Part 3
Part 3
78 7 References Briggs eta/, 1996. Geology of the Tauranga Area. Department of Earth Sciences Occasional Report No. 22, University of Waikato, Hamilton. Published in collaboration with Environment Bay of Plenty and the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited. Ministry for Environment (April 2012) Users Guide: NES for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health. Wellington. Ministry for the Environment MfE, 2011, Contaminated Land Management Guidelines No. 1, Reporting on Contaminated Sites in New Zealand, ME No. 1071, October. Wellington. Ministry for the Environment MfE, 2004a, Contaminated Land Management Guidelines No. 3, Risk Screening System, ME No. 502, February. Wellington. Ministry for the Environment MfE, 2006, Contaminated Land Management Guidelines No. 4, Classification and Information Management Protocols, ME No. 742, August. Wellington. Ministry for the Environment MfE, 2011, Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health) Regulations 2011, SR 2011/361, October. Wellington. Ministry for the Environment MfE, 2011. Methodology for Deriving Standards for Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health (ME 1055). Wellington. Ministry for the Environment Regional Land and Water Plan- Bay of Plenty Regional Council (1 December 2008, revised 2010) aurecon Leading. VIbrant. Global. Project 239043 File 239043-PSI-Rev1 docx 27 November 2013 Revision 0 Page 27 79 Appendix A Report figures aurecon Leading. Vibrant. Global. Source: Western Bay of Plenty District Council MAP! Database- not to scale aurecon 80 ~ )> (} ::c :3: rn :z: -t ~ A person us~ng Aurecon documents or data accepts the risk of: a) USing the documents or data in electronic fonn wilhout requesting and ehedting tlem for accuracy agalfiSI: the original hard copy version. b) U51ng the documents or data for any purp0$8 not agreed to in writing by Aurecon ThtS map ~ncaponues data which is oopynght and used under licence from vanous agencies. AU rights, conditions and disclaimers of aN copyngtw: holders and hcensors are acknowledged and reserved. Greenlands Orchard Partnership 239043 Greenlands Orchard Partnership -Stage 1 PSI Report FIGURE 1: Site Location Plan Source: Western Bay of Plenty District Council MAPI Database- not to scale • aurecon Potentially contaminating activities Golf Course Orchard 81 ~ =t )> (} ::c ~ ::3: ~~ ~ rn :z . ~ c ~ ~ e CJ ~ i i ~ g, ,;; a) Usmg the documents or data in e)ectronic form without requesting and checking l'lem for accuracy against the Ot'iginal hard copy version . b ) Usmg the documents or data for any purpose no1 agreed to In writing by Aurecon. ThtS map incorporates data whtch is copynght and used under licence trom vanous agendas. All nghts, cond1bons and disclaimers of al copynght holders and licensors are acknowledged and reserved Greenlands Orchard Partnership 239043 Greenlands Orchard Partnership -Stage 1 PSI Report FIGURE 2: Site Investigation Plan . 82 ATTACHMENT~ Appendix 8 Historical title information aurecon Leading. Vibrant. Global. 83 ATTACHMENT\.?0 J: : ...... ' ' l N~·/ r rf· ro·.s ift·io~ err !66/45 l R:toi .2.:>15/Sl r nO. i'"T, -,·, llo."' }\jC. 0IIkr REGISTER No. . .:; • 65~ 136 iI I I CERTIFICATE OF TITi.E UNDER LANO TRANSFER ACT i li!:{Jis Q£tif.titte Jated the oay of 9t!l one thousand nine lrandred «nd :; eyentv-fou.r • SO;T:'i1 ;,:;c:::LoiiD !l.prll !under the seal of the D~trict Land Rcgistra< of the Land Regis\rat!on D isu·ict of lwtTNESSRH that RO".;E:R iSITh !'Ai~·En of ·I Katilr..ati farme.:- .) . . I I . resel"\·nti<m!, restrictbns,"CS, liens, and interests as are notifieJ 0 ,.! Iis seised cf an ~tate in fcc-simp!e (subject toi.n the land hereinafter described, deli!1C."'!ed 11'irh bckl black lines on the plan hcreo:;, ! Sl!Ch />n<'mocial nndernTirten cr endor>ed here<w) \be the sm:taJ !'.d.nJ>::l\''.!!'Cn•ents a linle more or less, that is to say: All that p:u-ce l of land c.omairO:ag 29; 62[; ~ .•r:::c:T.!,I:'::S !'!Ore ~ less being part Allotment 54 a.."'td 98 c:l1 all J, llotoents 97 a!ld. 99 I'nrish of . 1 Te !·!ania j I I I Subject as to Allotr.lent 99 to the Re;:;c'r\r:J.iior~· ~:muoscd by ·.Sectio!1 5 o[ the coal_ i·i~nc_s ;.~cr:.d.:"~_!'t' Act Block II Aonc:Ja+e-1-e S.D 1950 #r•, ~.! •• a. S. 394363- 3 tatutory Land Charge under th<:! Rural Housing ,\ct 1939 by t-he 7auranea ' County Co~~cil 2.00 o'c ente~cd 14.12,196~ ._ ~ .i.. u ...R. 5.529867 Gazette Pt 54 27· 4758 ha ~ ~ ':~ r ' ~ ~ I '~ : \\ ! i ~ ----, ,J ~~p· <'~:. .: ' - " ... ··~o +o ! A.-eo - 2 '). b 2. 8 I ! <i r-i _, i ·'I .,..! "'--... 1 ho M easurements arc .M.etric 84 ATIACHMENT® Ff.101386.1 Memorandum _of Priority making Mortgage H/0.?5'528.4 a fir,st mortgage, Mort~age 8.593201 a sec~nd inort~age an~/ortgage H.O'J55j?8.3 a ' third mor~gage produced ~0·~ - ,197 t ' ~9.29 o'c . • for A; L-.- . H.101386.4 Variati~n of t~rms of . Mortgage H.0755..a8. .3 produc~d · • 30.9.1976 at o/.29 o'c ;'· · or A. L.!L,_ 1 ? H.145904, 3 Morttage to Au;tralian ~!utual Provident Society praquc-ed 2~~· .1977 at 10,37 p'c· ~ -~ or A.L..IL !!.145.904. 5 tl!emorandum of Prioriily..-mGihg Hortgage H.145904.3 a firs.t mortga~, M:ortgage lL 075528.3 a ·seoOJJ!Lmortgage and ~!ortgage S. 593201 a, ~i:Vd mortg~. produce~ 24.8.1977 at 10.37 o•·c ~ for A.L.~. \ 2.1523 h~ b \ 97 ~d 9.9 Par ·~-~~~nia Allotme c ..~~~ ;. . jy.. . I r l5 i R. H.258887 Gaze~te Notice revoking part w~ land as to Gazette Notice 5.529867 entered 2 ·at 2.5~ o 'c .1979 · ~ C'tlllt or :A~. H.258888 Gazette Notice revoking part within land -jl-B"-to Ga:z.~_tte Notice S. 529867 entered 2~. 1979 at, 2:51 0 1·c . 1 · :OOrf"'Mr'l . r ' ~,~. H.264510.2 ONCT~ Cancelled and the follow]ng C1 sT issued for lots on 29.11.1979 Plan 8.2?396 '· Lots 1 and 2 - 25C/573 part Lot 3 25C/574~ . A.L.R, • ' \. 85 . ; ~tp,._..,S......:.22"'Eo.;5~.11""oL-- R.jn-.- _.J P.R. V.o!. 1·Tr""'f,. .No. - N£W I . REGISTER I ~ud~J .R.firrcr~t:i I F~ s-Ci:i~-H~ ZEALAND No.t. 51 ~: CERTIFICATE Of TITLE UNDER lAND -TRANSFER ACT ~: is s<iw:d of an estate in fee-simple (subject to I1ICh reserv~tions, resuietioas, cnCWI)br&nces, liens, and interesu written or endorsed bereom; Jubjcct ~ to ""Y aistiag rigbl of the Crown to a. r notified by memorial under .Ue and lay ~ff ro;.da uod.,. ;u,y ~ct of the Gcn=-1 Aaembly of · New Zealand) in the land nen:inafter described, as the same i.l delinuted by the plan b=n border~_, be the ~er..r admcasuremenll a ! trrgi~/;Wy ~tc[.ar.!:fi{ar.t ex;:~%~e~..,;_~eilR~1-dbeen little mon: or less, which J&.id Jaodl.;.:, twelfth · da.y QQJr...__J:...u_n_e:...__ _ _ _ _ _, oot thousand nine hundred And ,!31xt-t-one oLJ;he. Pu!:>l lc Works t.ct 5. . .A!JP'S 2 as~~ I . PQOf';$ undc.rSec :ion og . or . . that is to say: All 'that pared of bnd coot> JQ;>P. 1€ 1 vw;-BrOJF:S •·ore cr less hei ... e' A":'1otr-ents 07J op acd 99 Par1sh t.~an1a Te !. / I Te Mania PariSh .~ -· -11 .·.;~ 'f....} :· e .J , ariation of Toto1 l.<olt of Uo~t A~_ .<f s.o !•llj,.f~ Cho1n1 10 an lrteh J ·<M .tt' ·' - -=- - - ~"' -(..\ p /,l"" ' "l- .• •R • . oviEIL ...: . · 86 ATIACHMENT~ji At.Jf 5J61 L1LJ ., ..,. • .. S.5~~&7 C"'Uette Notice decl.arJnt No.::2: State FJehw.,_y(~k._cit.~) fronting the witl'.in.Jan · Iiinitcd ace= roiW p · rn.JI~--- at q ·5'<:!,:0::,_~'1'-~~~5::::7 8.555015 Trans · of Mortgage 8.380715 to y Gordon Bathgate as executa entered 24.4,1972 at 11.55 o'c __ --~ ~~~ ~~ ~"\\ . - S555016 M~ ~~ to Mar~~~~ a Muriel~~~\ produced ~4 A.L.R. Mortgage 3,380?15 ~race Brady and son in u~equal .19 2 at 11.5/ o'c shares /J..U~ A.L.R. 8.593200 Transfer of Mortgage 8.380715 to Rita Constance Robertson produced 27.2.1973 at 12.15 o'c ~ A.L.R. 8.593201 Mortgage to Bank of New Zealand produced 27.2.1973 at 12.15 o'c ~ Discharge of~~tory Land Charge ::; • ~9?~U1 as fo 11 ot 1 DP.S 17203 1.. ·• produced 23~10;1973 at 10.40 ~ A.J.,'.R. ~~~scharge of £\cOrtg~fis~· 593201 as to ~t 1 Plan S.17203 ,. at 10,40 o'c ~ It uced 23.10.1973 .,...~ <df.... ..._ A.P.:~.. S.529931 Transfer of.Lot 1 Plan 5.17203~ to Gary John Rand produced 23.10.~73 at 10,40 o• c · "B/$u "· . .. :... S.5~4136 09CT) Cancelled as to the res~d~e 3 .•• 1,74 ) and C.T. 17. . /24~· :... CANC L L L 3 D :... :... :... 87 . . -'1 ......t.-:."!··! :~ ILc-..-~ ATIACHMENTlli] ~ .. -= c -=-~· ~.::.. _:..c:.~=--··-·""--==;";'=~ !J'ou B. NEW -:-YoL lOll ZEALAND. , Follll 71 r 'rra#Uin No. &fruoco:: j.tpPZwlio• No. tON.r {or tlfC No. C. 4313 CERTIFICATE OF TITLE UNDER L!ND TRANSFER ACT. = IIDds tho b&Dd and oeol ol ib.o DioLriol Land R~g!Otrr.r ollhl Lf.ncl &~oa District of _ _ _ __..a..,UC,...I!J""'"'*"';n"'---- -lllilnli.Utq th11 iaMi:ted of u eeta.t. ia. &6-lia:lple (anbj&d lG aaeh ftaer.-auoos .. n!.!triwoa.3. eoonrabnnoes. lieoa, 1\lld tnliereJU a3 are Doliifitd by memorial UDder wnuea or 4Ddoned b.tteon, 1abjeo' .!oo io uy ewting ~iu o! !.he Crvwa to we ILlld lay o1l rv:ado 1111du .he pro.-uiDaa oC ""~ ol Na• Ze&la,Qd} in t.ho lacd bezeiaa.lloar ducribad.. as ••:za.• iJ: O.iine._;od Oy t.b.o plaq benoo bo[dtl"K aliWe more or leu. that i• part k) .ay: A.U shat parcel on:;;d;nt&inioc gree::. a.c~ ol !.he Gou.en.1 .!....,111bly , be Wle ae'f'en.l!I.Surewt:ow &;lghty pnt» (81) &ot'&J:: !'w9.,.;J2l ..roed& ::norl!! ;,/.' lesa bei.::--..r: of Allot:)ft:lf. No 54 nt' tt• P.dsh cf 't• )fanJe._ _ _ - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- ---- ------- - -- - - --- / '~- i· ! \ ! !' t ·, ~ I ~f .f. i I· r i tI . l / f ~ I lt') I -~ I 0 ~ r' c.:> t.., ;·') I'I -~- _,6.,_,/;_ •. ltJ.-J. ! f ' 88 A~TACHMENTr A J Si... • ' ! - ~--·=· ' ---· · - - - -- - • II ." " .:; ! l. ·' ;I I f 89 J~o/tfs Discharge of Statutory Land Charge 8.39436~ as to Lot 1 Plan 8.1?203 produced 2~.10.197~ at 10.4~c ._ ATTACHMENr[i] ~ Discharge of Mortgage 8.593201 as to Lot 1 Plan 8.17203 pro~d 23.10.1973 at 10.40 o'c • A, ,R, 8.629931 Transfer of Lot 1 Plan 8.17203 to Gary John Rand~uced 23.10.1973 at 10.40 o'c , 16B/562 :A • .R. 8.6S4136 ONCT)Cancelled as to the 9.4.1974 )residue and C.T. 17A/246 issue~~ 'J"ER.- ::- ::- ::- ::- 90 .~ ,.- .. -''!- · • r-= ,.. 'l (lP-8. .· NEW ZEALAND. S.J...- : s VoL ;{/tJ .folio {; I 'hoai/IT No. SOUTiJ CERTIFICATE OF TITLE UNOE R LAND TRANSFER ACT. === III- I Iif ~ iS Image Quality due 1o Condition at Original 11 II iiii =- ~ :' .. . :1; '· ·.-; /i ·.·· ; -.·' --------- --------- ---- 91 ..... ·~ . ~~ .-. "':! .. .; ..."" = -.; . = :; .. . = iii .. .. . iii .. I... .. .. iii ·• '\ .. .. ~ ~ ,j .. - . f j ~ ::iii I.. .~ ~ Ii I ~ j r 1- I I . l. I ,..._. ~ I JH ' •• oro \ . .. ---- -··--- .-...._. __ ~ ~ c :~. .. ~ aoil - :iii o!i .. . ill 92 A11AC\-\MEN1[h] QuickMap Title Preview Page I of I QuickMap Title Preview Information last updated as at 05 Oct 2013 COMPUTER FREEHOLD REGISTER UNDER LAND TRANSFER ACT 1952 SA72A/953 Land Registration District South Auckland Identifier Date Issued 26 June 2001 Prior References SA46C/546 Type Area Legal Description SA46C/547 Fee Simple 5.6011 hectares more or less Lot 1 Deposited Plan South Auckland 91232 Proprietors Ian Guy Cross and Allen Conway Hunter as to a 9/17 share William George Chapman, Neil John Craig and Sheryl Denise Tebbutt as to a 7/ 17 share HTT 2007 Limited, Marilyn Ellen Smith and Michael Roy Smith as to a 1/17 share Subject to a building line restriction over part marked Con DPS 91232 created by Transfer H297889.2 Appurtenant hereto is a right of way created by Transfer H297889 .I Appurtenant hereto is a right of way created by Transfer H512220.1 Appurtenant hereto is a right of way and rights to convey water and electricity specified in Easement Certificate H968547.2 Subject to a right to convey electricity over part marked Bon DPS 91232 specified in Easement Certificate H968547.2 Subject to a right of way over part marked G on DPS 91232 created by Transfer B663798.3 - 26.6.2001 at 9.00 am The easements created by Transfer B663798.3 are subject to Section 243 (a) Resource Management Act 1991 7819982.5 Mortgage to Rabobank New Zealand Limited- 19.5.2008 at 9:00am The information provided on this report forms a guideline only. As a result, Custom Software Limited cannot and does not provide any warranties or assurances of any ldnd in relation to the accuracy of the information provided through this report, the Site and Service. Custom Software Limited will not be liable for any claims in relation to the content of this report, the site and this service. file :///C ·/Users/Rose.waddington/ AppData/ Locai/Temp/ I /QM DocOrder.html 2 1/10/2 013 93 ATIACHMENT\Al -- :lj?ifl;-.:,-.rlrr 1 ' 11 1'1 !'1;11'1 I'' l.l•t''''. ·:tln· References_, · ~till • r 7 ·1 1'' !It 111 I \I, I · 1 I 111-11' f.ti.\ I' \ ''t'lt '' lind and \IDeeds z 0 69 Pnor C/T 26B/7 Transfer No. N/C. Order No. DESTROYEREGISTER H.968547.1 CERTIFICATE OF TITLE UNDER LAND TRANSFER ACT one thousand nine hundred and July 31st day of l:l)ill £rrtifiratt dated the under the seal uf the Distri~;l Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND WITNESSETH iliat his wife are ninety NOEL DOUGLAS CAMPBELL of Picton diesel engineer and MARGARET GAIL CAMPBELL Subject to a Building Line Restriction over the part herein marked Eon DPS.56255 'appurtenant to Lot 2 DPS.27396 (CT 25C/5731 :C:. c : S • ~ created by Transfer H. 297889.2 \ '· Appurtenant hereto is a Right of Way over the part Lot 2 DPS.27396 marked A on DPS.56255 (part CT 25C/573) created by Tran?fer ::;)"c.-(: I.,. · H. 297889.1 Appurtenant hereto is a Right to Convey Water (Limited as to Duration) over the part Lot 2 DPS.27396 marked H on DPS.56255 (part CT 25C/573) created by Transfer H.512220.1 8.839897.3 Mort~~ ~~es Securities Limited - B. 2~~n2'.Y l£1:1 10.~ O~'!.D!-·1 0 V E R ••. I I i .....t, O: M..:asurements are Metric eJr., '7 CANCELLED DUPLICATE DESTROYED X 94 ATTACHMENTlli] CERTIFICATE OF TITLE No. 46C I J 547 RE ISTER H.966547.2 Easement Certifica te certifying the following easements to be the easements intended to be created by the operation of Section 90A Land Transfer Act 1952 LOTS ON DPS.56255 Nature of Servient DOminant ~ Easement Tenement Tenement Right of Lot 1 D E &F Lot 2 Way and (C'l' 46C/546) (herein) Right to Convey Water Right to Lot l Lot 2 G Convey (CT 46C/546) (herein) Water and Electricit y Right to Lot 2 B Lot 1 Convey (herein) (CT 46C/546) Electricit y Lot 1 D E &F Lot 2 (CT 46C/546) (herein) - 31.7.1990 at 10.50 o'c ~ H.9S8766 Variation of Terms of Mortgage H.S39897 .3- 6.11.1990 at 10.52~ {/Or A.L.R. B.045303.2 Transfer to Ian James Carroll of Katikati orchardi st- 2.10.1991 at 10.01 o'c ~~. B.045303.3 Mortgage to ANZ Banking Group (New Zealand) Limited - 2.10.1991 at 10,01 o'c ~· I I I I i 95 ATIACHMENTI F1 ___ / 46C/547 \ 8663798.1 Discharge of Mortgage 8045303.3 as to part Lot 2 DPS91232 8663798.2 Transfer of part Lot 2 DPS91232 to John Jamt; McCullough and Anne Margaret McCullough '""'-- Appurtenant to part Lot 2 DPS91232 herein is a right of ." way over part Lot l marked G DPS91232 CT 46C/546 \ created by Transfer 8663798.3 Subject to Section 243(a) Resource Management Act 1991 8663798.4 CsT 72A!953-954 issued for pan Lots 1-2 DPS91232 ' ~~;roduced 18.6.2001 at 10.12 and entered~~ roiL CANCELLED DUPLlCATE DESTROYED 96 ATIACHMENTIAJ :r, ·1~,.,~,·, , 1 !l'tl\lt 11!t•· til f!'I-~''P! I :1! !·1!! I I r~ I f i l l tl'! 1·1.· ·,'o~s 69 ~~ii 1 l 11&111111·1 References Prior CIT 26:9/7 Transfer No. N/C. Order No. H. 96854 7.1 z 0 CANCELLED DUPUCATE ~R CERTIFICATE OF TITLE UNDER LAND TRANSFER ACT ninety one thousand nine hundred and July 31st day or U:~iG (ertiftcatr dated the under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND WITNESSETH that his wife are NOEL DOUGLAS CAMPBELL of Picton diesel engineer and MARGARET GAIL CAMPBELL msetsed of an estate in fee·simple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, hens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several ad measurements a llttle more or less, that Is to say: AU that parcel of land containing 1. 9700 . 1 on HECTARES more or less situated in Block II Aongatete Survey District '/.'?\. ';!~...._ fA.. Deposited Plan S. 56255 '':./} :;;.-..'-' r /~{ ', ~ ,.....(,_, ~~;. .~ ;(~( . ~:~·~'\ . ~.·~:J; . \ ·\,/' ,.. " . ;....._,: "'"' .,.,....;; \ ~ . ; '~·/J \0\.. ·~ ~'-,./\v~'- r-.~ '- ~;. ___...LA....,.,~''· '~"EGIS!f!(AR . ~ ' ~~./ THIS CERTIFICATE IS AFFECTED BY THE FOLLOWING Subject to a Building Line Restriction over the part herein marked c on DPS.56255 INTERESTS AS AT THE appurtenant to Lot 2 DPS.27396 (CT 25C/573) created by Transfer H.297889.2 \ hereto is a Right of Way over the part Lot 2 DPS.27396 marked A on OPS.56255 (part CT 25C/573l created by Transfer H.297889.1 A~purtenant Appurtenant hereto is a Right to Convey Water (Limited as to Duration) over the part Lot 2 DPS.27396 marked H on DPS.56255 (part CT 25C/573) created ~Transfer H.512220.1 Mor#~~ra_} Mt:asurements are Metric ~~'U_, =- C<?oney Lees SQcurities: H.S39B97.3 Limited - 2.~:9~~31 o'c ~) \I~A~ 0 t>· \ ~f.~~:~ ~.968547.2 Easement Ce~tificate certifying the following easements to be the easements intended to be created by the operation of Section 90A Land Transfer Act 1952 LOTS ON DPS.56255 Dominant Servient Marked Nature of Tenement Tenement Easement D E &F Lot 2 Lot 1 Right of (C'T 46C/547) (herein) Way and Right to Convey Water Lot 2 G Lot l Right to (CT 46C/547) (herein) Convey Water and Electrici.ty Lot 1 B Lot 2 Right to (herein) (CT 46C/547) Convey Lot 2 D E &F Electricity Lot 1 (CT 46C/547) (herein) ll . 7. I ')90 ,.t lO. <;Q o' r: 0 V E R .... =- 97 ATTACHMENTLAJ CERTIFICATE OF TITLE CT: 46C/546 No. 1 ' · R GISTE =- =- H.988766 Variation of Terms of Mortgage H.939B97.3 - 6.11.1990 at 10.5~ ~or A.L.R. =- The easement referred to in Easement Certificate H.968547.2 was created by Transfer 8.045303.2 scH~G£~~~- s.145379 Mor~~~ ~o q~ Limited - 17 ~~ 1~3 a fA.~ - ··:; ~ dJ.YFJs-s·J =- Securities 'c r .-1JJoi... for A.L.R. 8.169119 variation of terms of Mortgage 8.145379 - 3.11.1993 at 9.01 o'c 1-~ !k for A.L.R. 8.278593 Variation of Terms of Mortgage 8.145379 - 19.6,1995 at 9.43 o'c : for • 8.348355.2 Transfer to John James McCu lough of Matamata potter and Anne Margaret MCCullough his wife- 11.6.199~t 9~9 o'c __;.J K-Q,d- _,l- A.L •• B.348355.3 Mortg~1/:~7rust Bank New zealand 9. 39 o• c (l} f.. t(\ 1 Limited - 11.6~Zf ~ Q)JI O"IJ)J\ 8c:;.&sz.?o·/ for A.L.R. (#fo =- =- =- =- =- =- I•IJ I .,I 4l,IOO/lf90\IIK 98 ATTACHMENT[] 46C/546 '- 6663798 .3 Transfer of part Lot I DPS91232 to ian James Carroll Appurtenant to part Lot 2 DPS91232 herein is a right of way over part Lot I marked G DPS91232 herein created by \ Transfer 86637983 Subject to Section 243(a) Resource Management Act 1991 Subject to a right of way over part Lot 1 marked G DPS9!232 herein appurtenant to Lot 2 DP$91232 CsT \ 46c/546-547 created by Transfer 8663798.3 Subject to Section 243(a) Resource Management Act 1991 \ , 8663798.4 CsT 72N953-9S4 issued for part Lots 1-2 DPS91232 , ~~roduced 18.6.200 I at I 0. 12 and entered :.:H( tori · CANCELLED DUPLICATE DESTROYED =- =- =- 99 ft. ~""~ .. n ~CHMENTI !i!o>A ws References Prior CIT 25C/57J Transfer No. B. 297889.1 N/C. Order No. ~ z ~ "" ~ ·N 6'\ .. (D R·EGI STER •, ""' !!!; CERTIFICATE OF TITLE UNDER LAND-TRANSFER ACT ,;; .. "" ~ one thousand nine hundred and etahty July day_ of under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration Distri't of SOU1'B AUCKLAND lri.JI• ltrrtificatr dated the 28th ' WITNESSETH that ALBERT BUfrON HALL and JOHN lllBHY HALL both of .Baail ton fal'!llere are '· .. ""' IIi 16 seised of an estate in fee-simple (subject to such reservarions, rcstrictic)lls, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or .endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described , delineated with bold black lines-on-the-plan-hereon, be the Kvehl ad measurements a little more or Jess, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 7.6201 · HECTARES more or l~sa being Lot 1 on Deposited Plan 5.27396 and beina part Allotment '4 Parish of Te Mania THIS CERTIFICATE IS AFFECTED BY THE FOUAllfiNG INTERESTS AS AT 'I'BE DATE OF ISSUEa Appurtenant hereto ia a right of vay over tbe part Lot 2 marked A on Plan S. 27396 (C.T. 25C/573) created by Transfer 9.297889.1 A.L.B. B.M •. KING H.297889.2 Transfer imposing a buildinc restriction against part vitbin land appurtenant to Lot 2 Plan S. 27J96 (C.T. 25C/57J) produced 28.7.1980 at 2.00 Blk ll Aonga+ete 50. o'c R.297889.J B.M.· ~~~Q5 Ho~~ge Savinge BanlPpro#uc 1 II'· H 60"3610·1~-1 H.M. A.~.B. of .Pleaty .\V.1980 at 2.00 o'c · - A.L.B. duced for ortgag regiatration 2 ol980 at 2.00 o'e froa regiatratiOD and vithd . 28.7.19 ~ 8;297889-~ .t,,,\ Measurements art! Metric ci ;z; {!!J-~ o.v.E.R. . ,.. ......-, '"'-. ..-IJ_ ~ n.;lator copr tort. l 0 . 119, 71 . 12 100 ATTACHMENI\h] .:: ::2::~ Mo~·~" 1\aral Baaking ud t FiD&Dce Corpo ·o 'J:].2.198~ at ~ e ev Zealand produced ~~ ~~'\. H·IC(7:)2S ., __.Aetf A. • R. H.544232.2 Transfer to Albert Benton Hall and John Harry Hall both abovenamed as tenants in common in equal shares produced~, .1984 ~~~ o~;v;.L. at 1.32 o'c = H.808123.1 Transfer to Noel Douglas Campbell of Picton diesel engineer end Margaret Gail Campbell his wife produced 13.7.1988 at 10.30 o'c = H.808123.2 John Harry \ H.5U232.3 .Transfer: of a'·:on&-ha'lf·'·· shai:e .-" of the int~rest of Albert-Benton Hall to Doris Flora Myrtle Hall of Katikati rried woman produced 4 • 9.1984 at l..~;z o to The National produced 13.7.19 ~~YI6'i"J.\ H.839897.3 Mortgage to Cooney Lees Securities Li~ited produced 2.12.1988 a~lO o'c for H.544232.6 Memorandum of Pr ority making Mortgage ~.544232.5 a second mortgage and Mortgage H.St2220.2 a third mortgage produced 4.9.1984 at~l.l2o'c H.603510.2 Plenty prod \-('Al sL.~J ~~ ~ ~· ~rusteebank Bay of • 985 at 10.26 o'c ft,-i... .. ,...,._ .. · . H.937722 Notice pursuant to Section 93 Transit New Zealand Act 1989 that part -S ta~e Highway No.2 fronting the within land is a road for the deposit of plan of subdivision - 8.3.1990 at 11.07 o'c ~-~A~ ''io:O~.~~ H.968547.1 ONCT 31.7 . 1990 . Cancelled and the following C'sT issued for Lots on DPS.S6255 Lot 1 - 46C/546 r.Ot 2 - 46C/541 fo .R. H.6035t0.3 Memorandum of Priority making Mortgage H.603510.2 a first mortgage, Mortgage H.544232.5 a second mortgage and Mortgage H.512220.2 a third mortgage produced 25.7,1985 at 10.26 o'c ~· CANCELLED ,~ H.603510.4 produced r+YnS2~·4- Hor~~~~ric Pin:~~e ~~~~~ed 25.7~~ .~"·rvu...~ H.603Sl0.5 Hortg Acceptance Limit 10.26 o'c .., ~ H - 1c,l)~·J '\. 0.26 o'c >7 ') L..~" ..... /7!1!; - ~~al F~~anc~L.R. d 25.7.1985 at J..l ~i/ Mort~~-~~~a~~:n:~L;:~k educed H.603510.6 of New Zealand at 10.26 o'c ~ \ ~ t~ · "JC(l l& ·b . • '1..-\.\.:\ s 'i.J. .. 25.7.1985 ~/'U,' --r;r ~ for A.L.R. H.6429S9 Gazette Notice declaring part State Highway -No.2 fronting a Limited Access Road 9.55 o•c· .. ~ iii ~ ~ :=: ~ ... 0::: .,.......... / . •.• _J__ 101 ····.:..:-:..--~---·----'-----.~T'f'A'€r!Mttt~·~-j1- ~~·. .- 0 . References . Land ·and Deeds 69 REG4 1·s;··~-- ~ -. Prior CfT17 A/246 Transfer No. N/C. Order No. B. 264,510.2 (\ . nine one thousand nine hundred and seventy November t:bls (trtifitiltr dated the 29th day of under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND ROGER KEITH PALMER of Katikati farmer -= by is seised of an estate in fee-simple (subject ro such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the sevefal admeasuremcnts a little more or less, that is to say: All that par~;el of land containing 27 .·5489 HECTARES more or less being Lots 1 and 2 .on Deposited Plan ·s;27396 and being part 98 Parish of Te Mania Allo~ents 54 and ASSISTANT LAND RIDISTRAR THIS CERTIFICATE IS AFFECTED :BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTS AS AT THE DATE SUbject to Section 37 (1)(c) of the Counties Abendment Aot 1961 OF ISSUE A.L.R. II AONGATETE S .D . S.39436J st.iM....'t~~~.r1ge under the Rural :ura.nga. County Counci o'o Housing Act 1~j;l entered 14.12~967, 1-'\:nt~O·J A.L.R. H. KING 5,529867 Gazette Notice declaring No. 2 State Highway fronting the within land to be a limited access road entered 20.8.1971 at 9,50 o'c A,L,It, E. KING S.$93201 Mortgage to produced 27,2.1973 45904. 3 l" ~Vi~e~~ S . O1 ~r Bank of New Zealand at 12.15 o'o R ~ . H. K A.Yk~Jt.'l.! ra.liall Mu~ ' 'I(' ~ 8.19-,~77~ ~~- ~ bll'£2.> Q '{~"fV ~r.L.R. H.145904.S Memorandum of Priority ving Mortgage H.145904.J priority over mortgage S.59J201 produced 24.8.1977 at 10.37 o•c H. KING A. L. R. H.258888 Gazette Notice revo~ Limited !coee .1.:_ Road Declaration S,529867 aa to part 2$.10.1979 at 2.51 o'c 1Tore 1 Ara.a ·27 ~89 ha Measurements are Metric ~. 0 :z -= Ul .J . . "Ul CERTIFICATE OF TITLE I,INDER LAND TRANSFER AC.T WITNESSETH that 2 ......<'. H. 278580.2 Discharge of Mortgage H.1~5904. 3 as to Lot 1 DPS 27396 produced 19.3.1980 OvE It·. .JIL./11~ at 11. 04 o 1 c fo~~. 102 ~;;~,2>C/~TTACHMENT~ I R.2?s 5so.J .,,,.,.;•••••• ,,•••••• .as to LoL 1 DPS 27396 prod~ced 1 .3.1980 :· at 11'.04 o'c fo A• • • H.297889.1 Transfer of Lot 1 Plan 5,27396; to Albert Benton Hall and John Harry Ball togetber .witb a right of way over the art Lot 2 ~arked A on Plan S.27396 ; C.T. 25C/573) pro.duced 28.7.1980 at f ~~~7:-'c JL_J} . _.. . n-;:t::R:-1 Appurtenant hereto is a building restriction against part Lot l Plan S. 27}96 imp~ sed by Trana1el,' H. 297889. ~ _. H-...._~ • _ ll:L:R~ H.512220.1 Trans1er . granting~ight to :: -~' convey vater (lilllited~t"\aa· . a ion) over part within lan~~e Lot 1).Plan 8.27}96 (c.T. 2, . ' ert Benton ·: ·"· Hall and' John !I& produced 27. 2.1984 at 1.35 . o'c i-~'19 ~· f ,_...,7.L.-Jir ~-- - ... H.642959 Gazette Notice declaring part State Highwdy No. 2 fronting the within land to be a L i:ni ted Access Road entered 3 3~. 198.6 dt 9··~ss . o•C". 0 = H.649006 Notifica!:_~on by the Mi'nister of works and'Development that part of Stale Highway No. 2 is a road/for the 0 purpose of the deposit of plan of subdivision· entered 8.4.1986 at_ ~.25 o'c 0 0 0 , ··Q.{_~~ for A.r.;.ft.- .. B.l12231 The outstanding . ~uplicate hereof ; having been declared! lost,· this · Ce~tificate of Titl'e is cancelled and new Certificate of Title SlC/516 issued in leiu hereof ·· p~odu~~d 11 12.l:l.l992 at 9.00 o'c and ~ntered 1 0012.1992 at 9.00 o'c 0 -· 1!:::. • • ~ : A.~. :: ~ '• ,/ I o._j( ... 103 -i,}i. ATTACHMfNTfAl . J_"'---,~__,-~-~~... · .1 1:<1 · ;: \ t :<~'$!1)~·6· : i · I ' v {l I I I !' <I .' I ; · lmaqe Quality due to Condition of Original -~ ... I .: ' - . _.,....,..E. C. ~,....., --··-·· ~- ~·-- / As lhc •me is dc1inn.tcd on • s...r"''t"''s;,.,~ ();,...,..;~,,r,.,_. ·. ·: -d//.11::2.:.. f/1:.£..~. I .. . ~ tile PJoq dnt'ITG in tLo IDA~b be ~· r, WITil P1l the n.i;Lts o.nd tLrrdo Lolonsin&; ..... wat• ..Jd~,;)(?~tA c;;g_&,~l'fj A·r~ ·L Reiro ood Aulpt, ~.. ...-.. (1 of··~k7'".._d'.J r·~J ~.vp, //,~-.d ~~£~J..d., ...~~4-'r7 1 tlw> .. ... .. __,,_ J ·! I I ( 1 I I ! I u ·~ f.J ~... c..~ tn J f) ..fl 3 --s:~o·•• : ~i . . .. . .. 'i . ~ t. ; - .· .. ·- ~ .::- -. .· 1 rl . ~ . ' .. ·.. J .': ""--~"~ .,_.,;. ·-- ~ 104 ATIACf-iMENT~ t 1. ~.~·· : Ill : : ·.'1· . .... : ~ .·, ': ,. I· .· ·; .' ~ I .:· .. o ,~ •. ~ .... ' I . ' ~ ·J . i 1 ~. t .. ........ ~,. ~ :~ : ~··-. _____________________________, ------------ . RJ. ; f l--------------------- ' -----·. ~-J -., - - - - · .I !\I 105 Appendix C Select Land Use Information aurecon Leading. Vibrant. Global. 106 ATTACHMENT!hl Richard Griffiths From: Sent: To: Subject: Anya Lambert <> Wednesday, 23 October 2013 12:30 p.m. Richard Griffiths RE: Site Contamination Enquiry x 2 Hi Richard In response to your enquiry regarding the site/sat 30 Oikimoke Road, Te Puna and 2670 SH2, Katikati, we can advise that we were unable to locate any information on our register regarding Hazardous Activities and Industry List (HAIL) activity or contamination. A HAIL activity is a past or present activity occurring on site that has the potential to cause contamination (e.g. service station, timber treatment site, horticultural site, automotive dismantlers etc). The list of HAIL activities was compiled by the Ministry for the Environment (MfE). Please view their web site for further information. The Bay of Plenty Regional Council has not yet assessed every site in the region where a hazardous activity is, or has taken place. Therefore there is still a possibility that a HAIL activity may have occurred or is occurring on the site . If you are concerned that a HAlL activity may have taken place, the cautious way to proceed would be to undertake an independent audit of the site. We recommend you also contact the Western Bay of Plenty District Council which may hold additional information about this site that we are unaware of. If you wish to discuss the matter further, please contact Reece Irving on 0800 884 881 extension 8341. Kind Regards Anya Lambert I Science Administration Officer 1Bay of Plenty Regional Council 1Whakatane, New Zealand 1Ph: 0800 884 881 x9479 1Web: Please consider the environment before printing this email From: Ngahuia Marr Sent: Monday, 21 October 2013 11 :07 a.m. To: Anya Lambert Subject: FW: Site Contamination Enquiry x 2 Here's another © Ngahuia Marr !Information Officer 1Bay of Plenty Regional Council I Tauranga 1Extn : 92991 Web: Please consider the environment before printing this email 107 ATTACHMENT\Al L--- From: Richard Griffiths [] Sent: Monday, 21 October 2013 10:59 a.m . To: Web Info Requests Subject: Site Contamination Enquiry x 2 Hi there Please find attached 2 separate site contamination enquiry forms for 30 Oikemoke Road, Te Puna; and also the Greenlands Orchard site at 2670, State Highway 2 in Katikati. Please do not hesitate to get in touch at your earliest convenience should you have any problems or wish to discuss further Kind regards Richard Richard Griffiths sse (Hons) Msc FGS Senior Geoenvironmental Engineer, Aurecon T + 64 7 578 6183 1DDI +64 7 577 51541 M +64 21 244 1959 E Ground Floor, 247 Cameron Road , Tauranga , New Zealand PO Box 2292 , Tauranga 3140, New Zealand • aurecon ,.::r. t '-'1 Leadi ng. Vibrant. Globa l. ! - I (1 1 II j I I ,I Email disclaimer: This email and any attachments are confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, do not copy, disclose or use the contents in any way. If you receive this message in error, please let us know by return email and then destroy the message. Bay of Plenty Regional Council is not responsible for any changes made to this message and/or any attachments after sending . This e-mail has been checked for viruses and none were detected. This email has been filtered by SMX. For more information visit 2 108 ATTACHMENT A Appendix 0 Site inspection photographs . aurecon Leading. VIbrant. Global. 109 Plate 1 - Looking south-west towards SH2 and the entrance to the current residential dwelling. The dwelling garage and water tank is visible in the mid-ground Plate 2- The residential dwelling at the southwestern end of the site Plate 3 - Looking east at the garage Plate 4 - Hazchem sign on the garage Plate 5 - Grass paddock to the south of the existing residential dwelling Plate 6 - Looking west across the adjacent golf course from the residential dwelling aurecon Leading. VIbrant. Global. Greenland• Orchard 1Site Inspection photographs 110 ~//~Jef~~HMENT - I Plate 7 - Concrete pad located at the northern end of the garage Plate 8 - Looking north-east along the main site access with the orchards Plate 9- Signs related to orchard spraying within the orchard Plate 10- Proposed residential dwelling area at the north-eastern end of the site Plate 11 - Looking south-west towards the orchards from the proposed residential dwelling Plate 12- Looking north from the proposed residential platform towards the golf club. The gold club maintenance shed is shown in the right of the photograph . aurecon Leading . VIbrant. Global. Groonl andl Orchard I Sltolnopoctlon photograph• 111 Appendix E Laboratory Certificates of Analyses aurecon Leading. Vibrant. Global. 112 ATTACHMINTIA' Hill Laboratories BETTER TESTING BETTER RESULTS A N A L YS /S R J Hill Laboratories Limited 1 Clyde Street Private Bag 3205 Hamilton 3240, New Zealand R EP Q R T +64 7 858 2000 +64 7 858 2001 Page 1 of4 Lab No: Date Registered: Date Reported: Quote No: Order No: Client Reference: Submitted By: Aurecon Client: Contact: R Griffiths C/- Aurecon PO Box 2292 TAURANGA 3140 Tel Fax Email Web SPv1 1195142 23-0ct-2013 04-Nov-2013 57499 239043 239043 2670 State Highway R Griffiths Sample Type: Soil Lab Number: Sample A 18-0ct-2013 1195142.1 Sample B 18-0ct-2013 1195142.2 g/1 OOg as rcvd 63 - - - - - - Sample Name: Individual Tests Dry Matter Heavy metals, screen As ,Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,Zn,Hg Total Recoverable Arsenic mg/kg dry vvt 29 8 - Total Recoverable Cadmium mg/kg dry vvt 0.56 0.53 - Total Recoverable Chromium mg/kg dry vvt 25 5 - Total Recoverable Copper mg/kg dry vvt 44 23 - Total Recoverable Lead mg/kg dry vvt 19.5 14.9 - Total Recoverable Mercury mg/kg dry vvt 0.23 0.13 - Total Recoverable Nickel mg/kg dry vvt 3 3 - Total Recoverable Zinc mg/kg dry vvt 131 55 - - Acid Herbicides Screen in Soil by LCMSMS Dicamba mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 - - - 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (240) mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 - - - - 2,4-Dichlorophenoxybutyric acid (24DB) mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 - - - - Dichlorprop mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 Fluroxypyr mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 - - - Haloxyfop - - Fluazifop 2-methyl-4chlorophenoxybutanoic acid (MCPB) mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 - - - - Mecoprop (MCPP; 2-methyl-4chlorophenoxypropionic acid) mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 - - - - Oryzalin mg/kg dry vvt < 0.4 - - - Pentachlorophenol (PCP) mg/kg dry vvt < 0. 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bentazone mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 - Acifluorfen mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 - Bromoxynil mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 - - Clopyralid mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 - - - Picloram mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 Quizalofop mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 2, 3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol (TCP) mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxypropionic acid (245TP,Fenoprop, Silvex) mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 - 2,4,5-T richlorophenoxyacetic acid (245T ) mg/kg dry vvt < 0.2 - \' j ,, .. , ,, u~ 0 - - - - This Laboratory IS accredited by International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ) , which represents New Zealand 1n the InternatiOnal Laboratory Accred1lallon Cooperation (ILAC) Through the ILAC Mutual Recogmt1on Arrangement (ILAC-MRA) this accreditation IS Internationally recognised 0 The tests reported herem have been performed 1n accordance w1th the terms of accreditation , With the exception of tests marked •, which / laboratory are not accredited ]65 113 ATIACHMENT\A Sample Type: Soil Sample Name: Lab Number: Sample A 18-0ct-201 3 1195142.1 Sample B 18-0ct-20 13 11 95142.2 < 0.2 - - - - Acid Herbicides Screen in Soil by LCMSMS Triclopyr mg/kg drywt Organochlorine Pesticides Screening in Soil Aldrin mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 - mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 - - alpha-BHC - - beta-BHC mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 - - - delta-BHC mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 - - - gamma-BHC (Lindane) mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 - cis-Chlordane mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 - trans-Chlordane mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 - - Total Chlordane [(cis+trans )* 100/42] mg/kg drywt < 0.04 < 0.04 - - 2,4'-DDD mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 4,4'-DDD mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 2,4'-DDE mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 4,4'-DDE mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 - - - - - - - - - 2,4'-DDT mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 - 4,4'-DDT mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 - Dieldrin mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 Endosulfan I mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 Endosulfan II mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 Endosulfan sulphate mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 Endrin mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 Endrin Aldehyde mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 Endrin ketone mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 Heptachlor mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 Heptachlor epoxide mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 Hexachlorobenzene mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 mg/kg drywt < 0.010 < 0.010 - Methoxychlor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Organonitro&phosphorus Pesticides Screen in Soil by GCMS Acetochlor mg/kg < 0.08 - Alachlor mg/kg < 0.05 - Atrazine mg/kg < 0.08 - Atrazine-desethyl mg/kg < 0.08 - Atrazine-desisopropyl mg/kg < 0.15 - Azaconazole mg/kg < 0.04 - Azinphos-methyl mg/kg < 0.15 - Benalaxyl mg/kg < 0.04 - Bitertanol mg/kg < 0.15 - - Bromacil mg/kg < 0.08 - - - Bromopropylate mg/kg < 0.08 - - Butachlor mg/kg < 0.08 - - - Caplan mg/kg < 0.15 Carbaryl mg/kg < 0.08 Carbofuran mg/kg < 0.08 Chlorfl uazuron mg/kg < 0.08 - - - - - - - - - - - - Chlorothalonil mg/kg < 0.08 - - Chlorpyrifos mg/kg < 0.08 - - - - - - - - Chlorpyrifos-methyl mg/kg < 0.08 - - - Chlortoluron mg/kg < 0.15 - - - - Cyanazine mg/kg < 0.08 - - - - Cyfluthrin mg/kg < 0.08 - - - Cyhalothrin mg/kg < 0.08 - - - Cypermethrin mg/kg < 0.15 - Deltamethrin (Tralomethrin) mg/kg < 0.08 Diazinon mg/kg < 0.04 - - Lab No: 1195142 v 1 Hill Laboratories - - - - - - Page 2 of 4 114 Dichlofluanid mg/kg Dichloran mg/kg < 0.08 < 0.2 Dichlorvos mg/kg < 0.09 Difenoconazole mg/kg < 0.11 Dimethoate mg/kg < 0.15 Diphenylamine mg/kg < 0.15 Diu ron mg/kg < 0.08 Fenpropimorph mg/kg < 0.08 Fluazifop-butyl mg/kg < 0.08 Fluorneturon mg/kg < 0.08 Flusilazole mg/kg < 0.08 Fluvalinate mg/kg < 0.06 Furalaxyl mg/kg < 0.04 Haloxyfop-methyl mg/kg < 0.08 Hexaconazole mg/kg < 0.08 Hexazinone mg/kg < 0.04 mg/kg drywt < 0.4 IPBC (3-lodo-2-propynyl-nbutylcarbamate) Kresoxim-methyl mg/kg < 0.04 Linuron mg/kg < 0.08 Malathion mg/kg < 0.08 Metalaxyl (Mefenoxam) mg/kg < 0.08 Methamidophos mg/kg < 0.4 Metolachlor mg/kg < 0.05 Metribuzin mg/kg < 0.08 Molinate mg/kg < 0.15 Myclobutanil mg/kg < 0.08 Naled mg/kg < 0.4 Norflurazon mg/kg < 0.15 Oxadiazon mg/kg < 0.08 Oxyfluorfen mg/kg < 0.04 Paclobutrazol mg/kg < 0.08 Parathion-ethyl mg/kg < 0.08 Parathion-methyl mg/kg < 0.08 Pendimethalin mg/kg < 0.08 Permethrin mg/kg < 0.03 Pirimicarb mg/kg < 0.08 Pirimiphos-methyl mg/kg < 0.08 Prochloraz mg/kg < 0.4 Procymidone mg/kg <0.08 Prometryn mg/kg < 0.04 Propachlor mg/kg < 0.08 Propanil mg/kg < 0.2 Propazine mg/kg < 0.04 Propiconazole mg/kg < 0.06 Pyriproxyfen mg/kg < 0.08 Quizalofop-ethyl mg/kg < 0.08 Simazine mg/kg < 0.08 Simetryn mg/kg < 0 .08 Sulfentrazone mg/kg TCMTB [2-(thiocyanomethylthio) benzothiazole,Busan] mg/kg dry wt < 0.4 < 0 .15 T ebuconazole mg/kg < 0.08 Terbacil mg/kg < 0.08 Terbufos mg/kg < 0.08 Terbumeton mg/kg < 0.08 Lab No: 1195142v1 Hill Laboratories Page 3 of 4 115 T erbuthytazine mg/kg TerbuthytazinEKlesethyt mg/kg < 0.04 < 0.08 Terbutryn mg/kg < 0.08 Thiabendazole mg/kg < 0.4 Thiobencarb mg/kg < 0.08 < 0.04 Tolytfluanid mg/kg Triazophos mg/kg < 0.08 Trifluralin mg/kg < 0.08 Vinclozolin mg/kg < 0.08 Analyst's Comments It has been noted that the method performance for lprodione for ONOP analysis is not acceptable therefore we are unable to report this compound at this present time . SUMMARY OF METHODS The following table(s) gives a brief description of the methods used to conduct the analyses for this job. The detection limits given below are those attainable in a relatively clean matrix. Detection limits may be higher tor individual samples should insufficient sample be available, or if the matrix requires that dilutions be performed during analysis. Sample Type: Soil Default Detection Limit Samples Test Method Description Environmental Solids Sample Preparation Air dried at 35•c and sieved, <2mm fraction. Used for sample preparation. May contain a residual moisture content of 2-5%. - 1-2 Heavy metals, screen As,Cd ,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,Zn,Hg Dried sample, <2mm fraction . Nitric/Hydrochloric acid digestion, ICP-MS, screen level. - 1-2 Acid Herbicides Screen in Soil by LCMSMS Solvent extraction with sonication, dilution, analysis by LCMSMS with online SPE. Tested on dried sample - 1 Organochlorine/nitro&phosphorus Pests Screen in Soils, GCMS Sonication extraction, Dilution cleanup, GC-MS analysis. Tested on as received sample - 1 Organochlorine Pesticides Screening in Soil Sonication extraction, SPE cleanup, dual column GC-ECD analysis (modified US EPA 8082) .. Tested on dried sample - 2 Dry Matter (Env) Dried at 103•c for 4-22hr (removes 3-5% more water than air dry) , gravimetry. US EPA 3550. (Free water removed before analysis). 0.1 0 g/1 OOg as rcvd 1 Total Recoverable digestion Nitric I hydrochloric acid digestion. US EPA 200.2. - 1-2 These samples were collected by yourselves (or your agent) and analysed as received at the laboratory. Samples are held at the laboratory after reporting for a length of time depending on the preservation used and the stability of the analytes being tested . Once the storage period is completed the samples are discarded unless otherwise advised by the client. This report must not be reproduced, except in full , without the written consent of the signatory. Martin Cowell - BSc Client Services Manager- Environmental Division Lab No: ---1195142 v 1 Hill Laboratories Page 4 of 4 116 ATTACHMtt-~1\Al I. - -- . Attachment 5 Writt en Approval NZTA WASLEY KNELL IN 1" I I I \ N I I I \II I I fl 117 26 Septem ber 2013 ::~",F~~ ATI ACHMEN\T~" _tt '\ i:':; Wasley Knell , 100 Spring Street, Tauranga Central Tauranga 3141 New Zealand T 64 7 927 6009 IF 64 7 578 2909 li'JWW.i1Zi:i!..g)OVi:.i1Z Tauran ga 311 0 FAO Tracy Hayson Dear Tracy N APPRO VAl APPLICATION FOR RESOURCE CONSENT -2670 SH2- WRITTE t Agency) a copy of the Greenlands Orchard Thank you for providm g lhe NZ Transp on Agen<.y (T; anspor 2670 5H2 Katikati. applica tion for a 2 lot subdivi sion creatin g 1 additio nal lot at ng RPC plan ref s:-76/d , dated 30 July 2013 The Transp ort Agency has reviewed the applica tion includi person approval pursua nt to section and on the basis of the informa tion provide d can provide affected 95E of the Resource Manag ement Act 1991 . situation . Please note that if this propos al This response is the Transp ort Agency's curren t view of the later date, the Transp ort Agency may need is put on hold for any length of time and resubm itted at a change . to review its comme nts in light of any traffic, safety or policy aspect of this letter in more detail. Please call me on (07) 927 6006 if you wish to discuss any Yours sincerely I i Stella Norris Resource Planner 4·13·00 5·162 118 • aurecon 2670 State Highway 2, Katikati Reference: 239043 Detailed Site Investigation Prepared for: Greenlands Orchard Partnership Revision: 2 3 June 2014 I.Ndlnt. Vlbl'llnt. Glob L 119 A ATTACHMENT Document control record Document prepared by: Aurecon New Zealand Limited Ground Level247 Cameron Road Tauranga 3110 PO Box 2292 Tauranga 3140 New Zealand T F E W +64 7 578 6183 +64 7 578 6143 A person using Aurecon documents or data accepts the risk of: Using the documents or data in electronic form without requesting and checking them for accuracy against the original hard copy version . b) Using the documents or data for any purpose not agreed to in writing by Aurecon . a) --- &uremn Document control - -- Report title Detailed Site Investigation Document ID 239043 File path Enterprise Connect\Content Server \239043 - Greenlands Orchard Stage 1 PSI SH2\3. Project Delivery\Stage 2 DSI\Report Client Greenlands Orchard Partnership Client contact Revision details/status Prepared by Rev 0 2 Date Project number ~ R Griffiths 1 239043 Michael Smith Author Verifier R Griffiths N Proposch j A Fosberry Approver 22 November 2013 Draft issue for client response and comment 27 November 2013 Final issue R Griffiths R Griffiths N Proposch A Fosberry 3 June 2014 Revised following additional testing R Griffiths R Griffiths N Proposch A Fosberry Current Revision 0 Name Richard Griffiths Name Ann Fosberry Title Senior Geoenvironmental Engineer Title Project Director aurecon Leadlnq. VIbrant. Global. Project 239043 File 239043-DSI Rev 2 docx 3 June 2014 ReVIsion 2