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read Tschudi Tribune
Issue 14, Winter 2012 Approaching 130 years – our history as a Bridge to the Future New opportunities in Southern Europe for Tschudi Logistics Tschudi Ship Management BREAKING ICE 1 Dear Friends and Colleagues! Contents Publisher: Tschudi Shipping Company AS Strandveien 50. N-1366 Lysaker, Norway Telephone +47 67 11 98 80 Tschudi Shipping Company will in 2013 turn 130 years of age. The goal is to get even older while still remaining young! Reaching 130 years is quite an achievement for any company and even more so for a shipping company. The ever changing pulse of the economy and the cyclicality of the markets chal- 18 36 lenge us every day. Living in cyclical markets holds quite a 4 potential, but it also holds many threats and pitfalls that must be avoided. In these markets the values of assets, ships in our case, will fluctuate enormously and wealth can be gained and also lost over short periods of time. As shipowners we will always be faced with the fact that over time there will be more than enough ship building capacity in the world, even if, during certain short periods during boom cycles, new building prices soar based on a short term lack of berths while expectations are positive based on extrapolations. Hence, we see the heavy fluctuations in values where even quality ships lose most of their value over night despite the fact that there has been limited Our Values: Proactivity Commitment Respect Our Vision: Creating Value by Daring to be Different Cover photo: Ob River / Dynagas Editorial3 Port of Drammen 4 Offshore at last 8 technical development. In this scenario the value of quality worthwhile the price charged must be higher than the cost in people becomes even more evident. In challenging times we producing the service and the value to our clients must again be learn to appreciate ability and quality in people. We learn to higher than the cost. That can only be achieved if we remain appreciate it in our colleagues, customers and clients, suppliers, loyal to our values: bankers, service providers and not the least in our friends. We Commitment don’t only thrive better with quality people, but in challenging Proactivity times we are totally dependent on them. Respect In this issue of the Tschudi Tribune we have some clear and employ them so that we follow our vision of “Creating value references to our history and how we return to some old paths by daring to be different”. That will bring us into the future as a and places where we have been before. On the next page you will trustworthy business partner for four generations and add many see a picture of the Tschudi funnel mark visible on a Tschudi & more years to our already long and interesting history. Welcome on board Mark 12 Breaking the ice 16 Opportunities for Kirkenes 18 Dedicated work by all parties 20 New routes to Southern Europe 21 Eitzen vessel calling in Drammen around 1900. Our container Historical first for LNG Industry 22 line, Tschudi Lines, is now again calling the port of Drammen To all our colleagues and friends we wish all the very best and The Arctic on Global Agenda 24 on a regular basis but we don’t do that as a tribute to history. the best of luck and good health in 2013 – our 130th year. Creating a good moment 25 We call Drammen because the port of Drammen has put effort Moving together in the same direction 26 into being a part of our future. This effort is a precondition for Tschudi all the way 28 us to be in a position to offer the services our customers need Using the logistics chain 29 and require. Assisting new super aircraft carriers 30 News from Norway 32 tory. We are, however, even more dedicated to our future, which News from Latvia 32 is totally dependent on remaining the preferred business partner News from England 33 for our clients. We don’t expect to get and be able to keep News from The Netherlands 34 anybody’s business just because we are the cheapest. We are News from Sea 36 a relatively small company in a globalised world and we will Several worthy causes 40 only be able to keep our customers’ support if we are better New faces 42 than the competition over all. As a logistics services provider Where to find your colleagues 43 we must deliver the best quality and the best solutions, and Kind regards As mentioned, we are proud of and dedicated to our his- Felix H. Tschudi Jon Edvard Sundnes ChairmanCEO we must charge what it costs. In order to make the business 2 3 Activity on Tschudi steam ship Drammen approx 1900 “The Tschudi funnel mark was clearly visible in the Port of Drammen back in the 1900s” PORT of Drammen in 1896 and named SS “Uto” after a Swiss mountain. This ship was employed with cattle transportation between the West Indies and the east coast of America. This was so successful that a second ship was ordered and again money was raised in Switzerland. The next ship was delivered in 1897 and named “Albis” after another Swiss mountain. Photo: “Unknown Photograph” – Jo Sellæg Collection During the next 10 years, 8 similar steamships were ordered and built in Norway, - “Calanda”, “Selun”, “Sentis”, “Kamor”, “Falknis”, “Eiger” and “Titlis”. The last one “Gotthard” was T h at wa s t h e n … delivered in 1906. by Celia Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS respect for the Swiss investors. Another sign of respect was The tradition of Swiss names was maintained as a sign of the funnel mark on the vessels, this being based on the City of Tschudi Lines has used the Port of Drammen since 2007 but It is not possible to see the name of the vessel but the photo Tschudi & Eitzen foresaw this transition as an interesting and Zurich coat of arms combined with the Norwegian colours. strangely enough the Tschudi funnel mark was clearly visible in indicates that the era is early 1900s. This was an interesting prosperous activity and decided that future focus should be This is the funnel mark we recognise on all the current Tschudi Port of Drammen already back in the early 1900s. Today, a photo time for both the shipping industry and Tschudi & Eitzen with on steamships. Greater financial investments were required vessels. of this steamship hangs in the Maritim Storstue in Port of the major transition from sailing to steamship having taken and Henry Tschudi (Felix Tschudi’s great grandfather) travelled Drammen. The Maritim Storstue is a museum which depicts place in the late 1800s. Also during the late 1800s Port of to his native Switzerland to seek investors. and one task was the transportation of Chinese workers, the the exciting maritime history Drammen has to offer and pre- Drammen upgraded and modernized their port facilities to In 1895 he succeeded and money was raised to finance “coolies”, from Hainan to Malaysia. When not transporting sents the importance of Drammen for present and future port meet the increased demand from local industries. the construction of a new 2,000 dwt steamship, so called “coolies”, one of the ships has obviously been in Port of Drammen “tweendecker”, to be built in Norway. This ship was delivered and the activity captured by an interested onlooker. related business. 4 For most of the time, the ships operated in Chinese waters 5 Æ Æ PORT OF DRAMMEN Tschudi is keeping up traditions in Port of Drammen. Participants at the Short Sea Road Show. From left Morten Pettersen, Tschudi Lines North Sea, Eskil Ødegaard, Tschudi Logistics Holding and Thomas Arbø, Ths. Arbø Høeg AS. … and this is now During the past months, it has been a pleasure to read the Sea transport is definitely a relevant and environmentally friendly Participating in Larvik and Drammen, Line Manager, Morten from road to sea. This is encouraging news for both Tschudi positive media coverage of Tschudi Logistics. Both Port of option option for those who are looking for efficient and cost Pettersen promoted the Tschudi Lines’ services and highlighted Logistics and Drammen Port. Drammen and Toyota Logistics Services Norway AS are prais- effective transportation. Transport and logistics is all about the clear advantages of short sea transport. Particular focus ing their services. Port of Drammen even contributes their cur- customization - unique logistics challenges require tailor-made was on short sea being a cheap, flexible, reliable and environ- experienced a tremendous growth. 2011 was a record year for rent status as one of the most important Norwegian container services. mentally friendly alternative to road transport. Drammen with over 700 000 tons cargo passing in and out of ports to Tschudi Logistics. Well done to all involved. the Port. Drammen Port is pleased to give Tschudi Lines the The Short Sea Road Show campaign promoted how The Tschudi Lines North Sea service leaves Rotterdam Feedback from the recent Short Sea Road Show campaign transportation of goods to and from the Norwegian cities and Saturday evening to arrive in Drammen Sunday evening. After (Choose the seaway) shows that today’s volumes could be Europe can be optimized. From May to October 2012, the road efficient discharging, all containers are ready for delivery in Oslo doubled, indicating a great potential for the short sea container show travelled along the coast of Norway spreading the word. first thing on Monday morning – not bad at all. market. Cargo owners who are currently not using short sea More than 1400 people attended 17 events and listened to a shipping seem eager to use this in the future. total of 193 speeches. tered that four million tons of cargo could potentially be moved 6 Over the past six years Port of Drammen has already honour for having boosted the port to this level. During this 6 month campaign period, it was also regis- 7 Offshore at last “ W e h a v e a n o c e a n o f o p p o r t u n i t i e s - S n ø H v i t, G o l i a t a n d p o s s i b ly o t h e r p o t e n t i a l f u t u r e o i l a n d g a s r e s e r v e s , i n o u r n e i g h b o r h o o d . S k j e r v ø y h a s a s t r at e g i c p o s i t i o n . ” W h e n i n t e r v i e w e d i n 2 0 0 9 , Y n g va r H a n s e n , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r o f B o r e a l O f f s h o r e , w a s c l e a r ly o p t i m i s t i c . by Celia Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS 8 As the name suggests, Boreal Offshore’s ambition has always already next year. The aim is to employ personnel in northern been the offshore sector. Now three years later opportunities Norway and Boreal Offshore is already benefiting from this. have materialized and Boreal Offshore is finally going “offshore” and can live up to its name. Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies (NOFO) to Boreal Offshore has been awarded a contract related to participate in oil spill contingency operations for the Goliat field. the Goliat field in the Barents Sea. Goliat will be the first oilfield Boreal Offshore’s new fish farm support vessel “M/S Tor Geir” to come into production in the Norwegian sector of the Barents will assist in these operations. Sea and represents an important step for Boreal Offshore and of course the oil and gas industry in northern Norway. Eni have prepared an oil spill contingency plan based on the latest Norge is the operator of the field (65 %) with Statoil as its partner technologies and with a new team of vessels. For the first time (35 %). It is anticipated that Goliat will produce 170 million bar- the coastal fishing fleet will be permanently involved as part of rels of oil over a period of 15 years. Production will commence Norwegian oil spill preparedness. New contingency depots Boreal Offshore has been awarded a contract with Norwegian Eni Norge and Statoil, in close cooperation with NOFO, 9 Æ Boreal Offshore: • Boreal Offshore part of the Tschudi Group since 2006 • Located in Skjervøy, North Troms, Norway. Prime situation for offshore development • One of the main employers in the region • Contracts personnel to offshore and mining industries in Northern Norway • Received the “Gazelle Company 2010” business award Exciting opportunities for Skjervøy´s next generation. Æ will be established and new methods of coastal protection will be introduced. If called out, “Tor Geir” will collect the necessary oil boom equipment from the contingency depot at Hammerfest. In order to mark their debut to the offshore sector and to highlight this enormous potential in the northern regions, Boreal Offshore and the Skjervøy Municipality invited local politicians, oil companies and high school pupils to the seminar “North Troms towards the Barents Sea – we have lots to offer”. Representatives from oil companies involved presented the latest developments on the Goliat field and the career opportunities opening up for the local community. The seminar was followed by the official christening of “Tor Geir” in the Skjervøy harbour. During the christening ceremony, Godmother, Celia Lindqvist from Tschudi Shipping Company officially named the vessel with a traditional champagne bottle launch. This was followed by a maiden voyage for prominent guests. Vessels in northern Norway have traditionally been given masculine names and this new vessel is no exception. At the request of Boreal Offshore employees “Tor Geir” has been named after Tor Geir Nilsen, a well-known and experienced boat builder from Skjervøy. We wish “Tor Geir” and his crew good luck on all voyages and success in its first offshore assignment. 10 11 Welcome on board Mark In our previous Tribune, we introduced and welcomed M a r k d e J o n g e a s o u r n e w M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r o f ITC . W e a r e v e r y p l e a s e d t o h av e M a r k “ o n b o a r d ” a n d w i t h h i s e x p e r i e n c e , w e a r e c o n f i d e n t t h at h e w i l l m a i n ta i n a n d e x p a n d t h e l o n g s t a n d i n g q u a l i t y s e r v i c e s ITC h a s o f f e r e d t h e m a r i n e i n d u s t r y. C e l i a L i n d q v i s t h a s r e c e n t ly interviewed Mark about his new position. ITC was started in 1973 and since 2003, has been a wholly within the Ministry of Defense. I had a wonderful time in the owned subsidiary in the Tschudi Group. ITC’s relationship navy as professional officer but when a call came if I was inter- with Tschudi Shipping Company actually dates back to the ested to join SMIT (a world known international towing, heavy establishment in 1973. Now 40 years later, ITC will continue its lift, transport and salvage company), I knew it was time to business activities under the new name of Tschudi Offshore & change course (2006). Towage. This name change will take place on the 1st January 2013. Going forward we foresee that Tschudi Offshore & Towage cess orientated, in commercial maritime industry it was the will play an increasingly important role in supporting other Group opposite making the maritime commercial industry seem old activities with particular emphasis on the Northern Regions, the fashioned. If I had to do it all over again, I certainly would join Baltic and Russia. the navy again as a start to my career. It is naturally a great pleasure to welcome ITC to the Although the navy might seem bureaucratic and very pro- Within SMIT I became responsible for the worldwide “Tschudi” brand and in this connection we have conducted a vessel management (technical, crewing, procurement, logistics short interview with Mark de Jonge. and safety). That means close to 400 vessels and three main offices where this management was performed; Rotterdam, Mark was visiting Sydvaranger Gruve and came up with ideas for new business opportunities. 12 Which path has your career taken before joining Tschudi? Cape Town and Singapore. A change from the navy and very My professional career started in the Royal Netherlands Navy. exciting. I could still use my past experiences and I soon After high school I attended the Royal Netherlands Naval discovered the change was not that big. Although the navy Academy (1983) and after 3 years commissioned as technical might seem too bureaucratic and very process orientated, in officer within the Dutch submarine service. I sailed on various commercial maritime industry it was the opposite making the seagoing submarines for almost 15 years before joining the current maritime commercial industry seem old fashioned. submarine squadron in various support functions like in After several years in SMIT I had the opportunity to become operations, crewing, logistics, procurement and technical. Also Managing Director of SMIT harbor towage Rotterdam, the crown I was able to gain experience in accounting and strategic plan- jewel of SMIT. Again a new opportunity and to be closer to the ning when I was stationed in the USA and when employed commercial market. At that time SMIT was taken over by 13 Æ transparent, open and fair. Communicate not only via email but talk to them in person or as a group. For instance I initiated “All hands on deck sessions” in the office where every two/three months I gather everyone in the meeting room and inform them where we as a company are also where we are heading, making them part on the way ahead, creating buy in for our values and strategy. These sessions are put down in writing and distributed to all vessels and crew on leave as an internal memo. Also I aim to visit every ship twice a year making sure I meet all crew, giving me the opportunity the explain in person but more important listen to feedback and questions. Communication is both ways. Managers are always good in telling, but we need to listen as well. One of the Tschudi Core Values is “Proactive” – the ability to be proactive provides a clear advantage in the workplace. How will you as Managing Director apply a proactive With Tschudi Offshore & Towage, the Tschudi Group shows commitment, not only to our people but also to the market; our current and potential clients. approach to the market and towards your customers? When joining Tschudi and being MD of ITC, I witnessed that “I immediately noticed the positive drive and high commitment to the company and especially to the people in the company.” Æ within ITC we could be better aligned with Tschudi. Not only in and enthusiasm to reach it and more important to motivate my name but also in processes, systems, organization and mar- people to share this ambition. A group of people all aligned keting. When traveling and meeting potential clients I was aiming to create something new is the best thing you can wish surprised to learn that in West Europe, ITC was well known in for. It is inspiring and highly motivating day in day out. Thinking the offshore and towage world but Tschudi was not. When out of the box is however the biggest challenge especially if however traveling in Norway, the Baltic States and Russia, Tschudi you have been working in the industry that long. Still ITC has was well known but ITC not. To create the best playing field as strong history in being the first in many things. The first to tow a company, use the strength in the Tschudi Group, I thought it an oilrig on top of a floating pontoon in 1973 as also the first was essential to change the ITC name. With Tschudi Offshore one to salvage the first casualty of the 1984 Gulf War. Being the & Towage, the Tschudi Group shows commitment, not only to first often means that you dare to do and dare to be different, Boskalis, the world known international dredging company, and dence in people. Both were essential when I made the choice our people but also to the market; our current and potential choose paths or ways others have not taken. Still of course shortly after I was requested to lead the integration of vessel to accept this new position. Since then I had the opportunity clients. I will look for possible synergies between the many using ample risk assessments. Built on that knowledge and management between both companies, owning together to visit Tschudi in Oslo several times as also the companies in good business units in the Group, and when meeting clients background, I’m sure Tschudi Offshore & Towage with our shore almost 1100 vessels, making it the largest shipping company Tallinn and Kirkenes. Everywhere the Tschudi people I meet act as one and market not your own business but the total and sea staff closely involved while also using the strength in in Europe if you look at all vessels owned. A great project that are very positive and enthusiastic about the company. I always Tschudi business. Know your client well and not only what you the Group can be taken to the next level. also led to another project when the joint venture Lamnalco say that a company is made by their people. Meet the people can offer as a separate business unit but as a Group. Use also (50% owned by Boskalis) incorporated the SMIT terminal and you know the company. So my first impression was excel- your colleagues in the other business units to be introduced to Do you have any other thoughts around your new appoint- division. Again I was involved in an integration project of a lent and still is! new potential customers. Tschudi Offshore & Towage will pur- ment that you would like to share with us? renewed joint venture called Smit Lamnalco, owning close to sue alignment in the Tschudi group markets, meaning the high Team approach and synergies. I mentioned this before but I do 180 terminal tugs. Later I was assigned as Board Member for The Tschudi core values are Proactive, Commitment & north where Tschudi is known but my business unit not that think the Tschudi group has great potential now and in the future. this new joint venture till I received a call for the position as MD Respect. How will you as Managing Director encourage much. I strive to find these opportunities, approach potential By using team work across all business units but also for every- for ITC. your team, ashore and at sea, to share the same values clients or investments that will contribute to other businesses body in the company be aware what all our various business and apply them in their daily work? in the Group. units can offer, we will create more business. At the same time use the synergies in the offices on the front end but also in our Tschudi Shipping Company is a family owned company The values are all related to people behavior and that is exactly dating back to 1883. As newly appointed Managing Director the most important part in the company, our people. We may The Group’s vision is “Creating value by daring to be different”. back offices. The latter is essential to support all our endeav- what are your first impressions of the Tschudi Group? have many assets, from ships, trucks, containers, aggregates This vision reflects what we are all striving for. It is a rather ours. Then have our processes, systems and organizations My first experience with Tschudi was when I met Felix Tschudi etc, but the biggest asset is our people in the company. It is challenging vision - do you however see it as inspiring and aligned across the Group will create more time and focus on and Jon Edvard Sundnes during the job interviews. I immedi- also my responsibility to drive, coach and motivate my team something you can relate to when bringing Tschudi Offshore the commercial and operational issues. Don’t reinvent the wheel, ately noticed the positive drive and high commitment to the and encourage our values. Key in all this is communication. & Towage to the next level? also ask yourself what the Group has to offer or what is avail- company and especially to the people in the company. The Communicate with your people ashore and at sea. Inform them I like to be challenged and I think people in general like to be able. Ask your colleagues in all those business units first. personal relationship is important in Tschudi as is also confi- on regular basis the good but also the less good news. Be as well. For me, how higher the bar is set the bigger my drive Again, the people in Tschudi is our most important asset. 14 15 Breaking the ice by Margus Raad, Tschudi Ship Management AS On November 20th, it was with great pride and joy that Tschudi Ship Management AS managed to break the ice and secure and sign the technical and crew management agreement for MSV Botnica with the Port of Tallinn. This was amid fierce competition from five strong competitors including Tallink. The Port of Tallinn acquired MSV Botnica in accordance with the strategic interest of the Estonian State to maintain the navigability of Estonian ports in the Gulf of Finland throughout the icebreaking season. The Port will use MSV Botnica for providing icebreaking services according to a ten-year contract signed with the Estonian Maritime Administration (EMA), the party responsible for the task. Estonia’s only current icebreaker Tarmo is nearly 50 years old and resembles more and more a floating maritime museum. MSV Botnica, a huge 6,370 gt combined icebreaker, tug and supply vessel, is widely considered by the offshore industry to be the most advanced state-of-the-art vessel of her type. She was built at Aker Finnyards in Finland to Det Norske Veritas class standards, and delivered in 1998 to the Finnish Maritime Administration (FMA). It is currently anticipated that MSV Botnica will be taken over in Ravenna on November 27th 2012 and will arrive in Estonia during the second half of December for the beginning of the icebreaking service on January 2nd, 2013. This season lasts until April 20th, 2013 and in the following years between December 20th and April 20th. The Port will, according to the contract, provide the EMA with the vessel and crew and this is what TSM was chosen to perform, ensuring the technical conformity and readiness of the vessel and providing two sets of competent crew to cover the ice-breaking season. Particulars: MSV Botnica is a multipurpose icebreaker built in 1998 by Aker Finnyards in Rauma, Finland. Her ice class is ICE-10, length (LOA) is 97.3 and beam 24.3 metres. The maximum speed of MSV Botnica is 16.5 knots in open water; she can maintain a speed of 8 knots in ice up to 80cm thickness. The maximum ice thickness in which MSV Botnica is capable of maintaining constant speed is 1.2 meters. 16 We are happy that Tschudi Ship Management has been trusted this asset by the Port of Tallinn and we at TSM will do our utmost to maintain the vessel and utilize her to full capacity. This management contract has created a spur of interest in the Estonian media and has stirred up the maritime market, the wake of which has enabled TSM crew managers to handpick the best seamen for the exciting task. It is a unique opportunity for Tschudi Ship Management to manage an icebreaker and the challenge is very welcomed. Sources: 17 Opportunities for Kirkenes D u r i n g h i s r e c e n t S t a t e V i s i t t o N o r w a y, t h e P r e s i d e n t o f F i n l a n d M r S a u l i N i i n i s t ö c o mm e n t e d : “ I t m i g h t h a v e t a k e n s o m e t i m e , b u t I c a n g u a r a n t e e y o u t h at w e a r e n o w w i d e awake on Arctic issues”. by Celia Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS The timing of this State visit in October coincides with both Norway and Finland facing a new “Arctic” era. Finnish industry where infrastructure and logistics are the key to resource is rapidly developing major deposits in the North and thus development and the reason why Tschudi Shipping Company, investigating new export routes in the Arctic. as a shipping and logistics group, has had a particular focus on the region for the past twenty years. Development of the Arctic region and enhanced cooperation In his speech, Tschudi referred to the Arctic as a region Felix H. Tschudi is greeting His Majesty King Harald V of Norway. between Finland and Norway were naturally key topics on the agenda. Finland’s large mineral and metal deposits is difficult due to a Niinistö emphasized further that Norway and Finland lack of infrastructure and logistics. The port of Kirkenes could should recognize and exploit each other’s potentials. Norway however play the role of the former Finnish port of Liinahamari is Finland’s key partner in the Arctic. in today’s Russian Pechenga region. Kirkenes could serve as Finnish shipbuilders are keen to team up with the Norwegian an opening for export of raw materials in large vessels both to oil industry and miners in Finnish Lapland envisage a new rail- the west and to the fast growing markets in the Far East via the Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) has become one of the way to be built to the Arctic coast. shorter Northern Sea Route. world’s most important meeting places for everyone in- volved in the energy business. For over 30 years, this Positive news and a step definitely in the right direction is Tschudi commented further that development of Northern Finland has already been introduced to the Northern Sea T s c h u d i p r e s e n t at o n e o f t h e w o r l d ’ s leading energy exhibitions by Celia Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS the discussion of a rail link between Rovaniemi and Kirkenes route and so far this year, three oil tankers have sailed from biennial exhibition has been held in Stavanger, Norway. currently taking place in Finland. South Korea to Finland via this route. Tschudi also referred to the Arctic Council’s current debate with a record number of visitors – a total of 59 913 visited, a strong presence in Kirkenes, Tschudi is already extremely well on establishing an international fleet of ice breaking emergency almost 10 000 more than in 2010, 34 nations were exhibited positioned for future developments and a closer cooperation in response vessels in the Arctic. By stationing Finnish and other and 109 nations participated. the Finnish-Norwegian northern areas. ice breakers in the port of Kirkenes they would be the closest This is of course very positive for the Tschudi Group. With ONS 2012 held in August was a fantastic success Tschudi participated at the exhibition, promoting our Included in the State Visit to Oslo was a “Norwegian-Finnish to the operating areas both in the eastern and the western Arc- various activities in the High North on the “Kirkenes” stand. Roundtable” which was attended by His Majesty King Harald V tic. This would mean easy access to ship repair facilities, hos- of Norway, President Niinistö, politicians and executives from pital services and an international airport while still being close visited the exhibition he paid a visit to the Kirkenes stand several major companies. to Finland - another natural opportunity for Finnish-Norwe- and showed an interest in our activities. Jon Edvard gian cooperation. Sundnes, CEO of Tschudi Shipping Company, informed was invited to participate at the Roundtable and presented The complexity of the logistics and the lack of infrastructure generally about the Tschudi activities in the High North “Opportunities for Finnish-Norwegian cooperation related to is a challenge for all arctic nations however these challenges but put particular emphasis on our Tschudi Aggregates infrastructure and logistics in the High North”. are evidently now being addressed across national borders. export to Russia. Felix H. Tschudi, Chairman of Tschudi Shipping Company 18 Photo: Thomas Bjørnflaten/ When the Norwegian Oil Minister, Ola Borten Moe Jon Edvard Sundnes, Tschudi Shipping Company and Norwegian Oil Minister, Ola Borten Moe. 19 Eskil Ødegaard, Tschudi Logistics Holding AS and Rui d’Orey, Orey Shipping. Rather significant dimensions. Dedicated work by all parties New routes to Southern Europe by Celia Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS Tschudi Logistics is now offering cargo routes to and by Jelena Pavlova Tschudi Project Transports from the southern European market. New lanes, via In November Tschudi Project Transports shipped 12 storage Due to the height of the tanks, a very special vessel, with a A 35-ton capacity terminal crane, safely loaded other cargo on- Rotterdam, to southern Italy and Spain have proved tanks and accessories dismantled from the tanks from Tallinn bridge front, had to be found for this shipment. The two biggest board. For the lashing and securing of the tanks onboard, successful and we are now pleased to offer these (Muuga port) to Kristiansund in Norway. tanks were built at the quay in Muuga port. The building process 1300 m of wire rope was used and about 70 pcs lashing eyes additional routes on a permanent basis. took about 3 months. and D-rings were welded. 1000 m tank had a diameter of 10 and height of 14 m. serve Norway, Finland, the Baltic States and the Tschudi Project Transports was involved in handling of the mobile crane with 500-ton capacity. The crane itself and seven cargo was safely discharged at two terminals in Kristiansund Russian market from southern Europe. cargo at Muuga port, lashing & securing of the cargo onboard, full truckloads with counterweights and crane equipment had thereby the challenging mission embracing hard and dedicated finding a surveyor company for supervising the loading and, to be specially delivered to the port to perform the lifting job. work of all parties involved in this shipment, was successfully pointed agent Orey Shipping in Bilbao who will cover last but not least, sea transport to Kristiansund. completed. the Spanish and Portuguese markets. Two of these tanks had rather significant dimensions: the 3 20 These two tanks were lifted onboard in Muuga port by a The duration of the sea voyage was 6 days. Finally, the Together with existing and new partners we can We are now pleased to welcome our newly ap- 21 LNG on the way in spectacular surroundings. Historical first for LNG Industry its remote location could have been a disadvantage but the NSR larger tanker. The transshipment operation, conducted by has opened up for new possibilities. Hammerfest is ideally Tschudi Arctic Transit AS, successfully contributed to the located for this alternative shipping route to the energy realization of this historical Suezmax voyage. vessels sailed through and never before has so much cargo markets in Asia. b e e n s h i p p e d . D u r i n g 2 0 1 2 , 4 6 v e s s e l s h a v e s a i l e d t h e NSR two historical events: T h e N o r t h e r n S e a R o u t e ( NSR ) w i l l a g a i n b e h i s t o r i c a l i n 2 0 1 2 . T h i s t i m e f o r t w o r e a s o n s - n e v e r b e f o r e h av e s o m a n y c o m pa r e d t o 4 i n 2 0 1 0 . by Celia Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS This first voyage is an important milestone for the whole In September 2011, Arctic Bulk assisted with yet another LNG industry, the future development of the NSR and of course, Arctic Bulk. the 3D Seismic vessel Polarcus Alima departed Hammerfest, - On completion of seismic surveys in the Barents Sea, Arctic Bulk AG, a venture between the trading company Norway for her voyage northeast to New Zealand. This was the Prominvest SA and Tschudi Arctic Transit AS, promotes and first known passage of a 3D Seismic vessel and a significant first in the seismic industry. The expected time of this route, History was also made in October when our associate com- and commercial viability of the NSR for the whole LNG trade. facilitates NSR shipments. Both companies were among the pany Arctic Bulk, with their expertise and knowledge, success- On arrival in Hammerfest, “Ob River” loaded LNG from pioneers for initiating the first non-Russian commercial shipment compared to via the Panama Canal, amounts to some 8 days fully assisted the world’s first LNG vessel passage through Statoil’s gas plant on the Barents Sea coast ready to com- through the NSR in 2010 when “MV Nordic Barents” success- thus making substantial savings. the NSR. mence the return journey via the NSR to Japan. The vessel fully transported a cargo of iron ore from Sydvaranger Gruve, departed Hammerfest on 7th November and the journey east Kirkenes to China. This new trade route saves time, fuel and operated by Danish Nordic Bulk Carriers, became the largest Gazprom Marketing & Trading and operated by Dynagas (Greece) to the Bering Strait is scheduled for 13 days. emissions and eliminates piracy risk. bulk carrier ever to transit the NSR. Arctic Bulk has followed this sailed the the NSR in both directions - west and eastbound. History was again made in August 2011, when the 1620 000 “first” by sending a total of four Panamax voyages northeast to In October, ‘Ob River’ discharged her LNG cargo in Japan pared with sailing the traditional Suez Canal route. The NSR is tons Suezmax tanker “Vladimir Tikhonov” took the shortcut from China. The success of these bulk carriers confirms the business and replenished bunkers and provisions in South Korea before estimated to save up to 20 days for the distance Hammerfest Europe to Asia along the NSR. Prior to departure in Honnings- logic of a shorter route to the Far East for these substantial vessels. her ballast voyage to Western Europe via NSR. One of the to Japan. våg (near North Cape), the total cargo of 120 000 tons gas goals for this voyage was to collect data and verify the technical condensate was transferred from two smaller tankers to the of adding another “first” to their list of achievements. During the fall, the LNG tanker ‘Ob River’ chartered by 22 Via the NSR, the distance to Japan is nearly half com- This LNG plant is the world’s northernmost terminal and - Also in September 2011, the Panamax Sanko Odyssey, Now with the LNG voyage, Arctic Bulk is naturally proud 23 Our team in Rotterdam using LAPRO: Joris Brasker, Koos van Maaren and Kevin Pot Creating a good moment The Arctic on Global Agenda Top Meeting with 1000 participants at summit in Dubai. Sami Dhaen Al Qamzi, Director-General, Department of Economic Development, Government of Dubai, UAE / Co-Chair of the Summit on the Global Agenda 2012 with Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum. by Kees van der Steen, Tschudi Logistics BV It is a very good idea to create good customer experiences. And why wait for the moment? This is a very good example on how to create a surprise for a good customer. by Celia Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS Within the Tschudi Group, we all work with the booking system The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a Swiss non-profit foundation, based in Cologny, Geneva. It describes itself as an independent international organization committed to improving lenges the world faces, including financial and economic issues, LAPRO. Every booking get its unique number and all corre- business leaders, international political leaders and selected food security and renewable energy. spondence refers to this number. intellectuals. We in Tschudi Shipping Company can be proud the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic that Felix H. Tschudi has been asked to join the newly estab- to take a long-term global perspective and not be too focused 200 000. This booking concerned a 45ft container, booked by and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and lished “Global Agenda Council on the Arctic”. This council will on domestic problems. our customer VAT Logistics BV in Amsterdam, consigned to industry agendas. define the main topics for sustainable development of the Arctic Scandinavian Shipping in Drammen. in the years to come. points,” warned Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chair- a mountain resort in Graubünden, in the eastern Alps region of As a Council Member, Felix Tschudi naturally participated man, World Economic Forum, in the closing session “I appeal and Valerie Verhaegen went unannounced to the customer on Switzerland. The meeting brings together some 2,500 top at the “Summit on Global Agenda 2012” in November. The to the world’s leadership, particularly in those countries with a Friday morning in August. They took cakes and red wine for business leaders, international political leaders, selected intel- Summit was again hosted in Dubai, being the fifth consecutive new leaders in place or where the current leaders have been all employees, allowing everyone to join in the celebration. This lectuals and journalists to discuss the most pressing issues year in UAE. reconfirmed, to devote sufficient time and positive energy to gesture was greatly appreciated. facing the world, including health and the environment. More than 1.000 Council Members, representing 88 coun- look after our global issues and not just to be absorbed with tries, participated in what has been referred to as one of the internal problems. Let’s make 2013 a year of true global coop- that they were very pleased with the service offered by Tschudi Councils, comprising Councils on the foremost topics in the largest brainstorming sessions in the world. eration.” Lines North Sea and Tschudi Lines Baltic Sea. global arena. The Councils monitor key trends, identify global risks, map interrelationships and address knowledge gaps. with aims to develop innovative solutions to the many chal- The Forum is best known for its annual meeting in Davos, In 2008, WEF created the Network of Global Agenda 24 Each Council consists of 15-20 participants, including top The two day Summit ended with a call for world leaders “2013 will be a very crucial year, with many rupture It was the privilege of Tschudi Logistics BV, to book number To celebrate this event, my colleagues Koos van Maaren The management showed their gratitude and confirmed During the summit, participants worked closely together Well done all! I am curious who will book 250 000. 25 Shi ppi ng & offshore Tschudi Shipping Company Tschudi Shipping (Finance and Accounting) Otto Danielsen Tschudi Logistics Offshore & Towage Ports & handli ng ser v i ces Tschudi Lines Baltic Sea North Sea Tschudi Bulk Terminals Kirkenes Industrial Logistics Area (KILA) Tschudi Road Transport Tschudi Ship Management Tschudi Shipping and Subsidiaries (Operation & Chartering) Tschudi Project Transports Near east logistics High North Tschudi Kirkenes Tschudi Aggregates Tschudi Arctic Transit Tschudi Northern Logistics Moving together in the same direction by Felix H. Tschudi “Nothing makes me more pleased than seeing that my colleagues in the different units interact and create new business opportunities together which would otherwise not have existed. This proves to me that we are on the right track!” 26 & During the past years, Tschudi Shipping Company has devel- The ultimate ambition is to identify and create transport solutions oped into a Shipping, Offshore and Logistics Group. This was drawing on all the internal resources of the Group. Two recent visualized in 2006 with the introduction of the “Tschudi Arrow” transportations have done just that. illustrating several companies working in the same direction. This concept challenges the three main commercial branches of Both transportations have involved the expertise of several Tschudi the Group: shipping, logistics and offshore to work together for companies and instances pooling Group resources. The “Arrow” a common goal and create common projects. concept is pointing in the right direction. 27 Moving together in the same direction Tschudi all the way by Kees van der Steen, Tschudi Logistics BV Using the logistics chain by Celia Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS More producers are being convinced by Tschudi employees will be shipped via Tschudi Line North Sea from Rotterdam to In October a Terex feeder from Northern Ireland was delivered about the door-door business via Multimodal ways. It was Drammen. Upon arrival in Drammen, unit will be handled by to Immingham, England. Tschudi Logistics Ltd then arranged aggregates both to the domestic and the Russian market. Tschudi Logistics AS such as custom clearance and delivery for this to be sent with our Tschudi Lines Baltic Sea service to invest in multimodal solutions, like rail/road and short-sea. according consignee’s satisfaction. The total door to door Helsinki. From Helsinki road transportation to Kirkenes was are not only lucrative for our subsidiary Tschudi Aggregates logistic chain was being completely handled via the Tschudi organized by Tschudi Logistics Oy. The import documentation but also for other local companies. One company in particular We all benefit, as we have all the tools in place within the Group of companies. was organized by Tschudi Northern Logistics. Now safely in is Svein A. Hallonen AS and they will look back on 2012 as a Tschudi group of companies. Kirkenes, the machine will be used by Svein A. Hallonen AS for record year. On behalf of Tschudi Aggregates, they have crushed an enormous quantity of stones and are now proudly saying they are “making gold from stones”. mentioned in the newspapers that governments are willing to This is of course well known within the Tschudi organization. This is a very strong point within our organization, and it is Since 2011, Tschudi Aggregates have been active, selling Aggregates, generated from the Sydvaranger iron ore mine, Tschudi Road was loading direct with Tschudi container at for sure one to be proud of. Thanks Tschudi Group, for giving the Tschudi Aggregates production. the winery in South of France. This transport is being planned us the tools, so it is up to all of us to keep this going and make more successful stories. initiated the delivery: “the job went very well, smooth sailing and delivery”. into a new lucrative year for Hallonen and Tschudi Aggregates. and monitored by Tschudi Logistics BV and after being loaded at several addresses, unit is delivered to Rotterdam, where it According to Amber Bensley, Tschudi Logistics UK, who With their new Terex, it appears to be full speed ahead A valuable commodity from rocks The Terex feeder recently delivered by many Tschudi hands will now be used in the Tschudi Aggregates production in Kirkenes. Did you know? Due to a high market demand for GPS traceability for high-value and excise cargo Tschudi Logistics can now offer the option of GPS tracking of containers and trailers. The function includes online tracking, customizable waypoint alarms and also a SMS warning function triggered by the container doors opening. This extra service has been warmly welcomed by the trial users for their high value shipments adding further safety and schedule transparency. 29 Assisting new super aircraft carriers AHT TYPHOON w a s c o n t r a c t e d b y A u g u s t e a M a r i n e T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Lt d . t o t o w BOA BAR G E 3 5 , l o a d e d w i t h t h e f o r e by Hans de Nieuwe, Tschudi Offshore & Towage (formerly ITC) TYPHOON first towed barge AMT CHALLENGER from will be built from nine blocks built in six UK shipyards in ship section of the new British aircraft carrier HMS Rotterdam to Liverpool to load another section, then TYPHOON Glasgow, Appledore, Rosyth, Hebbrun, Portsmouth and at QUEEN ELI Z ABETH , f r o m P o r t s m o u t h t o R o s y t h . H M S QUEEN proceeded to Portsmouth. Under large public attention the Birkenhead. convoy proceeded over the Solent to the open sea. Following a smooth four days towage operation, the loaded barge was carriers HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH and HMS PRINCE OF WALES super aircraft carriers and is scheduled to enter service redelivered to local tugs at Rosyth. are the future flagships of the United Kingdom. Initially the in 2016. ELI Z ABETH w i l l b e t h e f i r s t o f t h e R o y a l N a v y ’ s t w o n e w 30 Currently being built at shipyards around the country, the Construction of HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH began in 2009. ships will carry helicopters. The vast flight deck and hangar Her assembly is taking place in the Firth of Forth at Rosyth Royal can accommodate any helicopter. From 2020, however, the Dockyard, in one of the most demanding and revolutionary vessels will accommodate the F35 Lightning II, the world’s shipbuilding programs ever undertaken, with the pieces being most advanced stealth fighter-bomber. Both ships are expected slotted together in a specially-extended dry dock. The carrier to serve for up to 50 years. 31 news from news from norway news from latvia england Goole Gunnes Wharf Howdendyke Flixborough Barrow Haven New Holland Hull Killingholme Immingham Grimsby Roar Lien and Sturle Johnsen, Acceptor Accounting. The UK´s number 1 port network – at the heart of Britains international trade. Accounting Expertise by Rune Svenøy, Group Financial Director and Chairman of Acceptor Accounting In May 2012 Tschudi Shipping Company AS and Acceptor Now upstairs downstairs! Revisjon AS established a joint venture Acceptor Accounting AS. At t h e h e a r t o f H u m b e r I n i t i a t i v e by Andy Ellis, Tschudi Logistics UK Acceptor Accounting AS located in Bergen with subsidiary Tschudi Logistics is at the forefront of a new promotion on make other parts of the world acutely aware of the richness of the East Coast of the UK, namely HumberPort which is a this competitive advantage and that more business, more With their state of the art systems and significant expertise, Positive business development collaboration of leading ports-based businesses determined opportunity - and more employment - follows. Acceptor Accounting will provide an efficient service to a wide by Carsten Andersen, Tschudi Logistics A/S to promote the benefits of the region on the international stage. Acceptor Accounting OÜ in Tallinn will provide accounting related services, with an initial focus on Norwegian customers. range of customers. We are already well represented in the area with Tschudi Lines Superb Infrastructure Acceptor Revisjon AS is an audit company owned by the Since opening our logistics office in Riga in May 2008, the North Sea and Baltic Sea Services calling regularly at the Port Excellent infrastructure and easy access to all the UK puts three partners Sturle Johnsen, Roar Lien and Kenneth Tunes. business development has been positive. We have a growing of Immingham. HumberPort - the UK’s No1 port network - at the heart of Britain’s This joint venture with Tschudi Shipping provides Acceptor client base, mainly in Central Asia with Kazakhstan and The Humber Estuary is one of Europe’s prime development international trade. Road, rail, waterway, air and communication Accounting with many years’ experience and competence both Uzbekistan being the main markets. areas and the combined ports provide a globally significant technologies deliver efficient, dependable industrial and con- in Norway and Estonia. As a result of the expansion, the number of employees asset. It is central to East-West trade with direct routes into sumer logistics. Scheduled crossings connect HumberPort with Since start-up, several new customers are already secured. has been growing as well. The office was getting too small, but mainland Europe, the Baltic States and beyond. It is in prime continental Europe, Scandinavia, the Baltics and the Mediter- Our aim is to offer a “first class” service and to grow consider- as we like the location which is close to both the railway and position to be a major hub for manufacture and installation ac- ranean, whilst deep sea shipping connects with all world ports. ably over the next 5 year period, by offering flexibility and commercial port of Riga we decided to rebuild the existing tivity in the burgeoning offshore wind industry, being closer to Comprehensive Skillsets availability in co-operation with our customers. A state authorized premises. the Round 3 zones in the North Sea than its major competitors. public accountant will be responsible for all assignments. It has good road infrastructure and is within easy reach of all and proactive stevedoring, shipping, logistics, green energy and with a second floor in the office. From now on all the staff will parts of the Midlands and the North of the UK. support operations, with comprehensive skillsets, cargo handling have better, fully equipped and a modern working environment. and distribution solutions around the clock. We look forward to developing Acceptor Accounting together with our new partner! 32 So during October and November 2012 we have extended HumberPort’s vision is clear: to ensure that, together, we HumberPort group represents Britain’s most professional 33 news from the netherlands Margaret Osinga at Offshore Energy 2012. Photo by Flying Focus BV AHT Typhoon with HLV Stanislav Yudin in North Sea. j o i n t t s c h u d i s ta n d by Margaret Osinga, Tschudi Offshore & Towage (formerly ITC) A Well Delivered Entry to Offshore Sector For the 3rd time in a row we participated at Offshore Energy in Amsterdam. usual way, but also to focus on the Tschudi-brand. We shared Initially this exhibition started as a one day event with the stand with Tschudi Project Transports, Tschudi Logistics and about 100 exhibitors and 2250 visitors in Den Helder, but for the Tschudi Aggregates. In the past we have met several clients who In August, the anchor handling tugs TYPHOON and TEMPEST last two years it has been held in Amsterdam RAI as a two day could benefit from the specific Tschudi business areas. Koos were sold to Middle East interest. TYPHOON has been renamed chartered by J. Ray McDermott Far East on a term contract, happening, where it has developed into a more professional van Maaren, Tschudi Logistics, and Jon Edvard Sundnes rep- GUDRI and TEMPEST will continue sailing under the name rendering anchor handling and towage services to their lay event, with this year over 400 participants and more than 7600 resented Tschudi the first day of the event and Celia Lindqvist INDUS. In 2005, the purchase of TEMPEST and TYPHOON barges. Both TEMPEST and TYPHOON have been involved in visitors. took her share on the second day. marked ITC’s new commitment to the offshore industry. various FPSO installation projects, in the Far East, West Africa The sale marks the end of a distinguished career of the and Brasil. During the last couple of years, the vessels have The exhibition featured various conference sessions, which Aim for this 2012 event was not only to represent ITC in the As expected, there was quite some explaining to do about by Hans de Nieuwe, Tschudi Offshore & Towage (formerly ITC) After being added to the ITC fleet, both vessels were attracted over 700 delegates. Considering the fact that exhibi- the combined ITC/Tschudi stand, which gave rise to some vessels under Dutch management. Constructed by Giessen been operating mainly in the North Sea, both on term contracts tors from 45 countries represented this year’s Offshore Energy, interesting discussions. de Noord Shipyards in Holland, the vessels were delivered to for Seaway Heavy Lifting BV as well as on the spot market, we can conclude that it is becoming more and more interesting We enjoyed another successful exhibition and we will be Wijsmuller in 1976/77 under the same familiar names. From performing numerous rig move operations. to be part of it. present again at the OE2013, which will be held 15th and 16th 1991 the tugs were operated by Smitwijs, following the merger October, same location, so please make a note in your next of the ocean towage activities of Smit and Wijsmuller. In 1999 following seas. year’s agenda! the tugs were renamed by adding the prefix Smitwijs. Late Since the first time the Offshore Energy was held in Am- sterdam RAI, we have had a stand located just in front of the entrance. In October the ITC/Tschudi-team welcomed quite a 2005 the tugs were bought by ITC and continued to sail under number of visitors over the two days. the original names. 34 We wish the crew and both vessels fair winds and 35 news from sea Pa l a n c a R e u n i o n by Hans de Nieuwe, Tschudi Offshore & Towage (formerly ITC) Interoil Africa International SA has contracted AHTS BLUSTER for towage of FSO PALANCA from offshore Angola to Singapore, where the FSO will undergo repairs, hull cleaning and upgrading with Sembawang Shipyard. Augustea’s AHT KAMARINA of 123 tbp joined the convoy during the towage that led around Cape of Good Hope. Heavy marine growth on the hull of the PALANCA and predominant counter currents and bad weather conditions, made it a challenging voyage. Mid October, both tugs delivered the PALANCA safely at Singapore Roads. Both tugs had to start with a long mobilization voyage to Angola. After inspection by the marine warranty surveyor of LOC and approval of the tug, BLUSTER proceeded from Mumbai and KAMARINA from Sharjah. The mobilization voyage was extended as a result of the requirement to avoid the piracyinvested waters in the Indian Ocean. At Cape Town both tugs made a call to install portable FIFI sets, upgrading both tugs to be compliant with FIFI-1. Meanwhile an extensive towage manual was prepared by ITC and approved by clients, end client SNLPP and marine warranty surveyors LOC. At the Palanca terminal, under supervision of Interoil’s technical manager Francisco Beyer and Sonangol’s project manager Abdur Rob, the tugs assisted with unmooring of the PALANCA and bringing its replacement vessel LUXEMBOURG to the required anchor position. Mid July the convoy was ready to sail and left the Palanca terminal with the 307,880 dwt vessel in tow. Bluster towing in choppy seas. 36 37 Æ Æ Pa l a n c a R e u n i o n A familiar name Sembawang in Singapore is certainly well known to Tschudi. Already in the 70s Tschudi was using Sembawang Shipyard for dry-docking and repairs to their fleet. The operation was renamed to Tschudi & Eitzen Sembawang Shipmanagement Pte Ltd. The building of a larger portfolio began and in March 2000 the outstanding 19% was acquired. In 1999 Tschudi & Eitzen (T&E) was informed that Sembawang Shipmanagement was up for sale. T&E was already considering a management partner in Singapore and had actually been looking at Sembawang as a suitable one. An offer was duly submitted and accepted. T&E acquired 81% ownership, with an option for the balance. The decision to integrate the management activities was taken in 1999 when Jon Edvard Sundnes was appointed Managing Director of Tschudi & Eitzen Ship Management – from now on known as TESMA. The management organization in Oslo was wound down and the portfolio transferred to Copenhagen, where the former T&E International at Gentofte became TESMA Denmark, along with TESMA Singapore and Selandia in Mumbai. The following year a manning office in Tallinn was opened as T&E ESCO. The technical supervision of the T&E ships remained in Oslo. This ship management set-up continues today as Tschudi Ship Management, located in Tallinn, Estonia and Odessa, Ukraine. Sembawang employees are regular participants at Nor-Shipping, the leading maritime biennial event held in Oslo. This is an ideal opportunity to keep in touch and nourish a long-standing relationship. Captain Arjan Vos on duty. Due to local restricted availability and the practical prob- KAMARINA parted in increasing sea and swell conditions. The one by one whilst the other tug kept towing the PALANCA. highly specialized field of FSO / FPSO modifications, upgrading lems to leave and enter Angola waters for a bunker call at master and crew of KAMARINA were skillfully able to reconnect Fortunately, there was no congestion in this port and both tugs and repair work. Major work scope includes the renewal of the Pointe Noire, both tugs had to call at Walvis Bay to lift bunkers the emergency towing gear within hours and with both tugs resumed the voyage after only a brief delay. Usually the condi- vessel’s cargo piping system and pumps, tank blasting and to full capacity. Limited quay space at Walvis Bay, combined connected the PALANCA was kept into the wind and seas. In tions improve after passing Mauritius, but not this time. coating, and cables renewal for the entire electrical system. The with the priority status of calling container vessels, resulted in consultation with Principals and marine warranty surveyors Alan For the next fortnight the convoy encountered ESE-ly winds existing 30-men accommodation block will be re-designed and a seven day time span before both tugs, one by one whilst the Cundall and Paul Lomas of LOC, it was decided to head for force 7 with 5/6 meters swell. On a rare good day the speed rebuilt to accommodate 60 men. The new accommodation other kept the tow going, were able to load their fuel. A crew shelter of Algoa Bay to re-establish the towing connection of jumped to over 5 knots, indicating what could have been in block will include a new helicopter deck to meet the vessel’s change also took place and Captain Arjan Vos took over from KAMARINA on its main gear, re-rig a new emergency connection different conditions. Due to the prolonged voyage, Captain Ton operational requirements. Captain Ton Firet. A skeleton crew from the PALANCA was and await improving conditions. Permission from SAMSA was Firet relieved Captain Arjan Vos for the final leg through Ma- accommodated on both tugs and regular inspections of the obtained and on August 9th Algoa Bay was reached. lacca Straits, which was passed under full piracy alert. With bawang Shipyard end of March 2013, and upon completion, tow were conducted by a combined party transferred by MOB In the evening of 18th August, weather conditions improved, assisting tugs on the stern the busy sea lanes off Singapore were ITC / Augustea will tow the PALANCA back to offshore Angola. boat. Captain Remi and his PALANCA crew kept a close check additional fuel was loaded by BLUSTER and the towage con- passed and the PALANCA was safely delivered at a designated The towage contract was awarded through Paris based on tank conditions of the tow whilst the tug crew checked the nections were back to original status and the convoy sailed anchor position awaiting berthing at Sembawang yard. brokers POB and Socomet. towage connections. from Algoa Bay. Crossing the Agulhas current the towing speed dropped. The masters sought the most favorable current repairs and upgrading of the 20-year-old FSO PALANCA. Upon completion in 1991 by Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Indus- were felt. SSE-ly winds and matching seas forced the towing conditions and the speed picked up. Sembawang Shipyard was awarded this milestone contract by tries (MHI), two ITC tugs SIMOON and SUHAILI towed the tugs to reduce their output to keep the tension on the tow wires A call was made at Port Louis, Mauritius, for bunkers, fresh Sonangol Pesquisa e Produção S.A. (SNLPP), on the strength of PALANCA, which has a storage capacity of almost 2.2 million at acceptable levels. In spite of all precautions, the tow wire of provisions and crew change. Again, the tugs went into port the shipyard’s capabilities and established track record in the barrels, from Japan to Angola. On departure from Walvis Bay the local winter conditions 38 The contract with Sembawang Shipyard calls for the major The vessel is expected to complete the works at Sem- For ITC it was a renewed acquaintance with the PALANCA. 39 Several worthy causes previous agreement with the Norwegian and Afghanistan Authorities to further educate Dr. Seddiqi as an anesthetist and secure his salary was entered into. In July 2012, Dr. Seddiqi received a Certificate from the Norwegian Armed Forces Medical Services confirming that he has completed his anesthetic training. Seddiqi has acquired the necessary skills, insight and competence needed to execute this profession to the satisfaction of those who will depend upon his service and also teach and train anesthesia to physicians and other relevant health care personnel. One year of his training was given at five different Norwegian hospitals. We are very proud that we have been able to contribute to Dr. Seddiqi’s achievement and to such a successful project - strengthening medical knowledge in a country which has limited resources while at the same time establishing local trust Dr. Hamidullah Seddiqi. Performance at Advent Concert. (Foto: Torstein Ihle, Kirkens Bymisjon) and goodwill. Several Worthy Causes C o r p o r at e s u p p o r t c a n b e f i n a n c i a l o r p r o d u c t d o n at i o n s , s h a r i n g o f e x p e r t i s e a n d v o l u n ta r y w o r k , o r a c o n t r i b u t i o n . Who? Me? our charity program by Küllike Kivimäe, Tschudi Shipping Company OÜ by Celia Lindqvist, Tschudi Shipping Company AS by Gry Bodil Malin, Tschudi Northern Logistics AS Odd Egil Millehaugen, Tschudi Northern Logistics in Kirkenes Tschudi Shipping Company is not only a decent and caring has recently been awarded a “gold medal” by Christoph Steiner Through our Tschudi donations we have chosen to focus on level of care for 9 million people. Like practically all hospitals in employer but also takes the social responsibility to help those in Top Logistics, for excellent work performed when the research/ familiar areas and most importantly, areas we know will greatly Afghanistan, this hospital had an extremely low quality of who are not so lucky. In Estonia we have concentrated on a survey vessel MV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh was berthed at benefit from our support. anesthetics. Only four technicians without any medical back- few orphanages - Tilsi (Southern of Estonia), Narva-Jõesuu the Tschudi Bulk Terminals. Top Logistics were involved in the ground gave anesthetics, none of the anesthetic machines (Eastern Estonia) and Kuressaare (Saaremaa) and Haabersti mobilizing and demobilizing of the vessel in Kirkenes. The Church City Mission were in working order and, very importantly, it was impossible Clubhouse, which cares for people with mental illnesses and is One ambition has been to continue and support the invaluable for a doctor to make a living as an anesthetist. part of the international ICCD association. The charity program work the Church City Mission does in Oslo. We are therefore was established in the beginning of 2004 to help children in pleased that we will again be sponsoring their Advent Concert into a project for increasing anesthetic capacity, comprising of need and disabled people. in December. The proceeds from this year’s concert will go to adequate equipment and most importantly, on the job training. children and teenagers in need – a very worthy cause in our One doctor, Dr. Hamidullah Seddiqi was willing to give up surgery orphanages has started to improve. From April 2012 Narva- home town. to become an anesthetist however neither the Afghanistan Jõesuu orphanage became part of an international SOS During a lengthy process, the Norwegian Defence entered Today we are glad to see that the situation in Estonian Government nor the international community had earmarked Organization. In October we were happy to participate in the Hospital support in Afghanistan means to cover a salary for this position. The process was opening of the new family houses in Narva-Jõesuu. The village Another area and a particular person who has greatly benefited about to fail as temporary measures to offer Dr. Seddiqi a decent was opened by the First Lady of Estonia Mrs Evelin Ilves, who from our support is the Balkh Provincial Hospital in Mazar-e- salary could not be found. is the patron of SOS Children Village. The village consists of 6 Sharif in Northern Afghanistan and Dr. Hamidullah Seddiqi. To ease the situation while waiting for a governmental family houses, each being a home for 6 children. That surely This hospital is both the university and regional hospital solution, Tschudi Shipping was asked to temporarily contribute provides better and more human possibilities in the daily life for all provinces in the north, and as such represents the highest to the salary for Dr. Seddiqi to order to secure the process. The of those children. 40 Well done Odd Egil – keep up the good work! Tschudi Northern Logistics offer: • Agency and clearing services for all types of vessels, including offshore units. • Reliable, efficient and dedicated agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. • Complete logistical solutions, custom clearance with storage, container and oversized transports are offered to and from northern Norway and northern parts of Russia, Finland and Sweden. 41 continued from Where to find your colleagues: xxxxxxxx NORWAY WE WELCOME OUR NEW COLLEAGUES! more PROACTIVE AND COMMITTED pEOPLE HAVE JOINED THE TSCHUDI GROUP. Tschudi Shipping Company AS Strandveien 50 1366 Lysaker Tel: +47 67 11 98 80 Fax:+47 67 11 98 81 E-mail: Tschudi Logistics Holding AS Strandveien 50 1366 Lysaker Tel: +47 67 11 98 80 Fax: +47 67 11 98 81 E-mail: Tschudi Arctic Transit AS Strandveien 50 1366 Lysaker Tel: +47 67 11 98 80 Fax: +47 67 11 98 81 Tschudi Logistics AS (as Agents for Tschudi Lines North Sea AS) Tollbugata 54 3044 Drammen Tel: +47 32 88 99 00 Fax: +47 32 88 99 01 Ene Peetre Accountant, Tschudi Shipping Company OÜ, EST Kelli Gents Accountant Tschudi Shipping Company OÜ EST Elke D’Huyvetter Customer Service Export Tschudi Logistics BV, BE Tschudi Kirkenes AS Sydvaranger Industriområde 9915 Kirkenes Tel: +47 78 97 03 00 Fax: +47 78 97 03 01 Tschudi Bulk Terminals AS Sydvaranger Industriområde 9915 Kirkenes Tel: +47 78 97 03 00 Fax: +47 78 97 03 01 Tschudi Northern Logistics AS Sydvaranger Industriområde 9900 Kirkenes Tel: +47 92 69 99 92 Fax: +47 78 99 90 46 Sergei Fomitsjov Rail Operations Tschudi Logistics AS, EST rasa gureckyte Customer Service Manager UAB Tschudi Logistics, LT Jekaterina Jersova Road Department Manager Tschudi Logistics SIA, LV promotions & internal moves Tschudi Aggregates AS Sydvaranger Industriområde 9915 Kirkenes Tel: + 47 95 27 72 90 42 International Transport Contractors BV “Berkenrode”, 133 Herenweg 2105 MG Heemstede Tel: +31 23548 5200 Fax: +31 23548 5252 E-mail: Tschudi Logistics BV Den Hamweg 30 3089 KK Rotterdam Tel: +31 10 2940734 Fax: +31 10 2940357 E-mail: UNITED KINGDOM Tschudi Logistics Ltd 2 Resolution Close Endeavour Park Boston Lincolnshire PE21 7TT Tel:+44 1205 316840 E-mail: Tschudi Ship Management IOM Ltd 12-14 Finch Road Douglas, Isle of Man, IM 99 1YU Tel: +44 1624 646 700 Fax: +44 1624 630 588 SWITZERLAND Arctic Bulk AG Via Cassarinetta 1 CH-6900 Lugano Tel: +41 91 9804279 Fax: +41 91 9804285 E-mail: BELGIUM FINLAND LATVIA Tschudi Logistics A/S Sverigesgade 8 8000 Århus Tel: +45 8731 7400 E-mail: Pille Karlson Liner Operator Tschudi Logistics AS, NO THE NETHERLANDS Kirkenes Industrial Logistics Area (KILA) Sydvaranger Industriområde 9915 Kirkenes Tel: + 47 78 97 03 00 / + 47 99 58 06 54 DENMARK Katrin Saar Insurance & Communication Specialist, Tschudi Ship Management, EST Tschudi Project Transports Represented in Denmark, Estonia and Finland Tschudi Logistics Keizerstraat 20 2000 Antwerp Tel: +32 3 201 464 1 E-mail: Tschudi Logistics Oy Huolintakatu 5 20200 Turku Tel: +358 2 517 2200 Fax: +358 2 517 2207 E-mail: Margus Raad General Manager Tschudi Ship Management, EST Rederiet Otto Danielsen A/S Kongevejen 272A 2830 Virum Tel: +45 4583 2555 Fax: +45 4583 1707 E-mail: Tschudi Logistics A/S Tværkaj 4 6700 Esbjerg Tel: +45 7545 0700 Fax: +45 7545 0705 E-mail: Tschudi Logistics SIA Uriekstes 2A 1010 Riga Tel: +371 673 82205 Fax:+371 673 82245 E-mail: LITHUANIA UAB Tschudi Logistics Tilzes Gatve 60 91108 Klaipeda Tel: +370 846492457 E-mail: UKRAINE Tschudi Ship Management Ukraine Ltd 115 Chernomorskogo Kazachestva Office 422 65003 Odessa Tel.: +380 48 734 47 07 Tel/Fax: +380 48 734 47 05 E-mail: RUSSIA 000 Tschudi Logistics Office 410 Mezhevoy Kanal, 5A 198033 St. Petersburg Phone: + 7 812 336 2340 Fax: + 7 812 336 2342 E-mail: ESTONIA Tschudi Shipping Company OÜ 4 Sadama Street 10111 Tallinn Tel: +372 6409 500 Fax: +372 6409 595 E-mail: Estonian Shipping Company AS 4 Sadama Street 15096 Tallinn Tel: +372 6409 500 Fax: +372 6409 595 Tschudi Ship Management AS 4 Sadama Street 10111 Tallinn Tel: +372 6409 711 Fax: +372 6409 748 E-mail: Tschudi Lines Baltic Sea AS 4 Sadama Street 10111 Tallinn Tel: +372 6409 756 Fax: +372 6409 787 Tschudi Lines North Sea AS 4 Sadama Street 10111 Tallinn Tel: +372 6409 756 Fax: +372 6409 787 Tschudi Logistics AS 4 Sadama Street 10111 Tallinn Tel: +372 6409 751 Fax: +372 6409 786 E-mail: Tschudi Road Transport OÜ 4 Sadama Street 10111 Tallinn Tel: +372 6409 720 Fax: +372 6409 559 E-mail: Tschudi Shipping Estonia OÜ 4 Sadama Street 10111 Tallinn Phone: +372 6409 500 Fax: +372 6409 595 43 44
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