read Tschudi Tribune


read Tschudi Tribune
Issue 13, Summer 2012
Meet the Gentleman
of Ocean Towage
Logistics daring
to be different
Full approval
in Kirkenes
Tschudi Shipping Company AS
Strandveien 50. N-1366 Lysaker, Norway
Telephone +47 67 11 98 80
Dear Friends and Colleagues!
Since Tschudi Shipping Company came out of Tschudi &
Eitzen in 2003 we have expressed a clear focus on the EastWest trades between Europe, Russia and Central Asia including
a particular emphasis on developing logistics in the High North.
This has been expressed as our main strategic intention and
our activities and positioning, particularly in Northern Norway,
prove that we have been and are ready to act to support this
strategic choice. We believe in a positive development with
increasing business opportunities in these, our target markets,
and that we are well positioned for this development. We believe that maritime transportation and logistics will be crucial
for the future economic development of these regions. That is
also why we expect that our activities and strong position in
the High North will support and give opportunities to all our
other activities and contribute to creating a platform for further
growth in today’s very volatile shipping markets.
Our Values:
Our Vision:
Creating Value by
Daring to be Different
Cover photo:
Backpacks to the ITC Mistral crew,
by Arunas Zuolys,
Chief Officer, ITC Mistral
Being a relatively small group of companies in a globalised
In our business we must always adapt to rapidly changing
world we must be different from the big ones. We must create
circumstances and regrettably, we expect that, at least for a
and develop niches based on in-depth knowledge and imagi-
period, these changes will be for the worse. Hence we have no
native solutions made possible by the right attitudes. These
other option but to continue to create and nurse sustainable
niches are our strongholds and reason for being and we must
niches where we can establish some competitive advantage to
strive to create and keep these positions. It is not only about
the benefit of our customers and ourselves.
Spreading the word worldwide
Living the brand!
Strong relations
Oslo ranks No. 1
Close Port Cooperation
Daring to be different
Joining forces for Arctic exploration
Full approval in Kirkenes
We appreciate that it may at times be de-motivating to have
become a very well edited and readable corporate magazine.
Tschudi Get-Together
taken a position at an early stage and thereafter fear that you are
It is interesting because we are in an interesting business and
To the rescue
either too early or possibly wrong. Our focus up North could
because you all put pride in what you do and wish to share this
Awake at work?
sometimes have given that feeling but we have been persistent
with others.
A way of life
and now definitely feel that the development is moving in our
Farewell reception
direction. We also appreciate that it can be de-motivating to
Anniversary time in the UK
see that the business is reduced when vessels are sold. How-
News from Norway
ever, we are living in cyclical markets and in order to survive
News from Latvia
through these cycles we must seek to either secure long-term
News from Finland
contracts with strong counter parts or reduce our fleet when
News from Estonia
we feel markets are about to go against us. The good thing is
News from Russia
that if we get it right we will be in position to expand when we
News from Sea
feel that the markets are going in our direction again. Ships are
A Tight Squeeze
replaceable, competence is not. That is why we have sought
News from Holland
to keep all our competencies in the Group even during these
New faces
difficult times. Our skills will be the platform for continued
Where to find your colleagues
growth of the Group when market opportunities open up again.
caretaking. It is value creation for our company and our clients
that will earn us our space in today’s highly competitive
Thank you all for your hard work and creativity towards this
business environment.
effort without which we cannot succeed. We also thank you all
for your input to the Tschudi Tribune which in our view has
Kind regards
Felix H. Tschudi Chairman
Jon Edvard Sundnes
Managing Director
Spreading the word
The Northern Sea Route is an alternative international trade route for cargoes to Asia.
By using the NSR from Northern Europe to China and vice versa, the distance is more
than 40% shorter than via the Suez Canal or 60% shorter than via the Cape of Good Hope.
In addition, there are substantial reductions in fuel consumption, environmental emission
and piracy risk. Kirkenes in Northern Norway where Tschudi has a strong position is
strategically located for this new trade route.
Dutch Harbor
In May, Tschudi Shipping Company
Project Manager Henrik Falck was
invited by Institute of the North in
Anchorage Alaska to give a presentation about the Northern Sea Route.
The conference was arranged together with the World Trade Centre and
focused on the increased traffic through
the Bering Strait, oil spill preparedness
and the possibility to develop Dutch
Harbor at the Aleutian Island as an
entry hub for the Northern Sea Route.
Dutch Harbor has in many ways a
similar location as Kirkenes has on the
other side of the NSR. It is located on
the great circle between China/Japan
and the West Coast of USA. The possibility of loading bulk cargoes at the
US West Coast and using the NSR
instead of using the Panama Canal
was discussed.
The Americans have just started drilling
for oil and gas in the Chukchi Sea,
which is actually only 9 days sailing
from Kirkenes and 12 days away from
the North Sea which is one of the
largest offshore markets in the world.
In the short term we envisage a good
possibility for closer cooperation within
the oil and offshore industry for positioning and repositioning of offshore
vessels and equipment. In the longer
term we will look at the possibility to
develop hub functions on both sides of
the NSR (Kirkenes and Dutch Harbor).
In March, the Norwegian Embassy in
Washington hosted the Henry Bacon
seminar addressing “Maritime Opportunities and Challenges in the High
This is an annual seminar held in
memory of the crew of the US Navy
vessel SS “Henry Bacon” that sacrificed itself off Northern Norway during
World War II to save the lives of many
State Secretary Rikke Lind at the
Ministry of Trade and Industry in Oslo
was key speaker at the seminar, which
was chaired by Norwegian Ambassador Wegger Strommen.
State Secretary Lind was supplemented
by a host of exceptionally qualified
US and Norwegian speakers from the
private and governmental sector who
covered a range of subjects addressing
the opportunities and challenges facing
the High North.
Felix H. Tschudi, Chairman of Tschudi
Shipping Company, was invited to deliver his presentation: “The new Highway
between the Atlantic and the Pacific?
A Shipowner’s View.”
The seminar drew a full house at the
Army & Navy Club in Washington, with
high-ranking representatives of numerous US government agencies, the
diplomatic corps and the business
community in DC and elsewhere.
“From Knowledge to Action” brought
together over 2,000 researchers, policy
and decision-makers, and a broad
range of interested parties from academia, industry, non-government, education and circumpolar communities
including indigenous peoples. The IPY
2012 Conference aimed to contribute
to the translation of new polar scientific findings into an evidence-based
agenda for action that will influence
global decisions, policies and outcomes over the coming years.
Tschudi Shipping Company was invited
to attend the Conference and participate in the Plenary Panel: “Adaptation
to Change” and in addition to head the
workshop “Creating the Conditions for
Safe Shipping in Polar Waters”. The
Plenary Panel addressed:
•What emerging adaptation options,
strategies and cost-benefit analyses
seem most useful or most plausible
for the future Arctic?
•How should scientists, communities,
industries and policy-makers work
together to inform and influence
policy and economic decisions
necessary for global society
to adapt to, live with or benefit from
environmental change?
Jon Edvard Sundnes, CEO of Tschudi
Shipping Company, together with panelists from Sweden, United States and
Canada offered ideas and perspectives from infrastructure, transportation,
environmental protection and governance viewpoints.
S. Korea
In May, Felix H. Tschudi was invited
by the Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute (SIPRI) to participate
at a two day Workshop: “Chinese and
Nordic Cooperation on Arctic Developments” in Beijing. The workshop was
organised by SIPRI and the China
Centre for Contemporary World Studies (CCCWS) to focus on the new
challenges and opportunities posed
by increased access to the Arctic.
In May, Tschudi Shipping Company
Project Manager, Henrik Falck, was
invited by DNV to participate at their
“Korea Technical Committee Meeting”
held in conjunction with the EXPO 2012
Yeosu Korea.
This was a unique forum bringing
leading officials, experts and scholars
from the Nordic countries and China
together to focus on governance, international law, shipping routes and
future prospects for economic development in the Arctic region. Felix H.
Tschudi presented the shipping industry’s perspectives and emerging
issues regarding the Northern Sea
Route (NSR) and implications for Arctic
outsiders such as the People’s
Republic of China.
This was a presentation for all major
Korean shipyards with focus on the
Northern Sea Route and what implications this could have for construction
of ice-classed tonnage.
At the Russian pavilion an impressive
model portrayed the greatness of the
Russian nuclear icebreakers thus promoting the Northern Sea as an alternative sea route to Asia.
The main theme of Yeosu Expo, “The
Living Ocean and Coast”, conceptualizes the most desirable future for
the ocean whose sound preservation
and wellbeing is essentially linked with
the survival of humankind. The Yeosu
Project is an international cooperation
program designed to strengthen capabilities of developing countries in order
to meet the challenges related to the
ocean and the environment.
Living the brand!
I t i s s a i d t h at
a c o m pa n y ’ s
employees are its
g r e a t e s t a s s e t.
You are the Tschudi
G r o u p ’ s g r e at e s t
a s s e t. T s c h u d i
employees, ashore
a n d at s e a , a r e
the point of
c o n ta c t f o r a l l
G r o u p business
activities. W i t h o u t
y o u , t h e r e would
be no one to s e l l
our services,
deliver our
products, manage
Celia Lindqvist and
Arne Larsen with
Captain Valeri
Stepanov on board
Safmarine Onne,
Port of Larvik,
Norway. Arne
Larsen worked in
Tschudi Shipping
Company from
1965 until he retired
in 2008. A true
example of real
o u r d a i ly o p e r a t i o n s o r d e a l wi t h
our customers.
You are the face
of the Tschudi
It is important to remember that in our Group we have different
jobs and we meet and assist customers in many different ways.
But are we fully aware of “Tschudi” and do we believe in the
products / services our Group is offering. Do we “live our brand”
in our daily work when solving problems and making decisions
Branding is about how our customers see us and why
they do business with us. It is about our name Tschudi, our
services and how we communicate. It is about building distinctive
relationships with our customer and delivering beyond our
clients’ expectations in a different and better way than our
How we all perform and treat our clients and colleagues is
extremely important. We depend on each other and we must
have good internal relationships in order to serve our clients in
a satisfactory way.
We have to work consciously with our brand and internal
branding is a continuous process which nurtures an organizational identity to ensure that all employees understand the “who”
and “why” of a company’s business. If a brand is to be relevant
“Branding is
about how
our customers
see us and
why they do
with us”
Reunion in Oslo - Akitoshi Kimura and Felix H. Tschudi.
Strong relations
by Celia M. Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS
for all employees then it must operate like a culture within the
In 1976, ITC had the honour of being commissioned to
transport 9 million tons of rocks from Ras al Khaimah to Jubail
late 2010, he took the opportunity to visit Mr Kimura and his
(Saudia Arabia), a distance of 360 miles, over a three-year period.
son, Akitoshi in Tokyo.
The aim of internal branding is to engage and inspire and this
The stones were loaded onto a submersible barge, which was
can be communicated in several ways:
then taken to Jubail by a tugboat. They were used to construct
an age of 84 years, passed away. Mr Kimura is now succeeded
• in our daily work and working environment
break-waters for the port which was to be built there.
by his son Mr Akitoshi Kimura as Managing Director of Fujikaiji
• how we treat our colleagues
Co., Ltd.
• how we are treated as an employee
to the introduction of the so called “S-wind” tugs to the ITC fleet.
• our methods of communication in an international team
Ocean tugs were required for this transportation and this led
Naturally, when Felix H. Tschudi was in Tokyo on business
Sadly just about one year after this visit, Noboru Kimura, at
In June while on a European trip, Akitoshi took the oppor-
The tugs were built by Matsuura Tekko, Higashimo, Japan
tunity to combine this with a visit to Oslo and the Tschudi family.
and delivered to ITC in 1976-1977. They were six identical tugs
This was greatly appreciated and truly shows the strength of
In the publication “The Employer Brand: Bringing the Best of
and named after winds from various parts of the world: Suhaili,
this longstanding relationship.
Brand Management to People at Work”, Richard Mosley dis-
Simoon, Sirocco, Sumatras Shamal and Solano. A seventh
cusses the importance of a strong brand.
similar tug named Santania joined the fleet in 1978. After nu-
merous spectacular towage and salvage jobs for ITC, the four
Keeping the values and culture of a company and their
personal brand as a priority within an organization is something
remaining S-Winds were sold in 2011.
which increases employee satisfaction. There is undoubtedly a
connection between employee satisfaction and driving business
yard was conducted by Mr Noboru Kimura, President of the
performances and customer satisfaction.
Shipbroking Company Fujikaiji Co., Ltd in Tokyo. Ever since and
The transaction of the tugs from the Matsuura Tekko ship-
We as a Group will do our utmost for you to have safe and
over a span of almost 40 years, Mr Kimura and the Tschudi
interesting places to work. We expect you all to do your part to
family have kept in touch and every year Mr Kimura has sent a
contribute to your colleagues having a good day at work.
personal hand-made Christmas card.
“2012 is
year of
- the latest
card made
by the late
Mr Noboru
Photo: Christopher Hagelund
Oslo ranks No.1!
by Celia M. Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS
Oslo Maritime Week again took place in June. The Oslo
The Menon report benchmarks the leading maritime cities in
Maritime Week initiative is led by Oslo Maritime Network and
four areas; shipping, maritime finance, insurance, technology as
organised in collaboration with Nor-Shipping.
well as competence. Twelve cities were assessed both by
objective measures widely recognised in the industry, and by
This event takes place every second year and alternates
with Nor-Shipping. These events build a solid platform for
industry experts from all continents.
boosting the international profile of the Oslo region within the
maritime industry.
out as the leading maritime city in the world, followed by Oslo,
London, Hamburg and Hong Kong respectively. Most notably,
Countries and cities compete to an increasing extent to
Rotterdam Port skyline
Summarizing all the indicators of the study, Singapore comes
attract the leading firms and the most talented people. The
Oslo ranks no 1 in both shipping and maritime finance.
winners then become the leading maritime countries and cities
of the world. But who are the winners? Nor-Shipping and Oslo
nations this shows that shipping is also very much about people
Maritime Network recently commissioned Menon to a conduct
and social networks, not only assets.
As the Norwegian fleet is now reduced compared to other
by Rob Dalmeijer, Tschudi Logistics BV
a survey in order to unfold this topic.
Shipowners and
Shipping Operation
Maritime Finance
Maritime Law and
Maritime Technology
and Competence
Close Port Cooperation
Overall Rank
On the 10th and 11th of May, the Mayor of Drammen with a
Over the past 4 years Tschudi has become a significant
delegation of representatives from the Drammen Local Council
customer in the Port of Drammen and, mainly due to the close
and the Port of Drammen, Norway visited Rotterdam.
cooperation between both parties, the cargo through-put has
increased every year.
New York
New York
group and took excellent care of our vistors. During their two
day stay, many attractions in Rotterdam were visited, including
been achieved over the past 4 years but to build further on this
a visit and reception at the Port of Rotterdam.
success there is still a long way to go.
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
A summary of the Menon report ranks Oslo no. 1 in both Shipping and Maritime Finance.
Kees van der Steen from Tschudi Logistics BV hosted the
The main conclusion after their visit was that a lot has
When visiting the Port emphasis was on future cooperation
between both parties to use more intermodal transport rather
than inter European road transport.
Pachuca in Drammen Port,
May 2012
Fresh bread
Daring to
be different
It can be said that Norwegian food habits differ from many
other countries. Norwegians consume large quantities
of bread, mainly wholemeal, and this is eaten for breakfast, lunch and supper. One peculiar Norwegian characteristic is the “matpakke”, or packed lunch. Over the
past few years, larger companies have however introduced
their own cafeteria with continental eating habits but bread
still remains a stable food in the Norwegian diet.
Tschudi Logistics is reaping the benefits of this by
importing significant quantities of bread from several
European locations! The bread is transported with the
Tschudi Lines North Sea service weekly to the Port of
Drammen. The North Sea service is a short sea container
line linking the Oslofjord with Denmark, UK and Holland.
by Celia M. Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS
“If, as a cargo owner, you are keen to get your goods deliv-
Environmental savings
cerned, short sea shipping is definitely the cheapest and most
ered on time, you should go for short sea shipping. By doing
The third good reason to focus on short sea shipping is envi-
MV Pachuca operates the North Sea service to and from
environmentally friendly alternative for the future.”
this you eliminate the risk of deliveries by impatient foreign
ronmental savings. There is a lot of talk about the environment,
Drammen. The vessel loads and unloads Monday night in order
drivers at unfavorable times.”
but very few practice what they preach. Tschudi Logistics resort
to be able to deliver to customers Monday morning. She then
Not mainstream
The man claiming this is Tschudi Logistics Sales Director
to truck door-to-door solutions when there is no other alternative.
sails to Moss, Larvik, Esbjerg, Immingham and Rotterdam
With “Creating Value by Daring to be Different” as the company’s
Thomas Launer who more than willingly will list the advantages
If transport solutions by inland sea routes or rail are available
- before returning to Drammen.
vision you soon realize that the Tschudi Group certainly doesn’t
of sea transport.
(within the given timeframe), then this is our preferred solution,
At the right time
just copy others. “As opposed to those doing exactly the
explains Launer - who hopes that cargo owners will also con-
Increased ship capacity
same as everyone else, we dare to do our own thing”, says
sider the environment when choosing a transport partner.
Since September 2007, we have changed container ships on
Thomas Launer.
From arrival, a container can be stored in port until the required
the North Sea Line four times. In the offset, an opinion ex-
delivered. A driver, having driven all the way from the continent,
Longed for in Drammen
pressed by competitors was that by operating with only one
And they must be doing things right. In 2011, the North Sea
will only be interested in delivering the goods and moving on.
Tschudi Logistics Holding AS, 100% owned by Tschudi Shipping
ship we would be very vulnerable. However, in four and a half
Line transported just under 35,000 TEUs, while the Baltic Sea
When he arrives with the goods, is not necessarily the most
Company AS, owns and operates Tschudi Lines North Sea AS
years, we have only had one engine failure and then a replace-
Line accounted for double.
convenient time for you.
and Tschudi Lines Baltic Sea AS. Tschudi Lines North Sea offers
ment vessel was secured within 24 hours. The first vessel had
a weekly container service starting in Drammen, The Port of
a capacity of 350 TEUs. Today’s vessel has double - 750 TEUs.
Drammen, having wanted container line calls for many years,
And not least - in the long run it is 20-30% cheaper to transport
was naturally delighted when Tschudi started up in September
“We are open to call at other ports if it is profitable and if it fits
goods by sea than by truck from the Continent. This was also
2007. Since then the North Sea Line has maintained a steady
in our sailing schedule. Generally speaking we will always
The above is a translation of the Norwegian article featured in
confirmed by the Short sea Shipping study presented at the
increase in volumes, apart from a temporary setback due to
have available capacity as our tonnage is regularly evaluated
ShortSea TV, May 2012.
Short sea Conference held in Oslo winter 2011.
the economic recession late 2008.
against volumes. As far as infrastructure development is con-
Arctic Europe Petroleum Resources and Infrastructure.
Joining forces for
Arctic exploration
by Celia M. Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS
An art impression of the future KILA project.
Full approval in Kirkenes
by Celia M. Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS
Tschudi Shipping Company is participating in the project
”Russian Norwegian Oil & Gas Industry Cooperation in the
Norwegian Oil and Gas Conference was hosted in Oslo. The
Extremely positive news for the Tschudi Group is the final
High North”. The aim with the project is to assess common
Conference featured speakers from Norway and Russia and
regulation of the Kirkenes Industrial Logistics Area (KILA)
We clearly see that our interest in the region is being shared by
challenges Russia and Norway face in the development of
invited guests from Canada and Greenland.
development plan.
more and more industrial players from the oil, gas, minerals
this region. The project is led by INTSOK and also includes
Since the early nineties the Tschudi Group has had an
industries and other sectors. This has been particularly notice-
parties such as GazProm, Conoco Philips and others.
presented “The Northern Route to and from Asia – Today and
interest in the High North. Our belief in a positive development
able since the agreement on maritime delimitation between
the Future”.
in this area led us to the purchase of the Sydvaranger mine in
Russia and Norway in the Barents Sea was reached in 2010.
established in 1997 by the Norwegian oil and gas industry and
Kirkenes and thus becoming substantial landowners.
the Norwegian Government. INTSOK’s objective is to work with
participated in the logistics work group.
The port and cargo handling facilities are now fully opera-
day after the signing of the agreement and the first exploration
companies throughout the industry to expand the business
During the conference Ole T. Horpestad, Special Advisor
tional and a vital service provider to the Sydvaranger mine.
drilling is expected to take place during 2015 in the waters
activities in the international oil and gas markets.
at Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced that the
With this completed, focus has been on the development of
north of Kirkenes.
Over the past decade, INTSOK has arranged an annual
Government would be investing NOK 6 million over three
the adjacent 1 million m2 shoreline area to an integrated port for
Conference and this event has now become one of the main
years in the project. The project started 1st February and will
industry and logistics – the Kirkenes Industrial Logistics Area
planned and over time we expect these activities to result in
meeting places between the Russian and Norwegian oil and
assess the challenges, gaps in technology and best practices
(KILA). We are therefore pleased to inform that the development
new projects of significant magnitude.
gas industries.
in order to establish a path forward.
plan was finally regulated in April.
INTSOK – the Norwegian Oil and Gas Partners - was
In January “The Arctic Conference” - the10th annual Russian-
Felix H. Tschudi was one of the guest speakers and
Henrik Falck, representing Tschudi Shipping Company,
This is an extremely positive development for the Group.
Seismic surveying started in the “new” Norwegian sector the
On the Russian side of the border increased activity is being
Tschudi Get-Together
“In turbulent and special times we need some fixed points and
With these words, Felix H. Tschudi welcomed all guests to the
the Tschudi Get-Together is one of those! At the end of the
annual Tschudi Get Together in Tallinn.
day it is all about people and personal relationships – it is joint
efforts and close cooperation which will carry us all through
tion in the shipping and logistics environment which, for each
challenging times.”
year, definitely seems to attract more and more interest among
The Tschudi Get-Together is now a well established tradi-
our clients and partners.
To the rescue
by Celia M. Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS
“Atlantic rowing boat, name of boat “2 Friends”, has two persons
rowing boat “2 Friends”, suffered difficulties in 20-35 knot
onboard and due to bad weather has lost both oars and one of
winds and heavy seas and capsized 1100 nm southwest of
the persons has suffered some injuries. They require immediate
the Azores. Neither of the two Swedish rowers was seriously
hurt although one had been thrown into the sea and had to use
oars to keep himself afloat.
On 30.12.2011 at 18:20:24 UTC Captain Frolov of MV Maj
Danielsen received the above distress alert from UK Maritime
Rescue Coordination Centre (UKMRCC) Falmouth. On receipt
Danielsen on the 31st December, 2011 at 07.20 UTC. Both
of this message MV Maj Danielsen immediately altered course
men agreed to proceed to the Port of Kamsar and were disem-
and proceeded to the distress boat.
barked at the Port of Praia en route. After a successful rescue
operation but slight deviation, MV Maj Danielsen continued her
While participating in the Atlantic Challenge, a challenging
rowing race from the Canary Islands to the West Indies, the
The two Swedes were rescued and taken onboard MV Maj
voyage to Kamsar.
at work?
D o y o u f i n d y o u r s e l f yaw n i n g at w o r k ? A s h o r t b r e a k o r
power nap could therefore be the answer.
by Celia M. Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS
Employees who spend the majority of their working day in
front of pc screens, with e-mails constantly ticking in and other
some mental relaxation guidance. Focus is on our senses rather
working hours is probably relatively high.
websites only a click away, are continuously exposed to inter-
than letting all the thoughts and inner voices disturb, as they often
ruptions in their work.
do in a busy day. Thinking processes are temporarily blocked
benefits of giving your mind a well earned rest during the working
Over the past years, there have been an increasing number
out thus giving us greater inner peace. This results in more
day. This can give more focus and energy to their work while
of employers and employees seeking help to be more concen-
energy – both at work afterwards and also after working hours.
contributing to reduced health problems such as headaches,
trated and focused on their work tasks.
neck and back pain that workers are struggling with, thus
more alert, clear-headed and thus get more energy. Many people
One known initiative by the company Grid Design is a 10
These initiatives have been implemented simply to get
After a couple of weeks, results show that one becomes
working day. The threshold for meditation or sleeping during
It is however important for employers to be aware of the
reducing sick leave.
minute break, so called mindfulness, at the start of each day.
also experience a noticeable boost at the end of the day.
Another initiative by the IT department in the Church City Mis-
Similar initiatives are not the easiest to implement in busy
between the hours of 13:00 and 15:00. Both employees and
sion in Oslo is to encourage employees to participate in an
working schedules and are rather rare in business. Many are
employers can benefit from having a break or even a power
after lunch séance to learn relaxation skills to music.
struggling to enable colleagues to take short breaks during the
nap - siesta time?
It is scientifically proven that our brain has a biological dip
“It is scientifically proven
that our brain has a
biological dip between
the hours of 13:00
and 15:00”
Safina al Arab ablaze
The Weser Ore salvage team at work
“Business wise – ITC was initially involved in dry transportation
“The Weser Ore is another tow very much sticking out in my
but latterly focus has moved to ocean towage and offshore
memory. I was called by Klaar Reinigert one evening saying that
support services. Our fleet has been restructured accord-
Smit had salvaged this huge iron ore carrier in Brazil, the bottom
ingly to meet the new requirements of these amended core
had mostly disappeared, still loaded with 100.000 tons of iron
The ”pioneers” - from left to right Edward A. Punch, Bob Gatersleben, Leo Burghouwt, Captain Henry Tschudi, Rolf Fabricius
Hansen, Frits Jonkman and Joop Timmermans.
businesses. An exciting phase for ITC was definitely late 2005
ore. What could we do with the wreck? The vessel had to leave
when ITC bought the ex Wijsmuller anchor handling supply
Brazil and could ITC tow her somewhere. I called my good
A way of life
tugs Typhoon and Tempest, quickly followed by the Blizzard,
friends the late David Parrot and Dick Fairbanks of Titan Salvage
Boulder and Bluster and getting our first Damen Shoalbuster.
and we both became the owner of the Cape size bulk carrier,
In essence we doubled the fleet during 2006 – 2009, in just 3
assuming that we could get rid of the iron ore somewhere and
years, and I felt more like a sale and purchase broker during
sell the vessel for scrap. When we departed Brazil we only
those years.”
know that the best direction would be East. Titan put a crew on
Mr Joop Timmermans has stepped down as
M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r o f ITC . I n 1 9 7 5 h e j o i n e d
ITC a n d f r o m 1 9 9 7 u n t i l h i s r e t i r e m e n t i n
June 2012 he has held the position of Managing
D i r e c t o r . I n t h e f o l l o w i n g i n t e r v i e w, J o o p
Timmermans reflects on his long career.
board and ITC supplied a tug. It took a bit of time to sell the
How would you describe your career in ITC?
wet iron ore, not very good when you put this in a furnace but
“For all of us working in ITC, the job has been more than just an
ultimately she was the biggest vessel to enter a Chinese port
ordinary job. It has become a way of life with all its excitements,
at that time in 2000.”
disappointments, highlights, low points, good markets and dismal
In your opinion what has been the key for success?
ITC will celebrate its 40th anniversary at the end of 2012.
I could not have done this job without our very professional
During these years, a great number of prominent dry transport
and dedicated seagoing staff and the full support of the small
and towage contacts have been secured and we have achieved
team, manning the ITC main office. They are always there 24/7
some very exciting things. I am confident that ITC will do the
throughout the year. The support of Captain Henry F. Tschudi,
same in the coming years and will remain an interesting,
Felix H. Tschudi and all in ITC’s mother company, Tschudi
reliable and understanding partner to work with for many years
Shipping AS has been unprecedented. The short communica-
to come.”
tion lines and continuous interest in ITC has definitely also
been a contributing factor for success. It has therefore been a
by Celia M. Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS
What are the most memorable events from your career?
great privilege to have been the head of this team of marine
professionals for so many years.”
How were the first years of your maritime career?
rienced employee! I was the fifth to join the experienced team
“We did some spectacular salvage operations and one which
“In 1962, at the age of 18, I went to sea with the Dutch Merchant
of ex-Wijsmuller employees, Mr Leo Burghouwt, Mr Frits
sticks out very much in my mind is the fully laden 300.000 tons
Navy. My very first trip was from Holland to Singapore and
Jonkman, Mr Bob Gatersleben and Mr Arie van Vliet. In 1997
tanker Safina al Arab, being hit by an exocet rocket. This was
true gentleman of towage and salvage” for his long career and
Japan with the cargo vessel “Neder Waal”. This trip lasted for
I was appointed Managing Director of ITC so I have as they
the first victim of the first Iran / Iraq war. With the bridge and aft
dedication within the Tschudi Group. Without someone in the
3 months. You can imagine at 18 years this was a very exciting
say, “climbed the corporate ladder”.
tanks fully on fire, the tug sitting at the bow to take the crew off
driving sea who we could trust 100% we would not have had
venture. I started as an apprentice and later received my Master
“Initially ITC was met with a lot of scepticism from the
and the last man off was of course the Captain. This was not
the guts to keep going during times which were much rougher
ticket in 1970. After 13 informative and interesting years, my
traditional Dutch tug owners. Firstly, they had great difficulties
the Costa Concordia! The bridge of the tug was already filled
that what we see today! The ITC team of experienced and loyal
in pronouncing the Tschudi name and secondly, a typical Dutch
with smoke and through the thick smoke they saw a female
colleagues needed and needs, like any company, someone at
attitude was that this new company would not last for long.
figure in a nice dress and high heeled shoes walking to the
the helm who can be trusted internally and externally.
What is the biggest difference from start of career to now?
Fortunately they were proved wrong and after 40 years, ITC is
tug, no hurry but this was indeed the male Captain of the
“When I joined ITC in 1975 I was the youngest and least expe-
still very much alive.”
tanker who apparently dressed up for the occasion.”
the years to come.
seagoing career ended and I came on land to ITC in April 1975”.
We wish to thank our employee, Joop Timmermans “the
We wish Joop a happy retirement and every success in
The ”old man” Joop Timmermans signing out
Farewell reception
by Celia M. Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS
On the 27th June a farewell reception was held at the Mari-
of Amsterdam is located close by to where ITC started in 1973
time Museum of Amsterdam. to mark the retirement of Mr
and was therefore a very appropriate venue for Joop’s recep-
Joop Timmermans, Managing Director of ITC.
The relationship with ITC and Tschudi Shipping Company
Business partners, clients, brokers, colleagues, seafarers
is a very long one. In fact, it dates back to 1973 when Mr Frits
and many others attended the reception to thank Joop for his
Jonkman and Mr Leo Burghouwt established International
dedication to the industry, ITC, his colleagues and his owners.
Transport Contractors as exclusive brokers for 3 tugs and 4
barges belonging to Tschudi & Eitzen in Oslo.
same time, welcome Mark de Jonge onboard as successor
and Managing Director of ITC.
The newly and beautifully refurbished Maritime Museum
We wish Joop a long and happy retirement and at the
The ”new man” Mark de Jonge signing in.
Anniversary time
in the UK!
T h i s s u m m e r w e c e l e b r a t e t w o a n n i v e r s a r i e s i n t h e UK ; o n
1 s t A u g u s t T s c h u d i L o g i s t i c s UK i s f i v e y e a r s o l d a n d o n
2 2 n d J u ly o u r p a r t n e r P o r t, I m m i n g h a m , p a s s i t s c e n t e n a r y
m a r k . N o w , o b v i o u s ly t h e f o r m e r i s t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t a n d
t h e l a t t e r h a s wi t h o u t d o u b t b e e n v a s t ly e n h a n c e d b y t h e
C o m pa n i e s
E u r o p e a n s h i p p i n g f o r c e t o b e r e c k o n e d wi t h !
by Andy Ellis, Tschudi Logistics Ltd, UK
The children of Canon Peter Hall Primary School release 100 balloons to mark the 100th anniversary of the arrival of the first vessel at
the Port of Immingham, assisted by Port Director John Fitzgerald
Suffice to say our celebration will not be quite as flambuoyant,
original No. 14 Immingham tram (on loan from National Tramway
or costly, as ABP’s but in our own small way, just as important.
Museum, Crich) that port workers would have boarded.
From all staff past and present working in the UK for The
The Humber is one of the country’s major estuaries draining
Tschudi Group, we ask you to raise a glass on 1st August in
over 20% of the nation via the tributaries of the Trent and Ouse.
our honour.
This significant waterway offers shipping access direct into
the centre of the UK’s east coast. The port of Immingham is in
For those who do not have an insight into the UK Port
operation, the below will help to picture and set the scene!
the premier location on a natural curve of the estuary where
One hundred balloons rose over the Port and Town of
the deep-water channel touches the South Bank close to the
Immingham on Tuesday, 15 May, and port customers and
community of Immingham - unusually this large port lies upriver
their families set sail for the day on the sail training tall ship
from the smaller scale port facilities at Grimsby. Almost unique
Maybe as Associated British Ports (ABP) announced an
amongst the major modern day ports, Immingham retains a
important public invitation.
largely rural background area albeit with excellent road and rail
links which maximise the benefits of the central UK location.
ABP is inviting the local community to join them for a Port
Community Open Day and celebration party to mark Imming-
ham’s official centenary on Sunday, 22 July 2012. The balloon
east coast port was to some extent predicted in the Grimsby
release marks the 100th anniversary of the arrival of S.S. Max,
News Supplement dated 26 July 1912. Relating back to the
the first vessel to visit Immingham Dock on 15 May, 1912.
time during the reign of King John, when Immingham was one
The port was formally opened by King George V two months
of the premier ports in the north of Lincolnshire, the special
later on 22 July 1912.
publication produced to commemorate the opening of the
dock suggested that it would re-establish its commanding
A Royal Navy vessel, fire tug display, historic vessels,
The domination of Immingham’s importance as a major
modern working freight ferries and dredgers, and the Humber
lifeboat will be alongside for the day and local crews of Dragon
Boat Racers will need cheering on.
Fathers has stood the test of time, nothing of great importance
Whilst Immingham’s renowned connection with the Pilgrim
On the quayside, port equipment including harbour mobile
appears to have occured to this straggling village until it was
cranes, forklifts, shovels, excavators, and specialist lifting
decided to relocate the Royal Dock extension from Grimsby to
machinery will be on show. Visitors will be able to learn about
the Parish of Immingham. This created the necessary impetus
the early days of the development of Immingham through
not only to develop a new dock but also establish a wider
exhibitions by Immingham Museum and artefacts including the
community within the Parish boundary. However, this latter
Anniversary time in the UK!
Excavating the dock
Lady Henderson surrounded by local dignitaries during
the ceremony to mark the cutting of the first sod.
(This is not the TLUK current lineup!)
concept generated some concern particularly amongst the
quantity from these sources raised the height of the land by
older inhabitants who wished to spend their remaining days in an
five feet above its original level. The vast hollowed-out area
area of tranquility. Despite their fears, the decision to progress
that had been created behind the river embankment as a result
with the construction work had been ratified and the village
of the excavation work could not retain water in its present
was soon to encounter an influx of thousands of workmen and
form. The clay walls of the dock had to be lined in places, and
their families.
this was achieved by installing approximately 30,000 cubic
yards (22,938 cubic metres) of brickwork.
SS Max in dock on 15th May 1912
“This event was marked
by the arrival of the first
steamer through the
lock. Gliding graciously
into the dock the Swedish registered S.S. ‘Max’
looked a splendid sight”
Arrival of the Royal Train
However, despite the decision to prematurely use the newly
constructed facilities, the celebrations did not officially commence until His Majesty King George V formally opened the
dock two months later on 22nd July.
After a journey of approximately forty minutes the Royal
Train arrived alongside the special platform constructed opposite
the lock pit. Earl Brownlow, the Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire,
The birth of a new port
After identifying a suitable site for the new dock it was obvious,
suitable facilities associated with the shipment of coal. With
even to the humble agricultural labourer, that the work that lay
this in mind, the whole construction project had to ensure that
ahead was anything but a simple task. However, by the beginning
the necessary infrastructure was in place to meet the needs of
of July 1906 plans were firmly in hand to welcome Sir Alexander
its primary users. In order to fulfil this objective seven hydraulic
Once all the equipment and facilities were in place the new
accompanied her husband on board the S.S. ‘Killingholme’ for
Henderson, Chairman of the Great Central Railway Company
coal hoists were erected along the south quay each capable of
dock at Immingham was ready for operation. However, it
a semi-circular voyage around the dock. It was from the upper
(GCR), to the cutting of the first sod. This was to take place on the
raising the coal 71 feet (21.64 metres) above the ground and
appeared that this came a little earlier than anticipated. The
deck of this fine vessel that the King officially opened the dock
twelfth day of that month and the honour was to be bestowed
shipping 700 tons (711.20 tonnes) per hour. The five hoists
requirements of the Coal Industry to commence shipments
to shipping. Bedecked in patriotic bunting she commenced
on his wife, Lady Henderson, who would be called upon to
located towards the western end of the quay were fixed and
through the Port placed the GCR in rather a difficult position.
her semi-circular voyage by heading towards the 300 ft (91.44
remove the first piece of earth from the site.
erected on short piers that projected out into the dock away
Wishing to ensure that the whole dock was complete and
metres) quay where a contingent of boy scouts were gathered
As soon as the celebrations marking this momentous
from the quay wall thereby enabling vessels to be berthed at an
ready to accept commercial traffic before opening, the Railway
waiting to cheer the arrival of their Majesties. It then proceeded
occasion had drawn to a close, the main work of constructing
angle known as scarfing. The hoists were capable of handling
Company eventually relented to the pressure from the coal
towards the coal hoists along Nos. 4 & 5 quays before turning
the dock was ready to commence. The combined strategic
end-door or bottom-door rail wagons with a gross weight of
exporters and brought the facilities into partial use on 15th
north to berth alongside No. 2 transit shed.
utilisation of men and machines that was to follow success-
20 or 30 tons (20.32 or 30.48 tonnes) which were tipped through
May 1912.
fully fulfilled a great achievement. Approximately 3.5 million cubic
an angle of 45 degrees in order to empty the coal. A total through-
This event was marked by the arrival of the first steamer
to the reception pavilion where the official ceremonial duties
yards (2.68 million cubic metres) of earth was excavated to
put of 4,900 tons (4,978.4 tonnes) per hour could be achieved
through the lock. Gliding graciously into the dock the Swedish
commenced. Following various addresses by the dignitaries
create the shape and dimensions required. A substantial portion
when all hoists were working at maximum capacity. No. 7 Hoist
registered S.S. ‘Max’ looked a splendid sight. Under the com-
present, His Majesty finally declared the dock open. Approxi-
of this was then deposited on the surrounding land together
was a movable structure and, when worked in conjunction with
mand of Captain Bruce from Torekov, and assisted by the Tug
mately forty minutes after leaving the S.S. ‘Killingholme’ the King
with 1.5 million cubic yards (1.15 cubic metres) of spoil dredged
No. 6 Hoist which was fixed and built flush with the quay wall,
‘Central 1’ she manoeuvred to take her place in history as being
and Queen had reboarded the Royal Train and it was departing
from the approach channel in the river. The accumulated
it was possible to load two holds on a vessel simultaneously.
the first commercial ship to berth within the enclosed dock.
Immingham Dock for its return journey.
One of the main priorities of the new Port was to provide
received the Royal Couple and introduced them to, among others,
Commander F. M. Barwick, R.I.M., the GCR Marine Superintendent for the Port of Immingham. His daughter, Miss Joyce
Barwick, presented the Queen with a bouquet before she
As the King and Queen disembarked they were escorted
news from
news from
news from
Loading aggregates at one of the Tschudi Bulk Terminal piers in Kirkenes.
Increasing demand
Safely secured for delivery.
by Audun Celius, Tschudi Kirkenes AS
High quality blast rock aggregates from the Sydvaranger iron
we expect to increase our exports this year. The aggregates
ore mine are now available for export. Usage can vary from
will be used both for oil and offshore related projects as well as
offshore to railway ballast and onshore applications. The first
for domestic construction. So far this year we have only used
export from Kirkenes to Russia was in 2011 when we ex-
one of our own piers at Tschudi Bulk Terminals but we also
ported 120.000 tons. During 2012, there have been continued
plan to use the Municipal Pier in Kirkenes when volumes
deliveries to Russia, new contracts are under negotiation and
news from
On the road
by Dmitrjs Jelutins, Tschudi Logistics SIA
Large & Heavy export from Finland.
Tschudi Project
Transports Finland
now a reality
by Thomas Vestergaard, Tschudi Project Transports
by Dmitri Zimin, Tschudi Logistics AS
We are proud to announce that in February 2012 Tschudi
Logistics AS was chosen to be the carrier of armored vehicles
In June, a convoy of five trucks was on the road for 10 days,
As from 1st May 2012, Hannu Laivoniemi has been employed
for Embassy of the United States of America in Kabul, Afghani-
transporting power cable production equipment from Belgium
to represent Tschudi Project Transports AS in Finland. Hannu
stan. These were civil armored vehicles, without weapons, for
to Navoiy, Uzbekistan.
will work from the Tschudi Logistics office in Turku. This is a
use of the employees of embassy.
perfect opportunity to strengthen our position in Finland,
where TPT already has several larger clients, and enable us to
and were further reloaded in Tallinn into Tschudi Logistics
get a step closer to our clients.
“EVRU” rail containers for further shipment to Bishkek,
Vehicles were delivered in containers from US to Estonia
During the years TPT has been active as forwarder in Finland.
Kyrgyzstan by rail. Part of the cargo was reloaded into gondola
As an example Tschudi Project Transports AS has arranged
cars (semi-wagons) and shipped straight to Hairatan, Afghanistan.
transport of heavy lift items such as diesel engines from the
Finish producer Wärtsilä to various onshore power plants in
around 50 vehicles and we are currently in negotiations with
Southern Europe, Middle East and Far East. Furthermore, we
our partner about possible transportation of other US Army
handle oversize cargo originating in Europe to Finland by truck.
cargo – mechanical and general equipment, RO-RO cargo
(non-military), humanitarian and diplomatic cargo – both to and
We welcome Hannu and look forward to continue our
activities in Finland!
All in all, Tschudi Logistics AS arranged shipment of
from Afghanistan.
news from
news from
Welcoming new contacts at the Tschudi stand
Freshly painted “new faces”.
by Dmitri Zimin, Tschudi Logistics AS
Over the past years April has become an eventful month for
event for transport & logistics in Russia – TRANSRUSSIA 2012.
Tschudi Logistics Estonia, due to the two large exhibitions
This year the exhibition occupied four large halls with more than
held in the heart of Russia – Moscow. The year 2012 was not
500 participant stands and gathered over 20000 professional
an exception.
April kicked off with MOSBUILD 2012 – the biggest interiors
This was our sixth time in a row at the event and it really
and building exhibition in Russia and CIS region. This year the
felt that the Tschudi brand has become well-recognized on the
event took place at only one venue – Moscow Expocentre,
Russian and Central Asian market. As always TRANSRUSSIA
however it was decided to divide it into two different weeks –
turned out to be a great place not only for meetings and
Design & Décor and Building & Architecture. In total around
discussions with our key customers and partners, but also
2300 companies from 45 countries were represented. The 2012
making new contacts with producers and consumers, rail and
event covered an enormous area of 148.438 m2 and attracted
port authorities, shipping, forwarding and transport companies.
For the past 10 years, two of our MP dry cargo vessels
On redelivery in Gibraltar and Durban mid May the vessels
186.979 visitors. Yet again the Tschudi Group services were
Safmarine Onne and Safmarine Houston have been on T/C to
were renamed to their original names. Safmarine Onne to M/V
introduced to major figures on the building market and many
of Tschudi Group employees, new agreements have been made
Safmarine Container Lines for work in Africa.
Sakala and Safmarine Houston to M/V Harjumaa. Both vessels
new contacts were established during the exhibition.
and first orders have already followed, which again proves the
are now engaged in tramp trading.
efficiency of foreign seminars and exhibitions.
the vessels names were changed to ones representing their
In the end of April 2012 Tschudi Logistics AS team, along
As a result of these April events and mutual commitment
with representatives from OOO Tschudi Logistics, Tschudi Projects
Transports AS and Tschudi Lines Baltic Sea, attended the main
Welcome back
S akala and Harjumaa
by Jørgen Grubbe, Rederiet Otto Danielsen A/S
When the contract commenced Safmarine requested that
company – thus the names Safmarine Onne and Safmarine
Full speed ahead, Tschudi Group!
news from
news from
Backpack presents for the crew.
Captain George
Zwart received the
safety certificate.
Ou t s t a n d i n g P e r f o r m a n c e
by Hans de Nieuwe, ITC
Corinth Canal passage.
A Tight squeeze!
by Claus Gerstenfeldt, Rederiet Otto Danielsen A/S
When on T/C to Elkenz Maritime Transportation & Trading Ltd.
The Corinth Canal is a 6.3 km long canal connecting the Gulf
Co., Istanbul in June, Captain Rillo onboard MV Kalana
of Corinth with the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Sea. After this
captured their passage through the Corinth Canal. She was en
voyage, MV Kalana continued with another voyage for Elkenz
route to Port of Corinth from Istanbul with a cargo of steel
from Istanbul to Tunisia and Algeria.
Since November 2010, ITC Mistral has been on contract with
Leclerc and Ronald Heijmans van der Snee on behalf of the
Angola LNG Ltd for dredging support works in the LNG Port of
Angola Maintenance JV.
Soyo. The contract was until January 2012 with an optional
extension until 2014. Port expansion will cater for larger vessels
until 2014 and ITC Mistral is now back at work in Angola. This
and accommodate for future trade volumes.
two year extension acknowledges the excellent performance
level delivered by ITC Mistral and her crew.
In November 2011, with the original contact drawing to a
We are very pleased that our contract has been extended
close, our proud skippers George Zwart and Michael van der
Veer and their crew were awarded a certificate for outstanding
Angola from the AHTS vessels ITC Chinook and ITC Cyclone
Back at work ITC Mistral has now also got company in
performance and culture safety whilst on the project. The safety
which have started on a 5-7 year contract with Fender Care UK
certificate was presented personally by Project Managers Olivier
Ltd for BP Angola.
news from
pipeline project
by Hans de Nieuwe, ITC
Late April 2012, Saipem Limited UK redelivered our AHTS’s
BLIZZARD and BOULDER at the completion of the Nord
Stream pipeline project. The BLIZZARD has been engaged
during the full 24 months of this challenging project. The
BLUSTER contributed during one month and our BOULDER completed the team of four anchor handlers during
the final eight months. During this project our vessels and
crews worked 24/7, realizing the continuous repositioning
of the twelve 25 tons Stevpris anchors of the semi subWell performed operations by ITC.
mersible lay barge CASTORO SEI.
The Nord Stream Project took another major step forward with
struction plans proved to be resilient enough to cope with periods
transporting 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year from Russia
November 2011. Construction of Line Two, which runs parallel
the completion of the second of its twin 1,224-kilometre gas
of enforced downtime due to some very adverse weather con-
to the European Union, for at least 50 years.
to Line One, began in May 2011.
pipelines through the Baltic Sea, ahead of schedule. In the
ditions in the Baltic Sea.
early morning of April 18, 2012, the last pipe of Line 2, was
The twin pipelines were laid in three sections. Nord Stream
two 1,224-kilometre offshore pipelines are the most direct con-
which is a joint project of five major companies: OAO Gazprom,
welded onto pipeline and lowered onto the seabed off the
was able to design its offshore pipelines to operate without an
nection between vast gas reserves in Russia and energy markets
BASF SE/Wintershall Holding GmbH, E.ON Ruhrgas AG, N.V.
coast of Gotland, Sweden by lay barge CASTORO SEI. This
intermediate compressor station. The pipelines were developed
in the European Union. When fully operational in the last quarter
Nederlandse Gasunie and GDF SUEZ S.A. One of the key gas
marked the completion of the logistics activities for the Nord
with three different design pressures and pipe wall thicknesses
of 2012, the twin pipelines will have the capacity to transport a
sources for the Nord Stream Pipeline is the Yuzhno-Russkoye
Stream Project.
as the gas pressure drops over the long journey from Russia to
combined total of 55 billion cubic meters (bcm) gas per year to
field located in West Siberia (Russia), which covers about
landfall in Germany.
businesses and households in the EU for at least 50 years. The
1,100 square km of gas productive area. The location lies at a
Nord Stream’s Deputy Project Director Construction, Ruurd
The Nord Stream project consists of two parallel lines. The
The pipelines are built and operated by Nord Stream AG,
Pre-commissioning activities for Line 2 have already started.
twin pipeline system through the Baltic Sea runs from Vyborg,
distance of approximately 2,500 km from Moscow, and only 60 km
Each of the three sections will be flooded with seawater, cleaned
Russia to Lubmin near Greifswald, Germany. The Nord Stream
from the Arctic Circle. Some 74 percent of all Russian natural
vessel has been working 24/7 on this project for two years with its
and gauged and thoroughly pressure tested. Following the
route crosses the Exclusive Economic Zones of Russia, Finland,
gas comes from this region. It has a design gas production
crew of 330 persons with only a one month planned maintenance
pressure tests, these three sections will be connected by under-
Sweden, Denmark and Germany, as well as the territorial waters
capacity of 25 bcm per year with proven recoverable gas
break in May 2011. Her average lay-rate has been significantly
water hyperbaric tie-ins in May and June off the coasts of Finland
of Russia, Denmark, and Germany. Construction of Line One of
reserves of more than 1,000 bcm of natural gas. It is the intention
faster than expected, the quality of welds has been exceptionally
and Sweden where the design pressure changes from 220 to
the twin pipeline system began in April 2010, and was completed
to link also the Shtokman Field in the northern Barents Sea to
high and the safety record is outstanding. We are very pleased
200 bar and from 200 to 177.5 bar respectively. After de-watering
in May 2011. The German onshore tie-in took place on August
the system. Nord Stream will deliver gas to the receiving station
to have completed pipe lay for Line 2 well in advance of the
and drying, the completed pipeline will then be linked to the
16th, 2011 followed by the Russian onshore tie-in on August
in Lubmin, Germany, from where it can be transported onwards
planned schedule. It is another major milestone for Nord Stream.”
landfalls in Russia and Germany. Line 2 is scheduled to begin
21st, 2011. Overall completion of the first line was a fact on
to Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, the UK, and
At any one time, a minimum of 12 ships worked on the
transporting gas towards the end of 2012 as part of a fully
August 28th 2011, more than a month ahead of the original
other countries.
project in different parts of the Baltic Sea. Nord Stream’s con-
automated twin-pipeline gas transport system capable of
schedule. Transportation of gas through line one began mid
Hoekstra commented:
“ Saipem’s CASTORO SEI has done an excellent job. The
Construction of the pipelines was scheduled to mini35
ITC crew familiar with Nord Stream activities.
mize environmental impacts. For example, so as not to inter-
Pipe laying activities for the first pipeline began in April 2010.
fere with critical seal breeding and fish spawning seasons. In
Since then, AHTS BLIZZARD has been performing around the
preparation for pipe laying, the seabed was surveyed with a
clock anchor handling support to Saipem’s semi submersible
remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to ensure pipe lay safety and
lay barge CASTORO SEI. For this purpose, ITC doubled the
to confirm the previous seabed data gathered during the
number of bridge officers and deck crew to comply with the 24
lengthy route planning phase. Additionally, in some locations
working hours regime, whereby each vessel was repositioning
along the route the strategic placement of coarse gravel was
the twelve 25 tons Stevpris anchors of the CASTORO SEI.
necessary to create a stable base on which the pipeline can
This task is shared with two Maersk T-Class anchor handlers.
rest. Gravel was transported and placed by dedicated rock-
For a five weeks period as from early July 2011, AHTS BLUSTER
placement vessels to the specific locations where support is
was active as fourth anchor handler. The BLUSTER was selected
required prior to pipe laying. Along the pipeline route, five ex-
for ITC’s knowledge of the project and the familiarity of the
isting harbor sites supplied pipes on a continuous basis to the
masters and crew with anchor handling and in particular Nord
lay barges owned by Nord Stream’s contractor, Saipem and its
Stream. With six anchors on the seabed, two life anchors and
subcontractor Allseas. Three vessels (Allseas’s SOLITAIRE,
the propulsion system of the CASTORO SEI, the 18 km of pipe
CASTORO SEI and CASTORO DIECI) were used to complete the
line in the vicinity of the boundary between Estonia and Finland
pipelines, working at different segments of the route.
was laid. Regrettably BLUSTER could only assist Saipem during
The construction start of the Nord Stream Pipeline was
five weeks due to an earlier commitment to Bluewater Services
celebrated on April 9, 2010 in Portovaya, Russia. The official start
UK. Another vessel had to replace BLUSTER for another five
of construction was commemorated with a symbolic act. Two
weeks at location. As from early September 2011, AHTS
pipeline segments, one labeled Europe and the other Russia,
BOULDER was contracted as fourth anchor handler for the
were welded together to represent the connection of Russia to
remaining eight months of the project. The high pipe laying
the European gas network via the Nord Stream Pipeline. The
speed in combination with the water depth, resulted in a very
President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, the EU Commissioner for
high anchor handling frequency, with the BLIZZARD and
Energy, Günther Oettinger, and senior officials from Germany,
BLUSTER sometimes handling up to 26 anchors in 24 hours.
Finland, France and the Netherlands attended the celebrations.
Our Shoalbuster ITC MELTEMI also assisted CASTORO DIECI
with the shallow water pipe laying at the coast of Germany.
President Medvedev, who gave the opening address, said
the Nord Stream Pipeline would guarantee a stable flow of gas
to Europe and set an example for future energy cooperation
100 million Euros in the most comprehensive ecological studies
between Russia and Europe. “Nord Stream is a key link in
to-date for one single infrastructure project in the Baltic Sea.
guaranteeing global and European energy security,” he stated.
Mark de Jonge
Managing Director
Cheslav Kizhlo
Road Department Manager
Tschudi Logistics SIA, LV
Iveta Orupa
Accounting Manager
Tschudi Logistics SIA, LV
Natalia Stenar
Sales Manager
000 Tschudi Logistics, RU
Stig Egeberg
Line Operator, Tschudi Logistics,
Triin Tuulik
Tschudi Shipping Company OÜ,
Yulia Karpova
Logistics Assistant
Tschudi Northern Logistics, NO
Hannu Laivoniemi
Project Forwarder
Tschudi Project Transports, FIN
Heikki Villa
Dry Container Exports
Tschudi Logistics OY, FIN
Nathalie van Dijk
Fleet Operational Assistant
Aleksandra Kuprijanova
Railway Department Manager
Tschudi Logistics SIA, LV
Andres Koobas
Forwarding & Sales
Tschudi Logistics, EST
In the past years, Nord Stream has invested more than
Alexander Rutkovskiy
Logistics Trainee
OOO Tschudi Logistics, RU
Where to find your colleagues:
Tschudi Shipping Company AS
Strandveien 50
1366 Lysaker
Tel: +47 67 11 98 80
Fax:+47 67 11 98 81
Tschudi Logistics Holding AS
Strandveien 50
1366 Lysaker
Tel: +47 67 11 98 80
Fax: +47 67 11 98 81
Tschudi Arctic Transit AS
Strandveien 50
1366 Lysaker
Tel: +47 67 11 98 80
Fax: +47 67 11 98 81
Tschudi Logistics AS
(as Agents for Tschudi Lines North Sea AS)
Tollbugata 54
3044 Drammen
Tel: +47 32 88 99 00
Fax: +47 32 88 99 01
Tschudi Kirkenes AS
Sydvaranger Industriområde
9915 Kirkenes
Tel: +47 78 97 03 00
Fax: +47 78 97 03 01
Tschudi Bulk Terminals AS
Sydvaranger Industriområde
9915 Kirkenes
Tel: +47 78 97 03 00
Fax: +47 78 97 03 01
Tschudi Northern Logistics AS
Sydvaranger Industriområde
9900 Kirkenes
Tel: +47 92 69 99 92
Fax: +47 78 99 90 46
Tschudi Aggregates AS
Sydvaranger Industriområde
9915 Kirkenes
Tel: + 47 95 27 72 90
Rederiet Otto Danielsen A/S
Kongevejen 272A
2830 Virum
Tel: +45 4583 2555
Fax: +45 4583 1707
Tschudi Project Transports
Represented in Denmark, Estonia and Finland
International Transport Contractors BV
“Berkenrode”, 133 Herenweg
2105 MG Heemstede
Tel: +31 23548 5200
Fax: +31 23548 5252
Tschudi Logistics BV
Den Hamweg 30
3089 KK Rotterdam
Tel: +31 10 2940734
Fax: +31 10 2940357
Tschudi Logistics Ltd
2 Resolution Close
Endeavour Park
Lincolnshire PE21 7TT
Tel:+44 1205 316840
Tschudi Ship Management IOM Ltd
12-14 Finch Road
Douglas, Isle of Man, IM 99 1YU
Tel: +44 1624 646 700
Fax: +44 1624 630 588
Arctic Bulk AG
Via Cassarinetta 1
CH-6900 Lugano
Tel: +41 91 9804279
Fax: +41 91 9804285
Kirkenes Industrial Logistics Area (KILA)
Sydvaranger Industriområde
9915 Kirkenes
Tel: + 47 78 97 03 00 / + 47 99 58 06 54
Tschudi Logistics
Keizerstraat 20
2000 Antwerp
Tel: +32 3 201 464 1
Tschudi Logistics Oy
Huolintakatu 5
20200 Turku
Tel: +358 2 517 2200
Fax: +358 2 517 2207
Tschudi Logistics A/S
Sverigesgade 8
8000 Århus
Tel: +45 8731 7400
Tschudi Logistics A/S
Tværkaj 4
6700 Esbjerg
Tel: +45 7545 0700
Fax: +45 7545 0705
Tschudi Logistics SIA
Uriekstes 2A
1010 Riga
Tel: +371 673 82205
Fax:+371 673 82245
UAB Tschudi Logistics
Tilzes Gatve 60
91108 Klaipeda
Tel: +370 846492457
Tschudi Ship Management Ukraine Ltd
115 Chernomorskogo Kazachestva
Office 422
65003 Odessa
Tel.: +380 48 734 47 07
Tel/Fax: +380 48 734 47 05
000 Tschudi Logistics
Office 410
Mezhevoy Kanal, 5A
198033 St. Petersburg
Phone: + 7 812 336 2340
Fax: + 7 812 336 2342
Tschudi Shipping Company OÜ
4 Sadama Street
10111 Tallinn
Tel: +372 6409 500
Fax: +372 6409 595
Estonian Shipping Company AS
4 Sadama Street
15096 Tallinn
Tel: +372 6409 500
Fax: +372 6409 595
Tschudi Ship Management AS
4 Sadama Street
10111 Tallinn
Tel: +372 6409 711
Fax: +372 6409 748
Tschudi Lines Baltic Sea AS
4 Sadama Street
10111 Tallinn
Tel: +372 6409 756
Fax: +372 6409 787
Tschudi Lines North Sea AS
4 Sadama Street
10111 Tallinn
Tel: +372 6409 756
Fax: +372 6409 787
Tschudi Logistics AS
4 Sadama Street
10111 Tallinn
Tel: +372 6409 751
Fax: +372 6409 786
Tschudi Road Transport OÜ
4 Sadama Street
10111 Tallinn
Tel: +372 6409 720
Fax: +372 6409 559
Tschudi Shipping Estonia OÜ
4 Sadama Street
10111 Tallinn
Phone: +372 6409 500
Fax: +372 6409 595