March 30,2014 - Our Lady of Peace
March 30,2014 - Our Lady of Peace
Our Lady of Peace Cruising the Caribbean to Calvary Monday, March 31st 6:30PM Our Lady of Peace Lenten Talk by Deacon Tony Alleruzzo At 6:30pm, Monday evening, March 31st, Deacon Tony Alleruzzo is presenting a mini retreat at Our Lady of Peace, to help us journey through the Lenten Season. The title for this retreat is: “Cruising the Caribbean to Calvary.” The evening will consist of music, passages from scripture, and a talk. This entertaining and spiritually uplifting journey will take about an hour and 15 minutes of your time. Proceeds benefit The Bradley H. Foulk Children’s Advocacy Center Sunday, April 6, 2014 1:00 – 4:00 PM at The Erie Day School 1372 West 6th Street, Erie, PA Join Us in Tasting a Variety of Delicious Cupcakes from Local Businesses! Place your vote for Erie’s Best Cupcake! Tickets: $6.00 advance purchase $8.00 at the door Advance tickets available by calling (814)-451-0202 March 30, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Lent 2401 West 38th Street, Erie, PA 16506 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Parish Office Phone 814-833-7701 Fax 814-833-7702 Website E-mail School 814-838-3548 Pre School 814-838-3886 Faith Formation Office 814-838-9983 Office Hours: 8:00AM - 8:00PM Business Hours: 8:00AM - 4:00PM Parish Pastoral Team Pastor Rev. Theodore B. Marconi Parochial Vicar Rev. David Renne Senior Associate Rev. J. Thomas Dugan Permanent Deacons Rev. Dr. Anthony Alleruzzo Rev. Mr. John Mang School Principal Miss Mary Beth Ek Advancement Director Mrs. Ashley Caldwell Music/Liturgy Director Mr. Brian Kuzmin Faith Formation Director Mrs. Tammie Mang Office Manager Mr. Ron Erb Office Secretary Mrs. Cynthia Berarducci Pastoral Council President Mr. Garett Brugger Finance Council Chairman Mr. Paul Vojtek The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the First & Third Sunday of each month, 11:00AM Mass & 12:30PM respectively. A mandatory preparation class for parents is available on these dates: 2014: May 19, July 28, Sept. 22, Nov. 17. Call the Parish office to register. Sacrament of Matrimony An appointment with a parish priest needs to be made at least six months prior to the wedding date. PreCana or Engagement Encounter is required. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:45 - 4:45PM or by appt. New Parishioners Welcome! Registration forms are available in the Parish Office or register online. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) Anyone seeking information on becoming a Catholic or completing one’s initiation into the Catholic faith should call the Parish Office. ERIE, PA Our Mission Statement: Our Lady of Peace is a Catholic Community of Faith called to proclaim the greatness of the Lord through Worship, Service, Education and Ministry. OLP Senior High Youth Group If you are in Grades 9 - 12 then... ...plan on joining the Youth Group as they meet every Wednesday at 7:00PM in the Church Social Room. April 2nd April 9th April 16th April 23rd 7:00PM Movie Night 7:00PM Discussion Night NO YOUTH GROUP NO YOUTH GROUP Any questions, please contact: Fr. David Renne at 833-7701 x 205 or Church Cleaners for the Week of March 30th: Pat Hardner Diane Stumpf Fr. David We are still in need of more people who are willing to help with this important ministry of keeping our church clean and beautiful. Anyone who is interested, please call Fr. David at 833-7701 ext 205. Healing Mass A Healing Mass will take place at Our Lady of Peace on Wednesday, April 2nd, at 7:30PM. After Mass, Father will pray with anyone who is in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing. For more information call Jeanne at 838-7873. All are Welcome! OLP Seniors Group The OLP Seniors Group will meet on Thursday, April 3rd Hoss’s 1:00PM 3302 West 26th Street Members are invited to bring a friend. Bring a non-perishable item to donate to the Soup Kitchen. Call Nancy, 833-6294, for more information. Get up and out of the house... Come, enjoy good food, and good friends! FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MASS INTENTIONS MONDAY, March 31, 2014 7:00AM Jane Komer - Pat & Bill Cunningham 12:10PM Emma Passauer - Richard & Wilma Micholas 5:30PM Dianne Thompson - M/M John Flanagan TUESDAY, April 1, 2014 7:00AM Irene Bliley - Alice Swanseger 12:10PM Pasquale DiPaolo - Family 5:30PM Croce LaFluria - Kathy Wandless MARCH 30, 2014 Readings for the Week of March 30th Monday: Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: Ex 32:7-14; Ps 106:19-23; Jn 5:31-47 Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53 Sunday: Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130:1-8; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45] WEDNESDAY, April 2, 2014 7:00AM Anna & Walter Schwartz Dan & Charlotte Anderson 12:10PM Jeffrey Rouch - Bible Study Small Group 5:30PM Owen Farnen, Jr. - Denial Family 7:30PM Healing Mass THURSDAY, April 3, 2014 7:00AM Alice Trost - Kids 9:00AM School Mass - Hank Starr - ECCA Employees 12:10PM Allison Bosner - Mom & Dad 5:30PM Special Intention - Parishioner FRIDAY, April 4, 2014 7:00AM Joseph Osiecki, Sr. Dennis & Betty Jobczynski 12:10PM Helen Bruno - Family 2:00PM Presque Isle Rehab & Nursing Center Francis & Mary Meyner - Family 5:30PM Butch Marofsky - Ron & Bernie Kerner 6:00PM Confessions 7:00PM Stations of the Cross SATURDAY, April 5, 2014 8:00AM Mary & James Bruno - Family 5:00PM Carol Sedney - Family SUNDAY, April 6, 2014 7:30AM Parishioners 9:00AM John DiSanto - Wife, Maria 11:00AM John Pucetas - Jim & Melanie Gillespie 4:30PM Luella Fay - Rose Alo & Family Confessions During Lent: Fridays 6:00PM Saturdays 3:45 - 4:45PM Confessions will take place between all the Sunday Masses SANCTUARY LAMP - The lamp is burning this week in memory of Carol Sedney - Family. CHAPEL LAMP - The lamp is burning this week in memory of Patrick Brasington - Friends of OLP. PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED - Please pray for Jane Komar, mother of George Komar. May her family find hope and consolation through their faith in the resurrected Lord. OLP 31 Club Praying for vocations every day of the year! Members of the 31 Club agree to go to daily Mass on a particular day every month and offer that Mass for an increase of vocations to the Church. There is a great need for vocations in the Church today. One of the best ways to increase vocations is through prayer, and the greatest prayer we have is the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Upcoming Mass commitments: Mar. 30: Bethann D., Linda D., Julie M., James S. Mar. 31: Rudy & Sharon W. Apr. 1: Maxine R., Mark S., Evelyn V. Apr. 2: Kathy W., Deacon Dennis K. Apr. 3: Sister Peggy, Linda D., Wilma M., Virginia S. Apr. 4: Arlene B., Connie F. Apr. 5: Ed B., Joyce K. If you would like to join the OLP 31 Club, please call Dave or Kathy Wayman at 454-8974. There are no dues and no meetings, only opportunities for grace and the satisfaction that comes from helping to fulfill a great need in the Church. First Friday Adoration Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place on Friday, April 4th, from 7:30AM to 3:00PM, in Mary’s Chapel. Our Lord Jesus welcomes you to spend time with Him, meditating on the final events of His earthly life. Needless to say, His outpouring of love and grace will be yours in His holy presence. God bless you! OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH FAITH FORMATION NEWS Registration forms for Kindergarten - Grade 10 were sent home last week. Register by May 31, 2014, to take advantage of the early registration discount. Confirmation formation registration forms will be mailed out some time in May to students currently in Grade 10. Elementary (Grades K-5) Religious Ed classes this week. Classes meet in the OLP school at 10:30AM. Dismissal is 12:15 from the gym. This Sunday, March 30, Grades 2 & 5 are attending 11:00AM Mass, parents are invited to sit with their students. Parents attending Mass can take their students after Mass. Parents not attending Mass can pick up their students in the gym at 12:15PM. Grade 2 students report to class at 10:30 as usual. Grade 5 students are attending reconciliation before Mass and should report to the chapel at 10:15AM. Parents may also participate in reconciliation. Confirmation classes this week. Classes meet 6:00 8:00PM in the OLP School. The sacrament of Confirmation will be at 7:00PM Mass on Monday, April 28, 2014. Secondary (Grades 6-10) Religious Ed classes next week, 5:30 to 7:30PM, in the OLP School. April 6 is the last day of classes for Secondary students. The complete calendar and all forms can be found on our website at For more info please contact Tammie Mang, Faith Formation Director, at 838-9983, or Camp EMS June 22 - 27, 2014 On the Campus of Allegheny College, Meadville, PA What is Camp EMS? Camp EMS is a week long experience for teens ages 14-17 to explore the exciting career options available in Emergency Medical Services. Camp EMS offers the opportunity to learn about the may healthcare career paths available when you become an EMT or Paramedic. For more info or to register go to: ERIE, PA A Stewardship of Sharing Week of March 16, 2014 Fiscal Year July 2013 - June 2014 Weekly Envelope ........................................$ Weekly EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) ....$ Loose ...........................................................$ Other Income ..............................................$ Total Weekly Income ................................$ 13,990 1,595 1,728 14,708 32,021 Projected Expenses for the Year .........$ 1,111,529 Expenses Paid So Far This Year .........$ 614,244 Expenses Yet To Be Paid ......................$ 497,285 Weekly Need Remainder of the Year..$ 31,080* Weekly Income……………………….. $ 32,021 Weekly Over ....….…………….…., $ 941 *This number is derived by dividing expenses yet to be paid by the number of weeks left in the year. 2014 CSA Campaign Period Ends December 2014 Goal ...........................................................$ 133,884 Pledge Payments Received to Date............$ 87,074 Total Pledges ...........................................$ 166,827 493 Families - Goal is 800 Families Every dollar raised to make our goal supports important Diocesan services and every dollar raised over our goal will be kept in the parish and put towards our church carpeting project for next year. Online Safety Tips for Parents & Kids Chat rooms can be a treacherous place and parents need to talk to their children about the potential dangers. Children ‘meet’ new friends virtually but in the virtual world you never really know who you are talking to. Sometimes these ‘friends’ are adults trying to gain the friendship and trust of children and youth. Continual monitoring of children’s participation in chat rooms is required to keep children safe! To see what the Diocese of Erie is doing to keep children and youth safe, check out: FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 30, 2014 OLP Monthly Parish Project Day CRS Rice Bowl brings Lent to life. CRS Rice Bowl is a Lenten faith formation program that helps us to live in solidarity with the poor and vulnerable around the world. We pray to reflect on what type of person we are called to be. We fast to remove the things that get between us and God, and to remember those without enough to eat. We give to honor Jesus’ call to serve those in need. CRS Rice Bowl Reflection: Malawi This week, CRS Rice Bowl invites us to enter into solidarity with the people of Malawi. We are encouraged to reflect on the Catholic social teaching principle, Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers, and reminded that, just as He labored to create the universe, God sanctifies and calls us to work. Let us pray this week for our brothers and sisters in Malawi and all around the world, that we work with joy for God’s greater glory. PRIZES! PRIZES! PRIZES! You can win since your purchase of a $20 CASH BACK TICKET makes you eligible for all the cash prizes ($17,000). Also: 50/50’s, Tips, Card Tables, Chuck-a-luck, and much more... If you need more tickets, call Cynthia in the church office. Turn your tickets in soon! The Knights of Columbus “Parish Project Day” for March will be on Saturday, April 12th, starting with a Mass at 8:00AM, followed by a continental breakfast by the Rosary Society, and then project work from 9:00AM until noon. The projects for the this work day will be outside spring cleaning, and various painting jobs. There is a need for more volunteers, especially younger adults, to help. This is a great opportunity for students over 16 years of age, who are looking for service hours. The work is not difficult, and the fellowship is great. Since it is painting, wear old clothes. In addition, we are saving the parish a considerable amount of money for labor. The parents of students are always welcome. Stop by and lend a hand. More info: call Len Kuzma, 474-2031. A Family Perspective Failure to forgive blinds us to another’s goodness. Lent provides an opportunity to wash away our blind-spots in the pool of forgiveness. Listen to Jesus in today’s gospel: “Go wash and see.” 1 1 1 4 3 3 PRIZE…………….$10,000 PRIZE.………….$ 2,500 PRIZE.………….$ 1,000 PRIZES………….$ 500 PRIZES………….$ 300 PRIZES………….$ 200 Our Lady of Peace Parish Membership Form CHECK ONE: Name ___________________________________________________ Phone __________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________ Zip ______________________________ Please drop Membership Form into the offertory basket or mail to rectory. New Registration Change of Address Moving out of Parish Want envelopes Question of the Week Reading I: 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a. (Samuel anoints David) Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14. (duty to live in the light) Gospel: John 9:1-41. (the man born blind) Question of the Week: ADULT: What are you doing in your life right now to move toward light rather than darkness? CHILD: How can you let the light of your faith in Jesus shine for others to see? Fourth Week of Lent Am I afraid to let the world know that: _____ He has opened my eyes? _____ I want Him to open my eyes _____ that I am blind _____ “I was blind before, now I can see” What issue could I “enlighten” myself about and bring Christ’s light to the victims? What reasons do most people give for not getting involved? (choose 3) _____ don’t have time _____ gave at office _____ fear of ridicule _____ let someone else _____ friends not involved _____ not qualified _____ spouse objects _____ I might get hurt _____ am not a fanatic _____ not needed Mark DIM, LIGHT, BRIGHT, according to how you think you rate as a leading light to the community about these issues: _____ lack of faith _____ immoral business practices _____ loneliness _____ unemployment _____ crime _____ sexual immorality _____ marital instability _____ drug abuse _____ troubled youth _____ other Scheduled Events - Allegheny Forest Ministries - Retreat House - 2014 Men’s Retreat - Friday & Saturday - May 2 & 3, 2014 - “Claiming your place at the fire” living the second half of your life on purpose. This is an overnight retreat Women’s Retreat - Saturday, May 10, 2014 - directed by Anne McCarthy, OSB. The theme for this retreat will be: “Gertrude of Helfta’s spiritual exercise on Baptism.” This is a single day retreat. Contact Darrell Meyers at 814-450-3697 or for more information. Our bulletin is supported through the generosity of the advertisers many of whom are our parishioners. Most are members of our local community. Please support our advertisers with your patronage. Tell the business owner that you appreciate their support of our parish through their ad in the bulletin. 2014 Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) We are asking that everyone contribute something to this years’ campaign. Our ideal goal would be that we hear from every family whether they can give a gift or not. Our secondary goal is to hear from 800 families which would be about 30% of families. Last year we had heard from only 550 families. Won’t you please take the time to use the envelope, return it to us with your intention to help us reach our goal of raising $60,000? Once we reach that goal we can proceed with continued plans for new carpeting in the church. As of this printing we have heard from 524 families. We hope to hear from at least 800. Let’s hear from you this week! Thank you to those who have already pledged! Listed below is a partial list of the Diocesan departments which provide the services and ministries supported through the generosity of the people of the diocese. Each department and those offices within them play a role in helping the Diocesan Church carry out its mission. Office of Evangelization... Communication: Publishes bi-monthly Faith magazine, bi-weekly FaithLife news bulletin, weekly electronic Information Bulletin, manages Diocesan website ( Also creastes annual Diocesan directory and various special publications, including the annual tribute to clergy and women religious celebrating jubilee anniversaries. Handles all media relations and inquiries. More than 57,000 men, women and children of all faiths received services this past year through one of the Catholic Charities nine affiliated agencies and multiple programs. West Millcreek Food Pantry The following are suggested items to purchase for each week but you may buy what is on sale; all non-perishables are acceptable. Buy what is on sale. April 2014 6th Toilet Tissue / Bar Soap 13th Spaghetti Sauce / Spaghetti 20th Mac & Cheese / Peanut Butter 27th Cereal / Baked Beans Also needed are brown paper grocery bags. OLP Golf Outing Friday, July 11, 2014 Whispering Woods Golf Course Watch the bulletin for more details... West Millcreek Food Pantry Monetary donations are needed for Easter hams. Donations can be dropped off at: OLP Church office, put in the collection basket, or mailed to: West Millcreek Food Pantry c/o Westminister Presbyterian Church 3642 West 26th Street, Erie, PA 16506 Please mark ‘West Millcreek Food Pantry’ ERIE DIOCESAN CEMETERIES Calvary Cemetery, Mausoleums & Main Office 3325 West Lake Road 814-838-7724 Trinity Cemetery Gate of Heaven Corner of West Lake Rd. Cemetery & Mausoleum & Peninsula Drive 5711 West Lake Road Mary, Queen Linda Chrzanowski of Peace Cemetery & Mausoleum Family Services Representative 6000 Lake Pleasant Road WWW.ERIEDC.ORG 814-838-7724 Mausoleum/Niche Space and Full/Cremation Grave Space Geiger & Sons Joseph Chiprean, REALTOR® 814.873.0923 CEMETERY MEMORIALS GRANITE KITCHEN COUNTERTOPS 728 West 9th Street 455-2349 814-838-3588 814.866.8840 William M. Lyden • Hubert A. St. George • James J. Orlando Across from Trinity Cemetery Jesus A to Z HAGAN Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS COPY ~ FAX ~ PRINT ~ SCAN ~ POSTAGE ~ MAILING Glenn T. Bailey, Ph.D., M.A. Licensed Psychologist • Parishioner Individual and Marriage Counseling • Psychological Assessment E.M.D.R. for Trauma 4000 Sterrettania, Upper Level • Erie, PA 16506 • (814) 454-4285 BUSINESS MACHINES A colorful Catholic ABC “THE SERVICE LEADER” book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 814-456-7521 Treating Every Body Like Family Hertel & Brown PHYSICAL & AQUATIC THERAPY • Frontier • Sterrettania • Harborcreek 456-6000 836-1970 464-0660 • Summit 866-5930 • Warren 406-7384 John Ehrman’s The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call C. Ted Forsberg, D.D.S. 1620 W. 8th St. 456-6211 Fairview 7435 West Ridge Rd. 474-5153 Free Consultations J.S. Paluch 1-800-945-6629 Parishioner JE HILBRICH ELECTRIC, INC. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Erie 4626 Peach Street 864-0684 454-3809 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 5127 Zuck Road W. John Knox, Esq. Parishioner 240 WEST 11TH STREET, SUITE B-050 ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA 16501 814-833-7733 814 . 9 2 3 . 4 6 8 4 Email: 703900 Our Lady of Peace Church (B) Robert P. Esser, D.D.S. ForAds: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Affordable Funeral Services • Preplanning ANTHONY J. ALLERUZZO, D.D.S. RYAN D. BLANC, D.D.S JOHN E. M. MICELI, D.M.D. On Site Cremation Tribute Center Partners: Carl T., Garett J., Austin, J., Carl R., & Leo J. Brugger III Family Dentistry 1595 West 38th Street • 8 6 4 - 4 8 6 4 Shawnee Optical SCALISE FINANCIAL ADVISORS, INC. 8 3 6 -10 3 8 The eyecare experts who help you save. 4021 W. 12th Street, Erie, PA Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. • Member FINRA/SIPC DEAN SCALISE, CFP® 2203 West 38th St. 128 W. 12th St. 838-2020 456-9925 Ph. 814-452-2640 Fax: 814-453-3973 Commercial/Industrial Roofing & Sheet Metal 1404 East Ave., Erie, PA 16503 Fruit and Gift Baskets Now Available Holidays, Birthdays and Occasion VISIT WWW.MASONFARMS.COM • (814-774-8592) Jim Lyons Financial Advisor CFP, AAMS Attorney At Law Member Million Dollar Club 345 W. 6th St., Erie • Parishioner 454-6345 ServiceMASTER Contract Services by Uveges OLP ’76 Michael W. Beuchert, CLU, LUTCF AUTO, HOME, LIFE and HEALTH INSURANCE NEEDS Long Term Care Insurance Medicare Supplements LOESEL-SCHAAF Telephone: 833-5433 INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 3537 W. 12th St. Management Opportunities Kevin Kupniewski Parishioner 3738 Sterrettania Road 814-431-8370 Erie, PA 16506 ie ou Er Y k n Tha Locally Owned & Operated Monday-Friday Mornings 5:30am til 1pm Commercial Cleaning Services Office: (814) 835-1200 Ext. 25 Friday Night 11pm til Saturday 2pm for making us Carpets • Rugs • Resilient Floors Cell: (814) 392-9130 Saturday Night 11pm til Sunday 2pm The 2012 Erie’s Choice Janitorial Services for Best Breakfast! 4108 Peach Street ✷ Erie, PA 16509 Email: 814-825-6040 814-864-2727 ★ Richard H. Spector, M.D. Francis V. K loecker Funeral Home, Inc. Mark F.V. Kloecker, FD Progressive Psychiatry Board Certified General & Functional Psychiatry 703900 Our Lady of Peace Church (A) DO, MS 459-8657 REALTOR® Auto Accident Claims • Business • Corporations CHIP ROHRBACH 835-6640 PRAY THE ROSARY Cynthia Berarducci Residential Relocation Specialist 838-2363 4000 Sterrettania Rd. Real Estate • Probate Estates • Wills 3161 West 32nd St. Parishioner 2316 W. 8th St. 2244 W 38th Street Erie, PA 16506-4563 Bus 814.838.9650 Fax 814.838.9658 824-3937 Floral & Gifts 814.835.2222 Gene Schlosser, Agent 2240 East 38th St. GERLACH’S Excellence In Roofing Since 1890 PA029146 JOSEPH A. YOCHIM For further information, please call the Parish Office. 5712 West Ridge Road (814) 833-1131 TONY SCALISE Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Ages 5 & Up Supervisor Most Commercial Insurances & Medicare Accepted 2502 Sassafras Street 2335 West 38th St.• Erie, PA 16506 814-454-0156 814-868-8505 ForAds: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Mark Your Calendar for Various Area Events Sunday, March 30 Transitions: A Monthly Peer Support Group 2:00 - 4:00PM St. Mark Catholic Center, 429 East Grandview Blvd, Erie Are you Widowed, Separated or Divorced? Consider attending Transitions, a peer support group. This month’s topic is: “Are You There, God.” Call 814-824-1265 Sunday March 30 Taize Prayer Around the Cross 7:00PM Holy Cross Church, 7100 West Ridge Rd, Fairview Join us for an Ecumenical Celebration Monday, March 31 Cruising the Caribbean 6:30PM Our Lady of Peace Church, Erie Lenten talk given by Deacon Tony Alleruzzo Tuesday, April 1 Benefit Birthday Bash 6:00 - 9:00PM Rolling Meadows Bowling Lanes, 3302 Zuck Rd Benefit for Angie & Kevin Ohmer (Mrs. Carol Ohmer’s son); they are expecting their first child due to arrive early April 2014. part way through the pregnancy, Isaac was diagnosed with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome which meant the left side of his heart is severely underdeveloped and will likely need multiple surgeries with the first one scheduled shortly after his arrival on April 1, 2014. Pre-registration accepted for bowling times of 6PM or 7:340PM by contacting Michelle Ohmer, or Cheryl DiPietro, Walk-ins gladly welcome. Prizes for top scores, food, drinks, birthday cake, raffles, 50/50 drawings. Sunday, April 6 Cupcakes for Kids See the ad on the front cover... Thursday, April 10 St. Mark Seminary Auxiliary Card Party 6:00PM St. Mark Gym, 429 East Grandview Blvd Doors open at 5:00PM. Admission is $5.00 A light meal will be served. The evening will include Grand Prizes, a Gift Auction, a Money & Lottery Tree & more. This is our only major fundraiser to provide support for our seminarians. We are blessed to have ten seminarians studying in our diocese. We ask that you pray for the vocations of these young men as they continue on their journeys of discernment and commitment. For reservations, call 864-2145 by Tuesday, April 1st. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. St. Andrew Parish offers Lenten Series 1117 West 7th Street, Erie Wednesday, April 2 - Lecture at 7:00PM with Fr Bill or Deacon Ralph DeCecco Wednesday, April 9 - Seder meal at 5:30PM; lecture at 6:30PM Pope Francis the topic of lectures/discussion Pope Francis and his letter, The Joy of the Gospel, will be the subject of lectures and a discussion this Lent at St. Jude the Apostle Parish, 2801 West 6th Street, Erie Wednesday, April 9 - 7:00PM there will be an open panel discussion on The Joy of the Gospel with Fathers John Detisch, Jason Feigh, & Deacon Dick Brogdon 2014 Lenten Dinners All Saints Parish 11264 Route 97 N., Waterford April 4, 11 4:30 - 7:00PM Baked or Fried White Fish Adults $9; Child 12 & under $4; Toddlers Free Takeout available beginning at 4:30PM; at the door or call ahead: 814-796-3023 Holy Cross 7100 West Ridge Rd, Fairview April 4, 11 4:30 - 7:00PM Your choice of Fish, Shrimp, Combo or Macaroni & Cheese Adults $9; Children $5; Mac & Cheese Dinner $5 Takeout available. 50/50 Drawing Blessed Sacrament Parish School Cafeteria 1626 West 26th Street, Erie April 4 4:30 - 7:00PM Baked Scrod, Macaroni & Cheese or Cheese Ravioli Fish or Cheese Ravioli Adults $9 Macaroni & Cheese Adult $9 Child (12 & under): Fish or Cheese Ravioli $5 Macaroni & Cheese $3 Takeout available; bake sale 814-454-0171 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Scheffner Hall 1552 E. Grandview Blvd, Erie April 11 4:00 - 7:00PM Fried Fish and/or Cheese Pierogi Adults $9.50 Child $4.50 “Be the woman God created you to be, and you will set the world ablaze!” Saint Catherine of Siena OLP Morning Doves: Meeting, in the Social Room, Thursday, April 6th 10:00AM OLP Evening Doves: Meeting, in the Social Room, Thursday, April 27th 7:00PM