Current - Aqua Tutus Diving Club
Current - Aqua Tutus Diving Club
THE AQUA TOOTER On the web at July 2016 Since 1958... a publication from the Aqua Tutus Diving Club, a non-profit organization established to promote Water Safety and to further the sport of SCUBA Diving. August Meeting Entertainment Entertainment for the August 4th General Membership meeting is “Member’s night”. Everyone is welcome to participate. Members are encouraged the share either slide shows or video of recent dives. Please bring a thumb drive for your presentation. Presentations we will be in order of submission, or notification of submission. Please keep presentations to 10-12 stills, for photography or 5 mins for video. If you would like to present, please email Kat ( with the following information: • Presenter name, • dive location, • photography or stills. • In the subject line of the email please enter Aquatutus Members night. The information you provide will be added to the list of presenters. If you sent an email to Kat but did not get a response please ping her and she will make sure to get you added to the list. If there is a lot of interest we will extend Members Night to the September meeting as well. This has always been a lot of fun over the years. We have many photographers and videographers of all levels in the club. We all appreciate and enjoy seeing the variety of pictures and videos that are shown. So open up your favorite photo and video files and join us for a fun evening of sharing memories. Aqua Tutus Diving Club's next regular meeting: Thursday, August 4th 7:30 p.m. Location: Round Table Pizza 20920 Redwood Rd. Castro Valley UPCOMING CLUB ACTIVITY (LOCAL) Aug. 20: Sep. 17: Lover’s Point, Pacific Grove – POC Elaine Berger Wharf 2, Monterey (scuba cleanup dive for beach cleanup day) – POC Gayle Hudson BOD MEETING SCHEDULE 3rd Thursday Every month except December, Thurs, August 18th, Round Table Pizza or For the Latest on Club Activities TOOTER PUBLISHING SCHEDULE Tooter INPUT by 20th of month Tooter will be published usually by end of month THANK YOU PRESENTERS AND NEWSLETTER CONTRIBUTORS FOR MAKING THIS AQUATOOTER POSSIBLE Helga Mahlmann, Alan Throop, Susan Brown, Kat Smith, Kari Klaboe, Gayle Hudson VDM Channel Islands dive trip $595, 3 days on the Vision, in the northern Channel Islands. Still has spots open. See Page 5 July 2016 What’s Inside Entertainment Report July Gen Meeting Minutes VDM dive trip Notice IN THE NEWS Aqua Tooter Page 2-3 Page 3-4 Page 5 Page 6 Pleasanton, California July Meeting Entertainment Reported by Kari Klaboe and Gayle Hudson Jason Knight took Honorable Mention 1 in Beginner Macro Unrestricted for this unique image. At the July 7 General Meeting, club members enjoyed a wonderful program highlighting the 2015 Monterey Shootout winners. The program, which consisted of a video compiling the photography and video submissions from the shootout, was created by the Northern California Underwater Photographic Society (NCUPS) and Susan Brown coordinated with Aqua Tutus to show the video at our July meeting. The Monterey Shootout is an annual photography and video competition organized by NCUPS and Backscatter Underwater Video & Photo in Monterey, California. While one of the main goals of the competition is to highlight Monterey diving, the organizers are also focused on learning and offer a variety of presentations by professional photographers aimed at expanding underwater photography skills. The competition is only open to amateur photographers, but skill levels include beginner, intermediate, and advanced photographers. The 2015 competition lasted 36 hours, and final prizes were awarded in four different categories: wide angle traditional, wide angle unrestricted, macro traditional, and macro unrestricted. Monterey’s harbor seals were well represented in the winning submissions, which included a stunning black and white photo by Joe Platko which won first place in the Advanced Wide Angle Unrestricted category, and a comical trio of harbor seals wonderfully photographed by Douglas LaFarge which won first place in the Beginner Wide Angle Traditional category. July 2016 page 2 Often-time club member Scott Harrison was first place winner in Intermediate Macro Unrestricted category with this shot. Aqua Tooter Pleasanton, California Entertainment report continued All of the entries and winners for the 2015 Monterey Shootout are posted on the competition’s website: In addition to still images, there are some very captivating videos, so go check out the website. The 2016 Monterey Shootout is scheduled for August 26 to 28, and additional information on the competition can be found at: schedule/. If you are interested in learning more about the competition organizers, please see their websites below: Northern California Underwater Photographic Society - Backscatter Underwater Video & Photo - http:// Training (Dennis Hocker) Tentative Advanced Open Water: Dennis is looking for anyone interested in an AOW course in October or November. Please email Dennis if you are interested. For more information on training contact Dennis Hocker (510) 792-5606 or Neil Benjamin (510) 673-0073 Newsletter (Don Kelsey) Newsletter came out. Input due by the 20th. Web Goddess (Patti Shannon) Currently looking for a club member to take over website responsibilities. Social Media (Gayle Hudson) • Meetup: 71 members, 14 upcoming meetups, 149 past meetups Facebook: 59 members (open to the public) Many thanks to Susan Brown and NCUPS for a great program! Meeting called to order by President Mike Barrett at Round Table Pizza in Castro Valley, CA at 7:31 pm. Old Business: Dive Tags: Every club member will get one free dive tag, but each member must fill out a Dive Tag Request Form with the information they want on their tag. Additional dive tags can be purchased at a cost of $4/tag. Email Kari Klaboe ( for a Dive Tag Request Form. Forms should be submitted to Kari electronically or at a general meeting. Speakers: NCUPS – 2015 Monterey Shootout Results New Business: No new business Guests: Nancy (new NAUI instructor), Mark (certified with Jim), Jim, Alexis Special Committee: No new information General Meeting Minutes Date: July 7th, 2016 Reported by Kari Klaboe Entertainment (Kat Smith) Aug.: Member’s Night Sep.: TBD Oct.: Dave McGuire – Shark Stewards Nov.: Larry Muth – Turks & Caicos Dec.: [no general meeting] Please contact Kat if you have any requests or suggestions for future entertainment. Treasurer’s Report (Helga Mahlmann) Account Balance: $3996.39 Membership (Bernhard Sterling) Membership: 69 plus Oliver finally renewed his membership! Aqua Tooter Pleasanton, California Past Dives: • Belize (Rebecca Doubledee): Rebecca had a great dive trip to Belize. She dove Blue Hole and Turneffe Atoll, and on her last dive she dove with whale sharks. She also got engaged on this trip! Congratulations Rebecca! • June Snorkel Club Dive (POC Jim Driggers): We had 13 divers and 15 Tooters total. The group started at McAbee Beach and snorkeled to San Carlos Beach. Visibility was between 15 and 20 feet. After the snorkel, club members suited up and completed one scuba dive. Most dive groups practiced dive skills like mask removal, BC removal at the water surface, weight belt removal at the water surface, etc. During the dives, club members saw a juvenile monkey-faced eel, baby abalone, and rock scallops. July 2016 page 3 Membership meeting minutes continued • South Monastery Beach, Carmel (Oliver, Bo, Lee, Kari, Gayle): First dive at Monastery for Lee and Kari, and Lee’s fourth dive in cold water. Visibility was extremely low and there was quite a bit of surge, but Oliver presented a very detailed dive site summary for those new to the Monastery and demonstrated safe entry and exit from the beach. Thanks Oliver! • Breakwater, Monterey (Gayle, Kari, Lee): Visibility was really low due to a plankton bloom and generally poor conditions. • Morro Bay (Dave Chervin): Dave volunteered with Reef Check for a three-day live aboard out of Morro Bay. There were four to six foot seas during the dive, and they were washed out of a couple of sites near Point Sur. They dove a number of sites along Esalen (reserve areas). During the dive, Dave had to employ a number of the dive skills practiced during the June club dive: getting in out of your BC in water, losing a weight belt, and getting your snorkel tangled and having to use your backup mask to untangle it. Thanks for sharing your practical application of our dive skill practice Dave! • Maui, Hawaii (Don Kelsey): Recently, the water around the Hawaiian Islands has been rough. Don went on a family dive trip and his grandchildren were certified during this trip! Hawaii – Big Island (Elaine Berger): Elaine met Joe Timmons, one of our long-distance club members and a Lifetime Member of Aqua Tutus. She did a Blackwater dive, which is a night dive about four miles off the shore. During the dive, you are basically suspended in “black water,” with only a tether (rope line) providing you a sense of orientation. As you are suspended there, little critters migrate up from the bottom to feed and you can watch them as they come up. Elaine also dove Death Hole (also called Toilet Bowl), which is a pretty infamous spot in Hawaii. Joe and other seasoned Hawaii divers helped her navigate the dive. Upcoming Activity and Dives 2016 July 10-24: Chuuk - Dennis is going one more time! If you have any interest/desire to do wreck diving. No better place to do wreck diving. About 50 Japanese vessels are there. It doesn't get better. Space available. July 16: North Monastery, Carmel – POC Oliver Edwards July 23: San Carlos Beach, Monterey – POC Gayle Hudson Aug. 20: Lover’s Point, Pacific Grove – POC Elaine Berger Sep. 17: Wharf 2, Monterey (scuba cleanup dive for beach cleanup day) – POC Gayle Hudson Sep. 10-13 Northern Channel Islands with VDM – POC Alan Throop Dec. 10 Club Holiday Party Dec. 19-Jan. 2: End of year trip to Cozumel – contact Dennis or Patti if you are interested. 2017 June 24-July 8: Caribbean Explorer II, St. Maarteen, Saba, St. Kitts - POC Dennis Meetings Next Membership meeting: August 4, 2016 Next BOD meeting: June 16, 2016 Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM Bone nominations: • Jim Driggers nominated by wife Debbie for using his non-prescription dive mask, when his prescription mask was available, just buried underneath all of his gear. •Oliver for being REALLY late on his 2016 membership renewal. Bone Award: Jim Driggers July 2016 page 4 Aqua Tooter Pleasanton, California Vision 10 13 6 5pm 9/13/16 Be on the boat no later than 11pm 9/10/16 General information about Truth Aquatics can be found at: http:// To secure your reservation, make a check out to “VDM” for $595 (see The Fine Print below*) and mail it to: Bill Delameter, VDM Treasurer 864 Alden Lane Livermore, CA 94550 *The Fine Print: Receipt of your check will be considered a commitment for the trip. Refunds for cancellations will be based on our ability to fill the empty spot, which we will make every effort to do. VDM determines the price per diver so that we break even on the charter. We don’t make a profit, but we can’t afford to take a big loss either. In the past, we’ve been able to give refunds for cancellations that are made 2 weeks or more prior to the trip, but last minute cancellations and no-shows cannot expect a refund. Aqua Tooter Pleasanton, California July 2016 page 5 IN THE NEWS While in Monterey, Alan picked up pamphlets that looked useful, so he wanted to share with us. Helga sent Yahoo BA Diving group threads on two subjects of interest. Lots of details on the web. A US court just ruled that Navy sonar harms whales and dolphins The ocean's about to get a lot quieter. JOSH HRALA 19 JUL 2016 The Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals in California has ruled that the low-frequency active sonar (LFA) systems used by the US Navy for training missions violates the Marine Mammal protection Act, and negatively impacts whales, dolphins, and walruses who rely on sound to navigate the seas. The ruling also finds that the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) – the body that gave the Navy clearance to use the LFA – needs to do more to avoid the destruction of marine mammal populations and environments. For more of the story, see This is a product brochure, but has good relevant information about caring for dive gear. See the current version at rich_files/192/original/m-essentials-guide2014-web.pdf Lionfish move menacingly into the Med 5 July 2016 A lionfish invasion of the Mediterranean is under way, with the species colonising almost the entire south-east coast of Cyprus in less than a year, according to a new report. The arrival of the Indo-Pacific predator, which poses a threat to local eco-systems, is linked to sea-surface warming and recent enlargement of the Suez Canal, which links the eastern Mediterranean to the Red Sea. For more of the story, see p306196-lionfish-move-menacingly-into-themed.html July 2016 page 6 Aqua Tooter Pleasanton, California Calendar of Events See the latest meeting minutes, or Or for the current schedule of ATDC Events ATDC Dive Training Advanced Open Water Class Calendar Class diving completed on Sept 19th • Dates are tentative, depend on participation, check the webpage • Classroom sessions held at Dennis’ house, 38962 Larkspur Street, Newark, CA • For more information contact • Neil Benjamin: (510) 673-0073 • Dennis Hocker: (510) 792-5606 dennis@ What is a “POC” The “POC” is a Point of Contact for a club dive. Any member is welcome to plan a dive and put in on our web site calendar. You don’t have to be a dive master, or the director of training, or a board member to do this. Any club dive is done with the expectation that there will be people there to help. ATTENTION , ASPIRING PHOTOGRAPHERS AND WRITERS WANTED—DIVE PICS AND STORIES FOR THE TOOTER. Send your input to Don at 2016 OFFICERS/BOD/Volunteers President Mike Barrett Vice President Jono Dove Secretary Kari Klaboe Treasurer Helga Mahlmann Membership Chair Bernhard Sterling Training Director Dennis Hocker Entertainment Chair Kat Smith Newsletter Publisher Don Kelsey Social Media Gayle Hudson Board Members @ Large: Shelia Doney Myran Gist Gayle Hudson Past President Oliver Edwards Web “Goddess” Patti Shannon-Hocker FIND Oliver’s Tutorial BEGINNING PHOTOSHOP FOR UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHERS at Then click on “Beginning Photoshop For Underwater Photography -- by Oliver Edwards” for the download Aqua Tooter Pleasanton, California July 2016 page 7 Aqua Tutus Diving Club P.O. Box 11952 Pleasanton, CA 94588 North Coast Diving since 1958 For quick access to Chuck Tribolet’s Internet Resources for the Bay Area Diver News from the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary News from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Keep up with California Diving, read California Diving News fref=ts News from the California Marine Sanctuary Foundation News from the Pacific Grove Hyperbaric Chamber PGHyperbaricChamber Protecting the unique habitats and cultures of islands worldwide Don’s timeshare is now available for 2017. Book now while it is still Available at a great low price. Big Island, Hawaii Kona Condo for Rent June 15- June 29, 2017 $450 per week,+$14 tax One-time $50 registry fee covers one or all weeks. Weeks run Thurs to Thurs Contact Don Kelsey 925-820-8362 Resort details at July 2016 page 8 Aqua Tooter Pleasanton, California