The Link
The Link
The Link Published every Friday to be a link between home and school Friday 23 May 2014 Medical Information Asthma Can parents/carers of asthmatic children please ensure that their child has an inhaler with them in school at all times. In addition, can a spare inhaler be brought to visitor reception for safe keeping as soon as possible. Prescribed Medication Can all parents/carers please be aware that any prescribed medication needs to be handed into Visitor Reception and a form completed. Students should not carry prescribed medicines around with them in school as they need to be stored centrally. Please notify reception if your child requires an epi-pen or Buccal Midazolam to be stored at reception. Important dates for your diary Term 5 ends on Friday 23 May 2014 at 3.15pm We are collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers at Main Reception. GCSE Certificates 2013 Leavers Term 6 starts on Monday 2 June 2014 at 8.40am Term 6 ends on Friday 18 July 2014 at 1.25pm (Monday 21 July and Tuesday 22 July in-service days) GCSE Certificates can be collected from Main Reception between 9.00am-3.45pm. If someone is collecting your certificates on your behalf please can you ensure they have written permission from you. Year 11 – What are you going to do with your uniform? Rather than throwing out your old uniform, bring it to Student Services once your exams are over. We can Recycle ties and blazers as spare uniform for other students at our Academy. Many thanks The Student Services Team How to contact the Academy… Phone: 0117 9864791 E-mail: BROADLANDS ACADEMY TERM DATES 2014-15 TERM 1 Start: Tuesday 2 September 2014 (Monday 1 September 2014 – staff training day) Finish: Thursday 23 October 2014 (Friday 24 October 2014 – staff training day) TERM 2 Start: Tuesday 4 November 2014 (Monday 3 November 2014 – staff training day) Finish: Friday 19 December 2014 TERM 3 Start: Monday 5 January 2015 Finish: Thursday 12 February 2015 (Friday 13 February 2015 – staff training day) TERM 4 Start: Monday 23 February 2015 Finish: Friday 27 March 2015 TERM 5 Start: Monday 13 April 2015 Finish: Friday 22 May 2015 TERM 6 Start: Monday 1 June 2015 Finish: Friday 17 July 2015 (Monday 20 July 2015 – staff training day) PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 25 December 2014 – Christmas Day 26 December 2014 – Boxing Day 1 January 2015 – New Year’s Holiday 3 April 2015 – Good Friday 6 April 2015 – Easter Monday 4 May 2015 – May Day Bank Holiday 25 May 2015 – Spring Bank Holiday PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 25 December 2014 – Christmas Day 26 December 2014 – Boxing Day 1 January 2015 – New Year’s Holiday 3 April 2015 – Good Friday 6 April 2015 – Easter Monday 4 May 2015 – May Day Bank Holiday 25 May 2015 – Spring Bank Holiday Submit your answer by Wednesday to Ms Bridge in the Mathematics Department for your chance to enter the prize draw – All correct answers also earn you a P4. Last week’s winner was: Tia Burrows Congratulations! Come to the Maths Department to collect your prize GEOGRAPHY NEWS ∗ The Year 11s have been working very hard revising for their exams. We wish them every success and hope they get the grades they deserve. ∗ Year 10s have begun their Controlled Assessment. They are looking at factors affecting coastal landforms and have chosen a study area of the Jurassic coastline in Dorset. On the 10th June all 50 students will be going on a trip to Lulworth Cove to experience the area for themselves and to collect data on the beach. Watch out in Term 6 for our review and photos! ∗ Year 9s have been studying Population Dynamics looking at different population structures. Test yourself with the examples below. Match the graph to the country; Afghanistan, Qatar, UK HISTORY NEWS As part of our commemoration of the anniversary of the start of World War One, Year 8 students have been producing leaflets on three different topics: How have the soldiers who fought for us have been remembered? Why did Poppy Day start? Or how did World War One end? The quality of the work they have produced has been excellent and shows good progress in their learning. Year 7 students have been having fun this term designing their own medieval theme park. Some excellent ideas have been “The Deserted Castle” featuring furniture from the Middle Ages, “The Punisher” showing how people were tortured and executed and “Bubonic Bus” with diseases and their treatments on a roller coaster ride. We would like to take this opportunity to wish year 11 Historians the best of luck in their final exam which takes place on Friday 23rd May. There is a lot to learn in History and it has been really good to see some very positive attitudes. Many of the students have worked really hard to ensure they achieve the best possible result and we have every confidence that this hard work will pay off. Well done year 11 and Good Luck. The Humanities students have more time to revise and we look forward to seeing them in half term (on Tuesday 27th May) for Geography and History revision in preparation for these two exams on Thursday 5th June. We are looking forward to taking Year 10 Historians to Cardiff Castle on Tuesday 3rd June where the education department will lead a workshop on medieval life in the castle. This is a new coursework and something completely different which we hope students will enjoy. GREETINGS FROM BRAZIL Year 7 Geographers have been researching Brazil this term. They have been finding out about Rio de Janeiro ahead of the World Cup this summer and the Olympics in 2016. Students found out about the natural and man-made tourist attractions in Brazil, the differences between how the wealthy and poorer people live in Rio de Janeiro and Carnival. Languages at Broadlands KS3 Students will start in Year 7 with greetings, numbers and colours. They will rapidly build up to studying topics such as family, school and free time activities. In Year 8 students will consolidate this work and focus on grammar to prepare for KS4.They will have regular assessments in the four skill areas (speaking, listening, reading and writing). KS4 The majority of students will study a language. They will be placed in sets according to ability. The exam board currently used is Edexcel, but we are changing to AQA for next year. Students will be tested in Year 11 in the four skill areas. They will sit exams in listening and reading at the end of Year 11 and complete Controlled Assessments in speaking and writing during Years 10 and 11. Each term pupils write a short paragraph about the topic we have learned during lessons. Term 2 Mi nombre es Maddie Harris. Tengo un perro, se llama Oscar y tiene cinco anos. Tengo once anos y mi cumpleanos es el 10 de Julio. Me encanta el dibujo y la música. Me gusta Broadlands Academy. Tengo un diccionario, un estuche, una mochila y una regla. Me gusta el espanol porque es divertido. Mi escuela tiene unas aulas, un despacho del director y un saloon de actos. Mi madre se llama Leigh. Mi padre se llama Steve. Tengo una Hermana que se llama Ali. Tiene catorce anos. Mis ojos son azules. Mi pelo largo, castano y rizado. Soy baja. Mi perro es blanco. By Maddie Harris Term 4 Hola me llamo Olivia. Yo vivo en una casa en la costa. En mi casa hay dos plantas. En la planta baja hay un salón. En la primera planta hay una cocina, bano y escaleras. En la segunda planta hay un dormitorio. El salon es cómodo y grande. La cocina es moderan pero el bano y las escaleras sona antiguas. El dormitorio es bonito, cómodo y grande. Me gusta mi casa porque es cómoda pero no me gusta porque es feo y pequeno. En mi jardín hay una piscine. La piscine es moderna y pequena pero el jardín es grande. Me encanta la piscine porque es divertida. By Olivia Burton GCSE AND BTEC EXAMINATION TIMETABLE SUMMER 2014 MONDAY 02 JUNE Board Level Title Code duraStart on Extra Time End @ 25% Room Year (s) MORNING EXAM OCR GCSE Music: Listening Test Wri'en B354/01 09:00 01:30 10:3 0 10:52 HALL 11 TUESDAY 03 JUNE Board Level Title Code Start duraon End Extra Roo Year (s) Time @ m MORNING EXAM WJEC GCSE English Language Unit 1 Higher 4171/02 09:00 01:00 10:00 WJEC GCSE English Language Unit 2 Higher* 4172/02 09:00 01:00 10:00 HALL+ MU 10:15 RMS HALL+ MU 10:15 RMS *IF SITTING MORE THAN ONE PAPER SCHEDULED FOR THE SAME DATE AND TIME, THE PAPERS WILL BE SAT SEQUENTIALLY SO Continued on next page... 11 11 WEDNESDAY 04 JUNE Board Level Title Extra Time @ 25% Room Year (s) duraStart on End Code MORNING EXAM MU WJEC GCSE Hospitality & Catering Unit 2 Wri'en Paper 4732/01 09:00 01:1 10:15 10:33 RMS 11 THURSDAY 05 JUNE Board Level Title duraStart on End Code Extra Time Year @ 25% Room (s) AFTERNOON EXAM - ALL AFTERNOON EXAMS WILL REQUIRE AN EARLIER LUNCH. YOU MUST START AT WJEC GCSE Humanies Uni People/Environments 4321/01 13:00 01:00 14:00 12:30 WJEC GCSE Humanies Uni UK, 1939-1974* 4322/01 13:00 01:00 14:00 12:30 EDEX- BTEC Principles of Science 20460E 13:30 01:00 14:30 START AT MU RMS 11 MU RMS 11 MU 14:45 RMS 11 *IF SITTING MORE THAN ONE PAPER SCHEDULED FOR THE SAME DATE AND TIME, THE PAPERS WILL BE SAT SEQUENTIALLY SO PLEASE ADJUST THE END TIME TO YOUR OWN ENTRIES. FRIDAY 06 JUNE Board Level Title Code duraon End Start Extra Time @ 25% Room Year (s) AFTERNOON EXAM - ALL AFTERNOON EXAMS WILL REQUIRE AN EARLIER LUNCH. YOU MUST HALL+ MU AQA GCSE Biology Unit 1 Tier H BL1HP 13:45 01:00 14:45 15:00 RMS 11 FOR SPECIFIC ROOMING DETAILS, PLEASE SEE SEATING PLANS ON EXAMINATION BOARD. REMEMBER ALL YOUR EQUIPMENT! IMPORTANT! PLEASE REMEMBER: ALL AFTERNOON EXAMS WILL REQUIRE AN EARLIER LUNCH. YOU MUST CHECK NOTICES. MONDAY 09 JUNE Board Level Title Code Start duraon End Extra Time @ 25% Room Year (s) MORNING EXAM 1MA0 HALL+ MU EDEXCEL GCSE Maths Non Calculator F/H 1F/1H 09:00 01:45 10:45 11:11 RMS 11 AFTERNOON EXAM - ALL AFTERNOON EXAMS WILL REQUIRE AN EARLIER LUNCH. YOU MUST CHECK NOTICES. EDEXCEL BTEC Scienfic Skills 20474 13:30 01:15 14:45 15:03 MU RM 11 TUESDAY 10 JUNE Board Level Title duStart rao End Code Extra No. of Year Time @ Room Cands (s) MORNING EXAM HALL+ 09:0 02:0 MU AQA GCSE D & T: Resistant Materials Tech Unit 1 45601 0 0 11:00 11:30 RMS 46 11 AFTERNOON EXAM - ALL AFTERNOON EXAMS WILL REQUIRE AN EARLIER LUNCH. YOU MUST CHECK NOTICES. AQA GCSE Chemistry Unit 1 Tier H 13:4 01:0 5 0 14:45 CH1HP HALL+ MU 15:00 RMS 65 11 WEDNESDAY 11 JUNE Boar d Level Title duraon End Code Start Extra Time @ 25% Room Year (s) MORNING EXAM HALL+ MU AQA GCSE Media Studies Unit 1 48101 09:00 01:30 10:30 10:52 RMS 11 AFTERNOON EXAM - ALL AFTERNOON EXAMS WILL REQUIRE AN EARLIER LUNCH. YOU MUST START AT AQA GCSE D & T: Graphic Products Unit 1 45501 13:00 02:00 15:00 12:30 HALL+ MU RMS 11 THURSDAY 12 JUNE Board Level Title Code Start MORNING EXAM AQA GCSE Physics Unit 1 Tier H duraon End Extra Time @ Room 01:00 10:15 RMS Year (s) HALL+ MU PH1HP 09:00 10:00 11 FRIDAY 13 JUNE Board Level Title duraExtra Start on End Time @ Code Room Year (s) MORNING EXAM EDEXCEL HALL+ MU GCSE Maths Calculator F/H 1MA0 2F/1H 09:00 01:45 10:45 11:11 RMS 11 AFTERNOON EXAM - ALL AFTERNOON EXAMS WILL REQUIRE AN EARLIER LUNCH. YOU MUST WJEC GCSE Humanies Uni Christ/Contemporary Life 45501 13:45 01:00 14:45 15:00 MU RMS FOR SPECIFIC ROOMING DETAILS, PLEASE SEE SEATING PLANS ON EXAMINATION BOARD. REMEMBER ALL YOUR EQUIPMENT! IMPORTANT! PLEASE REMEMBER: ALL AFTERNOON EXAMS WILL REQUIRE AN EARLIER LUNCH. YOU MUST CHECK NOTICES. 11 WEDNESDAY 18 JUNE Board Level Title duraStart on End Code Extra Time Room @ 25% Year (s) MORNING EXAM HALL+ MU WJEC GCSE Film Studies Paper 1 015501 09:00 01:30 10:30 10:52 RMS 11 FOR SPECIFIC ROOMING DETAILS, PLEASE SEE SEATING PLANS ON EXAMINATION BOARD. REMEMBER ALL YOUR EQUIPMENT! MONDAY 23 JUNE Board Level Title duraStart on End Code Extra Time Room @ 25% Year (s) AFTERNOON EXAM - ALL AFTERNOON EXAMS WILL REQUIRE AN EARLIER LUNCH. YOU MUST EDEXCEL GCSE Stascs Wri'en Paper (H) 5ST1H01 13:0 START AT 0 02:00 15:00 12:30 HALL+ MU RMS 11 TUESDAY 24 JUNE Board Level Title Code Start duraon End Extra Time @ 25% Room Year (s) AFTERNOON EXAM - ALL AFTERNOON EXAMS WILL REQUIRE AN EARLIER LUNCH. YOU MUST HALL+ MU WJEC GCSE Film Studies Paper 2 015502 13:45 01:00 14:45 15:00 RMS FOR SPECIFIC ROOMING DETAILS, PLEASE SEE SEATING PLANS ON EXAMINATION BOARD. REMEMBER ALL YOUR EQUIPMENT! IMPORTANT! PLEASE REMEMBER: ALL AFTERNOON EXAMS WILL REQUIRE AN EARLIER LUNCH. YOU MUST CHECK NOTICES. 11 If any Parents/Carers have any concerns or questions please contact Ms Blair, SENCO on 0117 9864791. Bath University Tennis Coaching Programme starts at SalHord Tennis Club SalHord Tennis Club are pleased to announce that from 1st June Bath University will be running their coaching programme for all ages on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. The first 7 week course will start on 4th June. For further details and booking form visit the coaching page on h'p://