the aqua tooter - Aqua Tutus Diving Club


the aqua tooter - Aqua Tutus Diving Club
On the web at
JUNE 2008
Since 1958... a publication from the Aqua Tutus Diving Club, a non-profit organization established to promote Water Safety
and to further the sport of SCUBA Diving.
July Membership Meeting Entertainment
At the next July 10 General Meeting Dr. Robert Walsh - diver,
UW Photographer, and local
Chiropractor –
will present a
workshop on
low-back issues
for divers, which
should be a topic
of great interest
to all of us.
Dr. Walsh will
go over which movements a diver encounters that will not only
exacerbate current back problems , but also initiate new ones. He
will also discuss effective and ineffective/dangerous selfadministered (i.e., “hearsay”) treatment strategies. The content
of the workshop – which he has presented to other dive organizations – includes content on pre-dive stretching, home-based
strengthening, pain management, and a summary of current
treatments for acute and chronic low back pain. .. sounds helpful
for a lot of us!
Dr. Walsh has
been a Chiropractor
1995, located in
since 1997 and
Walsh has developed a practice specializing in the athlete's
needs and has paid specific attention to the needs of divers given
inherent biomechanical risk factors and his own interest in diving. He is now co-authoring a dive book on the Bahamas with
friend Steve Rosenberg. Please bring any of your back-care
questions, as this will be an interactive workshop.
Join Dennis and Patti at La Cabana in Newark
Friday Night, August 1st
Great Mexican Food and Margaritas
Dutch Treat
Contact Patti
July Club Meeting is the second Thursday,
This month only, due to the July 4th holiday
Aqua Tutus Diving Club's
next regular meeting:
Thursday, July 10th 7:30 p.m.
Location: Round Table Pizza
20920 Redwood Rd.
Castro Valley
(6:30 pm dinner/7:00 meeting).
July 24, RT Pizza
Aug 21, Greg’s house
Sept 18, Greg’s house
Oct 14, Greg’s house
Contact Greg 510-581-6521
Upcoming Club Dive Activity
July 13
July 20
Aug 16
Sept 6-7
Oct 17-19
Club dive, Outer Lovers, Matt Warren
Monterey, Silver Prince, Connie Klein
Club dive, San Carlos beach, Jim Driggers
Lake Tahoe, Dennis Hocker
Salt Point, Connie Klein
check the club calendar
What’s Inside
Entertainment Report
May BOD Meeting Minutes
June Gen Membership Meeting
June BOD Meeting Minutes
Salt Point Club Dive
NCUPS Beach Dive Winning Photos
Pt Lobos Dive, with Aloha Joe
Activity Calendar
Aqua Tooter —
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Pleasanton, California
Aqua Tutus Entertainment Report
June, 2008
Reported by Alan Throop
June 5
our own
Neil Benjamin
slide program on
t h e
cenotes of the Riviera Maya, located on the Mexican state of
Quintana-Roo along the east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula.
Most images were taken during a trip with Barbara Dwyer in
December, 2007, using his new compact-digital camera system.
Neil first showed and reviewed his experience with his new
digital camera system. He has shot lots of video, but wanted a
smaller and still-image system that was high-quality, compact,
and lightweight for both travel and for cave diving. After some
research, he settled on the Sea & Sea DX1G compact-digital
camera, with a fiber-coupled Inon strobe and a wet Wide Angle
lens that can
be added UW.
housing and
strobe system,
while Linda
(who has the
same system)
camera itself.
The full setup
is less than
$2500. Neil or
Linda can fill
you in on details and pros/cons. A number of members have
similar systems for comparison.
Neil then showed images from his cave diving trip, taken with
the camera. The Riviera Maya is geologically located on porous
limestone-formation located near Cozumel – a diving mecca –
and Cancun – more for tourist; The area is near the US, is inexpensive to visit, and has lots to see and do.
The limestone was formed in shallow seas eons ago and was
raised above sea level at times, when water flowed through the
limestone, making cave systems that now permeate the region.
During low-sea-level times, people and animals entered the
caves, and stalagmites and stalactites formed in them. Now, the
cave systems are generally below sea levels. Rains flow from
the surface, through the porous limestone, down to the cave
systems, and into the sea through the caves. There is little fresh-
June 2008 —
Page 2
water at the surface in this area. In some regions, larger caves
have collapsed, forming cenotes that the indigenous Maya used as
a source for their fresh-water. Now these cenotes also serve as
entries for divers to explore this extensive system. Some of these
caves contain fire areas and bones from (much) earlier inhabitants,
The map shows
some of the
cave systems
that are in this
area, and which
Neil toured us
Many of the
cave systems (identified by the cenotes) are connected; exploring
and mapping these systems and finding these connections is often
a challenge for technical cave divers. The Sisetma Tux-kupaxa
system is over 74,000 ft (about 14 miles) long. Florida has similar
cave systems that have depths of up to 300’. In contrast, the Mexican cave systems are typically shallower than the Florida caves,
typically less than 50’depth – in fact, roots of trees are sometimes
seen at the roof of the water-filled caves!.
Exploring and charting these systems is obviously a very serious
business. Cave divers are expertly trained and use specialized
equipment and procedures to safely explore these areas. ANY
entry into a cave
system presents
hazards , so that
training, equipment, and procedures are required.
training. A cave
dive is typically
defined where you are
130’ from the surface
(horizontal + vertical
distance) or you cannot
see light from the entry/
exit. A cavern dive is
entry into a enclosed
environment, but where
you stay within the limits above.
These photos show
typical cenote (cavern)
entries. The visibility in
the cave systems is typically excellent, since the
water is well filtered;
but it can easily drop to
Aqua Tooter —
Pleasanton, California
Entertainment Report continued
zero if the silt is stirred up. Currents in the Mexican caves are
typically only mild, but currents in Florida – and potentially in
Mexico – can be severe and pull the mask from your face.
caves, passages can be
small. The
that formed
during lowsea periods
form spectacular formations in
many areas.
Passages can be
very narrow, but
for “tourist divers”,
the tours do not
require equipment
find their way
along the cave systems using lines
that are carefully
laid and followed
by the divers; these
lines and markers
are literally their
lifeline to the surface. Side-lines are
clipped to the main
line and ”jumps” are run by the divers to explore areas away
from the main lines. The use of these lines, diving techniques,
equipment, and other topics are included in the training for cave
diving certification.
Neil, Barbara, and their team were toured through the caves by
highly qualified
guide and –
even though
the team was
experienced - Neil
felt that his
life was still at
the mercy of
the guide.
gram captured the experience and excitement of diving these several cave systems, illustrating how each one is unique, and provided
a great overview of this specialized type of diving. Neil also
showed a few images and spoke a bit about the other activities in
including the
visiting the
Mayan ruins, diving in
the nearby
great shopping, and a
cultural experience.
This is all
Many thanks to Neil for the program and to Barbara for her commentary.
Guidelines for proving AquaTooter Input
The Tooter is created using a PC running Windows XP, MS Office 2003, and Adobe PhotoShop Elements 1.0
For Text documents, please use a file format
compatible with Windows XP and MS Office
2003. WORD .doc format works, but not .docx (Office
For Photos, please use JPEG format, and reduce the file size to under 100KB
I use PhotoShop Elements (v 1.0). With the image open,
under the File menu, click on Save For Web. File size
can be reduced significantly depending on the quality selected in the settings box, in the SAVE FOR WEB window.
Another way to reduce file size in Photoshop Elements is
to select file menu/image/image size and reduce the image
size, in the Image size dialogue box. Other photo management programs probably have similar tools.
Provide separate JPEG images, even if your
pictures are embedded in a WORD document.
This makes it easier to layout the story for the Tooter, using
Aqua Tooter — Pleasanton, California
June 2008 —
Page 3
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2008
Reported by Jim Driggers
Greg called the meeting to order at 7:12 pm. Present were Don
Kelsey, Alan Throop, Greg Gleeson, Larry Muth, Dennis
Hocker, Patti Shannon, Debbie Driggers, and Jim Driggers.
Entertainment (Alan Throop)
Jun – Neil Benjamin and Mexican cenotes
Jul – Rob Welch on diving medical issues
Aug – Ben Tetzner from Northern California Underwater Photography Society (NCUPS)
Sep - Members’ Night to display their own images
Oct - Members’ Night to display their own images
Nov – Bryant Austin presenting his photographs.
Treasurer’s Report (Connie Klein)
No report. Amounts from last board meeting
General account $1,324.58
Class account
$ 60.00
Petty Cash
$ 160.69
Checking Acct $6,593.28
Total Funds
Membership (Debbie Driggers)
Total Membership: 66 Regular: 48
Lifetime: 8 Student: 0
Associate: 10
Director of Training (Dennis Hocker)
• The Rescue Diver course is still being planned;
• First Responder course will be taught in August with Rescue
Diver after that.
• Advanced Open Water class will be held with diving in Lake
Tahoe on 9/6 and 9/7.
Newsletter (Don Kelsey)
Have submissions for newsletter. Will publish newsletter on
Sunday or Monday.
Webgoddess (Patti Shannon)
Web site is updated and current as of the board meeting date.
Special Committee: Holiday Party
• The refund check has not yet been received from the club’s
deposit at Hill and Valley Clubhouse in Castro Valley.
• Dennis brought La Cabana menus to the board so it can begin
considering what food selections to have at the party.
Old Business
Officers at large positions need to be voted on in June.
New Business
Upcoming Events
June 6/7
Club dive at Salt Point. Reserve campsites in
Woodside rather than Gerstle
Jul 10
General Meeting
Jul 13
Outer Lover’s Cove, POC is Matt
Jul 20
Club dive on Silver Prince. POC is Connie.
Aug 16
San Carlos, POC is Jim Driggers
July 5-9
Chuuk, 3 slots open
June 2008 —
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July 19-Aug 2 Chuuk, 3 slots open
Galapagos, 11 people have deposited
Next Membership meeting:
Thursday 06/05/08, 7:30 pm, Round Table, Castro Valley (7 pm
Next BOD meeting:
Thursday, 06/19/08, at Round Table pizza (7:00 meeting).
Meeting adjourned 8:04 pm
General Meeting Minutes June 5, 2008
Reported by Jim Driggers
Meeting called to order by President Greg Gleeson at Round Table
Pizza in Castro Valley, CA at 7:32 pm.
Entertainment Director
Thanks to Neil Benjamin for his presentation on Mexican cenotes.
Treasurer’s Report (Connie Klein)
Total Funds $6, 779.82
Membership (Debbie Driggers)
The club currently has 66 active members. Welcome to guests:
Fabio, Bruce, Ben, and Patty.
Training (Dennis Hocker)
• On Aug 9th a First Responder course will be taught for those
who need this prerequisite to the Rescue Diver course.
• The Rescue Diver course lectures will be held on Aug 12th and
14th. Class dives will be held on Aug 16th and 17th. If needed,
additional dives will be held on Aug 23rd and 24th.
• For more information on training contact Neil Benjamin (510)
673-0073 or Dennis Hocker (510)
CenCal Report (Steve Campi)
Not present
Newsletter (Don Kelsey)
Not present
Web Goddess (Patti Shannon)
The site is up and updated. Current newsletter has been posted on
Entertainment Report (Alan Throop)
Jul - Rob Walsh and medical aspects of diving
Ben Tetzer from Northern California Underwater Photography Society (NCUPS)
Sep - TBD
Oct - Members’ Night to display their own images
Nov - Members’ Night to display their own images
Special Committee
This year’s Club Christmas Party will be held at La Cabana restaurant in Newark on December 13th.
Old Business
The club elected Bruce Hammel, Scott Harrison, and Larry Muth
as Board Members at Large.
Aqua Tooter —
Pleasanton, California
June Meeting Minutes—continued
New Business
• Neil raised a concern that the board is trying to reduce the entertainment section of the meeting. Neil asked that the entertainment section be allocated up to 45 minutes of meeting
• During the ensuing discussion, Dennis pointed out that club
bylaws require some of the club business be conducted at the
general meeting. Greg asked what time the club would like the
meeting to end.
• The general response: club meetings should end around 9:15.
Past Dives
• Allen Abonyi reported on his and Tony’s diving in North Sulawesi. They dove at Bunaken and Limbeh Straits. Allen said
Bunaken was mostly wall diving while Lembeh was muck
diving. They saw lots of neat stuff and had lots of fun. Check
the web,
• Guy dove with Oliver at South Monastery and while at the
head of the canyon at 60 feet, found a wallet and disposal camera. He recovered the items and turned them over to park rangers. After doing some research at the library, he discovered the
wallet belonged to one of the rescuers who tried to save a father/daughter team who died at Monastery several weeks ago.
• Guy dove again with Oliver at Point Lobos. They enjoyed a
good day of diving with vis over 50 feet and temps below 50
• Bruce dove at Point Lobos on Memorial Day weekend and saw
a moray eel.
• Debbie reported diving in the NCUPS Beach Dive Photo contest. She, Jim, Larry, and Linda dove at Coral Street. They saw
an octopus, and Debbie and Jim both saw a monkey face eel.
Both were first time sightings for both of them in Monterey. At
the contest, Debbie and Larry won honorable mentions for
their images. Scott also competed and won two first places
with his images.
• Linda reported that she and Debbie dove at Kona in Hawaii
and saw different eels. They did the manta ray night dive and
saw six rays.
• Scott and Liz also dove at Kona at a later time. On the way to
the manta ray night dive they saw four manta rays and 25 rays
during the dive itself.
• Connie and Paul dove at Curacao’s west coast and directly
under the dive boat saw huge frog fish. Unfortunately, the boat
had engine problems and had to be towed back to port by a
fishing boat.
• Fritz related that he and Kevin dove at Breakwater. They had
calm seas but bad visibility for the dive.
• Neil and Barbara went to Florida for an underwater speleological society conference. While there they dove several caves.
• Ronnie and Craig tried to dive at Salt Point on one day, but
while suiting up, Ronnie discovered he’d left his weights at
camp. The next day, he brought all his weights and then had to
collect rocks to stay down. His weight problems continued
while diving at Monterey later in the month. While swimming
back to the beach at Breakwater, he accidentally dropped his
weight belt. Luckily, Craig was able to recover it.
Neil’s drysuit while
getting ready to dive
a cave in Florida.
She didn’t realize
she was wearing his
larger suit until Neil
couldn’t find his suit
and he checked the
tag on the one she
was wearing.
No raffle.
Upcoming Activity
and Dives
Jun 6-7
Club dive at Salt Point. Make your reservations now
if you’re interested. Members will be camping at Woodside campground.
Jul 20
Silver Prince boat dive. POC is Connie
Dec 13
Holiday Party at La Cabana in Newark.
Dec 20-Jan 4 Dennis and Patti’s annual escape to Cozumel.
July 5-9
Dennis and Patti in Chuuk, 3 slots open
July 9-Aug 2 Dennis and Patti in Chuuk, 3 slots open
Aug 7- 21 Dennis and Patti in Galapagos
Next BOD meeting: Thursday, 6/19/08, Round Table (6:30 pm
dinner/7:00 meeting).
Next Membership meeting: Thursday 7/10/08, 7:30 pm, Round
Table, Castro Valley (7 pm social)
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 19, 2008
Reported by Jim Driggers
Jim called the meeting to order at 7:31 pm. Present were Alan
Throop, Connie Klein, Patti Shannon, Debbie Driggers, Jim Driggers, Larry Muth, Scott and Liz Harrison, and Bruce Hammel.
Entertainment (Alan Throop)
Jul –
Rob Welch on diving medical issues
Aug – Ben Tetzner from Northern California Underwater Photography Society (NCUPS)
Sep - Members’ Night to display their own images
Oct - Members’ Night to display their own images
Nov – Bryant Austin presenting his photographs.
Treasurer’s Report (Connie Klein)
General account
Class account
$ 45.00
Petty Cash
$ 114.78
Checking Acct
Total Funds
Bone Award
The bone was awarded to Barbara for mistakenly putting on
Aqua Tooter — Pleasanton, California
June 2008 —
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June Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, cont’d
Membership (Debbie Driggers)
Total Membership: 66
Director of Training (Dennis Hocker)
Not present.
Newsletter (Don Kelsey)
Not present.
Webgoddess (Patti Shannon)
Web site is updated and current as of the board meeting date.
Patti will update with information for the Rescue Diver course.
Special Committee: Holiday Party
The Hill and Valley Clubhouse in Castro Valley, refunded the
club’s $500 deposit. On Aug 1st , the club will have a “site inspection” at La Cabana. If you’d like to attend, please come between 6:30 and 7:00 for drinks and dinner.
Old Business
• The discussion about how to shorten the meetings continued.
• Some ideas considered were
1. to provide a survey form at the start of the general meeting, in
which attendees could list what they want in the meeting and
how much time to allot for it.
2. to continue selling raffle tickets only at the start of the meeting
3. To not have a break after the entertainment section.
4. to draw raffle tickets throughout the meeting rather than all at
the meeting’s end.
New Business
Dive Truk Lagoon (Chuuk) 2009
Deeper Wreck Diving July 5-9
Recreational Limits Diving
July 19-Aug 2
Openings are still available.
Contact Dennis Hocker
Dive Cozumel in December 2008
Dec 20, 2008 through Jan 4, 2009.
A number of people have expressed an interest in joining
Dennis and Patti but can't until after Christmas due to family
obligations. If there are indeed enough people (14+) Patti and
Dennis would be willing to sacrifice and stay an extra week,
through Jan 11, 2009, with the entire group diving from Dec
29, 2008 through Jan 9, 2009, with our own boat.
Contact Dennis Hocker
New At-Large Board of Directors Elected
Upcoming Events
Jul 10
General Meeting
Jul 13
Outer Lover’s Cove, POC is Matt
Jul 20
Club dive on Silver Prince. POC is Connie.
Aug 1
Dinner and drinks at La Cabana
Aug 16
San Carlos, POC is Jim Driggers meet at 9:00 am
for the day dive. If there’s enough interest, there’ll
also be a night dive.
Sep 6-7
Lake Tahoe
Oct 17-19
Salt Point, POC is Connie
July 5-9
Chuuk, 3 slots open
July 19-Aug 2 Chuuk, 3 slots open
Galapagos, 11 people have deposited
In the June meeting, the club elected Bruce Hammel, Scott Harrison, and Larry Muth as Board
Members at Large.
Thanks for being willing to serve, Bruce, Scott and
Next Membership meeting:
Thursday 07/10/08, 7:30 pm, Round Table, Castro Valley (7 pm
Next BOD meeting:
Thursday, 07/24/08, at Round Table pizza (7:00 meeting).
Meeting adjourned 8:?? pm
June 2008 —
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Aqua Tooter —
Pleasanton, California
Salt Point Club Dive June 6-8
Reported by Connie Klein
In attendance at the club’s Salt Point weekend, June 6-8, were: Dennis, Dolly and Tiki Hocker and Patti and Mac Shannon (Dolly, Tiki
and Mac are fine feathered friends, see the next page for the bird pics); Jim & Debbie Driggers; Linda, Larry and Kathy Muth (La rry and
Kathy only for a short while); Craig Herman and Ronnie Huemiller; Bruce (our newest Board Member at Large), Ellen and Ben Hammel; Jimmy Steele, Dave Chervin and Paul Steinberg & Connie Klein (pot luck host and hostess).
Debbie, Jim, Linda, Larry and Kathy did
great job securing campsites in a full campground…it was free fishing weekend (although no sporting goods store would sell just an
abalone license)!
Wave patterns were a bit rough, visibility was bad. As Jimmy put it; “If you saw the bottom, you were no
further than two feet from it.” Abundant sunshine, crashing waves, pretty
sunrises and sunsets, brilliant stars, good food and fireside chats made up for
the diving dearth. The only person to catch abs was Jimmy Steele who
caught them at Fort Ross and gave one each to Dave Chervin and Ronnie
Huemiller. Both of whom donated
them to the pot luck, whew!
Dennis barbequed the abalone to
perfection augmented with lots of
sausages. Salads and veggies were
abundant. Paul’s grilled veggies
from his garden were a hit for the
vegetarians. Ellen owes us a recipe
for her salad.
A Park Naturalist
(whose salary is paid by the purchase of campground firewood) guided a hike of the Kruse Rhododendron Park on
Saturday (three miles up from Gerstle Cove). May is the
best time for viewing blooming Rhododendrons; never the
less, there were some stunning vistas. We also discovered
a new orchid along with two great pacific salamanders. Did you know that these creatures bark if you pick
them up?
A negative tide (lowest tide of the year was Wed, June 4)
allowed for a great lecture from the park docent on tide
pools, Sunday morning. Here we discovered a mossy kriton along with the usually abundant characters:
star fish, anemones, crabs of all shapes and sizes, mussels, limpits, sculpins, barnacles, snails, sea grapes,
grasses and kelp.
Lessons learned:
- Don’t ever push or ‘squirt’ a tide pool anemone or squid as this depletes the water supply necessary to
support life until the tide returns.
- When tide pooling, don’t walk on grasses or kelp if at all possible (slippery), try to always have three points touching something (two
feet and at least one hand), don’t ever turn your back to the ocean as maverick waves can carry you away.
On our way to the tide pools, we noticed a couple of stalwart divers, picking abs from rocks in a drained cove covered in the slippery
stuff—at least they appeared to have no fins, carrying ab irons and full bags! Hmmmm, maybe this is how I can get mine…
Bird pics on the next page
Aqua Tooter — Pleasanton, California
June 2008 —
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Salt Point Club Dive June 6 -8 - bird pics
“Let me out of this @## cage!!
Lazy Daze
Upside Down Dolly
Dolly at the campfire
Dolly and Ellen
Playing Dead-bird
June 2008 —
Page 8
Aqua Tooter —
Pleasanton, California
Larry Muth’s California Beach Dive Photo
Contest winning image
This one won an honorable mention in
NCUPS beach dive
competition, amateur,
digital, macro class.
Scott Harrison’s California Beach Dive Photo
Contest winning images
1st Place Humor - All Categories
The nudibranch's
name is Cockerel's
The Hopkins
Rose is the one
Larry likes the
1st Place Macro - Novice
Both were
taken at Coral
Street. The
were no more
than 6 inches
apart in 22ft of
Scot t Harrison loaned Larry the camera, a Sea & Sea D470G,
and said another person also had won something using it in
macro mode. This was the first time Larry shot underwater stills
in over 25 years. He still prefers shooting video but, this was
Debbie Driggers wins Honorable Mention in
Novice Digital Portrait class, for this Monkey
face eel.
Honorable Mention Wide
Angle - Novice
Aqua Tooter — Pleasanton, California
June 2008 —
Page 9
Aloha Joe Freezes his Kohunes
Reported by Jeff Tindall
The last Club Dive at Point Lobos State Park was a great
turnout with 17 divers. We were joined by our life time
member now living in Hawaii, Aloha Joe, upper right of
Seconds later here came Aloha Joe pulling himself down a kelp stock
back to his rock. The rest of the dive finished without incident. There
were only four who ventured for a second dive. The water temperature
on my gauges was 45. There was a large amount of kelp. We found the
typical animals, jelly fishes, kelp crab, anemones, nutibranchs, fish and
mating snails.
Joe was starting his yearly pilgrimage to the mainland. I
told Aloha Joe that I could supply him with most of the
dive gear needed for the dive but even though we were
friends I could not keep him warm. So Joe rented a wet
suit at Captains Aqua’s and got a weight belt from Alan.
The three of us stayed the night before in Monterey and
walked to Pacific Grove for Clam Chowder and stopped for
a drink at Sly McFly’s for some blues music before adventuring the next morning to Point Lobos.
We suited up and Aloha Joe was taking some offence about
the choice of pinks fins I offered him. We entered the water and descended in about 40 feet of water and continued
to 70. Unnoticed by me, Aloha Joe picked up a rock to add
to his underestimated weight required in cold water gear
compared to Hawaii.
Fred and Katherine were diving also. Joe was the instructor for Katherine when she was 14. At that time Joe did an
underwater dance with her.
On our way back to the ramp, Katherine grabbed Joe for a
remembrance dance. I grab my camera but was too late. I
only got a shot of Katherine reaching up for Joe, who when
grabbed, dropped his rock and was heading for the surface.
June 2008 —
Page 10
Aloha Joe is heading home to
Hawaii and by July 1st and will
be ready for Tooters.
Aqua Tooter —
Pleasanton, California
Calendar of Events
for the latest calendar
July 10
July 13
July 20
July 24
Aug 1
Aug 16
General Meeting, Round Table Pizza, Castro Valley 7:30 pm
Club dive, Outer Lover’s Cove, Matt Warren
Monterey boat dive, Silver Prince, Contact Connie Klein
BOD meeting, RT Pizza, 6:30/7:00PM
Dinner and drinks at La Cabana
Club dive, San Carlos Beach, Jim Driggers, 9:00 am for the day dive.
If there’s enough interest, there’ll also be a night dive.
Sept 6-7
Lake Tahoe, Dennis Hocker
Oct 17-19
Salt Point, Connie Klein
Dec 13
Holiday Party at La Cabana in Newark.
Dec 20-Jan 9 Cozumel, Contact Dennis Hocker
July 5-19
Chuuk on the Odyssey, deeper wreck diving, Contact: Dennis Hocker
July 19-Aug 2 – Chuuk on the Odyssey, diving wrecks within recreational diving limits, Contact Dennis
Aug 7-21
Galopagos, on the Sky Dancer, Contact Dennis Hocker
ATDC Dive Training
• Aug 9th First Responder course will be taught for those
who need this prerequisite to the Rescue Diver course.
Rescue Diver course lectures will be held on Aug 12th
and 14th .
• Class dives will be held on Aug 16th and 17th .
• If needed, additional dives will be held on Aug 23rd and
24th .
Dates are tentative and depend on participation.
• Classroom sessions held at 38962 Larkspur Street,
Newark, CA
• For more information contact Neil Benjamin: (510)
673-0073 or Dennis
Hocker: (510) 792-5606 dennis@
JOY JOHNSON, RS, ABR. 808-960-1705
Keep up with California Diving, read
California Diving News
2008 Club Officers/Volunteers
Greg Gleeson
Vice President
Matt Warren
Jim Driggers
Connie Klein
Membership Chair
Debbie Driggers
Training Director
Dennis Hocker
Cen Cal Representative:
Steve Campi
Entertainment Chair
Alan Throop
Newsletter Publisher
Don Kelsey
Board Members @ Large:
Bruce Hammel
Scott Harrison
Larry Muth
Web Master
Patti Shannon
ATDC Web page:
Aqua Tooter — Pleasanton, California
June 2008 —
Page 11
For quick access to Chuck Tribolet’s
Internet Resources
for the Bay Area Diver
News from the Monterey Bay
National Marine Sanctuary
Keep in touch by surfing over to:
For updates on the Joint Management
Plan review process, surf over to:
For Cencal updates and calendar
Aqua Tutus Diving Club
P.O. Box 11952
Pleasanton, CA 94588
North Coast Diving since 1958
Aqua Tooter —
Pleasanton, California