City of Swan. This new facility will help provide better health services to over 12,000 women and their familles in the eastern suburbs and offer a much needed community meeting venue and accommodation for six smaller agencies. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 33 of 109 Australian Lottery Industry Strategic Business Relationships Annual Sales per Capita (Adult) Excluding Keno $350.00 M illio n s $300.00 $250.00 $200.00 $150.00 N SW QLD SA T AT T WA Fi v e Y r T r e nd 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 5 • Western Australia achieved sales per capita of $332.81 • An increase of 2% over 2004 Lotterywest has been a member of a consortium comprised of the other Australian lotteries since 1981, when all States except New South Wales at that time, came together to administer the Saturday Lotto game. By working together in this way, the prizes can be pooled offering the players much more attractive top prizes. There are four formal “Bloc” (the name by which this partnership is known) agreements which set the boundaries and framework for each of the national games. Each member of the Bloc contributes an equal percentage of their sales subscriptions towards the common prize pool and common dividends. Over 80% of Western Australia’s lottery revenue comes from Bloc products, making our national partnership crucial to our long-term success. With sometimes competing priorities, differences in markets and regulatory environment, joint planning can present challenges. Because the introduction of new products requires lengthy lead-time for the development of information technology, quite apart from the marketing strategy for the launch of new products, decisions about the timing of new products are complex. We continue to develop strategies that both strengthen our ties with our Bloc partners and balance our dependency on the Bloc games with State games. 34 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Business Development and Business Relationships International Networks The World Lottery Association (WLA) is an international member organisation representing 144 state authorised lotteries from 74 countries on all five continents, with combined annual revenues in excess of US$120 billion. The WLA also represents 63 lottery industry suppliers as Associate Members. The Asia Pacific Lottery Association (APLA) is one of 5 regional associations and has members throughout South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand. WLA is working to develop a clear statement of social responsibility and other industry standards for its members, recognising that while the lottery industry must continue to grow to support its beneficiaries, this must be within a responsible framework. In November 2004, at the World Lottery Association Congress in Durban, Lotterywest CEO Jan Stewart was elected to the position of Vice President of the World Lottery Association. Following her resignation from the position of President of the Asia Pacific Lottery Association, a position held for the past five years. These strong international networks mean that we have an excellent capacity to monitor global developments in the lottery industry and to contribute actively to the development and debates. The secretariat of APLA continues to be provided by Lotterywest, led by Lorraine Driscoll, Director Strategic & Financial Management. This role includes management of the association’s financial matters, custodian of members register and information, co-ordination of annual general meetings, liaison with World Lottery Association and organisation of regional conferences. These strong international networks mean that we have an excellent capacity to monitor global developments in the lottery industry and to contribute actively to the development and debates. This year we received visits from our colleagues in Taiwan and Singapore who came on study tours to look at our business practices. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 35 of 109 Our People We take pride in our continuing reputation as an “employer of choice”, evidenced by consistently high levels of responses to our recruitment advertisements and a growing number of unsolicited approaches for work experience and employment. A range of staff-related performance indicators are included in our “People and Learning” scorecard and the development of motivated, engaged and skilled staff is a strategic objective for Lotterywest. Our Working Environment We place a high value on maintaining a family friendly workplace and offer flexible working arrangements, including working from home, part time employment and special arrangements for staff responsible for dependent family members. This was further enhanced in August 2004 with additional improved conditions of employment in the government’s Government Officers Salary and Conditions Award 2004 General Agreement. All staff have access to a range of opportunities for professional and personal development opportunities. Amongst the activities offered to our staff during the year were: 36 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 • A range of professional development training programs identified in individual development plans • access to a study assistance program • opportunities to represent Lotterywest at a wide range of events associated with Lotterywest grants and lottery product launches • a Lotterywest funded Social Club which staged a variety of social activities during the year. The Social Club has also been actively involved in coordinating a number of fund raising activities to support community based charities • a formalised corporate “Wellness Program” providing access to trained health professionals to measure, monitor and support the physical and personal well being of our staff • access to an Employee Assistance Program including grief/trauma counselling services Our People • a new internal staff consultative committee known as the Lotterywest Community Voice • Access to an Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare committee We have a team of very long serving loyal staff. This has provided us with stability and we have benefited greatly from the retained experience, and wisdom of our people. It does mean that we must also ensure skills and competences remain relevant for today’s business needs and that we must plan for the development of new staff as older members begin to retire. Our staff numbers have increased during the year to resource major projects and provide improved services to our stakeholders, in particular our retailers. In 2005/06 we will make major changes to our accommodation arrangements to ensure that we can provide suitable accommodation for our staff and the additional contractors needed on various projects, particularly the replacement of our technology platform. This will also provide a greatly improved environment for our retailer services and training. O ur st af f num be r s h av e increased during the year to resource major projects and provide improved services to our stakeholders in particular our retailers. Lotterywest People Program The Lotterywest People Program includes a range of strategies to ensure that we have well trained staff with alignment of individual performance and organisational outcomes. This program incorporates a number of initiatives including: • A personal coaching program for Directors and a number of line managers • Coaching for Line Managers to improve their ability to provide feedback and coaching for their team members • Annual performance and feedback appraisals between staff and line managers against agreed key result areas and capabilities • Individual Development Plans • An employee recognition award system based on Lotterywest’s brand values • Development of Lotterywest’s Integrity in the Workplace project Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 37 of 109 Staff Statistics 2005 2004 FTE’s Approved 155.4 151.1 FTE’s Actual 159.0 153.7 Full Time Staff 169 165 Part Time Staff 19 22 Total Staff 169 165 New Staff 21 31 Resignations 9 16 Contract Cessations 8 13 This project presents an opportunity to translate our brand values into day to day work practices. Through a series of workshops, our people will embark on an exploration of the ethical dimensions of their work, guided by a framework to guide their decision-making. Ultimately, all employees will take on a personal leadership role in “living” the Lotterywest values to further enhance the overall performance of our organisation. BETTER SERVICES : BETTER PLANNING The Government’s Public Sector Annual Reporting Framework instructs Agencies to report against the Better Services: Better Planning methodology in their annual report. The following is provided to comply with these requirements. PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES Work Place Reform Staff Age Categories Females Males 16 - 20 1 2 21 - 30 9 6 31 - 40 24 18 41 - 50 29 24 51 - 60 30 17 61 - 70 6 3 Total Staff 99 70 During 2004/05 we introduced a number of enhanced employment conditions resulting from the implementation of the government’s General Agreement. This included annual salary increases of 3.8% and 3.6% which were provided across the public sector; increases in purchased leave provisions and the amalgamation of sick leave, carer’s and short leave into “personal” leave. A Joint Consultative Committee comprising of CSA/CPSU union delegates and Lotterywest executive management members in accordance with the provisions contained in the General Agreement was established in the past year. New policies and guidance notes were adopted to provide for the new conditions introduced by industrial agreement changes. Examples of these included personal leave access and approvals, new provisions around purchased leave and flexi days, and cashing in long service leave. Staff who are not members of the Union have equal access to the CEO through the recently established “Lotterywest Community Voice”. OHS and Welfare During 2004/05 Lotterywest experienced an increase in reported occupational safety and health incidents. These were largely the result of an increased number of ergonomic related incidents. 38 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Our People An external consultant was engaged to conduct a comprehensive occupational health and safety audit of Lotterywest’s work environment. The resultant report made 110 recommendations on various risks identified in our workplace. A designated project officer was appointed on a short term basis to implement the recommendations contained in the report and this will be finalised toward the end of 2005. The review of vehicle safety was completed, resulting in a new policy and mandatory training for identified staff in driver safety will commence in August 2005. Worker’s Compensation and Rehabilitation In 2004/05 Lotterywest received 12 claims for worker’s compensation and six of these claims resulted in lost time. This is a significant increase over previous years. The 236.5 days of lost time were largely attributed to two cases where more serious injuries were incurred (one was an off-site accident and the other related to ergonomics in the office environment). Independent ergonomic assessments of the work area affected have been undertaken to reduce future such incidents. In addition, the implementation of the OH&S review is expected to reduce workplace injuries through information and education of all staff and line managers. An external consultant was engaged to conduct a comprehensive occupational health and safety audit of Lotterywest’s work environment. Industrial Relations Lotterywest’s Joint Consultative Committee negotiated the terms and conditions of the 2005 Lotterywest Agency Specific Agreement which was put to ballot to Lotteywest union members, accepted and ratified by the WAIRC in January 2005. Disability Services Plan Outcomes Lotterywest continues to support its Disability Services Plan, which promotes equality of community participation and quality of life for people with disabilities. As part of this commitment, recent refurbishments have ensured that workstations have been designed to comply with disability requirements. The new Lotterywest retail identity (shopfit) incorporates disability access in two areas: the retail counter modules include a universally accessible module and the new standard issue players' bench is set at universal access height. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 39 of 109 Our representation of people with disabilities has increased from 4.1% to 5.2%, exceeding our 2005 target of 4.6%. This representation has more than doubled in a two year period. Cultural Diversity People for Culturally Diverse Backgrounds Our representation of people from culturally diverse backgrounds is 15% of total staff. This compares favorably to the Equity and Diversity Plan target of 18.4%. Our Equity Index at 78.5% is above the 2005 target of 70%. Indigenous Australians Lotterywest has allocated annual funding for specific employee programs to attract Indigenous Australians to our workforce. Currently there are no Indigenous Australians employed by Lotterywest. Our youth representation increased this year as a result of targeted recruitment initiatives aimed at increasing the representation of youth at Lotterywest. Youth Outcomes Our youth representation increased this year as a result of targeted recruitment initiatives aimed at increasing the representation of youth at Lotterywest. This year we made significant progress towards achieving our target of 4.6% of staff to be under 25 years of age. Equal Employment Opportunity Outcomes Lotterywest continues to apply its Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) principles through the EEO Plan complemented by the Human Resources Management Manual and the Industrial Agreements. There was one formal staff grievance recorded for the year. This was managed in accordance with standard grievance procedures. The representation of women in our workforce remained constant this year at 59%. Our Equity index rating compares favourably with the Public Sector. 40 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Organisation Structure Responsible for leading the identification, investigations and development of proposals for future business directions and strategies Our People Business Development ALEC JAMES Director Responsible for leading the strategic direction of Lotterywest through planning, business analysis and project management Strategic & Financial Management LORRAINE DRISCOLL Director Responsible for financial services, people management services and facilities Corporate Services GRAHAM LEWIS Director Responsible for leading our grant making and community development activities and strengthening our community life JAN STEWART Chief Executive Officer Grants & Community Development JACQUIE THOMSON Director Responsible for providing marketing of Lotterywest products and quality support to the retail network to optimise sales of these products Sales & Marketing JOHN CHEYNE Director Responsible for a critical part of Lotterywest operations - our information systems both gaming system and management information Information Services DON WHARTON Director Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 41 of 109 Board of Commissioners The composition and attendance record of the Board during 2004/05 was as follows: Board Member Lotterywest is responsible to the Minister for Government Enterprises who appoints the Lotterywest Board with the approval of state cabinet. The Board is responsible for overseeing all operations of Lotterywest, including making recommendations to the Minister on the distribution of Lotterywest grants (see Enabling Legislation). Attendance* Clyde Bevan [Chairman] 13 – 13 Roger Lewis 12 – 13 Anne Conti 11 – 13 Patricia Tassell 12 – 13 Peter Holland 12 – 13 Freda Crucitti 12 – 13 Each member of the Board is appointed to serve for a period of up to three years. The members are appointed according to their expertise in areas relevant to Lotterywest’s activities. Board members meet eleven times a year for full Board meetings. Two members, the Chairman and Commissioner Lewis are members of the Audit Committee. From time to time special Board working groups are set up for specific purposes. * Consists of 11 Routine Board Meetings, 1 Special Planning Meeting, and 1 special grants meeting. Lotterywest Board Members Mr Clyde Bevan (Chairman) Clyde Bevan was appointed Chairman of Lotterywest in March 2004. Mr Bevan has served as President of the Swan Valley Tourism Council, Chairman of the Midland and Districts Youth Committee, Chairman of the Kalamunda Senior Citizen Centre and was a Member of the Kalamunda and Districts Hospital Board. He also spent four years as a Shire of Kalamunda councillor and was a member of the Swan Valley Development Committee. Mr Bevan is an award-winning restaurateur with extensive experience in the hospitality and entertainment industry. 42 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Corporate Governance Mr Roger Lewis Roger Lewis was appointed to the Board in March 2000. After working in Melbourne, Sydney and Kuala Lumpur in accounting, finance and general management positions, Mr Lewis took up a position with Woodside Energy Ltd in Perth in 1978. In 22 years with Woodside, Mr Lewis held senior management positions in administration, commercial services, accounting and finance, retiring as Group Financial Controller in April 2000. Mrs Anne Conti Anne Conti was appointed to the Board in May 2001. Mrs Conti has many years experience in the media and many will remember her as one of Western Australia's first female news presenters. More recently Mrs Conti has managed her own media training consultancy. Between 1994 – 1996, she was a member of the Commission on Government and is currently a Board member of the Constitutional Centre of Western Australia and the Equestrian Federation of Australia WA. Mrs Conti served for four years as a councillor with the City of Swan and she has held positions including Honorary State President of Save the Children Fund and member of the Advisory Board to the State Theatre Company, the West Australian Symphony Orchestra and the WA Opera Company. Ms Patricia Tassell Patricia Tassell was appointed to the Board in December 2001. Ms Tassell is the owner and Director of The Pursuits Group. She manages a staff of 130 people providing community nursing and homecare services for aged and disabled people in Perth and Bunbury as well as a special care facility providing holiday breaks for primary carers in Bunbury. Ms Tassell also manages a permanent staff of five who operate a registered training organisation in the aged and disability fields. Ms Tassell is the Chairman of Greyhounds WA and a Director of Kingsway Financial Services Limited (a Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 43 of 109 community branch of Bendigo Bank). She held the position of Chairman of the Joondalup Youth Support Scheme for eleven years and is now a Life Member of that organisation. Ms Tassell was the inaugural Chairman of Joondalup Lotteries House Inc from 1998 until 2002. Mr Peter Holland Peter Holland was appointed to the Board in March 2002. Mr Holland is Senior Lecturer at Edith Cowan University, coordinating the Broadcasting Programme at the WA Academy of Performing Arts. He is a familiar face and voice in Perth after 40 years as broadcaster, journalist and actor. He is also well-known for his interest in the arts and his extensive community work, for which he was recognised in the Citizen of the Year Awards of 1995. Ms Freda Crucitti Freda Crucitti was appointed to the Board in March 2004. Ms Crucitti is currently the Client Services Director of an accounting and financial planning firm, Tony Tilenni and Associates. Ms Crucitti is a registered psychologist and worked for the Disabilities Services Commission between 1985 and 1996 in a variety of positions. She has extensive experience in human service delivery and community development. Ms Crucitti continues her involvement within the disability sector in her capacity as board member of Therapy Focus Inc. Ms Crucitti has been a Councillor of the Royal Automobile Club of WA since 1995 and currently holds the position of Senior Vice President. AUDIT COMMITTEE AND INTERNAL AUDIT The Audit Committee is an important part of the Board’s corporate governance responsibility. The Committee is comprised of an independent Chairman, Mr Campbell Ansell, the other members are Board Chairman Clyde Bevan and Commissioner Roger Lewis. 44 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Corporate Governance Mr Campbell Ansell Campbell Ansell is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Previously he held the position of Chairman of the national accounting firm, Duesburys. As a chartered accountant he specialised in the area of audits and investigations. He is a director of a number of public companies and has served on a number of state government boards. Lotterywest’s Internal Auditor is Ernst & Young. Lotterywest’s Internal Auditor Charter and the Internal Audit Committee Charter provide the framework for the Internal Audit function. INSURANCE PREMIUMS PAID TO INDEMNIFY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD An insurance policy has been taken out to indemnify members of the Board against any liability incurring under Section 13 or 14 of the Statutory Corporations (Liability of Directors) Act 1996. The amount of the insurance premium paid for in 2004/05 was $33,470. Board members contributed $299 to this amount. During the year senior Lotterywest staff attended seminars by WA’s Crime Corruption Committee…….. Risk Management and Corruption Prevention During the year senior Lotterywest staff attended seminars by WA’s Crime Corruption Committee on new legislation impacting this area. Lotterywest adheres to the Australian/New Zealand Risk Management Standard 4360:2004. This standard is supported by the Lotterywest Board. The Lotterywest Executive has committed organisational resources to ensure compliance. Management internal control systems monitor effectiveness of risk management. Where necessary Lotterywest’s insurers RiskCover provide expertise in strategic and operational risk. Lotterywest manage risk to ensure continuity and growth of operations within acceptable risk parameters. Lotterywest also has in place a Disaster Recovery Plan. Periodic drills and scenario activities are carried out to maintain readiness. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 45 of 109 Information Statement It is Lotterywest’s policy to provide information outside the Freedom of Information process wherever possible. During 2004/05 no Freedom of Information applications were received. Record Keeping Plans Lotterywest has an approved Recordkeeping Plan that specifies how records are created, managed and maintained over time including disposal of records. During the 2004/05 year significant steps were taken to improve the records management process and increase staff awareness of their requirements. Records management now forms part of Lotterywest’s Corporate Induction Program for new staff. This year also saw the scoping of the Retention and Disposal Project. As part of the project the Lotterywest Archives Collection was established to preserve items of value or historical significance. Complaints Handling Management Lotterywest has recently completed improvements to its complaints handling process. Lotterywest has recently completed improvements to its complaints handling process. This was built upon the framework that was developed in May 2003, and now incorporates the guidelines contained in the Australian Standard on Complaints Handling (AS 4269-1995). THE ENVIRONMENT Waste Paper Recycling In complying with Cabinet Minute 2.7 of October 1991 on Government Waste Paper recycling (”Proposal to Improve Recovery Rate”), Lotterywest has in place procedures that ensure all high grade waste paper is placed in special containers for recycling. Energy Smart Government Policy In accordance with the Energy Smart Government policy, Lotterywest has committed to achieve a 12% reduction in 46 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Corporate Governance non-transport related energy use by 2006/07. To date, interim targets have not been achieved. However, current negotiations are aimed at resolving this issue. Immediately prior to the commencement of the Energy Smart Government Program, Lotterywest had undertaken a number of significant initiatives designed to reduce energy costs through a reduction in consumption and this resulted in a 13% saving between 2001 and 2002. Since that time, all equipment additions, replacements and modifications undertaken have been designed to reduce power consumption. Since 2004, in recognition of the global concerns around carbon emission levels and their effects on climate change, Lotterywest has participated in a Carbon Neutral Program offered by The Men of the Trees organisation. This program provides Lotterywest with the opportunity to offset the carbon dioxide produced by its car fleet and at the same time help fight salinity. Baseline Data 2004/05 Actuals Var % 4,838 4,634 -4.2 147,775 141,651 -4.1 1,264 1,161 -8.1 Office Buildings MJ/SQM 2,578 2,108 -18.2 Office Buildings MJ/FTE 93,265 85,917 -7.88 Energy Consumption (MJ) Energy Cost ($) Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Tonnes of CO2) Performance Indicators THE REGIONS Lotterywest continues to build on its commitment to the development of regional Western Australia through initiatives such as: • Supporting projects through Lotterywest grants that enhance the quality and wellbeing of community life in Western Australia. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 47 of 109 • Developing and sustaining the development of small businesses in regional Western Australia through our licensing and distribution policies. • Marketing and distributing metropolitan and regional areas. products to Advertising and Sponsorship In compliance with the Electoral Act 1907, section 175ZE Lotterywest is required to report on expenditure incurred during 2004/05 in relation to advertising, market research, polling, direct mail and media advertising agencies. The required details, in accordance with Treasurer’s Instruction 903, are as follows: Expenditure with Advertising Agencies 2004/05 Marketforce $3,942,692 Expenditure with Market Research Agencies Market Equity $399,777 Expenditure with Polling Agencies N/A $0 Expenditure with Direct Mail Agencies Computer Share Document Services $31,793 Leigh Mardon $51,136 Expenditure with Media Advertising Agencies Media Decisions Total Expenditure $6,245,130 $10,670,528 Compliance with Public Sector Standards and Ethical Codes And Human Resource Management Standards Human Resource Management Standards: Lotterywest ensures compliance with the HRM Public Sector Standards by: 48 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 • Monitoring and analysis (if applicable) of any breach of standard claims. • Review by external auditors. Corporate Governance • • Continuous improvement internal HR section. Independent transaction. review of monitoring each of the recruitment All means of assessment have indicated Lotterywest is compliant with the Public Sector Standards in Human Resource Management. Compliance with Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct Lotterywest’s Code of Conduct has been widely publicised internally including through the Lotterywest Intranet. Special emphasis is placed on the Code of Conduct during the induction of new staff. Special emphasis is placed on the Code of Conduct during the induction of new staff. As a result of additional legislative requirements and the decision to roll-out an Integrity in the Workplace project in 2005/06, Lotterywest’s Code of Conduct will be reviewed and revitalised over the coming year. The new Code of Conduct will provide a framework for ethical decisionmaking in Lotterywest and guidelines based on case studies for our people to refer to as required. The most constant and effective means of monitoring compliance with the Codes of Ethics and Conduct is the leadership and management by Lotterywest's executive and line managers. Public Interest Disclosures Lotterywest received no Public Interest Disclosure claims during 2004/05. Pricing Policies on Outputs Lotterywest has discretion to adjust the prices of its products, subject to Ministerial approval. For most products, price changes are subject also to agreement by Bloc partners. Contracts with Senior Officers At the date of reporting, other than normal contracts of employment of service, no Board Members or senior officers, or firms of which Members or senior officers are members, or entities in which Members or senior officers have substantial interests, had any interests in existing or proposed contracts. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 49 of 109 Statement of Compliance Management Act s.31(1) with Public Sector In the administration of Lotterywest I have complied with the Public Sector Standards in Human Resource Management, the Western Australian Public Sector Code of Ethics and our Code of Conduct as follows: • The Lotterywest’s Human Resources Management Manual has integrated the Public Sector Standards in relevant sections and is accessible to all staff via the intranet; • The Human Resources Management Manual is accessible to all staff via the intranet and limited numbers of hard copies are also available; • Each activity involving reference to a Standard is documented in the Human Resources Management Manual while Lotterywest’s Code of Conduct, which is also included in the manual, is derived from the Public Sector Standard’s Commission’s Code of Ethics; • The process involved in the application of all Standards is formally recorded and assessed by the Manager, Human Resources and Facilities; • The Code of Conduct was adopted in 1997 through an extensive staff consultative process and is reviewed regularly; • The Manager, Human Resources monitors compliance with the Code and staff may report misconduct through the chain of command or direct to the Manager, Human Resources ; • During 2004/05 Lotterywest received no breach of standard claims. During 2004/05 Lotterywest received no breach of standard claims. LEGISLATION IMPACTING ON LOTTERYWEST Enabling Legislation The Lotteries Commission, established in 1933, currently operates under the Lotteries Commission Act 1990 (as amended) (the Act) and in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the operation of lottery games. In April 2003, under the provisions of the Lotteries 50 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Corporate Governance Commission Act, the Lotteries Commission adopted the trading name Lotterywest. Under the Act Lotterywest responsibilities and powers; has the following To conduct lotteries other than continuing lotteries in the whole or any part of the State; To conduct games of Lotto; To conduct Soccer Pools; and To perform any other function vested in it by the Act. The last function includes the important role of distributing funds to eligible organisations in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Lotterywest is responsible to the Hon Eric Ripper MLA in his capacity as the Minister for Government Enterprises. The Minister appoints a Board of Commissioners (the Accountable Authority) which is responsible for overseeing all operations of Lotterywest. One of the Board’s key responsibilities is to make recommendations, for the Minister’s approval, concerning the distribution of funds available to community organisations via Lotterywest’s Direct Grants programs. With respect to the proceeds of lottery sales the Act specifies that: • a prescribed portion of the proceeds be allocated to specific State Treasury accounts for hospitals, sports and the arts. • a prescribed portion of the proceeds be allocated and distributed directly to eligible organisations, local government authorities and not for profit community groups for benevolent and charitable purposes. The Act also specifically names as beneficiaries the University of Western Australia (for the Perth International Arts Festival) and a “body corporate” (ScreenWest) for the support of the Western Australian Commercial Film Industry. • Any residual funds, after the appropriate provisions for all remunerations, allowances, expenditures and expenses, is distributed directly to eligible organisations. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 51 of 109 Ministerial Directives The Act (Section 74) contains a provision that gives the Minister the power to direct Lotterywest with respect to its functions and powers. No Ministerial directives were received during the financial year. Other Legislation Impacting on Lotterywest In the performance of its functions Lotterywest complies with the following relevant written laws: Enabling Legislation The Lotteries Commission operates under the Lotteries Commission Act 1990 (WA) and the Lotteries Commission Regulations 1991 (WA) and in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the operation of lottery games including: • Lotteries Commission (Cash 3) Rules 1998 (WA) • Lotteries Commission Regulations 1998 (WA) (Designated Authorities) • Lotteries Commission (Instant Lottery) Rules 1996 (WA) • Lotteries Commission (OZ Lotto) Rules 1995 (WA) • Lotteries Commission (Powerball Lotto) Rules 1996 (WA) • Lotteries Commission (Saturday Lotto) Rules 1996 (WA) • Lotteries Commission (Soccer Pools) Rules 1996 (WA) • Lotteries Commission (Super 66) Rules 1996 (WA Other Legislation Impacting on Lotterywest • Competition Policy Reform (WA) Act 1996 (WA) • Copyright Act 1968 (Cwth) • Corporation Act 2001 (Cwth) • Criminal Code Act 1913 (WA) and Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cwth) • Disability Services Act 1993 (Cwth) 52 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Corporate Governance • Electoral Act 1907 (WA) • Electronic Transactions Act 2003 (WA) and Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cwth) • Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA) • Fair Trading Act 1987 (WA) • Financial Administration and Audit Act 1985 (WA) • Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA) • Gaming and Betting (Contracts and Securities) Act 1985 (WA) • Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 (WA) • Gaming and Wagering Commission Lotteries Levy) Act 2000 (WA) (Continuing • Industrial Relations Act 1979 (WA) • Limitation Act 1935 (WA) • Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993 (WA) • Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (WA) • Public Sector Management Act 1994 (WA) • Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 • Crime Corruption Commission Act 2004 • Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 (WA) • Spam Act 2003 (Cwth) • State Records Act 2000 (WA) • State Supply Commission Act 1991 (WA) • Statutory Corporations (Liability of Directors) Act 1996 (WA) • Superannuation Act 1990 (Cwth) • Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cwth) • Trustees Act 1962 (WA) • Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 1981 (WA) • Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cwth) In the financial administration of Lotterywest, we have complied with the requirements of the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1985 and other relevant written law, and exercised controls which provide reasonable assurance that: the receipt, expenditure and investment of moneys; the acquisition and disposal of public property; and incurring of liabilities have been in accordance with legislative provisions. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 53 of 109 At the date of signing, we are not aware of any circumstances that would render the particulars included in this statement misleading or inaccurate. Publications Available to the Public The following publications, relating to the activities of Lotterywest, are available to the public from Lotterywest’s headquarters: Lotteries Commission Enabling Legislation Rules governing the operation of lottery games 2003-2005 Strategic Plan Lotterywest Information Statement Lotterywest also maintains a web site for the information of the public….. “How to Play” brochures “Introducing Lotterywest” Lotterywest also maintains a web site for the information of the public, this is available at: and includes information on our organisation, game results and grants information. 54 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Planning & Business Development PLANNING & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Our planning and strategy aims are to ensure that Lotterywest has the structures to operate our business effectively with the foundations for a sustainable future. In our endeavour to continuously improve our effectiveness and efficiency in the use of our resources, Lotterywest recently completed an organisational restructure. This resulted in the formation of two new and distinct, yet related directorates, Strategic and Financial Management Services; and Business Development. In our endeavour to continuously improve our effectiveness and efficiency in the use of our resources, Lotterywest recently completed an organisational restructure. The focus of these two business units is to ensure that the integration of planning and business development together contribute to a sustainable future for Lotterywest and includes operations relating to: • Aligning our planning to the State Strategic Planning Framework • Effective collaborative functionality between business development and planning • Review and realignment of Strategic and Corporate Planning, including Lotterywest Business Plan • The use of Business Intelligence for analysis and decision-making; including strategy formulation • Effective resource allocation and utilisation through the operations of the Project Office • The monitoring and reporting of Key Performance Indicators • The identification of appropriate distribution methods of lottery products and services. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 55 of 109 Future Technological Advancements Both the central gaming system and the network of terminals have exhibited world-class standards of reliability and integrity and have met an extremely onerous availability target of 99.90% of set trading hours. Our business, and in particular the operation and distribution of our lottery games, relies on a sophisticated and specialised technology platform. A central gaming system at Lotterywest headquarters is linked online to lottery terminals in every outlet selling our Lotto products. This gaming system and our business systems environment have provided excellent service over the last year. Both the central gaming system and the network of terminals have exhibited world-class standards of reliability and integrity and have met an extremely onerous availability target of 99.90% of set trading hours. This result has been achieved by means of a risk-averse design philosophy underlying system implementation and configuration, a high standard of change control and rigorous operational control processes. Extensive preventative maintenance programs have extended the reliability of the terminals while a focus on Retailer training has reduced the potential for terminal failure due to inappropriate use. Despite these achievements it is clear that the technology environment that has served us well for the last five years is unlikely to do so for the next five years. The technology is approaching the end of its inherent lifetime, and perhaps more importantly, is increasingly unsuitable to meet the changing requirements of our business. Management Information Systems and Enterprise Resource Planning In addition to the gaming system, Lotterywest is exploring the need to update the information technology architecture which supports our business processes in the areas of Finance, Human Resources, Workflow, Management Information Systems, Business Intelligence Systems and Customer Relationship Management Systems. 56 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Planning & Business Development The need to progress to a single consolidated system which incorporates all of the business to achieve maximum benefit from our investments in technology while maintaining data integrity is clearly evident. The take up of enterprise resource planning systems is increasing as organisations continue to work towards enhanced productivity within existing cost restraints. In response, during the year we began the process of scoping our technology requirements for the next ten years. As highlighted earlier in this report, the implementation of a new technology platform will affect every part of our business and will be one of the most challenging projects Lotterywest has ever undertaken. Consumer expectations for the delivery of our products and services are changing with an increasing take up of new technology by our players. For Lotterywest as for most businesses, this is forcing major changes in business processes as well as putting pressure on cost structures through the need to continually invest significant funds in technology and changing service delivery models. ….. the implementation of a new technology platform will affect every part of our business and will be one of the most challenging projects Lotterywest has ever undertaken. Product Development The Australian lottery industry has been regarded as a mature market now for a number of years with limited opportunities for growth. The type of product offered varies minimally in game mechanics (eg lotto style games with varying sequence and jackpot levels) and the distribution of products remains primarily through either kiosk or newsagency based small businesses. The overall cost of selling our products (advertising and promoting) continues to increase whilst the level of sales growth is relatively small. Early in the new financial year, we will see a relaunch of the first national Australian Lotto game, OZ Lotto, which was first launched in 1994. We are confident that these changes, made in partnership with our Bloc colleagues, will improve the game and make it more attractive to the players. The global gambling industry (particularly casino and online gambling) has continued to grow rapidly. The Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 57 of 109 The lottery industry is at a critical stage in its development, facing more competition today than at any time in the industry’s history 58 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 lottery industry is at a critical stage in its development, facing more competition today than at any time in the industry’s history. Internet gambling, particularly the harder forms of gambling, casino style gambling, online poker, and other casino style games have become increasingly popular. We will continue to monitor the industry and seek new and alternative ways to operate our business effectively and efficiently. Planning & Business Development Strategic Planning Framework – Lotterywest makes a significant contribution to all State Goals People and Communities Community Financial Players & Retailers Business Processes People and Knowledge Giving to the community, stimulating the economy and funding community projects Optimising community funding through prudent financial management of revenues and costs Meeting the needs of players through product innovation and distribution, creating jobs for West Australians Environment 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Ensuring efficiency, transparency and accountability in processes and systems Right leadership, right people, better skills, training and education in our workforce Economy 9 9 9 Governance Regional 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 The above describes the contribution Lotterywest makes toward the goals and outcomes in the State Planning Framework. Each of the 5 components of the Lotterywest Balanced Score Card on the left, is aligned toward the 5 Goals of the State Planning Framework, at the top of the table. 9 indicates a direct contribution to the goals in the State Planning Framework, while 9 indicates an indirect relationship. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 59 of 109 STRATEGIC PLAN 2004/2007 PERFORMANCE MEASURES COMMUNITY AND CUSTOMER To achieve our strategic intent, we meet the needs of the community and our customers PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Grant payments as a % of total sales % of adult population buying our products Desired Outcomes Meeting statutory and direct community funding requirements 2005 2005 Actual Target 31.07% 30.4% Lotterywest continues to exceed its target of providing funds to the community of Western Australia 82.0% 81.5% Improved branding, promotional activity and awareness of lottery products and our role in the community have contributed to this result Loyal player base % satisfied with Customers highly service relating to satisfied with service Grants & levels Community Development 92.9% 90.% Notes Lotterywest Grants and Community Development continue to maintain high levels of client satisfaction BUSINESS PROCESS AND INNOVATION To satisfy our stakeholders and customers, we excel in our business processes PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Desired Outcomes Innovative and Total operating Expenses as a % responsive business development of sales 2005 2005 Notes Actual Target 6.72% 6.90% Improved business processes resulted in reduction of expenses 3.36% 3.22% Higher than anticipated costs for point of sale material (linked to the rollout of the new Lotterywest shopfit) and product marketing and promotion 99.9% 99.9% Target Achieved Marketing and distribution costs as a % of sales Optimal marketing and distribution of products and services Management Information Systems uptime Secure continuous and quality information technology service delivery % agreement with efficiency of grant making process Effective and efficient grant making 92.6% 90.0% Improvements and enhanced business processes across Lotterywest contributed to higher levels of grant making effectiveness % agreement with effectiveness of grant making process Effective and efficient grant making 92.4% 90.0% New and improved business processes to ensure effective grant making have contributed to Lotterywest exceeding its target 60 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Annual Report 2005 PEOPLE AND LEARNING To achieve our strategic intent, we optimise our ability to change and improve PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Staff Turnover % of payroll invested in staff training and development Desired Outcomes 2005 2005 Notes Actual Target Outstanding staff motivated and engaged with our business 10% 10% Target achieved resulting in a balance of new and experienced staff representing the organisation Outstanding staff motivated and engaged with our business 2.72% 3.25% An increase in project related work limited the capacity of staff to attend corporate training activities FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE To satisfy our stakeholders, we optimise our financial performance PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Total sales as % of Household Disposable income Desired Outcomes Optimise product sales Minimise costs of Total gaming expenses as a % raising funds of sales 2005 2005 Notes Actual Target 1.36% 1.33% Higher than expected sales result contributed to this slightly favourable performance 6.01% 6.16% Retailer first initiative aimed at improving support to the network and improved business processes resulted in reduction of expenses Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 61 of 109 OUTPUT SUMMARY TABLES Outcome Number 1 – Lottery 2005 Actual 2005 Target Explanation of Significant Variation between Actual and Target Quantity Total Product Sales $520.11M Lotterywest continues to increase sales and thereby $510.49M provide additional funding to the community of Western Australia. Quality Access to products Adult population per terminal (country ) Adult population per terminal (metro) Access to product information (average hours available per week) 2,784 2,749 Result is within normal measurement tolerances 1,743 1.720 Result is within normal measurement tolerances Office Hours 86 hrs 86 hrs Target Achieved Telephone Results 168 hrs 168hrs Target Achieved Internet 168 hrs 168 hrs Target Achieved 99.9% 99.9% Despite external factors, such as interruptions to power supply, Lotterywest was able to maintain the gaming system at the targeted levels 42.5 hrs 42.5 hrs Despite external factors Lotterywest was able to meet targeted trading hours per week. $0.71 $0.71 Gaming System availability Timeliness Trading hours per week Cost Total Cost of gaming operations (including prize liability) per $ of total product sales 62 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Improved efficiencies and enhanced business processes helped meet this cost target. Annual Report 2005 Outcome Number 2 – Community Funding Outcome: Output: Output Description: Lotterywest is required to provide funding to specific Government departments and to a wide range of community groups to enable them to achieve their outcomes for the Government and the community. Community funding allocations. Provide funding to specific Treasury accounts (as defined in the Act) and promote, identify, assess and distribute funds to eligible organisations for approved purposes in accordance with the Act. Community Funding 2005 Actual 2005 Target Explanation of Significant Variation between Achievement and Target Quantity Total Funding - Health, Arts & Sports (as $97.64 M specified in the Act) - Direct Grants (including grants to UWA Perth International Arts $63.96 M Festival and ScreenWest) $95.74M $59.60M Lotterywest was able to increase funding to its statutory recipients and exceed the target as a result of better than forecast sales for the year. Lotterywest was able to provide more grant funding to the community of Western Australia and exceed its target due to higher product sales than forecast. Quality Access to Information (average hours available per week) - Office Hours per week 42.5 hrs 42.5 hrs Target achieved - Internet per week 168 hrs 168 hrs Target achieved 87.0% 80.0% Increased efficiencies and business processes in processing grants, contributed to the improved result in this area. 5.69% 6.34% The decrease in costs associated with administering grants is primarily due to efficiencies in grant administration and an increase in grants approved Timeliness % of general direct grant applications* assessed within 3 month of acceptance Cost Grants administration costs as % of Total $ of grants assessed Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 63 of 109 64 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Annual Report 2005 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 65 of 109 Key Performance Indicators (Audited) Key Performance Indicators are provided for both outcomes of Lotterywest as follows: To provide the public of Western Australia with a range of lottery products (consistent with the Government’s gaming policy) in order to meet their need for this form of entertainment; and To provide funding to bodies prescribed in the Lotteries Commission Act 1990 (as amended) to enable them to achieve their outcomes for the benefit of the Western Australian community. In accordance with Treasurer’s Instruction 904, these indicators have been selected as fulfilling the required qualitative characteristics; relevance, appropriateness, verifiability, freedom from bias and quantifiability. The indicators are supported by explanatory notes where necessary. Two distinct types of indicators are identified: Effectiveness indicators - measure the extent to which outcomes are achieved; and Efficiency indicators - compare resources input against resulting outputs. The inputs to Lotterywest performance indicators are generally resources, however in measuring the performance of the community funding function the inputs include lottery product revenues, which is an output from selling lotteries products. The resources used by Lotterywest are the expenses incurred in raising revenue (selling lotteries products) and distributing funds (the community funding function). The outputs of Lotterywest are the provision of lotteries products (measured as sales revenues) and the provision of funds to the community of Western Australia. These are also shown in the Output Summary Tables of this Report. Lotterywest uses population figures provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in calculating its performance indicators. The total population of Western Australia is used for Community Funding Indicators as all Western Australians obtain benefit from the community funding grants programs. Conversely, only the adult population figures are used for Lottery Product Indicators as only adults are permitted to purchase lotteries products. 66 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Annual Report 2005 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR TABLES Community Funding Indicators Note s 2005 Actual 2005 Target 2004 2003 2002 2001 Effectiveness Total Approved Funding per Capita a,b, $81.23 $77.53 $77.12 $73.97 $70.11 $71.39 c 31.29% 30.43% 30.19% 29.55% 29.81% 29.88% d $2.27 $2.33 $2.34 $2.42 $2.43 $2.44 Efficiency Total Approved Funding as % of Sales Total Costs per $ of Approved Funding Lottery Product Indicators 2005 Actual 2005 Target 2004 2003 2002 2001 a,e, $332.81 $326.65 $327.50 321.03 302.82 308.84 f 36.05% 36.05% 36.20% 35.25% 34.23% 33.83% g 6.01% 6.16% 6.20% 6.01% 6.10% 5.98% 2005 Target 2004 2003 2002 2001 Notes Effectiveness Total Sales per Adult Trading Profit as a % of Sales Efficiency Gaming Expenses as a % of Sales Base Data 2005 Actual Total Population (M) 2.0036 2.0036 1.9770 1.9608 1.9334 1.9056 Adult Population (M) Total Funding excluding write backs ($M) Sales ($M) Costs ($M) * Trading Profit ($M) * 1.5628 1.5628 1.5420 1.5290 1.5015 1.4740 162.74 155.34 152.47 145.03 135.56 136.04 520.10 369.11 187.50 510.49 361.69 184.02 505.01 356.80 182.80 490.85 350.41 173.06 454.69 329.79 155.69 455.24 331.38 154.03 31.26 31.43 31.33 29.52 27.75 27.21 Gaming Expenses ($M) * For the purpose of these Indicators, Goods and Services Tax has been excluded from Costs and Trading Profit calculations. (a) Base data population figures are sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics publication - ABS POPULATION PROJECTIONS 3222.0 2002 TO 2101. b) This measure relates to Lotterywest’s Statement of Intent “to provide funds and support to the community of Western Australia…” Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 67 of 109 The favourable sales result for 2005 of $520.10M enabled the indicator target to be exceeded and the return of $162.74M (excluding write backs) to the WA community; an increase of $10.27M from 2003/04. (c) This measure shows the efficiency of Lotterywest in converting its sales revenue to community funding. This year Lotterywest was able to approve 31.29% of sales as funding for the community, well above the target of 30.43%. This target is also in excess of the Act governing the Lotteries Commission that calculates that approximately 27.5% of sales must be returned in funding to the Western Australian community. (d) This measure shows the extent to which Lotterywest has maximised community funding allocations and contained growth in expenditure. Total costs include prizes, retailer’s commissions, gaming expenses and grants administration expenses. Despite the expensing of costs associated with the redesign of Lotterywest retail outlets, this performance measure and favourable to target result has continued to improve as a consequence of enhanced processing efficiencies across all areas of operations and cost containment. (e) This measure shows the effectiveness of Lotterywest in promoting and communicating its product message to the adult population and the subsequent attractiveness of the Lotterywest’s products to the players. Note: adult population refers to the number of Western Australians of 16 years and over. This age group is permitted, by the Act, to purchase Lotterywest’s products The record sales result of $520.11 million is $15.10 million greater than last year and $9.60 million above the 2004/05 sales target. This performance contributed to the favourable to target result. The national games of Saturday Lotto, Oz Lotto and Powerball combined provided 82% of total sales revenue. The other major contributor was Scratch’n’Win which provided 16% of total sales revenue while the games of Super 66, Soccer Pools and Cash 3 contributed 2%. (f) This measure shows the effectiveness of Lotterywest in generating surpluses from sales revenues. Trading profit is total sales revenue from lottery products less prizes and retailers’ commissions paid. Goods and Services Tax has been excluded from the calculations of these indicators. The surpluses are then available for distribution to the community subsequent to the deduction of the Lotterywest’s operating costs and making appropriate provisions for future capital expenditures. Performance was in line with target. (g) This indicator shows the rate at which Lotterywest expenses funds in generating sales revenues. Gaming expenses are the total operating expenses excluding grants administration expenses and the carrying amount of non-current assets disposed of during the year. The favourable to target result of 6.01% was largely the result of cost containment and enhanced processing efficiencies. 68 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Annual Report 2005 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 69 of 109 70 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Statement of Financial Performance For the year ended 30 June 2005 Revenue from Ordinary Activities Revenue from Operating activities Trading Profit Interest Forfeited Prizes Retailer Fees Player Registration Service Fee Revenue from non-operating activities Proceeds from Disposal of Non-Current Assets Other Revenue from Ordinary Activities Notes 2005 $000 2004 $000 2 3 4 5 166,708 11,028 4,849 2,778 595 162,618 9,119 5,270 2,496 727 6 7 1,803 234 0 112 187,995 180,342 1,144 5,480 5,551 1,567 12,367 5,136 19 1,039 6,246 5,539 2,005 12,522 3,916 34 31,264 31,301 Total Revenue from Ordinary Activities Expenses from Ordinary Activities Expenses from Lotteries Operations Building & Facility Management Corporate Management Gaming System Management Non-Gaming System Management Product Management Retail Network Management Carrying amount of non-current assets disposed of 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total expenses from Lotteries Operations Expenses from Grants & Community Development Carrying amount of non-current assets disposed of Expenses from Grant & Community Development 6 16 1,536 3,706 0 3,278 Total Expenses after Grants & Community Development Expenses Community Funding 17 36,506 161,604 34,579 151,256 198,110 185,835 Total Expenses from Ordinary Activities Loss from ordinary activities before grants ands subsidies from State Government 18 (10,115) (5,493) Grant and subsidies from State Government 18 20,801 20,172 10,686 14,679 725 725 0 0 11,411 14,679 Net Profit Net increase in asset revaluation reserve Total revenues, expenses and valuation adjustments recognised directly in equity TOTAL CHANGES IN EQUITY 26 Other than those resulting from transactions with WA State Government as owners The Statement of Financial Performance should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 71 of 109 Statement of Financial Position As at 30 June 2005 Current Assets Cash at Bank Receivables Inventories Other Financial Assets Notes 2005 $000 2004 $000 28 21 20 19 4,961 11,871 1,205 139,786 4,880 24,155 865 132,683 157,823 162,583 17,654 3,781 22,000 20,133 3,396 12,000 43,435 35,529 201,258 198,112 13,273 70,526 4,994 3,220 13,748 27,703 64,856 6,296 3,155 12,266 105,761 114,276 1,068 818 106,829 115,094 94,429 83,018 1,086 93,343 598 82,420 94,429 83,018 Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Work in Progress Other Financial Assets 23 22 19 Total Non-Current Assets Total Assets Current Liabilities Payables Prizes Community Funding Other Sales in Advance Provisions Total Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Provisions 24 24 24 25 25 Total Liabilities Net Assets Equity Revaluation Reserve Retained Profits 26 26 Total Equity The Statement of Financial Performance should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. 72 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended 30 June 2005 2005 $000 2004 $000 529,066 10,703 530 511,471 8,887 363 (335,108) (32,032) (57,230) (12,026) (9,389) (316,733) (32,714) (48,045) (11,658) (9,293) Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 94,514 102,278 Cash Flows from Investing Activities Purchase of Non-Current Assets Proceeds from sales of Non-Current Assets Sale/(Purchase) of Investments (1,315) 1,803 6,992 (1,582) 0 3,000 7,480 1,418 Cash Flows (to)/from State Government GST reimbursements Payments to Consolidated Fund 20,885 (98,703) 20,003 (93,810) Net Cash Provided by State Government (77,818) (73,807) 24,176 29,889 120,571 90,682 144,747 120,571 Notes Cash Flows from Operating Activities Receipts Sale of Goods & Services Interest Received GST Receipts on Sales Payments Prizes and Retailers’ Commissions Suppliers and Employees Community Funding GST Payments on Purchases GST payments to Taxation Authority Net Cash Provided by Investing Activities Net Increase in Cash Held Cash Assets at beginning of Financial Year Cash Assets at end of Financial Year 28 The Statement of Financial Performance should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 73 of 109 Notes to Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2005 1. Significant Accounting Policies The following accounting policies have been adopted in the preparation of the financial statements. Unless otherwise stated these policies are consistent with those adopted in the previous year. General Statement The financial statements constitute a general purpose financial report which has been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, Statement of Accounting Concepts and other authorised pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board, and Urgent Issues Group (UIG) Consensus views as applied by the State Treasurer’s Instructions. Several of these are modified by the Treasurer’s Instructions to vary application, disclosure, format and wording. The Financial Administration and Audit Act and the Treasurer’s Instructions are legislative provisions governing the preparation of financial statements and take precedence over Australian Accounting Standards, Statement of Accounting concepts and other authorised pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board and UIG Consensus views. The modifications are intended to fulfil the requirements of general application to the public sector together with the need for greater disclosure and also to satisfy accountability requirements. If any such modification has a material or significant financial effect upon the reported results, details of that modification and, where practicable, the resulting financial effect, are disclosed in individual notes to these financial statements. Basis of Accounting The financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting using the historical cost convention, with the exception of certain non-current assets which, subsequent to initial recognition, have been measured on the fair value basis in accordance with the option under AASB 1041(5.1) (see notes 1(e) and 22). a) Revenue recognition Sales revenue representing gross sales of all games of Lotto, Cash 3, Soccer Pools and Super 66, is recorded as at the date of the respective draw. Sales of instant lottery tickets are recorded when books of tickets are issued to Retailers. However, this policy changed on 23 May 2005 for Instant lottery tickets where sales are recognised when books of tickets are activated. The reason is to closer allign revenue recognition to the point of sale activity. Interest from investment is recognised at the amount due and receivable at year end. b) Acquisitions of Assets The cost method of accounting is used for all acquisitions of assets. Cost is measured as the fair value of the assets given up or liabilities undertaken at the date of acquisition plus incidental costs directly attributable to the acquisitions. Assets acquired at no cost or for nominal consideration are initially recognised at their fair value at the date of acquisition. c) Depreciation of non-current assets All non-current assets having a limited useful life are systematically depreciated over their useful lives in a manner which reflects the consumption of their future economic benefits. Depreciation is provided on the straight-line basis, using rates which are reviewed annually. Useful lives for each class of depreciable asset are: Buildings (excluding Land) Equipment and Fittings Computer Equipment Computer Software 50 years 5 to 10 years 5 to 8 years 5 to 8 years Works of art owned by Lotteries Commission are anticipated to have very long and indeterminate useful lives. Their service potential has not, in any material sense, been consumed during the reporting period. Consequently, no amount for depreciation has been recognised in respect of these assets. 74 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Notes to Financial Statements d) Work in Progress No depreciation is provided during construction of Assets or on holding costs of Community Projects that are subsequently transferred as a direct grant. Costs associated with assets under development for use by Lotteries Commission are recognised as work in progress. Once completed, the assets are transferred to the appropriate asset account and are depreciated or amortised, as appropriate. e) Revaluation of Property, Plant and Equipment With the introduction of AASB 1041, Lotteries Commission agreed on a policy of valuing property and works of art at fair value, with all other assets being valued at cost. The annual revaluations of Lotteries Commission’s property undertaken by the Department of Land Information (valuation service) are recognised in the financial statements if they differ materially from the carrying value. f) Leases Lotteries Commission has a whole of government operating lease arrangement for motor vehicles, where the lessors retain effectively all of the risks and benefits incident to the ownership of the leased vehicles. Equal instalments of the lease payments are charged to the Statement of Financial Performance over the lease term, as this is representative of the pattern of benefits to be derived from the leased vehicles. g) Inventories Inventories are valued, on the first-in first-out basis, at the lower of cost or net realisable value. h) Receivables Accounts receivable are recognised at their face value as they are generally due for settlement no more than thirty days from the date of recognition. The extent to which receivables are expected to be collectable is reviewed on an ongoing basis. Debts, which are known to be uncollectable, are written off. A provision for doubtful debts is raised when some doubt exists as to collection. i) Investments Investments are brought to account at cost. If there is a permanent diminution in the value of investments, a provision for diminution is made. j) Net Fair Values of Financial Assets and Liabilities Financial instruments traded in an organised financial market (traded securities) are valued on the basis of current quoted market value. Monetary financial assets and liabilities not traded in an organised financial market are valued on the cost basis of carrying amounts of receivables, payables and accruals (which approximates net market value). k) Payables Payables, including amounts not yet billed, are recognised when Lotterywest becomes obliged to make future payments as a result of a purchase of assets or services. Other than payables in respect of prizes and grants (see 1(l) and 1(m)), settlement generally occurs within 30 days. l) Prizes Division 1 prizes are paid two weeks after the date of the draw, subject to claim. The majority of other prizes are claimed and paid within a few days of the draw taking place. Revenues and prize liabilities are recognised by draw for Lotto, Super 66, Cash 3 and Soccer Pools and by shipment to Retailers for instant lotteries. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 75 of 109 Notes to Financial Statements m) Grants to Eligible Organisations Grants are recognised when approved by the Minister. Unconditional grants are paid in full within days of the Minister’s approval. Conditional grants are paid as and when conditions are fulfilled. If a grant is refunded but it is expected that it will be reissued, the amount is credited to the grant liability, otherwise the amount is written back. When a grant is written back regardless of when it was approved, it is treated as a reduction of the current year’s grant expenditure. n) Employee Benefits Annual Leave This benefit is recognised at current remuneration rates plus on costs and is measured at the amount unpaid at the reporting date in respect to employees’ service up to that date. Long Service Leave A liability for long service leave is recognised, after three years’ service, and is measured at current remuneration rates plus on costs, but taking account of any expected future pay increases. Superannuation Staff may contribute to the Pension Scheme, a defined benefits pension scheme now closed to new members, or to the Gold state Superannuation Scheme, a defined benefit lump sum scheme now also closed to new members. All staff who do not contribute to either of these schemes become non-contributory members of the West State Superannuation Scheme, an accumulation fund. The Lotteries Commission contributes to this accumulation fund in compliance with the Commonwealth Government’s Superannuation Guatantee (Administration) Act 1992. All of these schemes are administered by the Government Employees Superannuation Board (GESB). The Pension Scheme and the pre-transfer for employees who transferred to the Gold State Superannuation Scheme are unfunded and the liability for future payments are provided for at reporting date. The liabilities for superannuation charges under the Gold State Superannuation Scheme and West State Superannuation are extinguished by payment of Lotteries Commission contributions to the GESB. The note disclosure required by paragraph 6.10 of AASB 1028 (being Lotteries Commission’s share of the difference between employees’ accrued superannuation benefits and the attributable net market value of plan assets) has not been provided. State scheme deficiencies are recognised by the State in its whole of government reporting. The GESB’s records are not structured to provide the information for Lotteries Commission. Accordingly, deriving the information for Lotteries Commission is impractical under current arrangements, and thus any benefits thereof would be exceeded by the cost of obtaining the information. Employee benefit on-costs Associated payroll and worker compensation insurance on costs were included in the determination of the provisions. o) Accrued Salaries Accrued salaries represent the amount due to staff but unpaid at the end of the financial year and are normally included in other creditors and accruals. p) Resources received free of charge or for nominal value Resources received free of charge or for nominal value which can be measured reliably, are recognised as revenues and as assets or expenses, as appropriate, at fair value. q) Foreign Currency Translation and Hedges Transactions denominated in a foreign currency are translated at the rates in existence at the dates of the transactions. Foreign currency receivables and payables at reporting date are translated at exchange rates current at reporting dates. Exchange gains and losses (if any) are brought to account in determining the result for the year. 76 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Notes to Financial Statements r) Comparative figures Comparative figures are, where appropriate, reclassified so as to be comparable with the figures presented in the current financial year. s) Rounding Amounts in the financial statements have been rounded to the nearest thousand dollars, or in certain cases, to the nearest dollar. t) Retailer Interest Free Loans Under the terms and conditions of the Lotteries Commission Shopfit project, Retailers may apply for an interest free loan to assist in the undertaking of required works. These loans are managed through the Commonwealth Bank with interest being paid by Lotteries Commission. u) Disclosing the Impact of Adopting Australian Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (AIFRS). A working group has been established to oversee Lotteries Commission’s readiness for implementation of IFRS. The working group comprises of senior finance staff members who are responsible for the financial reporting and development of accounting policies in compliance with the Australian Accounting Standards. The working group provides progressive reports to the Director, Corporate and Financial Services and the Audit Committee. Training has also been provided to the working group by attending the IFRS seminars conducted by the professional Accounting firms and the Department of Treasury and Finance. There are no significant impacts to Lotteries Commission’s financial reporting and changes to accounting policies in regard to the adoption of ‘Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards’. The following are a summary of some of the changes that are required as a result of the adoption of the ‘International Financial Reporting Standards’. AASB 1 – First-time Adoption of Australian Equivalent to International Financial Reporting Standards This requires preparation of an opening Balance Sheet at 1 July 2004 and also disclosure of 2004/05 financial report comparatives. AASB 102 – Inventories This requires a new class, ‘inventories held for distribution’. This applies to inventories held for distribution to Lotterywest Retailers. AASB 116 – Property, Plant and Equipment This requires Property to be measured at fair value. Currently, all Lotteries Commission properties are stated at fair value. AASB 119 – Employee Benefits Currently, Lotteries Commission only provides annual leave and long service leave for employees. Although the standard requires employee benefits to include sick leave and other non-monetary benefits that are payable 12 months or more after the end of the reporting period. However, these benefits are immaterial in value based on historic records. The change also includes the measurement of employee benefit liabilities which must be stated at present value. The employees’ on costs (payroll tax and workers’ compensation insurance) will now be classified under other provisions instead of provision for employees’ benefits. Management have reviewed the quantitative impacts using their best estimates available at the time of preparing the 30 June 2005 financial statements. From its review, it is anticipated that there are no significant impacts on the Lotteries Commission’s financial statements for adopting AIFRS. However, this may change in circumstances where the accounting standards and /or interpretations applicable to the first AIFRS financial statements are amended or revised. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 77 of 109 Notes to Financial Statements 2. 2005 $000 2004 $000 426,680 81,977 4,036 5,870 1,545 412,452 81,773 4,143 5,335 1,306 520,108 505,009 17,336 2,981 147 263 74 16,742 2,969 151 247 63 20,801 20,172 235,983 49,186 2,422 3,039 724 228,319 48,260 2,486 2,675 612 291,354 282,352 33,900 6,549 283 411 102 32,584 6,533 291 373 86 41,245 39,867 166,708 162,618 Trading Profit Trading profit is derived from gross sales less prizes and Retailer commissions as follows: Sales Lotto Scratch’n’Win Super 66 Cash 3 Soccer Pools Less Goods and Services Tax Lotto Scratch’n’Win Super 66 Cash 3 Soccer Pools Less Prizes Lotto Scratch’n’Win Super 66 Cash 3 Soccer Pools Less Retailers’ Commission Lotto Scratch’n’Win Super 66 Cash 3 Soccer Pools Trading Profit Allocation of prize monies represents approximately 60% of sales net of commissions, except for Soccer Pools for which the allocation is not less than 50% of sales net of commissions and Cash 3 for which the liability depends on the number of winners per game and averaged 51.8% for the year (50.1% in 2003/2004). The prize pool is supplemented from time to time by additional prizes, the values of which are included in the totals above. Retailers are paid a commission for the sale of all products and Player Registration Service (PRS) subscriptions. PRS commission is deducted from reported PRS sales (see note 5). 78 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Notes to Financial Statements 3. Forfeited Prizes The Lotteries Commission Act 1990 (as amended) provides for the following forfeiture rules: Instant lotteries – 12 months after the last issue of tickets in an individual game Other products – 12 months from the date of the draw. 4. Retailer Fees Retailer fees and charges are listed in the Schedule of fees and charges, Section 9 of ‘Just the Ticket – Retail Standards & Procedures Manual’. Service fee Telecommunication fee Licence application fee Administration fee 5. 2004 $000 1,483 1,094 180 21 1,283 1,089 102 22 2,778 2,496 Player Registration Service Fee Lotterywest’s Player Registration Service allows players to register with the Lotterywest and have their unclaimed prizes (other than for instant lotteries) remitted to them five weeks after the relevant draw. The service fee to players is $10 per five year membership (from August 2003). 2005 2004 $000 $000 Sales Less Retailers’ Commission 6. 2005 $000 Net Profit or Loss on Disposal of Non-Current Assets Profit from disposals of property Loss from disposals of computer equipment 644 (49) 787 (60) 595 727 2005 $000 2004 $000 264 (16) 0 (34) 248 (34) Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 79 of 109 Notes to Financial Statements 7. Other Revenue from Ordinary Activities Other revenue comprises Lotto results hotline income fees, grant refund, insurance claims and other miscellaneous income. 2005 $000 2004 $000 86 35 95 13 5 87 2 0 7 16 234 112 2005 $000 2004 $000 80 79 Building and Facility Management 2005 $000 2004 $000 Building Management Building Facility – Depreciation Motor Vehicle Fleet Management Staff Costs Communication Costs Overhead Allocation to Grants & Community Development 648 171 161 148 155 (139) 465 272 170 126 171 (131) 1,144 1,073 2005 $000 2004 $000 374 76 731 0 0 31 4,807 658 94 (1,291) 367 71 699 1,859 17 30 4,242 0 55 (1,094) 5,480 6,246 Lotto results hotline fee Insurance claims Grant refund Resources received free of charge Sundry 8. Remuneration of Auditor The total fees paid or due and payable to the Auditor General for the financial year is as follows: Auditing the accounts 9. 10. Corporate Management Administration & Support Board of Commissioners Compliance & Corporate Corporate Identity / Image / PR External Reporting Investments Staff Costs Corporate Communication Other Overhead Allocation to Grants & Community Development 80 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Notes to Financial Statements 11. Gaming System Management Backup Computer Site Gaming Telecommunications Gaming Software Primary System - Gaming Secondary System - Gaming Primary System - Depreciation Staff Costs 12. Non-Gaming System Management Database & System Development LAN / PC’s / Peripherals – Hardware & Software LAN / PC’s / Peripherals – Depreciation Players Registration Service Staff Costs Website Other Overhead Allocation to Grants & Community Development 13. Product Management These expenses relate to the production, promotion and distribution of Lotterywest products: Advertising – Media Advertising – Production Bloc Liaison Research Results / Draws Scratch’n’Win Tickets Staff Costs Other 2005 $000 2004 $000 89 1,314 681 85 65 1,993 1,324 86 1,361 721 99 86 2,231 955 5,551 5,539 2005 $000 2004 $000 47 42 570 164 812 18 292 (378) 420 184 680 127 931 31 1 (369) 1,567 2,005 2005 $000 2004 $000 6,092 2,025 187 330 143 2,540 679 371 5,270 3,451 132 391 144 2,143 662 329 12,367 12,522 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 81 of 109 Notes to Financial Statements 14. Retail Network Management These expenses relate to the management and support of our network of 480 retail outlets. Point of Sale Retailers’ Network Retailer’s Shopfit Staff Costs Terminal Gaming Point of Sale – Depreciation 15. Depreciation Property Equipment and Fittings Computer Equipment & Software Charged to Building & Facility Management Charged to Gaming & Non-Gaming System Management Charged to Retail Network Management Charged to Grants & Community Development 2005 $000 2004 $000 149 845 678 2,481 925 58 46 806 0 2,127 798 139 5,136 3,916 2005 $000 2004 $000 146 259 2,563 127 312 2,911 2,968 3,350 324 2,563 58 23 272 2,911 139 28 2,968 3,350 16. Grants and Community Development These expenses are salaries and other costs associated with the distribution of lottery funds (as prescribed by the Lotteries Commission Act 1990) as direct grants to eligible organisations. They are separated from other operating expenses in order that the financial performance is readily comparable with that of other lottery jurisdictions where the distribution of funds is an external function. 2005 $000 Funding Operations & Administration Marketing – Grants & Community Development Staff Costs Lotteries Houses – Depreciation Overhead Allocation from Other Activities 82 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 2004 $000 37 14 1,824 23 1,808 47 41 1,568 28 1,594 3,706 3,278 Notes to Financial Statements 17. Community Funding The Act provides for the following allocations from net subscriptions of all products: Statutory 40% to the Hospital Fund (State Treasury); 5% to the Arts Lotteries Account (State Treasury); 5% to the Sports Lotteries Account (State Treasury); Direct 12.5% to eligible organisations for charitable or benevolent purposes and up to 5% in total for the Perth International Arts Festival and the Western Australian commercial film industry. Any remaining surplus from Lotterywest’s operations is also available for distribution as direct grants. 2005 2004 $000 $000 Hospital Fund Arts Lotteries Account Sports Lotteries Account Direct Grants Less Grants Written Back Total per Statement of Financial Performance 78,113 9,764 9,764 65,102 (1,139) 76,253 9,532 9,532 57,152 (1,213) 161,604 151,256 18. Goods and Services Tax The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is not applied to the consumption of gambling services. It is however, applied to the operators’ margin defined as the subscription (wagering less sales commission) less the amount of prizes. Accordingly the State provides reimbursement to gambling operators (including Lotteries) for GST paid on the operators’ margin. Lotteries Commission applies the reimbursement to maintain the level of community funding. The GST paid on the operator’s margin is disclosed as a cost of producing trading profit (see note 2). Treasurers’ Instruction 1102, however, requires the reimbursement to the GST to be disclosed as a grant from the State Government rather than offset against the cost to which it applies. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 83 of 109 Notes to Financial Statements 19. Other Financial Assets Lotteries Commission’s investment guidelines conform with the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1985 and the Trustees Act 1962 (as amended). Current Investments (maturity less than 1yr) Floating Rate Notes (at cost) Short Term Products (at cost) Non-Current Investments (maturity greater than 1yr) Floating Rate Notes (at cost) Interest Linked (at cost) 20. Inverntories Scratch’n’Win Tickets (at cost) Point of Sale Material (at cost) Printing & Stationery (at cost) 21. Receivables Trade Debtors GST Receivable Accrued Interest Other Debtors & Prepayments 22. Work in Progress Lotteries House (Gosnells) Lotteries House (Other) Plant & Equipment (at cost) 84 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 2005 $000 2004 $000 2,000 137,786 16,992 115,691 139,786 132,683 17,000 5,000 7,000 5,000 22,000 12,000 2005 $000 2004 $000 928 254 23 609 234 22 1,205 865 2005 $000 2004 $000 2,406 1,613 1,386 6,466 7,706 1,850 1,061 13,538 11,871 24,155 2005 $000 2004 $000 3,426 0 355 2,915 92 389 3,781 3,396 Notes to Financial Statements 23. Property, Plant and Equipment Land at Fair Value (a) Buildings at Fair Value Less Accumulated Depreciation Equipment & Fittings (Works of Art) at Fair Value Equipment & Fittings at Cost Less Accumulated Depreciation Computer Equipment & Software at Cost Less Accumulated Depreciation Total Net Book Value of Property, Plant & Equipment a) 2005 $000 2004 $000 2,208 2,288 4,517 0 6,028 (726) 4,517 5,302 195 195 5,850 (4,202) 5,627 (3,942) 1,648 1,685 29,67 (20,584) 29,054 (18,391) 9,086 10,663 17,654 20,133 All land and buildings were revalued in accordance with an independent valuation report dated 1 July 2004 provided by the Department of Land Information (Valuation Services). Fair value has been determined on the basis of current market buying values. The increment arising from the valuations have been credited to the Asset Revaluation Reserve accounts in accordance with the AASB 1041. Reconciliations Reconciliations of the carrying amounts of property, plant and equipment at the beginning and end of the current and previous financial years are set out below: Land Buildings Equipment & Fittings 2005 $000 2005 $000 2005 $000 Computer Equipment & Software 2005 $000 Carrying Amount at Start of Year Additions Revaluation Disposals Depreciation Depreciation on Disposals/Revaluation 2,288 0 450 (530) 0 0 5,302 94 (191) (1,413) (146) 871 1,880 223 0 0 (260) 0 10,663 999 0 (389) (2,563) 376 Carrying Amount at End of Year 2,208 4,517 1,843 9,086 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 85 of 109 Notes to Financial Statements 24. Payables Prizes Unclaimed Prizes in Current Year Community Funding Hospital Fund Arts Lotteries Account Sports Lotteries Account Direct Grants Other Trade Creditors Other Creditors & Accruals 25. Provisions Current Annual Leave Long Service Leave Bonus Prizes Non-Current Long Service Leave Superannuation Entitlements (a) (b) Total Provisions 2005 $000 2004 $000 13,273 27,703 13,273 27,703 1,251 1,011 1,011 67,253 2,139 1,098 1,098 60,521 70,526 64,856 2.809 2,185 3,904 2,392 4,994 6,296 2005 $000 2004 $000 1,032 801 11,915 824 833 10,609 13,748 12,266 701 367 679 139 1,068 818 14,816 13,084 (a) Provision for Bonus Prizes consists of amounts set aside for future bonus draws to promote sales. (b) The liability for superannuation entitlements has been established from data supplied by the Government Employees Superannuation Board. Lotterywest considers the carrying amounts of employee entitlements approximate the net fair value. 86 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Notes to Financial Statements Employee Benefit Liabilities The aggregate benefit liability recognised and included in the financial statement is as follows: Provision for employee benefits: 1,833 1,068 1,657 818 2,901 2,475 2005 $000 2004 $000 598 (237) 449 276 598 0 0 0 1,086 598 82,420 237 67,741 0 Net Profit for the Year 10,686 14,679 Closing Balance 93,343 82,420 Current Non-current 26 Equity Revaluation Reserve Opening Balance Transfer to Retained Earnings Revaluation increment – Land – Building Retained Earnings Opening Balance Transfer from Reserve (a) (a) This relates to the revaluation reserve on plant, equipment and fittings created in prior years. This reserve is more appropriately treated as retained earnings. 27. Commitments for Expenditure Expenditure Commitments Lotteries House (Gosnells) Cancellable Operating Lease Commitments Not later than one year Later than one year but not later than five years Total Commitments 2005 $000 2004 $000 0 975 74 44 75 25 118 100 118 1,075 (a) (a) These amounts were provided by the Department of Treasury and Finance and relate to Lotteries Commission’s motor vehicle lease arrangements which operate under the State Fleet Funding Facility contract. Lotterywest leases are generally for two or three year periods. It is likely that Lotteries Commission’s current leasing arrangements will continue, however, no commitment is included for later lease renewals. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 87 of 109 Notes to Financial Statements 28. Notes to the Statement of Cash Flow Reconciliation of Cash For the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, cash assets includes cash on hand and in banks. Cash assets are cash and cash equivalents which include money market deposits that have a maturity of 3 months or less from the date of acquisition. Cash at the end of the financial year as shown in the Statement of Cash Flows is reconciled to related items in the Statement of Financial Position as follows: 2005 2004 $000 $000 Cash Assets Cash at Bank Cash on Hand 4,798 163 4,740 140 Total Cash at Bank and on Hand Other Financial Assets – Current 4,961 139,786 4,880 115,691 Total Per Statement of Cash Flow 144,747 120,571 Non-cash Financing and Investing Activities During the financial year, there were no assets/liabilities transferred/assumed from other government agencies not reflected in the Statement of Cash Flows. Reconciliation of Profit from Ordinary Activities to Net Cash Flows provided by Operating Activities Profit from ordinary activities Non-cash items Depreciation Forfeited Prizes Net (Gain)/Loss on Disposal of Non-Current Assets (Increase)/decrease in assets Trade Debtors Work-in-Progress Inventories Accrued Interest Prepayments Increase/(decrease) in liabilities Payables Community Funding Sales in Advance Trade Creditors Other Creditors and Accruals Current Provisions Non-Currents Provisions Change in GST in Receivable/Payables Net cash Provided by Operating Activities 88 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 2005 $000 2004 $000 10,686 14,679 2,968 (4,849) (248) 3,350 (5,270) 34 12,398 (385) (341) (325) (26) (11,073) (2,196) (26) (232) 39 (9,581) 5,671 63 (1,096) (208) 1,483 250 236 20,632 9,402 1,002 1,669 (1,824) (635) (496) (584) 16,696 28,471 Notes to Financial Statements 29. Explanatory Statement The following tables provide details of significant variations between actual revenues and expenditures for the financial year compared with the corresponding items for the preceding year and the corresponding items in the budget. Significant variations are considered to be those in excess of 10% or where the amount is deemed significant in context. Significant Variations between Actual Revenues and Expenditures for 2004/2005 and Actual Revenues and Expenditures for 2003/2004 Revenue Interest Retailer Fees Player Registration Service Fee Proceeds from Disposal of Non-Current Assets Other Revenue from Ordinary Activities Expenses Building & Facility Management Corporate Management Non-Gaming System Management Retail Network Management Grants & Community Development Expenses from Grants & Community Development – Carrying amount of non-current assets disposed of 2005 Actual $000 2004 Actual $000 Variance Variance $000 % 11,028 2,778 595 1,803 234 9,119 2,496 727 0 112 1,909 282 (132) 1,803 122 20.9 11.3 (18.2) 100.0 108.9 1,144 5,480 1,567 5,136 3,706 1,039 6,246 2,005 3,916 3,278 105 (766) (438) 1,220 428 10.1 (12.3) (21.8) 31.2 13.1 1,536 0 1,536 100.0 29.1 Interest The 2004/2005 Investment Portfolio averaged $199.6 million, $29.0 million higher than last year ($170.6 million). The size of portfolio combined with the higher rate of 5.53% (5.29% last year) contributed to the favourable variance of $1.91 million in interest revenue. 29.2 Retailer Fees The increase in Retailer Fees is due to changes to the structure of Powerball Lotto in February 2005 when a Service Support Fee of 0.5% of subscription sales was introduced. This accounts for $0.280 million of additional charges. 29.3 Players Registration Service Fee Reduction of income from the Player Registration Service results from the changes to the service introduced in August 2003. The current card is providing registration coverage of 5 years in comparison to 2 years previously at the same price. 29.4 Procees from Disposal of Non-Current Assets The significant increase is related to disposal of the Lotterywest’s property in Subiaco, Perth. The net result of this disposal is a gain of $0.264 million. The book value of the property on disposal is $1.54 million and is recorded under Expenses from Grants & Community Develop – Carrying amount of non-current assets disposed of. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 89 of 109 Notes to Financial Statements 29.5 Other Revenue from Ordinary Activities Grants refunded and a significant insurance claim for workers compensation (of $35,000) contributed to the favourable variance in other revenue this financial year. 29.6 Building & Facility Management An independent security audit initiated last year resulted in a range of minor works to provide improved security measures. The implementation of these this year contributed to this variance. 29.7 Corporate Management Savings in corporate management are offset by the expenditure in the retail management area. Previously costs relating to the new corporate identity, were recorded as a corporate management expense, this year costs of $0.66 millions are now recorded in retail management. A re-structure of the corporate services directorate resulted in the costs associated with despatch activities to retail network also contributed to the variances. 29.8 Non-Gaming System Management A number of factors contributed to the non-gaming expenses being lower than last year. Including improvements to the maintenance work on the new computer system. A favourable US dollar exchange rate contributed to the variance. 29.9 Retail Network Management See note 29.7 – Corporate Management. 29.10 Grants & Community Development An increase in staff salaries contributed to the increase in funding management costs. The re-structure of the corporate services directorate resulted in the transfer of the financial services team to grants & community development. 29.11 Expenses from Grants & Community Development – Carrying amount of Non-Current Assets Disposed Of This item refers to the book value carried for the Lotterywest property at Subiaco, Perth that was disposed of during the year. The proceeds from this sale are detailed under Revenue from Non-Operating Activities - Proceeds from Disposal of Non-Current Assets (see also note 6). Significant Variations between Estimated Revenue and Expenses for 2004/2005 and Actual Revenues and Expenses for 2004/2005 2005 2004 Variance Variance Actual Actual $000 $000 $000 % Revenue Sales Interest Players Registration Service Other Operating Revenue Proceeds from Disposal of Non-Current Assets Expenses Non-Gaming System Management Retail Network Management Expenses from Grants & Community Development – Carrying amount of non-current assets disposed of 90 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 520,108 11,028 595 234 1,803 510,494 9,000 460 195 0 9,614 2,028 135 39 1,803 1.9 22.5 29.3 20.0 100.0 1,567 5,136 2,756 4,390 (1,189) 746 (43.1) 17.0 1,536 0 1,536 100.0 Notes to Financial Statements 29.12 Sales Total sales for 2004/05 financial year were $9.61 million (1.9%) above budget. Both Oz Lotto and Saturday Lotto contributed to the above budget sales performance. Oz Lotto jackpotted frequently in the first part of the year reaching $15M Jackpot for the second time in the game’s history. Saturday Lotto recorded sales above budget on base weeks and excellent results for all Super / Mega Draws. 29.13 Interest The above budget interest revenue was due to a significant difference in the size of the investment portfolio. 2004/05 Investment portfolio averaged $199.6 million while the budget was based on an average fund size of $160.3 million. 29.14 Players Registration Service Players Registration Service was re-launched in August 2003 and the charge for the service increased. The current card is providing coverage for 5 years in comparison to 2 years previously and the service has became more popular than anticipated. 29.15 Other Operating Revenue Salaries reimbursed from insurance claim for workers compensation was the main factor that contributed to greater than budgeted income in other revenue. 29.16 Proceeds from Disposal of Non-Current Assets Proceeds totalling $1.8m relate to the sale of Lotterywest property at Subiaco, Perth. This event was not budgeted for in 2004/2005. 29.17 Non-Gaming System Management Savings in non-gaming expenses is mainly due to savings in maintenance work required for the newly replaced PCs. Better than budgeted exchange rate for the $US dollars as well as the delay in some capital projects resulting in depreciation savings. 29.18 Retail Network Management A re-structure of Corporate Services Directorate, resulted in a relocation of costs associated with despatch activities to Retail Network, which were not included in the budget, contributed to the above budget in this area, Greater than budgeted work relating to the new Lotterywest’s shopfit also contributed to the variance. 29.19 Expenses from Grants & Community Development – Carrying amount of non-current assets disposed of This item refers to the book value carried for the Lotterywest property at Subiaco, Perth that was disposed of during the year (see also note 29.15) The disposal of this property was not budgeted for in 2004/2005 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 91 of 109 Notes to Financial Statements 30. Financial Instruments Interest Rate Risk Exposure Lotterywest’s exposure to interest rate risk, re-pricing maturities and the effective interest rates on financial instruments are: Assets Cash Assets Receivables Investments Short Term (<1 year) Floating Rate One year or less One to five years Over five years Interest Linked Total Financial Assets Liabilities Payables Provisions Prizes Payable Total Financial Liabilities Net Financial Assets/(Liabilities) Floating Int Rate $000 Fixed Int Rate $000 Non Int Bearing $000 2005 2004 $000 $000 4,960 0 0 0 0 11,871 4,960 11,871 4,880 24,155 0 137,786 0 137,786 115,691 2,000 15,000 2,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 15,000 2,000 5,000 16,992 2,000 5,000 5,000 28,960 137,786 11,871 178,617 173,718 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,994 14,816 13,273 4,994 14,816 13,273 6,296 13,084 27,703 0 0 33,083 33,083 47,083 28,960 137,786 (21,212) 145,534 126,635 2005 % 2004 % 5.45 5.20 5.64 6.09 6.07 6.41 5.44 5.85 5.91 6.09 5.2 4.70 Weighted Average Effective Interest Rates were as follows: Cash Assets Investments Short Term Fixed Interest Rate Floating Rate Long Term Fixed Interest Rate 1 year or less 1 to 5 years Over 5 years 1 to 5 years Credit Risk Exposure All financial assets are unsecured. The carrying amount of financial assets recorded in the financial statements represents Lotterywest’s maximum exposure to credit risks in relation to these assets. Net Fair Value The carrying amount of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded in the financial statements are not materially different from their net fair values, determined in accordance with the accounting policies disclosed in note 1 (j) to the financial statements. 92 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Notes to Financial Statements 31. Remuneration of Members of the Accountable Authority and Senior Officers Remuneration of Members of the Accountable Authority The number of Members of the Accountable Authority, whose total of fees, salaries, superannuation and other benefits received, or due and receivable, for the financial year, fall within the following bands: $1 – $10,001 – $20,001 – $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 Total remuneration of the Members of the Accountable Authority 2005 No. 2004 No. 5 0 1 7 1 0 6 8 $71,395 $76,886 No members of the Accountable Authority are members of the Pension Scheme. Senior Officers The number of Senior Officers, other than Members of the Accountable Authority, whose total of fees, salaries, superannuation and other benefits received, or due and receivable, for the financial year, fall within the following bands: $5,001 $20,00 $40,001 $90,001 $100,001 $110,001 $120,001 $140,001 $150,001 – – – – – – – – – $10,000 $30,000 $50,000 $100,000 $110,000 $120,000 $130,000 $150,000 $160,000 Total remuneration of Senior Officers 2005 No. 2004 No. 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 7 8 $791,964 $731,623 No Senior Officers are members of the Pension Scheme. 32. Related and Affiliated Bodies The Lotteries Commission Act 1990 (as amended) requires details of all grants to be listed separately which include amount of grant provided to any affiliated bodies. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 93 of 109 Notes to Financial Statements 33. Segment Information Lotterywest has two outputs; provision of lottery products (Gaming) and Grants and Community Development (Community Funding), the latter being the distribution of funds derived from the lottery operations. Lotterywest operates in a single geographic segment, that being the state of Western Australia. Gaming Funding 2005 2004 $000 $000 2005 $000 2004 $000 Revenues from ordinary activities Revenue from operating activities Revenue from non-operating activities 185,957 2,037 180,230 112 0 0 Total revenues from ordinary activities 187,994 180,342 1,144 5,480 5,551 1,567 12,367 5,136 19 Total 2005 $000 2004 $000 0 0 185,957 2,037 180,230 112 0 0 187,994 180,342 1,039 6,246 5,539 2,005 12,522 3,916 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,144 5,480 5,551 1,567 12,367 5,136 19 1,039 6,246 5,539 2,005 12,522 3,916 34 0 0 0 0 1,536 3,706 0 3,278 1,536 3,706 0 3,278 Total expenses from Lotteries operations and Grant & Community Development 31,264 31,301 5,242 3,278 36,506 34,579 Profit before Community funding Grants and subsidies from State Government 156,730 20,802 149,041 20,172 (5,242) 0 (3,278) 0 151,488 20,802 145,763 20,172 (177,532) (169,213) 5,242 3,278 172,290 165,935 Amount Available for Distribution 0 0 172,290 165,935 172,290 165,935 Total Community Funding 0 0 (161,604) (151,256) Net Profit 0 0 10,686 REVENUE EXPENSES Expenses from Lotteries Operations Building & Facility Management Corporate Management Gaming System Management Non-gaming System Management Product Management Retail Network Management Carrying amount of non-current assets disposed of Expenses from Grant & Community Development Carrying amount of non-current assets disposed of Grants & Community Development Less Funding Transfer 94 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 14,679 (161,604) (151,256) 10,686 14,679 Operating Budget for 2005 Operating Budget for 2005 In accordance with the Treasurer’s Instruction 953, this statement shows the 2004/2005 Budget estimate for the Statement of Financial Performance. This statement is not subject to audit. The Minister approved the budget in June 2005. 2006 Budget $000 2005 Actual $000 Variance 539,725 520,108 19,617 301,586 43,946 291,354 41,245 10,232 2,701 345,532 332,599 12,933 194,193 187,509 6,684 Other Revenue from Ordinary Activities Interest Forfeited Prizes Retailer Fees Players Registration Service Fee Proceeds from Disposal of Non-Current Assets Other Operating revenue 10,000 4,450 3,226 460 0 36 11,028 4,849 2,778 595 1,803 234 (1,028) (399) 448 (135) (1,803) (198) Total Revenues from Lottery Activities 18,172 21,287 (3,115) Expenses from Lottery Activities Building & Facility Management Corporate Management Gaming System Management Non-Gaming System Management Product Management Retail Network Management 1,208 6,352 5,712 2,076 13,065 5,122 2,699 5,480 5,551 1,567 12,367 5,136 (1,491) 872 161 509 699 (14) Total Expenses from Lottery Activities 33,535 32,800 735 178,830 175,996 2,834 4,033 3,706 327 174,797 172,290 2,507 63,652 80,771 20,193 63,963 78,113 19,528 (311) 2,658 665 164,616 161,604 3,012 10,182 10,686 (504) Revenue Sales Less: Cost of Sales Prizes Retailers’ Commission Total Cost of Sales Trading Profit Profit from Lottery Activities Grants & Community Development Grants & Community Development Expenses Total Available for Distribution Direct Grants Hospital Fund Sports / Arts Lotteries Accounts Total Community Funding Net Profit Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 $000 95 of 109 Notes to Budget for 2005/06 Sales The key issues relating to Lotterywest’s sales budget were found on the following key principles: Support the achievement of sales targets and sales growth through the effective management of the retail network. Development of an effective distribution planning framework to support decision making for the location of new outlets, as well as the relocation of existing outlets. Development of a staffing structure which matches business direction whilst cognisant of the increasing demands being placed on our staff in the rapidly changing environment. Respond to stakeholders and beneficiaries requirement for grants, and to communicate the benefit of Lotterywest’s business to the WA Community. Maintenance of our loyal player base through the delivery of profitable products that meet players’ needs and interests. Development of technology to improve services to all our customers, with increased emphasis being placed on advancing technologies and innovative products. Ensure that Lotterywest’s business processes’ and strategies are designed to mitigate any possible business risk and to ensure continued sustainability. Other Income Other Income for 2005/06 will provide $18.2m in revenue, with investment income being the major contributor with a budget of $10.0m. Operating Expenses 2005/06 will be a very challenging year. A number of projects have been scheduled that will have a significant impact on the resources and operational capacity of Lotterywest. The Australia Lotto Bloc has already signalled a price rise for Saturday Lotto, the possibility of introducing a new mid-week game and a review of Super 66 and its potential replacement. These projects combined with the continued emphasis on further improving our distribution strategies and relationship with the network and the necessity to review and update our infrastructure technology and gaming system to meet the demands of the rapidly changing market environment will provide the foundation for the future success of Lotterywest. An expense budget has been compiled that focuses on achieving our corporate objectives while still meeting our expense to sales ratio of less than 7%. 96 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Five Year Summary of Financial Data To the Year Ended 30 June 2006 Statement of Financial Performance 2002 Actual $000 2003 Actual $000 2004 Actual $000 2005 Actual $000 2006 Budget $000 454,686 490,850 505,009 520,108 539,725 266,393 32,607 280,389 37,402 282,352 39,867 291,354 41,245 301,586 43,946 5,958 4,526 1,535 443 0 323 7,390 4,693 2,018 336 0 120 9,119 5,270 2,496 727 0 112 11,028 4,849 2,778 595 1,803 234 10,000 4,450 3,226 460 0 36 Net Revenue from Ordinary Activities 168,471 187,616 200,514 208,796 212,365 Less Expenses Operating Expenses Grants & Community Development 27,729 3,034 29,524 3,080 31,301 3,278 32,800 3,706 33,535 4,033 Profit from Ordinary Activities 137,708 155,012 165,935 172,290 174,797 Less Community Funding 134,722 143,925 151,256 161,604 164,616 2,986 11,087 14,679 10,686 10,182 70,743 24,587 51,680 89,623 19,203 50,128 132,683 29,900 35,529 139,786 18,037 43,435 155,732 23,775 24,567 147,010 158,954 198,112 201,258 204,074 89,758 90,615 115,094 106,829 101,136 57,252 68,339 83,018 94,429 102,938 Sales Revenue Less Cost of Sales Prizes Retailers’ Commission Add Other Revenue Interest Forfeited Prizes Retailer Fees Players Registration Service Fee Proceeds on Disposals of Non Current Assets Other Operating Revenue Net Profit Assets Investments Other Current Assets Non-Current Assets Total Assets Liabilities Net Assets This table is included as a supplement to the Annual Report to provide the reader with an overview of the Commission’s performance and expectations. The Goods and Services Tax payable on the gambling margin and the grant and subsidies from State Government have not been included in this statement (see note 18). However, it does not effect five year summary on the net profit and net assets position. Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 97 of 109 Direct Grants Summary Direct Grants Summary 2005 No. 2005 $000 Total requests on agenda Total approved requests Total requests not approved 1,492 1,372 120 80,506 65,175 2,829 Direct Grants Program Summary Requests Approved 2005 2004 No. No. Community Cultural Community Sector Development Community Support & Development Community Support Emergency Relief Emergency Services Medical / Social Research Special Initiatives Cultural & Natural Heritage Heritage Conservation Priority Groups with Special Needs Aboriginal People Children People with Disabilities People with Gambling Problems Seniors Young People Statutory Allocations Perth International Arts Festival Film Less Grants Written Back Total Net Grant Approvals 98 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Amount Granted 2005 2004 $000 $000 207 67 221 65 2,020 783 2,587 689 308 101 17 5 25 324 105 49 6 10 21,719 1,350 3,002 409 5,893 18,051 1,139 2,365 858 3,204 170 38 123 46 2,881 890 2,362 2,056 42 167 130 0 46 47 38 147 173 1 58 55 2,071 1,273 9,471 0 2,629 2,784 2,368 1,131 8,003 102 1,998 2,314 1 1 1 1 4,000 4,000 (73) 4,000 4,000 (73) 65,102 57,154 Lotterywest Grants List Organisation Name Amount Granted Batavia Coast Harmony Chorus 5,000 Bateman Playgroup Inc 1,445 16th Bn The Cameron Highlanders of WA Assn 12,200 Bay of Isles Community Outreach Inc 8,476 2 /16th Australian Infantry Battalion AIF Assn Inc 13,173 Bayswater Senior Citizens Assn Inc 2,100 55 Central Inc 71,227 Beachway Vineyard Compassion Ministry Inc 5,000 ACROD Limited WA Division 18,000 Beeliar Residence Action Group Inc 4,600 Activ Foundation Inc 37,500 Beeliar Senior Citizens Club Inc 4,354 Activ Foundation Inc – Eastern Day Service 7,500 Bernice McLeod Child Care Centre Inc 7,500 Activ Foundation Inc – Rockingham 7,500 Bertram Playgroup 3,000 Adult Learning Australia Inc Advance Dandaragan Committee Inc 31,250 Bethel Life Centre Incorporated 5,410 6,340 Better Hearing Australia WA Inc 12,059 Advocacy South West Inc 19,715 Better Hearing Australia Albany Branch 2,160 Advocare Inc 10,000 Beverley Playgroup Incorporated 3,000 Aged & Community Services Western Australia Inc 66,535 Bibbulmun Track Foundation Inc Agencies for South West Accommodation Inc 22,000 Bidyadanga Aboriginal Community La Grange Inc 95,000 Agencies for South West Accommodation Inc – JPET 41,608 Billabong Playgroup Inc 10,000 5,000 Albany Aboriginal Corporation Inc 2,000 Binningup Community Assoc Inc Albany Hospice Inc 6,903 Binningup Surf Life Saving Club Inc 200,000 Albany Regional Family History Society Inc 4,998 Birds Australia Western Australia Inc 27,860 Albany Sinfonia Inc 3,272 Blackwood Environment Society Inc 20,986 Alexander Heights Family Playgroup Inc 2,144 Blackwood Valley Small Landholders Group Inc Allambee Counselling Inc 9,954 Bloodwood Tree Association Inc 1,014 Blue Light Association of WA Inc – Nullagine Blue Light Committee 20,000 Blue Light Association of Western Australia Inc – Wembley Branch Alma Community Centre Alternative Technology Association Inc Altone Park Social Bowlers Inc Amputees in Action Inc Anglicare WA Inc Anglicare WA Inc – Habitat For Humanity 6,544 1,600 120,000 7,426 5,000 2,939 Blue Sky Community Group Inc 14,000 7,322 Blues at Bridgetown Inc 20,000 375,541 26,550 Boddington Community Newsletter Inc 1,701 Boddington Old School Inc 11,409 Animal Protection Society of Western Australia Inc 5,000 Bold Park Parents Advisory Council Inc Armadale Anklebiters Playgroup 3,000 Boogurlarri Community House Inc Armadale Community Family Centre Inc 2,699 Boyup Brook Telecentre Inc 68,223 Breast Cancer Foundation of WA Inc 46,421 Armadale Home Help Service for the Aged and the Disabled Inc Armadale Information and Referral Service Inc Armadale Kelmscott Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Inc Artatac-Busselton Beach Festival Inc 184,000 29,057 9,500 96,521 125,000 6,000 Bremer Bay Community Resource Centre Inc – Occasional Day Care 3,120 Bridgetown Art & Craft Centre 5,000 Bridgetown High School Cadet Corps Committee 5,000 Bridgetown Historical Society Inc 3,120 Arthritis Foundation of WA Inc 136,364 Artists Foundation of WA Ltd 37,400 Bridgetown-Greenbushes Toy Library Assn Inc 3,112 Arts Margaret River Inc 27,100 Brighton Estate Residents Association Inc 4,408 Arts Radio Ltd 75,000 Brightwater Care Group Inc – Redcliffe 3,000 Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors ASETTS Inc Association for the Blind of WA Inc 157,594 2,526,825 Brookman House Playgroup 3,000 Broome Aboriginal Media Association Aboriginal Corporation Inc 21,579 Association of Civilian Widows of WA Inc 5,000 Broome Arts and Music Foundation Ltd 16,123 Association of Railway Preservation Groups WA Inc 2,717 Broome Historical Society Inc 42,358 Asthma Foundation of WA Inc 10,000 Broomehill Playgroup Inc Australian – Asian Association of WA Inc 10,513 Bullsbrook Out of School Centre Inc Australian Army Cadets Association WA Inc 20,000 Bunbury Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Busselton Australian Association for Environmental Education Inc Australian Bush Heritage Fund Ltd 1,241 21,500 3,000 5,000 20,301 Bunbury Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Dunsborough 30,000 Bunbury Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Katanning and Broomehill 10,100 Australian Crime Prevention Council – WA Branch 7,682 Bunbury Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Pinjarra-Waroona 18,200 Australian Family Association 5,000 Bunbury Diocesan Trustees – St Marys Community Care Busselton 11,000 24,370 Australian Federation of Business & Professional Women WA Inc 15,000 Bunbury Lotteries House Complex Inc AFC & RAAF Association WA Division – Cambrai Village 10,282 Bunbury Musical Comedy Group Inc Australian Garden History Society Incorporated – WA Branch 5,385 Bunbury Oral History Group Inc Australian Huntington Disease Association Inc WA 5,920 Bunbury Pathways 92 Inc Australian Jordanian Friendship Association Inc 5,454 Bunbury Playgroup Inc Australian Railway Historical Society WA Division Inc 6,987 Bunbury Regional Hospital Comforts Fund Inc Australian Red Cross Society – WA Division Australian Red Cross Society – WA Division – WA Cord Blood Bank 9,789 3,800 16,000 3,000 3,000 19,002 Bunbury Regional Theatre Inc 61,500 1,000,000 Burdekin – Youth In Action Inc 4,230 Busselton – Dunsborough Environment Centre Inc 1,314 Australian Red Cross Society – WA Division – Geraldton 2,049 Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth Ltd 117,439 Busselton Allsports Inc 5,921 Autism Association of Western Australia Inc 67,724 Busselton Family History Society Inc 15,000 Avon Community Employment Support Centre Inc 29,853 Busselton Historical Society Inc 21,640 Avon ROAD Recreational Opportunities for Adults with Disabilities Inc 1,433 Busselton Pottery Group Inc 10,000 Avon Youth Services Inc 5,000 Busselton Repertory Club Inc AWESOME Arts Australia Ltd Balga Job Link Inc 200,000 91,050 4,000 Busselton Volunteer Marine Rescue Group Inc 11,126 Cadoux – Manmanning Land Conservation District Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 3,704 99 of 109 Lotterywest Grants List Cake Decorators Association of WA Inc 2,483 City of Fremantle – Fremantle Festival Calingiri Playgroup 3,112 City of Fremantle – Fremantle Toy Library Cam 35 Camera Club of Melville 4,114 City of Fremantle – Quarry Street Child Care Centre Camp Quality Limited 12,818 Cannery Arts Centre Inc 1,200 Canning Division of General Practice Ltd 15,750 Canoeing Western Australia Inc 8,650 Capel Fest Inc 15,609 Care Options Inc Carers Association of Western Australia Inc 219,082 1,590,000 City of Fremantle – Samson Out of School & Vacation Care City of Fremantle – Victoria Hall City of Fremantle – Weybridge After School & Vacation Care 54,000 3,000 10,000 5,000 20,170 5,000 City of Geraldton 20,000 City of Geraldton – Mid West Community Archive 35,000 City of Geraldton – Queens Park Theatre 38,625 City of Gosnells 12,128 Carnamah Playgroup 2,163 City of Gosnells – Leisure World Carnarvon Family Support Service Inc 5,000 City of Joondalup 37,200 Carnarvon Festival Inc 4,831 City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder 54,380 Cat Appeal Toodyay 2,000 City of Mandurah 20,551 City of Melville 10,000 Cat Sterilisation Society Inc 15,000 Centacare Kimberley 5,000 City of Melville – City of Melville Citizens Relief Fund Inc Central Agcare Inc 6,500 City of Melville – Friends of Wireless Hill Centre for Advocacy Support and Education For Refugees Inc 60,649 City of Melville – Heathcote Museum and Gallery Centrecare Inc – Goldfields and Esperance 14,838 City of Melville – Willagee Community Centre Centrecare Inc 150,000 Centrecare Inc – South West Cerebral Palsy Assn of Western Australia Ltd Cerebral Palsy Association of Western Australia Ltd – Goodwill Industries Channel 31 Community Educational Television Ltd Charity Link Inc Charlies Alumni Inc 8,000 28,000 3,114 20,000 442,000 1,880 City of Rockingham 15,000 123,515 City of South Perth 145,189 272,530 City of Stirling 1,076,884 Chapman Valley Historical Society Inc City of Perth 7,350 15,000 130,000 25,000 City of Stirling – Mount Flora Regional Museum 6,000 9,236 City of Subiaco – Subiaco Theatre 500,000 City of Swan 157,856 City of Swan – Swan Community Care Services 125,000 Chelonia Wildlife Rehabilitation & Release 4,862 City of Swan – The Dungeon Youth Centre 214,872 Chidlow Family Playgroup & Community Kindergarten Inc 3,000 City of Wanneroo 116,686 250,000 Childrens Service Support Unit WA Inc – Wickham Day Care Centre 40,000 City of Wanneroo – Carramar Community Centre Childrens Services Support Unit WA Inc 17,098 City of Wanneroo – Cockman House 8,002 Children’s Services Support Unit WA Inc – Kardinya Out of School Care 5,000 Claisebrook Lotteries House Association Inc 20,170 Children’s Services Support Unit WA Inc – Blue Gum Out of School Care 5,000 Claremont Yacht Club Inc 15,000 Christian Family Church Inc 1,610 Coalition for Asylum Seekers, Refugees & Detainees Inc Chrysalis Support Services Inc 2,000 Coalition of Peoples Inc Chung Wah Association Inc 5,000 Co-Assist Inc 10,000 66,542 Churches Commission on Education Inc 260,984 Coastal Family Health Services Inc – Warnbro Community & Family Centre Churches of Christ Homes & Community Services Inc 285,000 Coastal Kids Care Inc 6,000 9,200 5,780 Churchill Brook Family Centre Inc 3,000 Cockburn Vocational Centre Inc 62,000 Cirque Bizirque – WA Circus School Inc 5,000 Coeliac Society of Western Australia Inc 31,515 Citizen Advocacy South Metropolitan WA Inc 5,011 Collegium Symphonic Chorus Inc Citizens Advice Bureau of WA Inc City Entertainers Community Concert Group Inc City of Albany City of Albany – Albany Leisure & Aquatic Centre 173,100 7,276 45,870 328,182 Collie Heritage Group Inc 1,367 9,000 Collie Railway Station Group Inc 10,000 Communicare Inc 25,000 Community Development Foundation Inc 85,772 City of Albany – Albany Town Hall Theatre 20,000 Community First Inc 10,000 City of Armadale 18,400 Community Home Care Inc 43,690 Community Housing Coalition of WA Inc 15,000 Community Legal Centres Association WA Inc 24,927 City of Armadale – Kelmscott Migrant Camps History Group City of Bayswater 6,000 18,000 City of Bayswater Child Care Centre Assoc Inc – Bayswater Outside School Hours Care 4,911 Community Link and Network WA Inc CLAN 91,429 City of Bayswater Child Care Centre Assoc Inc – Maylands Outside School Hours Care 4,943 Community Television Perth Inc 27,189 City of Bayswater Child Care Centre Assoc Inc – Morley Outside School Hours Care 4,914 Community Vision Inc 25,544 City of Belmont City of Belmont Historical Society 18,214 1,967 Como Community Kindergarten Inc Compassionate Friends of WA Inc 3,000 60,117 City of Bunbury 40,000 Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 148,918 City of Canning 10,000 Conservation Council of Western Australia Inc 136,828 City of Canning – Volunteer Transport Serv Com Devel 19,512 Constable Care Child Safety Foundation Inc City of Canning – Willetton Youth Activity Centre City of Canning – Woodloes Homestead City of Cockburn 131,944 8,000 15,000 37,340 Coolgardie Gem and Mineral Club Inc 7,519 Corrigin Historical Society Inc 8,080 Corrigin Toy Library 3,000 City of Cockburn – Atwell Out of School Care 2,775 Council of Churches of Western Australia Inc 1,400 City of Cockburn – South Lake Out of School Care 3,379 Council on the Ageing Western Australia Inc 50,248 City of Cockburn – Spearwood Out of School Care 2,654 Country Arts WA Inc 70,000 City of Cockburn – Yangebup Out of School Care 2,980 Country Bratz Playgroup City of Fremantle City of Fremantle – Beaconsfield After School Care 100 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 87,570 5,000 Country Music Club of Boyup Brook WA Inc Cracovia Senior Citizens Club Inc 3,000 19,232 2,634 Cranbrook Tourist and Business Promotion Group 3,250 Family History Society of Rockingham & Districts Inc 3,300 Croatian Welfare Assn Inc 5,000 Federation of WA.Police & Citizens Youth Clubs Inc 70,963 Cross Cultural Christian Communicators Inc 10,000 Federation of WA Police & Citizens Youth Clubs Inc – Carnarvon 43,867 Crossways Community Services Inc 12,000 Fellowship of Australian Writers Western Australian Section Inc 36,671 Festival of the Wind Inc 18,744 Crystaluna Playgroup Inc 3,000 Cummins Theatre Inc 14,550 First Australians Business Ltd Cunderdin and Districts Telecentre Inc 23,000 Fishers With Disabilities Association Inc 5,546 25,000 Cunderdin Playgroup 3,120 Fitzgerald Progress Association Curtin University of Technology 5,000 Fitzroy Valley Early Learning Centre Inc 35,775 Foodbank of WA Inc 64,920 Foothills Information & Referral Service Inc 14,500 41,000 Forest Lakes/Thornlie Family Centre Inc 20,639 3,000 Forrestdale Community Kindergarten Inc 3,000 Curtin University of Technology – Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer Control 300,000 Curtin University of Technology – Cooperative Centre for Partnership and Community Engagement Curtin University of Technology – Kalgoorlie Campus Dalwallinu Playgroup Dalwallinu Telecentre Inc 33,000 19,705 5,000 Forum Advocating Cultural and Eco Tourism FACET Inc 5,000 Dardanup Bull and Barrel Festival Inc 8,177 Foster Care Association of Western Australia Inc Dardanup Townscape Committee 3,283 Frank Konecny Community Centre Inc Darkan Music and Drama Group Inc 5,883 Fremantle Education Centre Inc 77,099 Fremantle Housing Association Inc 61,000 Darling Range Wildlife Shelter Inc Darlington Arts Festival Association Inc Daughters of Charity Services WA Ltd David Wirrpunda Foundation Inc Deafness Council Western Australia Inc Deck Chair Theatre Inc Denmark Education and Innovation Centre Inc Denmark Occasional Day Care Centre Inc 15,000 7,355 Friends of Alma Street Centre Inc 63,040 Friends of Attadale Foreshore Inc 10,000 198,961 3,000 6,568 3,100,428 Friends of Edenvale Inc 2,276 Friends of Ellis Brook Valley Inc 9,700 Friends of Gingin Brook Inc 6,244 35,000 Friends of Mangowine Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Inc 10,000 Friends of the Art Gallery of WA Inc 1,350,625 3,290 97,910 Friends of the Cape to Cape Track Inc 4,950 Dianella Community Centre Playgroup 3,000 Friends of the Fitzgerald River National Park Inc Dianella/Waverley Playgroup Inc 3,000 Fullness of Life Centre Inc Disability and the Arts Disadvantage and the Arts WA Inc DADAA 111,867 Fund for FAITH Inc – The Living Centre HIV/AIDS Pastoral Care 43,000 Furqan Islamic Association of Western Australia Inc Dongara Telecentre Inc 20,000 Garnduwa Amboorny Wirnan Aboriginal Corporation Inc Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation Inc Dunsborough and Districts Progress Association Inc Dunsborough Art Society Inc 1,601 25,109 5,000 10,000 5,000 21,236 Dogs Refuge Home WA Incorporated Donnybrook Playcentre Inc 9,785 22,419 Friends of Battye Library Inc Denmark Surf Life Saving Club Inc Diabetes Association of Western Australia Inc 8,900 Fremantle Volunteer Sea Search and Rescue Group Inc 223,800 115,257 87,729 276,918 4,000 20,000 Gawooleng Yawoodeng Aboriginal Corp Inc – Kununurra Crisis Accommodation Centre Inc 2,000 Gay and Lesbian Archives of Western Australia ‘GALAWA’ Inc 13,521 Gay and Lesbian Community Services of WA Inc 36,854 Geographe Community Centre Inc 12,531 Dwellingup Business Association Inc 4,920 Geographe Community Centre Inc – Busselton Outside School Hours Programs 2,022 Earthwise Community Association Inc 9,000 Geographe Community Centre Inc – Dunsborough Outside School Hours Programs 3,032 Eastern Metropolitan Community Housing Association Inc Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council EMRC Eastern Region Domestic Violence Services Network Inc Eastern Wheatbelt ‘Out and About’ Inc Edge Employment Solutions Inc Edgewater Out of School Care Centre Inc 51,194 190,594 24,577 3,522 664,803 Geographe Community Centre Inc – Mandurah 3,324 Geraldton Choral Society Inc 2,295 Geraldton Historical Society Inc 6,500 Geraldton Mid-West Sports Federation Inc 70,137 Geraldton Regional Community Education Centre Assn Inc 52,920 Edith Cowan University – Museum of Childhood 17,840 Geraldton Resource Centre Inc 33,325 Edmund Rice Camps for Kids WA Inc 19,749 Geraldton Sunshine Festival Inc ELBA Inc 14,120 Geraldton Surf Life Saving Club Inc Employment Esperance Inc 5,000 Geographe Community Centre Inc – Lower South West Family Day Care Scheme 4,990 2,000 5,123 212,200 Geraldton Volunteer Sea Rescue Group Inc 10,880 Endeavour Child Care Centre Inc 10,000 Gnowangerup Sporting Complex Management Committee Inc Environment House Inc 50,876 Goldfields Brass Band Inc Escape Youth Group Inc 17,976 Goldfields Mental Health Action Group Inc 2,772 10,000 3,504 Escare Incorporated 5,000 Goldfields Regional Toy Library Inc Esperance Christian Family-Assembly of God Inc - Esperance Care Services 5,000 Gosnells Community Legal Centre Inc 41,000 3,100 Esperance Crisis Accommodation Service Inc 5,000 Gowrie WA Inc – Community Services Belmont 10,000 Esperance Goldfields Surf Lifesaving Club Inc 7,100 Gowrie WA Inc – Leeming Family Centre 9,299 Esperance Group Training Scheme Inc 35,926 Grace Assembly Nollamara Inc 11,579 Esperance Minature Railway Society Inc 10,000 Grand Lodge of WA of Antient Free & Accepted Masons Inc – York 39,422 Esperance Showbizz Inc 34,000 Grandparents Rearing Grandchildren WA Inc Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church of Abuna Teklehaimanot Inc 18,685 Granny Glasgow Association Inc 18,625 35,500 Granny Spiers Community House Inc 35,000 149,144 Grass Valley Progress Association Inc 4,000 8,000 Ethnic Communities Council of Western Australia Inc Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre Inc 3,318 Even Keel Bi-Polar Disorder Support Assn Inc 9,080 Gravity Discovery Centre Foundation Inc Exmouth Community Support Group Inc 5,000 Graylands Hospital Volunteers Service Inc Exmouth Frail and Aged Benevolent Fund Inc 7,700 Great Mates Limited – Armadale Extra Edge Services Inc 2,345 Great Southern Community Housing Association Inc 8,500 83,171 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 4,521 101 of 109 Lotterywest Grants List Green Skills Inc 4,998 Kardinya Murdoch Playgroup Association Inc Greenhills Progress Association Inc 9,563 Karingal Neighbourhood Centre Inc 6,762 99,534 Karratha Youth Housing Project Inc 72,365 Karrayili Adult Education Centre (Aboriginal Corp) 18,603 Guides Western Australia Inc Guildford Primary School Parents and Citizens Association Inc Gumala Aboriginal Corporation Harboursound Inc Harold Hawthorne Senior Citizens’ Centre and Homes Inc 4,400 15,250 2,070 Katanning Arts and Crafts Society Inc 4,000 6,000 Katanning Dramatic Society Inc 4,370 29,250 Katanning Historical Society Inc 6,037 Harvest Lakes Playgroup 3,000 Katharine Susannah Prichard Foundation Inc 3,304 Harvey Health and Community Services Group Inc – Family Support Program 5,000 Kathleen Day Playgroup Inc 3,000 Harvey Mainstreet Inc 10,000 Kellerberrin Playgroup Healing Hearts Foundation 20,000 Kent River Land Conservation District Committee 3,073 14,800 Health Agencies Of The Yilgarn Inc 5,000 Kiddies Corner Playgroup Health Training Australia Inc 9,913 Kidlink Early Intervention Program Inc Heart Kids WA Inc 7,000 Kids Are Kids! Therapy and Education Centre Inc Hedland Well Womens Centre Inc 8,000 Kids Camps Inc 13,000 Hedland Womens Refuge Inc 2,000 Kidsafe Western Australia (Inc 51,796 Helping Out People Everywhere Inc 5,500 Kikar Indigenous Aboriginal Corporation Herdsman Neighbourhood Centre Association Inc 15,000 Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre (Aboriginal Corporation) Inc Hills Community Support Group Inc – Rainbow Housing Program 28,000 Kimberley Community Living Association Inc Hills Community Support Group Inc 16,924 Kimberley Environmental Horticulture Inc 3,070 74,578 6,500 5,000 10,000 2,460 6,376 Hills Outside School Care Association Inc 5,653 Kimberley Performing Arts Council Inc 16,500 Homebirth Australia 5,000 Kimberley Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation Inc 35,933 Homicide Victims Support Group WA Inc 1,857 Kojonup Historical Society Inc Hopetoun Playgroup 3,000 Kojonup Playgroup Association Inc Hopetoun Progress Association Inc 3,110 Kojonup Working Inc 20,000 1,000 Hopetoun Sea Search and Rescue Group Inc 1,548 2,644 Kondinin Calendar Inc 7,576 Hotham Personnel Inc 13,162 Kondinin Progress Association Inc 5,000 Hrvarski Bocarski Klub, Jedinstvo Swan Inc 10,000 Koondoola Community Kindergarten Inc Hungarian Community Band 5,000 3,000 Koorda Sports Club Inc 11,000 Hyden Progress Association Inc 10,399 Koorda Telecentre Inc 40,009 Incest Survivors Association Inc 15,448 KU Childrens Services 8,846 Kukerin Primary School Parents and Citizens’ Association Inc 1,000 Independent Living Centre of WA Inc Inglewood Clinic Playgroup Inc 965,327 3,000 Kununurra Neighbourhood House Inc Institute of Restorative Justice & Penal Reform Inc 41,490 Kururrungku Store Mindibungu Aboriginal Corp Investing In Our Youth Inc 59,370 4,007 16,853 Kuwinywardu Aboriginal Resource Unit Aboriginal Corp Inc 6,000 Irwin District Historical Society Inc 2,517 Kwinana Community Arts Centre Inc 9,000 Italo-Australian Welfare and Cultural Centre Inc 3,000 Kwinana Model Railway Club Inc Jacaranda Community Centre Inc Jack & Jill Playgroup Broome Inc Jalaris Aboriginal Corporation 13,500 1,350 229,860 Kwinana Rockingham Emergency Relief Organisation Inc 1,000 15,000 Lake Clifton Progress & Sporting Association Inc - Lake Clifton Playgroup 2,000 Lake Grace Cadets 5,000 Jalygurr-Guwan Aboriginal Corporation 3,200 Lake Gwelup Primary School Parents and Citizens Association Inc 4,661 Jardamu Women’s Group Aboriginal Corporation 5,000 Lakes Link Telecentre Inc 8,500 Lancelin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Inc) 3,273 Jarlmadangah Burra Aboriginal Corporation – Child Care Centre 13,637 Jarrahdale Heritage Society (Incorporated) 5,412 Lancelin Sea Search Rescue Group Inc 2,332 Jarrahdale Playgroup 2,842 Landcare SJ Inc 8,664 Jazz Club of WA Inc 4,107 Laugh WA Inc 4,705 Jerramungup Telecentre Inc 12,520 Laverton Community Resource Centre Inc 18,040 Jewish Historical & Genealogical Society of WA Inc 15,000 Learning Centre Link Inc 81,639 Jigalong Community Inc 60,000 Leederville Community Action Group Inc 10,000 10,000 Jingalup Tennis Club Incorporated 5,000 Leederville Early Childhood Centre Inc John Curtin College of the Arts Parents and Citizens Association Inc 7,553 Leeman Volunteer Sea Search & Rescue Group Inc 7,873 Leeming Area Community Bands Inc 2,130 Jolimont Primary School P & C Association Inc Joondalup Community Playgroup Inc Joondalup Lotteries House Inc Joondalup Youth Support Services Inc Joongari House/Wyndham Family Support Inc June OConnor Centre Incorporated Jurien Bay Telecentre Inc 15,000 2,450 125,935 50,756 2,000 148,190 20,000 Leeming Toy Library Inc 3,000 Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Foundation Limited 92,500 Lefroy Road Child Care Centre Inc 10,000 Legacy Fund of Perth Inc 12,360 Leonora Gwalia Historical Museum Ltd 28,130 Leschenault Neighbourhood Toy Library 1,500 Kalamunda and Districts Historical Society Inc 5,570 Liddelow Homestead Arts and Crafts Club Inc Kalamunda Community Learning Centre Inc 7,000 Life Plan Recreation and Leisure Association Inc Kalamunda District Bridge Club Inc 8,009 Lions Club of Boddington Inc 5,000 Kalbarri Volunteer Sea Search and Rescue Group Inc 6,109 Lions Club of Rockingham Inc 5,000 21,842 Little Gumnuts Playgroup Inc 3,000 Little Wombats Playgroup 3,000 Kalgoorlie Club Incorporated Kambalda Toy Library Inc Kan-work Options Centre Inc Kapinara Out of School Care Centre Inc 102 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 3,000 28,300 3,948 Living Stone Foundation Inc LMS Ministries Ltd 7,942 18,585 5,000 36,420 Local Drug Action Groups Inc 40,000 Mullewa Telecentre (Inc) Local Government Community Services Assn of W.A. Inc 15,000 Mulligrubs Playgroup 8,335 3,000 Loftus Community Centre Association Incorporated 3,000 Multicultural Services Centre of Western Australia Inc Loftus Playgroup (Inc) 3,000 Multiple Sclerosis Society of WA Inc Lone Parent Family Support Service - Birthright Incorporated 8,000 Munda Biddi Trail Foundation Inc Lower Great Southern Community Living Assn Inc 27,137 Mundaring Performing Arts Society Inc Lower Kalgan Progress Assn Inc 27,140 Mundaring Sharing Inc Lower King Toy Library 3,000 34,914 143,344 50,000 1,450 3,178 Mungullah Community Aboriginal Corporation Inc Lucy Saw Centre Association Inc 14,792 Murray Districts Playgroup Inc Maamba Aboriginal Corporation 14,922 Murray Music and Drama Club (Inc) 30,460 1,150 5,000 Machinery Preservation Club of Western Australia Inc 7,000 Muscular Dystrophy Association of W.A. Inc 32,709 Maddington Community Kindergarten (Inc) 3,000 Museums Australia Incorporated 52,501 Maltese Association of Western Australia Inc 8,824 My Place Foundation (Inc) 12,500 Myasthenia Gravis Friends and Support Group (WA) Inc 12,991 Malubillai Wildlife Carers Network Incorporated 11,399 Mandurah City Choral Society Inc 1,800 Nannup Music Club Incorporated 9,006 Mandurah Concert Band Inc 3,506 Narembeen Playgroup 1,712 Mandurah Disabled Support and Recreational Respite Inc 1,000 Narembeen Tourist Association Incorporated 4,994 Mandurah Family History Society Incorporated 5,135 Narrogin Art Group Inc 6,500 Mandurah Gardens Estate Social Club (Inc 17,575 Narrogin Regional Child Care Services Inc Mandurah Home and Community Care Incorporated 17,500 Narrogin Spring Festival Inc 5,000 National Association For The Prevention Of Child Abuse and Neglect WA Inc 4,163 Mandurah Murray Arts Council Inc 4,660 14,817 Mandurah Murray Emergency Relief Fund Inc 29,000 National Council of Women of Western Australia (Inc) Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club Inc 30,000 National Heart Foundation of Australia (Western Australian Division) Inc Mandurah Parkland Village Residents Association Inc 2,960 13,300 1,808,000 National Trust of Australia (WA 57,680 Mandurah Performing Arts Incorporated 14,000 National Trust of Australia (WA) - Jarrahdale (1949) Mill 60,404 Manjimup Aboriginal Corporation 16,917 National Trust of Australia (WA) - Moir Homestead and Complex 50,370 Manjimup Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc 7,874 National Trust of Australia (WA) - St James Church Greenough 10,810 Marangaroo Family Centre Inc 2,500 National Trust of Australia (WA) - York Courthouse Complex 80,720 19,350 Margaret River Community Resource Centre Inc 15,800 Naturaliste Volunteer Sea Rescue Group Inc Margaret River Regional Environment Centre Inc 19,878 Network Family Support (W.A.) Inc Marjorie Mann Lawley Day Care Centre Inc 10,000 Neurological Council of Western Australia (Inc) Marmion Warwick Playgroup Assn Inc Marnin Bowa Dumbara Aboriginal Corp Inc - Derby Family Healing Centre Marnin Bowa Dumbara Aboriginal Corporation Inc Mates Men’s Support Group Busselton Inc McFarleane House Learning Centre Inc 1,460 2,711 5,000 New Life Welfare (WA) Inc 15,000 2,712 Newman Mainstreet Project Inc 40,000 Newman Neighbourhood Centre Inc 34,378 26,262 3,017 161,972 Newman Womens Shelter Inc 5,000 Ngaanyatjarra Council (Aboriginal Corporation) - Land Management Unit 152,900 Meerilinga Young Childrens Foundation Inc 52,390 Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara Womens Council Aboriginal Corp 62,011 Melville Cares Inc 88,180 Ngala Incorporated 83,398 Melville City Playgroup Inc 2,800 Ngangganawili Aboriginal Community Controlled Health and Medical Services Melville City Toy Library Association 3,000 Aboriginal Corp 38,598 Melville Water Polo Club Inc 4,091 Ngaringga Ngurra Aboriginal Corporation Inc 50,537 73,340 Ngnowar-Aerwah Aboriginal Corporation Inc 41,324 3,000 Nintirri Centre Inc – Nintirri Family Playgroup Men of The Trees Inc Men of The Trees Inc - City Farm Mental Illness Fellowship of Western Australia Inc. - Lorikeet Clubhouse 19,372 Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre Inc 5,000 Nirrumbuk Aboriginal Corporation Inc Middlesex Social Club Inc 1,570 Nirvana Social Club Inc Midland Information Debt and Legal Advice Service Incorporated Midland Junction Lotteries House Inc Midland Womens Health Care Place Inc 15,850 7,912 1,236,276 2,922 Nintirri Centre Inc 13,419 5,000 1,000 Noahs Ark Toy Library & Resource Centre Inc 13,000 Noranda Combined Probus Club Inc 2,378 North Beach Playgroup 3,000 Midwest Community Living Assn Inc 15,792 North Cottesloe Primary School P & C Association Inc 5,000 Milligan Foundation Housing Assn Inc 29,000 North Perth Out Of School Care Centre Inc – Highgate 4,997 Mindibungu Aboriginal Corporation Inc Mirrilingki Spirituality Centre Inc Mission Australia Inc 141,772 North Perth Out of School Care Inc 4,997 4,700 Northampton Historical Society Inc 20,260 42,000 Northams Avon Descent Association 110,044 Model A Restorers Club of Western Australia Incorporated 1,500 Northcliffe Family Centre Inc 66,577 Model Off-Road Buggy Club Inc 7,073 Northcliffe Interpretative and Cultural Centre Inc 60,000 Moora Promotions Inc 4,018 Northcliffe Playgroup Inc 5,000 Moora Youth Group Committee Inc 3,940 Northcliffe Recreation Association Inc 3,050 Mosman Park Playgroup 1,500 Northern Exposure Photographers Group Inc 6,376 Motor Neurone Disease Assn of Western Australia Inc 8,319 Northern Interaction Support Association Inc 4,131 Mount Lawley Neighbourhood Toy Library Inc 3,000 Northern Suburbs Stroke Support Group Inc Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Inc 5,000 Nulsen Haven Association Inc Mowanjum Aboriginal Corporation Inc Mt Barker Toy Library Association Inc Mt Magnet Cottage Craft Group Inc Mulan Aboriginal Corporation Inc 314,745 1,099 165,950 Nungarin Newslink 14,340 3,000 Nyoongar Patrol System Incorporated – Walyalup Moort – Fremantle Patrol 38,455 8,779 Oakford Trails Management Association Inc 14,500 48,922 Older Womens Network WA Inc 5,010 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 103 of 109 Lotterywest Grants List Ongerup and Needilup District Museum Inc Options for People’s Accommodation and Lifestyles Inc Orana House Inc Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Service Aboriginal Corporation – Kununurra Mens Services Outcare Inc Outcare Inc – Santas Workshop 24,590 2,500 32,767 9,250 19,000 4,822 Preston Beach Progress Association Inc 13,700 Pride Western Australia Inc 19,252 Prime Timers Western Australia Inc 1,299 Priority Television Network Inc 8,305 Probus Club of Fremantle WA Inc 3,395 ProSubi Limited 5,000 Oz Concert Inc 57,000 Puggles Playgroup Padbury Education and Child Care Centre Ltd 14,868 Quinninup Community Association Inc Padbury Playgroup House Inc 3,000 Radio Rally Club WA Inc Paraburdoo Toy Library Association Inc 3,000 Rainbow Coast Toy Library Inc Parents and Friends Federation of WA Inc 13,800 Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network Inc Parents Without Partners Western Australia)Inc 14,342 Ravensthorpe Playgroup Inc 3,000 32,452 9,797 3,000 18,200 3,000 Parkerville Children’s Home Inc 5,000 Ravensthorpe Regional Arts Council Inc Parkerville Playgroup Inc 3,000 Reaching Australia Inc 10,000 2,868 Recreation Network Inc 203,263 Partners of Veterans Association of Australia – Western Australian Branch Inc Patricia Giles Centre Inc 10,869 Relationships Australia Western Australia Inc – Gosnells Paupiyala Tjarutja Aboriginal Corporation Inc 15,000 Resource Unit for Children with Special Needs Inc – Kalgoorlie Retirees WA (Inc 1,786 37,928 2,452 PBF Australia Ltd 8,821 38,695 PEEDAC Pty Ltd 68,380 Returned & Services League of Australia WA Branch – Lancelin & Coastal Districts 2,365 Peel Community Development Group Inc 54,521 Returned & Services League – Highgate 6,470 Peel Community Living Inc 34,340 Returned & Services League of Aust WA Branch Inc – Canning Districts – Victoria Park 4,874 Peel Region Orchid Society of WA Inc 3,479 Returned & Services League of Aust WA Branch Inc – City of Rockingham Sub Branch 150,000 Peel Regional Highlanders Inc 5,000 Returned & Services League of Aust WA Branch Inc – Manjimup 3,424 Peel Volunteer Referral Agency Inc 2,996 Returned & Services League of Aust WA Branch Inc – Nannup Sub Branch 7,272 Peel/South West Division of General Practice Ltd 78,513 Returned & Services League of Aust WA Branch Inc – Northam Sub-Branch 2,169 People With Disabilities WA Inc 44,522 Returned & Services League of Aust WA Branch Inc – Sandakan Borneo Memorial 4,455 Perth Christian Life Centre Inc 7,618 Returned and Services League of Aust WA Branch Incorporated 732,330 Perth Chun Do Sun Bup Ki Life Energy Centre Inc 5,000 Returned & Services League of WA – Retirement and Aged Care Association 217,727 Perth Concert Band Inc 2,142 Rhein-Donau Club Inc 17,505 14,775 Perth Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Applecross 10,570 Richmond Fellowship of WA Inc Perth Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Beaconsfield 58,210 River Conservation Society Inc Perth Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Como/Manning 3,920 Rockingham District Historical Society Inc Perth Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Gosnells Welfare & Community Services 12,000 Rockingham Model Railway Group Inc Perth Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Leeming 3,000 Rockingham Regional Environment Centre Inc Perth Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Merredin/Kellerberrin 7,888 Rockingham Volunteer Sea Rescue Group Inc Perth Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Moora 68,244 Rockingham Womens Health and Information Assn Inc Perth Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Mundaring 11,120 Rockingham Woodworkers Club Inc Perth Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Northam 23,410 Rocky Bay Inc Perth Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of South Perth 9,370 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth – Anawim Perth Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Toodyay 7,670 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth – Basilica of St. Patrick Fremantle Perth Diocesan Trustees – Anglican Parish of Victoria Park 12,870 Perth Diocesan Trustees – Glentromie Pioneer Cemetery 7,040 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth – Catholic Migrant Centre Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth – Father Brians Crisis Care Centre Perth Home Care Services Inc 12,500 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth – i.d.entity.wa Perth Inner City Housing Assn Inc 27,345 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth – Parish of Kellerberrin Perth Inner City Youth Service Inc 6,120 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth – Parish of Moora 7,557 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth – Personal Advocacy Service Perth Jewish Aged Home Society Inc Perth Studio Potters Inc Philanthropy Australia Inc 10,000 5,500 11,000 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth – St Patricks Community Support Centre Pilbara Aboriginal Chamber of Commerce Inc 40,000 Roman Catholic Bishop of Broome – Balgo – Kutjungka Parish Pilbara Community Legal Service Inc 66,442 Roman Catholic Bishop of Broome – Kununurra Wyndham Parish Pingelly Land Conservation District Committee 4,129 Roman Catholic Bishop of Geraldton – Centacare Family Services Geraldton 1,833 Roman Catholic Bishop of Geraldton – St Mary’s Northampton 4,574 Rossmoyne Kindergarten Inc Pingrup District Resource and Telecentre Inc 14,405 Rotary Club of Mount Barker Inc Playtime Playgroup Polish Ethnic School Inc 6,000 15,000 6,295 5,552 20,490 4,800 7,205 24,000 3,000 3,000 508,000 18,470 3,000 2,331 Rotary Club of Mandurah Districts Western Australia Inc – Sail Into Life Planned Individual Networks Inc 7,719 5,000 19,444 Pinjarra Visitor Centre Inc 62,299 Rossmoyne Prim School P & C Assn Inc Pingelly Telecentre and Resource Facility Inc Pingrup Pottery Group Inc 4,670 581,615 26,570 Physical Disability Council of Australia Ltd 15,000 5,000 149,111 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth – Sacred Heart Church Highgate Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth – St Kieran’s Parish Pineview Community Kindergarten Inc 9,109 28,370 10,000 Pines Playgroup 4,260 10,000 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth – Pro-Cathedral of St John the Evangelist Philatelic Society of Western Australia Inc Pilbara Regional Domestic Violence Council Inc 9,954 9,863 8,461 Rotary Residential College Inc 359,876 4,015 Rotary Western Australia Centennial Ltd 250,000 269,500 Royal Naval Association Perth WA Inc 3,680 1,544 Royal Perth Yacht Club of Western Australia Inc 32,910 4,786 Royal Society of Western Australia Inc 99,960 Polykulcha Inc 18,210 Ruby Benjamin Animal Foundation Inc 5,000 Port Hedland Sobering Up Centre Group Inc 34,611 Russian Ethnic Community and Youth Development Assoc Rusichi Inc 2,000 Positive Ageing Foundation of Australia Inc 6,655 S.O.S. Supporting Our Seniors and Disabled Inc 4,955 104 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 Sailability WA Inc 13,609 Shire of Kalamunda 39,412 Saints Care Ltd – The Homestead (Beldon) 48,318 Shire of Kellerberrin 5,000 Saints Care Ltd – The Homestead (Kingsley) 20,930 Shire of Kojonup 9,630 Salvation Army Western Australia Property Trust – Bridge Programme 50,000 Shire of Koorda – Koorda and Districts Museum and Historical Society Samaritans Inc 10,000 Shire of Kulin 40,000 Sandalwood Art and Craft Save the Children Fund Australia Schizophrenia Fellowship Albany and Districts Inc School Volunteer Program Inc Scout Association of Australia – Western Australian Branch SECCA: Sexuality Education Counselling and Consultancy Agency Inc 4,294 8,340 Shire of Lake Grace 24,840 22,233 Shire of Laverton 10,000 385,559 Shire of Leonora 35,861 5,000 100,000 82,800 Shire of Meekatharra 123,726 Shire of Morawa 14,264 318,481 Shire of Mt Marshall 14,092 Serenity Lodge Inc 25,150 Shire of Mukinbudin 97,500 Serpentine Jarrahdale LCDC 33,060 Shire of Mullewa Senses Foundation Inc Serpentine-Jarrahdale Youth Activity Group Inc Servite Sisters Inc Share & Care Community Services Group Inc 8,177 Shire of Manjimup 36,000 2,681 Shire of Mundaring 8,870 Shire of Mundaring – Buckingham Heights Toy Library Inc 30,441 123,195 Shire of Murchison 3,148 41,874 Shark Bay Arts Council Inc 9,000 Shire of Murray 5,000 Shark Bay Fishing Club Inc 1,007 Shire of Nannup 15,000 Shelter WA Inc Shire of Ashburton – Onslow Evacuation Centre 10,790 200,000 Shire of Narembeen 107,220 Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku 50,000 Shire of Augusta-Margaret River 50,000 Shire of Northam Shire of Augusta-Margaret River – Rural Transaction Centre 80,000 Shire of Northampton 33,192 Shire of Boyup Brook 7,164 4,200 Shire of Nungarin 31,176 Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes 45,500 Shire of Perenjori 5,000 Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes – Bridgetown Heritage Group 12,450 Shire of Quairading Shire of Broome 19,143 Shire of Ravensthorpe Shire of Broomehill 26,936 Shire of Ravensthorpe - Ravensthorpe Hopetoun Area Promotions (Inc) Shire of Bruce Rock 10,985 Shire of Roebourne 20,888 Shire of Busselton 15,800 Shire of Roebourne - Walkington Theatre 34,000 Shire of Busselton – Meelup Regional Park Management Committee 30,000 Shire of Sandstone 8,214 10,000 5,000 2,860 Shire of Capel – Dalyellup Community Centre 226,000 Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale 33,750 Shire of Capel – Peppermint Grove Beach Community Centre 150,000 Shire of Shark Bay 56,650 Shire of Carnamah 10,500 Shire of Three Springs 10,000 Shire of Carnarvon 14,610 Shire of Toodyay - Old Gaol Museum 15,000 Shire of Carnarvon – Baxter Park Community Development Project 41,000 Shire of Trayning 17,220 Shire of Carnarvon – Carnarvon Civic Centre 33,450 Shire of Upper Gascoyne 28,356 Shire of Chapman Valley 12,530 Shire of Waroona 21,680 Shire of Collie 10,000 Shire of West Arthur 26,848 Shire of Coolgardie 50,370 Shire of Westonia 3,859 Shire of Coorow 49,047 Shire of Wickepin 110,000 10,000 Shire of Williams 24,092 Shire of Cranbrook Shire of Cranbrook – Frankland Community Resource Centre Shire of Cuballing Shire of Cue Shire of Cunderdin – Cunderdin Museum 150,000 5,130 94,370 5,000 Shire of Wiluna 17,315 Shire of Wyalkatchem 82,056 Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley Shire of Dalwallinu 67,403 Shire of Yalgoo Shire of Dandaragan 36,254 Shire of Yilgarn – Yilgarn History Museum Shire of Dandaragan – Badgingarra Community Centre 34,972 Shire of York – Residency Museum York Shire of Dardanup 18,500 Short Term Accommodation for Youth Inc Shire of Denmark – Nornalup Community Hall 77,913 SIDS and Kids Western Australia Incorporated Shire of Derby-West Kimberley 104,011 Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup 32,220 3,500 Shire of Wongan-Ballidu 10,000 275,000 6,935 27,829 3,360 27,363 Silver Chain Nursing Assoc Inc – Walpole Community and Health Centre Silver Chain Nursing Association Inc – Bridgetown 93,051 135,000 Shire of Dowerin 5,223 Silver Threads Band Shire of Dumbleyung 4,066 Smart Events Inc 35,000 4,138 Shire of Dundas 76,215 Smith Family Inc 32,623 Shire of Gnowangerup 20,000 Snag Island Coastal Kids and Community Centre Inc Shire of Goomalling 61,475 Somali Women Association WA Inc Shire of Greenough 29,872 Somali-Australian Humanitarian and Relief Organisation WA Inc Shire of Halls Creek 68,602 Sorrento Playgroup Association Inc Shire of Harvey 41,334 South City Housing Inc 29,986 Shire of Harvey – Harvey Senior Citizens Inc 38,352 South East Metropolitan Youth Action Inc 37,790 Shire of Harvey – Leschenault Leisure Centre 3,000 6,000 15,000 5,815 3,000 South Lake Ottey Family & Neighbourhood Centre Inc Shire of Irwin 25,000 South Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre Inc Shire of Jerramungup 10,000 South Perth Playgroup Shire of Jerramungup – Jerramungup Community Centre 25,000 South Stirling Community Association Inc 6,000 109,359 3,000 15,000 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 105 of 109 Lotterywest Grants List South West Emergency Care Inc South West Family Support Association Inc South West Migrant Service Inc 9,800 24,743 2,407 Town of Vincent – Beatty Park Leisure Centre Toy Place Toy Library Inc Tractor Museum of WA Inc 3,000 3,000 63,220 South West Refuge Inc 16,038 Treloar Child Care Centre Inc 9,033 Southcare Inc 11,000 Trustees of the Christian Brothers in WA – Catholic Agriculture College – Bindoon 50,370 Southern Agcare Inc Southern Cross Care WA Inc Southern Cross Playgroup Southern Cross Telecentre Inc Southern Cross Village Success Residents Social Committee Southern Districts Support Association Inc Southside Christian Centre AOG Inc Southside Christian Centre AOG Inc – Armadale Care Adult Centre Department 9,000 600,000 3,000 14,500 2,555 544,542 4,465 200,000 Trustees of the Sisters Of Nazareth – Nazareth House 200,000 Two Rivers Catchment Group Inc 5,200 Two Rocks Blessing of the Fleet and Community Day Inc 5,000 Two Rocks Volunteer Sea Rescue Group Inc 4,044 Two Rocks Yanchep Residents Association Inc Uni Camps For Kids Incorporated 3,400 15,000 United Eritrean Association of WA Inc 4,524 United Nations Assn of Australia WA Div Inc 5,389 Southside Harmony Men Barbershop Chorus Inc 4,288 Uniting Church Council of Mission Trust Assn – Murchison Financial Advocacy Services Speak Easy Association of Western Australia Inc 6,200 Uniting Church Homes Special Olympics Western Australia Inc 6,868 Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust WA – Billabong Playgroup Canning Vale 3,000 Species Orchid Society of WA Inc 2,000 Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust WA – Dalwallinu Uniting Church 9,620 7,114 Speech and Hearing Centre for Children WA Inc 107,112 Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust WA – Foothills Food Centre Spina Bifida Association of Western Australia Inc 359,770 Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust WA – Leeuwin Parish 4,000 86,787 2,123 Sri Lankan Tamil Association of Western Australia Inc 14,887 Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust WA – Mofflyn 15,000 St Barbaras Festival Inc 20,000 Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust WA – Rainbow Project 10,050 St Bartholomews House Inc 52,305 Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust WA – Uniting Aid 12,650 Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust WA – Wesley Homelink 45,395 St Bartholomews House Inc – Bentley Crisis Unit 1,046 St Basils Aged Care Services in WA Vasileias Inc 10,037 St Francis Xavier Playgroup and Third Road Kindy Inc St Jeromes Playgroup St John Ambulance Australia-WA Ambulance Service Inc Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust WA – Wesley Mission Fremantle 8,000 2,682 Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust WA – Wesley Mission Perth 57,000 1,930 Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust WA – Wilf Sargent House 54,435 2,420,020 Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust WA – Wyn Carr House Womens Refuge Inc 14,890 St Vincent De Paul Society WA Incorporated 65,500 University of the Third Age The University of Western Australia Inc – South East Region St Vincent De Paul Society WA Incorporated – Passages Resource Centre 27,065 University of Western Australia UWA – Friends of the Grounds 15,000 57,252 Upper Mackie River Land Management Group Inc 13,196 Useless Loop Community Biosphere Project Group Inc 42,540 Valued Independent People Inc 40,000 St Vincent de Paul Society WA Incorporated – Vincentcare House Bayswater St Vincent de Paul Society WA Inc – Vincentian House, Midland Stand By Me Youth Service WA Inc Starick Services Inc Stirling Business Alliance Inc Stirling Skills Training Inc 1,514,000 13,490 5,000 49,981 7,500 Veteran Car Club of WA Inc Victoria Park Youth Accommodation Inc Victoria Plains Playgroup Association Sudbury Community House Association Inc 17,624 Volunteer Centre of Western Australia Inc Support Housing and Action for Collie Kids Inc 10,400 Volunteer Home Support Inc Sussex Street Community Law Service Inc Swan Emergency Accommodation Inc Swan Friendship Club of Western Australia Inc 9,000 WA Air Training Corps Gliding Wing Inc – Cadets 7,000 WA Council on Addictions Inc – Perth Community Drug Service Team 44,880 WA Council on Addictions Inc Cyrenian House 1,287 4,972 28,332 3,042 295,341 9,967 24,373 14,795 362,055 Swan Village of Care Inc 2,700 WA Croatian Community Centre Inc 10,000 Tamil Association of WA Inc 2,000 WA Disabled Sports Association Inc 166,540 5,000 WA Veterans Support Group and LINCS Inc 69,036 Wagin Telecentre Inc 17,570 Tammin Economy Shop Cooinda Association TESCA Inc Technology Assisting Disability WA Inc Teen Challenge (Perth) Inc Thai-Australian Association of WA Inc Therapy Focus Incorporated Three Springs Historical Society Inc 33,466 300,000 8,500 154,217 34,690 Waikiki Community and Family Centre Inc 2,355 Wanneroo and Districts Historical Society Inc 2,070 Wanneroo Orchid Society Inc 15,000 16,563 Three Springs Playgroup 3,000 Waratah Christian Community Inc – Falcon Family Centre Tiddly Winks Toy Library 3,000 Waratah Support Centre South West Region Inc Tiny Tots Toy Library Association Inc 2,300 Warawarni-Gu Healing Art Centre Inc – Roebourne Toodyay Naturalists’ Club Inc 3,350 Waringarri Media Aboriginal Corporation Inc Torbay Catchment Group Inc 4,499 Wanslea Family Services Inc 5,000 4,587 17,699 4,464 Warren Art and Craft Group Inc 3,810 Town of Bassendean 19,989 Waugal Aboriginal Corporation 15,000 Town of Cambridge 20,000 Webber Gardens Residents Social Club Town of Cambridge – Cambridge Youth Centre 33,460 Wellstead Progress Association Inc 1,805 Town of Claremont – Claremont Museum 13,320 West Australian Ballet Company Inc 12,000 Town of East Fremantle 47,408 West Australian Group Training Scheme 51,352 Town of Kwinana 87,243 West Australian Ostomy Association Inc 33,631 8,015 West Australian Quilters Association Inc Town of Mosman Park Town of Narrogin 33,859 West Australian Rowing Club Inc Town of Northam 35,000 West Kelmscott Cty Recreation Movement Inc – Kelmscott Town of Port Hedland 4,000 West Pilbara Volunteer Sea Search & Rescue Group Inc Town of Port Hedland – Matt Dann Cultural Centre 35,000 West Stirling Neighbourhood House Inc Town of Victoria Park 11,420 Westan Aboriginal Corporation Inc Town of Vincent 15,000 WESTCARE Inc – WESTCARE Accommodation Services 106 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 1,295 1,000 10,370 5,000 40,000 2,000 8,916 84,732 Westerly Family Centre Inc 6,134 York Family Playgroup Western Australia Capoeira Federation Inc 6,357 York Society Inc 15,000 3,000 24,750 Western Australian AIDS Council Inc 35,860 Young Australia League Inc Western Australian Association for Mental Health Inc 35,990 Young Mens Christian Association of Newman Inc Western Australian Autism Diagnostician’s Forum Inc 2,366 Young Mens Christian Association of Perth Inc YMCA 5,000 410,000 Western Australian Community Foundation Ltd 256,419 Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia YACWA Western Australian Council of Social Service Inc WACOSS 132,697 Youth Alive Western Australia Inc Western Australian Deaf Society Inc 120,685 Youth Charities Trust Inc 30,000 Youth Involvement Council Inc 33,870 Western Australian Local Government Association 65,477 15,000 8,600 Western Australian Naturalists Club Inc-Kwinana,Rockingham, Mandurah Branch 2,700 Yulella Aboriginal Corporation Inc 3,000 Western Australian Pipe Band Association Inc 1,000 Zig Zag Community Arts Inc 9,496 Western Australian Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation Inc 7,405 Zonta House Refuge Association Inc 6,000 Western Australian Sports Federation Inc 2,059 Western Institute of Self Help WISH Inc 40,625 Wheatbelt Area Consultative Committee Inc 78,500 Whitfords Volunteer Sea Rescue Group Inc 29,580 The following amounts were recommended by the Commission approved by the Wila Gutharra Community Aboriginal Corporation Inc 23,585 Minister in accordance with sections 22(d)(l) and 22(d)(ii) of the Lotteries Commission Winter Babies Playgroup 3,000 Winthrop Playgroup Inc 2,995 Womens Health Care Association Inc 161,788 Womens Healthworks, Health Education and Resource Centre Inc 96,000 Wongutha Birni Aboriginal Corporation Inc 38,669 Woodlake Playgroup Inc 2,677 Woodlands Family Playgroup Inc 3,000 Woodvale Family Playgroup Inc 3,000 Woodvale Toy Library Inc 3,000 Woolah Aboriginal Corporation 67,396 Wunan Foundation Inc 10,000 Wyndham Telecentre Inc 19,717 Yaandina Family Centre Inc 70,517 Yahnging Aboriginal Corporation 26,610 Yamble Playgroup Inc Yarloop Progress Group Inc Yarra Yarra Catchment Management Group Inc – Kalannie Yealering Playgroup Yiyili Community Aboriginal Corporation Inc Yokine Over 50’s Club Yorganop Child Care Aboriginal Corporation Total Direct Grants 57,174,920 Act 1990 (as amended). UWA-Perth International Arts Festival 4,000,000 Screenwest Inc 4,000,000 Total 8,000,000 Total Approved 65,174,920 3,000 3,628 30,000 2,000 280,000 1,780 27,220 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 107 of 109 Reconciliation of Direct Grants – 2004/05 Allocations approved but not paid at 1 July Less: Net adjustments to prior year grants Add: Grants approved during the year Less: Grants approved and written back during the year Less: Payments made during the year Grants approved but not yet paid at 30 June 108 of 109 Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 2005 $000,s 2004 $000,s 60,546 (1,239) 56,437 (1,346) 59,307 55,092 71,571 62,856 130,878 117,948 (80) (140) 130,798 117,807 (63,546 ) (57,261) 67,252 60,546 Glossary Add-on commission This is a commission payable to Lotterywest Retailers which is included in the price paid by players Community Cultural This funding program includes our support for the Perth International Arts Festival and ScreenWest as well as a wide range of community festivals and celebrations Community Sector Development A funding program aimed at further developing skills and quality of management of those working within the community sector Community Support and Development This program includes funding for community buildings and facilities, employment and enterprise initiatives, emergency relief for those in financial crisis, support for emergency services and funding for medical research Environment Funding under this program includes support for both the natural environment (conservation projects) and the preservation of our built heritage Lotteries Houses Lotteries Houses are buildings which are purchased, constructed or refurbished by Lotterywest to house, usually, smaller community groups which could otherwise not afford their own office space. The houses are run by incorporated management committees and are encouraged to be independent and, as far as possible, self-sufficient Net subscriptions These are subscriptions net of any prize liability Priority Groups with Special Needs This funding program helps meet special needs in the community such as those of aboriginal people, families and children, young people, seniors and people with disabilities Subscriptions These are the proceeds of sales of lottery products net of any add-on commission Lotterywest Annual Report 2005 109 of 109
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