Spellman Alumni Magazine / Spring 2012
Spellman Alumni Magazine / Spring 2012
NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BROCKTON, MA PERMIT NO. 247 Spellman Office of Advancement 738 Court Street Brockton- MA 02302-2898 Spellman Alumni Magazine / Spring 2012 Our Mission at Cardinal Spellman High School Excellence in Catholic Education Offering young men and women opportunities To maximize their potential; To respect themselves and others; To serve their community, their Church and the world Join us for the Cardinal Spellman 2012 Golf Classic Honorees Monday, June 18, 2012 LeBaron Hills Country Club • Lakeville, MA Honorees • Fr. Oscar Pratt • Jon Lemieux ‘87 • Tom Kenney ‘69 • Deacon Joe ‘75 and Rhonda Nickley An Invitation Join us at the Legacy Gala to celebrate the heritage of Cardinal Spellman High School and pay tribute to a few of the many individuals that have helped shape the school’s proud legacy. Saturday, March 31, 2012 Granite Links Golf Club, Quincy , MA $60 per person / $600 per table Sponsorship Opportunities Title Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 Schedule Of Events Evening Program 6:00 pm Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres 6:00 – 7:15 pm Silent Auction 7:15 pm Program & Dinner 8:30 pm Live Auction Registration . . . . . . . . 10:30 am Driving Range . . . . . . . . . Open Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 am Shotgun Start . . . . . . .11:30 am Cocktails. . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 pm Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 pm Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 pm Awards Presentation The tournament field is limited to 144 golfers who will be accepted on a first-paid, first served basis. A foursome’s registration is not complete until the entire foursome has paid. • Two complimentary foursomes • Two signs (one at dinner and one at the first tee) • Full page ad in the program book ($4,000 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) Dinner Sponsor . . . . . . . . . $3,000 • One complimentary foursome • One sign (where dinner is served) • Full page ad in the program book ($2,400 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) Lunch Sponsor . . . . . . . . . $2,000 • One complimentary foursome • One sign at the luncheon • Full page ad in the program book ($1,400 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) For tickets please visit www.spellmanalumni.com/gala2012 Carts Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . $2,000 • One complimentary foursome • One sign on each cart • Full page ad in the program book ($1,400 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) Driving Range Sponsor . . . $2,000 • One complimentary foursome • One sign at the driving range • Full page ad in the program book ($1,400 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) Exclusive Hole Sponsor . . . $350 • Exclusive signage displaying your support ($325 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) Tee or Green Sponsor . . . . . $150 • Signage at tee or green displaying your support ($125 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) or call 508-584-3004 Register online beginning in April at spellmanalumni.com or call 508-584-3004! • Registration deadline is June 18, 2012 • Player fee $160* each. Includes greens fee, cart, range balls, lunch, dinner and gift bag. *($60 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) For further information, call 508-584-3004 Cardinal Spellman Calendar Drive Field Day The students were rewarded for all their hard work during the calendar drive with several field day events. In addition to ice cream sundaes and a movie in the auditorium, there were several inflatable activities to enjoy. Thanks again for all your hard work. The Calendar Drive raised over $117,000.00 for Cardinal Spellman High School! Table of Contents letter from the president . . . . . . . . . . . 2 letter from the chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 happening on the hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Cover Story: Into the Streets . . . . . . . 14 class notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 in memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Editorial Staff Tradition - Nate Merritt, Editor-In-Chief John F. McEwan, President Heidi (Bessette) Garcia ’97, Director of Advancement Ellen Morrissey Rota, Assistant Director of Advancement Aimee Wetzel, Executive Assistant Kevin Delano, Data Base Manager Nate Merritt, Communications/Media Coordinator Jane Westerlund ’63, Advancement Staff Susan Ashton ’73, Advancement Assistant Layout & Design by Brian Beck, Studio Cobalt, LLC Paint splatters on cover: ®Shutterstock.com tradition • Cardinal Spellman 1 president’s letter Spring 2012 Dear Alumni and Friends of Cardinal Spellman High School: For the past three years, Spellman has chosen a theme for the school year and posted it on a banner outside the building. The theme has been entwined into all we do and it has been a way to reinforce what our priorities are for each year. In the 2009-2010 school year, the President of the Senior Class suggested, “Be the change you wish to see in the world” from Ghandi. This was a year of changes for Spellman and it helped to keep us on focus. Last year, because of the bullying concerns in schools throughout the country, we chose, “Do unto others what you have them do unto you.” It speaks for itself. The Golden Rule was the foundation for Spellman’s anti-bullying initiative. This past year, we asked students to suggest a theme for the 2011-2012 school year. We had many entries but the thought that prevailed was “We only have today to know, love and serve.” This simple inspiring thought from Mother Teresa has been the center of everything we have done this school year. Not only in our religion classes, but throughout the school we have emphasized the importance of NOW and that our responsibility is always to “know, love and serve” God and those around us. We are very proud of the service projects that our students and faculty have worked on throughout the year. In fact, this year, we have increased the requirements for service for all students. From weekly Food Fridays, special Christmas collections, fundraisers of all types and direct services to the poor and disenfranchised, our students take our theme very seriously. Mother Teresa would be proud! Spellman’s Mission Statement embodies the spirit of this year’s theme: Cardinal Spellman High School Excellence in Catholic Education Offering young men and women opportunities— To maximize their potential; To respect themselves and others; To sever their community, their Church and the World In March of this year, the school will undertake its second Strategic Planning. In 2007, we set the direction for the next five years and now we are moving to plan for 2017 and beyond. We are still committed to making Cardinal Spellman the best Catholic co-ed high school in Massachusetts. We are doing whatever it takes to move forward. Spellman’s faith community is vibrant. Our Masses reflect the fervor and enthusiasm of the Spellman family. Our retreats, First Friday Adoration and other services and classes throughout the year, continue to inspire and provide all of us with a strong religious foundation. Our Program of Studies has new Advanced Placement classes and semester electives that give our students a solid framework to prepare them for college work and for making prudent choices about the “next steps” in their lives. We have surpassed our original technology plan and are very proud of how our teachers integrate technology everyday in their classes. Promethean Boards and wireless access throughout the building have led to the introduction of iPad training for our faculty and the implementation of iPads for all of our students in the 2012-2013 school year. Finally, we are still very excited about our Facility Changes, including our Fitness Center, our updated science labs and the handicapped access we have built. We are anticipating a totally revamped cafeteria renovation and a new school store this summer. Ultimately, we look forward to a plan to make the convent a fully, integrated part of the high school. Cardinal Spellman High School has had a great history and we all have benefited from the vision and legacy of the Sisters of St. Joseph. We plan to keep that spirit strong at Spellman for many years to come. Mother Teresa’s thoughts for this year have been part of who we have been in the past and I am confident that, with help from people like you, this will be our “theme” for many years to come. John F. McEwan, Ed. D. Sequere Deum! John F. McEwan, Ed. D., President 2 Cardinal Spellman • tradition chairman’s letter Spring 2012 Dear Spellman Community: We often hear of reports about amazing feats of courage and leadership. Sometimes the reports, understandably, leave us wondering how others can do what they do in the face of danger or adversity. Conversely, not often enough do we hear about the less visible, less dramatic acts of bravery and leadership which, in many ways, take equally as much courage. These acts, after all, are often accomplished when few are looking and with little or no fanfare. This is our theme for 2012... and a core of our curriculum… that “we have only today to know, love, and serve.” With each step we take, we can come to know of a real need, love the chance to help those in need, and to serve the identified need, even in the smallest of ways. Said another way; we can lead or we can fail to lead. We can help or fail to help. We can improve ourselves and others or we cannot. It’s all up to us to decide. Supporting Cardinal Spellman and our efforts to train and educate young people to become leaders is infinitely less visible than the roles other must play to be leaders. Nevertheless, the return that is derived from this effort is permanent and lasting. An education is the way up and the way out for most kids. We thank you for taking the step with us in carving a path for young people, so as to allow them opportunities they do not know now exist. They are equipped with the skills, morals, lust for learning, judgment and courage required to handle the certain unforeseen challenges ahead. The future of Cardinal Spellman is in all of our hands. Thank you for your financial support and leadership. In these difficult economic times, our kids need it now more than ever. Best wishes for 2012. Barry C. Cosgrove For the Board of Trustees Barry C. Cosgrove, Chairman tradition • Cardinal Spellman 3 happening on the hill Cardinal Spellman High School Performs And Then There Were None Agatha Christie’s play kept the audience on the edge of their seats and enthralled the entire evening Spellman students preformed two shows of And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, in front of a captivated audience, on a Friday and Saturday night in November. Over 50 students were involved in the Cardinal Spellman High School Theater production; both on stage and behind the scenes. The production was directed by faculty member Nathaniel Budd. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie is about eight strangers who are invited to an island retreat. When they arrive on the island, the guests are greeted by the butler and housekeeper, who report that their host, someone they call Mr. Owen, will not arrive until the next day. all of the deaths coincide with an old nursery rhyme, “Ten Little Soldiers.” Among the many questions the audience and characters hope to answer: who is behind the murders and who will survive? This suspenseful thriller kept the audience on the edge of their seats and enthralled the entire evening. As the night turns to morning, the Director, Nat Budd, was very guests begin to die in mysterious happy with his Spellman directoways. Even more puzzling is that rial debut. “I am incredibly pleased with the student’s efforts,” Budd said. “All of the students, who worked on the show, on stage and off, reminded me why I love theater and Spellman as much as I do. The feeling of a group coming together, to create something bigger than the sum of its parts, is what makes all of this worthwhile. The show was a success on all counts.” Christmas Spirit at Spellman Spellman’s Christmas Liturgy in December was well attended by students, parents, and alumni. Christmas Liturgy is usually the most popular liturgy for past students to attend, because most of them are home from college on winter break. There were more people than seats, this year, so Father Oscar Pratt delivered a 4 Cardinal Spellman • tradition heartfelt homily to a standingroom-only crowd. His homily inspired the audience to give of themselves during the holiday season and to remember what Christmas is really about. If the audience was having a hard time getting ready for the holidays, it would have been difficult to leave the Mass without finding themselves in the Christmas spirit. Cardinal Spellman’s liturgies are very inspiring. They are always open to the public and we invite you to attend anytime. Please check the school calendar for the date and time of our next Mass. We hope to see you there. happening on the hill My Brother’s Keeper Visits Cardinal Spellman High School “Our students have the opportunity to be part of a wonderful volunteer effort and make a difference ...” The founders of My Brother’s their Thanksgiving Mass, and My Brother’s Keeper is a Chris- Keeper attended Cardinal donates it all to My Brother’s tian ministry in Easton, MA Spellman High School’s annual Keeper. This year was particularly which delivers furniture and food Thanksgiving Liturgy, on No- special because Jim and Terry Or- to families in need. They have a vember 17, to receive 30 baskets cutt, the founders of My Brother’s small staff and over 2,000 volun- of donated food and supplies for Keeper, were in attendance and teers that help make over 7,000 families in need. the food was presented directly deliveries each year. Each basket was brimming with to them. Cardinal Spellman President, Dr. Terry and Jim Orcutt a difference in the lives of their various Thanksgiving supplies, The Orcutt’s were invited on stage John McEwan, was very pleased neighbors who are less fortunate food and beverages. It also comes where they explained to the audi- with the generosity and support than them, not just at Thanksgiv- with a Shaw’s Supermarket gift ence how My Brother’s Keeper offered by the students. “I am very ing, but throughout the year. It’s card for the purchase of a turkey will help feed over 2,500 families proud of the partnership between one of the greatest life-lessons and other perishable items. during the holiday season. More Spellman and My Brother’s they can learn,” McEwan said. than half of those families will be Keeper. Our students have the from Brockton. opportunity to be part of a won- Every year, Cardinal Spellman High School organizes a collection for food, displays it during derful volunteer effort and make For more information on how you can volunteer or make a donation to My Brother’s Keeper; please visit www.mybrotherskeeper.org. tradition • Cardinal Spellman 5 happening on the hill Cardinal Spellman Hosts Christmas Spectacular There have been plenty of Christmas concerts and shows in the past, but nothing like “We Need a Little CHRISTmas” The students of Cardinal Spellman celebrated the Christmas season with their first ever Christmas spectacular. The Spellman auditorium was filled with joy and the sounds of laughter echoed throughout the halls as everyone prepared for We Need a Little CHRISTmas. It was the first show of its kind at Cardinal Spellman. There have been plenty of Christmas concerts and shows in the past, but nothing like this. This show had everything. There were visits from Santa, Mrs. Claus, Rudolph, Barbie, toy soldiers, Spellman’s Rockettes and many more of your favorite Christmas characters. Because Spellman knows “the reason for the season,” the show finished with a beautiful Nativity enhanced by the Spellman Choir. The magnificent music and exciting guest appearances had the audience feeling the Christmas spirit in no time. Both shows were performed in front of a near capacity crowd. 6 Cardinal Spellman • tradition The show was co-directed by faculty member and Spellman Alumna, Dorrie Bessette. She was very excited to share her concept with the students. “Building on the tradition started by Mr.Robert concept was met with great enthusiasm by the students involved as well as the audience.” Several younger children were also incorporated into the performance. In addition to Bessette, the show was co-directed by Suzanne Mrs. Bessette was quick to give credit to anyone but herself for the show’s tremendous success. “The parent volunteers were invaluable as they turned Spellman into a winter wonderland,” Bessette said. “Parents of little ones were thrilled to have a Christmas show they could afford to bring their children to and at the same time have their picture taken with Santa.” McEwan, we wanted to continue Neuman and produced by Janet to keep Christ in Christmas but Madigan. Over 100 students, both also add some Christmas fun for on stage and behind the scenes, young and old,” Mrs. Bessette said. were involved in the production. “This was the most fun I ever had working on a show. The whole “This will be an annual production that will bring great joy to all involved.” student profile Singing with Passion Juliana Child’s favorite movie is The Sound of Music and that makes a lot of sense because the sounds of music seem to follow her wherever she goes. She has been studying piano since she was in kindergarten. She became so good at playing, she now teaches piano to middle school students. Juliana also loves to sing. She has appeared in Spellman performances; Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, The Crucible, Fiddler on the Roof, Upbeat, We Need a Little CHRISTmas and Godspell. Juliana, admittedly, is a perfectionist who demands a great deal from herself. Juliana has a 4.3 GPA while taking a very demanding course load, including one AP class. She also has participated in several clubs at Spellman; SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), Creative Writing Club, Dance Team, Recycling Club, Student Council, Student-Faculty Book Club, Photography Club, and National Honor Society. The most impressive thing about Juliana? She is only a sophomore. Association Southeastern District Chorus last year. She was also chosen to While she was still a seventh be a memgrader in East Bridgewater, Juliana ber of an made her first appearance at Spelleven more man. She participated in Spellexclusive man’s production of Joseph and the chorus, the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat MMEA’s and she was able to get to know All-State Mr. McEwan, Mrs. Bessette, and Chorus. Mrs. Neumann during that time. All- State features the most After that, she knew she wanted to talented musicians in the state. attend Spellman. Juliana performed at Symphony Fully immersed into everything Juliana is so dedicated to her mu- Hall with the All-State Chorus that is Cardinal Spellman High sic; the most listened to songs on last year and she is hoping to be School, Juliana has accomplished a her iPod are from musicals she has selected again this year. great deal during her time here. performed in or plans to perform There are many things Juliana has in. “I love show tunes,” Juliana learned during her short time at admits. “I am hopelessly obsessed Spellman. “I learned music doesn’t with them.” have to be serious all the time,” While she was in kindergarten, Juliana says. “Music is fun. That Juliana showed an interest in is what Mrs. Bessette tells me all singing but it wasn’t until she the time. I’m the kind of person joined the choir at St. Joseph the who gets stressed out when things Worker Church in Hanson, when aren’t going right and we have a she was in second grade that she performance coming up.” realized her love for it. “They Sometimes Juliana can become have a fabulous children’s choir,” frustrated if she feels she isn’t she explains. “The choir director reaching her full potential or livthere is my mentor and she really ing up to the lofty goals she has influenced me as a person. Singing set for herself but that is when she became my passion and now it is glad she chose Spellman for her is what I want to do the rest of high school experience. Just being my life. When I was little I had at the Spellman masses or going terrible stage fright. You could not to the Spellman choir practice get me on a stage. I used to make reminds me that it’s not all about myself sick and now I don’t even work,” Juliana says. “Music brings remember what that felt like.” joy to people. That’s really the best Juliana was the only Spellman thing about the choir here. It’s student to be selected for the just fun.” Massachusetts Music Educators’ tradition • Cardinal Spellman 7 happening on the hill “We had a great season,” Gerrish said. “I was very proud of how we played all year.” Boys Soccer Wins South Sectional Championship 3 South Sectional Championship, the fall season ended on a sour note for Cardinal Spellman’s boys soccer team. Mike Gerrish, knew that going into the game. “When you play this deep into the tournament, you can only rely on adrenaline for so long before exhaustion sets They finished their season in an unfamiliar fashion. They lost. The loss to Georgetown, in the MIAA Div. 3 soccer state semifinal, was their only loss of the season and it came while playing their third game in four days. Due to inclement weather, some teams were forced to play backto-back games and Spellman was one of those teams. Spellman defeated, second seeded, Dover Sherborn to win the MIAA Div. 3 South Sectional Championship after playing the day before. Then, they were given one day off before playing again. They faced a very difficult situation. The team’s coach, 8 Cardinal Spellman • tradition in,” Coach Gerrish said. Spellman took a 1-0 lead into the final eight minutes, against Georgetown, but could not hold onto the lead. They eventually lost the game 2-1, after a scoreless overtime, in penalty kicks. The Spellman boys soccer team finished their season 22-1. Although ending the season on a heartbreaking loss was not the way the team hoped the season would turn out, they have to be proud of all they accomplished. “We had a great season,” Gerrish said. “I was very proud of how we played all year. An undefeated, 18-0, regular season isn’t an easy accomplishment. It was a tough way to end the season, but we still won the South Sectional Championship and that’s something all the kids should be very proud of. We worked very hard all year and they deserve to be proud.” The boys soccer team is graduating several players but there are young players ready to step in and continue the team’s winning ways next fall. soccer photos: ®Wayne Witherbee After winning the MIAA Div. happening on the hill Spellman Football Makes Trip to Gillette Stadium The Cardinal Spellman High School football team earned its second straight trip to Gillette Stadium by defeating Shawsheen Tech, 31-7, in the Div. 4 playoffs. Spellman lost to Mashpee in the Div 4. Super Bowl and finished the season with a 12-1 record. Spellman football is 24-2 over the last two years. Although the 2011 season finished the same way the 2010 season did, with a loss, it is tough to ignore the positives: two straight undefeated regular seasons, two straight CCL championships and two straight trips to Gillette Stadium. played, but was playing at less than 100 percent. Mashpee’s defense was very strong from the start and they kept the Cardinals from mounting a consistent offensive attack. Pat scored the Cardinals only touchdown, in the final minutes, and the game ended with a score of 34-8. “I’ve got to give the kid a lot of credit,” said Cardinals coach Ron St. George. “Coming back and playing tonight shows you what kind of player and teammate he is. That was a great display of courage on his part.” The Cardinals won’t be kept down long. Not many people thought they would make it back to Gillette Stadium after losing Blaise, but they returned. Replacing Hinkley and Kustka in 2012 will be difficult, but betting against Coach St. George and his program is never a good idea. The 2011 Cardinals had to overcome the graduation of last year’s, record setting, touchdown machine, Blaise Branch. Two players combined to replace Blaise. Seniors, Pat Hinkley and Dan Kustka shared the running back role. They combined for over 2,000 rushing yards and over 30 touchdowns. Pat received a majority of the carries and scored 18 touchdowns in the regular season. Pat Hinkley injured his shoulder in the playoff victory before the Super Bowl and he was questionable going into the game. He tradition • Cardinal Spellman 9 happening on the hill Their tremendous season required a full team effort. All eleven runners contributed ... Spellman Boys Cross Country Undefeated in 2011 “Going into the season, I had no idea we would be undefeated. The first meet we had, we finished 1,2,3 and after that we kind of knew this season was going to be a good one. We all progressed as the season went on and we just got better from there. I run all three seasons and I really love being part of a winning team. Spellman is a great track school and hopefully it stays like that.” – Matt Norton The Cardinal Spellman boys cross country team finished their Catholic Central League Championship season undefeated with a record of 8-0. Their tremendous season required a full team effort. All eleven run- ners contributed throughout the year. In the past, the boys cross country team had a roster larger than 11 students and this was a concern to Coach Bob Ruel and Athletic Director Mike Gerrish. However, a lack of total athletes didn’t stop the runners already on the team from being very successful. They performed very well as a team The Latest In Home Décor for the Spellman Alumni Were you part of a championship team at Cardinal Spellman? Would you like to own a part of that championship? All of the league championship banners you’ve seen hanging in the gym are being replaced and we are auctioning off the old ones. The banners will be up for bid during the silent auction portion of our Athletic Hall of Fame/ Golf Classic Dinner. For more information on the banners; call or email Mike Gerrish at 508-588-6611 or mgerrish@spellman.com. All proceeds will go towards Cardinal Spellman Athletics. 10 Cardinal Spellman • tradition and often finished their meets with the top 5 finishers all from Cardinal Spellman. Junior, Matt Norton was honored as a Brockton Enterprise AllScholastic for his excellent season. happening on the hill Cardinal Spellman Hosts Game to Benefit Cancer Volley for Molly; a benefit to help raise awareness for ovarian cancer For the second consecutive year, Cardinal Spellman High School’s volleyball program hosted Volley for Molly; a benefit to help raise awareness for ovarian cancer. On Thursday, September 22, in a game vs. Archbishop Williams the volleyball program hoped to exceed the $1,000 they raised last year by charging $5 for admission and asking spectators for donations. They earned $1,104 and defeated Archbishop Williams 3-0. All of the proceeds were donated to Team Molly. Team Molly is an education effort, which bears the name of a brave young woman and allstar athlete, Molly Eisenberg of Lexington High School. In 2009, at the age of 19, Molly lost her battle with ovarian cancer. Working with the MIAA and Reebok, the Ovarian Cancer Awareness Coalition created Team Molly. Through the efforts of high schools in Massachusetts, Team Molly has helped spread the word about ovarian cancer awareness. Team Molly shows their unity in the fight against ovarian cancer by wearing the color teal. By wearing teal sweat bands, teal shoelaces and Team Molly t-shirts, the teams and spectators can show their support. year and hopefully we can build on that for next year.” For further information regarding Team Molly visit www.jointeammolly.org. Spellman volleyball coach Alisson Gerrish was proud of her team for earning the victory and playing for such a worthy cause. “This is the second year we’ve done this and the girls really enjoy it,” Gerrish said. It was great to get the win and I’m glad we were able to attract a good crowd. We improved on our total from last tradition • Cardinal Spellman 11 happening on the hill The first game of the 2011- 2012 season for Cardinal Spellman’s boys basketball team gave Joey Glynn an opportunity to reach a career milestone and he didn’t waste any time. Glynn Scores th 1000 Point! Glynn finished with 18 points and nine rebounds in a 64-35 victory in which he sat the entire The 6-foot-5 senior forward fourth quarter and most of the began the home-opener with third. Glynn is one of a very small Bishop Fenwick just nine points group who have scored 1,000 shy of the 1,000 mark for his career. He achieved the feat less than points while wearing a Spellman uniform. four minutes into the contest. As he began to approach 1,000 the crowd grew anxious. The stands shook with excitement when Joey scored point 998 with a vicious two-handed jam that brought the home crowd to its feet. Point 1,000 was anticlimactic after the dunk. Joey initially passed up the shot but got it back for an easy layup to reach the 1,000 point threshold. Play was immediately stopped and Joey was ceremoniously greeted by his teammates and Coach Mike Perry. The packed gym gave him a standing ovation. After high-fives Dr. John McEwan, President and Michael Gerrish, Athletic Director cordially invite you to attend the 2012 Cardinal Spellman High School Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner June 18, 2012 4:30 P.M. (immediately after the Spellman Golf Classic) LeBaron Hills Country Club, Lakeville, MA Honoring: Jane Connor ‘65 • Dot Lynch Jill Sands Lefferts’96 • Korey Welch ‘93 Tickets are $30. Please join us for an evening of fun as we honor these individuals who have made a significant impact on Spellman Athletics. For more information visit www.Spellmanalumni.com or call Mike Gerrish at 508-588-6611. 12 Cardinal Spellman • tradition and hugs with his team, Joey’s parents were brought to midcourt where he was presented with the game ball. Coach Perry takes pride in Joey’s accomplishments. “He’s just a great person and a nice young man,” Perry said. “No ego. He’s there on the bench in the second half, helping kids out, cheering them on. This couldn’t happen to a nicer kid. He works hard at it.” Question: Just how important is The Fund for Cardinal Spellman High School? Our students know the answer! Did You Know? • An estimated 200 students who applied to Cardinal Spellman this year, are unable to attend due to financial reasons • The actual cost per student is $300-$500 more than the cost of tuition per year • 23% of students this year are receiving financial assistance • 10% of students this year will benefit from scholarship awards “For me Spellman was a great choice that laid the foundation for who I am today and who I will be in the future” – Katie Powers The Fund for Cardinal Spellman High School allows us to offer an affordable tuition rate, while maintaing the standards of excellence. We must ensure that Spellman remains accessible and affordable to all those families who want their child to receive a Catholic education. The Fund for Cardinal Spellman allows all of our students to benefit from not only a Catholic education, but a Cardinal Spellman Catholic education! Ways to Give Checks may be made payable to: • Online Monthly Recurring Giving Program The Fund For Cardinal Spellman C/O Heidi Garcia 738 Court Street • Mail a Check Brockton, MA 02302 • Stock Transfers Or by visiting www.spellman alumni.com • Wills and Bequests “It’s hard to find one clear word to describe the unique experiences that took place at Spellman. I am who I am because of this special place.” – Matt Pham “Spellman became a second family that provided me with the opportunity to thrive academically, athletically, and spiritually,” – Sam Curran happening on the hill Into the Streets challenging Spellman students to step out and be of service to their communities; today and in the future Service has always been part of an important project built into the The junior class was chosen Every location had something Spellman. ing murals at the Bridge Center, social justice in their religion cur- in. The people they were there to Our school’s theme for this year was inspired by a quote from day. The projects included paint- cleaning the Main Spring House and preparing care packages for because they have a semester of riculum. They study the theology behind the gospel mandate to go Mother Teresa, “We have only before delivering them, door-to- on an outside wall of Cardinal door, to each resident. Then an Spellman High School. impromptu Christmas concert de- The 148 members of the junior veloped. The faces of the residents class were given an opportunity to beamed with joy as they listened embody those words, through their The day involved a complete immersion service experience. The entire class was broken down into four groups and each group visited one location. The four locations were the VA Medical Center in Brockton; the Main Spring House in Brockton; Brockton Hous- ing Authority’s Campello High Rise in Brockton and the Bridge Center (formerly known as Handi Kids) in Bridgewater. Each group experienced an 14 orientation, a tour, speakers and Cardinal Spellman • tradition however, had something unex- toiletries, treats, and surprises to see, on a large banner, hanging ment dubbed, “Into the Streets.” residents of Campello High Rise, 400 Christmas bags full of various Those words are displayed, for all ing project the Religion Depart- help benefited a great deal. The pected happen. The students filled today to know, love and serve.” curriculum, during a service learn- special for the students to partake veterans and the elderly at the VA out and serve. But, beginning next High Rise. will have some type of service Medical Center and the Campello The main goal of the project is to challenge the kids to step out and year all four classes at Spellman project built directly into their curriculum. be of service to their communities; The students who visited the VA to the Spellman students sing. Some even began to sing along. The spontaneous concert and overflowing gift bags were re- ceived with gratitude and tears of joy. Several residents said the gift bags and concert would probably be the only Christmas gift they today and in the future. It is part Medical Center filled nearly 230 enriched by these experiences. It is other incidentals in under an hour. meant a great deal to them. of their catholic education to be part of being a Christian. Spellman’s Service Coordinator, Brother Paul Alves, worked with the Religion Department Chairperson, Cathy Demers, and the rest of the Religion Department to orchestrate “Into the Streets.” care packages with toiletries and The students at the Bridge Center painted two murals, complete with inspirational quotes. The Main Spring house was spotless after Spellman’s students were finished vacuuming, scrubbing, and sweeping. received, this year. The entire day The impact you leave behind, after the service is over, is what “Into the Streets” is all about. It was put into place to help others and to teach the students why we should volunteer to serve. “We want the students to see things at a deeper Paint roller and splatter photos: ®Shutterstock.com the everyday reality at Cardinal happening on the hill Spring House had plenty of single school and they’ll do more. Then, of sheets for the double beds. lifetime of service. It really isn’t bed sheets, there was as a shortage Spellman’s students took it upon themselves to donate new sheets for the double beds. level,” Brother Paul Alves said. said, “It makes me feel pretty is a very common experience. But, care packages for the veterans. “Service is not new to any place. It what has to be unique about us is it has to have the core of our reli- gious conviction imbedded into it while we are reaching out and helping people. It isn’t just about the service. It is about what’s in us. It’s part of our DNA. This is who we are and this is who we are called to be.” A second phase of “Into the Streets” is already in the works. The Religion Department is planning another service day with the junior class. This time, during the last week in March, they are planning to serve a wider audience by before you know it, it will be a a choice for us, especially in a catholic school. This is the gospel mandate. To be a Christian you good. We were able to prepare You don’t realize how many people out there need help, especially people who did some great things for our country. I want to help them out and it gives me a feeling of accomplishment.” Some students have already returned to the locations they visited, on their own. Several Cathy Demers is thrilled with the way the students have responded. “This is building a foundation,” Demers said. “Hopefully, once have to serve. We are training them now to do it for a lifetime. Love feels good and it goes both ways.” the kids get to college they’ll remember doing this in high students who visited the Main Spring House went back, the following week, to donate sheets they purchased themselves. The students had heard a story of a new couple moving in and while the Main expanding the amount of locations they’ll visit from four to six. The students are already looking forward to going back and helping out. Spellman junior, Mike O’Connor tradition • Cardinal Spellman 15 happening on the hill Spellman Initiates the Use of iPads for All Students in 2012 “teachers and students will greatly benefit from this next step in technology ... it’s a giant step forward” The Apple iPad has revolutionized access to information and beginning in the 2012-2013 school year, Cardinal Spellman High School’s students will all be part of the revolution. One of the most common concerns from students, teachers and parents is the weight of a student’s backpack, which, at times, can weigh over 50 pounds. Not only is the backpack heavy and cumbersome in school hallways, it carries textbooks that become outdated as soon as they are printed. Those brand new textbooks, each, cost up to $200. Something had to be done for students to access the latest information at the least cost. Many schools are looking to iPads as the solution to these problems. Cardinal Spellman is the first school in the Archdiocese to implement iPads as a learning tool and initiate a plan to phase out books. Spellman plans to begin phasing in e-textbooks, which cost much less than traditional textbooks. Not all textbooks will be online this year but 16 Cardinal Spellman • tradition happening on the hill From this foundation, over a period of time, the school installed Promethean Boards, i.e., interactive whiteboards, in every classroom and provided professional development in order to make sure all teachers were prepared to use the new technology. The school was also outfitted with wireless internet access throughout the building. Two years ago, the President of Cardinal Spellman High School, Dr. John McEwan organized a Special Technology Committee, comprised of parents, teachers, students, administrators and community members. They met in the fall of 2010 and heard the latest information on the use of one-to-one technology in the classrooms. The committee looked at laptops, iPads and other new technology entering the market. From those meetings, a number of pilot programs were instituted in the school. They agreed to meet again in the fall of 2011 and learned even more about the latest and greatest technology. There Spellman anticipates those textbooks will become available in the next was also an update on the direction publishers are moving with e-text- few years. books. The final recommendation from the committee was to go forward Through a small technology fee, Spellman will equip each one of with a one-to-one program of iPads for all students and teachers. its students with an iPad. The iPad becomes available everyday for McEwan has noted that with a change of this magnitude that there a fraction of the cost of purchasing the iPad independently. During may be bumps along the way but, overall, he is confident that the the summer, Students will receive their iPads and Spellman will offer teachers and students will greatly benefit from this training for students and their parents. next step in technology. “It’s a giant step forward,” Spellman’s teachers received iPads in December as part of a professional development course. They began iPad training, through Apple, in anticipation of making the iPad a major learning tool in Spellman’s daily curriculum. Other training programs will continue throughout the second semester in subject-specific areas for all teachers. Teachers will be able to access their Promethean Boards from anywhere in their classroom and use the latest in APPS to enhance their lesson plans. McEwan said. “We are very excited and proud to be making this move. Dickens’ Great Expectations is still taught in many high schools. That is exactly what the school is looking for with the introduction of iPads for all students at Cardinal Spellman. We have great expectations!” For the past five years, Cardinal Spellman High School has been working very hard to complete the school’s Technology Plan. This plan included PCs in every classroom and three computer lab classrooms. Students were expected to have a basic background in technology as a tool for the twenty-first century. tradition • Cardinal Spellman 17 Alumni Profile Voyage of the Little Mermaid Cardinal Spellman Alumna living childhood dream The Little Mermaid is one of Disney’s most famous movies. Disney World’s The Voyage of the Little Mermaid is one of the theme park’s most popular attractions. Generations of young girls have sung along with their television, dreaming of being like Ariel and finding their prince. Julie Lavery is living out her childhood dream, everyday, at Disney World. Lavery works five days a week, performing as Ariel 18 Cardinal Spellman • tradition ‘They made Spellman what it was. They made my high school experience what it was. They made high school a place I wanted to be. I wanted to be at choir practice and musical theatre practice for hours in the show, Voyage of the Little and not leave until ten o’clock Mermaid. at night. I wanted to be there because I loved it so much. I think “I have been watching The Little they are two people I can attribute Mermaid and pretending to be my current path too. They are Ariel since I was 2 or 3,” Lavery said. “It is an absolute dream come the reason I am pursuing musical theater now.” true.” After graduating from Spellman, Lavery initially majored in journalism at Salve Regina University, Lavery saw a Spellman production but after two years she decided of The Sound of Music while she to transfer to Berklee College of was attending Whitman Middle Music to major in professional School. She loved the performusic with a focus in song writing mance and it cemented her choice and performance. She participated of attending Cardinal Spellman in as much musical theatre as she High School. Lavery was very could during her time at Berklee. involved in the musicals Lavery had always been interand choir performances ested in auditioning for Disney. during her time at Spell During college she would consult man. She credits her teachers with assisting the Disney website looking for opportunities. When she saw an her in pursuing her opportunity to audition for The passion. Voyage of the Little Mermaid she “ All of the teachers was excited. Lavery flew down for I had at Spellman tryouts in December during her were pretty much last semester of college and she amazing, but Mrs. was notified in March that she Bessette and Mr. was chosen to play Ariel. McEwan were my go to people,” The show is 17 minutes long and Lavery performs on stage 5-7 Lavery said. times a day. There are usually 3-4 mermaids working during a day and they rotate in shifts. The part of Ariel is the only live speaking/ For this Little Mermaid, Cardinal Spellman is “part of her world.” singing portion of the show. The rest of the performance is created with puppets and the voice track from the movie characters. Lavery loves performing as Ariel, but she has her sights set on even bigger things. She recently flew to New York City and auditioned for Les Miserables on Broadway. It was her first Broadway audition experience. Lavery hopes to move to New York City, sometime in the future, to audition for the theater, regularly. “I feel so lucky and blessed to have gotten The Little Mermaid job,” Lavery said. “It was perfect timing and it has worked out great. But, I’m 23 and right now I want to take the chance while I’m young.” Lavery has already accomplished one of her childhood dreams and she is likely destined for even bigger things, but she won’t soon forget where she came from. “I was very shy before I went to high school,” Lavery said. “I think Spellman really helped me come out of my shell and grow as a person. I am not sure if I would be on the same path if I went anywhere else.” To view a clip of the show or for more information on Julie Lavery, visit www.julielavery.com. happening on the hill Drama Hall of Fame Inducts Four New Members Cardinal Spellman High School inducted four new, well deserving members into The Robert J. McEwan Drama Hall of Fame, in the fall. The Robert J. McEwan Drama Hall of Fame has been recognizing alumni and Friends of Spellman since 1996. This year a dinner and cabaret show accompanied the induction ceremony. All of the Spellman family is united in its sincere and warm congratulations to our inductees to the Drama Hall of Fame this year. The inductees were Rosie Carey ’00, Sandra Churchill ’85, Anthony O’Brien ’77 and Madlyn McPherson ‘66 For over fifty years, drama and music have been a very important part of the culture of Cardinal Spellman High School. The annual musicals, spring variety shows and dinner theater presentations bring back many wonderful memories to the alumni and their families. Whether attending a show; performing onstage; or working on production backstage, being involved in drama at Spellman is unforgettable! Madlyn McPherson Anthony O’Brien Sandra Churchill Rosie Carey Spellman has always made drama and the artistic programs a priority. This year’s very talented inductees are evidence of the amazing drama program Spellman offers. A special thank you is well deserved for everyone involved. Congratulations to our 2011 Robert J. McEwan Drama Hall of Fame inductees. tradition • Cardinal Spellman 19 fundraising Jane Condon and Ken Bartels Host Event at the Friars Club a real opportunity to share memories of the Spellman’s past and update alumni about our school’s future The world famous Friars Club in New York City was filled with Cardinal Spellman Alumni and supporters for a night in January. Jane Condon and Ken Bartels generously hosted the reception at the exclusive comedy club. Many attendees felt honored to attend an event at such a legendary venue. Jane, a well known and respected Spellman alumna and comedian spoke of how the Sisters of Saint Joseph cared for and shaped her mind during her high school career. While thankful and sincere, she didn’t step away from the microphone before providing us with some great laughs. Upon learning about Spellman’s iPad initiative she made sure to request that everyone purchase the Jane Condon App. The evening continued with comments from Spellman’s President, Dr. McEwan. He was able to share his respect and admiration for all of those who influenced Spellman’s history as well as talk about the school’s promising future. Dr. McEwan was thrilled to meet with the Spellman Alumni and supporters. “It was a special privilege to meet with alumni from the New York area at the Friars Club,” McEwan said. It was a real opportunity to share memories of the Spellman’s past and to update them about our school’s future. I look forward to future meetings with other alumni.” Once again we would like to thank everyone who took the time to join us at the Friars Club. The event was a great success and we have Jane Condon and Ken Bartels to thank for that! Their generosity is inspiring. For more information on events like this or to discuss hosting an event of your own, please contact Heidi Garcia at hgarcia@spellman.com 20 Cardinal Spellman • tradition class notes 1962 50th Reunion Karen Routh Kelley momkelley56@comcast.net The holiday season is a wonderful time for reflection. It is during this time of year that I think about the things that I value most. For me, it is my family and my friends, YOU. It is the opportunity to be engaged in a fulfilling lifelong project such as keeping this class as close together as is possible. Most of you are aware that we are again in mourning for the loss of another friend, Richard Kelley. This year has been a particularly sad year for losses. Peter Doody started the year and Richard Kelley ended it. I, for one, will take a moment to thank God for my own good health and hope your health is good as well. Now about our reunion, So far, I have a committee who has taken the Questionnaire and fixed it. Another few have taken and written a SAVE THE DATE letter. Both of these you will receive in the mail soon. Please send it back, filled out of course, as soon as possible so that we can write a short paragraph to include in a booklet to be given to you at the reunion. If you can’t come and want a booklet, I will be sure you get one. The date is September 21 and 22, 2012. Clinton Allen has invited our class to his museum in Needham for a cocktail party Friday, September 21 from 5 to 7. He has offered to send a bus to Spellman and pick us up, bring us to Needham and back. This leaves plenty of time for going out or getting together afterward. On Saturday night, the 22nd of September, I have arranged with Benjamin’s Restaurant in Taunton to have the large room upstairs for a wonderful buffet between 6 and 11. I planned a fish, a chicken and a beef entree and a really good dessert. Some of us want to invite the 3 or 4 nuns who are still alive. I didn’t think anyone cared about a band or a DJ so I have not arranged for one. Anyone who has a better thought jump in. I have done a small statistical analysis of our class as the sample just for fun. I do that..... Please also call or Email if you have any more ideas. Also pray for those of us who may not be able to come to the reunion because of poor health. Another thought for you. Please remember to READ the info regarding the GOLDEN DIPLOMA which will be given to us on May 24th. The graduates are really very excited to have us at their Graduation and are planning quite a day for us. Also some of us who can’t come in September will be able to come in May. We are all looking forward to this event -me, especially me. It is a once in a lifetime affair for our class that I don’t have to plan. Love to you all and I will see you soon... kk 1963 Mary Ann Raynard Albert pcalbert@msn.com Jane Deslaurier Westerlund aikidos@comcast.net Joseph Yezukevich yezukevich.joe@hal.sysco.com It’s time to be thinking about how we would like to celebrate our Golden Reunion! Like how I didn’t mention the number?! 1964 The alumni office would like to thank Mona Spillane Zander and Donna Piscatelli for their dedication to Spellman and to their classmates. They are stepping down as the Class Agents. If there is anyone who would be interested in gathering class notes please contact the Advancement office – jwesterlund@ spellman.com. 1965 Suzanne Carr O’Donnell suzanneandof@comcast.net Congratulations to Maureen Deslaurier Hayes on the birth of her sixth grandchild and her first granddaughter, Samantha Jean. She was born on August 20, 2011. 1966 Maryellen Mather poemmaker1948@gmail.com The inauguration of the new Spellman Fitness Center was also the occasion for our 45th high school reunion on Saturday September 24 in the school gym and environs. sure have a lot of friends.” I sure do, and so does everyone else in the class of 1966 as that night proved. See everyone in 5 years. 1967 45th Reunion Tom Frizzell tff13@comcast.net Condolences go out to Joanne (Fortin) Barnabeo and her late sister Eleanor ’70 on the passing of their father in December. 1968 Linda Amaral Kelly lindaamaralkelly@comcast.net Mary Burke Morris morrisfamily@BELD.net (left to right) Mollie (Roan) Collum ‘98, Mike Roan ‘85, Jennifer (Locchi) Roan ‘86, Kaitlin (Roan) Clark ‘96, Steve Roan ‘66. Shown in 1984 Superbowl Picture on wall (left to right) Mike Roan ‘85, Coach Peter Ambrose and Joseph DeGrace III ‘85 It was a gathering of classmates, spouses, and friends of 90 or so strong that you both would have expected to see and those who hadn’t been back on the hill in 45 years. The appetizers were hot and varied, the roast beef thick and delicious and portable enough to make it easy to table hop and share news of family, grandchildren, travel, looking through yearbooks and sharing those 45 year old memories of absent classmates whose names were listed near the trophy case in the hall, faculty, and bask in the reassurance that home -or in this case high school- is the place where when you go back, they have to let you in and that when you’re there you are remembered as you were and as you are. Thank God for name tags. A special thanks from me to John and Margy McEwan who made sure a wheelchair car was available to me so that I could make the party that night. When the driver came to bring me back and everyone said goodbye- he said “you 1969 Joan Iacovone Kenney JOANKENNEY@brocktonpublicschools.com Suzanne Hassett Martin sixmartins@comcast.net Gerry McLaughlin Osborne gerryosborne@hotmail.com Mary Mone got in touch with us and said she is always ready for a get together on the Cape. She loves reading about all the little tidbits that go on in our lives and she would love to be included for the next gathering. We know that Kathy Fay Slye, Patsy Morrison Sullivan, Marylou (McGrath) and Jimmy Kelly, John Goff, Mike Sullivan, Mary Beth O’Heir and a few others who live on the Cape would just love to arrange for a Friday or Saturday nite out at some lively Cape cocktail spot! How about it guys?? Are we too old for Pufferbellies? Tom Kenny is enjoying retirement life right now. He’ll have more time to volunteer for all of his favorite charities and good works. We hear that Joan will be joining him in the” relaxed mode” shortly. We are wishing tradition • Cardinal Spellman 21 class notes good health and great recoveries to our dear friends, Dale Shores and Joe Slye. Our sincere condolences go out to Judy Stoddard Bachman, Lenny Romans, Tommy Kennedy, Jim Kelly, Mary Mone and anyone else who lost a loved one since we last wrote Tradition notes. Please accept our deepest sympathy. 1970 JJames Kimball JDKIMBALL@aol.com Rosemary Sheehan ro_sheehan@yahoo.com 1971 Janet Vacca Perry janetperry2@verizon.net This is from Cathy Pettinato Landry. “Hello Class of ‘71. This past June 2011, I retired from my career as a special education teacher after 36 years. Now I am enjoying a new chapter in my life with no alarm clocks and every day feels like Saturday. My three children are young adults: Ned 29, Scott 27 and Melissa 24 with no weddings or grandchildren yet. My husband, Ed, of 35 years and I just purchased a diesel truck and 5th wheel RV to travel around the USA. There are many national parks and beautiful sights on our bucket list. This winter we plan to spend 2 -3 months in Florida escaping New England snow. Life is good and I really feel blessed. Cathy Pettinato Landry, North Attleboro MA” 1972 40th Reunion Janet Nickley Madigan jmadigan@nesinai.org 1973 Kathy Alward Smith Smithka107@comcast.net Trish Conley Cirillo trishcirillo@yahoo.com 22 Cardinal Spellman • tradition Hello to all members of the Class of 1973. We will soon be celebrating our 39th year anniversary since graduating from CSHS. Boy, have the years flown by filled with lifelong careers, marriages, travel, families, and now for many classmates grandchildren. I haven’t heard from many classmates during the past year. Although I consider myself technologically adept I am not presently a subscriber to the big communication avenue of Facebook. I can still be reached at smithka107@comcast.net. I would love to hear from you so I can report your news to classmates and other CSHS Alumni. I would like to take a moment to offer sincere sympathy to our classmates who have recently suffered the loss of a dear parent. I know many of you have lovingly cared for and watched over your parents as they aged with dignity. I know you will all join me in thanking our parents for their many sacrifices to make sure we had a quality education in a private parochial high school. This education has enabled us to become successful adults to provide for our own families and carry on the wonderful spirit of family and friends that began at CSHS. Who can forget all those rides back and forth to Spellman to attend social events, practices, athletic contests, and so much more? Our parents welcomed our friends into their homes and always had kind words for our ever present energy and spirit. Our parents were present to support us in all our Spellman extracurricular activities. On behalf of all the members of the Class of 1973 we thank you our parents for always being there for us and giving us the lifelong gift of a Cardinal Spellman education. Thank goodness I always hear from Steve Horsman and Diane Faherty Garafalo during the Christmas season. Steve reports that his daughter Christine will graduate from University of San Diego in May 2012. Like most of us that have experienced this Steve is excited that he will soon be paying his last tuition payment for college. His son Joe is working on his PhD in a lab in Seattle. Many of you will remember Steve’s brother Stan and sister Marcia. Both are living and working in the Boston area. Hopefully that means that Steve will still be visiting the East Coast. We need to plan our 40th Reunion soon so we can all catch up. Diane also has an empty nest. Her youngest daughter Meaghan is a freshman at St. Mary’s at Notre Dame. Meaghan plays the trumpet in the Fighting Irish band. Sounds like a field trip when Notre Dame plays BC Diane’s college alma mater. Her daughter Kelly will graduate from BC in May 2012. Her son Brett also a BC grad lives and works in Boston. Her oldest daughter Lindsay is graduating with her master degree in May from BC and presently is teaching in the City of Cambridge. Sounds like that BC blood is all in the family. Last but not least, Trisha Conley Cirillo recently became a first time grandmother. Tessa Rose Cirillo, daughter of Trisha’s oldest son Matthew, was welcomed by all the Conley’s and Cirillo’s in early October. As you can all imagine she is the light of Trisha’s world. I look forward to hearing from all my classmates and wish you and your families a happy and healthy 2012. ~Kathy Alward Smith 1974 Joanne Hanson JHa2606822@aol.com David Howes’ first novel, which only took twenty years to get to print, Mylon Sinclair, Space Cowboy is now available through Amazon.com; or, you can order it through his web site: www. davidhowes.net. This book makes a wonderful gift for any teenager or young adult! A note from Tom Rota: “I started a new job, staying in the same industry (Food Marketing and Sales) Been in the industry for 33 years. Joined SM Klane Company in Easton Mass. as a NE Regional Sales Mgr. Other than that life has been pretty boring :-) Thanks ~Tom Rota” “The Harts (Diane and Greg) are all doing well and looking forward to seeing our two college students return home for the holidays. Caroline is a senior at Indiana University in Bloomington and Daniel is a freshman at Fordham University in NYC. Our oldest daughter, Meredith, is a 2009 Bentley University graduate currently working at Wolf and Co. CPA’s in Boston. We have been living in Easton for 25 years and Diane and I still keep in touch with many of our ’74 classmates on a regular basis including Bill Crane, Bob Swanton, Marty Moore, Tom Clark, Kathy (McQuaid) Maloof, Pam (McIntrye) Kearney, Bob Ledwell and Tom Heffernan. It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 38 years!! Wishing everyone a happy 2012!” 1975 Eileen Murphy Krouse ETK9796@aol.com 1976 1977 35th Reunion Anthony O’Brien AnthonyThomasOBrien@ AnthonyOBrien.com Congratulations to Tony O’Brien and his wife, Staci, on the birth of their first child, Anthony Thomas, Jr. 1978 Ellen Papineau McCabe emccabe@comcast.net 1979 Maureen Martin mtm1932@hotmail.com class notes 1980 cently heard from Jimmy Murphy. He called and played a trick on me! (some things never change,..lol... Dianna Tanner Christopoulos like his wonderful sense of humor.) a.christopoulos@verizon.net He is doing well and is the proud father of a 23 year old son, and a 3 year old daughter. I saw an article written about Jimmy, last year in a Lisa Fortune Creeden local paper. I will share some of the sundropssoap@gmail.com info. that I gathered from the artiOur 30th Reunion was held last cle. Jimmy aka Major Murphy, has October, at The Charlie Horse worked for the Plymouth County in West Bridgewater. Thanks to Sheriffs Dept for the last 25 years. Karen Mann & Cynde Orosz for He is also a member and trainer organizing the get together. We had for Massachusetts Task Force 1, a approximately 30 alums, plus guests. Federal Emergency Management I know its cliche’ to say so...but...I Agency Urban Search and Rescue can’t believe it’s been THIRTY Task Force, one of 28 units around years! Time really does fly. Everythe country providing response and one seemed to have a wonderful recovery services. Jimmy enjoys time...lots of laughs and stories what he does and is very dedicated shared. A few old yearbooks were to the missions that can bring him floating around all night too. It was any where in the world to provide fun to peruse through the pages and aid in an emergency situation. Edisee all of us as 17/18 year olds. Also, tors Note: The alumni office would it is interesting to read some of like to thank Lisa Fortune Creeden our aspirations, dreams and hopes for her dedication to Spellman and for the future from our youthful to the class of ‘81. She is stepperspectives. If you haven’t made it ping down as Class Agent. Lisa to a reunion yet, please try to come has been doing the class notes for to the next one. I don’t think you’ll over twenty years and thought it be disappointed. It’s always a laid was time for fresh ideas. If there is back atmosphere with a very nice anyone who would be interested in bunch of people (that would be gathering class notes please contact all of us...lol!) Everyone seems to the Advancement office – jwesterfit right in and enjoy the evening. lund@spellman.com. Come solo, bring a spouse, bring a friend or two...just make an attempt, if at all possible, to come 30th Reunion to the next one. Also, if you are Kelly Crowley Wilder on Facebook, please join our class kelWild@aol.com page at Cardinal Spellman High School- Brockton, MA. There are pictures posted from the reunion, too. I am looking for a volunteer, Lisa Coletti Hokanson as a replacement for myself as our Hokie2@comcast.net class agent. Anyone up for it? It is NOT a time consuming position, at all. It involves writing our Class Notes in the Tradition. I’ve enjoyed my time doing this, but I am ready Regina Albanys Patrick to hand the reigns over. Thank you ReginaPatrick@comcast.net for contributing and reading over Kathleen Hayward Hatfield the last almost 25 years! I couldn’t bridgewaterma@comcast.net have done it without YOU. ~ Keep the Spellman Spirit going! I re- 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Katie Kelley Naples wknaples@comcast.net school days. I am still shocked by how many little things Debbie (Lorgeree) Melo remembers about Christine Neil Tuell ctuell@firstam.com 1986 Jennifer Locchi Roan jennifer.roan@yahoo.com We held our 25th class reunion over Thanksgiving weekend 2011. We had over 65 people in attendance! Thank you to everyone that helped out with recruiting. Special thanks to Sue (Kelley) Eno and Leeann (Morrison) Heffernan for coordinating the streaming pictures! Sue also did a great job securing a DJ. Based on all of the pictures shared on Facebook there were lots of laughs throughout the night. I am so glad the name badges with the yearbook picture were such a great hit. I bet some of our kids had a bit of a chuckle at the BIG hair and wonderful 80’s style! We had a couple of people make their way back home specifically to attend the reunion. Cheryl (Wil- Russell Saint Cyr and LeeAnn (Morrison) Heffernan son) Marquardt was able to convince Cathy (Graham) DuYulus to brave the elements and leave Florida. Russell Saint Cyr (not Richard, LeeAnn) made it home from Montreal. Thanks for making the extra effort. We loved seeing you both! Michelle (Vallancourt) McGonagle, Missy (Schaefer) Russo and Christine Stanley realized that between them they have eleven children! Loved hearing from Suzanne (Cassidy) Neuman as well as all the current parents of Spellman students on the current “state of Spellman”! It was so nice to see the “old” crew and reminisce about our high (left to right) Carolyn (Berry) McCabe, Leeann (Morrison) Heffernan, Cheryl (Wilson) Marquardt and Cathy (Graham) DuYulus those four years! We would like to send our condolences to Lynne (Reinhalter) Bongette on the loss of her mother as well as Dan Deftos on the loss of his dad during 2011. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families. Some great news to share from Kentucky, Jena (Fee) Peikarski , her husband and 3 kids are living in Lebanon Kentucky, the heart of Kentucky. Jena is back to work after a lengthy illness. She would like to thank all her CSHS friends who sent cards, thoughts and prayers her way! We are all so happy you are feeling better Jena! Please remember to keep us updated on what you have been up to via facebook or the Spellman alumni website. Take care! 1987 25th Reunion Terri Mathews-Bryan terri_bryan@yahoo.com Noreen Kelliher Noreen.Kelliher@bbh.com 1988 Patricia MacIntyre Boutiette Patricia_Boutiette@ssga.com 1989 Amy Harper Flynn flynny5@aol.com Karyn Lane Thompson karynmthompson@comcast.net tradition • Cardinal Spellman 23 class notes 1990 Steve Owen steveo_ca@hotmail.com Vanessa Taylor Lobe vanessa0507@yahoo.com Traci Wilson Pozerski tlp@nwscpas.com Traci Wilson Pozerski, Lynne Fontana Mills and Tara Roach took their children, Timmy and Charlie Pozerski, Brady Mills, Ella, Emmett, and Wyatt Roach to the polar express in North Conway over Thanksgiving weekend… these kids could all be future Spellman alums! 1993 Lisa Joyce Covino lisa_j33@hotmail.com 1994 Darcy Campbell Lamond darcymlamond@verizon.net Amy Lekberg Ouellette amy.ouellette76@gmail.com Maria Rowan Malenfant merowan@yahoo.com The following notes were submitted for the last Tradition and inadvertently omitted. “After years of trying to figure out what I (Amy Lekberg Ouellette) wanted to be when I grew up (besides a stay at home mom), I am biting the bullet and going back to college to finish my bachelor’s degree. In the fall, I Timmy Pozerski, Ella Dupuy, Charlie Pozerski, Emmett will be a full-time student at Salem Dupuy, Brady Mills and Wyatt Dupuy. State University, pursuing a degree in Communications. With the previous credits I am transferring, I should be done in about 3 years. I Kevin Miller am excited for the challenge, even millerljb@gmail.com though it will be an adjustment Beth O’Neill Hawley for my family. Sophia Gianna beth_hawley@yahoo.com McDonough was born to Jennifer Stephanie (Young) Blackman Fiorino McDonough and Shaun recently celebrated her company’s McDonough on June 28th! Evone-year anniversary: Riverhaven eryone is doing great! Big brother, Books. It began in August of 2010 Tristan and big sister, Isabella, have and has published seven books to been very sweet and oh so helpful! date with at least six more slated Shaun and Jenn are enjoying their to come out by December. The 3 beautiful little angels!! Alex Ryan website is www.RiverhavenBooks. Anderlionis is residing in Pembroke com. Stephanie is living in WhitMassachusetts with her husband man and recently celebrated her ten Vincent of eleven years and three year wedding anniversary with her children Kyle 9, Devin 7 and Drew husband, Chris. They have two sons: 5. In September 2011, she opened Christopher, 8, and Nicholas, 4, and a Personal Training Studio offering she is working part-time at MasFitness to ALL levels looking to sasoit Community College teaching stay healthy, achieve goals and get English courses. results. Alex is the Owner and Certified Personal Trainer/Bootcamp Instructor at AMA FITNESS STUDIO located on Rt.53 20th Reunion (1285 Washington St.) in East Cathy Doyle Zinck catherine@amazinggracegolf.com Weymouth. If you are looking for a trainer please feel free to contact Susan Iacono Polidori me. I can be reached at AMAFITsusanp007@comcast.net 1991 1992 24 Cardinal Spellman • tradition Alex Ryan Anderlionis ‘94 NESS@LIVE.COM. My Studio is small & cozy and all you need to get yourself in shape so please visit at www.amapersonaltraining.net Many Packages available at reasonable pricing! Mention Spellman and you will receive 2 FREE Training Sessions with any package booked! Maria Simmons is a Certified Laughter Yoga Instructor who is teaching classes at Alex Ryan Anderlionis’s studio at 1285 Washington Street, East Weymouth. For more information, go to www.Improv-Ed.com. “ Maria says Laughter Yoga is a great stress buster and unity tool! Check her out! 1995 Emily Pelton Baird embaird@rocketmail.com Maura Roan Davis esmjdavis@yahoo.com LaTisha Stewart Silvera ljs557@yahoo.com Best wishes to Julie Stanton Armstrong and her husband, Jeff. They are the very proud first time parents of Sadie Andrew Michael, son of Hart Armstrong. Adam DeChristopher ‘95 1996 Melinda Ciampa Ferreira melindaferreira@gmail.com Luke LaCroix lukehd@yahoo.com Adriann Lipper Fonstein abfonstein@gmail.com Kristina Yee Vitullo and her husband Josh are expecting their first child in May. They are very excited and looking forward to welcoming their baby boy into their family. Congratulations to Stephanie Miranda Powell. She sent a note with her updates: “My husband, Jason, and I welcomed a son to the world on 5/28/11. His name is Daene Stephanie Miranda Powell ’96 and her son, Daene Koi Koi Miranda Powell. He joins Miranda Powell 2 step brothers to complete our little family :) Jason and I live in Houston, TX, where we own and operate our own businesses focusing on health, fitness, nutrition and drug-free competitions. Aside from successful training of the everyday gym goer to the professional athlete, we are very passionate about our business ventures, REAL (REAL Entertainment Athletes Leaders), Jason C Powell Inc., Fit Moms and Fit4aBride.” Congratulations to Geraldine Jean-Baptiste Laguerre on the birth of her third child, a daughter Michaela, born on October 4, 2011! Jason Glaneuski and his wife are happily expecting their 3rd baby in a few short months. Joe Lyons emailed the Alumni office with exciting news. “I’d love to mention that my company received an award as a “Boston Business of the Year” from Mayor Front Row: Brian O’Donnell ’94, Stephen Arsenault, Louis Malzone Jr. ’94, Stephanie Henderson Gardner ’99, Pamela Sheehan ‘79 Second Row: Shawn Clark ‘96, Kaitlin Roan Clark ’96, Shannon Oriola ’99, Lindsey Mattus ’05, Jennifer Henderson Clark ’96, Kevin Clark ’94, Nancy Oriola, Kathleen McConnell Redmond ’73, Kathleen Gately Clark ’63, Sue McConnell Henderson ’72, Mary Ann Sylvester Kelley ’63, Kristen Vella Grant ’96 Back Row: Stan Chalvire ’94 and James Colleary Not pictured: James Ryba ’72, Nick Pomarico ’97, Kyle courteau ’05 and Keith Silva ‘93 class notes Menino. It is something that I am very proud of and I thought that I would share the news. The article follows: Hyde Park Main Streets, a non-profit organization composed of residents and business owners who are interested in promoting a vital and thriving business district, has announced Spin350 Creative Inc. as their “Hyde Park Business of the Year”. Created by Mayor Thomas M. Menino in 1995 as the first urban, multi-district Main Street program in the United States, Boston Main Streets is devoted to the continued revitalization of Boston’s neighborhood commercial districts through design, technical, and financial support. Today, the nationally recognized program boasts 19 districts across Boston. Hyde Park is one of those 19 districts that make up the Boston Main Lorenzo Froio, son of Robert Streets Program Froio ‘96 and it is home to Spin350 Creative. We are thrilled at the honor and thank HPMS for considering us.” daughter!! Elissa Kelley bought a house in Carlsbad, California and is getting married in December 2012. Melissa Trundy Terra and husband, Andy, welcomed their baby boy, Zachary, on September 9, 2011. Congratulations! So happy for Jen MacLean Furbino and her husband, Renato, on the birth of their Zachary Everett, son of first child, Xan- Melissa Trundy Terra ‘97 der MacLean, born on January 10, 2012. Erica Reis McNamara is happily married to her high school sweetheart, Jay. They have two children Ava four and Jay Jr. two. Erica works at Boston Scientific and still lives locally. She also says how blessed she is to remain best friends with classmates Mary MacGregor-Tweedie, Jess (Roan) Kaltsas, and Elissa Kelley! 1997 15th Reunion Rebecca (Busa) Weigel and her husband, Joshua, welcomed their fifth child. Travis Daniel-Thomas Weigel was born on August 21, 2011. Travis joins three brothers and one sister. Darryn Campbell and his wife, Kim, welcome their third child. Audrey Elizabeth Campbell was born on November 9, 2011. Audrey joins a brother and a sister. Congratulations! Jennifer MacLean Furbino jenifurb12@hotmail.com Carl Anderson has moved to Warren Maine and is working at Rockland fire as a firefighter/emt. Carl and his wife are expecting their second son April. Congratulations to Alicia Baker who is expecting a baby boy in the spring! Marc Kelly and his wife have relocated to Los Angeles. Enjoy the beautiful weather Marc! Heather Cantone Viola and her husband, Victor, have three year old twins and are living in Sandwich Massachusetts. Danielle Spera Nacionales is expecting her third child...a boy...in about three weeks. She also has a four year old son and a twenty month old 1998 Kathryn Chiros Jarett katjarrett@hotmail.com Matthew Malinowski MMalinowski@hannasd.org 1999 Melissa Coughlin mcoughlin@alum.bu.edu Shannon Oriola smoj31@gmail.com Congratulations to Courtney Crane Charest and her husband, Lou, on the birth of their daughter, Marga- is engaged to Ethan Allen (no relation to the furniture maker!). She has five beautiful girls - daughters Aubrey (almost 6), Braelynn (4) and Cianna (1), and step-daughters Regan (8) and Penelope (5) - and is enjoying watching them all grow Keara Kelley up. She has also started a small kearakelley@yahoo.com business from her hobby of making custom hair bows/accessories and tutus. Bianca Gay received her Master’s in Business Administration from Curry College in 2010 Katie Cronin and is currently in her second year croninkt@gmail.com of law school at the University of Jessica Williamson Massachusetts Dartmouth Law jesswilliamson28@comcast.net School. In 2010, she received a “40 Congratulations to Brendan Crane under 40” award for her commitand his wife, Brie, on the birth of ment to volunteerism while worktheir son, George H. III. Brendan ing at State Street Corporation. also has a daughter, Grace three Melissa Foley is living in Boston, years old. MA, happily married, and is an associate professor at Northeastern University. She graduated from NU 10th Reunion with a Bachelor’s in RehabilitaSamantha Ford tion and completed her Doctorate sammilinn23@yahoo.com in Physical Therapy in 2008. She keeps herself busy with competitive Kim Parr Mario Kart-ing, traveling, spendkimberlyparr@gmail.com ing exorbitant amounts of money Erica Prance on eating out, and adopting pets qtpie4484@comcast.net from local animal shelters. Kristen Nichole Whalen Burns is a registered nurse in the nichole@fredriksen Burn Trauma ICU at Brigham and photography.com Women’s Hospital. An Outreach The Class of 2002 has some updates alum, Kristen has remained close in honor of our upcoming 10th year with Mariuxi, the exchange student reunion!! Kat (Hughes) Cifuni, her family graciously hosted our senow of Raynham (formerly of nior year. In 2007, Kristen returned Bridgewater) got married in May to Ecuador to visit Mariuxi and 2011 in Boston to Eric Cifuni of her family, and was asked to be the Raynham. Eric and Kat are expect- godmother to Marixui’s daughter, ing their first child (a girl!) in April Samanta. Lisa Shea works as a 2012. Congrats, Kat!! Keely McMarketing Manager for The ChilDonough lives in Washington, D.C. dren’s Workshop and lives in Proviand works as a Solutions Engineer dence, RI with two adorably spoiled for Blackboard Higher Education. dogs. She’s recently been named a She completed her 6th Marine board member of the Central Falls Corps Marathon in October. Go, Mentoring Program, where she also Keely!! Kerry Flaherty moved serves as a mentor. Over the holisouth to Belington, West Virginia days, she became engaged to Felipe and is currently teaching a Special Hernandez. Congratulations, Needs Pre-K class at Jennings Ran- Lisa!! Lauren Franco received her dolph Elementary School in Elkins, Master’s Degree in Management WV. Shannon Marie Rocha lives from Lasell College. Good work, in Greensboro, North Carolina and ret Haddie born on December 12, 2011. She also joins big brother, Louis. 2000 2001 2002 tradition • Cardinal Spellman 25 class notes Lauren! Kim Parr graduated from Boston University School of Law in 2010. She currently lives in Brookline, Massachusetts and is in the midst of a year-long clerkship at the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. 2003 Colleen Kelly colleenmariekelly@yahoo.com Aisha Lubin aisha.lubin@gmail.com 26 Happy New Year Spellmanites! Hope everyone’s 2012 has started off on the right foot! We are only one year away from our reunion! If you have any ideas, want to help plan, or just want to send us your updated information, we’ll take it! We want it to be successful and have as many students as we can attend! So keep us in the know! Congratulations are in order to our newly engaged classmates, Jamie Nolan, Jen Pilato, Brett McMenimon, and Rebecca Cole!!! Wishing you the best of luck with your wedding planning!! It’s going to be great fun! If we missed anyone, please let us know! We also received an update on Elizabeth Schwartz! Elizabeth fulfilled her dream and graduated from New York College of Podiatric Medicine in May. It was the centennial graduation which was held in Manhattan. She is a first year resident at Metro West in Framingham and is busy being on call. Liz resides in Marlborough, Massachusetts and has just rescued Slinky, her panther cat, from a nearby shelter. Back in September fellow Spellman Thespians, Aisha Lubin Losche, Kelly Curtin, both ‘03, Damon Warnock and Justin Murray both ‘05 and Shannon Oriola, ‘99 went to see Shane Donovan ‘05 perform in South Pacific at the Boston Opera House! He did a great job and we are all so proud of him!!!! Congratulations to our new moms, Joanne Chevalier and Anne Vandiver Cicero. Before Cardinal Spellman • tradition you know it, your little ones will be at Spellman! Have you checked out Spellman.com’s new look! It’s very sleek, easy to navigate and has the ability to accept online donations! Though the update was short and sweet, we still want to hear from you!!! Please be sure to either email Aisha (aisha.lubin@gmail.com) or Facebook Colleen with any updates! Wishing everyone in our Spellman community a happy and healthy 2012! Love, Aisha and Colleen 2004 Kathleen Clifford kathleen.alana@gmail.com Matthew Powers mjp155@gmail.com 2005 Breandan Carter breandancarter@gmail.com Kudos to Shane Donovan. Shane appeared in “South Pacific”, the national touring production of the classic musical by Rogers & Hammerstein. He played the part of Lt. Joseph Cable. Many of the faculty and staff and alumni attended a performance. Shane received his BFA in Musical Theatre at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. 2006 Lauren Fahey lauren.fahey88@gmail.com Our class reunion is being planned their 5 year class reunion Thanksgiving weekend. The location is TBD, but any questions can be directed to Sean Flanagan or Kayla O’Malley. There is also a facebook group called Cardinal Spellman Class of 2006 - 5 Year Class Reunion that you can join to gain any details and to also take the survey. The survey will help to decide our class officers, what venue will be best suited for the event, etc. Exciting news: Julie Lavery plays the Little Mermaid in Disney’s The Voyage of the Little Mermaid. Check out the Alumni Spotlight on page 18. and is enjoying living back home. Shaun Roach is playing ball for Gordan College. Good luck with the rest of your season! And Pat Hagan has transferred to WVU. As for me, I am coaching freshman basketball at Spellman and we are 7-3! Congratulations to the 5th Reunion following students: to Marc Polito Barbara Pierre on being named to the Dean’s List bkbp88@yahoo.com for the spring 2011 semester at Nicole Collins the University of Massachusetts nicole.collins@quinnipiac.edu Amherst, Ryan Carson earned a Justin Hannan place on the President’s List for the jmyleshannan@gmail.com Spring 2011 semester at Pratt Institute, and Catherine Boustani,Tayla Alexandra Whaley was named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2011 Hussey and Jordan MacKean named to the Curry College Dean’s semester at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She graduated List for the fall semester. Email me from UMass Amherst in May 2011. with any new updates! Good luck with the upcoming semester. God Congrats. bless, Mer 2007 2008 Chris Horne christopher.horne@villanova.edu Cassie Stickney xo_eversosweet@yahoo.com Congrats to Justin Perry on being named to the Dean’s List Spring 2011 at Roger Williams University. On the professional end, Chris Horne is doing an internship in Human Resources and looking into jobs in that field right now. Otherwise you can find me doing a flash dance in the library as Santa! 2009 Mark Hylander markhy@bu.edu Kudos to David Isgur on being named to the Curry College Dean’s List for the fall semester. 2010 Meredith McManus meredithmcmanus@comcast.net Hey Guys! Hope everyone had a great and happy new year! Kate Silva has transferred to Massasoit 2011 James Leonard jeleonard36@yahoo.com Kathryn Dunford katie.dunford@yahoo.com Hey Class of 2011, Hope you are all enjoying your first year out of Spellman. I hope whether it is at college, work or the military you have all started to discover the plan that God has for you. Our class has already done so many amazing things this year. Here are just a few quick highlights of what people from our class are up to! Emily Earle and Sarah Tenore made dean’s list at Bridgewater State University! Nicole Pacheco got nominated for and inducted into the Phi Alpha Delta Law fraternity which is like a fast track to law school, and she also just got a big internship with a law firm down in Florida! Morgan Mansfield has made dean’s list as well at the University of Rhode Island! Julia Krietman has been up to a lot at Emerson College. She got a job as a scenic painter and carpenter, designed and constructed the set for the musical “Sweet Charity”, worked on production in memoriam Richard F. Kelley, Jr. ‘62 • b rother of Margaret J. ’71, Paul H. ’75 and James S. ‘80 Marie A. Blaser • grandmother of Catherine ‘00 and Kristin ‘05 Janet Sousa Mato ‘62 Rose I. Butkevich • mother of Bernard “Bernie” Butkevich ‘62 • grandmother of Peter Butkevich ‘96 Robert E. Shalgian ‘63 • h usband of Mary Peckham Shalgian ‘65 • b rother of Mary Shalgian Haskins ‘65 Richard S. Hogan ‘66 Katherine K. Mone ‘67 • s ister of Thomas ’67 and Mary ‘69 Therese Legan Gomm ‘70 • sister of Edna Legan Donoghue ’62, Ann Legan Petrie ’65, Paul Legan ’66 and Richard Legan ‘68 Melissa Collins ‘87 Dennis A. Paiva, Jr. ‘87 Kathleen F. Moriarty ‘90 • s ister of Mary ’74, Eileen Moriarty O’Connor ’76, Paula Moriarty Murray ’77, the late Nancy Moriarty ’80, Robert ’81, Michael ’84. Jeremiah F. Barker • f ormer Faculty member Catherine “Kay” Cassidy • f ormer Spellman Music Director and pianist •m other of John ’73 and Suzanne Cassidy Neuman ‘86 Sr. Etheldrita Shay, CSJ • c omposer of Spellman Alma Mater • f ormer Faculty member 2011 (continued) crew for Emerson Stage’s “Robinhood”, she is currently the makeup designer for Emerson’s Mercutio Troupe’s Production of “Angels in America” as well as the Artistic Director and Coordinator for a student run- Performing Cultures Cabaret show- “The Back Alley Cabaret”. Zac Cooney, Kevin Stan- Anna Comeau • grandmother of Sara Comeau ‘11 Robert N. Coulstring, Sr. • grandfather of Kara Nyman ‘11 Thomas Deftos • father of Daniel F. ‘86 • grandfather of Amanda Deftos ‘14 Gloria Glynn • mother of Matthew ’75, Michael ’76, Brian ’78, Paula Glynn Jaros ’81, Tracy Glynn Ouellette ‘82 • mother-in-law Maura Delea Glynn ’76 and Martin Ouellette ‘84 Mary L. (Cruise) Kennedy • mother of Robert A. Kennedy III, ’63, Mary Kennedy Bardsley ‘66 and State Senator Thomas P. Kennedy ‘69. Bernard J. Kearney • father of Meaghan ‘96 Kevin F. Quinn • brother of Betty Quinn O’Sullivan ’65, James ’66, Paul ’67, and Elaine Quinn Iannarone ‘73 Diana M. Reinhalter • mother of Kevin J. ’68, Steven E. ’71, Diane Reinhalter Fisher ’73, Susan J. ’73, Mark A. ’81 and Lynne Reinhalter Bongette ‘86 • mother-in-law of Deborah West Reinhalter ‘73 Donna C. Santoro • sister of Diane Santoro Neil ‘62 • aunt of Christine Neil Tuell ’85 and Anthony T. Neil ‘87 John L. Kelly, Jr. • father of Jeanne ’63, Janet Boyle Ann M. Sperandio ’65, James ’69, Joyce Kelly Bailey William J. Dignan ’73, Joseph, Sr. ’75, Jane Kelly • former faculty member • grandfather of Melissa Crimmins Larkin ’75, Jerome ’78, Jacquelyn • mother of Margaret Sperandio Crawley ’04 and F. Thomas CrimKelly Stanbrook ‘83 McEwan mins III ‘07 • father-in-law of Mary Lou • mother-in-law of John McEwan McGrath Kelly ’69, Dan Bailey Albert T. Fortin ‘66 ’71, Katherine Mador Kelly ’75, • father of Jo-Ann Fortin Bernabeo • grandmother of Heather McEwan Paul Larkin ‘74 ’67 and the late Eleanor Fortin Mandosa ‘94 • grandfather of John ‘87, Magan Miscioscia ‘70 Dorothy M. “Dolly” Stone Kelly Earnshaw ’90, Robert ’93, Sara E. Gentry Jennifer Kelly ’94, Kaitlyn Bailey • former Spellman Cafeteria Worker • mother-in-law of Martha Bowman ’96, Jaclyn Bailey Miller • mother of Rhonda Stone McElhinSolimita Gentry ‘65 ’99, Ashley Bailey ‘04, Joseph Kelly, ney ‘85 Jr. ’05, Brian ’06, Caroline ’08, Mary C. Giniewicz • mother in law of Brien McElhinScott O’Brien ‘12 ney ‘83 • grandmother of William J. III ‘83 Jeffrey Paul McGrath Janet D. Swindler Marian Giovannini • brother of James McGrath, Spell• mother of James H. “Jaime” ’91 and • mother of Ann Marie Giovanniniman Faculty Elizabeth “Liza” Swindler Bar ‘94 Verrochi ‘77 Lois Murphy Robert S. Tassinari • mother of Gerald T. Murphy, Esq. • grandfather of John, Jr. ’99 and ‘78 and James J. Murphy ‘79 Jeffrey ‘01 ton and Dan Cronin are currently on a ship in Costa Rica for their school Massachusetts Maritime Academy. Special congratulations to Jack DePalma who informs us that he has been making large improvements in being able to write a research paper! Last but certainly not least Josh Earle who has graduated basic training and has been deployed to Korea for a yearlong tour! Congratulations Josh and stay safe. Mrs. Marston heard from Josh. Here is his address: Bco 1-72 AR BN, Unit#15073 Box#687, APO AP 96624. He would love to receive mail from back home. Kudos to Nicole Silvestre on being named to the Fitchburg State Dean’s list and Tatiana Lucien – Curry College Dean’s List, both for the fall semester. If you have any other updates please e-mail me at jeleonard36@yahoo.com or Facebook me. Good luck everyone and you’re always in my prayers! -Jimmy Leonard tradition • Cardinal Spellman 27 perspective Hope Springs Eternal at Cardinal Spellman by Kevin Delano When people visit Cardinal Spellman High School, it is common for them to leave with a different sense than when they came, especially when their first Spellman experience is at a liturgy. “I’m not sure how to describe it,” said one grandparent after the Cardinal Spellman High School Christmas Mass. “But, whatever it is, it’s comforting and uplifting. Keep it up.” Spirit is a word associated with Spellman’s students. Not just a passing sense of excitement or the fleeting charisma of a single person but rather a community joyously engaged in the liturgy of the Eucharist that gives hope and revitalizes. believed it. Now I have seen it. There’s something special there. ” These sentiments are not uncommon and there is a definite reason why. To begin, the school is an oasis. It is a place where young men and women are allowed to develop all the dimensions of their person and be encouraged to do their personal best. Academics, athletics, arts, as well as emotional and physical development are well grounded in a spiritual framework to see how the gifts given to them by God and their families make the work they do and the way they do it more than just work. At Spellman, students are not just allowed to develop their faith in God, they are encouraged to do so everyday. They cultivate their relationship with God, not just in the religion classes, but also on the playing field; at the monthly Mass; while they do their community service projects for those in need come into my heart, and in your power draw it to you,” she told us. She was able to help others, because she was not afraid to speak and show willingness to accept God. She said, “It is only through shadows that one comes to know the light.” We all know the story of how Nicodemus, a Pharisee, came to Jesus by night, because he was afraid that the other Pharisees might see him going to Jesus. At “I”m not sure how to describe it ... it’s comforting and uplifting.” “I have never seen teenagers so genuinely engaged in the celebration of the Eucharist,” said a former member of the Spellman faculty who had come to see the Mass because he had heard there was something special happening each month. “If you told me that you could have several hundred high school students so in tune with a liturgy, I would not have 28 Cardinal Spellman • tradition which pervades each class and ennobles what the students do. The students develop with a purpose beyond themselves. They don’t just study mathematics. They study mathematics so that they can develop their skills and abilities for the benefit of themselves and their community. During this process they continue to give glory to God. These common threads of the underlying theology and philosophy of the school are woven into all disciplines. The students can begin and during their daily interaction with each other. It makes the time they spend in the pursuit of life meaningful, because it is not just about them. It is about love of God and neighbor. The Spellman sense of community revitalizes people. It is, we think, in some ways the same type of revitalization that St. Catherine of Sienna pursued when the Church Community of her time looked to her for hope and for renewal of spirit in the Spirit. “Holy Spirit, Spellman, the students and the community come to Jesus in the light of day because they are not afraid to go to Jesus and have others see them. In this hopeful environment, Spellman sees the possibility of revitalization of the Church from the power of the Holy Spirit through the example of the young men and women of Spellman who are eager to step into the light. There is great hope at Cardinal Spellman High School. Join us for the Cardinal Spellman 2012 Golf Classic Monday, June 18, 2012 LeBaron Hills Country Club • Lakeville, MA Sponsorship Opportunities Title Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 Schedule Of Events Registration . . . . . . . . 10:30 am Driving Range . . . . . . . . . Open Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 am Shotgun Start . . . . . . .11:30 am Cocktails. . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 pm Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 pm Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 pm Awards Presentation The tournament field is limited to 144 golfers who will be accepted on a first-paid, first served basis. A foursome’s registration is not complete until the entire foursome has paid. • Two complimentary foursomes • Two signs (one at dinner and one at the first tee) • Full page ad in the program book ($4,000 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) Dinner Sponsor . . . . . . . . . $3,000 • One complimentary foursome • One sign (where dinner is served) • Full page ad in the program book ($2,400 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) Lunch Sponsor . . . . . . . . . $2,000 • One complimentary foursome • One sign at the luncheon • Full page ad in the program book ($1,400 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) Carts Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . $2,000 • One complimentary foursome • One sign on each cart • Full page ad in the program book ($1,400 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) Driving Range Sponsor . . . $2,000 • One complimentary foursome • One sign at the driving range • Full page ad in the program book ($1,400 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) Exclusive Hole Sponsor . . . $350 • Exclusive signage displaying your support ($325 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) Tee or Green Sponsor . . . . . $150 • Signage at tee or green displaying your support ($125 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) Register online beginning in April at spellmanalumni.com or call 508-584-3004! • Registration deadline is June 18, 2012 Golf photo: ®Shutterstock.com • Player fee $160* each. Includes greens fee, cart, range balls, lunch, dinner and gift bag. *($60 is tax deductible for charitable gift purposes) For further information, call 508-584-3004 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BROCKTON, MA PERMIT NO. 247 Spellman Office of Advancement 738 Court Street Brockton- MA 02302-2898 Spellman Alumni Magazine / Spring 2012 Our Mission at Cardinal Spellman High School Excellence in Catholic Education Offering young men and women opportunities To maximize their potential; To respect themselves and others; To serve their community, their Church and the world