July 2011 - Aquatic Image Makers
July 2011 - Aquatic Image Makers
JULY 20, 2011 Our meetings are normally held at 7:00 PM (social hour at 6:30) the 4th Wednesday of the month. Location is Round Table Pizza; Madison & Greenback. New Members and guests are always welcome. Call 989-1133 to order in advance. Don’t forget to ask for the AIM discount. This Month at AIM – July DATES FOR YOUR 2011 CALENDAR: “Topside with Water” entries due ~ July 22 AIM General Meeting ~ July 27 AIM Business Meeting ~ Aug 4 AIM Film Festival ~ Aug. 6 Tahoe Campout ~ Sep 17 AIM General Meeting ~ Sep 28 Oct. 29 - 30 Inside this issue: AIM Film Festival Flyer 2- 3 Tahoe Campout Info 3 Kayaking 101 3 Quarterly Competition Info NCUPS Monterey Shootout Rocio Del Mar Trip Info Be sure to visit AIM’s website at http://www.sacaim.org The upcoming Rocio Del Mar trip to the Sea of Cortez has just a couple of spots left... Call Carol ASAP and join a few of your AIM/Seahorse buddies for this fun week th September 3-10 . See the attached info on page 7. Aug 11 - 15 The Great American River Cleanup Yosemite Weekend ~ Carol will be our feature presenter; discussing the creation of “Photo Books” PLUS we will have out third quarterly competition of the year; the theme is “Topside, with water”. See page 4 for more details. 4-6 6 7-9 Last Month at AIM - June We had a rather small crowd of AIM Members at our June Meeting. I think everyone else was home working on their Quarterly Competition Images and Videos…….. Trip Reports – a group of Part of the Palau Group AIM’ers recently returned from an awesome trip to Palau; spending 3 days on the Islands of Koror and Babeldaob before boarding the Tropic Dancer for 10 days of diving. We toured Peleliu and had awesome dives at German Channel, Blue Corner, Jellyfish Lake Carol & Sharon on the Tropic Dancer and Chandelier Caves to name a few. Images and videos are on their way….. The Seahorses went to Point Arena where there was a lot of free-diving going on. Dolphin Divers went to Ocean Cove during an ultra-low tide; leaving the cove dry! Holger found a pinnacle 500 feet offshore with metridians and nudibranchs worth revisiting. The water was a balmy 51 degrees! Barbara Bloom went to Yosemite where the waterfall mist was abundant. Conditions were also perfect for star-gazing. Carol & Joe visited Tahoe and reported there is lots of snow and as of June 22; Silver Lake and Caples Lake were still frozen! AIM’S 9TH ANNUAL FILM FESTIVAL IS COMING…with lots of new features !! AUGUST 6, 2011 NEW VENUE….. NEW ATTRACTIONS……. Awesome NEW setting: Perry Creek Vineyards in Fair Play…18 minutes from the Herrlie House..,Come see the talented AIM members display their stills/videos/and artistic items….. and WIN GREAT prizes, too!!! RAFFEL THIS YEAR INCLUDES: (lots more not listed… ) TRIP TO FIJI www.matava.com + $$ for airfare from Pathway’s, MEMBER’S ART, DAY SPA TREATMENTS, Plus++ A wonderful BBQ including wine…. the selection of the 2012 calendar images… and a projected members show. LIMITED TO 80 PARTICIPANTS SEND YOUR RESERVATION IN NOW New location for Saturday’s Festival: 7400 Perry Creek Rd Fair Play, CA 95684 Do not despair… Friday night open mic is still happening…overnighters welcome @ The Herrlie House. For directions/details.** Contact Carol or Joe (C) 916-952-9124 (H) 530-622-9124 email: CarolHerrlie@gmail.com **For overnight space: RVs, Campers, Pop-ups, Tents, limited rooms……. THE SCHEDULE: Friday 05AUG: Open-Mic-Night… 6PM until ?? Group dinner. Participants bring shows not to be included in the Saturday night main event program for viewing under the stars after dark. Saturday 06AUG: Perry Creek Vineyard is open for tasting from 11am. arrive at any time…. ……………..= Free sampling !!! As a courtesy to our host winery, please no outside wines. 4:30-7:00pm Registration, cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, socializing, prizes and continuous. display of members’ images and photo-art items 6:15- 7:00pm Presentation of & voting for the 2011 calendar entries ALL GUESTS & MEMBERS VOTE ON IMAGES 2 7:00- 745pm BBQ catered by Perry Creek. … .. AIM is providing hors d’oeuvres, desserts plus coffee/tea. 7:45pm The projected program of images from around the world begins. Est. 8:45 pm Intermission with the announcements of the 2011 Calendar winners. 9:10-10:00+ Second half of show and closing of the festival… DONATION : $30 IN ADVANCE*…$30 AT THE DOOR FOR ALL….ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT.** Make checks payable to: AIM: Aquatic Image Makers Mail registration form, membership form, and all other forms to: Sharon Bormann/Secretary-Treasurer PO Box 2224 Shingle Springs, CA 95682. Includes: All food, 2-wine tickets, non-alcoholic beverages, *a donation for children is not necessary. 15 -20 yr : ½ price. There will be opportunities for lots of great prizes, too! As a courtesy to our host winery, please no outside wines. Be responsible with consumption… and remember over-nighters are always welcome.** Please complete REGISTRATION FORM ATTACHED AND RETURN BY MAIL AS REQUESTED….. ** RESERVE NOW….AS WE ARE LIMITED TO ONLY 80 ATTENDEES. NEWSFLASH!! Tahoe camping and diving with fellow Seahorses..AIM members are also invited. August 11-15...some are staying up longer to enjoy Tahoe.. Most will be up Friday and Saturday night.. We have limited campsites with spaces to pitch your tent or sleep in you RV/Camper/or pick-up truck. Contact Carol ASAP as she will be giving back spaces August 5th.. A party PATIO BOAT is on hold if we can get 12 people to go our on Lake Tahoe for the day.. diving, snorkeling, cruising, have a great day on the scenic lake with your dive club buddies. Take the tram up to the top of Squaw Valley Friday night to star gaze with the astronomers from the University of Nevada.. lots of fun is planned for this club outing.. right in our own back yard.. GREAT time last year and this year will be even better Kayaking 101 Let’s give Barbara Bloom lessons in kayaking. Barbara has never been kayaking before, so anyone who would like to join us at Willow Creek (just down and across the street from the Folsom Outlets) just off Folsom Blvd. It is a Folsom Parks & Recreation site, so there is an entry fee (I believe around $10 per vehicle). Bring your kayaks and munchies and join us at or about 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 24th. Rita 3 PHOTO COMPETITIONS 2011: QUARTERLY “AT MEETINGS” PLUS ** .STILL IMAGE & VIDEO COMPETITIONS **POINTS FOR PARTICIPATION (ONE) WILL BE AWARDED AT THE FILM FESRTIVAL (AUGUST) & AT THE SHOOT-OUT in April, 2011. Themes have been selected by group voting at the Annual Christmas Party 2011. When the voting occurs, not only should the quality of the images be considered but also how well they fit the theme. Themes apply to still and video. With video, the development of the theme in the brief “story” will be judged. LET’S ALL MAKE THIS A GRAND SUCCESS BY ENTERING… YOU GET POINTS JUST FOR PARTICIPATION & MORE IF YOUR ENTRY IS PICKED 1st 2nd or 3rd .WITHIN YOUR LEVEL: February 23 April 27 July 27 November 22 “Abstract” “Things in Paris” “Topside with Water” “Let There be Light” August 6 AIM Film Festival April 30 SPRING SHOOT OUT Foresthill, CA Still/Digital Categories: There are 3 categories for 2011 - Novice, Intermediate and Open. Any underwater or split image (part above & part below water) can be submitted. A topside image has been selected for July’s topic.It needs to contain water: “Aquatic Image Makers” DEADLINES FOR STILL ENTRIES this month is : Sunday, February 20 @ 5PM: FEB 20 APRIL 22 JULY 22 NOV 18 FORMATING AND ENTERING DIGITAL ENTRIES: You can do anything you want with the images or submit them “as is”. The images should be 700 pixels on the long side and a resolution of about 100dpi. The final image can be about 1 megabyte in size. Save as a JPEG (.jpg) file. When saving the jpeg image, if it asks what quality setting you want, set it to the maximum. Attach the image to an email and send it by email to Glenn Marshall. 4 visualescapes@yahoo.com Be sure your name is on the file. Example: JohnSmith_fish1.jpg Glenn will acknowledge that your image was received by a return email confirmation. If you do not hear from him… call. All video entries can be brought on a CD/DVD to the meeting or sent to Glenn by the deadline. If the format cannot be played on the computer for any reason, with regrets the entry will not be entered. Be sure it works! Video Category: Only one level. The video length is to be from 30 seconds to no more than 2.0 minutes. This is to include any lead-in, credits, transitions. Think TV commercial… how to tell your story in a short amount of time. Minimal topside seconds can be used if needed to tell your story. The exact amount was not specified…. Majority, at least 80-90% needs to be underwater. (Except July) FORMATING AND ENTERING VIDEO ENTRIES: Bring your entry on a flash drive, CD/DVD or other format that can be quickly added to a lap top for viewing. If possible entries should be entered on one laptop USED DURING THE MEETING to provide smooth flow when presenting. Send Glenn an email notification if you will be entering a video for this month’s mini-comp. visualescapes@yahoo.com by Friday, July 22 @ 5PM. MEMBERS ONLY: Participating members need to be current, paid members to participate. Member should be present at the meeting, however if unable to attend, you can still enter. We do encourage attendance but do understand that sometimes missing a meeting cannot be avoided. We all want as many members to be involved. VOTING: All attendees at the meeting will be given 1(one) ballot. It is on the honor system that no member or guest complete two ballots. Everyone can vote for 2 images in each of the STILL CATEGORIES:OPEN, INTERMEDIATE & NOVICE and 1 VIDEO. Each vote is equally waited. The competition will be held early in the meeting to allow for the votes to be counted. At the completion of the guest speaker/presentation for the night the winners will be announced. One member will be designated to keep the records of points earned. Winners to be announced at the holiday party in December. Points will be awarded as follows: First place 3 ; Second place 2 ; Third place 1 ; Participated 1 ******** 2011 NEW: 3 categories: OPEN, INTERMEDIATE, and NOVICE Points will be tabulated throughout the year for all competitions held.. 1) Quarterly at the AIM meetings, 2) Participants in Special Events ie Shoot Outs and 3) The Film Festival . Top winners: 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in both the Still (OPEN, INTERMEDIATE & NOVICE) and Video category will be announced at the Christmas/Holiday Party. Ties will be TIES… 2 awards will be given for TIES... this means there can be more than 1 first, second and third place winners… We may revisit tie breakers options in 2011. The ballots will look like this. THE BALLOT: One ballot only per person….Vote for quality and how you think it best fits the theme. Still Image OPEN : You can vote for one or two of your favorite images. Must be present to vote. 5 Still Image INTERMEDIATE: Between OPEN and NOVICE. Must be present to vote. Still Image NOVICE: Not quite ready for open: You can vote for one or two of your favorite images. Must be present to vote. Video: Vote for only one. Must be present to vote. Voting will take place right after images are shown. Votes will be counted by the end of the general meeting…. Winners will be announced at the close of the general meeting. At special events all participants will be given 1 POINT for participating. 1st 2nd 3rd place points may vary depending on event. To be determined at the business meeting. A facilitator will be designated responsible for keeping the vote sheets. SAMPLE OF MEMBERSHIP POINTS AWARDED TALLEY SHEET: Member Name: Stills 2/23 4/27 7/27 11/22 APR AUG TOTAL Member Name: Video AIM Photo Comps for 2011 .doc NCUPS Monterey Shootout Ruth Chofre NCUPS has set the date for our annual photo/video competition in Monterey and we've changed the name of the competition. The Monterey Shootout will be held September 9-11, 2011. The competition starts at 1pm on Friday so that those who want to go boat diving that afternoon can catch a regularly scheduled afternoon charter. You can find out more information in a few weeks from the NCUPS site or our new website www.montereyshootout.com. Check it out to find out all the other changes we are making to this year's competition. Hope to see you in September! 6 Pathways to Adventure Travel International Diving Expeditions: IDE 5253 Bucks Bar Road Placerville, CA 95667 Office: 530-622-9124 Mobile: 916-952-9124 FAX: 530-626-0677 Pathways2Adventure@gmail.com www.Pathwaystoadventure.com Rocio Del Mar Liveaboard in The Northern Islands of the Sea of Cortez (We can plan future 9 day trips to Socorro Islands, too) … SEPTEMBER 3-10, 2011 $2195.00 Subtract a savings $175 to apply to: Extra fees: $100 (overland transfer) $100 (nitrox for a week) park fees ($25) = $225 Reduce those costs to only $50 !! Other cost include: crew tip, bar/boutique bill and R/T airfare to Phoenix. Total guest space 20….. make one of them yours! JOIN SOME OF YOUR DIVE CLUB BUDDIES AND OTHER PROVEN FUN FOLKS ON AN EXCITING TRIP…IT’S A SHORT FLIGHT TO A LITTLE SPOT JUST SOUTH OF THE BORDER . LOTS OF DETAILS BELOW… WHY? I KNOW THE DETAILS DIVERS WANT…..HERE IS AS MUCH AS CAN FIT ON 2 PAGES ! Welcome to Rocio Del Mar - your 110’ all steel = sturdy liveaboard , with 10 guest staterooms with ensuite bathrooms and hot showers to experience the unique splendor of the northern Sea of Cortez. With usually clear, deep blue waters, abundant sea life, white sand beaches and inspiring vistas. The Sea of Cortez - known as the Gulf of California - is a breathtaking destination for amazing scuba diving, snorkeling, sailing, and exploring diverse marine creatures. Water temperature in the northern Sea of Cortez is usually 72-75F May through June, 75-80F in July, warming to 85F in August and September, cooling to 80F or below in October, then declining to the low 70s during the winter months, and gradually warming again at the end March. We generally recommend 3mm-5mm wet suits in the summer months, and 5mm to semi-dry in the winter. Hoods or light hooded vests are always recommended as they protect the areas or greatest heat loss. Suit to stay warm as you’ll be doing multiple daily dives for several days. 4 dives per day conditions permitting. Most divers fly into Phoenix and shuttle as a group Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point). It is a four hour drive on a good road all the way and an interesting view of the beautiful Sonoran Desert. Stops as needed will be made. Boarding starts any time after 1pm. Boat plans to depart around 5 pm. In planning flights… arrive in Phoenix no later than 11 am is advised. Upon return you will disembark after breakfast… est. 8am for the 4 hour ride back to Phoenix. Schedule 7 afternoon flights home or plan to stay a day in Phoenix. Due to flight schedules.. be sure you have insurance. DAN Insurance is required prior to boarding: Rocio Del Mar’s requirement. Have DAN PREFERRED! or Travel Guard GOLD Plan. This is hurricane season…. So insurance is extra critical. Ample warning will precede this trip ….. This is usually a protected area…not 100% Hike and explore remote uninhabited islets. Take out one of the kayaks during a surface interval. Dine under the stars in a calm anchorage, socialize with your shipmates and make new friends. Then settle into a comfortable bunk in your own finely appointed cabin. All in a day aboard Rocio, along with personalized service to enhance your great dive holiday. Images from their website with permission… www.rociodelmarliveaboard.com The next images.. we take ourselves !! Rocio Del Mar Liveaboard in The Northern Islands of the Sea of Cortez SEPTEMBER 3-10, 2011……$2020 + $50 other fees* = a total value week ! *airfare and personal items additional as noted page one. More details and how to sign up……. Call Carol, Email Carol, mail deposit as requested below… join the fun dive bunch. !! We all could be part of another Pam Wade’s group shot this time !! Seen here with REEF on lounge deck …This is “one of” her fish counting groups.. ! Dive deck, dive skiffs, twin cabins (2cabins with double beds), bright windows: all part of the comfortable Rocio Del Mar Sample Itinerary: Subject to conditions and critter sighting reports and… group wishes… Location Dive Sites: 4 dives per day Day 1: Travel Puerto Penasco, MX Board the Boat! Enjoy the ride. Set up gear 8 Day 2: Dive Day 3: Dive Day 4: Dive Day 5: Dive Day 6: Dive Day 7: Travel Bahia De Los Angeles Isla Selspiuedes Isla Las Animas Isla Angel del la Guardia Puerto Refugio Puerto Penasco, MX unpressured. Bahia De Los Angeles, Isla La Ventana, Ensenada Alacran Lavadero Too many to count! Vibora, Devil's Point ... Too many to count! Last day/night on Board the Boat! Enjoy the stories. … Detail Cost Summary: Date Cost per person Deposit $2195 X ___ = th nd May 30 2 payment to equal 50% trip cost Final due: $1095 - $175 pp th June 30 If Cr Card: Total cost for check / Money Order $ VISA/MC/Discover Final due: $1095 - $95 pp Payments Deposit: $500 pp X___$______ nd 2 pmt: $600 pp X___$______ Final: $920 pp X_____$_______ Final: $1000 pp X____$______ Make check out to: PATHWAYS TO ADVENTURE TRAVEL MAIL TO: 5253 Bucks Bar Road Placerville, CA 95667 CONTACT: Carol Herrlie for more details including Credit Card use. Pathways2Adventure@gmail.com or cell: 916-9529124 … SIGN ME/US UP: Name (s) :_____________________________________________________________________ Your Contact information: Email________________________________________phone:____________________ Cancellation Policy: $75 non-refundable for any reason plus 25% non-refundable if cancelled 3-9 months from departure; 50% non-refunded if cancelled 65 to 90 days prior to departure. NO refunds 65 days before departure. 9