January 2016 - Southwestern Province


January 2016 - Southwestern Province
Message from the Southwestern Province Polemarch ......................................................... Page 4
Message from the Southwestern Province Junior Province Polemarch............................... Page 5
82nd Grand Chapter Meeting ................................................................................................ Page 6
37th C. Rodger Wilson Leadership Conference .................................................................. Page 8
Membership Training Academy/Cluster Intake................................................................. Page 10
Undergraduate News .......................................................................................................... Page 12
Alumni News ..................................................................................................................... Page 14
Province Polemarch
Timothy F. Albert – Houston (TX) Alumni
Senior Province Vice-Polemarch
Theron Hightower – Jonesboro (AR) Alumni
Junior Province Vice-Polemarch
Quadraex White – Theta Nu (University of Louisiana–Lafayette)
Province Keeper of Records
Mark A. Gallashaw
Lake Charles (LA) Alumni
Province Keeper of Exchequer
Ryan S –. Gilner
Gulfport (MS) Alumni
Eddie Smith IV
Alpha Sigma (Southern University)
Lt. Strategus
Daniel Gibson
Beta Gamma (Dillard University)
Executive Operating Assistant
William Puder – Houston (TX) Alumni
The Southwestern Province of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. will publish The Informer four times during the
fraternal year. The opinions expressed in this newsletter may not reflect those of the officers and members of
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. at any administrative level. The Southwestern Informer may assumes no
responsibility for the receipt or return of material, news stories, photographs or creative pieces. Please contact the
Southwestern Province newsletter editor at newsletter@southwesternprovince1911.org with any questions.
Contributing Reports
Gamma Lambda
Huston-Tillotson University
Austin Alumni
Canton-Madison Alumni
Iota Delta Chapter
University of Texas at Austin
Omicron Xi Chapter
University of Houston
Greenville Alumni
Mansfield-Cedar Hill Alumni
Opelousas Alumni
Zeta Zeta Chapter
Mississippi Valley State University
Shreveport Alumni
Spring-Woodlands-Huntsville Alumni
Submission Guidelines
1. Articles should be submitted in one of the following formats: MS Word (.doc),
rich text (.rtf), text document (.txt), or as body of email text.
2. Photos should be submitted in JPEG format (do not include photo on Word
3. Undergraduate and alumni submissions (i.e. stories related to chapters or chapter
members) should be sent to: newsletter@southwesternprovince1911.org
Publication Dates
December 20
March 20
June 20
September 20
January 1
April 1
July 1
October 1
Greetings Brothers in the Bond:
It is my pleasure to welcome you and to continue to support the 33rd Grand
Polemarch in Second Century Kappa. The Southwestern Province recently
participated and completed the Fall 2015 Membership Training Academy (MTA)
Pilot Program in Baton Rouge, LA. The Southwestern Province initiated one
hundred sixty five (165) members (undergraduates & alumni) during the
weekend of November 6 – 7, 2015.
Kappa Alpha Psi (KΑΨ) Fraternity, Incorporated is preparing to celebrate
and commemorate one hundred and five (105) years of Achievement. It is
‘good’ to be a Kappa and my hope is, as we prepare to re-dedicate ourselves
to the task of honorable achievement, we remember that vision of our
Founders in 1911. More importantly, let us now, this Holiday Season;
reawaken ourselves to the genius of our Founders in daring to continue
building a fraternity on the foundation of trust and thanks to God.
Brothers of the Southwestern Province, I extend a Happy Holiday Season
from my home and heart to yours in the spirit of Φ V Π.
With God’s grace and blessing, I remain.
Yours in the Bond
Timothy F. Albert
Southwestern Province Polemarch
Brothers, we are not just administrators, we are not mere
scholars, but we are men who dwell in the presence of the
most high. So be steadfast in prayer, be humble and be
vigilant. If one is to truly be of great benefit to this noble
fraternity, his end must not justify his means; but his end and
his means must be on one accord.
Serving, firstly, as a man of God, and, secondly, as the Junior
Province Vice-Polemarch of the Southwestern Province of
Kappa Alpha Psi has been a life changing experience. I
believe that “to whom much is given, much is required” and
that when God puts someone in a position to use his word and will to change the lives of
others, it should not be taken lightly or for granted. I am thankful for the many brothers I have
met who are more experienced in the Bond than I am and for all of the positive insight and
advice that they have shared with me. I am thankful for the new members who have entered
into this Noble Clan (young and old) who desire and cherish the love that God has given them
for this fraternity. I am thankful for the chance to inspire future members of Kappa Alpha Psi
Fraternity in regards to the Kappa Leaguers of the Southwestern Province and all future
members who witness the valor and integrity that a member of this fraternity displays.
I was given an opportunity at the 82nd Grand Chapter Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, to
be a part of an accumulation of like-minded brothers in a leadership program entitled “Lead
Kappa.” During this program, several of the brothers and I were visited by a great number of
individuals who held notable positions in their companies; some were even Kappa men.
Among these companies were General Electric and Walmart. We were given insight as well as
tips and pointers on how to sustain and maintain in the culturally diverse environment in which
we live. Several of the brothers who I formed instant connections with were even offered jobs
on the spot! I am looking forward to seeing them grow through God and this fraternity, as well
as all of their wonderful blessings that will follow. The most significant moral that I took from
the Lead Kappa experience was that “No matter where you go in this world, no matter what
you look like, no matter how well off you are financially or economically, you can always find
God-fearing people, if you search diligently.” The 82nd Grand Chapter Meeting proved this by
serving as a checkpoint in our race towards achievement.
As we prepare for the upcoming National Founders’ Day in Mobile, Alabama, the
Southwestern Province must lace its shoestrings and join other provinces on the forefront to
embrace this industrious year ahead. I am looking forward to joining other member’s in
conversation about the pieces of the puzzle that are needed to ensure that this fraternal year is a
great one.
Yours in the Bond,
Brother Qadraex J. White
Junior Province Vice-Polemarch, Southwestern Province of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity
5 nd
The 82nd Grand Chapter Meeting concluded August 16, 2015, in New Orleans,
Louisiana, with the election of the 33rd administration of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
33rd Grand Polemarch Brother Thomas L. Battles, Jr.
Senior Grand Vice Polemarch Brother Reuben A. Shelton, Esq.
Junior Grand Vice Polemarch Brother Chastin Gammage
Grand Keeper of Records and Exchequer Brother Chester Leaks
Alumni Grand Board of Directors
Brother Linnes Finney, Jr., Esq.
Brother Ronald V. Julun
Brother Jimmy McMickle
Collegiate Grand Board of Directors
Brother Clinton Knox III
Brother Matthews Simmon
Brother Edward Desmond Taylor
Grand Strategus Brother Deion Garner
Grand Lt. Strategus Brother Brandon Gant
Grand Nominating Chairman Brother Chauncey E. Haynes
Grand Historian Brother Kevin Scott
Brother Grand Polemarch Battles announced his administration theme of “Rebirth,
Reclaim, Recommit, by Leaving No Brother Behind”. He also outlined his administration
focus on community service, infrastructure, undergraduate development, reclamation, new
member recruitment and training, and executive leadership and succession planning. More
details on the Six Point Program can be found in the Confidential Bulletin.
6 nd
7 th
The 37th C. Rodger Wilson Leadership Conference was held in Little Rock,
Arkansas, September 11–12, 2015. The Little Rock Alumni Chapter and
affiliated undergraduate chapters had seven months earlier hosted brothers for the
79th Southwestern Province Council. The Little Rock Alumni and undergraduate
brothers from the surrounding chapters hosted a successful 37th C. Rodger Wilson
and were recognized for their efforts during the closing general session.
During the conference chapter officer received their annual training on
chapter operations. Information on the new Membership Training Academy was
provided to attendees, as well.
In addition to the conference meetings, brothers were able to tour the
historic Little Rock Central High School the site of one of the pivotal moments in
the movement to integrate public schools and to attend the football contest
between University of Arkansas–Pine Bluff and Morehouse College.
8 th
On November 26th, the Gamma Lambda
Chapter of Huston-Tillotson University joined
forces with Mount Olive Baptist Church and
Front Steps in Austin, Texas, to serve
homeless men and women. Front Steps’
mission is to provide a pathway home through
shelter, affordable housing, and community
education, while striving to restore their hope
and guide them home. They believe that
homelessness is a journey, not a destination.
The Gamma Lambda Chapter and Mount Olive
Baptist Church members helped make that
journey a little easier.
Pictured: Gerald Lewis, FA ‘87, Beta Iota (Xavier
University) and Korey Lewis, FA ‘13, Gamma
Lambda (Huston-Tillotson University)
The Iota Delta Chapter of The University of Texas at Austin welcomed new
members during the Fall 2015 Membership Training Academy Cluster Intake in
Baton Rouge,
Louisiana. Iota
Delta was one of
several chapters in
the Southwestern
Province granted
permission to
participate in the
new Membership
Training Academy.
OMICRON XI - Graduate
Brother Cassius Bene' Nelson
Fall 2014 Graduate
College: University of Houston - Downtown
Degree: Bachelors in Finance
Honors: Texas Scholar, Honor's List, & Dean's List
Chapter Offices: Keeper of Exchequer & Vice Polemarch
Brother Nelson is currently pursuing an MBA with a
concentration in finance and investment.
On October 30, 2015, the Zeta Zeta Chapter (Mississippi Valley State University)
encouraged students at Mississippi Valley State University to exercise their right
to vote in the November 3, 2015, elections. The voting initiative’s motto was,
"Rock the Vote." In addition, chapter members passed out candy for Halloween
to students who stopped by the voting table. Also, in observance of Halloween,
chapter members distributed candy to the children at the child development
center, which is located on the campus.
On August 29, the Austin Alumni
Chapter assisted Family Eldercare in
their 25th Annual Summer Fan
Drive. Through the chapter’s efforts,
159 fans were donated that will assist
the Family Eldercare in providing
relief to low-income seniors, adults
with disabilities and families with
children during the hot summer
Hundreds of football fans watched
as Titus Lee, a Florence High
School football player and member
of the Canton Madison Alumni
Kappa League received the WAPT
Channel 16, Blitz player of the
week. Kappa Leaguer Lee had
eight carries for 137 yards and
three touchdowns in the game for
which he received the honor.
On September 5, the Greenville (MS) Alumni Chapter hosted its first
Earnest "Hut" Williams Scholarship Gala. This black tie event was held at
the Historic Elks Building in downtown Greenwood, Mississippi. The
purpose of the event was to raise scholarship funds for the chapter's guide
right program. 13 ALUMNI NEWS
The Mansfield–Cedar Hill Alumni Chapter hosted their first Annual Prostrate
Cancer 5K Walk to foster more awareness within the community. The walk took
place at Katherine Ross Park in Mansfield, Texas on October 24. In addition to
the walk, which was rained out, the chapter raised funds to donate to prostate
cancer research and heard from several speakers.
African–American men have a high incidence of prostate cancer. Dr. Lee Roy
McCurley shared technical and medical information. The doctor’s easy and
intellectual approach connected with the brothers making it easier to ask
questions and for discussion.
The team of brothers, led by Brock Johnson, Terrence Penden and Stan Brown
provided brochures, snacks, and shirts to the participants. They responded with
an effective “Plan B” when the Dallas-Fort Worth area was hit with torrential
rains. They have committed to having an even better program next year and
already have sponsors and participants on board.
Brother Raymond Allmon, Opelousas (LA)
Alumni Chapter Guide Right Director
presents Tiffanie Lewis,
Founder and CEO of J.S. Clark Leadership
Academy, a token of appreciation for the
work the academy has done in partnering
with the Opelousas Alumni Chapter to host
Kappa League at J.S. Clark Leadership
Caddo Parish Juvenile Court invited the
Shreveport Alumni to speak to at-risk
juveniles at a group counseling session.
Brothers shared their life experiences and
gave valuable information to the youth
group members.
The Spring/Woodlands/Huntsville Alumni Chapter hosted their Annual Krawfish
Boil Scholarship Fundraiser. This year they
chapter awarded three young men in the
Spring Community each $500 scholarships
toward their first semester of college.
Brother Carl S. Richie Jr., was sworn in as Senior
Vice President for the National Association of
Housing and Redevelopment Officials, (“NAHRO”)
on October 18, 2015. NAHRO is a national
professional membership organization comprised of
approximately 20,000 housing and community
development agencies and officials throughout the
United States who administer a variety of affordable
housing and community development programs that
serve approximately 7.9 million low income
individuals and families.
Under Brother Richie’s leadership HACA has reduced the dropout rate for public
housing students. More importantly, HACA has awarded approximately $1
million to over 350 public housing students to attend college. HACA has
partnered with the Google Fiber to install fiber optic network in all 18 public
housing developments and to provide free WiFi services to all public housing
residents. Each resident will receive a free device upon completion of a digital
literacy course. This will enable kids to do research and their homework online,
parents can search and apply for multiple jobs without having to travel across
town all day and senior can better monitor their health through the use of
On November 16, 2015 Archon Richie was elected President of the Austin Area
Research Organization (“AARO”). AARO is a non-partisan nonprofit
organization founded in 1980 by a group of chief executive officers who found
themselves needing a forum for discussion of issues facing the rapidly growing
Central Texas region. AARO is comprised of 100 leaders from the Central Texas
region of Travis, Williamson, Hays, Caldwell, Bastrop and Burnet counties.
Brother Richie was initiated into the fraternity in the Fall of 1978 through the Eta
Phi Chapter at East Texas State University, now known as Texas A&M
Commerce. He is a member of the Austin Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi
Fraternity Incorporated.
Brothers All,
You are requested and encouraged to submit articles for the Winter Edition
of the Kappa Journal. Deadline is March 1st. Please get with your Province
Editors/Reporters to submit articles related to events occurring in December and
January. Please submit to the Journal Editor at: 1911nupe@gmail.com. Brother
Cunningham may supply another email address for these articles.
We would like full participation from each Province.
Yours in the Bond,
Ronald Range
Editor for The Journal
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.,