Letter [Y] 29.04.13 - Trinity Catholic High School


Letter [Y] 29.04.13 - Trinity Catholic High School
xi<: X
2008 2009
(Science and Sports College)
Headmaster: Dr PC Doherty OBE, BA (Hons), DPhil (Oxon), FRSA
Website: http://fc.tchs.uk.net
29th April 2013
Letter [Y]
Dear Parents & Students,
Solve a riddle almost 1400 years old and win £10!
(Provided you read the rest of my letter) I
((He is the world's warrior, bom in wonder
for mankind's good, begot by two mutes,
hatched glittering, hurled in hate
by foe against foe. Woman fetters
his strength daily; he bows in duty,
serves meekly if maids and men
attentively tend his needs,
feed him faithfully; he favours them
with life's delights. Dire his vengeance
when his pride is left unleashed."
The first correct Answer I receive by email will receive £10. I hope you find it intriguing, like
me, it's literally centuries old!
1. History Mystery Lecture: Thursday 9th May, Trinity Catholic High School, Mornington
Road, Ratcliffe Hall, Upper Site, at 7.30 pm: The King in the Car Park. Richard III:
Monster, Myth or Misunderstood?
According to the chronicles, Richard III died fighting manfully at Market Bosworth
on 22nd August 1485.
He was definitely hated. They may have impaled his body after the battle.
Impalement had been introduced into England by John Tiptoft Earl of Worcester,
who had fought with the real Dracula in Transylvania.
Courageous or not, was Richard III a mass murderer? Whom did he kill? Was he
some hideous villain who cleared the path to the throne?
Do come and listen to the fruits of the most recent research at our History Mystery
Lecture. A glass of wine and other refreshments will be available. I will raffle copies
of my novels. Admission fee is £2.00 and are available for purchase on Parentpay.
All proceeds will go to the Knights of St. Columba, Chingford Branch.
• t
Healthy Schools
Main School Office: Mornington Road, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 OTP
Fax No: 020-8505-7546
Lower Site 020-8504-8946
Youth Sport Trust
Telephone: 020-8504-3419 (3 lines)
Sixth Form: 020-8505-6316
2. Wednesday l•t May: This is the Feast of St Joseph the Worker. We will have an all school
Mass, by kind permission of Father Austin OFM, at 8.30 am at StThomas of Canterbury.
We shall use this occasion to pray for all workers and for the excellent work of Telco who
campaign for the rights of immigrant workers. All parents and students are most
3. Any Questions with the Headmaster on Wednesday 191 May will take place, not in the
Lower Site Chapel at 12.30 pm but, in StThomas of Canterbury Church where we shall
hold a 'Flowers and Light' ceremony before the shrine of St. Joseph. All are welcome to
4. Thursday, 2nd May will be a non-uniform day. Students may wear sensible non-uniform
in return for a fine of £1.00. All proceeds go to the school fund.
5. Are you in need of help? Can I remind families that we do have money to help families
in need. This is very discreetly and confidentially handled. I appreciate that for some
families life can be very hard. I always regard as heroines those mothers who are left to
care and raise manage children as well as battle to make ends meet. If we can help in
any way you may contact me direct or the relevant Director of Site or our Chaplain, Mrs
Deirdre Smith.
6. Birthday Beats: We celebrate birthdays at Trinity with a card, coin and some chocolates.
Birthday beats are strictly forbidden and will be regarded as bullying.
7. May is the month of Mary, the month of the Rosary. Last October we organised a Rosary
Ring. I appreciate the Rosary can, for some people, be rather difficult. But what the
Rosary Ring does is that people promise that, sometime between the hours of 7. 00 pm
and 9.00 pm in the evening, the family says one Our Father and Three Hail Marys. If we
have fifty such families then all five decades and three mysteries are recited. I calculate it
takes about five minutes. We could take as our intention (apart from private ones) the
truly hideous situation in Syria, close to the birth place of both Mary and Christ. I am
thinking in particular of the tens of thousands of refugees. If you are interested and
believe you can keep that promise for the entire month of May, would you please contact
my PA, Sally on: sally_parry@fc.tchs.uk.net
8. Key Sixth Form dates are as follows:
Monday 6 May:
Friday 10 May:
Wednesday 15 May:
Monday 13 May- Friday 7 June:
Friday 24 May:
Monday 3 June - Friday 28 June:
Monday 10 June:
Thursday 4 July:
Wednesday 24 July:
Thursday 15 August:
Bank Holiday
Last day in school for Year 12 before AS exams
Leavers' Mass (Year 13)
AS Level Exam Period; Year 12 on exam leave
Last day in school for Year 13 before A2 exams begin
A Level Exam Period; Year 13 on exam leave
A2 Level courses start; Year 12 return to school
Higher Education Evening (Year 12 students and
Term Ends
AS and A Level results published
9. Year 11 Key Dates:
13th May11th June24th June27th June28th June5th July22nd August -
GCSE exams begin.
From this date students only have to come in for
lessons where they still have exams.
Last GCSE exam.
Happy Day - Thorpe Park
Happy Day- Leavers Mass, brunch and cinema- this
is the last official date Year 11 are at school.
Year 11 Prom
GCSE results published
lO.Did you know? The media often present the Catholic Church as hostile to science, the
theory is pedalled that religion and science don't mix. It might be interesting just to note
how many Catholic priests have played a vital and crucial role in the development of
Science. The roll of honour is (and it is not exhaustive) as follows :
• The Augustian friar Gregor Mendel is the father of modern genetics.
• Father Angelo Secchi is the father of astrophysics.
• Father Nicholas Steno is the father of stratigraphy (rock strata).
• Father Boskovitch S . J. is the father of field theory.
• Father Rene Hauy is the father of crystallography.
• Father Nicholas Callan: a pioneer of electronics.
• Monsignor George Le Maitre is the Father of the Big Bang theory of creation.
• Teilhard de Chardin: Catholic priest who more than proved that the theory of
evolution and our Church's teaching on creation are compatible.
Thank you for reading this. Don't forget the riddle!
Kindest regards,
Dr P C Doherty OBE